J r P4 w T < Ma tea e j > iat gjx jr hfMMimv 4Iiif 9VIIIHNiMMBMftMHHHlHriMMHlMHUMiKMMMKittriHHP Vp f tT errllEV DPllIDXY EVENIWG SEPTEMBER Si WOO tr s r art rc WRONG CONOMOS- ARRESTED SH FREE BY COURT First Said He Was De- mos ¬ the Aissmg I B R T Motorman 1Lvc HAVE BEEN TRICK a Was Found rtt Bier of Third Brother and Arrest Took Police from Place I It nas not Demon Conomo the mill Inr U n T molrman under lndirmrit J for running down Mm kllllnc Fannw- Jlndlniky on the ron yIil nd tntetle but his brother Churl R Ml lor whom the poltee or the Tenderloin Station arrwtel tIt alirbt ai be mourned at Urn cU ot a third brother wno had Jut 41H pp primmer warn afrwlRniHl In th Jrfltroon Mnrkftt Police Iirjri todny filer ipendlnir a nllrhl In a oil tit wa rrry nerwm althoiiei te poUr < tad already told him IhT bIrd hi I WI not Deme C ThQmI 1111 crltd bitterly wicn folkcm Smith led him Jo tic rail Ae xm u JUglitraie- JUk I r heirt tcc r man had ben locked up a> a rrifl of 11 mlttake In milrntl- tlm h i turned hand Cnnootmi looie- Tb aneit was catued by the notice ot the death of il or re Conomna twenlr- e r old ot No IMTWMt Twentyntth- ilrett The deist wni rported to the rblke ai that of a mun dying without JW M 1 KA tnrtnr Inn njft t i aM M1 Jid Jt CS ti11t1oco- nsumpllolI JI 4frWtlim c The tot that the mnn wtio bad died T BID brother of the mlMinc motorrai- nriuird tM police ot tlte Weet Tnr- tvth trMt station to vtwt th houie Jan night In the hopeubat tbe mill InK rnoEOrman nncht ail to View thO- r i eUr of hu brother The room was nUetl with arceki at the tune and one ot them na points out at the brother of the dead man lie wee a ic4 It lib name wui Oemo- Conemot r and nul It we He ald he wee a tailor but had been a motor- man g on the D It T lie mu then ar N reited At the itatloo houie a letter wu found in the pockets ot the moo It read ilr Taunt Ninth Avenue Depot itai- nea tar flOOkl7fl let DI r brojsr Cb rlJ hr- ny two wetks pAy 1lalit al JUlrUi me whit to do Tbe police are looking for me I will biI oWlswl It wai ilffBol Demo ConcnxM and was addrriied on the oilild to Mr Young Ninth Avenue Depot 4aster Urookljrn- TMi letter with the fact the man lint admitted be was Itamo led the pouoe to feet they had the right man until DetectIvSrtt Murphy of Brook- lyn and Patrolmen Ietarioe who know the mlaln man dIIpd at the elation They at once ld nllfl < tb ae Chirl Conomcx the brother Then it fujdmly dawned on the police that there miiht have bests method In the indniMM of CharU In admltlni he was Drmof until he had left tho house It wiu oel1 that hr i44 this to be armtrd 11 get the polk out of the room rlthir ttiit hl roltw r who wee puirni miiciit jtr < thp onpurtunlty lo- tret aw i or CXIN i niizht not arrle wLle 111 vrr present YOUNG MR HUNTER SAVED HIS lOJDO Bl Ron Locked in Hotel Astor Safe When He Vas Arrested 3= Sfl odreri tuck > added another obapter to his already somewhat itrenuoui career when he taced Murlitrate Wable In the Weit SIde Court today on a charge of promenadlnr centtt avenue Jn a con- dition ¬ t In which a cellar doorway n utned to him the aipcct of an Invltlnx bedroom WoJI Your Uonor said the young man I KUOH New York whlskev Is stronger than the Kentucky brand Ill tlru you three dollsn uaa the ItoxUtcrlal comment Younz Hunter le < tnec1 dlitreoaod over hli prrdlcainent and told the reporters Cbat he wu here on business Yes hoe rot tJJCOO in the sat at the Hotel Astor said his attorney Iti a rood wine he dldnt bav It with him on Aiiniluvr I moan to buy real estate added Hunter aa tie and the Jaw7er tot Into a Haiuom and were driven toward Vroadway Four years ego Hunter whose father W Godfrey humor wM that Ume Minister to Guatemala shot anti killed a man named WJUlam A HUferald of Orand Itapld Mich I Young Hunter apneor nco In the Cen- tral ¬ American city followed a sense tlonal attempt at suicide In Ban fran clftoo and a royiterlou dunppearanc from Now Orleans The shooting ot nt era1d rtio wa the Untied State Consular service and at the time ot JiU death was connected with the auaXeimUoa Kovemment iu timed the Impontanco tlonal epleode Youmr Hunter took refute In the Lecatlon bulldlnr but as J he was In no senlo In the employ of the Government the Untied State re- filled ¬ to Interfere He was acquitted BURNED UNDER CAR lUchmrd Itosn employed la tho car term of the Now Tork city XUlhrny Company at Elrbtyilxth trett end ltdlon avenue WILl taken to the Presbyterian Hospital iMt night by Dr Draper mdertnc trom severe burnt ot the face trail and cheat lloma who U twemynve y r old and live at No 1777 second wa In a pit a car lie toueii4 a live wire with lU oU can and the shook brtvr bIos to the bottom or the III I ejt a4 buim4 Him MTtMlr Wftd fr GODFREY HUNTER JN POLICE COURT I OR BALL RELENT- SFRANKFISIFREE Society Physician Doesnt Prosecute Giant Son He Had i Police Lock Up I Dr Mooch UratOfJ liaR did nolAp tear In Jefferson Jtartet lollce Court otlay to preMCtyo hit giant son IJViink P nail whote hell be Use- dlast night for the fourth time In std ilri Hall the mother called up Magleiral H kcr on the tedepbonc an4 said nl haY c lmd the Ire of the young z ikI1IIk r jsMi if you will tell Prankl he Is for at nf he wHl shy away from the WNiW npir- I L Prankle U tMrtym over six ft in htiKM and weighs IS pounds lie- pIa3td fuot bail with Yale He le not j