HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OF SURFACE COAL MINING IN APPALACHIA (U.S.) 1 Daniel M. Evans, Carl E. Zipper, Erich T. Hester, and Stephen H. Schoenholtz 2 ABSTRACT: Surface coal mining operations alter landscapes of the Appalachian Mountains, United States, by replacing bedrock with mine spoil, altering topography, removing native vegetation, and constructing mine soils with hydrologic properties that differ from those of native soils. Research has demonstrated hydrologic effects of mining and reclamation on Appalachian landscapes include increased peakflows at newly mined and reclaimed watersheds in response to strong storm events, increased subsurface void space, and increased base flows. We review these investigations with a focus on identifying changes to hydrologic flow paths caused by surface min- ing for coal in the Appalachian Mountains. We introduce two conceptual control points that govern hydrologic flow paths on mined lands, including the soil surface that partitions infiltration vs. surface runoff and a poten- tial subsurface zone that partitions subsurface storm flow vs. deeper percolation. Investigations to improve knowledge of hydrologic pathways on reclaimed Appalachian mine sites are needed to identify effects of mining on hydrologic processes, aid development of reclamation methods to reduce hydrologic impacts, and direct envi- ronmental mitigation and public policy. (KEY TERMS: surface mining; hydrologic impacts; hydrologic flow paths; mine hydrology.) Evans, Daniel M., Carl E. Zipper, Erich T. Hester, and Stephen H. Schoenholtz, 2015. Hydrologic Effects of Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia (U.S.). Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1-17. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12322 INTRODUCTION Surface mining for coal has been practiced for more than a century in the Appalachian Mountains of eastern United States (U.S.) (Abramson and Hask- ell, 2006). Surface mining reorganizes geologic mate- rials and removes native biota and soil, and can have unintended effects on hydrologic flow paths and pro- cesses in the steep terrain of the Appalachian Moun- tains. Surface coal mining methods and regulations affecting those methods have changed over time. Notable changes occurred in response to the U.S. Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA 1977) because of the reclamation practices that it requires. Under SMCRA, mine operators cover exposed rock highwalls, grade most mining areas to approximate original contour, and revegetate those areas after mining is complete. An unintended conse- quence of this law is the prevalence of soil compac- tion that occurred because of the heavy equipment used in reclamation operations (Thurman and Sencindiver, 1986; Haering et al., 2004; Acton et al., 2011). Soil compaction and associated reclamation operations inhibit water infiltration (Jorgensen and Gardner, 1987), reestablishment of native forest 1 Paper No. JAWRA-14-0237-P of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Received November 21, 2014; accepted April 8, 2015. © 2015 American Water Resources Association. Discussions are open until six months from issue publication. 2 Research Associate (Evans) and Professor (Zipper), Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences, Assistant Professor (Hester), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Director (Schoenholtz), Virginia Water Resources Research Center, VA Polytechnic Institute and State University, 330 Smyth Hall, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 (E-Mail/Evans: [email protected]). JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION JAWRA 1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION

Hydrologic Effects of Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia (U.S.) · tains. Surface coal mining methods and regulations affecting those methods have changed over time. Notable changes

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Page 1: Hydrologic Effects of Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia (U.S.) · tains. Surface coal mining methods and regulations affecting those methods have changed over time. Notable changes


Daniel M. Evans, Carl E. Zipper, Erich T. Hester, and Stephen H. Schoenholtz2

ABSTRACT: Surface coal mining operations alter landscapes of the Appalachian Mountains, United States, byreplacing bedrock with mine spoil, altering topography, removing native vegetation, and constructing mine soilswith hydrologic properties that differ from those of native soils. Research has demonstrated hydrologic effects ofmining and reclamation on Appalachian landscapes include increased peakflows at newly mined and reclaimedwatersheds in response to strong storm events, increased subsurface void space, and increased base flows. Wereview these investigations with a focus on identifying changes to hydrologic flow paths caused by surface min-ing for coal in the Appalachian Mountains. We introduce two conceptual control points that govern hydrologicflow paths on mined lands, including the soil surface that partitions infiltration vs. surface runoff and a poten-tial subsurface zone that partitions subsurface storm flow vs. deeper percolation. Investigations to improveknowledge of hydrologic pathways on reclaimed Appalachian mine sites are needed to identify effects of miningon hydrologic processes, aid development of reclamation methods to reduce hydrologic impacts, and direct envi-ronmental mitigation and public policy.

(KEY TERMS: surface mining; hydrologic impacts; hydrologic flow paths; mine hydrology.)

Evans, Daniel M., Carl E. Zipper, Erich T. Hester, and Stephen H. Schoenholtz, 2015. Hydrologic Effects ofSurface Coal Mining in Appalachia (U.S.). Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1-17.DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12322


Surface mining for coal has been practiced formore than a century in the Appalachian Mountainsof eastern United States (U.S.) (Abramson and Hask-ell, 2006). Surface mining reorganizes geologic mate-rials and removes native biota and soil, and can haveunintended effects on hydrologic flow paths and pro-cesses in the steep terrain of the Appalachian Moun-tains. Surface coal mining methods and regulationsaffecting those methods have changed over time.Notable changes occurred in response to the U.S.

Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act(SMCRA 1977) because of the reclamation practicesthat it requires. Under SMCRA, mine operators coverexposed rock highwalls, grade most mining areas toapproximate original contour, and revegetate thoseareas after mining is complete. An unintended conse-quence of this law is the prevalence of soil compac-tion that occurred because of the heavy equipmentused in reclamation operations (Thurman andSencindiver, 1986; Haering et al., 2004; Acton et al.,2011). Soil compaction and associated reclamationoperations inhibit water infiltration (Jorgensen andGardner, 1987), reestablishment of native forest

1Paper No. JAWRA-14-0237-P of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Received November 21, 2014;accepted April 8, 2015. © 2015 American Water Resources Association. Discussions are open until six months from issue publication.

2Research Associate (Evans) and Professor (Zipper), Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences, Assistant Professor (Hester),Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Director (Schoenholtz), Virginia Water Resources Research Center, VA PolytechnicInstitute and State University, 330 Smyth Hall, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 (E-Mail/Evans: [email protected]).




Page 2: Hydrologic Effects of Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia (U.S.) · tains. Surface coal mining methods and regulations affecting those methods have changed over time. Notable changes

vegetation (Torbert and Burger, 1990; Conrad et al.,2002; Burger and Evans, 2010), and natural succes-sion (Ashby et al., 1980; Groninger et al., 2007), all ofwhich have the potential to alter hydrologic flowpaths and processes.

Other changes to surface mining that affect thehydrology of Appalachian mined areas have occurredin the modern era (post 1970s) because of increasesin the operational scale of mining in the Appalachianregion. New generations of mining equipment thatcan remove greater quantities of overburden and coalin this steep mountainous terrain have enabledlarger mines, affecting surface geology, soils, andrelated hydrologic processes over extensive areas.The increased scale of surface mining in mountainousterrain often requires larger excess spoil disposal fills,such as valley fills (VFs), because of increased spoilvolumes. This expanded scale of Appalachian miningoperations (Haering et al., 2004; Copeland, 2013) anduse of VFs to store excess spoil (Shank, 2010) haveimplications for hillslope and headwater hydrologybecause of potential disruptions to premining hydro-logic flow paths that may affect the timing and dura-tion of storm-induced flows or flow regimes.

