8/6/2019 I AM AN ERASER 2 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/i-am-an-eraser-2 1/6 I AM AN ERASER Part II A Life Full of Misery By Ovi Kabir As my tiny, white body is being squeezed by chubby enormous hands I think of what has happened to my life. I have been bought, locked up in dark places, and have seen cruel acts by human beings. I am being carried off by a chubby human, the stupid human has what seems a pale, round head, but you would hardly be able to tell with his forest of dirty blonde hair covering his whole head. He has blue eyes, but his eyes are half covered with the forest growing on his head. The boy’s cheeks are round and have cake crumbs all over them. He doesn’t seem too tall compared to other humans, maybe four-feet tall and ten-inches, but his stomach looks like he swallowed fifteen of his chubby enormous hands. As he lifts his hand to scratch his head, I am lifted up too. As I am 150 centimeters above the ground I think that I really should have taken those paper airplane lessons to get over my fear of heights. And yes, I am an eraser, and sadly, I am Blotch . This is my story. My head is frantic, my stomach is jittery, and I wish I could die, but no, it seems I must suffer another cruel and unusual torture by humans. Oh, how I hate humans! As the chubby human walks into a different room, the light seems to be brighter and it blinds


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Part II

A Life Full of MiseryBy Ovi Kabir

As my tiny, white body is being squeezed by chubby enormous hands I think of

what has happened to my life. I have been bought, locked up in dark places, and have

seen cruel acts by human beings. I am being carried off by a chubby human, the stupid

human has what seems a pale, round head, but you would hardly be able to tell with his

forest of dirty blonde hair covering his whole head. He has blue eyes, but his eyes are

half covered with the forest growing on his head. The boy’s cheeks are round and have

cake crumbs all over them. He doesn’t seem too tall compared to other humans, maybe

four-feet tall and ten-inches, but his stomach looks like he swallowed fifteen of his

chubby enormous hands.

As he lifts his hand to scratch his head, I am lifted up too. As I am 150

centimeters above the ground I think that I really should have taken those paper airplane

lessons to get over my fear of heights. And yes, I am an eraser, and sadly, I am Blotch .

This is my story.

My head is frantic, my stomach is jittery, and I wish I could die, but no, it seems I

must suffer another cruel and unusual torture by humans. Oh, how I hate humans! As the

chubby human walks into a different room, the light seems to be brighter and it blinds

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me. As he walks my head barely misses a dangling light by centimeters. As I look at the

floor beneath me, I wish again that I could die. The ground seems so far away.

The light still blinding me I look to different direction, I look towards what seems

to be a couch which had popcorn bags and ripped pillows lying all around it. I also see

another human boy sprawled across the couch. He had candy wrappers all around a

television and was watching it with the sound all the way up. The boy was surrounded by

three delivery pizza boxes, empty bag of chips, a leaky carton of ice-cream, and a two-

liter bottle of soda from which he was currently drinking. On his belly (which wasn’t

chubby, but really fat.) was a can of spray cheese and when he noticed my chubby user (called the human holding me user) walk into the room, he put down the soda and lifted

the cheese can, spraying an enormous portion into his mouth. Then he gargled with it.

Once he swallowed the greasy orange junk food, he let out an enormous belch that

actually rattled the windows.

My chubby user then shouted at the boy, “Lay of the junk food Matthew!”

Then Matthew shouted back, “No! Shut up you fat, stupid, loser who is fat and

stupid, and a loser. Did I mention you’re fat and stupid? Oh, and a loser?”

“Stupid little brother. Mom had to have three sons. Why couldn’t I have been an

only child? I hope Matthew suffocates on his own fat,” grumbled my chubby user to no

one in particular.

“I heard that! You’ll never get a girlfriend and you’ll die single as a fat, lonely

man! I’m telling mom!” shrieked Matthew.

“Hey!” shouted my chubby user, but as he said that he let me slip out of his hand

and I fell to the ground. “THUD!”

