~ . ^ ^ ___ . .. ' r ■■ —• ' I —' ii ' - , _ I .. y®L; XI. N O . 28. ' iLEVENTH YEAR- ' TWIN FALLS. TWIN FALLS COUNTY, IDAHO, FRli>AV, JANUARY 14, W16. ' , SUBSCRIPTION ?2.00 PER Y E A R ^ 6M (SEB *lfl3:» O fiGANEf iDAV„ _______ __________________J ll«v^anag«rs4e4akeJCliai:ge -1 of Irrigation Systcin ^ •; . - ' 'om 'f •_ M IT OFHCHKS TO US S llS M S P ' ^ FOB THP BHSI1I.1G IBA& . cla dll .................. . • •. t u k Bron>; W. 0. Tajlort. 3. H. t«AT«n, J.U . Barker and F. A. Ken* ^oi > > U r CoBsiltnte Board. th< fc: ■ . ..... - tn- If ' ' -s ' i U TTe,. th« undersigned tellers at Ihc mt Sw iB al elocUoa .of stockheidorB held Tt KTnmrllth-aftr-oMSittary.-lSiOr-do — Kartebjr cortlCx. that the followiDsnam* jj, i«4 cabdldatM tor tho oIQce of Board F*l DUoclore ot tho Twia Falle Canal I m^mnnnr. r/tcclvod thenumbcr of volea jj, ■M t oppoBlto Ihelr names, to-wic: ■W. y. Pbrbeo. •''r0,2i><.44: Qeorge C. ,, JU U »;' 46,41?.74; J . H. ScitVcra. 74.042.- BEl.W . 6. Tnylor. S9,203.42; J. H. Dor- BU r; fllib39.81; Frank Drown. HS.jUS.- S : B. J. Spike. 37,117,80; P.«A. Ken- K ^ Z . 70^667.93; _ - _ _ h Tlio (franil tolals ofvotw caal ftltd IhlB olecUon were 677.- ^ ■-,M7;iO;Tbo‘total aliM-es lUflcarded M2.3. Total iharofl Toled IIB.417.22. -^■■Wfr-'herctfrce^Ufy-tbfttvthD.rollQHiog. _ •'W w tta aro iIoclarcd «l*tcd;. Frank .. ,;arowj).- W -.<f Taylor, SoaverB, J. II: Barker, F. A. Kofcedy.. . p '■ Tho abovo' ofRclol .announcement.- , by a»'tho tellcra oppplAtd ^ }t -TP«nrT<eotk>i^teHB-U>»*t<>iy-;oC .4liiU ’ft-i: ^ anil of'tho contest Tupaday.. .Tho ^ ; MBatlng waB tlblB'hed early. Tho west ^ i' /«d of the countydid wdll In tho dla- ,, i^ttrlbuUoa of otD^ers. itcttlDR tlireo out f * t f f v c . , Praalc.'-Brown wbo recolvod t ihe largest number .of volea ca«t» ro^ " CasUetord; J, H. Barlcor la fropi/tho ^ — imccrnSwdlHlrlcCi-noac—B^hl;_whUo. , . A. Konnady. reside® , In Klmborly. J 1 bo. jftnoral-.Bcntli«iit_lB that-good ^ ' s o n were Bo'le’cted Mtl 'n .largo nuni'- j, . ■.bW Bay.enalout of,Uio!4ncn plac«d In g ■IbTc^^ :.plek o ^ d buncli." T h ^ o w i . ,>®;»rd of dlreqtorb* will tneel anjJ o r- . «uiUfi Friday. . ‘‘rUo olectlon. of mo . ■Mci'etAry-treasuror.m d' tfio appoint- ( " a^^g^uUSilngB that will bo for con- ' , «Moratfon, altboufth the lu t named Is-, j ^~~iwd taay not ariao at once. .Tho fuluro \ . Mllcy of tbe board bas aot boen an- ] V aooaced and will be doTolopod- at tha , l^JWdziyTfloeUaff aiid mbfe«iiBnt fath- ^ * *^S!ortli:featbre8 ot;tho:gatt ] R thla yoar that coDuaaaded Qnlren ] w a-4b»-mMinar In which, j Mayor E. M. Bwfaley prbeldST . 1 feNSTRUniON CREW y -ARRiDlllirWHK - Work Beerlaa So«n on Spnr to Sagv. -ritftflrr. RnflB Aro on the Way. Wcotbor Hinder*., ------ The-Uno for-tho ipur to the jlte of tho sugar factory hoa beea' survercd. tho caglneers conpletlng the -work JYlday ntghf On Saturday a con- otrucUOn train, coQlalnljiK tho crow wbich-ha®-beeo-laylnif-flteet-<rfonffrtb» v'SboH Lino from SL Anthony to thla i city, pulled In on tho atdetrack here for y^'tho. purpoee.ot. going to work, making ^~lggraaa~aBa-lnylnrT»teel OB soon as -^ther vUl permit Antonio Ven&ol* ». -who haa ^arge «t the crow, told a reprMontaUto or Vhe TlmoB that work vould probably BOt begin for a conple of wcekB on • recount of tho bad weather, bnl Bdd«rd - «bat -t^t>T'Woald-bai^aar.u9a^RB ycrpiblu. Throe culoado ot tlia are «a.'thelr"way hero ind will arrive In i' Saw dayn, and -Bt««l rolla will be on kaad soxt weA so that tho nitorlal ifUl be assembled thbrtly. Until tho- ' im thor permits, the crevr which aom-' kers 60, ,wlll remala ^ere. k - ' Ofllccrs ot, tho Amalsamated Sugar V tkUDpajpy annonnca th at they will, sot >.4alay work a day longer t t ^ noces- aary aad an early Imororemont In tho weather wilLsoo tbloss on tho novo/- BUtiiPMiRI , itip o iii Mxi and Xrt. W. fi> Vertisoa nrown ^, »rom Borer. In]tti!ea Are Ket Con* ^ «ldcCTd ^ o t t B . - •'■ WhU© retumlai io t h S ^ S S V ^ r — -B»hlr«ltor-atteodtos-the-«*nal-*Uo- .Hon Tuesday, Mr. « 4 Mrs. W. tu Mot- - .Bison woTB throwB Cron; t h ^ rl» not fcr.fi-om tbetr reitdesce and more or -- »|ht«ed the.tem.bt>^ttey>W to ma an d n t U'MportBd,.bujnp«a .tho - I& cle anlBSt.a rock or som9 othw •hstroetloa thal tfaww Ui* oeevpanU fflrfOR-PimeE— -jM AH^tociiim'" igresamaa Smith Sajs-^dltloial't-1. ;pproprlatfoa Caaaol Ba 'Sotfared . ratn fitor. ........ I'hat ConBrosaman Addison ,T. Smiur not plcttnetL.wilh tlu> now depart* nt design for tho Twin Falla poat- ce building Is mado evident In a let^ -reeeWod-<-yoflterday>-by—Socrctory.... aw UaUtllKh.'ot tha. Commoffl^U, ijj b. In which thtf congroBBmiui de- •res that ho la eurprlsed at- the ingo ot plan from tho ono endorsed the peoplo here and had been'act do tor' Bometblng'lookJng llKc a i„| rage and urges the buslacaa.mcn to . tormlao what they want and mako sir waaU known. Ho BUggesta that J -fitB-opioiffn-the-tiaDdsomo-ioaThJa. ^ ■ucturo ondoracd would cost Utile , >re than tho ugly brick ono planoedr I le letter followa: ------ WashluRton, .Ji’ r. Jamed McMillan, SecrcUry?>^ . "V Commercial Club. Twin Falla, Idaho. >ttE Mr. McMHlon;______________“ ■ On" receipt ot your letter bubkcsUdk cc at a photograph ot the prot>oRed (cd- ^ al building at Twin ^'alla be tor- y, itfiied to y«*u I tcleplfoned to Ujo bu- i,(. irvlalng arcBJtoct for a copy of Buch Mi lofograph or ot a pholograoh ot a iiiiHnj- Himtlfvr tft tho ono'lt iB.nro- qj »8od to crecl at Twln FullB. but not jj, itll todtty was my reQuest-compiled lUi.. / In 1 waa very much • aurprlacd to oh- IIfL tlmt UlC bulldlnn n>«nrlv V, ifee^’years ago aa a plan -to follow la 10 construction, of a building ncTwln y, ulla haa heen-set oaldo and a now Inn Huhritltutcd which is Very, much [j, iHB-proteatloua In Its dppearance, d)id ^ irni tn -gtTTeninient- b uHdltWr—l-w >k- . 5, 10 mailer up ViHth Uio oftlctiils and [g •aa advlaed thot Uie Bccretary of tho ^ •easury and Uie poBlroaBlcr Reaoral. -ho under.Ih 6 Itiw must approve llio lynir {or public bulldlnga. aro op- ^ bscaio the coliBtructloQ .of a build- j, it'ilm llar toUho-qop detormtned-up- j n thrifo years; ago; and tliat buflttow- j juch’DJoro plain and almplo »n meir p enetel-lipp'earanco-muat^bo-aubBlllut- ^ d- I auggestod that Ui.o wlahcB ot Uie lOOplo In a community where a'bulldi ^ Dg w ds'tb bo conatrucled' should he ;l^dn moro 'coneideratioD than the f, vhim of a cabinet ofllcer who has no ntorest In •tlio'locaUty' Bnd"whoae udgojont 1» no better than oOier pjjo- iVo'a whd do not happen to hold on j (intlal pdalUon. t ibort whllo tho peoplo In a cOmiauQ- ty, oapeclally in auch a boalthtul sec- , Jon as 'the Twin’ Falla county, atfyJ table to llvi a cantjjry. and'thelf wish- 1 is- ahotild bo the governing factor in ratortalalog-the.cbaracU&oMhe^truc- - lure to be erected In ItjiriaNFallB. The thap.Mthe-brlok—hulldlnri for . plus are bolng draTO, niit^lt“lB“cor- * j^^boT'soawe to. = the pcpple than the proposed, brick baUdl^ with the garage ttkt> appear- 1 once. It Is-not-probable,-'howoTor, that an am tlonal appropriation cah 57 s'« U r fla~tlilB iJuuMomU M d T woul d . ; bo greatly ploaaed It the niatter could be submitted to the' bualness men of Ttrin- Falls-and hw'»*tl»wn .dftUnalnO. whether or not'Uio department should, go ahead with tho plan of tho brick bufldlBffproiwscd.-vir-naro-flcHon'tJo- terred until it can bo determined whether or not wo can gel-on.addl- Uonal-approprlaUon and: tut up^ a building Uiat la* In harmony wHIt tho bUb and "f T” *" nn^ Ita near future .development Thla mattor ahould have prompt at- tOQtlOQ as tho department Is xcAdy to prpceed-wlth-the-tantatlw-pIags.aJoBg. thq llnoa auggestod for & brick bulld- ADDISON T.’ SMITH. CII1U8TIAN CHOBOH HAS ------A-PB08PEB0D8 XEAB ’^^The First ChrlsUan church ot this city has Juat cloaod a pleasant and jirotltable year 9t Its history. It has l^ t^ a ly aeen tho paymeat of Its last jiOwS)n U»o church joortgagp,, thus aetUag It caUrely tree from debt but every other bill U current oxpenae has .been paid without any financial obll- gaUoas to burden lud with overy aux-. tn<OT In the b e st' cbodlUon In.tho church's history. Tho total aum of money'paaalng '■through Uie church trpasurer’s bonds and that of the t^as- uror ■otstho- amdllarles,- durine^e yoar-1918; -waB | 6Q4l;54;-' The'DIble school torthe year hod a bonn tide Awra^^woeUy ftOenaan^oroxartly aoO.'wIth'aa'aTorage weekly ottering ot W .7. Tbe total otterlsgs of Uie Bible sdiool tor the year. Including The pi^ent inember^lp of^i th o ohnroh 1»' 611 Daring the yeai> the minister and hit wife hare made rr«w th e pTMOBt y e t r W ill be the most clor* J01U t& tb* U itonr ot the ohoreh -whloh Is'BOW enterlBf vpoa lls «lmDth fttr: 10I«O T A R rt MEDBYTEUTONS? ngM ^BrfOTConq»^ <3 faces fate rfBefgiura : ' :'( '' ___:;s«wi.r.iE.,j8!a?cK8%m p COHIUKD •A im iii'iy ' J itcsroHt CcntorB on the M o a te a e j^ A Front No NotaWe KTOalB oa , IJaUlo LJaes,. - LONDON—Coltlnje. the capital of oulcnegro. now sccma likely lo silt- ;r Uio fate, ot DelsrodoMind UrlUsB RBcrvcriraTO-alrcndyTtsWnr-nnxlo’uBly--^- ■hivi monaco Uio conqueat ot MoitO:' U fgro Is likely to hold over Uio Wlleu Q L Saloalkl. . i Iff rnlnir nn nll _nrOOTld ^ bfunjo, Uio wnall town which nearly ? year ago ^ceaucd to bo Uio Boat- ot 10 ’ MonleDcerln goviJrnm'ont Never c ctoro in the long lilHlory ot the, DlUP * lonlenegrln kingdom . haa It tBiJca a ttpipolled^o bow to a foreign Von- ti ater^huL_lhocc.-aecma.iilUc._lioP0 ^ linl It cau\long wlthKUind Uie ovori ^ .-helming HirenRUi o'f*Gcaorat Koovea o 1 men and guns. , For Itiily t^^new A y trlatf bu^ ^ v arrow Italian ponlnH^i Is pccufl^ly ulnorablo la an nllno^j: from Uie sea. iny realliu?^cat Austrian navul boBO t u Uio muK^l^lcent hnrhor ot Caltaro J vould have been IinposBtblo wlUioul t tJtn cw AuBlrlan"poflBCiHBloiv-of-GiiUBro 4 a nlinoVt iv» Rreal a itTcnaco lo Italy ' IS Uifl^ Gerronn conquest, of Calais .,' vould havo been to Groat Drlialn. ( Whllo olteiUlon Ib ccatercd qir de- ,1 f^jlopments' orHlio Adriatic coaut -It ,i ia announced tcom Romo Uiat two' , Itairaii BhlpB<thfrBrlndtai-and Clltfi pi PaIonn‘&ria'St.,week etnick-minesvaad ' mnk. A majority of tho crows wefo . savedr^ --------------------- , On Uio RuBHfan front Uic AuBlrlon ofllclal communlcnllon _ recordH tti~ nowcd dcBpcrate' altacka by Uio Rus- sians on the Bessarabian froutier but nfllflt Uiat tho attack o.vcrywhero wa« fA iilsed-- Tho Pxtrogmd- communlcn- Uon Is sllont onNi^ubJccl. but Uie Ruaaians usually wlUihold menUon ot Uielr m ov^ent tJnt^Urey af 0 well on lARGt fORCt fOR \ . CouBty CommlsBtoBt^ta VeeUng Tfils ~^Weel{ PecMe to iBtprove Bad Flac^ —OBTlUirCneflKV;—— ~ ••WiTIntend to blaat out fee ba^ placed la tho grade on the Shoshono road and make It a thoroughfare will p»ve'attractive to-tourtata and: olhortf who wish to cross-Uio canyon In autflfl." atfa IJi'. P . r . Alheoi 'i^^tW iB In this Ttfcbk attending 'meet- Inir of the board- of comrotflfllonjra. •Tbe top ofUlio grado Js airo^dj^ in goOd condlUoQ>lt.he wntlnued,*"but the condlUon-of. thoSrtwttom. part,ot£.tho. south sldo is tar from satlatactory.'' Tho board has decided^ bla&t out tho-iiad places at tho bottom of Uie grado and’conatruct a now road. For UiIb purpose a largo force will bo iftit •{o~wbrk~MgnTinrTnorntngr-The work' will bo done at this Umo because of the failure ot the.employment emer- gcncT act owing to the recent delcfllon* of’iLo supreme court. ^ vmiATrrn nnArniai ---------------— Conaty-8npertBtCTJ<a*Tfl«w*-to-BttM. te Hkea Ftnal Airiui|eBieats For Session. That tho meeUng ot trustees ^llod tor Buhl, Fobruary 8, at the Ume Uial tho m'ovedble university axtooalon school Is In session therfi", will M ot unusual value to ,the VlucaUon tutlon ot the county Is an opInlon^hifrO cdby all'Mucotorshero. Tho program for tho affair boa aot j^.been com- pletbd.-but CooatyiSuperlntohdent Ber- tha'Nool-Is actively «t work-on It aad It^lU be ready tor publl^Uon-ln a fow'days... MlsS'Noel wont-tio-Buhl \VcdnoadarTI5~crai*Ctl0ir With“ XhO proparaUon of tho program; ' JEEOMK BOI- DIES IDBM - ~ Cnsrlw g eury-pflibotht^-aged^I a hardwan.iasrcl^t ud du£ dlr^ lo r oC JeMme. died Wednesday mom- inr-ln the Twin lUIs-be^lta! add WM ‘takBU"to Jerome; ihat’aftfcnioca mfft Beeau nerer taihtTt reeerer^ om^etjOr theMftltar.' Tbi yonng oma ikffa;BirpBr«tk vftro wtfl known In thU «Ur. ' IB iS fc s ^[ICANrOpGE ^ r riz a Adviseilly^Eonsiil That ~ lutCitizcns Must beProtecTed • « " s « 1!!r3v" _ ^ flSflOaTQA-BEQUIKES I’UIiSUIT «« Rp ITMSllMENT (^’ SI,AYEK8 '! • - c( ^ " w wclous. AflH-MuHt Ho SuppreSBed ir and AmDTlcna, I’roporty- rrot«:t94S h' (^^ar AdVIcc Emphatic, " --------- __________ — ■ ' «i WASHINGTON—Tfio niaio dcpnrt- ^ oni Wednesday announced Uiat Soi:- y, tary l>aiiHlnK*iT ^rMU‘Hj^_tclCKraplic^ u American ^C<5nHr«ir siiTlm aa a t c; i^taro,'^mandfl prolccUon (or ^ merlaino.; it denouncen' U'e mur- lie A9 ii <■ ■— -b Tlyc.’uunihor ot torclgncrfl tnnftna- e ■cd m/Uio bo;L.cniion went ol Santa -^i flabeT^loiKlnyiittcrnoon wna placed 11 ;10idtc Wednewll)!;. wiui nuUiorl- a lUvely staled Uint.Ofnernl.I’alilo U , l 5Z. d ' Ynaul clilctUxIn. eloHoly., ullloil n lUi 'flencral Frnnclucu^/villa, com- i landed tlio n'aHuacrc. About HO buu, c its niticfted [fic trath, * hlle two hundred were Krorfpcd an a f jBcrve to -ono elde ot tliff right of i' •ny.""^' ■ ' • ' r Arrivals from Chlhunliua Oily nalil ‘ lat a troop iraIn,.ot so cars convey- * ig Uelwom rivo hundred imd ,mjo ' liouBand Caranjin troops had pre- ' oded.tW) lutnlng coinnany BPecl^l by ' 'ho engine and Cw’o cnrs otthls iriiln rero 'fiald lo havo .boon dcralltfd .by ' ho bandllK in order lo hWP U“-' pn«- (sngor, train of AmorleanH- Wliat be- aino ot the Carranza soldlerH If Uiey ye^dJJln the military iroln-hUB not ieci«tarncd Ticre. ■ FoITowJng Is tJJC-ataiczDcnt^Dt£ilr? lolmes, na given to the fitato dcpart- ncnt:nnd pre'8H'Wednesdoy nlkht: "Our train led Chllniahua City dqnday morning. January 10, ot ihout • 11 o'clock. The tm‘» was itopped at or abouMiifr- raneh Rncaftr Vpoint about five miles west o( Santa r8ah'^Tbetwcen'lt30 arid 2 o'crotk Aot>Atteniooa. WhtJo train was itanding-.al.Uje'BtaUon of SanUi Yaa- jel two armed Moklcons rodeJty and ^«aUnIted-tho-tro1n,— The-MMlcan paBbcngem at Santa, Ysabel. told mo ikftorwxird that the rldora had inulred if Uiero were any • soldlcMi on the iralor . "At'tho point of manuwre our train was atoppod In a cut ao that the loaf cor ■was just Inside th O “t w« were . stopped by another - train—the ftont tniclcs ot one ot the ioal cam of whlcl^.<MKBOoa r^ ;.-bo--otUlh<Mra^ Thla was tho tlrBt>woiVirtW of a train preceding as; There, was nobody to’be aMXL.aS8.Q0d t h o i r a l q ^ In f r o n t "When‘.our t r ^ was atopped 'New- nrnn and 4'wbre alfUng togoUicr and Branacame iip and looked out ot our window.' Evans, Nowmao, MadHalton iTT^i> T n . «»| nff ijiin n-nln AqiH cither getting, off or about to dc saw him .'Juat afler'allghUng I'ho.'iri: a volloy-of rltlo ahota from a point on Oic rothor - filde- ’ot -tbo- cut.and.. Jus about the train: Looking acound. 1 could aee a bunch of about 12 or 16 men atanding In a solid ll°c> ahoulder to Bhouldor, -Bhootlng-dlrecUy at us They, woro 50 of 7G‘ feet away. The •corcTrcuTorrSy'vlcw-eo'T'couWTiot SCO how many bandlta- Uiero were. The^cpth of the cut on the sldd near .tho'saaU_Xaab8l_ri»ir_flt-tbaL_ppint waa alfOBt 12 feet on the other side It waa much' greator> To Uio rear ot iho train-wftB an. en)hftnkroc^t_doclln- Ing lowaHs tho rlvcr7 "WntsoB' after getting off ran to- ward the. rlTcr. MacHutton and I followed. MacHutton fell- I do not know whether* he was killed then or tripped.—.Wataoa- keptAjMaping_aad they wero still shooting at him when rtnmed'anfl-nm uown grade,-whero i fell In som'e brush, probably 100 feet from -the rear ot Uje train. I lay iheco perfecUy • quiet and looked around aad could- see Mc^xioanfl shobtlng. la.tn o ' dlrecUoa a t which Watson Was running, f saw that they Were not shooUng at me a^d Ibfnklng they believed mo already dead, I took a chance aad crawled into aomo thick* or bufihea.. . I crawled thrpugh the bUBhes uaUl 1 roachcd tbe, bank ot the Btretfm; -I Ujea-made byw ay to 0 4>olnt probablr W O^rds-from-ih« train. \ There I. lay under the baifii for bojf an'^bor aad' bo^rd'shdtB'-b} ones and twos and Uireea. I did nol hoar oay-sort-ot groans or yells 01 cries from onr. Amerlacna.. . . Tho tseadquartara ot the KlaK AuU pre» u tm ' .' p , .. ;Hooi.--SAvimo an to Teabh llahltH of Thrift to the Boys and Gtrls la the Cfty Schools. l-urpoHe-AVorlhj....... - .. _____ ^ .TJi^plon-for-Uio-oBUblljiUmcatot-a-. stem of uchoot navlngH In Oic local hoolii,wlll 'become effoc.Uvo next - ondny, Januor^ 17. Thb new plnn Ih bo put Into effect .wlUi iho opening • thC'OOCond-ocmcDtcr-of-tho prcscnt - ;hool year.*^ SupplemcnUng tho acheroo ot cb- )UraRlnK boys and Rlflfl in Uie local ;hoolQ to become actual depoHltors I Uio local_banka and Uiun lirtlcflce ablLi ot thrift and oavlng, Uio teacb- n» will placo parllcular cmph,iu<lii on 10 uiftllor qj bayjj and girls becomlnk A few 27>lauto» _cach ivoc-k in-bo-deToled-to-loBttuau_iii_iiirJtr 1 every grado In Uio • .sl'-moolnry crhoolH. In UiPiie lesaoaB <>r iiirlft, m tcftchcrH wHl endeavor to tncul- iitynnnillii ot saving ana dlHcouragu racUces t)^ oxtravagance. This Is trt^simply a cnmpnlgn to get boys nnil Iris into actual conimorcml rehiilonii •fttr-tftg houKJuK vf (inimunlly and tM s bORlii early hub- :a o'f itTrlft .dnd Rood buiUne»s; thin 4. v'ltli equal .empliaHlB, a cnmpnlgii Kiilniit hablUi'of waotcfulneair and ex- raviiRaiice no olten evidenced by boys ,nd fc'lrlii of Hio oloinflntnry Rrn<Ii'H._lt. Ha flKlil iiRalnst clicap ciindy or .^ny lUier cheup commodity tlmt attnict^i loyft glrJs^beeaufio of tho Jnrgo luanllll<>H iliat acn be bought for 11 imall sum of «ionoy. It Is primarily rrairtp^ign to make our boys-niid itlrl>t iiiiilncHs men and bUHlnenn women. It 11 n ntruRKio on the part of Uic pnl^: idiools for the early entabllHlimi^ot ot lahllH of iiirKl ,nnd navlng UinC will :iiuko Bocure for every ciilld a I'ue- rninr'Hiruki;Tti'\v6rmy-cT-tinr'gTOii" purpoflCH of__cducallon. ■ It Ib hoped lhat’(iver>- fatlier and mother win excrl extrii effort to ex- tend to the teachcra In Uils work a Hplnndid Hplrit of flynipalhy and co- operution llial will Iw a poHlUvc help, rijo home can do much to give U1I.H worK’'o'lurof backbone nnd Btabllltj'r^ - The lor'al banks that nrc-opornllng 'r Um) scjiools In Uila work aro The •■irst National bnnk and The . Twin 'alirt Bank & Trunl-^mpany. The Hel- ccUon of Uie b a rt l« left, entirely with Iht'*child and his pnr/intH'."''Tho school wlll-cxeri no Induenco-ln Uiis. matter whatever. ThlB Ir purely a unlly of home, Bchool and banlt, working wlUiout any favorltlBm for llin cconomlc future of overy oliild In Uio Twin Falls schools, Tho purpose behind Uie movement Is eminenUy worthy In overy way. Let every factor la this unity put forth overy effort to. accomplish Uils.»imr. pose. . . fOUR NEWmCHERS --------- ^E-SftKli Board of KdneaUon Elects MIkbm Gor ' XeliJnard, Hobbs and Jarkxun l< PoslUonB. At-am regulni-mcHlntt-of .Uu»-tMan nf odurnlinn hold Mnmlftv ovenlnB January lOr Ihc following lonelier wero Olcctcd to pOHltlons In the Twii Falls schools: "MIBB-EUcn-Ooehfii of S t Chnrloi Mo.,vlakea Uie place made vacant b Uio realgnallon of Mias Grace Bultolp: formerly inHlruptor of German,*ln th high school-'" MIflS Goebel recftnU reoelved-her-maaUr-’a-dogtec—at-th Ualverslty of Chicago aad Is a teacl or ot wide experience. MIbs Marlon Uonard, ot Lake Cit; Ti^nTrtaltortho-placoTnndo-TOaint-b tno realgnaUon ot Mlaa Elizabeth Tr< 'riso. formerly Uio foiirth grade teachc <yf-^e-LjneolD>«<il»ool— Miss T.annar Is a graduate ot the advanced court of tho Winona state normal sCbo and baa bad several years cxperlcac as a teacher. MIbs Lola Hobbs takes tho poalUc madtf-vTicttnt-br-the-reslgnaUon 1 Miss Margaret Williams formerly tei cbor la the secbnd grddo of tbo BIck school. Miss Hobhs Is a graduate ( tho advanced course ot the Sllppol Jloek, Pa., state normal school. ■SI .haa had four years of teacblag e: porlenco. ( .............................................. ...Miss ijjclJo Jackson takes the p slUoa created by tho addlUon ot 'i extra.teacher ta the primary sra<l< VISB JacKson’s homo lA In Enunoi Idaho, nod she Is a graduate of U advanced course ot tho Albion. Idab ^ atotOhormal.scbooL.-Durlag the pro . 'ent year sho has been teaching la U ; Btirloy schools, where sbo hos.taug . tor tbe lost fosr years. Sbo wllI : ; assigned work In the First A *ai Second B grades-la the Biekel Bcb« ' --Bto^-winTirThrii*ra*j^T-t: > hnntlac o( dBcki la thta lectloa. I : eordUtc ta -Jos Fltgcttiaonfl.4441^ t iam».isatdQn,nwlto: that M ~w 1; QlotiaK iBd the aaUiorltttl r BtiitttBwf oflCr. Y U o U b n ^ i^.e V f <UieuMin. \ ' lOTHlNfcDONM— LOSTRIVm iEM laiinHadei[liari50:Saaw~ Would Be DeprivcTof RipBT- ~ irouii)‘TisBxXin)S-nr-jwAOTT«-~ TBBEl) INTO COKTaAOie ' 3oard HoIdH H ^ s g »a Ue Ifafiir* ^ Ilul IMera AeUoa UakB A IwMr Dsle. -More-Uioa-SOO-pcriionn,' ropreiwef* ng about lGQ nelUurs, will bo bbUrfjP ' :o foroftko Uiolr lands on Big I-piR rlvflr-and-Ai^Ulopocrwokj:.XumlngJ»«— __ LOtjio Kovernmont donloln ubont twsa- Ly-ulRlii thouuand ncreu of land, U iiUite uhould enter Into a conlract wMh tlio lUnli ConBlrucUon company Iw Lbe rebuilding of th ^ i31g ^ a t nupr project, according to Senator RaveOM Macbeth, who uddrosBud Uio state HMl lioard Tuesday afternoon. Senutor Miicbclh said Uio aotUors la • Uliilne .. and Custer counUeo Intended tu''flKht Uio m atlcf to Uie end. Htepii will lie taken to provent tU Ulali ConuirucUon company trom tak- IPK vnter from Big Loat- rlvor'and A»- lelopo creek, which, the aonalor eoa- leiidu,. lu _.whiil. Ui0 „con«truc_U^_«0 B^__^._ pany Intends to do should Uio c b n tr^ sulimilU'd by It lo tho land board M approved'by^'Wiat body. "It will sillily mean Uiat Uio couiM will hiive uJ“ determltio whether tka- wore granleiU fifty thousand In^M from Dig Ixisl river and fivu thousaad Inches from Antelopo crcck. aro e( Rreuter woIrIiI than Uio-right-of-tke— settlers, who have come In, Ulled thslc InntlH, built Uielr homes and otherwiee helped build up tho staio since Uieat-1^ nmim' b)i. Ui{s' that lit'ory sotUcr !■' niulife and Custer rountlcB-wlll“00«»- — tribute toward determining thslr - rlfihta. nc«iua(i.,UioconBlrucUoneoia- pany ba« done noUilng all Uiciic years Is no Blgn the rights ef Uiesc aetUsrs can be swept away.” _ -Mr._ Macbeth-Bttld tliat under Ike water fights■■grabtcd lo the'confttn** — Uon company In 190G (l would kat even become neccsBary lo constructTa , dam, and timt Uio natural flow Crom would bo’ample to Irrigate the tlS unit ot. twenty thouflsnd- a«res.-J K— would mean he said, that practical $725,000 -worth of walpr rlghts w«bM bo IJlegally transferred from tk* Blalnei and Cnater county-settlors irrigate the firat unlt.of the'consln»* *- Uoa compuy's proposed work.~ a^^ that the constrtiqUon company woaU nol bo obliged to pay out a dollar W Charles C. Sherman, represeotla* BctUers on ono of the tracts, .said tt* proposed contract was. “pemlclous." Furthermore, he said. It was a -quM- Uon as to whether the' cOnBtructliB company could funOah two aero feet" ot Water' perncre for the (Irst unit to •»w lfrlitnfnfl-M.lilrh In tTie Arco traot *• -of- tw e a ty - t lKm»ttnd - a e r c s .— H e - a i e e — declared Uiat Uiere were llmea wHea” ihe BctUers would bo.obliged to haye moro lhan_tho amount mentioned In ' tho dontmct - Asked by the attorney Rca'eral.'it be Uiougbt tbo’ land board- ' would be Justi'fled In. slf|nlnR'tho coa« ; tract with the construcllon compaay phivlding the company and slate «a- ^ -glneer-t?ould-demoaatrate-that-U waa ~ * not possible to tumlsh more than two - acre feet of water per ucrc. bo replts* • In the afllrmaUve^__ ^ ^ Attorney Bnow- ~ reprcsehW [^ > iir- * construcUon eompony, said that wm ■ ^ Ihe only of^whorgy ^ that the sotUer was '{q good faith. Be 1 io ii^t homver. tiiat after {be laltM 0 payment thert-should be -a6 torthar- demands, .ouUldo pt Inlerost tor pM- slbly three or five years. This mat*«- t however., was up to the constm cttar ; .company; aad a^t up to hta to d^dfi,' '1 Ho said tho constnieuon compaay eda> t templated a bond ot C por ceat ot Ifefl y esUmated cost ot the coastructlea ® work i ' No acUon was taken by the boaxl - regarding-the contract The-moetlag ** Was ojoro la the nature ot d boarlat, “ aad It iB likely the .jubjoct wlU'.lfc ^ brought before iho board again at aa early date.. ' , IDAHO PpPULAnON INCUA^II ...... ^ it UnoOldal esUmates boyo been «o»- « pU^r glHnjrUie'^pal^~or d aeatal.Ualt^SUteih-Kew Teat's-du,, 1. lU»--comparel~wlth;uie’'ceBBiu.Az - ures ot i«iO.- . Tha population bl A IV y iiHffft O trtW:~POt 'iM>l

I B i S f c s lOTHlNfcDONM— OfiGANEf iDAV ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN...»8od to crecl at Twln FullB. but not jj, itll todtty was my reQuest-compiled lUi

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Page 1: I B i S f c s lOTHlNfcDONM— OfiGANEf iDAV ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN...»8od to crecl at Twln FullB. but not jj, itll todtty was my reQuest-compiled lUi

~ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ___ . .. ' r ■■ —• ' I — ' ii ' - , _ I . .

y ® L ; X I . N O . 28. ' i L E V E N T H Y E A R - ' T W I N F A L L S . T W I N F A L L S C O U N T Y , ID A H O , F R li> A V , J A N U A R Y 14, W16. ' , S U B S C R IP T IO N ? 2 .0 0 P E R Y E A R ^

6 M ( S E B * l f l 3 : » OfiGANEf iDAV „

_______ __________________J

ll« v ^ a n a g « rs 4 e 4 a k e J C lia i :g e -1 o f Irrigation Systcin ™

•; . - ' 'om• 'f •_


dll.................. — . • • •.

t u k B ron> ; W . 0 . T a jlo r t. 3. H. t«AT«n, J .U . B arker a n d F. A. Ken* ^oi

> > U r CoBsiltnte Board. th<fc: ■ . ..... - tn-I f ' ' - s ' iU TTe,. th« undersigned te lle rs a t Ihc mt S w iB a l elocUoa .of stockheidorB held T t K T n m rllth -a f tr -o M S itta ry .- lS iO r-d o —Kartebjr cortlCx. th a t the followiDsnam * jj, i« 4 cabdldatM to r tho oIQce of Board F * l DUoclore ot tho Twia Falle Canal I m^mnnnr. r/tcclvod thenum bcr o f volea j j , ■ M t oppoBlto Ihe lr nam es, to-wic:

■W. y . Pbrbeo. •''r0,2i><.44: Qeorge C. ,, JU U »;' 46,41?.74; J . H. ScitVcra. 74.042.- B E l.W . 6 . Tnylor. S9,203.42; J. H . Dor- B U r; fllib39.81; F ra n k Drown. HS.jUS.- • S : B. J. Spike. 37,117,80; P.«A. Ken- K ^ Z . 70^667.93; _ - _ • _ h

Tlio (franil to la ls o fv o tw ca a l ftltdIhlB olecUon were 677.- ^

■-,M 7;iO;Tbo‘to ta l aliM-es lUflcarded M2.3. T otal ih aro fl Toled IIB.417.22.