The Appalachian mining industry has changedover the past half century. Mines have grown largerwhile the U.S. coal industry has consolidated intofewer, larger firms (USEIA, 1993; Humphries andSherlock, 2013). Environmental impact mitigationmethods employed by industry have also changed.Acid drainage issues that were prevalent in the pre-SMCRA and early SMCRA eras (Herlihy et al., 1990)are rarely an issue with contemporary mining opera-tions today because of improved methods for acidspoil handling. Terrestrial ecosystems have beenseverely altered by Appalachian mining (Simmonset al., 2008; Zipper et al., 2011a; Wickham et al.,2013), but new methods intended to restore forestvegetation on mine sites are being implemented (Bur-ger et al., 2005; Zipper et al., 2011b). Major ions (e.g.,SO4

2�, HCO3�, Ca2+, Mg2+) and selenium are emerg-

ing water quality issues associated with coal mining(Pond et al., 2008; Palmer et al., 2010; Cormier et al.,2013), but mining methods intended to reduce thesepollutants in mine water discharge are being devel-oped (Daniels et al., 2013; Donovan and Ziemkiewicz,2013; Quaranta et al., 2013). However, we are awareof no published investigations focused on developingAppalachian mine reclamation methods intended forthe explicit purpose of restoring pre-mining surfaceand groundwater flow paths on mine landscapesor mitigating hydrologic alterations caused by themining process.

Here, we review literature on the hydrology ofsurface mine lands in Appalachia. We describe theregion’s hydrologic conditions without mining and

their alteration by coal surface mining and reclama-tion. We then summarize the current scientificknowledge addressing effects of Appalachian surfacemining and reclamation on hydrologic flow pathsand processes on reclaimed mine lands. We intro-duce the idea of control points, which govern hydro-logic flow paths in mined watersheds. We definecontrol points as controlling features that exist onthe mined landscape that are generally mine spoil/soil horizons or horizon interfaces in the post-miningengineered spoil or soil. We also quantitatively syn-thesize infiltration data from prior studies on minelands and include discussion on how infiltration actsas an initial control point that partitions water intosurface vs. subsurface flow paths. We discuss thepotential fate and consequences of water that entersthese two flow paths, effects of mining on storageand discharge, and conclude by describing researchneeds that are essential to improve knowledge ofhydrologic processes and mitigation of hydrologicimpacts.


The Appalachian Coalfield extends from Pennsyl-vania and Ohio south to Alabama (Figure 1). Ourfocus is the central and northern Appalachian coal-field extending from eastern Tennessee northward.The Appalachian Coalfield is contained within theAppalachian Plateaus physiographic province (Fenn-eman, 1938), a predominantly forested landscape

0 540 1,080270 Kilometers

Appalachian Coalfield

FIGURE 1. The Appalachian Coalfield in EasternU.S. Source: USGS (http://pubs.usgs.gov/




Page 3: Hydrologic Effects of Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia (U.S.) · tains. Surface coal mining methods and regulations affecting those methods have changed over time. Notable changes

comprised of deciduous or mixed deciduous/coniferousforests that have been harvested repeatedly fortimber over the last ~150 years. The climate is humidcontinental and is characterized by warm summersand cold winters with precipitation and high-inten-sity storm events throughout the year. In the north-ern end of the region, the mean annual temperatureis 9.1°C with a mean of 112.8 cm of precipitation. Inthe southern end of the region, mean annual temper-ature is 12.8°C with a mean of 132.4 cm of precipita-tion (Frostburg, Maryland and Big Stone Gap,Virginia, respectively; NOAA 2015). As of 2011,>600,000 ha had been surface mined for coal incentral and northern Appalachia since the passage ofSMCRA (Zipper et al., 2011b).

Natural Landscapes

The geologic structure of the Appalachian Coal-field is generally comprised of flat lying to gentlysloping sedimentary rock strata, predominantly clas-tics (sandstones, siltstones, and shales) of Pennsylva-nian geologic age in the southern range and ofPermian age in the north (Seaber et al., 1988). Theregion is elevated relative to adjacent terrain andserves as a headwater source area. The dominanttopographic formation process has been dissection(Fenneman, 1938). Current terrain ranges from steep-ly dissected remnants of an ancient plateau, gener-ally capped with resistant sandstones in centralAppalachia (Tennessee, Virginia, eastern Kentucky,and southern West Virginia) to gentler slopes androunded hills further north (western Pennsylvania,northern West Virginia, and southeastern Ohio).Soils on side slopes are generally young and thin,often <1 m in steeper terrains. Soils on ridges andin coves are generally older and deeper than on sideslopes. The upper strata of sedimentary rocks havebeen affected by earth-surface environmental pro-cesses, such as oxidation and leaching, and are saidto have been “weathered” (Haering et al., 2004;Zipper et al., 2013). Weathered rocks, typicallybrownish in color due to Fe oxidation and 10-20 min thickness, are underlain by rock materials thatare said to be “unweathered,” although they areaffected in their upper segments by groundwatermovement enabled by the fracturing and jointingthat resulted from geologic uplift and stress relief(Borchers and Wyrick, 1981).

Throughout the region, most groundwater flowsoccur near the surface, in the upper fracture systemsof bedrock and in colluvium on slopes (Seaber et al.,1988; Harlow and LeCain, 1991). Primary permeabil-ity varies among geologic units, with certain sand-stones and coal seams having sufficient permeability

to enable lateral movement of groundwater (Harlowand LeCain, 1991; Minns, 1993; Callaghan et al.,1998). However, finer grained clastics (siltstones andshales) and tight grained sandstones, predominantrock types within the geologic column throughoutmuch of the region, typically have low primary per-meabilities. Fractures have enhanced the secondarypermeability of near-surface materials and allow forsome movement of groundwater into deeper geologiczones. Such groundwater flows are most active in theupper 100-200 m (Seabers et al., 1988) where surfacecoal mining occurs. Groundwater discharge mayemerge on slopes as springs often where geologicunits transmitting lateral flows outcrop, or alongvalley floors where water that has been transmittedthrough surficial material including near-surface bed-rock and colluvium, and through deeper geologicunits emerging as streams (Callaghan et al., 1998)(Figure 2).

In native forests in this region, response to precipi-tation is consistent in many ways, with forested areasoften featuring significant topographic relief. Runoff isgenerally minimal in such settings for a variety of rea-sons. First, intact forests intercept precipitation andlead to evapotranspiration (ET) from overstory andunderstory vegetation and from litter layers on the for-est floor (Davie, 2008), as well as slow the rate of pre-cipitation that reaches the forest floor. Second, intactforests improve soil surface characteristics, such as soilorganic matter in the upper soil horizons that promoteinfiltration of precipitation. As a result, infiltration isgenerally substantial in this setting and there is littlesurface runoff. In rare cases where precipitation doesnot evapotranspire or infiltrate it becomes availablefor runoff or overland flow. This can happen in twoways, including infiltration excess overland flow andsaturation excess overland flow. The former occurswhen the infiltration capacity of the soil is exceededand the latter occurs when the soil voids are filled withwater. In humid climates, saturation overland flow istypically dominant (Smith and Goodrich, 2005; Davie,2008).

