Since DELL went private on November 1st 2014, we use Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) in this case. Please adjust all questions in the textbook accordingly. For the five competitors in question 3, please use Accenture plc, IBM, EMC Corporateion, Xerox Corporation, and Western Digital. Note: The link in the textbook for calculating cost of long-term debt in question 4 does not work any more. Please follow the following link during regular trading hours of 9:30 am - 4:00 pm EST Mon - Fri excluding holidays: http://finra-markets.morningstar.com/BondCenter/Default.jsp Select 'Corporate' and Input 'Hewlett Packard' as Issuer Name If you click each specific bond, you'll be able to see the book value when issuing. The weighted average of the yields of these bonds will be the cost of debt capital.

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Since DELL went private on November 1st 2014, we use Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) in this case. Please adjust all questions in the textbook accordingly.For the five competitors in question 3, please use Accenture plc, IBM, EMC Corporateion, Xerox Corporation, and Western Digital.Note: The link in the textbook for calculating cost of long-term debt in question 4 does not work any more. Please follow the following link during regular trading hours of 9:30 am - 4:00 pm EST Mon - Fri excluding holidays:http://finra-markets.morningstar.com/BondCenter/Default.jspSelect 'Corporate' and Input 'Hewlett Packard' as Issuer NameIf you click each specific bond, you'll be able to see the book value when issuing. The weighted average of the yields of these bonds will be the cost of debt capital.