f 9-M 1i» * m I I "i I 1d35 . :••' '• - _i« 1935 '^0533 ,yv*' T i 3ij08yj r. ' li.. » j im WT7. •' ';- 1 't'T-.,- t) .. 't. f. t; % Hi' ■<3t » , w (r '^'f§ - -jn ' # l«.. vi fT Su/4^ ;■• v fj Previous I I - f t Is iiubwiqueat V'.-l- m ; '■■•? »*. 1 ••! ' 4 Ulx, « r Ji A if *4^ ii. i-- '( •5 __ ,_....>^.. ;J r-.' < <1-3 '.i- (hltni 'i \ L V - ■' 11 r- ; i: ##■ js ;■ r >< 5r ,■: - u , ........«i^./4*'*4Sd^ '.... . ■____________________ IT^ 4,* W3 -1*1 4 i :■ r ■;a !-■ !»-:. ^3' A i 'i i m 4. * . •-f. -tT fi ki** f/6 r" / ± < ■r i;:c % -4 ,: i 4: f i-i s 4;v.; ;; V. r » A. v.i r-^- . '.j : ■fi m

I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

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Page 1: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

f9-M 1i»*mI I "iI1d35’. :••' '•

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Page 2: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

f PttltlanaBoalMl*

■ t. a. b.

Trm. Patltloa fro* Hr.Soltaa All t&r .MMlraafel® iUtM. CoBBtnU thirapB tat l« Tlta of tta olrouMtames Indlcsted Is unable te support the Petition.

no. lib 0 >141. 0 )vr. ajn.a

> The details of the petitioner's aenrlta are

as folloes:-

■ B.1W9 - u! Illml .17, ft. IMS - si.uasas

Uganda Railsayi!

Conpounder . . .

Issuer of Medleal Stores

/i I■w- ■

-in 1.X9S0 to dAtOei

’ The petitioner asks that he any be granted pensionable status as personal to hlMelf. The port of "Cwspounder". which he hold for nearly 88 years, was newer gazetted as a pensionable offlee.

At the date of his proootlon to •Issuer of Medleal Stores" he was warned in writing that the post to which ho was being pnmoted was not pensionable. At that tiao there were three posts of "Issuer of Medical"Stores" but only two were pensionable. The'petitioner was proaoted to the non-pensionablo post. By an aesldaat all three poets

starred In the estlaates for 1950 and 1961 aswerepensionable. The-position was eorroeted howewer insubsequent estlutas. .

Bad the Local Asian Ciwll Serwice not beeii created I hare no doubt that Mr.Saltan *11 would half®

accorded pensionable sUtus. tat cm of the chief tot the inauguration of the act fterwlcc was to

reduce the Coloqr'a pcaaiou coBBltacrtft, In wiew then of the Oowernor's definite recqaaindatloa against

j ^ ^A - the .ward of a pension it is difficult to argue thatspecial teeatnent should be aeeorded to the petitioner;

I ^ I (See in this connection Mr.Flood’s ainate flagged A on


. ''i




Page 3: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

r -

...KO.Ht'c>U. ■■f-I Govr.a/n^e ... ■Tr». l^tllloB i£6m tr.SttlUn All for gr»Bt of mmIquASo BMmiB. OowonU tfcoroon but 1b tIow

! OftbaoirovMtBmeo ludicBtod la unable to eupport the Petition-


The detaile of the petitioner'a aervieo areas followe:-

Uganda Ball..,-. . . . 1. 7.1896 - 50. 9.18^^

. . 17 , 6.1908 - 51.12.1989.I I CoBpoun^. . . .

Issuer of Medical ....Stores';. . . 1. 1.1980 to date.

• »•

The petitioner asks that ho aa/ be granted pensionable status as personal to blBaelf. The poet of "Cwipoundor’. which he held for nearly 26 years, was newer gazetted as a pensionable office.

At the date of his proaotlon to "Issuer of Medical Stores" he was warned in writing that the post to which he was being proeotod was not pensionable. At that time there were three posts of "Issuer of Medical'Stores" but only .two were penslonablo. The'petitioner was proKJted to the non-pensionable post. By an accident all three posts

starred in the estimates for 1950 and 1981 as1 worepensionable. The-position was oorrected howewer in

subsequent estimates.Had the Local Asian Ciwil Serrice not been

created I TJCWo no doubt that Mr.8*1 tan Ali would bawe been accorded pensionable sUtus, but one of the ehlef


reasoa* for the inauguration of the na* Serrice was toIn viewredue* the OBlotur’a peneious eommltmenU.

then of the Ooremor's definite reeowendstioB agaiset

^apeeial treatment should be aeeorded to the petitioner. ‘ Ciee in this connection Mr.Flood's minute flagged A on

^ SSlfa'Sd).


