?I ' ADIRONDACK VISITORS SEE PARADE OFDECORATEp UINCHES. BASEBALL AT THE AMPERSAND. T. W. Post and Peter Surry. c.,, \u0084,\u25a0\u25a0!<> (i'li"t-;rripl>by '\u25a0\u25a0• '\u25a0 BBSttu« ) THE AMPERSAND. Ampersand, NT. V.. Aug. (Special).— Tbe golf players are beginning t.. arrive at the Ampersand « readteesa for the tenth annual^ open toornaroent of the Ampersand^ Golf Club, which begins next Saturday and continues on September - and •".. Ormsby McCammoo, of Cl ibf who arrived this week, to >k part in last sea I Ir- and Mr<. McCammon are the guesta of Mr. and -Mr:- Milton C. Work at the Wigwam. Marsh, chairman of th.- committee hav- In ehai ge, k ys t ber nt entries than i vet assured Archie Graham has written t; I ing and John Reed, Ji . has sent word thai he will be hen. A W. TiHlnghast. who is coming !\u25a0• take part In the tournament ol : i ;o!t" Club, aleo plan? to the Ampersand tournament. James Batterson \t another who up ror th.- Amper- sand i .!!...;:.> :. ; . and a big crowd will arrive opening ol the to re Is much Interesi among the Riiests the w -^k of the Ampersand baseball team, ayed the Pa il Smith's team on Wednes- . >-.-\ ens Houa t.-^m to-day. .Many of the young people have Joined in - ranac Lake thi^ week and ,ns to points of int»r' -t. A party partiiipatlng i-i \u25a0 '\u25a0•'• dinner on the rocks at 1;.,, head of the I '••\u25a0' Misa L H Bailey. Miss i- Steplienson, Mrs. *'\u25a0 A. hern much social activity, dances being held and coaching and mountain parties formed among the guests. O«e party from Lakeside Inn. climbing Mount Whitney. Included C. H. Twitchell. F. M. Chambers, Miss Edith Cham- bers stiles Twltcbell and W. C. Hilderman. Mr and Mrs. Chambers. Mr. Twitchell, F. M. McNeil and the Misses Catlin and Chamt>ers composed a party making the ascent of Whtte- tace lati :• in the week. Walter F. Barnes was among the New \ ork arrival- at Northw la Inn. Jointeg his family. who have been there some timeT From the Belmont a party made the ascent of Mount Whlteface and a party from the Pines, headed i, \>,- j Coughtry. made the ascent oil Mount Marcr, going Into .amp on the summit over- night. There has been much social activity al rjnderclift' this w.-.-k. a rruraber o< teas be- ing Ki'- « nby the campers. At tbe American -i number ••( sportsmen are beginning to ar- rive and are awaiting there tl.<- opening of the hunting season. OTHER LAKE PLACID HOTELS. I^ake Placid. Aug. -4 (Special) -A1 all of the other hotels in Lake Pl* Id this week there has the New York arrivals of the week. Mi?s Shll- Ungton, of London, reached the Grand view this weak. THE RUISSEAI7MONT. Lake Placid, N V . Aug. -J (Special).— The steadily Browing Interest in swimming among the guests of the Ruisseaumont lias led to the construction of a special diving platform twen- ty-two feet high for the accommodation ol thoae who are fond of thai sport Several ol the hoys at the Ruisseaumont are among those who take this dive, among them being Master Led- vith Foky. son of Dr. and Mrs. M. T. Foley; Master Teddy Palmenbers, eon of E. V. Palm- enberg. and Master Gerrisii Forney, son ol ««• the guests al the Ruisseaumont have joined in Eomiins mountain parties for the as- cent at the Whiteface this week. < >n« su< h partj was headed by H. T. Frasee. Another wu headed hy Thomas Forrest, and Included his mother Mrs Forrest, and his sister. Miss I-., i- Forrest. L. Scotta and other friends also made the ascent of the mountain, going Into rous:h camp at the fool overnight before making the There has l n the usual number of poaching j.artiee and Mrs \Y. .; Oilmon . who Iflspending the summer at bei cottage here, has entertained several friends on trips I points of Interest in her Ile touring automobiU ii these trips the St. Regis lakes her mother. Mrs. Edward Ellis, Mr,. W. O. WTylie and Mrs. B F I :armi< hael W /. Lamed. president of the Rulswaumont Hotel Company, was among the arrivals of the week He Is accompanied by Mn L i \ numtx r of tl c gu ' !:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0< Da \u25a0- brother. H Da\idge. nf New York. Mlum Kath- erine V'erner is entertaining Mi ; * M yL. Day Treat. One ..-' the cottag< b at the hot< I has ' •- n for the rest of the season by Mm yv E •\u25a0\u25a0 and Mrs cummer's aunt, Mrs. A L Warhauph. Inc ...!•• Miss Emille F. De Roulhae, George M. N<-tr. Robert C Davldge, Mi and Mrs. C Bladworth. I>r and Mrs S. H. Vehnlage, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M Vehslage. DeKyie l>. Smith. \Y \ McCusker. Mr and Mrs. William Hlgginson. and Mrs. 11. I-;--: ton Japanese Embassy, who has been spending some time at the Stevens House, left here th.s week for a short Canadian trip. Major Ttoaka, who belongs to the Infantry branch of the 'ananese army, acted as interpreter for General Kurokl during the Utters visit to the United ; es ' Mi- Choate; daughter of William Choate »as among the arrivals of the week, coming up for a j xv.ek end v.sit as the B uest of Gf^SSc^Si \ , ; \u0084,^., chief engineer of.the Ne« York Cen«« private car of Mr. and Mrs. Ki"redge. , guest Miss Lillian Warner, daughter gressnuui John De Witt a"»"ja "»"j tho w . rk «« one of tbe coaching rnrti. -s .^ tn e w X the Stevens House, Miss <>i.. voi-it iv-! Johnson and I. Bojr« ' '; H ' ;; "' ... V^eVt'anTliTf^he^eltt^theEptt- » .' evert and ball for the benefit of the Ep.s- ooml ChuVh work In Lake Placid were given T Stevens House last evening and were veil attended, a large sum being realized from 11 VnonV^ep^nt little parties of the woek eivefl by the Quests v.as a Welsh rarebit party riven to a few friends by E. J. Triay. division passenger agent of the Delaware & Hudson Victor Herbert arrived this week at Camp Joyland. on the shore of Lake Placid, near the Stevens House, joining his family, who are spending the summer there. Golf players taking part in the women's open tournament yesterday and to-day Include Mrs. J i: Boyce. Mrs. W. A. Hcinerington. Mrs. Mary Hissem De Moss. Miss Lillian Macdonald, Miss McElroy, Mr.-=. Harrison and Mrs. John S. Xaylor Spencer <:. Prime, former State Sena- tor, arrived at the Stevens House this week. THE GBA27D VIEW. Lake Placid. N. Y. Aug. '-'4 (Special) -The beautiful weather of the last week has tempted many of the guests at the Grand View to en- gag* in tours to points of interest throughout the Adirondacks. One such party formed early in the week made the triu to the St. Regis Lakes and Included Mr. and Mrs. W. K-lCowa^w. H. Kake* and Miss Kakea, Mrs. J. B. Milliard. Mrs. Barlow and Mrs. Affleck. A party of New York tourists reaching the Grand View this week Included J. J. «--•'\u25a0-'\u25a0 \u25a0 William Allen. James Alien: Miss Mary Allen, Mrs. F. Allen. Abner Ceaser. William Hague Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Conroy. Mr. and Mrs « ill- lain McCarthy. Mrs. Elliff. the Misses BUI f and A*feature of the Sunday evening concert at the Grand View last Sunday was the singing of Mis-- Ethelwyn Lpckhart, of New York. Borne especially attractive prizes were award. Ed at bridge nd euchre parties early In the week, among them being a sterling silver mirror and a parasol. Among the winners of prizes wore Mrs. Lockhart. Miss Hatfleld Miss Mr- Gee. Miss Natt. Mrs. Montgomery, E. W. Sey- mour B. twelve cuests from the Grand View a i uty « f twelve guests from the Grand \ lew driving to Paul Smith's was headed by K. V. . Seymour. of New York. Frank I>oorf. of -New York headed a party of th« Grand View guests who «de the ascent of Mount Wlr.te.aee. \ baseball game between tbe Grand view team and The Lake Placid Club resulted in a vic- tory for Grand View by a score 11 to i. The-e Is much Interest in horseback riding among the guests, One of the riders here from New York is Charles E. Long, who spends much tin-e in the saddle. . William H* Kevins was among the arrivals of the week, joining his family, who have been here several weeks. William Rhlnelander, G. F. Robinson and his son. Harry Robinson^ were among those who made the ascent of White- Mr ar.d Mrs. O. T. Montgomery were among Lake Placid. N. V.. A-,?. '24 (Special).— week many «\u25a0' the annual affairs which have l«*-oim- fixtures on tho •\u25a0\u25a0: : »' calendar of the summer colony In the AdJrondadts took place. Among them v.as the parade of decorated . launches on Lake Placid, in which many of the simpers and ;i.u'<- people there took part in tlieir . ran resplendent with pray bunting and other artistic decorations. The first prize for the best decorated boat was given by Ike board of judges, confining of Colonel A. E. Lamb, W. J. sfiQemW anil Albert Ifackie, of New \u25a0 York, to Walter K. alack. of New York. George A. Elevens getting second prize and Mrs. G. L. tfuen.*"' ''' New Y<»rk. honorable mention. >- Y*asterday the annual fair for the benefit of the Adirondack Cottage Sanatorium took place at Paul Smith's, and to-day the annual fair 2 for the purpose took place at Baranar Inn. ' Path were rally patronized and large sums j*>alized. At many of the hotels the annual balls have taken place this week. Other oc- . currenc^s of the week include the annual hotel .' regattas, tournaments and the opening of the B biff coif tournament of the Lake Placid uoir Club. - WKITEFACE INK. ' ' Lake Placid, X. V.. Aug. '-'4 (Special).— Among the many persons v.-ho arrived this week at \- this resort were Prince Vlvilella-Cessi. Pa** of F<>ii and Duke of OaaHaganla otherwise LDon Marino Torlonia. a member of a distin- guished Italian family, and his bride, who un- til her marriage at the country seat of her lather at Belle Haven. Conn., on Aug. 15. was Miss Mary Elsie Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Moore, of New York. The 'i bridal couple were accompanied by the parents \u0084 cif the bride and her sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Colby M. Chester, jr. and on srrlvaJ v here joined the party of Rear Admiral and Mr*. , Colby M. Chester and Rear Admiral and Mr*. I.L. G. Billings. of thief social interest at the Z J The occurrence of chief social interest at the inn this week was the hal poudre given by i \u25a0 Mr. «nd Mrs. Harrington Mills, which took v place ..I. Thursday evening and was attended l<y \u25a0 large number from amon? the guests at E the inn. the campers and cottagers. . This week the g"lf players at the inn Have ' been keaw with the contest for the Illcnler cup. Among the players entered are M. A. Oriffiti) winner of last year's tournament; L T. Walker. C.« A. Ridgelev. W. B. Oempton. «\u25a0. Harrison. K. Golden Donaldson and a. P. '• Palmer. A number of the youner people at the inn have this week engaged in several interesting 1 oeUaga A party ef young men climbing - Mount Whitefaee included A. W. FortFon. J. Y. D. Fry. Edward Ten leaok. C U. Palmer. A. P. Palmer and W. Emerson. T F* Chambers arrived at the Inn this week v- as the* guest of his sister. Mrs. W. A. Mearns. i* at Balsam cottage. l " A. P. Palmer, of Brooklyn, arrived early in 1 the 'week, joining his parents, who have been 'st th« inn for some time. One of the auto- ' mobile parties reaching the inn thai week in- cluded F. H. Revell. jr.. sad B. H Hart. o. New York. Another included Mr?. R. A. Law- rente and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Fast. Vnong the arrivals of the week were C. O'Donnen. Paul Griffith. Mr and Mrs. D. R. Burgess Miss Ethel BurgsfS. Mr. and Mr-. J \ Walters. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Paine. Lockwood Hill. John A. Paine. Mr. and Mrs. C M Gt«er C. M. CSreer. jr.. and George W. Greer Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Brooke. Mrs. * William <;. Foulke, Miss Foulke. and Miss '.' Marguerite Foulke. Mr. and Mrs. John J. '* Mitchie, Miss Mitchie and Miss Pitou. THE STEVENS HOUSE. Lake r:;.i'i. N. T.. Aug. SS (Special) —Major K. Tanaka. military attache of the imperial PLATEAU RESORTS TO EXTEND THEIR SEASON. Guests Booked in Numbers Tili the Close of October. LAUNCH PARADE ON LAKE PLACID. One of the decorated craft which took part in the affair of August 21. (Pnotflgnpk by I* B. Bkettuek.) •* Stroudsburs. Aug. 24 <Special>.— At a meeting of '\u25a0\u25a0 Ike Mountain Resort Association hfld this week it r •was decided Is extend the attractions of the Monroe resorts \u25a0 full month linger than in previous sea- sons. Th- Ball season. whea the awwntslnn ara <-lotbed in the mo« beautiful Ihi.-s. has been under- *-«imated by the hotel men. and to find the remeay lor this error was the majn purpose of tbe meeting. , That the season can well be lengthened was at- . tested by the fact that nearly all the Urge hotels \u25a0 have »TB-agemenis that will carry them v.ell toward the close of October. . * Mountain Vi«>w Park, on the Mountain View line " to the Wate- Gap, has lately become popular as a * place for holding corn roasts. The company has r provided a large oven for the. use. of the summer '" visitors, who charter oars nearly every evening in the week for th*- purpose of affording a<-cnmmorl;»- f tloa to and from the park at the desired hour«. * Country grown corn, patbered fresh Jrom th*- Belds ' by the "permission of the farmer^ and roasted in an - open firewood oven, makes a luxury that the city * people are keen to enjoy. « Mis* Iv.i M. Scott pave a barn dance this week - at th" Golden Rule farm to a number of her frien Is * and guests from ih« Water Front farm. A for<-e * of decorators worked several hours f«stooninir the liarn and preparing the Hoot 'for the affair. Colored : lights added the finishing effect to the gayly deco- rated barn. After dancing until a late hour, re- firatlin m- w-re. eerrcd In the bam and en the snr- : i-uaillli * lawn. About sixty young persons enjoyed I •^rK^WSia M NesWt and J. T. Burnlte. ci* Kew York City, are nt the Highland Dell. J. L. Arrowenjith and Mrs. j. G. LJscomb. of New York Oty. have arrived at Churlelgh Inn for the purpose of spending a month among the Pcnn- arfvnia^ Mrs. K. A. Kerr and ilrs. I. N. Kerr are New Yorkers st Churlelgh Inn. A Brooklyn party at the PenUyn for a stay of - several weeks Include* Mis» Kathryn M. Regan. Miss Nellie Watson. 'Miss Uliian M. Regan. Miss Gertrude Repan and Miss Larkin. New York City arrivals at the Jlnniehurst this week are Mr«?. Usette Hilge. Hiss Louise Hllge. ' Miss Ida M. Metz. Mr. and Mrs Purcell. Mis« F. C Bartlett. Kiss K. Bartlett. Miss A. Bartlett. C E. Kelson. J. E. Underwood. M. \u25a0VTarmuth. W. P. Cattta. J. MaclCe.ll and Frederick Bete. 'mi— Teresa C. Kelly, of New York City, will "*' apecd the rest of the season at the Prospect. B The Wi»i r Margaret and Bertha Wright, at .Xew York Csty. trill spend the rest of the summer at the Prospect House. DEI.AAVARE WATER GAP Gayest Croxcd of Pleasure Seekers Ever Seen There. Delaware Water Gap.' Perm., Aug. 24 (Special).— This wort Is entertaining the gayest crowd of aethers of recreation that has ever come to the mounts in*. The hotels are full and turning guests ' away dally. The days pass rapidly with tourna- ments for the lovers of outdoor sports and driv- ing, motoring and riding parties for those who de- light in roaming over the hills that are one of the greatest charms of this resort. The Mountain View trolley line is a favorite for young and old - In the afternoon and evening, when the hills gain In beauty and impress! an the twilight eoftens th« sharp outlines of the mountains. » ( The cntests of u»«- 'Water Gap House gave an- vthcir euchre this week. The exchange was the -*cene of the largest assembly of card players that has gathered thcr« this summer. The tecnis enthusiasts at the Glenwood contested \u25a0 at that house aIT ilin week. The play was of the ' IttShest order yet seen on Uie local court::. Inthe J women's doubles Miss Miller and Miss Mattes won. sue in the singles the \u25a0winner was Miss Miller. J Jn the men's doubles the honors were carried away by Chester Jones and J. Murder, and the winner of the men's singles was V. Jones. .. The Gordon Athletic CIuU. of New York City, at *"Vnilow 2>*-l!. Ifrepresented by eleven of its mem- ' bers. This week the club played baseball with the \u25a0 <»!• nwood team and defeated tbe team by a. small - «core. ' - Ii A. Kilieen stopped at the Glenwood for a few Raja t-arly in the week, Miss M. C. Killeen, his "deter. 1b etpyini? at th : Glenwood for the month of 'AugviKt with Miss S. Griffinand If iss M Duffy, of \u25a0•iSrooitlya. ' &°*<' >; rjp^«nh -in ; Mrs. Holier and Miss MoUer. ? of New York City, have arrived at the X:"..- \u25a0 \u25a0, tor a »»*y of Beveral w^cka. Among the aato!iiol .!• p«rt!«i that stopped at This Season a Record Breaker at *\u25a0 lit. Springs. lllchfleld Springs. N. V.. Aug. 2, (Special).—The season of 1907 will go «iown in hi tory as one of the best Bichfleld baa ever known, and certainly the best in the last decade. The BarUttgton's ai» rival list last Saturday and Sunday contained con- siderably more than one hundred names, on Mon- day there were more than forty, and the excellent record has been well sustained through the week. Several well known golfers who are competing in the annual golf tournament of Central New York, which took place on the Otsego Golf Club links at the head of the lake this week, are making the Earlington their headquarters and motoring the six miles back and forth each day. Among the automobile tourists at the house this week was J. E. Woodruff, who accompanied Mr. and Mis. F. S. Tracy and Miss Kernan. of Syracuse. The Kickers' Handicap tournament, played on THROWS AT RICHFIELD, dirt. \u2666 New York 'i'y. arc nmonsr the recent ar- rivals It the Pocono Mountain House. Mr «nd Mr? Andr'-w H. Mills and Miss Jonnle I. Mills of New York City, have taken rooms at tie* Mount Pleagant for the summer season. J W Snlllance la among the New Yorkers spend- ing- th«> summer :it th" Mount Pleasant. r E Memo Mi-- M. May and .1. H. May. of New Y<'t-k City, are recent arrivals at tho Mount ' "\V T De Witt and Geraldine P.. T>e Witt, of Brooklyn, arc at the Mount Pleasant for the sum- "j B Garfitld and Miss M. R. Bonton are anioncr ihe'.arrivals at the Mount Pleasant from New York Ci Mrs. Benson O. Ellis, of New 1 - York City, Is among the recent arrivals at the Ontwood for the remainder of th» season. A J Cunningham and Miss Grace E. Cunning- bam. of Brooklyn, bj* among the guests at the Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thomas, of New York City, have arrived at the Meadowsld>. Mr and Mrs- W. C. Moore, and H. A. Hopsoa are among the Prooklynites at the Ueadowslde. Miss Tessie Oschwald is a late arrival at the * A tennis tournament was finished at the Swift- water tl is week The winner of the womens kiii- pl'f-s wr.s Miss M. Moore; the winners of the wom- en's doubles Were Miss E. Fischer am. Miss May 1 Itchlield; the v.innerK In the mixed doubles were Miss l Itchneld and Norman H. Mason: Eichard Tunis won in the nun's singles and Mr. Tunis and Air Rue won in th.- men's doubles. On account of the number of entries it required flvfa days to play ° C [\mon m^ne New Yorkers at the Mountain View Horse are Miss Winifred Cummins*. Miss v Buckly* Joseph Hall and Mrs. whitenack. Great Interest Taken in All Forms of Outdoor Sports. Mount Poeono, P«»nn.. Aug. 24 (Special). With the hotels crowded with guests, the usual summer rivalry in athletics, which is always a feature of the mldseason weeks, has manifested itself in bowl- Ins; matches, tennis tournaments, billiard tourna- ments and the ever popular baseball games. The baseball team from the Poeono Mountain House played the one representing Vocono Pinf-s, defeating the Pines' aggregation by the close score of 6 to 5. I-ast year the score ••. as reversed, which was in- strumental in making the contest one of.the most spirited of the reason. This is the fourth straight victory for the Poeono Mountain House. The Montanesca is enjoying the most prosperous season since Its opening, having served at this date over four thousand meals more than last season, and having had an, automobile patronage that quadruples that of 19QC. The hotel will be full for several weeks more, and Is assured of a full month longer season than in any previous year. The leading social affair at the Ontwood this week was the masquerade ball. The ball opened with a grand march. In the early evening it was the effort of the maskers to endeavor to discover the hidden faces, but few succeeded In doing so un- til the whistle blew for the unmasking. The judges awarded the first prize to Miss l/)inbard, of New York City, and tho second to Miss I^eontlne Sage. The guests pronounced the masquerade the best and most 'cleverly arranged affair of the season. a. W. Stout. E. B. Lawrence, Ml?s Is. BroA-n, \V. D. I^ent and Mrs. J. Mendelsohn, of New York City, are among the late arrivals at the Man tariesca. They will remain until" the end of the fall season, when I'ocono As clothed in its most attractive colon?. I. M. Brown. Miss Fjnnie Brown and Miss Annie EL Brown, of New York City. hay«» taken rooms at the Montanenca for the remainder of the reason. Henry J. Schumacher is among the New York- ers who have lately arrived at the Montanesca. E. A. Preraer and H. F. Bell, of New York City, are spending a short time at tne siontancwa. Dr. and Mrs. L. Grant Baldwin and M. E. Bald- win of Newport, are spending the summer at the I'ocono Mountain House. Dr. C. H. Jager. of New York City, has arrived at tl»e Poeono Mountain House for a stay of sev- eral •weeks. F. Oonnelly an! Mi?s CT-rence Bene- Miss Anna F.- Donnelly anl Mtss Florence Beaa- (^ POCOXO PLATKAT. £ Ktttatinny this week was one Z; 1 "!'^!^;^ and Mr= \Y. A. Mar!.!-.. George D. Ebermergei a^;k nn LSL S SeW BrookM». T n2 a^ved at the , Sr^tiSsflSS;". Deschere ( of Now York City are among the arrivals at the Kit- son Smith, of Sew York Cily. h»v? n and A the son Smith, of New York City. hay« arrived at the ffiSfS£&«V?aSSt *?