Hydrogen production by photosynthetic green algae Maria L Ghirardi , National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO 80401, USA E-mail: [email protected] Received 29 March 2006; revised 28 June 2006 IndianJournal of Biochemistry & Biophysics Vol.43, August 2006, pp. 201-210 Minireview Oxygenic photosynthetic organisms such as cyanobacteria, green algae and diatoms are capable of absorbing light and storing up to 10-13% of its energy into the H-H bond of hydrogen gas. This process, which takes advantage of the photosynthetic apparatus of these organisms to convert sunlight into chemical energy, could conceivably be harnessed for production of significant amounts of energy from a renewable resource, water. The harnessed energy could then be coupled to a fuel cell for electricity generation and recycling of water molecules. In this review, current biochemical understanding of this reaction in green algae, and some of the major challenges facing the development of future commercial algal photobiological systems for H2 production have been discussed. Keywords: Green algae, Hydrogen production, Algal hydrogenases Introduction The photoproduction of H2 by green algae is an alternative pathway to utilize the reductants generated from photosynthetic water oxidation, as shown in Fig. 1. The discovery of this pathway was done by Hans Gaffron and his co-workers in the late I 930s/early 1940s, and their research has been reviewed recently':". Normally, photosynthetically generated reductants in green algae are used for CO 2 fixation into starch" which is then mobilized according to the energy requirements of the organism. However, under dark, anaerobic conditions, the CO 2 fixation pathway is inactivated and a new enzymatic system, consisting of [FeFe]-hydrogenase enzymes is starcn • I aer7FNR/C02 fixation reductants anaer~ HydrogenaseIH 2 production expressed. It is proposed that the role of this system is to prevent accumulation of reductants upon subsequent exposure of the organisms to light and to poise the organism at an appropriate redox lever':". An additional source of reductants for algal hydrogenases includes glycolytic degradation of stored starch", as shown in Fig. l. The contribution from this source varies widely from organism-to- organism and is dependent on physiological and environmental conditions'"!". As such, an optimal Hz- producing green alga should be able to utilize both water oxidation. and starch degradation as comple- mentary sources of reductants. Although green algae also produce H2 fermentatively in the dark'"!', the rates of this reaction are orders of magnitude, lower than the light-induced reactions. The potential light conversion efficiency of algal hydrogen production is about 10-13%, based on (a) the 43-45% amount of energy present in the portion of solar spectrum that is absorbed by the chlorophyll (Chl)-containing organisms 12, and (b) the amount of energy stored in a mole H2 molecules 13. In a region exposed to high light intensity, such as the U.S. Southwest (l kW 1m2), this conversion efficiency translates into a 100 km vs 100 km area (about 4,500 square miles or 0.12% of the U. S. land area) needed to produce enough energy to completely displace gasoline use by the U.S. transportation sector (236 million cars)!". This estimate underscores the promise of the technology to generate H2 in an efficient and renewable manner. H 2 0 Y.02 + 2H+ Fig. I-Pathways from photosynthetic water oxidation to CO 2 fixation (through the ferredoxin/NADP oxidoreductase or FNR), under aerobic conditions or to H2 production (through the hydrogenase enzyme), under anaerobic conditions [An -alternative pathway that provides reductants to the photosynthetic electron Iransport chain through starch degradation is also indicated]

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Hydrogen production by photosynthetic green algae

Maria L Ghirardi, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO 80401, USA

E-mail: [email protected]

Received 29 March 2006; revised 28 June 2006

IndianJournal of Biochemistry & BiophysicsVol.43, August 2006, pp. 201-210


Oxygenic photosynthetic organisms such as cyanobacteria, green algae and diatoms are capable of absorbing light andstoring up to 10-13% of its energy into the H-H bond of hydrogen gas. This process, which takes advantage of thephotosynthetic apparatus of these organisms to convert sunlight into chemical energy, could conceivably be harnessed forproduction of significant amounts of energy from a renewable resource, water. The harnessed energy could then be coupledto a fuel cell for electricity generation and recycling of water molecules. In this review, current biochemical understandingof this reaction in green algae, and some of the major challenges facing the development of future commercial algalphotobiological systems for H2 production have been discussed.