Precipitation that infiltrates during storm eventsmoves through the ground in a variety of ways. Thetwo main categories are subsurface storm flow andgroundwater flow. Groundwater flow is the slowmovement of water through the deep saturated zonethat occurs both during and between storms (Toth,1963; Freeze and Cherry, 1979). Subsurface stormflow is rapid lateral movement of infiltrating precipi-tation in the rooting zone or relatively shallow soilcaused by the water table rising into a surface layerof higher conductivity or presence of a relatively shal-low low-permeability layer (bedrock is a commonexample in mountainous terrain) (Weiler et al.,2005). This flow path is referred to by a variety of



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synonymous terms, including interflow and through-flow. It is now accepted that most such flow issaturated or nearly saturated. This flow can occurthrough the soil matrix but also through macropores,soil pipes, and rock fractures. Where there aredepressions in the bedrock or other low-permeabilitylayers that direct inflow, the “fill and spill” theoryproposes that significant subsurface storm flow willoccur only after enough precipitation has occurred tofill those depressions (Meerveld and McDonnell,2006).

Mining Disturbances

Surface mining for coal requires removal of thegeologic materials overlying the coal seam (overbur-den). The overburden, which includes the soil if it isnot removed and segregated, is typically blasted withexplosives, converting it to variously sized fragmentscalled mine spoil. Where multiple coal seams arepresent and accessible, the intervening rock material(interburden) is treated similarly. Mine spoils aretransported and placed for reconstruction of previ-ously mined terrain. During this process, the landsurface, native geology, and hydrologic structure arealtered. Mine pits are refilled producing mine spoilfills with higher pore and void volumes than the ori-ginal geologic structure (Diodato and Parizek, 1994;Hawkins, 2004). Most mine spoil fills are sufficientlyporous and permeable to act as unconfined aquifers,and are underlain by flat benches or buried plateausthat act as a lower aquifer confining bed (Wunschet al., 1999). Mine spoil volumes typically exceed

those of the pre-mining native rock because of frag-mentation by explosives. Hence, mine operators mustmanage higher spoil volumes than are needed to re-contour the land, leading to construction of structurescalled excess spoil disposal fills which do not conformto the land’s original contours. VFs are excess spoildisposal fills constructed as wedge shaped piles ortiered lifts placed in valleys, covering ephemeral,intermittent, or perennial streams (Evans et al.,2014). In response to increased regulatory restrictionson VFs (USEPA, 2013), excess spoil disposal fills inupland locations above perennial streams are beingused more commonly in recent years in the Appala-chian region.

Appalachian mining operations reconstruct thelandscape to mimic the pre-mining land contours tothe extent that is possible while managing the excessspoil. However, significant changes to the landscapeare a reality of surface mining. Steep but geotechni-cally stable slopes for excess spoil disposal fills areencouraged by regulatory policies as a means of mini-mizing the mining disturbance footprint. Reclaimedlandforms often include structures that capture andchannelize water including roadways and storageareas for vehicles, ponds, and channels intended toretain water (Merricks et al., 2007), narrow bencheson steep slopes intended to slow water movement(Quaranta et al., 2013), and rock-lined channels onsteep slopes intended to transmit water rapidly to theslope base (Fritz et al., 2010).

Mine site surfaces may be constructed from sal-vaged native soils, but soil substitutes constructedfrom rock fragments are more common in Appalachia(Daniels and Amos, 1985; Sencindiver and Ammons,

FIGURE 2. Conceptual Model of Appalachian Region Hydrology Undisturbed (left) and after Modification by a Contour Surface Mine withValley Fill (right). Natural hydrology representation is based on Seaber et al. (1988), Harlow and LeCain (1991), and other studies.

Hydrologic flow paths within geologic strata, as illustrated, assume those strata dip toward the valley. Hydrologic flow pathswithin the mine spoil fill, other than discharge from the toe, are not well known. Drawing is not to scale.



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2000; Simmons et al., 2008; Zipper et al., 2011a).Salvaged soil and/or spoil materials placed on themine site surface are commonly called “mine soils”because they support plant communities and formsoil-like properties over time. When constructed fromrock spoils, these mine soils contain no pedogenicorganic matter upon initial placement, but organicmatter accumulates on the surface once vegetationbecomes established. Mine soils form surface horizonsin response to incorporation of organic materials(Haering et al., 2004), often within five years afterconstruction (Ciolkosz et al., 1985; Roberts et al.,1988a; Sencindiver and Ammons, 2000). Illuviation ofclays, organic materials, and other materials alsooccurs, as in natural soils, but the times required forthese processes to form subsurface horizons similar tothose of natural soils are far longer (Ciolkosz et al.,1985; Sencindiver and Ammons, 2000). Appalachianmine soils constructed from rock spoils typically differfrom native soils in certain respects (Daniels andAmos, 1985) including the lack of soil structure atdepth or presence of compacted layers that may leadto hydrologic properties in subsurface horizons, suchas reduced porosity, that restrict water movement(Thurman and Sencindiver, 1986; Skousen et al.,1998; Haering et al., 2004).


Sources of water entering the mined watershedinclude water from precipitation, surface waterdraining from upslope areas, and groundwater from

adjacent terrain. This water flows through or overthe mine spoil (Figure 3) and is routed to controlleddischarge points, as required by SMCRA. While themining operation is active, water at the dischargepoints moves through sediment-control ponds prior torelease into natural streams (Merricks et al., 2007).When mining is completed and the regulatoryrequirements for revegetation are met, the sediment-control ponds are often removed. While the mine isunder regulatory authority (i.e., during mining andfor five or more years after reclamation is complete),water discharges are regulated for quality under theU.S. Clean Water Act (1972) and SMCRA.

Surface Processes: Evapotranspiration

Removal of vegetation by mining reduces ET ofwater to the atmosphere, which likely contributes toincreased peakflows and shortened storm responsetimes that often occur in recently mined areas (Grif-fith et al., 2012). In an observational study of pairedWest Virginia streams, Messinger and Paybins (2003)found that nonstorm flows (per watershed area) were29 higher in streams draining a mined watershed,compared to unmined. They attributed these patternsto decreased ET in the mined watershed, but theydid not have pre-mine data to show that the flowswere similar before mining and, hence, were unableto control for potential differences among the water-sheds. Similarly, Dickens et al. (1989) reportedresults of water monitoring from five mined and oneunmined first-order watersheds in eastern Tennesseeover 14 years. They found greater base-flow durationsand annual streamflows in the mined watersheds rel-






d e

Native soil

Weathered rock

Unweathered rock



Surface materials (spoil and/or salvaged soil)

Subsurface materials, or “bulk fill”

Waters entering mine spoil fill from precipitation or from adjacent terrain (if present)

Mine-spoil fill hydrologic flows (relative magnitudes are unknown)

Control points (conceptual)

Unmined Terrain Mine Spoil Fill


FIGURE 3. Conceptual Representation of a Mine Spoil Fill Placed within Unmined Terrain, with Hydrologic Flow Paths. Terms used todescribe mine spoil fill flow paths are as follows: a = infiltration; b = runoff or surface flows; c = subsurface storm flow; d = deep-fill flows;e = discharge; f = evapotranspiration. The inset represents the surface of the mine spoil fill, magnified, with the conceptual control pointsintroduced by this article: g = surface; h = subsurface. The near-surface materials on the mine spoil fill may be applied separately from thesubsurface materials; or the mine spoil may be placed as a single operation such that the near-surface materials are identical to those com-prising the bulk-fill. The occurrence of c (near-surface flows) as a flow path that is distinct from d (deep-fill flows) has not been demonstratedto occur universally on Appalachian mine sites.