& McConnen •^WillianJ. P. Griffin are New Yorkers stop- PM ? M Joh^on^Jn.r'h. Witt Fox of New York CMv are lat«» arrivals at the Kittatlnny. rtved at the Water Gap House for a short stay n^rv^.rM^v v F i ;,ntn ,^1 T. r>pnton, of East Orange, N. J., are at the Water &JSWl&^lSajioMi of Brooklyn, will speod the rest of the season at the Water Gap HH OO U Lindau and Mrs. V. A. Andrews, of New York City, have arrived at the Water Gap House. Paul de Pechesheys, of Paris. France, :uid friends motored to the Water Gap House, where they are the KUests of Mr. Pfekens. Dr and Mrs. Small. Mi*. Georaw Anderson and J f <*hest!iutt and Miss Chestnutt compose » party of Brooklynites v.lio are at the Ctlcnwood. Miss Emily De Yantery. of Brooklyn, is spend- ln"- another season at the Glenwood. Miss De Vanterv was the winner of th« swimming contest twtweefi the guests <>i the. Glenwood and the River View last season. Mr and Mrs. E. F. Connolly. "f New York City, a'-e at the Glenwood for a stay of several weeks. Miss S C. Chadwick, J. Chadwick and Mr. ana Mrs W. X Journey. of New York City, have ar- rived at the Glenwood for the remainder of the At the Glenwood euchre this -nook ninety-six players participated. The women that won prizes were Mrs Gartner. Miss Bcbeokbar and Miss M. Rntirf. The winner of the first prize for men was Dr. Rattan. % th« Wniontha link» for a cup Klven by Dr. .1. TV Tuttle, of the Tull.-r. was won by Charles L>. OJen- tlorf, of the TunniclilTo cottage, with Oliver Drake Smith second. There have been several contests at tin* Rich- field Tennis Club courts this week, iii the women's singles the players were Miss Anna It. Edey; Miss Swift, Miss Ron*. Mrs. Charles C. Hansom. Mr*. K. A. Aaserson ami Miss Bldredge; In the nun's slnerle? were John A. l^-ffTts, Richard «'ary, Albert Uetman, Robert A. FrisMe, Dr. Goodrich Smith, Charles Quidei Duryee, Harold Conklln, Hamilton E. Childs, G. K. Pond and Mr. Haven, and lii the mixed doubles Miss Ktley ami Mr I'oiid played Miss Uoft jukl Mr. I>tiry -. ami I>r. Smith and Miss Swift played Mr. Getman and Mrs. ftaanrscill Teas have been given %> the Walontha Club by Mii-s Whltebead, of The Elms, and .Mrs. J. Lea Taller, of Bella Vista. A studio tea given by Thomas IJ. Manley was greatly enjoyed by many friends of this artist, who was assisted in receiving by his sister. Mrs. Cram, and by Miss Virßlna Swift. Mr. and Mrs. Myron A. McKee entertained at a luncheon at The Tuller pn Tuesday In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Goodwill, of Bnunwell, \V. Va. Tin ir other suests were Mr. and Mrs. W Fred All. and Miss Gertrude Allen, of Uliea. and Miss Blue, of this place. Mr. ami Mrs. Justin ft. Swift and BOM, of Pttta- burx, are guests of Captain W. is. Swift, V. S. N. United States Commissioner John A. Shields has joined Mrs. Shields a) the Tunnicllffo cottage for the rest of the season. H<- was accompanied on his ar- rival Ttnadnji night by his daughter, Mrs. William < '. Newman, of Mew York, who Is spending the week here. Rear Admiral and Mrs. A. 8, Barker have been Joined at the Kendallwood by .Miss Louise Maxwell. Mrs. M. A. Blue, of Church street is entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Graham Calvert, of Philadelphia. Mrs. William Ard«n and daughter Elisabeth ar«« guentn of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wetzel at the I 'I' TOW cottage. Mi.-- Antic Weaver and Miss Chariot 1. Weaver, Of New York, Who have been spending the last (WO months In Nova Scotia and other parts of Canada. have arrived at the ICendallwood for the rest .it the Bummer Charles W. Will: •!m. of Reading, Perm.. has ar- rived at the Kendaßwood for :i stay of several weeks, bavins made the trip in his automobile. Mrs. Edgar Cary and Mrs. Mary J. Htitler re- ceived at an afternoon tea given on Urn lawn of the Cary cottages on Wednesday. Mrs. 'John Der- thick Cary. Mrs. Allen J. Bloomfield and Miss Marie R.'.7.e Toller poured. The** were many guests present from tin* hotels and the cottage colony Dr. and Mrs. T. Halstead Myera and children, of X.-v. York, have joined relatives «it the Tuller, to rt-main until the close of the season. Mrs. Samuel H. Wandell, of New York, is at the Berkeley- Waiontha for her yearly visit. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burns are now at the Eaiiinston, where they spend a part of each sea- son. Mrs. r.ucns Is the president of the Little Mothers' Society of New York. Ill' hard' Eds Cary entertained at a hearts party on Tuesday evening, the prises being won by Miss Cretchen Rod and Homer c. Evans. Mis- Natalie W'niteliead, of The Elms, entertained p. number of the children at a lawn party on Tues- day afternoon In honor of her niece. Miss Lucllo '.Vhitehead. Lee, Mr?, 11. J. Lawrence and Mrs. A. Weasel c M. K. Lee. 11. J. Lawrence, jr.. J. W. Lawrence. J. T. Bailey. W. Scully, W. L. N. Lee, G. A. l Lee, Jr.. George A. Lee and Kenneth Stephen- i son. They made the trip in M. K. Lee's launch It. ' A horseback party to Saranac Inn, Including 1 the Misses Bailey. Scully and Stcphcnson, J. W. Lawrence and M. K. I^ee, had an exciting expe- 1 Hence or. the return trip. loskjig the road in the j darkness ami narrowly escaping betas lost In I th*" woods, . m ' William K. WPICOX, former naatwastar o. : New York and no •• chairman of the Public Service Commission of- the Ist District, was ,, at the Ampersand this week, the guest of Hugh \u25a0 Keveney, of New York. Howard B. Blrlwell arrived this week as the j guest of his brother, Clinton M. Bidwell, at , Overlook Cottage. At Glenmere Cottage, Mrs. A. C. Poillon. of , New York, is entertaining Mrs. Clark B. # Rob- , inson. also of New York. Christopher Rich- j ardson. who arrived this week, is the guest of Mrs. H. H. Knowles and Miss Gladys Wnowles, Of New York. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Stephen- son, who have been in New York, returned this week and joined their children here. 1 S. H. Parsons, W. C. Harper and G. D. Hu- , lette an.) T. G. LaM, of Wow York, are the ' guests of George A. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Russell. "* New York, who arrived th!s 1 week. have taken Bonnie Brae Cottage for the t season. : A party or Ampersand guests. Including Otis , Ohilds. R. B. Holmes. Dr. J. L. Nichols. Mrs. " Jackson, Miss Barries and Miss Bloomer, Joined in a carriage ride through the mountains. ( They were gone five days, and visited Keene Valley, Eiizabethtown. Ausable Chasm. Hotel j Cham; lain, Paul Smith's and other places. THE ALGONQUIN. j 1 Algonquin, N. V.. Aug. 2) (Special). event l of chief importance at the Algonquin recently 1 was the third annual regatta, which was begun ' last Saturday, but the execution of a portion of ( the programme was postponed to this week on ] account of the high wind which prevailed on Lower Saranac Lake. The feat area of the re- gatta were motor boat races divided into two classes, a 50-yard swimming match, a tub ' race, canoe races divided into men's and women's singles, men's doubles and doubles with coxswain, a tiltingmatch and a 100-yard swim- ming match, with a high diving exhibition as «i sf>««-ial attraction. Those entered for the lat- ter, were James McCourt, Frank H. Ti::'-n. Baron Henry Barschkies and Frank 11. Travis. One of the most exciting contests was the launch race. In class A of this race W. C. Floyd-Jones, in the Here's Bow. was the winner. with C. J. Swain, in the Oaceola, a close second. In class B the winner was B. H. Gray, in the Scout, which had a handicap of one and one- half minutes. C J. Swain's Iroquota. a scratch boat, was second and the Wasp, owned by H. Stratton, was third by a few Inches. In the rowing singles the winner of class A was L. L. Wheeler, with A. T. Harding second. A tally-ho party from the Algonquin to Paul Smith's and Baranac Inn this week. Included : Baron Henry Barschkies, and Messrs. McCourt, ' Neill Meats, Barker, Sour, Bixby and Crawford. B. J. Darling and H. Simmons, .T. McCaulay, [ jr.. and I. Schwab, of New York, who are tour- t i:.; ri •\u25a0 waterways of the Adirondack! by canoe. ! reached •'» Algonquin this week. Other ax- } rival thera include Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Ailing,! T. S. Haven, Mr. and Mrs i. B. Hart, Mr. and Mr*. Alfred E. Merri'.l. Raymond and Clifford Merrill. F. M Struck. Mr. and Mrs. Lawron «'. | Fusk. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Carmody and H. G. j Stevens. | PAUL Sl-HTH'S. 1 : Paul Smith's. N. v. Aug. -IiSpeciaD.— The j annual fair held here yesterday for the benefit | of the Adirondack cottage sanatorium wa.s one ;of the best and most profitable that the women . at the hotel an 1 among the camps on the St. I Regis chain have yet managed. Mrs. Anson I Pheips stokes headed the committee in charge;, I The eighty-second birthday of "Uncle" Paul j Smith, the veteran founder of the hotel, was ob- I served on Tuesday by his many friends among i the tampers and the not^l guests, and the young I people gave and no rest until related to them 1 1 \u25a0!•\u25a0 gave him ne real until he related 10 them stories of t!ie Adirondacks as they used to be. At a birthday luncheon in his honor Mr. Smith was entertained by Henry L. Hotchklss at his camp on Spitfire [..-»k»- Mr. Hotchkiss, who was the iir:;t camper on th** St. Regis chain, has not missed a year In camp since Ibtjtk There is much interest in the motor boat race to be held on Tuesday of next week between the high power boats of .1 lns!e* Blair and scort;'? 11. Townaend. This will bo over an oval course In the Lower St. Regis Lake, twenty miles in length which has been l.\u25a0! oat by Simeon J. Drake, chairman of the race commit- tee of the St. Regis Yacht Club. A number of enjoyable luncheons -i:id dinner parties have taken place at the Casino this week, one of them being gi\rn by Miss M. 1.. Morari. who entertained Mr and '«!•.- Edward 1.. Knapp, jr.. Miss Natalie Henderson. Miss Janet Fish. Thomas A. Gardiner. Miss Dorothy Moran and Miss Fishback. Among those who gave bridge parties this week wore Mrs. W. C. Brown. Mrs. K. D. Grto- , wold. Mr*. .I"':, 1 Davis. Mrs. R. P. Barber i.nd Mrs. i:. P. Huntlngton. Among the guests at the hotel who have th^ir j automobiles here this season are W. C. Brown, j >!•. George I'ulos Baker. Henry H. Benedict. I George H. Townsend and Philip Corbin. jr. Dr. j Baker, Mr. Brown and Mr. Townsend have also ; brought up their saddle horses, m have P. C. Maffitt. Miss Lockwood, F. L. Lockwood and ! John K. Townsend. : Mrs. C. F. Corbin arrived this week, joining her son Philip at th.' hotel. Captain John C. Barron, of New York, is visiting his ion. John c. Barron, jr., and his daughter, Mrs. John F. Archbold. L. S. Treadwell this week Joined Mrs. Tread- well and her starter, Miss Frances Scoville, at the hotel. I Miss Katherlne Cameron, of Roaebank. Staten Island, daughter of the late Sir Roderick Cam- eron, has apartments at the hotel. Miss Cant- , eron was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. ; W. Vanderbin at their Upper St. Regis camp ; the other evening. Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Martin, of New York. ; Joined Miss Madge Martin here this week. Judge \u25a0 T. c. O'Sulllvan, who has been to New York, re- j turned this woek. rejoining his family here j Rear Admiral <:. E. Ido. V. S. N.. Mrs. Ide and John J. Ide were among the arrivals of the week. One of the pretty affairs of the week was a private hop given at the Casino by Miss Mar- garet Brown, daughter of Vice-President Brown : of the New York Centra!, for her friend. Miss '\u25a0 Lillian frail. Edward R. Knapp is having fine ; luck fishing. THE ST. REGIS LAKES. Upper St. Regis. N. V.. Aug. 24 (Special).