Keywords: Green algae, Hydrogen production, Algal hydrogenases

IntroductionThe photoproduction of H2 by green algae is an

alternative pathway to utilize the reductants generatedfrom photosynthetic water oxidation, as shown inFig. 1. The discovery of this pathway was done byHans Gaffron and his co-workers in the lateI930s/early 1940s, and their research has beenreviewed recently':". Normally, photosyntheticallygenerated reductants in green algae are used for CO2

fixation into starch" which is then mobilizedaccording to the energy requirements of the organism.However, under dark, anaerobic conditions, the CO2

fixation pathway is inactivated and a new enzymaticsystem, consisting of [FeFe]-hydrogenase enzymes is

starcn • Iaer7FNR/C02 fixation



expressed. It is proposed that the role of this system isto prevent accumulation of reductants uponsubsequent exposure of the organisms to light and topoise the organism at an appropriate redox lever':".

An additional source of reductants for algalhydrogenases includes glycolytic degradation ofstored starch", as shown in Fig. l. The contributionfrom this source varies widely from organism-to-organism and is dependent on physiological andenvironmental conditions'"!". As such, an optimal Hz-producing green alga should be able to utilize bothwater oxidation. and starch degradation as comple-mentary sources of reductants. Although green algaealso produce H2 fermentatively in the dark'"!', therates of this reaction are orders of magnitude, lowerthan the light-induced reactions.

The potential light conversion efficiency of algalhydrogen production is about 10-13%, based on (a)the 43-45% amount of energy present in the portion ofsolar spectrum that is absorbed by the chlorophyll(Chl)-containing organisms 12, and (b) the amount ofenergy stored in a mole H2 molecules 13. In a regionexposed to high light intensity, such as the U.S.Southwest (l kW 1m2), this conversion efficiencytranslates into a 100 km vs 100 km area (about 4,500square miles or 0.12% of the U. S. land area) neededto produce enough energy to completely displacegasoline use by the U.S. transportation sector (236million cars)!". This estimate underscores the promiseof the technology to generate H2 in an efficient andrenewable manner.


Y.02+ 2H+

Fig. I-Pathways from photosynthetic water oxidation to CO2fixation (through the ferredoxin/NADP oxidoreductase or FNR),under aerobic conditions or to H2 production (through thehydrogenase enzyme), under anaerobic conditions [An -alternativepathway that provides reductants to the photosynthetic electronIransport chain through starch degradation is also indicated]

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Other photosynthetic organisms also have thecapability of photoproducing H2 from waterI5,16,

although in some of them (such as cyanobacteria), thereaction is catalyzed by a different class of enzymes,[NiFe ]-hydrogenases. These organisms are! also beingconsidered for future applied systems. Thus, althoughpromising, photosynthetic systems are not ready to beexploited for commercial uses yet. The majorchallenge facing these systems is the extreme sensi-tivity of H2 metabolism to O2, an obligatory by-product of photosynthetic water oxidation. This sensi-tivity occurs at four levels: (a) gene transcription,(b) [FeFe]-hydrogenase maturation, (c) activity of thehydrogenase catalytic site, and (d) competition forphotosynthetic reductants with other physiologicalpathways. The next sections address in more detaileach of these areas, followed by a description of tworecently described algal systems based on physio-logical manipulation of the algae that currently photo-produce H2 gas sustainably.