a i gentle a < his Mothers nafit fur him would inilt Htm lasher raa out of his home at No 41 Vset TnrtyMua street but night and dldlll top until he rvachctl the Tenderloin Hianoo The doctor li ajout on tninl tOe i4x o Frankie Help Help cried the doctor- he Ci reached tbe ralllnc In front et the desk lenteant Send thi lvierve- H nJ alt you can net i jly son u mur Bering hu mether He will kill me He U a mania Help lleip- Jia kern be kam said the m geant 11Iend the militia for him Two policemen were tent to tao home of the doctor who his been poys- selatn hittj joctety nettanmtr many torn inttWHn laid to hate accu- mulated a Urge fortune hut the dou torwould net accompany the potloe- WtMn the Ite ira reaehetl the flail home they found the athlete In a toad tu sc of mind He brvko up chairs In trylni to eject them Illa niolfier stood 19 dod directed the policeifu take him They did but not until tlvy had du- arin cd his fa e and npprtl lila cloth Ins to khtedi lie iluyrd In a cell all night and today wo 11 ni partljuuirly cnippr Whrn arralcnnld- kdn I Ijlnk tile old man woull show up the giant malii I m little bit blKKor tItsa lie 51 Dr lull Mia 1014y his cn was In- clined ¬ to be Impetuous wArn he culled fur money Impetuosity oftea led tJ- itrenuoiKy wa the way h put u- Krankle was last arrested a ycr- or su u<< o when ho tried to mop up all the WiLe In Times Siiiiarr II 411u a tub and gave orden to bo driven Home When he pot there his father paid the ciiUman II and told him 10 drive the rOOM man to the poii tiun There the police priNt lull and the wine out of the sb ass J the tint day Ille doctor relented and did not proeoute On a prfvloui oociu4on the patio were alled by the tlwtor Prunki having gone on the warpath In the house He was In UJ when Ie poises arrtvpd and they mixe him dress and RO to 111 station but the next morn Inc he was released CITY WIPES OU- T36000MOO I Of UNPAID TAXES U t Stock Issue to Replace Ac ¬ cumulations of Uncol Icctable Assessments- T 1 Hnrl nl Katltval atnl Appor n niii t toilur iotwrlzed the issue of J t > ro of mrnorat stork for the ptflis of funllntr that amount of un Nd tniir priu > nil taxr which have ten art imiUatlnir in the bcolut for Uw lest nirtri of ft century B rry yr this teit sum has beenf- tt1tM1 nr as an aM t br the ciao oml It hi had 10 he nokonKI with In I every ItulRot tin mimulitlim was due to the lax tnttholi of mMnont of netannal taCes as w jhoirn ly a- epeeiei rrport on 8h a subject raaie Inrt- ptln hv Comptroller Metx 1 hu report tad that for yfAtr the < T iom ii iTrnoiiol aPIm < nt hn bsen faulty leeks In Wall SIr1 have been isrwed trm UO6tO to e 400 lanh lh v hd n t a cent of taxable proper- ty ¬ fuul mllllnnalrn have rwcnped with nniniriil eseseamenta or have ewnrn- if where they WIre nt all connlder- ahlo Th JSCflfloOf of uncolleetablo taxos- rapreente the srrumulallnn of assess- menta 0 icryMly wroniHan not even tn have in rltrd the trouble of swear Ine off Tbe ftUlature last winter author lied the bond issUe to wipe out the false CffrJIt This make OOMO available at Once for redmnlnlt special revenue bond luM to meet defllenclN In tax collections end urer I oJ EiThste deEitnsted KHday Nov i for a tmMIc bearing on the laying out of proaehe to the been submitted lo a large number of buMe men and aany of them have I written the Mard rln their ap ¬ pro val Comptrol jjjjj sajj today that fti- iaiesmehItanflpereonai property ought n It puts a pnnilum on perjury nJ he And makes the honest man pay Snore than h4t proportion of the cx- pense of lovrrnment while the ntcaje- ecang Puppoe you amra a man for and hv has u million And VM know It He unean he has debt enough 10 offer the nxeument and that eeltlen It The asoeesnent w1pej OUL That l > Just w4int thy sit do and- I my the sooner w ft get down to eel Iretlna IBXP out of what la In lirht the better It will be for the city a ri GlUE IN CRASH LIGHTLESS IJAYTOX 0 sept tA the reiiit of a wreck between the outhbouo I ft54ttDtpvu plus tt3tflt524flgnor- thbound fr llu train on the Cincin- nati Hamilton anl Dayton Itillroad several alle nor b of here about mid nlsit Engineer Wllllim A Smiley of Dayton wa > killed end his fireman Joe McCurdy of LIma morutly In- jured The engineer and fireman t this freight Jumpetl lo safety The fr sight englni hal broken In headlight and the tiMin Ha < being run with a lan- tern ¬ In fron- tCleanoes u M Dr fLfOBJs PERFECT Toofh Powder and boautlfloa the tooth anti purlfloa tho breath TJflod by people of refinement tar over a quarter of a century Convenient for tourists PSICPASID IT212JJ The Advantage of Specializing in Custom Tailors at 1500 I fr 1500 tuit IInd nYcraA1LnnlJlL a id i I but as a peasily worked up by ten years effort and I nan tcd in my own bop with a great modern tailor pant I offer a finer line of fabrics tliii Fall than I have shown in any riDer icason- Inviiible stripes and plaids new Suit and exclusive Overcoat in all patterns C 15 e 00 the conect fabrics Au- tumn ¬ 15 00 both for < u i r s- and overcoat SPECIAL VALUES IV TIIOUSDIUVO AT l Q- HENRY ALEXANDER Tailor I TWO 79NassauStnIFullonJOhnSIL STORES Broadway Corner 1252 Streel 4- J 5 I Bon Ami The Best Scouring Soap Made I A icoertaff Beep A Meta Polish A Glass CltADM to I ea L I I Adams Dry Goods Co ONeill Adams COII H ONeill Company Stores Occupying Two Blocks