LOWELL JOURNAL, PUOLISMED WCCKLY. f' \l LouflK illlclil^aiii by • I A.H. w. iiini:. TERM a " .1 YEAH. citir.n.v UKVotrn to LOCAL AND G E N E R A L N E W S . offwh /y du.[hasps iir.ovK• rf.ooit. VOLUiMK X. JI I'M VIVrMLS, VIVA Mis:' |l.:.o YEAH /.V ADVAXCE. LOWELL, MICHIGAN, WKDNESDAY. OCTOBER 21,1874. NUMBKK 1(5. J OWELL NAT lONAIi UANK, Of Lcwdl, Michigan. ' AI ' !T '-' fmo.oco. 1 1 * H.'OO. diukctoiih: W. \v. Hatch, k. J. Itoorn, 11 A. Hick, C. K. Hikb, A , S .- Sl . ANNU! "' M. N. Hinr, T. WilODIXIl, .Icins OlI.KJ, 11. M. Cl-AltK. IntorcMl iinUI on I )4- i > oh || m. WW HATCH. l 1 i-...|rnl. K. J . HDOTII. V |Tf, II U.CI.AKK.Cublnr. BUSINESS CARDS. Foster Mills- r AUES COCIIUASr. I'inpii.tor, M.ll in pin* runningni'lrr.'nil «II "otl »injr.lrilfii"t r!> i.'uiiiom wi'ik irjrci ilully "ollrluO. V.. \V. DOCIRJ. A I Mil 7^ rnmxr.v & coux-T.i.im \r i,uv .-soiic- toritri'l ('nari"'I'ir m fiincr) 1 , No*.ur INiMr*. one ilor fi-i "I I. IIW<, lltl l," .S' . ».lli Midi. O. It- liouk, "^TOUXKY AT I,*VV. r.u«lnr.i in .ill SlalpauJ rV UnllnlSliUi.Vun. allm 1 »4 I d. rrinnpl Imllu i Kirm locmt'-) <i. i i r . fiilltdinn., m.l d u n . cry builntf.. (llllci- in I'nliu II: i<li, Ixiscll, JIlcli Dr.T.JI. 10K curu. Uiiilip- itracU, l.ij«»ll. Mich. I^KSIDRNCR AMI OWIOK Clina. AUlicn, D KAI.ER 111 llMdj-ma l.' Cl,ilhln liking aii"a>, II»l«.C,'i-,Ar 1 I'lolhlng, OfUl'i Kuin- l«, Cj|«, kr.. Colour mail vrttlllle Hit IllvrrOriJ:!'. I,ii*r|| Ulcb Wm. I'ullon, n r.AI.KK In mil)-roil.' fl IWn;, Clulli., (ii-nl'i KurnivtiinT Uoo-l., llt'.«. Ci?.. Hint. au<l Kum.. Clothinr cut >al mile to or lor. Store in Palleo'i blockt DlM|t ttfMi. 0. Q.Btono * Co., I\BALEI>B In Pry doolr, lircoe'le., llooU «uj U Eboe..lIiU>u<lCi;s, Crocktrx *c. Sloie In Untuun'i Blockt Umll, tllc^. . N Jm. W. lllno, TOT Aft Y PUIH.IC. JOL'ftNAl. OFFICE, I.'JWKI.L, MICH, ijweiring Jone ulth ncjlorn aii'l Ji-;nlcli. •* Chai- WHorn O USIHL'3 LINK lo m 1 from trrint.t.) Iml.Ionl printe Iiouki, Th- !<'. l omnibu« in Un vllUse unwnb; tin bc<l trim In lh" Imtlni ••. I.or.cjonr ordi-rutt Ibe Knnt.iln lloa-e or ct r»te'« oOlce. J. Orton Bdie, S UmJKOX.rilYSI us - 43.1 Aeeoacbenr. OEcc ia .Scott »aJ Wnt'i l".!. ' nltli E. F. I'olr. lletl- Ucaer corner llri lgc an 1 Jc.Terton ill. ifovonJcrf « Ulain, J^UAl-ERSin Fancy il.-y O inli.UibboajCiirpetJnj OURmTCH IMPOKIE W DEARLING Sc BARNES II W E I.-EMOVKII TO TIIK Hunter Shop on Monroe St„ QUI SALE! (Norili "I (jralia-ii'sjJIJIock) Wlioro ilu'v :iro prcinn-i] ti kimls ol BLACKSMITH IRG. In onler In miV- loon for Ibe encllou nf " new ib 'p, I oll^r mt n l i i r «tcck of •Ion" RHiCIES A.\U SPBIXU WAGOXS! AT ni'.BATI V KKDl'CKn ruici." Xi * i- Hie I line (ol tarialsi. ARTHUR WOOD. jiiJ "i Wa'rrloj St., OtanJ Kapidi. _ Uali, Cap* aj 1 \ il'OEi. ifllXatlonalbanV. UlpotUe I.o- John WlIaOD, ^^ \ LT* KIXIH of l:tac*«initliinr. bnr.t-thocinx. WacoaanJuirii^o ironinj! clone lo order. j, M-Matbowsoa, N otary, Ationujr cn'i uoiicitor. wm «i- tcoilt'i builueia In aojr of I'oe aialeor Uui- teJ -Stain Court.. Special attention siren lo CanTcrancInf, Col- lecting anil Cliancrrr bu'im-M. OOcr over i.9»ell Nallontl Oinc, Loaell, Uicbl^an. tlilton M- i'crry. I Col CARIIIAGK IKOiNINO, HORSE SHOEING ASK ^ f. Al. HSTATK, l n . a r j n . ' and Collection A t;rn*, Xolarj*and Jit'llc". Rp-.-ijInitt-nlion pivu In eonvejranelng mi l colU'-lloin. OUeo over M. I." UcCartj'aalore, l^)*'.;!, Mich. Drs- Fock a McDanncll- niirnldanisndSursrons-OITice in UaionlcDiiiU' 1 ing,I.o<iell,Uicli. a.ruci. O.o.ncuAHirtl. Claim tiiat tlioy CAN uml WILL SELf. THE SAME (jUAI.ITYol gootls clioaii- cr than any other jewelry iion-o in llio Stnle, for the following reiisons: They liuy exclusively for cash, which enalik-A them to take advantage of tin- markets They are the 01 y -Jewelry House in the State that imports their own pnr- chases DIRECT through the Detroit Custom House, pnping no commissions to New York Importers. They buy directly of the mnnufnetur- ers. thus saving to their eustomer.i the johher's profit. Their Foreign Watches, French Clocks Music Boxes ami Opera Glasses, arc manufaetureil expressly for their tnulc, ami are far superior to similar goods of- fered to the general trade. B- A. M. R KliUI.AI! Conrocallon ol Honker Cliaplrt No. 73, at Mainnlj II»ll, on iVudneadajr crenlngi OQ or before Ibe full moan in eicli raonlli. J. K- cuuy INS, II. P. E- A-SMutSLix.Sce. John Taylor, I HON FClINDKR and manuUclurer nl eirlnoi I kicdi it Plow., Hirruva, CultlTators, Sera- pert, IbiVlrlgbi anil ail liaJa of cju'.mg lo ord-i boavtl, Uicli- Uiunlbtis Lino. HAW* BURIMCK,carry lU-arogere loandt rom e depot,"rloan/ [art of the town.dajond l.o-TeT-t.iror-i-'i-t il Ibi .vljiilfoo'.lou>r,aod | in tb* new Ouuiboi-- W. J- AtkiaBaaroono, U KAI.EKSi:, Asricalmral Imp'-enonti. Wcalao • ,11 tc- I'ln ctlt'oraied l.unber Wagcnf and liujjiea UUBufawluietl bj J- A- A£aUI Dn-a- BuM- ne.» |ilaci-o*ie duor Ki.l of I'o.i Ullire, l-o»eU- Uunt .'i.lunlor, D KAl.r.llH In Orii^i,l'.ilent Ui-dicine» .Periumerf I'ainta,Oil., Ac- dlon al IbcoUaUpJof J-U. Hbcar,Uriilgf ..•.^lot,I.o«cU.Mk'J- b- i'allor, n r.Al-KIt in la'iit'anl dtam'jl kirneu, botMl | clolblng, iM'jeih'anlet.. « Uip«tninki etc , Cjllart miaiUiu id ai H- Kaller'e, oppoiile 1 N'atiomt H a n k ^ C^nj'il IGRAND RAPIDS DIRECTORY. UI. U- Olktmnn, O N'I.Y one price Jewi-lr/ KalabUibmiDt la Grand 1 llipldf. Illanviai-, \Yalcbci. Slltcr aril' bilTcr 1'Ulad rare- wi t'.ir.il »i:cet, Unthu m Uouso. 0>Jll0BatttEKT,tir-VNIl RAPIDS UIUII. II- t»iii>acLt,I'raprictor- llonjamin A narlan, i TTOHNEY »t L**. Judg- ol Probate, NoUry- /\ Public.tiommrtaioner ol Ileedl, tc-, lor New York ana Wlacomln. ProUlt Otti-e.Couul) build iig,Uiaud Kapld|,Ulcb. All kinds of Repairing BUSINESS 1LOCALS- I'ainls and Oils at West's. Finest Cigars at West's. Drugs and Medicines at West's. Sec Star Clothing House Advertise- ment- Sewing machine needles of all kinds at Devendorf A. Ulain's. Prairie Corn Sheller for sale hy At- Done mi short notice mul at hot- kins & Greene. loin fijjures. i The Best Cigars at West's Drug store. N. H.—Money to loan on good Real Estate security. Myron H. Norton. In conneetion with the lilaeksmith shojj Large line lints and caps at Devendorf is a first class | Bh'-ln's. Call and see that Mower for sale hy •lolm Taylor, corner Bridge anil Wash- ington street-', Lowell Mich. Call and see those Milford Cultivators Where all kinds of new work and re- | )pfon . ot i irrs . Sold hy John pairing will he done promptly and satis- Taylor, comer of Bridge and Washing- fiictorily.J ton streets. Kid Gloves for ? I--"iO at Devendorf & Blain's- We propose to do our work so as to Wall Paper ami Window Shades'at merit a eontinuancc of that liberal pat- West's. ronagc we have received in the past. At .1- C- West's drug store maybe DEAlll.ING & BAUNES. foun,1 ,l,c l ""; , , c n < ' i E !ir c v c r of - fered for sale in Lowell. I have i limited luautity of pure vac- cine vims, non-humani/.ed, direct from the heifer. Dr- -1- O- Edic. Best assortment of trunks in town at Devemh-rf & Blain's. CARRIAGE SHOP Mouufaoturing Jewelers, DETROIT. H. W. AVERY, i'K.M.I'. 11 IN Fresh Meats, Poultry, Oysters »Sli U-l KIM'.- 01 OAMKIN SEAJ.O.N The Hastings Journal has finished Vol. VI. and Is stillcujoyiiigexcfllent health. The Grand Rapids Times has washed up and put on a clean shirt- Mr. Huntress of Ionia, recently paid ^1 "1.000 for the Bailey House in that city. Isabella County beats the world on onions, and that's all we can sav for Isa- bella. L irge (pmntities of apples are being ship|H'il from Lowell to markets east and west. A fine little daughter at the residence of ("apt. J. M. Wcntherwax, maketh the household merry—but she can't vote this full. Several of our wild animal slayers "liked to got" a bear Saturday. They didn't see one but they came pretty near it. -las. H. Stone of Kalamazoo, has just issued a handsome pamphlet containing his well written sketch of the late Judge Bazil Harrison. The editor of this paper goes to De- troit this week on business. Parties de- siring to pay their accounts before his return will find a large willow basket under the Joirsai. office table. It was a handsomo eight pound daugh- ter that Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Coppens were introduced to last Sunday after- noon. Well, "may she live long and prosper,' 1 is her "uncle's" state of mind- Hon. Wm. B. Williams ajul Col. Mess- more will speak at Saranac on Friday evening, Oct. 23d, and at Cook's Comers Saturday evening, Oct. 24th. At the Gcuesee County Fair was an 18 Sixty beam have been killed iu Mid- land Co'.mty this fall, or sereral of our exchanges are all Sapphiredly mistaken. L. C. Bitten and Miss E Young of Milford, are m.irried, but that isn't the only instance on record > here a Young Ir.dy ha.- been Bitten. Mr. J. B. Spraguc has exchanged his farm in Vergennes, on Sec. ill), for a fine house and two handsome lots in the city of Grand Rapids. The recent Democralie victories in Ohio and Indiana brought out those old roosters that used to crow—"as goes North Carolina so goes the Union". They will have to be sent to the hen insane asylum again, in a few weeks. Chanoed-—S. A. Morrison has ex- changed his hotel fixtures for Mr. Tetley's farm in Vergennes. Morrison will try farming and Tetley is running the Mor- rison House. If M- knows how to run a farm as well as to keep hotel, he will do well. Fallasshuioh-—A rousing Republican meeting was held at Fallasslmrg last Thursday evening. Addresses were made by Prosecuting Attorney Burlingamc, and Wesley Fallass, Esq- Mr. Burlin- game's talk concerning County matters was listened to with great interest and satisfaction, and Mr. Fallass made an ex- cellent speech in b half of the old guard that never surrenders. It was a good meeting. Si'cceeded.—Prof. Gordon succeeded in completing the organization of a sing- ing class in Lowell, last week, and on Monday evening the first regular meet year old sow, of the Suffolk variety, 1 was l,cld ,,, M u , i c l,n11 - Wc un,,,,r - which, the family record says, has been i U , c s c " Mn S*" w i l 1 1 , 6 1101(1 on Mon- the mother of 243 pigs. ' j n n t l F r i l l n y evenings of each week. Rev. L. N. Barber, pastor of lhc I'l^ng the fall and winter. A splendid Christian Church of Vergenne*, occu- ° ^ 1 Um, 7 for pied the pulpit of the M. E. Church at ' to improve their "tune." Bowne Center, last Sabbath evening. A game of poltr was recently played Autistic.—Chapman, the artist, has many fine specimens on exhibition at his Tliia CON8TXTOTIOW. The State Republicnn is one of the j ablest edited papers in the Slate, and its po-itioiH are ••niiud- Its editors are ' not often obligi •! lo levcrse their engine | after they gel utarled. Last week's J i'«sue contains an artiele on the new Folltlcal. Ohio and Indiana went Democratic liecause the Republicans weakened their platforms hy pulling into them prohiU- tory planks. In Ohio the Democrat- gained si\ members for Congress, and elected' Slate officers bv about 20,000 majoritv. The Republicans lose six ConKre«nm. would like to re- in Indiana, and the Democrats throw up in in,irc, - v ' , " , l f o r want of their hats and feel good over a majoritv ' 1,a " n: > « ,vc " l ,ar! - Speaking of a few thousand. ' | " "I'l";'" "«»• constitution Iowa shakes her fist and -says D e m o - 1 ' • l 11 "'" crats can't come in. The Republicans ' , .' ilc el,u ; f ( 1 !,c " ,it ' a 1 of 1110 "nsti- i lAnnn Il i""n. and the hardest ones to convert, have40,000 niajonty-a gam of (-.000 ,. ro t | ti; m;1 ., .,f ••p.-nny-wiM-and-pound- over last year—and Iowa sends none but i foolish" mi n- They see that the annual Republicans to Congress. ' salaries paid to Stale officers and judges Nebraska had four tickets in the field, l,c and the , . ; sum to them appears frightful, although but the Republicans gained their ( on- ; •„ i , rnlt on $252 of taxable gressman by a majority of 10.000. j pronerty in 1J-T1. They do not, and The Dakota Legis'iature will be Re- probably will not see that most of the publican In both branches. Tluy know ' ^ to P™ . " 1 al altenlio'i to their duties, at the seat of govemment, which would bring such at the Grand River Nurseries. It be-1 gallery. His samples of ivory-types, longed in the office stove, but it stirred life size, cabinet and card photographs up a good deal of lire in another dircc- speak for him. Wonderful progress has l ' 0 "- been made in the photographic art with- Four inches of snow on the 14tli of in the past few years, and it requires pa- October may be food to some who find tieuee, study, and repented experiments Call and see the farmer sliest friend m i t dim,.,,!! i 0 obtain notoriety in any oth- to keep up with the times. Chapman is lime of need, Shupe s W heel ( ultivator. t . r WHV | lllt wc s | inn - t , novc Up t0 Clum bound to know the secrets of the art. Sold by John Taylor, ron.cr Bridge and Ukl . jlut for tlint . hig work ehoW3 t||ot ||( . ^ nmlc WiiHliiivlon streela. i -Mlu'oli ^l l.KlKlin.t Several Lowellites went to Grand Rap- 1 creditable proficiency. IlK Vol U OWN PlIVSK IAN-. -There is iJs aIlil ^ ^ Wjiiklc |||||y Joc of Dys^hiia I hat Green's August or ril ., , (r Don't make any " T||C K ' V0 ' Niur Club SuUscriplion Flower will ii it cur.. < 'ome to the Drug dilIcri . nci . u , llil . h . thcJ . nru lK)th Store of Wooding A I.ni.k and inquire t||v 8a|n( . j JOWK & WHITE r--.- | MANl'FACTrnEIlS AND Ii I'-AI-KIIS IN j BOOTS. SHOES, Rl'BBERS. ETC. ; I iUi uljon i \iy l.ivr one ami funli8 hcs 200 Leading Papers and j Magazines at Club Rates to single alMiut it. i l you MitTer from costiveness, j 1 subscribers at any Post Office. It saves SllK'ki 8all i'ork. Ilillcs sick headache, sour slonuK h, indigestion Mr. B. says that it would please him all the trouble and delay of getting up liver complaint, derangement of the sys- j 'f we would spell his name correctly af- t -l u|, s yourself, and gives you Club rates tern, try it. Two or three doses will re- " r this, and that the right way to spell lievey.iii- Ague Conqueror is the only ! •' ' s " B on r z u t s c h ^ y." It will remedy iu the I'nltod States that con- cost a liltle more to spell it that way, tains nu tiulidiuv. Areenie, or other poi- but nevir miml- mi|i Injurious to the system, that will A man in Detroit took out his pocket- cure fever and ague, intenniltent or bil- book to pay his butcher for a steak, and ions fevers, etc.. and the chills not re- immedialely fell iu a fit. Snch cases turn during the season. It permanently are rare, we know, but as a faithful jour PoUts itc Ciutral >:iil-. •. Cri I,->- Sireel- II. » AVEI.V I.o n II, Jul), lit.IIJ XT E W JEWBIiRY STPBS- on many for which you cannot raise a club. They want an active Agent in every town in Ihis State to forward names. For terms, address I C. W. BENNETT, Quincy, Mich." R-Ait-noAD.—The fourth job on the Kalamazoo, Lowell & N. M. Railroad their business in Dakota- Ex-Vice-President - of - the - so - callcd- Southcm Confederacy - Stephens would like to sec Giant President another term. But Grant won't do it just to please Alex. Tipton of Nebraska is to be succecdcd by a Republican who didn't liberalize. Committees.—The Board of Supervi- sors met last week. The following stand- ing committees were appointed: Finance Committee—Wm. R- Davis, William P. Whitney,and Jacob W- Wal- ker. Committee on Claims and Accounts— Lyman Murray, W. D. Tolford, Henry F. McCormick, Sam'l E. Lnngdon and Peter C. Shickel. Committee on Education—James Dock- eray, Robert Hunter, Jr., Henry C. Wy- lie, John Nichoson and Abner 1). Thom- as. Committee on Roads and Bridges- Arthur Wood, Martin Whitney. C- C. Hinman, llollis Konklc and J- Van Zandt. Committee on Public Builftngs—Wil- liam N. Cook, M. H. Whitney, J. W. Williamson, Abncr D. Thomas and John Nichoson. Committee on Equalization —Peter Mc- Lean, James N. Davis, George A. Fields, S. Mason, E. Hebard, 11. N . Stinson, E. Prycc, Aaron Brewer and A. L. Skinner. Committee on Rejected Taxes—James Doekeray, Arthur Wood and C. C Hin- man. Committee on Drains-Martin Whit- ney, J. Van Zandt and Henry C. Wylie. Bowne.—The Republican meeting at Bowne Center Fridhy night was a suc- cess- Hon. E- G. D. Holden, accom- panied by the writer, arrived at the Cen- ter juat in time to pay their respects to a well spread table at Dr. Ford's. At half past seven the school house was com- fortably filled, and behind the speaker, was placed the "Banner Flag," which the Bowne Republicans captured two years ago, and which they propose to keep.. It will be remembered thai Mr. D D A L C O M eure-fever and ague of longstanding- nalist we must speak of il as a warning was let last week, which extends south Holden presented this flag to the Banner * " ' G. G. Giirrn. to our readers. into Barry county. Republican township, and it will-not |y|ONl!OE3t ^ ii O. KUSTERER' U H K W EII & M A L S T E U Citv Browerv 3RAND RAl'IDS, - - MICH DIlAUr .nr l.AOEK. intias, MEincisns, aid a ns. RUBBER PAINT The Best Paint in use. FOU SALE ONLY nv J. 0. WEST. ri:i!rt Mi:r,\. yonoss, I:TC. CUSTOM WORK And a Large and well selected Stock Constantly <•" Hand. Suwror HAUOMAA/MOCh'S WojM re.peclluP) call l',ie.i;ii wllcn ol -lie,cl;l- r-cio; i u* il and v.ciiil) lolbefact ilat Ii- In. i n i.i i;i] llii ir I Hi'l'OCK Of WATt'IIKH. -Wl..5,1.1^4 anl Sw. • M-iein-ul. ri.\i: unui Notice^—1 take this me.Wl ... Inform I Col. Mess.nore of Grand Rapids was f ^ « . a i o o . a u . have U'en success- seem at all sun.r.s.ng to the reader that the citizens U«.ell and vicinitv Hint I nominafd for Stale Repn^entativc by f u l ^ nndcolleeting assess- the starry emblem wasthereto "enthuse" hate iiiiened a SIHK* Shop o.fe diK.r west the Republicans la-t Friday. The Col. ™\ uo l l,av « , ' ottiw " 1 " of ' lo1 -. ,,s mu,or - U of .1. C- S ott's hanlware More where 1 " « ! - < as a talker, and would take a ln " 1b 1,C . 7 k . will be found at all b.^ine... hours, readv front rank in tho logWaturc. The op- ^ t '.ear much from Hasi.ngs that Mr- Holden made his longest spccch. and willing it .i,Hm those n ho se'e ' P'^tion will find U a hanl matter to beat ^ l>ut they are, co doubt, up and lor two hours and forty minutes he fit to honor me v.iih their jiatronagc. Mm at the polls. ;!" "«• There are two go.,d papers pulj- spoke, without slopping for refresh- , , , • , . i ashed at Hastings, and wc always look ments, and at the close of that time the furthermore. I clu.m 1 e«.. ..iak»a Wl- Itstr.kesus that a pretty go.M joke them overlo s.-e what they say about timekeeper wound up his watch and le. elasn of Hue Iiihi.*-and sliiH's than any might lie got oil at the expense of the railroad. ! said "go on." It was one of the Chair- one 11. Ilus bur ot bus 111«. in Lowell, and , some man who ha- been putting up a man's best talk •, and the audience an- All W o r k WilVPnulcd ! IWflBRS UUOS. l'I.-\T|iH WARE I •vill aeeepi nnv .Imllenge in workman- stove-pipe ^mewherc. It would be a • Oonireafm.n WHlUm. and Col. Mom- predated it all. The writer would have UTitiiitfr iin wleiB i. «iii sli'ji fwin"".*'of Iheiu who think to Hie goQtahle joke for this season of tho year- contrary- I will not be excelled in quid-1 Let's have one from somebody. / nl*) iffy ".'i hand Ihrlftl I7<- ity of work or stiK-k. Give me atrial m BRIDGE STREET, i-owei.i.. Mini. A- J. II owk, 1- N. Wiiiti'-. y y •' '• l 'vr. BUYERS FOR 1,000 PLOWS ^ tit K.<» r u u 10 dux. Corn Cultivfttoiv. nrvERs for 10 do/. Double Shovel I'luw*. ' tin mul duilttr S'rijuii!II !lii inn,l.:. At and 1 will give you ample proof that I \ 11U my iiilriitiou I.i hr/i ii/ih iji^ilnlni-i ol' cm. do all thai 1 adverliHc. Ilejuiring 1 irniihl iiin't rt'jtf{fully nillri! of all kind* dune. l!ir /Hilivmiyr ot'ill I irh- umy inn,! m.i; llihij I:, ia;/ /(';»•. • >*.> milt' il ,... ./.> s' M VHoiiizE HOME. Dnili'iilar ullciihiiii pnhl I" RcpalrliiR Wntchrs ard Jewelij. Ill iraik irnrninlril (hir I'ritr. Ca'l icf us in the t-oilotticc, G. B. Balcom. John Hovvaihi- Money lo lu-.ii on good real estate se- curity. Enquire of M. M. Perry, Low. ell, Mich. 1 n \ir Ij0Wel1 " .. | made a speech, but for t lirev. Hon. W. II. Williams our Represen- thought l ^ t not to. It was too late. After toveral sittings of ,he jury that ^r^nnZrJn' 1 .It " T Z ^ *** hc 'lilts suit has been brought lo a close, . j . - , • sl ,, f " ^ " 1 . m ,11 " i "P^' 1 ' 1 ' w 'tl" lum, and thirdly and and -no cause of action" is the verdict. ^ j Siiiimlav evenin!/ Oct l:,S,l ' V ' l "' , ' i,ln 1 lmVB any iqicecli- The The jury had a goo.1 time, and hope the ^ ' A,. Mr -.Villi ,n.s will go i „ Wash" ^ ^ ^ rousin « cl ' wr ' time will come again k.K.n when they.•si. i tl g, na 1,, ,, f , w , vci , ks . , Vt . , lw m sn.me and shuck ^annts h? their leisure. , |aVc op^.rtm.ity to see him or hear C, W. Mull, recently rlerk in Hunt k bi.n speak again in a long time. Then Hunter's drug store in tins villngi', has b't ilie i-i^ -eni come out fmiu Lowvll for the speaker and anolher llirce forlhe Slate and County liel;el«. Bmvnc is all light. ellieiency and economy and public ac- eommodalion into play, as would save more than the difference in salaries; that I letter pay for Circuit Judges would insure abler and more industrious men, greatly reducing the cost of litigation; that the provision for one Highway Commissioner in each township instead of three, would save more than $23,000 to the people, and give them better roads into the bargain; and that tho cut- ting off special legislation on nearly twenty dillerent subjects would reduce the per diem and other expenses of the Legislature, the bills for printing, bind- ing, and paper, many thousand dollars at each session, not to mention the dis- couragement to cornipt lobbying and secret log-rolling. While we have advocated the new constitution, and shall vote and work for it, because it contains many improved features that have stood the test of ex- periencc in other States, and while we would ever discuss questions of organic law with an eye single to the public welfare, yet, unUn i/me goal friend of llnsntic UonitUulion mata it his tjteiul iluly on eleelion day lo attend the polls in each tjieni/iip and uard, offering urgu- ments and distrilutinj notes in the affirma- tin, it Is doubthss \nten. The method we have described won a vote of tho electors of Lansing and Battle Creek in 1S70 i n favor of paying their railroad bonds, although lliey were voluntarily burdening themselves in the operation. We do our part in again appealing to palriotism against selfishness. "The sober second tlioiight of the people is seldom wrong," as Martin Van Buren The Centennial Gazctteer o f t h e United States.—But few books have been published of such universal interest to the American people. It appeals to no particular class alone, but to all classes; to men and'women of all pro- fessions, of all creeds, of all occupa- tions, of all ages, and of all political opinions—to the farmer and Iwycr, to the business man and mechanic, to the physician and politician, to the teacher and student, to the manufacturer and salesman, to the man of learning and to the man who can only read, to the old and to the young. All Americans arc Interested in, and will want The Ccn. tennial Gazetteer as a book of constant reference, and to preserve for their chil- dren and children's children as a com- plete and reliable work, showing the gigantic results of the first one hundred years of the great Republic. The book opens with an exhaustive treatise on the United States, from a national standpoint, showing the extent of its growth, and the vastness of its wealth and resources. This is followed by an Alplnibclical Gazetteer, or com- plele encyclopaedia of all the Slates and Territories, counties, cities, towns, vil- lages, townships, posioffices, luountains, rivers, lakes, etc., of the I'nion. The artiele-- on i nch State contain a descrip- tion of the position and boundary of the State. The ariieles on the larger iitie> contain a general description; their commercial eonneetioiiB by rail, eanal, river or o.'tan; their population ncconlii.;: to the different census reports llEP- AcmeI A''n, A cigar 'bat j |, onc into tiie ilrug busiiiess for himself and all adjacent townships and know meeting at Train's Hall on Thursday ,,111 »uU all who can tell a good from a |lt Lakeview, Montcalm Co- ('has. ! personally, the man who has so ably evening, was addresswl by Prosecuting poor one. Decidedly ihe best in market. formerly of Lowell, is Hulls, represfiited ll.em In Congress, and w ho Attorney Burlingume and Cliairniaii Several thousand just received at Wests j inr i|,,. r We hope forl.tUU'-will smile on is to repre.-ent then, lliere another term. Holden, Burlingamc gave a very inter- wiihthe different nationalities making Mkktimi. — The Republican j "P 1 ' !t ' populaiion; the niiinber of per- «.ns tugagt 1 in the dillercnl oecupa- ^"lUAnDIAN'U BAi.ai. ISmyii! yitov't;! I'luAs, m vi;ii> pon ii/.. .liimiiiiiy Slmvi I'll.WH, nuvEiis fi.ii n ill/.Milford Wli^iK'jiltjyatovs UtlVHUK poll lOtloz^luipos Whool C'ultlvators ^Inllie miller of Ibt raUl^ cf Aile-l.-it F liuUa* I Um, Al.um F. I.ju^Iih an 1 lla'.j >1 lloujh., M. Nc.l-e n l<r>vbr "i, i lli.i I li.li nil i,t | u'.llr | aselloa.t-> VI|U' . 11,ur, c.11 i!«.uVUt. .bo I 'lli ' of Ni.vember, A. 1. lt:i- »l ten o'c; .k. In k» [V- 1, -• n •! .'i ' (to . l"or -.t l!- I'c.li'Blc- U Ik. VIII tc ' I .jraltau C. |gr, I, lb.- Co lutr "I K- i-l in IU Slain of Mlil,Urn. pa'iumi lo 1,1 i,. • »>i,Uu- .l.oil'y (laolrd lo I r ..ii Hie ue'flli ,!iir ol U;loboi, A. II. I*;4,b) (be P I'oait ol Ken. . oui .y, Ui.b ran, *11 ol IbeHcti', .1.1'- Intereal or latale of hid Ulisn, In or lo Iio,m n l.lo j ortaoi pt.rtU U|iUii|o i.er cllli^- I of Uud al.ualnl a ,1 biln." lo Hie I'oiimj of Ui "I. , . , Sltle of Jllcl,l,-an. I o«.rilbe 1.'o:i„»i, u-wa: I.-.l :.uu.',re-: fuiuly .'.•O/of lbe V-I1»|» .1 ai..tliii I'd-lrri Ii Ktnl Coanlj. Ul.-hlian. ai,J 1 Hr 'rf li... J' it. Il I |J'- nunlbrrcil Iilmlo nllVl i,( ll;e •ania rlllaic-lying lorai-llilelj ii',i|i ii »ii'l jj*. •.u*nty vlW.'aoJ n3i..lu|n| U.*..iu »',d boauu*'4, lolloia, to'Bltl V t- ui- ruiug at lh» U01II1 ca.l I coroonf ail 11.1 it,..It iJ.li, iuni.ln< theace norlb ou a I.be parallel "t Ii tba le-S liU. drugslore. West has also 1 he beat cheap cigar you ever s-noked- Fi ve for a quar. ter—they sell fur, \\\ W".t'a -Uug store Hon- M- D. Wilber, of Allegan, the Democralie nominee fur Congress in this Tli,, y'l.^apuM plant in town lo buy ,|i s i r i,.| i j, announeed lo sprak in Low- Dry Uoods ii al Devendm f A BIiiIii'k. , u , | lU wv.lnesilay evening, Oscar C, 1 The UlldersiglUil is prepmed to do Rnnaom, Demoeralii eaudidaki >ur Pni;,- job li iiming on shorl noliee and In Ihe ecullug Atlouu j'yif this couniy, is also beat maiiner. Will alvi -all and delive,'. u^uouncvl be preaciit- Give them a building stone in lliy liil v,- ("f live full house. The Rev. Mis. Gillette, of Roehcslcr, lions; their miinufaeluring and commer- cial inli iesl,-, and their educatioital in- stitutions. The articles on the i-maller ciries and village-, a.e brief and con- densed; Imi give the piiplllution, the railroad and ..Iher eouiieelions, the prin- cipal l.iisiiii porsulis, and such other infonnaliim a- shows the vr-lue of the lll'YERS von t ^ 1 dozen Mowers, all of Ihe best quality lile'ncr'Val-l lb' it an elT i live apiaker, and will give cstliig review of county affairs, showing the penple ju-i sneb a speveh as they how the businesi. of the county had want --one. full ,i( iuf,in^atlon and | l>een trunaaeted the past year, etc. His Irulh- Col \l|'*iii.ire is well known as | speech was just wlml a'.l tax-payers i\ V'Uklk.};, -aipaign speaker, and largo wanted lo hear, for il roiitalned much ftudlem ea j;r«« I him wherever he .'.peaks, information whiel. the; dealretl to oli-1 Y^^g 1 ' as " place of residenre, arailniad Reiiiemlm'the time and place Vrain'h tain Out didn't know just wlu iv to find | t ou ". and a ci.mmere'ml and m inufae Hall, Lowell, Siiturdny evening, Oci,, it. The speaker presented very seiiMble j tni'l'- '' enter- The artiele-m c;,uulles lll-i, | view* eoaceming tho nianngiment of g' v< ' " de-eription of their location, public affairs, and argued wisely that i number ol qi. u mil s, their popula- Ci. MMHN C.»i'-N'i';i.. Council met Oct. it is (or tho best intorest and profit of lion in l'-; • and l^iil, showing whelher Mich., will speak on the qiiestion of l:J. Prcwal—full board. Minulen of | tho cniinly to retain in oflice, the second lin y had in.:. >-d during the last de- woman suffrage at FAi-i.Assiiirmiii, on |-.k-v1>*i.s meetings read and approved-1 tenu, experieiued men. It costs ii lt - ( cj.de or no:; '.lieir burfuco and rivers. Tin RSDAV KVENINO of this wcok- Mrs. The following accounts were allowed:, county a large sum lo edueatc its not, ,:it ' nnlu;' • •>[ ir uail, tit cash vaiiei Gillette is a lady uf fine talent and cul- Bill, Hunt A Hunter, Fire Fund--$0 04 i officers, and the only way to get luck i ! ''' f - ' ' uuiounis of their __ tnru, an I said to be a very forcible •• H. K-Hogan, " " 8 00 its pay is to give them n second term. prinei, a! iigrie-.'.Uund products, and the '""'Miio of [b^ iiiii. 'lou^ir,.!. ,'n.t ;.t ,y I . nr.-^U'l '"i speaker. Mrs. Gillette will also s^ak | Motion made and carried that the j Mr. Holden did not inUnd to make a ' ^ llu '• i-nncipal inanttfactures. jlit ib) t.^l. iu .he n u b »«.. cruet of ..idi •. . , t, ,/,. u # ut Madison's school house in Grattan, Marshal be instructed to notify all par- speech, but. owing to Mr. Clav's failur, 1 ,0 vnships of the I'nion are all enu- DiUT'.ien |IP>, t,n llio r-oitb line llietis.l; tlitoce "iriflN'..! U —- i '' 1 niici. m is nui - , , ,1 , ' .- " . i i .i - t cuib ;ntbo«e.t Uae qf u il Jt-t yjiuueu tjp>, to j icithin oiu :ud Ihnr iitcr. the i*i]*i- "el- "-U: Cunnoiisburgh, Oct. 24; I as- ties occupying lots along which side-j to meet Ins appointment, and the meTatnt uml llieir popiilations given. l.ii,mU. O.cl- U'., I«JV, V. B- WII.'mvh .l/i .V W'tiirlli/ni: I In on thr irnij'i*r or ma. ;/i'.i •; JoLIINAI- indifirtiAtlint I'" '. ... tl.i ' s-rip- 3 3 3 7 laV-i pIAMO.NDS, WATCHES, UXAMOIiD SIKCTACI-lp, Silver Plateit Bpooas and Forkst war- ranlod for 10 roars. st.n jn.v r, ;Mic.:-r.»i otiy. i r"" J''*" r/Jlouic inlkt cUl, C! Canal S'-rctl r.n .i . 1:- fj: i.;: I -. t^""' / f t oa .lot; Willi pat ,. it'.'."-?." :.". l .ri"3I , i J Li l JolUr * week: oa • mini. t tvv.t. laidlnaO- tance. Forlurtb^r pi'l 'i "•'"l r ;' JAS. W- U1SE, I'ubliaboi JocaxAi.. and lalc;-l ii.ii'ivv.ir.', : ;.. ('-ii. ,uiii sei lor \ oui-i n'.'i ' Aih|ili|ctl llloek. C.y ner Bridge a;-d V. adiliiiiton slrfel-. I.('v; QII. Midi- pnOBATE NOTIOE- flate i f-\IxUl«n,roqnly of Kent Al a «i ,,'ou of llu Prolnle ."ourt l«r Hie Coun.r 01 Ken. bold-11.1. llie proline r.ffleo In .be dlyol Grand H-ipiJa,on WrJn—d-y. .be MT-n.lt Jay of October, in llu- yr.-.r One TboueaDd d-bt bcodmS ard ' Pi.'-.n!, Ileolim n A- lU'lan, J-.'iie i.l Prolalo. Iu nulter <-1 Hie crlt.o ol Jjucs Iliruion, On'r aUogaud Bllrj .be p...lien, duly vetlflcj.of Ilcn-itA I latent., w. dow ol .be ml. d-.rated, ol Ibe lowt all p of Pani, in «id eounly, ptajlng wonj othiM Ilili i;. Hint tilntirisliallon of .aid rtlcle laaj • . ciBKlftl iu him. Thcretpon it U oriertJ, Tlut llnn.Uy, .be i.tond ,i iy ol Noremlcr nea., at ten o'e'ock In .be torebooa, be mt joed fur .bo leering of aud jMtlUOB.aLd II.at llio holts al law nf aal-l .lecoawd, and all oilier pj.a.nt tnlercrtlel In aald latale, are iiooircJ tiantMra. a , i.lou ofuld C-.ut. ll,tO .0 be boWeB SI the Probi: nb:- In t!,.- City ol Qitwd Itaj-ld., in •lidCounty, anj .bow «au.«, il a«) .bete be, «by •l.« iiiatcr i,ftli« i^liliunrr abould not beRtanltd ; — tn-lll iifurl u.' onlerad. lliat aaiil ptullom-r jivo , lo Ibe ;, rt.m intereitcJ In au J ealale, of Ibe .„-y.f .-il p-UU.n, and tbe fcearlnf .hitwtf ol iblj or.ltr lo i* bo'jiUI.I in rnipiper ptlnltd and cir.-u Ketit lluei tueceulvr urela ._.d ilat'ol bc-tttuz - I1«J UKSJAUIN A- UABLAN Judge ol Probate, A true copy. CTitS J£- Pmi.si Ktglitir. i-imd iol.'.,.-cly , ,:iij, tli.nee ra-l ca 1lie tisilb Iiii9 ot >ai, l lot I •Miy I'J J Ibt place of ItllitLini;, l.tl - i a lo', Iwi-Ul) v!0l indnan of lot jl- • •' -- to ' triU Al dlvfuliuiKil. I i.... !1B U'.'-i-*IOIIJ>;^. J>aUt|r • • :wu ,IU) U lite VI la,r u- l.ral- , U«» Ocioi.-r liiii. a n-i-:». UOOKUT DiilOl.ASS. Odttnlun, pUOBATE ORDBlt State of Uicblna, Count) ol Ketil, } ». Ala «.<«ion if lb- l' tob.,ti> Comt lor tbo Zous.y nf Kent. b^Uo i a. Ihe Probate Olllco, In Ihe City o( 11 ran J HapUa, ou Una Jay, .be Ic.-lUli day o! Ilclo- ber , Ir. the )-..r t~, l'..oui»i., e:^b'. bualit.t aul tci- eotj'ficf- PitMtil-Berjtmli A-IlatUn.Judte if I'tobile Iu Ibj mailer if Ihe i-'.ilc of ll 'i-to SLepinl, de - ctaud- On rcaillnzma uttn; lue p-u i m. .;u'y milled,ol Wlwl w Hodge, idBlnntralor ol s;ll ftale.piay- lng for llcine and autboill) lo till l-e rial ea'e.e Iberein lictciilcl, lot lite t n o i r and i urj-iae Ibeta- lu riprta.ed, Ibertupi'lt il In otj.'rs.l, Ib-.l A/-.;,Air, l-ie tlx- trenlh day uf Noteiobor neat, at Ivn o'c'.ojk la tbo foituoon, be ai.ljnc I for the hmlui; .1 taid n:tl- lion, aad tbat llio belta at le * ol tr-ld il- cwed, and all other p^rauna i^tvri-.ted Iu tsilO eaialtt, nto tc- ip < d to cppraral a >culott ol uld cjuM, Ibm to TS'cw A.lvortlHomoui« Ptobak* Order—K.lale W. Katnwrtt. Piolale Order-Etla.tllonee shrj-i, I- Ouardtan Salt—itol<it l l i n t l i x . Otdrr pBb'.inlion-O, II- I..',' . /.' .o'n v For Sale-ll.iA llbul-J- II. "•' • looll-o II ,.'llM9ni« I-'icalf—Poran l i r f t i l a l t. novia, Oct-28; Ada, Oct-29; Roekford, walks are defective to repair the saiilo j fact that the audience voted unani ; , J ^ciiteii ia tin ir prop- Oct-!10; Cedar Springs Oct. 31. and at within 10 davs. and if not done within mously in favor of a talk from "tlie : cr i. "-aii.-. • . -"-.ii tin.. \,..:k is a com- Pierson, Montcalm Co.. Nov. 2. All of that time to ca'.Urt il to be done at the • chairman," ho entertained his hearers a i plete pa-ti lilee direei.-ry. The moiin- these meetings will be held in the eve-1 expenso of thu owners. j short time with some plain troths, well ' tnins, rivi is, and lakes are all locateil ning, commeccing al a quarter before 8 i The following resolution was offered ; sjwken. and desftibed, as accurately iu: modern o'clock, and adopted- Perry voting in thenega- Hon-S- M. GarllcUl, Representative seiealilie knowLdge will permit, thus live- j of ihia tVisiriol, was present, but said he reuderiii;, ilie geographic features of the List of letters remaining in the Post Wheiiuas , A motion was made and, did not come prepared lo talk—"if' G-i eit.' ; . - fresh and ntic. It Office at Lowell, Kent Co. Mich. Oct. carried al a regular meeting of the Com- j there was any uork to do set him at i:." ' • tbe ' a'-y Xalionr.l Ga/elteer published JOUUXAL JOTTIKOS. 21, 1874- ONLY TWBNTV-P1VE CENTS! New subscribers can have tlie,lor ir from Nov. Iu. 10 Jr-n- 1st., (nine num- bers 1 for TWENTY-FIVG CENTS. The mon Council (Aug. 511,, \HU,) granting! Tll , ru m ^ work l o l l o f of |||C1 I aviviialiMt I iiMiniKHiiincr Pli'14 1 .. . | : tiiicn us us us is *1 '-v. »•" expense elder. Alex- w | latpv0 p| t , i' m, village of Lowell: and, : uest Winltr ' ^r u uni r .i Vt^UoiSc;. ill. ctryoii'.aoi Joins ai, will contain election r. turns. IUpl,-». in aild c^unly.aad »bo» cau-e, 11 any Ibeio , , be,»lt) .bepratcr of tbe pelleoner idioaluno.be lllld Its USUUl aiUOUnt Of "Jottings llllll Statiled, wud It la further o-drtvil, ibal .al«l peli- , llou-r glto nallce to Ihe peraoaa Uloreile l In tatd general new-- \\ ill OUI'preaeilt SUOSCri- e-tal.-, of .bo pcnlcncy of sail piltllon, and tho . . . . . bjliinx Ib i.ol r.y cao.in.- a copy I .bit order o J| Crs show till - proposition to their Iieigll- be jublith-d IU tbe I.o-toll Jouinal, a ncwaMper ^c^leV»lw: U pl:iou\\!^ra b " r ' n " ,, 1,1,1 0ne m ' ,r '' n0,C,, ,0,,,eir please sa* Advertised and give date of UENJ 4-1I1X J. IIAKLAN, JuJg- of 1'iobale. i. f i t i , A Hut wpy. Craci E. faaiis., Regi.Hr. Ill a I ( sllcK 01 B 00 "' "' uls ' Gents'List-—Adam F, > ^ ^ ander Blake-ley. P W %ms. George ri^'ur^r Mid'inotio? was carried,^hi 1 Duu , ):ir , of i: , lhmu . •asurer of the K- L. sV N. M- - „ . „ ., a, . r. •••- kvu . .ttt.ti;t..t U t.w .. was in town last week- ' m whwi?'v 3 r on^n'it 'wiLn Vn imn It'^i-vEi.- That through the falser-q. |ion. S. M, GnilivKi, and Sheriff llavncs MVNliitney. George B ^dson, NntHw s t a t i o n that were maJe that the Com- toi; j . ^ c l l last Thursday. , , 7, ;:-' , ,, " « • ' , . n Utui anor -an. moiioii was carrieu, nam p..,,-,... .'.mi 1 H C " Crandall, Byr-n L Den- Ch!W I _,, slio aSsl . !SSC(l 1:l liim o{ 1 • • •'>• mmCharlM B tonthn, 1 111 .mean- j iu . h x „, u u , lhc Con>onaion of the Henry Ford, Beth Gnffln, Jobe llaussc- vill . 0 o f I<owc ii. Now'therefore be it Railroad, nionn f nnmil Ilntlor Ali-v Slownrt (i ^ . . , , 1830. D. E. -pring, of I-owell, ia agent for this b"ok aa-l !-) f.ir several other in- tcrestiii- -i;-: valuable v-ort:s by ditTcr- cnt author: - ile is circulaiing among the g'tod jieoplu ot this vicinity with n view of obliiiviiitg as many subseriptions poM'ible. When lie slops at your rate, rush out mid tell him that when you read this notice of the book in ibe Joi'ii::ai-. yea at onee r.rolvvd to have a copy of it before night. WHslibitrtt 1 , , ,— - . - .. uau i.nv, iisnei. i.owen lasi Iliursuav. -e,. . | mon Council do hereby rescind from the , 1 u '' ot oar most peaceable citizens Persons calling for these letters will, ij ccor d the motion aforesaid. i Messrs. Holden and Burlingmr.e have engaged in a brief set-to Saturdav but On motion, council adjoumcd. | been leaving the truth in this pari of it being the first lime the; d'oso— notice. A. M. Euwohth, P. M. j IL Nash, Dep'y Recorder, ^the County. don't count nuttiugi.