— Among the arrivals in the camps on this chain ! of lakes this week were the Duchess of Man- j Chester and Mrs. Foxhall Keene. who are the j guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Vander- j bill at their Japanese camp on Upper St. TV.-!-* ; Lake. W. B. Oagood Field is also a guest at the Vnnderbilt camp. * P. G. Lloyd arrived this week, joining Herbert I Lloyd at the Grace Mitchell camp. Miss Marion : Stevenson is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. T. R. j French at their camp on Spit Lake. j At uLs camp on I'earl Island Thomas A. Oar- , diner has this week been entertaining James N. ; Hill and W. A. Barnes. George D. Kn..\ Is a quest at the camp of A. 1 M. Lothrop on Upper St. Itexis Lake. Mr. and i Mrs. Charles T. Barney arrived at their camp «m i Upper St. lt<>Kis Ijiku (ii Thursday and will re- : . .in until the close of the season. Mrs. V. It. Cook arrived this week at Camp ITnderpmes, the Upper St. Regis camp of Mrs. F. 11. Slade. Miss Caroline McCormick. who lias been visiting there, started this week to join Mrs. Enunons Blalne near Boston. i Mr. and Airs. J. M. Full. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Johnson and Henry H. Breckinridge arrived this week at Camp K;tt!a. the Upper St. Regis camp of George K. Karl.-. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ma- ther, who have been visiting In Saratoga, also , returned to this camp this week. Charles S. Butler was one of the arrivals of j the week at Birch Island, the Upper St. Itegis i camp or Air. and Mrs. Anson Phelps Stokes. - i Miss Anna Ltisk arrived this week at the camp of her brother. Professor Graham Luslc, which i she will occupy for the remainder of the season. Work on Mats Lusk's own camp, which adjoins that of her brother, and which is to be one of the finest camps on the upper lake, is being purhed ahead. ' \u25a0'£ H. S. Spaulding arrived this weak at Camp \u25a0 Regmont. the Upper St. Regis camp of F S , Taylor and his sister. Miss Ellen P. Taylor. I Mr. and Mrs. Kobart Garrett will open their '' . •phMiiwimr. m ramp on the Upper St. Regis ab«ut September L Bernard Winsluw. captain ot the lAtHH ball tram of IJMJS. is the priest of George Tow*. tend a i The Rocks, In the upper take. simp. Frank (»en. who has been visiting h'tc is now i:i Placid. Mi 4 lSbeth^tlud,on r of Syracuse, to th» nesl of Mrs Carl B. Kly at the camp of .*» a"s father. Henry L. Hotchkiss. on Spltnre L^Jr' and Mm William Burden arrived at tt« Uver camp, on Spitfire Lake, this\u25a0»«*• Tal . At Camp Wyndover Mr. and Jlra. H. r. iaj- nsd,* Ire "entertaining Mrs. Daniel Runkle and Miss Haldane. who arrived this week. , Mr and Mrs. C. A. Henderson are entertaining [i Mr. ' ( '. n Fuller, who reached their camp on tne \u0084.( > r the auspices of the St. Regis Yacht -Club. £dcr the auspices of the St. Resb J«ht Ch£ ,- as* won 1 by Commodore Anson Fneips fctoxea, It V. . Stuart finishing second. SAKASAC INN. Savant Inn. K. T.. Aug. 24 (Specla^-Th- innual tennis tournament, which is the biggest iffair of the kind In the North Woods, has been n progress this week at the inn. and the list of layers has included many of those who have lone especially good, work in these tournament! n past seasons, among them J- D. Pell, of Sew York, winner of the tournament of las* The races of the Upper Saranae Lake Yacht nub sailed this week, were rendered the mort nteresting by the entry of several new boat making ten participating in the sport. among hem the boat of Frederick Gallatln. which ha las just had shipped up here from the South Dr the rest of the season. Additional Interest g given the races from the fact that William L. Rich, of New York, has offered a cup for earn race sailed. Thomas Blagden. jr.. «M the win- ner of the race last Saturday, which was one c the best of the serifs thus far. Frederick P. Kellogg was second, William L. Rich. Jr., third md H. O. Runkle fourth. The Gray cottage has been taken for the rest nt the season by a New York party, including Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Gallatin. jr.. Miss L. A. Trowbridge. James Duane Pell. Walter Pell. 11. P. llornans. Miss Betty Gallatln and James D. Pell. Mr. and Mr?. William L. Rich arc entertain- ing Mrs. Lawrence D. Alexander. K. W. Cady, Jr.. and R. Clifford Black, of New York. Russell Thayer, jr.. arrived thi.=? week. joining his parents. General and Ma Russell Thaypr. who have been here some time. Mrs. William M. Lloyd and William M- Lloyd, jr.. arrived .'t the Birches this week as the guests of Frank J. Firth. f One of th»» parlies from the St. Regis la!***? reaching the inn this wecfe Included William B. Trowbrtdjre, Mr. and Mis. J. A. Trow bridge. Gardiner Trovrbriuge and Arthur Trowbridge. Or. J. P. Mtxnn has beta rntrrtstntnsji this week at his cottage here TV. George Alexander. of Nerv York. At Camp Sunrise Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Dunn have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Downinsr. Jr.. ?.! ; -- GuUford and Dr. Francis D. Smith. Miss Muriel Gould arrived! this week, joining her brother. Carl F. Gould. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benner are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Bulkier; of New York. At Douglas Point, on Upper Saranac Lak?. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dun Douglas are entertaining a party of friends, including Miss Tappin. BUsa McCortnlck and Miss Edison. On» New York party reaching th* fr.n tliN weefe included Mr. and "•-' R. r». Vroom. Master Robert Vrnonj. Miss Mlgnoa Vroom and Mi Minnie Cendlin. WAWBZEJL Wawbeek, N. Y. Aug. 24 (Specials— At a -•- cent meeting of the camper--, held at the hotel, plans for a water carnival, to b~ held soon, \u25a0were perfected. late G. Agar presided, and this committee was chosen So take charge of the affair: Howard Ruckr.o!!. Stone Douglass, Graham Douglass. If. G. Kriebs. G. Lee Knlsrh:. Dr. O. S. Wight man and J. Ben Hart, from Wawbeek. while from the camp* were rhosea I. N. t-fnr.an. Joseph Seßcman, Jules B.i. he. O. If. Kahn. Henri P. Wertheim. S. B. Ferris. Max Sw*»nson. S. Strakosch. Mortimer SctruT. Dr. L. Bmmett Holt and A. L. White. The car- nival will consist of two divisions, tl^e first or illuminated electric boats and the second of row- boats. Lieutenant Commander L. S. Tfcunij>s«>n. U. S. X.. will he ir.charge. The guests nr the Wawbeek were entertained by .Mr. and Mr?. J. Ben Hart at a clambalca held in the grillroom after the usual Saturday evening hop. On* of the novel events of. the week was a tram ping party u;> Panther Sloan- tain, at which ike hostesses were Miss R.Tihin.> Christian and Miss Emily McLean, of Xew York. Their guests were Miss Gladys Eklredge, Miss Catherine Fuller. 11. M. Walzer. Ned Chris- tian and W. .IS- «>f New Y<«rk. Guides were taken along; ar-d the dinner was cooked in the woods in true Adirondack style. Among those already entered for the annual ro!f tournament for the KimbaD Cirp. which is presented by K. N. Kirn hall, of Xew York. ar» Norman Eastman. Joseph Eastman. J. Stcard. David Leslie. W. .1 EUtlredgf. Barry Smith, Jj. S. Thompson. Dr. O. S. Wlghtman and K. r>. Christian, of New York. Mr Kitnball is *>x- pectcd to l»o present to watch th? tournament THE WINDSOR. Kllsabethtown. N. V.. Aug. 24 (Special*.— Things naive been lively generally in Elizabeth- town this last week, and particularly so at Tha Windsor, where card parties and dancing are on the procrarr.me weekday evenings and a sa- «-r»-d «-or.f-ert every Suadsv n?ght. I-asr Sunday night's concert by Thr- Windsor orchestra, as- sisted by Mr- Anna Taylor Jones, contralto, vt Sew York, was exceptionally pleasing. William S. Kelir>t;g recently loweretl the ama- teur record on the Cobble Hilt links, making two rounds in 74— v ".!> and 1 ;:•.» I\>t-rnt auto parties at The Windsor tnclnda A M Sherwood. Jr.. and party. Mr. and Mr* George I" Foster. Miss Brnikerh. 1 Mi.-s Lee and arty. Mr and Mrs. Davis, Miss Allen. C Alton, jr.. 11 j. Bloomer, IX B. Grlfßn. Mr. ami Mrs. Darld Young. Miss Young. F. L. Pryor. Mr. and Mrs. W. l?. Prjror, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Moore, Miss E. Christie. Mr and Mrs H. W. Somers. Miss Catherine Fltzgeratd. Georse I». Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel L.nncasr»>r. Mis* Lancaster and maid. Among recent guests are P.»ul Van Dyke] Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Thornton. Mr. :«r.«l Mrs. C. '- Barlow. Nathaniel D. Keich. Sidney W. Fry. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Relyea. Jliss Relyea. Will- iam Leary. Miss Agnes Dillon. Mi. M. Dillon. Mrs. St. Clair McKdway. J. W. Det wilier. Mis* Detwilier. Mr. and Mrs. R. C Ollphant, Pr. J- '.. Noble, Ransom Noble. Join 11. Koehe. tls» i.iv. Henry P. Tracy. Mrs. 11. v O>rb;n. Mis.* O. 1:. Curbin. Miss Martha i'.»rl>in. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin V. Meckltng, Mrs. Henry C. Dowtey, F. D. Dowley. Major J. D. Rouse. Mrs Rons* Mr. and Mrs. «;. M. Purdy. iri?s Puniy. Mr. and M.s. J. {, Bryce. K. H. Leavens. Miss » H. Leavens, libs Louise Sturtevant. Senator Saxev William Alexander. Commissioner and Mrs. James S. Wnipple. A. Knechtel. Sir. and Mrs. M. J. Mi ttliaankl a:; Judge H. D. D. Twiggs. AT GLEN SUMMIT SPRINGS' HOTEL. Glen Summit. IVnn.. Ana -t <SpeciaV».— A taCy« ii« party of twelve urrivetl at O\*n SBxnmlt ?rrlr.SS lit i- ' by way «>f Bear »":\u25a0\u25a0 a ••: Tbursday. A fjnartot »i' judges ;ir« um.>n«; th« c.i- .- ; of ;'• lictcl ibis creel:— Albert \V Kr \u25a0 r. of S^vt Tort; U. i:. Lancaster. . f Phliadelpl U". S. V'-un^ of New York, and J. \V. Tnciocsan, of Wilks- Bar**. Th.- Cakewalk Riven on rnaaj : - w:ia iwr.Tt enjoyed by Ihe ew^ta an I cottagers. t!i«* raits*. •net a li.. contest, I'eJr.s won hy one of the h«t.l waiters. Among the arrivals at •;'••;> Stimn'tt Springs If<»- tel tin. week are John D. «-iuk. Mr*. T. ivlenvia Dv l»ont. K. T. I>u Pont. Mr. and M; William J. Carroll tlie Rev. A. J. Brennnn. Mr and Mr* J. L. »:iii!rwalt. J. B. Smith. C. J. Cook. ** l'r..-i.>,. Roliiascn. Miss Gertrude l.y::.' ; \. >'• - A- «.'olUi». Samuel Taylor, Miss a: « 1.. T»yW. -Vis* Mary C, Taylor, Mrs. Fetdman. Mr. in.i Mrs. \u25a0)'- bert Lewis. Miss A. Millinm. Miss Janf Li"»»- ley, l»r. LUdxtey. Miss* J. «Vs! !i... A. I* >"\u2666•}• libs* -,Lni!e L.>w!>4. Alfcert Lewis. Ir.. Hugh 1- Lewta. Henry Zahn. the Rev. Francis T. ii. :';: ';- Mr. and .Mrs. i>oik<> 1.. Pre< K. John W. AP?«» .1. E. Gttt*. Ralph C. ll.in>lll. Mis* »J.»rri- n. < «- Oai I hum. S:im«i.i Dicke. .1. r>. Harris Dr. T. if- ncer. M.nrv 11. J>err. Mr. and Sirs'.. !%.,,: 11- .tin. Mrs. M T. West. Mrs C. W. Vs. ilj^ 3 Lara James. Miss Mary James. Mr. aadj »*»• Foster. C. A. Port. George Graham awl »-**• George Gmhr.fn. t 'Toor John! lie was \u25a0 knd and forbearing k»»* :>and." aahkod tha widow on her return from "* funeral. "Yes." said a sympathizing neighbor; "bat U sill for the best. Yon tniwt try to comfort T' '\u25a0'' > . aatti "V dear, with the thought that your liu«t)*a« la at peace at last."— lllustrated Bita. Give Liberal Support to FsLirs for Cottage Sanatorium. XKW-YOKK ..AU.V TTM.U-SK SESTET, AUGUST 25, 1007 NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUINE. Sbj\DAl, AlOi^x .-£