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ative to unmined controls, a result they attributed (inpart) to reduced ET caused by vegetation loss in themined watersheds. In Kentucky, Sena et al. (2014)observed that 0.4-ha research plots supporting pro-ductive and fast-growing forest vegetation yieldedless groundwater during the growing season in theireighth and ninth years compared to correspondingplots of different spoil types with less productive for-est vegetation, a result attributed to increased ET.We expect that as mined areas are reclaimed andvegetation returns, ET will increase over time,decreasing initial impact of ET reductions immedi-ately following mining. However, timing and com-pleteness of ET recovery are poorly studied on minelands.

Surface Processes: Infiltration

Critical to mine site hydrology is the soil surfacecontrol point that partitions precipitation betweensurface and subsurface flows. This control point isgoverned by the relationship of precipitation andinfiltration rates of mine soils and antecedent soiland groundwater conditions. When precipitation rateexceeds infiltration rate of the mine soil, excess pre-cipitation remains aboveground as ponded water orinfiltration excess overland flow (Horton, 1933). Fac-tors affecting water infiltration and this partitioningof water flow on natural soils are well known (Parrand Bertrand, 1960). These include surface porosity,which is influenced by soil texture, presence of rockfragments, and soil aggregation or structure. Soilaggregation, in turn, is governed by soil organic mat-ter content and by related factors such as activity bysoil biota (Bronick and Lal, 2005). Soils with largerpores, which occur with well-developed soil structureand particle aggregation, generally allow greaterinfiltration than soils with smaller pores. Macroporesor soil pipes typically formed by roots or animals cancreate preferential flow paths and accordinglyincrease infiltration rates in soils (Beven and Ger-mann, 1982; Sidle et al., 2001). Factors influencingmovement of water over the soil surface, such asslope, vegetation, and surface roughness also influ-ence water infiltration (Parr and Bertrand, 1960).Rain falling at high rates can also affect infiltrationby disaggregating surface soil particles potentiallyresulting in a thin compacted surface layer, especiallyif that surface is low in organic matter content andnot protected by vegetation (Horton, 1933; Awadhwaland Thierstein, 1985).

Infiltration rates and spoil characteristics thatresult in infiltration excess overland flow on minedspoil are well documented. The surface flow-path con-trol point that we present in this review is based on

this extensive literature that demonstrates surfaceinfiltration is a critical factor that defines the fractionof precipitation exiting the mined landscape as over-land flow. On recently established sites with freshmine soils constructed from rock spoils, researchershave observed a process of “surface crusting” thatoccurs prior to development of an organic matterinfluenced surface horizon, with finely textured spoilmaterials being most susceptible to crust formation(Daniels and Amos, 1985; Burger and Evans, 2010).Soil crusting also occurs on natural soils resultingfrom rainfall effects that cause soil dispersion andsurface-segregation of silts and clays (Awadhwal andThierstein, 1985). Crusting is inhibited by develop-ment of vegetation (Daniels and Amos, 1985) andincorporation of organic matter into surface soils.Fields-Johnson et al. (2012) observed that presence ofherbaceous vegetation on young mine soils increasedinfiltration rates and attributed these effects to inter-ception by vegetation and effects by stems and rootsof living plants that provide channels into the sub-surface. Studies in other mining regions have alsoobserved crusting of young, unvegetated mine soils,and infiltration increases with increased vegetativecover (Loch, 2000; Nicolau, 2002; Moreno-de lasHeras et al., 2009).

Researchers have found that Appalachian minesoil infiltration is influenced by factors similar tothose influencing infiltration on native soils such aspresence of high soil densities constraining infiltra-tion capacity. Working in an Ohio watershed thatwas mined and reclaimed using native soil cover andsoil compaction, Weiss and Razem (1984) foundincreased rainfall runoff and slower groundwaterrecharge despite an increase in subsurface hydraulicconductivity shortly after mining and reclamation, aresult they attributed to surface soil compaction.

In an early controlled experiment using mine soilsfrom one to four years of age and 0.4 m2 infiltrationboxes, Jorgensen and Gardner (1987) found that infil-tration capacities on fresh mine soils, constructed ascontrolled mixtures of rock spoils and salvaged soil,in the Alleghany Plateau of central Pennsylvaniawere influenced by slope, bulk density, vegetation,and soil texture. Spoil lithography was also found tobe influential, with mine soils developed from moreacidic and fine-textured geologic materials exhibitinglower infiltration capacities than mine soils developedfrom other materials with more durable rock frag-ments. Initially, infiltration capacities on mine soilswere an order of magnitude lower than those in theadjacent forest soils (Table 1). However, infiltrationcapacities approached those of native forest soils byyear 4, a change that occurred in association withdevelopment of plant cover and consequent organicmatter accumulation. Mine soils without plant cover,



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and with surface crusts, were found to be highlyerosive.

Also working at Pennsylvania mine sites, Ritterand Gardner (1993) measured infiltration, runoff, anddrainage channel morphology and found that minesurface hydrology is not in equilibrium on recentlyestablished mine sites. Initial infiltration rates werelow, with rainfall commonly producing infiltrationexcess overland flow as evidenced by high peakflowrates and rapid formation of skeletal surface-streamnetworks. Over 12 years, they observed increasinginfiltration capacities on most of the study sites.Where infiltration capacities recovered to at least3 cm/h, they observed changes to surface-drainagechannel morphology and runoff responses to rainfalland interpreted those changes as indicating satura-tion excess overland flow had become a dominantrunoff generation mechanism.

Guebert and Gardner (2001) conducted detailedstudies of hydrologic processes on one of the minesites studied by Ritter and Gardner (1993). The minesite had been reclaimed using a mixture of salvagedtopsoil with mine overburden to construct a thin (upto 30 cm) mine soil over a mine overburden backfill.Using simulated rainfall, Guebert and Gardner(2001) found consistently low infiltration capacitieson young mine spoils compared to native soils.However, after two years, they observed macroporedevelopment, mostly within the upper 12 cm, thatappeared to influence hydrologic flow paths. Theyalso measured relatively fast time lags (<72 h) forwater moving to lower areas of the research site indi-cating that infiltration and matrix flow could notaccount for the water movement. They suggested thatmacropores around large rocks, cavities, and rootsshift the dominant flow path from runoff to shallow

TABLE 1. Infiltration Rates Recorded on Appalachian Mine Soils, and Infiltration Rates RecordedUsing Similar Methods on Forest Reference Sites.

Rate (cm/h) Type of Site Age (years) Location Method

Rogowski and Pionke (1984)5.3 & 45 Natural soil reference N/A Pennsylvania 0.2 m2 infiltrometer (average over

measurement period)1.1 & 2.8 “Topsoiled material”

on mine siteUnknown Pennsylvania 0.2 m2 infiltrometer (average over

measurement period)0.3-1.7 Mine spoil Unknown Pennsylvania 0.2 m2 infiltrometer (average over

measurement period)Jorgensen and Gardner (1987)0.73 (0.47-1.40 range) Mix soil/spoil surface 1 Pennsylvania Simulated rainfall, 0.4 m2, 30 min1.83 (0.85-2.92) Mix soil/spoil surface 4 Pennsylvania Simulated rainfall, 0.4 m2, 30 min0.73 (0.12-1.86) Mix soil/spoil surface 1 Pennsylvania Simulated rainfall, 0.4 m2, steady state3.04 (0.78-5.82) Mix soil/spoil surface 4 Pennsylvania Simulated rainfall, 0.4 m2, steady state8 Forested reference

(cited from prior study)N/A Pennsylvania Simulated rainfall, 0.4 m2, steady state

Guebert and Gardner (2001)2.4 (average) Mix soil/spoil surface 2 Pennsylvania Simulated rainfall, 0.4 m2, steady state