Sixth Avenue 20th to 22d Street r Specials for Saturday in the Adams Building In the ONeill Building ADAMS JlftI11INCd 1I 01 0XRtIL HlIIniNG Vloor Saturday Special 1 Fall Millinery i Womens Famous 250 I Medallion Shoes 175 Untrimmed Hats I Newest models Itf untrimmed Felt Hats for Pall and Wfnt95 As a special in- ducement ¬ I ter Special values at C 0 for T N- S Womens Trimmed Suit Hats II ° tomorrow we 6000 lairs of Nutty models In black brown navy gray will plav n and garnet exclusive designs from our own f 375 450 Mens Genuine workrooms sale several small lots uf W L Douglas Shoe Childrens Trimmed Hats I Childrens School Hats these fanvu AU t sihc sad Mmii 295 395 95c SJ45 Medallion SI e on Sal Aitsirday I for wonun at- reducid At ONJUII lWllJING Floor I agreatlv j 98 Misses Suits and Coats 1 t price S259thc Pair Special for Saturday Silkfaced bright kid shots all <i m tn- b t anjd i Iud widths B C D and C Blucher A Serge xn ittitA f ihW ho l are t Misses Threequarter Suit stine quality of Cheviot lined Itlrnl- We 1 vnaml4 a5Spr throuRhout with sum elet collar new pleated Skirt suit- or 1C laced ill of the softest stock Roch- ester routrol th itiwl if sit tat eyo ¬ t C t I IbOS t 5 abe for imall women silts 14 16 and 18 years special at 4 I N Y make stylish IM L s called bcoauM ul aome M 1Cbt Llt4 n l very erit > 1 or ttnIh r > li 01 in iho to Junior Shirt Waist Suits Light and dark colors Iln Worsteds a shoe equal In to oo disc kw In mS sca snnevstts t appearance any lb iflstsfttww1 es- Th and Panama some trimmed others selftrimmed pleated footgear on the market 1 c554rit 1rll n r Ihe su I h Skirt Slits H 16 antI 18 years special at J 275- t 75 Its the liMe at aun II In tar III special tomorrow ire a5met erfsc- ironsrra 11554 sad h CjirPs Tltrccquartcr Coatsln mixtures and plain colors dou ¬ I Alsofor tomorrow it blebreasted lined throughout sizes 8 to 14 years special 798 Girls School SliocjMO Misses Rain Coats In Olive Oxford and Checks Collarless effects A large assortment of jirls shret trimmed with braid sizes H 16 and 18 years special fit JC- 0AJjjr It S suitable for school wear In lox cur and kid slits 8 to 2 regu T 1 c lar Jt75 shoes special at 00 7 nuIInnw3i Floor I Broad Assortments lot Fall in ADAMS IllIIIJING3tl Floor 4445000 Worth of Seasonable Apparel for 30000 Boys and Youths t Clothing u f We are showing broad assortments of dependable Clothing for for Men Young Men and Boys Boys and Youths Splendid selections al prices ranging from 198 Mltrfs l2it Units anrl Top Coats p4 Suits made c ubic and twisted casslmtrcj in a fine range of new Fall patterns single and Boys Suits Norfolk and DoubleBreasted In Chev double breas nodfls linings trimmings and tailoring measure up to the test 512 50 stan- d and Mixtures with extri Trousers at 298 J 398 > rd FALL lop CuAPS are of tan and olive covert and black Thibet cut the medium and short box lengths i in750 Boys Norfolk and DoubleBreasted SuitsWith or with ¬ s Mens 51500 Suits and Cravcncttcs 1050 futtsbelt In plain Chtvloti colors and special Worsteds at also fancy Mix 670 798- I Suits are of worsteds cmimeres and ctie > lit na splendid range of selected patterns hand- somely ¬ s tailored single and double breasted Gravenettes good fitting and well wearing as Boys Suits with Extra KnickerbockersNorfolk and I any SIS 00 raincoats you ever saw made of specially selected worsted fabrics Tf H 50 DoubleBreasted with belt In handsome Mixtures suits ex go < 698 1 rainproofed by the Priestley process 4 4 v e hive two pairs Knickerbockers or Bloomers special at r > Mens 1000 and 2000 Suits and Cravcncttcs 1250 Youths Suiturit assortment of colors and 9 QR u Suits of worsteds casslmeres Thlbets cheviots etc patterns and colorings tfut will be styles sln and double breasted special at b70 > oj 1 the ioye this season also black perfect fitting Cravencttes of fine black < r j 9 CC- JU I Boys Blouics Urge assortment at 25C 49C 75c 85c Thibetj and steel gray mixed worsted Priestly Co ralnproofed- v each t I Mens 2200 Suits and Cravcncttcs 1500 Boys Trousers Mixtures and plain colors 8 5Qc f Ii The test itilr JtS00 ever bought anywhere at any time finest worsteds ftoest linings best tailoring exclusive patterns The Cravenettes are of steel and gray wors < C1 C DO Boys Knickerbockers orBloomcrsldixedor plaincoloraat 75c tedsthe quality of which Is unsurpassed perfect In every detail 4 t Specials in Boys Apparel n 1 JJUIJ1DItG 0 EI IL nuizvrzvo- Doy JJOO Suits 117i Boyi J400 Suits I2JO- Doublebreasted Boys 450 Reefer fr Boys 5600 ind 700 rIft Floo- rWomens I A genuine 300 boys suits Top CtfJtt J298 Suits 5J98 and SUa 2d Floor The reefers are of Russian Sailor Nor ¬ Neck- wear ¬ with suit every one of belts and knick ¬ Art ILmbroideries and double erbockers double mixed cheviots and folk them and a greit value brtasted suits In a Our line of new Fall finer work tan jaunty breasted suit with covertSi i for Saturday Is exceptionally attractive DlederiUr at that price Norfolk serviceable of the best Specials coats as range very knee pints Norfolk j Chiffon beaded bids fair to be very popular 4 Stock CoIUn double breasted and suit with knlcker or as they are pretty fabrics Jest patterns Stock Collars white sky green Shadow work Is still a favorite sailor in wide The of and best made hun- dreds ¬ Imitation shadow work Is