THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY MARCH 22 1901 r 1 12 P a i i Ml DESTITUTE Employed at White House in Two Administrations WORKED FOR LEVI Z LEITER Mrs Lfaaac Bishop jbntained in Atlanta aixd Will Sent to the Peers u e- ATLtS A Q Mtuck 3 Mrs Llszle Bishop seventy yt oW who wax cook for Presents Haye auld Garfield aid who cared for the estabtfdmwnts of other famous men i now held a a stetpei at police barracks until she cstn be sen to some instltu Uon for th destitute tot Atlanta or where Bisop that when Cltester A Arthur became President she left tile White House and became oook for Z loiter She has recommendation from both Presidents for whom she worked lId she carries them in her valise whejever she g e She says that President Garfield suf- fered from indigestion and she always V roll d his steak ovr charcoal while he luoktd sn to see that it was light Mrs Blsh p case from Birming- ham Ala on her way to Chattanooga where xhe vent to frol her husband In tnis she failed and the authorities there tt nt htr bnck to Atlanta LAND SALE INTERRUPTED- BY THE CWNER- Mr Declines to Accept Price Agreed Upon 7 Trustees Negotiants for th sale of the Lana burgh tract of land at Nlnete nth Street soul Columbia Road brought to sudden termination yesterday afternoon UN Max Uansburgh who declined to ac- cept an offf of T cen s per square foot which pre was accepted by trus le by the ourt to make the KM lie qii sfon of tlu of the offer of purchase cam up fqr cojudder- atkin IMHOI Anderson in Equity tourt No 1 Mr Laasbiirghs liitl agreed that the sale should be made at tin offered Mr Lansburgh loiUvcr u uld not vCnsent and an J has len noted by him to the OUt of of he District The bond for cots and damages should loss lull to all interred in the was tjXed by Juftice Anderson at GARFIELDS COOK B c MrM Levi he have ACT or Lan br llh va a the t appoln d eoun prh e A peals j chIef els aay 14 there prop- erty blJ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ NEWS FROM ROCKVILLE ROCKVIULE Md March 22 March terre of the circuit court for Montgomery county began yesterday Judge James H Henderson on bench Thre being r6 motions to b made as 01 the last term the January term was adjourned ar i the March term calW Judge HiMderson J inated Wllltanv B M L iGnjvtll as lorciian of tlie grad jut His associates are T Poole Horard A Magrudcr Herbert R Hard ty Robert A Young Wut r T Burton Jacob Pose Caleb Suiiiltr Fi derick O Cooley Edgar Htepins Gnstave A Bulwer Jacob W rmr Charles H gcherrer John L Pawsoii V llliam L I eonidas L Green rhomax XV Tachiflely Wil liani J W II lams Samuel Y Remwbur- gSyivster C Joms SnmuH W Mueru- d r iliia jA and John V Brg T petit Jury is cjaiposed of the fol- lowing Ksra Braiidrnburg Levi W Piar t I tia E Shoenaker William F- l ny Mcholus J Welsh William Oashiil HiiiHOn T Miles Francis C Heal George A G fiN Htvlr Harry f Bowie Alt xaruUr V Can Ti mae C Vil iam E Rrowi v illtam W Luhn Jam a T urdum Carries S Hilton Churlea A GartreU homas C Darby Pr sl y V or ey Hrr J King Wil- liam P Mi er FrariL Wilson and N V Si inderw- JiilK Hiidersci llvercd the charge to the Riard Ihe charge was as ustiil Th rc was upon tb s jury tlc itcessary precaution as to i I J The with the hl p liam S Gas Ia Fisher Du Elm Groom that n bU1e IJed p Charles F jury ¬ > > > ¬ < unsaiiinj h alii rs of the dockets followed Ltr n th petit was excused un- til today Ii nry Btadley of Potomac district purcoued the estate of the late Johr i in this town re centlv wnd by Mis May S S Brad 1 now t D C rEt r i i tic of about one and on- HCI f ground e feid with large shml tr4f Is brvroveu by a large mc i rn cost about M4M- li f the best properties in the STRONG CUHSOLIDATBD- CKKVKUND March 22 The stock holdtrM if i Colonial National and the Tni M Natlntil BanJa of this city have ratified th onplidatl of the two con- cerns Tlo cHBltal fff the combined bank tu W surplus t80000 de- posits loOX HW E H Bourne is presi- dent Tin late Hanna was president t the tnJon National for many y ar NEW TIT1ES WAHT AD BRANCH Want aivertlsenviis aid subecrip tion tl Evening nd Sunday will r cved at rfcjUir office u Pharmacy corner of Ninth and P nortl esc Glvinp Away SQUARE PIANOS U S DENTAL g Mt Cot 7th f nd D 8X9 S- 5OOAL MIGHT OUAUTT RIGHT WK1OHT RIGHT PRICE 0 Connor 2fl h 4 u rfteSII jury has J ld W T t VaflU prop I j r Tim t t S Had So eta Sll ers It 5tl1131 C- o131a F 8t M caMl atetter- lHt UNlit SS hite- leat w ASS r whtc VtL rI41 flANKS Senator o rates Alu st t G hw f4 Up ¬ > > < > ¬ ¬ > > < Can Shell Washington From the Chesapeake Navy Equipped With New Brown Tube Gun Could Bombard Inland Cities Without Appearing Off Shore Think of a gun that can hurl a pro- jectile from Washington to the Chesa- peake Bay Such a weapon has been constructed at the Scott Works of the Reading Iron Company It Is a IClneh Brown tube wire gun and is now at the Sandy Hook proving giounj A 6lnch gun of the same make Is now being built at plant ruts weapon can sent a prtjectlte fiftynine miles The Brown un Is constructed of sheets wound with wire drawn so tense- ly that there Is a constant pressure of 15000 pounds to the square inch The Inventor is therefore confident that the danger of uy explosion is virtually eliminated The adoption f this gun would bring to R idlng an Industry aeqand m material Importance to few in the country A nnvy equipped with such guns it is contended could bom- bard any city that U not more than forty miles Inland without sending any of the warships within sight of tho shore Mr Brown the inventor says the British government has stolen his ideas the- me e steel general ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ OR LEAVE