-^■■Wfr-'herctfrce^Ufy-tbfttvthD.rollQHiog. _ • 'W w t ta a ro iIoclarcd « l * t c d ; . F ran k .. ,;arowj).- W -.< f Taylor, SoaverB,

J. I I : B arker, F . A. K ofcedy.. . p '■ Tho abovo' ofRclol .announcement.- ,

by a » 't h o tellcra oppplA td ^ }t

-TP«nrT<eotk>i^teHB-U>»*t<>iy-;oC.4liiU ’ft-i: ^anil o f 'th o co n test T upaday .. .Tho ^

; M Batlng waB tlblB'hed early . T h o w est ^ i' / « d of th e co u n tyd id w dll In th o dla- ,, i^ttrlbuUoa of otD^ers. itcttlDR tlireo o u t f * t f f v c . , Praalc.'-Brown wbo recolvod t

ih e la rg est num ber .of volea ca«t» ro^ "

CasUetord; J, H . Barlcor la fro p i/th o ^— imccrnSwdlHlrlcCi-noac—B^hl;_w hU o. ,. A. Konnady. reside® , In Klmborly. J

1 b o . jftnoral-.B cntli«iit_lB th a t-g o o d ^ ' s o n were Bo'le’cted Mtl 'n .largo nuni'- j, . ■.bW B ay .ena lou t of,Uio!4ncn plac«d In g

■IbTc^^ :.plek o ^ d buncli." T h ^ o w i. ,>®;»rd o f dlreqtorb* will tneel anjJ o r - .

«u iU fi Friday. . ‘‘rUo olectlon. of m o . ■Mci'etAry -trea s u ro r .m d ' tfio appoin t- (

" a ^ ^ g ^ u U S iln g B that w ill bo fo r c on- ' , «M oratfon, altboufth the l u t nam ed Is-, j

^~~iwd taay n o t a riao a t once. .T h o fuluro \ . M llcy o f tbe board b a s ao t boen a n - ]V aooaced and w ill be doTolopod- a t th a , l^JW dziyTfloeUaff aiid m bfe«iiB nt f a th - ^

** ^ S ! o r t l i : f e a t b r e 8 o t; th o :g a t t ] R thla yoar th a t coDuaaaded Q n lren ]

w a-4b»-mMinar In which, j Mayor E. M. Bwfaley p rb e ld S T . 1

feNSTRUniON CREW ‘ y -ARRiDlllirWHK- W ork Beerlaa So«n on Spnr to S a g v .

- r itf tf lr r . RnflB Aro on th e Way. W cotbor H inder* .,

------ The-Uno fo r-th o ip u r to th e j lte oftho su g ar fac to ry hoa beea' survercd. tho caglneers conpletlng th e -work JYlday n t g h f On S a tu rday a c o n - otrucUOn tra in , coQlalnljiK tho crow

— wbich-ha®-beeo-laylnif-flteet-<rfonffrtb» v 'S b o H Lino fro m SL A nthony to thla i c ity , pulled In o n tho a tde track here fo r

y ^ 'th o . purpoee.o t. going to w ork, making ^ ~ lg g ra a a ~ a B a -ln y ln rT » te e l OB soon as

- ^ t h e r v U l pe rm it Antonio Ven&ol* » . -who h a a ^ a r g e« t the crow, to ld a reprM ontaU to or Vhe TlmoB th a t work vould probably BOt begin fo r a conple of wcekB on

• re c o u n t o f th o bad w eather, b n l Bdd«rd- «bat - t^ t> T 'W o a ld -b a i^ a a r .u 9 a ^ R B

ycrpiblu. T h ro e cu loado o t tlia a re «a.'thelr"w ay hero i n d will arrive In i' Saw dayn, and -Bt««l ro lla w ill be on k aad s o x t w e A so t h a t tho n i to r la l

■ ifUl b e assem bled thb rtly . U ntil tho- ' im t h o r perm its , the c r e v r w hich a om -'

k ers 60, ,wlll rem ala ^e re . k - ' Ofllccrs ot, th o A m alsam ated SugarV tkUDpajpy annonnca t h a t they will, s o t

> .4 a lay w ork a day longer t t ^ noces-aary a a d an e a r ly Im ororem ont In tho w eather wilLsoo tb lo ss on th o n o v o /-

B U t i iP M iR I ’, i t i p o i i iMxi and X rt. W . fi> V e r t is o a n r o w n

^ , »rom B o re r . In]tti!ea Are Ket Con* ^ «ldcCTd ^ o t t B . -

•'■ WhU© re tum lai io t h S ^ S S V ^ r — -B»hlr«ltor-atteodtos-the-«*nal-*Uo-

.Hon Tuesday, Mr. « 4 Mrs. W . tu Mot-- .Bison woTB throwB Cron; t h ^ rl» n o t

f c r . fi-om tb e tr re itdesce a n d more o r

- - » | h t « e d t h e . t e m . b t > ^ t t e y > W to ma a n d n t U'MportBd,.bujnp«a .tho - I & c le an lB S t.a rock or som9 othw

•hstroetloa th a l tfaww Ui* oeevpanU

fflrfO R -P im eE — -jM A H ^ t o c i i i m '"

igresamaa Smith S a js -^ d ltlo ia l 't -1 . ;pproprlatfoa Caaaol Ba 'Sotfared .ra tn f i t o r . ........

I'hat ConBrosaman Addison ,T. Sm iur n o t plcttnetL.wilh tlu> now depart* n t design for tho Tw in Falla poat- ce building Is m ado evident In a let^ -reeeWod-<-yoflterday>-by—Socrctory ....

a w UaUtllKh.'ot tha. Commoffl^U, i j j b. In w hich thtf congroBBmiui de- •res th a t h o la eurprlsed at- the ingo o t p lan from tho ono endorsed the peoplo here and had been 'ac t

do to r ' Bom etblng 'lookJng llKc a i„ | rage and u rges the buslacaa.m cn to . tormlao w hat they w an t and mako sir w aaU known. Ho BUggesta th a t J -fitB-opioiffn-the-tiaDdsomo-ioaThJa. ^ ■ucturo ondoracd would cost Utile , >re than tho u g ly b rick ono p lanoedr I le le tte r followa:------ W ashluRton, .Ji’r. Jam ed McMillan, S ecrcU ry?> ^ . "V Commercial Club.

Tw in Falla, Idaho. •>ttE Mr. McMHlon;______________“ ■On" receip t o t y ou r le tte r bubkcsUdk cc a t a photograph o t th e prot>oRed (cd- ^ a l building a t Tw in ^'alla be tor- y, itfiied to y«*u I tcleplfoned to Ujo bu- i,(. irvlalng arcBJtoct fo r a copy of Buch Mi lofograph o r o t a pholograoh ot a iiiiHnj- Himtlfvr tft tho o n o 'l t iB.nro- qj »8od to c rec l a t Tw ln FullB. b u t not jj, i tll todtty w as m y reQuest-compiled lUi.. / In1 waa very m uch • aurprlacd to oh- IIfL tlm t UlC bulldlnn n>«nrlv V,ifee^’y ears ago aa a p lan -to follow la 10 construction, o f a building ncTw ln y, ulla haa h e e n -se t oaldo and a now Inn Huhritltutcd w hich is Very, much [j, iHB-proteatloua In Its dppearance, d)id ^

irni t n - gtTTeninien t- b uHdltWr—l-w > k- .5, 10 m a ile r up ViHth Uio oftlctiils and [g •aa advlaed th o t Uie Bccretary of tho ^ •easury and Uie poBlroaBlcr Reaoral.-ho u n d e r .Ih 6 Itiw m ust approve llio lynir {or public bulldlnga. aro op- ^ b s c a io the coliBtructloQ .of a build- j, i t ' i lm l l a r toU ho-qop detorm tned-up- j n thrifo y ears; ag o ; and t l i a t buflttow - j ju ch ’DJoro plain and alm plo »n m eir p enetel-lipp'earanco-muat^bo-aubBlllut- ^ d- I auggestod th a t Ui.o wlahcB ot Uie lOOplo In a com m unity w here a 'bu lld i ^ Dg w d s 'tb bo conatrucled ' should he ;l^dn m oro 'coneideratioD than the f, vhim of a cab inet ofllcer who has no n to rest In • t l io 'lo c a U ty ' Bnd"whoae udgojont 1» no b e tte r than oOier pjjo- iVo'a whd do n o t happen to hold on j (intlal pdalUon. t

ibort whllo tho peoplo In a cOmiauQ- ty, oapeclally in auch a boalthtul sec- , Jon as 'the Twin’ Falla county, atfy J table to llv i a cantjjry. and'thelf wish- 1 is- ahotild bo the governing factor in ratortalalog-the.cbaracU&oMhe^truc- - lure to be erected In ItjiriaNFallB. The

thap .Mth e - b rlok—h u lld ln r i for .p l u s a re bolng draTO, n iit^ lt“lB“cor- *

j ^ ^ b o T 's o a w e to. =the pcpple th an th e proposed, brick b a U d l^ w ith th e garage ttkt> appear- 1 once. I t Is-no t-probable ,- 'how oT or, th a t an a m t lo n a l appropriation cah 57 s'« U r fla~tlilB iJuuMomU M d T woul d . ; bo g rea tly ploaaed I t the n iatter could be subm itted to the ' bualness men of T trin - F a lls - a nd h w'»*tl»wn .dftUn aln O. w hether o r no t'U io departm ent should, go ahead w ith tho p lan of tho brickbufldlBffproiwscd.-vir-naro-flcHon'tJo-te rred u n til i t c an bo determined w hether o r n o t w o can g e l-on .add l- U onal-app rop rlaU on an d : t u t up^ a building U iat la* In harm ony wHIt tho bUb and " f T ” *" nn^Ita n e a r fu tu re .developm ent

Thla m atto r ahould have prom pt a t- tOQtlOQ a s tho departm ent Is xcAdy to prpceed -w lth -the-tan ta tlw -pIags.aJoBg. thq llnoa auggestod for & brick bulld-



’ ^The F ir s t ChrlsUan church o t th is city h a s Juat cloaod a pleasant and jiro tltab le y ea r 9 t Its history. I t has l ^ t ^ a l y aeen tho paym eat of Its last jiO w S)n U»o ch u rch joortgagp,, thus aetU ag I t caU rely tree from debt but every o th e r b ill U c u rre n t oxpenae has .been pa id w ithou t any financial obll- gaUoas to bu rden lu d w ith overy aux-. tn<OT In th e b e s t ' cbodlUon In .th o church 's h istory . Tho to ta l aum of m oney 'paaa lng '■through Uie church trp a su re r’s b onds and th a t o f the t ^ a s - u ro r ■ o ts th o - am dllarles,- d u r i n e ^ e y o a r -1918; -w aB | 6Q4l;54;-' T he 'D Ib le school t o r t h e y e a r hod a bonn tide A w ra^ ^ w o eU y f tO e n a a n ^ o ro x a r t ly ao O .'w Ith 'aa 'aT orage w eekly ottering o t W .7 . T b e to ta l o tte rlsg s of Uie B ible sd io o l to r th e year. Including

T h e p i ^ e n t in e m b e r^ lp of i tho ohnroh 1»' 611 D aring th e yeai> th e m in is te r a nd h i t w ife h a re m ade r r « w

th e pTMOBt y e t r Will b e th e m ost clor* J01U t& tb * U ito n r o t th e ohoreh -whloh Is'BOW en te rlB f v p o a l ls « lm D th f t t r :

1 0 I « O T A R r tM E D B Y T E U T O N S?n g M ^ B r f O T C o n q » ^ <3

faces fa te r fB e fg iu ra : ' :'(' ' ___— „

: ; s « w i . r . i E . , j 8 ! a ? c K 8 % m p’ COHIUKD • A i m i i i ' i y ' J

itcsroHt CcntorB on the M o a te a e j^ A F r o n t No NotaWe KTOalB oa ,IJaUlo LJaes,. ’ -

L O ND O N — C o ltln je . th e c a p i ta l o f o u lc n e g r o . now sc cm a lik e ly lo s il t- ;r Uio fa te , o t D elsro d o M in d U rlUsB RB crvcriraT O -alrcndyTtsW nr-nnxlo’uBly--^- ■hivi m o n a c o Uio c o n q u e a t o t M oitO :' U f g r o Is l ik e ly to h o ld o v e r U io W lleu Q L S a lo a lk l . . i

Iff rn ln ir nn n ll _nrOOTld ^ b fu n jo , U io w n a ll to w n w h ic h n e a r ly ? y e a r a g o ^ceaucd to bo Uio Boat- o t

10 ’ M on leD cerln g o v iJrnm 'on t N ev e r c c to ro in th e long lilH lory o t th e , DlUP * lo n le n e g r ln k in g d o m . h a a I t tBiJca a t tp ip o l le d ^ o bow to a fo re ig n V on- ti a t e r ^ h u L _ lh o c c .- a e c m a . i i lU c ._ l io P 0 ^ lin l I t c a u \ lo n g wlthKUind Uie o v o r i ^ .-helm ing HirenRUi o 'f* G ca o ra t K oovea o 1 m e n a n d g u n s . , “F o r I t i i ly t ^ ^ n e w A y t r la tf bu^ ^ v

a r r o w I ta l ia n p o n ln H ^ i Is p c c u f l^ l y u ln o r a b lo l a a n nllno^j: f ro m Uie se a . in y r e a l l i u ? ^ c a t A u s tr ia n n a v u l boBO t u U io m uK ^ l^lcen t h n rh o r o t C a lta ro J vou ld h a v e be en IinposB tblo w lU io u l t

tJtncw AuBlrlan"poflBCiHBloiv-of-GiiUBro 4 a nlinoVt iv» R real a itTcnaco lo Ita ly ' IS Uifl^ Gerronn co n q u es t, o f Calais .,' vould havo been to Groat D rlialn . (

W hllo olteiUlon Ib ccatercd q ir de- ,1 f^jlopments' o rH lio Adriatic co au t -It ,i ia announced tcom Romo U iat tw o' , Itairaii BhlpB<thfrBrlndtai-and Clltfi p i PaIonn‘&ria'St.,week e tn ick-m inesvaad ' mnk. A m ajority of tho crow s wefo .sa v e d r^ --------------------- — ,

On Uio RuBHfan fro n t Uic AuBlrlon ofllclal communlcnllon _ recordH tti~ nowcd dcBpcrate' a ltacka by Uio Rus­sians on the Bessarabian frou tie r but nfllflt U iat tho a ttack o.vcrywhero wa«

fA iils e d - - Tho Pxtrogm d- communlcn- Uon Is s llon t o n N i^ u b J c c l . b u t Uie R uaaians usua lly wlUihold menUon o t Uielr m o v ^ e n t tJn t^U rey a f 0 well on

lARGt fORCt fOR \ .

CouBty C om m lsB toB t^ta V eeUng Tfils ~^Weel{ PecM e to iBtprove B ad F la c ^

— O BTlUirCneflKV;—— ~

••WiTIntend to b laat o u t fee ba^ placed la tho g rade on th e Shoshono road an d m ake It a thoroughfare w ill p » v e 'a t t r a c t iv e to -to u rta ta and: olhortf who w ish to cross-U io canyon In autflfl." a tfa IJi'. P . r . A lheoi'i^^tW iB In th is Ttfcbk a ttending 'm eet- Inir o f th e board- of comrotflfllonjra. •T be top ofUlio grado J s airo^dj^ in goOd condlUoQ>lt.he w ntlnued,*"but the condlU on-of. thoSrtwttom. p a rt,o t£ .tho . south sldo is ta r from satla tactory .''

Tho board has d e c id e d ^ bla&t out th o -iiad places a t tho bottom of Uie grado a n d ’conatruct a now road. For UiIb purpose a largo force w ill bo iftit •{o~wbrk~M gnTinrTnorntngr-The work' w ill bo done a t th is Umo because of th e fa ilu re o t the.em ploym ent emer- g cn cT a c t owing to the recen t delcfllon* of’iLo suprem e c o u r t . ^

v m iA T r r n n n A r n i a i---------------—

C o n a ty -8 n p ertB tC T J< a * T fl« w * -to -B ttM . t e H k ea F tna l A iriu i|eB ieats For Session.

T h a t tho meeUng o t tru s te e s ^ llo d to r B uhl, Fobruary 8, a t th e Ume Uial tho m'ovedble un iversity axtooalon school Is In session therfi", w ill M o t u nusua l value to ,the VlucaUon tu tlon o t the county Is a n opInlon^hifrO c d b y a ll 'M u co to rsh e ro . T ho program for tho a ffa ir boa a o t j ^ . b e e n com- pletbd.-but C ooatyiSuperlntohdent Ber­tha 'N ool-Is ac tiv e ly « t w ork-on I t aad I t ^ l U be ready to r p u b ll^ U o n -ln a f o w 'd a y s . .. M lsS 'N oel w ont-tio -B uhl \V cdnoadarT I5~crai*C tl0 ir With“ XhO proparaUon of tho program ; '


■ ■ Cn s r lw g eu ry -p f l ib o th t^ -a g e d ^ I

a h a r d w a n . i a s r c l ^ t u d d u £ d l r ^ l o r oC JeM m e. died W ednesday mom- i n r - l n th e T w in lU I s - b e ^ l t a ! add WM ‘ tak BU" to Je rome; i h a t ’ aftfcnioca

mfft Beeau n e re r ta ih tT t r e e e r e r ^ o m ^ e t jO r theM ftlta r.' T b i yonng o m a ik f f a ;B i rp B r« tk v f t r o w tf l know n In thU «U r. '

I B i S f c s^ [ I C A N r O p G E ^

r r i z a Adviseilly^Eonsiil That ~ lutCitizcns Must beProtecTed • «

" s «• 1 ! ! r 3 v " _ ^


'! • - — c(^ " ’ w

w clous. AflH-MuHt Ho SuppreSBed ir and AmDTlcna, I’roporty- rro t« :t94S h' ( ar AdVIcc Em phatic, " ---------__________ — ■ ' «iWASHINGTON—Tfio niaio d c p n rt- ^ o n i W ed n esd ay a n n o u n ce d U ia t Soi:- y, ta r y l>aiiHlnK*iT ^rMU‘Hj^_tclCKraplic^ u

A m erican ^C<5nHr«ir siiTlm aa a t c; i ^ t a r o , '^ m a n d f l prolccUon (or ^merlaino.; i t denouncen' U'e m ur-lie A9 ii <■ ■— -bTlyc.’uunihor o t torclgncrfl tnnftna- e ■cd m/Uio bo;L.cniion went ol Santa - i flabeT^loiKlnyiittcrnoon wna placed 11 ;1 0 id tc Wednewll)!;. wiui nuUiorl- a lUvely staled U int.Ofnernl.I’alilo U , l 5Z. d ' Ynaul clilctUxIn. eloHoly., ullloil n lUi 'flencral Frnnclucu^/villa, com- i landed tlio n'aHuacrc. About HO buu, c its niticfted [fic trath , *hlle two hundred were Krorfpcd an a f jBcrve to -ono elde o t tliff rig h t of i' •ny.""^' ■ ' • ■' rArrivals from Chlhunliua Oily nalil ‘

la t a troop iraIn ,.o t so cars convey- * ig Uelwom rivo hundred imd ,mjo ' liouBand Caranjin troops had pre- ' oded.tW) lutnlng coinnany BPecl^l by '

'ho engine and Cw’o cnrs o t th ls iriiln rero 'fiald lo havo .boon dcralltfd .by ' ho bandllK in order lo hWP U“-' pn«- (sngor, train of AmorleanH- W liat be- aino ot the C arranza soldlerH If Uiey ye^dJJln the m ilita ry iroln-hUB notie c i« ta rn c d Ticre. ■

FoITowJng Is tJJC-ataiczDcnt^Dt£ilr? lolmes, na given to the fitato dcpart- ncn t:nnd pre'8H'Wednesdoy nlkht:

"Our tra in le d Chllniahua City dqnday m orning. January 10, o t ihout • 11 o'clock. The tm ‘» was itopped a t o r abouMiifr- raneh Rncaftr V point about five m iles west o( Santa r8ah '^T betw cen 'lt30 arid 2 o 'crotk Aot>Atteniooa. WhtJo tra in was itanding-.al.Uje'BtaUon of SanUi Yaa- jel two arm ed Moklcons rodeJty and ^«aU nIted-tho-tro1n ,— The-M M lcan paBbcngem a t Santa, Y sabel. told mo ikftorwxird th a t th e rldora had inulred if Uiero w ere any • soldlcMi on the iralor . ■

"A t'th o p o in t of m anuwre our train w as atoppod In a c u t ao th a t the loaf cor ■was ju s t Inside t h O “ t w « were . stopped by another - tra in—the fton t tniclcs o t o ne o t the io a l cam of whlcl^.<MKBOoa r ^ ;.-bo--o tU lh< M ra^ Thla was tho tlrBt>woiVirtW of a train preceding as; There, was nobody to ’be aMXL.aS8.Q0d th o ira lq ^ In f ro n t

"When‘.o u r t r ^ was atopped 'New- nrnn and 4 'w b re alfUng togoUicr and B ran acam e iip and looked o u t o t our window.' E vans, Nowmao, MadHaltoniTT i> T n .«»| nf f ijiin n-nlnAqiH cither getting, off or about to dc

saw h im .'Ju a t afler'allghU ng I'ho.'iri: a volloy-of r ltlo ahota from a point on Oic rothor - filde- ’o t -tbo- c u t.an d .. Jus about the train : Looking acound. 1 could aee a bunch of about 12 o r 16 men atanding In a solid ll°c> ahoulder to Bhouldor, -Bhootlng-dlrecUy a t us They, woro 50 o f 7G‘ feet away. The •corcT rcuT orrSy 'v lcw -eo 'T 'couW T iot SCO how m any bandlta- Uiero were. T h e^cp th of th e cu t on the sldd near .tho 'saaU _X aab8l_ri»ir_flt-tbaL_ppint waa alfOBt 12 f e e t o n the o ther side It waa m uch ' greator> To Uio rea r ot ih o train-wftB an. en)hftnkroc^t_doclln- Ing low aH s tho rlvcr7

"WntsoB' a f te r getting off ra n to­ward the. rlTcr. MacHutton and I followed. M acHutton fell- I do not know whether* he was killed then or tripped.—.Wataoa- k eptA jM aping_aad they wero s till shooting a t him when r tn m e d 'a n f l-n m uown grade,-whero ifell In som'e b rush, probably 100 feet from -the r e a r o t Uje train . I lay iheco perfecUy • quiet and looked around aad could- see Mc^xioanfl shobtlng. l a . t n o ' dlrecUoa a t which Watson Was running, f saw th a t they Were n o t shooUng a t me a^d Ibfnklng they believed m o already dead, I took a chance aad craw led into aomo thick* or bufihea.. . I crawled thrpugh the bUBhes uaU l 1 roachcd tbe, bank o t the Btretfm; - I U jea-m ade b y w a y to 0 4>olnt p ro b a b lr W O ^ r d s - f r o m - ih « train. \ T h ere I. lay under th e baifii for bojf a n '^ b o r aad ' bo^rd'shdtB'-b} ones and tw os an d Uireea. I did nol hoar o a y -s o r t-o t groans o r ye lls 01 cries from onr. A m erlacna.. .

. Tho tseadquartara o t the KlaK AuU


u t m ' .' p , ..


an to Teabh llahltH of T h rift to the Boys and G trls la the Cfty Schools. l-urpoHe-AVorlhj....... - .. _____ ^

.TJi^plon-for-U io-oBU blljiU m catot-a-. stem o f uchoot navlngH In Oic local hoolii,w lll 'become effoc.Uvo n ex t - ondny, Jan u o r^ 17. Thb new plnn Ih

bo p u t Into effect .wlUi iho opening • thC'OOCond-ocmcDtcr-of-tho p rc scn t - ;hool year.*^SupplemcnUng tho acheroo o t cb-

)UraRlnK boys and Rlflfl in Uie local ;hoolQ to become actual depoHltors I Uio local_banka and Uiun lirtlcflce ablLi o t th r if t and oavlng, Uio teacb- n» w ill placo p arllcu la r cmph,iu<lii on10 uiftllor qj bayjj and g irls becomlnk

A few 27>lauto» _cach ivoc-k i n - b o - d e T o le d - to - lo B t tu a u _ i i i_ i i i r J t r 1 e v e ry g ra d o In Uio • .s l'-m oo ln ry crhoolH. I n UiPiie le saoaB <>r i i i r l f t , m tc ftch c rH w H l e n d e a v o r to tn c u l- iity n n n illi i o t s a v in g a n a d lH couragu rac U c es t)^ o x tra v a g a n c e . T h is Is trt^ sim p ly a cnm pn lgn to g e t b o y s nnil I r i s in to a c tu a l co n im o rcm l reh ii lo n ii •fttr-tftg houKJuK v f(in im u n lly a n d tM s bORlii e a r ly hub - :a o'f itT rlft .d n d Rood bu iU ne»s; th in 4. v 'l t l i e q u a l .empliaHlB, a c n m p n lg ii Kiilniit h a b lU i'o f w ao tcfu ln ea ir a n d e x - rav iiR aiice no o lte n e v id e n c e d b y b o y s ,nd fc'lrlii o f Hio o lo in fln tn ry Rrn<Ii'H._lt.H a flKlil iiRalnst clicap ciindy o r .^ny lUier cheup commodity tlm t attnict^i loyft glrJs^beeaufio o f tho Jnrgo luanllll<>H ilia t acn be bought fo r 11 imall sum of «ionoy. I t Is p rim arily rrairtp^ign to m ake o u r boys-niid itlrl>t iiiiilncHs men and bUHlnenn women. It11 n ntruRKio on the p a r t o f Uic p n l^ : id ioo ls for the early entabllHlimi^ot ot lahllH of iiirK l ,nnd navlng UinC will :iiuko Bocure fo r every ciilld a I'ue-

r n in r 'H ir u k i;T ti ' \v 6 r m y -c T - t in r 'g T O ii"purpoflCH of__cducallon. ■

I t Ib hoped lh a t’ (iver>- fa tlie r and m other w in excrl extrii e ffo rt to ex­tend to the teachcra In Uils w ork a Hplnndid Hplrit of flynipalhy and co- operution llial will Iw a poHlUvc help, rijo home can do much to g ive U1I.H

worK’'o 'lu ro f backbone nnd B tab llltj'r^- T he lor'al banks th a t nrc-oporn llng

'r Um) scjiools In Uila w ork a ro The •■irst National bnnk and T he . Tw in 'a lirt Bank & T run l-^m pany . T he Hel-

ccUon of Uie b a r t l« left, en tire ly with Iht'*child and h is pnr/intH'."''Tho school w lll-cxeri no Induenco-ln Uiis. m atte r whatever.

ThlB Ir purely a un lly o f home, Bchool and banlt, working wlUiout any f a v o r l t lBm fo r llin cconomlc f u tu r e of overy oliild In Uio Twin F a lls schools, Tho purpose behind Uie m ovem ent Is eminenUy worthy In overy way. Let every factor la th is un ity p u t forth overy effort to. accomplish Uils.»imr. pose. . .

fOUR NEWmCHERS — - - - - - - - - - ^ E - S f t K l iB oard of KdneaUon E lects MIkbm Gor

' XeliJnard, Hobbs and Ja rkxun l< PoslUonB.

At - am regulni-m cH lntt-of .Uu»-tMan nf odurnlinn hold Mnmlftv ovenlnB Ja n u a ry lOr Ihc following lonelier wero Olcctcd to pOHltlons In the Twii F a lls schools:

"MIBB-EUcn-Ooehfii o f S t Chnrloi Mo.,vlakea Uie place m ade vacan t b Uio realgnallon of Mias G race Bultolp: form erly inHlruptor of German,*ln th h igh school-'" MIflS Goebel recftnU reoelved-her-m aaU r-’a -d o g tec—a t- th U alverslty o f Chicago aad Is a teacl o r o t wide experience.

MIbs Marlon U o n ard , o t Lake Cit; T i^ n T rta l to r th o -p la c o T n n d o -T O a in t-b tn o realgnaUon o t Mlaa E lizabeth Tr< 'riso. fo rm erly Uio fo iirth g rad e teachc <yf-^e-LjneolD>«<il»ool— Miss T.annar Is a g radua te o t the advanced court o f tho W inona s ta te norm al sCbo a n d baa bad several yea rs cxperlcac a s a teacher.

MIbs Lola Hobbs takes tho poalUc m ad tf-v T ic ttn t-b r-th e -re s lg n aU o n 1 M iss M argaret W illiams form erly tei cbor la th e secbnd grddo of tbo BIck school. Miss Hobhs Is a g radua te ( tho advanced course o t the Sllppol Jloek , Pa., s ta te norm al school. ■ SI .haa h ad fou r years of teacb lag e:porlenco. ( ............................................... ..M iss ijjc lJo Jackson tak es th e p slU oa created by tho addlUon o t ' i e x tra .te a c h e r ta the p rim ary sra<l< VISB JacKson’s homo lA In Enunoi Idaho, nod she Is a g rad u a te of U advanced course o t tho A lbion. Idab

atotO horm al.scbooL .-D urlag th e pro . 'en t y ea r sho has been teaching l a U ; B tirloy schools, w here sbo h o s .tau g . tor tb e lo s t fo s r years. Sbo wllI : ; assigned w ork In th e F i r s t A *ai

Second B grades-la th e B iekel Bcb«

' - - B t o ^ - w i n T i r T h r i i * r a * j ^ T - t : > h n n tla c o( dBcki la th ta le c tlo a . I : eordU tc ta -Jos F ltgcttiaon fl.4441^t iam ».isatdQ n,nw lto: t h a t M ~w

1; QlotiaK iB d th e aaU io rltttlr B tiitttB w f o flC r. Y U o U b n ^ i ^ . e

V f <UieuMin. \ '

lO T H lN fcD O N M —LOSTRIVmiEMl a i i n H a d e i [ l i a r i 5 0 : S a a w ~ Would Be D eprivcTof R ip B T - ~i r o u i i ) ‘T i s B x X i n ) S - n r - j w A O T T « - ~


3oard HoIdH H ^ s g »a U e Ifafiir* ^Ilu l IM era AeUoa UakB A IwMrDsle.

-More-Uioa-SOO-pcriionn,' ropreiwef* ng about lGQ nelUurs, w ill bo bbUrfjP ':o foroftko Uiolr lands on Big I-piR rlvflr-and-Ai^Ulopocrwokj:.XumlngJ»«— __ LO tjio Kovernmont donloln ubont tw sa- Ly-ulRlii thouuand ncreu of land , U iiUite uhould en te r Into a co n lrac t wMh tlio lUnli ConBlrucUon company Iw Lbe rebuilding of t h ^ i31g ^ a t n up r project, according to Sena to r RaveOM Macbeth, who uddrosBud Uio s ta te HMl lioard Tuesday afternoon.

Senutor Miicbclh said Uio aotUors la • Uliilne .. and C uster counUeo Intended tu''flKht Uio m atlc f to Uie end.Htepii will lie taken to provent t U Ulali ConuirucUon com pany trom tak- IPK v n te r from Big Loat- rlvo r'and A»- • lelopo creek, which, th e aonalor eoa- leiidu,. lu _.whiil. Ui0 „con«truc_U^_«0 B^__^._ pany Intends to do should Uio c b n t r ^ sulimilU'd by It lo tho land board M approved'by^'Wiat body.

