dUNE 6 1870 PRICE SALT LAKE 3EFY TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 6 1904 i TIP I- If xni to hu- A4erti in The 11 I 4LI1 THE SALT lAKE HERALD E8B1ISiED T FIVE CENTS want I 1 T11ttl ft tM reuL 4 > > = RUSSIAN REAR GUARD KuropalH Army in Imminent Danger of v Being4t Surrounded Japanese Forces AH Across the River arid Pursuing hetEnemy- in the Direction of Mukden Details of Last Fight Lacking ST PETERSBURG Sept 5 It is reposed at a late hour that Lien KuropatUins rear guard has been almost annihilated and that the main Russian army is in imminent danger of being1 surrounded St Petersburg Sept 5 According to the lastest but unofficial re ports to the war office sonic rear fighting s progressing and the retirement of General Kuropatkins main arjny is continuing St Petersburg Sept 5 It is reported here but not yet confirmed that General KuropatWn was obliged to abandon 200 guns at Liao Yang Some of them it is stud were damaged in the fighting and the rest were dis abled by order of the Russian commanderinchief vSt Petersburg Sept 5 555 p mThe report that the emperor will jro to the front was again revived and seems foundation It is known that the imperial train has been fitted out for a long journey St Petersburg Sept 5 A dispatch received from General Kuropat kin forwarded yesterday indicates that General Kuropatkins army and Kurokis army are racing for Mukden and that the result is in doubt General Kuroptakin says that the retreat conducted in per- fect order The Japanese repeatedly attacked the Hussian rear on Sunday but in evary case they were repulsed telegraphed the emperor as follows The retreat of our troops from luoa Yang on the right bank of the Taitse river on the nightof Sept 4 was carried out in good order enemys insignificant attempts at pursuit were stopped by our rear guard During Sept 4 the Japanese strengthened their forces operating against our left flank extending lines from the Yentai mines The Japanese also on Sept 4 crossed froni Xiao Yang and its en- virons St Petersburg Sept 5 The Russian the fighting at 1iao Yang are at 15000 There is no doubt here that a number of guns especially siege artil- lery have been abandoned the Taitse river and is pursuing General Kuropatkins forces peiT cent in Russian 4s on the local bourse c- I ALMOST ANNIHILATED A I guard to have is being St Petersburg Sept Uner date of Sept 5 General Xuropatkin The north- ward losses during qi q Petersburg Sept 5Pield ltaishal Oyaniaswhole nn is across St Peteraburg Sept 5 General defeat caused a drop of ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 4 Atukden Sept Preparations t for tjie evacuation of Mukderi are f proceeding t- Thfi Japanese advance is with t- in thirty miles f forces of Kuropauun and of Qyamo are rabfng for Mukden This much stands out In the news of Monday and Is indicated In a report forwarded by Kuropatkin who says tlHU Ills retreat is being conducted in jmrfect order though the Japanese on Sunday repeatedly attacked his rear swid continued the attach until Monday The result of the race is in The united Russian forces are now north of Yentai a station on the rai- wajr about ten miles northeast of Llao Yang They are pushing on to Muk tien to which the bulk of Japanese fore to marching direct after having swarmed aerose the Taitse river A Strong Japanese column is about thirty miles northeast of Liao Tang and Is trying to get between the Ttusslan forces and Mukden With this race In progress there conies a brief dispatch from Mukden naying that preparations for the evac- uation of lhn place are proceeding Thl report if wellfounded as is point od oat in the Associated Press St twrsburg dispatches would mean the abandonment of the whole of southern Manchuria and tlie winding up of the jroseut campaign It wa reported in St Petersburg at a laf hour Monday night tht Kuix- pntkfns rear guard had been almost annihilated and that the main Russian army was in danger of being surround- ed Kuronutkin in his report makes no mention of the abandonment of 200 guns at Lien Yang rumor to which ef- fect is in circulation Advices from Port Arthur by way of CUefoo bring Ahe fighting there wp to Sept 2 ami feay the Japaneee loseev were very heavy ONLY ain I BFT Russians Seem to Have Abandoned Southern Manchuria St Petersburg Sept 6 820 a m It- JK at this hour to obtain an statement from the authorities regard Ing the reported preparations for the ban onment of Mukden This is the ttsrt Intimation that such a course I- satomplated If it turns out to e 1T D It means the abandonment of the whole of southern Manchuria and the winding up of the present campaign In tact should Mukden be evacuated ibere would be no point for wintering the army of a quarter of a million with its many wounded short of Harbin On the other band the evacuation of Mukden would give Field Marshal Ojun commodious winter quarters aid the oractical control of two lines of railway The KinchduSinmlntinI- hae ttwtAng Jrich Chinese tenitoBV- Hi p little sheet of Mukden wUh- MihJh It Is connected y a good wagon r al Thr report of the prospective evacifa t m f Mukden If well founded would ii Ilii ate that the crippling effect of the Liau Yang lighting on KuropatkinaB- Tiujr te serious than has as yet TtrMi Intimated TRYING TO CUT OUT Cossacks Sent Ahead by General Ku- ropatkin Pt Petersburg Sept 6 165 a m A- nummary of the war situation to dal- f nows that the whole Russian armY or- at 1 at the maui portion of it is al Tady above YenUii station and is push In or on toward Mukden j Fic14 Marshal Oyainaa entire avm- yras trussed the Taitse river and part of U is hanging on to KurooatklnjJ flank A strong flanking column oh- fv fajst is pushing rapidly north in thfe effort in he d off the Russians Against this column General Kuro- patkin has ent out a strong cava py division t the northeast which it lis is already in position to che k- tJ JaTiaii 1 flankers vhil to iht- ivjeatrtvard uropatkin i moving u dl 4 4 I L 1 I L doubt- I I H mare p k I bled ¬ > > ¬ > ¬ + + vision toward Slngmlntln thirty miles west of Mukden to meet any Interfer- ence that attempted from the direction of Yinkpw or New Chang Pyamas advance guard Is reported to be engaging the Russian rear but not expected to develop anything more serious than a series of rear guard actions tending to htirrass Kuropat kliis retreat The Japanese have thrown a strong flanking column across the Taitse river at Benitu abput thirty miles northeast of Llao Yang This column Is hurry- ing to northeast and endeavoring ti get in between the Russian army and Mukden It Is against this movement that dispatched Lieu tenant GonoraFllennenkampf with a strong Cossack division which It Is be lieved is already blocking the eastern high road Kuropatkin has three yoads over which hc is marching toward Mukden besides the doubletracked railroad The latter is chiefly occupied In the transportation of guns and of equip- ment of which there is a great quan tity The soldiers are marching in Jight order and most of the wounded have already been dispatched north by railGeneral Kuropatkin in a telegram to tile general stuff filed at 1 p m Sept b north of says the Japanese on Sunday engaged his rear guard south of Yentai the fight continuing until Monday The telegram details the pre cautions taken to chetkmate the Jap- anese hankers Kuropatkin estimates his losses up to and including Sept 4 at 16000 This is considered to be avery conservative figure The low to the Japanese pob ably will be double this number owing to their position as attackers Kuro patkin stays nothing regarding the loss of guns but i Us probable that some of the heavier emplaced guns at Liao Yang had to be abandoned There is no truth either in the re- port that Kuropatkin has Keen wound ed or that Lieutenant General Line vjtoh is moving to his support General LInevitch Is still at Vladivostok RETREAT OF THE RUSSIANS Crossed the River ad Burned Bridges Behind Yen Tel Sunciay Sept 4 belayed In Russians evac uated their positions around Line Yan during the Sept 3 crossing the Tsitse river and burning the bridge behind them In the meantime a strong force was holding General Kuroki back at Yen Tai During the combined attack on Liao Yfcnk which commenced Aug 30 by General Oku attacking from the south east and General Nodzu from the southwest the shell lire was terrific in one Instance ftftysjx shells bursting at the sametime Tie Javanese made a fine Infantry atffffik They succeeded m reaching the Russian but were repulsed with The Japanese Shrap- nel as a rule burst too high the whole the day went well for the Rus- sians The Japanese were driven from the Villages along the railroad On Au r 31 tle shelling commenced at from all sides but the s n infantry forward Late that afternoon the news came that Kurofcl was threatening the railroad at Yen Tat the Russians corn mfencafl to retire enabling the Japan- ese to bring up two batteries and en flado the Rua lan force along the rail roHd During the night the transport moved Into Liao Yang 35csperate PigTiting Sept the RusahuiB