Hunter Shop on Monroe St„ QUI SALE! - Lowell Ledger Archivelowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1874/10_October/10-21... · 2016-10-20 · York ana Wlacomln. ProUlt Otti-e.Couul)

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Page 1: Hunter Shop on Monroe St„ QUI SALE! - Lowell Ledger Archivelowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1874/10_October/10-21... · 2016-10-20 · York ana Wlacomln. ProUlt Otti-e.Couul)

L O W E L L J O U R N A L ,


f' \ l L o u f l K i l l l c l i l ^ a i i i by

• I A.H. w . i i i n i : .

TERM a " .1 YEAH.

citir.n.v UKVotrn to

L O C A L A N D G E N E R A L N E W S .

offwh /y du.[hasps iir.ovK• rf.ooit.


JI I'M VIVrMLS, VIVA Mis:' | l . : .o YEAH /.V ADVAXCE.



Of L c w d l , Michigan.

' A I ' ! T ' - ' fmo.oco. 1 1 * H.'OO.

d iukcto i ih :

W. \ v . H a t c h , k . J . I toorn , 11 A. Hick, C. K. Hikb , A ,S.- S l . A N N U ! " ' M. N. H i n r ,

T. WilODIXIl, .Icins OlI.KJ, 11. M. Cl-AltK.

I n t o r c M l i i n U I o n I )4- i>oh | |m .

WW HATCH. l1i-...|rnl. K. J . HDOTII. V |Tf, II U.CI.AKK.Cublnr.


Foster Mills-

rAUES COCIIUASr. I'inpii.tor, M.ll in pin* runningni'lrr.'nil «II "otl »injr.lrilfii"t r!>

i.'uiiiom wi'ik irjrci ilully "ollrluO.


A I Mil

7 ^

rnmxr .v & coux-T.i.im \ r i,uv .-soiic-toritri'l ('nari"'I'ir m fiincr)1 , No*.ur INiMr*.

one ilor fi-i "I I. IIW<, lltl l," .S' . ».lli Midi.

O. It- liouk, "^TOUXKY AT I,*VV. r.u«lnr.i in .ill SlalpauJ

rV UnllnlSliUi.Vun. allm 1»4 Id. rrinnpl Imllu i Kirm locmt'-) <i. iir. fiilltdinn., m.l dun. c ry builntf.. (llllci- in I'nliu II: i<li, Ixiscll, JIlcli

Dr.T.JI. 10K curu.

Uiiilip- itracU, l.ij«»ll. Mich. I^KSIDRNCR AMI OWIOK

Clina. AUlicn,

DKAI.ER 111 llMdj-ma l.' Cl,ilhln liking aii"a>, II»l«.C,'i-,Ar

1 I'lolhlng, OfUl'i Kuin-l«, Cj|«, kr.. Colour mail

vrttlllle Hit IllvrrOriJ:!'. I,ii*r|| Ulcb

Wm. I 'u l lon,

nr.AI.KK In mil)-roil.' f l IWn;, Clulli., (ii-nl'i KurnivtiinT Uoo-l., llt'.«. Ci?.. Hint. au<l

Kum.. Clothinr cut >al mile to or lor. Store in Palleo'i blockt DlM|t ttfMi.

0 . Q.Btono * Co., I\BALEI>B In Pry doolr, lircoe'le., llooU «uj U Eboe..lIiU>u<lCi;s, Crocktrx *c. Sloie In

Untuun'i Blockt Umll, tllc^. .

N J m . W . l l l no ,


I.'JWKI.L, MICH, ijweiring Jone ulth ncjlorn aii'l Ji-;nlcli.

•* Chai- W H o r n

OUSIHL'3 LINK lo m 1 from trrint.t.) Iml.Ionl printe Iiouki, Th- !<'. l omnibu« in Un vllUse

unwnb; tin bc<l trim In lh" Imtlni ••. I.or.cjonr ordi-rutt Ibe Knnt.iln lloa-e or ct r»te'« oOlce.

J. Orton Bdie,

SUmJKOX.rilYSI us-43.1 Aeeoacbenr. OEcc ia .Scott »aJ Wnt'i l".!. ' nltli E. F. I'olr. lletl-

Ucaer corner llri lgc an 1 Jc.Terton i l l .

i fovonJcrf « Ulain, J^UAl-ERSin Fancy il.-y O inli.UibboajCiirpetJnj

O U R m T C H



D E A R L I N G Sc B A R N E S


Hunter Shop on Monroe S t„ QUI SALE! (No r i l i " I ( jral ia-i i 'sjJIJIock)

Wl io ro i lu 'v :iro p r c i nn - i ] t i

k im ls ol

B L A C K S M I T H I R G .

In onler In miV- loon for Ibe encllou nf " new ib 'p, I oll r mt nl i i r «tcck of

• I o n " R H i C I E S A.\U SPBIXU WAGOXS!

AT ni'.BATI V KKDl'CKn ru ic i . " Xi * i- Hie I line (ol tarialsi.

ARTHUR WOOD. jiiJ "i Wa'rrloj St., OtanJ Kapidi.

_ Uali, Cap* aj 1 \ il'OEi. ifllXatlonalbanV.

UlpotUe I.o-

John WlIaOD, ^ ^

\LT* KIXIH of l:tac*«initliinr. bnr.t-thocinx.

WacoaanJuirii^o ironinj! clone lo order.

j , M-Matbowsoa ,

No t a r y , Ationujr cn'i uoiicitor. wm «i-tcoilt'i builueia In aojr of I'oe aialeor Uui-

teJ -Stain Court.. Special attention siren lo CanTcrancInf, Col-

lecting anil Cliancrrr bu'im-M. OOcr over i.9»ell Nallontl Oinc, Loaell, Uicbl^an.

t l i l ton M- i 'crry. I Col

C A R I I I A G K I K O i N I N O ,



^f. Al. HSTATK, ln.arjn. ' and Collection A t;rn*, Xolarj*and Jit'llc". Rp-.-ijInitt-nlion pivu In

eonvejranelng mi l colU'-lloin. OUeo over M. I." UcCartj'aalore, l^)*'.;!, Mich.

Drs- Fock a McDanncll-niirnldanisndSursrons-OITice in UaionlcDiiiU' 1 ing,I.o<iell,Uicli.

a . ruci . O.o.ncuAHirtl.

Claim tiiat tlioy CAN uml WILL SELf.

THE SAME (jUAI.ITYol gootls clioaii-

cr than any other jewelry iion-o in l l io

Stnle, for the fol lowing reiisons:

They liuy exclusively for cash, which

enalik-A them to take advantage of tin-


They are the 01 y -Jewelry House in

the State that imports their own pnr-

chases DIRECT through the Detroit

Custom House, pnping no commissions

to New York Importers.

They buy directly of the mnnufnetur-

ers. thus saving to their eustomer.i the

johher's profit.

Their Foreign Watches, French Clocks

Music Boxes ami Opera Glasses, arc

manufaetureil expressly for their tnulc,

ami are far superior to similar goods of-

fered to the general trade.

B- A. M.

RKliUI.AI! Conrocallon ol Honker Cliaplrt No. 73, at Mainnlj II»ll, on iVudneadajr crenlngi

OQ or before Ibe full moan in eicli raonlli. J . K- cuuy INS, II. P.

E- A-SMutSLix.Sce.

John Taylor, I HON FClINDKR and manuUclurer nl eirlnoi I kicdi it Plow., Hirruva, CultlTators, Sera-pert, IbiVlrlgbi anil ail liaJa of cju'.mg lo ord-i boavtl, Uicli-

Uiunlbtis Lino. HAW* BURIMCK,carry lU-arogere loandt rom

e depot,"rloan/ [art of the town.dajond l.o-TeT-t.iror-i-'i-t il Ibi .vljiilfoo'.lou>r,aod |

in tb* new Ouuiboi--

W. J- Atk iaBaaroono,

UKAI.EKSi:, Asricalmral Imp'-enonti. Wcalao • ,11 tc- I'ln ctlt'oraied l.unber Wagcnf and

liujjiea UUBufawluietl b j J- A- A£aUI Dn-a- BuM-ne.» |ilaci-o*ie duor Ki.l of I'o.i Ullire, l-o»eU-

Uunt . ' i . l u n l o r ,

DKAl.r.llH In Orii^i,l'.ilent Ui-dicine» .Periumerf I'ainta,Oil., Ac- dlon al IbcoUaUpJof J-U.

Hbcar,Uriilgf ..•.^lot,I.o«cU.Mk'J-

b- i 'a l lor ,

nr.Al-KIt in la'iit'anl dtam'jl kirneu, botMl | clolblng, iM'jeih'anlet.. « Uip«tninki etc ,

Cjllart miaiUiu id ai H- Kaller'e, oppoiile 1 N'atiomt Hank^ C^nj'il


ON'I.Y one price Jewi-lr/ KalabUibmiDt la Grand 1

llipldf. Illanviai-, \Yalcbci. Slltcr aril ' bilTcr 1'Ulad rare- wi t'.ir.il »i:cet,

Unthu m Uouso. 0>Jll0BatttEKT,tir-VNIl RAPIDS UIUII.

II- t»iii>acLt,I'raprictor-

l lonjamin A nar lan , i TTOHNEY »t L**. Judg- ol Probate, NoUry-

/ \ Public.tiommrtaioner ol Ileedl, tc-, lor New York ana Wlacomln. ProUlt Otti-e.Couul) build iig,Uiaud Kapld|,Ulcb.

All kinds of Repairing


I'ainls and Oils at West's.

Finest Cigars at West's.

Drugs and Medicines at West's.

Sec Star Clothing House Advertise-


Sewing machine needles of all kinds

at Devendorf A. Ulain's.

Prairie Corn Sheller for sale hy At-

Done mi short notice mul at hot- kins & Greene.

lo in fijjures. i The Best Cigars at West's Drug store.

N. H.—Money to loan on good Real

Estate security. Myron H. Norton.

In conneetion with the lilaeksmith shojj Large line lints and caps at Devendorf

is a first class | Bh'-ln's.

Call and see that Mower for sale hy

•lolm Taylor, corner Bridge anil Wash-

ington street-', Lowell Mich.

Call and see those Mi l ford Cultivators Where all kinds of new work and re- | ) p f o n . o t i i r r s . Sold hy John

pair ing wi l l he done promptly and satis- Taylor, comer of Bridge and Washing-

fiictorily.J ton streets.

K id Gloves for ? I--"iO at Devendorf &


We propose to do our work so as to Wal l Paper ami Window Shades'at

merit a eontinuancc of that liberal pat- West's.

ronagc we have received in the past. At .1- C- West's drug store maybe

D E A l l l . I N G & B A U N E S . f o u n , 1 , l , c l " " ; , , c n < ' iE ! i r c v c r o f -fered for sale in Lowell.

I have i limited luautity of pure vac-

cine vims, non-humani/.ed, direct from

the heifer. Dr- -1- O- Edic.

Best assortment of trunks in town at

Devemh-rf & Blain's.


Mouufaotur ing Jewelers, DETROIT.

H. W. AVERY, i'K.M.I'. 11 IN

Fresh Meats,

Poultry, Oysters

»Sli U-l KIM'.- 01 OAMKIN SEAJ.O.N

The Hastings Journal has finished Vol. VI. and Is st i l lcujoyi i igexcf l lent health.

The Grand Rapids Times has washed

up and put on a clean shirt-

Mr. Huntress of Ionia, recently paid

^1 "1.000 for the Bailey House in that city.

Isabella County beats the world on

onions, and that's all we can sav for Isa-bella.

L irge (pmntities of apples are being

ship|H'il from Lowell to markets east and


A fine l i t t le daughter at the residence

of ("apt. J. M. Wcntherwax, maketh

the household merry—but she can't vote

this full.

Several of our wi ld animal slayers

" l iked to got" a bear Saturday. They

didn't see one but they came pretty near i t .

-las. H. Stone of Kalamazoo, has just

issued a handsome pamphlet containing

his well wri t ten sketch of the late Judge

Bazil Harrison.

The editor of this paper goes to De-

troit this week on business. Parties de-

siring to pay their accounts before his

return wi l l find a large wi l low basket

under the J o i r s a i . office table.

It was a handsomo eight pound daugh-ter that Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Coppens

were introduced to last Sunday after-

noon. Well , "may she live long and

prosper,'1 is her "uncle's" state of mind-

Hon. Wm. B. Wil l iams ajul Col. Mess-

more wi l l speak at Saranac on Friday

evening, Oct. 23d, and at Cook's Comers

Saturday evening, Oct. 24th.

At the Gcuesee County Fair was an 18

Sixty beam have been ki l led iu Mid-

land Co'.mty this fall, or sereral of our

exchanges are all Sapphiredly mistaken.

L. C. Bitten and Miss E Young of

Milford, are m.irried, but that isn't the

only instance on record > here a Young

Ir.dy ha.- been Bitten.