Green algal hydrogenases

i) Catalytic site and enzyme mechanismHydrogenases are classified as [FeFe], [NiFe] or

FeS-cluster-free (Fe-only), according to the metalcomposition of their catalytic site. The catalytic site ofalgal hydrogenases consists of an H-cluster,containing a 4Fe4S center, linked by a cysteineresidue to a uruque 2Fe2S cluster (Fig. 2). This


Fig. 2-Schematic drawing of algal [FeFe]-hydrogenase enzymestructure showing relative location of the [4Fe4S] and [2Fe2S]components of Il-cluster, the proposed proton pathway (dashedline) and computationally-modeled O2 pathways (full lines) [Thediffusion of H2 gas has been proposed to occur by multiplepathways. See text for more information]

characteristic composition places them in the categoryof [Fefel-hydrogenases'v'", which are also found inclostridia, desulfovibria, Thermatoga sp., the protistTrichomonas sp. and anaerobic fungi. The [FeFeJ-hydrogenases have the highest turnover rates (6,000-9,000 S-I) of all hydrogenases'', and are usuallyinvolved in Hy-production, in contrast with the mostlyHy-uprake [NiFe]-enzymes. Interestingly, the presenceof an open-reading-frame (ORF) has been reported inEnterobacter cloacae, with high homology to theH-cluster-binding C' -end of other [FeFe]-hydro-genases 19. Moreover, when expressed in E. coli(without the co-expression of assembly genes, seesection (iii) below), the respective gene productexhibited H2 production activity. If, indeed thisE.. cloacae ORF encodes a hydrogenase enzyme, itscatalytic site has different characteristics from thoseof "the usual [FeFe]-hydrogenases, since one of thefour conserved cysteine residues that bind theH-cluster is absent in the putative E. cloacae hydro-genase. In order to explain how an H-cluster can beassembled in the latter, Tosatto et al.20did homologymodels of the putative E. cloacae hydrogenase andassumed that the fourth cysteine ligand is provided bya non-conserved cysteine residue Cys 56. Althoughintriguing, their work will have to be validated bymore specific biochemical and biophysical assays.

The 2Fe2S cluster of [FeFe ]-hydrogenases bindsCO, CN and a dithiomethylamine species (however,see Nicolet et al" for an alternative proposedligand."). The presence of CO and CN ligands, whichare also found in [NiFe]-hydrogenases is believed toimpart the catalytic center with a higher electron-accepting characteristic", facilitating electron trans-port to a bound H+ (see arrows in Fig. 2). Hydrogenproduction involves double reduction of the protonbound to the distal iron, followed by recombination ofresulting R with another H+, bound perhaps to thebridging dithiomethylamine ligand, as suggested bywork with theoretical studies and model compounds"

The direct donation of electrons to the hydrogenaseoccurs through the intermediate [2Fe2S]-containingprotein ferredoxin. In green algae, ferredoxin shuttleselectrons between the photosynthetic electrontransport chain (that generates the electrons fromwater) and the hydrogenase (see also Fig. 1). Reducedferredoxin is believed to dock 10 the hydrogenase nearthe 4Fe4S center and to transfer electrons to thehydrogenase in two consecutive reactions. Thetransfer of protons to the catalytic site of the hydro-





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categoryound in~ protist[FeFe]-(6,000-usually

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genase.. on the other hand, is proposed to involveacidic residues located between the H-cluster and thesurface" of the enzyme and possibly ending on acysteine residue, next to the catalytic siteIS•25,26.

The pathway by which H2 gas leaves the catalyticsite has been a matter of debate. A putative H2 gaspathway was initially identified using either amolecular dynamics approach", a prediction ofhydrophobic cavities using static structures of the

2127 h c . d ..enzyme' or a searc lor xenon-occupie cavitiesusing crystallographic methods'". However, recentsimulations based on molecular dynamics and solventaccessibility maps of the CpI [FeFe]-hydrogenase2s.29

suggest that hydrogen diffuses more freely throughthe protein structure, although two major pathwaysare mainly utilized [see section (iv) below].