?I ADIRONDACK VISITORS SEE PARADE OFDECORATEp UINCHES. · 2017. 12. 18. · Marcr, going Into.amp on the summit over-night. There has been much social activity al rjnderclift'this

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Page 1: ?I ADIRONDACK VISITORS SEE PARADE OFDECORATEp UINCHES. · 2017. 12. 18. · Marcr, going Into.amp on the summit over-night. There has been much social activity al rjnderclift'this




T. W. Post and Peter Surry. c.,, \u0084,\u25a0\u25a0!<>(i'li"t-;rripl>by '\u25a0\u25a0• '\u25a0 BBSttu« )

THE AMPERSAND.Ampersand, NT. V.. Aug. (Special).— Tbe

golf players are beginning t.. arrive at the

Ampersand « readteesa for the tenth annual^open toornaroent of the Ampersand^ Golf Club,

which begins next Saturday and continues onSeptember - and •".. Ormsby McCammoo, of

Cl ibf who arrived this week,

to >k part in last sea I Ir-

and Mr<. McCammon are the guesta of Mr.and -Mr:- Milton C. Work at the Wigwam.

Marsh, chairman of th.- committee hav-• In ehai ge, k ys t

ber nt entries than i vet

assured Archie Graham has written t; Iing and John Reed, Ji . has sent word

thai he will be hen. A W. TiHlnghast. whois coming !\u25a0• take part In the tournament ol

: i;o!t" Club, aleo plan? tothe Ampersand tournament. James Batterson\t another who up ror th.- Amper-

sand i.!!...;:.> :.;. and a big crowd will arriveopening ol the to

re Is much Interesi among the Riieststhe w -^k of the Ampersand baseball team,

ayed the Pa il Smith's team on Wednes-• . >-.-\ ens Houa • t.-^m to-day.

.Many of the young people have Joined in-ranac Lake thi^ week and

,ns to points of int»r' -t. A party

partiiipatlng i-i \u25a0 '\u25a0•'• dinner on the rocks at

1;.,, head of the I '••\u25a0' Misa L H Bailey.Miss i- Steplienson, Mrs. *'\u25a0 A.

hern much social activity, dances being heldand coaching and mountain parties formedamong the guests. O«e party from Lakeside

Inn. climbing Mount Whitney. Included C. H.

Twitchell. F. M. Chambers, Miss Edith Cham-bers stiles Twltcbell and W. C. Hilderman.Mr and Mrs. Chambers. Mr. Twitchell, F. M.McNeil and the Misses Catlin and Chamt>erscomposed a party making the ascent of Whtte-

tace lati :• in the week.Walter F. Barnes was among the New \ork

arrival- at Northw la Inn. Jointeg his family.

who have been there some timeT From the

Belmont a party made the ascent of MountWhlteface and a party from the Pines, headedi, \>,- j Coughtry. made the ascent oil MountMarcr, going Into .amp on the summit over-night. There has been much social activity

al rjnderclift' this w.-.-k. a rruraber o< teas be-ing Ki'- « nby the campers. At tbe American

-i number ••( sportsmen are beginning to ar-rive and are awaiting there tl.<- opening of thehunting season.

OTHER LAKE PLACID HOTELS.I^ake Placid. Aug. -4 (Special) -A1all of the

other hotels in Lake Pl* Id this week there has

the New York arrivals of the week. Mi?s Shll-Ungton, of London, reached the Grand viewthis weak.

THE RUISSEAI7MONT.Lake Placid, N V . Aug. -J (Special).— The

steadily Browing Interest in swimming among

the guests of the Ruisseaumont lias led to the

construction of a special diving platform twen-

ty-two feet high for the accommodation olthoae who are fond of thai sport Several ol the

hoys at the Ruisseaumont are among those who

take this dive, among them being Master Led-

vith Foky. son of Dr. and Mrs. M. T. Foley;

Master Teddy Palmenbers, eon of E. V. Palm-enberg. and Master Gerrisii Forney, son ol ««•

the guests al the Ruisseaumont havejoined in Eomiins mountain parties for the as-

cent at the Whiteface this week. < >n« su< h partj

was headed by H. T. Frasee. Another wu

headed hy Thomas Forrest, and Included his

mother Mrs Forrest, and his sister. Miss I-., i-

Forrest. L. Scotta and other friends also madethe ascent of the mountain, going Into rous:hcamp at the fool overnight before making the

There has l n the usual number of poaching

j.artiee and Mrs \Y. .; Oilmon . who Iflspending

the summer at bei cottage here, has entertainedseveral friends on trips I• points of Interest in

her Ile touring automobiU i i thesetrips t« the St. Regis lakes hermother. Mrs. Edward Ellis, Mr,. W. O. WTylie

and Mrs. B F I:armi< haelW /. Lamed. president of the Rulswaumont

Hotel Company, was among the arrivals of the

week He Is accompanied by Mn L i

\ numtx r of tl c gu'

!:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0< Da \u25a0-

brother. H Da\idge. nf New York. Mlum Kath-erine V'erner is entertaining Mi;* M yL. Day

Treat.One ..-' the cottag< b at the hot< I has

'•- nfor the rest of the season by Mm yv E

•\u25a0\u25a0 and Mrs cummer's aunt, Mrs. A LWarhauph.

Inc ...!••

Miss Emille F. De Roulhae, George M. N<-tr.Robert C Davldge, Mi and Mrs. C Bladworth.I>r and Mrs S. H. Vehnlage, Mr. and Mrs.Edwin M Vehslage. DeKyie l>. Smith. \Y \

McCusker. Mr and Mrs. William Hlgginson. andMrs. 11. I-;--: ton

Japanese Embassy, who has been spending some

time at the Stevens House, left here th.s week

for a short Canadian trip. Major Ttoaka, who

belongs to the Infantry branch of the 'ananesearmy, acted as interpreter for General Kurokl

during the Utters visit to the United ;es'

Mi-Choate; daughter of William Choate »as

among the arrivals of the week, coming up foraj xv.ek end v.sit as the Buest of Gf^SSc^Si\ ,;\u0084,^., chief engineer of.the Ne« York Cen««

private car of Mr. and Mrs. Ki"redge. ,

guest Miss Lillian Warner, daughter

gressnuui John De Witt a"»"ja"»"jtho w. rk ««

one of tbe coaching rnrti.-s .^ tne w X

the Stevens House, Miss <>i..voi-it

iv-! Johnson and I. Bojr«'';H


"'...V^eVt'anTliTf^he^eltt^theEptt-» .' evert and ball for the benefit of the Ep.s-

ooml ChuVh work In Lake Placid were given

T Stevens House last evening and were

veil attended, a large sum being realized from

11 VnonV^ep^nt little parties of the woek

eivefl by the Quests v.as a Welsh rarebit party

riven to a few friends by E. J. Triay. divisionpassenger agent of the Delaware & Hudson

Victor Herbert arrived this week at Camp

Joyland. on the shore of Lake Placid, near theStevens House, joining his family, who arespending the summer there.

Golf players taking part in the women's opentournament yesterday and to-day Include Mrs.

J i: Boyce. Mrs. W. A. Hcinerington. Mrs.Mary Hissem De Moss. Miss Lillian Macdonald,

Miss McElroy, Mr.-=. Harrison and Mrs. John S.Xaylor Spencer <:. Prime, former State Sena-tor, arrived at the Stevens House this week.


Lake Placid. N. Y. Aug. '-'4 (Special) -Thebeautiful weather of the last week has tempted

many of the guests at the Grand View to en-

gag* in tours to points of interest throughout

the Adirondacks. One such party formed early

in the week made the triu to the St. Regis Lakes

and Included Mr. and Mrs. W. K-lCowa^w.H. Kake* and Miss Kakea, Mrs. J. B. Milliard.Mrs. Barlow and Mrs. Affleck.

A party of New York tourists reaching theGrand View this week Included J. J. «--•'\u25a0-'\u25a0 \u25a0

William Allen. James Alien: Miss Mary Allen,

Mrs. F. Allen. Abner Ceaser. William Hague

Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Conroy. Mr. and Mrs « ill-

lain McCarthy. Mrs. Elliff. the Misses BUI f and

A*feature of the Sunday evening concert at

the Grand View last Sunday was the singing of

Mis-- Ethelwyn Lpckhart, of New York.Borne especially attractive prizes were award.

Ed at bridge nd euchre parties early In theweek, among them being a sterling silver mirror

and a parasol. Among the winners of prizes

wore Mrs. Lockhart. Miss Hatfleld Miss Mr-

Gee. Miss Natt. Mrs. Montgomery, E. W. Sey-

mour B.twelve cuests from the Grand Viewa iuty«f twelve guests from the Grand \ lew

driving to Paul Smith's was headed by K. V. .Seymour. of New York. Frank I>oorf. of -NewYork headed a party of th« Grand View guests

who • «de the ascent of Mount Wlr.te.aee.

\ baseball game between tbe Grand view

team and The Lake Placid Club resulted in a vic-

tory for Grand View by a score 11 to i.

The-e Is much Interest in horseback riding

among the guests, One of the riders here fromNew York is Charles E. Long, who spends muchtin-e in the saddle. .

William H* Kevins was among the arrivalsof the week, joining his family, whohave been

here several weeks. William Rhlnelander, G. F.

Robinson and his son. Harry Robinson^ wereamong those who made the ascent of White-

Mr ar.d Mrs. O. T. Montgomery were among

Lake Placid. N. V.. A-,?. '24 (Special).—

week many «\u25a0' the annual affairs which have

l«*-oim- fixtures on tho •\u25a0\u25a0: :»' calendar of the

summer colony In the AdJrondadts took place.Among them v.as the parade of decorated. launches on Lake Placid, in which many of the

simpers and ;i.u'<- people there took part in

tlieir . ran resplendent with pray bunting andother artistic decorations. The first prize for

the best decorated boat was given by Ike board

of judges, confining of Colonel A. E. Lamb,

W. J. sfiQemW anil Albert Ifackie, of New\u25a0 York, to Walter K. alack. of New York. George

A.Elevens getting second prize and Mrs. G. L.

tfuen.*"' ''' New Y<»rk. honorable mention.>- Y*asterday the annual fair for the benefit of• the Adirondack Cottage Sanatorium took place

at Paul Smith's, and to-day the annual fair

2 for the purpose took place at Baranar Inn.'Path were rally patronized and large sumsj*>alized. At many of the hotels the annual•balls have taken place this week. Other oc-

. currenc^s of the week include the annual hotel

.'regattas, tournaments and the opening of the

B biff coif tournament of the Lake Placid uoir

Club. - WKITEFACE INK.' 'Lake Placid, X. V.. Aug. '-'4 (Special).— Among

the many persons v.-ho arrived this week at

\- this resort were Prince Vlvilella-Cessi. Pa**

of F<>ii and Duke of OaaHaganla otherwise

LDon Marino Torlonia. a member of a distin-guished Italian family, and his bride, who un-

til her marriage at the country seat of her•

lather at Belle Haven. Conn., on Aug. 15. was

Miss Mary Elsie Moore, daughter of Mr. and

Mrs. Charles A. Moore, of New York. The

'i bridal couple were accompanied by the parents

\u0084 cif the bride and her sister and husband. Mr.

and Mrs. Colby M.Chester, jr. and on srrlvaJv here joined the party of Rear Admiral and Mr*., Colby M. Chester and Rear Admiral and Mr*.

I.L. G. Billings.of thief social interest at theZ J The occurrence of chief social interest at the

inn this week was the hal poudre given by

i\u25a0 Mr. «nd Mrs. Harrington Mills, which tookv place ..I. Thursday evening and was attended

l<y \u25a0 large number from amon? the guests at

E the inn. the campers and cottagers.. This week the g"lf players at the inn Have'been keaw with the contest for the Illcnler• cup. Among the players entered are M. A.Oriffiti) winner of last year's tournament;•L T. Walker. C.« A. Ridgelev. W. B. Oempton.

«\u25a0. Harrison. K. Golden Donaldson and a. P.'• Palmer.

A number of the youner people at the inn

have this week engaged in several interesting

1 oeUaga A party ef young men climbing-Mount Whitefaee included A. W. FortFon. J. Y.D. Fry. Edward Ten leaok. C U. Palmer. A.

•P. Palmer and W. Emerson.

• T F* Chambers arrived at the Inn this weekv- as the* guest of his sister. Mrs. W. A. Mearns.i* at Balsam cottage.l"

A. P. Palmer, of Brooklyn, arrived early in1

the 'week, joining his parents, who have been'st th« inn for some time. One of the auto-'

mobile parties reaching the inn thai week in-

cluded F. H. Revell. jr.. sad B. H Hart. o.New York. Another included Mr?. R. A.Law-rente and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Fast.

Vnong the arrivals of the week were C.O'Donnen. Paul Griffith. Mr and Mrs. D. R.Burgess Miss Ethel BurgsfS. Mr. and Mr-.J \ Walters. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Paine.Lockwood Hill. John A. Paine. Mr. and Mrs.C M Gt«er C. M. CSreer. jr.. and George W.

