Hydrogeologic Investigation of the Floridan Aquifer System: Port Mayaca Site Martin County, Florida Technical Publication WS-44 Prepared by: Michael W. Bennett, P.G. E. Edward Rectenwald, P.G. Emily Richardson, P.G. Natalie Kraft, Technical Editor December 2017

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Hydrogeologic Investigation of the Floridan Aquifer System: Port Mayaca Site

Martin County, Florida

Technical Publication WS-44

Prepared by: Michael W. Bennett, P.G.

E. Edward Rectenwald, P.G. Emily Richardson, P.G.

Natalie Kraft, Technical Editor

December 2017

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List of Tables ......................................................................................................................... ii

List of Figures ........................................................................................................................ ii

Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................ iii

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1

Background .................................................................................................................................. 1

Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 1

Project Description ...................................................................................................................... 1

Exploratory Drilling and Well Construction ............................................................................ 2

Test/Monitor Well (MF-37) ......................................................................................................... 2

Hydrogeologic Testing ............................................................................................................... 12

Formation Sampling .................................................................................................................. 12

Formation Fluid Sampling ......................................................................................................... 12

Geophysical Logging .................................................................................................................. 13

Packer Tests ............................................................................................................................... 14

Petrophysical and Petrologic Data ............................................................................................ 17

Petrophysical Analyses .............................................................................................................. 17

Petrologic Analyses ................................................................................................................... 19

Stable Isotope and Carbon-14 Data........................................................................................... 19

Hydrogeologic Framework ................................................................................................... 23

Surficial Aquifer System ............................................................................................................ 25

Intermediate Confining Unit ..................................................................................................... 25

Floridan Aquifer System ............................................................................................................ 26

Upper Floridan Aquifer .......................................................................................................... 26

Middle Floridan Confining Unit ............................................................................................. 27

Middle Floridan Aquifer ........................................................................................................ 27

Lower Floridan Aquifer .......................................................................................................... 28

Summary ............................................................................................................................. 29

Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 29

References .......................................................................................................................... 30

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Appendices ......................................................................................................................... 33

Appendix A ............................................................................................................................... A-1

Appendix B ............................................................................................................................... B-1

Appendix C-1 ......................................................................................................................... C-1-1

Appendix C-2 ......................................................................................................................... C-2-1

Appendix D ............................................................................................................................... D-1

Appendix E ................................................................................................................................ E-1

Appendix F ................................................................................................................................ F-1


Table 1. Official Pressure Test on 12-Inch Casing String (MF-37) ................................................... 6

Table 2. Construction and Testing Activities Associated with MF-37........................................... 11

Table 3. Summary of Geophysical Logging Program (MF-37) ...................................................... 14

Table 4. Summary of Specialty Geophysical Logging Program (MF-37) ....................................... 14

Table 5. Packer Test Water Quality Data from the MF-37 Test/Monitor Well ............................ 16

Table 6. Packer Test Specific Capacity Data .................................................................................. 17

Table 7. Summary of Full Diameter Coring Operations ................................................................ 17

Table 8. Summary of Stable Isotope and 14C Results .................................................................... 22


Figure 1. Project Location Map – Test/Monitor Well MF-37 .......................................................... 2

Figure 2. Well Pad Schematic .......................................................................................................... 3

Figure 3. Well Completion Diagram, Test/Monitor Well (MF-37) .................................................. 9

Figure 4. Completed Wellhead – Test/Monitor Well (MF-37)...................................................... 10

Figure 5. Water Quality with Depth – Reverse-Air Returns .......................................................... 13

Figure 6. Cross-Plot of Laboratory-Derived Horizontal Permeability and Porosity ...................... 18

Figure 7. Cross-Plot of Stable Isotopes 18O and Deuterium (δD) .................................................. 22

Figure 8. Hydrogeologic Section for the Port Mayaca Site ........................................................... 24

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‰ parts per thousand µmhos/cm micromhos per centimeter AIT high-resolution array induction ASR aquifer storage and recovery b/e barnes per electron B.P. before present bpl below pad level DDC Diversified Drilling Corp DSI dipole sonic imager FAS Floridan aquifer system FDEP Florida Department of Environmental Protection FMI formation micro-imager g/cm3 grams per cubic centimeter GMWL Global Meteoric Water Line gpm gallons per minute LFA Lower Floridan aquifer MFA Middle Floridan aquifer mg/L milligrams per liter NGS natural gamma ray spectrometry PEF photoelectric factor PEFZ photoelectric absorption index pmC percent modern carbon psi pounds per square inch psig pounds per square inch gauge RO reverse osmosis SAS surficial aquifer system SFWMD South Florida Water Management District SMOW standard mean ocean water SP spontaneous potential TDS total dissolved solids UBI ultrasonic borehole imager UFA Upper Floridan aquifer USDW underground source of drinking water

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The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan – jointly conducted by the United States Army Corps of Engineers and South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) – is focused on storing available water currently lost to tide. Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) technology has been identified as a major storage option, particularly in the vicinity of Lake Okeechobee where available water has been identified. The Lake Okeechobee ASR Pilot Project was designed to address some of the technical and regulatory uncertainties of storing treated surface water via ASR systems. Hydrogeologic testing of smaller diameter test/monitor wells was identified as one of the first tasks in evaluating ASR potential around Lake Okeechobee.

The purpose of this project is to provide site-specific hydrogeologic data on the Floridan aquifer system (FAS) at three sites in support of the Lake Okeechobee ASR Pilot Project. Data collected from the testing and monitoring of these test wells will be instrumental in site selection for future ASR systems, inclusion in the proposed ASR regional study, development of a conceptual hydrogeologic model, and future regional hydrogeologic and hydro-chemical assessments.


This report primarily describes the drilling, construction, and testing of a 12-inch diameter test/monitor well identified as MF-37 at Port Mayaca. It summarizes and presents data obtained during drilling and testing operations.

Project Description

The Port Mayaca test site is located approximately 30 miles west of the Atlantic Ocean and approximately 1 mile east of the eastern boundary of Lake Okeechobee in unincorporated Martin County, Florida. The MF-37 well was constructed on an SFWMD-owned right-of-way, near the S-153 water control structure on the L-65 Canal in the southeastern quarter of Section 14 of Township 40 South, Range 37 East (Figure 1). The geographic coordinates of the MF-37 well are 26°59’29.1” N and 80°36’16.5” W North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). Land surface was determined by a closed-loop survey at 23.58 ft National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29).

The SFWMD issued a notice to proceed to Diversified Drilling Corp (DDC) on April 16, 2001 to drill and construct three 12-inch diameter test/monitor wells at separate locations proximal to Lake Okeechobee. On May 30, 2001, construction began on the second test/monitor well, identified as MF-37. Drilling, testing, and construction activities related to the MF-37 well continued for approximately 7 months and were completed on January 10, 2002.

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Figure 1. Project Location Map – Test/Monitor Well MF-37


Test/Monitor Well (MF-37)

DDC began site preparation in mid-May 2001. After minor clearing and rough grading of the site, the ground beneath the drill rig and settling tanks was lined with an impermeable high-density polyethylene (HDPE) liner. The liner was covered with 10 inches of granular fill for protection. A 2-ft thick temporary drilling pad was constructed using crushed limestone. An earthen berm 2 ft in height above pad level surrounded the perimeter of the rig and settling tanks. The earthen berm was constructed to contain drilling fluids and/or formation waters produced during well drilling, testing, and construction activities (Figure 2).

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Figure 2. Well Pad Schematic

DDC installed four pad monitor wells at the corners of the temporary drilling pad prior to the start of drilling operations. The SFWMD monitored the water quality of these wells on a weekly basis to ensure no releases of brackish water occurred during construction.

Lithologic (well cuttings), packer test, and borehole geophysical log data were used to determine the actual casing setting depths. The pilot hole was reamed to specified diameters and casings were installed. Three concentric steel casings (24-, 18-, and 12-inch diameters) were used in the construction of MF-37.

DDC initiated drilling activities for MF-37 on May 30, 2001. Drilling operations began by advancing a nominal 10-inch diameter pilot hole to a depth of 87 ft below pad level (bpl) via the mud rotary method. The pilot hole was reamed to a depth of 80 ft bpl using a nominal 30-inch diameter staged reaming bit. In accordance with the well construction specifications, the reamed borehole was geophysically logged (caliper) to verify depths and calculate cement volumes for subsequent cement-grouting operations (Appendix A). On June 5, 2001, DDC installed the nominal 24-inch diameter steel pit casing (ASTM A53, Grade B, 0.375-inch wall thickness) in the nominal 30-inch diameter borehole to a depth of 74 ft bpl. The annulus was pressure grouted to land surface using 165 ft3 of ASTM Type II, Portland cement (15.6 lb/gal). A factory mill certificate for the 24-inch diameter steel pit casing is provided in Appendix B.

After installing the 24-inch diameter pit casing, DDC continued drilling the pilot hole with a nominal 8-inch diameter bit using the mud rotary method. On June 8, 2001, DDC advanced the pilot hole through the Pleistocene/Pliocene-aged sediments and into the Hawthorn Group to a depth of 223 ft bpl. On June 13, 2001, MV Geophysical Surveys, Inc. of Fort Myers, Florida, geophysically logged the pilot hole from 74 to 223 ft bpl without incident. The logging suite consisted of the following logs: 4-arm caliper, natural gamma ray, spontaneous potential (SP),

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and borehole compensated sonic and dual induction/laterolog combination. The individual log traces from geophysical log Run #2 are presented in Appendix A.

Using well cuttings and geophysical log data, the base of the surficial aquifer system (SAS) was identified at approximately 146 ft bpl, where a greenish-gray phosphatic silty clay unit was first encountered. In addition, the natural gamma log noted an increase in natural gamma ray emissions, which corresponded to the lower permeable, silty, phosphatic clays found at similar depth. On June 23, 2001, DCC reamed the nominal 8-inch diameter pilot hole to 175 ft bpl using a nominal 23-inch diameter staged bit reamer. The nominal 23-inch borehole was geophysically logged (caliper-natural gamma ray) to verify depths and calculate cement volumes for subsequent grouting operations. The caliper log showed no unusual borehole conditions that would prohibit proper installation of the 18-inch diameter surface casing (see Appendix A). DDC then installed the 18-inch diameter steel casing (ASTM A53, Grade B, 0.375-inch wall thickness) in the nominal 23-inch diameter borehole to a depth of 170 ft bpl. Once installed, the 18-inch diameter steel pipe was pressure grouted using 206 ft3 of ASTM Type II cement. An additional 12 ft3 of ASTM Type II cement was used to bring cement levels in the annulus to the surface, completing surface casing installation on June 25, 2001.

The surface casing is meant to prevent unconsolidated surface sediments from collapsing into the drilled hole, to isolate the SAS from brackish water contamination, and to provide drill rig stability during continued drilling operations. A factory mill certificate for the 18-inch diameter surface casing is provided in Appendix B.

With the surface casing installed, DDC continued to advance a nominal 8-inch diameter pilot hole via closed circulation mud rotary method. On July 5, 2001, DDC completed pilot-hole drilling operations through the unconsolidated to semi-consolidated sediments of Miocene-aged Hawthorn Group. Drilling operations continued through the Oligocene and upper Eocene-aged carbonates of the Upper Floridan aquifer (UFA) to a depth of 1,116 ft bpl. During drilling operations, several 4-inch diameter conventional cores were collected from the carbonate section of the UFA at the following depth intervals: 798 to 808 ft bpl; 931 to 951 ft bpl; and 1,086 to 1,106 ft bpl. During coring operations, minimal lengths of core were retrieved to the surface, with a core recovery efficiency of 36%.

On July 24, 2001, Schlumberger Wireline Services conducted and completed geophysical logging operations without incident in the nominal 8-inch diameter pilot hole from 170 to 1,116 ft bpl. The geophysical logging suite included conventional and specialty logs as follows: caliper, SP, natural gamma ray, natural gamma ray spectrometry (NGS), high-resolution array induction (AIT), dipole sonic imager (DSI), compensated density with photoelectric factor (PEF), compensated neutron, ultrasonic borehole imager (UBI), and fullbore formation micro-imager (FMI). A composite of the geophysical log traces that were exempt from post-processing from geophysical Run #4 is provided in Appendix A.

Lithologic data (Appendices C-1 and C-2) and geophysical logs (Appendix A) from the borehole indicate that the top of the FAS occurs at approximately 755 ft bpl. However, the final 12-inch steel production casing was set at a depth of 765 ft bpl for the following reasons:

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1. Seal off overlying clays of the Hawthorn Group as well as carbonate mud stringers, and fine quartz and phosphatic sands within the lower portion of the Arcadia Formation.

2. Facilitate reverse-air-drilling operations through the underlying permeable horizons of the FAS to an anticipated depth of 2,000 ft bpl.

3. Locate the casing in a competent, well-indurated rock unit to reduce undermining (i.e., erosion) at its base as a result of natural and induced high-velocity upward flow.

4. Evaluate flow characteristics of the FAS within the anticipated open-hole interval of 765 to 2,000 ft bpl.

5. Avoid non-productive, phosphate-bearing silt/sand from approximately 700 to 765 ft bpl – as evidenced by the drill cuttings and peaks on the natural gamma ray log trace, which may impact FAS water quality and further drilling operations.

On July 30, 2001, the nominal 8-inch diameter pilot hole was temporarily back-filled to approximately 700 ft bpl with ⅜-inch diameter crushed limestone gravel. DDC reamed the nominal 8-inch diameter pilot hole using a nominal 17-inch diameter staged bit reamer. During the course of over-drilling the pilot hole, DDC inadvertently drilled 30 ft past the designated depth of 770 ft bpl due to an incorrect drill rod tally. DDC began corrective measures by re-installing ⅜-inch diameter crushed limestone to 750 ft bpl, re-drilling the 17-inch diameter borehole to 780 ft bpl, and installing 5 ft of silica sand capped by a 5-ft thick bentonite seal. These measures limited cement filtrate from penetrating the more permeable crushed limestone material created during pressure-grouting operations.