THE CITY Stirred by Booker Washingtons Appeal Business of Race Purpose to Take Radical Action The recent visit of Dr Booker T Vahingt n f thla city has not been without Its results negro of the L Mtrict of CAlumWa seem to have caught Inspiration from him and have resclved as tar as ft te possible m their power to eliminate idleness among members of tlelr race The local ne- groes In business have proposed to find employment oi some kind for the idle negro men and women in the city and If they do not care to work then to so ostracize them that they will have W leave the city Dr AVashingtons visit is already bear fruit and local branches of the NEGROES MUST WORK Mom The I lnn ¬ National Negro Business League being organized In different parts of city for the purpose of bringing ministers school teachers and the rep ratentativ negroes In all the walks of life together fcr a common purpose To this end the Cooperative Mercantile aad Investment Company will hold meeting tonight at the Wesley A M E Eighteenth Street L ard M Streets and Recorder pf Deeds John C ncy will deliver the address Maju Charlej R Douglass Prank presIdent of the company E and others will speak HATED THE CLIMATE ROCKVILLE Conn March Pro- tracted cold weather VSrlllam Naake seventyeight mil suicide to lay hanging k had of Jat that he had to live longer In a New England climate ROOSEVELT INDORSED- At a meeting of colored Republicans last night at Trinidad Baptist Church resolutions adopted indorsing President Rooj veit for another term The Rev Charles E De presi- dent of the lloosevelt Trinidad Club occupied the chair FOR THE DEFENDANT In the suit cf Jay G Wilson against Capital Tsctiop Company to re- cover as damuges for personal the JOn returned a in at the railway company R WILL REDUCE WAGES art the a tHween Gape caused old repeatedly no floss Perry Son represented the the to coin were the in- Juries ¬ ¬ LAWRENCE March 22 Two thous- and operatIves employed in the Arling- ton Cotton Mills in this city were nott ned today thut a reduction varying from S to 10 per cent In into effect on MonOsy March 28 HAS NEW EDITOR M J Weob formerly of Virginia has takes charge of the MarylandBaptlst a semimonthly publication devoted to new at the in and the District of Columbia COLDS LEAD TO PNEUMONIA LAXATIXE HH MO rrnnves the call K t Kifiuiiw all for tlC full T look ijfiiiUle f K W BUYS A S25O OUALITY STERLING PEN R P ANlnR 627629 La Ave CO In3 623331 0 i just hi cheap just as just as convenient to the Wst purest most ug bread as it is to pet thft crdinas v kind Simply iwk for MOTHERS BREAD ItV sold everywWre- CORBYS MODERN BAKERY wages would gJ ln D Too kit tiM ron e- I 1 50 FOUNTAIN e f- ITS t llu I I I the name Ce4e4e ee e ¬ ¬ ¬ < > + 350LINE KEROSENE Wit you W nt Kwt- i K r Jeji jiext- t a know AVIl 8u i ly you the j t charge you lowest price 14 QME Safety Delivery K Sis S W Phone E 643 eo e 0 I I C r hilt One Oent anti to X r1 I the fet Call Oil JneHall and I ee 4 v I GAL g if 4 > but what lie will do in the matter has not yet been detdrmiiied He referred to the following dispatch from London With 46C of these guns on the sens naval experts declare today thut Eng- land would be the terror of modern warfare and her fleet invincible lhe board of ordnance and fortifica tion on August 7 1902 made an allot inont of JL5000 later increased to 41000 to procure from the Brown Wire Gun Company one rapidfire gun of 6lnch caliber with latest Improve- ments accessories mid ammunition TILlS gun Is now nearing completion A 10lneh Brown gun was made for the board of ordnunce and fortifica- tion of the United States some time ago Length 37 feet Weight 426V1 tons Government allotment 133000 It Is being tested at the United States prov- ing ground Sandy Hook N J Weight of projectile 576 pounds Highest pres sure thus tar developed In this test 37COO pounds per square inch Highest velocity so far recorded 2508 feet per second Maximum energy 910 torn per ton weight of gun the greatest work yet performed by n 10Inch gun u out ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ UNCLE SAM DECIDES TO PROPAGATE PERCH Vessel Sent Out to Collect Eggs Food Alarmed by reports from tidewater streams along the entire Atlantic coast the United States Government for the ftrst time has begun the propagntlon of yellow food halt that hn u occasions been pronounced limit- less by Government experts The United States steamship Finh Hawk has sailed for Chesapeake Bay with orders to collect eggs as rapidly as possible for artificial propagation It Is understood that two other Gov- ernment steamships re being fitted up as rapidly as possible to supplement the work of the Tlah Baltimore Every Hour on the Hour 7 a m to S p m B O R R ofYellow Fish percha Han ¬ North Carolina Farmers at a Standtill CONDITION HARD TO EXPLAIN White Mill Operatves Desert the Towns and on the Plantations CHARLOTTE N ClMarch ern farmers are fuchg a grave crisis this season on nccouit of the unprece- dented scarcity of ngro farm labor This Is the case locally but all over the State the farmers are situation which have not been called upon to face lir many years Where the negro has gone Is dif- ficult to tell One tjieory is that the 1001 men employed ln railroad work in Virginia partly Accounts for the scarcity Another so many have gone that the South has been depleted Tlings have come to such a pass that maiy white mill op- eratives are returning to their former homes in the owing to the big advance in farm There Is con- siderable land lying idle in this sec- tion by reason by of labor FUNERAL SERVICES OFMISSANETTA DYE Funeral services wire held at the resi- dence of Cot W S McLennan 1916 F Street northwest thlj morning