(data summarized from prior studies,n = 174 total)

3.9 (average) Mix soil/spoil surface 3 Pennsylvania Simulated rainfall, 0.4 m2, steady state(data summarized from prior studies,n = 174 total)

4.9 (average) Mix soil/spoil surface 4 Pennsylvania Simulated rainfall, 0.4 m2, steady state(data summarized from prior studies,n = 174 total)

Shukla et al. (2004)9.4 Topsoil, pasture/hay,

not fertilized~26 Ohio Double-ring infiltrometer, 15/27 cm, 2.5 h

7.9 Topsoil, pasture/hay,fertilized annually for16 years

~26 Ohio Double-ring infiltrometer, 15/27 cm, 2.5 h

13.5 As above, with higherfertilization rates

~26 Ohio Double-ring infiltrometer, 15/27 cm, 2.5 h

5.2 Unmined reference(average)

N/A Ohio Double-ring infiltrometer, 15/27 cm, 2.5 h

Simmons et al. (2008)0.3 Mine spoil, compacted 15 Maryland Small plot rainfall runoff>30 Forested reference N/A Maryland Small plot rainfall runoff



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subsurface storm flow through the upper 10-12 cm ofmine soil. This shallow flow was found to rejoin thesurface water as seeps or saturation overland flow atlower locations. Guebert and Gardner (2001) inter-preted these runoff patterns as resulting from lowporosities of mine spoil at depth, as the deeper minespoils (>10-12 cm) transmitted water more slowlythan the overlying soil (salvaged and revegetatednative soil) and did not demonstrate the macroporedevelopment that they observed in the reconstructedsoils closer to the surface.

Collectively, the central Pennsylvania studies (Jor-gensen and Gardner, 1987; Ritter and Gardner, 1993;Guebert and Gardner, 2001) demonstrate relativelyrapid hydrologic development on recently establishedmine sites. However, generalization of these findingsto the larger population of Appalachian mine sites islimited because the studies were conducted usingmine soil construction methods that differ from thosecommonly employed elsewhere in Appalachia. ThePennsylvania sites used salvaged soils for mine soilconstruction, but rock spoils are commonly usedfor that purpose on many Appalachian mine sites.Shukla et al. (2004) conducted infiltration studies on26-year-old mine soils constructed from salvaged soilsin Ohio that had been managed for pasture and hay.They found that infiltration capacities of these oldermine soils exceeded those of natural soils in similarterrains and management, supporting the researchreported in Pennsylvania. However, working in asmall Maryland catchment Simmons et al. (2008)found very low infiltration rates (<3 mm/h) on 15-year-old compacted mine soils, relative to an adjacentnatural forest (300 mm/h), demonstrating that tempo-ral effects on infiltration may not be consistent acrossall sites.

The observation that mine spoil compaction inhib-its rainfall infiltration is consistent with soil scienceprinciples (Parr and Bertrand, 1960) and with studiesconducted in other mining regions (Ward et al., 1983;Chong and Cowsert, 1997; Haigh and Sansom, 1999).A more recent study by Taylor et al. (2009) studiedrainfall runoff from recently established un-compacted loose-dumped mine spoils constructed fromsandstones and found it to be similar to runoff fromforested watersheds, suggesting higher infiltrationcapacities in the sandstone mine spoils. Similarly,Hoomehr et al. (2013) studied rainfall runoff charac-teristics of young Tennessee mine soils that had beenreclaimed using grading techniques intended to mini-mize soil compaction as a means of preparing themine site for reforestation. They found less runoffthan predicted by models developed from conven-tional mine reclamation with smooth grading andcompacted soils despite the low levels of vegetativecover on these young mine soils.

Subsurface Hydrologic Flow Paths

After water infiltrates into the surface mine soil itreaches a subsurface flow-path control point that par-titions water between subsurface storm flow and flowinto the deeper bulk-fill (Figure 3). Hydrologic studiesto date have not been designed to determine how thiscontrolling feature influences hydrologic flow pathson Appalachian mine sites. However, several studieshave documented subsurface features and mecha-nisms that are consistent with the control-pointconcept.

Existence of subsurface flows (including stormflows) on mine sites was documented by the Pennsyl-vania researchers (Ritter and Gardner, 1993; Guebertand Gardner, 2001). On those mine sites, the partition-ing of subsurface water was largely controlled byhydraulic conductivity of the surface material/bulk-fillinterface. If a layer of uncompacted soil or spoil isplaced or develops on top of the highly compactedbulk-fill layer, subsurface storm flow can occur directlyabove that interface (Guebert and Gardner, 2001). Atthis interface, water can flow parallel to the surface assubsurface storm flow and exit the shallow mine soilas seeps or springs (Ritter and Gardner, 1993). Hence,the subsurface control point determines the fraction ofinfiltrated water that is routed to deeper or longer flowpaths through the bulk-fill.

Although conditions documented by Guebert andGardner (2001) are not always observed on Appala-chian mines, it is logical to expect that features sepa-rating subsurface storm flows from water flowingdeeper into bulk-fill may develop on other mine sitesas well. Soil compaction is common on Appalachianmines; both on the surface and in subsurface materi-als (Thurman and Sencindiver, 1986; Haering et al.,2004; Acton et al., 2011) and such compaction canrestrict water movement (Jorgensen and Gardner,1987; Skousen et al., 1998). Also, it has been docu-mented that mine soil surfaces develop soil-like prop-erties with time (Ciolkosz et al., 1985; Roberts et al.,1988a; Sencindiver and Ammons, 2000; Haeringet al., 2004). Hence, it is logical to expect that(1) zones of enhanced water flow will develop nearand within mine soil surfaces; (2) these zones willenable subsurface storm flow; and (3) hydraulic con-ductivities of spoil materials below the zone ofenhanced subsurface flow will govern water move-ment into the deeper fill. However, the prevalence ofsubsurface storm flow on region wide mine lands hasnot been documented.

Although some hillslope-scale studies indicateddevelopment of subsurface storm flow once infiltra-tion rates had increased at their study sites (Ritterand Gardner, 1993; Guebert and Gardner, 2001),other landscape-scale studies have observed flow



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patterns that are indicative of deeper flow pathwaysand greater residence times in the bulk-fill spoils. Inan early work addressing hydrologic impacts of pre-SMCRA coal mining at the landscape scale, Larsonand Powell (1986) studied long-term flow recessioncurves for the Russell Fork River in southwesternVirginia. They found that this large mined watershedwas associated with increased base flow whencompared to an unmined watershed. Hydrographrecession curves for a mined watershed showed a flat-tening over time compared to a continued drop in theunmined watershed hydrograph, which they suggestis caused by increases in storage (i.e., deeper flowpaths) in the extensive mine spoils in the minedwatershed. In an earlier review, Miller and Zegre(2014) suggested that the VF portion of the newlyconstructed watersheds plays an important role instorage of subsurface water and subsequent mainte-nance of base flow.

One of the most complete experimental studies ofsubsurface hydrology in mined sites in the Appala-chian region took place on three small watershedswith gently rolling relief in eastern Ohio that wereintensively monitored before, during, and aftersurface mining and reclamation (Bonta et al., 1992).They found hydraulic conductivities of spoil aftermining varied over the reclaimed areas, and rangedfrom an order of magnitude lower to four orders ofmagnitude greater than pre-mining conditions. Theyidentified significant structural changes to the back-ground hydrologic framework, such as changes inthe probable watershed size (15-16% increase),relief, and aspect, and noted shifts of surfacehydrology from the native branching stream pat-terns to post-mining diversion ditches or singlechannel systems. Their primary hydrologic findingsshowed that new subsurface flow paths formed dur-ing the mining and reclamation process, andgroundwater-level recovery at these sites was slowand erratic after mining and reclamation hadstopped.