On August 14, 2001, DDC circulated and geophysically logged (caliper and natural gamma) the nominal 17-inch diameter borehole to its total depth without incident. The caliper log trace (Appendix A) showed no unusual borehole conditions that would prohibit proper installation of the 12-inch diameter casing to 765 ft bpl. The 12-inch diameter casing was installed (ASTM A53, Grade B, 0.375-inch wall thickness) to a depth of 765 ft bpl. The factory mill certificate and the casing installation log for the 12-inch diameter casing are provided in Appendix B. Once the casing was installed to a depth of 765 ft bpl, it was rotated and reciprocated to discern if it was free within the borehole for subsequent cement grouting. DDC then circulated approximately 10,000 gallons of fluid through the annular space to displace the heavy drilling mud that was required for borehole stabilization. This post-conditioning water flush reduces potential mixing of grout and drilling mud (of similar densities) during grouting operations, reducing the risk of mud channels (annular voids).

After the post-conditioning water flush, pressure-grouting operations began by installing tremie pipe (2.875-inch diameter) to 725 ft bpl. Approximately 445 ft3 (350 bags at 94 lb/bag) of ASTM C-150 Type II neat cement were pumped during pressure-grouting operations. A temperature/gamma survey was conducted 8 hours after cementing operations ceased. This survey was used to identify the top of the cement within the annulus as a result of pressure grouting. A noticeable shift in the temperature gradient log and corresponding deflection in the

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temperature differential log occurred at 50 ft bpl (see Appendix A for temperature-gamma log), which suggests that the top of the first stage is located at that depth. Steel tubing was used to physically locate (hard tag) the cement level within the annulus. The physical tag indicated the cement level at 45 ft bpl, which was in close agreement to the temperature log. An additional 35 ft3 of ASTM Type II neat cement were pumped on August 15, 2001 via the tremie method, causing cement returns at the surface. Actual cement volumes pumped during casing installation were in close agreement to theoretical volumes (approximately 97% of theoretical) based on a nominal 17-inch diameter borehole and 12-inch diameter steel with an outer diameter of 12.75 inches.

Once grouting operations were completed, DDC installed a well header on the 12-inch diameter steel casing as part of pressure-testing operations. The wellhead was sealed at the surface by the temporary header to facilitate the test. The well was filled with water and pressurized to approximately 50 pounds per square inch (psi) using a high-pressure water pump. A preliminary 60-minute pressure test was conducted on August 17, 2001. During this test, internal casing pressure decreased by 8 psi (a 16% reduction), which exceeded the specified test tolerance limit of ±5%. DDC then made appropriate adjustments to the wellhead configuration, isolating surface leaks observed during the preliminary pressure tests.

Once properly sealed, the SFWMD notified the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) of the scheduled pressure test date for the 12-inch diameter steel casing. The formal pressure test was conducted and successfully completed on August 21, 2001; an FDEP representative opted not to be present during the test. During the course of the 60-minute pressure test, the total pressure within the 12-inch diameter casing decreased 2 psi, representing a 4% decline, which is within the test tolerance limit of ±5% (Table 1).

Table 1. Official Pressure Test on 12-Inch Casing String (MF-37)

Date Time Hour Elapsed Time (min.) Pressure Reading (psi) Change in Pressure (psi)

8/21/01 9:05 0 53.50 0.00 8/21/01 9:10 5 53.25 0.25 8/21/01 9:15 10 53.00 0.50 8/21/01 9:20 15 53.00 0.50 8/21/01 9:25 20 53.00 0.50 8/21/01 9:30 25 53.00 0.50 8/21/01 9:35 30 52.75 0.75 8/21/01 9:40 35 52.50 1.00 8/21/01 9:45 40 52.50 1.00 8/21/01 9:50 45 52.25 1.25 8/21/01 9:55 50 52.00 1.50 8/21/01 10:00 55 51.50 2.00 8/21/01 10:05 60 51.50 2.00

Recorded by: Ed Rectenwald, SFWMD. Engineer of Record: Paul F. Linton, SFWMD.

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On August 23, 2001, DDC used a nominal 12-inch diameter bit to drill out the cement plug (a result of pressure grouting) at the base of the final casing string. DDC tripped back in with a nominal 8-inch bit and began to drill out the temporary backfill material (⅜-inch diameter crushed limestone) from the original pilot hole via the closed-circulation mud rotary technique. The pilot hole was re-drilled to its original total depth of 1,116 ft bpl on August 24, 2001.

On August 31, 2001, a conventional core was collected from 1,116 to 1,136 ft bpl, but no core material was recovered at the surface. On September 5, 2001, DDC resumed drilling the 8-inch diameter pilot hole via the mud rotary method. Mud rotary drilling continued through the Eocene-aged carbonates to a depth of 1,500 ft bpl.

A cavernous dolostone unit was encountered at 1,500 ft bpl, which caused a loss of mud circulation and a 3-ft drop of the drill rod. DDC re-mixed and circulated approximately 10,000 gallons of drilling fluid in an effort to regain circulation; however, these efforts were unsuccessful. A decision was made to switch to the reverse-air-drilling method to continue pilot hole drilling to an anticipated depth of 2,000 ft bpl. Consequently, DDC reconfigured the drilling equipment to accommodate reverse-air-drilling operations.

SFWMD personnel installed water quality probes equipped with sondes to collect temperature, pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity data in the L-65 Canal. The probes were deployed 100 meters upstream as well as 100 and 800 meters downstream from the point of discharge. During reverse-air-drilling operations, formation water was diverted through a series of 7,500-gallon settling tanks, then discharged into the L-65 Canal via a 12-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe equipped with a silt screen to minimize particulate matter being discharged. SFWMD personnel collected water quality data (three times daily) from the L-65 Canal during discharges produced from the MF-37 test/monitor well to comply with FDEP-issued National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit monitoring requirements.

On September 18, 2001, DDC began to drill a nominal 8-inch diameter pilot hole from 1,503 to 1,629 ft bpl using the reverse-air-drilling method. On September 22, 2001, a conventional core was cut from 1,629 to 1,637 ft bpl. However, only 8 ft of the anticipated 20-ft section was cored because the core barrel (20 ft in length) plugged off at 1,637 ft bpl, which halted coring operations. The recovered length of core material was 7 ft (87% recovery efficiency). DDC continued reverse-air-drilling operations from 1,637 to 2,046 ft bpl with a conventional core obtained from 1,944 to 1,955 ft bpl (9 ft of core recovered). On October 4, 2001, DDC completed drilling of the pilot hole to a total depth of 2,046 ft bpl. Once the pilot hole was completed, it was air developed and prepared for geophysical logging operations.

A borehole video survey was run to evaluate borehole stability within the open section (765 to 2,046 ft bpl). On October 5, 2001, MV Geophysical Surveys, Inc. completed an unobstructed video log to the full depth of the nominal 8-inch diameter pilot hole. The results of the video log indicated that the pilot hole was stable (e.g., no large rock fragments residing close to the borehole that would obstruct or cause the logging tool to become stuck downhole). As a result, MV Geophysical Surveys, Inc. geophysically logged the pilot hole from 765 to 2,046 ft bpl. The

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logging suite consisted of x-y caliper, natural gamma ray, SP, borehole compensated sonic, and a dual induction/laterolog combination. On October 8, 2001, MV Geophysical Surveys, Inc. performed static and dynamic production logging operations, including a flowmeter, fluid resistivity, and high-resolution temperature logs. A composite of the geophysical logs conducted by MV Geophysical Surveys, Inc., including the open hole and production type log traces, is provided in Appendix A.

Straddle-packer test intervals were selected using the information provided by analysis of the geophysical logs and lithologic data; the first of six tests began on October 16, 2001. The purpose of the tests was to characterize the water quality and production capacities of specific intervals within the larger open-hole interval (765 to 2,046 ft bpl). From a water resource perspective, intervals having total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations greater than 10,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L) were not considered for further aquifer hydraulic characterization because they are not considered potential sources of drinking water as defined in Chapter 62-520 of the Florida Administrative Code. An underground source of drinking water (USDW) is defined as an aquifer containing water with a TDS concentration of less than 10,000 mg/L.

DDC completed packer testing operations on November 13, 2001. The water quality data obtained from the straddle-packer tests were used with the geophysical logs to identify the base of the USDW at approximately 1,740 ft bpl. The production and water quality results for the various packer tests are presented in the Packer Tests section.

On November 7, 2001, Schlumberger conducted and completed geophysical logging operations within the nominal 8-inch diameter pilot hole from 765 to 2,046 ft bpl without incident. Due to scheduling conflicts, Schlumberger Wireline Services was unable to provide specialty geophysical logging services at the MF-37 site until the first week of November 2001. The geophysical logging suite included the following logs: caliper, SP, NGS, AIT, DSI, compensated density with PEF, compensated neutron, UBI, and fullbore FMI. A composite of the geophysical log traces that were exempt from post-processing during geophysical log Run #8 is provided in Appendix A.

Once hydraulic testing and geophysical logging operations were completed, DDC began to permanently back plug the bottom 363 ft of the nominal 8-inch diameter pilot hole. During back-plugging operations (November 19-28, 2001), DDC pumped 550 sacks (693 ft3) of Type II neat cement with 4% (20-40 grade) quartz sand. This volume brought cement levels from the base of the pilot hole at 2,046 ft bpl to 1,683 ft bpl.

On January 3, 2002, the final stage of well construction began by DDC installing a semi-permanent inflatable packer at 1,500 ft bpl. The packer is meant to isolate the deeper saline waters, thus prohibiting inter-aquifer transfer, and allow flexibility in the final design of the test/monitor well (e.g., single or dual zone monitor well). The current well completion for MF-37 is as follows and illustrated in Figure 3:

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• Permanent steel casing (12-inch diameter) set to 765 ft bpl;

• Open-hole interval from 765 to 1,500 ft bpl;

• Long-term 7.0-inch diameter (Tam) inflatable packer set at 1,500 ft bpl;

• Open-hole interval from 1,500 to 1,683 ft bpl; and

• Nominal 8-inch diameter pilot hole, back plugged using neat cement and 4% (20-40 grade) sand from 1,683 to 2,046 ft bpl.

Figure 3. Well Completion Diagram, Test/Monitor Well (MF-37)

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The technical specifications for the semi-permanent inflatable packer are provided in Appendix B.

During January 7-11, 2002, DDC installed a 12-inch diameter wellhead and 6-ft by 6-ft concrete pad with 4-ft high steel corner posts, completing well construction activities at the site (Figure 4). Well construction and testing activities related to MF-37 are summarized in Table 2.

After construction was completed, MF-37 was surveyed relative to permanent reference points by a Florida-registered land surveyor, plotted on a site plan map by latitude and longitude, and documented in the public record (Appendix F).

Figure 4. Completed Wellhead – Test/Monitor Well (MF-37)

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Table 2. Construction and Testing Activities Associated with MF-37 Date Description of Activities

04/16/01 Project initiation (Notice to Proceed) 05/10/01 Site preparation and mobilization 06/01/01 Drilled a 9.875-inch pilot hole to 87 ft bpl 06/05/01 Reamed pilot hole with a 30-inch diameter bit to 85 ft bpl 06/05/01 Geophysical logged reamed pilot hole (Run #1) 06/05/01 Install pit casing (74 ft; 24-inch diameter steel) 06/08/01 Drilled a 7.875-inch diameter pilot hole to 223 ft bpl 06/13/01 Geophysical logged pilot hole to 223 ft bpl (Run #2) 06/21/01 Reamed pilot hole with a 23-inch diameter bit 175 ft bpl 06/22/01 Geophysical logged reamed pilot hole (Run #3) 06/22/01 Install surface casing (170 ft; 18-inch diameter steel) 07/05/01 Drilled a 7.875-inch diameter pilot hole to 778 ft bpl 07/06/01 Cored from 778 to 798 ft bpl (no recovery) 07/10/01 Cored from 798 to 808 ft bpl (8 ft of recovery) 07/12/01 Drilled a 7.875-inch diameter pilot hole to 931 ft bpl 07/16/01 Cored from 931 to 951 ft bpl (10 ft of recovery) 07/17/01 Drilled a 7.875-inch diameter pilot hole to 1,086 ft bpl 07/18/01 Cored from 1,086 to 1,106 ft bpl (0% recovery) 07/23/01 Drilled a 7.875-inch diameter pilot hole to 1,116 ft bpl 07/24/01 Schlumberger geophysical logged pilot hole to 1,116 ft bpl (Run #4) 08/08/01 Reamed pilot hole with 17-inch diameter bit to 800 ft bpl 08/09/01 Back fill pilot hole to 770 ft bpl with crushed limestone 08/14/01 Geophysical logged reamed pilot hole to 770 ft bpl (Run #5) 08/14/01 Installed 12-inch diameter steel casing to 765 ft bpl 08/14/01 Pressure grouted using 340 sacks (94 lb) of neat cement 08/15/01 Conducted temperature survey to verify top of cement at 45 ft bpl (Run #6) 08/15/01 Second stage of grouting (25 sacks of neat cement) completed to land surface 08/21/01 Conducted 50-psi pressure test of 12-inch diameter casing 08/22/01 Drilled out cement plug (as a result of pressure grouting) with 12-inch diameter bit 08/23/01 Re-drilled a 7.875-inch diameter pilot hole to 1,116 ft bpl 08/31/01 Cored from 1,116 to 1,16 ft bpl (0% recovery) 09/05/01 Drilled a 7.875-inch diameter pilot hole to 1,362 ft bpl 09/11/01 Cored from 1,362 to 1,382 ft bpl (9.5 ft of recovery) 09/12/01 Drilled a 7.875-inch diameter pilot hole to 1,503 ft bpl (lost circulation at 1,500 ft bpl) 09/13/01 Contractor switched to reverse-air-drilling method 09/18/01 Drilled a 7.875-inch diameter pilot hole to 1,629 ft bpl 09/22/01 Cored from 1,629 to 1,649 ft bpl (7 ft of recovery) 10/01/01 Drilled a 7.875-inch diameter pilot hole to 1,942 ft bpl 10/02/01 Cored from 1,942 to 1,962 ft bpl (2 ft of recovery, bit plugged at 1,944 ft bpl) 10/03/01 Cored from 1,944 to 1,964 ft bpl (9 ft of recovery, bit plugged at 1,953 ft bpl) 10/04/01 Drilled a 7.875-inch diameter pilot hole to 2,046 ft bpl 10/05/01 Geophysical logged pilot hole to 2,046 ft bpl (Run #7) 10/16/01 Packer test conducted on 1,993 to 2,046 ft bpl interval 10/23/01 Packer test conducted on 1,782 to 1,850 ft bpl interval 10/26/01 Packer test conducted on 1,496 to 1,543 ft bpl interval 10/30/01 Packer test conducted on 1,610 to 1,657 ft bpl interval 11/01/01 Packer test conducted on 1,241 to 1,288 ft bpl interval 11/07/01 Schlumberger geophysical logged pilot hole to 2,046 ft bpl (Run #8) 11/13/01 Packer test conducted on 765 to 900 ft bpl interval 11/28/01 Back plugged nominal 8-inch diameter pilot hole to 1,683 ft bpl 11/30/01 Demobilization 01/03/02 Set temporary packer at 1,500 ft bpl 01/31/02 Geophysical logged pilot hole 765 to 1,500 ft bpl (Run #9)

ft bpl = feet below pad level; lb = pounds; psi = pounds per square inch.