over the body of Anetta Dys who committed suicide on Saturday afternoon Only two of her rolatlvea and a few friends attended the ceremony which was con- ducted by the Rev GOrge Dudley Mrs Susie Bailey the dead womans sister and Mrs Henry Dye a sisterin law arrived in Washington last evjm At the conclusion of the service the body was sent t the Pennsylvania Railroad station shipped to Chi cago CHINAMEN UNDER ARREST The Immigration Bureau here has been notified of the arre t at Savrinnah of three Chinese charted with evasion of the exclusion law Dne who was able to produce papers showing thut he en- tered the country before tne of the exclusion act was released and the others wilt be heard today MRS HOFFLER ASKS DIVORCE Mary O Homer today began proceed- ings against Armlszead R Homer for limited divorce on the grounds f non uiiport and desertion They were mar 1 d in MBL Robert H Mattingly is amed as counsel for the complainant NEGRO LABEl NOW SCARCE N SOUTH I iHir Out t not iOnly facIng- s I Is hat North the clty Ins aid South thy ne- groes nssNge ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ Plan for Such Institution in Chicago START WITH 100000000 Financial Institutions Said to Be Foes of the Toiler Hence the Need of Change March 2 Organized labor establish the Union Labor Bank In Chicago Tentative pleas for Labor Temple provide for a bank floor rhere is more than 100COOe the savings of union lalforl in the banks or- thig city said President Scheldt of the Federation of Labor All those banks are foes of unions We have de- cided to build a temple for labor in the downtown district There will be a banking floor and what will be more natural than to establish there an insti- tution to take care of the dollars of the workers A bank working in harmony with organized labor would certainly us- a good thing for the working peopl and anything that is good for them is good for society in general ABOLISH THE STRIPES ON PRISON CLOTHES- New Uniforms Ordered for Prisoners in Illinois Penitentiaries Brown and Gray in Color CHICAGO March a Trustees of all the Illinois penitentiaries will abolish Htriped clothes for convicts New prison uniforms will be provided but In them much qf the repalclveness will be Two grades of new uniforms will be used One will be a dark gray and the other a brown suit The color indicating the class of the tpnvlct Stripes will be used in extreme cases of disregard for the prison rules that the offender is In disgrace with the prison authorities WITHDRAWN FROM ENTRY Two tdwnship 1n The Dalles Ore land district and three townships In the La Grande Ore district have been withdrawn from the Commissioner of the General Land Office UNION LABOR MAY ESTABLISH BANK S CHICAGO re- moved de- noting I entr may ¬ ¬ Everything for Everybody Pennsylvania Avenue and Eighth Street S E Wednesday Thursday and Friday Search 23 24 and 25 A superb shewing of Millinery Ladies Suits and Jackets Infants Wear Boys Clothing Mens Suits and FurnishingsT Dress Goods Shoes Furniture and House Furnishings GRAND EASTER OPENING I H Boys Clothing Boys DoubleBreasted Blouse and Norfolk Jacket Suits Open Q log price JJ CONFIRMATION SUITS complete ooneisttnr of suit of clothes collar white tie white gloves and C suspenders Opening price J Youth Suits blue anft black serges cheviots and fancy mixture large assortments in prices from U98 to 1200 Mens Spring Suits now line latest ruts styles and patterns Opening prices from 498 to 1350 Shirts Mens Madras and Percale Shirts mercerized bosoms Opening price i ty Monarch Shirts 9C- Ke 4nt Negligee Shirts 100 Neckties 3Sc Neckties aH styles 60c Ties all style 39 New line 100 different style CAC Opening price v Special Shoe Announcement Our Shoe Department is tilled with the must uptodate line of Shoes ever shown in this city our every effort being to carry shoes that will conform to the so as to muke walking a pleasure The manager of this department cordially invites you to Inspect stock Special attention is invited- to American J2 Shoe which to en exact reproduction of the f and 1360 styles We have the exclusive agettcy for tm KelthKonqueror Shoes for men Price JjU 98 I feet our 5 Inc 7 < Millinery There IB no doubt about It We have the largest variety of Trimmed in the city overy shan and style Trimmed Huts ranging in price from 248 to 1200 ReadytoWear Hats from 98 to 350 Childrens Hats from School Sail to lineaL Dress Hats A few specials culled from our vast assortment Large Hut of allover lace prettily trimmed In ribbon slurred chiffon ornaments r Q- am small Mowers J7UT- ricorne made of H H Braid trimmed in mellne rIbbon and medallions C Q Opening price J7U Picture Hats oblong crown of fo- liage shirred facings trimmed in and bandeau Opening 7 Infants Wear Baby Caps from 25 to Childrens Linen and PIque Hats front Little Boys Phtue Linen and Duck boxpleated low collar Opening M rlce 5119 to S269 White Pique Reefers from 99C to Infants Long Cloaks cashmere and bedford cord trimmed in lace silk brntd wide collars cri r o Excellent shnwlus of Childrens- WhlU ami Iolortd Urt sva Hats owen flowers ribbon rnuments S 6 8 150 I 298 sailor 225 lrIcp 0 ore 5 5 price I 25cto Dresses belt 1- ODenlnK B y ° > ¬ ° > Dress Goods Wide variety Chiffon Voile in all colors and black 12 In Opening price per yd O 7 Black Rnslish Cheviot W In wide sponged and shrunk per TJC yard Black sad light shades Albatross M in wide all wool per A ymud Black Taffeta par 117 anteed per yard Silk Tissue in pale Mtie reseda green tan pink and white 7C- l er yard A complete Qt Summer Fab- rics Lawn at e GHnclMuns at lOc 12c lie Dimities 12 c Madras 16c- 26c and We Neckwear Chiffon Ruffs fluted ends black cream and