retreated from their mah which formed a circle the rity while the trans P crbssed the river At 2 the Joognese succeeded in placing two gujw and the rail road fetation resulting in ma y casual ties At the some time the Japanese infantry the inner position but fcre repulsed In the evanU the Japanese brought up- Cotmljid 3 may be it- s has Yenti I trenches II S1tIOIl at ached nit l3e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > LONDON CRITICS DUMFOUNDED Few Care to Venture an Opin ion on KUROPATKIN MAY GET AWAY IN WHICH CASE TJH3T WAR MAY I OXDOX Sept GTho raco of General 1 Kuropatkin for Mukden enthralls the British press and public and nUi itary and other critics scarcely dare ven- ture a brief surmise as to Us result The best opinion inclines to the belief that Jvuropatkin will get through with a remnant of ILls crcat army thus robbmc the Japanese of the com- plete fruits of their victory but it is rer- nlized that the Russians will not be out of the woods for several days The latest report is that Geneltil Kuro patkin is once more In of being cut off and it is believed here to be likely that this report will be repeated several times before the Issue of the san- itary critics base such opinions aa they upon the Immense dU General Kuroki must overborne before Intercepting who hold shown ability to take advantage1- OKI now succeeds utter falling in the initial attempt ho will in English an almost superhuman achievement Will Be Lucky Hero it is almost taken for granted that a Japanese occupation of must supposes that Kurosatkln will urearn of such another attempt toscorn the Japanese advance as did at Iitao Yang If the Russians can reach Harbin they will according to Bnclish opinion lucky Before that becomes a question of mo- ment however It is that des- perate mrst ba fought and Japanese arc expected to risk oven heavier casualties than they sustainedsit In the final endeavor to anni- hilate General Kuropatkin either on the way to Mukden or In the neighborhood of Mukden Itself The of Kuropatklns force depends say the Eng observers of struggle in which they are so vitally Jntereated uuon the Russian generals ability toconfine these efforts to rear EraiSB for Kuropatkin General praise is azaiu accorded the Russian commander for his temporary extrication and to the Russian troops for their splendid discipline in defeat They say that if the genius of Kuropatkin and the morale of his men had not been so strikingly brought out in therecent die patches there would bo scarcely an Eng paper today that would not declare the fate of General Kurosatklns entire fore sealed n points out thttt if General Kuropat- kin endeavored to ama his transport and force would be so large that his first army corns would been marching three Says before the second start to follow it The rail road Is of little use to him Mr Wilkin son assort and lie says that must be in a series of parallel columns each not larger than one army corps and behind these the rear guard If Kuropatkin can move his army over the thirty mlle that separate Yen tat and ifr Wilkinson says he will break the record for such per- formances The Jaounese columns have little in coming up with his rear guard arm engaging it whenever they please After Lonjjr Centuries The Standard For the first time in centuries Europe has gone down before Asia and troops have vanquished In fair fighting awestern army Yet paper goes on to reiterate that the crowning triumph for the is the Japanese Kurapatkin despite his extraordinary achievement la still to disaster The Dally Telegraph after declaring that operations and the de- fense of Port Arthur stand out as two fine achievements hlch have dope the moat to the of Russian arms throughout a campaign which other wise has a story of unfathomable and disaster adds that the critical moment of the re treat is only likely to be reached when General Kuropatkln arrives t the Hun river some miles I south of Mukden Once across tnis driovia obstacle the RutBian forces wll be ifa sufficient safety though the of the river bo made a terribly expensive operation If the Russian army gets to in any considerable force Japan will have reached the limit of hem tILL Although we arc that she Win maintain what she conquered will have to face the utmost test in a struggle before the true of ex- haustion is forced upon tile combatants m nti the heroic rear guai- Lla Yang has had time to rejoin Kurop- atVcin whose long and dangerous re treat It believes tobe seriously men o i The critic of the Tithes be- lieves that Kuropatkin must sae ificc lila rear guard if ke hopes to get stoat teretl remnants of hit army to Muk dei Ho believes thai the Mukden gar risen and other troios will come south to receive the fuitltivo army is kill doubtful if Russians can shako themselves free from tlielr alert and uau- reruuB foe COURSE OF TRUE LOVE RUNS IN SAME OLD WAY Special to The Herald Cheyenne Wyo Sept 5 P B Mar- tin and Miss MaUl Miller the eloping Holyoke Cole couple who were ar- rested here yesterday are still in the custody of Smallej Requisi- tion papers front the governors of Ne- braska and Colorado are now en rout Wyoming and not doou merits have been honored will the young elopers be released to the Holyoke authorities It seems that al- though Martin and Miss Miller were neighbors she lives Jn Nebraska and he just across the line In Colorado Martin and the girl are deterriungd to wed and say their present difficul- ties only delay matters Martin will soon be of age and it Is understood tile parents do not object strongly to the match DROWNED WHILE BOATING Clarendon Ark Sept 5 Jahn D DIggle and Miss Mamie Johnson of Stuttgart anSI Mrs Leta Vasgein of Mullen Ida were drowned in White river while boating in a gasoline launch j 4 STROKE RESOLUTIONS 4 4 Pueblo Cole Sept The Metli 4 4 ofllst Episcopal conference of Cold 4 4 rado today adopted resolutions de 4 4 jiouncing Mormonism calling for 4 4 the expulsion of Apostlo Reed 4 4 Smoet from the iTnit StiUea sea 4 4 ate and favoring an amendment to 4 4 the federal constitution which 4 4 shall define legal marriage iws 4- j 4 moTiogamic and make polygamy 4 4 antI polygamist cohabitation under 4 4 every guise aild pretense a orlme f 4 against the United States punish f j 4 able by adequate penalty includ 4 lag and diuall 4 flcution to hold office civil 0V 4 military In the United or4f- a In any stateor territory under its f jlirjsdlotfoit Russia Disaster- DRAG ON OflYEARs re- spectable uinzry struggle Is decided mu of every phase in the of retreat If t luickly enue oserious critic Lao fats Spencer Wilkinson the Morning noment lisa de- fensive Tue that which deCegdet the but hi the girls I 4 4 4 + 1 I F 99 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + + + ++ + + ++ + ++ + + + I 1 I I I POPULAR PLAYS N 2 y 1 1 JOSEPH INTANGLED Armenian Bands Pillaging and Committing AH Sorts of Depredations in the Viqinity of Van Army Corps Will BeMobilized TURKEY BINFORCED TO FUilhT ARIS Sept i 6 m A dispatch I jt t- waiV of Sofia say asi official report whlx i has reached Qne Of the foreign consuls there states that Ar- menian insurgents at Vani siatlc ur key are successfully resisting the Turkish troops which untiU yesterday had been unable to disperse them The Armenians arrived to within 400 yards of the French consulate The popula tion of Van is seeking refuge In the convents It is expected that Turkey wiH mobilize the fourth army corps t tbeIemnpo from b that + ¬ ¬ Huntlngton W Va Sept r As u engaged In the light are believed to result of an attempt to a long b wounded but escaped to the moun I standfug hill by a clerk country store at Green Shoals twenty miles south of lucre on the Guan two men were killed one fatally and anothenserjously injured and two more men who escaped and have disappeared aresupposed to he ir 4 jured The tight may result in on- othcr bloody feud being added to th Q already existing in this part of the country dead ay r Allen Brumiield for twenty years a justice of the peace of Lincoln o untyr shot through the heart and instantly killed William Adams Shot ftjur lUmes thefight Injured George Mead sM5FtrlceH and will v B John Lambert shot through th i shoulder and seriously but not fatally Injured Two urothers Lambert who in- jured The lit the body 8llL dledl 45 the of John Baltimore Md Sept 5 in a meat today Cardinal Gibbons said he did not feel any anxiety over the future of the Catholic university in Washing j ton nor dhes he fear prosper ity will be affected by the of Thomas E Waggaman of that city who was the depositary of large funds belonging to the university I shall do everything in my rower to assist the university said the car dinal M interest in its suceqes and prosperity Is wel knowiu There nee ba wo that tile work of time university will be impaired There will be no dimunition of its dents willbe taken as usual tund courses will so on Al f inhere hatb USQi Tp- alJrlnkage in Q TIi fi is money thw unlvcr Jft state that ls work stu- I the belonging to ¬ > ¬ and draw troops from Asia Mlnor In order to suppress the URi It