The H-cluster is irreversibly inactivated by O2,which binds to the empty coordination shell of thedistal Fe, but is reversibly inhibited by CO. In contrast,both O2 and CO, in some cases reversibly inactivate the[NiFe] metallo-cluster of [NiFe]-hydrogenases. Indeed,sensitivity of algal hydrogenases to O2 has beendemonstrated to be higher than that of other [FeFe]-hydrogenases, and it is on the order of a few seconds inair3o. Although this extreme sensitivity washypothesized to be due to the lack of a more extensiveN-terminal accessory cluster domain, mutagenesiswork demonstrated otherwise". Although the structuralreason for the higher sensitivity of algal hydrogenasestoO2 is not known, efforts are underway to gain furtherunderstanding of the energetics of H2 and O2diffusion" and to obtain and solve the X-ray crystalstructure of the algal [FeFe]-hydrogenases.

ii)Gene transcriptionTwo algal hydrogenase genes HydAl and HydA2,

encoding for two distinct proteins have beenidentified in Chlamydomonas reinhardti32.33, Scene-desmus obiiquus34

•35, Chiarella fusca'" and Chlamydo-··37 Th . Imonas moewusu:': e two proteins are nuc ear

encoded and contain putative transit sequences thattarget them to the chloroplasr'". There are otherdifferences between the HydAl and HydA2 genesthat may affect their transcription - a characteristicTATA box is present 24 bp upstream from the5'-UTR in HydA2, but it is located much further up,187 bp from the 5'-UTR region in HydA133,3s.Additionally, they contain a different number ofintrons (8 in HydAl and 10 in HydA2, see Fig. 3),and their sequences are contained in differentscaffolds, 10 and 12, respectively.


z 6


5'UTR158 bp

COding sequence: 1491 bp 3' UTR747bp



Coding sequerce:1515 bp

Fig. 3-Structure of the genes encoding for the algalhydrogenases RydAl and HydA2 [The coding sequences areshown, respectively in blue and yellow, and each exon isidentified by a number. Introns are indicated by lines above thecoding sequence and they are also identified by numbers. The S'and 3' UTRs are shown by fi lied boxes are each end of the codi ngsequence. TP represents the transit peptide]

Very little is known about the transcriptionalregulation of either the algal or of other [FeFe]-hydro-genase genes. However, anaerobicity plays a majorrole, as observed in the recent studies32.33. Thesereports showed that the accumulation of hydrogenasetranscripts occurred only upon anaerobic treatment ofthe algal cultures, either through dark incubation orsulfur deprivation in the light. Identification of pro-moter region (128 to 21 bp from the transcriptioninitiation site) responsible for anaerobic expression ofthe HydAl gene was described recently'". However,other factors might also contribute at least as modu-lators of gene expression under anaerobic conditions'".

The Hj-production capabilities of two C. reinh-ardtii mutants that are unable to accumulate starch(due to a defective isoamylase gene) have beencharacterized in a recent study?'. These mutantscannot sustain hydrogenase gene expression undersulfur deprivation or dark anaerobic conditions,suggesting that either the energy level31 or metaboliteflux conditions of the cells42 play a major role inregulation of algal [FeFe]-hydrogenase genes. Itwould be interesting to find out, whether a two-component regulatory PAS system (the 2-componentsignal-recognition module named for the initially-identified members Per, ARNT and Sim proteins (seerefs in Reinelt et al.43) is also involved in sensing O2

levels and regulating hydrogenase gene transcription,


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as has been described in other systems that synthesize[NiFe]-hydrogenases I6,44. No evidence is available yetfor the operation of such a system in organisms thatcontain [FeFe [-hydrogenases.

Hi) Enzyme assemblyThe assembly and maturation of catalytic H-cluster

of [FeFe]-hydrogenases requires 3 genes, in contrastwith the 7 accessory proteins required for theassembly of [NiFe]-hydrogenases (reviewed in Bocket al.45). This is an interesting observation, since thetwo types of hydrogenases have a unifying feature,the existence of CN and/or CO ligands to the activesite Fe. Yet, the maturation process of two types ofenzymes utilizes not only different enzymes, but verydifferent chemical mechanisms'f:". The maturation of[NiFe]-hydrogenases is mostly an aerobic process,while anaerobicity is a sine qua non for the expressionand catalytic function of accessory proteins respon-sible for the maturation of [Fef'el-hydrogenases'".