white from 5149 to Chiffon and Satin Neck Places trimmed In cut steel beads 7 C all colors y Ladies Suits Fancy Mixed Suits Eton Jacket icv capes trimmed in- vtmiMt and buttois Open S i rfe J7OH- awlsome Tailormade Gowns trimmed elaborately In silk braid tafCSeta folds and buttons Eton jack- et girdle belt Opening price 77 O- SolU from 498 to 51498 House KMrnlaWtts Linens Drap- eries Cn lla Special Opening in every de- partment c eo line 998 S J I leading Q C li- lt 5 big sleeve capes prices > > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ Sideboards Mattings Bedroom Suites Carpets Chiffoniers A visit to our store will proujptly imiviiuv y n Mat we can sell Better goods at AllY other store Trading Stamps With Every Purchase Hall Racks Odd Chairs Pictures Prior SUIles Desks Tables Rugs lower prices than fU eN IT U e E I Eleven More Days to Prepare for Easter 8J Sr 5 PA Avc THE BUSY CORNER HATS I New beauty each day The ex quisite creations from our work- rooms grow in number daily and v they grow in kHrettneas for in mil f A linery like everything else exper- t knee is a good teacher and trim V be secured Theres constant search for new effects and so successful are our trimmers that WE SHOW NO TWO HATS ALIKE This gives to women assurance of She duds no one wearing the hat she bought It is her own stylish Hats here are not expensive Hats at 5600 that cannot be equaled at and SiJfc at Hats at MAlL Hats at 1200 and up to 9060 Moderately priced yonH admit Have You Seen The Cambridge Our PK Glove the sort of a line Dressy GKovc that worsen for Theres a new feature in the spring styles and much liked Spearpoint lock more Under an usual stitching All the new shades tans of several grades of rotor beaver white and black White stitching 0 black gloves black on white gloves Worth Up O7C 75c Yard A dozen kinds of the favorite silks included In the big purchase last week These are because of the advantageous prices secured placed in one big lot at one sale price although the values vary from to AH go into the sale at A few of the are 24Inch Plain Black Habutai Silk 24Inch Allsilk Plain Black Twilled Messaline 20Inch Plain Black Jap Corded Wash Silks 20Inch Corded Wash Silks in colors and white 30inch Plain Pongee 20inch Allsilk Habftai good line of colors 21inch Allsilk Printed Habutai in black and white polka dot erects and small neat designs 27inch Plain White Habutal WHITE WAISTSR- are Bargains Frequently Good Values Always Take for instance the White lawn waist we f are offering at 50c Its equal is not to be bad elsewhere j under with broad and hemstitcbtn vJ finished with fancy stock and tucked cuffs All sizes A fine Madras Waist in white beautiful satin swiped effects in varied designs is excellent valua It is made with broad f ff pleats to bust pleated back tab stock and finished with fine pearl buttons Worth 7a A special at 1W Madras Waists that are sold at 225 offered Qfl p special at 160 Made of line grade white figured madras s front and baek all sizes M JJ ALL WOOL VOILES- For 37ic and 49c Extreme values considering the present desirability of Voiles for fashionable costume and the quality of these The one at 49 is a real c value and Is 44in wide have a limited quantity only but a full range of the best shades such as Navy Cadet Cbampagne French l c instead of 6 c 4 c VOILE A value All wool We able to sell this at the bargain price 37e because it was refused by us upon arrival on account of the variable widths It was to have been 33in The widths range 36 to 3Sin Excellent value at 49c The difference represents the discount made by the maker as an for us to keen it colors in thl A Perfect Skirt and Waist Holder Keeps the skirt and vraist together as well as holding the skirt up and the waist down Instantly adjusted in the eyelets of the corset No sewing heavy skirts without fatiguing the wearer holds thin lightweight skirts without The price is but Three Wash Goods Bargains Printed Tulle 69c than elsewhere Greater than elsewhere A number of de- cidedly handsome patterns have Just been Rich floral effects In effects 21 Inches wide These tulles are our latest Importations The few that may be had elsewhere in this grade wilt be found to in price r 1 81r 7 J li EASTER If men are earning of new eifHts to exclusiveness elsewhere Hats J 00 It COllIe bck that novel back ma e SILKS to- t t tic lOc de8 Tsmah In Persian 1 d C l I f GrayBrown induce meet Theme as In the one above at t- I I 25 C eo- A Less va dety roses f I Dc S it I 4 I J z t 4 I iT ee a the e White usually l bi ace lc M L k = > ¬ ¼ Voile Suiting 2c 36 inches wide An entirely new effect in washable cotton sultfng printed in almost perfect imitation of the nub woolen suiting printed bith sides color combinations in- clude gray grounds printed with black and garnet tan and r d with red cham- pagne with all 30 PATTERNS AND COLOR COMBINATIONS inches Wide und a yard only 21c blackIn DIS- TINCT IU J a ni l 1 ici i iI ¬ ¬ Voilette This to one of the very latest ef- fects w ven in nub effects real voile weave all the new spring shades SO different styles De- eidedty novel material that has in the two days stray pieces have been upon the countersproved its popularity A yard 12c Ought to be lie I I i2c al- ready ¬ > JJtJIWHIR- J m wr y WE WILL TRUST YOU Ili- lli IIIil- li WiIJI- Iid II UII I Oak fmme Couch pretty velour 3 75 11 and wen 1I worth 500 Pretty vehur upholstered Couch five 11- 1 tufting nuue and finished Spe 6 95 It II edge uul heAd oak frame claw feet and good eon 11 II I 17s e th S reetI- m U B II jim tv t upholstered in V rows S Olk franie well nil 1 Fmeveiour u1holstered Couch full sjiring IlTiti stritetion tvorth i7OO Very special MAYER CO =

