· I \ • • • Conslantino"l)1e, ' Sept. giun steamer N oranmoure foundered in the Dlack Sea during the, night ,of to August 25 in a severe storm

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Conslantino"l)1e, ' Sept. giun steamer N oranmoure foundered in the Dlack Sea during the, night ,of

to August 25 in a severe storm. j" The solitury survivor or': n.' crew'" of forty " ,



A disp~tch dated Wellingtoil, Xew ZenlnllS, Aug. 16, snys: The budget

" haR been' brought forwnrd. Mr. Sed-don modified his recent stntements regarding the seriousl~ess of, the fi.n­aucinl position, nnd nunounced t1l1lt thtl estimnted revenue wns £5.836.-000, llml the expenditure £5,7G3,OOO. Tho 'gross public :\iebt uulounts to £49,500,000. Mr. Seddon intimated that It further I o CUI of £1,000,000 would be required to carry 011 the public works until nO-"t session. The government has borrowing powers in addition to the extent of £2.000.000 for o.'dvanc("., to ~ettIerR, and £,500,­qoo for ntiIwny rolling ,stock." This will probnbly be furt-her -incrensed by Ole prqposals for a ~tate coni mine and cold storngc for f~outh Africa.



A dispntch dnted :lIIelbourne, Aus­tralia, Aug. 1(;, says; In tile Feder­al Ho~'se of Hepresent'O.tives, Inst night l[r. Darton laid on the table a . . let.ter written by Rocu'-Admiral Deau-mont, conullnnder-in-chiei on' the Australlnll station. on July lG. Ad­mirnl Deaul110n t expresses t he opin­ion tluit the federnl goycrnment should ('au~ to be maint (tined on t.he Austrulian station six cruis('rs-l wo being of the tirst and the others of t.he second class aIxi tIm Hignllyer typc--while two nUditionnl cruisers should be helli in reserye. He con­siders tha'i. the federnl government should not participate in t.he creation or maintentUlce of nayal reserves or state navnl forc!.'s. Wllich he says, ca.nnot be utiliwd in 11. In.UlIler COI11-

mensurnte with the cost. The s\'s­t<'lll by which the imp<,rinl gove~n­ment provides ships nnd men is. he thinks. mort' <'ITcient ('Lnd less costly.

Toronto, &'pt. 3.-Samuel Cum­mings. n Dnrnnrdo bc>y, n!,'"t'{1 thir­tc't·n. commit h"(l SUicide by taking raris g-rt.",\'Ioll bC,il.USf· he '\\":'s Ttj') i:. mn:nd\!d by his c'lIlploy<:r, !!ob"rt Hil­chief of a\st Lutl:t"!".

wus picked up four 'days lliter in an 'ARREST OF MERRIMAN. open boat and was lIUlded at Rizeh, Cape Town, Aug, 29.-J. X, Merri-enst of 'l'ribizonde. Nothing is known' the parlill.lnentnry lenner of ,the as to 110W the others met their fate, IU'U"~'

Afrikander bond, hus peen ,arrested , "~':r

. London; Sept. 3.-A dispatch to the Xews' Agency from CopCllhngCn snys the new Dnnish ministry has 'de­cided to accept the Unit'Cd States of­fer of sixteen million kroner for the Danish West In'dies, ·t.hus 'announcilTg us an 'accomplished tact wImt the dis,)atchcs have stx.id the min'istry would do.


Guelph, Ont .• Sept. 3.-A fatal col­lision . occurred on the C. P. R. at

Guelph Junction on Saturday morn­'W. W. Janes, of Toronto .Tune-. .-

tion, was coming east, but owing to a heavy fog .Tones was unable to see the freight. train nhen'd of him, and crnshed into the rear cnr. 'l'he othel: members of the I:rew jumper!, Imt .J olies stnyed at his pas t llnd wns fatally injured. His right foot. was severed from his leg, and, fntal internnl injuries were sustained. Jfe was brought to 'I.'oronto and died at the hospital. 'l'h~ rolling st<;lck WLLS

damaged to the extent of $50,1)(10.