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Hydrogeologic Testing

Specific information was collected during the drilling program to determine the lithologic, hydraulic, and water quality characteristics of the FAS at the MF-37 (Port Mayaca) site. The data were to be used in the preliminary design of the MF-37 test/monitor well. Once the specific ASR horizon is identified, the MF-37 test/monitor well will be completed and used in a site-specific aquifer test. In addition, it will be incorporated into the SFWMD long-term FAS water level and quality monitoring program.

Formation Sampling

Geologic formation samples (well cuttings) were collected, washed, and described (using the Dunham [1962] classification scheme) on site during the pilot-hole drilling. Formation samples were collected and separated based on their dominant lithologic or textural characteristics, and to a lesser extent, color. If a massively bedded unit was encountered, composite samples were taken at a minimum of 5-ft intervals. The field lithologic descriptions for MF-37 are provided in Appendix C-1. Representative formation samples were sent to the Florida Geological Survey for detailed analysis and long-term storage. Appendix C-2 contains a copy of the Florida Geological Survey’s detailed lithologic description for the pilot hole/monitor well (Reference #W-18256).

During drilling of the MF-37 test/monitor well, DDC obtained conventional cores using a 4-inch diameter, 20-ft long, diamond-tipped core barrel. Six rock cores of various lengths were recovered from the FAS between 778 and 1,964 ft bpl, with core recoveries of 0% to 87%. The six cores were sent to Core Laboratories in Midland, Texas to determine the following parameters: horizontal and vertical permeability; porosity; grain density; elastic, electric, and acoustic properties; and lithologic character.

Formation Fluid Sampling

During reverse-air-drilling of the pilot hole, samples were taken from circulated return fluids (composite formation water) at 30-ft intervals (average length of drill rod) from 1,500 to 2,046 ft bpl. A Hydrolab multi-parameter probe measured field parameters, including temperature, specific conductance, and pH, on each sample. Figure 5 shows field-determined specific conductance values and calculated TDS concentrations (Hem, 1994) with respect to depth. Between 1,518 and 1,642 ft bpl, specific conductance values and TDS concentrations averaged 2,235 micromhos per centimeter (µmhos/cm) and 1,342 mg/L, respectively. Between 1,642 and 1,672 ft bpl, specific conductance readings increased to 7,605 µmhos/cm, with similar values continuing to a depth of 1,764 ft bpl. A second distinct change in specific conductance readings occurred between 1,764 and 1,792 ft bpl. Within this 28-ft interval, an increase in specific conductance of approximately 12,000 µmhos/cm was recorded, which transects the base of the USDW with a calculated TDS concentration of 12,100 mg/L at 1,792 ft bpl. Specific conductance values gradually increased to 28,865 µmhos/cm at 1,888 ft bpl, remained constant for the next 90 ft, and then gradually increased to 52,828 µmhos/cm at 2,046 ft bpl.

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0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000


th (f

eet b


Spec. Cond umhos/cm Cal.TDS mg/L

Figure 5. Water Quality with Depth – Reverse-Air Returns

Geophysical Logging

Geophysical logs were conducted in the pilot hole after each stage of drilling and before casing installation. The logs provide a continuous record of the physical properties of the subsurface formations and their contained fluids. The logs were used later to assist in the interpretation of lithology; to provide estimates of permeability, porosity, bulk density, and resistivity of the aquifer; and to determine the salinity of the groundwater (using Archie's [1942] equation). In addition, the extent and degree of confinement of specific intervals can be discerned from individual logs. The geophysical logs also provided data to determine the desired casing setting depths on the MF-37 test/monitor well. A cement bond log was conducted to assess the quality of grouting operations on the 12-inch diameter casing for MF-37.

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Schlumberger Wireline Services (the geophysical logging contractor) downloaded all geophysical log data directly from the on-site logging processor in log ASCII standard version 1.2 or 2.0 format. The neutron and density porosity values calculated from geophysical log data during Runs #4 and #8 were derived using a limestone matrix with a density of 2.71 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3).

The geophysical log traces from log Runs #1 through #8 for well MF-37 are presented in Appendix A. Table 3 provides a summary of the geophysical logging operations conducted at the site. Specialty logging operations conducted by Schlumberger Wireline Services are summarized in Table 4.

Table 3. Summary of Geophysical Logging Program (MF-37)

Run # Date Logged Interval (ft bpl) Caliper Natural

Gamma SP DIL Sonic Flowmeter Temp. Fluid Res. Video

1 06/05/01 0-85 X X 2 06/13/01 0-223 X X X X X 3 06/24/01 0-175 X X 5 08/14/01 175-770 X X 6 08/15/01 175-770 X X 7 10/5-8/01 770-2,046 X X X X X X X X X

DIL = dual induction log; ft bpl = feet below pad level; SP = spontaneous potential. Logging company: MV Geophysical.

Table 4. Summary of Specialty Geophysical Logging Program (MF-37)

Run # Date Logged

Interval (ft bpl)

NGS AIT Imager

Compensated Density Neutron



4 07/24/01 175-1,116 X X X X X X 8 11/07/01 765-2,046 X X X X X X

AIT = high-resolution array induction; DSI = dipole sonic imager; FMI = formation micro-imager; ft bpl = feet below pad level; NGS = natural gamma ray spectrometry; PEF = photoelectric factor; UBI = ultrasonic borehole imager. Logging company: Schlumberger.

Packer Tests

Six straddle-packer tests were conducted in the FAS from 765 to 2,046 ft bpl at the MF-37 well site. The purpose of the tests was to gain water quality and production capacity data on discrete intervals (approximately 75 ft in length) and to establish the depth of the 10,000-mg/L TDS interface.

The following procedures were used to conduct individual packer tests in MF-37 at the Port Mayaca site:

1) Lower packer assembly to the interval selected for testing based on geophysical logs and lithologic data.

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2) Set and inflate packers, and open the ports between the packers to the test interval.

3) Install a 15-horsepower submersible pump to a depth of 60 to 120 ft below the drill floor, with a pumping capacity of 30 to 300 gallons per minute (gpm).

4) Install two 100-pounds per square inch gauge (psig) pressure transducers inside the drill pipe and one 30-psig transducer in the annulus connected to a Hermit 3000 Data Logger to measure and record water level changes during testing operations.

5) Purge a minimum of three drill-stem volumes.

6) Monitor pressure-transducer readings and field parameters (e.g., temperature, specific conductance, pH) from the purged formation water until stable. These parameters are used to determine the quality of isolation of the packed-off interval.

7) Once the interval is effectively isolated, perform constant rate drawdown test.

8) Collect formation water samples for laboratory water quality analyses following the SFWMD quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) sampling protocol.

9) Record recovery data until water levels return to static conditions.

Before groundwater sampling, the packer intervals were purged until three borehole volumes were evacuated or until field parameters of samples collected from the discharge port had stabilized. Chemical stability was determined using a limit of ±5% variation in consecutive field parameter readings. Field parameters, including temperature, specific conductance, and pH, were determined for each sample using a Hydrolab multi-parameter probe. Chloride concentrations were determined using a field titration method (Hach Kit). The water flow from the discharge point adjusted to minimize aeration and disturbance of the samples. Unfiltered and filtered samples were collected directly from the discharge point into a clean plastic bucket. Equipment blanks were obtained prior to sampling to qualify sampling procedures. Replicate samples were collected from consecutive bailers in accordance with the SFWMD (1999) Comprehensive Quality Assurance Plan.

Once samples were collected, the bottles were preserved and immediately placed on ice in a closed container. The composite samples were submitted to the SFWMD Water Quality Laboratory and analyzed for major cations and anions using United States Environmental Protection Agency and/or Standard Method procedures (SFWMD, 1999). The analytical results for the samples obtained during the six packer tests are reported in Table 5.

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Table 5. Packer Test Water Quality Data from the MF-37 Test/Monitor Well

ID Depth

Interval (ft bpl)

Sample Date

Cations (mg/L) Anions (mg/L) Field Parameters

Na+ K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl- Alka. as CaCO3 SO42- TDS


Specific Conductance (µmhos/cm)

Temp. (°C) pH

PT6 765-900 11/13/01 385 13 103 77 731 121 285 1,759 3,057 27.03 7.54

PT5 1,241-1,288 11/01/01 81 5 71 45 135 127 234 709 1,141 28.03 7.53

PT3 1,496-1,543 10/26/01 905 25 179 132 1,867 119 384 3,775 6,516 27.92 7.69

PT4 1,613-1,660 10/30/01 1,415 38 240 192 2,910 119 448 5,799 9,211 28.90 7.27

PT2 1,782-1,850 10/23/01 5,423 128 741 670 10,538 104 1,362 20,803 31,823 29.67 7.20

PT1 1,993-2,046 10/16/01 9,588 328 668 1,056 18,356 120 2,409 33,401 48,591 30.11 7.31

Friction loss coefficients were obtained from Appendix 17.A Ground Water and Wells (Driscoll, 1989) according to pipe diameter used during testing operations. This coefficient was multiplied by the length of pipe to calculate the friction (head) losses as a result of induced flow up the drill pipe. Head losses were used to correct the drawdown data for specific capacity determinations using the following method:

Specific Capacity = Q/s Equation 1

Where: Q = pumping rate in gpm as measured by an in-line flowmeter S = aquifer head loss in ft; measured drawdown minus the pipe friction loss component

Curve-matching techniques were not used to determine transmissivity values from the drawdown or recovery data collected from straddle-packer tests because they generally involve partial penetration, friction loss in small pipe, and a short pumping period, which violate the analytical method’s basic assumptions. In addition, the productive nature of several of the tested intervals enabled them to respond almost instantaneously to the limited applied pumping stress, which induced a pressure wave into the formation. The response to the pressure wave masks the true drawdown and recovery responses. The drawdown and recovery semi-log plots from the individual packer tests are provided in Appendix D. The production and static water level data from the individual packer tests are summarized in Table 6.

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Table 6. Packer Test Specific Capacity Data

Test Name

Interval Tested (ft


Pump Rate


Total Volume Pumped


Initial Head (ft


Final Head (ft


Total Drawdown


Total Friction Loss (ft)

Corrected Drawdown


Specific Capacity (gpm/ft)

PT6 765-900 210 43,064 98.84 98.76 82.60 64.40 18.20 11.5 PT5 1,241-1,288 107 22,221 81.93 81.79 79.54 31.53 48.01 2.2 PT3 1,496-1,543 170 16,434 100.16 100.24 95.23 93.63 1.60 106.2 PT4 1,610-1,657 123 23,845 89.95 90.12 69.24 55.67 13.57 9.1 PT2 1,782-1,850 129 33,067 82.49 82.18 63.71 61.62 2.09 61.7 PT1 1,992-2,046 155 33,300 77.36 77.42 77.42 71.72 5.70 27.2

Petrophysical and Petrologic Data

During drilling, DDC obtained conventional cores using a 4-inch diameter, 20-ft long, diamond-tipped core barrel. DDC retrieved six rock cores from the FAS between 798 and 1,955 ft bpl, with core recoveries between 0% and 88%. Table 7 summarizes the full diameter coring program conducted at the site.

Table 7. Summary of Full Diameter Coring Operations

Core # Core Interval (ft bpl) Core Footage (ft) Core Recovered (ft) Percent Recovery 1 798-808 20 8.1 40.5 2 931-951 20 10.0 50.0 3 1,086-1,106 20 0.0 0.0 4 1,116-1,136 20 3.0 15.0 5 1,629-1,637 8 7.0 87.5 6 1,944-1,955 11 9.0 81.8

Total 99 37.1 37.5

Petrophysical Analyses

SFWMD sent six rock cores to Core Laboratories located in Midland, Texas, to determine the following parameters: horizontal permeability, porosity, grain density, and lithologic characteristics. Upon arrival, Core Laboratories recorded a spectral gamma log on each core for downhole correlation. Full diameter and plug samples (when core conditions necessitated) were selected for core analyses, and fluid removal was achieved by convection oven drying.

Core Laboratories determined full diameter porosity by direct pore volume measurement using the Boyle’s Law Helium Expansion Method. Once the samples were cleaned and dried, Core Laboratories determined bulk volume by Archimedes’ Principle, with grain density calculated from the dry weight, bulk volume, and pore volume measurements using Equation 2 (American Petroleum Institute, 1998).

Grain Density = Dry Weight / (Bulk Volume – Pore Volume) Equation 2

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Porosity (as a percent) was calculated using bulk volume and grain volume measurements via Equation 3.

Porosity = ([Bulk Volume – Grain Volume]/ Bulk Volume) × 100 Equation 3

After cleaning, Core Laboratories measured bulk volume on the individual samples by Archimedes’ Principle with porosity calculated via Equation 3. Steady-state air permeability was measured on the full diameter core samples in two horizontal directions and vertically while confined in a Hassler rubber sleeve at a net confining stress of 400 psi. Appendix E lists the results of the petrophysical analyses. Figure 6 shows a semi-log cross-plot of laboratory-derived horizontal permeability versus (helium) porosity. The R-square statistic indicates that the linear regression model explains 57.8% of the variability of the log10 transformed horizontal permeability data. The equation of the fitted linear regression model, which describes the relationship between the log10 transformed horizontal permeability (y) and porosity (x) is log10(y) = 0.0743(x) – 0.6042. The correlation coefficient equals 0.76 (a value of 1.0 suggests a strong positive relationship), indicating a moderately strong relationship between the two variables.







0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Helium Porosity (percent)



l Per



y (m



Figure 6. Cross-Plot of Laboratory-Derived Horizontal Permeability and Porosity

SFWMD staff used the petrophysical data to determine a horizontal permeability anisotropy ratio for each sample by dividing the two laboratory-determined horizontal permeability values. A maximum horizontal permeability value (Kmax) was determined for the sample, and then a second horizontal value (K90) was measured perpendicular to Kmax. An average horizontal anisotropy ratio of 0.83 was calculated from the 28 core samples obtained from 798 to 1,955 ft bpl. In addition, a horizontal to vertical permeability anisotropy ratio of 0.63 was determined from the same sample set.