Hawkins and Aljoe (1992) conducted slug testsusing groundwater wells drilled into a West Virginiasurface mine. These studies yielded results thatcaused them to describe the mine spoil fill as “pseudo-karst” terrain, adopting a term from Caruccio et al.(1984), as two distinct patterns of groundwater move-ment were noted. Water drainage from certain wellsoccurred rapidly, a phenomenon that the authorsinterpreted to indicate the existence of macroporestransmitting large volumes of water within the minespoil. Other areas of the mine spoil fill demonstratedhydrologic patterns consistent with spoil matrix stor-age and release. Tracer tests led the researchers toconclude that macropores were relatively isolated andpoorly interconnected.

Based on subsurface investigations using 120 wellsdrilled into 18 reclaimed mines in four states, Haw-kins (2004) found that the conditions documented byHawkins and Aljoe (1992) occurred more generally.The author described deep bulk-fill materials func-tioning in a manner similar to unconfined aquifers inkarst geology, with large void volumes and largecapacities to store and transport water because ofhigh physical heterogeneity of the spoil materials.Groundwater recharge rates were found to be relatedto spoil type with higher rates in sandstone domi-nated spoils, compared to shale dominated spoils withrocks that generally break down more quickly andform geologic matrices with finer textures, lowerporosities, and fewer macropores. The saturatedthickness of the post-mining spoil fills was also foundto be related to total fill thickness, indicating thatdeeper spoil fills have higher potential aquifer vol-umes and greater potentials for storage.

Diodato and Parizek (1994) studied subsurfacewater storage and movement in a Pennsylvaniasurface mine. They found that subsurface spoils hadreduced densities relative to unmined terrain, whichthey interpreted as an indicator of increased porositybecause of fragmentation, but those subsurface mate-rial densities were highly variable. Zones with higherdensity maintained relatively high moisture contents,demonstrating water storage. Using tracers, theyfound that subsurface water flows demonstrated adual-permeability mechanism: a rapid and transientresponse to rain events, which they interpreted asoccurring as a result of water flowing through largervoids; and a more sustained response over multiple-day periods, which they interpreted as water movingthrough relatively smaller pores within a fine-grainedspoil matrix created by subsurface spoil materials.Other authors have reported observational streamdata that support the hypothesis that there arelonger flow paths or greater storage in the bulk-fillmaterials in mining operations compared to nativegeologic conditions (Dickens et al., 1989; Messingerand Paybins, 2003; Wiley and Brogan, 2003).

Streamwater Discharge

A number of studies have contrasted streamwaterdischarge and base-flow characteristics from Appala-chian watersheds containing mine sites to eitherpre-mining conditions or to discharge from nearbywatersheds lacking mining disturbance. In a multi-year study of three mined watersheds in Ohio, Bontaet al. (1997) found higher daily runoff volumes andpeakflow responses to rainfall after mining comparedto pre-mining conditions, but did not find consistentchanges in base flow (Bonta et al., 1997).



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A series of studies in western Maryland, whichcompared mined watersheds to nearby unminedareas, reached similar findings. Negley and Eshleman(2006) studied streamwater discharge from a 27-hawatershed containing less than 20-year-old surfacemines (~46% of land area), including the compactedmine site studied by Simmons et al. (2008). McCor-mick et al. (2009) studied streamwater discharge-rainfall relationships from the same area, but at alarger scale: a 187-km2 watershed that contained17% mined area. McCormick and Eshleman (2011)also studied rainfall and streamwater discharge fromthree small mined and partially mined watersheds(including the 27-ha watershed studied by Negleyand Eshleman, 2006), but using a curve numberapproach. All studies reached similar findings: themined and partially mined watersheds exhibitedincreased storm event runoff and higher storm peak-flows, when normalized to an area basis, but littledifference in base flows compared to the unminedand forested controls. They attributed those effects tolower infiltration capacities of surface spoils, likelycaused by surface compaction, and consequent infil-tration excess overland flows. Ferrari et al. (2009)used a modeling approach to test the associationbetween watershed mining disturbance within alarger (187 km2) watershed area, and found that mod-eled storm-driven flood magnitudes increased linearlywith increased mined areas. The authors suggest thatmined areas exhibited hydrologic functions similar tourban landscapes with low infiltration capacities andhigh runoff potentials.

Working in West Virginia, Messinger (2003) foundthat per-unit-area peakflows from a mined watershedexceeded those from an adjacent unmined watershedfor storms with rainfall rates >2.5 cm/h, but peak-flows from the unmined watershed were greater forstorms of lesser intensity. Data from the same studysites led Messinger and Paybins (2003) to concludethat nonstorm flows were approximately two timesgreater in the unmined watershed.

Wiley et al. (2001) surveyed 54 streams in south-ern West Virginia, measuring instantaneous stream-water discharge, delineating watershed areas, andquantifying VFs as fractions of watershed area. Sev-eral of the streams were also gauged for continuousstreamflow measurement. Using models, they esti-mated 90% flow durations for ungauged streams andinterpreted these results as indicators of base flows.In general they found 90% flow durations fromstreams draining watersheds with VFs to be greaterthan those of unmined watersheds. However, 90%durations from some VF streams did not differ fromthose of unmined watersheds. Working with threestreams in the same area, Messinger and Paybins(2003) also found nonstorm flows to be greater in the

two streams draining watersheds with mining, com-pared to the stream unaffected by mining.

Summary of Hydrologic Alterations

Conceptually, we can hypothesize a hydrologic sys-tem that can explain both increased peakflows (Bontaet al., 1997; Messinger, 2003; Negley and Eshleman,2006; McCormick et al., 2009; McCormick and Eshl-eman, 2011) and higher base flows (Larson andPowell, 1986; Dickens et al., 1989; Wiley et al., 2001;Messinger and Paybins, 2003) that have been identi-fied on surface mine lands in this region. Prior stud-ies suggest that a range of factors interact to definethe flow paths, processes, and response to a stormevent of a particular site (Figure 4). These includethe time since reclamation, soil construction methods,vegetation and soil development, subsurface flow pathdevelopment, land surface form and slope, and rain-fall intensity. During mining and just after reclama-tion using rock spoils for soil construction withsmooth grading and compaction, infiltration excessoverland flow may dominate and route much of astorm event flow off steep mined sites into lowerstreams (surface control point, Figure 3). This is mostlikely for high-intensity storms or very young minespoils (Phillips, 2004) with little vegetation or sub-surface flow-path development. However, olderreclaimed mine sites with more advanced vegetationand soil development, and flatter reclaimed areaswith surface ponding and potential for deeper, slowerflow paths may route water deeper into the bulk-fillof the mining operation and may partially explainthe observed higher base flows (subsurface controlpoint, Figure 3). Reduced ET on reclaimed mine sites,relative to mature Appalachian forests that dominate


Bare Spoil

Intact Forest

Grass or Scrubland


Recent (0-6 years)



Time Since Reclama�on

Legacy Mine

Mixed or Medium Intermediate (7-20yrs?)

Hydrologic effect

Greater Runoff

Greater Storage


Low Intensity

High Intensity

Mixed or Medium

Poten�al Factors Affec�ng Hydrologic Pathways

FIGURE 4. Conceptual Model Demonstratingthe Potential Range of Hydrologic Effects of Surface

Mining Based on Example Site Conditions.