■f: The

Page 4: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

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^ de^ru h-ak’ iLi*^ C* U» .-jtv iili7ti.„Zu^

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fht post «f ■laasar of IMSy*) ttorM*' tea anr baait deflnltaljr atlMdaM to tbo I«e»l |^ ., Aslan ClTll Sorvlde (sM Appoadis 111 of '&n/a

Secretariat Clreolar No. IS. of 1986, tioff ^ herevlth), and the Govemamt has graatad the petitioner tba full benefita of the Aalan Uteal Civil Servlee Provident Pond, l.o. an aaoant baa been pat to his'credit repreaantlng the arrears of contributions payable by Oovernaent froa ^he first day of his established service up to the 1st Hay, 1936, the date of the Inauguration of the new Service. On retiroaent this amount will be paid to hla, plus a gratuity amounting In all to not less than £660.

The Governor points out that there are a number of non-penslonable officers such as the petitioner who have long and faithful service to their credit but who, on mtireaenl, will not be eligible for a pension.

In the circumstances ? acknowledge aM ask Governor to cause the petitioner to be informed that the S.of S. has considered his petition and Is not prepared to intervene.

U>C^ kX


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Page 5: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

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Page 6: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

' T.

^ Mr. /4r^w*i

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Sir C. P«rAiMiNi.

Sir C. BolkmUy Sir J Shuckburgk Penmi V.S. aj S. Puriy U S o/S

)2 7 Vt#

Secrel<tr\ of SM«.


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Page 7: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj



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Page 8: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

r 7ITF-


O. O. REi


GoveflNMtNT HouseNA) AOSi



^ y ■•TMtoi. i«u.


I lut-m th* tiooMf to tmiuBit • pottttM

r or ■i41o»t

t, for tho cmut of poBSloaV oU* ototuo •• poroeoKl to hlaatlf In vlp« of hla long and aari.torlouo aorrlco ooor n period of aoro than SO poaro.

addrasdod to pou tip Itr.|alt«|i di.1, loi Storoa. Madloal Dopar


ltr>All sorrod In tho Ogaada Pallaap Adminiotzatloa froa ttio lot Palp, IMS, to the SOtk Soptoabor, lS9e, aad again frM tAo 1st Ai«aat, ISM, to tbo 31st MAP, 1902, prssuaablp as a cosvoaadar though ths roeords asallabls do not sstabllA this.




Ha oas sngagad os a Ooapouadsr In ths Madloal Oapartaant on ths 17th Juno, 1902, fr' date his ssrrloa has boon continuous-

On ths 1st January, 1930, ha


a praaotad

to the non-penslonabla post ol Issaor of 'ksdloai

Stores In elreuastanoss sst out la paiagn#h 4 hslos.

ths post of Co^eundar idiloh Mr.All held for SOBS 27 psars has narsr bash asaordad psaslosAhls sthtas althoogh ths latsr>9apajrlMdBtal OsMlttMt Ntiab sas hppolatsd In 1926 to ooaslAar '9hs ta;


afI*.ssrTles for Aslans athsr than alaihs, tbrss posts of 0o%ei^rs at^ald ha aaaoxdad psaslM* able status. Sis Bspart of thaA


ttaa Mtranasattad to ths ■soratatp %|t mts iiadar aasar at '


P.H.IHOMAS, f.O., M.P.,sBCRBusor or sxais ior ihi ooxomis,



Page 9: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

r. - • -

■ i'"’ * - Oonfld«ptl»l d«»»«tct Ho.170 oi tk* Idtk Me»b*r, 19»t, but a« tk* r«ault of conaultution* with tk* n«lt[bbourlng Oofemnant* * ■uparlor sokl* of aklaiy to tkkt roeoamcndtd ky tk* Sub-Coioslttc* for Ooavounder* **■ Introduced wltk effect from the l*t Jonuery, 1927, wltkout penelonable etatue - Tide | oorreepondenc* ending In Mr-dmery's deepatch Cenfi- dentlel (2) of tk* 9tk July, 1927.