" I t will s i l l i ly m ean U iat Uio couiM will hiive uJ“ determ ltio w hether tka-

wore granleiU fifty thousand In ^ M from Dig Ixisl river an d fivu thousaad Inches from A ntelopo crcck. a ro e( Rreuter woIrIiI than U io -rig h t-o f-tk e— settlers, who have come In, Ulled thslc InntlH, b u ilt Uielr hom es and otherwiee helped build up tho s ta io since Uieat-1^ nm im ' b)i. Ui{s' th a t lit'ory sotU cr !■ ' niulife and C uster rountlcB -w lll“00«»- — tribute toward determ ining th s lr - rlfihta. nc«iua(i.,U ioconBlrucU oneoia- pany ba« done noUilng all Uiciic years Is no Blgn the righ ts e f Uiesc aetUsrs can be sw ept away.”_ -Mr._ Macbeth-Bttld tlia t under Ike water fights■■grabtcd lo the 'con fttn** — Uon company In 190G (l would k a t even become neccsBary lo constructTa , dam, and tim t Uio n a tu ra l flow Crom

would b o ’am ple to I r r ig a te the t l S un it ot. twenty thouflsnd- a«re s .- J K— would m ean he said , th a t p r a c t i c a l $725,000 -w orth of w alp r rlgh ts w«bM bo IJlegally tran sfe rred from tk* Blalnei and C nater co u n ty -se ttlo rs irriga te the f ira t u n lt.o f th e 'co n s ln » * *- Uoa c o m p u y 's proposed work.~ a ^ ^ th a t the constrtiqUon company w oaU nol bo obliged to pay o u t a do llar W

Charles C. Sherm an, represeo tla* BctUers on ono of th e trac ts , .said t t * proposed con trac t w as. “pem lclous." Furtherm ore, he said . It was a -quM- Uon a s to w hether th e ' cOnBtructliB company could funOah tw o aero feet" o t Water' p e rn c re fo r the (Irs t un it to

• •»w lfrlitnfnfl-M.lilrh In tTie Arco trao t*• -of- tw e a ty - t lKm»ttnd - aercs .— H e-a i ee—

declared U ia t Uiere w ere llmea wHea” ihe BctUers would bo.obliged to haye moro lhan_tho am ount mentioned In

' tho d o n tm c t - Asked by the atto rney Rca'eral.'it be Uiougbt tbo’ land board-

' would be Justi'fled In. slf|nlnR 'tho coa«; tra c t w ith the construcllon compaay

phivlding th e company and sla te «a- ^ -glneer-t?ould -d em oaatra te - th a t-U waa ~* not possible to tu m lsh m ore than tw o -

acre fee t of w ater per ucrc. bo rep lts*• In the afllrmaUve^__^ ^ A ttorney Bnow- ~ reprcsehW [ ^ > i i r -* construcUon eom pony, said th a t w m ■ ^ Ihe only o f^w horgy

^ th a t th e sotU er w as '{q good faith . B e 1 i o i i ^ t h o m v e r . t i ia t a f te r {be la ltM 0 paym ent th e r t-sh o u ld be -a6 to rthar-

demands, .ouUldo p t In le ro s t to r pM - ™ slbly th re e o r five years. This m at* « - t however., w as up to the c o n s tm c t ta r ; .company; aad a ^ t up to h t a to d ^ d f i , ''1 Ho said tho constn ieuon com paay eda> t tem plated a bond o t C por c e a t o t Ifefl y esUmated cost o t th e coastructlea ® w o rk i

' No acUon w as taken by the boaxl - reg ard in g -th e c o n tra c t The-m oetlag

** Was ojoro l a th e n a tu re ot d b oarla t,“ aad I t iB like ly th e .jub joct wlU'.lfc ^ b rought before ih o board again a t aa

early d a te . . ' ,

IDAHO P p P U L A n O N I N C U A ^ I I. . . . . . ^

i t UnoOldal esU m ates boyo been « o»- « p U ^ r g l H n j r U i e '^ p a l ^ ~ o r d a e a ta l .U a l t^ S U te ih -K e w T e a t 's -d u , , 1. lU » --c o m p a re l~ w lth ;u ie ’'c eB B iu .A z­

u re s o t i«iO.- . T h a population b l A

IV y iiHffft O trtW:~POt 'iM>l

Page 2: I B i S f c s lOTHlNfcDONM— OfiGANEf iDAV ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN...»8od to crecl at Twln FullB. but not jj, itll todtty was my reQuest-compiled lUi

' ’ ■' ' - 7 -. . . TW im B A -W EBK T v n s i?M ,L 8 T M B f t T M D A T .'jA H . I t e — = - g g g — B g a ~


________ A -curloua co jitrast botw oco.tho 0tBtcroBt a t tbo BmnU. tw o -^hpo jod .fj^

WilSON fORCfS “ACCEPTANCE- ---------w A sH lN G T O N = B P fo rf^ h o -R u n

- attioDBl law -ot»-flubm(vHno-warfarc.------ iBnnT3r~gtTiijK(rTr)riw(r'gTc;irTnviionF]

^ »*J«rclianBO of otat<5 pnporsr^tUo Uni following in ternational codo:

---------M o-m crchnnt-nhlpr o^-whntoTO^-nn•tionallty alinll bo torpctlood w ithout

.■w«mlnK.Pmwcngcrs rind crow ^of rH nlilpa

kftltcd Hluill bo (iccurcd tn 't t "p lace of '* M fcty" unlcsu land Ih no ar and (lie

aoa la cnlbi.__ Shlpa ^•liich_nttem pt to oscapo by

■feht, rcfilut' cap tu re b r a tta c k Uio w bm arlno . forfeit p ro tection o f In- tarnatlpnal law for thu vbsnol and all ^ o a o nboanl.^lncludlns-.noulralB ,

Bnbibarino commandom m a / bo Jun- t*flod In torpodolnK o t auBplfclouB ^ d

rOVERlY ISiAUSE O f,- - - - - - “ i m n t t N E S S

t t u i irtao tnado Fonam a n e a lth fn l S«:r" Donblinff o f WftgM Wa# T h e I’rln -

7" eJpal'M 'eiins Uaed.

CHICAGO. Jan.-M & Jor QoGoral W ll------- Ittn rcrG O T fcos. who. wagtxl aucocsa-

ta l w a r aga inst tlio - 70 II0 W forer Bforgo n» PRoama. was p rw cn to d wtth

' C to 'go ld medal o f tbo G oograpblcal ■ocietr o t Chicago fo r h is d ls tln sa lsh - • i sarriccB to htuaonlty. ■

Tbo gold modal baa boon boetowcd-------6i ohly -tw o o ther mon, Captola

A maodsoa, who reachod tho sonth polo

alB, ^Milder' of tbo P anam a canal.T bo proscntatlon waa mado b f E>r.

^ a a k BllUngs a t a ban q u o t Gcn«nil____Oorgos BookQ .oa.^R tiaU oB in Itu.Kc-^

]SUoQ to Goography.” '"D lsoaso Is about a s stro n g and te r­

rible otf. onomy aa-any w ar th a t ts lllce------- }F-t»-lnT ade the United Statov.** ho

' ^ d . "T ho preyenlablo m orta lity In ' m Is country ta g rea te r than tho m or­ta lity causcd by tiie Europoan war. noU B onda and Uiotumndii of pereona d)o is Amorlca who could bo Kuved U tho aan ltary millonlum had boenroachctl. .....'■

........... '•Sclcnco know a-that th c clitcf' cnuBcof dlacaao ia povort>-—Umt dlacoae can a v rc r bo ollmlnated no long aa people

' a r s forcMl to llvo poorly and cloac to------- fa th e r.— W «-Q ro-cndeavorlnK -u>-tlo-

. srcry th inR wc c a n ,b y educating tho Boeplo. , In Panam a wo woro ab le to «im inat«; poverty/, Tho BovornnicnC

.l^ d .u B wngoa. Tho Kovommcnt doub- Ji< r\o u r wagcH. Poverty vanlahcd andwl tn 'l t diaeaao. _ . . : ______

"Hjaw can wo eilm lnato poverlyr* ttto general said. ' " I am n o t a aoclal- h t , n o r a alnglo taxor, n o r anything ra d lA l poliUcally. B at ono BoluUon Ih lhfrtthrawin^-npgn~Qf UBitiiPa~liiiiil^ hf thlB country. I t would n o t m a tte r if ono man owned Uio w hole United S tates ap lo n n ua he kep t It worked.

• B ut it l>ocom& dangerouH wlien one n a n owdb a 'g ro a t deal o t land and per m lta I t to remain unoccupied. I t tbo coDgcstcd city popuIoUon could be ttim od In ta Uila vnat 6paco a gn«it

------ BsrLiQt oa r , dln.ra'iv ffrpMi- im m u ilBolTo lu e if ." • - . • • “

6 Pet Cent Moh( to tSe Farmer

Idaho for 5No Commissions

- * I - r. Np E asleri

- Jlie lnter-M( , Credit; Al

■ Incorporated

606 M clntirc BJdg.

H .W .K leeb ,%_ --------- H o te l'f

T w in Fall*.W

' - . S^o F A H M L O

I GREEK TRANSPORTSt l= = = = = = = = = :^ : :b = = = = = = = = = = =

rltlBh and Oroolc iranspo rta is 'p feaen ti ta UBod by the Orooko, which tbo.form er

J f NEW INIERNATION UW^opfnn w ar bcgnn thcro"w an no in ter-— 'By-vlrluo-of-U nlted Staton’ domnnda, airflnnipportq i .by' th o~~m»ea~inrough~~ ltc<l SUitcii hofl been retiponiiiblc to r

•hontile-Tnnnbuvcm-ot"tr*TeRncl'-jnfltlfr belief In .llij houtijo intcntlona.

After n vcHHol halUi, even though haying originally a ttem pted flight, Huhmn^lncs cannot continue bnmbard- raen t o^ torpedo unt}t all aboard a re •■uecured." ■' ''

Noutral olilj.fl' carrylnK iibpolute contraband may Uc su n k w ithout m or- U llty . • '

An unoettlod point ia Uio num ber and caliber of gunn n mprcliftnt vcVhoI may carry and adll avoid claiiaitl- catlon aa an arm ed ohlp.


Jury ItotuTBH V i x ^ ' Y« dlet. Fire InclndlDff Rockefeller, Movt Stsnd New Trial

NE'W YORK-tSIi of th e elCYcn for­m er directors o t th e New York, N'<&w H aven & H artford railroad , chargcd by tho govornm ent w ith crim inal vio­lation o f tho S b c m a n -a n ti- tru s t la v , woro fonnd n o t gu ilty la to Sunday by tho jtiry th a t for n early th ree n on tbn hOB been trying th e camx The iurv diaagroed on tfio flvo otliore.

ThoRO o( whom tho Jury dlBagroMl xwererWJlUam JlMlcstftUor.-N&WrYarki- Charloa F. Orookor, Ansonla, Conn.; ^ h a r le a M. P ra tt, B rooklyn; Lewis Caaa Ledyard. Now York, and Ed--w ard -D ^o b b ln a .-N ew -H av o n ,----------

Tho T ^ d ic t was re tnm od n t 4:30 o'clock, Sunday afternoon 51 houra of doUbcratlon. and tho Ju ry was diB- charged. The final .vpte on..tbo flTjJ defcndanta upon wlUcli the Jurorn could not agree HtooiTS to 4 for ac ­quittal.

II. L. Batta, chief c'Dunscl for Uio governm ent, announced Uiat he would move for a now tria l o f these flvo. TliM will bo .(lone, ho aald. before any effort w lll 'b o made to t ry tho ai* oUier form er directom of Uio road th a t wore lodlcled, b u t who obtained Uio righ t to bo tried Separately.


ST. ANTHONY, Ida. — Iko Parke.

oho-half mlloft i<oat o f the MurrI corner, accidentally sho t hlm aolt laBt evening nnd died a t- tw o o’clock .thla morning. He hod b een .g o in g td the ttTnttny-fi-tvnu^ntlv nf-TMh nnfl fh a ftiP carried a gun for protection to hlm- HOlf against the coyotey, oa It l» re ­ported th a t many of tho coyotea are raad nnd dangcrouu to persona, and bad hia gun on him, when In aome unknow n m anner Uie gun was dis­charged. Uio bullet from Uie forty- four Coltii aulom atlc revolver paaalng UirouKh h l H bo<ly JuHt below the linart nnd lodged In hlB bade]

i y to JBe Loaned 5 of Utah and to 35 Years

No Renewals 1 Company _

luntain Ruralssociation$ 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0

S a l t L a k e C i t y , U t a h

dal Representative(ogerson- -----idaho .___________ •___________m

T w ^ n F cANS

y O H I H A ^ I t U

Li)d horu. . .BriUHh.^TommlnB._look-.wtth r pass on tho b lg b w a 'y jcar Saloyl)(L .


- M odicino-M iikorff-Jir^o-Statto-Cnpt--ta l Asxamo A ir o t A ncient Oracles.Jfany OucHslng'.

nOISK—Makora of pollUcal mcdl- I cine are n t work fixing up ull Borts of , brewa Uint w ill d ie c r and Inebriate• as well OB Uio diaearded bovopme > produced "under Uie, A n n li^ se r-

Buach" and, Ihtorcflted pa'rtics can gel ! any so rt of dope w anted in regard to ' oitlior prcsldenUal o r gubernatorial

candldntoH for Uepublican nomlqaUon. ' The RooacYClt boom-iii w orrying aome 1 or'U io pollUclanu, JuRt how many, It ' ia hard to any. The "Insldors" are

e ither troubled by It o r a ro piitUng up a good ImltaUon of the '"K n lB h t of Uio Rueful Countenance’*. T here la a .rum or abroad, however, to Uio effect

I th a t tho m pvement fo r the Rough Rld-

I Umo tho m an from O yster Bay will annoonco Uiat ho has no personal anblU on oxcept to servo hlB country, th a t ho Is w illing ib sajcriflco porson-

I o l toolhig to do th a t and-Uiat th e only th ing to do to w rost control o t thlnen from -tho diabolical Democracy Ib to got together on C harles B. H oghos and

' reproduce th e old ClnclDsatus stunt \ w ith m odem trlmmlfigs. Hughes la o ie of tho N ear ProgrenBlvoorwho-is

' quite saU etactory to a ll respecUblc ! atandpattera. They like bin opposiMon ' to the Income tax am endm ent aBd'hla ' alee dlscrimlnaUon ...between small- ^traflara and big baaeflclarlas-ot-^rtyl- , logo while g o v o m o r 'o t New 'York. II J la figured by Ujo follows who claim to r 1w**nert * th a t RuuaPTBlt-wIH-b p-^tilh■ ing to play th e rolo asslgoed so lonR ’ as Iio la taken into cqnfldcnco-before

hand. I t Ib an open aecret th a t some " 'Of tho T>oiiUcianinj7W'haciRnnntirT6V I tho presidonUnl nomlnaUon In. 1912 intended only-to use him to m ake Uio

* nomination of T aft pracUcnlly u^atra- ' able and thon allow him Uie'em pty* honor of throw ing tho prize to some■ one amoSg thcm selvea who would bo

Bfttlflfactory to a ll clements.-RotTSPvolt■ 'ia not a political am ateu r by any ‘ means. l ie w as w illing to take Uie- ercdit for nomlnaUng a coniproi'ilae ' man. providing th a t tho conventiojj i would' Hcnl enougli o f' hifl’ conteHtliig

delpgatea to give him control of ilic ‘ rnnvi'ntlon. This m e old guard did

not dare to do. and Uie nlottors ir KoosnveU rankH found lhem’a<ilve« out­witted. Thero Ib rea lly lUtlo chance

' that lioroli will get the nomina'Ionf even if thoBO who hand o u t tlie above dope are m istaken. B ut he will i?el

• plenty of advorUalng tbroughou* tli- 'r country, will- have a large, dc leg itlm

In the convonUon and will gain plenty ‘ of preaUge in Idaho. Ho ha« rco n tly ‘ conferred wiUi Teddy and tho men «ro; 'W:or.H!n&-tog£iiuic---------------------------- u-i.r lu Uio meuniTnio u ie auiu! aiiuittin'i . Ib causing p len ty of vcxaUon of Kplrll , among Uio pollUclanB. Captain DaviB [ io openly In tho field on a platf.irm . Uiat would .dOYoUiH jtd L In to - a plat- ; form.'dn which H ughes 'ough t to run . for prcHident, if he ough t to run a t oil. , I t advocates amall rofonns aa {unda-

t u r ifrcBpectabie folks disturbed. Dnvis Comes out strong aga in st necUonallsm. which Id n goojl move on his pacL i]l0£o if th a t Ibbuo should govern ho would be out of Uie running. Before tho civil w ar In tbia country, the Democrats, in dvder to hold the p.arty .togpUie_r,_wc.ro_ln.Uic h(iblt‘;of.nom la- aUng n o rthern men wIUi floutlipm leanlnga. Tiie poliUcians in tlie north end arc tak ing Uielr cue from Uila lind aro ex’ a lh ln g t l ia l^ ^ i l lo from tlie north, ihctr ll?nrt« hea t In .unison with tho ppuple 0 ( U16 south'. Lieutenant Governo r H prmnn H. T aylor, who n<;sii7 hla" acnlp in l5 l l . to Hcilio? J. W. T anner of the F ile r Journal, is out for aoniuUiIng b igger Uila time It ia iiald by Uiosc who ought to know. *Frnn)<- A, David,-of Moscow. Uiiuks

h(‘ waiits to bo governor and thin will divide the -n o rth . ' T here-lB a rum oi abroad Uiat S ta to ‘A uditor Tuntdn was a t a conference held in Spokane and that ho brought a ll so rts of aasurancet of Rood will from tho aoulhorn county poiiUcIana. H uaton denlCB th is and -Uie Heutennnt governor denies th a t he attended tho conforonco ta question Guy MarUn is menUoned fo r both gov- ornorahip an d -fo r Ui« *io»ltion of aL tom ey g^trcral.

In- the moanUmO Kcntiment in the Democratic ran k s Ib unonimously It favor' o f WilHon -nnd Alexander. / Hmnll elem ent o t tho p arty oppose th« prop&rodnesfl ideas of UiC proflldent ii Horao roapocta, and aomo DemocraU aUll retain an affection tor W. J. Dryan but they feel, th a t though Bryan maj oppose Uio preporednM S_ program , i Qocfl n o t niean iRat lie ■will rcfusisrt flupport PrCHldent W ilson after th' convention.' To HUpport a llep in n icw and elect him over W ilson op th a t is

alls Title & AlH o t e l P e r r i n e B u i l d i

§ 66,000 SM r -

H f i t — \ V 7 i T i n i i c - c 5 t f t i > i . • « ? 4 ; _ _ _ Y Y _ r o a r k n b l o : ^

- .m o to r c a r in d n___ -a d e s ire to d is c o v e r at

h o w siicli a'U pm anU can ■\Vliilo i l Ih e a s ie r to niia th o oveint .thnu before . K it»alion-<JoiU ai38Sf«I^ 'd in te d 4n a d v a n c e — nni r c sp o n w b ld fo r th e in Bflle o f u p w a rd oi! GG,(H

" d iK tinc tivo ty p o -liad n — they-ln iH ieluH l - -tlie ir

tw e lv e m p n th s - th L 'y TT c a r s in liic haud.s o f lii<

P ' 1------- r.Y crtliO .v 'k n e^v .'tjlia ftl]

i ; i V l neconipliH lied rn iu lily .s im p le . T h e y h a d oiil a .d e m a n d . .

T h e In iy e r o f a vulvc-iii ' a f a d d is t . H e is n tliii

m . ■ lo an t em o tio n a l o f molt) . 'H e ia n o t s w n y c d ea.Hily

" S ta m p e d e d .”

- .ITe h a s n o t a r r iv e d a t

i f e n •who w ill posfiesn •iHSSi: • V alv e -in -h cn d SV4i,*i th e e n d .o f th o 1916 si

- th o u g h t S tx a n d V a lv e .tliey b ecam c ow

C a t a l o g u e a n

I - UNE725T5 Oldest G an

0 ------------- ■

s i s

aue would, i t Is pointed out. be "Jump- Ins from Uio try ing pan into tho tiro,’ and th is has n o t been a policy of Uic NobraHka. Btateamon. Ho aupporUx! ‘nrker ag a lna t Rooeovelt, w idely as In

.dfffored from Uio New York Democrat becauBO In a ^ to of suporflcial appear ances'Park 'er was bearbr fuhdumudtali to tho B ryan theory of govemmeni than tho R o i^ h Rider. H is preaoat at- •tUude 0 ^ tbo Commone r ia thorefort l io rg lv In jrD em o cra tsT icrc much' con­cern . ■/

PROGRESSIVES Will UNITE — 6NlY*0^-TERMiBepifbUeMS * i ia t Agree TTItt Then —o w -ftuM ltdsta. Aa d -A d ep t-E ca ife s “ a lv e 'P la ifo m . ---------

CHICAGO—The p ro g re ss iv e . p artj w ill holA-ltfl-naUonal coavonUon June .U a 'C h ic a g o , concurrenUy with th< national convenUon o t tbo Rcpubllcoii par{y, In tb c hope th a t both m aj agree 0 0 the eamo candidate for prw-

Thla~acU(JirwaB decldcTupon T u e s day by tho naUonal committee of thi P rogressive porty. Forty-seven of th« 48 . s ta te s -w ere ropresented a t th< moeUng. Before adjourning tho com' ^nlttoe o p t e d a decloraUoa of prin ­c ip les ,< a which the admlniBtraUon o: PreeldCDt 'WIIboq w s s ' criU dzcd for iti a lleged -fa ilu rs to deal adequotfilf-.wlt^ naUonal honbc-Jind -Induatrlal w dfari and the P rogressive party w ent or Xf‘cord_afl_lavDriag--S-.complcto -prc. parednesa conaisUng of m ilitary a r m om ent as w ell as mobilizaUon 0 : a ll tho coun try 's resourcea ^ ith a vicv p{ -tlje u n lQcntlnn of Amprlgnn_gltl, tenshlp.

A toessago was read from Colone Theodore Rooacvelt'urBlnBUlie nocos a lty for adequa te preparedntfiB, whidt w as cnthualaaUcaliy nppllUdcd— .

P rogreaslvo leodors declared tha there-wou1d-b«-nO-nmolgnniaUon wlU tho R epublican party, even in th' event o f both parties choosing th sam e prosl(lcnUal candidate. Tho Pro greaalve p a r ty .p la n s to nom inate : naU onal Ucket a t Its eoDvention ii Juno.- '-, Many of the.'part)^ leaders declare

th 'at I t th e RepubJicaos will nominht Rooe'oToU. or. .any o ther .innn who i r o j^ d o d a s nnobJecUonablo and wil Iscorporato In tho ir platform the sc llont, fea tu res of the Progresalve prln clples, both .parUcs wiU unite on tb aamo candidate in Chicago n ex t Jum


A big box.soclol will he held iindi ih B -au ap icea ..o t th e ll,o y a l Order < Mooso; In-MOOBO hallrM onday OTonlni J an u a ry 17, 'lA dl.es bring we filled baskets.' Pce^ance.-E>rerybo^ welcome. - —Ad

istract Companyn g , T w i n Falls, Idabo

IXES FOR 1 WHO KNOVM m cn t o£ — ThojK t-oLpu,g roOTrd j u - t h e ____s t r ; : t t e c a r i » c ,,d te s t w h y , m l le in to ex istence..Iy7.ocan.He8 a f te r vn

' .th is p a r t ic u la rdnuaSZnillm rprCz— — to-bcar-'Z lircci ;1 wuH, T h e m enin n iifa c tn re a n d S eco n d ly — th )0 c«r» o t n v e ry ' p la 'f o r in o f j „ ... isR iv in B sM n „pu lscB .ovc ,

- f i r s t isin s t p lace th e se Km6othn'e.s3;L‘ X rn c riacn pub- f ic ien cy — cco

. , _ ta s te d n n d p:

le ^ tf tR k 'c n iiid h c ’ -^ S o iio ro iia p h r 'r iu i i r w o rk wjw w ith th e u p w y to 'r e s p o n d to

T he d e le rm ii In in d red s of! ■

i-liead S ix is n o t easily ; sw if tl; iiker. . - l i e is tlie — a n d th e nnr c a r p u rc h a se rs . - ^ .............•. I Io c a n n o t be D esp ito o u r

1916 B u ick a inuH, b e t t e r u

Uis d ec is io n h as- finiiah— g re o t p r e a te r q u n l D rovious mo(

th o u p w a rd o f n iah ed com pl ix e a .lo n g b e fo re . .soaon .-w iU h av o R e g a rd le s s 0 -in -H e a d m o n th s p rice - y o u pi n e rij. ' g r e a te r v a lu e

id d e t a i l e d s p e c i f i c a t i o D B f u r s

i A U T O M O B I L Ii g e a n d A u f o m o b i l e F i n n

-------- TWIN FALLS

!, __ *niifl h u g e a ra o u n t 'w i l l j' , the moat'suitabie idea for a t

H ie Diamon4\ IS w o n te a T T W

‘ poiB^ to eonaider:

* W ^ t Becomta of the Di" WEaTBecomea o fK lEw

Wlia^ is the late of Blah What Happens to Tiviai

’ E x c J te m e n t a n d th r i l l kI tf irs o f th is r o m a n tic n o v e l. ! ' F r i d a y ’s i ^ u e o f th e T w in F o

i O r p h e u i^ S e n d y o u r

i North American Film Oor£pn- ------------ — -11^------------- (

: ~ EW ES 11 C o o d m o u t h , c r o s s b r c a n d M a r c h , f o r s a l e ; r i g l

' o n e t h o u s a n d . ___

I ___■ S h e e p b o u g h t a n d 8ol<0 h a v e n ’t t h e s h e e p y o u w

- CASTLEFORD LA^J Phone. * » . . ....... .

1 A s k Y o u r. A r r o ’,c . . . ,0. -

O u r G u a r a n

;; G o e s W itl:1 _ J _ — . KTMBBHL'

V. I •

|T, Limited Moc

S w *

rcliaao is .an o u tw a rd m a n - . '1 oo n v ic tiom -''V '* '...... - r -

s id o ra tio n a b ro u g h t t h c i a " ' w !% ’

ve in tho h e a d is th o ono R ing th e ex p lo siv e p o \v ^ r ly -u p b n - th c -p is to n :-------------------

1 a ix i.s tlio' o i t ro m c ly alln - lo to r in w h ich th e p o w e r '

- - :: Mp o w e r T ho Bocoffd is - 'B o th a r c flexibilit}*—^ f - ' iljfj.* lom y. B o tii a ro t r ie d , , ;!;*♦?

: \ ■ , H 'iBD'haa lind nothing-to:^o------. r d o f 6C,000 sale . 'min g f a c to r h a s b e e n th e jfiS i? h o u sa n d s o f carB r u n n in g ' t*%v4 ■, d e p e n d a b ly ,' n t l o \ ^ c o a t ' ne B iiiek .

.......... Wif.o w e r p r ic e w c g u a ra n te e - t co rita in > in o ro d ro p fo rg - j b o l s t w , b e t te r p a in t a n d ■' jr u a l i ty th ro u g h o a t— ty th ro u g h o u t—th a n a n y els. B u ic k eara a ro fn r - _■?to to th o Bm allc^t d fita il. . •

th e c a r y o u b u y o r th e y , n o w h e re can y d u g e t

shed on request

i CO. Ioujhern 2 ^ ^

0 0 . 0 0B g iv e n to th e ono w h o Hu p g c s ts___1bqoel to

1 from the SkyO -w d i^ s o r less ... T h e se a w th e “

- ' ■ " — - - unond? ___rOhfld? "Stanley.?Blaratoa?____________ _ _

Uows'-thrill in the closing chap- lead this mteresting story in tho lls Times. See the pictures at the

1 T T h e ^jolution to the-a m . 7 1 _ W e n t2 3 rd 8 t ', » e w ,Y u rk _ : , .

’O R SALEd ewes to lamb in February t prices. Any number up to

on comnMMion bwis. |f we int, \ ^ 'f o ) d t h ^ ' for you.D & SHEEP COMPANY

U4I &sk j i Trut Bids.

r ^ r o c e r f o r y F l o u r

tee of Quality I E veiy-Sack. -r Tvrn.T.TWQ J 3 Q ^ ______ ____ ^ ^ _____

nthly PiffSiSif: ITY LOANS

Page 3: I B i S f c s lOTHlNfcDONM— OfiGANEf iDAV ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN...»8od to crecl at Twln FullB. but not jj, itll todtty was my reQuest-compiled lUi

..... ................................................................ - ■ r in iB W w a tj iT O J rA iM .'W M fc - ' '^ ' ' : , v ■■'»».■ ;_


J h ^ W E f l H A l N■ 1 1 ' ■■.■ " ■ '^

lull (leiioftftji «Ji<l}||} tin- In tliQ ycnr uboul

-a ' - . ' . -’.'Tl'e.Twln rall3~BnnJr:fir: 'n_||(| *wnrfl to n.proHporonB 191C tn

’ m wuritsj to*<fo*oiii;rni« \tIIU YOU81 HoiiTarciillly.'

_ I _____

V ' T W ir < F A L L ST R U S T C 0 ^

I — \.T .»E; U N I V E H

. You.wahfto know \vlin

___<io.... The milllpn-car^Hwers yoiir tiuestion. inir needs of all clawcs,

- H K I - . ----------■ m a '„ . . , i „ U u . a l i . . d C j' ' two cents il mile—ivitl—---- vTco bnhind-iL. Tmivhi

. Coijpt'Jct .frjyO;' , dini $740: f. o.

il side lit

, We^tern' Auto (

___ :____ c i ^

r . T. B R A C U N , P r ^ m---------------------URBAH'TIUC

The Idah^- ^ ' O f ^ T w i h F


» - V . I N T E R E S T P ^ O ]

~ S e e r U ^ " F o r -

Don’t Scratch___ ____■ rh ip Fi»mA/1y, la m ;

' , lar c«e;' If yo« h»ve an . acaly, uae Dry ZensaL I

or any watery ieroptioa, I the r ^ e f yon havo Been a

*■ —City.JPtocmacy.

T H E H R S T N A '

i . . I n v i t e B y ^ ~ to - s e e '7OU'Tmiy-0-ahy;fitiir

------- d«c-i-d«^.—^W-e-a-pe^tt.’ the.' t r a c t . . Our,

— ■—ygHf-d-i-BP'OSal: -■■■

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you }iuvu fontU lvi] to f

V . ' " • ■ m ,-• R \ i ' <

iBt'.,.comDauy. looks.forr. . - -- -J tlilii (.-ointnunfly and It ' || i

-lu-itmkhtfi thiu cxpc'-tu-

-------------------------------------- : -avB A N K & yIP A N Y ^ «»>

— „ --------------- wl— — — > hli

' - s s g a a ; , ', ', ; j - ■ hatj,.IIII“ * I


j t r I fn. ^ S m IeeW^y / II do

r * ■ / 81r ntc_____ ■ . / 1 _ <leS A t ' C ' A W - - " — - .- ^ 1 - - -

I '30ujII

t your m otor car ^vill ' I S ord p cr£onnar<ic im- il s«Supplying th e 'n ia to r ' I Iho F ord is opcrnted I

Il univenial Ford sQr - ii' C 'ju-ltllO I luu J iout — “T o u t) Ciir $fMO; S e- • | | |roit. On display nnd ’ I si

II'o v , ^ T w i n - F a l l s - _ '

I L. 5

-------------------- 1 I .. .g

^ ^ ----- -— ~• • - I *' -1 II "

■ ' ' '1 : ... t

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DB. O. R. SCOTT. F lc* P r M ld u t <m X .C nhU t. ------------- ---------- -J,' I. ■ .. , . ]

S t a t e ^ B a n ^ ^ ^a l l S r T d a h o '

^ 1 ^ , 0 0 0 ^ i

M T I M E D E P O S I T S i

Farm--toaii8■ . i

— U s e Z e n w l

ide to reach youc n a r ti o t t - _ __E atfim a t h a t .» »1ry in .! .•

t yon have weopiDg skin )uy. M oist JZensal.. nnd get - ;eeldnff; ‘ 50 i» h ti t h i -jar..

n O N A L B A N K . '

i t s - o f f i c ers.w hen J ’ i c l a i -qiie st-iona- to - le ^ ld e s t-Jb a n k L o n — . e x p e r ie n c e i s a t-

E of T v ra ;F m •

■I ' I ' . i . ■' ............ .. ■''- I ^ i t «• - . ----------, s m

S I 0 i ) 6 0 F o f 1 . 0 0 0 S .

W o r d s o r Leasr o r a n Id ea F o r a S e q a i^ to


. “THE. D I A M O N D F R O M ^ ™

THE Sl^Y” zT B e"A m tfic iitf F n m M t n o f s e ^ ■ ^ tu r in 8 -C o x n p a n y !a lP i£ la r ik « 4 — : &£< R o m a n tic N ovel In C h a p te ra . \

......... ............. - fro

T k ti contest is open (o t n y m tn , ^ w om an or chilil who is not conneeled, p direc tly of inilirectly. w ith tho FiJm. C om psny or (he new ipspera publish* .m ^ h e - « .n lin t.e< > -.to ry .-N o-U U w y- - ^ftbilily is necesssry to <]Uti!ly ks • j contesU nl. ‘ ' " " „

Y uusrcA ilv iseJto see th ec o n lin u e d 'photo pl«>' fn (lie thcslera wb >• » 'J J "j; be~ihown- -to re»d the story s s il ru n s every w eek, snd ihen send in your •u(l({»«lion^ CoolesU nts m c i i l 'c o n - ' , f ine iheir 'con tnbulJons for th« le a u d 'l a 1 , 0 0 0 t v o r d J o r fe ^ J . It i t ««■ jh6"/rfif iH hnfJrw in iB i--------- -------------Su

nil—------------------------------------------------- lt»

» 'N O P 8 ia -O F -P R E Q E b lt> JG -C H A R .- -ItlTERQ . • Iir

A fcu J lini> pxlBK'U btiwceii Colon'ci Ar- . "t< lur lataiiluy unit I>>m cuuhIm. Jtiiluo !.^iniar :n{ilev. ovnc uii hvlrlooni. d lainonJ om tlio nky, fouml In u fallvn inttflor b> .1 nnceslor. Alno llm nucccnnlon to tho ‘ ;anlcy ciirlclom lii nw y como to *'!(I Amnrlcnti. When n OiiuKlitor ta born |, ; ) the colonel mill tlio m oUirr Ole* th* >lon<il-buys u. sypay tjoy on<I'"UiiHtlCuleg Im. T liree y«»ra iDrep-tlio tjyp.iy m other. «« nvlnK had. no pa rt In thla ijurKaln, a'teola U 10 Kin. i;«thcr. rcnrc«l in aec rtt. and* invM her son unil«tcvtcil na iho h«lr. Tho yjiny hoa obtained jioucanlon oC th e dla- , lontl from the aky, nnJ u Uocumunt w ith t l to Sinnley accret. Years la te r Ilngar, t || }-|iBy queen, rciuriia to V lrsh ila w llh 1C>- i f r n r . l.i-e. tli« Iftto a tan ley 'arIcnA a(3o[)ia Huilier. ArD iiir bimiioy, aon *• t (lafrnr, falli> In loro wllh la th e r , and 0o 01 ocfl hla 'canipnnlon nnd cousin. Dlalr itmley. rlsliU ul mulo heir of Stanley. In' Lenllnic tho dlumond Ulnir cnuara tho eat)i_ot (he iloctor and tr ie s la t« r to ’pu t 7< lie blani'e im in lTTuri who takea th e gem. U -A rthur Stanley oludta hla Dur»uort_aniJ )lna tlnga r. who reveuin lila Idetiflty in f l , Vbrnldfl hhii fo r hla wild )lfe. N eeding loney. lie pawns th«.d lnm ond In Ilich* st lond. Al a bniu o t which un ftdvcnlur- jji «j, VJvloij NDMton, w rnrn lho borrow ed ^ em. Luka Lovell. H ngar’a gypsy guard.- toala tlio diamond. A rthu r.Ioavaa iUch- nond and goea to the went. Q uabbo. o r- p an grinder, befriends Kaiher. , QTom Ulnkp. B dPtectlvo of Richmond.

T ints convlctliiic lllalr. HnKor propoM s ' » Hence to Mrn. Sliinley lui iho p 'rlA of Iggnf'n nnd R athrr'a bclnic rceelvBd In

:or tind niwilo tlicr llnsor prlnis. .leavlnR J] ho jtytiay nim?n domontrd. M um iadulio \ Imythp. lawyer, nrrlvi-a lo iinnounco f u a » u r- to ,h c ir . ln -lltp.^tlcCgaBwl_Jvft{li^ -j\ Jtanley. Loarnlnk- A rthur la ii fuglilve, ho ipclca Ulnlr Inuttiid, • ^ w l h V ivian. D lalr •> lU'ala Iho d ln m o n J /^ j iltr jnarryliwr hor m d leavlnn for U&^wcai. T heir irn ln la I robhed, Vlvltin lonlng tho dinmund. which i alRln-tm lji robber liropft tn Iho .d<.-"®rl-. rh o tloo.000 hu mole In fotiiul hy A rthur, low known na J ilm Powi-il. iili.vp herd6r. Luke I^ovoll, ilrlvi'd from fho 'c .im ii a fte r cum lng Iln»:ar'B n c w i . lunvert. lo bccIc nialc. Utigitr la under trcinm ent, luid IJa- ilicr la In nichniuud aoclciy. Abe Itloiim. jnm bler, knowa DInlr'a guyv nml covuta lh« diamond, • •-. • - t

T he diamond la la ter picked up by an Indian woman.,- p r. Lee. A rihu r lenrna. l ie d o t he&rt dlseoae. Uecomlng very rich, h o -^uya-fllan toy—H U >r-*oM -»t-auctIoa .— ttaraugh Blak«. nnd alao provldea fo r Ua> g a r afld & th e r . Lube l«va )} buys tile d ia­mond. b u t loaea It In a f lfh t. ____

V lvU n U a«.v«l £rwa d row nlng-S y J ow- ell, w ho la In fatuatad b r her. Bmythe anda th o dlamond and glvca II to -E atho r to de liver to A rthur.