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After Core Laboratories completed the petrophysical analyses, rock cores were slabbed, boxed, and photographed under natural and ultraviolet light. Core Laboratories then scanned the negatives of the core photographs and stored them on a compact disc. The photographs are available for download from the SFWMD’s DBHYDRO database.

Petrologic Analyses

Once Core Laboratories completed their measurements, Dr. Hughbert Collier of Collier Consulting, Inc. (2002) conducted a petrologic study to provide preliminary data on the gross aquifer heterogeneity and depositional environment (facies) controls on porosity and permeability development within the FAS. As part of the study, Dr. Collier examined and described the slabbed cores in detail. He selected intervals from which to prepare thin sections and stained the thin sections with Alizarin Red S to determine dolomite content. Dr. Collier then examined the thin sections using a Nikon SMZ-2T binocular microscope and Nikon petrographic microscope. Thin-section analyses included the identification of porosity types, visual estimation of porosity, rock type, cement type, mineralogy, dominant allochems, fossil types, grain size, sorting, and sand content. Once compiled, this information was used to determine the lithofacies and depositional environment of the various core intervals. Results from Dr. Collier’s work are available for download from the SFWMD’s DBHYDRO database.

The petrologic analyses combined with the petrophysical data indicate variations in horizontal permeability and porosity based on lithofacies and corresponding depositional environments. The highest horizontal permeabilities (2,901 and 2,224 millidarcies) correspond to cored sections at approximately 726 and 821 ft bpl, respectively. These two cored sections consist of packstone and boundstone, likely deposited in an open-lagoonal shoal environment (Bennett, 2001a,b, 2002). Petrologic analyses of three other SFWMD-owned FAS wells, one located in eastern Hendry County (L2-TW) and two in Collier County (I75-TW and ISWD-TW) had similar results, with the highest mean horizontal permeability occurring in a packstone unit.

Stable Isotope and Carbon-14 Data

Stable isotope data complement inorganic geochemistry and physical hydrogeology investigations. SFWMD staff plan to use the isotopic data collected at this site in a regional investigation to better understand groundwater circulation patterns of the FAS (Kohout, 1965, 1967) and to identify recharge and discharge areas. If an interval has a particular isotopic signature, it may be used to identify and map the lateral extent of ASR and reverse osmosis (RO) zones within the UFA. Radiocarbon data often complement stable isotope and inorganic data. These data have been used to estimate regional flow velocities within the FAS (Hanshaw et al., 1964).

Water samples collected during packer tests from well MF-37 were sent to the University of Waterloo Environmental Isotope Laboratory for stable isotope determinations, including compositions for δ18O, δ2H or δD (deuterium), δ13C, and δ34S.

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δ18O values were determined by carbon dioxide (CO2) equilibration using standard procedures outlined by Epstein and Mayeda (1953) and Drimmie and Heemskerk (1993). Hydrogen isotope compositions were determined using the methods of Coleman et al. (1982) and Drimmie et al. (1991).

δ x = δ x – std =


tan dardSRRx × 1,000 Equation 4

Where: Rx = the isotope ratio of the sample (e.g., 2H/1H) RStandard = the isotopic standard

The standard related to δD and 18O is standard mean ocean water (SMOW). The precision for δ18O and δD were ±0.05 parts per thousand (‰) and ±0.5‰, respectively.

Water samples received by the University of Waterloo Environmental Isotope Laboratory for δ13C determinations were acidified under vacuum with phosphoric acid. The released CO2, which is produced from dissolved inorganic carbon in the sample, is purified using cold distillation and analyzed via mass spectrometry (Drimmie et al., 1990). The results are compared to the Pee Dee Belemnitella (PDB) carbon standard, in which the carbon isotope ratio is derived from the CO2 liberated from belemnites of the Cretaceous-aged Pee Dee Formation of South Carolina. The results are presented as ‰ deviations with respect to the standard using the δ notation.

δ13C (‰, PDB) =








× 1,000 Equation 5

Where: 13C/12C sample = ratio of stable carbon isotope concentration in the sample

13C/12C standard = ratio of stable carbon isotopes in the PDB standard

An accelerator mass spectrometer at the Rafter Radiocarbon Laboratory (Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, New Zealand) was used to determine radiocarbon age, δ14C, and percent modern carbon (pmC). The 14C activities or pmC values are absolute relative to the National Bureau of Standards oxalic acid standard (HOxI) corrected for decay since 1950. The activity of “modern carbon” is 95% of the 14C in the 1950 National Bureau of Standards oxalic acid standard, and δ14C is the relative difference between the absolute standard activity and the sample activity corrected for age.

δ14C = (As/Aabs –1) × 1,000 Equation 6

Where: As = activity of the sample Aabs = activity of the standard

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The modern activity of 14C is set at 13.56 decays per minute per gram of carbon. The “zero year” for this activity is 1950 (pre-thermonuclear testing) with an activity of 100 pmC. The conventional radiocarbon age (14C age) is determined in the following manner:

t = -8,033 ln (Asn/Aon) Equation 7

Where: t = uncorrected radiocarbon age Asn = normalized sample activity Aon = normalized oxalic acid activity (count rate)

Radiocarbon ages are reported in years before present (B.P.; 1950), and 14C activities are reported as pmC. System error for δ13C and 14C are ±0.3‰ and 0.4‰ (equals ±32 radiocarbon years), respectively. However, t is not the actual date of recharge because 14C may be preferentially added or removed as water moves through the hydrologic system. Soil activities can concentrate 14C, but dissolution of carbonate aquifer material with “dead carbon” can dilute 14C activity. In order to calculate the date of recharge, Equation 7 must be modified as follows:

t = -8,267 ln (At/Ao) Equation 8

Where: t = time since recharge At = current 14C activity Ao = initial 14C activity

Determining time since recharge (t) requires information on the current 14C activity (At), which is measured, and the initial 14C activity (Ao), which is estimated.

Pearson and Hanshaw (1970) developed a method to correct the initial age estimate (as obtained from Equation 8) that considers soil processes and carbonate dissolution. Their correction method uses approximations of the δ13C values of the soil and aquifer material in addition to information on soil activities. This information is used to evaluate the initial activity of groundwater at time of recharge. The Pearson and Hanshaw (1970) correction method for 14C is as follows:

Ao = ([Ag - Ac][δT - δc]/[δg - δc]) + Ac Equation 9

Where: Ao = initial 14C activity A = 14C activity δ = δ13C stable isotope ratio g = soil gas component c = solid carbonate component T= total dissolved inorganic carbon

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Table 8 summarizes the stable isotope and radiocarbon results from the MF-37 well site.

Table 8. Summary of Stable Isotope and 14C Results

ID Aquifer Sample Interval (ft bpl)

Sample Date

δ18O (‰ SMOW)

δ2H (‰ SMOW)

δ13C (‰ PDB)

δ24S (‰ CDT)

δ14C (‰)

14C (pmC)

Uncorrected 14C yr B.P.

PT6 UFA 765-900 11/13/01 -1.36 -5.83 -2.54 21.70 -972.8 2.72 28,980 PT5 UFA 1,241-1,288 11/01/01 -1.27 -4.94 -0.24 21.49 -936.4 6.05 22,480 PT3 MFA 1,496-1,543 10/26/01 -0.96 -4.23 -2.99 22.56 -976.3 2.37 30,020 PT4 MFA 1,613-1,660 10/30/01 -1.10 -4.68 -2.93 22.31 -972.5 2.75 28,800 PT2 MCU 1,782-1,850 10/23/01 0.03 -1.28 -2.81 20.76 -967.8 2.88 28,430 PT1 LFA 1,993-2,046 10/16/01 0.26 0.13 -2.73 20.20 -973.3 2.67 29,050

CDT = Canon Diablo Meteorite Standard; ft bpl = feet below pad level; LFA = Lower Floridan aquifer; MCU = middle confining unit; MFA = Middle Floridan aquifer; PDB = Pee Dee Belemnitella Standard; pmC = percent modern carbon; SMOW = standard mean ocean water; UFA = Upper Floridan aquifer; yr B.P. = years before present (1950).

The plot of δ18O versus δD in Figure 7 indicates depletion of the heavy isotopes among the UFA samples with respect to SMOW, suggesting meteoric precipitation plays a role in aquifer recharge. Samples are offset from the Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL) (as defined by Craig [1961]) and mean isotopic composition of recent Everglades rainfall (Meyers et al., 1993), possibly due to precipitation during the last glacial period (Plummer et al., 1993). Stable isotope data from other locations in South Florida (Meyer, 1989; Bennett, 2001a,b, 2002) produce similar results where UFA waters are depleted, and plot near the GMWL. The occurrence of δ18O and δD values near the GWML indicate that the waters likely are meteoric in origin.










-3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0

Oxygen18 (per mil)



m (p

er m


1993-2046' 1782-1850' 1613-1660' 1496-1543' 1241-1288'

765-900' SMOW Everg_Rain

Figure 7. Cross-Plot of Stable Isotopes 18O and Deuterium (δD)

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Stable isotope results of the Middle Floridan aquifer (MFA) water are depleted in 18O and deuterium compared to SMOW, but plot closer to SMOW than the UFA samples. The inorganic water quality results from the cavernous dolostone from 1,495 to 1,543 ft bpl indicate the water is brackish in composition. The stable isotope and inorganic data from this horizon suggest a mixing of groundwater and seawater. The cavernous dolostone unit (zone of high permeability) may provide the mechanism (conduit) for seawater inflow.

The 14C activity of groundwater samples from the UFA (765 to 1,225 ft bpl) and MFA (1,645 to 1,759 ft bpl) produced values of 0.62 and 0.83 pmC, respectively. The uncorrected radiocarbon ages of water from the UFA and MFA are approximately the same, 40,795 and 38,690 years B.P., respectively. In order to be meaningful, however, the reported radiocarbon ages were corrected using the Pearson and Hanshaw (1970) method, which uses a 13C correction for a closed system. The corrected radiocarbon ages from the UFA and MFA are 29,171 and 20,403 years B.P., respectively. If the corrected radiocarbon ages are considered absolute ages (assuming a closed system and little or no chemical or isotopic dilution), meteoric recharge to the UFA occurred during the late Pleistocene epoch. The stable isotope and corrected radiocarbon age for the MFA suggests meteoric recharge during the late Pleistocene, but with later intrusion by younger seawater as a result of sea level rise during the Holocene epoch. The influx of younger seawater mixed with meteoric recharge may account for the lower corrected radiocarbon age and shift in the δ18O and δD values towards SMOW.

18O and δD data, 14C activities, and reported radiocarbon ages of Lower Floridan aquifer (LFA) waters from other locations in South Florida suggest that two different water masses may be present in the FAS (Meyer, 1989; Kaufmann and Bennett, 1997; Bennett, 2001b, 2002). The UFA waters appear to be meteoric, but the LFA seems to have been intruded by younger seawater that entered along the Florida Straits and moved inland through the Boulder Zone or other highly permeable rock units during Holocene sea level rise. Unfortunately, SFWMD staff were unable to collect water samples from the LFA at the MF-37 well location because unstable borehole conditions below 1,760 ft bpl prohibited sampling activities.


Two major aquifer systems underlie this site: the SAS and the FAS, with the FAS being the focus of this test well program. These aquifer systems are composed of multiple discrete aquifers separated by low-permeability confining units (such as the Intermediate Confining Unit) that occur throughout the Tertiary/Quaternary-aged sequence. Figure 8 shows a hydrogeologic section underlying the Port Mayaca site.

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Figure 8. Hydrogeologic Section for the Port Mayaca Site

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Surficial Aquifer System

The SAS extends from land surface (top of the water table) to a depth of 146 ft bpl. It consists of Holocene- and Pliocene/Pleistocene-aged sediments. The undifferentiated Holocene sediments occur from land surface to 10 ft bpl, and consist of unconsolidated orange to light gray, very fine to coarse-grained quartz sands and shell fragments within a calcilutite matrix. The sediments from 10 to 146 ft bpl are composed primarily of yellowish gray, moderately indurated limestone with intermittent shell beds 5 to 10 ft thick. Low-permeability arenaceous calcilutite at 146 ft bpl forms the base of the SAS at the MF-37 site. A substantial increase in the natural gamma ray activity below a depth 170 ft bpl suggests an increase in clay content and phosphate percentages with emissions above 30 American Petroleum Institute units.

Intermediate Confining Unit

Below the SAS lies the Intermediate Confining Unit, which extends from 146 to 755 ft bpl at the MF-37 well site. The Peace River and Arcadia Formations of the Miocene/Pliocene-aged Hawthorn Group (Scott, 1988) act as confining units separating the FAS from the SAS. Lithologic information obtained from drill cuttings from MF-37 indicate that Hawthorn Group sediments consist predominately of soft non-indurated detrital clays, silts, and poorly to moderately indurated mudstones/wackestones with minor amounts of sand and shell material (see lithologic descriptions in Appendix C).

The signature of the photoelectric absorption index (PEFZ) log indicates a clayey silt to fine sand unit with a minor carbonate component (interpreted to be the Peace River Formation) that extends from 146 to 430 ft bpl with average values of 2 barnes per electron (b/e). The bulk density and derived porosity logs suggest that this unit is composed of low-density, high-porosity sediments (average of 48 porosity units). The irregular shape of the caliper log and borehole diameters exceeds bit size (nominal 8-inch), indicating that this interval is poorly indurated. A change in lithology occurs below 430 ft bpl, identified by an increase in bulk density readings and natural gamma radiation, with a corresponding decrease in derived porosity and sonic transit times (possibly the Arcadia Formation). The PEFZ log values within this interval range between 3 and 4 b/e, indicating a carbonate lithology with a minor silt/sand component (Hallenburg, 1998). The natural gamma log below 430 ft bpl produces thin, intermittent gamma radiation peaks primarily associated with intervals of substantial phosphate sand/silt content.

The lithology from 655 to 755 ft bpl is primarily a moderately indurated packstone unit with 30% to 40% clay, silt, and phosphatic sands. This interval is identified by a positive shift in resistivity, photoelectric, and bulk density values with a corresponding reduction in derived porosity. These low-permeability units form the lower boundary of the Intermediate Confining Unit.

