I Am Legend analysis

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Page 2: I Am Legend analysis

Camera/Mise en Scene SoundThe lighting and set up of this scene is much similar to any typical news channel. The point of this scene is to inform us that they have cured cancer.

The woman introduces ‘Alice Krippin’ a scientist who has supposedly cured cancer.

Page 3: I Am Legend analysis

Camera/Mise en Scene SoundThe set up is alike the other news woman's shot, but this one hasn’t got that much of an interesting background and its more gloomy which maybe signifying that she isn’t as wonderful as she’s making out.

The woman describes how she’s found the cure for cancer

Page 4: I Am Legend analysis

Camera/Mise en Scene Sound

Each of these scenes last about 5-7 seconds long, and they are showing a deserted New York. Because we hear of this wonderful cure of cancer then we see the deserted scenes 3 years later, it signifies that the cure may of killed everyone rather than cured them. The way that in some of the scenes we see birds fly around gives us an impression that not everything is gone.

In all of these scenes, there is bird noise which implies that even if the city which looks like New York is deserted, there are still birds which seems odd. In a few of the scenes we see some birds walk around and fly which makes bird noises which is a diegetic sound.

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Camera/Mise en Scene Sound

We then move straight onto this next scene where we see a car driving down the road in the deserted city which signifies something that isn’t normal. The way the scene is filmed from a birds-eye view just highlights the way the director is using birds to illustrate that not everything is dead. The lighting is playing on the shadows of the buildings and some light patches which gives it a more atmospheric scene.

We hear a roaring engine of a car that is obviously not a small car, because it sounds more like a sports car which maybe signifies that whatever is driving is rich. Non-diegetic sounds of the car because we can see the car.

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Camera/Mise en Scene Sound

We then move into the car and see a hand holding a shot gun. The gun immediately signifies danger to us because he’s in this place that’s deserted with a gun, so we think that maybe he’s killed them.

We can still hear the noise of the car but not much else.

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Camera/Mise en Scene Sound

Then we see a man for the first time dressed in black which is the colour traditionally the ‘baddy’ colour to wear. The camera angle is quite interesting because we can see he’s the driver, and we can see quite a lot of his face.

Not much sound is going on , but there is still car noise in the background. Because the car noise is quite intense, it makes it more of a stressful scene to watch.

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Camera/Mise en Scene SoundWe then see the dog for the first time showing us that its not just the man and the birds that seem to be in this city. The dog signifies protection because dogs protect well.

Still just the car noises in the background.

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Camera/Mise en Scene SoundWe then see the car from behind driving into a whole flock of birds at a rapid speed which kind of signifies he’s really dangerous and doesn’t particularly care about wildlife. The lighting suggests its daytime, but its quite high key lighting.

Huge sounds of revving engines and car noises and birds flapping wings.

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Camera/Mise en Scene SoundWe then shoot straight back from the perspective of someone sat in the car on the back centre seat so you can still see the man, and its sort of a match-on- action type of shot.

The sounds are more car noises than birds in this scene.

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Camera/Mise en Scene SoundWe all of a sudden jump to a different perspective of the tanks when the car spins around the corner which is a bit different because so far, we’ve only seen the inside the car and following the car.

We hear a big skidding of the car as it goes around the corner which is quite a ‘action’ kind of scene which signifies that this man could be dangerous.

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Camera/Mise en Scene SoundAs he turns the corner and shoots down the road, we see posters which we can read as ‘GOD STILL LOVES US.’ which is a bit of a strange poster to be put all over tank, but you wonder why he ‘still’ loves us because this suggests that we have done something wrong/bad which we start to wonder about. The way that we follow the car around the tank and down the road, we then fade into the next thing that the director wants us to see.

A car driving into the distance, aka the noise fading out.

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Camera/Mise en Scene SoundSlightly before this scene, we see the dog look at something which signifies that something's about to happen. Then all of a sudden, things begin to change as the man becomes anxious which reflects how the audience begins to feel.

At this point, he looks towards the dog and asks ‘What do you see?’

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Camera/Mise en Scene SoundThe way the director has made the camera be from the point of view of the driver, it makes us more nervous because its something that every driver dreads and we all feel bad for what might happen. This is also another animal what is alive/ in this dead city, so we now begin to wonder weather all animals and this man have survived? But a dear running through New York city is odd which makes it more interesting.

The car breaks and makes a lot of noise as the deer leaps across the screen and in front of the car.

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Camera/Mise en Scene SoundWe then cut to another camera angle that we haven’t seen before and its kind of from the point of view of the front of the car, but the man isn’t worried about not hitting the animals, he appears to be chasing them which signifies once again, that the man is dangerous. The camera tracks are in line with the headlights of the car where the car could potentially hit one of the deer.

Lots of heavy footprints running and moving away from the camera.

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Camera/Mise en Scene SoundHe turns to aim at a deer which makes us worried in case he hits it because deer are quite respectable animals that most of us like signifying this to be a bad thing. He misses then carries on driving to hit one of them. The Denotation of the scene is him trying to shoot the deer, but the connotation could be that he needs to kill the deer to eat in this lonely city.

Car noises and feet running mostly.

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Camera/Mise en Scene SoundThere are loads of cars in the way so the car swerves around while all the deer get away. The camera angle is a bit odd, but the director is trying to capture the way the car is trapped.

Screeching breaks which is a non-diegetic noise.

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Camera/Mise en Scene SoundWe then see the mans expression and how they must be feeling about failing to hit a deer. This signifies that maybe they really needed to eat or something.

No sound is really there.