Greer Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Brooke. Mrs.*William <;. Foulke, Miss Foulke. and Miss

'.'Marguerite Foulke. Mr. and Mrs. John J.'*Mitchie, Miss Mitchie and Miss Pitou.

THE STEVENS HOUSE.Lake r:;.i'i. N. T.. Aug. SS (Special) —Major

K. Tanaka. military attache of the imperial


Guests Booked in Numbers

Tilithe Close of October.


One of the decorated craft which took part in the affair of August 21.(Pnotflgnpk by I*B. Bkettuek.)

•*Stroudsburs. Aug. 24 <Special>.— At a meeting of

'\u25a0\u25a0 Ike Mountain Resort Association hfld this week it

r •was decided Is extend the attractions of the Monroeresorts \u25a0 fullmonth linger than in previous sea-sons. Th- Ball season. whea the awwntslnn ara<-lotbed in the mo« beautiful Ihi.-s. has been under-*-«imated by the hotel men. and to find the remeay

lor this error was the majn purpose of tbe meeting., That the season can well be lengthened was at-. tested by the fact that nearly all the Urge hotels

\u25a0 have »TB-agemenis that will carry them v.ell towardthe close of October. .*

Mountain Vi«>w Park, on the Mountain View line"

to the Wate- Gap, has lately become popular as a*

place for holding corn roasts. The company has

rprovided a large oven for the. use. of the summer'"visitors, who charter oars nearly every evening inthe week for th*- purpose of affording a<-cnmmorl;»-

f tloa to and from the park at the desired hour«.*Country grown corn, patbered fresh Jrom th*-Belds'by the "permission of the farmer^ and roasted in an-open firewood oven, makes a luxury that the city

*people are keen to enjoy.

« Mis* Iv.i M. Scott pave a barn dance this week-at th" Golden Rule farm to a number of her frien Is

*and guests from ih« Water Front farm. A for<-e

* of decorators worked several hours f«stooninir theliarn and preparing the Hoot'for the affair. Colored:lights added the finishing effect to the gayly deco-

rated barn. After dancing until a late hour, re-firatlin m- w-re. eerrcd Inthe bam and en the snr-:i-uaillli*lawn. About sixty young persons enjoyed

I•^rK^WSia M NesWt and J. T. Burnlte.ci* Kew York City, are nt the Highland Dell.

J. L. Arrowenjith and Mrs. j. G. LJscomb. ofNew York Oty. have arrived at Churlelgh Inn forthe purpose of spending a month among the Pcnn-

arfvnia^ Mrs. K. A. Kerr and ilrs. I.N.Kerr are New Yorkers st Churlelgh Inn.

A Brooklyn party at the PenUyn for a stay of-several weeks Include* Mis» Kathryn M. Regan.•Miss Nellie Watson. 'Miss Uliian M. Regan. MissGertrude Repan and Miss Larkin.

New York City arrivals at the Jlnniehurst thisweek are Mr«?. Usette Hilge. Hiss Louise Hllge.'Miss Ida M.Metz. Mr. and Mrs Purcell. Mis« F.

C Bartlett. Kiss K. Bartlett. Miss A. Bartlett.C E. Kelson. J. E. Underwood. M. \u25a0VTarmuth. W.P. Cattta. J. MaclCe.ll and Frederick Bete.

'mi— Teresa C. Kelly,of New York City, will"*'apecd the rest of the season at the Prospect.

B The Wi»i r Margaret and Bertha Wright, at.Xew York Csty. trillspend the rest of the summerat the Prospect House.

DEI.AAVARE WATER GAPGayest Croxcd of Pleasure Seekers

Ever Seen There.Delaware Water Gap.' Perm., Aug. 24 (Special).—

This wort Is entertaining the gayest crowd ofaethers of recreation that has ever come to themounts in*. The hotels are fulland turning guests'away dally. The days pass rapidly with tourna-ments for the lovers of outdoor sports and driv-ing, motoring and riding parties for those who de-light in roaming over the hills that are one ofthe greatest charms of this resort. The MountainView trolley line is a favorite for young and old-In the afternoon and evening, when the hills gainIn beauty and impress! an the twilighteoftens th« sharp outlines of the mountains.

»( The cntests of u»«- 'Water Gap House gave an-vthcir euchre this week. The exchange was the

-*cene of the largest assembly of card players thathas gathered thcr« this summer.

The tecnis enthusiasts at the Glenwood contested\u25a0 at that house aIT ilin week. The play was of the'IttShest order yet seen on Uie local court::. Inthe

J women's doubles Miss Millerand Miss Mattes won.sue in the singles the \u25a0winner was Miss Miller.

J Jn the men's doubles the honors were carried awayby Chester Jones and J. Murder, and the winnerof the men's singles was V. Jones. ..

The Gordon Athletic CIuU. of New York City, at*"Vnilow 2>*-l!. Ifrepresented by eleven of its mem-'bers. This week the club played baseball with the

\u25a0 <»!• nwood team and defeated tbe team by a. small-«core.' -

Ii A. Kilieen stopped at the Glenwood for a fewRaja t-arly in the week, Miss M. C. Killeen, his

"deter. 1b etpyini? at th:Glenwood for the month of'AugviKt with Miss S. Griffinand Ifiss M Duffy, of\u25a0•iSrooitlya.'

&°*<'>;rjp^«nh -in;Mrs. Holier and Miss MoUer.

? of New York City, have arrived at the X:"..- •\u25a0 \u25a0,

tor a »»*y of Beveral w^cka.Among the aato!iiol .!• p«rt!«i that stopped at

This Season a Record Breaker at*\u25a0 lit. Springs.

lllchfleld Springs. N. V.. Aug. 2, (Special).—Theseason of 1907 will go «iown in hi tory as one of

the best Bichfleld baa ever known, and certainly

the best in the last decade. The BarUttgton's ai»

rival list last Saturday and Sunday contained con-siderably more than one hundred names, on Mon-day there were more than forty, and the excellent

record has been well sustained through the week.

Several well known golfers who are competing inthe annual golf tournament of Central New York,

which took place on the Otsego Golf Club links atthe head of the lake this week, are making theEarlington their headquarters and motoring thesix miles back and forth each day. Among the

automobile tourists at the house this week wasJ. E. Woodruff, who accompanied Mr. and Mis.F. S. Tracy and Miss Kernan. of Syracuse.

The Kickers' Handicap tournament, played on


dirt. \u2666 New York 'i'y. arc nmonsr the recent ar-rivals It the Pocono Mountain House.

Mr «nd Mr? Andr'-w H. Mills and Miss JonnleI. Mills of New York City, have taken rooms attie* Mount Pleagant for the summer season.

J W Snlllance la among the New Yorkers spend-ing- th«> summer :it th" Mount Pleasant.r E Memo Mi-- M. May and .1. H. May. of

New Y<'t-k City, are recent arrivals at tho Mount'"\V T De Witt and Geraldine P.. T>e Witt, of

Brooklyn, arc at the Mount Pleasant for the sum-

"j B Garfitld and Miss M. R. Bonton are anioncr

ihe'.arrivals at the Mount Pleasant from New YorkCi

Mrs. Benson O. Ellis, of New1- York City, Is

among the recent arrivals at the Ontwood for the

remainder of th» season.A J Cunningham and Miss Grace E. Cunning-

bam. of Brooklyn, bj* among the guests at the

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thomas, of New York City,have arrived at the Meadowsld>.

Mr and Mrs- W. C. Moore, and H. A. Hopsoa areamong the Prooklynites at the Ueadowslde.

Miss Tessie Oschwald is a late arrival at the*

A tennis tournament was finished at the Swift-water tl is week The winner of the womens kiii-pl'f-s wr.s Miss M. Moore; the winners of the wom-en's doubles Were Miss E. Fischer am. Miss May

1 Itchlield; the v.innerK In the mixed doubles wereMiss lItchneld and Norman H. Mason: EichardTunis won in the nun's singles and Mr. Tunis andAir Rue won in th.- men's doubles. On account ofthe number of entries it required flvfa days to play°C[\monm^ne New Yorkers at the Mountain View

Horse are Miss Winifred Cummins*. Miss vBuckly* Joseph Hall and Mrs. whitenack.

Great Interest Taken in AllForms

of Outdoor Sports.Mount Poeono, P«»nn.. Aug. 24 (Special).


the hotels crowded with guests, the usual summerrivalry in athletics, which is always a feature of

the mldseason weeks, has manifested itself in bowl-Ins; matches, tennis tournaments, billiard tourna-

ments and the ever popular baseball games. Thebaseball team from the Poeono Mountain Houseplayed the one representing Vocono Pinf-s, defeating

the Pines' aggregation by the close score of 6 to 5.I-ast year the score ••.as reversed, which was in-strumental in making the contest one of.the most

spirited of the reason. This is the fourth straight

victory for the Poeono Mountain House.The Montanesca is enjoying the most prosperous

season since Its opening, having served at this dateover four thousand meals more than last season,

and having had an, automobile patronage thatquadruples that of 19QC. The hotel willbe full forseveral weeks more, and Is assured of a fullmonth

longer season than in any previous year.The leading social affair at the Ontwood this

week was the masquerade ball. The ball openedwith a grand march. In the early evening it wasthe effort of the maskers to endeavor to discoverthe hidden faces, but few succeeded In doing so un-til the whistle blew for the unmasking. The judgesawarded the first prize to Miss l/)inbard, of NewYork City, and tho second to Miss I^eontlne Sage.The guests pronounced the masquerade the best andmost 'cleverly arranged affair of the season.

a. W. Stout. E. B. Lawrence, Ml?s Is. BroA-n,\V. D. I^ent and Mrs. J. Mendelsohn, of New YorkCity, are among the late arrivals at the Mantariesca. They will remain until" the end of thefall season, when I'ocono As clothed in its mostattractive colon?.I.M. Brown. Miss Fjnnie Brown and Miss Annie

EL Brown, of New York City. hay«» taken roomsat the Montanenca for the remainder of the reason.

Henry J. Schumacher is among the New York-ers who have lately arrived at the Montanesca.

E. A. Preraer and H. F. Bell, of New YorkCity, are spending a short time at tne siontancwa.

Dr. and Mrs. L. Grant Baldwin and M. E. Bald-win of Newport, are spending the summer at theI'ocono Mountain House.

Dr. C. H. Jager. of New York City, has arrivedat tl»e Poeono Mountain House for a stay of sev-eral •weeks.

F. Oonnelly an! Mi?s CT-rence Bene-Miss Anna F.-Donnelly anl Mtss Florence Beaa-


£ Ktttatinny this week was one Z;1"!'^!^;^and Mr= \Y. A. Mar!.!-.. George D. Ebermergei

a^;k nnLSL

S SeW BrookM».Tn2 a^ved at the

, Sr^tiSsflSS;". Deschere(

of NowYork City are among the arrivals at the Kit-

son Smith, of Sew York Cily. h»v?n and A

theson Smith, of New York City. hay« arrived at the

ffiSfS£&«V?aSSt *?&McConnen•^WillianJ. P. Griffin are New Yorkers stop-

PM?M Joh^on^Jn.r'h. Witt Fox of New York

CMv are lat«» arrivals at the Kittatlnny.

rtved at the Water Gap House for a short stay

n^rv^.rM^vvFi;,ntn ,^1T. r>pnton, of East Orange, N. J., are at the Water

&JSWl&^lSajioMiof Brooklyn, willspeod the rest of the season at the Water Gap


ULindau and Mrs. V. A. Andrews, of New YorkCity, have arrived at the Water Gap House.

Paul de Pechesheys, of Paris. France, :uid friendsmotored to the Water Gap House, where they arethe KUests of Mr. Pfekens.

Dr and Mrs. Small. Mi*. Georaw Anderson and

J f <*hest!iutt and Miss Chestnutt compose »party of Brooklynites v.lio are at the Ctlcnwood.

Miss Emily De Yantery. of Brooklyn, is spend-ln"- another season at the Glenwood. Miss De

Vanterv was the winner of th« swimming contesttwtweefi the guests <>i the. Glenwood and the RiverView last season.

Mr and Mrs. E. F. Connolly. "f New York City,

a'-e at the Glenwood for a stay of several weeks.Miss S C. Chadwick, J. Chadwick and Mr. ana

Mrs W. X Journey. of New York City, have ar-rived at the Glenwood for the remainder of the

At the Glenwood euchre this -nook ninety-six

players participated. The women that won prizeswere Mrs Gartner. Miss Bcbeokbar and Miss M.Rntirf. The winner of the first prize for men wasDr. Rattan. %

th« Wniontha link» for a cup Klven by Dr. .1. TVTuttle, of the Tull.-r. was won by Charles L>. OJen-tlorf, of the TunniclilTo cottage, with Oliver DrakeSmith second.