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Floridan Aquifer System

The FAS consists of a series of Tertiary limestone and dolostone units. The system includes sediments of the lower Arcadia Formation, Suwannee and Ocala Limestones, Avon Park Formation, and Oldsmar Formation. The Paleocene-aged Cedar Keys Formation with evaporitic gypsum and anhydrite forms the lower boundary of the FAS (Miller, 1986).

Upper Floridan Aquifer

The top of the FAS, as defined by the Southeastern Geological Society AdHoc Committee on Florida Hydrostratigraphic Unit Definition (1986), coincides with the top of a vertically continuous, permeable, early Miocene- to Oligocene-aged carbonate sequence. The UFA consists of thin, high-permeability, water-bearing horizons interspersed with thick, low-permeability units of early Miocene- to middle Eocene-aged sediments, including the basal Arcadia Formation, Suwannee and Ocala Limestones, and Avon Park Formation. At the MF-37 site, the top of the FAS occurs at a depth of 755 ft bpl, which coincides with the basal Hawthorn Unit (Reese, 2000), part of the Arcadia Formation.

The Arcadia Formation, from 755 to 788 ft bpl, is composed primarily of moderately indurated packstone and grainstone units containing approximately 5% to 10% shell fragments and 5% to 7% phosphatic sands and silts. The dual induction, bulk density, neutron-density derived porosity and caliper logs all indicate a competent, low-porosity unit from 755 to 788 ft bpl. The resistivity values increase from 12 to 40 ohm-meters. The bulk density increase, with a corresponding decrease in porosity and the caliper log, shows a relatively gauged borehole (similar to the diameter of the drill bit).

The sharp formation contact between the Miocene-aged Arcadia Formation (Hawthorn Group) and the underlying Oligocene-aged Suwannee Limestone at a depth of 788 ft bpl is identified by a change in lithology from a dark gray, well-indurated wackestone to a yellowish-gray packstone that continues to 825 ft bpl. The discontinuity at 788 ft bpl is evidenced by a notable attenuation of the natural gamma activity, a decrease in the formation resistivity and bulk density, and a corresponding increase in porosity (based on the log-derived, density-neutron porosity data).

A slight change in lithology from a yellowish-gray wackestone to light orange-gray, friable, moderately indurated wackestone-packstone identifies the upper boundary of the Ocala Limestone at a depth of 825 ft bpl. This formation boundary coincides with a slight attenuation of natural gamma activity, a slight increase in sonic travel times, a spiked signature of the resistivity log trace, and an enlarged borehole (see geophysical log traces from Run #4 in Appendix A).

Generally, two predominant permeable zones exist within the UFA, with the uppermost zone typically between 700 and 1,300 ft bpl. The most transmissive part usually occurs near the top, coincident with an unconformity at the top of the Oligocene- or Eocene-aged formations (Miller, 1986). Well cuttings and production-type geophysical logs suggest that neither of these

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productive horizons exist within the UFA at the MF-37 site, resulting in limited productive capacities. A slight deflection in the temperature differential log trace at 825 ft bpl suggests the presence of a minor flow zone. However, a specific capacity test straddling the Suwannee-Ocala Formation contact from 765 to 900 ft bpl, yielded only 12 gpm/ft of drawdown when pumped at a rate of 210 gpm. Brown (1980) noted similar production potential of the UFA along the eastern boundary of Lake Okeechobee in Martin County. Within this area, transmissivity values ranged between 25,000 and 50,000 gallons per day per foot.

Based on lithologic and geophysical log data, the Ocala Limestone was separated into three distinct units. The upper portion of Ocala Limestone occurs from 825 to 890 ft bpl and consists of low to moderately permeable, orangish-gray, moderately indurated wackestones and packstones, inter-bedded with light-gray micrite. The middle portion of Ocala Limestone occurs from 890 to 1,003 ft bpl, and consists of moderately to well-indurated wackestones and packstones. This unit was evident on the geophysical logs by a positive shift in the resistivity and bulk density log values as well as a decrease in sonic transit times and borehole diameter (as compared to above and below) and lower log-derived, density-neutron porosity values (Appendix A). The lower portion of Ocala Limestone consists of white to light gray, friable wackestones and packstones present from 1,003 to 1,186 ft bpl. There was little evidence of substantial water production during drilling operations or from the lithologic and geophysical log data over the lower portion of Ocala Limestone at the MF-37 site.

Middle Floridan Confining Unit

The lithologic character of the upper portion of the Avon Park Formation generally is very similar in lithologic character to the lower Ocala Limestone. The top of the Avon Park Formation was tentatively identified at depth of 1,186 ft bpl based on a lithologic change from a white to light gray, friable packstone to a dolomitic mudstone/wackestone. In addition, this lithologic change is evident in the geophysical log data by a slight increase in natural gamma activity; distinctive photoelectric log signature; and a general decrease in sonic transit times, bulk density, and porosity values (Appendix A). The upper Avon Park Formation from 1,003 to 1,487 ft bpl forms an inter-aquifer confining unit within the FAS at the MF-37 site. This interval consists of low-permeability mudstones and wackestones. A packer test in the upper part of the Avon Park Formation (1,241 to 1,288 ft bpl) yielded a specific capacity of 2 gpm/ft. Formation samples from this interval do not show evidence of large-scale secondary porosity development (e.g., good pinhole or moldic porosity). In addition, the production-type geophysical log traces indicate no notable productive horizons, as seen by smooth log traces in the temperature and flowmeter logs, which support the confining nature of this interval.

Middle Floridan Aquifer

Permeable intervals have been documented within the Avon Park Formation, ranging in depth from 1,400 to 1,600 ft bpl (Miller, 1986). At MF-37, well-indurated crystalline dolostones interbedded with moderate to well-indurated packstone to grainstone units occur from 1,487 to 1,790 ft bpl. The dolostone units are cryptocrystalline to surcosic in nature with the limestone units showing evidence of pinhole and moldic porosity development of varying

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degrees. A cavernous dolostone unit was encountered at 1,500 ft bpl, which caused a loss of mud circulation and a 3-ft drop of the drill rod. DDC re-mixed and circulated approximately 10,000 gallons of drilling fluid in an effort to regain circulation; these efforts were unsuccessful. During reverse-air-drilling, the majority of the natural artesian flow is produced below this depth. A specific capacity test between 1,496 and 1,543 ft bpl, straddling the cavernous dolostone unit, yielded 106 gpm/ft of drawdown. Water quality analysis of samples taken during this test yielded chloride and TDS concentrations of 1,867 mg/L and 3,775 mg/L, respectively. A second specific capacity test was conducted within a crystalline dolostone unit from 1,613 to 1,660 ft bpl, and the results identified the unit as relatively unproductive, producing 9 gpm/ft of drawdown with a measured TDS concentration of 5,800 mg/L.

Miller (1986) observed that portions of the lower Avon Park Formation are fine grained and have low permeability, thereby acting as inter-aquifer confining units within the FAS. At MF-37, an inter-aquifer confining unit composed of well-indurated mudstone to packstone units with intermittent brown to gray dolostone occurs from 1,660 to 1,795 ft bpl.

Lower Floridan Aquifer

A notable lithologic change from limestone to predominately well-indurated crystalline dolostones occurs below 1,795 ft bpl at the MF-37 site. The dolostones are moderately to highly permeable, fractured, and cavernous, interspersed within less permeable dolostone and limestone units. This change in lithology is noted by the caliper log measuring a relatively gauged borehole similar to the drill bit diameter, an increase in resistivity, and a decrease in sonic travel times. In addition, the photoelectric log produces values of 3 b/e and derived neutron-porosity readings are approximately 6 porosity units greater than those of the density porosity log, both of which are indicative of dolostones (see Appendix A).

A well-defined flow zone from 1,790 to 1,805 ft bpl near the top of the dolostone sequence was noted by a substantial increase in water production during reverse-air-drilling. Deflections in the temperature and dynamic flowmeter log traces as well as information from the borehole video log confirmed its productive nature log (see Appendix A). Straddle-packer test #2 (1,782 to 1,850 ft bpl) was conducted to isolate this flow zone. This flow zone generated a specific capacity of 62 gpm/ft of drawdown stressed at 129 gpm, but produced saline waters with a laboratory-determined TDS concentration of 20,502 mg/L.

Based on information provided by Meyer (1989) and Reese (2000), the interval from 1,795 to 2,046 ft bpl (total depth of the pilot hole) was identified as the upper dolostone unit of the LFA.

The top of the Oldsmar Formation often is difficult to identify because of a lack of diagnostic microfossils, which generally are obliterated by diagenetic effects, and the lithologic character often is similar to the overlying Avon Park Formation. In South Florida, the top of the Oldsmar Formation often is identified based on the presence of a dolostone unit that occurs below 2,000 ft bpl. This unit is discerned on geophysical logs by increased gamma ray counts and resistivity values as well as decreased sonic travel times. If these criteria are used, the Oldsmar Formation could be identified at 1,795 ft bpl, which corresponds to the occurrence of a

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well-indurated crystalline (euhedral to subhedral) dolostone. Based on lithologic criteria defined by Miller (1986), the lack of a glauconite marker bed used by Duncan et al. (1994), and the absence of early Eocene index fossils such as Helicostegina gyralis (Chen, 1965), the Oldsmar Formation was not encountered at MF-37.


1) A 12.75-inch outer diameter test/monitor well (MF-37) was constructed and tested successfully in accordance with SFWMD technical specifications at the Port Mayaca site.

2) Lithologic information and geophysical logs obtained from MF-37 indicate that soft, non-indurated detrital clays, silts, and poorly indurated mudstones of the Hawthorn Group predominate from 175 to 755 ft bpl. These low-permeability sediments act as confining units separating the FAS from the SAS.

3) The top of the FAS, as defined by the Southeastern Geological Society AdHoc Committee on Florida Hydrostratigraphic Unit Definition (1986) was identified at a depth of approximately 755 ft bpl.

4) Lithologic and geophysical logs, packer test results, and specific capacity results indicate moderate production capacity of the UFA from 755 to 1,003 ft bpl.

5) A productive horizon in the MFA from 1,487 to 1,570 ft bpl yielded a specific capacity of 106 gpm/ft of drawdown.

6) The production type logs (e.g., flow logs, temperature logs) indicate good production from flow zones between 1,490 and 1,600 ft bpl. Below 1,610 ft bpl, the productive capacity is limited (as indicated by the fluid-type logs) suggesting low-permeability, semi-confining units near the base of the productive horizon.

7) Composite water quality sampling during straddle-packer tests and geophysical log data were used in tandem to identify the base of the USDW at approximately 1,740 ft bpl. TDS concentrations below 1,860 ft bpl are similar to seawater.


1) Potential ASR zones generally exist from the top of the FAS (755 ft bpl) to the base of the USDW (1,740 ft bpl) at the MF-37 site.

2) Additional production-type geophysical logging (e.g., flowmeter, temperature, fluid resistivity) should be conducted from the base of casing (765 ft bpl) to the temporary packer (1,500 ft bpl) to more fully evaluate the upper and middle portions of the FAS for ASR potential. This approach will ensure that the highly productive zones below 1,500 ft

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bpl will not overwhelm the less-permeable overlying zones during testing, so a better evaluation of this interval for ASR potential can be obtained.

3) Following the recommended flow logging, an evaluation should be conducted if acidization or additional specific capacity testing of MF-37 is warranted to further evaluate ASR potential.

4) If the Port Mayaca site is chosen as a site for an ASR system as part of the Lake Okeechobee ASR Pilot Project, MF-37 will need to be modified to accommodate monitor zone(s) consistent with the future ASR well.


American Petroleum Institute. 1998. Recommended Practices for Core Analysis.

Archie, G.E. 1942. The electrical resistivity log as an aid in determining some reservoir characteristics. A.I.M.E. Transaction 146:54-61.

Bennett, M.W. 2001a. Hydrogeologic investigation of the Floridan aquifer system at the L-2 Canal site Hendry County, Florida. South Florida Water Management District Technical Publication WS-3. 36 pp.

Bennett, M.W. 2001b. Hydrogeologic investigation of the Floridan aquifer system at the I-75 Canal site Collier County, Florida. South Florida Water Management District Technical Publication WS-5. 46 pp.

Bennett, M.W. 2002. Hydrogeologic investigation of the Floridan aquifer system – Immokalee Water & Sewer District Wastewater Treatment Plant, Collier County, Florida. South Florida Water Management District Technical Publication WS-14. 42 pp.

Brown, M.P. 1980. Aquifer recovery test data and analyses for the Floridan Aquifer System in the upper East Coast Planning area, South Florida Water Management District. South Florida Water Management District Technical Publication 80-1. 52 pp.

Chen, C.S. 1965. The regional lithostratigraphic analysis of Paleocene and Eocene rocks of Florida, Florida Geological Survey Bulletin No. 45, 105 pp.

Coleman, M.L., T.J. Shepherd, J.J. Durham, J.E. Rouse, and G.R. Moore. 1982. Reduction of water with zinc for hydrogen isotope analysis. Analytical Chemistry 54:993-995.

Collier Consulting, Inc. 2002. MF-37 Thin-section Petrographic Analysis. Report to South Florida Water Management District. 47 pp.

Craig, H. 1961. Isotopic variations in meteoric waters. Science 133:1,702-1,703.

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Drimmie, R.J. and A.R. Heemskerk. 1993. Water 18O by CO2 equilibration, Technical Procedure 13.0, Rev. 02. Environmental Isotope Laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo. 11 pp.

Drimmie, R.J., A.R. Heemskerk, and R. Aravena. 1990. Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC), Technical Procedure 5.0, Rev. 01. Environmental Isotope Laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo. 3 pp.

Drimmie, R.J., A.R. Heemskerk, W.A. Mark, and R.M. Weber. 1991. Deuterium by zinc reduction, Technical Procedure 4.0, Rev. 02. Environmental Isotope Laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo. 6 pp.

Driscoll, F.G. 1989. Groundwater and Wells. 2nd Edition. Johnson Filtration Systems Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota. 1,089 pp.

Duncan, J.C., W.L. Evan III, and K.L. Taylor. 1994. The geologic framework of the lower Floridan aquifer system in Brevard County, Florida. Florida Geological Survey Bulletin No. 64. 90 pp.

Dunham, R.J. 1962. Classification of carbonate rocks according to depositional texture. In: W.E. Ham (ed.), Classification of Carbonate Rocks. AAPG Vol. 1, 108-121.

Epstein S. and T.K. Mayeda. 1953. Variations of the 18O/16O ratio in natural waters. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 4:213.