B la tr Joins V «nin-Jn-L o» Angele*. Dm- » « a r ’T R n r8r« « n iw » l» " -» -fro o k know n - to V hPU iu .(ft«s.to .aB aJoon .to t ry to dla* e«v«r th a diamond. Th«r« h* u o e ts Luko LovalL S a th a r and A rth u r a p ^ r oo tba *e«nit=*“T ha=^la»oB a'-»#-lon ln-Tk-m «tt«r - Z M b«r aavea A rthur, w ho ta In jtm d . and h a COM to L o t Angelaa t» ear* o f tb a vB r-

Is rstfuaaa adm lttaaoe to a ta htm . In the m aantlm a th e d lanond la foand by tw a bfflpoatanv ona o f wkom m s r d a n the ■othar fo r IC A rthur la "dppad" by D u ' n n d . O a V an s and Vivian.

B l ^ m akes A rthur ballava h a auSer* ed H 6B1 niUUeiluiUUB tn 'i l i l i in n c 'h a • E athar. tA ba ls ''nlirQadad'*-.to prlaoo by BU lr. A rthur bays tb a diam ond. Blair, try to s to take th a ta rn fro m Durmad, who Btaala I t from A rthur, h u r ls D nrand from ft window, kllllnc h im .' B a tka r a n d Sm rthe r a ta m to-V lrxlnla,-tb«-«lrl.r«}«lnIhg Ba* c a r a tU h a aasltarjam . 7)>a d iam ond l« atolan by 6 4 V auz, Who aaainnaa tb a nam e Z ^ncla and kldaa w ith t t H a is aCruok down and th a diamond DUcan a f ia r Luke. ■idad' b» Q u ^ b a . 'a aciBWL -M athac vrin no t l a a T ^ I S a r s n r ' ^ ^ riif f tfu r

a n t and in fenaad o t tb a tcaa atiary o f V tv. (an a n d Blat^, ia -about to ta k a poiaan Jaat • a Luka kraaka la lti 'U s room.

C W A P T I ^ I v .*... A Ramaftjr Rya.

A T R A N O B t io v o f <*t«l Tb« fcm’ w s a s T r j a n B s ^ ^4 . ■ nw B ^ charm Mgalatt barm ’* * ^ . k a d ooma to ,b « a cow e.-w ns 'g raip»4 ftgalo b7 Lbk* Lovell'a.STPijr -b u d g tba t, strosg m tbey wera. were B«f«r to bold Itl

JotuL'lVwell, •im fitim e Artbi^r S tsn. l e r ot.StaolMT Hall,, bora ion of U asn r .B ard ln s,:M t c< (U ap^ in bla c b a ir^ -:~A*-LQlte L o r c l l .g M ^ tbe'dtainond tbo p n y t t c t B assr.flan«re<] to the UbiB.: Lalta ^ W le d and to te It trom

-A itH ort rarttttn r-'gnup .'flrfnccd -tlt it u M b M e d 'l t b6ck In 'aeom .

life . BOftr •neared. “Live ■oft In yonr liixory w hile 1 b a «

>deired Uko a bunted woU la th e w lldn ^ n t n n w T t h i n UTe M f t . a n d -jo ik ab a U b i - r a r ^ te n r a n ta n d - tn T ^ S ia l c f t t^ P l r i t . - yoo »b«J) fe a d M e r ■ . . ♦T-Asd li t ik e rp litin r- tb e d la m o a d isa tn 1& i1*n" ii t ml ***tiood th a t bad b e « D .b ro n sh t-^ m a tte r ;9 rtb » 4 to aH botin^acoi b n t.w b ^ M b a i «oo l ■ h a t t a t e d . w q ^ J u d s o t i b f t b e t c t .to ta a ta ^ .-__ - I , . . • • . i ' . : •

- v A r t a a 'daM,- a i 't a - a d m a v A A b u

d - w t t t ^ - b O M 'u a - v t tb a o t f e u - Om ti#B t;bopa;and_wRljfiBtJearUT«^_Md nseb«d tbe eod ^ aTenrtbbvK. did

iiraTcr »e bta-rootbar~li5d ooaio T l l a 'a ^ T w r s c in tbia W tir 0f-tUi-" liS se 'gB d bamlllatlou. be<

bcr ' / o u o f ;c>of2)«rbood aad tb* .. rtUr«Ali*ot bcr mnturtty. 'R stbcr. [ 3 >m bo bn<l detpollcd of bIrtbrlKht I patrlmouy. her atCDdfiist fa ltb otit- l |

m) a t last, had left litm in scorn and^ '' ^tempt:------------------ ------------------ :--------Tla lr r fo r“wtn)«n-wkc-bw-bnd-^bome- cscrrcdly thu hranO of Cain nnd by flight rrum Vlri;li>ln bnd tieccptcd

iuma of-Qialr-'a 6 J ilJ t./o c^ c jtiu rtltr_ . Dr. Leo—Blnlr. ti>o. hnd Ijecu falHc..la lllilcflii.lu i-u .v .cry.triia ti(__________Irion? Tliu , droi>[tril_ ’a» hlH cynH. Shi'. tni>. w a s faliic. "nn lidd nlwiiyti licoii.

'Itl iu iil fe a r a n d w tlh o u t lic)i>cl .NliL'd. ctn/.od. tlio m> call(‘<l .lotiu veil t’aW’d a t tlic iKilnoniHl KliisH <if tiil.r iv lth ir)i}<*h Iio IijhI . hIoixJ J(' li-uIIiIuim.TluriliiEUi~u-ii'i'it~riii:.v-iinrr';.sL ln.u|iini h im .', . . . _______‘Ill'll IiIh I'vc-i inriK^I iijxiii I.iilii- liull- h is (ouil lll:i. a I'livi.ii.niK animal, ■

[ lo.ll; siiaii;:..- to y .n i. Initki-; hiild ;;i\ iinsivvrlin; H iiriou l; a m i fipcaUliiK U n nnm tli full. - - , ^•lVl«'>‘-^llllVnil nir<-l|llll l1u*.V--<>ll|>jXr(1

III. {lie fieii, irlu-Kf jw ii Hiiil 7iI;»Jr__XhL,i:xyix3iuiUu_wim- .1

till" tliiit w a'i iici'ili'il mjuliiHi I. lloor.-l^'iiDniia R.vi'H.v. ■■■ I IT liuy hliiii inh n ji IlUc a _ r» t In n JrU .lrum .lL e-ilK l]l.iU i‘.L a lrJ!iJL r.y ll.‘‘iL ISson fur Ktpalln;: tlur nuiiii'y th a t ynii Ic, th e inoiii'.v frcitn tlu* t r a in rol)’ ry! Oil. I w on t hat-lc o v i 'r l i i l l o y r clc.s anil I fiiijiiil llm d i'in i litirKis iind ounil tlip pni]ity cai'ho. '.I’lioPo « 'cr«WH ]i1Aln i^noUKli; w lii'n 'l Kol o ilt o f iHon nnd wi-iit ImcU. * pT h a t Htuk'ii in<iiii‘V yon foniKl Iniiti- jc r t waHMlio Hliirt o f .y u u r fo rtiu io . ••. Jo h n I’owc-ll, Till- nimii-y w a s "I* :rcUy.,ri'ii;ilil hy you . Imi wlu'-n lUcy URht oni; o f ilio jionr rolilii-rs—iis Q [!j t l i o u k lil- tn ini‘. tlioy mrnc tni* to f jiyn. _ *’•1 iloh’t look llltn I nf*L-il fo ^ 'ilo I? ' '

, ij..:U p ik 'scri con liJii 'l w holly tnl:o ''■

ray . . . fci‘I'm ililiiiicr. too . h u t I 'l l f a t t e n on (I. I 'll m m rc y o n r life , f o r you nre* HKnr’a non. b u t If I ko to p ^ o u ’ a lU -j 'o u .\\J l l_ p o ^ w » b £ ic . f o r I llnvo . 0 proofa you fo u n d a n 'd 'n i c D ' th o , 3lcn uium-y, a n il I kn o w y o u lo f t Vlr- hln ns A rth u r S tan le y , n ccu scd of ~ iinJcr.' ,“W nicrc Is y o u r no c a lle d coiiHln, you r i) and fc llo 'y crooU. B ln lr S tan le y ? lit w ith th e f a i r Indy, I snpptiHc? H e m il feed and c lo th o tne nn il b e niy in u crn u r--------------------------------------- - -"D u rn in l ,. wlio lii 'lped you Uvo r a i l ' mil nii> tn nrlsDii Ih ilead . I H ear .Ml „ iur;;i-iinr-iiH'n.- oli. thu'-vvhoi^* 6r-y''^Tt' - ■i-ll. I «liall Ijc ic coiillc'jm 'i/'. r<«». n ■KUliir Uoniiiuy Ity e . 'Y ou UnowVwhat | m t-^rofaua—lL—iueiiua_uy .usy ...i:eu lli::.. .j iniif A nd ii.jw t im t 1 h iiv c 'fw l. com e ,


^riihur W itheut'H opa Mtl'W IUt*'out ra s r .

i n d - « l c i e - m # r ^ I w - f l a n J ^ ^ ibImp, to yOa abtU be mr flo sk /l Oo», ^fflnaBT B ts ■B-Takt-tO-aPP tberr'

A od 'L nka ra w from wbar* be b i f lo a te d T u d A rtbn r foUowed b ba w ^ <w L a -w o r t ia .)> te . iq i l t .y C g » re i- jn l m tiO reb * apata to* .

• • • “ e - e • •I b * tto fin bad paawKl: a f«w beavy

Ifopa f«U froiB tb« taaXag* o t Uw Ur* »ak a s a b l« « ! t s tbey died o a tb* eah b e n o t tb« RDoklDg n i la t o t H agar'a ran . . .- DpOB-ttae-ffroaBd ^ t i i i r koolt, bold- b if t U bead of tb e dylnff B asa r, for. □ag&r .was dyln'g, tlew ly dying. •> '«

81ac«.tbelr Jonrney w estw ard abe bad to n ed .an d faded, slowly b u t torely. Nothing but beA deep .lore t n E ttb e r < •nd ber a trooV fiiitb th a t tbo cociU I reach b n . son in tlmo and ta rf t b ln | bad beld B agaz to life. '

A h t l t e t t o r heartaches Ibrougb th# years, ao rrow t-aod lacnflcio 'bad tap . p ^ . ber o p in t and ber p b y ile a l' • trm g tb . -Only - a tw ee t. complacenL' fiil.tb'bad BQttalned b a r . ' ' ' ■

B st.« o w tbe. tbock o t tb e Ugbtslng itroke. th e tm ralng o f tb a r a n and tb« expoaore to tb e tto rm bad battaned tbe 'p ^ l n g of B a g a r , . ---------- - "=-^-=4BttPf:i<»g_Jonr»ay--waBt*ajSL: t l o ^ b n t tu re ly m orlng onw ard, they bad caacbad w ltbb i tom a tw enty b Sm

Abgelea and t^ e end o t tbialir <:aett to r A rthur. , . f •

Beaolota tn tb la great to rrow aod'ca* ta ia jt i '^ ^ ^ a r^ w b tsp flra d to th e b a l ^ « a d loyai Qoabba to mount'ooiT

. S r ^ 'J i o n M a apd

il^ovaw-Mortaig oaraleada- Of K7P- i l a f ^ bM t t a n b a l e ^ <£MaQuabba

b« caravan waa not fa r bcblnd. '1 a , K f m a A n trfe t B aaa t - I1' g lren orders to move Ibronab thu i

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g g g s g g g g g g s r - T ] b<

- -

' tl

p t r o f t H iy g . .L

l l a ^ M .


■ther Sant Quabba Back to the Cypaiea.

iy~on the" bufHkfrts "of tlie cliy that ns their JoW nty'd cud. IlcarluK nabbn'u crk'S. iljo iO-|ib1cb lashed their red bon<e». und soon Ilngar wuh In10 lovliiK cnre of th e womcti of her •lljo. with LIsther iilwnyH be«Vle-her, oldUiK bcT liiiml aud coinforlltiK Ihe ylijiT “"oTiimi \Vllll u cuiiiuiuijlcnr~«f' loni-e.On thu oiiLslilrla o f the town, driven rom tlielr open roiidatcr to the nholler f Q roadhouHu by thu rnln. Ulalr nud" 'IvhiH drnnlc anil re\jelcd. llttlo know- iB John i;ow<*U-wnluTol1t«iminlty lu. he dcpiirUirc of IJiUe to w jiIjJ ilH oMi to IJeuth n t IiIh uinunlon lu Los kUt'eles.They rtnmU nnil reveled w^jUe n «core £ mlle-t nwny llUKurtinil ICmhur. hnnd11 liiind, wallLMl fo r the end o t iTuTe a u T he tiexlniiliiK of e ternity for the elder if the twulii-

tjj» tnc hlClW Ut lliy ruiidhuti.'rrp!ni'.B".7 aaiterlntj^lii* IiihI, nilndin]M_ from his ipDnrei. cnuH' Dlclt Joties. With him vnSTflntlr'vhum-ncTiiiarotiseu "ilS Gcri.

ft waH iioi tile tirwi rondtKiiiKe the.tc ate arrived Joy rldew had alopped aL ilfi-Jowit-miH-thluk of KiU'm:ll, llllMinl >f fnie iiiul unsti'uily <«f Ki‘l>- 'i'l'e Indy Uc ealleil t;e ri was more seuBOned, She ivaM.voli-luK thu rem ark tha t she wiih IK dry «K a tlslm tid hiincrj' ns a wolf.

A t'‘(liL*->'i^rht-..f n in lr Hinnlcy'-Mr.- Idne.i si-nivwlmi - iihiiHlieil. Hut-lome ri'<-..ner-cii.ti prtfiK' to h im 'f lin t ' itemlli-d him, and lie «rei.’leil UUilr with an iisMiined ladllTeri'lKT.' llliilr Rave Ihi- newi'uinerH ii hurly. uupertill- Bua.uiuru.''. , ,-“Who ure Uiey:'" asked Vlvlim."I don't Uno'w tlio blond fein^ilo w ith '

|,lm ” rnpllml »lnlr.,-nri-It>;ialV- "hnt tho boozy gcntlumnu la Dick Jojics. wbo m is oar sbli'pliifr clcrl; a t tbo Good Qoiw Oil coiupnny ofllces—until t Orod bim' for comtug to tvork After b9lBg one Uio Dlgbt before, os you-sm tiim now.'*.

“You d idn 't Ore yourself for th a t of- ^ s j . o r J ^ u t*ow cll._ t^ 'bosgr I a t ' snmc?" rom arked Vivian 'sarcoitU'callyVr' ■“ ‘•No m atte r w bnt I 'd o tbc ulgUt be­fo re iuod Is clear and tuy baiMs s teady tbe n e x f ll iy ;” .b ta lf tiHstrcred.

“ A t for Jo b n 'P ow ell—my bosa. as yoo-cntM infl=^liuee be bns Ukou to dope And flyiog macbines wc do not see blm a t tbe otUce. And th a t rcmloda

1 am sick of tbis wbolo buslunss.. “1 ba ro got tbe money lu my own name, ' i am tired of bnnslnc on ilko k parasite to tho poor boob until be dopce blmsoV to dentil. Wltcti do ire mako a getaway?"

“W ben we get tbe diamond from tbe aky,*'_rcpllcd Virlnji. “I have se t tny heart and 'eoul oii'bav lug IL I t must

-tum-tip again."Nothing e re r happens and cvcrytblog

bappcna. ..While J lla lr .d ran k .ln stoooay -cUeoeo-aod-mada-Do anawar-to-V.iTl-. a n 't ta tt riusark . Jouea.* tbe d p ty ex- abipplng clftrlt jl, tb ftj)ftitja> ie_ ta1 k ed w ith tbe lady be called G e r t .

Upon, ber am ple bosom tbgra hi\p* '■“ U aaD jrT a '^ llero , tuapM dod by a beavy chain. T r e l t y n itty piece of JOBk'. Q e r t r « ( M ^ « e . “BoL you Bbonid bava seen tbe big d iam ond.tbai John Powell got by exprees. l t ‘cam« ^ a a ^ Ie d package, and oo r-b ead clerk te n t me uij.to U r. rowe.U-’a bouae witb It. B e opciied tbe pjickil'ge''an3 n w T y tbrew”a nf.'fo f tbereTn«da-wa« a case a a d (n tbat-cato t r u a letter tbat.4tQ ng him' bard, and w ith it was a chain and locket aboot 1,000 years old. A ad ,to tb a t locket w as a diamond M big aa an Elngllsb w a ln o t

“I th ink i t w aa th e t a n a diamond th a t tbo clrcua g u y 'g a ra th a UBy Uoa tam ers T hen tbo Uon kOled tb a lady, and bar buaband, the clown. .kHlad tbc c lrcnagny and fben ebot blnisalf. ^

“John Powell boogbt th e dlam and ai tba .agcU ooof tbe.buati!d^«lrc^; tbes w m e gink stole It f f o p ^ m . and Pow cIJ.gpt .lt Back by orffircM. Jo s t as I‘tt telllDg you.* any John ' Powell li craxy.. B e B ore.acted c r ^ wben h< read thb oo to .tb a^ c a m e w fth t ^ M| sparkler. £to ^ r i ) me ISO 'to 'keeirm ]month abnt'ftbpot l k _ ___ L ._' “B n t 'I don’t bsTra to keep m y moaUib b ta b o o r a n y th in e r W 'ia y b e d jT lw an I got to r-tb a -w ay |:w o rk ad -to Ml ofltoa waa to b e .throw n o titt- W alt til1 B iia T & ~ w e U ;'r irg e tW lo b n ) ia : d

and n o tw S r w w T a W t W

'•CHAPTBR LVI.Luka Levall’s End. ■ ’

r % I .a i ' r atul VJrijQ bad a a t « . '» •L f thourrl. L -lealrinci^t >ba ( M I . J xfortia nitot* the dlamoDd-tl^y. !

ovcrhi.uT(l. .Now tbat the t^ n y ;rg~Oatrceusesl-spsaktnB I H al^sw od- ------ -nldo bfm; ' . •'You'll ge t your Job buck till rtftbU nw!" ha siikl honraely. "H e re ’s |C® jifi me. Tell uic ngoln- nbout tbe

coming by-rtprefls.”\ t ia Iho eVcrt reiKiflted- b ls-s to fjk -------- -fou while he was speakUig’ V lrtoa ,d called tbc w aiter to bring tbo b * id their auto wraps,. Onco lu flieirea t rondH tp rttln lrp u ro rrtaH -sp eed ------ —rouKh tiiP nlpUt'aud eursM fcrvcnUy.’•The. ei‘rni\lnirili>iie1~"ho'’crt(Klr-*'A>n r hns bail ihp-dlnuiiiud-uafo-and------.t..(Wifft frwii II.1 I'/fc’ht HHiler oi)r uoaea r kIx immiliM;"•ili.w will ive i:et It?" iiHUed _Vlvlan it'iTly. " Iio trt pull any m ore rough urr. Itlalr. -nKTe liiiH hi'on loo niuuh . ■ihMi It 1--IS ns noihlm;. nut even

ip-|llatnnnti," ; ........ ...................... :----------------•'l.cavi- tiuii t'l tne’" ..aid I’.lalf llercc- , •:'riu.- iiii;i. In, ripi'. We've K«t bl.i ■oilcy; J.-i Ih- Vuiix wus.'Idi-iitly f'-iliV Iil i prl'-e and m-iil tho lumciui li;irU. Ill' h:iH KUlpi-od fa rwiiy iiml n.‘C’il nlilHF-i ...••l:.iiK d-\vltbr-----------"Jcihu r.nv.'iriHMin-cnnd- t o -hlniaolf-----—r aiiv .Him vim-: he- is lic tlir dead. •,4,rM -hv-l-.-i|.uia-a-um_UilL-i\±{Uiti______,-iilly was. and the earldom In Biitf- rmr''Ull l.i-“imnu. you win benj>cor-■iH. VJ." ‘ ........................."C i'i. ini. till- tlliinmiiil ■fnim tho aliy ■rut," ati^wi-ri-il Vlvlnn,"Tlu’rc wiiii't he any tnnilMe abosc

hnL" r.-m:iri:cd Ultilr. "'"The dlnm oni J hidden III ihe bmiHe. and.w c will And •

n ftp r AcUnir Stuuley, allan Joba 'owell. Is dead!"Ah he Kpoice he Btopi>cd Iho tnachlne.

or th ry hnd-rcachrd the avIatlou'tlKid ml -ih f Imnpir ^vhrrc Jalm I'oweM. m ateur aeronaut. Itcpt his latcHt t v , iIb ncroplntic, B lnlr took n tiro' ifOn rom the 'iool box. wrcnchcd tho hasp rom thu door niHi entered tbo banger.A tile will} on the work bcncb fte-’

jP^Uh (he electric light Blnlr BWltcbed

- • - -L a a v a that-to-m al'* -------

on. Ju s t a lUtte tam peiing w ith' tbaw uy brace wlras, b u t snfflaleat^------ --------

*rbe a e n time Jobn PowoH took a

Vivian asked no qtjeatldiis.. Bnt tbo shuddered. i<'or t b ^ ^ n Who w tit ta die bad liwen In lier^arzns and ber as- rcsscfl bad bcgutled blm. Uut sbe m aat choose, and As between the m astertn l ,

tbere'~waB biTt one choice—for wUB A rthur Stanley dead and Dhilr Stanley . co2be tfitp bbt heritage all wbirid ba bera, she knew.

..... .. ^In tba luxurloua obambars of John

Powell Luka Lovell, gypey and aa* caped c o n rk t, stands a t t i r e ^ . t t n o t ka .pnrpla-aniLflntJti)on,:;B.trieaBt'ta"BlMII" - llc e s and taDorad eletbea o f a o a t and ( S tn r e a s only mltlloiulrea, o r a t laaat

■ u y -n a c - in iirT » m . -« i«i iw «.nia-»i»—neck bangs tbe diamond from tb a s k r l

A r t ta r B to o O u m H y T y , bandad Lake tbe apparel la aarrUe b*> ^ lenca, tba do tbe< tbe .l&e kid booH, tb aan o w y ab lrtan d a raa Engl lab wdfc*Ing gloves

L oka U^ghed as be gaaed a t b ii glorefl h jw ls aad from th e n to I lls «>• tire i«fl«ctlon In tbacbaTalglaaa. ~*^A>4 * now-'X am tba B o m w .E y a J o r Ma&?L.L;: ha o i« L ^Dot w b iH !a taty ring a » l m y watcb and m y'acarfplnT Whr.* bora th e / arc oo tbe bureaiL Toa a>a a caraleas r a lc t Pow elt

“ SqppOM some ex-conrlct would w alk •. r igh t tbraogb my library w indow a n d . coma apttn lra and eooUy take tb a n J ' .

A nd Luko threw back bU b ead a a 4 . l a ^ a d again. fo p j» be tpoke b o ' M ' - taken, tba eosUy ring trom the band aC th a nhreslstlng John Powelt. r a s o r a t . :l(|ja f ^ 9_and pm cn tb e ring an d n - •plaoad.tbe- w lQ n b e * -m e e k '- a e t l ^ ot: r t d a n ^ , in c h a t -Lnka bad: Waas i a e betp TaoderUla'ac iamt'tbatk ' B a took tb e gold repeater and I t a 'j l ^ v - BO Bd.Btad4edchola„tnuauha-dnaB lnc:_

* f tn d & A r th u r ’s m o n o m m aed 'w av - :i m T 5 fa > r iU ia -w T lh -* b S n > i* te < - ! t t^ ' S a a a 'p r tT tfe '" M t»vK rin U e '* * w r ~ ;; d r ty a r o f the dn-w tfag tty

Page 4: I B i S f c s lOTHlNfcDONM— OfiGANEf iDAV ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN...»8od to crecl at Twln FullB. but not jj, itll todtty was my reQuest-compiled lUi

__ ' ~ ^ T jy ig ^ ji> .\o a s k : T A i j a . . . . . . ____ _____________


P a b l i a h P d T u c s d iv y s '

T I M E S P R I N T I N G & P U B

. • « T W O D O L L A K S P E K

— b o p f l r i r ' p . m a c o N T iN U A :to iiave tliei

, f a i l to r o r a i t I ) c r o r o e x p i r a t i o i• -JSM mmaiLtiat-conLmuoux service ia

M ated to notify ua witli R'unoiiublI r ^ o lonRir ilcjiired.----------- ---------

B ntorad Jit th e Twin Tiilis pc .. .•.>wi*e-a*’w«ck.publicHtion. Octoljc

. OAPT. D A T IS AN? The p latform oa which Cnpt.

- r T f « f » “ f o r “ th e ~ R e p u b lio f l in f6 n i iu a tM i t i n e e d . M o s t o f t h e t h i n g a h M m l e w ; i t m if f h t b e a d d e d t h a t w fe at a o e e b j ' o U i e r S e p u b l i c a t i 'a s

. p n e r a l i t i e c s k f o r t h , b y . e x - G o r c n

— ••fc ifiii ly , c o m m e n d a b le a s f a r n s t l I b a s s e r t i n g t h n t k ^ s e w h o l t (

l e s s ’d a n s w o u B ^ ^ e n a ^ a g - H h e r t j p o a o f p u b l i e o f f ie ia U , C a i

■- m id . g e D e ra l l j r r o e o g n i t e d t r u t h . ,

• • ■ a e * ’o f b a d g O T e m m e n t o t h e r ] i d k i a h .h e p e r h a p s j u s t l y c o m p la in s ,

f t m a n - o f -\Ti^de e x p e r i e n c e , .a s a ^ ilm t h i n g u ' l h a t l im k c g o T c r n m c n t

" W iw ^ e r t h e g o r e n i o r o f I d a h 8 # « w t a r y , \ _ c o n T e n ie n c e . i f n q t a

” ] » a r t ic a i n t h i s s t a t e l i a y e a lw a y s

*1 g r e a t e r o r l e s s e r im p o r t a n c e . , IJ h a h o u ld b o c l in i i im tf td , a n d i f i s to t o h a v e kou io f i r n t h f tiK f i n f o r i n a t i

• • So m any m atters of coniparal tioBcd in Capt. Davis* p lairortii th iOea o f ju s t wlmt fuiidam ontnt

h iii c a n d id a c y .

■-------------7^A STANDPAT COMP

O'eorce Ade once used an the q u arre l o f a husband and w ifu ov • I tho family. ’ The “ h ea d ” of tin Bffl. l i r e “ bettor h a lf” utood pa

' -iMkBy harwh-re<*riminnlio»ii and -b i l«*ted. The son was nam ed A«l>r

So w ith the getting together j wingB ol the iicpuDiican party

• i h e t . th a t the’ conflicting elements MMlffg~m«ro tiarmonibuH, are inii I b r e is no avoiding th a conclusiou

• /W sp ro m ised o n -a -a tandpat baais.The faction th a t d ic ta ted the

f e r s no th ing Toluntarily.; if anythi M m . o£.an equivalent-m uat-be m -s

---------- Idaho paper the o ther dM adera th a t Wilaou wan a minori

' ifMeive a m ajority of the to tal vo tak e tho trouble to look it up

w ere not unknow n bet'ofo. 1 " »• w inority president, so wa»i Ila j

I l ia , and Qleveland again. H a rr — tw *—tefin s—n o t^ n ly —w a « -a—mine

vy#te fell below C leveland’s Ijy 9; « ] ^ io n , was again a m inority pre T*lw. Indeed, w ith th ree o r mrffce ia* re th an likely th e flucccssful o N o rthe rn Idaho Newa.

i i ' r i c i T T r io u s E w s a p f o i n t e d Wm r iE C T U B E COURSE >TJ?HKIt

T he “S o rran t io tho House” com- , 9U 7 . one of the rocular leclurc course i^kM U ons, foiled to moet its appoin t' i f c t here . Tuesday cTonlnB tJa_ac- M ta t of mtuiDR connccllon o l Mini- d ik a . Wednesday OTootnR, liowcvcr,

— i r w iiB -fiT M tt a jiy r t u n ~TTPg BB.- flw- ' H r to the fact of the genoral Bale of •

I M ason UckcU. The Uicmo and Ich- S'4a of UiD Blory ori>lny, Is Hid victory

rea l and simple sodllncsB ovpr ptmr- f ln i in l dp)f-rtghtcouHnoKR unir»dflBii- ' ■•*n, utt4 i l'irt lllcfOln dOV< 1»I»C-il will) j akiU and power. The frri'Himlatlon hv ‘ tailfl roapiui}; «h H npoi^.jo Hic nrrllio, '

,V a a a iS l7 iimrrod by lim unnafurnl ] ' and affcctcd RonuduclionH and moulli* .

tagsM jf 111.; StTViUil—wIiOHi: luako-up ' iw Uic f!liriHl.-nUt«(iU|;h proliatiiy ro n - '

— -Vebii6h:iirnpiiM rpa-ln-m jim triii-tnst(i ‘ !it..nil J

Irlonlc lionorn of tiio cant wit-' easily | ttilton by till' ••I'oniiiKHi lal>nr'fr‘\ ami * Uifi l»iiOio|) i>f. I.aiicaiililr.'. •■hi li of ! v linn i carrli'il u illfflnill jiart iibly, ^|a^y. Un' ilmiftlitcr. f.linwt\! tli<' ' liCHl In li.T most tryliij: iia-.mitf."!, ' wlillo III.' jirli'fil and liln wifi' were lii'- di(f<Ti'ntly iKi( r .ill the thii^. ^ '

• SK iJ.iN olM H.tNn <-niM r .n . r s " '

*At til.- iflllillc liiilir ln-Xl Saliinlay. «'llf;jl)li' for r''Ki:'lratl<iti. • Aciv. ’

■ f W o i i l NT W IN ' ■ 241*Main .

■ T A LLS Jones

- ST O R E; A .u-scful -articlo Ktvoii awi:

V ' ■•purrbase (bc8i<lfs ooat«) of on C oajfr-hTand See. ' /

' t w w ? a l l s


^ A ^ L L S - r T ^ M E SVi'OTT'.'P.g' ' ________

and F ridaT w by th e 'f

L IS H I N G C O M P A N Y . l l td .

St»* ; .. -Y E A R , IN ADVAitOK

S 'C E : M a n y - a i i b s c r U i e h s / p r e f e r r k t ib s i- r ip t io n a i n t e r r u p t e d in u m e I). i^ 'o tv r i t h B ta n d in g th is , , i t in n o t ; d c s i r e d j ' s t i l l , s p b B c r ib c r a a r e .‘x-i 0 p r o m p t a e a a t o s t o p i f t h e p a p e r

Qs'-Rteoad elans m atte r aa c J 8 , . a s i p j —

) HIS PLATFORME. ,0. D av ii propoaea t o m nk^^he HJiT“f o r i ; o ”V0rnor "oarB‘ '1iardJy - be e s tands fo r are eitHer good^'oi* all w ill DO doubt he' p u t fo r th .in. p iran ts fo r the nom ination. Tho 3or-Hi>ines’ priTaf* icc re ta ry -a r^icy go. ------sal d irec tly f r o n 'the public tn a a - [ainSTgoyd gOTeniment^lFarL^oriw' )t. Do-ria -a tteri a '.p reg n an t, tr i te But in a ttrib u tin g aa underlying. [)ractice« a n d ’ suporficial -evils'ojf,

he ahow i w hat we w ould regap<l' , su rp ris ing la'ck of know ledge of i bnd._0 d o e s o r d o c a n o t n e e d a p r iv a t e - ,

n c c e R s i ty t h a t g o v e r n o r s o f - a l l ' i a f f o r d e d , c o n s t i t u t e s a q u e .s llo ii

L t i iC - o n ic e is a uscT oss a p p c u d a s c b e co iH '.fided t l i n t M r . r ) ^ s o i ip 'h t ,

n n o u tlic K u b jc c t. l iv e ly s m a l l i i i i p o r l a n c r a r e m e n * '

a t i t i s d i f l ic u l t to ^ i i t im r a i.Q car

?s lie w is i i c s t o u r g e n s tf io r e a s o n (

.................... ito p ic fo r ft fiible th e s to ry o t th v i in* (Tic n am e -of th e n ew m e m b e r . ; f a m ily in s is te d e m p h a tiiW ly on'. i t fo r A u b re y De C o n rc y . A f te r H e r t«n r« a o o m prom ise-w aK ef- ' cy D e C o u rc y .' _ j:>f th o P ro g re ss iv e a n d • R e a c tio n - j r 'JC e ,n a ti:ii_ u e w a tsrepo rta to a t ie "J o f th o R ep iil> lican --party a r e l)e- £

ecd t o ITe believeci a t a ll, t h m '[ th a t t l ie ir d iffe re n c e * a r e b e in g

____ ______ •___ ;(‘ t

■ W iish in g to n c o n f e r e n c e s u r r e n - 1 in g e a s e n t i a l is g iT e n u p , t h e rc> 'i g h t . - . ------------- 1------- ^U : to o k oocusion l a r e m in d i t s j ty p re s id e n t , in t h a t h ^ . 'd id n o t t le . I f « n y o n e w h o ie in to 'rca tb d 1 ho w il l f in d th a t m in o r i ty p rca i- ‘

[vincoln, a t hia f i r s t e lec tio n ; ’’a s ' i'CB, a n d G a rf ie ld , w h o fo llo w e d ) ison, w h o . lep a ra te d C le v e la n - r a i >rity—p re H id e n tr -b o t—biH -rpopuiar- -j 9,000. C lev e lan d , in h ia aeoo-u i j « id e n t , w i th r e s p e c t to t h e to ta l | s tro n R p a r tie a in th e . f ie ld , i t ^i* <

n e w il l b e a n in o r i t y bffii-ial.—


RanluLtloa o f 'th e G range th ro i^ h o u t Twin PallB couDly la being mdSe thla. i week b y Thomaa Largo, o f Bden, dop?- > ty gnm d m oaler and orkao lse r for*the oociety. l i e ezpecia to be able to' o t- ganUq the f ir s t g m ig e here somo'tlmfr ,

meeUng In .th e h ljh school a u d lt6 r l- ! uni, wherp tho purposca OC Uie ndclctywill be pdbHcly explained. . ; |

Aside from Its social, features;. Uio i□ranRC. which claim s some S.OOOO'OO inicmbcrB In the n a tion ,-nnnouncc ilhn t iIt Hlnnd for cconom y, the nbollBhraont , i l us(^Itfss com nilB sloaB and tlib ct)D-tolldallon of j> roportlonak rep - ireflcntntlon. i^ood'roailH. <md tlin l’ l t In |InrjCly-rcaponHllile- fo r-rt« -n irn r!T )n ll ilollvcry and ^jiircd pojit, the aiitlonnl • iij .l-n ian y Hfnto p iiro foo)1 tc .x '•

inarK<Tlnr. triP rrm ovnl of the lax on i Indiititrlnl alrohol. tlifj clefi-ill o f t l n ' ^hlll !iiibnl(ly lilll l!io li_lali(f T iiarkct i iiiiri'a ii liill. aiuL,tli(' iiucrc’n i \ i l i l . '- i , f.'tis.- o f illriT i ti’Kiiilation \ ^ t l n ' ' i wiurlii. '

.Mr. L iif';.- lni[).'?* to o rK an Iz '- lir.iiicli ) ill tlilH i-ltv iinil in th . ' nov i'ra l ’niviis

n ' 111.' <'(iini!v i n d in >t—ni^imli.T uf •.i. l.o.d dl-itil.'iM , ;

If y o u a ro In acucl of nny th lnK , » ' riiricB W an t Ad. w ill f l l | f ^ u r ».-ant-

"......... V.