i Can Shell Washington r Ml From Chesapeake li...Z loiter She has recommendation from both Presidents for whom she worked lId she carries them in her valise whejever she g e She says

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Page 1: i Can Shell Washington r Ml From Chesapeake li...Z loiter She has recommendation from both Presidents for whom she worked lId she carries them in her valise whejever she g e She says




12 P

a i i


Employed at White Housein Two Administrations


Mrs Lfaaac Bishop jbntained in Atlantaaixd Will Sent to

the Peers u e-

ATLtS A Q Mtuck 3 Mrs LlszleBishop seventy yt oW who wax

cook for Presents Haye auldGarfield aid who cared for theestabtfdmwnts of other famous men inow held a a stetpei at police barracksuntil she cstn be sen to some instltuUon for th destitute tot Atlanta orwhere

Bisop that when CltesterA Arthur became President she left tileWhite House and became oook forZ loiter She has recommendationfrom both Presidents for whom sheworked lId she carries them in hervalise whejever she g e

She says that President Garfield suf-fered from indigestion and she alwaysV roll d his steak ovr charcoal whilehe luoktd sn to see that it was lightMrs Blsh p case from Birming-ham Ala on her way to Chattanoogawhere xhe vent to frol her husband Intnis she failed and the authorities therett nt htr bnck to Atlanta


Mr Declines to Accept PriceAgreed Upon 7 Trustees

Negotiants for th sale of the Lanaburgh tract of land at Nlnete nth Streetsoul Columbia Road brought tosudden termination yesterday afternoonUN Max Uansburgh who declined to ac-

cept an offf of T cen s per square footwhich pre was accepted by trusle by the ourt to make theKM

lie qii sfon of tlu of theoffer of purchase cam up fqr cojudder-atkin IMHOI Anderson in Equitytourt No 1 Mr Laasbiirghsliitl agreed that the sale should be madeat tin offered Mr LansburghloiUvcr u uld not vCnsent and an

J has len noted by him to theOUt of of he District The

bond for cots and damages should losslull to all interred in the

was tjXed by Juftice Anderson at








ACT orLan br llh

va a

thet appoln d



e A peals






there prop-ertyblJ









March terre of the circuit court forMontgomery county began yesterday

Judge James H Henderson onbench Thre being r6 motions to bmade as 01 the last term the Januaryterm was adjourned ar i the March termcalW

Judge HiMderson J inated WllltanvB M L iGnjvtll as lorciianof tlie grad jut His associates are

T Poole Horard A MagrudcrHerbert R Hard ty Robert A YoungWut r T Burton Jacob Pose CalebSuiiiltr Fi derick O Cooley EdgarHtepins Gnstave A Bulwer JacobW rmr Charles H gcherrer John LPawsoii V llliam L I eonidasL Green rhomax XV Tachiflely Williani J W II lams Samuel Y Remwbur-gSyivster C Joms SnmuH W Mueru-d r iliia j A and John VBrg

T petit Jury is cjaiposed of the fol-

lowing Ksra Braiidrnburg Levi WPiar t I tia E Shoenaker William F-

l ny Mcholus J Welsh WilliamOashiil HiiiHOn T Miles Francis CHeal George A GfiN Htvlr Harry f BowieAlt xaruUr V Can Ti mae C

Vil iam E Rrowi v illtam W LuhnJam a T urdum Carries S HiltonChurlea A GartreU homas C DarbyPr sl y V or ey Hrr J King Wil-liam P Mi er FrariL Wilson and N

V Si inderw-JiilK Hiidersci llvercd the charge

to the Riard Ihe charge was asustiil Th rc was upon tb s

jury tlc itcessary precaution as to

iI J


with the

hl p



Gas Ia

Fisher DuElm


that n

bU1e IJed






> ¬


unsaiiinjh aliirs of the dockets followedLtr n th petit was excused un-

til today

Ii nry Btadley of Potomac districtpurcoued the estate of the late

Johr i in this town recentlv wnd by Mis May S S Brad1 now t D CrEt r i i tic of about one and on-HCI f ground e feid with largeshml tr4f Is brvroveu by a largemc i rn cost about M4M-li f the best properties in the


CKKVKUND March 22 The stockholdtrM if i Colonial National and theTni M Natlntil BanJa of this city haveratified th onplidatl of the two con-cerns Tlo cHBltal fff the combinedbank tu W surplus t80000 de-posits loOX HW E H Bourne is presi-dent Tin late Hanna waspresident t the tnJon National formany y ar