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I believe I’m dead. No, I guess I’m not, because I can still think. Though, I wish I

was dead to escape this place. I open my eyes. Everything is blurry, but soon it becomes

clear. I started to look around me. I see bottles of ice-tea and cans of sodas all around

me. I can even see my chubby user’s head. It isn’t a pretty sight either. I hear him say,

“Where are you, you stupid eraser?” Me, stupid! Oh how I wish my chubby user dies

painfully slow all alone without anything to comfort him.

I suddenly hear a voice saying, “Alright sissies! Let’s find our fallen troop and

take out the humans!’ As I look around I can’t pin-point the voice. I then see a troop of

erasers rolling from under a table. There seems to be three erasers in the back of the troopand one eraser leading in the front. The leading eraser looks small from all the erasing he

must have done and his face has a scar shaped as a “z” on his right cheek. My heart leapt

at the sight of seeing other erasers and I thought maybe there is hope.

Then suddenly they stopped and turned to their left. They seemed not to notice

me. The troop’s faces were then distorted with grief, and as I turned my head towards the

direction they were staring at, I understood why, there lay a heart eraser split in half. The

lead eraser then commanded, “Boys, heads down and take a few moments to mourn for

our fallen comrade.” As he said these words, I even bowed my head.

After a few seconds passed, the lead eraser then said, “Carter, step up here.” The

middle eraser stepped out of the group and approached the lead eraser. “Carter, the

enemy is everywhere. You might even have to kill one of your own troops if you were to

discover that they were sympathetic to the enemy’s cause. Could you take out your best

friend if you had to?”

The eraser solemnly nodded his head.

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“Carter, you’re a good soldier,” the lead eraser said. Carter then returned to his

position in the troop. The lead eraser commanded, “Sullivan, front and center!”

The eraser on the left came up and approached the lead eraser,

“Tell me the first rule of war!”

Sullivan replied with a shout, “Kill or be killed, SIR !”

“That’s right Sullivan. The humans have been walking all over us! They’ve been

asking for a fight for a long time and a war is brewing! We’ll hit them hard and cru-” The

lead eraser stopped midway, because he just noticed me.

The lead eraser then walked over to me, game me a forced smile, and a strongnudge. (We erasers nudge instead of handshakes.) He then said, “Hello, my name is

General Swinzer and it’s a pleasure to meet you. And what would be your name, sport?”

“Ummmm, my name is Blotch sir ,” I replied awkwardly.

General Swinzer then said, “That’s a nice name, it’s also good to see a new face.”

He then turned back to his troop and shouted, “Richie! Get our fallen troop’s body!”

The General started to say something, but could never finish it, because at that

moment the fat Matthew stepped up to the table next to them. Matthew then said, “Cool,

more erasers to rip!”

As he was about to grab me, a feminine voice shouted, “Matthew Charles Miner!

You better not break anymore erasers young man! Those erasers cost money and that’s

something we don’t have much of these days. Simon darling, could you be an angel and

take your erasers to your room?”

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“Alright mom,” said my chubby user as he lumbered to the table and picked me

up. As I was still in the air, I heard General Swinzer shout, “We’ll be in touch Blotch !

Hang in there!”

As I was being lifted I could feel all those sick feeling wash over me. But I

thought to myself what is the use in resisting, I’ll be dead one way or another by the end

of this week.

As my chubby user entered the room, he placed me on the top of the shelf and he

sat at his desk where he began to write something. As I lay down on the shelf I noticed

there was another eraser on the shelf besides me. He was smaller than my head and

looked older than time. He had pencil erase all over him. When he noticed me he started

to say frantically, “You have to get out of here! It drives you insane. These humans are

evil and deadly. My name is Archie and I’ve experienced it all!”

My chubby user then stands up and picks up Archie and starts to erase with him. I

could see the pain on his face as he was erasing marks up and down. His flesh fell off his

skin. I finally saw what it was to be like when being erased and I was horrified. As I

watched it happen before my eyes, I thought to myself, “This is a life full of misery.”


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