Prior tu tke introduction of tke new scale' /

Ui« «o*ie th«n In force for Couipounderfi was £90 py £6

to £144 per annuik miiich conTerted into £lbo oy £12 to £216 per axinu;;. eu that it will ue seer, that kr.All

received a conbiaeraole addition to nia eiuiloKientt

tue nee scale was introduced*

The post of Ibsuer of Meuicai Stores, to4 .

■hlcu the petitioner was ^roiiioted in 1950. was ^

penelonable before the issue of Secretariat Circular Ito. bO of 1927 and it mil be observed frOwd paragraph'/■)f J> / .y

6 of the Clrculsr tk^t the general question of pensionable poeta was at the time of Its issue under reTlew. The Circular continues *It Is obserTsd, kowerer, tkat certain of tke posts keld by these •q)l<V*** (Aaleui* other than clerks) are penelonable. OicM posts olU be treated as non-psnslokable except ik tk* eaaa of present holders eho bare been accorded pensionable statas*. In Ties of tb« terms of this inatiuotloa Ur.Alt on promotion to the post^^f Issuer of Medical Stores sltk effect from the let Januaiy, 1930, sas earned-in writing tkat tke post to which he

i: r


raetlTlDg promotion «&« not penaionuble.

It will ha obaerrad that tha petitioner*b. 8

..ifi-rfe," ■■ elaim ,t

Page 10: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

yelate te ^eaaleaafela statM le taee4 parti/ on tae gum ill tMit In 1930 eal'MIl tee pesta of laauar •f Vedlael Storea aara atarrad In tea Batlaatas for teapa /aara- It will Da aaan teat in tea 1930 Xattaataa ■a ateltiaaal poat af laauar of lle<iloal Storea aaa araatad; bat, tera«^ teat appaara to bar* baan aa eraralaht at tea ttea, no arplanatozy note tea luarted

.tea to Indloata teat tea naa poat, ta aeoardaBoa alte tea tania of Secretariat Circular So.&O of 1987, could not aarr/ panalonabla atatua, and in oonaaquanea aU tea terea poata were starred aa panaloaable. Thla error aae repeated In tea 1931 XetlMtaa but appaara to bare been dataotad during 1931

-ry alteration aaa made In tee 193£ gstiaatee fros ablch It will be obserred teat onl/ one

-a panalonabla-

Bataaen 1930 and 1932 teare ma a furteer



r V

in tea Istl;I


and teaJ . . t-K


unange In tee bolder of one of teese posta and a non-

penalonable officer aiLa appointed teereto.

Beaplte tele inlstake In tee conciliation of

tee Satlaatea for 1930 and 1931, I am eatlefled teat

teere can hare been no misconception teaterer In tee mind of tea petitioner as to bis pensionable status

on promotion- Tbs Mmlng in writing referred to In

paragraph 4 made tbs position clear to blm.

6. Subaaguant to tea anaotment of tee Uon- ■uropaao Officers' Pensions Ordlnanoa, 1932, It i aaaasahqr to ahaatta tea poat of lapo^ of Kedleal

ibla offlea (TlAa aoTenmant Xotioa


Storaa ma m paaal

Bo>331 of tea lat llv, 193d) In oxdar to safeguard tea ladlTidual panslOB rigbts of tea : .Inlng laauar of Midlaal Storaa teo hmd baan aoaozdrt penalonablrttatus

I soma

Page 11: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

• # •

I U f0kn pnriMsijr*th« axiaftloa af • storalctapar In tba

aboat oaaa la daalt with haloa, tha

T.f VhUoa BtiartMot pasta rafarrad to la tha p.tltloa as harla* baan aaaaihad saasioBablo statua ara thosa


lor such status tor tha CoHUttM rafarrsdissdsd

to la paiacxaph S aboTS; aids corraosondanaa taxalaatlBg with Kaaya da^tah «o.893 of tha Wtb Ootobar.

yhAn, th.« storvlcMptr In (|at«ttoa»


aaa aaardad a ooiQaaaloihta panalon prior to tha proaulgatlon of tha llon-Buropaan offloara' Penaloaa

19aa, Lord Pasaflald'B deapatoh ho >39 of thaOrdlaanoa, flat Jaauaiy, 19S1. rafara-