NEW TIT1ES WAHT AD BRANCHWant aivertlsenviis aid subecrip

tion tl Evening nd Sundaywill r cved at rfcjUir office u

Pharmacy corner of Ninthand P nortl esc

Glvinp Away



Cot 7th f nd D 8X9 S-




hasJ ld W T

t VaflU prop



r Timt t

S HadSo eta

Sll ers It 5tl1131 C-

o131a F 8t


caMl atetter-lHtUNlitS S hite-leatw




VtL rI41





Alu st

tG hw f4 Up










Can Shell WashingtonFrom the Chesapeake

Navy Equipped With New Brown Tube GunCould Bombard Inland Cities Without

Appearing Off Shore

Think of a gun that can hurl a pro-

jectile from Washington to the Chesa-peake Bay

Such a weapon has been constructedat the Scott Works of the Reading IronCompany It Is a IClneh Brown tubewire gun and is now at the Sandy Hookproving giounj A 6lnch gun of thesame make Is now being built at

plant ruts weapon can sent aprtjectlte fiftynine miles

The Brown un Is constructed ofsheets wound with wire drawn so tense-ly that there Is a constant pressure of15000 pounds to the square inch TheInventor is therefore confident that thedanger of uy explosion is virtuallyeliminated

The adoption f this gunwould bring to R idlng an Industryaeqand m material Importance to fewin the country A nnvy equipped withsuch guns it is contended could bom-

bard any city that U not more thanforty miles Inland without sending anyof the warships within sight of thoshore

Mr Brown the inventor says theBritish government has stolen his ideas










Stirred by Booker Washingtons Appeal

Business of Race Purpose to

Take Radical Action

The recent visit of Dr Booker TVahingt n f thla city has not beenwithout Its results negro of theL Mtrict of CAlumWa seem to havecaught Inspiration from him and haveresclved as tar as ft te possible mtheir power to eliminate idleness amongmembers of tlelr race The local ne-

groes In business have proposed to findemployment oi some kind for the idlenegro men and women in the city andIf they do not care to work then to soostracize them that they will have W

leave the cityDr AVashingtons visit is already bear

fruit and local branches of the







National Negro Business Leaguebeing organized In different parts ofcity for the purpose of bringingministers school teachers and the repratentativ negroes In all the walks oflife together fcr a common purpose Tothis end the Cooperative Mercantileaad Investment Company will holdmeeting tonight at the Wesley AM E Eighteenth Street

L ard M Streetsand Recorder pf Deeds John C ncywill deliver the addressMaju Charlej R Douglass Prank

presIdent of thecompany E and others willspeak


ROCKVILLE Conn March Pro-

tracted cold weather VSrlllam

Naake seventyeightmil suicide to lay hanging khad of Jat that hehad to live longer In a NewEngland climate


At a meeting of colored Republicanslast night at Trinidad Baptist Churchresolutions adopted indorsingPresident Rooj veit for another termThe Rev Charles E De presi-dent of the lloosevelt Trinidad Cluboccupied the chair


In the suit cf Jay G Wilson againstCapital Tsctiop Company to re-

cover as damuges for personalthe JOn returned a in

at the railway company R








flossPerry Son represented the


to coin






LAWRENCE March 22 Two thous-and operatIves employed in the Arling-ton Cotton Mills in this city were nottned today thut a reduction varyingfrom S to 10 per cent Ininto effect on MonOsy March 28

HAS NEW EDITORM J Weob formerly of Virginia has

takes charge of the MarylandBaptlsta semimonthly publication devoted tonew at the in andthe District of Columbia


call K t Kifiuiiw all for tlC fullT look ijfiiiUle f K W




627629 La Ave

CO In3623331 0 i

just hi cheap just asjust as convenient to

the Wst purest mostug bread as it is to

pet thft crdinas v kind Simplyiwk for


ItV sold everywWre-


wages would gJ

ln DToo

kit tiM ron e-


e f-





the name

Ce4e4e ee e








Wit you W nt Kwt-i K r Jeji jiext-

t a knowAVIl 8u i ly you thej t charge you

lowest price

14 QME Safety DeliveryK Sis S W Phone E 643

eo e 0




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but what lie will do in the matter hasnot yet been detdrmiiied He referredto the following dispatch from London

With 46C of these guns on the sensnaval experts declare today thut Eng-land would be the terror of modernwarfare and her fleet invincible

lhe board of ordnance and fortification on August 7 1902 made an allotinont of JL5000 later increased to41000 to procure from the BrownWire Gun Company one rapidfire gunof 6lnch caliber with latest Improve-ments accessories mid ammunitionTILlS gun Is now nearing completion

A 10lneh Brown gun was made forthe board of ordnunce and fortifica-tion of the United States some time agoLength 37 feet Weight 426V1 tonsGovernment allotment 133000 It Isbeing tested at the United States prov-ing ground Sandy Hook N J Weightof projectile 576 pounds Highest pressure thus tar developed In this test37COO pounds per square inch Highestvelocity so far recorded 2508 feet persecond Maximum energy 910

torn per ton weight of gun the greatestwork yet performed by n 10Inch gun

u out









Vessel Sent Out to Collect EggsFood

Alarmed by reports from tidewaterstreams along the entire Atlantic coastthe United States Government for theftrst time has begun the propagntlon ofyellow food halt that hn u

occasions been pronounced limit-less by Government experts

The United States steamship FinhHawk has sailed for Chesapeake Baywith orders to collect eggs as rapidlyas possible for artificial propagation

It Is understood that two other Gov-

ernment steamships re being fitted upas rapidly as possible to supplement thework of the Tlah

Baltimore Every Hour on the Hour7 a m to S p m B O R R




North Carolina Farmers ata Standtill


White Mill Operatves Desert theTowns and on the


CHARLOTTE N ClMarchern farmers are fuchg a grave crisisthis season on nccouit of the unprece-dented scarcity of ngro farm laborThis Is the case locally butall over the State the farmers are

situation which have not beencalled upon to face lir many years

Where the negro has gone Is dif-ficult to tell One tjieory is that the1001 men employed ln railroad workin Virginia partly Accounts for thescarcity Another so many

have gone that the Southhas been depleted Tlings have come tosuch a pass that maiy white mill op-eratives are returning to their formerhomes in the owing to the bigadvance in farm There Is con-siderable land lying idle in this sec-tion by reason by of labor