was announced fitn CansTSlMiib pIe on Sept 2 that a fierce tight be- tween Armenian Insurgents and Turk Isli troops had occurred at Van on Aug 31 in which more than a score were killed About 130 Armenians raided the town captured four houses and Jn the light which followed two soldiers and twenty other persons were killed The authorities set fire to s number of ad- joining houses so that the troops might be better enabled to besiege the insur gents It was said by the authorities that other Armenian bands were pre I paring cross the Persian frontier VIRGINIA FEDD STARTED Two Men Killed One Fatally Injured and Another Badly HurtHFracas Was Caused Over an Attempt to Collect a Bill WST taints The fight started over an attempt ot Lambert who was a clerk in y coun tty store at Green Shoals to collect loiigrtitaiiding nccount against Adams The men engaged in an argument over tjie dceount in time street several days ago Adams was with friends at the time ami after heated words struck Lambert who was alone Lambert lid not fight but today whik with two of his brothers he cameupon Adamss- in wltti U orge Mead Tht tight was renewed upon sight all the in6rf armed Biuo tteld shot in un attempt to prevent the fight After the death of Brurafield the npn nut too badly wounded broke away John Lajnbert was Iy- Jhg on the mountain side Miad te- dyingf tonight The two brothers of ohn Lambert who are wouiided es- caped to the mountains and arm being hunted by several pcanes i company lteing heavily found ¬ FRIENDSHIP OF THE PRINCESS FOR THE PURELY PUT0NIC Vienna Sept 5 A lawyerjn the conftderice of Lieutenant Count Mat shKeglevitch aAd oigf who just returned from visiting Princess Louise of Coburg declines to reveal the whereabouts of princess He gives a statement VOtfiich hesatjs to him according through her immurement vSha expected to be rescued by tile count The win cesi said Now happily I am free and shall use my liberty so that remairS free My next important task will be j to take legal steps to have my guard- ianship set aside I shall ask tile Au trian court chamberlains department 1 I abe made to Wuilu 1 can I ¬ to grant me a new medical examina- tion I can bring fifty witnesses to prove ray sanity Having established that I shall retire to live quietly I am not thinking of divorce or eX re marriage and the reports of such in- ceptions are canards spread for the purpose of injuring me The lawyer said that the princess made this statement in the presence of Lieutenant Count vftch adding that the friendship be tween the count and the princess had always been Idealistic He said she could scarcely return to herhusband but would light any whichmight be made to compel her to return to an asylum ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WAGGAMAN BANKRUPTCY WILL NOT QRIPPLE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY Which was not tn the hands of Mr Waggaman Washington Sept 5 Dn Stafford rectorof St Patricks church tonight in speaking of the condition of the Catholic university In view of the Wag gaman said that there might b for a time shrinkage in the funds in consequence of tjte Waggaman trouble and perhaps a temporary sus- pension of interest but admitting all thatat the of the uni- versity board it safely and truly be said there would not only be money pnough to meet current of the uniXersity but something I ft over for a sinking fund and that every Speaking with authority next fllqetIflg th oxenses C Jar of tru t no woul l- l ¬ ¬ ¬ STRIKE MAY BE SETTLED TODAY Middlemen Brought the Fight ing Elements Together UNIONS WILL TAKE A VOTE PEACEDEPENDS UPON ACTION OP PACKERS Chicago Sept 5 The indications to night are that the stock yards strike begun two months ago will be calleft oft hours Through the medium of a middleman negotia tions were begun today inan effort to secure an understandingnvith the pack- ers on which the unions can rely as a basis for abandoning the strike tomorrow afternoon It was ad mitted tonight bySecreatry Tracy of the Allied Trades Council of the unions such negotiations hail been delivered today to a representadve of the pItch ing flrnlsby w E Skinner general igent of the union Stock Thirds Traction company acting as a middle manAccording plans tonight an answer is to be submitted tomorrow by the packers in time for it to be re ported at a special meeting of the AI lied Trades Council This meeting has been called for early in the forenoon Special meetings tot till the kxal unions the strike called fur tomorrow If the packers give encouraging assurances to tlie messengers will be sent at once to the gatherings of the local bodies The unions It is said will then vote on discontinuing the strike and their referendum vote will be re ported at once to the meetl g of the Allied Trfcdes Council QUESTION OFPLURALlFr Vermont Ha Been Conceded to the Republicans TiHeumei Junction Vt Sept 5 Vermonts state election will be held tomorrow State officers will be chosen and the Republicans Democrats Pro- hibitionists and Socialists all have tickets in the Held Charles J Bell is the Republican nominee for governor and Elihu Porter Is the nominee of tile Democrats The sole light of the Dem- ocrats has been to reduce time Repub- lican plurality of 3LOOO given to Stick ney for governor In 1900 toa figure which would indicate a significant gain In Democratic strength and as point lag to a national Democratic victory A Republican plurality under SSOtf will be regarded by the Democrats victory The Republican leaders of the state expect at least 25000 plural ity and securing H will regard the result as a strong Indorsement of the Republican administration in the state for the past two yeas and as an omen of Republican success in the national election RACE WAR IN FLORIDA Negro Murderer Implicates Others of His Bace Tallahassee Fla Sept 5 During the taking of testimony before the cor- oners Jury today in the case o N W Epps a prominent and prosperous planter who was shot to death Saiur day night near Bradfordvllle Jswm Edward jr the negro who did the shooting that a before day club had been organized In the county and that a number of prom men picked out to suffer death The negro Edwards Implicated a number of other negroes and tonight there are eight negroes In the county jail at They wore taken today oh a speejal train It Is oniblems jpf Ilaceci there by membeis of the club t 5 4 witiin on strike that a messuge opening up to the nave been as- a meat uhite had been Live there reported hat death brtl attUig that t1imrt ja 1ppuseml rfletiur ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > + STRIKE FIGURES FOR PAST YEAR Lhor Day Reflections of a New York INTERESTING FACTS NOTED f T TENDENCY TOWARD THE OPBN SHOP SYSTEMi New York Sept 5 Lbw day W presents many Interesting fiaets atri ton dlUona bcth to employers and eMploys in New York City as eom ne l with the same period a year as says the Herald the five moHtlur April 1 and September 1 of y losaen in wages to In Nw York more than onethird ies Wan during the Am months la t sad to emirtpyers have been correspondingly Til all of the 1JKM strikaa sikly in the building Ides the cwtceme marked a step open shop and 4n several instances lie employers have acbleve4 a d tWe l Victory the union men having retttrnod to work tfo bf side ualon employes This especially noted hi the strikes ot the marine a chemists the tailors and the iwtch ers 1IHB the building trades the must and disastrous kftown In that branch oMudustry in New York City During the season eigitvon of mechanic comprlaing MB8 men were Idle of time Involving a loss of JWTOW days week and 0 in wages The loss UuIWtrrs and members aggregated more than JSMi- OftOW Jn addition to thIs last year mere than 25009 laborers were idle much of the time including 38000 unskilled workmen In the subway teamsters n a sons helpers and others This year at no time have there been mere than 2 X men in the building tr de idle at any time and there nave been no strikes of consequence among the unskilled classes In March and April iOOO helpers quit work which forced an equal number W brick- layers into for days was the only trouble of importance In building trades until the cettt lockout which has not brought about a complete Deep of building operations occurred in 199- 3la the building trades at the time are only about 16M9 men m enforced Sdleiiesa There are 15WO union vorfciaen aklU d and unskilled in the metropolitan dis- trict At no time during ttte SMWOII has the army of idle exceeded 35609 ULTIMATUM TO SPOUSE Turpin Will Drop Proceedings if Wife Forsakes Lover Providing his wife will return to him and fc sake her new loveWilliam of Park City Is willing to forgive and forget He will take her from her cell in the county jail and back to his heart and will drop prosecution against her But if Mrs Turpin per sists hi clinging to Eugene Gates who Is fuse an occupant for tho present of time county will be prosecuted pn ji felony charge by her husband Mrs Turpin left her home In Park City several months ago in company yJthUaies her goodlboklJig boarder