Mr. J. B. Spraguc has exchanged his

farm in Vergennes, on Sec. ill), for a fine

house and two handsome lots in the city

of Grand Rapids.

The recent Democralie victories in

Ohio and Indiana brought out those old

roosters that used to crow—"as goes

North Carolina so goes the Union". They

wi l l have to be sent to the hen insane

asylum again, in a few weeks.

Chanoed-—S. A. Morrison has ex-

changed his hotel fixtures for Mr. Tetley's

farm in Vergennes. Morrison w i l l try

farming and Tetley is running the Mor-

rison House. If M- knows how to run

a farm as wel l as to keep hotel, he w i l l do well.

F a l l a s s h u i o h - — A rousing Republican

meeting was held at Fallasslmrg last

Thursday evening. Addresses were made

by Prosecuting Attorney Burlingamc,

and Wesley Fallass, Esq- Mr. Burlin-

game's talk concerning County matters

was listened to wi th great interest and

satisfaction, and Mr. Fallass made an ex-

cellent speech in b half of the old guard

that never surrenders. I t was a good


Si 'cceeded.—Prof . Gordon succeeded

in completing the organization of a sing-

ing class in Lowell, last week, and on

Monday evening the first regular meet

year old sow, of the Suffolk variety, 1 w a s l , c l d , , , M u , i c l , n 1 1- W c u n , , , , r -which, the family record says, has been i U , c s c " M n S * " w i l 1 1 , 6 1101(1 on Mon-the mother of 243 pigs. ' j n n t l F r i l l n y evenings of each week.

Rev. L. N. Barber, pastor of l h c I ' l ^ n g the fal l and winter. A splendid

Christian Church of Vergenne*, occu- ° ^ 1U m , 7 f o r

pied the pulpit of the M. E. Church at ' to improve their " tune."

Bowne Center, last Sabbath evening.

A game of poltr was recently played Autist ic.—Chapman, the artist, has

many fine specimens on exhibit ion at his


The State Republicnn is one of the

j ablest edited papers in the Slate, and

its po-itioiH are ••niiud- Its editors are

' not often obligi •! lo levcrse their engine

| after they gel utarled. Last week's J i'«sue contains an artiele on the new

Follt lcal.

Ohio and Indiana went Democratic

liecause the Republicans weakened their

platforms hy pul l ing into them prohiU-tory planks.

In Ohio the Democrat- gained si\

members for Congress, and elected'

Slate officers bv about 20,000 majoritv. The Republicans lose six ConKre«nm. would like to re-

in Indiana, and the Democrats throw up i n i n , i r c , - v ' , " , l f o r w a n t o f

their hats and feel good over a majoritv ' 1 , a " n : > « , v c " l , a r ! - Speaking of a few thousand. ' | " " I ' l " ; ' " "«»• constitution

Iowa shakes her fist and -says D e m o - 1 ' • l 1 1 " ' " •

crats can't come in. The Republicans ' ,.' i lc e l , u ; f (1

! ,c" , i t 'a1 o f 1110 " n s t i -

i lAnnn • I l i " " n . and the hardest ones to convert, have40,000 n i a j o n t y - a gam of (-.000 ,. ro t | t i ; m ; 1 . , .,f ••p.-nny-wiM-and-pound-over last year—and Iowa sends none but i foolish" mi n- They see that the annual Republicans to Congress. ' salaries paid to Stale officers and judges

Nebraska had four tickets in the field, l , c and the , . ; sum to them appears fr ightful, although but the Republicans gained their ( on- ; •„ i , r n l t on $252 of taxable gressman by a majority of 10.000. j pronerty in 1J-T1. They do not, and

The Dakota Legis'iature wi l l be Re- probably wi l l not see that most of the

publican In both branches. T l u y know ' ^ t o P ™ . " 1 al altenlio' i to their duties, at the seat of

govemment, which would bring such

at the Grand River Nurseries. I t be-1 gallery. His samples of ivory-types,

longed in the office stove, but i t stirred l i fe size, cabinet and card photographs

up a good deal of lire in another dircc- speak for him. Wonderful progress has l ' 0 " - been made in the photographic art with-

Four inches of snow on the 14tli of in the past few years, and i t requires pa-

October may be food to some who find tieuee, study, and repented experiments Call and see the farmer sliest friend m i t dim,.,,!! i 0 obtain notoriety in any oth- to keep up w i th the times. Chapman is

l ime of need, Shupe s W heel ( ult ivator. t. r W H V | l l l t w c s | i n n - t , n o v c Up t 0 Clum bound to know the secrets of the art. Sold by John Taylor, ron.cr Bridge and U k l . j l u t f o r t l i n t . h i g w o r k e h o W 3 t | | o t | | (. ^ n m l c

WiiHli i ivlon streela.

i -Mlu'oli ^l l .KlKlin. t

Several Lowellites went to Grand Rap-1 creditable proficiency. IlK Vol U OWN PlIVSK IAN-.-There is i J s a I l i l ^ ^ W j i i k l c | | | | | y J o c

of Dys^h i i a I hat Green's August o r r i l . , , ( r „ Don't make any " T | | C K ' V 0 ' N i u r C l u b SuUscriplion Flower wi l l ii it cur.. < 'ome to the Drug d i l I c r i . n c i . u , l l i l . h . t h c J . n r u l K ) t h

Store of Wooding A I.ni.k and inquire t | | v 8 a | n ( .

j J O W K & W H I T E

r--.- |



I iUi uljon i \iy


one ami f u n l i 8 h c s 200 Leading Papers and j Magazines at Club Rates to single

alMiut i t . i l you MitTer from costiveness, j 1 subscribers at any Post Office. I t saves

SllK'ki 8 a l l i'ork. I l i l l c s sick headache, sour slonuK h, indigestion Mr. B. says that i t would please him al l the trouble and delay of gett ing up liver complaint, derangement of the sys- j ' f we would spell his name correctly af- t- lu | ,s yourself, and gives you Club rates

tern, try i t . Two or three doses w i l l re- " r this, and that the r ight way to spell

lievey.iii- Ague Conqueror is the only ! •' ' s " B o n r z u t s c h ^ y . " It w i l l

remedy iu the I 'nltod States that con- cost a l i l t le more to spell it that way,

tains nu tiulidiuv. Areenie, or other poi- but nevir miml-

mi|i Injurious to the system, that w i l l A man in Detroit took out his pocket-

cure fever and ague, intennil tent or bi l- book to pay his butcher for a steak, and

ions fevers, etc.. and the chills not re- immedialely fell iu a fit. Snch cases

turn during the season. It permanently are rare, we know, but as a faithful jour

P o U t s i t c

Ciutral >:iil-. •. Cri I,->- Sireel-


I.o n II, Jul), lit.IIJ

XT E W J E W B I i R Y S T P B S -

on many for which you cannot raise a

club. They want an active Agent in

every town in Ihis State to forward

names. For terms, address

I C. W. BENNETT, Quincy, Mich . "

R-Ait-noAD.—The fourth job on the

Kalamazoo, Lowell & N. M. Railroad

their business in Dakota-

Ex-Vice-President - of - the - so - callcd-

Southcm • Confederacy - Stephens would

like to sec Giant President another term.

But Grant won't do it just to please


Tipton of Nebraska is to be succecdcd

by a Republican who didn't liberalize.

Committees.—The Board of Supervi-

sors met last week. The fol lowing stand-

ing committees were appointed:

Finance Committee—Wm. R- Davis,

Wi l l iam P. Whi tney,and Jacob W- Wal-


Committee on Claims and Accounts—

Lyman Murray, W. D. Tolford, Henry

F. McCormick, Sam'l E. Lnngdon and

Peter C. Shickel.

Committee on Education—James Dock-

eray, Robert Hunter, Jr., Henry C. Wy-

lie, John Nichoson and Abner 1). Thom-


Committee on Roads and B r i dges -

Arthur Wood, Martin Whitney. C- C. Hinman, l lo l l is Konklc and J- Van


Committee on Public Bui l f tngs—Wil-

liam N. Cook, M. H. Whitney, J. W.

Williamson, Abncr D. Thomas and John


Committee on Equalization —Peter Mc-

Lean, James N. Davis, George A. Fields,

S. Mason, E. Hebard, 11. N. Stinson, E.

Prycc, Aaron Brewer and A. L. Skinner.

Committee on Rejected Taxes—James

Doekeray, Arthur Wood and C. C Hin-


Committee on Dra ins -Mar t in Whit-

ney, J. Van Zandt and Henry C. Wylie.

Bowne.—The Republican meeting at

Bowne Center Fridhy night was a suc-

cess- Hon. E- G. D. Holden, accom-

panied by the writer, arrived at the Cen-

ter juat in time to pay their respects to a

well spread table at Dr. Ford's. At half

past seven the school house was com-

fortably filled, and behind the speaker,

was placed the "Banner Flag," which

the Bowne Republicans captured two

years ago, and which they propose to

keep.. I t w i l l be remembered thai Mr.

D D A L C O M eure-fever and ague of longstanding- nalist we must speak of i l as a warning was let last week, which extends south Holden presented this flag to the Banner

* " ' G. G. G i i r r n . to our readers. into Barry county. Republican township, and i t w i l l -no t


^ ii

O . K U S T E R E R ' U H K W E I I & M A L S T E U

Citv Browerv 3RAND RAl ' IDS, - - MICH

D I l A U r . n r l . A O E K .

intias, MEincisns, aid a ns.


The Best Paint in use. FOU SALE ONLY nv

J. 0. WEST.

ri:i!rt Mi:r,\. yonoss, I:TC.

C U S T O M WORK And a Large and well selected Stock

C o n s t a n t l y <•" Hand.



WojM re.peclluP) call l',ie.i;ii wllcn ol -lie,cl;l-r-cio; i u* il and v.ciiil) lolbefact

ilat Ii- In. i n i.i i;i] llii ir I

H i ' l ' O C K O f W A T t ' I I K H . -Wl..5,1.1^4 anl Sw. • M-iein-ul.

ri.\i: unui

Notice^—1 take this m e . W l ... Inform I Col. Mess.nore of Grand Rapids was f ^ « . a i o o . a u . have U'en success- seem at all sun.r.s.ng to the reader that

the citizens U«.e l l and vicinitv Hint I nominafd for Stale Repn^entativc by f u l ^ nndcol leet ing assess- the starry emblem wasthereto "enthuse"

hate iiiiened a SIHK* Shop o.fe diK.r west the Republicans la-t Friday. The Col. ™ \ u o l l , a v « , ' o t t i w " 1 " o f ' l o 1 - . , , s m u , o r - U

of .1. C- S ott's hanlware More where 1 " « ! - < as a talker, and would take a l n " 1 b 1,C. 7 k . wi l l be found at all b.^ine... hours, readv front rank in tho logWaturc. The op- ^ t '.ear much from Hasi.ngs that Mr- Holden made his longest spccch.

and wi l l ing it .i,Hm those n ho se'e ' P ' ^ t i on w i l l find U a hanl matter to beat ^ l>ut they are, co doubt, up and l o r two hours and forty minutes he

fit to honor me v.iih their jiatronagc. Mm at the polls. ; ! " "«• There are two go.,d papers pulj- spoke, without slopping for refresh-, , , • , . i ashed at Hastings, and wc always look ments, and at the close of that time the

fur thermore. I clu.m 1 e«.. ..iak»a Wl - I ts t r .kesus that a pretty go.M joke them over lo s.-e what they say about timekeeper wound up his watch and le. elasn of Hue Iiihi.*-and sliiH's than any might lie got o i l at the expense of the railroad. ! said "go on." It was one of the Chair-

one 11. Ilus bur ot bus 111«. in Lowell, and , some man who ha- been putt ing up a man's best talk •, and the audience an-

A l l W o r k W i l V P n u l c d ! I W f l B R S UUOS. l ' I . - \ T | i H W A R E I •vill aeeepi nnv .Imllenge in workman- stove-pipe ^mewherc. I t would be a • Oonireafm.n W H l U m . and Col. Mom- predated i t all. The wri ter would have • • UTitiiitfr i i n wleiB i. «iii sli ' j i fw in " " . * ' o f Iheiu who think to Hie goQtahle joke for this season of tho year-

contrary- I wi l l not be excelled in quid-1 Let's have one from somebody.

/ nl*) iffy ".'i hand Ihrlftl I7<- i ty of work or stiK-k. Give me a t r i a l



i-owei.i.. Mini .

A- J. I Iowk , 1- N. Wiiiti'-.

y y •' '• l ' v r .


1,000 PLOWS ^ tit K.<» ruu

10 dux . C o r n C u l t i v f t t o i v .

n r v E R s f o r

1 0 do / . D o u b l e S h o v e l I ' l u w * .

' tin mul duilttr S'rijuii!II !lii inn,l.:. At and 1 wi l l give you ample proof that I

\ 11U my iiilriitiou I.i hr/i ii/ih iji^ilnlni-i ol' cm. do all thai 1 adverliHc. I le ju i r ing

1 irniihl iiin't rt'jtf{fully nillri! of all k ind* dune.

l!ir /Hilivmiyr ot'ill I irh- umy inn,! m.i;

llihij I:, ia;/ /(';»•. • >*.> milt' il

,... ./.> s' M VHoiiizE HOME.

Dnili'iilar ullciihiiii pnhl I"

Rcpa l r l i iR W n t c h r s a r d J e w e l i j . Ill iraik irnrninlril (hir I 'r i tr.

Ca'l i c f us in the t -o i lo t t icc ,

G. B. Balcom.

J o h n Hovvaihi-

Money lo lu-.ii on good real estate se-

curity. Enquire of M. M. Perry, Low.

ell, Mich. 1

n \ir I j 0 W e l 1 " .. | made a speech, but for t lire v. Hon. W. II. Wi l l iams our Represen- thought l ^ t not to. It was too late.

After toveral sittings of ,he jury that ^ r ^ n n Z r J n ' 1 . I t " T Z ^ * * * h c

'lilts suit has been brought lo a close, . j . - , • s l , , f " ^ " 1 . m ,11"i "P^'1'1' w ' t l " lum, and thirdly and

and -no cause of action" is the verdict. ^ j Siiiimlav evenin!/ Oct l : ,S , l 'V ' l " ' , ' i , l n 1 l m V B any iqicecli- The

The jury had a goo.1 time, and hope the ^ ' A , . M r -.Villi ,n.s wi l l go i „ Wash" ^ ^ ^ r o u s i n « c l ' w r ' time wi l l come again k.K.n when they.•si. i t l g , n a 1,, ,, f , w , v c i , k s . ,Vt. , l w „ m „

sn.me and shuck ^ a n n t s h? their leisure. , | a V c op^. r tm. i ty to see him or hear

C, W. Mull, recently rlerk in Hunt k bi.n speak again in a long time. Then

Hunter's drug store in tins villngi', has b't ilie i-i^ -eni come out fmiu Lowvl l

for the speaker and anolher llirce for lhe

Slate and County liel;el«. Bmvnc is all l ight .

ellieiency and economy and public ac-eommodalion into play, as would save more than the difference in salaries; that I letter pay for Circuit Judges would insure abler and more industrious men, greatly reducing the cost of l i t igat ion; that the provision for one Highway Commissioner in each township instead of three, would save more than $23,000 to the people, and give them better roads into the bargain; and that tho cut-t ing off special legislation on nearly twenty dillerent subjects would reduce the per diem and other expenses of the Legislature, the bills for printing, bind-ing, and paper, many thousand dollars at each session, not to mention the dis-couragement to cornipt lobbying and secret log-rolling.

While we have advocated the new constitution, and shall vote and work for i t , because i t contains many improved features that have stood the test of ex-periencc in other States, and while we would ever discuss questions of organic law wi th an eye single to the public welfare, yet, unUn i/me goal friend of llnsntic UonitUulion mata it his tjteiul iluly on eleelion day lo attend the polls in each tjieni/iip and uard, offering urgu-ments and distrilutinj notes in the affirma-tin, it Is doubthss \nten. The method we have described won a vote of tho electors of Lansing and Battle Creek in 1S70 in favor of paying their railroad bonds, although lliey were voluntarily burdening themselves in the operation. We do our part in again appealing to palriotism against selfishness. "The sober second tl ioiight of the people is seldom wrong," as Martin Van Buren

T h e C e n t e n n i a l G a z c t t e e r of t h e

U n i t e d S t a t e s . —But few books have

been published of such universal interest

to the American people. I t appeals to

no particular class alone, but to al l

classes; to men and'women of al l pro-

fessions, of all creeds, of al l occupa-

tions, of all ages, and of al l pol i t ical

opinions—to the farmer and I w y c r , to

the business man and mechanic, to the

physician and politician, to the teacher

and student, to the manufacturer and

salesman, to the man of learning and to

the man who can only read, to the old

and to the young. A l l Americans arc

Interested in, and wi l l want The Ccn.

tennial Gazetteer as a book of constant

reference, and to preserve for their chil-

dren and children's children as a com-

plete and reliable work, showing the

gigantic results of the first one hundred

years of the great Republic.

The book opens w i th an exhaustive

treatise on the United States, from a

national standpoint, showing the extent

of its growth, and the vastness of its

wealth and resources. This is followed

by an Alplnibclical Gazetteer, or com-

plele encyclopaedia of all the Slates and

Territories, counties, cities, towns, vi l-

lages, townships, posioffices, luountains,

rivers, lakes, etc., of the I 'nion. The

artiele-- on i nch State contain a descrip-

t ion of the position and boundary of

the State. The ariieles on the larger

i i t ie> contain a general description;

their commercial eonneetioiiB by rail,

eanal, river or o.'tan; their population

ncconlii.;: to the different census reports


AcmeI A ' ' n , A cigar 'bat j | , o n c into tiie i l rug busiiiess for himself and al l adjacent townships and know meeting at Train's Hall on Thursday

,,111 »uU all who can tell a good from a | l t Lakeview, Montcalm Co- ('has. ! personally, the man who has so ably evening, was addresswl by Prosecuting

poor one. Decidedly ihe best in market. formerly of Lowell, is Hulls, represfiited ll.em In Congress, and w ho Attorney Burlingume and Cliairniaii

Several thousand just received at Wests j i n r i | , , . r We hope forl.tUU'-will smile on is to repre.-ent then, lliere another term. Holden, Burlingamc gave a very inter-

w i i h t he different nationalities making

Mkkt imi . — The Republican j "P 1 ' ! t ' populai ion; the niiinber of per-«.ns tugagt 1 in the dillercnl oecupa-

^ " lUAnDIAN 'U BAi.ai.

ISmy i i ! y i tov ' t ; ! I ' l u A s ,

m vi;ii> pon

ii/.. . l i i m i i i i i y S l m v i I ' l l .WH,

nuvEiis f i . i i

n i l l / . M i l f o r d W l i ^ i K ' j i l t j y a t o v s

UtlVHUK poll

l O t l o z ^ l u i p o s W h o o l C ' u l t l v a t o r s

^Inllie miller of Ibt raUl^ cf Aile-l.-it F liuUa* I Um, Al.um F. I.ju^Iih an 1 lla'.j >1 lloujh., M.

Nc.l-e n l<r>vbr " i , i lli.i I li.li nil i,t | u'.llr | aselloa.t-> VI|U' . 11,ur, c.11 i!«.uVUt. .bo I ' l l i ' of Ni.vember, A. 1. l t : i - »l ten o'c; .k. In k»

[V-1, -• n •! .'i ' (to . l"or -.t l!- I'c.li'Blc- U Ik. VIII tc ' I .jraltau C. |gr, I, lb.- Co lutr "I K- i-l in IU Slain of Mlil,Urn. pa'iumi lo 1,1 i,. • »>i,Uu-.l.oil'y (laolrd lo I r ..ii Hie ue'flli ,!iir ol U;loboi, A. II. I*;4,b) (be P I'oait ol Ken. . oui .y, Ui.b ran, *11 ol IbeHcti', .1.1'- Intereal or latale of hid Ulisn, In or lo Iio,m n l.lo j ortaoi pt.rtU U|iUii|o i.er cllli^-

I of Uud al.ualnl a ,1 biln." lo Hie I'oiimj of Ui "I. , . , Sltle of Jllcl,l,-an. I o«.rilbe 1. 'o:i„»i, u-wa: I.-.l :.uu.',re-: fuiuly .'.•O/of lbe V-I1»|» .1 ai..tliii I'd-lrri Ii Ktnl Coanlj. Ul.-hlian. ai,J

1 Hr 'rf li... J' it. Il I |J'- nunlbrrcil Iilmlo nllVl i,( ll;e •ania rlllaic-lying lorai-llilelj ii',i|i ii »ii'l jj*. •.u*nty vlW.'aoJ n3i..lu|n| U.*..iu »',d boauu*'4, lolloia, to'Bltl V t- ui- ruiug at lh» U01II1 ca.l

I coroonf ail 11.1 it,. .It iJ.li, iuni.ln< theace norlb ou a I.be parallel "t Ii tba le-S liU.

drugslore. West has also 1 he beat cheap

cigar you ever s-noked- F i ve for a quar.

ter—they sell fur, \\\ W". t 'a -Uug store Hon- M- D. Wilber, of Allegan, the

Democralie nominee fur Congress in this Tli,, y'l.^apuM plant in town lo buy , | is i r i , . | i j , announeed lo sprak in Low-

Dry Uoods i i al Devendm f A BIiiIii'k. , u , | l U wv.lnesilay evening, Oscar C, 1

The UlldersiglUil is prepmed to do Rnnaom, Demoeralii eaudidaki >ur Pni;,-

job l i i iming on shorl noliee and In Ihe ecullug At louu j 'yi f this couniy, is also

beat maiiner. Wi l l a lv i -all and delive,'. u^uouncvl be preaciit- Give them a

bui ld ing stone in l l iy l i i l v,- ( " f live ful l house.

The Rev. Mis. Gillette, of Roehcslcr,

l ions; their miinufaeluring and commer-

cial in l i iesl,-, and their educatioital in-

stitutions. The articles on the i-maller

ciries and village-, a.e brief and con-

densed; Imi give the piiplllution, the

railroad and ..Iher eouiieelions, the prin-

cipal l.iisiiii porsulis, and such other

infonnal i im a- shows the vr-lue of the

lll'YERS von t ^ 1 dozen Mowers, all of Ihe best quality lile'ncr'Val-l

l b ' i t an elT i l ive apiaker, and w i l l give cstliig review of county affairs, showing

the penple ju - i sneb a speveh as they how the businesi. of the county had

want --one. ful l ,i( iuf,in^atlon and | l>een trunaaeted the past year, etc. His

Irulh- Col \ l | ' * i i i . i re is wel l known as | speech was just wlml a'.l tax-payers

i\ V'Uklk.};, -aipaign speaker, and largo wanted lo hear, for i l roiitalned much

ftudlem ea j;r«« I him wherever he .'.peaks, information whiel. the; dealretl to oli-1 Y^^g1 ' a s " place of residenre, arai lniad

Reii iemlm'the time and place Vrain'h tain Out didn't know just wlu iv to find | t o u " . and a ci.mmere'ml and m inufae

Hall, Lowell, Siiturdny evening, Oc i , , it. The speaker presented very seiiMble j tni'l'- ' ' enter- The a r t ie le -m c;,uulles

l l l - i , | view* eoaceming tho nianngiment of g'v< ' " de-eription of their location,

public affairs, and argued wisely that i number ol qi. u mil s, their popula-

Ci.MMHN C.»i'-N'i';i.. Council met Oct. it is (or tho best intorest and profit of l ion in l ' - ; • and l^ i i l , showing whelher

Mich., wi l l speak on the qiiestion of l:J. Prcwal—fu l l board. Minulen of | tho cniinly to retain in oflice, the second l in y had in . : . > -d during the last de-

woman suffrage at FAi-i.Assiiirmiii, on |-.k-v1>*i.s meetings read and approved-1 tenu, experieiued men. I t costs i i l t - ( cj.de or no: ; '.lieir burfuco and rivers.

T in RSDAV KVENINO of this wcok- Mrs. The fol lowing accounts were al lowed:, county a large sum lo edueatc its not, , : i t ' nnlu;' • •>[ ir uail, tit cash vaiiei

Gillette is a lady uf fine talent and cul- Bill, Hunt A Hunter, Fire Fund--$0 04 i officers, and the only way to get luck i ! ' ' ' f - ' ' uuiounis of their

__ tnru, an I said to be a very forcible •• H. K-Hogan, " " 8 00 its pay is to give them n second term. prinei, a! iigrie-.'.Uund products, and the

' " " ' M i i o of [b^ iiiii. 'lou^ir,.!. ,'n.t ;.t ,y I . nr.-^U'l '"i speaker. Mrs. Gillette wi l l also s ^ a k | Motion made and carried that the j Mr. Holden d id not inUnd to make a ' ^ l l u ' • i-nncipal inanttfactures. jlit ib) t.^l. iu .he n u b »«.. cruet of ..idi •. . , t, , / , . u # ut Madison's school house in Grattan, Marshal be instructed to notify al l par- speech, but. owing to Mr. Clav's failur, 1 , 0 vnships of the I 'nion are all enu-

DiUT'.ien |IP>, t,n llio r-oitb line llietis.l; tlitoce " i r i f lN' . . ! U —- i ' ' 1 niici. m is nui - , , ,1 , ' .- " . i i . i - t • cuib ;ntbo«e.t Uae qf u il Jt-t yjiuueu tjp>, to j icithin oiu :ud Ihnr iitcr. the i*i]*i- "e l - "-U: Cunnoiisburgh, Oct. 24; I as- ties occupying lots along which side-j to meet Ins appointment, and the meTatnt uml l l ie i r popiilations given.

l.ii,mU. O.cl- U'., I«JV,

V. B- W I I . 'mvh

.l/i .V W'tiirlli/ni: I In

on thr irnij'i*r or ma. ;/i'.i •;

JoLIINAI- indifirtiAtlint I'" '. ...


' s-rip-

3 3 3 7 l a V - i

p I A M O . N D S , W A T C H E S ,

UXAMOIiD S I K C T A C I - l p ,

Silver Plateit Bpooas and Forkst war-

ranlod for 10 roars.

s t . n j n . v r, ;Mic.:-r.»i otiy. i r"" J''*"

r/Jlouic inlkt cUl,

C! Canal S'-rctl r.n .i . 1:- f j : i.;:

I -. t ^ " " '

/ f t oa .lot; Willi pat , . it'.'."-?." :.".l.ri"3I,iJLi l JolUr * week: oa • mini. t tvv.t. • laidlnaO-tance. Forlurtb^r pi'l 'i " • ' " l r;'

JAS. W- U1SE, I'ubliaboi JocaxAi..

and lalc;-l ii.ii ' ivv.ir.', : ;.. ('-ii. ,uiii sei lor \oui- i n' . ' i ' Aih|i l i |ct l llloek. C .y ner Bridge a;-d V. adi l i i i i ton slrfel-. I.('v;

QII. Midi -

p n O B A T E N O T I O E -

flate i f-\IxUl«n,roqnly of Kent Al a «i ,,'ou of llu Prolnle ."ourt l«r Hie Coun.r 01 Ken. bold-11.1. llie proline r.ffleo In .be dlyol Grand H-ipiJa,on WrJn—d-y. .be MT-n.lt Jay of October, in llu- yr.-.r One TboueaDd d-b t bcodmS ard

' Pi.'-.n!, Ileolim n A- lU'lan, J-.'iie i.l Prolalo. Iu nulter <-1 Hie crlt.o ol Jjucs Iliruion,

On'r aUogaud Bllrj .be p...lien, duly vetlflcj.of Ilcn-itA I latent., w.dow ol .be ml. d-.rated, ol Ibe lowt all p of Pani, in «id eounly, ptajlng w o n j othiM Ilili i;. Hint tilntirisliallon of .aid rtlcle laaj • . ciBKlftl iu him.

Thcretpon it U oriertJ, Tlut llnn.Uy, .be i.tond ,i iy ol Noremlcr nea., at ten o'e'ock In .be torebooa, be mt joed fur .bo leering of aud jMtlUOB.aLd II.at llio holts al law nf aal-l .lecoawd, and all oilier pj.a.nt tnlercrtlel In aald latale, are iiooircJ tiantMra. a , i.lou ofuld C-.ut. ll,tO .0 be boWeB SI the Probi: nb:- In t!,.- City ol Qitwd Itaj-ld., in •lidCounty, anj .bow «au.«, il a«) .bete be, «by •l.« iiiatcr i,ftli« i^liliunrr abould not beRtanltd ; — tn-lll iifurl u.' onlerad. lliat aaiil ptullom-r jivo

, lo Ibe ;, rt .m intereitcJ In au J ealale, of Ibe .„-y.f . - i l p-UU.n, and tbe fcearlnf .hitwtf

ol iblj or.ltr lo i* bo'jiUI.I in rnipiper ptlnltd and cir.-u Ketit lluei tueceulvr urela

._.d ilat'ol bc-tttuz- I1«J UKSJAUIN A- UABLAN Judge ol Probate,

A true copy. CTitS J£- Pmi.si Ktglitir.

i-imd iol.'.,.-cly,,:iij, tli.nee ra-l ca 1lie tisilb Iiii9 ot >ai,l lot I •Miy I'J J Ibt place of ItllitLini;, l.tl - i a lo', Iwi-Ul) v!0l indnan of lot jl- • •' --

to ' triU Al dlvfuliuiKil.

I i.... !1B U ' . ' - i - * I O I I J > ; ^ .