Funeral services wire held at the resi-

dence of Cot W S McLennan 1916 FStreet northwest thlj morning over thebody of Anetta Dys who committedsuicide on Saturday afternoon Onlytwo of her rolatlvea and a few friendsattended the ceremony which was con-

ducted by the Rev GOrge DudleyMrs Susie Bailey the dead womans

sister and Mrs Henry Dye a sisterinlaw arrived in Washington last evjm

At the conclusion of the servicethe body was sent t the PennsylvaniaRailroad station shipped to Chicago

CHINAMEN UNDER ARRESTThe Immigration Bureau here has been

notified of the arre t at Savrinnah ofthree Chinese charted with evasion ofthe exclusion law Dne who was ableto produce papers showing thut he en-tered the country before tne ofthe exclusion act was released and theothers wilt be heard today

MRS HOFFLER ASKS DIVORCEMary O Homer today began proceed-

ings against Armlszead R Homer forlimited divorce on the grounds f nonuiiport and desertion They were mar1 d in MBL Robert H Mattingly isamed as counsel for the complainant



iHir Out


not iOnlyfacIng-


Is hatNorth

the clty
















Plan for Such Institutionin Chicago

START WITH 100000000

Financial Institutions Said to Be Foes

of the Toiler Hence the Need

of Change

March 2 Organized laborestablish the Union Labor Bank

In Chicago Tentative pleas for LaborTemple provide for a bank floor

rhere is more than 100COOe thesavings of union lalforl in the banks or-

thig city said President Scheldt ofthe Federation of Labor All thosebanks are foes of unions We have de-

cided to build a temple for labor in thedowntown district There will be abanking floor and what will be morenatural than to establish there an insti-tution to take care of the dollars of theworkers A bank working in harmonywith organized labor would certainly us-a good thing for the working peopl andanything that is good for them is goodfor society in general



New Uniforms Ordered for Prisoners inIllinois Penitentiaries Brown and

Gray in Color

CHICAGO March a Trustees of allthe Illinois penitentiaries will abolishHtriped clothes for convicts New prisonuniforms will be provided but In themmuch qf the repalclveness will be

Two grades of new uniforms will beused One will be a dark gray and theother a brown suit The color indicatingthe class of the tpnvlct

Stripes will be used in extreme casesof disregard for the prison rules

that the offender is In disgracewith the prison authorities

WITHDRAWN FROM ENTRYTwo tdwnship 1n The Dalles Ore

land district and three townships In theLa Grande Ore district have been

withdrawn fromthe Commissioner of the General LandOffice












Everything for Everybody

Pennsylvania Avenue and Eighth Street S E

Wednesday Thursday and FridaySearch 23 24 and 25

A superb shewing of Millinery Ladies Suits and JacketsInfants Wear Boys Clothing Mens Suits and FurnishingsTDress Goods Shoes Furniture and House Furnishings




Boys ClothingBoys DoubleBreasted Blouse and

Norfolk Jacket Suits Open Qlog price JJ

CONFIRMATION SUITS completeooneisttnr of suit of clothes collarwhite tie white gloves and C

suspenders Opening price JYouth Suits blue anft black

serges cheviots and fancy mixturelarge assortments in prices from

U98 to 1200Mens Spring Suits now line latest

ruts styles and patterns Openingprices from

498 to 1350Shirts

Mens Madras and Percale Shirtsmercerized bosoms Openingprice i ty

Monarch Shirts 9C-

Ke 4nt Negligee Shirts 100Neckties

3Sc Neckties aH styles

60c Ties all style 39New line 100 different style CAC

Opening price v

Special Shoe AnnouncementOur Shoe Department is tilled with

the must uptodate line of Shoesever shown in this city our everyeffort being to carry shoes that willconform to the so as to mukewalking a pleasure

The manager of this departmentcordially invites you to Inspectstock Special attention is invited-to American J2 Shoe whichto en exact reproduction of the f

and 1360 stylesWe have the exclusive agettcy for

tm KelthKonqueror Shoesfor men Price JjU

9 8







MillineryThere IB no doubt about It

We have the largest variety ofTrimmed in the city overyshan and style Trimmed Hutsranging in price from

248 to 1200ReadytoWear Hats from

98 to 350Childrens Hats from School Sail

to lineaL Dress HatsA few specials culled from our vast

assortment Large Hut of alloverlace prettily trimmed In ribbonslurred chiffon ornaments r Q-

am small Mowers J7UT-ricorne made of H H Braid

trimmed in mellnerIbbon and medallions C QOpening price J7U

Picture Hats oblong crown of fo-

liage shirred facings trimmed in

and bandeau Opening 7

Infants WearBaby Caps from

25 toChildrens Linen and PIque Hats


Little Boys Phtue Linenand Duck boxpleated low

collar Opening M rlce

5119 to S269White Pique Reefers from

99C toInfants Long Cloaks cashmere

and bedford cord trimmed in lacesilk brntd wide collars cri r o

Excellent shnwlus of Childrens-WhlU ami Iolortd Urt sva



flowers ribbon rnuments S 6 8


I 298



lrIcp 0









ODenlnK B y






Dress GoodsWide variety Chiffon Voile in all

colors and black 12In Opening price per yd O 7

Black Rnslish Cheviot W Inwide sponged and shrunk per TJCyard

Black sad light shades AlbatrossM in wide all wool per Aymud

Black Taffeta par 117anteed per yardSilk Tissue in pale Mtie reseda

green tan pink and white 7C-l er yard

A complete Qt Summer Fab-rics Lawn at e GHnclMuns at lOc

12c lie Dimities 12 c Madras 16c-

26c and We

NeckwearChiffon Ruffs fluted ends black

cream and white from

5149 toChiffon and Satin Neck Places

trimmed In cut steel beads 7 Call colors y

Ladies SuitsFancy Mixed Suits Eton Jacket

icv capes trimmed in-

vtmiMt and buttois Open Si rfe J7OH-

awlsome Tailormade Gownstrimmed elaborately In silk braidtafCSeta folds and buttons Eton jack-et girdle beltOpening price 77 O-