styles a knee pants the fabrics top coats are violet and pink trimmed with steel very range of materials are good the patterns the newest gray mixed of sults In each and gilt beads special hate pretty the and quite easily worked We eluding Nut and cassimeres and tan style to select from 25c each Value 39c following pretty the best suit coverts styllih an- dS298 STAMPED SCARFS at 3 17 39C pretty nils I value ever well wear- Ing ages to years Lace CoJar and Cut Stli Im- ported ¬ lures 5 J75 given for 3 250 I 398498 Irish Lace Collir and Cuff ST1I1PEDCENTRESat391 I Sets special at I STAMPED PILLOW TOPS with 35c set Value 50 blek 39c ADAMS JtVlIDIXti Floor ADAMS S IiUTI niX G Stock Collar Imported Irsh Lace STAMPED CUSHION with J 2d Floor Misses and Girls Suits ansi Point Gaze Stock Collars with hack J9c and without tabs at r 1 NEW UTIIOGRAPIIS worth special 5 Taffeta Special Values for Saturday J5c each 2Jc- Yole SUe each special 2c- ONEILI Junior TailorMadc Suits Imported Yokes of Irish Silk Petticoats like illustration and made of mannish wor- steds ¬ Lace1 and combinations of Irish In checks and mixtures Coats double Lace and Ilatlste special at oIILr1 1lUIDIyQ Sue 75c 96c each 350 breasted pleated skirts A < rf 2 i3U- M5sscKS2750 Value 93c to i9S 1 it Floor splendid JJue at Box Rochlnp Special lot six neck Mens and Women- sHandkerchiefs Suits J975 i lengths to a BOX assorted patterns Alisses Tailored Suits plaids coats In the semi sptclat at- 25c box Value 39c tilting model slnglrbreasted patch pockets t per 300 dozen mens pure linen hem ¬ skirt full pleated Also niouse Coat Suit trim- med ¬ 1 stitched Handkerchelfs In tt and SI elaborately with silk braid fancy Vtttee- threequarter Vi Inch herns sold only In 3 4 sleeve pleated skirt In black liDXLDlKG dozen lots regular price brown blue green and wine hit Vloor 35c each special at JzJaC Value J2750 each ltO Special Values in n Womens jBeer STiimrock Lawn Handkerchiefs In cross bar and Misses Tourist Coats I Ribbons striped effects regular A very low price for a of fancy plaids and mannish mixtures elvet col- lar ¬ f Tine quality Messallne Ribbon 4 price 2Sc each special at 12CW- omens Silk Petticoat In black trimmed with silk braid and but It 7 r f Inches wide all the wanted col ¬ and childrens sheer Linen Only nUt everybody imar rtsticr un- handsome iijiTor millinery and dress trim i1ain1kti1th3Inclihems iold petticoat so why not buy yoqrs ming regular price c22c only In 14 dozen lots special Qirls Coats at each 5c the special it at Saving price Splendid qual- ity ¬ of silk accordion pleated fin ¬ silt length models of English mixtures velvet ished with one extension ruffle or collar full box back A tIne value 500 ONKILL nUILDINGJllt Floor deep shirred ruffle at P Mens New Fall Shirts ADur BUlLDr NGlst Floor I 150 Each 6 for 850 1 800 Adams Building Btlt Floor We show an elegant assortment of patterns in these Fall Shirts cuffs attached or separate coat models plaited fronts in I Stiff Special Sale of eluding the new Norfolk Plait A splendid shirt for 150 Bosom Or Special 6 for 850 Couches SI00 Neckwear 50c Mens Bath Robes 5 Size Mens Neckwear In all the new Tall Terry Bath Robes cut full jatest 5 Mens Shirts Large C colorings extra large and well made colorings speclalat Fourlnllands Value 5100 at At from J4 to 12 oft Sliding Couches 50c i 295 Regular Prices J 0 75 100 r150 Shirts C ONRIIJ nUTIrJrNG 3d Floor To the man who is accustomed to Infants and Childrens Department- First i I shirts at Stoo and Sl50 I First showing of Fall and Winter llradwear and Coats In Imported and in I Before putting your seasons sup- ply ¬ domestic novelties 1 see these shirts and be convinced Every article as usual marked the Jwest possible pet- llty are as good as or better than 8 85 Gaps Sonnets Polo Dutch and Normandie Hats made of Dengallne youve been gelling at that price China Silk Poplin Bearskin etc beautifully trimmed Short Coats for kindergarten wear also Fur Squirrel Krlmmer Beaver One hundred and fifty dozens of l new sample bosom shirts for men As an Important special for and a Urge assortment of Cloth Coats for serviceable and dressy wear comprising all the samples and ends tomorrows selling < these con- venient ¬ HATS AND CAPS 25 to 10 COATS fas to 50 I of pieces from one of Troys fore C mdst factories These shirts have Sliding Couches O2lIIL JlUIL1JNG1Jnsdttont I s been used to show lines of goods Steel frame 6 feet long 51 lt i to high class haberduhers all Travelling Bags Under PrIced wide strictly clntom finish In every de ¬ inches when open when 1 tail the Is equal to shirts at closed 27 inches i with National rfii Time bars are made ol Imported pigskins In s < t Materials fabric hung on 60 steel tem- pered ¬ 1 the litest luptbramJ trimmings nicely lined are all kinds of woven I I printed and figured madras and per helical springs with two with Enjlljh plaid pocket In slds sues are t 1 1 i I p calrt All this seasons favorite separate hair mattresses covered t 4l6 17 and 18 inch all at the T- ipecUl foundblues 575 patterns are to be I grays tans black and whites and in green denim with extra tufts W11 price t 100 and 150 75 Cutes neat effects Il1ndl1undtrtdopenfronttnd of white with small fig ¬ and stitching I regular Value 750 to 950 Sorts 885 at attached and cuffs valui 1250 I I 5 5 tj > t jo 1 IIL I f t