Hallenburg, J.K. 1998. Standard Methods of Geophysical Formation Evaluation. CRC Press, Lewis Publishing, Boca Raton, Florida.

Hanshaw, B.N., W. Back, and M. Rubin. 1964. Radiocarbon determinations for estimating flow velocities in Florida. Science 143:494-495.

Hem, J.D. 1994. Study and interpretation of the chemical characteristics of natural water. Third Edition. United States Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2254. 263 pp.

Kaufmann, R.S. and M.W. Bennett. 1997. The history of saltwater intrusion and flow in the Floridan aquifer in the western Everglades, southern Florida. Proceedings of the AWRA symposium Conjunctive Uses of Water Resources: Aquifer Storage and Recovery. 407-416.

Kohout, F.A. 1965. A hypothesis concerning cyclic flow of salt water related to geothermal heating in the Floridan aquifer. New York Academy of Sciences Transaction, Ser.2. 28(1):11-15.

Kohout, F.A. 1967. Ground water flow and the geothermal regime of the Florida Plateau, Trans. Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Soc. 17:339-354.

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Meyer, F.W. 1989. Hydrogeology, ground water movement, and subsurface storage in the Floridan Aquifer System in southern Florida. USGS Professional Paper 1403-G.

Meyers, J.B., P.K. Swart, J.L. Myers. 1993. Geochemical evidence for ground water behavior in an unconfined aquifer, south Florida. Journal of Hydrology 149:249-272.

Miller, J.A. 1986. Hydrogeologic framework of the Floridan Aquifer System in Florida and in parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina. USGS Professional Paper 1403-B.

Pearson, J.F. and B.B. Hanshaw. 1970. Sources of dissolved carbonate species in groundwater and their effects on carbon-14 dating. lsot. Hydrol. Proc. Symp. p. 271-286.

Plummer, L.N., R.L. Michel, E.M. Thurman, and P.D. Glynn. 1993. Environmental tracers for age-dating young ground water, pp. 255-294. In: W.M. Alley (ed.), Regional Ground-water Quality. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.

Reese, R.S. 2000. Hydrogeology and the distribution of salinity in the Floridan Aquifer System, southwestern Florida. United States Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation Report 98-4253, 86 pp., 10pls.

Scott, T.M. 1988. The Lithostratigraphy of the Hawthorn Group (Miocene) of Florida. Florida Geological Survey Bulletin 59.

South Florida Water Management District. 1999. Comprehensive Quality Assurance Plan. South Florida Water Management Publications.

Southeastern Geological Society Ad Hoc Committee on Florida Hydrostratigraphic Unit Definition. 1986. Hydrogeologic unit of Florida. Florida Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Geology, Special Publication No. 28, 9 pp.

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Appendix A

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Figure A-1. Geophysical Log Run No. 1 – MF-37



XCALin20 40

YCALin20 40





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Figure A-2. Geophysical Log Run No. 2 – MF-37


XCALin6 16

YCALin6 16


RLL3OHMM0.2 200



DTUS/F210 40

Pit Casing






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Figure A-3. Geophysical Log Run No. 3 – MF-37



XCALin20 30

YCALin20 30





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Figure A-4. Geophysical Log Run No. 4 – MF-37


SPMV-160 40



AHT10OHMM0.2 200

AHT30OHMM0.2 200

AHT90OHMM0.2 200


RHOZG/C30.95 2.95














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Figure A-5. Geophysical Log Run No.5 – MF-37



XCALin15 25

YCALin15 25









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Figure A-6. Geophysical Log Run No.6 – MF-37



TEMPdegF80 105

DTMPdegF-0.5 0.5









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Figure A-7. Geophysical Log Run No.7 – MF-37


SPmV-160 40

XCALin7 17


RLL3OHMM0.2 200



DTusec/ft140 40

FLOWNcps0 300

FLOWNScps0 300

LSPDft/min0 -100

TEMPdegF84 89

DTMPdegF-0.5 0.5

FRESohms0 2















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Figure A-8. Geophysical Log Run No.8 – MF-37


SPMV-160 40



AHT10OHMM0.2 200

AHT30OHMM0.2 200

AHT90OHMM0.2 200

DTCOUS/F140 40

PEFZ 0 10

RHOZG/C30.95 2.95


















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Figure A-9. Geophysical Log Run No.9 – MF-37


XCALin8 18

YCALin8 18


FLOWNcps0 100

FLOWNScps0 100

LSPDft/min0 -100

TEMPdegF80 90

DTMPdegF-0.5 0.5

FRES 0 10










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Appendix B

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Appendix C-1

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Table C-1. Lithologic log for SFWMD L-65 Canal Test Well MF-37 in Martin County, Florida.

From To Lithologic Description MF-37 0 10 No Samples

10 17 Shell bed, 10% limestone, light gray to white, hard 17 19 Limestone, light gray, very hard, poor intergranular and moldic porosity

19 42 Shell bed, 10% limestone, light gray to white, moderately hard, moderate loss of circulation at 28 ft bpl

42 45 Limestone, light gray, very hard, poor intergranular and moldic porosity

45 118 Shell bed, 10% limestone, light gray to white, moderately hard, moderate loss of circulation at 28 ft bpl

118 146 Limestone, light gray to white, hard, 40% shell fragments, 20% clay, lt. olive green, loose, 20% phosphate

146 181 Greenish grey wackestone, sticky, 40% allochems, 30% phosphate, <5% limestone 181 200 Greenish grey wackestone, v. sticky, 15% allochems, 30% phosphate 200 210 Greenish grey wackestone, slightly sticky, 25% allochems, 30% phosphate 210 223 Greenish grey mudstone, v. sticky, 30% phosphate, <5% allochems 223 265 Greenish grey mudstone, v. sticky, 20% phosphate

265 278 Greenish grey mudstone, v. sticky, 20% phosphate, 10% allochems and limestone *drilling speed increased from 265 to 275 ft bpl

278 414 Greenish grey mudstone, v. sticky, 25% phosphate, 5% allochems and limestone *drilling speed increased from 355 to 370 ft bpl

414 430 Greenish grey mudstone, v. sticky, 30% phosphate, 10% allochems and limestone 430 499 Greenish grey wackestone, v. sticky, 30% phosphate, 20% allochems and limestone 499 530 Greenish grey wackestone, v. sticky, 60% phosphate, 20% allochems and limestone 530 665 Greenish grey wackestone, v. sticky, 60% phosphate, 25% allochems and limestone 665 703 Light grey wackestone, sticky, 50% phosphate, 30% allochems and limestone 703 761 Light grey packstone, sticky, 50% phosphate, 40% allochems, and 30% clay

761 765 Dark grey to grey limestone, hard, 30% clay, 5% allochems, phosphatic, good to poor intergranular porosity.

765 778 Dark grey to light grey grainstone (limestone), hard, 5% allochems, <5% phosphate, good intergranular porosity

778 825 Pinkish grey wackestone (limestone), friable, moderately to well indurated, 10% allochems, <5% phosphate, good intergranular and moldic porosity.

825 847 Pinkish grey wackestone (limestone), friable, moderately to well indurated, 25% allochems, good intergranular and moldic porosity.

847 852 Same as above with thin layers of light grey clay, loose, poor to moderate intergranular and moldic porosity.

852 880 Pinkish grey packstone (limestone), friable, moderately to well indurated, 35% allochems, good intergranular and moldic porosity.

880 884 Same as above with thin layers of light grey clay, loose, poor to moderate intergranular and moldic porosity.

884 910 Pinkish grey packstone (limestone), friable, moderately to well indurated, 35% allochems, good intergranular and moldic porosity.

910 931 Pinkish grey to grey packstone (limestone), friable to hard, moderately to well indurated, 35% allochems, good intergranular and moldic porosity.

931 972 Pinkish grey to medium grey packstone (limestone), friable to moderately hard, very well indurated, 35% allochems, 15% sand, good moldic porosity.

972 980 Light grey to brown wackestone (dolomitic limestone), moderately hard, 10% allochems, 5% sand, moderately good intergranular porosity.

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From To Lithologic Description MF-37

980 991 Brown wackestone (dolomitic), very hard, well indurated, 10% allochems, poor intercrystalline porosity.

991 1,003 Light grey to brown wackestone (dolomitic limestone), moderately hard, well indurated, 15% allochems, moderately good intergranular porosity.

1,003 1,036 White to light grey mudstone (limestone), friable, micritic, 10% allochems, 10% dolomite, good intergranular porosity.

1,036 1,086 White to light grey mudstone (limestone), friable, micritic, 10% allochems, good intergranular porosity.

1,086 1,117 White to light grey mudstone (limestone), friable, micritic, 5% allochems, good intergranular porosity.

1,117 1,176 White to light grey packstone (limestone), friable, micritic, 35% allochems, low intergranular porosity.

1,176 1,186 White to light grey packstone (limestone), friable, micritic, 50% allochems, low intergranular porosity.

1,186 1,191 White to grey mudstone (limestone), friable, micirtic, 5-10% allochems, low intergranular porosity.

1,191 1,342 Tan to grey mudstone/wackestone (limestone), friable, micritic, 5-10% allochems, 5% dolomite, low intergranular porosity.

1,342 1,357 Tan to grey wackestone (limestone), friable, micritic, 15% allochems, 10% dolomite, low intergranular porosity.

1,357 1,362 Tan to grey mudstone/wackestone (limestone), friable, micritic, 5-10% allochems, 5% dolomite low intergranular porosity.

1,362 1,480 Tan to grey grainstone (limestone), friable, micritic, 5-10% allochems, good intergranular porosity.

1,480 1,487 Tan to grey wackestone (limestone), friable, micritic, 10% allochems, 10% dolomite, low intergranular porosity.

1,487 1,502 Light grey to brown grainstone (dolomitic limestone), moderately hard, well indurated, 10% allochems, moderately good intergranular porosity. Lost mud circulation

1,502 1,545 Brown grainstone (dolomite), very hard, 10% limestone, 10% allochems, low intercrystalline porosity.

1,518 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 10:44 hr on 9/18/01 Temp = 28.19°C; pH = 7.93 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 2,224 µmhos/cm

1,545 1,550 Same as above, 25% limestone.

1,550 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 12:44 hr on 9/18/01 Temp = 28.35°C; pH = 8.03 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 2,204 µmhos/cm

1,550 1,556 Light grey grainstone (limestone), friable, micritic, 15% allochems, good intergranular porosity.

1,556 1,568 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, 10% allochems, 5% limestone, low intercrystalline porosity.

1,568 1,573 Very dark brown to black crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, 5% limestone, low intercrystalline porosity.

1,573 1,581 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, 30% limestone, 15 % allochems, low intercrystalline porosity.

1,581 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 13:51 hr on 9/18/01 Temp = 28.88°C; pH = 7.89 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 2,255 µmhos/cm

1,581 1,592 Light grey grainstone (limestone), friable, micritic, 15% allochems, <5% dolomite, good intergranular porosity.

1,592 1,597 Same as above, 30% dolomite. 1,597 1,611 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, 5% limestone, low intercrystalline porosity.

1,611 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 15:20 hr on 9/18/01 Temp = 28.93°C; pH = 8.03 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 2,188 µmhos/cm

1,611 1,616 Light grey grainstone (limestone), friable, micritic, 10% allochems, good intergranular porosity. 1,616 1,629 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, 15 % limestone, low intercrystalline porosity.

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From To Lithologic Description MF-37 1,629 1,636 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, 10% limestone, low intercrystalline porosity. 1,636 1,643 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity.

1,642 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 17:02 hr on 9/24/01 Temp = 31.5°C; pH =7.71 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 2,313 µmhos/cm

1,643 1,648 Dark brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity. 1,648 1,665 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity.

1,665 1,670 Tan mudstone/wackestone (limestone), friable, micritic, 10%allochems, 5% clay, good intergranular porosity.

1,670 1,680 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity.

1,672 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 12:43 hr on 9/25/01 Temp = 29.87°C; pH =7.54 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 7,605 µmhos/cm

1,680 1,685 Tan mudstone/wackestone (limestone), friable, micritic, 10%allochems, 10% clay, good intergranular porosity.

1,685 1,690 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity. 1,690 1,699 Tan packstone (limestone), friable, micritic, good intergranular porosity. 1,699 1,702 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity.

1,702 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 14:11 hr on 9/25/01 Temp = 29.79°C; pH =7.55 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 8,400 µmhos/cm

1,702 1,743 Tan mudstone/wackestone (limestone), friable, micritic, 10% allochems, good intergranular porosity.

1,733 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 15:11 hr on 9/25/01 Temp = 30.33°C; pH =7.54 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 7,548 µmhos/cm

1,743 1,745 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity. 1,745 1,760 Tan mudstone/wackestone (limestone), friable, micritic, 10% allochems, good intergranular porosity. 1,760 1,762 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity. 1,762 1,770 Tan mudstone/wackestone (limestone), friable, micritic, 10% allochems, good intergranular porosity.

1,764 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 16:22 hr on 9/25/01 Temp = 30.86°C; pH =7.68 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 7,485 µmhos/cm

1,770 1,775 Same as above with 5 - 10% grey limestone and 1 - 3% brown dolomite.

1,775 1,780 Tan wackestone (limestone), friable, micritic, 10% allochems, 40% brown dolomite, good intergranular porosity.

1,780 1,781 Tan wackestone (limestone), friable, micritic, 10% allochems, 5% brown dolomite, good intergranular porosity.

1,781 1,785 Dark brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity. 1,785 1,792 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity.

1,792 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken on 9/26/01 Sp. Cond. = 19,512 µmhos/cm

1,792 1,794 Dark brown to black crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity. 1,794 1,820 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity. 1,820 1,831 Brown and grey crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity.

1,825 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 19:30 hr on 9/27/01 Temp = 28.79°C; pH =7.52 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 24,154 µmhos/cm

1,831 1,835 Grey crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity. 1,835 1,853 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity. 1,853 1,865 Light brown and grey crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity.

1,857 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 12:35 hr on 9/28/01 Temp = 28.05°C; pH =7.52 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 26,161 µmhos/cm

1,865 1,870 Dark brown to black crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity. 1,870 1,873 Dark tan grainstone (limestone), hard, micritic, moderate intergranular porosity.

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From To Lithologic Description MF-37 1,873 1,876 Same as above with blue-grey limestone. 1,876 1,884 Very light tan to off-white grainstone (limestone), hard, micritic, moderate intergranular porosity. 1,884 1,886 Light tan grainstone (limestone), hard, micritic, moderate intergranular porosity. 1,886 1,888 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, low intercrystalline porosity.