SolU from

498 to 51498House KMrnlaWtts Linens Drap-

eries Cn lla

Special Opening in every de-









leading Q


li-lt 5


sleeve capes








Sideboards MattingsBedroom Suites

Carpets Chiffoniers

A visit to our store will proujptly imiviiuv y n Mat we can sell Better goods at

AllY other storeTrading Stamps With Every Purchase

Hall Racks Odd Chairs

Pictures Prior SUIles

Desks Tables Rugs

lower prices than


Eleven More Days to Prepare for Easter

8J Sr 5 PA Avc


HATSI New beauty each day The ex

quisite creations from our work-

rooms grow in number daily andv they grow in kHrettneas for in mil

f A linery like everything else exper-

t knee is a good teacher and trimV

be secured Theres constant searchfor new effects and so successful

are our trimmers that WE SHOW NO TWO HATS ALIKEThis gives to women assurance of She duds no one

wearing the hat she bought It is her ownstylish Hats here are not expensive Hats at 5600 that cannot be

equaled at and SiJfc at Hats at MAlL Hats at1200 and up to 9060 Moderately priced yonH admit

Have You Seen The Cambridge

Our PK Glovethe sort of a line Dressy GKovc that worsen for

Theres a new feature in the spring styles and much likedSpearpoint lock more Under an usualstitching All the new shades tans of several grades of rotor beaverwhite and black White stitching 0 black gloves black on whitegloves

Worth UpO7C 75c Yard

A dozen kinds of the favorite silks included In the big purchase lastweek These are because of the advantageous prices secured placed inone big lot at one sale price although the values vary from to AH

go into the sale at A few of the are24Inch Plain Black Habutai Silk 24Inch Allsilk Plain Black Twilled

Messaline 20Inch Plain Black Jap Corded Wash Silks20Inch Corded Wash Silks in colors and white 30inch Plain

Pongee 20inch Allsilk Habftai good line of colors21inch Allsilk Printed Habutai in black and white polka dot erects

and small neat designs 27inch Plain White Habutal

WHITE WAISTSR-are Bargains Frequently Good Values Always

Take for instance the White lawn waist we fare offering at 50c Its equal is not to be bad elsewhere j

under with broad and hemstitcbtn vJfinished with fancy stock and tucked cuffs All sizes

A fine Madras Waist in white beautiful satin swiped effectsin varied designs is excellent valua It is made with broad f ffpleats to bust pleated back tab stock and finished with finepearl buttons Worth 7a A special at 1W

Madras Waists that are sold at 225 offered Qfl pspecial at 160 Made of line grade white figured madras s

front and baek all sizes M JJ

ALL WOOL VOILES-For 37ic and 49c

Extreme values considering the present desirability of Voiles forfashionable costume and the quality of these The one at 49 is areal c value and Is 44in wide have a limited quantity only but afull range of the best shades such as Navy CadetCbampagne French l c instead of 6 c

4 c VOILE A value All wool We able to sell this at thebargain price 37e because it was refused by us upon arrival on accountof the variable widths It was to have been 33in The widths range36 to 3Sin Excellent value at 49c The difference represents the discountmade by the maker as an for us to keen itcolors in thl

A Perfect Skirt and Waist HolderKeeps the skirt and vraist together as well as holding the skirt up

and the waist downInstantly adjusted in the eyelets of the corset No sewing

heavy skirts without fatiguing the wearerholds thin lightweight skirts without

The price is but

Three Wash Goods BargainsPrinted Tulle 69c

than elsewhere Greater than elsewhere A number of de-

cidedly handsome patterns have Just been Rich floral effectsIn effects 21 Inches wide These tulles are our

latest Importations The few that may be had elsewhere in this grade wiltbe found to in price

r 181r



men are earning of new eifHts to


elsewhere Hats

J 00It COllIe bck

that novelback ma e


t t

ticlOc de8



d C





induce meet Themeas In the one above at t-



2 5 C


Less va detyroses f

I Dc








t 4I

iT ee



White usually


bi ace








Voile Suiting 2c36 inches wide An entirely new

effect in washable cotton sultfngprinted in almost perfect imitationof the nub woolen suiting printedbith sides color combinations in-

clude gray grounds printed withblack and garnet tanand r d with red cham-pagne with all 30

PATTERNS AND COLORCOMBINATIONS inches Wideund a yard only 21c









VoiletteThis to one of the very latest ef-

fects w ven in nub effects realvoile weave all the new springshades SO different styles De-

eidedty novel material that hasin the two days stray pieces

have been upon the countersprovedits popularity A yard 12c Oughtto be lie









J m wr y









Oak fmme Couch pretty velour 3 75 11and wen 1I worth 500

Pretty vehur upholstered Couch five11-


tufting nuue and finished Spe 6 95It II


uul heAd oak frame claw feet and good eon 11II

I 17s e th S reetI-m U B


jim tvt

upholstered inV

rows S

Olk franie well


1 Fmeveiour u1holstered Couch full sjiringIlTiti

stritetion tvorth i7OO Very special