HUNTER WRONG JN I Dry Co ONeill Adams · J tT Vp r P4 w f errllEV T DPllIDXY SEPTEMBERiat gjx jr Si hfMMimv 4Iiif 9VIIIHNiMMBMftMHHHlHriMMHlMHUMiKMMMKittriHHP

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J r P4 w T < Ma tea e j > iat gjx jr hfMMimv 4Iiif 9VIIIHNiMMBMftMHHHlHriMMHlMHUMiKMMMKittriHHPVp ftT errllEV DPllIDXY EVENIWG SEPTEMBER Si WOOtr s r art rcWRONG CONOMOS-



First Said He Was De-


the AissmgI B R T Motorman


Was Found rtt Bier of Third

Brother and Arrest TookPolice from Place


It nas not Demon Conomo the millInr U n T molrman under lndirmrit

J for running down Mm kllllnc Fannw-Jlndlniky on the ron yIil nd tntetle buthis brother Churl R Ml lor whom thepoltee or the Tenderloin Station arrwteltIt alirbt ai be mourned at Urn cUot a third brother wno had Jut 41Hpp primmer warn afrwlRniHl In thJrfltroon Mnrkftt Police Iirjri todnyfiler ipendlnir a nllrhl In a oil titwa rrry nerwm althoiiei te poUr <

tad already told him IhT bIrd hi

I WI not Deme C ThQmI 1111 crltdbitterly wicn folkcm Smith led himJo tic rail Ae xm u JUglitraie-JUkI r heirt tcc r man had ben lockedup a> a rrifl of 11 mlttake In milrntl-tlm h i turned hand Cnnootmi looie-

Tb aneit was catued by the noticeot the death of il or re Conomna twenlr-

e r old ot No IMTWMt Twentyntth-ilrett The deist wni rported to therblke ai that of a mun dying without

JW M 1 KA tnrtnr Inn njftt i aM M1 Jid Jt CS ti11t1oco-nsumpllolI

JI 4frWtlim c

The tot that the mnn wtio bad diedT BID brother of the mlMinc motorrai-nriuird tM police ot tlte Weet Tnr-tvth trMt station to vtwt th houieJan night In the hopeubat tbe millInK rnoEOrman nncht ail to View thO-

r i eUr of hu brotherThe room was nUetl with arceki at

the tune and one ot them na pointsout at the brother of the dead manlie wee a ic4 It lib name wui Oemo-Conemotr and nul It we He ald hewee a tailor but had been a motor-mang on the D It T lie mu then ar

N reitedAt the itatloo houie a letter wu

found in the pockets ot the moo Itread

ilr Taunt Ninth Avenue Depot itai-

neatar flOOkl7fl

let DI r brojsr Cb rlJ hr-ny two wetks pAy 1lalit al JUlrUime whit to do Tbe police are lookingfor me I will biI oWlswl

It wai ilffBol Demo ConcnxM andwas addrriied on the oilild to MrYoung Ninth Avenue Depot 4asterUrookljrn-

TMi letter with the fact the manlint admitted be was Itamo led thepouoe to feet they had the right manuntil DetectIvSrtt Murphy of Brook-lyn and Patrolmen Ietarioe whoknow the mlaln man dIIpd at theelation They at once ld nllfl < tb

ae Chirl Conomcx thebrother

Then it fujdmly dawned on the policethat there miiht have bests method Inthe indniMM of CharU In admltlni hewas Drmof until he had left tho houseIt wiu oel1 that hr i44 this to bearmtrd 11 get the polk out of theroom rlthir ttiit hl roltw r who weepuirni miiciit jtr < thp onpurtunlty lo-tret aw i or CXIN i niizht notarrle wLle 111 vrr present



Bl Ron Locked in Hotel AstorSafe When He Vas


3=Sfl odrerituck > added another obapter to hisalready somewhat itrenuoui careerwhen he taced Murlitrate Wable In theWeit SIde Court today on a charge ofpromenadlnr centtt avenue Jn a con-


t In which a cellar doorway nutned to him the aipcct of an Invltlnxbedroom

WoJI Your Uonor said the youngman I KUOH New York whlskev Isstronger than the Kentucky brand

Ill tlru you three dollsn uaa theItoxUtcrlal comment

Younz Hunter le < tnec1 dlitreoaod overhli prrdlcainent and told the reportersCbat he wu here on business

Yes hoe rot tJJCOO in the sat atthe Hotel Astor said his attorneyIti a rood wine he dldnt bav It

with him on AiiniluvrI moan to buy real estate added

Hunter aa tie and the Jaw7er tot Intoa Haiuom and were driven towardVroadway

Four years ego Hunter whosefather W Godfrey humor wMthat Ume Minister to Guatemala shotanti killed a man named WJUlam AHUferald of Orand Itapld Mich

I Young Hunter apneor nco In the Cen-tral


American city followed a sensetlonal attempt at suicide In Ban franclftoo and a royiterlou dunppearancfrom Now Orleans The shooting otnt era1d rtio wa theUntied State Consular service and atthe time ot JiU death was connectedwith the auaXeimUoa Kovemment iu

timed the Impontancotlonal epleode Youmr Hunter tookrefute In the Lecatlon bulldlnr but as

J he was In no senlo In the employ ofthe Government the Untied State re-


to Interfere He was acquitted


lUchmrd Itosn employed la tho carterm of the Now Tork city XUlhrnyCompany at Elrbtyilxth trett endltdlon avenue WILl taken to thePresbyterian Hospital iMt night by DrDraper mdertnc trom severe burnt otthe face trail and cheat

lloma who U twemynve y r oldand live at No 1777 secondwa In a pit a car lie toueii4a live wire with lU oU can and theshook brtvr bIos to the bottom or theIII