There have been several contests at tin* Rich-field Tennis Club courts this week, iiithe women'ssingles the players were Miss Anna It.Edey; MissSwift, Miss Ron*. Mrs. Charles C. Hansom. Mr*.K. A. Aaserson ami Miss Bldredge; In the nun'sslnerle? were John A. l^-ffTts, Richard «'ary, AlbertUetman, Robert A. FrisMe, Dr. Goodrich Smith,Charles Quidei Duryee, Harold Conklln, HamiltonE. Childs, G. K. Pond and Mr. Haven, and lii themixed doubles Miss Ktley ami Mr I'oiid playedMiss Uoft jukl Mr. I>tiry -. ami I>r. Smith and MissSwift played Mr. Getman and Mrs. ftaanrscill

Teas have been given %> the Walontha Club byMii-s Whltebead, of The Elms, and .Mrs. •

J. LeaTaller, of Bella Vista.

A studio tea given by Thomas IJ. Manley wasgreatly enjoyed by many friends of this artist, whowas assisted in receiving by his sister. Mrs. Cram,and by Miss Virßlna Swift.

Mr. and Mrs. Myron A. McKee entertained at aluncheon at The Tuller pn Tuesday In honor of Mr.and Mrs. Philip Goodwill, of Bnunwell, \V. Va.Tinir other suests were Mr. and Mrs. W FredAll. and Miss Gertrude Allen, of Uliea. and MissBlue, of this place.

Mr. ami Mrs. Justin ft. Swift and BOM, of Pttta-burx, are guests of Captain W. is. Swift, V. S. N.

United States Commissioner John A. Shields hasjoined Mrs. Shields a) the Tunnicllffo cottage for therest of the season. H<- was accompanied on his ar-rival Ttnadnji night by his daughter, Mrs. William< '. Newman, of Mew York, who Is spending theweek here.

Rear Admiral and Mrs. A. 8, Barker have beenJoined at the Kendallwood by .Miss Louise Maxwell.

Mrs. M. A. Blue, of Church street is entertainingMr. and Mrs. Graham Calvert, of Philadelphia.

Mrs. William Ard«n and daughter Elisabeth ar««guentn of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wetzel at theI'I' TOW cottage.

Mi.-- Antic Weaver and Miss Chariot 1.• Weaver,Of New York, Who have been spending the last (WOmonths In Nova Scotia and other parts of Canada.have arrived at the ICendallwood for the rest .itthe Bummer

Charles W. Will:•!m. of Reading, Perm.. has ar-rived at the Kendaßwood for :i stay of severalweeks, bavins made the trip in his automobile.

Mrs. Edgar Cary and Mrs. Mary J. Htitler re-ceived at an afternoon tea given on Urn lawn ofthe Cary cottages on Wednesday. Mrs. 'John Der-thick Cary. Mrs. Allen J. Bloomfield and Miss MarieR.'.7.e Toller poured. The** were many guestspresent from tin* hotels and the cottage colony

Dr. and Mrs. T. Halstead Myera and children, ofX.-v. York, have joined relatives «it the Tuller, tort-main until the close of the season.

Mrs. Samuel H. Wandell, of New York, is at theBerkeley- Waiontha for her yearly visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burns are now at theEaiiinston, where they spend a part of each sea-son. Mrs. r.ucns Is the president of the LittleMothers' Society of New York.

Ill'hard' Eds Cary entertained at a heartsparty on Tuesday evening, the prises being wonby Miss Cretchen Rod and Homer c. Evans.

Mis- Natalie W'niteliead, of The Elms, entertainedp. number of the children at a lawn party on Tues-day afternoon In honor of her niece. Miss Lucllo'.Vhitehead.

Lee, Mr?, 11. J. Lawrence and Mrs. A. Weasel cM. K.Lee. 11. J. Lawrence, jr..J. W. Lawrence.J. T. Bailey. W. Scully, W. L. N. Lee, G. A. l

Lee, Jr.. George A. Lee and Kenneth Stephen- i

son. They made the trip in M. K. Lee'slaunch It.

'A horseback party to Saranac Inn, Including 1

the Misses Bailey. Scully and Stcphcnson, J. W.Lawrence and M. K. I^ee, had an exciting expe- 1Hence or. the return trip. loskjig the road in the j

darkness ami narrowly escaping betas lost In Ith*" woods, . m


William K. WPICOX, former naatwastar o. :New York and no •• chairman of the PublicService Commission of- the Ist District, was ,,at the Ampersand this week, the guest of Hugh \u25a0

Keveney, of New York.Howard B. Blrlwell arrived this week as the j

guest of his brother, Clinton M. Bidwell, at ,Overlook Cottage.

At Glenmere Cottage, Mrs. A. C. Poillon. of ,New York, is entertaining Mrs. Clark B.# Rob- ,inson. also of New York. Christopher Rich- jardson. who arrived this week, is the guest ofMrs. H. H. Knowles and Miss Gladys Wnowles,

Of New York. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Stephen-son, who have been in New York, returned thisweek and joined their children here. 1

S. H. Parsons, W. C. Harper and G. D. Hu- ,lette an.) T. G. LaM, of Wow York, are the


guests of George A. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. George •D. Russell.

"* New York, who arrived th!s 1week. have taken Bonnie Brae Cottage for the tseason. :

A party or Ampersand guests. Including Otis ,Ohilds. R. B. Holmes. Dr. J. L. Nichols. Mrs.


Jackson, Miss Barries and Miss Bloomer, •

Joined in a carriage ride through the mountains. (They were gone five days, and visited KeeneValley, Eiizabethtown. Ausable Chasm. Hotel jCham; lain, Paul Smith's and other places.


Algonquin, N. V.. Aug. 2) (Special).—

event lof chief importance at the Algonquin recently 1was the third annual regatta, which was begun

'last Saturday, but the execution of a portion of (the programme was postponed to this week on ]

account of the high wind which prevailed on •

Lower Saranac Lake. The featarea of the re-gatta were motor boat races divided into twoclasses, a 50-yard swimming match, a tub


race, canoe races divided into men's andwomen's singles, men's doubles and doubles withcoxswain, a tiltingmatch and a 100-yard swim-ming match, with a high diving exhibition as«i sf>««-ial attraction. Those entered for the lat-ter,were James McCourt, Frank H.Ti::'-n. BaronHenry Barschkies and Frank 11. Travis.

One of the most exciting contests was thelaunch race. In class A of this race W. C.Floyd-Jones, in the Here's Bow. was the winner.with C. J. Swain, in the Oaceola, a close second.In class B the winner was B. H. Gray, in theScout, which had a handicap of one and one-half minutes. C J. Swain's Iroquota. a scratchboat, was second and the Wasp, owned by H.Stratton, was third by a few Inches.

In the rowing singles the winner of class Awas L.L. Wheeler, with A. T. Harding second.

A tally-ho party from the Algonquin to PaulSmith's and Baranac Inn this week. Included :Baron Henry Barschkies, and Messrs. McCourt,


Neill Meats, Barker, Sour, Bixby and Crawford.B. J. Darling and H. Simmons, .T. McCaulay, [

jr.. and I. Schwab, of New York, who are tour- t

i:.;ri•\u25a0 waterways of the Adirondack! by canoe. !reached •'» Algonquin this week. Other ax- }rival thera include Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Ailing,!T. S. Haven, Mr. and Mrs i. B. Hart, Mr. and •Mr*. Alfred E. Merri'.l. Raymond and CliffordMerrill. F. M Struck. Mr. and Mrs. Lawron «'.

| Fusk. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Carmody and H. G.j Stevens.| PAUL Sl-HTH'S.1

: Paul Smith's. N. v. Aug. -IiSpeciaD.— Thej annual fair held here yesterday for the benefit|of the Adirondack cottage sanatorium wa.s one;of the best and most profitable that the women. at the hotel an 1 among the camps on the St.I Regis chain have yet managed. Mrs. Anson

IPheips stokes headed the committee in charge;,

IThe eighty-second birthday of "Uncle" Paulj Smith, the veteran founder of the hotel, was ob-Iserved on Tuesday by his many friends amongi the tampers and the not^l guests, and the young

Ipeople gaveand

no rest until related to them1 1 \u25a0!•\u25a0 gave him ne real until he related 10 themstories of t!ie Adirondacks as they used to be.At a birthday luncheon in his honor Mr. Smithwas entertained by Henry L. Hotchklss at hiscamp on Spitfire [..-»k»- Mr.Hotchkiss, who wasthe iir:;t camper on th** St. Regis chain, has notmissed a year In camp since Ibtjtk

There is much interest in the motor boat raceto be held on Tuesday of next week betweenthe high power boats of .1 lns!e* Blair and•scort;'? 11. Townaend. This will bo over an oval

course In the Lower St. Regis Lake, twentymiles in length which has been l.\u25a0! oat bySimeon J. Drake, chairman of the race commit-tee of the St. Regis Yacht Club.

A number of enjoyable luncheons -i:id dinnerparties have taken place at the Casino thisweek, one of them being gi\rn by Miss M. 1..Morari. who entertained Mr and '«!•.- Edward1.. Knapp, jr.. Miss Natalie Henderson. MissJanet Fish. Thomas A. Gardiner. Miss DorothyMoran and Miss Fishback.

Among those who gave bridge parties thisweek wore Mrs. W. C. Brown. Mrs. K. D. Grto- ,wold. Mr*. .I"':,1 Davis. Mrs. R. P. Barber i.ndMrs. i:. P. Huntlngton.

Among the guests at the hotel who have th^ir jautomobiles here this season are W. C. Brown, j

>!•. George I'ulos Baker. Henry H. Benedict. IGeorge H. Townsend and Philip Corbin. jr. Dr. jBaker, Mr. Brown and Mr.Townsend have also ;brought up their saddle horses, m have P. C.Maffitt. Miss Lockwood, F. L. Lockwood and !John K.Townsend. :

Mrs. C. F. Corbin arrived this week, joiningher son Philip at th.' hotel. Captain John C.Barron, of New York, is visiting his ion. Johnc. Barron, jr., and his daughter, Mrs. John F.Archbold.

L. S. Treadwell this week Joined Mrs. Tread-well and her starter, Miss Frances Scoville, atthe hotel. I

Miss Katherlne Cameron, of Roaebank. StatenIsland, daughter of the late Sir Roderick Cam-eron, has apartments at the hotel. Miss Cant-, eron was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. F.

;W. Vanderbin at their Upper St. Regis camp;the other evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Martin, of New York.; Joined Miss Madge Martin here this week. Judge

\u25a0 T. c. O'Sulllvan, who has been to New York, re-j turned this woek. rejoining his family herejRear Admiral <:. E. Ido. V. S. N.. Mrs. Ide andJohn J. Ide were among the arrivals of theweek.

One of the pretty affairs of the week was aprivate hop given at the Casino by Miss Mar-garet Brown, daughter of Vice-President Brown:of the New York Centra!, for her friend. Miss

'\u25a0 Lillian frail. Edward R. Knapp is having fine; luck fishing.

THE ST. REGIS LAKES.Upper St. Regis. N. V.. Aug. 24 (Special).—

Among the arrivals in the camps on this chain!of lakes this week were the Duchess of Man-j Chester and Mrs. Foxhall Keene. who are thej guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Vander-j bill at their Japanese camp on Upper St. TV.-!-*; Lake. W. B. Oagood Field is also a guest at the

Vnnderbilt camp. *

P. G. Lloyd arrived this week, joiningHerbertI Lloyd at the Grace Mitchell camp. Miss Marion: Stevenson is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. T. R.j French at their camp on Spit Lake.j At uLs camp on I'earl Island Thomas A. Oar- ,

diner has this week been entertaining James N.; Hill and W. A. Barnes.

George D. Kn..\ Is a quest at the camp of A.1 M. Lothrop on Upper St. Itexis Lake. Mr. andiMrs. Charles T. Barney arrived at their camp «mi Upper St. lt<>Kis Ijiku(iiThursday and willre-:..in until the close of the season.