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the region’s nonmined landforms, may also contributeto the higher base flows.

It is possible that a mined site could also exhibitboth increased peakflows and increased base flowscompared to native conditions, depending on precipi-tation intensity (Figure 4). Murphy et al. (2014)demonstrate this possibility. Working in eastern Ten-nessee, they found mined water quality-streamwaterdischarge hysteresis response varied with stormintensity. They interpreted this finding to indicatedifferences among flow paths activated by storms ofdiffering intensities.

The interaction of land use types and spoil condi-tions is poorly understood, particularly at largerscales (Zegre et al., 2013), but assessing these inter-actions is an important step in understanding theimpacts of surface mining and reclamation methodson surface hydrology and water quality in higherorder streams and rivers, which is often a great con-cern to the public. The reviewed studies suggest thatwatersheds with greater areas of young, steep, minelands with little vegetation and compacted mine soilsexhibit greater storm responses and higher peakflowscompared to unmined watersheds. Watersheds witholder mine areas, less compacted soils, and withbetter infiltration may actually have increased hydro-logic storage in their headwater areas compared towatersheds with native geology, resulting in lesspotential for increased storm flows and greater poten-tial for higher base flows.


Soil Development and Effects on Hydrologic FlowPaths

Most of the reviewed studies found that surfacemining for coal in the Appalachian region has thepotential to increase stream peakflows and reducestorm response lag times. However, these studieshave been conducted at only a few locations, andreclamation practices at those locations may not berepresentative of predominant practices throughoutthe wider region. More research is needed to deter-mine if these effects are consistent across the regionand how they might vary with reclamation practices.

Mine spoil selection for soil construction is onereclamation step that may affect the hydrology of amined landscape and the conceptual control pointsthat we have proposed. Guebert and Gardner (2001)and Ritter and Gardner (1993) demonstrated thatinfiltration capacities comparable to unmined land-scapes developed on mine soils within four years of

mine soil establishment. However, these studies wereconducted on mine soils constructed using salvagedsoil and forest floor organic material. Mine soils con-structed from compacted rock spoils may have lowerinfiltration capacities over extended periods (Sim-mons et al., 2008). Taylor et al. (2009) demonstratedthat fresh loosely graded mine spoils have infiltrationcapacities that are adequate to absorb most precipita-tion events. These materials, however, were coarselytextured (predominantly sandstones) with coarsefragment contents >70% upon initial placement(Angel, 2008). Several other studies have observedincreased hydraulic conductivities in mine spoils rela-tive to native geology caused by presence of rocks andassociated macropores and voids (Rogowski andWeinrich, 1981; Ward et al., 1983; Guebert and Gard-ner, 2001).

Compounding this uncertainty, it is clear thatphysical properties of mine soils can change overtime. Rock materials used to construct Appalachianmine soils weather with time (Ciolkosz et al., 1985).In soils constructed using both sandstones and silt-stones, increased fractions of <2 mm fines wereobserved over three years and attributed to contin-uing physical breakdown of rock materials (Robertset al., 1988b). Fine particles have been observed toredistribute (Rogowski and Jacoby, 1979) and fillvoids (Roberts et al., 1988a) in young, uncompactedmine soils. Mine soils constructed from rock spoils,when loosely placed, undergo physical settling andconsolidation (Rogowski and Jacoby, 1979; Robertset al., 1988a; Miller et al., 2012), as commonly occursin disturbed soils more generally (Toy et al., 1999).The physical consolidation that follows spoil place-ment on mine sites (Wunsch et al., 1996) is consistentwith well-known geotechnical processes governingbehavior of disturbed geologic materials (Wicklandand Wilson, 2005) and is consistent with processesthat have been documented to occur in certain natu-ral soils on nonmine landscapes (Bryant, 1989; Assal-lay et al., 1998). Working in Britain, Haigh (1992)and Haigh and Sansom (1999) found that the physi-cal disintegration of spoil materials combined withphysical settling and consolidation, a process theytermed as autocompaction, increased soil density, andinfluenced hydrologic properties. To our knowledge,effects of uncompacted mine spoil particle redistribu-tion and physical consolidation on hydrologic proper-ties of mine soils have not been studied inAppalachia.

Though one study noted potential development ofsubsurface storm flow (Guebert and Gardner, 2001),there has been little research addressing if, when, orhow this flow path develops in mine soils. Suchdevelopment would require that the near-surfacezone would have greater hydraulic conductivity than



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materials immediately below, such that near-surfacespoil would become the preferential flow path forinfiltrating waters relative to the bulk-fill. It is possi-ble that these conditions could develop through timein an uncompacted mine soil as a result of (1) organicmatter accumulation and soil structure formationwithin the near-surface zone, (2) plant rooting,(3) downward movement of soil fines to restrict per-meability, and (4) physical settling and consolidationof mine spoil materials beneath the near-surfacehydrologic zone. However, neither the occurrence ofsuch processes nor the time required for such pro-cesses to occur (if they occur) has been documented.Similar processes have been found to occur in certainnatural soils over long time periods (Bryant, 1989). Itis also not known if these mechanisms will lead todevelopment of a near-surface hydrologic zone withadequate porosity and depth to mitigate the elevatedstream peakflows and reduced lag times in storm flowthat can occur in headwater streams draining Appa-lachian mine sites.

Terrestrial Ecosystem Reestablishment

After passage of SMCRA, many mining operationsinadvertently shifted toward heavily compactingreclaimed lands, which had unintended consequencesfor hydrology and plant growth potentials. Spoil com-paction has been common on Appalachian surfacemines in the past (Angel et al., 2005; Simmons et al.,2008) and it is a potential mechanism for shiftinghydrologic flow paths to surface flow caused by precipi-tation exceeding infiltration capacity. We did not locatean inferential study on mine lands that confirms thishypothesis, but it is consistent with known scientificprinciples. Several studies have shown that mine soilplacement practices that avoid or minimize compactioncan enhance mine soil infiltration capacities (Tayloret al., 2009b) and reduce runoff (Hoomehr et al., 2013).

Recently, in the Appalachian mining region, therehas been a shift toward reclamation practicesintended to establish native forests on reclaimedmine lands. In particular, a set of reclamation meth-ods collectively termed the Forestry ReclamationApproach (Burger et al., 2005), that prescribe ≥1.2 mof noncompacted weathered spoil or topsoil on top ofthe bulk-fill, are being adopted by some mining firms(Zipper et al., 2011b). Although this reclamationmethod has been implemented primarily to improvesurvival and growth of planted trees and volunteer-ing vegetation (Burger et al., 2005), it may alsopromote infiltration into surface spoils (Taylor et al.,2009). Researchers expect that salvaging native soils,including soil organic matter, roots, and woody deb-ris, along with underlying subsoil and weathered

rock, and spreading those materials during reclama-tion for use as mine soils, will improve both forest re-establishment and mitigation of hydrologic impactson mine sites (Skousen et al., 2011; Zipper et al.,2013). However, effectiveness of these techniques formitigation of hydrologic effects has not been docu-mented.

Hydrology and Water Quality Interactions

Impacts to hydrologic flow paths and processes inmined watersheds may have interactions with waterquality parameters such as total dissolved solids(TDS). For example, deeper flow paths that penetrateinto the bulk-fill of a mined area have potential toallow longer contact time with TDS-generating spoil,which may produce discharge with elevated TDS lev-els (Murphy et al., 2014). Recently, there has been afocus on understanding and managing TDS drainingfrom mines in the Appalachian region (Daniels et al.,2013; Evans et al., 2014), but there has been littleresearch addressing the inherent interaction ofhydrology and TDS production and delivery tostreams draining mined watersheds.