J>aUt|r • •

:wu ,IU) U lite VI la,r u- l.ral-, U«»

Ocioi.-r liiii. a n- i - :» . UOOKUT DiilOl.ASS. Odttnlun,

p U O B A T E ORDBl t

State of U i c b l n a , Count) ol Ketil, } ». Ala «.<«ion if lb- l'tob.,ti> Comt lor tbo Zous.y

nf Kent. b^Uo i a . Ihe Probate Olllco, In Ihe City o( 11 ran J HapUa, ou Una Jay, .be Ic.-lUli day o! Ilclo-ber, Ir. the )-..r t~, l'..oui»i., e:^b'. bualit.t aul tci-eotj'ficf-

PitMtil-Berjtmli A-IlatUn.Judte if I'tobile Iu Ibj mailer if Ihe i-'.ilc of ll 'i-to SLepinl, de-

ctaud-On rcaillnzma uttn; lue p-u i m. .;u'y milled,ol

Wlwl w Hodge, idBlnntralor ol s;ll ftale.piay-lng for llcine and autboill) lo till l-e rial ea'e.e Iberein lictciilcl, lot lite t n o i r and i urj-iae Ibeta-lu riprta.ed,

Ibertupi'lt il In otj.'rs.l, Ib-.l A/-.;,Air, l-ie tlx-t renlh day uf Noteiobor neat, at Ivn o'c'.ojk la tbo foituoon, be ai.ljnc I for the hmlui; .1 taid n:tl-lion, aad tbat llio belta at le * ol tr-ld il- cwed, and all other p rauna i^tvri-.ted Iu tsilO eaialtt, nto tc-

ip<d to cppraral a >culott ol uld cjuM, Ibm to

TS'cw A . l v o r t l H o m o u i «

Ptobak* Order—K.lale W. Katnwrtt. Piolale Order-Etla.tllonee shrj-i, I-Ouardtan Salt—itol<it l l int l ix . Otdrr pBb'.inlion-O, II- I..',' . /.'.o'n v For Sale-ll.iA l lbul-J- II. "•' • lool l -o II ,.'llM9ni« I-'icalf—Poran l i r f t i l a l t.

novia, Oct-28; Ada, Oct-29; Roekford, walks are defective to repair the saiilo j fact that the audience voted unani ; , J ^ci i tei i ia t in ir prop-

Oct-!10; Cedar Springs Oct. 31. and at wi th in 10 davs. and if not done w i th in • mously in favor of a talk from " t l i e : cr i . "-ai i .- . • . -"-.ii tin.. \,..:k is a com-

Pierson, Montcalm Co.. Nov. 2. A l l of that time to ca'.Urt i l to be done at the • chairman," ho entertained his hearers a i plete pa-ti lilee direei.-ry. The moiin-

these meetings wi l l be held in the eve-1 expenso of thu owners. j short time with some plain troths, w e l l ' tnins, rivi is, and lakes are all locateil

ning, commeccing al a quarter before 8 i The fol lowing resolution was offered ; sjwken. and desftibed, as accurately iu: modern

o'clock, and adopted- Perry vot ing in thenega- Hon-S- M. GarllcUl, Representative seiealilie knowLdge w i l l permit, thus

live- j of ihia tVisiriol, was present, but said he reuderiii;, ilie geographic features of the

List of letters remaining in the Post W h e i i u a s , A motion was made and, did not come prepared lo t a l k — " i f ' G-i ei t . ' ; . - fresh and ntic. I t Office at Lowell, Kent Co. Mich. Oct. carried al a regular meeting of the Com- j there was any uork to do set him at i : . " ' • tbe ' a'-y Xalionr.l Ga/elteer published



New subscribers can have t l ie, lor i r

from Nov. I u . 10 Jr-n- 1st., (nine num-

bers 1 for TWENTY-F IVG CENTS. The

mon Council (Aug. 511,, \HU,) grant ing! T l l , r u m ^ w o r k l o l l o f „ o f | | | C 1 I aviviialiMt I iiMiniKHiiincr Pli'14 1

. . . | : t i i icn us us us is *1 '-v. »•" expense elder. Alex- w | l a t p v 0 p | t , i 'm , village of Lowel l : and, : u e s t W i n l t r '

^ r u u n i r . i V t^Uo iSc ; . il l. ctryoii'.aoi J o i n s ai, wi l l contain election r. turns. IUpl,-». in aild c^unly.aad »bo» cau-e, 11 any Ibeio , , be,»lt) .bepratcr of tbe pelleoner idioaluno.be lllld Its USUUl aiUOUnt Of " J o t t i n g s llllll Statiled, wud It la further o-drtvil, ibal .al«l peli- , llou-r glto nallce to Ihe peraoaa Uloreile l In tatd general new-- \ \ ill OUI'preaeilt SUOSCri-e-tal.-, of .bo pcnlcncy of sail piltllon, and tho . . . . . bjliinx Ib i.ol r.y cao.in.- a copy I .bit order o J |C r s show till - proposition to their Iieigll-be jublith-d IU tbe I.o-toll Jouinal, a ncwaMper

^ c ^ l e V » l w : U p l : i o u \ \ ! ^ r a b " r ' n " , , 1 ,1 ,1 0 n e m ' , r ' ' n 0 , C , , , 0 , , , e i r please sa* Advertised and give date of UENJ 4-1I1X J. IIAKLAN, JuJg- of 1'iobale. i. f i t i ,

A Hut wpy. Craci E. faa i i s . , Regi.Hr. Ill a I ( s l l c K 0 1 B0 0"' " ' u l s '

G e n t s ' L i s t - — A d a m F, > ^ ^ ander Blake-ley. P W %ms . George r i ^ ' u r ^ r Mid ' inot io? was c a r r i e d , ^ h i 1

D u u , ) : i r , o f i : , l h m u .

•asurer of the K- L. sV N. M-

- „ . „ . , a , . r. • • • - k v u . .ttt.ti;t..tU t.w .. was in town last week-'m whwi?'v 3 r o n ^ n ' i t ' w i L n Vn imn I t ' ^ i -vE i . - That through the falser-q. |ion. S. M, GnilivKi, and Sheriff l lavncs MVNliitney. George B ^dson , NntHw s t a t i o n that were maJe that the Com- toi; j . ^ c l l last Thursday.

, , 7, ; : - ' , ,, " « • ' , . n Utui anor -an. moiioii was carrieu, nam p..,,-,... .'.mi1 H • C " Crandall, Byr-n L Den- C h ! W I_,,sl io aSsl.!SSC(l 1:l l i i m o { 1 • • •'>•

mmChar lM B tonthn, 1 111 .mean- j i u . h x „ , u u , l h c Con>onaion of the Henry Ford, Beth Gnffln, Jobe llaussc- v i l l .0 o f I < o w c i i . N o w ' t here fo re be it Railroad, nionn f nnmil Ilntlor Ali-v Slownrt (i ^ . . , ,


D. E. -pr ing, of I-owell, ia agent for

this b"ok aa-l ! - ) f.ir several other in-

tcresti i i - -i;-: valuable v-ort:s by ditTcr-cnt author: - i l e is circulai ing among the g'tod jieoplu ot this vicini ty wi th n view of obli i ivii itg as many subseriptions

poM'ible. When lie slops at your rate, rush out mid tell him that when you read this notice of the book in ibe Joi 'ii::ai-. yea at onee r . ro lvvd to have a copy of it before night.

WHslibitrtt 1 , , , — - . - . . uau i .nv , i i sne i . i .owen lasi I l iursuav. -e,. . | mon Council do hereby rescind from the , • 1 u ' ' ot oar most peaceable citizens

Persons call ing for these letters w i l l , i j c c o r d the motion aforesaid. i Messrs. Holden and Burlingmr.e have engaged in a brief set-to Saturdav but

On motion, council adjoumcd. | been leaving the t ru th in this par i of i t being the first l ime the; d'oso—

notice. A. M. E u w o h t h , P. M. j I L Nash , Dep'y Recorder, ^the County. don't count nut t iugi .

Page 2: Hunter Shop on Monroe St„ QUI SALE! - Lowell Ledger Archivelowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1874/10_October/10-21... · 2016-10-20 · York ana Wlacomln. ProUlt Otti-e.Couul)

L O W E L L . l o r i l N A L .

JAS. W. HIKE. Editor and PoblUher,

IIKKCHDU rUKACHKS. n m u i i i p o n c d , linwovcr, to Imvc Imhui

Mr. llct'olicr h hcchiiiI npiM-nrniK'O in t'liP.VOiiiii'H, iw Miivonil |iiirtiuN of U k i m c

IliN t 'lniirli Hinro Iiim Hiuiumir vnailion o tn i r r i i l i i i i Huiiiliiy, the l l l l i iiml. Tin-(Miicn'Kiitioii viih very Inrgii. T h e tnl

IciwiiiK i" 1,11 fnuii liis Hiirinuii, nhicl i witM mlnnii'il witli nil thu flouom of tin- iiriMrlicr'N iiii|NuiHiiiniMl rlK'toric:

> V I I , I , I I A V K T K O I I I I I I K .

T i n - | n m l i i m . ' i l i ' r ( ! r i i r n i l I m v i i i f f i l i 'U ' l

Brevities of News. U tMHIMiTON.

I r ix mIiI t l u l l l m i x e n r y f o r t l i n u r p i l i i i i i i i i i .

. .Ill filtilllliK IioiiiIh lian ..fT.n.l ' ' ' " ' I 1 ' ' . ' l l „ W " ' I T / " ! ' Iiy lli» I ' i t b I i I o h i t o a i - H n i i a l n r C a l l n l l .

T m . I ' l M l i l e n l l i a i r r l v m - i l i n l lm A l l o m m -

l l m i s n l a l e t l o r r v o e i v e l f r o m a pniiiiiiii-iil

M l i M M p p i iKillllriaii, In u i i l r l i l ie arKii>-n t lmi

l lm imly I n m way In nwli<ri' (warfl ami |iiiim|hM '

ImlimiH k>ivo I k f rom llu- ImiiiM oxclmlu iittunioyii iiml i la im

mi llu- K i i i i h a h I'ni'illr more tlmn oiilv u^oiiIh fn im Imh ileimrinifliiiH, pn-frrriiiR

'I'lfii 'K tlm | ' i f I wii 'k. .i,.,,] win, princiimlN, it Ih muIiI Unit he-

In liki'ly Ui linvi- IriMililn in mrr.viiiK "ill I i Ih iIi'hIkhh, It in lN>lii>vi<il Hint tlii>

f III'1 i|i'|iiirliiii>nl oilliuiit Imi

C O l i l t V O X A K M M .

' I l ie (Miimiiu Trilmiio mi.VN, in H|H'iik- imHinoa

I ' . v i ' r y ninn hiuhI iii'i iIh fpul tlint, in iiiR of tho nrrwit of t in ' (Jonnt L>y onlor tmiiHiii-ti il ivitliunt Hie mirviiw of tliin lliin life, wlinn1 limn in Itoiiig iIuviiIo|hmI of I ' r i n c i ' Himnnrok, Unit notliiiiK Inw (.|IWI) „( prraHiia. Tlion. nrn n g r rn l for ii liiMlnr ni«iibo.Ml. whi-ro "om.w 1^ , , , r .- . l in ' . l from IIik vnrioni - n r r l n - s l l m .v Im. l in .n .n i i . l . 'V.I in l l i i . Imai ^Iivm-h tlii-i . ' i i i ia | . inu wliiili mini wmIU . . , , . i ' " l " * i i i i i i i i i h i lownnl joy in niicIi ii ivorlil na IhU vmi " r 1 "" "»l '"r tHnl iloriimi'iita mIiI lo I n . I l ( ^ ( m u l i ( t l , , , , |N . killoil ..IT il will i'iiii iiniliTHlainl how nil mi'ii hIioiiIiI look ' " ' "" ' "K. | l | | | l IH'" K«ii..riil li.'liiif now iti |H , „ ({,iin, Imt tlii'ti ' iirr iiImo noihh niil'i iiiiothrr hIiiIc of oxiHUniiiu when Unit llii\v luivi. I m t i i wn l lo KiiKlmiil for „f | | „ . tiiTt Inwyorx of llii* coun l rv who

h a f , - k " , , l , i , , « - H , i l 1 1 , 0 r"l'i»"ti..ii \H ariM.iui.li.yi.il Iiy c.riMinilionH ,in,"l imli-

ivilrlil wilh a I'lipitni! with m,nI.'Vxl.i'ri r ' ' ' ' ' y viilnnlH to look nfU'r viirioiw inli-r-Ml« niPi ' . l< NikiiiK forward utiil »|nr iihuiih o r foul. I lit' nwiilciirMi of tluit an* of hiiHi u inUiut! Ilmt ihvy miu

b y

prinripnlK. ' l l io effort of Mr. Jowoll in

lir 10 llio wiuili la inr 1'onicreiw 1.1 pii>» an aci not ini'aii n nipro miirit of ili*oon- Um Oounl mul of Imn kuh hiiv.- I n ' o i i not bi' ntt.'iuh'il to iu iMin*ou hy th lo i.av f.ir .|iu I,.niia,icr-' ami it Ik not a Hpirit of gniiiil>linK; il thomiiKhly nuiKiicki'il, nml tho Count

Mm. Nuwliody, who wm, on tho b u t I enn ' ta l low mioh lilx'rtiiii wi th llio

whohi, a K'xxl imtnroil woman, willing Imly who in going to marry im.." lo iico her frloinlB wi-ll m'tth'il.fiirthi'ri'il Mr. Downhill hail returnoil with tho

tin. affair l<i tho IicmI of hor aliility. kIiuw of water.

The re worn walka, ridee, ilrivea, chat- Prrl ina, not knowing what t'i ilo, Iiml ting in iimy corners , ami al Iiml a pro- , rofugo in team ami ailoniMt. Tho gontlo

|h>niiI. Il onmo f rom Mr. Kolt. Youth mon grow furioiia, ami llnnlly walknl

in IniHly, ago Mow. Mr. Downhill wan away with facli other, with " pinhiln for jimt making up bin miml lo do it, when two and eoffee for four " in the i r fawn. Mr. Kolt did i t And Minn Milkin naiil Hut thin in oigbti'on hiinilrrd and novon

" yi-n," ami woulil liavo fnlli'ii into bin ty four, nml nilieb in llu nghl of docu armn bu t t h a t t b o y won. in full night of monlary eridonci.. In a ret i red n|Mit

au old Imly who had junt h'volifll hor where they could not bo ovorbonnl.

ojieni glann fu l l al Ihom from a window, the hnph'nn 1'erllna'n letleni were " Y o n , " I 'cr l ina bad aiinworiKl, ami prmbict-il. I 'oor liltlo Kolt road with

young Kolt had blunbod rony-rod, and llii' b i t ter agony of yoiiUi Ibe woman"n " b i n sou l , " like that of ( l lomina, in tho ilonial of hor love for, and ongagomonl Wild Irinh Oirl , pn-numably wont " o n a to h im, written a wook a f t e r bin nui>-

1 g ig to heaven," for the baml wan playing |Hinod death, ami old Downhill gave a de l igh t fu l dancon for thoir oililloatiou : gruan over anolher buried hope an he uml a f te rward , when they luul had mip- read t h e linen on which ho wan Hot down

|ier, I ' e r l i n a looked hernelf into her an a Hii|)ernnuiiatod crea ture only taken

Vmm and wrote to he r aunt flafferly. noliee of out of pi ty. j hor letter ended thi in; After thin tho two gontlomon nhook

" Ho you bo« t m onKaucl. and you can t humln. They had no ipiarreln with twit mo aujr longer. 1 .lon'i anpoono |HKir i«ch other now. Neither of them wunt-Kolt will ever net llio liver on lire, lint Iiu'h a . . m ' i l - ui Kood-natureil fellow, and I can Jaat twUi liim ,,«l to marry r e r l i u a Milkin. Hho rn-alniut my llnnor. Ami ivmitmber you »ro nuivcd two little note* Hint evening tell-IhiuiiiI to give me a liamlwimo wo.MliiK-dreaa. . . aiwl have alnTnprumlMBl mo [loor ma » fiearU " T H"-

Hie iUv I married. That wan lant nuiumer. Thin year •• Tour affeetioualo nieoe, P r a u . . " 1 V r l i | m ^ g o U ) ^

Mm. (lalferly Hignitlod her approval ami Mm. (lafferly having dinminnod her

by return of post, and I'erlina'n mind chambermaid, it in a mat te r of wonder wan at rent. I t did not troublo he r to the neigbbom who tho pernon with

mueh lliat in Ionh t han u week a tele- a green barege veil ou he r head who gram Hummoned h im hi Uio city. She rnlw t h e windown can In". I t in barely Could uae tbe fant-fuding dayn of f ree- iMinniblo that th is in I 'erlina. Mm. Oaf-

dom be t te r than with an engaged lover ferly in a woman of her word, and nho at her nide, and nho certainly made t h e eonnidern he r niece'n chance of matri-iniMt of them. Hho plunged into llirta mony qui te over.

j lion iu a way t h a t f r igh tened even Mm. — —

"V iiurriA. Keronene Newbody, and wan happie r Should Newspaper Articles be Sigued ?

than nhe ever luid been since her nearch '11,0 impcmonal i ly of t h e iiewnpajn'r 1 T h i s , " naid Mm. Oaffer ly . " thin in I fo r a hunliund oommenceil. An fo r |K>or writer given bin opinionn a n nndoflenrcd

T h e X. V. Hemld'H New Orleaiih the Iiml t ime, I 'er l ina Milkin, t h e very Mr. Downhil l , nhe qu i t e nnubbed him, weight. Impemonal i ly ban advantages

no viown concerning in Ihe couragoounuUeranceni t innpiren;

i the altnenl Kolt j r ro le but i t alno deceives. If Dr. A. pub-• annwered them. linben bin viown upon a d isease of t h e

. . forge t my feolingn the eye, if Dr . Z. pitta forth bin theory Mllianl playi I*, have anlnid in New York. tbe bonsehnlil. We lung for tha t rent u t ter ing the name story. Compromine l iuue demounlraUouH nighl ly . F i f t e en l ike a Chrinlmas doll, and I 've let you when you went ou t to ride with old on a disease of t h e liver, we have t h e

I n ilrooklyn. on the'.uh inai.. tho tii>i perier -'r'.".' I ' i nh . wan then out of the qm-stion. nn it Ibousand negr.>ea have en te red Ihe up- go in to company, and I 've sent you to Downhi l l , " ho naid, in one of thenc, opiuion of an e x p e r t ; and no, if Dr . Z .

i mont fanhionablo placcn to board in " I really l l iought for awhile t ha i you dinounnen oyen and Dr. A. t rea ts of

r, ami here you are, foitr-nud- liked h i m . " livers, we know tha t each in ou t of bin , and not no much as engaged. And to t h i s she repl ied : npeciality, and wo judge him accord-

onnor. l i m n 1... uimi m* nt-i u ' l -u m nini over »' .nii . . i-nn..rii.-.v n iuni t in n ieny c<|aaiiy iiiviueu. in now nan I to t i n jverfectly disgust ing, I 'er l ina ; and " How could yon fancy that I sboidd ingly. But a newnpajier coiicentratcn

I ' m i i o o t u ehnn-h. Iirookiyii.iva.-. cnmiioil un '/ ' 'ii " that tbo liU'l contained iu Hmitirn rcgisb 'r 200 whiten agaiunt 8,HIX) blackn. what I havo lo say is, if you don ' t set- like a Buperannuated old creature like the g i f t s of mimy cont r ibutors ,and thus

Uir ovcond apiwarancc Of Mr, lloivlinr. ' tl'ieT'Htriml' 'in "the' o ' lhor ' lif!-" mtviiiu' , v l ) , u , i " , , ' t l " ' ' i lemenl in agaiiint a dead II in explained Uml much of t h e emigru- l ie your affuim thin nummer. I ' l l give tha t . I only took a l i t t le notice of h im gradual ly gives tho impression of bav Snmlav the llih liu-t. The rovcrcnd kcuiic- " eome." ' ' "'•'•mm. and the pi ibl ieat ion in no t l ion f rom Tennessee is owing to the you no more obanccs. 1 expect I o d i c out of p i t y . " jng aocumulaleil vast s tores of kuowl-man h «id 1° havelwiunuBualkidoqueiit 11,a where in t h e w ay f Who are they ? P r i j " a lacio u r idenceof unilicionn intent terror created b y H i e T r e n t o n massacre, in t h e poor-house an i t in. W h y / w a s ~ - -- -

" t i i ' m i ^ b ^ i ^ . placM iu ihe village u f ; S e i ^ O M U u t T ^ k J U n Z l ^ i " ' n n — •"fl" C o rf

r , ; » , " " ^ t " i j " , ™ r i c A ' l l • "veulee" , a n d you r ma a t ' — H I " - • twelve . . r . I nn , . I on ihe w X l n ! 7 e K u i ^ a^d ^ £ MK. BOSS IXSAVK. o V " t " r K 1 ^ ^ ^ n . and your Aunt Del ight , a b o u t " t h lliat. HO.ono. with us, gone before , and real izing the f n , | I < l r , i f f , , . . . , , ; , . tho J t lato for K . l l o g g at the next tho phunenl l i t t le c n t t e r I ever naw,

" " " wasn' t bu t jus t nixteen. Wont ' s tho u s e of advantages—and you have lookn.

i n> MLi'ii liv III" nnii .n i i iniv in l l n ' M . n l l i IH n u t 11 Hiiii-il n f f p , . | f i i l i n i H « . i l i> m i l T • i . • . i . . . .

I - cha rg ing ! I M world W I L L " ^ R I N A I N I O R I 'F ' Z " ^ 7 T T I T F " '•L1 ' ' ; ' -,\\ nllli'ial Hlalemeiil IF madethal Ihnt" I> no i l l . T h a t iH by n ana t h e spir i t ' I 1 " ' J" / " • ' « > ' w m p l i c a t i o n n . ment as inipra. ticnblo. inilaln.II in fart for the allegation Hint tho inennt in ou r text. Thin in ni lmimbly I ' O gi'licrnl public would l ike lo know

NI'L nl . I nnc tl. Is7l. ROVLHIIIK and • .n H II'LNG exprenned by llliil Apostle of pmfotllld what i n tho occasion of the t rouble; bu t , TIIK NAVAJO IMIIA.VS. IHR UWN of llm Cniicil Niatiw. clWn.il any oxper :ence, I'NUL. where l iosayn: " I f not having information on thin ] i o i u l , it A delegation of the Navajo Indiiinn of RLISIIKE HI the l a t e * nf dniieii n that lim.. hy 'ot t r oarthlv hoiine of lliin lalH.rna. Ie ^ . I i B , K » I . l tooxlend full I . y m p i i t b y to New Mexico, oouninling of t w e l v e of U « jimiierlv INIJAMEIL. nor in there anv fimnda- were ilinwilveil, we bnve A bui lding of . . . . . I . . , I • • • , l inn 1,1 faf i fiirthenileKaiiim that I h e T . O I . n " hoitso not miule with hamln. mpnnoucil man. ami lo exeerate their pnne ipn l men. a re now O N -n iu te , rv Dopartminii, thmiiKh iu ' • ' • ' ' ""I in tho beiivi'iin." Wo deniro not the tyn inv of IVmoe llisiunrek. A Parin nml are exiKTled lo arr ive in Wmihing-wlno. han In anv nay ^ I t e r n . l l l io IAN or in - t " K''t rid of, Uol lo lie disiNinnonnod of neW;.p.I|M-r nayn thill created the raien of duiv leviisl. he earen, the bunloiin, the ordinary nought have relat ion to

"•» Ch .^ . . . , R ^ ~ : : , T J I T I ^ R T ( I R R , W R F , l " AdminMra l .

R R ' R ' R ' T R T 1 ' ' R " 4 ' ; U N I I ^ ^ H L T T L ^ S . L S J S ' T T L . . f T h i e r V r e n i g ion. a JOWOH. and Aitoniev-deniral . ^ T ^ I N I N ^ a f t e r imloli.nc... T h e r e ore prennionn of llisniarek'I

ii ...mu I I O ..I I " M ' L - V SLUNK of the rest that re- Theirs . UNL thin reporl IN not authen- nunilN'r ulniut 10,000 m uln,and a re v e r r o LOINOVAIIII | H » I - M A M , tb for Ihe iieoiilo of Cod . an if it I , , . . . „ , ' . , J

AI iialveniouand | V „ ' . . . ^ t i o u of m-tivilv. , " " R ^ I F H U S L A I N I N G . I b e tn l i e have

Dnpartmi.ni, throiiKh iln di.di.ioii* or ollior-wlno. ha» in any way iltcn.,1 iho la« or in- K'1' rid of, not lo lie diHjNwnonnod of new:ip.i|M-r nayn tlint the iloenmenln Ion noou. H. W. L. K. Dudley, Ihe

l - V ' ^ ' V ^ . - i i1*!. " r nought havo relation lo Ihe change in late Hiiperinti 'mlentof Indiuii affuim for ImiiiiHlrnliou at tho lime Now Mexico, who insuow in Washington,

ami contain ex- xiys tluil t b e Navajo t r ibe are iimoiig the

W j l l i t l i i^ not pining iiflor indolenci*. The re are prennionn of Itinnmrek'n nvm|)athy for bent Imliniin iu the coun t ry ; that they

TilKBe i» In Ik> nn axlentlvo i manterHIn Texan, hut jlioao st Iialveniou and Wcro nimplv tlnuaton will ho rotpioslod in renigu. not on Now there iiri- ninny'Vbiiign aiuong un t VdTi iP i t I v n i f T M P V T aliout 8,000 iiheep, I0,IMK) homes, and luvoiiutof aiiyihingwi.aiKill ciiinwiion with which we may !«• pVrmilled lo long lo i . ^ u u i . n r , . i i . nome cattle. They ruino c o m , wheat. Uieir ontoial ihitieH. hill on » Kriiunil iiniiliiiiK In-r id o f ; anil I can imagine |M.monn in A N'ew York din]iatcb nayn Iloweu „i,.ionn, and a variety of vegelablen.

', and one of the

always uoi.-biiuoh, m u i iwnoed an an uniisuall.v

diHro-iiitahle rondurl oulfidc of llivin, mid their iin|>opnlarity with Iho cilkeni., PiMlmanler (ieuersl deairea iho a|i|Hiintmi.ni

Ii",ini„ im* rm o i , uml l (Mil lliiugllie jiemoilN ill -• " • " ' * .ii"|m.i" ii NiyN iHini'ii n , 1 ( | „ variety n, and iiitcb nlniiln t ha i they might winh for would go M o r e Ihe graml jury and J iaunl i to the war chief

Tho ih iith. 1 can imagine one lying bed give tentimony to w e n r e Uie indiclnient doli'Kiitioii isdescrilH.il', iiiinini r idden. I inn imagine one not alwavs , . u«i 'K'" 'oi i , i nu inc r iou i i



Naughty ("ipld Idly pIsyiiiK. riayiiiK on llymellua Hill,

Whoro the awoet wild Ihynio wan xlraying, Nlraylng al lla imn aweet will,

Poinid. or alole. aoma gi»-ni|»i • ty. Ilotioyromh ii|niii Ida way.

Novoi Ihlnlilng. never aaUng, A-lmg leave of man or Iwie,

(Iiipid, on iho wild thymo hanking, Ala Iho honey grvodlly,

llm. alaK 1 hi" Joy wan brief : Junlico overlook the thief.

Tor an he tho romh waa llinmhlng, Thiimhlng glad Ita golden drip:

•iuirk an angry l«e rarae humming. Htung him on Ida |ioutlnR Up,

llliing hiin um Ida choeka and eyea, 1'illod him with a wild aurpriae,

• Angry Cupid, riaing madly.

Madly atnirk Ihe hen again: Hut the gial wan nlnng ao hadly.

That he alaui|iod with rago and pain. And to Aphrodils tied.

Hiding in hor arma Ida head.

Moaning loudly. Inudly anklng, Afking why a lltllo liee,

lint a aiimmor inacct haakiug In the ltower-cn|M hiiaily,^

Why no nnull, ao weak a thing. Hhould havo audi a cniol ating ?

" Ah I" naid Aphroilile, laiighiug, l.aughing at ihe crying hoy;

" When you noxt go honey ipiafllug. Do not Iho iMKir Ime denlroy,

C'u/ilil, Imi, irtim on llw leimj,

lint n trry mul rlhtg."



(II love Ihe tranring pain wan thino In looil: In pannlonali. wild niiialo moniingi-lear Thnil piiini'Bl fiilth tho tale of thy I'ariior,

Whlih tho young anul rciiowed hy lino dnlli lead. >

lliy worda wllliout deep tears wo cannot read

Pnlnra Ihoy am fiiiin inino diviner Bpheiui laive'a ooumwibIIuii and iln angiilnh dear

Mprlug Iu thy heart, and bIIII immortal pl»a<l.

1) loniloirnt child of modhi.vil time! Unfailiiig glowa thy lltllo maiden's rnlm

Of minlonl crimaon, omlilom nf thn nwco Perennial |ia»»loii thniling in thy rhyme:

And Bldl true lovera pilgrim round thn glnlw To kina the print of Ueatriie'n feet.


of audi ottii-en. an" will nei uro hin and piihlie bed r idden, yet moving with such n ' , f I | e m , w I " ' P ' ^ ' w h i n g the iu- large ami fine-iippenring man. gif ted cuntldeiii-e for oOiiiency and intogrily, shndowy life that ho i nn do little f ( , r te rv iew with Hiiiith of Chicago, cbnrg- with grent ability, and exceedingly


olhem. Neither would I rebuke them | hig improper rehitionn between the late f r iendly lo the whiten, in n u c h a winh ; and 1 can imogiiio per- Mm. Dow Henry Ward Ueecher. ' = — • noun umlorKoing such n dnulKerv of I •ei, , ,i_ , i • • ,

Tin; Commiiieo of the Preehyterv of Ji-mey lalnir tlint thov « l hint o n - o u t for n u t . s a m e urtiilL reflected in un mfii-( i iy Now Jonoy, havo prtniiied diargen and I can imagine nluves' liven", and the liven ^ " " Proctor , and alno up-"ju'dllcalions igaliipt the llov, John H, (Hen- of Innim and is'iiniintn no iqiprcsMMl with 1 <»• Iho noun denning, af Beduetiou and hreadi nf promiae, a n d t h e m o d e r a t o r han ap|Kiiii lod r o n n n c l Ii

p r o n c n i t e and d o f o n d .

I iiah-i and Vignand. two ndohraled Krcmii 1 " ' 'd from the overwhelming

H E R A L D S K X S A T I O X .