In thla oonnactlon it la partlnant to raaaik that bian tha Kon-huropaan Offloara' Panalona Bill «ae undar oonaldaratlon hy LaglalatlTa Council an undar- tuhln* naa glran by tha Troaaurer that appllcatlona for ooa^aaaloiiata panalona aucn ae that awarded to Hr.Kala Khan would not bo conaldarad In future after


the Bill aaa enacted-niara are a number of non-peneienable offioera,

ouch aa the petitioner, bio hare long and faithful aerrloa to their credit but «io on retirement will not be aliglbla for panalon. In tnia connection I would refer you to tha Colonial Secretary'a note Ko-S^st.

of tha 8th March, 193S, from which It will be BOtsd that Mr.dhduUa Khan who rendered OTer 3o years sarrlaa has oa ratlreaant baaa awarded only a gratuity.

X* wlU ha obssrrad that the quest A on of the ibla sthtos to Mr.All haa been dealt




giast of poBsii with at aoaa loagth In paiagxojph VI of hqt Confidential daopateh Ko.97 of tho 30th luna, 1934. His elala for

I F-'■I u . .. .. panalonable

ia,. I'•v.v.

Page 12: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

- 5 -

!«■ !»• b««a fuller lnT*Btl4»t«<l In

•U it* &sp«et« •»« In tb* oimuBatnansa 1 aa%

aatlsflad that ba bba no oaaa for ponalon.

I would add tbat ne lo orer 50 /oars of aao and tbat, In tIow of hla long and faithful aerTloo, be baa been accorded epeclal treat:aent and baa been allowed to Join tbe Kenya Aalan Loca. Civil Sorrioa, and notwltbatandlng tbe terma of paragrapb 21 (1^ (b) of aeoretarlat Circular Ko.l5 of tbe 18tb bay, 19S6, be baa been allowed to reaialn In tbat Service after/Jjtbe attainment of tbe age of 55 yeara- In addition be baa, aa a apodal caae, been permitted to beooa&e a participator In tbe Aalan Civil Service Provident fund, which baa reaulted in Qowemmant paying Into


bla Frowldent Fund Account acme £350 or more In

arreara- Should be, tberefore, leave tbe Service, for ejtan?)!®, at the end of next year this aud, together with Ita accretlona to tbe date of bla retirement.

will be paid to him, in addition to a gratuity under Section 10 (1) of the Aalan Civil Service ProTldent Fund Ordinance, 1934, In respect of his 34 years'


service, tbe aggregate of wulcb, it Is anticipated,

will amount to no less than £550; a not inconsiderable

sum to an officer of hla status.

11. In view of tbe foregoing, tberefore, I am

unable to reconmend tbe petition for your favouraole


I have the honour to be.

Your most obedl bumble ser-W(dit,

;f ■ OOVSXIOR......,. i

Page 13: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

MXDicAi. srosa,P.O. BOX 486,lAiROBi, nru.

!iar RcnHEBR. iamw




Sir,I most respectfully beg to petition you rnlth the

request that I may be granted pensionable status as personalto me, in view of the facts below set forth.

I am the most senior subordinate In the Medlcai Department, I was appointed In the Uganda Railway In 1898 and my services In the Medical Department dates frcm 1903.In course of my service, I have been in sole Medical charge of Lumbwa Expedition; one year at Nyeri; one year at Nalvasha (then Provincial Headquarters); five years at Kltul and one year at Kabamet. The other stations at which I have served are Klsumu, Fort-Hall, aibn,EakaBega and General Dispensary, Nairobi; 1983 to 1929. During these periods I was highly recoamended ly various Senior Medical Officers and Medical Officers for the promotion to the grade of Sub- Assistant Surgeon. In 1989 I was transferred to the Medical Stores, Nairobi, and was selected for the post of Medical Stores Issuer from 1st January 1930. It would not be out of place to mention here that the Issuers employed before me were pensionable.

In 1986 1 received a letter HO,P/448 of 30-6-1926 in idileh I was given to unlerstend that the question of ay post being made pensionable had been refen^ to the Goveroment.


m' - In 1938 a letter E0a.l.Vl9 of 88th S^eafee* 1938, Intimated to me that I was reccnaended for paBslonable status.


Coctlmm Tpag* V li

Page 14: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

Pact t.