. / iAvc. E i s t ^ TWIWBlock ' . F A I . W ' .

N E W S ,- ' :ly. w h i lo t(i<*y lust, \ r i i i i t'-lcb e , , l w n - o r t-ii-<'e d o i i , i r« . '

Y It w ill l)c p lr^ is ’t 'd . I

V I[ T W I N F A l i s i

ID. IN TH M PA TH S.) ' ' v j- _ ' I 1

5U«yiK-rAKKI5 ICUUKC____,

•^IniilTlilhal aaii rflm m nnlty PrtTKrfiiL!L. Tvpin o( Openlnfr A 'S ^chh la S rea-' inpV t School A n d lto r im ..‘, j

Tlie' S(5rlvf!r*Farr1(i' locturi? courHO' opi'nu 'Sunday .tivoolng n t 7:no In tlio hlBli dCtiooI uudllnriBm wlllj Mr. Scrlv-

j;iT!i)K ‘the f lr .i l 'le c lu re . He ban itunoiinced ho wiii--nY««i/ on "liidl- vjiliiiil .arid'Coiufnunity ProgreflS,'' ^/ Tills co'nspway come to Twin r a i ls hlBbly reci>niemnded. They aro do- ini[ a m u c i r n ^ b d wohk In th a t they a re lryiai-i*-U ach-people'-that-lo-H »A la to ’‘loT« ihy ncigjibor as thygolf.*'

Mru; OruS(!'Furrlfl, o f thU 'couffler ia coDsldereCoBoVot th e boot leacbers of pracUsaJ'/ChrlsUnn psychology lo thin couu lry^ -T he ladiea of our elly aro eiipecially fo rln aa le lo^hivTlDg her to lead thooi' In a Btady of th* larger -things o t J l ta ; -Sbe-wlU-coodttct-Suii-. day clMoaBrfpr Jad lM only evary at- tem oon a t '.»:80. -beglnalBg Monday.

•Harry ScrlVer IA“n o l an -ordalnod m inister.. 1 |« Ih an exrconutry aows- papar editoi-. ' H e nays God is nol halt ait m yatorlouV is m an and th a t U- man would folIoT^i'lie-^'otild be led; OiT

^Vcdneaday evening ho-wlll addreas the men of Twin 'Falls on "Succosb and Failure.** Ob .T hara itiy orenlng he 'wlH-apcBk-OB-J’Thftt-Boy.''—Thla-snb- Ject in tho' ntudy b f 'h ls i life aad he Ib dealrouB -.that itli p a ren ta Bhould hosr IhOi. He apea ia overy eycalng a t 9:00. ■[ .

. Theae p e ^ e come under Ui« auu- plcos of thb*,PiK.cnl-Tcjujhors^ aflso- clallon and tflicmld bo Riven Ihb loyat tiupporl Of all. *No ndmlBRiqn Is cliarg- cd but a ullTor otfijrinK

S H D 'S I K iT O^ * ^ A T a ip W [ L l

Sjilondld rrofjran}. and H a n ; Good I’ri*re*i. OpuKK .iM udry 10 For TlircoH a j s . - . / / . . . ^

nf.Uio niiito iieod T O T bo lii'lilT iff CftltlTTon 'tliliC yixvr. wlilfli hIiouIiI be iv ;ccrltor o f nt^A ctlon fnr - Canyon

.coifti^/-f7mjicrB. ^ tl 'l ic ftlio ^ noft^otiiy lrin~Tlo«orv9 a ihirKC fiUrftdanrn of fiirmi'm. hut iW prcmluma offf'riHl. lilcludiiiK many nrle(HnlS' made by Cald­well mRrclianUi .j i jo u ld call forUi liumoroiiti oililbltrf from th is th e lend- nrK aK rlrultural coun tr lu the^ state.' CunipQtltloQ a t Uie abow li '' to be dlTldinl-1nto-l)^5 pe-^*iiflcn.-—DlrlalcR- - I.' is for- Ih e -ra n c h e rs , dlvlalon H, fur deftlor» aitZI'm crchuDta, a n d 'd i- v lu lo n 'lll, forj.'boys’ and giriR' cluhiji

liltJltflJfn th e 'B rs lid lT ls io n , ' bm any of u ir^rtilt> ltB .,ln~JlT »t6D Tll. m ay m i^ b e —ffnteretfrin compaUti on w ith-' Ihoso of lh a grownupa. • „

I t Ib requested th a t all exhibita be pent'...by.._par.ceL;..-po8l_. o r. , exprcaa. chargort prepaid, n o t la le r lhan Jan. 14. to th e . Idaho ' Seed Orowera’ au- aoclaUon; care W. T. MaCall. Cald­well. Bxhlblls muBt absotuloly ' be in place by 0 o 'clock of the morning of January 20.^ Among tho p e r t in e n t‘i-ulea Koiern. Ing tlio compotiaoR shoald be mbn- lloned the roetrloMSff lim iting ,d u r- ' ing .the seaAon of TtiTi? in io t Idaho. BxbUilta containing scods o t CQxlous weoda a ro -barred, as aro Also duplIealo-entrloB by an y -e ih lb - ICor,; Seeds produieed on lota of lees lhu)',ohe-half acre o r {or experiment- al DUrnriHM may t»n^w^d Bt- .hlblta-.from oeod honaoo o r d e a if lr i ' aro so lld t^d , b u t ap p ear for display purpooeo only, hav tag so. p a rt la the conpetltlon; '

■ ■<' A iy S T O C * PRICBS.

'The beef a teer fcrade wa* ac tlfe and ih ^ m arket strong •.compared-wlth-.'tho-: rates comtnanded by. a leers W t Mon-

porter,.8omo*hay-fedB w en t aa high as •7.60. a price fu lly 26 eenU higher than other coaat o r m iddle westem m arke\a fo r^ to e ra o f l h e Bame-claaa. ‘

morolag.<i^ilp-fcd aleera ar<i adjanced ' i o » m : i o a a > r “

Offering o t ca ttle todoy k a s licav- ler bp- the local m arke t than i t has buvniw^or several weeks, Hocclpts dur­ing llic wflck w ere below la s t y^nr^B but' tbdrfy pu t Hie bnlarice on the right lilile. , » . rf

ICnrty activ ities in tJic bog dnpart- mL-iil .today were fuiilumd by anxious huyiTH to lake on all Hupplicii a t.an [idvanVo o( ^ 0 to li" ren ts, Tlic mipQly was iiulV' lihi^ral, (51)00 liclnK ronolvcd, : w U li'<ht?-<itinH ty-«^cepllonully '-(5< 'oil,-T.ipj u»lil.ijLSf;.!IQ_Avlth.ijiP hliUf i-nlnya l $C.8T. to J6.90, * «

Tlio Portland m ark i't .today !h onlv fl ri'ntH lo ite r thali ChlCHRo and 'i'i 30 c i-iUii lijKhiT tliiilL Onialia'. Tliitt mar- li.'t ill- rlio IllKliCHl roroKiiiz'.'Vi iiiarlu'l wcMi (if CliloHKO anil Is also tll.•^lrl^-c- inakcT (if the ra c if lr umaL

I.iimb» wen! soljTTodiiy al' yi-arllni; wi'tluTii at JT.lfi :iiid I'u—: nt

I .i ie ^ r , MAUKKT.s. •

Tho prirOB o n ..lh P lor.al lii«rk.!l» au iid up well, hut In »ofn« inNtiinfofl they fluHtunto cottHidcrably, hoiih' ilnieH from Hay lo day. T his Ih notabli* true

.of llin ^rlco of wlicat. nlnjep and Iiokh. Tho bog nm rkel linH^Rone up Hloadlly of Inttv-lR'lng 50 centtf a liirfulrfd lilKh- or than 11 was a 4 lio rt lline aRo. To­day's prices folloviTWheat.-........ ...................... ,--$l.'ir> at tl.»0I’otftloi'ii, wbilP. f. o. I). ,J1;20 ■ . Pototoen, Rf>nin. t. n. b. $1.2riSteerH ...... ............................$r..JO JR.25C ow a.and bullu _ ™ — $3.00 ttr St.OOTyomhjf............................ ..... ......6c..-a___ 7 tE w cil.................................. . . Cc ii 6cHoKx........ J ................»c.oo n r *.20C hickens........... .'.......... - .. . 8c. <U . 8cSprings.'............................... 12MiTyrkeya .....' . . . .................... 'J 3o O .16cGoeso ............ .................. .. «c O 10cDaclts ......................>.y »c 9 I fc■BBltor ...:..„vL....- .............. 35c■ggs. a aaflad .................. .4 fc

i L l. f .. . . .

W e daa irc to o x p rsaa <

ta t iv e a w ho e a lla d on■■ivtiTi ftnr.

h o m e in T w in F a lla ,

I to n a o f ||om e» in o th

p u r i t y a n d •JBeiena;^

--, - ' P u r e IC a lu m e t iw o6nipoiind

______ ______g ra d e in g re d ie nlK po

a n d mliBt a a n i tn ry -ba

in g re d ie n ts m h av e

tie s . I t eom pliea w ith

a n te c d to b e PURK_. i;

m o re b a k in g p o w d c i-1

w ill be (?lad to sn p i'i.

- .G U A I U N T E E i t lo '.''

I d a h o D e p a r tm e n t St<

'7 S lioehono G ro ce ry .

■ • J . H . -WJolfo.

E . K P r a te r .

C lai

K in n e y 'I 'V

- .............. W . J .

I 'Calumet


From Sljt. w inks th a t are bolng'' pass- id around am ong thoae whose d u ty .it a tp - ra m ro d throug'b • the poioto )feakfaat on th e momlBg of January II , 'b r ig h t-a n d early , there muBl bo iom ethiflg .m lihtj.j»m loil.Tn 'tho..^Iod. rhey*aay th a f th e gridiron will be ata- dlag and th a t th e looal sUteamen and lualaeiw m agnatoa w ill squirm qnito a '=^«iiim rB tiy aa 'd o th s b i r g Q i m t 7aablng,ton, V h m the press boys p a t h « o on to roaaC Tbe Uoketa foa^tha Ofalr « ill-b o .4 S 'P « r .-a a d eve ry ,o aa t tt It w ill Ih earned by Uoaa prepar- n g the m eal and program, whijo It ■dll ba w orth ten tim ea aa-mach. The ioke ta w ill be on Bale Tueeday. Jon-' l a r r 18. a t th e Com m erettT 'elairaD d A .^ o handa .oC .a committee coBsIat* aK-of-a.-U-^AahtoarM r-J.-flweeley rA r ! t Hlclca. W . IC Prleb* . n .-E n t«u I7 I> rr

:be m ore aerioaa m laded who doalre wmo aolld alnff amid a a ocean o t per- linage, there , w ill be a aacchadne ora* Jon b r 'S o c re ta ry F ran k 0 . Taylor, of i ie A m algam ated Sugar company, who ?rom lB»B.4o-<iom»- iK>m Ogdea.' orten> ilbly to bear a m easage of good will :o tho 'people here , bu t chiefly lo boar kway im am ple Bhare o t the Twin Folia >pud 'crop, which by tho way Is worlh (1.2S a hundred. T here will be some Jrudlte obHervatlonB from Suporin-' ;end<mt H al .G. Blue, o t tho Twin Falls ichools to su it Uio tastes of Uic oihor jundllB prfsenl- and offset the frlvo- ouB rem arks of M. J. Swcelcy. who ivlll bo tho toautmnutor for tbu occa- ilon.

•;* n ) > E K u WQ.WAy at u k s t ___

■ ^ tn ^m m ttT i-f:^ fr!rrM in7-A ~ rr> in r: )t Curry, who died u l NorUi Vaklina. iViiHhlnBlofl, lilut- week wns hold In ;httl .clly Tuoiiduy,; . Hit biiHbiind ilcinry Crydvr and lior cliildron who iv.-iit liiim i'dlat.'ly on li-arnliiK tlia t xbc- iViiK dylnV. have not yci ruliiriK'd, Mrs. .;r>*d<T \Ccnl to .N'ortli Yakima a few ivoi-kii aijo to vlnll lior liauKlit.'r, Mr.“i. ,’lh l. and her hou H arry, wlio live Uyurc uid iillftut two wo.'ks btfor<‘ luT d.uUb judi^rwoni ait, oporaticjh from which 4lie Hcciiicd lo bo r.'coviTinK rapidly, ind liiir fam ily had no wariiiii(; of langiT until they nicplvnl word Uiat <lic wofl Oii'hor dnalli Ix.M. Mra, Cry- lo r was a plonocr T w in 'F a lls , looming h en ' yoars dro willi hor Inis- Dand. Mr. Cryder was n t one Umo connortod with tito Farm ers & Mor- clianlH liank'Of thifl city and lu lcr wlUi Lho Adanni^IMlgerrlm Lumber com- piiiiy. Tho following chlldron Hur- vlvo hor: Mr«. S. D. Parke, wife of tho odilor of thii Hurloy Hunolln, who was a t on^ tjmo school uuporlntcndcal lioro; Mrs. Clinton SmiUi. o f C urry; M rii.-P lbl. of North Yaklmn: Harry Cryder. o f hforUi Ynklma and Orris Cryder, of Curry.

n , z , s _ j F : A t a j m s E s _ _ L _ , : ___ :::FO R TRIANGULAR DEIIATK

Friday, evening tho asp iran ts for Uie high school debaUn'g loam were given an opportun ity te display tho ir o ra to r­ical abillU es.' T liose who w e re ^ V tu - Bato u to bo solected will reproaont tbo Tw in F a lls achoots Sa th e trlanga- la r debafa to be held F sbroary ttk ,

lie Lai; F i s a t i d ^ V)« r a p p ro t ia t io n o f th e e o u rto a y ah

y o « r e c e n t ly 'a n d to t h a n t yo» _ f(

"Wi h a v e .p lai'ed r a l n w o t B a k in g

v h e ra i t w ill so lve a ll b a k in g p ro l

c r a ee tions. C a lii tn e t ' r e e e i ro d tl

a t C h io ag o in 1907 * a d a l P a r i a , i

'’o o d Show a, h o ld -s in c e p o r e fo o d

ed b y ohem ia ti o f n a t io n a l r e p a t t

<wibje. to- o b ta in . H is m a n u f x f tu i

k in g p o w d e r p l a n t in t h e w o r lS .-

b een ■officially e n d o rse d U ij: . U n i t t

a l l p u re T o o il lawB. J t i a t h e O N L

II th e C A N a n d P U B 5 in / th e B A I

n -der C a lu m et, T h e fo l lo w in g p r

V y o u , Q U A K A N T E S i t i i ) T

r o u . - V - -; - ■ ............ -

Drc. . C ity M i i k e t i n g

---------------------------------T w i T i U T f i i

The P fo p le ’

____________ S o^ .tk P a :

w en . Y . ^ F lo ry .'a

Tho, 6 ro c e ry . 0 . is

L u c k . ■ ' ■ ■ A . '

B lu e L a k e s ’ Cfask G ro c e ry .

B a k y P m

1 V I L L I A B Ha t

I S I S T J pis ^ n a r j r 1 8 - 1

By Owe

— -A DriUiant PhotopUy SB r o a d w a y D i

500 V lV lP i c t u r i z e d i n I h e V i b r a n t

Y e s t e r d a y . H u n d r e d s i

— T b e - W h d l e H P r o d u c t i c

T h r i l l s , A c t i o i

tho HcfToolH of Pocaicllo, Hoiso 'mu Twin F alls partlclpnllnK. Tho Hub ■Joct.ls ItOKolvod Uiut tho fodern gov^rom cnt iiliould ow ti'o iid o p cra l Ul.; public U'loRraph KyslemH.

Twin Folia will ho -rcproaentcd a Focnlcllo by a team argu ing th e nog atlvo. In Uio Twin Fu1Ib‘ urgum cn Uio local team w ill suppbrt tbo bi firm atlvo. A t tho prelim inaries, W. C MiU holl and C, Af'Dowman, iJie gcr Ucriien who wUlcoach th e local teami aelcctcd the^to llow lng to rep rcsec Tw in FallH: William S eltor, Ted Bo\s On,-OHO. Halloy, Carl Maxwell, Mar Hummel. Wallace B. Sm ith. C arl Mni well Is Uie. only .m em ber of Ihb teai who dRhatod on la s t ycar'a leum .'


Tho application .of Fred 'M , Colema dofaulUug deputy atato-lrciuiuror,..fc -A-fuU-and comploto-p»rdon--from-tl) sU ta ponllenUary, waa again unan moiiHly denied by lh< board of pardoo today. On both occaiiionn th a t COl) m an asked conulderatlon .of Uio hoar he had served Inss than h a lt o f Ui mlnlmVim o t h is ' sentence, w hich I two and . one-half years. Tho m o i m u a - o t b is sentence la 10 yoara. H MBfosswl-to the embeasloBiaal a f |2S

m licinity>WB o u r la d y raprM eoa-

i^ th e o o rd ia l re a e p tio a

P o w d s r in a e a r ly • m r _______ .

lem s aa i t haa i n n i l -

,e h ig h o a t a w a rd a fo r

ra n c a , in 1913, th e o n l y .

Jaw a-bccaaje ' a t f e a t i T i . .............. .

t io n o f th e h ig h e s t

c d . in . th e ja rg e « t ,. f in .» t_ ____

- I t a o n ta in r o n l y j e u ^

d S ta te a food au tb o ia -

f b a k in g p o w d e r g u a r -

i N G . ' ‘W hen y o u

icera s e lh C a ln m o t a n d

C o m p an y ,

r c a n t i le ^

I G rocery ,

k C a sh G ro c ^ y .

C ash G rocery . ' •" '

I.-Cfaah C rooei7 .‘

r. B ock w ite .

j d e h G O r —

OX Pre*ents ,t h e . ____

l E A T R E^ Tae(.iaBd_Wc^.

------- ' “

n K i l d a r e

' e r * i 6 t t o f t h e C a t b r i l e d . ~ a m a t i c S u c c m s

D SCENES> J e w Y o r k ' o f T o - D a y a n d

n i ' t h e C b l o f f u l ^ n s e m l i l e i . .............

n~a~Live^Battery of~ - i and Romance.

1 The New Sanitary Washing Powder

LriTLE i WORKI • - .

M akes ha rd w a te r s o f t - d o e s a c t b u rn th e hands.

J Call fo r It a t G ro ce rie s '

1 F r e d P , T i l t o n , A g e n t» ~"Twin Palls r ldaho— ~'. R poie J ' '

S --------------- J I I -- joo i r 11« gmta runii..' 'A iao u ih n o r .1 n^vo boon roporta of Immunity otforod 5 him because o t hla asslatanco Jo 16- t caUog tho troaBnryahort&ge, theae ar»* donled 'by pETdoa-boud-m em bora andI th e ir action today (■ .tekaa a s the ir

aaav o r tft flloaj '

Page 5: I B i S f c s lOTHlNfcDONM— OfiGANEf iDAV ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN...»8od to crecl at Twln FullB. but not jj, itll todtty was my reQuest-compiled lUi

'---^-T1B ^i>-yB »K -TW I»-TA LlA -TO n58, TRIDAT, jAH-14,1916 : \ ~ V . ' . v ..........

== — ■■•-■ ■ l t i a . T e r ? y ._ 1 '• .' - ~ a d v e r ^ ^ * e “ t h i s

---------- - i n o u r h i s t o r y , ’

' . . \ i b t p r o T i n g , ” « t

f o r y o u t o ' d o u

...... - .........N a t i ^ a l l y . i o r

........ b e s t , w i t h o u t o

c o M s id o r a t io n .

................ , t . P a x M M a l l )

p r o A t W b y tv r t— ------- ----------------- — g A ia * —

A f « w d t f i a i t e

o o n T i a c i B f t o i

--------------- --------------- :— g r a p h s - w i t h o u

. • O H p a r i M i .

S(» .w ci w U l

y v a w h t t h a r *

• r e T « n w h v t h

______ _ ' ^ ------------p l y ^ t a t ® o n ^ ' f

■ d r a w y o u r o w i

/ D u r i n g t h <

w i n d p w d i s p l a

„ - , . / ® 0 0 d i f f e r e n t i _ / t h r e e t i m e s tH<

>i ■ ~ " - e a s i l y f i l H t w i i

^ p l e s / o f o u r e

________________ : .> e .e n th e „ w in d <r o o m f o r .h u s

" j ^ s t . a s b e a i i t i f

s h o w t h e m t o

^ ---------------^ '" y o U 'W a r i t - t 6 ^ C

1 9 1 6 be a g o o d T4.'»r.

f U ta . SHlth, 0( HkBiM, was i i . th *..... .........._

, Prod Nib«rl. • ( B iU , w m la lh«C .M r .T m a n f. • •

J. W. JM fcM w u ■> , t ^ CMtlO-

' ■. A. MUmer, • ( Bntal, w«* «p one l i ^ t b i i WMk. . .

'M w . W. 0 . O o u WM \u lown fr*m U b rU ag k W««>MdKy.

- U a . A y fo H I waa i » from Bnhl a — « ^ p \9 o t IhU ir««k.

■ i iU r “E a ri^ e t Ui* B uhl ,Hor»U. <■ a t* • I t r t h l i w » k .

\ F . C. C ftctoask ..o t tb« w m I t a i ot l \ t t < cowity, WM In tbo dtjr/T ttta& ijr.

Mr. u i U n . H. J. K la c sb a rr u d — ^ trtp-to-Cfat»-

: " V a ~ » « a irf t8 'C iJd w « lirr« tt- to r h e r M oaday o l f h t a l ls r . a jrlnlt .'Mth

M, M. B u rd aBd*ntBl7.~ ■■

■ w n ila m 0«imlfis)>aiD.- B. J. Spike. W.. M. ShriTer,- H arn r Sm ith and J .

S tfem fer w ere up .fro n B nhl T aeedar.

^ a J . HoarK has go aer^ to -u riea u> a oarload o t horses ^ cea tra l

';MCBBaa. H« Bhtpp«d an o th er cairtoad t ie r o a -couple o t w eeU aco.

Jobn L o |r and Q «rtrnde MHIer, hoth- - were maiTled T o « 8 aT ,n » m -

U e a t 11 o’clock wi th e M ethodist p ar- M na^e. b r th e ' p a sto r, I tev . C. E*.


J . Tho Jndlen of the 0, A. R. w ill m txi y ^ 'th o 'O d d T e i io w r T i f tn -s i i tn ra n r T i f - f **raoon, Jan u a iy 15 to hiHUilJ otnecrB------>»r-thc-com lng.yrar. n nd .jcayeB t-lliflt

’ aH tncmberR nttcnd.' ............ .. ' ■■■■■'■

N. 0. TIiompBon, mannKcr of iho Bnhl branch of tho Consolidated Wa< SOS & Machine compoBy, wofl in (his d ty th is week m aklnp annual HCtUe- M ont w ith tho local hoadqunrtcrfl horc.

A ttom cy 'B . M. W plfo,w cnt today to M ountain Homo for tho purpoRc oC try- la^f to socuro Uie rolcaso o f Milton ^cF ttm o y by mdanH of habeas corptw yrocecdlnga. 'M cFam oy lit In Jail un-

k dor $8,000 bond charecd wlUi a Borlous'V • r ta 6 .

C. &. F■ Suc<%s

Soma impoi t&ntcl] - ii ie , <lnd in .b a r m ie th p d


C . t H . I l l


r e r T « « tT f ^ i ^ ^ w » n c T n 4 o — -J a y ^ e j n j h g l j i i r g e i t y e i i r _

' “ o u r b u s i n e s s i s s t e a d i l y ' f

c . A a d - i t i s a l s o v e r ^ e M y .

b t s u c h a s s e r t i o n s , i s a ' t i t ? \ t h a y . ^ a r e . f e n a r a l i t i e s , a t

• n e c o a c r e t « i a c t i * r - ^ o « r — -

------------H• *

w a a r e B « T « r g r e a t l y io s r ^M p i a g a s s a i i i a n s o f g r a a t *

• p e d ^ - p r o o f i s o f f e r e d .

I s t a t s m e a t s a r a f a r m a r e !|

■ s t k a i i a p a g a o f p a r a -

t f i gw r a s f e r ^ i h o u f h t f n l — **


I n o t w s i s t a s p a c e i n t e l l i n g ; {;

u r b n n a a s s i s b i g o r l i t t l e , >

• r i t i s g r o w i n g * W e s im ^

» c t 'w i d fK i6m “ i ^ y o u _ w i l l ~ ^

1 c o a c l o s r o n . °

e ^ y ^ o a r 1 9 1 5 w e h a d i n «

y s t h a p o r t r a i t o f O T e r /

p e o p l e . W e j w i s h w e h a d j

9 w i n d o w s p a c e ; w e c o u l d N >

t h o u t e x h a u s t i n g t h e s a m -

i v e r y - d a y w o r k . Y o u ’v e i

W . d i i p I a y s U h e r e W a s - n o — }

i d r e d s o f o t h e r —p o r t r a i t s ■

u l . G o m e - a n d w e w i l l ' i

y o u , a s m a n y o f t h e m « a s |

I........ ..... t

rhe Bisbee Studio ‘■ ^ 5 /

■ ^ 1

— \ ;l , (

----------------- = ------------------------------------ IH.*J. U «aia wa« up from Bukl W»4- c

------------------------- _ ]

rae tday . . - .

- Dan. W kaley,-of Buhl-w a«-a.T laltiir bera Tuesday.

S. P. A th erto n ' and Oeorff« M. Uo* Phar«oa~iTer* ay 'f rb m Bul^l Monday.

F. C. QraTes and H. .SchUdman, of Bnhl, w ars In th* d t y f ro n Babl Moa*a»y. • — .............

Mrs. Marie J. SteTona and Mra. Mary ProT* war* down from Hana*a Wad- ^ d a y . •

Dr. W. A. SnlliTan le f t yaaterday tor fioiio to a tte n d ,'th e Swla* Orowars' asaodatlon ....... ...........................

Doa Of. M eU od and S. M. Cooper at R ocersos, iraa sac ted bnslaesa la thia oily thla w ^ . . ^

T. P. B a w ^ , w ho h a s 'a o raanery aad a 'O n e ito o k ' r a n d i n ea r Bnbl. -w ai-ia '^T w ia-Falls today.— — ~ :------

' wed~ v e ra W aed thlaw e ek T 0 -R 0 y -X .“ M Unw“ aad-M attd* A rts, o t Bohl. ' John- Low and Qei^ -trade M H laTr-o<-B nhU ^d->h.-,F tim t: Magel s a d M a rra ra t 'W llllans o t lihlao!ty. •

A trftBsJeat a a n e d John G o t waa arrested yea tsfday c h a rse d -w l^ -ateal-. lag a p a ir oC vo o ts rrotn m e room 01 H enry P a lley a a d la In Jail -awaHInK a hearing. Tho m en haa. rdoma In tbe s a a e honse.

.After remaldlSK ^ ixht 7o ars a t a slnR le-stand a t 202- M ate s tree t, the S . T . Uoi<t* b a rh o r shop w as mgred thin week to a - a t o ^ a t 110 no rth Main atreot, nm rtnloSr to the Bidridge Clothing fltoro.'

•—J.'A rW gtirsr'w ho-ta ta -charse-o r-the ' local p rof^am fo r tho Stato MorUml* tu ra l floclcQi’ montInK w hich w ll^toko p lace hero I^bn jo try 2 . 3, an3“4, saysUiat prAgrnmlM ^-ynnf-Ullll-tM l of unuHonl In te rest l u i ^ a l u o . A Inrgn HttundiincQ Is oxpoct«l>— ^

Dr. W. A. SuHlvnn. P rof. k7Z. Fjel- litcil aoTl' County A gent W allace K. Birch w ill hold a m eotins a t the .F air- vlow schoolhouso on Jan u a ry 17 and anntlior a t CxcclRior tlio . following nlRht_TbaaQ—schooliu)uiics . aro both noted for la r^o gBUicrlnEfl...inosLjr<i- cen t o t which w as tho I4ew Year's din- no r a t EJxceloior a l.yrhicli Uioro wore CO boskets.- . . ____ ...................


[. Gash (s b r i i t o T h e N e l s p i i C a s h G i

i B n g r a h a v e : 1 > e « a m a d e i n t l ; 8 c o n d u d l i n g b u s i n e B S .

L P A V Y O U ; T O I N V E S T

l a r k H astin g) S o n t h M a i n - S t T M t — P h o n e

Mr. i i e a r r uiBon is n a iu n g nia aon 1 In Loeon, Utah.. - . • 1

:-------1--------------- , • • • -IA lbert Nyo, of Filer, traaBsoted bHsl-

nBBB=har »=ga i Taagyr ' ^.................________ _ ■■ •- 1F. I.. DlffOndarrer waa' ik 'tb e elty

from Ri>goriion-TUurBilay. 1------------------------ - 1

W. Taylor, of Murtaugli. traasaU ed . bvslaosa in Uila city TuovUay. ' I

C. J. Mlllor ttDd T ..H . Darrow, of I Caatlcford, wore hero T uo^day.

M esdaneu P roctor and Payton were ijDnn.ahopplajr-from Rupert Wednea-' iay .

•W. -H. T um or, the KlmbeVly-banker, \ transacted bontacsi, in 'U ila oily"JIiIb ' woek.B

' Mra. R. C. DooIm- aad Mlai Beulah ' Trueblood w ere ia the city from Qod- ' win Wodneaday and Tljuroday.

A ttorney E. R. Dampi«r, of R upert., J was In UiT Tilt r n ItK iiO iialneaii.Wcd- DOiiday. Ho Hays U nprrt la en joy ln i i g rea t prosperity. ' 1

y. the roofing edntractor,ia In th e city from BnhU' where h e 1has boen some tim e'on account o t the 1illBoba of h is w lf e .^ ^ * ,

-- ---------- ^ — '> - 1Meadamefl Maaao and Krnnun we^o

M rs.’M. Bldea, of Blckol, npcot Wed- nouduy in tlilu- city. ,

County Superintendent B ertha Koel 1 re turned yctiterday from Bulil wliore ! Hhe w ent in counection wltti the'at>> prottclilQs trustecB meeting, -

County AKrlculturjHt Wallnce N. B irch and I’rof. A. J. PJclnU'd w ill ' Icftvo oiii'ly next Week tii !iltciid fur'' ■ m er’yJaroL'k u t tho universtiiy,

MIhb KHllicr Aiidtrnon of Pocfttiilld. Idaho, liaii e n ro lle d ^ the liuidtiobii fu l- l«*Ke horo. Another iitiidi.'iit frmn Kfil- : Fsp'dl, Wont., In Vcporlod hodh.

Ttio ilerchuntH' i ’roicctlvo !i«!iorin-)' Lion ut liii*t iiiKlit ,dfcld.nl Ito iip p o in f n pulillclty coiiiiultti-p lo / hooiil tliy l’ay-l.'|) week prot^oiiltioii.

A w ftrrnnt W.Vh limuoil lodny 'fb r the urrojit of W, G. Uoyou, of MiirlaiiKh. on thfi cliurKO of licllliiK mortKHC'd Utu ntork, A. J. l-'ultcr, of Murtniiiili.'VuK tho wnijilBliiliiB wllnniin. V

>'K>V LAW n u . \ i---------- -

- A now IttW firm , conHiHtlnR of City A ttorney OootKO H frrlo tt and C>vrl L. DoLon<? Iins been formrd. undor Uio ftrm nfl iva oriTcrrW ll fiTEuixn^, omrofi In tho Twin Falla Bank & T ru st bultdinic, in the rooms form erly dc- cupied by Mr. DeLong,. BoUi men ainv wldolT_known <n tlila fity f>nrlihaa bu ilt-up an enrlablo law practice.

iMOBinNTWDT 341 MainPALL8 .Jcme*

^ '^ O T O E K

A a p c c i t t l l o t t h i s tfeosfu a f t b a n r c j f u l a r p r i t * # . _ T i a x l / i i e l s c t io u i s s d T iu c d . go C i T t t f r e « 'w i t b t i e p a r o k a M 0

—TWIN FALLS---------------------( B K A D ^ OTHER- .


T he principal feature^ o f l^ g ls la - U Te_DaT-aLthe-Tra>tleth\;efttury tlub '*rn«MSy" a n firaw ff ’ n a a n ~ a a 'a r ^ by Hoo. M. J . Sweeley, thti ob ject o t w h ic h w a s t o glVe th e m a n b e rs a h e ^ t e r u n d e rs ta n d in g o t th o m a k in c o t la w s ta U telr-«w it.S tate . T h a t tho l a d ie s n p p rcc la td d th o e f f o r t w o s .ovl- d e n c e d by th o la rg e su m b e r- in iBttttt-^ d a n c e . B a ch o f w hom to e l -repibld In th b ~know lodK o g a in ed by . the lucid m aan o r In w h ic h tlio spoakcr h a n illu d .h la a a b j e c t

O ponlns th e p ro g ra m M iss, Nellie Ten^dalo-aaiiK^thTee-nnmbCTB-fnim th o sp l^ < a i4 > : co m p o a ltlo n s o t ' Cadraan. M iss T e n s d a lo 's . oxprosnion was Ruch asTD ~put‘m 'V 6 h r ’T 5 U r6 r th ir c o m - pn«w Tntft 'hla j i rn dupUnwa -m) vnyihr d i f f e r e n t f ro m w o m e a n l^ l c s a }ini(l08 BO frw iaen tlr h e a r d In m o d e rn mu"i<*. MisB V esta IV om ss w as Che ablo ao* com pnn lst A t tho cIobo o f Uio pro­g ram the singer onnounced U iat'C ad- m an would bo In S alt U iko aomotime darinR tlio m iddle o t March ahd cmild bo nem rcd to give a concert In Twin F a lla if Ujo p roper gunnintoc lym ho given. -T h o ♦*<« «*itiSw ill probably bo given in fbrthcrlng tho m ovem ent

A nothor . m usical, num ber was 4Ui

^focefyrocery-he linea. we are car^-^ -

riGATE ■

g s .