Mine reclamation methods intended to mitigatechanges to hydrologic flow paths and regimes ofwatersheds may also help to mitigate water qualityimpacts. Use of native soils and weathered spoils toproduce a surface medium, and spoil placement meth-ods to restrict water movement from the surfacematerials into the bulk-fill, can be expected to con-tribute to this outcome. The weathered spoils thatare favorable for reforestation (Zipper et al., 2013)also tend to be low in TDS-generation potentials rela-tive to unweathered spoils (Orndorff et al., 2010;Daniels et al., 2013), as are native soil materials.Establishment of productive tree cover on mine spoilfills can be expected to increase ET, removing watersfrom the near-surface hydrologic zone and thusreducing flow into the bulk-fill where exposure ofunweathered spoil materials would generate elevatedTDS through interaction with water (Sena et al.,2014). Because of public and regulatory concerns withwater quality impacts to streams below mining opera-tions (Copeland, 2013; USEPA, 2013), there is a needto develop mine reclamation practices that willenable reduced TDS in mine water discharges.Improved scientific understanding of mined-landhydrologic processes will be integral to such efforts.

Landscape Structure

Mine spoil fills can be constructed using loose-dump methods with spoil dumped from above or by



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placing material in layers (1-20 m) that are com-pacted by mining equipment operations as a means ofmaximizing stability of constructed landforms.Research has demonstrated that groundwater flowswithin mine spoil fills are commonly influenced byexistence of cavities formed by large rock fragmentsthat can act as conduits for water flow (Hawkins andAljoe, 1992; Hawkins, 2004). VFs are commonly con-structed from durable rock materials using loose-dumped methods that are intended to produce suchcavities near the fill base as a means of acceleratingmovement of groundwater out of the fills (Miller andZegre, 2014). The extent to which the existence ofsuch cavities within loose-dumped durable-rock fillsleads to shorter flow paths and quicker stormwaterdischarge has not been studied, nor has the potentialfor layered fill construction to mitigate such acceler-ated flows if they are occurring.

An additional but unstudied factor that could leadto increased water storage on mine lands is related toMeerveld and McDonnell’s (2006) fill and spill theory.Mine pits that are filled and buried by mine spoilshave the potential to store water in their void space.This water would have little potential to leak out ofthe bottom of the pit floor through the intact bedrockbelow. Hence, subsurface flows could be stored untilthe pit filled and began to release this water. How-ever, we could find no research that addressed thispotential storage mechanism directly, nor could wefind any studies that explain the patterns ofdischarge that they observed using the fill and spilltheory.

Landscape Form

Potentials for restoration of hydrologic processeson mined areas may also be influenced by landscapeform. The original contour of the landscape can beconsidered as an optimal hydrologic form for the un-mined geologic structure in highly weathered andstable landscapes such as Appalachia (Toy andChuse, 2005). Geomorphic reclamation methods seekto produce post-mining landscapes that replicatenatural conditions (Toy and Chuse, 2005). Modelingstudies suggest that geomorphic reclamationapproaches to manage excess spoil disposal mayreduce the hydrologic consequences of coal surfacemining in Appalachia (Quaranta et al., 2013; Snyder,2013), but the hydrologic effectiveness of suchapproaches have not been demonstrated in the field.Additionally, such approaches are challenging in Ap-palachia because of needs for excess spoil disposalwhile also reconstructing contours of naturally steepterrain.

Mitigation of Mining Impacts on Hydrology

We found few studies that directly address minereclamation practices to restore pre-mining hydro-logic flow paths or mitigate hydrologic impacts ofsurface coal mining in the Appalachian region. Onecan speculate that such practices might include con-struction of landforms that more closely mimic thegeneral form of the pre-mining terrain, reconstruct-ing a surface medium that allows for infiltration,restricting water movement into the bulk-fill, and re-establishment of native forest plant communities onthose mine soils. However, effectiveness of such prac-tices at restoring or simulating native flow paths onunmined landscapes, and thus reducing hydrologicimpact on mine lands, has not been assessed.

Effects of time on hydrologic processes of minelands are also poorly understood. The informationreviewed above can be interpreted to suggest that thepassage of time will be accompanied by return ofsome degree of hydrologic function on many minesoils, particularly those where potential for restora-tion has not been irreparably damaged by excessivesoil compaction. For example, several studies havedocumented soil infiltration capacities that approachnatural conditions with increasing time (e.g., Guebertand Gardner, 2001). Also, development of mine soilproperties, including organic matter content, thatmore closely resemble those of natural soils has beenthoroughly documented (Haering et al., 1993).Although these findings suggest some level of hydro-logic function return with the passage of time onnatural landforms with uncompacted mine soils andproductive native vegetation, such effects have notbeen studied directly. Similarly, application of recla-mation and mitigation practices for the purpose ofaccelerating hydrologic restoration has not been stud-ied directly.


Here, we reviewed hydrology studies on surfacecoal mine lands. In general, the studies indicate thatpeakflows often increase and storm-flow lag timesdecrease on freshly reclaimed mine lands, and onolder mine lands with compacted soils. Research atthe plot scale suggests that surface hydrologic flowpaths are not stable for the years directly after min-ing ceases and reclamation is completed. Rather,there can be an evolution of new and abandoned flowpaths that develop and change as the spoil or sitecharacteristics change in response to mining and



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reclamation, and the hydrologic processes shifttoward a new equilibrium. Most reviewed studiesfound reduced infiltration capacities, elevated peak-flows, and/or more rapid runoff from mine sites,relative to unmined forested areas, occur whenconventional post-SMCRA reclamation processes areused. Some studies attributed these results to soilcompaction caused by mine reclamation practices.Other studies demonstrated development of increasedinfiltration capacities with time and consequent alter-ation of hydrologic flows in mine soils constructedusing salvaged soil mixed with mine overburden,resulting in decreasing peakflows and increasing lagtimes. This suggests that surface mining can increasethe potential for quicker and greater storm responsesin streams below mining operations. However, minedsites with established vegetation, soils that areuncompacted with high soil C and soil structure, andimproved infiltration are expected to reduce the levelof hydrologic impacts caused by mining, compared tounmined conditions by shifting flows from the surfacecontrol point to the subsurface control point. Theseapproaches are compatible with other practices thatare intended to improve impact mitigation on coalsurface mining such as reestablishment of forest veg-etation and improved water quality mitigation. Evenwithin the range of these expected responses, therewill be high variability caused by site-specific factorsthat are poorly understood. Future reclamation prac-tices that minimize short-term hydrologic effectswhile producing hydrologic flow paths that resemblethose of unmined landscapes in the AppalachianMountains will require improved understanding ofthe hydrology of mine lands. Research on develop-ment and function of hydrologic flow paths on minelands is critical to developing mitigation strategiesfor past, current, and future mining operations.


Author activities that contributed to this manuscript were sup-ported by Appalachian Regional Initiative for Environmental Sci-ence (ARIES), Wells Fargo and Company Clean Technology andInnovation Grant, and Powell River Project. The views, opinions,and recommendations expressed herein are solely those of theauthors and do not imply any endorsement by ARIES employees,other ARIES-affiliated researchers or industrial members. Thismanuscript was improved through thoughtful guidance and com-ments from three anonymous reviewers.


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