In lOTfltbaor 19S8 I racelvad a lattar MO.A.I.VS Vol.Il of lAUt Boraabor l»aB. aUtlac that the geoaral qttaation of p«ulana oas atlll ondor coruldaratlon and ar caat oust raaaln In ahagrtnoe for tha io-aaaat.

In 9ee«bar 19« I roealvod a lottar VolaS aivlac that If I datlra to ratlro In tha aeantlaa ap oaaa night bo aohalttad to Ooaomaent for apodal oaiiaido> ration. Hero I aap acntion that I taa not in a Ridtian to retiro owing to ay (yonng children) largo fuii^, bat ainllar casea to nine who were In a poaltlon to rotlro wit; 2 Sub-forcaen (lllltarate rundis) and one laauer Police Oepartaent Stores availed theaselvea of ^Is opportimlty and were granted pensions. Had I been In a position to retire case also would have received slallar conside­ration.

^ v .

» ..I(■:


In 1982 I received a letter NU.A.I.V4 Vol.II dated 29tti June 1982, Inforaint ae that the question of according ae pensionable statue was to be held over until the Non-European Pensions Bill becone law.

In 1988 I received a letter HO.S/Bst. liy^VM/SO to the effect that His Excellency the Acting Governor regretted that he felt he could not Intervene in the matter.

In the Official Gaiotto NO.22 (Vol.UIVIJ of 1st May 1954, tha Issuers of Medical Stores were Gaxetted as pensionable.

On 20th Jane 1956 I had an Interriew with Bon:Dr. A.R. Paterson OJi.S. regarding this natter. The fesrat of this Intarrlew was disclosed to ne on 26th Ootobei 1166 and was to the effect that the Local Oowerxi- nent does not approve of putting ne on pen^na^e statna.

Apparently, the main objeetlon to ay being on pensionable status is that, in V letter of appointment to the post of Issuer of Medieol Stores are non-penslama- ble vide para:B, of Seoretartat Circular NO.60 of \9gfT

P*'.T ■

ContinneC on page 8/ I

Page 15: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

I bog to Bolalt roapeetfoily that tlio p«r«: 8 of Socroto- rlot ClrooUr 10.80 of 1887 of iv lottor of optaolotoont j abonld not In oDf wqr projndleo oj ooao m that om ohoor I oToral^t nda lotter lO.Sl^lieVta datad l»th Oct.,lS«»

I hog to further to Infora yoo that ta the Bstlaates for 1080 and 1981, ahlch were passod bj tho Local Gorement of Kenya and approved by the SeerOtoXT of State for the Colonies, all Issuers of Medical Itoroa were shewn pensionable. In the Bstlaates of 1982 however, only one post was shewn as pensionable, the holder of which Is still serving.

I bog to still further Inform you that repeated verbal proadses of pensionable status wore made to me by various responsible officers as far as back, as the Late DrJlacDonald, and Dr.A.I).Mllne, Senior Medical Officers and Medical Officers, Kenya. Over a number of years there as never been a definite decision regarding the prcaslso that my case "would be considered when I retired". I hiaibly sulmlt that there are cases on record to whcm pensionable status are granted personal to them In consideration of their long and meritorious services.and I give as Instances such cases Tailor Haster8,Mason Masters, Caroenters, Sub-Boreaon of Public forks Dept (illiterate Pnndls), 3ub-Dr8ugh*an, Sub-Surveyors, Sub- Inspectors of Post and Telegraph Dept., Dhow Inspector even Postaen, eto.

• >r -

In Tlow of the above mentioned facts, I very respectfully beg you to order a revision of my case and pot me cm a pensicmable status. I nos have served the eoTorment for shout 89 years. I am old and have a large 'family. I amply deserve a pensionable statue. I hope, you will, Sir, redress ay just grievance.

»' ■ _iiSI'w i 1 have the honour to be.

Sir,Your hueble end blmdlent servant.



'h. I"BZfiBE BCIXfimOS ”

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a I »•■p- 1^


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Offl.51 l•ireM.

Wk^ **Ki

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if' a^r ili* fvtlMrla»««r dctad tftt AprU, I

la aal KaaltOa aa m kav«/-MMlAltka aaUqr af na «aaatiaa af raw kaU«


r«ramt«a tlM teak, te* tte Aaotataa natlflak to thla tetertMot.-:;-.-«f fi«ri tea k yak

a*'- O.JW niaoim OTjgfi or iWTrai a aintm gggncm.