^ V ^ ■ ; - C . & H .

Bstruoicntal d u c t. b y , MIhboa lllpley ' n d W alker, a.very pleasing noicction n d .^ e l l fendorcd.•At a buulnuH muollng foUowlnc. tho qrnlOjV-oF-ttitr-a'naiitii- UotTOTHHTidt- • ?aa dlucuaaed. and Uhi ummlinouB Ui>- _

lmi> duriiiK. ilio i'urly purt o f Vub- >mry._TJl'>,P.r?uldcut ani^ounccj^a rc ry hir> orU iu t busliieim’ mwitlnc for Junu- ry ISUi luid uri;vd uvyry mciubi'r to0 prcHi-ut

-SOCIEXY-NOTES. 1S odety ItowB for thla eoluian will

u gradly received by tlie Tlmoa. 'hone 136-W. The Socioty Editor.; .

In Maioalc- hoil lant Friday- ulpbt, w enty couplee-eajoyed/ the r«*ulur lub dance. . --

T h a mom lrora of th e ' E p ln e o p a l olio lr r i l l h old nn Bnli»Hnlninf« t___u t — t h a -oHtamRro Inn J « d 83^ tg h t.-~ A tt lu- orm al.dftnee will follow, A allvor of- c rln e will be tnkan. ^

B ight ludloB (njoycd the bonpllnllty i{ U ni. Nowuinn lunt Frldny afternoon ;t a luncheon, followed by a n Informnl Ttemoon. A potted plan t occuplCMl he cen te r of tho Uible.

-VrHr-Trcrrlhrim wuh' h o a lc S a - im io • 'r la c llla club last Thurnday %ftor- lOon. iiT b e afiprnoon. an BHunl.'Vua IftTOtod lo fancy work and convormi* 1 o n ,,n tto r ?«vfch liRhl refpcshm cnu vero sorrcd. .

Mru. r . F. Kcn<;loy entertiilned two ab l0 () u t cftnlH Wodnenduy afternoon. )U0!itH were limited to a fe)v. IntlmntO rlondfl, Mra. Crtivtm. won flr«t p rire o r hlgli Hcorc. llrii, Kcnoley nerved n Md'COuruo luKchcon^aflor Uio Rame,

Mrs. Ivan Prir(! onlcrlalnod tin; nombofH.ot ,Uie .Kimberly Iloiid’club iwt Wedni-Kday. Urn, Crawford had :hnrs« of tho proEnirn, w^hli’h fonPK-l- id o t n vocal nolo by 'M rii.'l’ortorfiold,1 ta lk by Mru.- liaylnr nnd a rradlni; )y Mni, Sli^iiniH. .ICii;hli'.'a int-iab-^rii vcro pri'Hcut. A lwo-c()iir!>o liiiH'licon

i c x f mi)otlii(^ wiU 'lio li(-ld tho tin i’t V ndn 'isday in IV b n ia ry ,

■ M m . C. H, SiiiiHOn waii lirmlesii fo r ho A clro m a c!nb a t Uio r e g u la r nu-et. HR W <;diio«day fiflo rnoon o t UiIh w cok. rJip j nio.itlnB- \va» c a lle d DomoHtlc la y a n d In p ln c o 'f i r Ui'o rpR uIur p ro - c ra m th o Umo w an npo n t in BOwln>c. rh o f:uc!iLH rewpondcd to ro ll c a ll wlUi •pM .lM ‘>nM »ndJiou tic lio ld -h lu liL -M ra_ ju n s o n Korved a d a in ty In n ch ro n . T h e le x t m iietlnR of tlio c lu b w ill bo h o ld .vlth M ru .-S to v e r, W eJneoduy . J a n u - nry 26. \

MrW, JuL'k Mi-Ij iIh

^ O N ' ^ I ...

ATe.'Sosk.....................TWINBlock FALLS

inswsI’s s t7 le v L a d ie a L C l« 6 k -& * :ita ,__le q u u D tity k H au tad , a n d on__qd q u a l i ty , l a t f st.TU, s il^ w aiu t ; e a c h ' coa t. ■ ' ‘ '

---------- — TWIN-PALLS—kD. IN THIB PAPBB.) - -

^ __________]_______

Y um B or~ orT flw ^^~ T er?~5harm ingiyMonday e ren iag with* a .ah o w er fot- lowedl w ith a d inner at>d eard p a r ty in honor of M in M argaret WllltaniS, whose marrtaare to 'Mr: HVnnfcif f - a n n o a n c i jd ^ r ^ 'W J r ' t tk M k r r a ®girls wero Inrttw l to r h a ll p a s l ^ e and a t six a diMnUly appointed nve course 4ixuisr. was aotrved. - Tbo tabits decorations In. keeping with the room decoratlona^ wero in red. In tbo cen­te r w as-a-^arge-aialta ; sttrronnded-tjy ropea-of n n llax ; Red shadod can d l« woro uaed and sm all rod hoarts w«r( scattered ovor the table. T he placc cardH, Buggeottng somo fod of cac l o f the g irls, wero dain ty w ater coloi dcfllRns,—Red nnd"whtto w ero uBCd c t fccUvoly In th e dltfp rcat d in n tf conr- SCR. A ^tho cloae of tho d inner a largi pan frOBtW lo I^ re « in ir“h ‘wedding

;i f ts /A t eigh t the 'ybunR m en a r rived a n d ‘th e ovonlaK 'waa devoted ti proKresalyo ^Ivo hSndred. A ligh Innch w as Borred-wrtwelvc. Tlic mei of-tho p a r ly presented Ml«a Winiam; nnd Mr. Magel w ith a Hllver basket Among .UiOM presen t w-erc:. Wttmel VcHla Thom as, LouIbo Cnlver; Almi Benoit. Ju lia Taylor. Noon Faria

^u ao n n o -JT a y io rra in d y r D w ight-an i Fern Costello; Messra. Znck North CharlcB Nortli, Ab Benoit. Charlei MncRuloy, iCenj-on Green, Sid-Grorofi liny Cochran., r Jo h n Sm llh. F m \ M agel and Ray Logan. / ‘

DIL F.^C. BEEBE . ’ .^ DenUdt

Phone 426. r ^ t r a l BandlBf.


' ' Over . Taniey’i • A U 'iha moderfi d a c « taoght,

- 0 h V i lW K h « l^ U 6 n r i« a r f 6 * -t r o t , ^ - i ^ M , M ontrdss m a ts

. .tP 0 t,.* tC -« -- -T-, r * -------- r—^ Prtra ts.JeseoB i a re ry d ay anift

I t , ' T h e T w i c e ' - a - W e e k

A l 5 ~ C i r c u l a t i o t t n


f - ( 'IR C U L A T 1 0 5 1 0I T H A T U V A N Y .

. •V Elill'vLY ,^ '■ L lS I l^ D IN T i l lB SKL’TK

-------■ > ¥ « 'u v * a b le 'lo " m 'a 'k e '------w ill be o f sp * u ia l iu tc r e s t

^ r« a c l i .ik * p eop l* o f tU ia so X d itioD ftf tk o aubB uup ttoU

- SalpioQ t r a c t c a r r s p a p v r , . ^ T JM iJS .

— T h » -r* * « a i-* h a iti(e - iu <^ e i l i lo r - a n d p B b liab e r o f Tl^ jB ian ag em eat • ! T H E T O Uy Uutiou *1 th a tw o uiruu^utii

. T H E HBBALD i< the ^ _ a i l cxtermiTO c irtiu ju tio ii ii } .. . th e w ouuty, u iid tlie a d d iti i X J‘> lliHl o f T H E T IM E S exi y - - T W IC E -A -T N 'K IiK pubiic :ii *i* u r 'K U (;i ':K H O N , A i i s T K i ; J m id g rc f ttlv in c ren s

v » ll i-iiral v irc iiiiitio ii.■ i>uliliv;atioii o f T l l l i IIKH

•j* " A U . T H E N HW.S F

J e rii Uliiiio (lu r 'n 'lo tl u iiiciirt .>*■> iH-WHpiiiti'r, o u r ii'itii.

ri-Iiiib k iiew ap iip r ticm ” i.H th e c o in h itm tio u ll

t bea t a n d clienpL‘«t u d v e r ti ; J* L'l'ful^Hl iiu iiibo r o f p eo p le

y --------------'i’lie“ H ol«tion“‘o f“j'ou i!~€ ♦ T W lC K -A -W K lfiii. T IH E S -

V ; ,

EPIPBANy BYMHS- - - - - - -■ JO _B f RfPttTH

f ln o H u lM l r r * t n m a l AM saslo*‘ K p lsc^ a l ( 'h a rc l s K err**ao*d I17

i te iiiM l. ^ '

__Ur reason oC the a u m w o r t re<yioaUithe- fiplphany m w rea i^ ro c ram ^ ftt ' th« A ^ n s lo n Bplsespal ehareh lo s t Sun­day wlU be rep m te* l e x t Banday. The oholr nnder Dlr««»er' P aiilaa dallgbt- ed ihe e o n g re is tto a -a e d - ils H o re r^ d w as composed o t tbe toOqviagi has- ACM, MMch. HaywarS. B ls f la s , Watson. Crowley; tenor*, H a s M , L«lth^ Riss- ler. Paalen and M a lU u ; s<tpranoB Mosdames Tncker, T r a a a a a d Slsglni a ad Misses H oasat* . Taylor and •Smltli;“ aitOBr‘M«®*am»^ Bowea aa< P ranck aad Mlsoeo H »* tr and C oien A due t b y M esda»*a .'M char and T ro aaift-w as-attch-j>p> r*c1aud . and- thi t u o r 'B inglng'ot Kr.BiaelOT w as pro

olrole. Mra. M. L ."fr«JT te, a s organ 1st, playod tbe ao** m y a lfe* a t' to th satistacUon o t all.. D t. H fcgins l president o t th* d^oSr. Tb*.a«rBion 0

tu n o d ‘ l6 U)ostrongly to the people present.. Tho following ia tli* progranf whlc

w as glTen and wklcb w ill be repoatc nex t Sunday.Processional, "T he G hareh is O u r’

■ " F o u n d a tio n -------------- .--------------------I ;?To --------- ...................... . Betr B<Jrmon Hymn. "B rightest and Best"> .....................................MondelBBohI ,S e iaon .; / - '~ Offorlot^, by oholr, •’I Wuited fo r .• l h o ix ird" Me^doia'Bol - Itccoaiilonul, ’'T he Son of God Goes ) ForUijloJWar". __ _ j . _; - - • -------------- ------ ----•». ^JUtKS-lUJllU i:-«m»THI*Ba—r r —T

TAR STRONG D(K)‘» . , • -----------t ' C. A. UoHjctep. of V alrn llne, Nt 1 .{fl ono of till! lead^nR boosters of Dod 3 BroUiera cnrH in that- H<!Ctlon of t , country. W riUng in tp the factory.8 aays:1 “ 1 Uilnk Uie Dodfje BroUicro ca r ,, a-w onder, ogpociully in thifl-counti ] .where you. have lo . buck, jiond cvo , trip . My wprk is a lw n y s .ia tho sol B h llls and I have (o .cover about 0 : 1, hundred square miles of the woi

F roads o n earUi.. " l .h n v o driven my c a r over 6.0

m iles w ithout a breakdow n, som thing never dona w ith a n y ,o th e r c bvor thCHO sam e roadii. r i n 't h o 's n i h ltls 1 go from 13 to 16 m iles per ga

• lo n -o t gao. If 1 iTonts n o r th . on U hardTood* Iw ouldavcragdlie l'w beh" •and n milOB." - -


^ C I A O

i r C M IT M T

Times Takes LeadtrFhis SKtion—-----laho XP T H E T IM E S E X c i iK D S J T I IK li K H W S l’A P J iH — ' A E K IjY o r d a i l y — p u b - X )N O F - T I l l i S T A T B . - ❖

'_____________ ...J"____lliia u im m iiiccsacu t, v rb ich A

.0 kdTertiHera w h o w ish t » - ■ jtion , b y rouaon o f t h e nd - . i s t -o f T H E l iE R A L U , th e . . >*, o_ tb e c ir c u la t ig n .~ O f tm .^ — ‘ V —

B JunR gftn i(*» t-^w bereby-tbe— — IB lT T ]n .\L l5 aBsiinKt^ th e ' ' ' IS, iiecCfiaitutCM ib e uonsiili-,

"«■ ' ■ / .

on ly eo u iity p u p c r luivintc. tb e floiithdi-u po rlion .q o_£' t ___'U o f ils l is t o f subserilii-TB ^ eiid.s^Uie c iri 'u b ili 'o ti o f th e on csiKU'ially to th e Iow jik ’) .\M , J I O l j i l S 'l ’KU, J3ER- - ■H ■(111! 'I 'w in F a l l s c i t y as A f te r -S a l i i r i l i iy ’s is su e !bc VLL) w ill be d i.s c o iit i i^ e d . - ^

iJS T ” V i l l be oui- siokM u; ■ V '.-luutluii u f .Sillltll- ■' .

liosir','; 'To ])iib!isli a coin- s V

' .■ : t

■ w illi Ui(‘ la r« t“s t d ircu la -111 Fiakl'B T H E T lS lK S lllciiiK m e d iu m ; rc n o b in ^ tbu X ■tt'ilb lilt: lean t e x p e n se . . V

jd v e rri5 in e -p ro b lem "lH ~ > b e7 :— V — - th e eon ip lc le uttWHpapiT. O ,

L E u b l i s h i B g d & b ^■J , ^

m 'S IC A l. P K O U IiiH C O S T IS ^ r t _ _

Ttie popdlarity of th e singing p f Ulsa Bstelle Mc.N’eul' a t Uio Rogeraoa eafe Ib a ttested, by the la rg o crowd la a t­tendance.o t eve ry .m ra l since h e r 'e n ­gagement bcRan. 'S he has a delltht■^ . fally sweet voice w hich haa been iu l- Uvated m a s to b r in r OUX^l its m ost ^excellent qualiae^i__T he AUfil«al pr*?gram w in .coatloua. at.ho th .luB cheon... and dinnor. Miss V esta Thomaa aa accompanist on tb* p ian o ,-is r**«ir- .

pm lM b tBow rt__by arltns 'and n u e tc 4eTorsp-A4T.

O rphp-T heatreTharaday , F riday -k S a lirday

: ■'Afiflrew and Q bsea ' ~I J^*T«Hy ® a» d a» . AeL C taiil*

a a d .'U ttf l t l ^ r o o a Steps.

Agnes Ahern & Co.' A aa rlc a 's M ost F inisbed aad> -H aiel S tren g th G ym w ute; _Ui* .- ^ lU m a a .W h e e iia S tJ irtU n g ..e lw .J tric a l, Seanatlonai.



a T ilK M A R T T R S -o r T I i r AI:* * MO

^ ------H l»torical — and- ..-»piif.Ui£Ular _ .---------drima-Ja part-i- ^W ngl*-^ t e u ty rc .- ...... * —.


!» 'SA V K D IIT WIBEI.USS ,0 , C rnekerjuck TrlijnRlc -Key-.

stone , fa rce comedy in 2 parts,-.Ib tjn secret.aet^vice- d fC m .

5 . .inST A K E OF MAMMT 1 0 c '5 .. Comedy • ,

Show Rcpliw 7 o’clock, C o a tla i. - 'o u B ^ ^ r m i i .-

10 coMnro, oxnAT, ONE yiOHT. ^ _ ©10,Y

i W n .m K S .H A S T

'• Io n i l ( /m U T rU m le F « i t « r . '

8 T H * » I S C m i

1 5 c l b . . . . . . . . . . .w ^ s k i T ; : '

Page 6: I B i S f c s lOTHlNfcDONM— OfiGANEf iDAV ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN...»8od to crecl at Twln FullB. but not jj, itll todtty was my reQuest-compiled lUi

t-— — --------- C o f . t e e _____ '. ■ ■ -

r _ jC er.ta in til o f tjnflXrm ■J . g o o d n e s s i s a v i r t u e o ( i

■ , S ^ c h i l l j n g 's B e s t . T l u i i i i ^ h '

i s j l u p j i i ^ ^ c d in

=^r > v c i Y :]

, - A / i c l t ; ' ' e i - y c a n i s a i r - \

t i g h t ? Y o u . 1, ' e t a l l t l i e 'C u l l ,

f l a v o r ( i f r r c s h - r o a s t c d j

c o f f c t ; \ o u K c t t l i c c c o i i o -

■___li ly , o f p r i m e $ lV c n i .I th . , ' '

- . Ti.r- iMUi-V.llch.ltf ■ _ .J


_>Tho Sawlootb G razing Aaso- - ciBtloQ.wlll pay SCOO.OO ro w v d tpt inform ation IcadltiB to too a rrc a t and convlcUon ‘ o t any

Iro m ^ n y m em ber of Uila nsso- elation, r - ■

T . C B A e O NScMCfnry, S a n to o th 'd m ln g

Association.^ • ' T wId Fal’liTTdftho. - - ■ '

"iwirFstisl'l I V E R y j

■ — _ 4 - ■ ■

|o r s E s J a a n f e t l a n { l ( ( p '. ; Team s for Hire

| - ^ Q r 4 r d ^ e s t -

■ C. A. W A R H K U ** / ------COAL YAK IW ------- -. PITONE 224 ■ 13S 4tli Ate. 8.

Rook SprlnRB ' PcococU

y. Sprfng Canyon - - ^ D lM k - H a w k --------- -<'lnar C r i io k - - -

havc'cBHlora moaCy"tb-'oan f. on Improved farm lundB o r ,^ ^ l- ' BC88 propcHlflfl. •

If you are eohiR to tiarc a public fiale see mo. I iim prc* pnrc'l to c le rk Uio snie nnd pur- cbasc your paper.



ORire. T n in FaUr Dank Jt TruKt Co. nalld in^

Crozicr Transfer Co.Can movo your houuchold ttuoclH In

l&rse Bprlng van.

Expert Men for Packing and Crating of Furniture

AIsc’ iiaro eiorago buss and b u s t-----trnlhB •

I d ^ b o o e US and t

ton S A IE ’I havc-a larRO Quantlly of seed po-

: UU>69 o f ti}o Jlu ra] and Netted Gem Yurletles. th a t I am offering f« r salo, T«8B oa^le tonnB aad prioes. 0 . 'A.

'I tob tasoa.-B A B k * T n ts t bttHdlac.• Twin r a l la . —A dr. T»c. 31 tf.

i n - K A X m FBOK THB s n * t

_ _ ?Contlnne< from-pago 3.) .*■ n m i ooe th« n a d f qmS? AHfl W ; “U o r t dnn’t rated. fOr t t ta fCttlBc ^ .«Mr4 njornine. 1 wm teare you. . ■.

“Ne; I, w on't *o «ut {^« fn jn tla remarked a s tbar.wolicMl Crom ttM ,room and dowtj the-tcraDd attipcas* la .,tbo Btlent maaalon. •‘I'U bo' out Ibo ^xay 7 -camo fn. l f« Roea Juck.** .

In tbe Ubrnry A rtbursank ncain Into •Jae cBBy c b ilf .; Not.oue 'won! had. bo' _»pok«n:— rBll(ly-:t<j: .. !bo klncicmallor a t l)fi n ay 're a d y to>art wJib life itsclf'-nU tiout fear and . ivlihout h</po.

At t^o thoURbt-biB cym iipon tbo ..aninby elnwi, the pblHopctll-lfiJIcp w itb , irlilcli bo-.tTAs to drlii.k his tuaat CoOcnih. .. ‘

LuUu’s oyos followinl.llilii. "W by. 1 ]«.‘lnri'.” Ji(! crlpi), wlib jui ulr ol^clum-iy pliiyhilneas, "1 ucimill" f«rj;ot to ^iHku-o.v-bniinly wllh my colTi-e!" Iio ^

'iulil, "(lu! lioiiiitny Ryu dritiUs your j ^iioil lii'alth!" , _ I

Arilitir Hiiru‘<I im tlmu-.;!i to I'loii Ijim’. Milt lic-ivi»!*-wlfliout fi-ur iiiuUwUboul libjiy... Tlil.i:\VUH destiny. . AVlint ii'inn' iiiiiy r<':iil the lio.ll: or liki'aifV li wiia . icypiy kh tiict timi I.ylic :i!iil not lu* was to lil<‘il«o tliL- Inast «i IumIIi, .—Lului-draim-il .iln; l|L'umU-_uL_ii f:ull>. ^ ;liL-ii liclj.ccl ' lilH li|>'». "QiWM'r* Htiiir , ilmt!" Iio Huiil; “ Wliy. ciirsu It. It buruH , llUf iicldV . Uc JoriUi'ii nt lliiKur’s aon. ;uul iiliilii nil worcis Iio rcutl wimt won' Injjio iliirk cyi'H o'f the; otlii'r.

•"it was a Im p!'' be nhrUrl;cd. •'!)—n your KriiiiilnK. in'iiclioruuH fucc, it wus u irup l A w p sy irlckl • You liavb pol- I nonpd mo!" I

And, rcullttg and cursliiK and Rrnnp- In^ n t JilniKOlf nn tliou(;Ii lo ^tny tho ojjony tb n t bnnied nt lils vltul9,.LukQ.. siasijercd lhrot)Bti tlio,;wliiUow low J o , tbo luwn nuO ncroHH tlio Rrnss plot to tbo drlTowny iil tlio had: o f tbo man- 8ion.

And then a sre.-Jt Rlarc of light play- cd upon blm IlCic’-a rolgbty beam of In'cnudusccncc, nnd wlib n msplng Hlirlek from iliu clcculC born B lalt’a .■

of tbo great niaiialou and In a flasb bad Ktruck tho poboncd man, cm sblng I In Ills b c o and leaving blm a buddlcd. 1 iinlvcrlng mn«s lu tho roadway. - ' •

John I'ovrcll clutched a t his h ea r t In tho ngony of thti moment bU soul aeenicd to*lenp-from-blm-fl9-bo-pe6F«<l- -J from-bcbtnd'Ttio window abndo n t tbia last tm glc toll taking of Death, tho B uardlnn.oLlbc.diamoad.froinitlio_#klJ..

Tboro wdA n ahcJck from Vlvlaa oa tbo flwlft nuto Rtnick the poisoned I

■ | W : -



_ i


Luk* IrtW n etandi A tt/ft'd' ‘—man. Tben a s i^ n ilJn B 'm b eU ra irw r '• the ca r stopped wltn a Jerk, and Dialc • ran buck to tbo quIvcrlnB- flcura^ In tbo ' roodway. " ‘

One glance' nt tbe crushed, d lsflgu r^ ' face and Blnlr. In merciful plly Btrango ' to him. plnced bis cont o rc r t t to hide tho dreadful sight. Ue bent down. '

Tbero was everj cridenco in tbo at* ' tlr6 as to. who It was. Tbo wallet bad fallen from tbe breast cTOI pocket of, tho dead man. Dlalr know It.

Ho called for Vlrlnn. and as sho ran toward, him be tore from the b rca jt of tho dcnd man Uio diamond from tho Hky, while the baited auto throbbed ntid panted nn thotigb tt gloated at w hnl It nnd Dlnlr hiid done! ,• • . • • • ' •

"A gypHy .trlckf’ tbo dying innn had cried. - 'J horo wore otbor gypsy trtcka. Joliii Powoll -wns dead: w ith blra BbouM Artbiir'B inuley passl Tbo.now namcleflB man rnn to bla room and hiiBtlly donned n heavy dark su it of clotliPt. ■. • . ■

TJio crJc.1 of Virion and Blair had -roused the house, and tbo nnmctcss jnnn_ben.ra tbo half dressed acrvanta ruablag dowu ibo stafrs and ou rF yT B f front door tp ibp back of tbo bouso.

Unsten. be piiss«<l (o tho library; And then, 08 th ry horo' tho corpw of"hlm tbey thought J»hn- Powoll to the tro n t and Into hla mansion for tbo la s t ttme, the m an wbo had been A ftbur Btonloy And John Powell slipped from thewlzt- dow. atot* acroM the law n ^andj a d U

Ida VA7 t i tm s i} (0*.4wirR k.to tlie hAa«ar. •.. .

«...chim . be rove with tt a«d ettobed^ op tbe-aalf=w«y-of-th»-^<riBd~M Ni:toag -opo itbe .w lng ftQ f U ie .n » « la * t. .. .. . .

O ut to sea. fa r oo tl T b b waa a d«ath to dlol B a t tke w loca o f tba to Q t^ iu w afted cxa'ItatloQ to bla *001.' H e CMt- - nsldo tbo busl/(K tils degradation snd turned a^d wheeled bla dtata&t' f f ^ t — c lear of mind and clean o ta o n ra g o ln l - O n tbe w tngauf tiio B orn lnc. nod 'far - below B-gypsy O ftwvan.\;l., ' '

“ Eatber!" £ic tbOugbC. "K atlier.'tny beluvcd, und Ilngur, my di-BR,iuotbcrr

.Vnd lhcn.N)n tbo w lnsa of. tho mom- lnc..'fl’o m c th l^ unnpiicd.: Down. down, lie plmigcd. Ho «nw In tbo btijcbt llglit’ of <l:iy Ibut now' lllliil^Uiii. tuirtli. tho trypslt-n awnrmlng-but. nnd Uo coulti <IIh- cern fho Blight Ilcure of ISsthor

TliPii iio felt the ttlr rise up oti cUIht Kidi! ati be uauU down Uko u. pIiiinuKit.

ho MlVvoiI.'tbo oiitstnitcheii nruiH tuur f ui'litrru'd fiiciy of JC.siljor—n-iH»0 Ht iind without bogie.

. \ t tlie inanyk)!! <'f llW* lafa Joliii Pow. t'JJ » HTwiib.or iJoux‘n».Ia-uaJihi;-tJuor.. . The iifWn(>ap<Ts HiTfi-cIi Honsaltou'iilly of hif* ilc'iuh iind tlK? Hlr.TiiCi! mory Hhilr h:iH (tl«i;l<Ni')l lhai ilu- mad milllotmlro.-

TVllM'llM’k-JHil.MOHrlllKMbM'W-lllniwJyn- -Ihc-. 'vny uf liii oiiru.shlng automobile. . wua iiyU ohn Powo!!, b u t A rthur St:i;i. •

— b B B i <

n S S H ' JB ^ H S w lk ' * mS S iV ^ B I '

\ I IT h rd u p p o s« d 'O e a th -o f-A rU iu r-6 tanl«y.- -j lOy. fuRltlvo trom JnHtlcc fn Virglnin ( uud heir lo un r.UKllsh oarldoiu and,tbo ) dlnuiond from tlic nUy! ' 1

A gypsy hunelibuck riding to.th J dead man'a hou'se-on a—truvcf tlrBi- tioniO'18*told-ritt-lhl».~He-tnrn8-aadly- J away. How atuiH bo tXtw auch a mca> sage to a dying mother? \ * i _____ (TO ng cowrmineV]______ j--------- 6 ii*noing~ th« .Q uutie^ri:« -;^ III

A french gentleinan who bad been ' witli U. do T«})cyraod tor tw e a tr I years accompaolod blm lo th* eongrwa > a t Vienna a f te r Napoleo«> exHa to ‘ Blba. Peoplo naturally eoneliMled-tbat ^

m ilia r w ltb a num t> er o f p o r tlc n la ra o t ^ 4bo m ln la tc r’a llfo a n d b e a r ln * 'a l s o , upon tb e e v e n ts w ltli ' w b ltti k« bad ( becu .mUe<» u p .„ . V V orrjod_nJtb q w » - ; tioDB, tliQ f r lW d In v a r ia b ly implied tb a t t bo k n e tr^ n o tb lB g . b u t th e iiucBtlonera ’ n-ould n o t b e u itb tO ed a n d ro tu rae d to tb c cbatiTfc

■'Vcry_well.*' flnn ily sa id T n lle y ra n d ’a c o n fid a n t; **I'U te ll y o u a p e c iilk ii .a n a a lto g e th e r c n k n 'o w n fa c t In c o i i i i ^ o n ^ I t b U . d e T a l la y r a o d .- 8 1 ^ L oo la •X -V.-W >- U » -o n ly . m a n _ w ti^ T f a g r t> ^ 'A so ft boiled cgjf w ltb ono b*c»cward atroke o t hia kn lto w ithout spUllng a .drop o t tb* eonteat* ot tbe abtll. T b a t ia tbe oidy p eca lU rltr I k n o n 'la cob- I nectlon w ltb blm."

Discretion bAd ecored a dedalTe.Tfo- tory. From tb a t moment ib» QDee* tlons eeaaed. ___________

____ ._ D u tm atch « l."Did yjju bear about tha row round

a t Pcnbccker*a bouae la s t o lg b t r U r. Joncfl asked bis w ile aa tbcy sa t a t supper. , , , ,

1 "No.” aald tbo Indy m utb Intereated. •'W hat bnppenedT’

•■Penbecker tr lo d 'to tb rasb bla wife, find tho poUco woro called Juat In time to avert n tragedy.” •'

■•Oh. tbo bru tel Did they takoH lm to p r lso n r

"No; tb e y ”cnrrlS l him round to the bD»pltaI."-New York Journal.

Tha Ab»«ntmlndad Waitar. Hungry Mau (to m an behind tho

conntcM -Bottlo of milk a n d , graham crackcra.

•■Yes, a ir . W nnt'a .bow r-w ltb u r '- ~ N o ;- - c u t- a -b o le - lr i - tbo^ a to p p er-an d - n i d r in k tb ro u R b I t ”V “ Yes, alt. S a v e a spoon with UT’ ■^“Ob; no.' l alwaya e a t milk w ltb A knife."'

•Tcs. sir. . Spoon's safer, thongh. Von're liable to cu t ^ u r» 6 If .with a | knife.”—DIchmond TUnw-DlspAtch.' ^

'I he Stoct/jo sinfflo in d y s t r j ' d(

/ : vice th an doe's _tho stt

Tolophone sorvico un m u n lty of'Interest. ‘

T he liia i^ S l 'iw c s^ ^ d e i' ' --- :------ ........ ^-----

.The b re e d e r uaes t e le j

, T he sb ip p « r-u J e s ~ ^ conditions.■iT he ra n c h m a n ^ e s ti

“ -------- ^ g - l i l g r gtfS g g iz to Tdgia n d m ^ n g o th e r sh i]

A ltogether, cpaprehei an d development of tl

. . 7 . 7 ^ ^


'nlic llm I’roposltlon to Your iluiilkcr.

U)tleau nil BlgUH Otll. tlie oq<; (‘ortuftT eaull of the Kuropcun war in Kolnjj to 0 ll general hHuuiUis to Aniertcun aduBlry. Our mlllH a re 'ru n n in g to

noa: ou r bnnka *nre gorged wlUi loney; o u r people emplgycd a l good /ORCH and xonstiinU y Rbortcr.'boars,, lak ln g U ilnss fo r Europo to cot, and- /oar nbd Bboot %Vc shall have greatro sp en ty . ------wtui pfdBpT>rny'COTnp!rthp-proinotcr.-

rylng to got Bomo of. th a t prosperity irltbout w orking fo r I t - Ho will baTo TCAt actiemea t a m akq you (and Waa-nif"i-ipii:~Tou~n r B t^ 'f t e ^ ‘mmiraifr7gr'ICB jc r f la l .1 F ak ea by m e taouBAao rm jollow in th e w eke of prospeftly, J1 seek ing to eepara te you from y e a r loney. Tbo w arn ing is particu larly pporlano now; -Bdwaro tho promoter. ■It you .Aro «Ctered any schem a to aako money, tako U to your hanlter.

own «D gonerail principles. pro- aotcrn finda poor pickings whon. you tikd 1 ^ p ro p o a iU ta 'to tho bon^.m an. ink tb e banker: W ould you gd Into Ills w ith the bnok 'a m oney? A ad It ic wonldn^t—K loal Tou.

V ear* ago a r W eetcm conccna or*

' Z K 5 M Ef ' ; \


1 in sertion , p e r w o r i........-,. . .Io I

A ll nds n n s t be ordered to r a Ista ted len g th o t tlfflfi. I

Read jo o r a d tbe firs t t in e I t IappeATB a n d leU fy na Immed* I

• lAtely I t n n e rro r nppewB. 1Call o r 'B t j J l ^ n t r^ n ire u e n (a I

. M lnlmnm to ta i 'e lu rg e to 'be n o t I less t h ^ a S c . . !

• ^ *

POR BALE—I^lnoj»lnglo driver, rog- ulAr road ste r; h igh headed; gentloTor lad les; w ill no t'.scare a t outoo. s tree t ca rs o r tra in s . This Is A.' atAndnrd bred borso.' A t a bArgoln; cash or bankable p a p m ^ t fi p e r cen t- 'R -V . Ja rd a n , r o u te d - T w in F a lly 1.11-14*

PO R 8 A I3 J-^ ) ilrd - cutUng lafalfa; doUTerwl-:.Cft« f.Qfl--Jl : - 1-11-H'

FOR SALE—O ne McC»skey Te»lflterj ono Dayton- com pnUng’ scAle.-8 ahow eases. -D o a o y ^ A rS p e ^ ty . ahop,-152 W- Main. F h o n e /n ^ j , ' • .

FO R f lA I^ OHBAP—RoajjBter 'Jo good eondltloo. At i H , 6t!iaTonoe norUi. , . >.

- —

tfcdustry anti theirives m ore benefit from- a compro jck business.

itca the b re ed er ,.th e shipper and

>hone serv ice in canvassing th e t«r

ihone serv ice in keeping in toiii^i W

spfiona s e rv ^ e to keep him self i t

lU p h o n e \ f v i c e in th o econom ica l

aping arrangem ents.,

asive telopone service Is ^ valuabl: le .stock industry .