Mr Turpin has pursueo the couple from one county rtojaiuther since their eloitement They were finally found in Logan last week and were promptly brought to Salt Lake by the local au thorities Mr Turpin called at the county jail yesterday afternoonand communicated to his faithleee spouse his ultimatum Mrs Turpin It is bettered gave her husbands terms little consideration Mr Turpin afterbis Interview con veyed the his wile would stand by her new love In this event vigorous proceedings will be In- stituted by the husband CONFERENCE MYSTERY Chairman Cortelyou Closeted With the President Oyster May X Y Sept 3 National Chairman George B Cortelyou was in conference with President Roosevelt at Sagamore hill tonight In accordance with a previous arrangement Mr Cor telyou arrived here at 543 oclock from New York and was driven to the pres- idents home He said thatorhe had come to Oyster Bay take up with the president some minor matters Mr Cortelyou will remain at Saga more Hill until tomorrow forenoon when he expects to return to New York Pursuing the policy he has laid down the chairman declined to discuss the campaJgn or any features of it He said the work is w U In hand and pro greening smoothly but he could not be induced to go Into details Francis E Leupp a Washingtpn cor respondent tome time ago was commissioned by the president to make an investigation into certain Indian affairs made a terbal report of his work to Mr Roos vR today His re port will be submitted In writing later The uresident pastjed the day quietly at Sujraraore Hill until 3 0 oclock tills afternoon when he and his sons went for a long row on the bay FORT HALL RESERVATION Opening Will Be AttendedWith Lit- tle Excitement jSpedal to The Herald Btaekfoot Ida Sept 5 The lineup In front ot the United States office to day was lengthened djiut byA contin- gent of Pocatello shopmen this morn Ins but with one exception there was no clash over the priority of position The exception a husky shopman who broke Into the front of the line and refused to give away The timely Interference of Sheriff Steers probably saved an ugly row as the men in line wearied with the long were in an ugly temper and to apply the doctrine of force on the usurper who bears something of reputation as a fighting man Aside from this Incident there was no excitement AboutlOO will sleep In the line tonight and exneatau thfct the niornfng bring about ft many more applicants for the lands which are to be opened at 9 Telock to morrow morning local land office is prepared for a rush and will be able to handle a large crowd Special po lice have1 been appointed to quell dis- turbances and the prospect Is for a most orderly opening ACCIDENTALLY SHOT Hood River Ore Sept Word was received lucre today from Trout lake Klnskltttt county Washington that J K Stump one of the oldest aaa best known settlers in this part of h coun- try was accidentally in the ab- domen Sunday by hi U yearold grandson MY Stump and the boy were hunting grouse and fellow stumbled The shotgun which the child was tarrying was dischargfil and the entire load of birdshot lods i- in Stumps bU making a ghufnly Wound Tho hoy rat fur aid l ur TK fore help yo U un cviLlieBpunu a man had expired NewspaperS between this from strikes aiwl 1ookeei have been lies toward the atriktn wee In strike was ever nit the the such sat preset Tu- rin Impression that o win wRIt train will shot aCt0noeu the little > < >< < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > UTAH KNIGHTS IN SAN FRANCISCO About All the Outside Comman deries Have Arrived WELCOME TO ENGH1SH EARL VISITORS ABB BEING SHOWN THROUGH CHINATOWN AX Scit i iT- committee of the Kuiiu phirs tonight checked uff t e list oC coftimtiiitl i r ii to arrive being St Aldam t M j and Oriental df uilo A few ilifoni- coromanderies have yet to lor they are scheduled to teb ri n ti morning in ampk tf WI me tV 4i parade tomormw TVttaafl was ouo T great activity tor the reotjUi- m It tees and th 5lr Knights detail 1 for escort duty Train aft r trai i brought tired hut ohe rful Tnnpla and their ladhs and the uiiiforn visitors wev sorted to th Mr ari u quarters to the accompaniment f uv- riutic music Yesterdays Arrivals Among time arrirals today wrre following Allen No 29 Ptnnsylvani Boston No 2 AlaaBachusttts hi HK- Xd 13 Illinois Central Xo 2 N York Cyrcne No 10 ALibania O De Leon Xo 34 Massachusetts Cor- thian Chasseurs Xo 53 I nnsylyain Melita No 68 Baldwin H N 22 Denver club of iolorado Kl Mou with Utah Knights Temr lars Grai i Commandery Florida f Florida K dosh No 20 Pennsylvania Kansas City No 10 ili niri llury Vo Pennsylvania Mount Vt rnun u 7 Pennsylvania Grand Comnuij ipry Minnesota Alelita No S i re n H Knights of New J rsey Oregon No Oregon Ottawa Xo 10 with lira PH- Commandery of Illinois Hamai id X 41 Indiana Osv go Xo 7 Karsa Pilgrim Xo 11 Pennsylvania rieaf lug Xo 42 Pennpjlvania S ULI an Ibis Xo 1 St Adelmar Xu M St Bernard Xo 53 lhu V mont Prisco club Vermont jvanh No 24 Wisconsin Marion X jf K- tuoky Grand ommandery of Xtbra- ka with Mt Calvary No 1 A notable event was the the Right Honorable the Kari K tons the most eminent and pr n grand master of the Great PH ry England and Yalts and of the Irp- dencies of the llritish trown Received by Templars When the earls special ia r rived four mounted troops of Tunplats and two on foot stood ready t re ei kim As Earl Eustoii car dteu up to the station a committee representing th- jrraiHl roaster and California eoii- imandery followed by the itiz ns ion mittee tiled a ad the ar and v v received by t distinguished vis io- In the trout ction of his ear The were Introduced by Past Grand Com H IJoyd As the eat stepped amilnig toward his earriag the band burst into Hrely i iody anT with spirited music the cortege mov In Its course to the headqu- atersat hoieL The reception of t tSUeu gat ion tfiefe wasmore rcile it ceremonial than that of any the visitors to the conclave Tonight the visitors enjoyed ihe va- rious drills concerts and ntrtain for their amasemn one of the most popular providing a Chinese play by Chinest aetor at i of the local play houses The contest for the next triennial conclave is already on in ean est thf Sir Knights from Chicago and X York having launched their canvases in behalf of their respective cities SMELTER MEETING TODAY Conference on Smoke Problem is Scheduled- The managers of the smelters Murray and Sandy have no yet ruled as action on t e cojn surrounding country that their crop are being destroyed and livestock kill by poisonous fumes from th sin Uiir plants It is saW that they will hold conference today at which v corr plaints will be corsldered ant some lir of action decided upon The problem confronting tlvm is nor of easy solution and after they may agree to enter into a serif of experiments for the pup o of de- termining the cheapest anti nw t ejtpt- dltious way n which to pn fut ther damage to tho complainant1 The American Inventor has Mje fi lowing about a new device u inl in thi connection TIe new arsenic refinery itt the Washoe smelter in Anacornia will soon be ready for work The Ar- senic roaster has been in operation for somv time and has been treat ins large quantities of the line dust lakrn from huge smokostack Th c puny built the stack solely fv r time T urpop of savingtfce in tin ani surrounding country from the poisons In the smelter smoke After it was buUt the ides of saving the metals front the smoke was conceived and the result wa ite building of a new ar eenic plahC Sixty tons of tin dust are taken chimney every day is tr di d for the arieni it tcn tains and oonWerable of i is sav d- I for the copper In It U VON PIrEHVES SUCOBSSOR 4 t St Petersburg Sept 4 Platonoft a member of of the etnpire has been appointed 4 minister of the interior and chi f 4 4 of the Ku sUn police in succes 4 4 slon to UM late Von Plefcve STRIKE DECLARED Washington Sept o The Musicians union today declared a strike members of the orchestras of the local tlttfcfcBfee Three houses are op ii The men employed at two of them and the performances were giv a- wHh improvised orchestras while in the case of the third the orchestra played as usual The nun demand it 20 per cent increase In pay ARKANSAS DEMOCRATIC BY USUAL MAJORITY 4 MemptUa Tina Sept Early 4 returns com the state election i 4 Arkansas indicate the reeleti 4 of Governor Jeff Davis the Demo cratk incumbent over Harry Jiyr 4 ers Republican by tin usual Den rt Tdtii majority The Im- foirut easily fleeted th ir lit stntf tivkt i i the int irsr n- f termi m Uie vote in th itn towns whore the regular l tno 4 ruts wer pi os Hl in nary in- f staiis by indcpeiirirriis f- f Heturns art miey iirily siov M- na voting lui u v i tote 4 1 FRANCISCO u- i i t I noun rig mander Reuben forward the i her Ineats provided to their phalnts of r1dents of 1105 Vfl5 ferris lit Mon the vegetAtion cit from 4 4 Senator 4 4 4 4 4e general The I wont- on I 4 4 4 4 large > 4 4 4 4 + I I mtt mmj I t eta Pts1it 4- p 4 < < < < > > < > > < < > ¬ ¬ + > + + + ++ + +++ +++ +++ + + + + + + + + + + + ++ ++ + +++ + + ++ +