AN ACTION A.T PANAMA. Yictoria, Sept. 3.-H. M. S. Phne­

ton returned yesterday from Pnnamn ~ ~ ~ .. ~ .

where she had been protecting t.he -interests of Dritishers. Some of her oflicers tell of an nction which took place three mnes trom the city while • she ,,~ns there, nnd they went over the field next dny and saw many dead and wounded. A stretcher was seen in a ditch coven.>d Wilih blood. and a little further along the ron:d they saw a carrIage. in which wns a wounded government officer and his escort had two prisoll('rs. One of the otficers visited tb.e prison and says that many are dying there be­cnuse of the unsnnitary state of the unsnnitary stnte of the prison. While the cruiser was at Pnnuulll one of her seamen. Haughton. "was lost overbonrd. and was dragged down by a shnrk.

The FraSt'r riveT F'shermen haye dcddro to take no part in the royal . , party's reception.

~runir Dey, the Turkish anlbassn­dor to Franc,~ has b~n nsked to leu.ye tile coun try.

on a farm, 31 miles from Cape 'l'own. He has given his parole not to leave the farm.

London, Aug. 29.-Mr. l[erriman recently visited England and, urged, in speeches and interviews, a concili­ation'IJOlicy toward the Doer:B. In a long letter to a friend, treating martial law at the Cape, published here yesterday, Mr. Merriman suys : "Public meetings are forbidden by militury force. Quite recently a mem­ber of parliameut, living 50 miles from Cape Town, who had a few friends to see him, was huuled be­fore a military tribunal. At another place a man was deported because he refused to join the town guard. To crown all, our parlirunent. where the voice 'of the people shOUld, be heard in a legitimate responsible fashi011, is suspended contrary to law. The administration of the whole country is 'cnrried on by mcuns of t.ile iIligitimate usc of public money. You gag a man. and be­cause he does not make his VOc>ice heard you declare he is contented with his position.

A PASTOR POISONED. Hamilton, Aug. 29.-Rev. ,\. II.Ty­

reI', who recently resigned hiS PflS­

tornte nt the Unitcu'ian church b'Te, anno\mcing himself as an agnostie, wns, summoneQ to appear ,n tile po­lice court on Tuesday morning to answer 1.0 the churge of indecent. c .. n­duct. He did not appear and it WfiR supposed he had left the city. Lo.kr in the dav however, he was found in Woodlan-dS park, S1Iffering irom the effects oi poisoning: evidently seli­administered. He was removed to .he hospital and may recover.

DROW:YING AT SMITH'S FALLS. Smith's Falls, Ont., Aug. 29.-A

drowning accident occurred here yes­terday afternoon. when Lloyd Currie, 17 years old. lost his life. He was last seen going toward the boat­house nbout 3.45. At 4.40 he was discovered by two young men on their way to the riwr. He was ly­ing on his b~k ju about a ioot and a hnli of water, partly dressed. his wet t.rouSCl's, boots nnd stockings being found lying on the bank ns ii he han fallen in nnd placed them ,there to dry. How he fell in again is a mystery. When found life was extinct. although the doct<lr worked with him for oyer an hour"

main turn.

l1U'U"" in lived' alone for more thnn

bunk books showing deposi of $7,000 were found. He came, to I ,',lrO'\Vll,e{I,,;,

t.his country from Ireland in 1849. " )

Quebec," Aug. 28:-' rho ";1l.t.hlll clerg~' of this province ll.l;e taking tion ngainst the present form of British corQnation oath; and n"H~'1

lions have been crawn, lip ill 'cvery pnrish church throughout the prov­ince ngainst it. The petitions" 'ho.\·e I'P,.~ri,.v been forwarded to Great Dritnin through Archbishop Degin. .'

Loudon; Aug. 28.-The parlirlment­ary election held yesterday T I) fill tnc',,!;ent in the house of com'.non,.; for the division of Hampshire, llll\!Ie va­cnnt by the'death of Wm. W. D. Dench. of the House of \~olll<r.ons, re­sulted in the return of Edillund DlJc­kett Faber, Conservative, who re­ceived 6,G96 votes to, 3,473 cast for his'Liberal opponent. George Judd"

Montreal, Aug: 27.-The Kingston and Pembrok,} railway, which runs from Kingston to Sharbot Lake, hns passed into ib} hands of the C. p.n. The mnin lille runs from Kingston to Pembroke, lOa miles, besides which there are 9 l>1i1e!o of short branches l'n,~aI'IV to Zanesvillo} and Hobertsville mines and several lumber lJl'ilIs on the Ot-lawa river. ~.,

Cape Town, Aug. 28.-LOI·j ncr, the Dri tish high cOlllmission!!r In South Africa, arrived here yeslerday from England. He met with ,an cn­thusimstic'reception. Heplywg to' an address of welcome he said ther" was no dOUbt whatsoever of the un­shakeable determination of 'the peo­ple and the government of ("rent Dritain ·to ndhere to their South Af­rican policy.