Iejt a4 buim4 Him MTtMlr

Wftd fr





Society Physician DoesntProsecute Giant Son He Had

i Police Lock Up

I Dr Mooch UratOfJ liaR did nolAptear In Jefferson Jtartet lollce Courtotlay to preMCtyo hit giant sonIJViink P nail whote hell be Use-dlast night for the fourth time Instd ilri Hall the mother called upMagleiral H kcr on the tedepbonc an4said

nl haY c lmd the Ire of the youngz ikI1IIk r

jsMi if you will tell Prankl he Is forat nf he wHl shy away from the

WNiW npir-I

LPrankle U tMrtym over six ft

in htiKM and weighs IS pounds lie-pIa3td fuot bail with Yale He le not j

a i gentle a < his Mothers nafit fur himwould inilt Htm lasher raa out ofhis home at No 41 Vset TnrtyMuastreet but night and dldlll top untilhe rvachctl the Tenderloin Hianoo Thedoctor li ajout on tninl tOe i4x oFrankie

Help Help cried the doctor-he

Cireached tbe ralllnc In front et the

desk lenteant Send thi lvierve-H nJ alt you can net i jly son u murBering hu mether He will kill meHe U a mania Help lleip-

Jia kern be kam said the mgeant 11Iend the militia for him

Two policemen were tent to tao homeof the doctor who his been poys-selatn hittj joctety nettanmtr manytorn inttWHn laid tohate accu-mulated a Urge fortune hut the doutorwould net accompany the potloe-

WtMn the Ite ira reaehetl the flailhome they found the athlete In a toadtu sc of mind He brvko up chairs Intrylni to eject them Illa niolfier stood19 dod directed the policeifu take himThey did but not until tlvy had du-

arin cd his fa e and npprtl lila clothIns to khtedi lie iluyrd In a cell allnight and today wo 11 ni partljuuirlycnippr Whrn arralcnnld-

kdn I Ijlnk tile old man woullshow up the giant malii I m littlebit blKKor tItsa lie 51

Dr lull Mia 1014y his cn was In-


to be Impetuous wArn he culledfur money Impetuosity oftea led tJ-itrenuoiKy wa the way h put u-

Krankle was last arrested a ycr-or su u<< o when ho tried to mop upall the WiLe In Times Siiiiarr II 411ua tub and gave orden to bo drivenHome When he pot there his fatherpaid the ciiUman II and told him 10drive the rOOM man to the poiitiun There the police priNt lull andthe wine out of the sb assJ the tintday Ille doctor relented and did notproeoute

On a prfvloui oociu4on the patiowere alled by the tlwtor Prunkihaving gone on the warpath In thehouse He was In UJ when Ie poisesarrtvpd and they mixe him dress andRO to 111 station but the next mornInc he was released


T36000MOOI Of


U tStock Issue to Replace Ac ¬

cumulations of UncolIcctable Assessments-



Hnrl nl Katltval atnl Apporn niii t toilur iotwrlzed the issue ofJ t > ro of mrnorat stork for theptflis of funllntr that amount of unNd tniir priu>nil taxr which haveten art imiUatlnir in the bcolut for Uwlest nirtri of ft century

B rry yr this teit sum has beenf-

tt1tM1 nr as an aM t br the ciaooml It hi had 10 he nokonKI with In I

every ItulRot tin mimulitlim wasdue to the lax tnttholi of mMnontof netannal taCes as w jhoirn ly a-

epeeiei rrport on 8h a subject raaie Inrt-ptln hv Comptroller Metx1 hu report tad that for yfAtr the

< T iom ii iTrnoiiol aPIm < nt hn bsenfaulty leeks In Wall SIr1 have beenisrwed trm UO6tO to e 400 lanhlh v hd n t a cent of taxable proper-ty


fuul mllllnnalrn have rwcnped withnniniriil eseseamenta or have ewnrn-if where they WIre nt all connlder-ahlo

Th JSCflfloOf of uncolleetablo taxos-rapreente the srrumulallnn of assess-menta 0 icryMly wroniHan not eventn have inrltrd the trouble of swearIne off

Tbe ftUlature last winter authorlied the bond issUe to wipe out the falseCffrJIt

This make OOMO available atOnce for redmnlnlt special revenuebond luM to meet defllenclN In taxcollections end urer

I oJ EiThste deEitnstedKHday Nov i for a tmMIc bearing onthe laying out of proaehe to the

been submitted lo a large number ofbuMe men and aany of them have Iwritten the Mard rln their ap ¬

pro valComptrol jjjjj sajj today that fti-

iaiesmehItanflpereonai property oughtnIt puts a pnnilum on perjury nJhe And makes the honest man pay

Snore than h4t proportion of the cx-pense of lovrrnment while the ntcaje-ecang Puppoe you amra a man for

and hv has u million And VMknow It He unean he has debtenough 10 offer the nxeument andthat eeltlen It The asoeesnent w1pejOUL

That l > Just w4int thy sit do and-I my the sooner w ft get down to eelIretlna IBXP out of what la In lirhtthe better It will be for the city


ri GlUE IN CRASH LIGHTLESSIJAYTOX 0 sept tA the reiiit

of a wreck between the outhbouo I

ft54ttDtpvu plus tt3tflt524flgnor-thbound fr llu train on the Cincin-nati Hamilton anl Dayton Itillroadseveral alle nor b of here about midnlsit Engineer Wllllim A Smiley ofDayton wa > killed end his firemanJoe McCurdy of LIma morutly In-jured The engineer and fireman tthis freight Jumpetl lo safety Thefr sight englni hal broken In headlightand the tiMin Ha < being run with a lan-tern


In fron-


u M


Toofh Powderand boautlfloa thetooth anti purlfloa tho breath

TJflod by people of refinementtar over a quarter of a century

Convenient for touristsPSICPASID


The Advantage of Specializing in

Custom Tailors at 1500I fr 1500 tuit IInd nYcraA1LnnlJlL a id i I

but as a peasily worked up by ten years effort and I

nan tcd in my own bop with a great modern tailorpant I offer a finer line of fabrics tliii Fall thanI have shown in any riDer icason-