I 4LI1 THE SALT lAKE HERALD - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1904-09-06/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · dUNE 6 1870 PRICE SALT LAKE 3EFY TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 6 1904

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Page 1: I 4LI1 THE SALT lAKE HERALD - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1904-09-06/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · dUNE 6 1870 PRICE SALT LAKE 3EFY TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 6 1904

dUNE 6 1870 PRICE


i TIP I-

If xni to hu-A4erti in The 11




T11ttl ft tM reuL4 >



KuropalH Army in Imminent Danger ofv



Japanese Forces AH Across the River arid Pursuing hetEnemy-

in the Direction of Mukden Details of Last

Fight Lacking

ST PETERSBURG Sept 5 It is reposed at a latehour that Lien KuropatUins rear guard has been almostannihilated and that the main Russian army is inimminent danger of being1 surrounded

St Petersburg Sept 5 According to the lastest but unofficial reports to the war office sonic rear fighting s progressing and theretirement of General Kuropatkins main arjny is continuing

St Petersburg Sept 5 It is reported here but not yet confirmed thatGeneral KuropatWn was obliged to abandon 200 guns at Liao Yang Someof them it is stud were damaged in the fighting and the rest were disabled by order of the Russian commanderinchief

vSt Petersburg Sept 5 555 p mThe report that the emperor willjro to the front was again revived and seems foundation It isknown that the imperial train has been fitted out for a long journey

St Petersburg Sept 5 A dispatch received from General Kuropatkin forwarded yesterday indicates that General Kuropatkins army andKurokis army are racing for Mukden and that the result is in doubt

General Kuroptakin says that the retreat conducted in per-fect order

The Japanese repeatedly attacked the Hussian rear on Sunday but inevary case they were repulsed

telegraphed the emperor as followsThe retreat of our troops from luoa Yang on the right bank of the

Taitse river on the nightof Sept 4 was carried out in good orderenemys insignificant attempts at pursuit were stopped by our

rear guardDuring Sept 4 the Japanese strengthened their forces operating

against our left flank extending lines from the Yentai mines

The Japanese also on Sept 4 crossed froni Xiao Yang and its en-virons

St Petersburg Sept 5 The Russian the fighting at1iao Yang are at 15000

There is no doubt here that a number of guns especially siege artil-lery have been abandoned

the Taitse river and is pursuing General Kuropatkins forces

peiT cent in Russian 4s on the local bourse






to have

is being

St Petersburg Sept Uner date of Sept 5 General Xuropatkin



losses during


Petersburg Sept 5Pield ltaishal Oyaniaswhole nn is across

St Peteraburg Sept 5 General defeat caused a drop of







4 Atukden Sept Preparations tfor tjie evacuation of Mukderi are fproceeding t-

Thfi Japanese advance is with t-

in thirty miles f

forces of Kuropauun and ofQyamo are rabfng for MukdenThis much stands out In the news

of Monday and Is indicated In a reportforwarded by Kuropatkin who saystlHU Ills retreat is being conducted injmrfect order though the Japanese onSunday repeatedly attacked his rearswid continued the attach until MondayThe result of the race is in

The united Russian forces are nownorth of Yentai a station on the rai-wajr about ten miles northeast of LlaoYang They are pushing on to Muktien to which the bulk of Japanesefore to marching direct after havingswarmed aerose the Taitse river AStrong Japanese column isabout thirty miles northeast of LiaoTang and Is trying to get between theTtusslan forces and Mukden

With this race In progress thereconies a brief dispatch from Mukdennaying that preparations for the evac-uation of lhn place are proceedingThl report if wellfounded as is pointod oat in the Associated Press Sttwrsburg dispatches would mean theabandonment of the whole of southernManchuria and tlie winding up of thejroseut campaign

It wa reported in St Petersburg ata laf hour Monday night tht Kuix-pntkfns rear guard had been almostannihilated and that the main Russianarmy was in danger of being surround-ed

Kuronutkin in his report makes nomention of the abandonment of 200guns at Lien Yang rumor to which ef-

fect is in circulationAdvices from Port Arthur by way of

CUefoo bring Ahe fighting there wp toSept 2 ami feay the Japaneee loseevwere very heavy


Russians Seem to Have AbandonedSouthern Manchuria

St Petersburg Sept 6 820 a m It-JK at this hour to obtain anstatement from the authorities regardIng the reported preparations for the

ban onment of Mukden This is thettsrt Intimation that such a course I-satomplated If it turns out to e1T D It means the abandonment of thewhole of southern Manchuria and thewinding up of the present campaign

In tact should Mukden be evacuatedibere would be no point for winteringthe army of a quarter of a million withits many wounded short of Harbin

On the other band the evacuation ofMukden would give Field MarshalOjun commodious winter quartersaid the oractical control of two linesof railway The KinchduSinmlntinI-hae ttwtAng Jrich Chinese tenitoBV-Hi p little sheet of Mukden wUh-MihJh It Is connected y a good wagonr al

Thr report of the prospective evacifat m f Mukden If well founded wouldii Ilii ate that the crippling effect of theLiau Yang lighting on KuropatkinaB-Tiujr te serious than has as yetTtrMi Intimated


Cossacks Sent Ahead by General Ku-ropatkin

Pt Petersburg Sept 6 165 a m A-nummary of the war situation to dal-f nows that the whole Russian armY or-at 1 at the maui portion of it is alTady above YenUii station and is pushIn or on toward Mukden j

Fic14 Marshal Oyainaa entire avm-yras trussed the Taitse river and partof U is hanging on to KurooatklnjJflank A strong flanking column oh-fv fajst is pushing rapidly north in thfeeffort in he d off the Russians

Against this column General Kuro-patkin has ent out a strong cava pydivision t the northeast which it lis

is already in position to che k-

tJ JaTiaii 1 flankers vhil to iht-ivjeatrtvard uropatkin i moving u dl



L 1I










> >






vision toward Slngmlntln thirty mileswest of Mukden to meet any Interfer-ence that attempted from thedirection of Yinkpw or New ChangPyamas advance guard Is reported tobe engaging the Russian rear but

not expected to develop anythingmore serious than a series of rear guardactions tending to htirrass Kuropatkliis retreat

The Japanese have thrown a strongflanking column across the Taitse riverat Benitu abput thirty miles northeastof Llao Yang This column Is hurry-ing to northeast and endeavoring tiget in between the Russian army andMukden It Is against this movementthat dispatched Lieutenant GonoraFllennenkampf with astrong Cossack division which It Is believed is already blocking the easternhigh road

Kuropatkin has three yoads overwhich hc is marching toward Mukdenbesides the doubletracked railroadThe latter is chiefly occupied In thetransportation of guns and of equip-ment of which there is a great quantity The soldiers are marching inJight order and most of the woundedhave already been dispatched north byrailGeneral Kuropatkin in a telegram totile general stuff filed at 1 p m Sept bnorth of says the Japanese onSunday engaged his rear guard southof Yentai the fight continuing untilMonday The telegram details the precautions taken to chetkmate the Jap-anese hankers

Kuropatkin estimates his losses upto and including Sept 4 at 16000 Thisis considered to be avery conservativefigure The low to the Japanese pobably will be double this number owingto their position as attackers Kuropatkin stays nothing regarding the lossof guns but i Us probable that someof the heavier emplaced guns at LiaoYang had to be abandoned

There is no truth either in the re-port that Kuropatkin has Keen wounded or that Lieutenant General Linevjtoh is moving to his support GeneralLInevitch Is still at Vladivostok


Crossed the River ad Burned BridgesBehind

Yen Tel Sunciay Sept 4 belayedIn Russians evacuated their positions around Line Yanduring the Sept 3 crossingthe Tsitse river and burning thebridge behind them In the meantimea strong force was holding GeneralKuroki back at Yen Tai