5T0CK SHOW Wf EK-'lN DENVER_______ jQ tu i a r y i p t h - 2 3 r d . .*

SPECIAL LOW RAILROAD RATES.O t C .o iirac , Y o u A r c Com lna:*

— B t e - M o u n t a i n S t a t e s . ^ ,

e l e p h o n e & T e l e g r a p h C

Kiinl'/nrd luhinik aniHlffnrbd U\c xtock imiailrntil. Itjitan n clover iirlicnie—a

,KO(xl Hcliemc, un ti.n .iro flta lilo ono. It bnd inui'li miiHt anilHlioiild have r^mo tc>'a be tte r «-nd. U ul If. waa U)o (ioOii. au<l llie |>r(iinoinr euultl iiul st.'inil' theliroHporlly It. bf«u«»l*Wtl4»».------- ----------

- ■ Two h a rd worklDg mlnfltR<o^t. Inter- oateil nnil'lio 'ugA t'tlio udWce u£ tlioir huinkuc. I lu udvlued ugalnul ll. ■'But It puys tco< pur c e u t und you oply 4our;.nnlL , h^ aln ‘JUJl1ry-!^liy tlir Hlnck will double In valuo in a ycar/'.iilYci! a ll Uiat m ay bo.Crue," said Uio banker, "b u t yoO'ro taot strong enough 'to take t]ie T lsk nnd f o r '^ e ^ a a lb lo profit you ca n 't afford to cbanco a. probable

■ioaa.-'-Thsy-went-jtn. s n d J a J e s s tliAii Mlx'’monthA-t]iQ-bank-,wTnLJ>mkQ and tbc m iners nearly w ont b roko 'w lth it '—they h ad plunged. Today th a t stock l id s , hidden In tin b ^ c s . mnto ovl* t le ace o t -w hat-bappy ii^w b«o-yoa-gfl -ftg ^ D » t- th » -a d v lc » .^ ^ o u r., ba n ker. _

A ce r ta in 8 to a m t|^ i cAptAln navei c a r^ ^ tl m ore than h hundred do llan a * n ^ th r ~ a a d yotX ia th e coarse ol t)v<!hty-flvo years ll» was ab le to raise 4 tABilly» dress an({ a iucato them , p ro ­vide a bandsom o homo, c lear o f debt fo r them . > Jd Ieait» hia wltfcuv wltli woBsfc U UUllpuiL but lu Luuifuit lot Ilfie—u l tills on a .^androd A m onth. R< saved b a it bo e a rn e d .. Tho accrot ma> liavo lain w llh Uip wife, o r w ltli him; o r w ith bo th ; b u t the reaol^ w as there ja s t tb e same.' 'W hat thla man did yon can do. H o stuck closo to tb e bonk;

^ _____ 8 E L L t B E N T t BOT 1^ EXCOAKaBt-aKOUBB ' J jB E L P »P O S rnO B 8> M C .

FO R S A L B -8 0 acres o t land . "WU n o t oxceoA.|2000, U trade, o r v iR te l sm all w srm ont down With nk ie annoA p a y m ra b . SH trom station B n in k ’a exchan tft.»^ \ ________

DBLAVAL SEPARATOR^No. 15; p a r t ca^b, balance to s u i t B m nk’i Elzchaag*. ___ ______ ________

RUBBERS. 60 cw'Vs w hile they laa< A t B n in k 'a Exchange.. •'_________

TBN T FOR aA LE-80x69. IS^'Oa. n e a r l r now. B n u ik 's .G>xch^ge.

SALE—'Team, gelding. 8 Tn old. raa re « j r i old, m arp 'In f « W eight 8800 lbs. Box 418

tO R SALE—D ae b u n d ^ tons goo o ttaltaV hay. w ell stacked. H andy t tcedlng- pena and .'water.- Sampso Bros.. H ansen , Ida. ________: 1-7-2C

“HAY F O R S A L B - i« mllea strafgl we s t o r « a l n . L. J . .Miller. . 1<«3

Six purebred- Poland'.CbinA glU eligible torroglatraUQD to bo sold ne: SAturday, JaniMkrr ISth.. At the- aa<

; tlon grounflfl. - — ...... Ad

> and Brooder,' cc fflp )B ta t* -356^S »^ ' Almost new. P rice llt.OO Is hAlt cot I Phono S8fl» ______ 1 4 U j

■ f f i J T K l l .

f - WANTBI>—Sxperl«ace4 v a l t m H R ogefsca CAtA. .

— 'T ' ~i 7

Telephone : T:eDslvc telephone ser-' .

. ■ /

iho m arke t in a conaJ- (\ \

i to r y of supply. -J.th dem aod. ......•' ^ - - - • -* |-

formed .03 lo . market . |

hand ling of his itockJEHiTTirTiBcnring^carj

I fa c to r ia the grow th

.bought hlfl bomo and p ild (o r It by.d*^ . gro<'h\ c a rried ’ a f a i r nn jount of ta- Hurunco, n<\vor trUxl.an'y achuniuii, a>4 held fnot to. wlnu lio Kot... The roiily hlg tbInKH nro n o t hnwkad

■silioat U ic4 trecLi lllco vogctabjca, Tb* . ■ltljftl<;nla aro no t for the ■‘tlear publia." H enry Ford-.nfivtr _offOrcd, .hls- s to ^ _ bro:idoa«i. A certain Now York lib'din^ Uikor (now bankrupt) d ld .-:s tn ad a » i Oil never- w ont wlUv^lidt in hand. soe>»- In r thnnr ivlin irniTlTl ^^^T R ig 1Mb|w aro for the few; littlD th in g s foe m» m any. . ,

You worked • protyr Im rd for ycfK j inonoy, and IE e n sb t to w ork to r T V ^ l .Not overw ork; b it Ju st keep c o a t o # * f <bly-bB«y.— I t . ,» t t I - v to r t_ r ig h tA f y •tnliyr~tor^mp»BBd-lm«i«at-«ro«M — a pace ; b n t i t yua wdVk f t too bArd,-Jl wUI, lik e tho faithful o ld horse, k o te go in g -fo r a tfamv l>ot e n D t ^ l j r f j p '

Bsri*^ <« K«»«^ thii» pe r co n t'w Ittt 'T fs fc Do«*C lo se -y t* r • p rincipal try ing t o be t b ig I n t n ^ Yon tb u st socrifTev coe o f tw o tiiitam ' P rinc ipa l o r latsaM . K eep sAte m | | yonr U fom o.w llt b e s n n l l h o t n n ^ b u t I t yoji seek l u ^ r e t« n s 7 7 o a .z B A ... o f a ce rta in ty j to p o rd lje Tonr.... ^.>^7"^tio Jumps tb a t l u a yoa on tbo irriiMtf M ch Umo, ra th e r th a n tak e tlylng IM#* in tho dark. T b rift consists in lea«^ Ing som e good tbtogs a lo n a Tb« p i ^ mOter ia on& Ilfs beet a c h m e I» iAt good enough tor yoo.

il Cl A . VT~ IWANTED—W u d u to d o 'v a a h l i i*

CAll S « r6 th n m n t ea«^t P f a » e 7 ^

. W A N T E D -A nle* f o r n l M to tm im BQlt* Of tw o rooBoa l a lb* reotdM ib d is t r ic t AddwsA A. Cm TtaHfc. WANTBD-^£«eoBd IiabA h m lta fe gt-Bnxnk^A-lfaebMuer------ ■

WANTBI>—To h ew v u U a g n u a a a 4 v t l« to v o ( k %

; tarm ortro iapu tyw aQ tlnB to rttx tlill J' d a iry now o r la a i r in g . U Dl P 1 a « ^ . hU bland. B.'D.^ ' _________

-fOHBBKT . ■. TOR iu 5 lT ~ T ^ ^ T o o in o .^J P a r tly tu m U lie d . Inq tilro on preikJ >. isea. 601 4th ATe. V .i . • . M B T

t * LOST — -P rsd a ^^ * - m o ^ jT ( t^oe» D. K. F r o ^ rah o b and .B o *- c reek bridge, brow n m titt .v lU i1. ta ^ a and Bmall .h M d .o a firoflt -F ln d t|:t ploAse re t t tn rw T tam .o tP ce . .; '.

r' IX)8T—F u m ir ta t« O M b m ^ V rld lr - -- oTcalng. F ln flir I'savo a t Tlmea o fB ^

J “ " '"^“■k3EcuuS86W':':~7r^ o ; D ^ X ^ ^ t o haa te a g b t- tn n iH t« 7 tiM morrod-hlB-wnt» t o T B » ~

era and. Betiiiuxe's R ea lty offioe, I B> Sboeboae waft -Q e .J ia a -a b o ^ b o n ^ L OfiOM

r s ; TMUe§^ 711-Wv '

Page 7: I B i S f c s lOTHlNfcDONM— OfiGANEf iDAV ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN...»8od to crecl at Twln FullB. but not jj, itll todtty was my reQuest-compiled lUi

..... T W I O B ^ C T r iB I T T W U I F A I J B 'T T M E a ~ y i ^ A Y , ^ A y ; l i . l W g ^ ^ ^ - -------------------------------------------

■ ^ t i I J < < |A y iqTB H C 4g!glL-,^^ , w , ^ O r 'T f f W F&LXA • M d K m H ^ y - TOAH O,. - - —— :^iUL------ tn oj f f ro r y- o y- C T iN f a l l s . , _______ uxm

n n p i ^ y n ^Iflia' C ltjr' C o M ^ O ty of »1>8

n d A .F ^ la m et. In.RdJoorned re so la r k^PltoB At Uie TflSTi^ taeetlnK »IM 0

i i K u b ro o n a * la to ^ B o ^ 'B h w k ? : l U i n Av«nuo> io Uie said C ltr o t *^7 g rtt-P sU 8 ;:io o '^ M o n flv rtto i« th td M - n>ocM 1>er, A. D;1916, a t Uio ho ar o t ^ K h t O’c lock P. 11. - 7 0 ®H n*-m «eU ng .'w aa.c^o iL to .o rdo iL bx f°g It* U ayor, and, upoa roll-call, th o ■ Miowing iQtmibors and •‘oflldalB-wore ™‘“ b t td . t o .b o preaeot:■ M ayor: • B. H. 3weel*y, ' f®“ |« iU id lm aa; 0 . M. B pith .____ ‘

" p. P. BmclcoQ, ---------TL V l w o l l ,

- _ R . A Willlamfl. V 211y r ^ • . C lly Clerk. *.0*

. XTsoprCBont:' Z l \'O oorgo H orrlolt, City .Attorney. “y, •

_ H. a no an d s. City T r ^ u r o r , - " 7 W. F . P o rte r, S treet OommloBloQor

■ J. M., Chombcra, P lum bing Inipoc-to r. ..................... ..

“ Tinrfollow lng; nmong othor-procced- ji^B wero duly Imd and takeo, purau-r

^ k K f lu i» p ja 3 R s l lm ttP SmUiumpXT: ^

"AU proceedings o£ a regu lar n o o t ln s of tho Council, held on No- 9 “ ^ Tcmbor 15, 1915, and all previous aZflnoaUvo action Iiod and taken by . . tho City Council,. relaUvo to Uio ^ vropoBiUon of iasulog bonds for tho . ^ acQulsIUon of a w aterworks flyatc* 4 fo r tho City of Twin Falla bo cx: " ■resaly confirm ed and •raU ned;'.’ ^

M nndcd. by Councilman Drackcn. ^ S o M ayor p u t . said motion to tho* _ ^ H Q C U , and Toto upon aald motion re - ^ ■ U d OS follow s: ^^ —Councnalofl Smith, A y * ..............

. - " . B raekoa, Aye,Boblor, Ayo, i?”

.......... ; - P arro tt, Aye. - ---------The Mayor-*tho«mpoa declared-said “ “ ®

M tlo n unanim ously carrlod a c d 'd n ly p ^ « d , iMlopted and a p p ro v ^ 'asd or>

i i y pifbliahod together wlU. tho*pa& j ^ t l o a of th e proceodlngB of th is

Ootm dlm an Boblor Introduced and ^ ■ ^ 6 4 Uio •edopUon of Uie following •A inanco , w hich ordinance waa read ° V !■ to ll by th e Clerk. . '------ f-"ORDINANOB-NO.-17L------------^

An o r d im a n c b p i i o v id in o „BOR TH B 8UBUIS8I0N TO TH B t < P A U F1B P V0TBR8 OF TH B «

-« T rO P T W IW F A IiL 8 ,T D A H O ,'A t ' - J A 3 P S C 1 A L BLBCTION TO BE

I HBLD ON THB 3rd* DAT OF PHB- ‘ ■tfA RY iA . D .m g .T H B Q U a g r iO N 1 *“ i i ^ ’ x r m i o i u z i K u t h b / u it v ». I K ^ C I L OF a A lp CITY TO IS S P B j ,

tttkOOOmf1 $OND8 -OF*8 t iD -C IT Y ? ' t» , •PTIO N A L A ^IV K iU . V BAKU AM 13 ~ • y»UB 30 YEARS m O M DATB, TO L - y X B4R A RATB OF INTBRBST NOT I aXCEBDINO 6 P B h OBNT; FO R *3 r W ra PD R PO SB O FA C O T m iN Q B Y ap<



♦ F T « B IN T E R B S T .JU « )^ IN C 1 - « i PLB TH EREO F BY LEVY OF TH B chi

. ^^ECBSSARY. TAX TIJBRBFOR. viil W HEREAS, In Uio opinion of Uio S«i

*(ty,C ouncil ot tbe City o t Twin F a lla ! - i t^ 'J ie c e u n ry v tn :a rder..to .fnm l8h -to ag M d tU o n s noccaaaty-ProlocUoa from 00 Are an d to r Uio tum lftblag o t. w a te r ao ^ i l ^ c e U c and C T M M r^

. m te r-w o rk a ; and th a t U la to r Ut« b e s t ».said , d ty , tb » t Uie nuoae «h

t ^ a w d ba o irsctf and tipfirated b y aala p r l |g | r i a q d th a t tb e QSeaUoB o t-U n .v o * el«

oC'BaM waM r irorlca

M iild l h - S a S S S u- W b r a ; ^ tb « Clty^olt T w in V U ls; pa

■',W H S S iaA S ,-t* » 7C tly C o n n d l-d o e 8

Uffie iS m iy ~ ^ TJ»<tfeA1e,-'«e ttave v re ■ ^ lifled -T O tsrs ' ~ • i ^ e e t m - d r t b e Olty o t T w is F a lls L« w m f a t e ^ - e le o t ia n w hether sncb a W • # ^ a n t r - f l y « e m rtion ld b* aCQoIr- _ I n i y aa ld ‘City, by. snU iorliins tb e la- H n ^ o « : d l '^ o ; 0(Kir.ln..boadBr.to.'iXfilrsy. — this to p e s s e «( ptirchaalng .and ac - 00

ut (he provisions -ot a reaoluUon o t au« e •Clty.-Ooondl of said City, passed nc* • UiQ « t t i ’aay<ol October. A. D. a n , toa»d ‘:j|pp»0 **aiW riU ie 'M ay6 r " 0B- tb o of• tb day o f OoUiber, A D. IM S, and U9 ^ 1Ubed-|ntU>e<offldal paper o t said tM■ A oh >ibe:Setta'day, o f October, A. D. Ia

w hicb aald resolution and o tte r m

^ K M d it 'ownoTB o t said w ater worlta IS' - y U m —Ui e - T w i i r ^ H s W ate rw o rto «<

<M npaay. U m i ^ . a . corporaUoD o r - to M^iised a^Q exjs'ilti^ U is^l^wa ^*^ th 9 S ta te o t U tah and antharlsed t^ ' di •d* buslnoas w ithin th* SU ta o f. Ida­ho. . • • s*


- -flDOTION^.—T h*t-«-ap«Ial-«l«jU oo SI « t th e TOtera « t-1 h a City 0^ T w in ' ty F a lls , Idaho , tor Ahe jm rposee above

, fo rth , la her<t7 called fo r T bure- h< ^ V ^ .U ie 3 rd day ,< f-W bruary , A D. J

/ SDCTION’l t ’ t i a i - ^ t ia ld 'e r e c U o n . ai th e MAera qaallfled to M**ion-tha s a id &l »repoBlUoD, shall be: tk o a e ^ o ly qqal- di

'd « c tO rr-‘O f - a ^ - 'C t ty who a re h« t a i q ( a y « n a n 4 e r t h « l a w ^ « ^ ‘baTe al paid « p r ^ K r tax i s aaU a t y . l q In th e y e a r » e x t pr«eM los said « l«etloa: Fi aa ll.e lacU < m .B hair^ .b* ld -eB Use 8 rd ci day o f F eb rsa ry , £ D. ISie.* a t ^ i c h U e lee tto a ,-th e re -sh a ll be t u b n l t m 't D U< aald Q oaU nel > o t e ^ U i e Q d ea tlS o t pi aeQulrln |r> the extsUng w ater !w o tk a tb sy stem 'w lth lii 'th e City. b t .T w b F a lls , b< fo r aald C ity of Twin F a lls , in d n d tn s tb

' a l l exisU bg and- InddenU I rigKts, Cl fraachlaes, -p ro p e rly --an d . M ntar*9t« b t therefor, to r th e pQrpoan.of sopplylng bj

- .• a td - to w n -o f-T w lD -F a lla -a a d -tts^ B - Ui ' U b l la s U : w a f t t y C 6 F n r e F a S ^ l l « ^ ^\ ^ m e r c l a l p o w b b b a id to . proTlde

t t e p aym ro t therefor by. th e Is-

' t a .- tb « . aggregate am ount o f 'e ig h ty - to . ;* . p\

■erM xiar u b q m pnrsixaiit to o rd inance pi t a b ^ liereaX tarpaaaadbytbb CltyOotto* bj

. ( • -o f 'S a ld a ty o fT w to F a U B .'to - a iM - t

' ^ M d t e h n s a s by U w requ ired ; ber, bonds'tO m atare tw enty years and —Po become opUonal 't«D (10) y ears ' » sp

H sB uaacertq-beaT-t n t w a t-a rB O t t h r j- w ^

s phall proTlde. by ordinance fo r J23 I levy of tAX^lo rodeom said bonds City to pay4he Interoet thorM n a s pro- ofsii d by law; provided, th a t no a« to ix Ing 1 P«:ea^lnK _by_U ift..C jty_otJ& rin Uio_i a sha ll oroTCnt Uie applicaUOn of No: : o r a ll of tho not su rp lu s oam lngo Fobr uld-w ator^-w brkB-Byatom -to.-tho- tlon- oentror's&Td'prrDptpal d r IntbreeV <iuall n auch appllcSUon of siUd o am - taxpi

fiocma advisabio. ' BomcStolON 'IIT.' ThO QUbflUoa' ab'rnT)- " 'Q t ed shall. bo-.Totod on a t said eloc- of U , which jh a l l bo hold a t: W hat ia lied monly ta o w a .a a Croaby'a chapbl tho i h o new H ulld lng a t num bor-123 20 y )&d ATOduo W est In Uio said-C ity dom] 'win FallB, to r Word No; l ”Of Bftid- boor , and in tho W arborg building a t alx i , Shoshono S tree t SouUi In Uio for 1

City of Twin F alls fo r W ard No. tho : said CltTi- by-^ e-quaUHed -votor y t in r . laid City oforeiiafd, and Bhall bo In aj jollol In tho form horolnafter dca- clly cd, and sold oloctlon iihaii bo hold comi conducted In aa n e a r tbo snnic bo 0

ner a s tha t preacribed for general sold apodal municipal arid a tato olec- Th

H.aa.niay bo.DOflalblc._________ _ A iw3CTI0N IV. Sqparato prin ted oal- o t cl

uflUll bo procMrcd. by Uio City ru ar •k ahd .fluppllod lo tlio e lection Tl :ofl7Xo-Tjo-fnniiB)iEa-to-:u»^-(iirffiF; raid-

electors, nnd ballo ts sWaU be ' City ted according lo Uio following Uon a. to-w lt: - vole


' 3rd, A. D. m e .................- llTtlUESTION: Slmjl tho Clly Council Bald Jjo, Clly of T w ^ F alla be au tho r- to p I- to Itisue bonfls o f said C ity 'In ' porl

am ount of . U80.0t)0.)' to ^ o c c m o its.20 y n n ra rtntA p pH?ina1 tn r hflw

cmpUon 10 y c a ra jro m dato, and to to t r a ra te o t Intoroat n o t to exceed U p er c e n t (6 pe r cent.) p e r annam , Coa

acqulslUon by purchase o f tho postlUDg w aterworks system w ithin .......

near aald City, to supply said City lOlEb w ater to r firo. -domoeUc and (Soi im orda l purposca, aald syatem toowned, maintained and oporatod by SI1 City. its

------rri— — = = . BooSWER .................... pur4 FAVOR of iseulng bonds Uca>. tho am ount of E ighty - Uidboasaad J>oUara .(180.000.), in ']>r th e purpoee sU ted in Or- of (!aaa<» No. 17J. ____________ . otnATNBT |w ,na. I,. j j j10 . am ount o t eighty th o n - ' . . plad .doU am to r ----------- .£7 t]

IMPORTANT INSTRUCflONS . - ^ rhe voter w ill pU ce an (X ) in th e . * ICO oppoBitc and to Uie rig h t o t Uio swor, to tho QuosUon ‘above anbf ' f tted, which‘indicates h is choice.

Said b ^ lo t Bboll be c a s t-b y oach ler m arking said ba llo t by p lacing

(X) ln ; ih n squaro opposite bl» “ e alco, in th e aamo m anner now pro- led fo r voting by tho m u n id p a l and neral elecUon law s of the State. SECTION V. No ba llo t for o r the ainBt.ttie_aUBUon...submlttod..BhaU

rocolved from a n y person who Is t a qaallflcd e lector o f Uie C f t r o f rln Viilla and a taxpayer in , ^ d ty -o f-T w ln -F a lls r-u n d e r-U io -ra w - ^ 4 dellncd by s ta tu te . ' S d d voto all be <un.vas8Cd a s In th e m anner escribed’ for g e n e n j and m tm ldpa l >cUonB,-ln-8o . ta r a s applicable. SECTION VI. Tho to llow ln i »»mocl rM na, Quallnod olectora of tho EAld i t l - D t i r i i ' F a l l s , BM S e S t r '^ i iF Inted jndgea and d a rk s of said oloc-m. • . rloW a ^ N o - 1 : . - .J ^ W T | j:.ed Wllkcrspn, 0«o. ^ e r ,

e i e r k a t r ^ k — R o b o r tw D t^ R . - ^ iOl »tBch. . ’a rd No. 2: ThJudgee: P . E. Dean, S. B. Camp. t. D- . B raahears. ' ioi$l«C)tB:.Fri«!ddlpb OlBon. C. H. SUn- . ' in. . , , *«•SECTION y iL I t ahali be Uie d u ty ge

iponlae the details o f s ^ elecUoas, o t It o therw ise provided Cor herein , asd

provide fW th e p ro p e r r e g is tn tk a i Iw -e lec io ra and th e -eertm eatioB -<# zpaylng voters to r b m » i aald « te ^ L< in , in the m anner now provided by w-governing th e hoM tag o f c«B«ral W ttn id pai o r s ta te e leo t to a ; a a d -th b St

irc ^ d e s ig a s te d -a r e -b e re b y -^ ta o r -----ed to procore' trom tb e O ooaty CQork H. ’-Twia-Fall»:OeBntyraBy'boo1ca;4Utar ~ rm ^ f r ta. laforaiBtioBu etc ., aa inay so

l a *lhe eiecUon bere ia called. ^ SECTION V IIL T he vote c a s t « t D] lid election shall be canvaased Mtd SI itu m ' m ade la. tbd- s a a e B tannar o r V< I n early Uie aame a s m ay be.pbaalfa}^, F> I provided fay law 'to r Um eaavasa- El g and re tn ra o f vote* ea a t a t «ieo* TJ ons of m nnleipal olOcers and tbo A tatit Isy i

B B C T no iJk ix ., T11« -C itr . a « k . i . : b i Nreby d ireeted to caas^.torbe pobllshr Al l " a i le iu t wedUy a ao tlce oC aalA Y1 ectkm. a t u r the o b n d asiv e /p assag e B. Id adopUoa o f Oila ordtoaaoe, beg in- » auc-8aid.:nBblic»aon at least, th irty R lys befo rt aald a lM tldB ' i s to M ' tPl »ld in *!The T w ia FW ls 'n n e s .* * '* 01

Blls CoTUty, B ta ts o f I d s to r tB d ala* PJ tn s e lo be posted s 'o o p y -o f aald-BO^ n ee a t ttie place bt holding said eleo- « on ia eacb^w8rd and also a t th ree u iblle places wiUila asld .C ity a t J e s a t U ilrty days before said election is lo bj ) held, and - it I s hereby m ade w le da ty o t the- d e r k ■ o f . aald Cl ity to ^B u e .an d caQB0 Bsld-D0U cei.td ^ i.pb)^h*d-.and '-posted,;^U '.^ 'eQ aiU d Pi r la^^ Bald hoUco s h a ll be aotvstan? pa

CITY .OF TW IN PA IX a."' ' ' B( W A T ^W O R T O BOND B IJC T IO N th

NOTICB 18 H B R ^ Y 'g i v e n 'U i a t >rt9Vi$t1o ''* ‘eeA Slii''ordU anM doly issed siU sp p tjb f^ 'p n ra iU D t- 'to 'lsw r th e ’ Otty CotmoU of tb s C ity of , irinF sU a, o b tlio 8? th d sy e t 4 )ec«m—

A D. 1916, and am nbered .n i. __BbUo neUce is hereby glvetf th a t >eolal elecUon J s herebrcslled InS ltyn jM S iln -T altB ,~ to -b< rheId -B t:------i -la-coa a oolr-kBowo a»-CroebT*>------

Second Avoone .W eet.ln ' Uie said .o f Twin Falla, fo r W ard No. 1.

Bld'C l^, and In Uio W arberg BiUld- ‘ a t Z ll.shoflhone S treet » u t l i in, _ #aJd.City_of.Twdi Fallo fo^?Vard 2,-of sald.C lty, on the 3 r ^ a y of ruary. A .D ,_19lC w at,w hicb_clec- : - th e re -w ll^ ^ ^ j iu b m lt te d to tho • llfl«j(l elbclors of Boid'Crty, who ar«. myors under - th o --Ibw— doflplng- —^ e, Uie followloe quOHUon:DESnO N : SliuirUio C ity Council--------ho City of Twin Falla bo auUior-

to .iBBUe bonds , o f hald City, In am ount of <80,000., to bocomo duo i-earB from flolo, opUonaJ fo r re- iptton 10 yoara from -date»;ond to C a ra te of .lnw roat n o t to exceed ' per cent. (6 per c e n t) per annum , \Uio purpoBo of rHTalng f u p a r w

acqulaiUon by '" p u rc h o a o of ' uxlsUuB-wBtoTwo'rttB-aysRm w ith ; - md near aald City, to -aupply aald w ith w ater for tiro , clomenUc and

imerclal purportca, said ByatoDi to '/ )wnc<l, mointolDcd and operated by V1 s f .' .he pollB will be open from s o’clocktf ,UD_tn 7 o’clock 1>. W. -on-tho-dny-------JectloD, to-wll, 'Uib 3rd diiy of Feb- ‘ ry, A. D. 191Q. ■ .he bnlloU .w hich will iTo used a treicctio iT w in-B irjju isp iica-by-iiru —';£ le rk to Uie judgcB of n a l^ ^ c o - i ond'-by .Uicrn fumlBhciKHo the jr. ' “ —t naid .election k o elector of Uio . t o f Twin Full>i'%vlll be ullowcil to B unlcBo ho o f alio Birnll be-a tux- Tjr, under Uio l a v ^ o f tho SUito ot ho. The term “T ^ p a y c r" ,- under law , meana and l a d u ^ s Uiobc per- /• e only who arc quurttred olectors lor thc^ roglatrutlon aiid .election 'B of tho Stato of l^daho nnd who . lho calandar y c a r la a t preccdlDg tlio tl elecUon pold a tax o r ’were liable pay a tax jjpori rea l o r poraonl pro- ■ly w lthft Uie . conporato -llm - .o f Uio City. of. Twin Fallo. whlcir

them In said Clty_- N WITNESS WHEREOF. Tho City in d l of aald City of Twin Falla bavotsod-thio-noUco-to-boTrobliBJiBdTiDd------itcd a s required by law , th is tho —....... day of ........................ A. D.,

a l ) ' ...................................„ 1 .. —City C lo i t V—

5ECTI0N XL Thla ordinance, after paoaogo. ahall bo recordod In the

Dk .o f . OrainancoB,_k«pl. fbr thut rpoae. of aold towa, and ko authon- atcd by tho algaaturo of the Mayor - 1 City Clerk, and Bhall bo pubUfihcd ■ Tho-Twln-EalU-Tlmos, a .naw spaper .. genoral drcnlaU on w ithin aald City TwJa F alls, an d .a h a ll h9 ia full

w ^and e f t« ^ a f to r ^

Passbd by th e City Council th is thoa rd a ro M a o c embCTTA. D."U1S:------- “approved bv tha Mnvnr thin U>ft 2?tK. jr-ot Doccmber. 1915. ■ '

E . M. SWEELEV.Uayor. City gf Tw in F alls, I d ^ o .” tOBt: REESE M. W ILLU M S? eal) • City CTerk.I t waB then moved by Couacllraan irro tt and seconded by Conndlm an altb. th a t all ra le s o f th is Couacll ilch might, provont, unloas suspo&dod e flnal-pasaago and adopUon of thla - dinance a t th is meeUng. bo and tho ^ mo- a re aad cach is hereby sua- — lodod. for the purpose of permltUng _ 0 nna l passage and adopUoa o t sa id dlaanco a t Uiia meeUag. Thb qu'cB- >n being 'upon tho adopUon .of aald 7tloa a ad the suspcaBlon ot Uio rules, e roll w as callod with tho following

_____^C o u n c lim an Sm ith, Ayo ”

B racken , Aye. ‘ . Bobler, Aye.

“ P a rro tt , / ^ e . ' ^ ThoB voUfig'N ay; none. 'All mem bers of the City C oundl hav- g ' vo t^~ lu-f»vur -uf sald-nnQUoa, the ~ aybr dteU cM ~sa!d ttoU O B ^uly ea r­ed, and th e ru les suspended.After thoroBgb'eosalderaUon.. the janoUrwith onablmons consent .of ** l'aember^-Bade-the~fDllowlng-de> ai! inalnatkms;. faThat t^ otocUott shSaW M hild bn IT hnrBday, the 3rd day.ef PebruaiT, A pa . 191S, aod be gavened aa to poll-, dl ig places and oOcuismalollowv: pi Ward No. 1. polling place A -what to I'oownosly known' as Cro^iy's cha- !l la Uio new boUdtor a t Nambof IfS/ or

Judges: Fred W flkerM n; Oeo. Ta- q{ sr, D. A. S c a n t y / • , «C le rk s :-T .-IC R b b w tso n A R . -<l= B<

etsch. *' .» •W ard No.-.2, potHvg placo a t the ';}o

rarberg bnildtng a t '211 Shoshone « i Ureet Sooth in th e snld City o f 'T w la a

• J u d g e s t^ '^ E -D c w '-S .-B T c a m p , L [.■Braahoarfl. , . ar.lnrlra? TTrloanlp^'n;gftp P, IT gfln-

an.- I ■-Councilman Bra«iken moved th a t Uie i r e ^ a g oklnaao^iw U llji!r’"AF7 (TR — IINANCB PROVTOINO FO R ' TH E UBMISSION TO T H E QUALIFIED 'OTBRS O F T B 8 0 ITY .-0F TWIN 'ALLS, IDAHO,. AT A SPECIAL JLECTION TO IBB HBLD^ ON 'H E Srd DAY . OF Tm& VABY,. . D. 19ie; ■ T B B QUESTION OF J^O B IZ IN O :T B B ;C IT Y _< »P N C II^ .


iPSRATQfQ- DCSASD iCmri VO BB Mm m b d a n d o p m j C T D e r SA ID v n r ‘AND TO P tu m o B 'T o a v T B B a A n o » n o r T a s J x n B B R 'A N D t n a a e i P L B ^ g m a o r B Y i S f t r o y c

S L S S S & fa IiMtlng, b« p a a s ^ sBd aOsptfld b y dM b< Ity CooddTofA^irtB VsUs. Idsbo.** «i b o A d ln ia o .B o b to K s fc o ^ ’saltf O on. .-T he q ttea tttm .A b eln irc tfo ^ tlia « u s ii^ a h 'd lia b p tlo a '« C t t i s t o r e c e ^

S t o ^ d S s f i a ^ - S i i n o i i a aobier;tiie'Us!fOi''«ilI«dth'ftTo»rwltti t»10 following resnlta: " . «— Cottnellman-SmlUrAyer-— — d«

“ ' BraekQS. Aye, bj- : Boblsr, Aye, ai

. . JPsin>tl» Aye. fdThose voting Nsy: aoas. . . .^ tt

= = f c =

• Q NoMnutter how .simple Ih pjiys to do ll little pi;

1 t ins.is cspcciitllv the ficsli(^ns—re;iJ serviceable 1

" ■ tainjihlc at our ofTice. ' ^

- <10 ur ftlan scrvit'e is <|iti asuul vuriely'."'

• h:ive’iiQ'j)hitis lo se '> o f hou-^u whieh we try to 1

' Q W e h c i i e v r I h u t u i iy l io i

m u s t r e f le c t t h e o \ y t i e r ‘s o

• ^ 'O u r w h o le s y s t e m o f r

t h e p f o s p e e t iv e h o f n c bvi


: G a s f f i i n-------- -------------------Gi-Er-LayiJ^anagtCr-

‘■ m ' f f V T lf o r y o n L . - ^ J U ? X

^ — S F i

anT Atlldaho Whol

3 2 0 i F o u r t h ’ A v e . S .

"The Ga feif6 ARD T A B U 8

A nice place to apend ao oajoya wclcame. ^

------------------------- T a n a n a l Bv '» ' C # * i r B * a k < a

w . V ' -■ - •

-tbo -Ooxmdlmea having v o te d -in bi ror t h e r y t, tb e aald moUon vraa c a r- w c , and ih e sal<l~^[illnance was~dtily- s Bsed and. adopted by the C ity Coan- o . and h « totthw iU i proco<^ed' to ap- >vo sam e by, signing, w hich was a t- itg d 'aad vealod by tno Clerk.- o 3h m o tteb 'd u ly adopted? th e Maytor t lered t h a t sa ld 'o rd laonco be a u m - d wd "N tonber 171 and be pttbUabed ia io T w in W lls 'i la lt j , ' u ie 'u m d a l ■* w srap e r o f the C ity ,and ^ 'r e c o rd e d c oordlng C6 law la "Uia OrcUnance tok'" and j ^ r d a of tb* C ity . ' ' ....... tBy p ro p e r acMo< th« C ouncil ad- irocd . to m eo t.ln R cgnlar mecUng C

Monday, the , 3 rd -day of January ,D. 1016.. * ■ ^ I

-------------iz--------B. M ..& W E ^E Y _ :., tMayor, City- o f Y wlii IFalls.Xdaho. : t lo s t: R EB SE iL WILLIAMS. ]1«»1)-------u , ;? . ■:_____ j^ c f iy - c i e r k , jF irs t PubllcsAloa; Dec. 28. 1 9 1 1 ^ 1 Laat Pobllcaacn . Feb. - 1; 1910?* •

F C B U C N O T ira


. F E B B O iB r Srd, A. P . 1016.