1,888 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 14:17 hr on 9/28/01 Temp = 28.85°C; pH =7.51 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 28,865 µmhos/cm

1,888 1,903 Light tan grainstone (limestone), moderately hard, micritic, moderate intergranular porosity. 1,903 1,914 Same as above with blue-grey limestone. 1,914 1,925 Light tan grainstone (limestone), hard, micritic, moderate intergranular porosity.

1,919 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 9:40 hr on 10/01/01 Temp = 28.79°C; pH =7.60 S.U; Sp. Cond. = 28,296 mhos/cm

1,925 1,944 Tan grainstone (dolomitic limestone), hard, crystalline, moderate intergranular porosity.

1,942 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 10:45 hr on 10/01/01 Temp = 28.61°C; pH =7.57 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 28,154 µmhos/cm

1,944 1,948 Light tan grainstone (limestone), hard, micritic, moderate intergranular porosity.

1,948 1,959 Very light tan and blue-gray grainstone (limestone), hard, vugular (core), moderate intergranular porosity.

1,950 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 12:00 hr on 10/04/01 Temp = 29.65°C; pH =7.34 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 32,866 mhos/cm

1,959 1,962 Off white grainstone (limestone), hard, vugular, good intergranular porosity. 1,962 1,970 Light tan grainstone (limestone), hard, micritic, moderate intergranular porosity.

1,970 1,975 Tan and blue-gray grainstone (limestone), moderately hard, vugular, moderate intergranular porosity.

1,975 1,985 Tan grainstone (dolomitic limestone), hard, crystalline, moderate intergranular porosity.

1,978 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 12:00 hr on 10/04/01 Temp = 29.43°C; pH =7.47 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 37,216 mhos/cm

1,985 1,990 Light grey grainstone (limestone), hard, micritic, good intergranular porosity. 1,990 1,993 Light blue-grey grainstone (limestone), hard, micritic, good intergranular porosity. 1,993 2,001 Tan to light tan grainstone (dolomitic limestone), hard, crystalline, poor intergranular porosity. 2,001 2,005 Same as above with blue-grey limestone.

2,005 2,009 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, crystalline, 10% limestone, poor intercrystalline porosity.

2,009 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 14:05 hr on 10/04/01 Temp = 29.91°C; pH =7.44 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 44,666 mhos/cm

2,009 2,015 Light blue-grey grainstone (limestone), hard, micritic, good intergranular porosity.

2,015 2,020 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), very hard, crystalline, 20% limestone, poor intercrystalline porosity.

2,020 2,027 Tan and blue-gray grainstone (limestone), moderately hard, vugular, moderate intergranular porosity.

2,027 2,035 Tan grainstone (limestone), friable, micritic, good intergranular porosity.

2,035 2,046 Brown crystalline carbonate (dolomite), hard, crystalline, 15% limestone, poor intercrystalline porosity.

2,046 Reverse-air Water Quality Data taken @ 15:08 hr on 10/04/01 Temp = 29.28°C; pH =7.59 S.U.; Sp. Cond. = 52,828 mhos/cm

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Appendix C-2

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Lithologic Well Log Printout Well Number: W-18256 Source: FGS Total Depth: 2040 ft County: Martin Samples: None Location: T.40S R.37E S.14 Completion Date: N/A Latitude: 28D 59M 0S Other Types of Logs Available: None Longitude: 80D 36M 15S Owner/Driller: South Florida Water Management District Elevation: 15 ft Worked by: Described by Edward Marks May 2002 Samples are in 5-foot intervals

0-140 121PCPC Pliocene-Pleistocene 140-425 122PCRV Peace River Formation 435-780 122ARCA Arcadia Formation 780-895 124OCAL Ocala Group 895-2040 124AVPK Avon Park Formation

Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 0-10 No samples

10-20 Wackestone; yellowish gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, moldic Possibly high permeability Grain type: skeletal, calcilutite 40% allochemical constituents Grain size: granule; range: medium to granule Moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement Accessory minerals: quartz sand-15% Fossils: mollusks, barnacles

20-35 Wackestone; grayish brown to white Porosity: intergranular, moldic, possibly high permeability Grain type: skeletal, calcilutite, 40% allochemical constituents Grain size: granule; range: medium to granule, moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement Accessory minerals: quartz sand-10% Fossils: mollusks, barnacles

35-45 Packstone; yellowish gray to white Porosity: intergranular, moldic, possibly high permeability Grain type: skeletal, calcilutite, 60% allochemical constituents Grain size: granule; range: medium to granule, moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement Accessory minerals: quartz sand-10% Fossils: mollusks, barnacles

45-50 No samples 50-60 Shell bed; grayish brown to white

Porosity: intergranular, moldic, possibly high permeability; unconsolidated Accessory minerals: quartz sand-03%, limestone-10% Fossils: mollusks, barnacles, bryozoa

60-65 No samples

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 65-90 Shell bed; yellowish gray to moderate light gray

Porosity: intergranular, possibly high permeability, unconsolidated Accessory minerals: quartz sand-02%, limestone-10% Fossils: mollusks, barnacles

90-115 Shell bed; yellowish gray to moderate light gray Porosity: intergranular, possibly high permeability, unconsolidated Accessory minerals: quartz sand-05%, limestone-10% Fossils: mollusks, barnacles

115-130 Shell bed; yellowish gray to moderate light gray Porosity: intergranular, possibly high permeability, unconsolidated Accessory minerals: quartz sand-05%, limestone-30% Fossils: mollusks, barnacles

130-140 Packstone; yellowish gray to white Porosity: intergranular, possibly high permeability Grain type: skeletal, calcilutite, 70% allochemical constituents Grain size: granule; range: medium to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: quartz sand-20% Fossils: mollusks, barnacles

140-165 Shell bed; yellowish gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular; poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, clay matrix Accessory minerals: quartz sand-10%, phosphatic sand-02%, limestone-10%, silt-10% Fossils: mollusks, barnacles

165-200 Shell bed; yellowish gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular; poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, clay matrix Accessory minerals: quartz sand-10%, phosphatic sand-02%, limestone-07%, silt-20% Fossils: mollusks, barnacles, echinoid

200-205 No samples 205-210 Shell bed; yellowish gray to light olive gray

Porosity: intergranular; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: quartz sand-10%, phosphatic sand-02%, limestone-10%, silt-20% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa, barnacles

210-225 Silt-size dolomite; olive gray to yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: quartz sand-10%, phosphatic sand-03% Fossils: mollusks, barnacles

225-260 Silt-size dolomite; light olive gray to light grayish green Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: quartz sand-10%, phosphatic sand-05% Fossils: mollusks, barnacles

260-280 Silt-size dolomite; light olive gray to olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix Accessory minerals: quartz sand-05%, phosphatic sand-05% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa, barnacles Plio/Pleistocene cavings

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 280-310 Silt-size dolomite; light olive gray to olive gray

Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: quartz sand-10%, phosphatic sand-05% Fossils: mollusks

310-315 Silt-size dolomite; light olive gray to yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: quartz sand-05%, phosphatic sand-05%, mica-01% Fossils: mollusks

315-340 Silt-size dolomite; light olive gray to olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: quartz sand-05%, phosphatic sand-03% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa

340-350 Silt-size dolomite; olive gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: quartz sand-05%, phosphatic sand-02% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa

350-365 Silt-size dolomite; olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: quartz sand-05%, phosphatic sand-02% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa

365-390 Silt-size dolomite; light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: quartz sand-05%, phosphatic sand-03% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa

390-415 Silt-size dolomite; light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: quartz sand-05%, phosphatic sand-03% Fossils: mollusks, sharks teeth

415-425 Silt-size dolomite; light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: quartz sand-02%, phosphatic sand-02%, phosphatic gravel-02% Fossils: benthic foraminifera, mollusks, many foraminifera; however extremely small in size being barley identifiable at 30 power. Size is comparable to point On exploration pick

425-435 Silt-size dolomite; light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: limestone-20%, quartz sand-07%, limestone is highly recrystalized retaining some evidence of fossil content, unidentified

435-455 Silt-size dolomite; yellowish gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: phosphatic sand-05%, quartz sand-05%

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 455-470 Silt-size dolomite; yellowish gray to light olive gray

Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic sand-05%, quartz sand-05%, limestone-20%

470-475 Wackestone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability Grain type: skeletal, calcilutite, 25% allochemical constituents Grain size: granule; range: medium to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: silt-20%, phosphatic sand-05%, phosphatic gravel-03%, quartz sand-10% Fossils: mollusks Phosphate grains are broken pieces of larger pebble sized grains, silt is actually dolosilt

475-485 Wackestone; yellowish gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability Grain type: skeletal, calcilutite, 25% allochemical constituents Grain size: granule; range: fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, clay matrix Accessory minerals: quartz sand-03%, phosphatic sand-07%, silt-20% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa, fossil fragments

485-495 Silt-size dolomite; light olive gray to yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: quartz sand-02%, clay-10% Fossils: mollusks, echinoid, fossil fragments

495-500 Wackestone; yellowish gray to olive gray Porosity: intergranular Grain type: skeletal, calcilutite, 20% allochemical constituents Grain size: granule; range: fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, clay matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic sand-05%, phosphatic gravel-02%, clay-15% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa, sharks’ teeth, echinoid fossil fragments

500-510 Silt-size dolomite; yellowish gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic sand-07%, phosphatic gravel-01%, limestone-30% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa, fossil fragments

510-540 Wackestone; yellowish gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular Grain type: skeletal, calcilutite, 30% allochemical constituents Grain size: granule; range: fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic sand-20%, phosphatic gravel-02%, quartz sand-0 % Fossils: mollusks, fossil fragments Good arcadia limestone

540-545 Wackestone; yellowish gray to dark greenish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: skeletal, calcilutite, 20% allochemical constituents Grain size: granule; range: coarse to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic sand-03%, phosphatic gravel-01%, silt-30% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa, sharks’ teeth, echinoid fossil fragments

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 545-555 Wackestone; yellowish gray to light olive gray

Porosity: intergranular, low permeability Grain type: skeletal, calcilutite, 15% allochemical constituents Grain size: medium; range: medium to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic sand-20%, quartz sand-02%, silt-30% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa, echinoid, fossil fragments Majority of phospate grains are of fine to very fine grain size

555-570 Wackestone; yellowish gray Grain type: skeletal, calcilutite, 40% allochemical constituents Grain size: granule; range: medium to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic sand-10%, quartz sand-02%, silt-20%, phosphatic gravel-01% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa, echinoid, fossil fragments

570-575 Packstone; yellowish gray to dark greenish gray Porosity: intergranular Grain type: skeletal, calcilutite, 60% allochemical constituents Grain size: granule; range: medium to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic sand-05%, quartz sand-02%, silt-15%, phosphatic gravel-02% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa, echinoid, sharks’ teeth, fossil fragments

575-585 Silt-size dolomite; yellowish gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic gravel-02%, phosphatic sand-03%, limestone-30%, quartz sand-03% Fossils: mollusks, fossil fragments

585-590 Silt-size dolomite; yellowish gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic gravel-02%, phosphatic sand-10%, limestone-30%, quartz sand-03% Fossils: mollusks, sharks’ teeth, fossil fragments

590-615 Silt-size dolomite; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic gravel-01%, phosphatic sand-07%, limestone-40%, quartz sand-03% Fossils: mollusks, sharks’ teeth, fossil fragments

615-625 Silt-size dolomite; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic gravel-02%, phosphatic sand-03%, quartz sand-01%, limestone-20% Fossils: mollusks

625-635 Silt-size dolomite; yellowish gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic gravel-02%, phosphatic sand-05%, clay-20%, limestone-05% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa

635-640 Silt-size dolomite; light olive gray to yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic gravel-01%, phosphatic sand-03%, quartz sand-01%, limestone-05% Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 640-655 Silt-size dolomite; yellowish gray

Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic gravel-02%, phosphatic sand-03%, quartz sand-02%, limestone-10% Fossils: mollusks, echinoid

655-665 Silt-size dolomite; light olive gray to yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic gravel-01%, phosphatic sand-02%, quartz sand-01%, limestone-20% Fossils: mollusks

665-690 Silt-size dolomite; yellowish gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic gravel-01%, phosphatic sand-03%, quartz sand-01%, limestone-30% Fossils: mollusks

690-705 Silt-size dolomite; yellowish gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic sand-01%, quartz sand-01%, limestone-07%, quartz sand-01% Fossils: mollusks, echinoid

705-735 Silt-size dolomite; yellowish gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic gravel-01%, phosphatic sand-02%, limestone-40%, quartz sand-01% Fossils: echinoid, mollusks

735-760 Silt-size dolomite; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; poor induration Cement type(s): clay matrix, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic gravel-05%, phosphatic sand-07%, limestone-03%, quartz sand-02% Fossils: mollusks, echinoid, sharks’ teeth

760-765 Dolostone; olive gray to light olive gray Porosity: intergranular; 50-90% altered; euhedral Grain size: medium; range: very fine to medium, moderate induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Accessory minerals: phosphatic gravel-15%, phosphatic sand-07%, silt-20%, quartz sand-02% Other features: sucrosic Fossils: mollusks, echinoid, sharks’ teeth

765-780 Wackestone; white to olive gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability, 20% allochemical constituents Grain size: granule; range: medium to granule, moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: phosphatic gravel-02%, phosphatic sand-10%, quartz sand-03%, dolomite- % Fossils: mollusks, sharks’ teeth

780-805 Wackestone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs, low permeability Grain type: pellet, skeletal, 30% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, accessory minerals: quartz sand-03% Fossils: mollusks, echinoid, coral Limestone grains have poor preservation characteristics making positive identification and percentage difficult.

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 805-815 Packstone; yellowish gray

Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs, possibly high permeability Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 70% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium, moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement, accessory minerals: quartz sand-03% Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: benthic foraminifera, bryozoa, mollusks. Forams lepidocyclina and nummulities as well as good packstone denote good Ocala lithology.