Cornwall, Ont., Aug. 28.-Last Tuesday a herd of cattle belonging to J. W .. Prosser were inoculnted with anti-toxine lymph n.nd on Fri­day began to die in large numbers; sixteen have now died, and t:he gov­ernment will 'probably investigate. Dr. Craig, who- 'has maxie an gation, thinks there was somat;hing wrong with the bottle of lymph he used: Ottawa, Sept, !:I.-Wm.' MaCkenzie,

of "Mackenzie, anu Mann, was in A SCHOO:1l.'ER STOLEN. on Friday. Mr. Macken<:ie

New York, Aug. 28.-' The three- he expected the t:hrOUI!g:~;htri'~li~~V(~':~;ii'r1: mnsted Ech(){)ner Sallie C. Marvil was I,h"h"'I'pn Port Arthur and " stolen from tha '(\ocks of the Sharp-town, Md., marine railway be completed about time on Saturday night. next month. They' ""''''''''''"VIIU''

The vessel had just been completed track at the rate of and was' valued at '$60,000. She was day at: present. They expectEid.i

taken stealthily from 'her moorings able to carry Whea~~j~~~~~i~~11 at about midnight "by n.n ocen.n tug. after the ~5th .. Mr. The work was so quietly done that also that the part eve'n the bridge tenner was not der operation awakened.. ev;;rything

reo'pen 'his studio at ·Tre­near future~,' Watch . He ,would'be pleased

. <'"ll;u:ltl:a":m"\"~lnv who are visiting Pqr­on 'hilU at the .home

""";;".,' ,'"-~~ the Town Hall. ., . ~ \

Clc)tb,esdo not make a man, but colne,t(>::lI.~iUlllkiri~(o:ntlie JJ be beaten, and

wbiCh:fuc~n?:earii:thi!ir ."'':':''~ PllW"-O::;;d.lllall feel that he is better


100 HOURS Every day in ~he week,

ing With ~t:amers : "

Sailing froin Fort William '." "





For further informlltion apply to tho nearest ticket agent, or to

C. E. McPHERSON, Goneral Passengor Agent.

Butchering must be well done to satisfy a cleanly h6usewife, and as we know tbe business thoroughly the meat we, handle always gives .satisf~lcti·on. Fresh fish Friday.

and Lamb

" Bef~r~ b!1ying '~lse,,:here call a~d see 'my '$tock. The prices are low I

, and, tne 'stock is good. You will find it money saved to buy in th~ , Treherrie Furniture store. You c:an get furniture here that you can look at in'ten years and be pleased with your purchase. I will quote a few' 6f my prices:-

Good lounges $6. HandsolUt!' I cClUcne:s:fpmmed in tapestry, only'

,Arm, chairs, trjmmed in best vellDur's, only $5. 'Matfr,esses, g9.~d

only $3. First class ~p_ h()llstered rockIng chairs' $5. Real good dining chairs for 8oc .

SIDEBOARDS-very neat and' ) finished, ,$8.5°. Handsome

n"''''PI'edge German mirror top,only $12 ... Beds with castors, $2.75; Handsome birch beds,only $3. Bed­room suites, $14.50. '

TABLES-Fall leaf $4, exten-sion $6, centre $1.50. I,arge solid oak· table, golden finish, for $3.50.

A large assortment of picture moulding always on hand. Over -50 kinds to choose from, all at reason­able prices. Upholstering' done promptly and neatly. Satisfaction guaranteed. All I ask is an inspeco tion. I know I can please you.

Gi J.Wilson, , '


Fa,.m to,. Sale. -=- ·At

-A g~d wheat farm for sale, the south, half of 4-8-10.' 240 acres un­der cultivation, and the balance arable land. Apply to

W. J. PARKER, lo-tf Treherne;

T. C. FORBES,-General Loan and Insurance Agent

Money to Loan at 6~, 7


11111~il~~tjil~'ligl1?r()ad,:t(j;ajffluen(:e;'1 House makes clothes that for cut

"'-'-'C'. before heput them on. ======~====~=== for one order.

and 8 per cent. Agent for McCormick farm machinery.


H,Ol)Se:~ Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All

~gists refund the mone), if it faila to curc; Office in P. O. Building,','Dnthw" ell', E. Wi GJove's signature on each bcu. %5c.- "'~ ,