Iho nlnt,

J l ixsk llt^iKMAnncahinct fai;iory,in Ilrook- blonsodiicsHof cimuicipnliou. Men with- ' " C I " t | " , r o > tittle t/lnirlio Hons, the election. lyn, hunied Oct. u . i,ow ^in iain, out the animal, no more bodies of "hducb 'd from I'bilailulpliia, ban

CVMI B W i u ums hannuid the Naiioii i.ewn- iiiuscle, no more p a u i o n s , uo more sor- l>cc<>me insane. Ho wan receully con- OIILE.VXH MATTEUS. pa|ier, in iccnver damagon for an artidc which didness, no «iiorc arrogance of pr ide. Ibied lo bin bed, where ho now lies. A Timen npoeial co r responden t al nppoaiod in thai pajier diarglug him with Wo h m g for our manhood, and they are , X h a t i 8 H1) t all; lie lien tliore beref t of New Orleann scinln the fol lowing, dated " tin* J . i t t l o r.iuinn m i n e liv wliii'li C H l l l l l ^ l o I1M, » » l i l l l i o N t J i c u r t i n ' • • i # n • <i..> f » i . 4 . 1*^. 1 \ f t*

paiiien weie dneived into pini-haaing Mink, movement iif tbc i r nweel wings, ami i t r e l " 0 " ' e r U Z e < l 8 r , , f- , l u k " " « ' 8 1 " , ' H n r r . - 'T3 . ' , . g r ? 8 ' T i i i s t v - m m : modiial niudontr were aireated not unmaiily whero they have found nothing, rememln-m i iothing but the man f rom the flflb dis t r ic l . thin evening

in lluilah., Odoher n for iKnlv-anaii hlng themselven, nml know an Ihoy are lonn of bin Imy and nil t h e t roublo that sent a couimunicnlioii ti» 8 . B. Packard , Tlioy had Btnlon Hie IkkI.v of Mni, I!, .1, Caiy 11 " " P * ' h I « I I C 0 no fa r Wyolld flnm Holy CniMi cemetery, and were ano t ed while cngago<l in diBeet'lIng il. Four othe cadavem were fniniil in their iHMecnrion.

M a i o i i I I a v i : m k v k u ha- l>een nned for nl derhy llm I'hairmanofllieTammaiiv Hall gen- I,.u» ii,,.( 7,",„ — ... — In.fore voll nuul yo eial commillee. Oamage. are laid a. r-Vn..., of . i u d l ^ t l ^ U. I h M b r r ' ^ V ^ T l T l " H K r i , f d r i v " h l " r ; n " l

1 " v .4em will regint-r . . v „ ' r I 1 | l c l u ( i

sand cimtoms whicli bind t h e good a n d f r " " ' l " m - • s l ' , , r t | y u ' f " r " « ' • » " " " ^ l a b n f u r t h e r lliat a aiiniLu-slsU. of ( , , m m i t t ( , | ^ 1 , . ^ . j T i m w k h T . the bud alike, which belongn l o noeioly, • t ' r e ly left him he Haul: " I can Inur Ibnign exists in Clnylwuni . Lincoln, i m l l t Gnflerly.

Perlimi—if you don't make use of 'em ?"

" I ' m sure I don ' t know what you ex-jM'ct me to do. I can ' t very well pro-IM>no lo any one , " said Perlina, ready to

Poor P e r l i n a ! Life is certainly very edge ami experience, ready for uso much checkered. O n e morning Mm. a t any moment . In reality, tho old

Newbody opened a Now York piqier, wri ters may bo gono, new edi tors may and having glanced down tho oolunm of control , or n given article may In. tho

marriages ami doaUis. gave a faint product of such personal pre judice as shr iek , a n d looked a t Perlina in a tor- if known, would excite c o n t e m p t I n

rifled way. Per l ina snatched t h e pape r the work of a great satirist, there is a

and naw Uiis record : cartoon coiibiiniug throe liguros walk-Huddenly on Ihe - H I . E I M E S U K o i . t . i l l g i n H i l , g l o , ) l u . H t r u l H o f f „

^ E d m u n d K o l t - U i o r e wiu no d o u b l o f w ^ u d J v > „ l u l k l s )

cry. '• I do evcrytl i ing I can. and t hey " • Newlnnly looked a t 1 er lma, , i g l l n i . tb jn l ly , tbat sumo Innly, with the make love to me, I 'm sure, and they nay ' •*lM ' c t | | |g t " wi. he r fa in t . To her nur- ' f h e Iiml in eallcd lU-x ;

co lis ti lutes quit*, as imixisiiig a part an In.fore you naid you would . " 1 ' , 0 < b ' •

Your uncle (Jafferly would have om-known we were . ..gageil, and you Uie L a d o v i c n a - t h e gorge.ma t r ap |Hng . if I b a d refused h i m , " n e e d u t lel l em. I don t waul my ^ | l i t j f a l u m , , n u k u . Ho il is with

l i i t l i i rman EvaiiKilical Iniitil l.nthenui it In longn to all sorts . Now, the loss of my property, uml the luus of Jaeknon, and Frankl in pnrinbiw. and Itefonned KJIKMI of Hie Went met ai Indi- surnii in 'nd b y a thou- ( jharley,—even Uml Cod helps me to ~ anapolia, I ih I , . on the mh inn,. ^ " v T . ' i ' ^ r ^ b n t thin s lander a n d ealumny * « . «LE.M»KXMX«.

C. I.. MCKKK. a leading hnninenn man of In- ... " I . 1 ? . 1 . . g . ' , ^ i a m i n a l mv wif,. nn.l m v i a d f - t h - t uiiilleo of Ihe iironlivterv of

Hon njnii led." tho jourmdinl and his surroiindingn.

" Y o u umy not believe i l n o w , but I Then she aroao and went to he r room, Hlripin-d of tho inyNterionn corporate wan a Inmily in my youUi. As for what i cried a little, balhei l her face, us i i l chaiBoter which bidiw him, and witli Iho

you can do, you ought lo know; b u t j nome pearl- | iowder on hor nose,and went . . i u i p n ^ s i o n a l i t y " utimaskinl, the wri ter

longing lor Hod in aN»W ... . .^t , . . weary heart panln for water ( A b e '" '""K 1 0 m " , < ' W l t l ' 111111 " " briBiit. effort lo burn t h e city. Hin cane wan

— cal led before Ihe City C o u r t to-day, and

A. B. C. F . M. nine witnesses, all colored, were exam

Al Ihe session of the American Hoard Tl

P o l i t e u e w E x l r a o r d i n a r y .

When the " T e D c u i n " f o r l h o victory wan celebrated, Th iem ami McMabon

icir tes t imony in to the effect j s t h a t tended the solemn ceremony in UI1(, duqH.n.nag.. of Mm. K ubam iirononeil to ori/aiiize a U l , , church al Veisnillen. I wo arm- „ . , . i ; „-„.i

gronn f r o m I h e T l i l r d U ia t r i c t .

J o n s ilAU.f.r, a ca r i i e i i l e r of C r o w n P n l n l ,

I n i l s a t f i d e n l l y nho t himnelf deiul o n Ihe l l l l i

i iml . ,wh i l e h u m i n g .

THE largenl c u u o o u m v of (M^iple e v e r g a l h e r -

e d in NeiAda e o l l e e t n l al Virginia c i ty . I h e

I'JIh Inst , l o r a t i f y r e p u h l i r t n nomina l i o im ,

( i s u i r r lliBi.AV. ii r o n a n t , in m a k i n g a l a i s l -

i n g al l l c n i a l H e i g h t n . n e a r S a n K i a m i n o .

l lm I ' i lh i iml. diagge<I un t lm g iu i ind a n d n-

e d v e d in ju r iun u l i i i h il in f e a r e d will p i n v e

f a t a l .

T h e g i a n d J u r y at Salt l . t k e ( i ty , u n tho n t h

iiml,, i ibIii ' IuI uim 1 1 t h t i r u w n n u m l i e r . T h o n . i 1 ~ - . . . . N , J I • I , . i • » . K.JliikB. for landvioun .'nhahiiatlnn. He in t h e . veiling the W o m a n ' s board gave , modi fled by t h e assurance Unit Ihe bet- , 1"• n g h t was the place of honor, I hargeil with having live wiven. Ihree Of Whom a grand reception in the Congregation- tor claaii of the colorcdl icople ncorn tbe niotlesUy waled herself on tbo left , were marnud m him nani W,l Hin own ,,1 eliiirch lo all momln-ra of Ihe worn- proiKwed iunnrrccliou, nml Imve l»een While Uie Duchi-n wan ntill kneel ing.

which female f r iendncbis ie to call u kins, uml bade her good-bye. And desp i te he r new wardrobe, he r big Harotoga

t runk , the pnNqn-clivc nitnimer goyely,


s i tuat ion, wlueb great ly suriirised her. A wicked s.11 was practiced t h e o ther Old Mr. •Downhill was rather more day on the Boulevar. ' den Italiens,

obst inato Uian oven Mr. Kolt bad lieon. jxjh of the n x v n l esoipo of Mur-

H e asserted his rights, and insisted hIiuI Bazaine. A lady iMwiog along Uie

upon t h e open wear ing of t h e engage Boul0»ar,ls saw qui te i u a m b e r of jier-ul HiiUand, VI., on t h e Hlh nisi . , rejnirtn t h a t Diinl

lo ln j in a very | i ros | ierouncondi t ion. lii " 'derablo exc i tement prevails, but is umlenibjoil her imsition. and knowing t u H k iinlil n i g h t H e even wrote he r several > . ( ) l u j ( . r | ,„ IUU . ^ Ulnstrious fugi t ive han

d a u g h t e r wan o n e ut I h e p r n i r i p a l w i lne .

I ' l l , l l i i i;, of Kan F i a n i i e c o , han Inion he ld

t o aiiBwer i i e fo re t h e g i a n d J u r y f o r nnKiv./.lu

m e n t a n d n i t l f e a n a n c e in ull iee.

T h e Wiacuiwin r o u f e r e n e o of I h e M . 1 " .

l i n i r e h m e t in U n h k n r h l l io Tlh hint .

u n and interior boards a n d minsion- the means of n ipp ing il in t h e b u d . " Mine. Theira arrived. • ' D e a r Madame, your chair m on the o ther aide !

PBIXC'E NAPOI.KO.N. " You are Un. good, Mmlanie! Itoally ary ladien. Conimuilioii nervicen were held ut the (Vingregationul. Baplinl, and „ MelliiHlint ebi ircbis , simiilluncously. a l Two geuUemon, M. Q u e r a r d , a dealer 1 «*"»« , ut ' •>iM o'clock, i'. m.. a t which a fa rce photoghiphn. and M. Valentine, a " Take it, 1 b e g !

Aunt Qafforiy won a good buniness j miles in the intervals, Uitweeii the i r refngo—one Unit I need not mime,

woman, ami would mil be likely t o pa r t i ng a t m idn igh t a n d meeUng a l n i n o H e is gray, he is fat , ho is old, yet he spend any mon- money upon mi unnalc in the morning, and iu one of them b e |U1N W B y f r „ m | | R . bouse of his

able a r t i c l e ; and Per l ina shivered a l t h e I re fer red to he r flirtation with y o u n g mintretsi over tbe roof to yonder house,

p rospec t before her , if thin summer ' s j Kolt . whieh is now surrounded. H e cannot campaign should prove u failure. On Minn Miikiu wanoneof thoBe tinlnoky i«ca]n' aga in ." " H i n mistrennf Hor-

Uie whole she looked no ill when she Br- victims t o love of letter-writing, who r o m ! " cried tbe lady, " a n d ho with so rived a t Karatoga, tha t he r mirror told can never renist pu t t i ng things down in devoted a s p o u s e f " 'Alas, yen," wan



T i n : mm t m .

I'M, J. I., Hl.V nhot and killed pioadier named Joe itavagen. t.l Kranklin. reniiiuvHn., rceently, lltvagua had eniiied tlm ibvdlliligol llio dm'loi n falhei with Ihe inlenti(Mi of murdering tlie iniuale< and loh-l«ry, inH knowing lhal Iho d.ictor »a» llmre \ dun|ierale hand-to-hnnd OlMUIIUlur look plai'e Im'Iwim'ii tlm two. Willi Hie alnm. lemill,

'lei grand Jury, al lllehuiond. Va have lima fai indn-lod Bitleen of Hit' Pelumlnirg Judge* of nlmrtlnii lor vinlaling tho im ul f t

Tm, druiith in iwrUonaot Alahatni oon-

one appeared, uml flnully nhe anked a |Nilic*.-

slio Uioiigbl how much more mamigea- man how long it would In. In-fore the b le Uie " I x i y " was, and how much jol- men would br ing out Uieir uipUvc.

lier i t was to r u n aliout with him than " Ah, Miulame, be in by th is time, in bis

roeoinmemling t h a t t h e next meet ing In- self, j iemiilteil t h e d is l r ibut ion of UM- over, Mine Mi-Mabou exjiri'ssed he r becoming morn ing drens, Per l in ta took

an Uouiher ""wi^el-^eii Kii-Khj|U^'»uiIei»! "t Chicago, and tha t l b - I t e v . An pho tographs to t h . ' n u i u l n ' r of KKI.OOD. m-knowleilgmonU for Uie ootirb-sy of u t ,1,,. | , re .kfant- lable next

arreated ai MonUgue, in Uitt ntato Theevi- ^rewn, 1). I).. I>e Uie i iroacher. aud Uml T h e law under which t h e nrrent wan Mine. Theim. morn ing , and nestled close te M m . denueagaiwil them la euucluaive, and had it i ' h e H'-v. W. W. Taylor I k . a l ternate, made forbade the cxjMMiire, publieu- " i o u luive no tMng t o liuuik 1111- for. Keroseno Newlnnly in the most be-nul lieen for the prcnenoo uf a dutaehmoiii of The Clinir llieii i ippoiub'd a ( ' i . i i imitlee l ion, or side of uny p i c tu re witliniit Uie Ihe Intt'-r repl ied. " \ ot tdid not know, wilehing manner, cavalry a aeriouB couMiet would have tKTinrod. j uf Ariaiigeuieiits, T h e Commi t t ee on uiiliiorily of the Minister of Uie Inter ior , of euunu' , when I cuine in you were uc- T h e lady, nn amp le ma t ron , with o

I'Ogi", of l i re rn fur tho eiiniting year ie|Birled T h e di-feum- urged tha t the object of cupy ing my p lace ! loud voice gree ted he r affect ionately, the following: Prenident , Mark H o p - thu ilecree wiw to prohibit | iortrnits of " Y o u r p luee! On t h e le f t . Mine, and a l once introduceil he r te two gen-kins, 1). I).. LL . 1).; Vice prolend'-m In.ing hawked nbotil, bu t Iho Prosidonl . V" tlomou who wore hor ueigblnirs.

Prenid.-iil, \V. K. Dodge; I 'm l 'r inc« wnn not a prebiuder , 'Hie Magin " Certninly, Mine. Mumhal. I h e " Mr, Kol tMinn Milkin. Misa Milkin , I with he r betroUiwI. loaning on Ida a rm no end of t rouble to caleb i l , " Imagine d.'iilisl (Jomiiiitti'e, Augus tus O, lriil<-. however, lined Ihe offenders (Queens ul F i a n c e always plaoi'd Iboni- J l r . Downhil l . All old f r iends of mine, j in Uio miml c in f ld ing manner . T h e Um wrath of Uie de luded f e m a l e , — / t o r b Thiinijisun, I). D,. Alplu-iiH Hnrd.v, heavily, iiml ooulim'aled the pictures . w ives ul Iho lef t of t h e nlb-i. Il wic Charmod lo m a k e yon know oaoh o t h e r , " j evening train was in, and |K*iple were Lclltr hi/'hlla, J'nit.

Aimer Kiiigman, B u f m Anderson, D . ^ "" ' . v pl»oe, indeed, whoro tbo and then devoted herself to breukfast , I waiting fo r t h e sbiges to br ing Um now • I ) . : Klixu Fariinw-orlb. Kilmund K. I B E 1 BOX*! MKK MONKS. if did nut acal herself on the r i g h t ; and lef t Ihoae who prefe r red it to waste innijile u p to t h e door, some one waa Lcecb P-mdi iu Holland. Allien, l». D , ; .1 U u h h o I I Bradford. Ib^nir ts from Ihe iub-rior of Hoiith it in ho in order Uml Ibe Queen iiiigbt (j,,,,, o l l oouvenat iun . And so Miss, mh-u waving a whi te handkerebief . A Among Um mos t ningular souroes of

.lonejib H. Boper , (!orres|Mindiug Hoc Carol ina shuw Unit t h e exeitemout i-uii- In llrnt under the huud of llio lin.bop Milkin, having tim Held to heraelf ,made j y o u n g man with very n-d obeeks —slid indunlrisl pnnluetioii in Ihe world, are

retnrioii, tin- Itev. Zebdi B. Trea t . Na- i n i n i n g the gubernulionul eaiiMinn runn . n h e tu rns to give the Inuodie l ion." eyes ul boUt hor new aequaintunoea, ami then s o m e o n e callo.1 out, " W h y , i t 's tbe h n c h |nmds of Hollnml, Mont of

to sit i na corner with old Mr. Downhil l , cage. wiUi a ciiain round bis l eg . "

who was always afraid of ca t eh ing ' " W h a t c rue l ty ! " ejaculated tbe lady,

m i d , uml who would not let he r dance " Not at ul l ; when parrots fly away Ihoy Iwcatise be could not . HUH be was rich must In. d i a incd a p when tlioy are

aud she was engaged at last, a f ter all. caught . Th i s was n very valuable o n e -O n e evening she walked the piaxzu an Australian groy parrot—mid we bad

innier II em oil Ihe• ittun rtup ahuiil nne- llialiiel (I. Cht tk . D. I».; JteOOrduig Very high. O u t . Mow-n ban takel i h l n l , ami r u i n e d t h e p o t a t o a n d l n r n l p i ' i o |

I ' he re h a v e I k m h i no good i n i n - lo i noa i ly l i n o ,

llliilllhn. At I 'n lanki , T e i i M n M i o n thi ' i n i h Inniiuil ,

U s u r y Atk innon . uolorei l , a labln id a n d i n a t a n l -

ly kllln-i l . i ioiun A. l l u t t l o , a wh i l e m a n , a g e d

Un T h e di l l lci l l ly u r i g i n a l e d a h o n l a null u n a

| l end ing in c a u r t r e l a t ive l o a c o t t o n a n d c o r n

m o p .

Hncretary, tho B.-v. J o h n I), " t u m p for Chnmberhiiii . Hem I ' , ; Treusnrer . l jungdon H. Wind: An- Chamberlain, Muson, und culured (Jon- oliijuelui whieh Un- diiiighler of M, ditoiB, Iho Hon. Thomas H . Ituss.-ll, gressman Klliot went to Kumter, tbo Doaii" luul eoud.uNlende.l 1.. give hor,

Avery i ' lumei a n d B. H . KU-arns. , , f Mum s, where J u d g e Green, in- umy In- inmgiiied. /'A. Unhuy.

The sosniuii coiicluilod next day with dependent republicnn cumlidute, ulso re-

n pniyer-nieeliug uml farewell.

'ii the The gni l i tude of .Mme. MeMahun. Mbr.-wedly noted amidst her iiifsnlill Kolt , alive and well ." For there luul Ulese are owm-d by a regularly organi-'M'utly, Imm a Cniitr. e, for lliin h-ssou in royal K igg | iuga a n d d impl ings t l iat I10U1 were lieen niucb lamentation over Uie |n>or wnl wini|siny. The unimhen of Uu-


(iEliSAM.- ' ihe Archhinhop ol Coll


Tbe following piirtii-tilam of tho recent iudian outnige near Slioriduu, KniiHas,

ha- a rc given: I t neems t h e chi ldren were

iiidos und hungreal persomil |ni jmlnri ty. A unihs - meet ing of colored ri-jmbliuiun

of the county wns cal led, bu t thoyre fus -

i-d to heiir e i ther Chamberlnin, Mohi . -h

Damagv Duuu by Alkali Works ou lbs Mersey.

T h e idhnli works in Luglaud , whicli

a re dintriliuled along the baiikn uf the

nmilteti. 'J'hey were of Iho ago, or fellow. And as he sjirang o u t of t h e laud, "wh ich , if nunii-edtoilH shore ,"

arrows. Kdmoiid Kolt wan a y o u t h o f ; crowded vehicle, Umy rusb.nl toward ore admirably ada jded Ut the uiiliniit'-d uiiielnen, and Hiram Downhill wana l him te sliske hamlH, aud tell him tbat citllivaUuii of Uie leech, and Uie t rade in leunt sixty live. As 11 gouend thing ; he luul been snpinwed dead. them in larger than imagined, A g.xnl

men frum twenty-live lo th i r ty d i t to " Dea th in t h e pujtaw, you know, old fa t leech, of jniwerful sucUon. is not n

nbhurb the attenUon of the ladien. uud fe l lah ," said one exquisite. " Weully Uiing te be coudemned. Hnn-kkleiu in youths and old genUcmen uie in Uio mi- j vewy coyoua how dea th w i ih l In. in Ihe Uie town most interested iu Ibis s trange uorly, I jwpaw when you wasn ' t dead, you know, ' I rude, uml owns stock in t h e company

Never before ba.1 Mr. Kolt bud s u c h " I t was jnxir gnunlfaUier, I was mentioned above to tbe amount of one or Klliot, drowning their voices with Mersey and the Tyne , d o serioiis dam- ^

cheers for Oreen. Au iudej iendent re- age to the tegeluliou, des t roying Uie i ^ . ^ ^ d n g nllenUou ofliprod liim. And named a f t e r h im, you know, I never million fluriiin, and 1111 immciine rest-r-

Inwu released after an inipriaonnmnt of over not 'alHlucted, un bits iKn'i'i'Hnpin>s< d l , u ' ' l i c " n nieeting w-nn urgauized and ad- t rees and erujis 111 Uie ue igbln imig j lH f o r obi Mr, Downhil l , his memory though t wha t people would think. I — " voir has been constructed iu whieh to) nix mouths. The remainder of hin urm of , .1. ' dri'Simd by ik.veral local speakem in de- wimitry uud render ing i t ulniost tiiiin- | , r o l | g | l t i , , , ^ duve-likc glances Then be lun ied pale, and hurr ied into breed millions of voracious leeches, line

lain and the habitable, l l m value of land fur cu l t r H | l c]1 | M t |1(>lk. Milkin showered : t h e house , f e a r i n g U m t Uie awful news brown-black fellows, warranted to bold een l e i i c e in c a n c e l e d

S i ' a i n . — F r a n c o will t a k e e f f c c t i v

but murdered , and their liltlo liudien.

fuur in uumlx-r. cruelly mangled, have iiuueiation uf Chamber la in

uinm m m , i rom uie long-vanisneu d t h e I utile lire inj.ir.nl by U.e dep.n.lt J ^ ^ b u t u o t

poisunoiis iw-ld on their f.nnl, I be ^ ^ a ^ ^ ,

to prevent the ahipment of .'•mirahaiid of war l - e n diseover.nl by fu r the r research. ^ 1 ^ . - h o re turned to Columbia ^ upon h im, f rom t h e loug-vaniahed y e « I bad killed b u poor Per l ina .

aem-n Ihe K j i . i . h frontier. The ilepuUkan Tbo Innlies of Iwo odldts . in addit ion lo " " 1 W t ' 'e.n.r •• <" -•1 a l.eqring.

, " J U ^ M " r r THE WI SCO I K IX BAILBOAB CASE, var'n.us m m i u f a a i i n ' m " caiiHing' thoae tar'on waa at l . a i roa di Navana. were also found , fear fu l ly muti la ted and

( l a E A r J im 1 ain,— i h e k a n t P a r m h ( h n r d i . ,

of A lmrdeen . t h e linent c h u r c h of i ta k ind i n " ' " " K ' 1 "

t h e n o r t h of Kcot iand . han U cn dont royo ' I hy V i c t i m s

lire. T h e m i n e n i t Went H id ing , V o r k -

011 like iu-x|uatic bull-dogs. Tin- leech Miss Milkin was in the purh;r. 0I.0 dejn>siln i ts eggs f rom May to Hcptem-

Milkin luid fled on b is uiqiroaoh, and was really Ix-r in tho mud of shallow walem; f rom . 0 111 'l< linviii# dineovered lluit Mr. Kolt wuh qu iU fa in t , and Mr. Dowuliill bml guu« wlu*nc4* t i i fv ht** tnkcn mi'l t n u ^ f c i r o d

J1i«* AUumey-Oeuerul of WiMciusin itrj* 10 *' u hm < i w m h i k very r ich mul «ii o rphan t Miid Umt Mr. fo r a g law of waU'r. Every one d i e t/> ailiHcial i M m ^ c o i i h t r u e t ' x l e x p n aMly

iiiiutic imi gas , u nu.rp n i n e acu , j ) O W | , | , i i | Wafl a very wealthy bache lo r , : wan out of doors, and the young fellow to luiteb Ihom. What will make Ibe nilfiiiis • nf iimmfililu uultM . . 1 . .

I h e fac t of th is half dozen i1UH M t i .mIotcd wiUi t h e (ienerul Bolieilor fctirutic uei In-ing - l - oa t ed ftom Uiom.- ^ ^ ^ S o r t h ^ n , Bail -vo lv ing niti

ex|>erimenl a profi table om is Um fact um un icago ami .>uruiw.-HU'rn n a n , at onoe set he r cap fo r bo th geuUemcn, r C o m i n n y to nui tedlyoak Uie United e volving nulpburet ted hydrogen, am" ^ one who pronoaad

rushed toward her . found i". acootuibMl fur on pro|>o8ed My dearest love !" bo whisjiered. tha t the demand fo r leecbe has of la*.

i i i emumhon


Bxhaasted. Hwedish,

used, T h .


Petmsyl Uiousands

hnvnip an ongagemont in Moscow, frum have l>eeii scouring the coun t ry for lb. lb.- "lb Oct. to liOth Nov, , und in St. P.- j.iud wvera l dayn, but an ye t liave din

tersburg for the remainder of Uie sea- .-uvered nothing to indicate the t r ibe or


I h e motion will U* nuule in Wmihing A j r u r oompoaed en t i r e ly of negrue t g ing , " l iberty to flirt an much aa ahe ahoulder , aud a t i i in voice b rea thad in are caught annually

ton in a < h\k. waa empanel led in Po r t l and a few daya HioNf with in^ligibliw, who w«'re ofU-n h i a e a r : ^

Baza inb will remove to and lake uji ago—the flral case of t h e k ind in Ore- ver\' interesUng, and freedom f rom t h e "Not ing man, I 'm very g lad to see T im I ta l ians of Phi lade lphia will

w hereabouts of t h e murdere rs . They his residence in London . gun. dremi of being an old maid. , you restored us i t were f rom t h e grave, ei eel a m o u u m e n l to Co lumbus .


T h k Vendomo column is flnisheil.

An Albany man has a Bible pr in ted

in 1014. H e t h inks i t has not outl ived

its usefulness.

A wao proimsee to publisli a new jmi-|n.r, to In. called the Comet, with an o r i g - j h ^

iual bile each week. w '

' CiiKRiiBti by tho sueccsscH of tho

pas t , " tbo Ohio tonipornnco women are

to re-inaugurate Uio crusade,

A new- school house , capable of ac-

commodating 050 pupi ls , was opened at Black Bock, near Buffalo, N. Y., IHlli

hist. I t cost $28,000,

I s Col .ratio a gir l who can ' t go a f t e r

the cows on a bare-back pony wi thou t br idle or halter is looked u p o n with

c o n t e m p t

A c r r v o f t h e m\—Pckhiy T h e

Black Hills—Cool heaps. Civil rights—

obligipg answers. Rifle p r ac t i c e -p i ck -

ing )MK-ketn.

On e llrm of Liverpool nhip-ownors

bad, two weeks ago, a qua r t e r of u mile

of s lenmcm iu dock, besides a n u m b e c ^ of sailing ships.

A Ht. l / o n s paiier oumplains t h a t Um churoli choim nre sacreligions when Iho line is rendered. " We' re going home to

Dinan More, Dinah More ,"

T h e school c.iinits just completed

given East Minneapolis , former ly Ht.

Anthony, u |nipuliition of 8,2'i7—un in-crease of 700 d u r i n g the past year .

" W h a t a 4 you doing there?" said a grocer to a follow who was idenlitig b is

lard. " I am ge t t ing f a t , " was the re-


" Woman in n delnniun mmlnnie I" ex-

j claimed a onisty old Isilcholor to u willy yotig lady. " And ninu is always littg-

g ing some deluniou or o the r , " wa-i the

quick r e t o r t ^

A CosNK.rnr r rgon leman recently in •

Irmlui-ed to a newly-married man, con-gnituLit.-d him warmly imd sa id : " A h .

1 then.) Litcblle.l girls make clever wives ; I 've had throe of ' em."

Ls th.. |ni|ice . inirt at Kan June, Cal.,

tho other ibiy, a witm-jm was asked, " Did you ever kill a ninn <" Ho an-swered, " No; but I killed a Chinninnii

once ," , , A ihiv was asked wlinl trade ho would i prefer to follow-, " W e l l , 1 guess I'll be

n trustee, for over sine.! fntber has been

I rust e.i, I 've noticed we always got pud-d ing for d innor ," -

Kx- I ' i i k sh i rn t Johnson n.-ems te Im ^

llliing u large place in tlm nuivuss for

Um United Htatos Heiuite iu Tennessee, His mime und Unit of Henator Brownlow

nr.- alnml the only ones niention.nl in Uio contes t

The- Trustees of tho Univomily of

Mississippi liavo eleel.nl Hon, J . W, C,

Watson, of Holly Uprings, to t b e Chsu-eellorsliip, made vacant by The rosignu-Hon of Itev. J . N. Clvldel ,

" J o h n MiimiN'H".chtircli in l iondon —so call.nl Innwiae Um |nn!l was Imptiz- #

od Uiere—will probably lie remov.nl, Um average numl>er of tbo congregation

em-h Htinday only amount ing te nine,

" A s you do not be long to my par ish,"

said a elergynuii to a In-ggingsaihir with a wooden leg. " y o u cannot expect that 1 ^

should relievo y o u , " " H i r , " suid Uio snilur. wilh n noble nir, " I hist my leg llgliling for all par ishes."