Two genes, HydEF and HydG that encode forproteins that function in maturation of [FeFe]-hydrogenases have been reported in the alga C.reinhardtii by Posewitz et .a". They screened alibrary of insertional C. reinhardtii for mutants unableto photoproduce H2 and among the selected clones,identified a: mutant, hydEF-l that was disrupted in theHydEF gene. The ability to photoproduce H2 wasrestored, when the mutant was complemented with afull copy of the HydEF gene. This result directlylinked the Hrnon-producing phenotype to the HydEFgene function. Upstream from the HydEF gene in C.reinhardtii is another gene HydG, which is orienteddivergently with respect to the HydEF gene andpossibly regulated by the same promoter'f".

The hydEF-l mutant transcribed both HydAl andHydA2 genes upon anaerobic induction, synthesizesboth the HydAl and HydA2 proteins (of slightlyhigher molecular weight than in the wild-type), butexhibited no Hy-production activity. It was proposedthat' the protein expressed by the mutant was inactiveand possibly not mature. This hypothesis wasconfirmed by experiments in which the hydrogenasestructural gene HydAl was co-expressed in E. coliwith the two assembly genes HydEF and HydG,yielding an active algal hydrogenase.". The generalityof the assembly mechanism among differentorganisms has been recently demonstrated''", and inmost other biological systems the maturation proteinsare encoded by three separate genes: HydE, HydF andHydG. The authors expressed [FeFe]-hydrogenases

from C. reinhardtii, C. pasteurianum or C. acetobu-tylicum using the E. coli system and maturation genesfrom C. acetobutylicum.

Homologues of the HydEF and HydG genes wereidentified in all organisms containing [FeFe]-hydrogenases. In all instances, with the exception ofgreen algae, HydEF is represented as two separategenes HydE and HydF, and in some cases the three

. hi . I 45 46 H dF .genes occur WIt In a SIng e operon ' . y . containsmotifs that are characteristic of GTPases, while bothHydE and HydG show signature motifs of RadicalSAM proteins", This unique class of proteins isinvolved in reactions that are initiated by thegeneration of the 5' -deoxyadenosyl radical, followingthe reductive cleavage of S-adenosyl methionine. The5' -deoxyadenosyl radical utilizes different substratesto perform a variety of anaerobic metabolic functions,such as cofactor biosynthesis", synthesis of biornole-cules'", insertion of sulfur into organic substrates'",etc. Recently, the HydE and HydG from Thermatogamaritima were demonstrated to have Radical SAMproperties in vitro"; and HydF was shown to be aGTPase in vitro as we1l52

. Although the specific rolesof HydE, HydF and HydG gene products in thematuration of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase H-clusters isnot clear, potential reaction mechanisms and subs-trates have been postulated recently''v". Thus, furtherexperiments are required to deconvolute the entirematuration process.

iv) O2 inhibition of hydrogenase activityInactivation of [FeFe]-hydrogenases by O2 is

believed to occur by irreversible binding of O2 to theH-cluster, possibly including .the distal Fe of the[2Fe2S]-center, the site of H2 catalysis, which alsobinds one of the protons [see section (i) above]. Thefinal oxygen species present in the inactivated stateenzyme is not yet known. However, it is clear that thecatalytic site of the enzyme is embedded into theprotein structure, and for inactivation, it is necessaryfor O2 gas to diffuse into the protein structure. Currentefforts to prevent O2 inactivation of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase involve two different approaches. Thefirst one, proposes to use random mutagenesis togenerate multiple mutants of the enzyme, followed byscreening for increase in O2 tolerance. This approachrequires the availability of high-throughput screeningassays to handle the large number of colonies to beexamined, such as the chemochromic methoddescribed previously T'". The second method is basedon (a) identifying the pathways by which O2 gains


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v) ComThe

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access to the catalytic site, and (b) using site-directedmutagenesis to reduce accessibility".