NOTICB IS HEREBY QIVEN th a t J iratfttBfTtt’V TM tain '-ord lnB nco-dnly i m e d a a d xqiprovod-pursuant to -a W j t the C ity Oonncll of the City o f T w in a ia . o a tklB 27th Qay o t December, ,'D . 1915, and n u m b e r^Pnbllc Dotloe U hereby given U iat a « d ^ ^QCtkai is hereby called In Uie ty o tT w ^ ra l la .r to J > « J io ld B t.w bal com m only known as Crosby's cha-

i l 'l a lh e a e w taU d log a t n u m £ » 123 ; icond AveDtte V « s t in-Uie aald C ity o t irla FKlU,,.fi)r W ard 'N o . 1 of sa id , ty. a n d t a , 0 ^ V arb e rg bnildlng a t | 1 Shoshone StTMt-South in the aald i ty o f T w la F a lls fo r W srd tio. 3, o f id 011/ o a U e Snl day o f Feb roary ; i D. Ml«, « t> M a dMtioix'IlKiro win ,

I subm itted to the qaalified e lectors , B a ld 'C ltr, who a re taxpayerB un d er ' {

e 'l a w defln lng 'M rn v ’tin r follow ing | lestion: '■■■■ ■ ■ - I ” 'QUESTIOV: S h a ll 'th e C ity C onnd l j (h e City b J T w ln F^ l l s ' ^ a u th o r- ^

9 affloontT('|M,tKio.T.‘to-bB«OBjrdtiB' i ' y eara fribm-dato: opUonal fo r'Y *- <

f*^rn itn*". »"«*■♦<•« ■ « t , a ra te -dt iB torestino t to exceod i c p e r cen t, T9 p e r c e a t) p e r annoB , r t h e ; p n r p ^ o f ra ls ln f foodB lo r a a ^ q M d e s - b y ip o reb ass of th a < llU ag w sterw orks system w ith in \

n .

■ P p i : -

c - p i o p o s e d ^ o m c j U i i i : _______ .VL;m n i n { r f o r i t .

\v h cii-^< lc!ts_»n(l SUIT-_______ X ’

iu - l p - : i r i : s o c iu slly oh-------' y

I c (rin 'e i^ ’iil, I r o i a t h e T ;

!1,":tuw1"T!0 K p c c in i - h - p e ' “ - H:

iiiliK 'c- y o u t o b u i ld .

n c , t o b p s a l i s l i i c lo r y , ' /• —

\ v i y ) e r s o i m l i t y . . ‘

e n d e r i n y u ss isL iin ce trt-- , , b1

i l d c r is b iu sed o n t l i a t c. A


,UMBER CO.: =ii o ~i,~a J a o i " i - t « R


■TKiB.FallB,-l<lnhn:------------------ - ••

■ ■ ' r — c

1 1 ___ Utah i

t T L i ”'___________ - ' 1

r H a f d a ^esale Grocery ' j

T w i n F a l l s ) I d a h o

ing Place1


ble evening. Drop la. Tou are

oolH all ^B onding .

&id 1 3 ty r> to « M p p ly -sa id -C lty -w ith rater tb r f ire ,'d o m e sU c 'a n d com- tareiaI-Barpoeeat~eald-By8t« a - t o - b r. w ned ,-m ain tained and operated by aid City. ••T h e polls wUl b« open trom 8:00

'clock a. ^ unUl 7 a’clock p. m.- on a e ~ .^ y 'd t olecUoo. to-wlt, th e -8rd a y o f d r e a r y , A D. is fo . ‘ S t ^ b s l t o t a w m U osed a t

ity d e r k to th e Judges o t ejod d ec - Iba and by them furnished to theo tw .- : ’ " / ........................ .............A t said erecUoa no cle<:topcof the

n ty of TjBria'Falls will b e ^ l ^ e d to ’Dtb.unleflB Irtf o r shftBbiU be a tax - >aycr, ..under th e law s o t th e S tate»f Ti^flhn Ttift tn m “^TpW ynr", nn -io r-the law . m eans a n a ln tlu d e a those 1 }orsoaa oa iy who aro qualified eleo- :nr« «n(tnp thw a p jdon law s o f th e Stato Idaho and ivho in th e ca lead y y<^i^aB t prcced-

w e ro jla b lo to pay a; tax upon rea l ar p e tjo n a l p roperty w ithin th e cor- p o ra to 'lm lU of tb f i^ ty of T w ia u ^ l ls which has b e ^ assessed to them a sd belobgs to them in said City.-

IN -WITNESS WHEREOF. Tho C ity Council o f said City Of T w ia F alls, tuive c a o ^ th is aoUc^ to Ao pnb- llshed anV p o s i^ as r e q u lr e a iy 'l iw T this th6'<«]Jt day o r D oceuber;-A , J3. 1*15. V .

, REESE/M . WILLIAMS, (Seay 'C l ty C le r tc '


SAN QUENTIN, Cal.—Two ' i o n o r eoavlctS 'iw ho-broke the ir p l^ g e a . to the s ta te and escaped from s ito Q uea- Un pealtenU ary ta -N o w Y ea r 's -D a y w ere-chased , captured a n d 're tu rn e d to'/piison Satnrday by two fellow bon- arrconrlcta,- who wero B e a L ^ m - th e eohstrucUon cam p to Bcarch.fo^ tho fugitives,^ m erely giving th e ir word, ihat_i6«y.,;woaid. return. ,(Although aocompaaled by -ono- o t

J ie 'g u a rd s - f ro m the «ainp, th e two nen . O hartea T ag g a rt,- . H e r ^ r t

rrom' oich~6lfiof.'\*.Thcy‘ T onndT heIr l u a n r la a cabin in rem ote h illy >WtlMrrWh*r«:rthey - bad-4«k*n---r*;-,

.• - ' •< - A i^ i^ U U d n or yo tir m u it ^ > - la iba

Knirao o f yon r-qnest (o r a obok, wMt > s « o o 4 . p o l l c j r . . . . - . . . t , ______y

^FB0PEB8I0W A1 c j p P B •


~ " l a w y e r ----------------Ofllce 1a I. D. Building


iA b a w iL SO *L aw yer , — ----- .

------I^rnctice in h)l C ourts - .................om 14 Kirst 'N ational Bonk Bldg. -

TWIN FALLS. ID A H O - lacTpiioac 9fl itesidcaco-Phone-M O---------

'E l i l t Y & SW EELEIAttomcjfH-at-Lnw —

Will Pnicuco In a ll C ourts /IN^ FALLS - . - IDAHO m bcr Twin Fnllx Commercial Clafe

P. QuUirlc-^________iA .J l .-B o x e A .^ _ _ ,.;TIIK1K &'iU>WEN ^

Alt<>rtioyH-at.Law —OfTlccii: Sliouhone Uutldlng

UN-E^VLLS— -— ----------— ID A H O -— -

II.-W ISE „L aw yer ^

Olllcc UoomH C and i j Mn l-'allH Hiiiik iS TruBt Co. Bldg.’IN l-’AIXS - - - IDAHO _

II. JIAIK 'M FFEpcrt-A cconntnnt, A uditor,-nnd 9yfl--..........

IvnmUziT. , . .lloum '1. I ’uw.ur UulldlDR. .

— :— -“ t d a t io ---------

A. WHSTOX ~ T “Archltrct, Mem. A. L A.

I phin niijlhltiK from buiigiilowa to yficrapcrti. Succjftlty: Unburnable iiiitruclloii. i'roneht .olllcc* u t Reo. ir. Uluu I.ukcu.'Blvd. uud liey b u m rt;.. Twin I'allH,- Idaho._____________•

HITE CROSS M A T E R S IT I I lO M.ICQ'for mcdlcal and m atern ity case*

.......... ItW Bonable-Tcrma •1 F ifth Ave. C. . Phone 004-J ,

R. EMMA C. CR088LAND ' O »t«opalh-- "

McCornlck Bldg., Phone 13S BB.: 215 3rd Avc. N. Phono a47*J

I ts . ATHERTON and ATUEBTOH P racU U onersd f

!>}ropm<Ue-flad-8 an ttftriB »—Tk>>»--------m ents

Chronic DiBcaaoB a S p e c ia lty ............' Phono 296 - •.

mce 280 4Ui Avo. Elaat, Tw in Fidlfl.

===1=^====^==: DBNTIST8 _________

B TD rD nO W TrX EW EES------- "------------ ----D entist

pedallRt In Crown and Bridge W ork Ovor Varndy’a Candy S tore

-----------O ulbert— Bnildlng------------------------‘ T elephone 109

WIN PALLS I. - - - . - JP A H q

1IE.CR0BBY COMPAHY ______FnneraV Directors and E m balB etf

C. J. Crosby, jjjanager o ro n c r '8 Omce • . Tclephonei 4l)8 ; •WIN FALLS . - - - I D ^ O '

IROSSMAif AND EKES’nnera l D irectors dad L icensed Ea>

- balm ersill calls rcflpondcd to prom ptly day or lig h t L adr aB B latant-Large modera^ -

cliiipcl. P riv a te am bulance Irlie e Bldg., 120-130 2nd Ave, B srt >honca: Offlce 110. Rea. 295 o r 110-JE [‘WIN-P^fafaS----------- - IDAHO


I, C. PORTERFIELD, C. E. [ ln In g .J I id rs B U ta i id J t« e t iu » l M

LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR - loom 13 F irs t NaUonal B ank BuUdlag

. ■ Residence Phone* 686-W


m s r r r ‘* n T B 8 T 0 H-------------- ----------------F irs t C lass D ressB sk lag

....... .... -A LB eaaonable P rices<. C entral Building

i L ^ X C i H P —iTo. 10890 . .

»n4 sad 4tk T barsdsyM eeis H a ll -----

IL C .8 CaAHTON,ConBiil r^lonhone Nff, nfjft- t c n ,» t. , n l ,*W. .—

ReBidence Phone 674

r w b ( . FALLS L0 D6 E k 6 . 41. K , OF P. U eeU Second and F o u rth Wednebdaya

o t Month, 8 o'clock J . W. IRON, J . P . JOHNSTON,.

C. C._______ . K. R. and 8 . .

■ - ■ ■i pjiANQ 7 T U N M 3 ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ r ~

8 i-«.-Hl»T,L— ---------------------- ---------------- 5 U a o T u a jr

t 2 yeara. experience ln~ tttnbg . Tolcing ana acu o a ‘re'guiaung,

and repairing ,OtOce a t Bogersoa H otel

f P . O. Box -574 ■ y' •TW IN FALLS - - - X j p<H O


R ea.; .703 •W.'.Mafi; PaoBe «12

T W nf FALLS ELBOTBIC R ilB O lD . SehednIe

" ■ Leave ............ r .........l iM v e -------a s . U D epot ■ Shoabobe FWIs /

^S«pL « , m s . In e m c t n i i a l j i ___ ^tb e r BoUca.. . . . — . .........---------- . -R.

o -H ii^ S g g a S L - -

Page 8: I B i S f c s lOTHlNfcDONM— OfiGANEf iDAV ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN...»8od to crecl at Twln FullB. but not jj, itll todtty was my reQuest-compiled lUi

= " ■

TWIN ’ \ 241 Mfti» / FALLS I J JimtfiJ

-; " .... STOEB iW ith ®T«ry piirc iia jie o f a '

w e e k , onfi o r .j i io ro doUiL w U be _. C om e iti_nlt(l-lot-U M -oxplnin

tt™ > a l l s “ ■: T l - ' * ( E £ A I ) THe ' oT ^ ^ A

• *. — ■------------- ■ . . ;; tT ^ w n . i u S sT I taHt” ’

DiscipleI f you -wnii a m ln laler In & wild \ .wcDtcrn fronUcr town and Uio |gam blor ro n -n w a f wlUi your ,•wlto w h a t 'Nould y ovi flo^ t 7 '

H ’b a Tongh l*ropoiillloti ------------------HtriHt*8—a-~yica5uro;------ — ’

to SCO Uio problem so lrcd 171111.Uio grcftt QCtor \V. S. H art, plojr- InB Uio ro lo 'o f Rov. J im Hous­ton . tlic Hliootin' Iron parson, la thiH ImmcnsD Trtnnglo to ^ plny.

P rom inent New Y o rlr cclUca ' ■ (loclaro Ita od6 of Uio boat fea-

turoa ovor uliown o» Broadway.Thla wonilorful story ' o f ear- ;

.ly woBt told In Bir parta , ahown '

, ; > rO .\I)A i\ OKE D.IX Q M ir . AT '

O r p h e u m T h e a t r e '

— ■ yiT\gr-6HOW-BB<>H<S ~ 1PROMPTLY AT 7 0;CI.OCK


In o rder *o cut do^ua ^ y realty Ixild' i Idk9 fo r a short Umo the-followiuB t JlsleU properly located In Twin F.ills d ly w ill' be sclil a l nn cxcepUonally

-low price w ith term s th a t will suit moat nny purchnser. — t

L ot In Lincoln ecliool ndtHllon. New

torm s, m onllily pnymcnls. c■ Ix>t In Elm Pnrit' nddiUon, .4

room house, treea In yard, w ater In I •kitchen, sidewalk. P rice 1800. •month- ,./j poymonta. .

4n— — 4- BCTer i r “ I t a c t , '>1200. • ^

^ L ot In Hlghlandvlcw, i iirrcH, Rood >6u#c, c ls le rn , orchard. 1‘rlco J1800.

— fcot- ln Hlg h land tlewi- l iiuiua. itr " . «loTCr. P rice J1300^

------ B uonar-VlBUr-Htldttlon-nn- "Bluo LbHMyDoulevurd. south of ralU , road. P rico |200. |

Tw in Folia P.- 0 . builillnj; lot; 35x '■‘125 fcct,“bnlldlng 92 feet. Pricc'$lC,000.

. Houso nnd lo t In K liii.I'urk lulil to■" t r f la e -M n -o o rr r r im r--------------------------

New Remington lypi'w rlicr. I'liciip;--'.Uirmg. ------------ - - .......... , ' - - t

Call on • "

, D . B . M b o r m d n '_ E h 01ill_6a i - W ._ _ _ ja 02_A'diilson A te. .1


N o A ^ s s i o n C h a r g

' ' " " I 'jh

“ a


tv e . Eturti . T W IN inook FALLS ^n e w s ” " ' ” ......* -D h ild ’t Coiit, d u r in g t h e - n « i t _ ;jg i r e i i abB o liiR lr f r e e ...............................

^ - ^------------------<

TW IN P A L L B , ;

D. IN TH IS PA PE K .) : \—........ mJ j

“ C H U R O iE S i !- • -------- J I

Catholic Church. ' * S t Edward'a, Second avenue uaal

md F ifth atrcou R ot. N. P. H ah J. 5ector. Sunday tuoimoK a t 8 and 10:30 £ L.-nrr“ B ron lne‘Borvlco3 a t 7:30. WoeKlays m ass a t 8 a. m. . _ <

Wefliodliit BpiHcoiial' Ctinfelu!- siundujf ecliool a t 10 'n. m ."PublIc

TorshJp .at 11 a. m. MornlnB subject, ■How Ono Man W(u Mudo Glad.” '• Baraea claaa for youus men- a t 'S p.

Epw orth leap io a l 0:30 p. m. *Union nervlco Ih hiRli Hschool audl*

jsrlum , P ro tr ScriTtr la .to lecture.C. L. DENT, M inister. ■

- LatherftR C h o rc h ................. ^Dlyine.serrlcoH and Sunday school a t

llio LuUieran church next-Sunday a t J>o u sua l time. I t bolos Uie Uilrd Sun- tiny of a mpntli, Enfillsli BorrlCD8~wlll'“ bo, held I n ^ io ovcnInR a t . 7:30. T ho I pastor w ill preach on Uio aubjoct. "Tho « M arrlago a t Cana." Services at.Clovor • In Uio aftom oon a t 2:30. Dlble clqss 1

Cuiiiu—anti TTor^hl^ 1 with your family. ~ <

J. A. SCHLICTING. Poator. 1

F ir s t Prcsbylerlnn Church.- -? | Tho pnator. Dr. J. F . Shepherd; w ill j

ureacli a t 11 a.>Jii., subject. "Lovo nnd < Law.’; Prof. Davla w ill sing a t thla j Hcrvlco. Snbbalh school n t 10 a . m., j Boyd H. F uller, suporintondont Tm ln* j log cltuQ for final rcvlow a t 6:30 p. < in. alui'rp. No ovonloR serm on on*ac- < :OJUt o f tb a Jaeo U asin Uio audito rium . -

Tho Boy Bcoulfl will moot for; a pho- t tograph a t Dlabeea a t i p. jn. Friday. l I'hoy a ro orKanl»:ing n wlroloRq nmmL ^

"JSVnrv ,

P reaching n t Plonhnnt View clnirch- t Sabhath p. m, by Dr. Shepliord. “I t la --------------------------------' ' 5

- REAL ESTATE !------- • ........................ t

IfiO ncros well lmprov*ed land In *sucker F lat, nico price. r

flouae with r. large rooms, a n d ^ s l - !! iCHH, both can go togellior. Will tradeor land. ^

S room modern liome, will trade foh lUto. ‘ c

80 ftcrott Ql-lttttd wm trad e fo r city H iroporty; . ’

T cltyprop? f v m lands

40 acrofl^^wlll Irude for amall house. S 'r ic e 13500. . . I

Business building , will trndo fo r f and. _ _____________ ______ _ ^

30 acres nea r Sugar F a c to rr- s lte.' ' v ia trndo for city property .^

20 acrcJTUKImprovcd land, will trade To r c ity property, j__________ _________t

Auto will trade for alock, either I■ows, h p s a j j^ o r s e B ^ : : .........- ^

We trad e land In m ost sU tea o f tho C Jnlon, and ' If you wish lo go eafit or k'Cfll, lo t ua help you.y> locKle. t

We w rite firo Insurance; °We^ can noil you a home on eimy

If IntereatMl In huylnR, soiling, or « radlnRT^Vo woiild bcg lu tl (o co-oi>cr- 7 to wllli you. ,

--------- V y . P». 31. PKNTON REAL E S T m VRil>

TRUST CO. - fIJ ,jro ln A»<v Xortli-^--------->Plionfr-£xO n

i M m

I ^ Comm

SUNDAiPMI “Individual' and CcI _ O P E N I N G

i .. Study Class ft r* Every After:

Evening Lecturc

^ S t u H p a K rKnow

>ivy^ w UBtv jKi. Jivcuuuic. “idT aa te m an, u > e 6 « » u r-D r. Bh«fliar4 u id epeak s ls f . • -

. S«i«*e» CirarelL-TFirstcharcii-ofThristrBetafgaragr Third aToaus oast, uondajc M rn cea aV 11 a. m . ' Subjoct o t BIbl* leeaoa for January 1C, “Lite.*'_ Sunday! •chpolj.cqnTtaorf^at 10:00.

'Wodnesday treB tac iiaM lB f* ' a t which tosUmonloH o t taoallag aro gUeubegln-iit B-o'clocJt.-.’ ------------- — --------. -A. roadhig..room..-wliiuro-.Chrl«tlan Sdenco- lltorhturo- m ay^bo-fcad'r'pur* ck a se d -o r borrov»ed -la-opoR -'-ln -lhc church building from 2:30 <:80 p. m. except on Sundays and holldi^a.

F ira t ClirMUan ..Charcli.-_,........"Tlie Holy Spirit and HIb .Work,”

will be Uie theme of tho m in ister’s for- moQ.at Uie F irs t ChrlaUon chu rch next L ord’s day m orning.; A_Horlptural -llfi- cusslon uf UiIk m o»rim 'p6rtaiit porsuii im^^oaa-UmLJii ^con^^cr.eu.

F ro n t Ranlc Blblo-school a t 10:00 A. m. Tho school Is aloadlly forcing ahead under, Uio odlclent Icadoralilp of C .'P . Bowlep, tho now .Buporlntendrnl.

Senior C. K. n t 0:30 In basem enl.No evening *orTlcoa ow ing to .Ihe

Scrlver-Ferrls lectures .in ., .th o .. high scliool-audltorlum. •

'Tlio public Is always wolcomb a t durchurch . ------ . .5------- W A L T E R -a rHjm ittAIO fflP fe tc rr

T H E A T R r C A L N E W S '


. “ SW ]D _BY W lR tU SS”

liOTT TrlanglfiJKcyatoneJPlaj-aiiAm ps- lng ExtraTOganza of -Ssplonage and W ar Preparation .

— M ack Swaln^plays Uio p a r t of an In- tom aU dnal secre t aerrlco m an Ifiithe am using extravaganza of osptonagc, •"Saved by ^ ro lc a a ," Uio Trl^nglo K eystone play, preaented a t the Or- l>hcum Uiis i- rm ay ami Saturday. Tlie ch lof spy (Mack-Swa(n) and his trus- t y . ^ d (Cheslor Conklin)- a ro two In* tom aUonnl secre t service m en of queii- tlonnble reputation. They-havo taken up headQuarlero In nn undergrouniT refuge, from which they d irec t ihcli opcrttUonn. They arc Bceklns to-Blcjii a vnlunblo code book from ' tho mln-^ iBter o f w ar (N ick Cogloy). Cogley’s BuU er la In l e n ^ e with tho two spies and keeps them' In touch wiUi devel- opm enta n t headquarters.• By- a forged*-letter-ConklIn-gnlniT '

access to Uio prim e m lnlaler. H e fallH In* love wlUi th a t d ign itary '^ daughter

111/111 Utu Tninintoi ,uu>l'im ii>~ ll ov^»^■to Swain. Tliey forcoU io eanm- ored Conklin lo re tu rn to tlio den.

T he buUer atle iap ts lo bibw up tiio yrielit on w lficirH arry, tho lover of llio g irl Is coming. Conklin sends a w ire­less to Uio boat. Is d iscovered by Swnin , and bound and gagged. Swain racen to tho. ligh t house., w h ^ ho hopes to tu rn "Off the Ilghls; th u s cSUelng Uo) jTtcht to be wrecked. Hla auto' Is ciir- aued by a tra ffic policeman with- a motorcycle. C onklin,Ja frc(«l t>y tlio secretaryT-charterB an 'Bcroplnne «nnd hastens to ,th e llghtlmuso..

Coglcy HUBtjecla'ilnrr>* O f'’stealing the code book and selsvthe police af­te r tho b o a t H arry ami iho girl de­cide, lo elope. Thero. Is a figh t In tho ulr- between Conklin and Swain, In which Swain Is Kicked ■, from a rope from the aeroplane and ilrnnn on ! yncHC He is blown up in U ie explo-, 1 Sion th a t ensues. Conklin rescucB the { g irl from the w ater, b u t ahe tu rns.h lm . down for H arry. Conklin weeps ou t hla ir^oubles-OQ- Uio •Bhoulder~et the < forgiving prim e'm in ister. ' /

:"r3L V nT Y B 8 -0E “J m ~ A I :A i lQ ' “ j

"Rem em ber Uio A lam a!" long the' 1 raliyirlg Ob' In Uio aTraipt In Texas be- • iwoen Americans and Mexicans, ,lfln<j)i. ; rdTercat to th'o Qirllllng 'h istorical 1 d ram a of .ea rly .days- in-TftTn«,^ 'M ar- : tyn i-flf-th in ijnm o* ' U m p p c a r - n n n c O rpheum ' thla JVIday. Santa Anna, ] illctntor o f Mojclco. comes to .S nn An ' lonto, Tbxob, and Uvcro qqauca a series of ou trages upAo A m orleans-IIvIok ' Uiere. • - ^

T h e w ife o f C a p ta in D ick in so n Is In - , Sttltc u » y uno or U im iK U U ira o lllc-ors.’ W licn h o r h u sb n n d goes- lo d c n ian d ] HnUnfacUon—ito '- l s f t h r o w n ' In to .iall.' r i i e r e a r c In tro d u ce d B ow ie . C ro c k e tt ’ a n d S i le n t S m ith . T h o l a s t o t th e t.rio, ] p la y ed , hy S a m D e G ru s se , fn lls In '' love w llh th e o ld s o ld ie r 's dnug lilo L j ( J u a n i t a H a n so n ) . T h e s e le n d e rs o f 1 Iho T o x a n s fm cc es sfu lly c o n ce a l th e ir innr-w hoirSanta-A B aais8iioa:B ~vr097 1

: - - . ...... 1

leijcing I

NINE AT 7 :3 0jmmunity Progress’


or Ladies Only noon at 2;30 ^Bs a t 8:00 p. m .

idwThpelCb to Live

> . . .

’ — 4 s a - p a r a m o u n !

p e a c e ._ ^

C l o t h i n g l i n e — m a b (

— -------------- W e - h a v e - o u r “ <

C I p t h i n g . f o t M e n , ^

r y e a r - T T - -

B u t y o u . p r p b a l

t h e - s t a n i j a r d s h i g h e r

— E v e r y l h i n g t h a

B a r g a i n H u n t e r s ’ p r i

P e r h a g ^ t h a t s i

a n d t a k e a 0 0 k a n y l

. B r i n g a b o u t t w

t o p a y a m o n t h a g o .

N o C h a r g e l o r

> O u r C l e a r a n c e


C J a s s l t lB d A J M s m

R e c e i v e d - T o O i L a t e F o r < C l a s s i f i c a t i o n .

FOR SALE—Em pty oil barrels, '76 bnta each. L ind Automobile Co.

--FOIfr*aAtE=-itci0ntaT5?r-Bin=kW ro kiAr. L. D. WililamH, DeLong Addl- loDf Twin F a lls . __________

FOR SALE—A t a bargain, to closo s la te , 108 n c r e s ^ ^ m iles w est o t 'w in F alls. H avo offer of 115.00 cash oat_fQr_£lvo-yoant-iiut.bellov« it-wlU- irlag-$l8.00.- -lAyfi-sood -aad-caa-iuaame wator__four_U“ “ - _0- W. R lc^ .^ndoistratorrB oX 22Tclty. . . ___

•W A N TB E^To bu r 2G ono-ycnr p)[d iaioTB. E. a T Moon. ~

^ > 3 ? T E D —Lady experienced w ith' h lld rfn to k eep -house .for fomlly of our. Phone 665-R2.

Ligh^housokeepUiK suftb and single iu ls lte rboihs. R en t'reu o h ab le ;'A p * lly 7)vin Falla .BuslnesR College. .

CHIMNEY SW EBPi T. i^ W e l r C i ^ )lamond. H ard ware,. 27-'l..___________

amaUon condscatlng- all weanons. ^U i Uicso urm s the T u u n s capturo

Alamo, a . combined mission and'

Santa Anno, wjip has been away Cue. ng_UiQ capiufo of..tho_f6rl,_roium B adM aya siege wlUt 6,000 mon. After Bir~dayB of despomto*T08l8tanca~tho o r t la taken. Only S ilent SmlUr, who lad been "Bent tn Sam qonfft^n fnr 1I1I1 nnn l.«i.Tr..kyb« old Boldier'B ^anghter a re spared. .H ouston hea rs of tho falo of Uie de- enders of Uio Alamo when Mra. Dick- naon and hor child rido into ht» am p WIUi h is Bmi.ll fo rca.he .giros latUo to S an ta A nna’s arm y on the {an Jac ln lo rlvor. The C.OOO Mexl' ana a re rou ted by tho few hundred ?exan8-and Banta-Annn In U keir priB- no r. - Hfl'Ms roloasea only after lio laa agreed to g ra n t ihe independenno >f Texas.


The story of- "Tb« Regenerallnn “ ho m em ory-of Owen Klldnro and. of ho Mamlfi R ose .w ho. had redeemed llm from tho lifo of a drtm kard and an la tcost, w ill bo seen by. millions on ha . 8C reen _ w h ea-W llllam -F o x -p r# - lehts th is rem arkablo and unusual i to r r to tho world.

No expenao haa been spared lo mako ■Tho RcgoncraUon" one of tho Btron*- « t p ictures th a t has ever boen.-fllmed JnHer'BQCb f f 'g re a t'd ire c to r as R. a . ffalsh and w ith Bcones and' sottlngs m w hich no coa t wjia eparcd, wlU» 7 p w faqm -thB -Sow ciT ' th a r i f P ^ ireo lu-and m onthji to -secure , o n d 'm !act v l th evorytiiiog aa noarly human, ta hnm an Ingnniiltv m an maltiXll,Tthl» )Icturo I t Is predlct«d. w ill be an e^ c 'h n tho £llm w orld. Tboro a re scenee )f Now York Ilfs th a t a r a io o naman lad -too -perfeo t-fo describe b r words, rhe p a r t o f U o ^ e Roae I t takes by

I i w u e - t h e s e - d a y *— f i

Kou fe e p i; a p a i r o f S h o e s . <

ou Probably )c l e a r a n c e - S ' a l e o f D r y

i ^ o m e i i a n d ' C h i l d ^ ^

s f y d o n ’ t k n o w t h » t t h e

t h a n e v e r b e f o r e . - ^ •

t ’s l e f t o f o u r F a l l : a h i

i c e s ;

n i t o r c o a t y o u l i k e d i s ;

h o w . ■ : ^

^ o - t h i r d s o f t h e m o n e y )

A l t e r a f i b n s ,

RememberS a l e i s a t i t s b e s t n o w .

S & C O“The Rea! Price Reduction i

A nna Niiaon. who for Uio p ast four yenra hna bocn'coQsIdefod ono o f tho sw eetest and m ost charm ing actresses of Uie shadowy screen. OUierp to con­tribu te to tho auccQss of<tho cast, aro Rockcliffo Followort. who. b ecam e a .star on B roadw ay hia f ir s t yoar In tho U ieatdca^w orld j- '^U llam .Sheer, .who htia tnatlo 'b i l l o n s o t friends onlU io Rcreen th rough h is oxcopUonnlly tlno cha rac la r Torlc, m d j l lp m iuiil. oC oUi-.

TREES ftNDSE- — ------- T H A T ^ R O W -

7 T h trtr-y « arf~ Jx p » rU aco ~ « » IllivlK oroua tre« aloeic an<t p 4 re . till

: na ttn r 'soA trii Iib* nU ced loo.eoo Batl tom«‘r« ' <>ti o u r llx t—na lliflad bocaui Wiiya E lvc tlic .bciai. Uiif,. fre e . I

IlL_cai>Uiln«-inuoli.^v«iuatil<»-lnrorTn) w ill li«lp piun yo tir nold, n r d e n ^ a n p inn tln if . 11 iiHta n cornplei« aaio i r i - td . V eirota l.le nnd F lo w e r Sec «iim O rniiincntaV Tree*, Hhruba, \ Ra«r«. .

- -L B T US PLAN 1 A dJolnhij:. w c 11*t u JB.OO ore:

-n rb ; .n r-«l.l.-nt « t . n n n ; ---- . . .■ IB. U lioBlllctf- lO liel|i you nil aiiecl

w h a t you d tn ln '— wo Pi*n fiiin il o*-i------------- --------SPECIAL-OARDI18 fu ll slTie r.c pacltuKVN,'nil K'’

IT, B, fo r OMjy SUk'—f cK 'iliir Oflo .vuli Knicvnlil Ucm M tiah

O loljf Tom iiio, "I 'rln 'tnU u O nion. Lo S'Nvrx CnriK JjirKi- CVii-cuo i'uraiitcti n lu Hcut, .^iiuinuT roT t'ii .

, F ln t D utch Cubtmrt*. W tllt*-r*tnt 6 i - . caKoFl

r n r tio .o o w ill i»Rd b r onee.ffoTttiit to a n y R. H ere a

it i -a b tf f t in In r , 8 . .» « r n iUtrcea iiini b e rrv pluntji— *nrh. bh p it vn rlo ty . f rg l t n il yt-nr. 100. >'^oni|>lole p lniitluic dlrcG- «URtan<tFoni. s n f e a r r iv a l am j upector. ■ n tlifnc llon (rtitniMleei). 40

'." ,o S ,"7 i . e e r n i iPfAt-li. Ull nionrlff.l. nnd Sn u i» la it niu lhcro* . IOi[i-ape - /ivln<>s, 8 m o ie iM T rr. S c u r- rn n t i , a l l unnorteil. nnd X R m f l '^ r l r^ r ln R rn ip b n rrle s . _

Im a i


: ' v

ness "hether for vifar-3»t=- -


(now -"Cioods, 'Shoes ’a n d ~ ““ ^ ,^ th is time _each......-

pricei are lower and

T Winter stock" at ^

itill hers—conSj in

ou ^ u l d have had .


M PA N YItore'’ •

W ~

era who go t6 m ake th is g rea t tu ro Uio uucocua th a t I t Ib bounil \ havo. • ; • '

... Aggressive use ot the aaastfled eeV' umhes will rent good properties, la « r out o t sBosODs, and p'ractleelly c « o«« -lossaa from vacanciet. ---------- ‘ '

WANTED—Large, cleaa e o t tw r a u __jt.T lm eB Office-.________________

u n * 5 S . 0 0 O r c h a r d f l . 'EbI I w Far in.oSn Wlir

pulil expreii, th « r«t)«wla . m ill ireV* aad ba ti -_j

f J o n is ^ X tra -flny v«A■n-lf«rml- frull from June *1 __in tacuK . w iniir.; B«qlilrrt eUaHi “0 wo al- 5 f'^- . Complaio yTanttB iuatm ird dlractloiia. 8o<« - nrrlvi BUI b a r - • a r a n tp W r ^ J lB '

tlon anti 5;r*P* v ln « » ,4 5 ^1 orchard * cwrraata. a lj aaaort# tmont of «d, an»J ever.b«arlii| la. J 'rult rnipberrlea. •'ne* and

OUR ORCHARD------- ------ --------- —iurd for .ihe amall farm er o r §uW '•.'“• •r jtit 'iKiRBr furmer. S Rll nnd luriror aiiorimBnia. Tell ua~ ry dcilre. • • .!N 8ECO OFFER ---------------- 7T9 rullutilo Boric. Hcnt anywhere InM clnn^K arS/spV lnt^

Mlng Ciiuimbet-and-MUedLSirbe, — = ID FOR PREB e O O K ^ U A Y - ^ ^

r ^ r i s r y - = ' s ' ' 5 ; ; ' v i K % $ K S i ’' ^f r y m ^ A p r t^

1 Vruf'ted: ConcoVd ’arapStT ' 1^' ' ^ iK ht paid on t ie o r d o r a .^ u u i^ ^

n N urseries & S sad H m ::a t. lB M -8 0 Y « M «* - — - m ) ' ' ' ,


Keminerer :

: k i n g /

Qastle Gate