D a k o t a is the whi te man 's pronunci-

at ion of Lah-ko-ta, tbe name b y which

tho Hioux call Uiomsclvcs, T b e mean-ing of Lah-ko- ta is " U m c u t l i i r o a l s . " and in the sign language they indicalo

Ibemselvos by drawing the h a n d across tbe throat,

Hmai.l Hov,—"George , Mm. Brown

wants yon to come homo this m i n u t e ! "

Mm. B r o w n — " W h y don ' t you say bin moUier wants h i m ; I don ' t want my

mune shrieked in tbo streebi like l l i a t "

Boy—"Well , ma'am, I l l iought i t might hur t his foeliugn to 'lave the follows

know Unit he luul to n m er rands ."

A t tho recent Dress I teform Conveti linn at Painesville. Ohio, Mm. Vibbard came to the f r o n t and said t b a t she

ntoud there a radical for .Irons and a

s inner before God , " for , live years ago, • 1 gave up my shor t dress to keep jn-iieo - A

with my friends, and f rom tha i day 1 have not .lared to p r a y , "

I n reply to a le t ter asking fo r inform ation, O, H, Kolley, Heer.-lary of tho National ( in inge. nays Um Orungera '

Mortgage Bunk, lately advert ised in

New York, is not endursed by tlm Na-tional Crange, nor is it r ocogn ia d by the F.xecnUvo Coniniiltee in a n y sluqm whatever.

J e a n Inokmiw-, the Huglinb inn-Uw.,

luis a nephew, Edward Ingelow Pi t lman, to whom she is giving a collegiate .-die caUon 111 the college at New Bruimwick,

N, J , Thin youth , llfl'n-u years of age, <iinic to thin oottiilry, ulouo und nmit-

tend'-d, to nulisfy mi caniost desire to ^ u-c Amerieu und In; edil.-iiU-d here.

I n PorUudiire several dinseiiUngnieni-bom of the Kpiscupal Church waited on

Uie rector with a nnjiu-stllialUiey might have the services of Um lum-Hranliaii sexton, " Will you allow us, s ir , to dig

ottr graven!" anked one of the depute-

t ion. " Cerluinly. gent lemen, naid Iho rector, " you un- mont welcome, imdUm oooiior the be t t e r . "

A PAKMKII bulk hin wife to a grand concert, and , a f t e r listeuiug wilh apjni-rent enjoyment , Uie pair liocomu sudden

ly interested in one of the graml cho-ruses, " A l l ^ e , like iih.-.-|i. liavo gono as t ray ," Firs t , a nlmrp'nupnuio voice exclaimcd, "Al l we, like sheep - , "

Nes t , a dec]) voice ut tered, in Uio mos t o a r n e s t t o n e : " A l l we. like nheep , " r

Then all t h e s ingers at once asserted:

"All we. like sheep . " " W e l l . / dun I," exclaimed old Huxtieiis lo his

(lartm-r. " I like In-ef and b.ieun. bill I

c-Ui'l bear sheep meat ."


nv ii. ii. HTnniiAuu.

Il wa» a gallanl Bailnr man H a d Jimt . 'n ine h n m e f n n u ana .

And an I |iannod h im in l lm town

l l o nang A h n y l " t n m o .

I nlop|N<d. a n d naw I know l lm m a n

Had k n n w n h im f r o m a laiy;

And no I annwi rod, na l ln id lko .

" A v a a l ! " t o Ida - A h o y ! "

I m a i l n a Ming fo r h lm o u n d a i

Il ia nhlp wan l imn III a ighl

" T lm l l l l l e a n r j i n r on l lm loll ,

T l m g r e a t o n e o n tho l i g h t , "

I g a t o hin h a n d a h e a v y g r i p ,

" H o y n u a r e l « ' k a g a i n ?

T h e y nay y o n h a v e I h i o i i p i r a t i n g

U|Hin t h o Hpaninh M a i n :

O r n a n It nome rich I n d i a n u n

Vou r o h h a d o f all h e r inarlni-

Of conn. . . y o u h a v e h e e n h r e n k l n g h o a r t n

Of |KBir Kanaka glrlB!" " W h e r e v e r I h a v o b o o n , " h e naid,

" I k e p t m y a h l p in night

• T l m l i t t l e a n d i o r on t h e lo f t

T h o g r e a t n n o o n tho right,'"

I h e a r d I ant n i g h t that y o u were in:

I wa lked t h e wharven t o -day .

Hut naw n o nh lp t ha t l ooked l ike y n u m .

W h e r e doen I h o gooi l nh lp lay ?

I want to g o o n h o a r d of h e r . "

" And ao y o n a h a l l . " naid ho:

" Hut l l m r e a r e m a n y Ih lngB t o d o

W h e n . m o comeB h u m e f r o m nea .

You know i h e nong yon m a d e f o r me?

I ning i i m o m a n d n i g h i

' T h e l i l t lo n i i chor o n t lm l e f t .

T h e g r e a t o n e o n t h e right!'"

" H u t I i o w ' b y o u r wi fe a n d l i l th i onen ? "

" C o m e h o m e with m e . " ho naid,

" ( i o on , go g o : I fol low y n u , "

I f o l l owed w h e r e h o led .

H e hail a ploaBant l i t t le h o u n e ;

T h e d o o r wa« open wide.

An 1 a t t h o diMir tho dnaront f a r o —

A d e a l e r o n e Inn ido !

H e h u g g e d hin wi fe a n d ch i ld : ho nang—

IIIb Bplriln wore bo light • - T h e l i t t l e anc -huron t h o l e f t ,

T l m g r e a t o n e u n t h e right."

T w a a Buppor - t ime , a n d wo nat d o w n —

T l m nallor 'n w i f e a n d chi ld ,

And ho a n d I : ho looked a t thou i ,

And looked a t m o . a n d nmilod.

" I t h i n k of H i I b when I a m I d w d

Il inni I h o n t o r m y f o a m .

And thn i igh a thoi inai id loagii'in away .

A m u i c h o r e d h e r e a t h o m e , "

T l m n , g iv ing e a c h a kinn. ho paid.

" I nee in d r e a m n a t n i g h t

' l l i in l l t l lo Anchor oi , m y lo f t .

T h i s g r e a t o n o o n m y r i g h t ! "

—/Air/-!-', /in- OW.ifnr,


The rnUtoe—Danger from Dee Snn^ Sliakinc Btca from Oombt -Prlnclplci of Prim-

ing rrnll TrtM-MIIkine In Slltnc* -Uieful Rcclpc i

Tho I'olnln.

The J o t i m a l o f Chominlry, in dincuss-iug the deter iorat ion (.f the pulalo, sug-gests Ihnl. if some jierson of tbo requ i -site skill niid knowledge were to pro-

ceed lo S o u t h America—tho homo of

the po ta to—and, seeking t h e lieiillbiosl locality of llm plant , nml the mos l vig-orous npeoimens to bo found in wild

stale, b r i ng Ihom by good cul t ivat ion to a proper degree of |>ertcction in the i r

nalivo habi ta t , he m i g h t Im ublo to tmnsp lnn t to ou r cl imate seedliugn of original h.-nlth and vigor of coiinlilu-lion. T h o npcoien whieh now exist

among us bnve nuffcrod so niui iycbanges of condit ion d u r i n , tbo years t hey have

ln.cn under cult ivat ion, they have lost thoir vital i ty, aiul a re boin.lessly debil i-

Inlod and diseiwed. T h e only hope of

recovering tho c rop seems to Im by

import ing a f resh stock d i rec t f rom thoir native wilds.

l l aaar r from lire H.lnan,

The s t ing of a U'o prevente. more than any o t h e r th ing , tbo advuncc of bee-eultiirc. Old Ime-keejn-rH l a u g h ut

this, b u t it is no l igh t mut ter . Death

often results from a bee-sting, I was assisting a f r iend to hive a swurtii, oncc,

in Ju ly , I t wns a very ho t day . We got Uiem hived ; but j u s t as wo were leaving a boo s tung my f r iend on the lemjilo. I pu l led o u t the s t ing uud we

went ou in to tbo house. I n livo min-

ules , Ihe effects of Uie s l ing were fear-f u l . H o broke ou t in l i t t le p imples (II over t h e Innly, and said he felt an I hough

n million needlen were r u n n i n g into h im. We wore alarmed and sent for n

doctor , T h o doctor came und succeed-e d in overcoming t h e poison, b u t il wan

some t ime In-fore ho foil l ike himself aga in . W e a t t r ibutedUi isonr iomieffec l

l o the stale of b is hea l th , and t h e bout b e was in a t tho sumo t i m e , — N d t i o n a l

Ike Journal,

Shaklnfi Her. froui ( unilin,

Mr. J , M, Man-on. in t h o American Boo J o u r n a l , gives tbo following way to prevent i r r i ta t ing In-es in br i t sb ing f rom

comlis, in s u b d i v i d i n g :

" U s o more care in s u b d u i n g In.en. in

long, deep or largo hives. I t in goner-ally I lost to maiingo hives, extrnet iug

honey, making •warms, etc. , d u r i n g a yield of honey, uud before i l is sealed

with wax. that all t b e bees may llll the i r sacn with h o n e y ; whic-h t hey will do if tbero in eiiotigh inicapped, und they are dintr ibuted properly. If the honey is

not in a III eondit ion, or of Hiifllcient quunl i ty , f.nnl may Ini given to nulHlue

the most vioious sbn-k. Thu brunb is

ono o r more planta in leaves rolled luoM'ly, soinotinien tbo cud t r imnied.

Wc-dn, grimn, broom, f o u l h o r s o r b r u s h -es mny Im used ; and if Iho ar i ie les a re

B.-are.', o r only one ul blind, d i p occa-sionnlly in wnlor to wanh off Iho odor, which uurngen badly miinaged been.

Uso t h e old-fashioned uaUve o r blm-k Imx-s with your de.-p frauu-n. tlint drop off tlm i-onib like nhot oil' u Hhiugle. at tho hiwil bund l ing . "

I'rliirliilrn af I'rB.iiiu I'rull Tr r ra .

In an essay raid before t h e Napa Grauge , Cal , , by Mr, W. I f . Na* ' - . 'u . gives Ihe principles by whieh ho ia gov-erned in p r u n i n g f rui t t r . n i i :

Thu vigor of a tree Mibjee-b-d lo j imnii ig dependn iu a grout measu re on

lbs equa l . l islribtilion of nap in all

of iln b rand ies . P r u n e llio bmnehes of the mont vigorous parts very short,

und IliuiM. of t h e weak pa r t s lung.

Leave u large quan t i ty of f ru i t on the s t rong pa r t , and remove the whole or a g rea te r par t from Um foolile. Bi'itd tlu-

Htroug jairts sinl keep Iho weak erect . Bemove f rom the vigorous the sujierllti ouss luni ts an early in Ihoneaaon an pos-

sible, P i n c h early the suf t Dxlremilies uf Ihe nboote on the s t rong j iai ls . and as Into as ponnible on the feeble par ts , ex-

cept ing uny shoots which may be too vigorous for their posit ion.

T h e s a p iu'Ih with g rea te r force and

produces more vigorous growth on a

branch or shinit pruned shor t t han on one pruned long. The nap tending a b muni to the oxtremilios of shinita

eauscs tho tormina ls to push with great or vigor llinn Iho Inlomls. T h o more

tho sup in obs l ruc ted iu i ts olroiilnliim the more likely il will bo lo prodtii'. '

f ru i t IuiiIh.

The leaven nerve to p r r p a n . Ihu nap aliMorln'd by llio shuiiln fur Ihe notirisli

m.-iit of the tree, and aid Iho furmation uf blliU on tho sh.niln. All Ireen de-prived. there fore , of Ih.-ir leaven are

l iable to |n 'r ish.

. I l l l k l n n In n i l o n o e .

T h e Luiiduu Milk Jotirnal t h u s com-m e n t s upun a dim-unniun at a Farmora '

C lub at West Cornwall, Conn. , whore a memln'r said hw dinebarg.-d one of bin milkors who perninted iu talking . luring milking linio. and that, in th ree .biys, the increase of milk wan equal to Iho

mini's weekly wages :

" We fear mi increase to such an ox-lent inusl have lieen duo to o ther causes In-nidos tbo ono aiciigncd. If tho en-

larged yield followed solely f rom tbo dinmisnal of tho man, wo nusjicct b is '

presence affected the supply of milk in scum way npar l from his loquacity.

We have f requent ly found a change ol sorvantn to prove bennfloiaL

11 may be tha t ta lking prevents hens

from laying, also. Wo know wo have

of ten ex|>oricnoed a vast increase in llu- niiniber of eggs b rought into tbo

the house a f t e r tho removal of a too of -lleious iudividital f rom our employ. Besides, ou r cows havo somet imes im-

proved iu p rodnee b y tbe name moans, but we gonorally a t t r ibuted i t to elcaii-

e r mi lk ing by f resh ami more indus t r i -otis bandn. I t is. however, well known that cows are part icularly sen t i l ive t o

nights ami sounds dur ing t h e l ime limy

are milked. Unless they are at pe r fec t ease they do not give their milk f ree ly .

They should be daily milked ttn.lor the

same eondil ions.

Cows lhal are fed a l milking t ime

require their usual meal, or they umy becimie restless or dissatinlied, and p u t

a s top to their Imtinly, Many of Ihom will only allow some special favor i te te milk them. In those jiarts of t h e

couu t ry where women arc solely em-ployed to milk, wo f requent ly And one o r two tuneful lannien ninging ul their

work, nml many cows becume no pleased with t h e rus t ic harmony nn to shuw ovi-

dciit Higun of their npprovalof the hind, sweet voice, by giving the milk only by

being sung to, Kvcrylbing that din-Iriu-tn the at tent ion of Iho cow und

nillles her p lacidi ty should In. avoided

when calb-d U|nm to yield he r milk . Her nervous system should uo t lie ex-cited by s t range noises, uuwelcomo objects, or rough Iroaluient.or llm oiroct

will In. apparent in a doniinialied nupply in Ihe milk pail. II would no d o u b t In- gu.nl advic". on the whulo. lo tell

. Ibuso w ho milk that Ihoy should hohl their longuen and keep their temin-m.

The Gonnecticiit farmer appears to have siifllcient roasons, indeed, to say- tha t " s p i i ' d t is silver, bu t nilonce in go lden ,"

I'drfitl l(rrl|>ra.

Bkmkdv foi i Pom, Evi l , ani> FihtuiiA, —Take one peck of May app le roots, wash t h e m c loau; then put Ibem in to one gnllun uf water ; Imil il down to one p i n t ; then nlraiu and mid otic p in t of

t l m oldest bog'a bird yon can g o t ; t hen Imil it down to one pint , and il in Ul for

line. Grease once a day. every olb.-r day . for three d a y s ; then slop, I ha rd -

ly ever m i l it on more Uian twn t imes . 1 have a mare here now with t h e l ls tula, which I r u b b e d Ihe second l ime abou t leu days ago, and i t is alHiut gone.—

Cor. Cincinniifi Oazettc.


Take seven pouiiils of sound grain 's on

t h e s t e m s ; have the bmnehes as |n ' r fect

an inmsible iiml Jiack them snugly wiUl-otil brenkiiig. in u stone jar . Make a

s i r u p of four pounds of honey uud one pint of vinegar, with cloves and ciuna-mon to suit , or a lnmt th ree ounces of each is tho rule. Boil them well b>-

ge tbe r for twenty minutes and skim

we l l ; thou turn while Iniiling hot over Ibem. and seal iiumi-dhilely. They will keep for yenm if you wish, and are ex-ceedingly nice. Apples, jiendiOB and

jiliims may In' done in tho nunie way,

Pka.-ii MahmaIiADR,—Take nnmll and

ini|n>rfecl c l i n g s : they will no t admit

of In-iug removed from tho stone in pieces of uniform size and sluqie, bu t

you enii pare them, and af ter cu l l i ng from Ihe stone, place them in a jxirce-laiu kettle with one pint of water to two

quar t s of f r u i t ; Imil Uiem until nofl;

take off, uud pu t through n seivo with u wotnlcn jmbilo nuwher. Thou n- lurn to llm kettle, add ing one p ul of nugar to

every qua r t of prepared f m i t ; b r ing t o a Imil ami neal while hot. I t can In.

sealed wilhoiit the n.blilion of the migar, and when eaten let il In- Hweeten.-d wilh

white sugar to the laste. I t t hen grea t ly

resembles f rodi peaches,

B a k k o ToMATuKi Cannkh,—.Select luniat.B-s uf u nearly uii iform mzo, t r

place the largest where t h e hea l is the hlrongenl, ho lhal nil will cook uniform-

ly. Two inches or two and a half in

diaim-ler is the best size. Bake t h e m in ear thenware in large pie disboa if

al blind. I,.-! Iho heal In. Hlrongenl on

Iho top, so lhal tin- juiee will not cook away loo fant. An botir'n l i m u o u g h l to cook tlieni nullieienlly. When l e n d e r

tbioi igl iont . they make a de l ight fu l d ish , served hoi. If they are to \y. cau-

ned. llu- i-uiih Hhould In.' hot uud jvery-

th ing ready In fure Ihoy are taken o u t uf the uven. Then they nhoiild be lift-ed i|llii'hly into Ibe iiinn, and some of tin- juice Itii uml in io llll n p every lay-er. If the juiee ia dune away, till u p wilii Imiling water, tiiuiigh i t will not

be so good. Have Uie juice or water

till tlm cairn even full and seal a t once. If t he r e has ln>on any delay in ti l l ing

the cans . or. perhaps any way a t Iiml trial , it might be In-nt to set the cans in hot water, nml Imil a few minu te s to

make sure tha i the air is qu i te expel led In-fore sealing. These will keep, l ike

o the r canned tomato's, au in.lelluile

length of t ime. When wanted t hey should be taken ou t ou a p ic dinb with

the juice, boated t h r j u g b in the oven and sent to Ihe table hoi.


" Corn !• Xing of mo Wot -' Thrin-> Oali " Th' Moner Vnrallon Thn rarm">'

Morrmrnl -The Urango an I il« Pnllllial Inlturnc.

l l o« I I'llnl or te

. • C n n i In U l n a b( I h e « • •n l , "

in u i rnr . n. mmr. He.'! loft a n d r i g h t of nn.

Par out of n igh t of en

H I . m i g h t y h a t t a l i n n n

Are luarBhalod 111.day !

H i a n d i n g up , n n e hy ono .

H igh In ' h e g l e a m i n g nun .

Hoe tlm IIiiob nlretdilng Away a n d a w a y !

N o gmiB or c a n n o n a d o

M a r a h a l e d on d r o n n - p a i a d e .

On ly t h e g l o a n i l n g - h l a d o :

Mark you t h a t g l o a m i n g H a d e

Art inan n e v e r mai lo ,—

I' .merald u n i f o r m ,

TanBoJy of go ld ,

I l a u n e n i of a l l k e n n h o e n :

D e e p l l i e i r l i r i gh t fo lda l i e lween

A i-omui-npla

K a d i Holdler'B h a n d I i u I i I b .

l . o n g e in ro t h e i r man- l i In g a n .

N e ' e r will l l i e i r m a n - h I*, d o n o

"Til, ' nea t l i t h e Bett ing biiii.

How l l ie i r In-ailn, o n e hy nno, -

How In Ihe Biuiahine, Tl i e O c e a n t o g r e e t :

K n o w n e i t h e r p a u n o n u r rent.

Never t i l l gh iamn tho i r c ree l

O ' e r >11 t h o m i g h t y Went ,

A n d t h e w a v e * of O c e a n

Holt a t t h e i r f e e t .

Pra i r ien g r u w g r e e n wi th I h o m !

Seo you Ihe bIiccii of Ihom l i n o u | ion l i n e of t h e m

S t r e t c h i n g a w a y ?

ItankB lUnm rankn of I h o m ,

Kmcra ld h a n k n of t h e m .

W h o will o u t n i i m h e r

Theno logioim l iwlay ?

Kingn u p u n a n d e n t t h r o n o n ,

Iluildo.1 on l i i l inan hnnen ,

' N e a t h whoec fo imda t ion-n to i i cn

H e a r ye a na l i i .n 'n griKom,

Mer i t y o u r nr iulen

K en Kame'n t r a n n i e n l h r e a t h :

O u t o n t l ; j w h o l e of I h o m !

Itlot o a t t h e rol l uf t h e m ;

W h a t I h t h e i r mer i t

f a v o hloinlnhod a n d ( loa th ?

And ha i l In n u r g lor ionn

Armien v i c t n r i o u n !

H e a r yo t h e d i c e r f o r I h o m '

W h e r e a re t h e neon i of t h e m .

Coii<|uering p o v e r t y ,

TI iobo are "our country'b pride," l loach ing o u t f a r a n d wide.

P a r t o t h e Bel l ing biiii

(lloaming their creBta: All t lm i i i gh iln var t reglniiB

l . o n g m a y t lm f a i r logioim

Of P l e n t y a n d P e a c e

Hland g n a n l o ' e r t h o W o b I ,

I'rnlrii I'lirnur.

••Thrm'i. (liim.'. " D o u r Oeorge, how nweel und wavy

lhal wheal is 1" exclaimed a fair yonng Imly, hniking languidly from a car win-tluw, " Y e s , love, how beau t i fu l ! " nays

dear George, more intent on insinnnling h is urm around a twenty-four bone cur-

ne t—" how- likoiv—a—howlike n dn-ntnl" "How- l ike outs ." re tor ted a disgusted

g range r—" Uiom's oats , yonng man,"

T h e . l i n n e t ( I n e n l i a n ,

A corres]wudent in Pomcroy 's Demo-

crat says : " 1 tell our men this. Sc.- if I nm

right. That t h e value of nu r farms will

increiun- in proimrl iun as the rale uf in-terent is luwei d ; tha i t h e Imsin of uitr

valuation is the rail. If we receive So

net rent from an acre of ground, we claim Hint acre to In- wurth 950, In'cunse Ihe nib. of inb-renl prevniling here is W per cent . I f liic ra te was lowered to

88,50, the nnme acre would In- valued at 815(1. In-eatim- t h e & income (nut In'ing

changed) wutild |«iy um. for lhal sum •it 8} per eeut, A farm having ii]Hm it a 88,000 mor tgage a l 10 pe r c e n t , could Imar just as eunily Ihe burden of 8U.OOO

a t 8 ] p e r c e n t , l e a v i n g 8 0 . 0 ^ for jn-r nninont improvomenl . which would mid th is much to the nalional weallh. by

cnlliug into prol l lable us., unemployed

lalmr and undeveloped material. That

t h e real increase of mor tgage would oc-cu r since t h e proport ion would remain tho same—that is, as a 88,0011 umrtgnge

ul It) per c e n t , is to a farm valued now at , say 810,000, so is u SI'.OOO mortgage at 81 per c e n t , to tho hanm farm valued

al 8 :l0|000—llm mor tgage reiiiiiining nl three- tenths of tho vnlnution.

The advan tages to t h e poor d—l of n

f a rmer would In. t h a t tho income f rom

the udditiouni 8<>,000 would In' whully hin own, and could In. appli.-d lo remove th is debt . B u t sonu-budy nitiHl nuffor

lonn—so they will; the follows who have

lieen robbing us of two-thirds of our incomes—Ihe credi tors who havo In-en

cluirging Ihree t imes Um mueh int.-resl. Then Old Honesty , o r rather Old Be-nevolence, ankn: Would il uol In. In-IU'l to have Uie change grudtial I You nee

he hits In.en robbed silently; iu the

dark, realizing the loss but uot undor-s tanding its cause.

form a natiuual parly uf farnn-m aud Iu Hotel Poisoning. secure Uio Ihingn ho dosiron by Unit Kmin t'i. Hortun Journal,

n ie t lnnl ; for m-ilhor ni rpeulnrs , nur T h o fuel tha t a very largo nnmbor of nhin-uiiik.-m, nur uiiihuiih, nur fiirmem pi-rnuns whu have piiMned Ihe siiinnior

can fiirm n parly of tboniselven. But ho at Um Whi te MotinbiiiiH have rolnrned will net with Iiml party wliieb umnl lo llieir oily ronidouces and a n - n o w nuf-

tiearly c inf.iruri to hi . wi dion. His foring frum typhoid and nluw- fever, is ho|H. is, liin ininniun nuw ei, bis recoiirn.. a l l r ae l ing alloutiun mid oroating wide-in, Iu hi. far shuw bis Hlrenglh as to nmld Npri-ml iihirni. Funrt.-ell "ibis, uf illnenn

nheiieliiin uf one uf llii-gli al parlies in eau be cuiinl. d alnullg the buarders uf wilh lie. inter, nl i The Dein- a ningle llulel, Tlm iluclom UHm rl lluit

iM'ralie parly needs liltle muldilig. The (be cause of Uiis illness in di-feclive preferenee uf the fnrmom in md in druiuagi

d o u b t "

I.IMIU V m n i a — » « l i l r r n . - - n i m ' l rllr ll.lr Rulornn, bol ilmylrapplr i.'lia ll^l.ii .iprni j.i.u Urr. nrck and ir l,|i..i,-i K .llinii.iii ii|K,n jour hair, tm »',iii •.>i.i|>l.'>li.ni.o4rl|r.ai.flaiiil

nam ill, anil ymi c.k'I irll wlial .ml II II rtmiivBi fi nrklrt, I an. lalli.wiif ii, ilnir maika,aii.|li |,al. h-. I. .1. . and III I'lam . f . ip.l. Mllllr farn, fna ha>n IhB marl.tr l.illllr I I an r|.|illilln btll'. II Hiin In inlitdlB mr ll,,, I'lcim nl i.rr|»riiial r.<iilli Add Ihf ir i ITrrla In a iplnndld li'-id i f half fn^nrrd I., lie- Kalhtlfl.tl, md a lady hn dnnp hfl l>Ml in *Bjr nf ad..rum.nl llfi.lk.ii mil imr iii, ipiHilrr i ia lm nl aili'l. • an al.noid.

The lirnnao mm Iln I'lilllli nl InSHenre. "II, 1.1 ." in Winlrrii Itiinl.

Iu the Western Bural . uf Sept , 12th, I nuticed a pioee by T, K. Ph.i.nix,

milking inqnirien aliunt tho (irnngisnlnu

snggCRting how Ihe Cning i ' s lmnld In-run with mrin' adviuibige to iln nioin-

In-rs, According lo ou r " f r i e n d . " meinln'm

of llio ( ininge bnve none of the privi-legen the outside world elljuys. " Puli-

t ics uud rel igion," the twu g rea t qnes-lions of Um day (htiiunn interests, he terms it), nre forbidden iu tho ( in inge.

No |H'rson who linn taken on himnelf I h

llr. I lan' l \\ m » r r of II i mI o i i . ''II d"«ii • ilnlftfchtriMMr fl# trrn

lielween lluW ami next May 'dr lii.nird. III I . M i l i n i , and iii|.| 'ii'd I.. In-drad Mnlr.oi Mnilalnl l.lliliiiriil wai frrrly Hani, milfrlliniln frtlojril, (ill llf#- •ii«f h ' r«mr h.'in* in ritfNi mr,k$ Tku 1$ Ih* NM tl wontlvrful «t Iu f«.r Mnitirt, fipraid*. Rh»um«* lltni, * • I Ii i.rf • «|>««in. MltitflHinr. H<irrt, nr anf flrah. iHMir mi muarli' ailmffiil ii|h.ii man '.r bfa«l, rvrr ••vrirtf | | la hnnaiiOf I" aniinalf. fl hai aavrd murh •ufTrrlnii and niany IK

propr iolors of hote ls aud Inmnling buiiHen, if iln-y ciinsnll their own inter-

ohIh, will devote their iitlention to a nubjocl which will be Iho llrsl qtioslion

lha l will In- linked when appl icat ion is

iiiade fo r Imnnl, L a s t yea r the resi d e n t s of Mount Deser t were alllieleil

owing to bad sewerage. T h i s year tho rcsidenln of t h e Gregory Houne al la ike Mnhopac. in New York, have lieen s t r icken duwn. nml our own ci t izens

who have lived at Whi te Moiitibiiti ho-tels nud Imanling buiisos. have .-.11110

I nick feverish. Thin han uot Inn.n llui enno al Iln. larger hotels, where prupod

WEEKLY WISCONSIR F o r 1 8 7 4 - 7 6 .

I n l a r g e d a n d I m p r o v a d .

TIib Wirai 1 Wiacimaia will aoon »iil,r n|ain ita mil v.iliimr, ami II I" llm piir|nnMof llm |.ni|irlrlora lhal II aliall In. 111 llm fill.ire, ntrn In a mnro pre-iiiilnint ilrgm. thin in llm paal, thn rhntim and nnal mmidnlr «.-»ll, | « | ' r pnldlalml m Ihn N.rrlli. " " I . II haa 1*1.11 riilarvd, and nn" a|.|ieani in imn i,|<- lhnini|hiinl,lhna inrniililnK Um rmdnr md iinly with ninrn miliar wllhnnl aildlll'init roal, Imi with lhal 1 ami iliatral.li' thin* In a peiwr. a clear l>|".rfra|i!il. al lnl|imalini.

i;»rry ili>|«rlinent .if a mfnpmhmial.n nnwa •ml lllrrary l^ln-r will Im rrpmieiili-d In tlm WiaeoNan.. and rai'h dtjiarlnii nl will rn-pltn a|nn*lal rare. I


In any Jnni Tliriinnnin, I. • luni-d -11, W,

nm 1 l"d In .riH.k, Clmmtit,"

T H E M A R K E T S .