Mrs. V. It. Cook arrived this week at CampITnderpmes, the Upper St. Regis camp of Mrs.F. 11. Slade. Miss Caroline McCormick. wholias been visiting there, started this week tojoinMrs. Enunons Blalne near Boston.

i Mr. and Airs. J. M. Full. Mr. and Mrs. K.H.•Johnson and Henry H. Breckinridge arrived thisweek at Camp K;tt!a. the Upper St. Regis campof George K. Karl.-. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ma-ther, who have been visiting In Saratoga, also, returned to this camp this week. •

Charles S. Butler was one of the arrivals ofj the week at Birch Island, the Upper St. Itegisi camp or Air. and Mrs. Anson Phelps Stokes.

-i Miss Anna Ltisk arrived this week at the camp• of her brother. Professor Graham Luslc, whichi she will occupy for the remainder of the season.

Work on Mats Lusk's own camp, which adjoinsthat of her brother, and which is to be one of thefinest camps on the upper lake, is being purhedahead.

'• \u25a0'£H. S. Spaulding arrived this weak at Camp

\u25a0 Regmont. the Upper St. Regis camp of F S, Taylor and his sister. Miss Ellen P. Taylor.I Mr. and Mrs. Kobart Garrett will open their'' . •phMiiwimr.m

ramp on the Upper St. Regis ab«ut September LBernard Winsluw. captain ot the lAtHH

ball tram of IJMJS. is the priest of George Tow*.tend aiThe Rocks, In the upper take.

simp. Frank (»en. who has been visiting

h'tc is now i:i Placid.Mi4lSbeth^tlud,on r of Syracuse, to th»

nesl of Mrs Carl B. Kly at the camp of .*»a"s father. Henry L. Hotchkiss. on Spltnre

L^Jr' and Mm William Burden arrived at tt«Uver camp, on Spitfire Lake, this\u25a0»«*•

Tal.At Camp Wyndover Mr. and Jlra. H. r.iaj-

nsd,* Ire"entertaining Mrs. Daniel Runkle and

Miss Haldane. who arrived this week. ,Mr and Mrs. C. A.Henderson are entertaining


('.n Fuller, who reached their camp on tne

\u0084.( >r the auspices of the St. Regis Yacht-Club.£dcr the auspices of the St. Resb J«ht Ch£,- as* won1by Commodore Anson Fneips fctoxea,

It V..Stuart finishing second.

SAKASAC INN.Savant Inn. K. T.. Aug. 24 (Specla^-Th-

innual tennis tournament, which is the biggest

iffair of the kind In the North Woods, has been

n progress this week at the inn. and the list of

layers has included many of those who have

lone especially good, work in these tournament!n past seasons, among them J- D. Pell, ofSew York, winner of the tournament of las*

The races of the Upper Saranae Lake Yachtnub sailed this week, were rendered the mortnteresting by the entry of several new boatmaking ten participating in the sport. among

hem the boat of Frederick Gallatln. which ha

las just had shipped up here from the SouthDr the rest of the season. Additional Interestg given the races from the fact that William L.Rich, of New York, has offered a cup for earnrace sailed. Thomas Blagden. jr..«M the win-

ner of the race last Saturday, which was one cthe best of the serifs thus far. Frederick P.Kellogg was second, William L. Rich. Jr., thirdmd H. O. Runkle fourth.

The Gray cottage has been taken for the restnt the season by a New York party, includingMr. and Mrs. Frederick Gallatin. jr.. Miss L.A.Trowbridge. James Duane Pell. Walter Pell.11. P. llornans. Miss Betty Gallatln and JamesD. Pell.

Mr. and Mr?. William L. Rich arc entertain-ing Mrs. Lawrence D. Alexander. K. W. Cady,Jr.. and R. Clifford Black, of New York.

Russell Thayer, jr..arrived thi.=? week. joininghis parents. General and Ma Russell Thaypr.who have been here some time. Mrs. WilliamM. Lloyd and William M- Lloyd, jr..arrived .'tthe Birches this week as the guests of Frank J.Firth.

fOne of th»» parlies from the St. Regis la!***?reaching the inn this wecfe Included William B.Trowbrtdjre, Mr. and Mis. J. A. Trowbridge.Gardiner Trovrbriuge and Arthur Trowbridge.

Or. J. P. Mtxnn has beta rntrrtstntnsji thisweek at his cottage here TV. George Alexander.of Nerv York. At Camp Sunrise Mr. and Mrs.H. M.Dunn have as their guests Mr.and Mrs.R. W. Downinsr. Jr.. ?.! ;

--GuUford and Dr.

Francis D. Smith. Miss Muriel Gould arrived!this week, joining her brother. Carl F. Gould.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benner are the guests ofMr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Bulkier; of New York.

At Douglas Point, on Upper Saranac Lak?.Mr. and Mrs. R. Dun Douglas are entertaininga party of friends, including Miss Tappin. BUsaMcCortnlck and Miss Edison.

On» New York party reaching th* fr.n tliNweefe included Mr. and "•-' R. r». Vroom.Master Robert Vrnonj. Miss Mlgnoa Vroom andMi Minnie Cendlin.

WAWBZEJLWawbeek, N. Y. Aug. 24 (Specials— At a -•-

cent meeting of the camper--, held at the hotel,plans for a water carnival, to b~ held soon,\u25a0were perfected. late G. Agar presided, and thiscommittee was chosen So take charge of theaffair: Howard Ruckr.o!!. Stone Douglass,Graham Douglass. If.G. Kriebs. G. Lee Knlsrh:.Dr. O. S. Wightman and J. Ben Hart, fromWawbeek. while from the camp* were rhoseaI.N. t-fnr.an. Joseph Seßcman, Jules B.i.he.O. If.Kahn. Henri P. Wertheim. S. B. Ferris.Max Sw*»nson. S. Strakosch. Mortimer SctruT.Dr. L. Bmmett Holt and A. L. White. The car-nival will consist of two divisions, tl^e first orilluminated electric boats and the second ofrow-boats. Lieutenant Commander L. S. Tfcunij>s«>n.U. S. X.. willhe ir.charge.

The guests nr the Wawbeek were entertainedby .Mr. and Mr?. J. Ben Hart at a clambalcaheld in the grillroom after the usual Saturdayevening hop. On* of the novel events of. theweek was a tramping party u;> Panther Sloan-tain, at which ike hostesses were Miss R.Tihin.>Christian and Miss Emily McLean, of XewYork. Their guests were Miss Gladys Eklredge,Miss Catherine Fuller. 11. M. Walzer. Ned Chris-tian and W. .IS- «>f New Y<«rk. Guideswere taken along; ar-d the dinner was cooked inthe woods in true Adirondack style.

Among those already entered for the annualro!f tournament for the KimbaD Cirp. which ispresented by K. N. Kirnhall, of Xew York. ar»Norman Eastman. Joseph Eastman. J. Stcard.David Leslie. W. .1 EUtlredgf. Barry Smith, Jj.S. Thompson. Dr. O. S. Wlghtman and K. r>.Christian, of New York. Mr Kitnball is *>x-pectcd to l»o present to watch th? tournament

THE WINDSOR.Kllsabethtown. N. V.. Aug. 24 (Special*.—

Things naive been livelygenerally in Elizabeth-town this last week, and particularly so at ThaWindsor, where card parties and dancing areon the procrarr.me weekday evenings and a sa-«-r»-d «-or.f-ert every Suadsv n?ght. I-asr Sundaynight's concert by Thr- Windsor orchestra, as-sisted by Mr- Anna Taylor Jones, contralto, vtSew York, was exceptionally pleasing.

William S. Kelir>t;g recently loweretl the ama-teur record on the Cobble Hilt links, makingtwo rounds in 74— v ".!> and 1;:•.»

I\>t-rnt auto parties at The Windsor tnclndaA M Sherwood. Jr.. and party. Mr. and Mr*George I" Foster. Miss Brnikerh. 1 Mi.-s Leeand •

arty. Mr and Mrs. Davis, Miss Allen. CAlton, jr.. 11 j. Bloomer, IXB. Grlfßn. Mr. amiMrs. Darld Young. Miss Young. F. L. Pryor.

—Mr. and Mrs. W. l?. Prjror, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.Moore, Miss E. Christie. Mr and Mrs H. W.Somers. Miss Catherine Fltzgeratd. Georse I».Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel L.nncasr»>r. Mis*Lancaster and maid.

Among recent guests are P.»ul Van Dyke] Mr.and Mrs. S. S. Thornton. Mr. :«r.«l Mrs. C. '-Barlow. Nathaniel D. Keich. Sidney W. Fry.Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Relyea. Jliss Relyea. Will-iam Leary. Miss Agnes Dillon. Mi. M. Dillon.Mrs. St. Clair McKdway. J. W. Det wilier. Mis*Detwilier. Mr. and Mrs. R. C Ollphant, Pr. J-'.. Noble, Ransom Noble. Join 11. Koehe. tls»i.iv.Henry P. Tracy. Mrs. 11. v O>rb;n. Mis.*O. 1:. Curbin. Miss Martha i'.»rl>in. Mr. and Mrs.Benjamin V. Meckltng, Mrs. Henry C. Dowtey,F. D. Dowley. Major J. D. Rouse. Mrs Rons*Mr. and Mrs. «;. M. Purdy. iri?s Puniy. Mr. andM.s. J. {, Bryce. K. H. Leavens. Miss » H.Leavens, libs Louise Sturtevant. Senator SaxevWilliam Alexander. Commissioner and Mrs.James S. Wnipple. A. Knechtel. Sir. and Mrs.M. J. Mittliaankl a:; Judge H. D. D.Twiggs.•AT GLEN SUMMIT SPRINGS' HOTEL.

Glen Summit. IVnn.. Ana -t <SpeciaV».— A taCy«ii« party of twelve urrivetlat O\*n SBxnmlt ?rrlr.SSliti-

'by way «>f Bear »":\u25a0\u25a0 • a ••: Tbursday.

A fjnartot »i' judges ;ir« um.>n«; th« c.i-.- ;of ;'•lictcl ibis creel:—Albert \V Kr \u25a0 r. of S^vt Tort;U. i:. Lancaster. . f Phliadelpl U". S. V'-un^of New York, and J. \V. Tnciocsan, of Wilks-Bar**.

Th.- Cakewalk Riven on rnaaj : -w:ia iwr.Tt

enjoyed by Ihe ew^ta an Icottagers. t!i«* raits*.•net a li.. contest, I'eJr.s won hy one of the h«t.lwaiters.

Among the arrivals at •;'••;> Stimn'tt Springs If<»-tel tin. week are John D. «-iuk. Mr*. T. ivlenviaDv l»ont. K. T. I>u Pont. Mr. and M; WilliamJ. Carroll tlie Rev. A. J. Brennnn. Mr and Mr*J. L. »:iii!rwalt. J. B. Smith. C. J. Cook.

**l'r..-i.>,. Roliiascn. Miss Gertrude l.y::.'; \.

>'• -A-«.'olUi». Samuel Taylor, Miss a:« 1.. T»yW. -Vis*Mary C, Taylor, Mrs. Fetdman. Mr. in.i Mrs. \u25a0)'-bert Lewis. Miss A. Millinm. Miss Janf Li"»»-ley, l»r. LUdxtey. Miss* J. «Vs! !i... A. I* >"\u2666•}•libs*-,Lni!e L.>w!>4. Alfcert Lewis. Ir.. Hugh 1-

Lewta. Henry Zahn. the Rev. Francis T. ii. :';:';-Mr. and .Mrs. i>oik<> 1.. Pre< K. John W. AP?«».1. E. Gttt*. Ralph C. ll.in>lll. Mis*»J.»rri- n. < • «-OaiIhum. S:im«i.i Dicke. .1. r>. Harris Dr. T. if-

ncer. M.nrv 11. J>err. Mr. and Sirs'.. !%.,,:11- .tin. Mrs. M T. West. Mrs C. W. Vs. ilj^3Lara James. Miss Mary James. Mr. aadj »*»•Foster. C. A. Port. George Graham awl »-**•George Gmhr.fn. t

'Toor John! lie was \u25a0 knd and forbearing k»»*:>and." aahkod tha widow on her return from "*funeral.

"Yes." said a sympathizing neighbor; "bat Usill for the best. Yon tniwt try to comfort T' '\u25a0'' > .aatti "V dear, with the thought that your liu«t)*a«la at peace at last."—lllustrated Bita.

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