Recent advances using the second method have ledto the identification of two pathways, consistingof separate cavities for O2 gas diffusion in theC. pasteurianum CpI [FeFe]-hydrogenase, based onmolecular dynamic simulations28,29. The studies alsodemonstrated that in contrast with O2, H2 gas diffusesout of the catalytic' site through multiple pathways.Since these results apparently contradicted previousreports26,27, they were reinforced by a new computa-tional method that allows one to map transientcavities based on the dynamics of the protein itself, inthe absence of gas molecule/". This method confirmsthe results from the molecular dynamics simulations,strongly suggesting that the diffusion of O2 in theory,is indeed restricted to only two pathways, and that thisrestriction is primarily based on the size of the O2

molecule. This conclusion is directing site-directedmutagenesis studies aimed at changing the nature ofspecific amino acid residues, located in the identifiedO2 diffusion pathways. Finally, it is important to notethat the use of additional approaches to identify O2

gas diffusion pathways has also confirmed the morerandomized H2 diffusion behavior of H2 gas mole-cules. These results strengthen the hypothesis that it ispossible to modify O2 access to the catalytic sitewithout concomitantly affecting H2 gas diffusionpathways and properties38.

v) Competition for reductantsThe normal fate of photosynthetically generated

reductants is the ferredoxin/NAOPH oxidoreductase(FNR) that generates NAOPH from reducedferredoxin for other metabolic pathways, such as theenzymes of the CO2 fixation Calvin cycle. However,under anaerobic conditions, the main enzyme of theCalvin cycle, Rubisco, is inactivated " and thus theCO2 fixation does not compete for reductants withother metabolic pathways. Rubisco inactivation is alsoobserved when anaerobiosis is induced by sulfurdeprivatiorr'". As a result, ferredoxin will prefe-rentially reduce other enzymes such as the [FeFe]-hydrogenases and H2-production activity is observed,instead. However, in a system driven by an Ortolerant hydrogenase, competition between FNR andthe hydrogenase for reductants may be a majorconcern. This concern is based on the higher affinityof ferredoxin for the FNR (0.4 !!M60) than forhydrogenase (10-35 !!M30,61,62),although it is possiblethat the relative levels of FNR and hydrogenase could

reduce the competition. Future investigations willhave to address this potential drain of reductants awayfrom H2 production.

Physiological manipulation of green algaeThe engineering of [FeFe]-hydrogenases for O2

tolerance is a long-term approach for addressing thecurrent lack of continuity of algal Hrproduction.However, a short-term solution has become availablethat allows sustainable H2-production as a pure gas,but at limited rates and lower light conversionefficiency'". It is based on the partial inactivation ofphotosynthetic O2 evolution by depriving algalcultures of sulfate nutrients. As shown earlier, sulfatedeprivation prevents the normal repair of the light-damaged 01 protein ,of photosystem II (PSII)64,leading to the accumulation of inactive centers thatare unable to reduce QB 65 and thus are incapable ofmaintaining high photosynthetic electron flow toferredoxin. Sulfate deprivation also .leads to an initialover-accumulation of starch, followed by the

.11- ••.•••• pz;" •• ::::: -·-:481' ..- ~~ ..\,. ~~

Fig. 4-Two sets of photobioreactor systems used to monitorcontinuous H2 production by sulfur-deprived cultures ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii [The algal cultures are initiallygrown photosynthetically in suspension under controlled pH in thephotobioreactors shown in the center of the photograph. Thecultures are grown in the chemos tat mode, and are continuouslyflushed with medium containing limiting amounts of sulfate.Under these conditions, they do not produce Hb but accumulatestarch. The amount of dissolved O2 and redox potential of thesuspensions \ is continuously monitored through the electrodesshown in each side of the reactors. The two photobioreactors atthe edge contain cultures that were initially deprived of sulfateand that are actively producing H2. The cultures in those reactorsare being continuously replaced by fresh cultures from the twofirst reactors, thus ensuring the uninterrupted Hz production (seetext). Hydrogen .gas is accumulated from the ouput medium in aglass cylinder under water (not shown)]