During the combined attack on LiaoYfcnk which commenced Aug 30 byGeneral Oku attacking from the southeast and General Nodzu from thesouthwest the shell lire was terrific inone Instance ftftysjx shells bursting atthe sametime

Tie Javanese made a fine Infantryatffffik They succeeded m reaching theRussian but were repulsedwith The Japanese Shrap-nel as a rule burst too high thewhole the day went well for the Rus-sians The Japanese were driven fromthe Villages along the railroad

On Au r 31 tle shelling commencedat from all sides but thes n infantry forward Latethat afternoon the news came thatKurofcl was threatening the railroadat Yen Tat the Russians cornmfencafl to retire enabling the Japan-ese to bring up two batteries and enflado the Rua lan force along the railroHd

During the night the transportmoved Into Liao Yang

35csperate PigTitingSept the RusahuiB retreated from

their mah which formed acircle the rity while the trans

P crbssed the river At 2the Joognese succeeded in placing twogujw and the railroad fetation resulting in ma y casualties At the some time the Japaneseinfantry the innerposition but fcre repulsed In theevanU the Japanese brought up-

Cotmljid 3

may be







at ached

nit l3e



















Few Care to Venture an Opinion on



I OXDOX Sept GTho raco of General1 Kuropatkin for Mukden enthralls

the British press and public and nUiitary and other critics scarcely dare ven-ture a brief surmise as to Us result Thebest opinion inclines to the belief thatJvuropatkin will get through with a

remnant of ILls crcat armythus robbmc the Japanese of the com-plete fruits of their victory but it is rer-nlized that the Russians will not be outof the woods for several days

The latest report is that Geneltil Kuropatkin is once more In of beingcut off and it is believed here to belikely that this report will be repeatedseveral times before the Issue of the san-

itary critics base such opinions aa theyupon the Immense dUGeneral Kuroki must overbornebefore Intercepting who

hold shown ability to take advantage1-

OKI now succeeds utter falling inthe initial attempt ho will inEnglish an almost superhumanachievement

Will Be LuckyHero it is almost taken for granted thata Japanese occupation of must

supposes that Kurosatkln will urearn ofsuch another attempt toscorn theJapanese advance as did at Iitao Yang

If the Russians can reach Harbin theywill according to Bnclish opinionlucky

Before that becomes a question of mo-ment however It is that des-perate mrst ba fought andJapanese arc expected to risk ovenheavier casualties than they sustainedsit

In the final endeavor to anni-hilate General Kuropatkin either on theway to Mukden or In the neighborhoodof Mukden Itself The ofKuropatklns force depends say the Eng

observers of struggle in whichthey are so vitally Jntereated uuon theRussian generals ability toconfine theseefforts to rear

EraiSB for KuropatkinGeneral praise is azaiu accorded the

Russian commander for his temporaryextrication and to the Russian troops fortheir splendid discipline in defeat Theysay that if the genius of Kuropatkin andthe morale of his men had not been sostrikingly brought out in therecent diepatches there would bo scarcely an Eng

paper today that would not declarethe fate of General Kurosatklns entirefore sealed

npoints out thttt if General Kuropat-

kin endeavored toama his transport and force would be solarge that his first army corns would

been marching three Says before thesecond start to follow it The railroad Is of little use to him Mr Wilkinson assort and lie says thatmust be in a series of parallelcolumns each not larger than one armycorps and behind these the rear guard

If Kuropatkin can move his armyover the thirty mlle that separate Yentat and ifr Wilkinson says

he will break the record for such per-formances The Jaounese columnshave little in coming up withhis rear guard arm engaging it wheneverthey please

After Lonjjr CenturiesThe Standard For the first time

in centuries Europe has gone down beforeAsia and troops have vanquishedIn fair fighting awestern army

Yet paper goes on to reiterate thatthe crowning triumph for the is

the Japanese Kurapatkindespite his extraordinary achievementla still to disaster

The Dally Telegraph after declaringthat operations and the de-fense of Port Arthur stand out as twofine achievements hlch have dope themoat to the of Russianarms throughout a campaign which otherwise has a story of unfathomable

and disasteradds that the critical moment of the retreat is only likely to be reached whenGeneral Kuropatkln arrives t the Hunriver some miles I south of Mukden

Once across tnis driovia obstacle theRutBian forces wll be ifa sufficient safetythough the of the river bomade a terribly expensive operation Ifthe Russian army gets to in anyconsiderable force Japan will havereached the limit of hem tILLAlthough we arc that she Winmaintain what she conqueredwill have to face the utmost test in a

struggle before the true of ex-haustion is forced upon tile combatants

m ntithe heroic rear guai-

Lla Yang has had time to rejoin Kurop-

atVcin whose long and dangerous retreat It believes tobe seriously meno i

The critic of the Tithes be-

lieves that Kuropatkin must sae ificc lilarear guard if ke hopes to get stoatteretl remnants of hit army to Mukdei Ho believes thai the Mukden garrisen and other troios will come southto receive the fuitltivo armyis kill doubtful if Russians can shakothemselves free from tlielr alert and uau-reruuB foe



Special to The HeraldCheyenne Wyo Sept 5 P B Mar-

tin and Miss MaUl Miller the elopingHolyoke Cole couple who were ar-rested here yesterday are still in thecustody of Smallej Requisi-tion papers front the governors of Ne-

braska and Colorado are now en routWyoming and not dooumerits have been honored will theyoung elopers be released to theHolyoke authorities It seems that al-though Martin and Miss Miller wereneighbors she lives Jn Nebraska andhe just across the line In Colorado

Martin and the girl are deterriungdto wed and say their present difficul-ties only delay matters Martin willsoon be of age and it Is understood tile

parents do not object stronglyto the match

DROWNED WHILE BOATINGClarendon Ark Sept 5 Jahn D

DIggle and Miss Mamie Johnson ofStuttgart anSI Mrs Leta Vasgein ofMullen Ida were drowned in Whiteriver while boating in a gasolinelaunch


4 Pueblo Cole Sept The Metli 44 ofllst Episcopal conference of Cold 44 rado today adopted resolutions de 44 jiouncing Mormonism calling for 44 the expulsion of Apostlo Reed 44 Smoet from the iTnit StiUea sea 44 ate and favoring an amendment to 44 the federal constitution which 44 shall define legal marriage iws 4-

j 4 moTiogamic and make polygamy 44 antI polygamist cohabitation under 44 every guise aild pretense a orlme f4 against the United States punish f

j 4 able by adequate penalty includ4 lag and diuall 4

flcution to hold office civil 0V 4military In the United or4f-

a In any stateor territory under its fjlirjsdlotfoit

Russia Disaster-



uinzry struggle Is decided mu

of every phase in the of retreatIf


luickly enue oserious critic



Spencer Wilkinson the Morning




Tue thatwhich deCegdet


but hithe



4 4



I F 99 4





























+ + + + + + + + + + + + +



y 11


Armenian Bands Pillaging and Committing AH Sorts ofDepredations in the Viqinity of Van Army Corps

Will BeMobilized


ARIS Sept i 6 m A dispatchI jt t-

waiV of Sofia say asi officialreport whlx i has reached Qne Of theforeign consuls there states that Ar-

menian insurgents at Vani siatlc urkey are successfully resisting theTurkish troops which untiU yesterdayhad been unable to disperse them TheArmenians arrived to within 400 yardsof the French consulate The population of Van is seeking refuge In theconvents It is expected that TurkeywiH mobilize the fourth army corps

ttbeIemnpo from b





Huntlngton W Va Sept r As u engaged In the light are believed toresult of an attempt to a long b wounded but escaped to the moun


standfug hill by a clerk countrystore at Green Shoals twenty milessouth of lucre on the Guantwo men were killed one fatally

and anothenserjously injured andtwo more men who escaped and havedisappeared aresupposed to he ir 4jured The tight may result in on-

othcr bloody feud being added to th Q

already existing in this part of thecountry dead ay r

Allen Brumiield for twenty years ajustice of the peace of Lincoln o untyrshot through the heart and instantlykilled

William Adams Shot ftjur lUmes

thefightInjured George Mead sM5FtrlceH

and will v B

John Lambert shot through th i

shoulder and seriously but not fatallyInjured

Two urothers Lambert who




litthe body 8llL dledl



of John

Baltimore Md Sept 5 in ameat today Cardinal Gibbons said he

did not feel any anxiety over the futureof the Catholic university in Washing j

ton nor dhes he fear prosperity will be affected by theof Thomas E Waggaman of that citywho was the depositary of large fundsbelonging to the university