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Page 17: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

'oonw * 9

mbjicai. munxan, HUDontBTga omcB.

(P.O.flOI 841). ■ilKOBI, mu.

1001 avnaiss, i9S8.Mp.aultan All.Vo The Senior Medical Offloor,

Katlve Hospital, and

Medical Officer 1/cGeneral Dispensary, Halrobl.

RM: Hgr Tgats oy sBi'/ici. 3KRETABIAT CUCUUH NO. SO ptTKD JUig. 1»87.

At your Interview on 16th Instant with the Acting Deputy Director of Medical Services It Is understood opinion you expressed with regard to the new cwidltlons of Service, vide Secretariat Circular BO.SO dated 7th June.lWg?. 1. as follows:-

that the

Your najor objections to signing the Letter ofAppointment were.

{«) that Clause S of this Letter imposed peculiarly harsh terms upon Compounders whose service. In two instances at least, was over 25 years;

that the Caipounders are apprehensive that if the Medical Stores Issuers who are at present non-clerical are Included In the grading of posts under Secretariat Circu­lar HO.SO,then the conditions as laid down In paragraph 8 of that Circular nay have the effect of curtailing pension privileges already granted to Medical Store Issuer

that It Is considered that the scales of salary have been recently granted have a direct origin from the Secretary of State and were Introduced to place the Kenya Compounders on a par with their ooUeagues In Uganda and Tanganyika and were Introduced independently of grading ofposts and the scales laid down in Secretariat Circular NO.60.




It was understood, also, that you wished if possible to to resialn under the old terms of Service, but to retain the salary as recently granted by the Secretary of State.

If this Is Impossible you would be willing to agree to the new terms of Servioe, If Clause 5 of the Letter of Appoint­ment were altered from ■one week’s notice* to "one monthnotic« and If paragraih 8 of Circular NO.eO could be read without prejudice to any pensionable status or post to which you may be appointed, and If paragraph 5 (d) remalna In accordance with Section 188, Code of Hegulationa.

Prestnahly yon spoke on behalf of the other CompoundemelPlease confirm or otherwise theae Impressions


as soonas possible.l^filo|nreMa^

Page 18: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

Tocrrw IO.A.I.V1S.

1: t\ '- . wamu. rmixamt,

HBAnontwro (»nci,(P.0, BOX 641) lAlHOBI, KB[I4.

-tv* omnmtmx^ •

9am SB^BES, i9ae.

The Medical Officer,General DlaijensaiT,



till you infora the above naaed that bit applloatiOD dated Septeaber 17th, 1928, for pensionable status has been foniarded to the Secretariat with a covering letter to the effect that, with the ext;eption of one period of a few months ending in the aiddle of 1921, his services have been satisfactory and that he appears to be a suitable person to whoa a pension night be granted.

3d/- John U Gilks.


Enclosure No.S,


i..... ■ JLl

Page 19: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj


udhui. mucman, PWWttTBs omcB,

<y. o,B(a 641) tULisoBi^ iaamL

r-.■■ ■■4'

18th D«QMher, 1886,i

Ir. 8ultan All,Vq Thq Medical Omoor,

Qeneral Dispensary, Hairobl.


T^s Office Is Infomed by the HcauAoting Colonial Secretary that the general question of the pensionable status of Asians other than Clerics is under dlsousslon beteeen His Ezoelleney and the Secretary of State, but that your case, if yon desire to retire in the neantiae, nay be submitted to Government for special consideration.

" t Sd^- A.S. Macide


1/ I'Xhelosure Ko.4.r

1:ri •

■ ■

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Page 20: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

NO. A.I.VH.VOL.U.mi . iMk I

7* UDiCAi snunuarr, BUSQQurrm oNnci.

(P.O. BOX 641) lAXNDHl. UlU.



sist juiHdi, loaob

IMr. Sultan All,Issuer Medical Stores,

U/o. The Medical Storekeeper, Nairobi.

I am to Inform you that the Hon.Colonlal Secretary has approved of your promotion to the post of Issuer of Medical Stores In the scale of Sa.seo/- by 20/- to Sh3.40(V- per mensem with effect from Ist January, 19SO.

2. In the terms of paragraph 8 of Secretariat Circular NO.GO of 1927 the posts of Issuers of Medical Stores aw not pensionable and I am to inform you accor- dingly.