NKW VOIIR, I n no 41:1 ill

r, 14 r, .vi I .VI id « -if

14 Id*, 3 III 14 5 HI

<4 1 IV. '.'.Sut

precaut ions have been Inken to gmir r

obligation o f ' t h e Order lian the privi- agaiiint defective drainage, bu t it is in lego uf joining in any uf t h e " imlitical 1110 suialler hotels and Imardinghouses , p.arCajTtB-Kair m , 010-,.

wniugh 's ," or g iving h is i ipiniuniin tin- where t h e privies and the wells a n . 111 H Z r - o ^ r nMimn^ :::;:::.

o logv .u r t l i opMiH- r iniHlenuf liaptiBin, pr-'*iniily. and where Ihe ur even disciinning the gn-at H. T, w» 1 ' r U th rown . . i l l near the W a « t - j U il,*.i

Hcandid c a s e - a m i shu l l ing theno qitos- 11,111 "Howed lo soak away, A oA T ,_wi,irni l iuns from t h e C m go resul ts iu " ig- '""1 s-ituelimes 11 few uuninco." nml, " whore ignonim-o is, weeks, in snlHcienl to impregnnle the I'oss-Mw*

dea th soon follows," noil, a n d the hen l s .mn cn-nl.-s a innla- .-ini-Aob'.

Th i s in certainly hard on tlm (Ininge, ria which in of ten fatal . When it is no 0 Mniinm to'cholE#.. , « t» ( a i n " and the fuuudem of th is O r d e r , tha t af- easy to bui ld a drain to carry away all ,".!'!r.': ;'.'.'.

ter all llieir boanled talk of " ediical ing '" ' I" ' ' 1 ' " " t t e m , il is only through crim -und roliuing the people, " there sliutild imil neglect tba t uiistinpocling pomuns Knn-Fr^h

bo 11 eliiiine in the coiistiliiliun thai i l l l l , w , l t I" ''"B"!?" f " " " " 1 ' would shut . .ul the l ight f rom the is 'st-huns.-s. We- wutild remind the w n « . - s j ^ a K . No. 1

Orange, and leave no subjec t wurthy uf propriotera of hotels that ano ther year Omn-No. r

cousidoration, and thiiHili-feiittho prium 'hoy will bo oxpecled bi iinnoiiuce llm object of the Order , I am not nn " .ml- eondit ion uf their drains, or Boston

s ide r . " 1 am a " h o m y liiiuded Gnitig- is-oplo will stay al home.

o r . " aud havo a sutlieieul iitnuiiul uf hayseed" iu my hair 1.. be recogni/,ed In te res t ing to l i u a l b l Ladli-s.

.u. such anywhere, and 1 kuuw pret ty " ' n " V . " ^ ' ( well what in going on here. K, V. I ' i k b c x , M. U.. Uufftlo. N. Y,

• l l l l l l M I I B i l B M I l f

f i r . J . W u l k c r N C i i l i r o n i l n Vii t -pgn i ' l l l l I m m o a purely Veaetablo

bill' 1. lai, .»• hi.i (• 1-iu-ii aad fl .ni-*r ln,.ila, Uh-iWiaitanilof Nen r>er}<hln< of (Mwral la- piepaiatiuii . llhulo elliellv froui Ihfi tia-a ii , .,f iminlniMla i , , ^ . „ bun, and ahnad. •Ill Had aii*n,.n,i» | | \ o lierlM found Oil lllO lower rntlgOA of Aneilrel-rlalf labal mnnu.^,, ll market Tnporta, alway. nf (mM im- UlO Sk-rrd Nci a.hl lUOIIIItlllllS of Cllllfor-

l-rlaine Iu llm farmer, will rerrl.e rareful retlalon nl.l. lllO Inedil lll ll | i rOI«rt lM of Which i r- lo naklM .hem aa aerwrale rt.u-,l|d , , x t l , l r , t , d Hii'ieflulil W itholll lllO Use

of Alcohol, The ntieatloti Is nli i i .«t

Irnaly l«l randntl, .U.enaa the eamnl .i.,de. of Ihe I n » k ' , l ' 1 " U , , : , t » ' ' l ? C n , , W J " f , 1 1 ' 0

llnn-B. md wilh a <mw lo aul-en. ,-r.llan ead . , 1 U , ! ' ' i r , ' ' l | C | p , l '"CrcSS 'if N INH.l.VIt Bl l -i,ni ih, rannr of im.h, jnaiirr . n d *on.i .ro.en.-11 K u s ' Our nuswer is. l l iat they reiiiovo rami. . the catiM of diACanc. nml tbo palicnl rc-

Thr .ir|«rinmni of Aiiion, a« hrrHid.ir', wiiinm- i covers his licalib. T h e y are the g r e a t tain aerial MerMe. from aalbon ,.f arknowteil(ed blimd ntiriflcrnllll a llfo-givllig pritieiplc, alnlillia. nmnlnff from three lo four nnnaba, and | a | icrfcct liCIIUVatOr and l l ivigorator nh.ir1 aturi'* and akr-lchra'of aurh charartnr aa will uf | | , 0 Kygtem. Never Iiefore 111 t h e inlrrral all rlanM. ' Ili.torT of" the world haa a medicine ln-ell

rhnyonnc fnlka will alwaya Rml noinHlilD* to ri,ni|BiUiiijoil | cu ing the rein.irk.ililn

ni,>i.A-i tin io.nan* in.oiira hi..Her inirlfollo, with Ihn addlll ,1 very lull lut of worda llk.'ly |o I.- uaad l.y era, who, lo un the ...rr. i t iii.'Uii.« of tlirm, may »ft.-ii idadly avail Iheinaelvri nf Ihla handy and Invriilona aaililanl, A dlrtmnary ..I aynonyrai.

rhrlfltan namea, a hrlrf Ijal ..f a"|iira|ih.

invenlnnl of | nrra m Ihn Irad na domeallr and foreign Telly.f mrrelal eenlera, Iln edllorlal departmnnl will frar

1.31 1 i i,rr|inlnal ralnndar

•rj >4 tfl 14 I

•t ,VI (4 4 IH .1 •« 14 f, SO 3 HI 14 « '»

r. m I'J .4 30 •

1 III ut d 4 ,V| ,4 » ,VI

14 US Si .1 «"•,

anil tlmlr laate. while arlldea relatlnx lo Ihe farm. Ihn irirdrn. Ihe honnehold. art. ncleuce. Illrrature, and Hxiely will have I dace m each laane, Inahorl, II In Ihe Inlenlloi, of Ihe proprlelnra of Ihn WarxLt n'mcmrain that be who taken and rea.la II regularly and carefully aliall In- Informnl n|>in all eurrenl

I i ipmnlloua of (eneral lin|nrlance, even If he rn«.| no "X olhnr in-rlodlcal; ami Ihla Inlentlou they bate Ihe

pnr|uae and alallty lo carry onl. Agriita and I'onlmaaleni furnlabiil wilh aaniplea,

and other Information ou appllcalloti lo Ihe pro-prli-lorn. I'anvaia. rn winteil.

1-wlmantera will ftn.l II for their tnterat lo enm-inilllkate wilh na, Saniplen anil lo any addrrea.

All li-lli-m nhonlil In* carefully adilri-aieil,

C R A M E R , A I K E N 8 & C R A M E R , l-roprlelura WraaLT WlnroKai*,

Milwaukee, Win, llVB—No. lUnLKV -No 5. . Pnaa—Slcne, new, I.IU1., ,.,

i i . - . » j s s s s j z j s z i '

IlKrr OATTI.K,. ItlMIB—Uvi' Hurxr—Idvo Kuna—Kanilly., WllMT —lletl Coa* Oata IKK,


I r» • inoni iiii|HK.fi!.iu iu niooii no gieni "nn inn um-t l l i n g n « t r e p u b l i c i t i s o u r d u l y I u I n . trceB. All ..f t l n x e s e v e r e u o a r a l g i c pain, .

, , . , i . . . ,. hive dinapiicaioil. 11iev wcro en l«il at limes p u s t e d u u t b o n u b j o c l u f r u l i n g u t t r g u v - , „ , | k „ l o n l l , | i r f h H l r o .

Ktr,. IIOtl,KV—No, I'l.aa JIr»a....

. . yuu several ivecks 11«MJII ! . . . . . ' d i n i ' i i s s e d w i l h i l l working h o u r s uf 111. . Binco c o n c e r n i n g the i m p r o v e m e n t in my poiia—MIWA,!!! .

fSeiiiuri. slill IVI. Imvi. ill.Vi e vol ET- LI'-allli. which is now very anparonl. I have Lam ( . r a n g e , still we have never ye t ex- U R „ | |K,(HE of Vavorite Preseriirtlun with S T , LOUIS, haiisled all logltllliate silbjeels. 111 tho IMNT ronnltn, althniigh I wil l ailmit I was Urrr C*TTt*-Clioice f a d , we lind SU iniich Iu ocetipv ou r "."•"J".1.'" «»«"' " " U v , " I ' "

. . . . . Bhort time only). 1 look It M.dcr very ilinni- snrjd'-JI.ML to ehotce. Iiinr nini tlioiigliiH, ui-|iiivi» Uot OLIRI* ^ANUKWIUI* rirriimMaiio«<II- LUMNU thr MI|«R- PI.NI-N.-HI.RIIIU XX thought of thus.' formidable subjects, VW'.'U of Hie hou-e aud . h i r i n g " nm.e clean- W I . r » T - V ' . 3 Kail

R. . . . , , "'I-' I was oflcn obliged, hrough the Incom- COA* lint if it IS ntlpposed by this Hint the iicicucvof help, tudn mora t lianl niighlto, " — V " Grange in iguonint of these quest ions . J 1 " 1 - "F ' • " , , R H C - • " • ' ' " r od drcailfnlly, lift, d when

, . , . , . . . . . . . . . , . I o u g h t mil t o Imvo ra ined my hand , and d id and is uol interested l l l l l iepul l t ical Sgt- all I could to hnng " o n l e r out uf diam. hut tatiiius around us . a g rea t mistako is UIMN laying anide all caren » n d coulinning Hin MII.WATLKKK.

, „„ , . # .1 # i N-ININLY. I lliiil, iflcr luUng lew Ihtii one l»ol- OATTI.I I -*:hok*LOR» t r i IMM*. uuulu. 1 hi' WUMvt uol nf till* lOllim'TH ||«f i i IM HO I I P H i i.ci»ellliy| llml I I i»\»M|ih- Mrdlum to rhofc® . of t h e Order wns to shnl ou t from thu cimtinuod iho u-o, with nn n-tuni of tho . . TYNUMON to fair / . . I I . » I I I n v m p l o n m o f w h i d i I wrote y o u . I have n n f - I J ™ U 1 . - I ' Grillige these elemetiln of disi-urd, and ( R R , „ | toiril.ly. , m d what added to mv dinlron N. N ^ M I I L ^ , . plnt-o i l un a fuiindiitiun secure from ni l «»» "io coiin'loiiBiicnn of not procuring relief Knon-Pmh

, . . . . . . , f rou i o i d lna rv nonrcon; at l imeB it B.-emod ill- I'I/II.B—Wlilte w m i . r e i l r a , political aglbitum. XOL. an citl/4-lls uf MIWL imiKMniiilo LO ntand no great nan the din- Sprinn extra

- - ' B . WIITAT—Spring, No, 1 Spring, No. 3

Cout-No, 1 prennnre. -J

eruiliont, lllld the pr ime ob jec t of the T l i o y BCCIII in have l e f t mo like m a g i c , nud- LIVR -No . 'L , • , . 1 : 1 . . . : . . . . . I _ . donlv. and have had nn return: all other BViiui- H a b l k t — N o , 3

( . r a n g e is to ouliglltcn ILN inemln m so L O M H | „ V O | « , n remov.-.!. The novere w .-aL- Poaa-Mnaa Ihoy may vob- intelligently, irrcHpcelive imsn and faintoten havo .linap| ieare<l, and I can of party i :" '-'l'"'"1'"1, <»mp»I*tlva EANO now. I —

(4 I 11 1431 VI

It Ii US

.1 SO 14 ft OU n mi id 7 ni

, n.l so If. ( 3J JS ,4 SO

, I HI 14 t IK nj (4 B4 5.1 (4 57 OT 14 'JT

t 13 .4 1 35 <433 30

11^14 15

I 4 no M 4 75 .1 in 14 ;i 7s ,1 7,-i Id r, 75

. 4 in M 4 35 5 in 14 r, in

14 t M HI Id HI

511 as I ill Id I nl

MVI ill 15 M 15%

I 5 Ml 14 fi l>l . 4 50 14 5 11

:i ill 14 4 35 . r, v. .4 « 75 . :i 111 14 4 35

37 M III 14 31

. r, u i (4 s no

. 5 IK, 14 n 111 14 -JHH

14 BUS 14 411 14 HI* (4 1 OU MSl no

I4.SM is

(iained F i f teen Pounds of Flesh . Socri. Raawica, Me,. Jan, 17. IBT}.

II, a Sravaai. Iimr Sir—I havn hid nyapepila in III worit

form for Ihn lail Ion ynan. and have taknn hnn-drediof dollara worth or medlrlne wllhnnl oh-Uluma any rrlmf. In anpltmber Im I rom-m.-iimd taking Ihn VKOKTIM . Itnre whlrh limn my hnalth haa alnadily Improi ed. My food dlaai.a well.and I have nalnnd AHeen pnundi nf Hnah. TlinrnareaeTeralolhenln Ihli place taking Ihe VKOKTINK, and all have obtained relief,

D Y 8 P E P 8 I A . HYMITOIIH-Wanl of apprllU, rlilnffcf tinid and

«liiil from (br ilnmach, aridity of tka ati'marb, hrarlbtirn, dryncM and wklt#nrM of the lontfu^ in lha morning, aeiiaanfdlalrnalun In Ikr atmnarh and Imwrli, aomptimct rumbling and pain: coa-

, llvrnrti, •htih la iH-raaionally Inlrrraptad bj dl irrh.ra; palrnraa «f tbf nrliit. Tha mouth It rlanimy, or hat a tour or bittar taatc. Othar fre-qurnt ajmploma are »at^rl>raib, palpitation of th** heart, haadacha, and dlaordan of tha aaniaa, aa ageingdoubla, Ac. Thar* la genaral drMlltf, langunr. aud atrrralon to motion; dalactlon of tha apinti, dlaturlkod ilaap, and (rightful draama.

FEEL M Y S E L F A NEW MAN. Natick, Man , Junt Ul, in7j.

Ha. II. R. Sravaaa: near Sir-Through Ihn advice and earnrat per-

aiiailnn of Rev. K. s. Unit, nf Ihla place, I havn Is-nn laklng VROKTIRK for nyipepila. of which 1 have inffnrnd for yean. I have uaed only two botllea. and already feel myaelf a new man.

Reipeclfully, UK. J. W. CARTRR.

I'mlitio* of V i n k o a h HiTTKits 111 healing the nick of e v e r y ili«enno m a n i« h e i r t o . T l i e y a r e a g e n t l e P u r g a t i v e a s we l l an a T o u i c . r e l i e v i n g C . i i i ge . t i n i i o r I n l l a i m n s t i n i i o l

t h e L i v e r a n d Vinceral O r g a n * , in B i l i o u s U i » e « K i

T h e p r o p c i l l c s of Dn, W a l k e r ' s V i . v k g a r H i t t h i s arc Apcnciit. liianhoretir. C a r m i n a t i v e . X t i l r i t i ou* , L a j a i i v e . b i u r e t i r . S e d a t i v e . C n u t i t o r - I r r i t a n t , S u d o r i f l c , A l t e r a -

- l i v e , a n d Al l t i - | l i l in i i< . R, II. MeDONAIaD CO..

Hrif ei«l» and (ien. Acta- Sua Frandawi, California, and i-.ir. of Waihinrton and Charltnn 84a,, N, V.

Raid iiy ni l Dragglala a a d D t a l c n .


Pine Tree Tar


Nature's Great



Throat & Lung

Diseases, A Source of Great Anxiety,

. „ havo informed you ere this of my im- AnU y n n v QfAna T W W f n r n n r ^renVlh and annellte h i tli.-no western nbib-s (on|n!cndly iirovemciil. for I appreciatcl it. Imt I wan fear- ASK l O U T p t O V e i i e a i e r lOF OUF 1 rJlViaie Agt „

" "" ** 1, i^rt l < , " , l l l » llniiig,1 Hu,iluOie,ln g n - n l w o r k , u n d , i n 1111 i n d i r e c t w n y , w i l l c u i u h l e r t h o heiieticiai n-Biilis | > e n u a n o n t .

c i i n l r u l , t o 11 g r e a t e x t e n t , t h e i H . l i l i c n o f A " ' 0 ! ' 1 "f m y ' i c b I wis l ios f o r y o u r f n i u r e biic-' , . 1 c -bb . u n d voi t r kmdiii-Bs in advinnig mo ,

t l m c o n u l r y . A u d y o u m a y n e e t h e ' Very- t n i l the ellect iu w-lliug aside tln-so uhl • ' |niliti-

cnl backs" nud eleet ing 1111-11 uf honor : 111011 whune interonl lien nut with the

Mi l s . SI. .\KrtlE S n v u k i i .

T m Tlioiisaml People. Tlii'iv iiri' imiri' tInin ten tliiiiiHiiinl

P a l c u l ELBOW.

Hnilmi.Naii., Jnne 5,

What I Know About Vegetlne. Bouru llono*. May -J. two.

Pits Any Angle.

wi lh Ihn VKOITIHE. f o r I l y i n e n i l a . l lenera l Oe-b l l l l r and I n p n r e blaod. (he VRORTIKB It anpe-n o r loany lh l i i i r which I have e » r r

For Sale by all Drug-

gists and Storekeepers.



GIFT CONCERT in Atn o r n o t

. . . .1 no ' . nce . l Hiat Hm C u n c o i t u i l l ihm n o c e n s n r y I u b r i n g i n t o t h e ( . n i n g . - I l i e s e „ „ N l . 1 ( , l l l U , r 30 , 1 ^ 4 . c o m ,

elomclltH uf dincur.l lo efl'ecl ull the ( In inge proposes to ae'couiplisb, d ining bull for Hnrvanl Col

Ei.m Ouovk, Iowa. O. I. ( ' . I'jgo will In. rendy for ocoupation ou the -rnnei ' i'rire iTi'i ; Inl of October, On thin sub jec t t h e ' *,111

F"r rh"iia, Bmging Srho* la. CoiiTtntlona, ate. Hy I». y. IfuiMiM aud H. W, FouTBg, authora of

Iht* "Hacrrd rrown." rtr. Comiirlamg. I. Mualcal Notation; 1, Vi»ral ('ultura; I, Kour-I'art Ki.nga; 4, IJ>mii Tiinra; \ anlhciiM ami t'haiita; •», blandard

Baoipleropjr ittil |Mioi pald

Vrgrthip U mmid by all llraggUla.

Hook I h Kt r r y ( hol r . " n.L,;.,R n;.., RU N . . Hoston Advertiser nays I I is cortiun- T H E A N T H E M O F F E R I N G ! B a l t i m o r e t h e O h a m p i o n U l l y n o U o o n I I I . . . i l l I „ Sew A n t m n i a . SnnteKcci, Mnle le and Cban ta ,

TT -' u TT f TJ f«,n v IH. T X|RI li'il ill.IT tlliTO Ulll IM 111) fur ll|Nrnlntf and t luting puMlr Woiablp Hy I). Hunliog—Hew Uw for ooman 0.in- •i.:-.*!,;# m-nr-' I m I w ^ h tlm ain ^ ""iH*»i,fi w KoiTggand i .h . tub i t . rn ra

mtiriJ PIMdlll U.IFH IH tUct II llii1 Hill- in iii Mami'li* <-«.|iv •*'iil iM.al-paid on racrlptof 71 , 1 | M ' denln . now Unit nnoh au . r a n t d in ino " " u l ' K K " l'»WUImri. Ib.iion.

From Ihf llalllmorr Ann-rlraii. S. |'i. 15.

D R A . G . 0 L I N

IIAVflfRICLIICr. Don-t dtipalrl Bead Iba cream ot aiadlcal litaratara 1 Tblrty yiara aftong tka af-

114>ra irom aa t a r l y f r a v a ; l o t t n u l i l y . n a i v o u i w, a k n e i i ; who may m a r r y ; w b f cot: Imi roamory; Impaired health. Thlrti. lac-

niore ' biscuit warn' lielween the sltt-

d.-iits. now lliat ntich au elcgnut d ining hull has been procured fo r Ibem. and

11 is naid tha i t he r e bus b e n for some tbus.i bread and Imtb-r • sk inu i s l i e s ' l ime a very lively r ivalry butw-eon t h e w l l i l . i l |W V 1 , i ^ , , f , i r veai-n indulged in

. spor t ing men of l l a r f u r d euiiuty and „» t t . n o n (,|IU(H days must at last Ik- i i

thtiM-uf Haltiniorr. l i i n iMHiiout Iiml uwuy.willi, a n d wo ventnro lo pro- wrrid^iM'Tdaibhicago'Mfdicaiinatiii^pricg

centered uii t h e ques t iuu us Iu which d ie t that beyuiid tui iH-cusioiial rush al ootild kill t h e greatent n u m b e r uf i-.>ons t | 1 0 duorway there wiU Im no minia ture in two nights, mid to de l e rmino thin a „( | l l ( . a |M io

grand mnU-h was made up,uud camo oil .

h i s t w e e k , c l u n i n g u n S a t u r d a y w i t h a O i . n U i - m i i i i o s D i w - A n i i K i ) , — T l u u i k

b r i l l i a n t v i c - t u r y f u r t h o I L i l t i n i u r e a n s , h e a v e n , t h e u h l s c l n n i l p r a c t i c o in p a s s -

Hcarf and hisf r iemls ,of l l a r f u n l county , calome1, blis- , - l h - - u . • l e r n i g . t i l l , l l l l i c o l , u n d ( w u r s e l l l l l l l n i l ) , Snn i r l n r t . . « l l . . l l i i - ra . Kvi-ry I ' lano War ran lnd

by mam streiiKtb and perseveramv, r i l l l l i i m V l , giv..,, p b t c to a killed l if teen cuous uml wore grea t ly now remedy, which biibi fair bi bee.nne e l a t e d . T h e y c o n s i d e r e d i l a s u r e t h i n g t h o iniiirrnil mcilMui: n/ tiuinkiiid.

tha t Har fo rd eoun tv would In. the vie- V i shuai i H i i t k i w in tha i rom.'dy. It in

tor. They even chaired Ihe l lal t imore- <>f " " " j h ' r , J , , , . ., cural ives now Iiefore t h e world. T h e

a us. n n d v o l u n t c e r e d advice t o give it pb iu - inacpo ia aud coun|n.'clnn uf t h e tip. Th i s woke n p Qoorge J u n e s and regular l-'iiciilly contain iiuthing that Ducket t , two of the most nu l i i i ng will ipare wilh it. Every d a y biin-

spor tsmen of the p resen t age, nud Ihov "J t ! " ' M i ' ; k" r ,• •"MRcipat iug them-, . . . . ' ni-lven fnun systems of Irealniont winch

deb-rmiuod lo r.-surl lo ntnilegy.

The Only B«liabU Gift DlSribaUea ia tha Ceaatrjr.

S T E I N W A Y $ 7 5 , O O O a O O GraiJ, Spare atiUpriillPiaDos, O t f U t o U dla t r t fc-

llnd fren nil application.

I a V a l n a W .

L. D. SINE S ITOth Rcfnlar Mtnlhlr

TlIK following epibipll appeai-n on u

tombstouo in Thuir won, Connect icut ; " I ' e r e lies tbe innly uf Juuuthan lUch-

unlHon, • • • xvhu never sacriflecd

hi - reason at the altar uf Kii|n-rnliliun's gihI, and who iievi r U-lievi d t int .folish

swallowed n whule,"

The furmern ' ,IIoi oincnl Is a l tniet ing the iittention of tin- poli-t icians in muni iHctiuiis uf the cuiintry.

I t i s u m n s i n g to no te t h e cuimiicntn of

t h e partinnn press nud puliliciaus ou the nubjocl. The fulluwiug in frum a

reoent nunibor uf t in. I 'inciniuili Eu-

.piirer, uud furmn par t uf an lulicle beaded " T h o f a r m e r s -imi I 'ulitien;"

" The farmer I u i h put iu an upjn'iir a n u . in .mr |niliU.<i. T h o til lers of the

soil are organizing in the i rown inton-nt.

Thoir separa te o r g a n i u l i o n will pruve

fu t i le , if, fo r the m u s t par t , they do nut u t tempt t o make the i r m-liu.-i |niliti-

. id . T b o (Iraugern are . und iippurently intend to bo, in n |smiliuu to act wilh

that par ty which a- -at nearly .vinforuu-bi their intoreHln. Iu nome of Un- west

e m nbitos Uie ugrictilliiral impulse aud

faraicrs ' g r i e v a m i n havo lem|nirarily dinturln-d par ty lines. In llumi' Im-ali

lien i t is notieeabl. . lluit llio nufell.-n d decliinitions of Ihe farmer are in favoi

of f r ee t rade , cheap muiiey uud cheap trann|Mirtaliun. II would Ih- dillieiilt

to Ibid uny coiifesniiin uf faith on hin ]iart more ur lenn Ihsn this. The l ie

publican pa r ly iu Obiu, the Itcpiiblieiin party everywhere , iintagonizes t h e in

t e res t of tho farmer in em-h of th I'HO imrticulars. It pn-aehea protection, the

chief foe of tbe farmer , l l advucules

dear muney and cunlnielion, which

have been yea r b y yea r nhiitUlig in un

the farmer wilh appallii ig inorcilonsness, 11 ndvocaten the Nutioiinl Kankn. which take twenty milliunn of dol lars annual ly

f rom the pockets of Ihe people, chicfly

from the- f i rmors , witbont cousidcra-lion. T h o u g h tlm nini of Iho ( i iangors

is not pr imar i ly imlitical, b u t industrial and self-proteoUve, there can In- nu

doubt lha l tho Un inge r s know llieir

friends. T h e fa rmer holds the puliticnl power in Ihis cuiintry. Ho will act in

b i M i i i t inter.-,I, a . ho ought to. ll

would be folly for him to ulU-mpt to

enta i l great .'ipoiiBi. and do no gimd, Ducke t t selected tho n ighl for t h e hunt , nml are Hying to this cheap und ubno-aml the lucidity Middle River Neck, lutely certain means uf relief. l)ys|>ep-J u n e s gut a pvroleehi i is t to niiiuiifae sia, rheiimaliHiii. liver cmip l a in t . peri- I t l U J t l f f l l U P J U f i l u r e a great lot uf rock.-to a n d Itomaii , ^ l , • f H W r M ' "i-'k hemkcl ie . kidney '

„ , , . „ „ d i s e a s . - n , c i i U H t i | m l m n , n e r v u t i n n l b e , r i ' i , , . , . , , . cundlen uf iiiiiiBual size. 1 lies., were ttonn. iiml in shur t all uniladien. iiciileor •"I"-"." ih-waoi.of many p.-rioi taken alung, a n d when the dogs t reed chronic, which d o not invulve the i m - " " " • T » M n » D n n o * v «




^ 0 , 0 0 0 X T * O O X j I D ! (INK I IHAND I-AHLL PKIZK OF

• ( 3 . 0 0 C 3 X J V e X X - a V J U K I'll MUIM.V Tl l l l iTV VKAItS TIIK n . .1 jinri. m • 11.- . -


N1NUFACI0RY AM) tALESIOOH. 2 3 * 8 5 R A N D O L P H S T . . C H I C A O <


N O V E M B E R 3 0 , 1 8 7 4 .

Drawing Certain a t that Date.

1.IMT OK IJIFTM. One U r t n d Caah UUt t Mn.000 One Oraud Caah Gif t 1 •0,0110 OueOrand I'aah (llll iS.UUI One (Irand Canh ( l i l t 511,000 One Grand Caah Gif t K J M

.1 C u b ( i m a . J J I , i " i each lui.nml IU Caah Gtfla. 14,ilOU each 140^10 13 Caah GlfU. 10,mil each ISn.OOU -JU Canh Glftn, 5,0*1 each 1UU,U10 U Caah G t r u . 4.1X10 t-a. li IIW.IUI 91 Canh Oll la. 3,IIU0 each •JO.OOO All Caah ( imn. -J,.UI each l(n,ano

IU) Caah OKU. 1,(01 emch IUVU) JdU-aab Glfla. W i each lai.UU) M l Canh Olfta, 1U0 each M,UOO

19,000 Caab Olda. SO each WO^JU

Grand total 31,IU0 GUtn, aU canh t2,V)0,aX)

FKU'K UK TH KKTS. Whole Tlcketa I MUO Halve. 3S 00 Tenth , or each Coupon i W 11 Whole Tlckrla for . !« l UO U S Tlcketa for , , , I ,WOO

For tlckrtn aud luformat lou, addrcna TIKI. K. llll AM I.KTTK,

AKCII and Mauager, Fnhlic U b r a r j Ilulldlnit, Ixmlavllle. K Y .