I shall do everything in my rowerto assist the university said the cardinal M interest in its suceqes andprosperity Is wel knowiu There neeba wo that tile work oftime university will be impaired Therewill be no dimunition of itsdents willbe taken as usual tundcourses will so on

Al f inhere hatb USQi Tp-alJrlnkage in Q TIi fiis money thw unlvcr Jft


that ls

work stu-I the

belonging to




and draw troops from Asia Mlnor Inorder to suppress the URi

It was announced fitn CansTSlMiibpIe on Sept 2 that a fierce tight be-

tween Armenian Insurgents and TurkIsli troops had occurred at Van on Aug31 in which more than a score werekilled About 130 Armenians raided thetown captured four houses and Jn thelight which followed two soldiers andtwenty other persons were killed Theauthorities set fire to s number of ad-joining houses so that the troops mightbe better enabled to besiege the insurgents It was said by the authoritiesthat other Armenian bands were pre

I paring cross the Persian frontier


Two Men Killed One Fatally Injured and Another BadlyHurtHFracas Was Caused Over an Attempt to

Collect a Bill


taintsThe fight started over an attempt ot

Lambert who was a clerk in y countty store at Green Shoals to collectloiigrtitaiiding nccount against AdamsThe men engaged in an argument overtjie dceount in time street several daysago Adams was with friends at thetime ami after heated words struckLambert who was alone Lambert lidnot fight but today whik with twoof his brothers he cameupon Adamss-in wltti Uorge Mead Thttight was renewed upon sight all thein6rf armed Biuo tteld

shot in un attempt to prevent thefight After the death of Brurafieldthe npn nut too badly wounded brokeaway John Lajnbert was Iy-

Jhg on the mountain side Miad te-

dyingf tonight The two brothers ofohn Lambert who are wouiided es-

caped to the mountains and arm beinghunted by several pcanes



lteing heavily




Vienna Sept 5 A lawyerjn theconftderice of Lieutenant Count MatshKeglevitch aAd oigf whojust returned from visiting PrincessLouise of Coburg declines to revealthe whereabouts of princess

He gives a statement VOtfiich hesatjsto him according

through her immurement vSha expectedto be rescued by tile count The wincesi said

Now happily I am free and shalluse my liberty so that remairSfree My next important task will be

j to take legal steps to have my guard-ianship set aside I shall ask tile Autrian court chamberlains department


abe made to Wuilu

1 can



to grant me a new medical examina-tion I can bring fifty witnesses toprove ray sanity Having establishedthat I shall retire to live quietly Iam not thinking of divorce or eX remarriage and the reports of such in-ceptions are canards spread for thepurpose of injuring me

The lawyer said that the princessmade this statement in the presence ofLieutenant Countvftch adding that the friendship between the count and the princess hadalways been Idealistic He said shecould scarcely return to herhusbandbut would light any whichmightbe made to compel her to return to anasylum







Which was not tn the hands of MrWaggaman

Washington Sept 5 Dn Staffordrectorof St Patricks church tonightin speaking of the condition of theCatholic university In view of the Waggaman said that there mightb for a time shrinkage in the fundsin consequence of tjte Waggamantrouble and perhaps a temporary sus-pension of interest but admitting allthatat the of the uni-versity board it safely and trulybe said there would not only be moneypnough to meet currentof the uniXersity but something I ftover for a sinking fund and that every

Speaking with authority

next fllqetIflg

th oxenses

C Jar of tru t no woul l-







Middlemen Brought the Fighting Elements Together



Chicago Sept 5 The indications tonight are that the stock yards strikebegun two months ago will be calleftoft hours Throughthe medium of a middleman negotiations were begun today inan effort tosecure an understandingnvith the pack-ers on which the unions canrely as a basis for abandoning thestrike tomorrow afternoon It was admitted tonight bySecreatry Tracy ofthe Allied Trades Council of the unions

such negotiations hail been deliveredtoday to a representadve of the pItching flrnlsby w E Skinner generaligent of the union Stock ThirdsTraction company acting as a middlemanAccording plans tonight ananswer is to be submitted tomorrowby the packers in time for it to be reported at a special meeting of the AIlied Trades Council This meeting hasbeen called for early in the forenoonSpecial meetings tot till the kxalunions the strikecalled fur tomorrow If the packersgive encouraging assurances to tlie

messengers will be sent atonce to the gatherings of the localbodies The unions It is said willthen vote on discontinuing the strikeand their referendum vote will be reported at once to the meetl g of theAllied Trfcdes Council


Vermont Ha Been Conceded to theRepublicans

TiHeumei Junction Vt Sept 5Vermonts state election will be heldtomorrow State officers will be chosenand the Republicans Democrats Pro-hibitionists and Socialists all havetickets in the Held Charles J Bell isthe Republican nominee for governorand Elihu Porter Is the nominee of tileDemocrats The sole light of the Dem-ocrats has been to reduce time Repub-lican plurality of 3LOOO given to Stickney for governor In 1900 toa figurewhich would indicate a significant gainIn Democratic strength and as pointlag to a national Democratic victoryA Republican plurality under SSOtfwill be regarded by the Democrats

victory The Republican leaders ofthe state expect at least 25000 plurality and securing H will regard theresult as a strong Indorsement of theRepublican administration in the statefor the past two yeas and as an omenof Republican success in the nationalelection


Negro Murderer Implicates Others ofHis Bace

Tallahassee Fla Sept 5 Duringthe taking of testimony before the cor-oners Jury today in the case o N WEpps a prominent and prosperousplanter who was shot to death Saiurday night near Bradfordvllle JswmEdward jr the negro who did theshooting that a beforeday club had been organized In thecounty and that a number of prom

men picked outto suffer death

The negro Edwards Implicated anumber of other negroes and tonightthere are eight negroes In the countyjail at They wore taken

today oh a speejal trainIt Is oniblems jpf

Ilaceci there by membeis of the club





on strike that a messuge opening up

to the

nave been


meat uhite had been


reported hat death

brtl attUigthat t1imrt ja 1ppuseml rfletiur
















Lhor Day Reflections of aNew York




New York Sept 5 Lbw day Wpresents many Interesting fiaets atri tondlUona bcth to employers and eMploysin New York City as eom ne l with thesame period a year as says the Herald

the five moHtlur April1 and September 1 of y losaenin wages to In Nw York

more than onethird ies Wan during theAm months la t sad to

emirtpyers have been correspondingly

Til all of the 1JKM strikaasikly in the building Ides the cwtcememarked a step

open shop and 4n several instanceslie employers have acbleve4 a d tWe lVictory the union men havingretttrnod to work tfo bf sideualon employes This especiallynoted hi the strikes ot the marine achemists the tailors and the iwtchers

1IHB the building tradesthe must and disastrouskftown In that branch oMudustry in NewYork City During the season eigitvon

of mechanic comprlaingMB8 men were Idle of time

Involving a loss of JWTOW days week and0 in wages The loss UuIWtrrs

and members aggregated more than JSMi-OftOW Jn addition to thIs last year

mere than 25009 laborers were idle muchof the time including 38000 unskilledworkmen In the subway teamsters n asons helpers and others

This year at no time have there beenmere than 2 X men in the buildingtr de idle at any time and there navebeen no strikes of consequence amongthe unskilled classes In March andApril iOOO helpers quit workwhich forced an equal number W brick-layers into for days

was the only trouble of importanceIn building trades until the cetttlockout which has not brought about acomplete Deep of building operations

occurred in 199-3la the building trades at the

time are only about 16M9 men menforced Sdleiiesa

There are 15WO union vorfciaen aklU dand unskilled in the metropolitan dis-trict At no time during ttte SMWOII hasthe army of idle exceeded 35609


Turpin Will Drop Proceedings if WifeForsakes Lover

Providing his wife will return to himand fc sake her new loveWilliam

of Park City Is willing to forgiveand forget He will take her from hercell in the county jail and back to hisheart and will drop prosecutionagainst her But if Mrs Turpin persists hi clinging to Eugene Gates whoIs fuse an occupant for tho present oftime county will be prosecutedpn ji felony charge by her husband