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anaerobiosis in the culture vessels66.67

. Anaerobiosisoccurs because sulfate deprivation has a only veryslight effect on the respiratory activity of the cells63. Itleads to a decrease in the levels of Rubisco ",induction of hydrogenase expression and activity, andcatabolic metabolism of starch and proteins66

,68,69.\ Thesubsequent sustained production of H2 gas wasdemonstrated to depend on two separate sources ofphotosynthetic reductants: (a) those originated by theresidual water oxidation activity of the cultures, and(b) those released upon by oxidation of starch andproteins and transferred to the photosynthetic electrontransport chain at the level of the intermediate

. plastoquinone.The rate of H2 production under sulfate deprivation

has been shown to be only about 1/lOlh of the capacityof the photosynthetic apparatus to process electrons'",It has been proposed that prolonged anaerobiosisleads to down-regulation of electron transport, due tonon-dissipation of proton gradient":" that results inincreased, non-productive cyclic electron trans-port72

,73. Indeed, a 3-4 times increase in the rate of H2photoproduction was reported with a C. reinhardtiimutant that is blocked in state transitions and thusunable to perform cyclic electron transfer".

Although H2-production activity lasts only 3-4 daysunder sulfur deprivation, processes have beendeveloped to sustain it beyond that period of time.One approach consisted in running cycles of minus-sulfate (5 days) land plus-sulfate (2 days) to allow thecultures to temporarily recover their photosyntheticactivity, and to re-accumulate their storage of starchand protein": A second approach utilized theconcept of physical separation of photosyntheticOz-production and anaerobic, H2-production phases".This was achieved using two separate photobio-reactors, as shown in Fig. 4. The culture in firstphotobioreactor is grown photosynthetically, underlimiting sulfate concentration in a chemostat mode.The cells are used to continuously replace the cells ina second photobioreactor, under anaerobic H2-

production conditions. This system produced H2 gasuninterruptedly for a period of 6 months 76.

Whenever algal suspensions are used for H2production under sulfate deprivation, there is alimitation on the maximum cell density that can beachieved. To circumvent this problem, flagella-lessalgal cultures were immobilized onto glass fibers andsubmitted to sulfate deprivation". The same numberof cells were concentrated into a much smaller

Table I-Light conversion efficiency calculations of the Hz-producing capabilities of sulfur-deprived cultures

[Assumptions: 1 ml H2 contains 33 umoles H2 (at NREL, suspension cultures) or 44.633 umoles H2 (in Pushchino, Russia, immobilizedcultures); l umole H2 contains 0.237 J energy (at 298°K and 1 atrn); I IlE of 560 nm light contains 0.214 Joules of energy;

1 cm2 = 10-4 m2]

S. No. Parameters Suspension cultures Immobilized algae(at NREL, in CO) (in Pushchino)

1 Reactor dimensions (in ern) 22.86 x I 1.4 x 5 20 x 10 x 0.82 Illuminated surface 2 x 261 cm2 = 522 cm2 200 cm2

(0.0522 nl) (0.02 m2)3 rnl H2 producedlreactor (Vav) during time of 2.5 mllh 0.7 ml/h with partial

operation (3-4 days for suspension cultures and pressure of 0.1-0.0 I atm23 days for immobilized cultures)

4 umoles H2 producedlreactor (Vavx 33 urnoles/ 82.5 umoles/h 31.22 urnoles/hml in CO, 44.6llmoles/ml in Puschino)