Inviiible stripesand plaids new

Suit and exclusive Overcoatin allpatterns

C 15 e00 the conect


tumn¬ 15 00

both for < u i r s-



TWO 79NassauStnIFullonJOhnSILSTORES Broadway Corner 1252 Streel





The Best Scouring Soap Made


A icoertaff BeepA Meta Polish

A Glass CltADMto


ea L



Adams Dry Goods Co ONeill Adams COII H ONeill Company

Stores Occupying Two Blocks Sixth Avenue 20th to 22d Streetr

Specials for Saturday in the Adams Building In the ONeill BuildingADAMS JlftI11INCd 1I 01 0XRtIL HlIIniNG Vloor

Saturday Special1 Fall Millineryi Womens Famous 250 I

Medallion Shoes 175 Untrimmed HatsI

Newest models Itf untrimmed Felt Hats for Pall and Wfnt95As a special in-


¬ I ter Special values at C

0 for TN-


Womens Trimmed Suit Hats II

°tomorrow we 6000 lairs of Nutty models In black brown navy graywill plav n and garnet exclusive designs from our own f 375 450Mens Genuine workroomssale severalsmall lots uf W L Douglas Shoe Childrens Trimmed Hats

IChildrens School Hats

these fanvu AU t sihc sad Mmii 295 395 95c SJ45Medallion SI e on Sal Aitsirday

Ifor wonun at-

reducidAt ONJUII lWllJING Floor


agreatlv j 98 Misses Suits and Coats 1tprice

S259thc Pair Special for SaturdaySilkfaced bright kid shots all < im tn-


anjdi Iud widths B C D and C Blucher A Serge xn ittitA f ihW ho l are t Misses Threequarter Suit stine quality of Cheviot lined


1 vnaml4 a5Spr throuRhout with sum elet collar new pleated Skirt suit-or 1Claced ill of the softest stock Roch-


routrol th itiwl if sit tat eyo¬

t C t I IbOS t 5 abe for imall women silts 14 16 and 18 years special at 4I N Y make stylish IM L s called bcoauM ul aome M 1Cbt Llt4 nl

very erit >1 or ttnIh r > li 01 in iho to Junior Shirt Waist Suits Light and dark colors Iln Worstedsa shoe equal In to oo disc kw In mS sca snnevstts tappearance any

lb iflstsfttww1 es-

Thand Panama some trimmed others selftrimmed pleated

footgear on the market 1 c554rit 1rll n r Ihe su I h Skirt Slits H 16 antI 18 years special at J 275-t75 Its the liMe at aun II In tar III

special tomorrow ire a5met erfsc-ironsrra 11554 sad h CjirPs Tltrccquartcr Coatsln mixtures and plain colors dou ¬

I Alsofor tomorrowitblebreasted lined throughout sizes 8 to 14 years special 798

Girls School SliocjMO Misses Rain Coats In Olive Oxford and Checks CollarlesseffectsA large assortment of jirls shret trimmed with braid sizes H 16 and 18 years special fit JC-


It S

suitable for school wear In lox curand kid slits 8 to 2 regu T 1 clar Jt75 shoes special at 00 7 nuIInnw3i Floor

I Broad Assortments lot Fall inADAMS IllIIIJING3tl Floor

4445000 Worth of Seasonable Apparel for 30000 Boys and Youths t Clothing u

f We are showing broad assortments of dependable Clothing forfor Men Young Men and Boys Boys and Youths Splendid selections al prices ranging from 198Mltrfs l2it Units anrl Top Coats p4

Suits made c ubic and twisted casslmtrcj in a fine range of new Fall patterns single and Boys Suits Norfolk and DoubleBreasted In Chevdouble breas nodfls linings trimmings and tailoring measure up to the test 512 50 stan-d

and Mixtures with extri Trousers at 298 J 398> rd FALL lop CuAPS are of tan and olive covert and black Thibet cut

the medium and short box lengths i in750 Boys Norfolk and DoubleBreasted SuitsWith or with ¬

s Mens 51500 Suits and Cravcncttcs 1050 futtsbelt Inplain




also fancy Mix 670 798-

ISuits are of worsteds cmimeres and ctie > lit n a splendid range of selected patterns hand-somely


s tailored single and double breasted Gravenettes good fitting and well wearing as Boys Suits with Extra KnickerbockersNorfolk andI any SIS 00 raincoats you ever saw made of specially selected worsted fabrics Tf H 50 DoubleBreasted with belt In handsome Mixtures suits ex go < 698 1

rainproofed by the Priestley process 4 4 v e hive two pairs Knickerbockers or Bloomers special at r >

Mens 1000 and 2000 Suits and Cravcncttcs 1250 Youths Suiturit assortment of colors and 9 QRu Suits of worsteds casslmeres Thlbets cheviots etc patterns and colorings tfut will be styles sln and double breasted special at b70 > oj

1the ioye this season also black perfect fitting Cravencttes of fine black <r j 9 CC-

JUI Boys Blouics Urge assortment at 25C 49C 75c 85cThibetj and steel gray mixed worsted Priestly Co ralnproofed-


each tI Mens 2200 Suits and Cravcncttcs 1500 Boys Trousers Mixtures and plain colors8

5QcfIi The test itilr JtS00 ever bought anywhere at any time finest worsteds ftoest linings best

tailoring exclusive patterns The Cravenettes are of steel and gray wors <C1 C DO Boys Knickerbockers orBloomcrsldixedor plaincoloraat 75ctedsthe quality of which Is unsurpassed perfect In every detail 4

t Specials in Boys Apparel n 1 JJUIJ1DItG 0 EI IL nuizvrzvo-Doy JJOO Suits 117i Boyi J400 Suits I2JO-

DoublebreastedBoys 450 Reefer fr Boys 5600 ind 700 rIftFloo-

rWomensI A genuine 300 boys suits Top CtfJtt J298 Suits 5J98 and SUa 2d FloorThe reefers are of Russian Sailor Nor ¬ Neck-

wear¬withsuit every one of belts and knick ¬ Art ILmbroideriesand doubleerbockers double mixed cheviots and folk

them and a greit value brtasted suits In a Our line of new Fall finer worktan jauntybreasted suit with covertSi i for Saturday Is exceptionally attractive DlederiUrat that price Norfolk serviceable of the best Specialscoats as range veryknee pints Norfolk jChiffon beaded bids fair to be very popular4 Stock CoIUndouble breasted and suit with knlcker or as they are pretty fabrics Jest patterns