Mrs Turpin left her home In ParkCity several months ago in companyyJthUaies her goodlboklJig boarderMr Turpin has pursueo the couple

from one county rtojaiuther since theireloitement They were finally found inLogan last week and were promptlybrought to Salt Lake by the local authorities

Mr Turpin called at the county jailyesterday afternoonand communicatedto his faithleee spouse his ultimatumMrs Turpin It is bettered gave herhusbands terms little considerationMr Turpin afterbis Interview conveyed the his wilewould stand by her new love In thisevent vigorous proceedings will be In-

stituted by the husband


Chairman Cortelyou Closeted Withthe President

Oyster May X Y Sept 3 NationalChairman George B Cortelyou was inconference with President Roosevelt atSagamore hill tonight In accordancewith a previous arrangement Mr Cortelyou arrived here at 543 oclock fromNew York and was driven to the pres-idents home He said thatorhe hadcome to Oyster Bay take up withthe president some minor matters

Mr Cortelyou will remain at Sagamore Hill until tomorrow forenoonwhen he expects to return to NewYork

Pursuing the policy he has laid downthe chairman declined to discuss thecampaJgn or any features of it Hesaid the work is w U In hand and progreening smoothly but he could not beinduced to go Into details

Francis E Leupp a Washingtpn correspondent tome time ago wascommissioned by the president to makean investigation into certain Indianaffairs made a terbal report of hiswork to Mr Roos v R today His report will be submitted In writing later

The uresident pastjed the day quietlyat Sujraraore Hill until 3 0 oclock tillsafternoon when he and his sons wentfor a long row on the bay


Opening Will Be AttendedWith Lit-tle Excitement

jSpedal to The HeraldBtaekfoot Ida Sept 5 The lineup

In front ot the United States office today was lengthened djiut byA contin-gent of Pocatello shopmen this mornIns but with one exception there wasno clash over the priority of positionThe exception a husky shopmanwho broke Into the front of the lineand refused to give away The timelyInterference of Sheriff Steers probablysaved an ugly row as the men in linewearied with the long were in anugly temper and to applythe doctrine of force on the usurperwho bears something of reputationas a fighting man

Aside from this Incident there was noexcitement AboutlOO will sleep In theline tonight and exneatau thfct theniornfng bring about ftmany more applicants for the landswhich are to be opened at 9 Telock tomorrow morning local land officeis prepared for a rush and will be ableto handle a large crowd Special police have1 been appointed to quell dis-turbances and the prospect Is for amost orderly opening

ACCIDENTALLY SHOTHood River Ore Sept Word was

received lucre today from Trout lakeKlnskltttt county Washington that JK Stump one of the oldest aaa bestknown settlers in this part of h coun-try was accidentally in the ab-domen Sunday by hi Uyearold grandson MY Stump and theboy were hunting grouse andfellow stumbled The shotgun whichthe child was tarrying was dischargfiland the entire load of birdshot lods i-

in Stumps bU making a ghufnlyWound Tho hoy rat fur aid l ur TK

fore help yo U un cviLlieBpunu a manhad expired



from strikes aiwl 1ookeei have been

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nit the


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Impression that




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About All the Outside Commanderies Have Arrived



AX Scit i iT-

committee of the Kuiiuphirs tonight checked uff t e

list oC coftimtiiitl i r iito arrive being St Aldam t M j

and Oriental df uilo A few ilifoni-coromanderies have yet to lorthey are scheduled to teb ri n timorning in ampk tf WI me tV 4iparade tomormw TVttaafl was ouo T

great activity tor the reotjUi-m It tees and th 5lr Knights detail 1

for escort duty Train aft r trai i

brought tired hut ohe rful Tnnplaand their ladhs and the uiiifornvisitors wev sorted to th Mr ari uquarters to the accompaniment f uv-

riutic musicYesterdays Arrivals

Among time arrirals today wrrefollowing Allen No 29 PtnnsylvaniBoston No 2 AlaaBachusttts hi HK-

Xd 13 Illinois Central Xo 2 NYork Cyrcne No 10 ALibania ODe Leon Xo 34 Massachusetts Cor-thian Chasseurs Xo 53 I nnsylyainMelita No 68 Baldwin H N 22Denver club of iolorado Kl Mouwith Utah Knights Temr lars Grai iCommandery Florida f Florida Kdosh No 20 Pennsylvania KansasCity No 10 ili niri llury VoPennsylvania Mount Vt rnun u 7

Pennsylvania Grand Comnuij ipryMinnesota Alelita No S i re n H

Knights of New J rsey Oregon NoOregon Ottawa Xo 10 with lira PH-

Commandery of Illinois Hamai id X41 Indiana Osv go Xo 7 KarsaPilgrim Xo 11 Pennsylvania rieaflug Xo 42 Pennpjlvania S ULI anIbis Xo 1 St Adelmar Xu M

St Bernard Xo 53 lhu Vmont Prisco club Vermont jvanhNo 24 Wisconsin Marion X jf K-

tuoky Grand ommandery of Xtbra-ka with Mt Calvary No 1

A notable event was thethe Right Honorable the Kari K

tons the most eminent and pr n

grand master of the Great PH ryEngland and Yalts and of the Irp-dencies of the llritish trown

Received by TemplarsWhen the earls special ia r

rived four mounted troops of Tunplatsand two on foot stood ready t re eikim

As Earl Eustoii car dteu up to thestation a committee representing th-

jrraiHl roaster and California eoii-imandery followed by the itiz ns ionmittee tiled a a d the ar and v v

received by t distinguished vis io-

In the trout ction of his ear Thewere Introduced by Past Grand Com

H IJoyd As the eatstepped amilnig toward his earriagthe band burst into Hrely i iody anTwith spirited music the cortege mov

In Its course to the headqu-atersat hoieL

The reception of t tSUeu gat iontfiefe wasmore rcile it

ceremonial than that of anythe visitors to the conclave

Tonight the visitors enjoyed ihe va-

rious drills concerts and ntrtainfor their amasemn

one of the most popular providing aChinese play by Chinest aetor at i

of the local play housesThe contest for the next triennial

conclave is already on in ean est thfSir Knights from Chicago and XYork having launched their canvasesin behalf of their respective cities


Conference on Smoke Problem isScheduled-

The managers of the smeltersMurray and Sandy have no yetruled as action on t e cojn

surrounding country that their cropare being destroyed and livestock killby poisonous fumes from th sin Uiirplants It is saW that they will holdconference today at which v corrplaints will be corsldered ant some lirof action decided upon

The problem confronting tlvm is norof easy solution and afterthey may agree to enter into a serifof experiments for the pup o of de-

termining the cheapest anti nw t ejtpt-dltious way n which to pn futther damage to tho complainant1

The American Inventor has Mje filowing about a new device u inl in thiconnection

TIe new arsenic refinery itt theWashoe smelter in Anacorniawill soon be ready for work The Ar-

senic roaster has been in operation forsomv time and has been treat ins largequantities of the line dust lakrn from

huge smokostack Th c punybuilt the stack solely fv r time T urpopof savingtfce in tin anisurrounding country from the poisonsIn the smelter smoke After it wasbuUt the ides of saving the metalsfront the smoke was conceived and theresult wa ite building of a new areenic plahC Sixty tons of tin dust aretaken chimney every day

is tr di d for the arieni it tcntains and oonWerable of i is sav d-

I for the copper In It


t St Petersburg Sept4 Platonoft a member of of

the etnpire has been appointed4 minister of the interior and chi f 44 of the Ku sUn police in succes 44 slon to UM late Von Plefcve

STRIKE DECLAREDWashington Sept o The Musicians

union today declared a strikemembers of the orchestras of the

local tlttfcfcBfee Three houses are op iiThe men employed at two of them

and the performances were giv a-

wHh improvised orchestras while inthe case of the third the orchestraplayed as usual The nun demand it20 per cent increase In pay


4 MemptUa Tina Sept Early4 returns com the state election i

4 Arkansas indicate the reeleti4 of Governor Jeff Davis the Demo

cratk incumbent over Harry Jiyr4 ers Republican by tin usual

Den rt Tdtii majority The Im-foirut easily fleeted th ir lit

stntf tivkt i i the int irsr n-

f termi m Uie vote in th itntowns whore the regular l tno

4 ruts wer pi os Hl in nary in-

f staiis by indcpeiirirriis f-

f Heturns art miey iirily siov M-

na voting lui u v i tote 4




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