815-830 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs, possibly high permeability Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 70% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement Fossils: mollusks, benthic foraminifera

830-865 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs, possibly high permeability Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 80% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement Fossils: mollusks, echinoid, benthic foraminifera

865-890 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs, possibly high permeability Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 80% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement Fossils: mollusks, bryozoa, echinoid, benthic foraminifera cones. First appearance of D. cookei

890-895 No samples 895-915 Wackestone; yellowish gray to white

Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, calcilutite, skeletal, 40% allochemical constituents Grain size: very coarse; range: fine to granule, moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Fossils: mollusks, benthic foraminifera, echinoid, cones

915-930 Wackestone; yellowish gray to white Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, calcilutite, skeletal 40% allochemical constituents Grain size: very coarse; range: fine to granule Moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: mollusks, benthic foraminifera, echinoid Ostracods, cones

930-940 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: mollusks, cones, echinoid. Traditional Avon Park lithology, many cones, D. cookei and D. americanus.

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 940-970 Grainstone; yellowish gray

Porosity: pin point vugs, intergranular Grain type: pellet, calcilutite, skeletal, 90% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: mollusks, cones, benthic foraminifera, echinoid cribrobulimina @ fabularia foraminifera as well as cones

970-975 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: pin point vugs, intergranular Grain type: pellet, calcilutite, skeletal, 80% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: dolomite-20%

975-990 Dolostone; grayish brown to yellowish gray Porosity: pin point vugs, intergranular; 50-90% altered subhedral, moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: limestone-30%

990-1010 Dolostone; grayish brown to yellowish gray Porosity: pin point vugs, intergranular; 50-90% altered subhedral, moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: limestone-30%

1010-1025 Dolostone; grayish brown to yellowish gray Porosity: pin point vugs, intergranular; 50-90% altered subhedral, moderate induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: limestone-20%

1025-1050 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: pin point vugs, intergranular Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 50% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: mollusks, cones, echinoid

1050-1075 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: pin point vugs, intergranular Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 70% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: organics, mollusks, cones, echinoid

1075-1105 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: pin point vugs, intergranular Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 80% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: cones, mollusks, echinoid

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 1105-1115 Packstone; yellowish gray

Porosity: pin point vugs, intergranular Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 80% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, sparry calcite cement Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: cones, mollusks

1115-1116 No samples 1116-1186 Interval consists almost entirely of Plio/Pleistocene cavings voiding any value to sample 1186-1196 Packstone; yellowish gray

Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 60% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: cones, benthic foraminifera Cavings are abundant, including Plio/Pleistocene, Peace River, and Arcadia being obvious upon initial inspection

1196-1216 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 70% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: cones, benthic foraminifera

1216-1231 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 70% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: cones, benthic foraminifera

1231-1253 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 60% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: cones, benthic foraminifera, echinoid

1253-1283 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 80% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: cones, benthic foraminifera, echinoid

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 1283-1298 Packstone; yellowish gray

Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 80% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: cones, benthic foraminifera, echinoid

1298-1332 Grainstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 90% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: cones, benthic foraminifera, echinoid

1332-1357 As above 1357-1395 Packstone;

Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 80% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: cones, echinoid

1395-1425 Grainstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 90% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: cones, echinoid

1425-1430 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: calcilutite, pellet, skeletal, 80% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Other features: low recrystallization Fossils: cones, echinoid Plio/Pleistocene cavings abundant along with many other lithologies evident.

1430-1450 Grainstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: calcilutite, pellet, skeletal, 90% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Fossils: cones

1450-1470 Grainstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: calcilutite, skeletal, pellet, 90% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Fossils: cone

1470-1480 As above 1480-1485 As above

Sample is contaminated with silt and sand and some drilling mud(bentonite).

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 1485-1490 Grainstone; yellowish gray

Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: calcilutite, skeletal, pellet, 90% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Fossils: cones, echinoid Drilling bentonite mud.

1490-1500 Grainstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: calcilutite, skeletal, pellet, 90% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix Sedimentary structures: bedded Accessory minerals: organics-0 % Other features: low recrystallization, sucrosic Fossils: cones, echinoid, mollusks First appearance of good dolomite in Avon Park complete. Dolomite recrystalization with euhedral sucrosic fine size.

1500-1515 Dolostone; grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered euhedral Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1515-1525 Dolostone; grayish brown to very light orange Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered euhedral Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1525-1550 Dolostone; grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered euhedral Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1550-1555 Dolostone; grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered euhedral Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic Younger Avon Park limestone cavings.

1555-1560 Dolostone; grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered euhedral Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1560-1565 Dolostone; grayish brown to very light orange Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered euhedral Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 1565-1580 Dolostone; grayish brown

Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered euhedral Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1580-1585 Packstone; yellowish gray to dark yellowish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 80% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, clay matrix Fossils: cones, benthic foraminifera, echinoid Sample is possibly shallower Avon Park limestone cavings with some Ocala cavings as well as having lepidocyclina and numulities foraminifera.

1585-1590 Packstone; yellowish gray to dark yellowish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 80% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule, poor induration Cement type(s): calcilutite matrix, clay matrix Accessory minerals: dolomite-15%

1590-1600 Dolostone; grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs, possibly high permeability; 90-100% altered; subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1600-1605 Dolostone; dark yellowish brown to dark yellowish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs, possibly high permeability; 90-100% altered; subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1605-1630 Dolostone; grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered, subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1630-1635 No samples 1635-1640 Dolostone; grayish brown

Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered, subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1640-1645 Dolostone; dark yellowish brown to grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs, possibly high permeability; 90-100% altered; subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1645-1665 Dolostone; grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered, subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 1665-1670 Packstone; yellowish gray to moderate yellowish brown

Porosity: intergranular Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 60% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule Cement type(s): phosphate cement, calcilutite matrix, dolomite cement Accessory minerals: dolomite-30% Other features: sucrosic Sample is a packstone with sucrosic dolomite grains evenly dispersed throughout matrix.

1670-1680 Dolostone; grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered, subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1680-1685 Wackestone; yellowish gray to dark yellowish brown Porosity: intergranular, low permeability Grain type: pellet, calcilutite, 40% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to granule Accessory minerals: dolomite-40% Other features: sucrosic

1685-1690 Dolostone; grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered, subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1690-1700 Dolostone; yellowish gray to moderate yellowish brown Porosity: intergranular; 50-90% altered; euhedral Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium, moderate induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement, calcilutite matrix Accessory minerals: limestone-40% Other features: sucrosic Fossils: cones

1700-1705 Dolostone; grayish brown to dark yellowish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered, subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement

1705-1720 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 80% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium Accessory minerals: dolomite-15% Fossils: cones

1720-1740 Packstone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 80% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium Fossils: cones

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 1740-1765 Packstone; grayish brown to dark yellowish brown

Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 80% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium Accessory minerals: dolomite-30% Fossils: cones

1765-1780 Packstone; yellowish gray to dark yellowish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Grain type: pellet, skeletal, calcilutite, 70% allochemical constituents Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium Accessory minerals: dolomite-10%

1780-1785 Dolostone; moderate yellowish brown Porosity: intergranular, possibly high permeability, 90-100% altered; euhedral Grain size: medium; range: fine to coarse, moderate induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic Euhedral and very sucrosic sample possibly yielding high porosity.

1785-1800 Dolostone; grayish brown to dark yellowish brown Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; 90-100% altered, subhedral Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1800-1815 As above 1815-1820 Dolostone; moderate yellowish brown to moderate light gray

Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; 90-100% altered, subhedral Grain size: microcrystalline Range: cryptocrystalline to fine; good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1820-1825 Dolostone; grayish brown to dark yellowish brown Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; 90-100% altered, subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1825-1835 Dolostone; grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; 90-100% altered, subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1835-1840 Dolostone; grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs Possibly high permeability; 90-100% altered; subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1840-1855 Dolostone; grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered, subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 1855-1870 Dolostone; grayish brown to dark yellowish brown

Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered, subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1870-1875 Dolostone; very light orange to grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; 50-90% altered, subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1875-1880 Dolostone; grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 50-90% altered, subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1880-1885 Dolostone; yellowish gray to white Porosity: intergranular; 50-90% altered; anhedral Grain size: medium; range: microcrystalline to very fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement

1885-1890 Dolostone; grayish brown to very light orange Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 50-90% altered, anhedral Grain size: medium; range: microcrystalline to very fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement

1890-1915 Dolostone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 10-50% altered, anhedral Grain size: medium; range: microcrystalline to medium, moderate induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement, calcilutite matrix Sample appears to have differential dolomite alteration with limestone appearing to range from low to medium alteration.

1915-1940 Dolostone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; 50-90% altered, subhedral Grain size: microcrystalline Range: cryptocrystalline to very fine; good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement, calcilutite matrix Other features: sucrosic

1940-1955 Dolostone; dark yellowish orange to yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs, possibly high permeability; 50-90% altered; anhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement, calcilutite matrix

1955-1965 Dolostone; very light orange Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; 50-90% altered, anhedral Grain size: microcrystalline Range: cryptocrystalline to very fine; good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement, calcilutite matrix

1965-1975 Dolostone; grayish brown to very light orange Porosity: intergranular; 90-100% altered; anhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement

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Depth (ft) Lithologic Log 1975-1985 Dolostone; grayish brown to very light orange

Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered, subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1985-1990 Dolostone; yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, low permeability; 50-90% altered, subhedral Grain size: microcrystalline Range: cryptocrystalline to very fine; good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement

1990-1995 Dolostone; grayish brown to moderate light gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered, subhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

1995-2005 Dolostone; grayish brown to yellowish gray Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered, anhedral Grain size: very fine; range: microcrystalline to fine, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement

2005-2010 Dolostone; dark yellowish brown to grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs; 90-100% altered, euhedral Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

2010-2025 Dolostone; yellowish gray to very light gray Porosity: intergranular; 90-100% altered; anhedral Grain size: microcrystalline Range: cryptocrystalline to very fine; good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement

2025-2040 Dolostone; moderate yellowish brown to grayish brown Porosity: intergranular, pin point vugs, possibly high permeability; 90-100% altered; euhedral Grain size: fine; range: very fine to medium, good induration Cement type(s): dolomite cement Other features: sucrosic

2040 Total depth

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Appendix D

Packer test results can be found in the attached Excel sheets.

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Appendix E

Page 80: Hydrogeologic Investigation of the Floridan Aquifer System ... · PDF fileHydrogeologic Investigation of the Floridan Aquifer System: Port Mayaca Site Martin County, Florida Technical


Core No.

Sample No.

Depth Top (ft)

Depth Bottom (ft)

K(max) md

K(90) md

Horizontal Anisotropy Ratio

Vertical Perm. md

Vertical/ Horizontal Anisotropy

Porosity (%)

Grain Density (gm/cc)



1 798.0 798.5 1909.60 740.37 0.39 -999.00 33.8 2.71 Lim, wht, broken frac, foss, chalk 2 800.0 800.7 315.27 302.99 0.96 161.50 0.53 43.3 2.70 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, pp moldic 3 801.7 802.0 -999.00 2380.00 -999.00 51.3 2.71 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, pp moldic 4 803.2 803.5 625.04 481.79 0.77 301.73 0.63 41.9 2.70 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, pp moldic


5 931.3 931.7 1195.31 1100.69 0.92 203.20 0.18 29.0 2.72 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, sl pp moldic 6 933.0 933.6 2244.64 1963.13 0.87 807.14 0.41 36.5 2.71 Lim, wht, foss, sl chalk, pp moldic 7 934.5 935.0 692.44 678.01 0.98 1111.97 1.64 43.7 2.71 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, pp moldic 8 936.3 936.8 731.44 678.16 0.93 658.29 0.97 41.5 2.72 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, pp moldic 9 938.0 939.0 1739.13 1196.09 0.69 301.81 0.25 36.1 2.71 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, pp moldic

10 939.3 939.9 644.86 469.57 0.73 348.74 0.74 39.5 2.72 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, pp moldic


11 1372.2 1372.9 383.06 362.14 0.95 141.47 0.39 40.8 2.70 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, pp moldic 12 1372.7 1373.7 726.69 710.14 0.98 363.37 0.51 38.7 2.70 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, pp moldic 13 1376.4 1376.9 420.38 413.87 0.98 405.29 0.98 39.9 2.71 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, pp moldic 14 1376.9 1377.8 77.19 75.79 0.98 70.34 0.93 38.9 2.71 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, pp moldic 15 1378.7 1379.2 137.11 131.02 0.96 87.15 0.67 40.0 2.71 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, pp moldic 16 1379.7 1380.4 129.41 129.41 1.00 104.70 0.81 41.0 2.70 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, pp moldic 17 1381.0 -999.0 -999.00 13.81 -999.00 36.1 2.69 Lim, wht, foss, chalk, pp moldic


18 1629.2 1629.8 7.67 6.15 0.80 0.03 10.8 2.81 Dol, tn brn, vf xln, sl pp vug 19 1631.0 1631.4 14.81 12.91 0.87 1.68 0.13 17.8 2.79 Dol, tn brn, vf xln, sli calc, sh lam 20 1632.0 1632.4 56.57 40.20 0.71 15.15 0.38 19.4 2.82 Dol, tn brn, vf xln, sl pp moldic 21 1632.6 1632.9 187.67 177.02 0.94 39.44 0.22 22.1 2.81 Dol, tn brn, vf xln, sli calc, sh lam, pp moldic 22 1633.8 1634.2 4.22 3.23 0.77 2.30 0.71 13.8 2.81 Dol, tn brn, slt-vf xln, sh lam


23 1942.1 1942.3 1749.00 1692.00 0.97 415.45 0.25 34.0 2.77 Dol, tn, foss, sli calc, pp moldic 24 1942.5 1942.8 5859.95 5494.43 0.94 6116.60 1.11 34.6 2.78 Dol, tn, foss, sli calc, pp moldic vug 25 1945.1 1945.4 59.25 57.34 0.97 9.29 0.16 27.0 2.79 Dol, tn, foss, sh lam, pp moldic sl vug 26 1947.3 1947.6 45.11 21.02 0.47 22.11 1.05 12.8 2.71 Dol, tn gry, sl moldic 27 1949.0 1950.0 857.77 776.95 0.91 2429.69 15.9 2.71 Dol, tn, vug rootlet 28 1951.8 1952.4 0.91 0.25 0.27 0.23 0.91 6.9 2.80 Dol, tn, tr vug

0.83 0.63

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Appendix F

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Page 84: Hydrogeologic Investigation of the Floridan Aquifer System ... · PDF fileHydrogeologic Investigation of the Floridan Aquifer System: Port Mayaca Site Martin County, Florida Technical