Stock Collars white sky green Shadow work Is still a favoritesailor in wide The of and best made hun-


¬ Imitation shadow work Isstyles a knee pants the fabrics top coats are violet and pink trimmed with steel veryrange of materials are good the patterns the newest gray mixed of sults In each and gilt beads special hate


and quite easily worked We

eluding Nut and cassimeres and tan style to select from 25c each Value 39c followingpretty the best suit coverts styllih an-

dS298STAMPED SCARFS at3 17 39Cpretty nils I value ever well wear-


ages to years Lace CoJar and Cut Stli Im-


lures 5 J75 given for 3 250 I 398498 Irish Lace Collir and Cuff ST1I1PEDCENTRESat391I Sets special at I

STAMPED PILLOW TOPS with35c set Value 50 blek 39cADAMS JtVlIDIXti Floor

ADAMS S IiUTI niX G Stock Collar Imported Irsh Lace STAMPED CUSHION with J

2d Floor Misses and Girls Suits ansi Point Gaze Stock Collars with hack J9cand without tabs at r 1 NEW UTIIOGRAPIIS worthspecial

5 Taffeta Special Values for Saturday J5c each 2Jc-


SUe each special 2c-


Junior TailorMadc Suits Imported Yokes of Irish

Silk Petticoats like illustration and made of mannish wor-steds

¬ Lace1 and combinations of IrishIn checks and mixtures Coats double Lace and Ilatlste special at oIILr1 1lUIDIyQSue 75c 96c each350 breasted pleated skirts A <rf 2 i3U-M5sscKS2750

Value 93c to i9S 1it Floorsplendid JJue at Box Rochlnp Special lot six neck Mens and Women-

sHandkerchiefsSuits J975 i lengths to a BOX assorted patterns

Alisses Tailored Suits plaids coats In the semisptclat at-

25c box Value 39ctilting model slnglrbreasted patch pockets t per 300 dozen mens pure linen hem ¬

skirt full pleated Also niouse Coat Suit trim-med

¬ 1 stitched Handkerchelfs In tt andSI elaborately with silk braid fancy Vtttee-threequarter

Vi Inch herns sold only In 34sleeve pleated skirt In black liDXLDlKG dozen lots regular price

brown blue green and wine hit Vloor 35c each special at JzJaCValue J2750 each ltO Special Values in

n Womens jBeer STiimrock LawnHandkerchiefs In cross bar and

Misses Tourist Coats I Ribbons striped effects regular

A very low price for a of fancy plaids and mannish mixtures elvet col-lar

¬ f Tine quality Messallne Ribbon 4 price 2Sc each special at 12CW-omensSilk Petticoat In black trimmed with silk braid and but It 7 r f Inches wide all the wanted col ¬ and childrens sheer Linen

Only nUt everybody imar rtsticr un-handsome

iijiTor millinery and dress trim i1ain1kti1th3Inclihems ioldpetticoat so why not buy yoqrs ming regular price c22c

only In 14 dozen lots specialQirls Coats at each 5cthe special itat Saving price Splendid qual-


of silk accordion pleated fin ¬ silt length models of English mixtures velvetished with one extension ruffle or collar full box back A tIne value 500 ONKILL nUILDINGJllt Floordeep shirred ruffle at

P Mens New Fall ShirtsADur BUlLDrNGlst Floor I

150 Each 6 for 8501 800

Adams Building Btlt Floor We show an elegant assortment of patterns in these Fall Shirtscuffs attached or separate coat models plaited fronts in I

Stiff Special Sale of eluding the new Norfolk Plait A splendid shirt for 150Bosom Or Special 6 for 850

Couches SI00 Neckwear 50c Mens Bath Robes5

Size Mens Neckwear In all the new Tall Terry Bath Robes cut full jatest5 Mens Shirts Large

C colorings extra large and well made colorings speclalatFourlnllands Value 5100 atAt from J4 to 12 oft Sliding Couches 50c


295Regular Prices J

0 75100 r150 Shirts C ONRIIJ nUTIrJrNG 3d FloorTo the man who is accustomed to Infants and Childrens Department-

Firsti I shirts at Stoo and Sl50I First showing of Fall and Winter llradwear and Coats In Imported and

inI Before putting your seasons sup-


domestic novelties1 see these shirts and be convinced Every article as usual marked the Jwest possible pet-

llty are as good as or better than 8 85 Gaps Sonnets Polo Dutch and Normandie Hats made of Dengallne

youve been gelling at that price China Silk Poplin Bearskin etc beautifully trimmedShort Coats for kindergarten wear also Fur Squirrel Krlmmer BeaverOne hundred and fifty dozens of

l new sample bosom shirts for men As an Important special for and a Urge assortment of Cloth Coats for serviceable and dressy wear

comprising all the samples and ends tomorrows selling < these con-


HATS AND CAPS 25 to 10 COATS fas to 50I of pieces from one of Troys fore

C mdst factories These shirts have Sliding CouchesO2lIIL JlUIL1JNG1JnsdttontI s been used to show lines of goods Steel frame 6 feet long 51 lt i

to high class haberduhers all Travelling Bags Under PrIcedwidestrictly clntom finish In every de ¬ inches when open when1 tail the Is equal to shirts at closed 27 inches i with National rfii Time bars are made ol Imported pigskins In

s <

tMaterials fabric hung on 60 steel tem-


¬ 1 the litest luptbramJ trimmings nicely linedare all kinds of woven I

I printed and figured madras and per helical springs with two with Enjlljh plaid pocket In slds sues aret 1 1 i I p calrt All this seasons favorite separate hair mattresses covered t 4l6 17 and 18 inch all at the T-

ipecUlfoundblues 575patterns are to be Igrays tans black and whites and in green denim with extra tufts W11 price t

100 and 150 75Cutesneat effects

Il1ndl1undtrtdopenfronttndof white with small fig ¬

and stitching I regular Value 750 to 950Sorts 885at attached and cuffs valui 1250I I

5 5 tj


t jo 1

IILI f t