Sd^- P.P. lunan.

l|acl08are No. 6.

. li


Page 21: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj


iom. ■0.A.I.V47 VOL. II.t;-

ttBocAL mimm, HXASQQunBS omci, (P.O.Bta 641) NAIROBI, ranCA.

2^ JWN, 1958.

• fe 4.' -V4

Nr. Sultan All,u'e irhe Nadlo&l Storekeeper,




I an to state that consideration of the question of according you pensionable atatoa must be held OTor until the Non-European Pensions Bill beo<»elaw.

3(V- P.J.C. Johnstone.


Enclosure No.6.




Page 22: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj


matauuM.lAinOBl, E»tlL


mo ssratBtn, lees.

Hao:Dlr«otor of Med.^ San. Senrloas, Nairobi.

Mr. Saltan All - Issuer, Medical Stores.

With reference to oorrespondaooe teralnatlng with your letter NOJI.I.V6I/V0I.II of the 27th July, and to the recent Interrlw granted to Mr. Saltan All,I an to aak you to Infom Mr. Sultan All that bis petition for pensionable status has been given careful coDslderatlon by His Kzcellency the Acting Oovemor *0 regrets that ho does not feel ho can Interrone In the natter.

Sd'- R.CJI. food.


Bnclosure No.7.

Page 23: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

mmw. ib.ts (m.nx«X}or m ur, 1964:#•fW- H. 70

wmm 10.681.-• 'S-*

oifg—* laWKW 0RlflIA»01,l86a.In mMnci.

it to •ootlon a of the loB-IoPopeen Offloore*i,l66a> Hie Ixoollenoy the Governor in Cbnnoll


rOUlOBBWith the H^le* of the SeoretaiT of State has been pleased to teoiaio, eohjeot to the proviso hereinafter o<mtalnod, the fOllOwU* offloos to he penslMiable offices for the purposes ofthe aforesaid OrdlnsBoe;-

(1) eoasral,- Cleife.

(8) Agrlonltural Departnent,- Teterlnaiy Inspector. Teterlnary Assistant.

(8) idnoation Pepartnent,-Teacher.

(4) Medical Bepartnent,-Assistant Surgeon.SulHAssistant Surgeon.Laboratory Assistant.Issuer of Medical Stores.

(s) Police Pepartnent,-Chlef Sub-Inspector.Sob-Inspector (1st Grade). Siib-Inspectar (2nd Grade).

(6) Goveranent Press.- Coaposltor.Bookhlnder.

(7) SurveT 4 Registration Departnent,- Indlan Drang^tMan.Indian Tracer.

j Pi«vidod that the office of toaohw In

e si’SsMU Apm,19U.



bomcxt.rf- (awcToV

Page 24: I 9-M f m i ’. :••' '• 1d35 i« '^0533 T ,yv*' 3ij08yj

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Sfiy •'

1 a^ednl*,-

to r Oo«oU

i h«r<(to *to b6*p«BtlOB&I« afFloM f«r th« afwaBald Ordlune*: profited that asehs,j;jrsa*i! sai”ii°3 ss.'S.

Egr Conand of His Izcellousy the Oorenxor in Cootall.

’Mth April, 19S4.-lalrobi



Colaan II.Qclfn I.(1) Prlgon hopartMiit.- Mastar Tallordst Grade). John Femandaa.

K. de Soosa. larlan Singh. Sonderjl Khlajl.

Master CarpeDter(lst Grade). Master Mason.(8) Police Departaent,- Assistant Shb-Inspector{ 1st Gr.) a.L.ahima.

Abdul Salas*.Jodh Singh. SJljrwuIlte. L.O.Slal. MoorS^or Aimoorer.

(8) Forest Departnent,- Asslstant Forester. I.D. Correa.

JJUTlaothjr. L.A. Georges.

(4) Public Tories Deparfasept,-Sub-Drau^t aun.Sub-SurvoFor.Shb-foreun.

.(■ J.B.h. Fernandes. Ataa Ha*.

(6) Posts A Tele^raihs Pept,- Ird elasB felegra]ih Inspeotor. B

Wb-Ihweotordst Grate). ' I

' hurt's ¥«r1iiafic-* ll.B»tlaaea * B.)^ '.,.|hssl»(ps^/< Isaia All.

mu K. Fernandes, k do SllTa.

t* Farc r*

^ ..V. A