5 Energy content of H2 produced by the reactor 19.55 J 6.681during a 1 h period [(4) x 0.237]

6 Flux of incident light on all illuminated surfaces 200 IlE m·2 s' 120 IlE m·2 S·I

of reactor7 Energy of total incident light, as above 42.81 m·2 s' 25.68 J m·2 s'

[(6) x 0.2 14111lE]8 Energy of incident light per m2 during a period of 154,080 11m2 92,448 J/m2

1 h [[(7) x 3,600 s/h]9 Energy of incident light on illuminated surfaces 8.043 x 103 J 1.85 X 103 J

during a I h period [(8) x (2)]10 Efficiency of incident light energy conversion 0.24% 0.36%

into H2 [(5)/(9)]

volume, bAlthoughChI) decrelight comincreasedcell imrnproductioncycling ofsulfate, wmethods. Idata showcontinuousand the li~reflect thsaerobic, su

A prorrmethod hpermeasethat is res]cytosol in!ferencetephotosyntlhave beenconditionsmutants wexpressiona mutant ilto the lev,normallywould bethe sulfate


the potentenergy in!solar effieindirectchallengesbiologicalwill requlaboratoriethat the v..impact theprocesses.with H2-pcally linkcharge-co:productiorthis area b

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Y3-4 daysavebeenj of time.of minus-allow the

osyntheticof starchized theisyntheticphases 76.

photobio-~ in firstIy, underat mode.e cells inibic Hrd H2 gas

for H2re is a.t can be~ella-Iessbers andnumbersmaller


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volume, but with the same illuminated surface area.Although the specific rate of H2 production (per mgChi) decreased by 20-25% by cell immobilization, thelight conversion efficiency of the system into· H2increased by about 50%, as shown in Table 1. Thecell immobilization prolongs the phase of H2production from 3-4 to 21 days, and facilitates thecycling of the cultures from minus-sulfate to plus-sulfate, without requiring expensive cell-harvestingmethods. Finally, it is important to emphasize that thedata shown in Table 1 have been obtained undercontinuous illumination at non-saturating intensities,and the light conversion efficiencies presented do notreflect the light utilization that occurs during theaerobic, sulfur-replete photosynthetic phase.

A promising off-shoot of the sulfate-deprivationmethod has been reported recently". A sulfatepermease gene has been identified in C. reinhardtiithat is responsible for the uptake of sulfate from thecytosol into the chloroplast'". By using mRNA inter-ference technology, algal mutants with decreasedphotosynthetic activity and normal respiration rateshave been generated under photoheterotrophic growthconditions'". As mRNA interference generatesmutants with different degrees of attenuation of geneexpression, it would be possible to actually select fora mutant in which photosynthesis is already depressedto the level of respiration. Such a mutant would benormally submitted to anaerobic conditions andwould be expected to photoproduce H2 gas withoutthe sulfate deprivation requirement.

ConclusionsPhotobiological H2-production technologies have

the potential to convert up to 10% of the sunlightenergy into H2, clearly competing with the currentsolar efficiencies of photoelectrochemical and otherindirect Hrproduction methods. However, thechallenges required to convert an interestingbiological observation into a commercial applicationwill require the concerted efforts from researchlaboratories worldwide. Finally, it is important to notethat the work on photobiological systems could alsoimpact the development of biomimetic Hy-productionprocesses. The latter are based on synthetic catalystswith H2-producing capability, electrically or chemi-cally linked to a photochemical light-absorbing,charge-conversion complex for artificial solar H2production. Interesting work is being conducted inthis area by many groups81,82 and references therein.

AcknowledgementsI thank Dr. Paul King, NREL for useful

suggestions and revision of the manuscript, and Drs.Michael Seibert (NREL) and Anatoly Tsygankov(Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Russia)for help with the calculations in Table 1. I acknow-ledge the U.S. DOE's Hydrogen, Fuel Cells andInfrastructure Technologies Program and the Officeof Science for financial support.

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