• m o B A t t l O O x - o o l K .



tha norrlllra of rvativa atylra :ib. AniMitg thi

S T A N D A R D GRAY S T Y L E S , " |.. r f..r ll.o li.nil.- nr alreet keanllflil in de-

• llflil and 1.1-a.lMU in i-nlnllnu. " CHOCOLATE STANDARD STYLES."

any kind of gaino J o n e s w-oiild cl imb tip puruble injury of nome vital orgun. a re a n f a r a a h o c u n l d a n d l e i o i l ' b i n l i r e - e i l i e d b y t l i i s /.nrr innh i.hnUr i 'Ui UihU

i . n i i . . i i - fiUniiilin. I o m , works, l l io cuiins cunld nut ntand Ibis,

uud at cuce lii iubled lo t h e i;ruund, I / i m h i n |ia|n rn iiuuuuu.-elhut Mmlanie

hero they were .piickly dispalehed by Nilsam Itiiiizaud was n-i-.-iitly the gnonl i''ll'M1'|I',','"lili ' ' 'n ' ,!'li1,'-'I,


IIKIO'i 'Vd a n d Sinr Vmr / f u n l i n j H ' a l c A n f i aU.) mirth fnun I'l $.*!> tack

l . a d l r i ' a n d O n n U ' O o l d Cbalna, Coin l l l v a r Veal C h a l n i , Solid and l l i ' i ible-plal ld Si lver-

ware . J e w e l r y , e te , Mimher of O K U , hMm. T l t k . l i u w l t a d t o l M » l I u c a l f U l a d fl.l Iwo or in , . ! , bo r i ea , a d a p l a d In

any power with be l l o r l i i n b l l n a rod, l . l«k l d ra f t and ea i l l y handled. Capable of c n l t l n i f rom SI to . ^ r a . m K l M a ' i i T i ' L ^ :

Wood Sawing Machine l l r a l c n U t * ! fur t v u o i uiuia b o n a t , a4a i t la4 to a n j p o w r r » l t h b«lt or tuaibl l i tg r.nl, L t O l d r a f t

ingM-4t va'laty. •uii t»i4«l) known tamo vlrrabla giilnta. Nothing lirllrr f«>r daily Tlo a* g ^•d«/>r.ir f f i* f • ua ifMitril iil««r Vi»ar rr-

tho dogs. Middle lliv-.-r Neck wim u blaze every li t t le whilo thu whule of

l-'rldny night , and Ihe people l iving

theriiibuiiln were 'Iv iihirmod

at the uiiuiber and u|i|iaii-ut olmm-nons uf the fa l l ing nlurs, und wmi-

de i ed if the wi.rhl wan ooini'ig to an

end, Mr . lunea nayn ll,. v I iMnl l«eni_, •

seven ouuiik, uud that it uax tie great

eel S|nirl he ever had in bin lib , aud lluit l lurlur.l ei.unty f ive ' , ii up '11111

Ihiltiniuro in nbcail iu e mil | i i intiug.

u f t i n - l > u l i e a u d l> i i i -hean u f l - a l i u b i i l ' g h .

( 1 i T i t i ' i i i h ' i i s i n T i n ; K o i n i , T h e r e lii> In 1-11 n n i c h Wllll. ' i i lalnly t ha t i s > c n dn l l i -iei, . a lnml l. illtlcal (.'aHiciiiiKn a n d i iniillct i d i p i - c . >. 1 Hi. io in oito c lan- nl i;aHii'rni):i« nil i . i e i i ho mill a i - n i i which I l ieru in nol t ivoa He >lia.|.iw ol d o n U . naii ioly, na t ln 'Ihk- I m •In j i i i i | i .-i . . ( j nnvhan l i iK Hie moiall l i l i i ; In-k-

, - Im ll.o in i l nn. l la-l l i i l l ( oni-oil of Hie I 'nl. l i . I ll lA ' i III K e u l u c k y , In c o i a o olT Nn-t e l u U ' i In, 'I'lio Hoii th han I h o i , l.illHiti ilnliMil, a n d a i c u . o n a l lc n h a i p i d l h a l tU .hno .om t h o n l o I , d i ' l i i l n l i d will Ui very a . . e | . t a l . l e , I'uni, ^

liiiMctiiii's ( ' a i . i fo i ima W ink llirrKitn aci .hi all cu-.-n In a •.imllai luaii l ier , I l y p m l -I . i i i k t h e lil.nal llicy i c i u n t e llio caiino. a n d hy

.rl.jnt: M.Tofu!nii» a n d Anlwr i i l l a r dc in 'n i i i


sintilo T i c k e t . , *1 : l l a T i c k e t . , »l>: Twelve Tlck-e ta , | | l i : Twenly- f lve , (*>.

C l r c c l a r . n . i i l . ln in i f a ful l Ilat of p r t i e a j . . . i r r l p t l n n of ibe m a n n e r . . f d r a w l n i l ion f. ' iniatlon In r r f . r c n c e lo .hn Dla l r .

• • nl In any one order ln i i Ibem. All l a t l e r a m m t be a d d r e n c d In I mice, Kvc.-lalor l lulhllnil ,! 1.. I>, SINK, Uol U l , Tor. llaci' fc I>iiiKwortb. \ r incli i i iatl . o .

I r o r m i t o v e w.K>d per day . Alto , C i rcu la r Woed m i l l calculated (or l o i i | or . b o r t wood, So th

, . . i manufac tu red and ii .ld with o r w l l b u u l I 'onera " j . . , 1 1 '•r " " SATTLK CRKEK MACHINKRY Co., lUl l l a rl'buUon w ill l» ' C "* k - t " r (AcrtJnra 1'ricc Li*

[Dictionary Blotter] uvi I 19/11. Word. .|., It lli.i.l Inrlly,

I. l i l l t 'KA, l l ; l I'll, . u m l h i r . .1, l-bllail. II I.

GUSHING'S MANUAL Of F a r l i o n i e n t a r y F r a o t i o a i

l l . alTi-.-tel i i a r l n a r e ronlnri ' . l In l ioaii l i . n m l a , u, n i i i ia i . . . n u i y U n " in I I I M I I I n l 1-1110 in u a i i H l i l c d , Coin , I ' l l , E I / , i r i i l i . Si nl Iiy i 1 Addrc i .TaoMi-Mia , lluow

D o y u u e v e r t h i n k U n i t a n o g l e e U ' d i uii^li o r i-old may load l o norionn cniuic-i p e m en ,- In t l u - e a i l y n U K C n i d liniK dinennii la l . i Wi -hn i l » I ' lne T r e e 'I 'm ( ' n n l i a l . 11 c a n a l w a i n lie l e h c d n | i o a . ( i u u .

Tho E o i p of Mai M tlion in 1 . u c .

W h a t in t l i e e u i i e l n i. u T l o l e i.i

n u n c , p r o p e r l y s | H ' i d . < i i g . t o . i . - i g n

w h i c h in b e g i u u i u g . t o a l i b ' . . l i i . h i s n u t

l l u i n h i - d . l l o w i vi r l o i i n i K i - C i i - a l l e u i p l .

w e I m r r o w f r o u i t h e - ' V . . I ' a i i n i . ' i i u e " a

n l u r y w h i c h i l l n n t n i t e M v . i t b M i l l i e i e i i l

c b a r n e a n n u r o | i i u i o n o f I ' . d n n - P a t r i c k ,

d e n c i . n d e n i u f I t r i a n K o r u i h u n - . K i n g u f

I r . - l a m l , a n d u f t h e I ' r i u i - e u f ' l ' b u " ; i . i i d ,

D u k e u f M a g e n t a , a m i n o w I ' n u ' d e n t . . , ~ ! ~ ~ ~ . , i i, i ,. hK':'. I,aii. rho kool for tl ferry

o f U i e l - r o n e l i K - p t l l i l i c : n l e a m u r . now in proccan i d e o n n l m c l i n i i a t llii.

Al l o l d g r a y U - a n l a m i a l i l t l e , f a i r ) ) . ' " - i l I ' l V ^ ' - k ., ' . |nii.iuiy n workn f o r W. P, . , , , , * , | . , , CauipU-U. Kmi,, in a l n a i l y laid, a u d thn e t c iu

g i r l I m d n t o p i n - d In f u r . ' t l m p n n ' h i i n a t i u l i „ „ i . ( m i [no-in in iKmillon.

u f t h e M a m l i a l - l ' r o s i t l i - n l . h i g m - d l ) u k

u f M a g e n t a , " S a y , p a p . i . t h e

M a g ' i i t a Li t h o m a n w h o g a i n e d

U c o i M a g e n t a ? " " X o . m y c h i l d , " n - - ( ' e m .

p l i e d t i n . f a t h e r i n a h u l l o w v u i c e ,

- 1 •• 'till/'* a.11 lb. HUIt .

inih.•nt . i i

j and di tatf in dflilin a.ia.M. 4 I., «|Vrg

•lira '--Ii, and tbr aBlb**rily in

*IHHindri i.( Anirr i

III N a l i i r e ' a l l e d l c l u e ( h e a l , Ihn Rar lb , llii-in i . no aprc iSc anpe r lo r In the w a t e r , of I h . Krl l lcr Bprliiu

T u r r H U t ' a C R e r v e w r n l - n r l i a e r . ( p e - r l e m i i an Improvemen t ii|>in G u t wnr ld- tenowned n in.-dy for Ind loea t lon , b i l l n u i n e i i and c o m l l p a . "nn . II I i a l once mi ld , Ibniouuh and liifalllblr, N.. Umv i l o r e I i wl l lmul II,




P o s i t i T e l y T M y , NOT. 26^.1814, 1100,000 I N C A S H

AMI V nluw ble Heal Kalal# Will be . l l i t r ibu.nd aatunif thi. I lckm I m l d r n

Only ttiftl) l l cka la wil l bn l a m e d a l a rga |nir-l l o n o f t b . i e a l r eady mid. l -nnpl . - . nchr inr . Rat i n n S l i l n H i . l o C b a i a b e r n f e . immerce .F I r a and Nl l i l la Cnmpan le . . and the I 'ubllc L l b i . r y nf Slinia Clly. mn i i l . T l i k r l . (1 , two f„r |S, RnllabU aiirni a wanted , M b e r a l c n a i M l i a l i u i l

allowed. Krnd for l l ckn la , l e r m a o r c i r c u l a r ! lo N, IIATTRN SACK A CO,. Slona C l l y . lo.

D R . W H I T T I E R , Na 617 SL Cbarlet SL. SL Louiv *0,,

'I i n ; f a c t l l i a t l ive u i i l l i o n u f p a i r s u f K i i a i u T i i t i . i i rthocn a m m a d e a y e a r , nhown h n n Hume who line t h e m f e c i a l u u t il, ' l l i o y k l ' , . « l h a l t h e y la - l t h r e o l i tucnnn lonu. Coin,

VI lVKSTIfCHS- A.II Near.|.aiM-r r n l o n l e l . i e . ..•i,la ni',.i I ' l l |i..|inii, ,11.1,1, ,1 111 3 anbdl.

vlalnna. Si nd ii I • f m Map ilinwinif liK-a-II ,1 nf 1..I1„.|I. u l l l i I lilniid .inn inpa in l . l l i l a , u l n n u .1111.1 ,1' • l i r c o i l "if advc r l l i l nv . A d d r c a . H. I'. SANIIOll.N. I l l Mnlline l l r i ' J t . Chlcatf.., III.

\ nVFaTISKH' 4 ' .-lid twnuty. f lvo c e n t . I.i OKI. I ' IIOW'KI.I, .i e u . 0 I 'ark Knw.Nnia V..rk,f»r t h i i r

ruiiilJil-l n/ Hn ,.I9M. mntalnl i iK l l i la of 1,1111 m w I.,i | i i .ri ,ana . - i . i imI. ' i . l inwniu co i l nf advor l l i ln i r

A G E N T S WANTED " . 7 " h " " - , , , C h " ' r r

MWIlMNle l.ial all I n o o

la.nOO.nOa n i n n laUW.aMnlU<bul..'nl b,lK.'iUl.nl Ul..,. 10.00* niaaera. I aadbM Inrt «ttUlal-J m^iuaiafc, "Hnn

a.W>0 Tmc. IW14, , l^l arta, aiiaaa.l.of I Baikal onl.

C^TSua fta^ " • •aMarwtoiSd.f^larwtlM. r,*m aa»u»#f a^ .. IT - A44ma IM l« taai^-l la UL. -Ur.-.. low. M fAOM, II. W. |TlLi.ftCO. *— "" *"•

k»a*# aWfacUa l« na<ila<«, '^-l I -I or a»ia#aa «k»k >M«lia «to-i i*4m-Wlih aai .aiwirvi ! » .» •» •

* - * aa • rlUllo


III, giftogMlajiaflai

AntntrrraiiHgllh^ t r a ted «<>rV oi ML

M A R R I A G E G U I D E : .1 wnrv oi to. pn* eonulnlnc ib |» i *«i«x". .e*"1" infonnaiinn -od i

SK. for a l l , dm i i •» , A,

, Mb HI ,1'hlla.

IIIOM who arc niarrlcil o r ' . in len i | i la i , . m a r 1 r l c c M c l a . t ivnial l . A i l d r e x P r . I ln l l . - I l U _ _ u r y . 13 .North KleliUi b l r . i l . n t , L n u t i , U n ,

m n A l l - T b e cho ic rc t In l b s w o r l d - I m p n r t e r a I G X l i r l e a a - l a r i t n i t Company In Amnrlr l U A I J i l a p l e J t l l c l r - T r a d e ci .ul lnnal ly

I wWt ataKMU W rool |.f o*'r»»"l». i«*i**«lrn»|J«linc MMiUtfo. •'1'" l ain® IM • tram ol m-ll< al lllMala'o aa

1 ii u aui.) <1, ii* i«"i 1 . w 'a li.«s i»»« Iwl II...-I<|'U f"-n lair omlta la Kaf.n« an I iawrV^ Kcat

. ,«•! |«ii .a'»aia WATCH FREE — l i-d Duke ; D O C K A G E M T S ^ 1 , , " t H 0 0 1 *" l i n k . * u f l1'*'* E b l l W - o m l C o l l a r i s ll n u v e l l y . J J • i i , v c l i i i i e * t I l B o f ' ' r i i | , | i n a ^ W i n r l i i ' K n o w ' - c raaaUiR--AaBDti wan ted — be l t I n d u e m r n l . — 1 irH1?!'*

ll han all tho edijeM folded, a lino clot 11 nur- n>K.orld3.ilOU WnnlaSi ippl lea , ' . TheKing n . 'g | ' t y B O B B I , T r u " U n a P r o l , l r n n . fRF

I Iho Imt- u. e. .villi i . Iho In-nt liuiiiK uoUai ever made. "»U-:eipt lio..kivIS-cnlnr CbrSmo r.ee^ co^r ta - WRt-w.Hvroaey g|..».„ I O, Bo. )n. ! itamp, aDAMB A eu,, 11-

A D V E R T I S E R S i SVanI'/sS RcedTtfie1!.

u l l e i , B l r a n i t e ] FRRR TO ALL, Adi l rc ia ,wl lh

I 'earl B l t aa l , Boaton a t i vm 1 i u . Co , . Clucl i iuat l . or Maacal lue . I o w a .

. , — i u I i k A d k C B B WF.KKTO N B M I H T p a R U F r . _ _ . — , I lKSUV W.MID HkiU-IIKII w r i t e s t h a i I h e & l U U U A d d m . II 11 IIcli., C a l i b a n . , Mo, , ^ ^ l 0 ^ t n i S l ; n e . n d o M l n t h ( ) ; no i l a . . no .B.e l l in cooklntf, • l a t e a n d Coun ty

in t i l l ' n n u i w h u l o s t t h . - I n t U l e o f S e d a n ! Hi. mway p i . M , . , . , t ' o u , p K l t . M V t a u a - e e k

A u d t h e y w a l k e d a w a y . — Tin llalaiy.

T i ik Tnivollei- nj leaks uf Xew Yurk as

a very imrrow- ])eninhnlii, 'i'ltin is evi-dently a lip of tin- | ien. fur it ii alto gcthei insulai'.

T l i r §'« o | i l r ' a • o f a u i p «»f \ a i u r . * « T b a Ot>r finmrnt rndoitpmani. wAiib Irualura tbr aalao. . . . I'l ahiAnna nirrnui. 11 lint ihn nnlr Itainpaf. $ 5 ; $ 2 0 fun, Snaw' i i*Co '^ i rHa"^^ ' fixed io that fanoat VtgrtaU* Tonic, It bean, in iddllion to tbat i-fllrlal ianctlnn, the .Ull mure n./iN.Ur <wWi>..|iJ,..i..f,„H Tloa inr.ll lilabln v.,nibrr .-I .la lare i.i.,|irttle. a. a T..1.IC, Coiariviva and Ai.ir,aAiii r„ It w.nld aide.

8, > " P K I I I ) . \ l I l l l l l l l . . I ' l l , nr I ' J U a week Uuni of T u s tiaair h K w i r A r i B l v x t u a a v I . i . th , _ r j ^ . i i , i > . i . | , « [ » . . . i v Wr . . ffrr it and wlU Al'l'ly to K . C . P K A T T . 7 0 JacktOD at., Chlcaco

fill a p p l y WW-. O. W i n n a a a Co.. Marlon, Ob M. N O Ho. ta.

W H E N W K I T I N U T O A l l V K K T I n K K S pleaae nay you bww Ibe AdrenUeweal l a t h l i P a p e r .

I \ l II « I l Ii A til'l J W'nrlllA Co.. St, Inn

i U K N T M W A K T K U . — M a n or women. SM a A week, or SIBOforfaltad. Tht tecrtljru. W r l t a i t once lo COWRR a Co.. l i b St. . Raw f o r k .


Page 3: Hunter Shop on Monroe St„ QUI SALE! - Lowell Ledger Archivelowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1874/10_October/10-21... · 2016-10-20 · York ana Wlacomln. ProUlt Otti-e.Couul)


JAB W. I I I N E . Bdl tor .

LOWEI.Ii, i4>


LOWELL JOUR N AL , — . U t l r 111.. i.n lli» Mh liwl . Ii» KW»r Mril'Um

(Iiml, Mr II. II. lllli • > .If •• K»« I.. r<*l Tli* wr<I<llD| of Ur.an<l Mi. IIIM • • • • | r« td«f

| fnlr. A luei- numliri of olidi »fi t Hoi lo fn»iiil« i onil llii-chuirli Iidkm-*•< ft"«J"l lull of Hit full

IobiMc nnJ ffi/. All" tin t. rfinmij' lh» brlilt tnJ lioom irttlTfil 111" l"«ilr Oitnlulillont of »S» rom^inx. Tli' li«P|'j M»|'l» U" » oV'o«l Ittln Botlh, forSI. l/iul««li»r» I '"; r»iulnfJ ilarioi lh«

1 moat ! Ihi- mrtk.-l'.l. Tl.c f i i r b t M ' • " 'onnf i l f • rrtl'lrnl of l«i«r | l ,

nl,. -r .<11 I'll bii>!«« rone from — [KD. J o r i x t l .

| ITO • r m t - C O i n U N . - - O o Oct, IJ. Mr. Henry I'trrl if ol I.nwoll, tlul Win I 'UnlM* Cornun of

I Cutn lo, nrre proprrijr |ironouBoe«l mm aoil wife by Ktr. A. Koj.'H.

' n i i 0 e l . l t . tlir • mo elei iymtn went (A CbcIIob, ' I b n t Co., ia RU|,rrii-tffiMl tlir r f i rmtolenal J double

wc l l t i t l . Z n i O L E n - M O H T U N O I K - O o Babbalk K i t ,

O c t . ) * . Ut r II Zelglcr to .tfo( >fif ; ie A. Kl fb t -I rpor, loth o( I • 111.

A n l Ik Ins inanli . - i ceiliCratra Wt

I t s rUOLlOAIT S T A T E TICKET, r . f ( l o f . t no r - JonK J . BAflf.KV Fer Lltul. Q»Tttoor—HENIIV 11 "ni.T. rerH»er«Uryor8lil»-tBERI!7.1 H O. I . "OU>,'N ror su i t r r#«iu»er— W! I J.I AM It. U. cnKKIlV.

' • t C — - 0 ' A. t I . U T ,

. . M t L M t e l . f ' n i m o i .

T A H C L O T H I N G H O U S E T A R C L O T H I N G H O U S E .

B X F U B L I O A N COUMTY TICK IT. 'oi PtotMaUBR Attoroer-

KDWI.N" A F o r S h t r l l - U A A C IIAV.VB9. fa r Rt|liler ol DeeJ.-SIUKON For CouBty Clerk—Molt \Kr II. Cllir^ «N for Coaotf Tre««arer—IIKSUY ItllKUKl. for Clrcoll Court CottitilMion-r.-


Fer CnuDlTSurtejor-llllIlK 8KKKI.S. For CoroBtrt-nKWITT C, IIUI1CII.




(«l«te of .Uicliljtin, 8..renl<enlli Jud ica l J l rco l t , In CIiiiictj.

Jatil i I C c r W , CoinplB'.nitil,

Wllltoui 11. Collrtlt, d e f t o d t n t n r in ll.e ('trcait Court lor theConntyof

Fer BepnMBUUTe Fif th Cnner j ' - iv i ll ll ' i l . ' Keni.ln t l i t iovry .M ll." CI j of DibimI Hipidt . ln VV 11,1.1 AM IV W II,I I \ 1 H . • I Countr ,on tho t ru th dij* if rtelot'er, A 1), 1874

Bl«lo LoKi»laluro. F e r l e n e l o r . M t h D i i t r i c t - I . Y U l S Ml KIl lV. For KepretenUtlTe-Second i v i i l r l - . , lint H o «o|ont.iirr r.f u id non-iaeUeDt de-

SAUI Kl. M. (•AKHl.l.l • , ( r l i ) i n l I I . CoiUlt, beintrred liertiB all l . -For BiptMtfitBUTe, Third Ulilritl

Ibe leglh dijr In Ihlr r iute . It apnoiiinic fmai edldirit on flle, ,t f i o i X e n i a n t Wllliim li, CorWtt It oM and

- n . I..n born a re i ldem ol th i ' Mile , tnd on n o t in of 0.11 l-rvV. K-q.. ComplelnAnt'l 'ollcilor.

EIIWAUD 1. r.iiion.--. For RtpretenUUre, Fourth Dl . t r ie t -

H I S O P I N I O N .

O n o of t h e a b l e s t a n d m o s t con-

i thiee inniitl.4 Ir'ini ili« dtle of thli order, end I ' raienf lili ni [ oirtiife that he rauM- hit an>iter lo

iho Hill ef Complaint lo I-' lllcd, and n mp, therco i to bo tetvoil on Ihr Coin[iUliii'it'e Hollciljr within

twenty damafl-r M iiici- on hlm of « ropy of taid Hill ond n'olire of Ihia onlir; and indrfanit thereof) •aid Bill will he taken ai ronf'ttoi by taid non reii-J ni INf-sdiut Al..,' It ll further ordend, that within tw. r.ly ll UK tho lomfiljiniot raa-e a notife of thl'cnl'r lo I- ' i ,ubl i»hed in the l.owell Journal

. • ,i • a newawanef piintnl, pnlilUhod and cirsuUtinf to s i s tcu t pol i t ica l e d i t o r s 111 IIIIH COUIl- laid eoumy,aud that Mil puUicjtlon becontinurd 1 * „ . . . th-irinonre in eich week for a i wctka io »ncce«-t r y ia tho H O N . G E O K C E \N I I . I . I A M ,ion. nrlliatl,rr.u.oaco|.r of tl.leoIde^tobeper•

' . t • t t • romllr aeitr.l on 'niil noo-re>iJint defendant at H i s a r t ic les 111 liariiei'!< Ita.i |°a>nlrdj:abefuic the Uuie iboiepincnbod

I fir iiia arpi'.rjQM, 10«G liAl'IlKN'S W. WOtCOTT,

I riieiiil Court Comni'tioner Ktnl County, Afich. name . A s a ionrnai is ' . ne is s r c o i m , d, n . j^ok, Kt^compuinaoi'tsolicitor,

A IruJ r .jiy of urijiuai order on flle with rae iu

i iOBATB OH DEB r r Sialenl Mn 1.".u. County of Ktot, >a«. A* .1 »e»io:i o! tho 1'ioMto Court for the County

r.f K.nt , hnld-u at li e Irobale Offiee.ln tbe City of Oraud lli(,ll<. no Ihurdlay, the ilflreolh da.-nf Oj-trl-ir, in Ihe 1 e.n nt.e tiio i'.md einht handled and im 1 nly,foijr.

lii ni umn A. lUrLin, Jud.:e ol Probtle, liithtma'trr ol tbe nlite ol William Kamnen,

d.rratcd. On leidinc and fllinz tlie petition, duly rerifled.of

Au;nttSehn>idt, adnlnliliator of raid ratate, pray il: f thai a lime and pltee miv be tailrned lor lb* e«.

. , tiuir.iMiHi and ailmance ol hi> final elmiaUlialiio J j r Iti B^^iont in raid luatter by and Ufore tbia court,

I Xiiertupon it i< etdetid, that llonday, tbe nioih diy nf Noir'.iber ne>t,att«oo'dock lo tbe forenoon, te asalgiwd for the hearin; of nldpetitioo, and the eitiii.iiatioa and a llowanco of aald aeconnl, and that the hciri al laa- ol Mid deeeaced, and all other per. >oc* IDlerttlrd in (aid ealale, nre required lo appear at a arnion ol raid court, then lo be holden at Ihe riohite Office, In tlie City of Unwi Barldt, in taid

unty and ahow (ante, K any thrie db, whylht

. - iy of h DrNJAUIN' A, HAKI.AS, Jad|te of i'roUte.

A true copy, CTkl't E PlkailK, Hegiiter, IfiwS


COBTIS. W e e k l y h a v o w o n for h im th is g o o d

A s a j o n r n a l i s l he is socoiul

t o none, a n d n s a t r u e s t a t c s m a u lie ^ " u . r . ' :

. . . 1 » • ! 1 IT,, "to Il.r.r .<lle-t: IloBJUTlI.Ciiiniis, Itegiitcr, is the people 8 ideal , l i e is i no r - ii ; w. 11. \ a i L m w u , i a . inputy.

ough ly ve r sed in tho pol i t ics of t i n s

coun t ry a n d a l l o the r g o v e r n m e n t s ,

a n d ho h a s m a d e f e w e r iiii't!il»c»

t han m o s t m e n in pub l ic life. H e

w r i t e s ns ho t a l k s , a n d ho talks a n d

wr i t e s f r o m t h e h e a r t , a lways . Care-

fu l , c a n d i d a n d firm, in evc ry t l i i ng

ho does a n d s a y s , it is not s i i rprmnL;

t h a t his w o r i h is a p p r e c i a t e d ,

eminen t ly a p r o g r e s s i v e m a n nud in

s h a d o w i n g c o m i n g e v e n t s t e l d u m

errs .

T h o f o l l o w i n g l e t t e r f r o m J l r .

CurtlS, a d d r e s s e d t o M r s , Lucy ulll actouot Jinulj not te alioVril. and why prayer • , . . , , < I Ihe pclitinrirr ahuuld BOl be Kiacled. And it it S tone , w a s r e a d a t t h e rccei l t mee t - rmtheronleicd, that >ald tcUlicaer fire netire It

, , , C ir a ' t 'leprnona Inlereated in • I d ettale, of the'p»Bdtney i n g of t b o A m o n c a n DUtlrage ASSO-. of aiid petition, at.d the euRiination and allowance

. , , , »> . . . ol aaidBcconnl.by cauiioc B copy of Ihit crder to c i a t i o n h e l d ID D e t r o i t . , be publUhed in the Lowell Jonioal, a nrwapaper

1 1 . .1 , ; printed and slicalttlug in taid County of Kent Ib T h e r e IS n o d o u b t t b a t the c a u s e >ucie..>ire ire_'_kt, picrinut lo Middtf of lieannc.

o f equa l BufTrage m a k e s suro b u t cl-i en t p r o g r e s s . T h i s is n o t su rpr i s -ing , for i t is o n l y a propos i t ion t h a t „ all tho in te l l igence a n d c h a r a c t e r o l ^ ^ ^ l r r ; u u ^ , . ^ , ^ J • u . ^ V ^ ^ , e 0

r M « ' , ^ t O . ' . ' BOOiOty—all w h o a r e e q u a l l y in ter - j thereof. bareinaHer nifulionH, it at Iht option ol

•Bled in ita g o o d g o v e i n m e u t , o n d a p ropos i t ion s o airople a n d so r eason- • » - * J * • ".d.®iTic.Bt a b l e ib s a r o o t l i n a l a c c e p t a n c e , Co, Mirb ino . to iiarcarei j . u i m i u s d , or L i n r -

D o r i u g t h e s u m m e r the peop le o l ; r l ^ i T o d M i c h i g a n h a v e h a d t h e s u b j e c t l i re- 1 dce.i< for " i d Kent <; umy.juiy in. A .p . uw. io

. P . , , . . •. 1 ; |il<ri;of inttlga;.'', oo pa|« iO, ou whicli mort-seu ted t o t h e m a s a p rac t i ca l i i i cnf - 1 j-mo aeie is cinmod to u due at iho dau of ihia nrn If t hn ArtTlimCnt hftR liPPit tvoll 1 Iintiie the autn ol Vlte iiundred and thirty doilart u re . 11 m o a r g u m t n i u n s UCOll WUi , o r p.ineipal.aiilyW-iOddolltra of intertit.BndBn s t a t e d , i t c a n n o t h a v e fa i led ol g r e a t attomeyt f.o ni nity doi i t r t» protided in taid

e f fec t . If i t h a s b e e n u r g e d w e a k l y j S & V e i I u r - o i ^ ' o ' i W t f r ' H ' , o r e x t r a v a g a n t l y , i t h a s m e r e l y ^ a h a r e d tbo l a l o ot all r ad ica l po l i t i ca l ; motuace .ndof ih,. Biatmc in ruch cm. wji'e tod a n d mora l r e f o r m s A cause is to S ' T i S f t " ^ • ' . t c k 1

be iu t leed b y i ts b e s t rcasoiiH a n u in the forenoon M4 i4»r, tnw# from door of ts#

i u wises t a d v o c a t e . . T h o s e w h o ; c . T » / "

o b j e c t t o " i d e a l p o l i t i c s , " o b j e c t t o ! ^ ' . ' u X o l 1 , ^ t h a t t e n d e n c y in h u m a n u a t u r o w h i c h , iirrmln. dejeribed in Mid moityan. or to moeU

h a s c ivi l ized a n d re f ined t h e w o r l d , I ' " o i n l f B i d ' h ' . ^ u I t is tho Idea l i s t s w h o m a k e t h o real , ""'I "l*nwa of .uch loroiuture and tal. and taid

• I , .lUorriva Uc. htid prtuiiaej B» deaciibed tn uid t o l e r a b l e . * iniiri(oi.'o a* lullotrt :A1I ol illlijH lilaRuiolnrtd one

T h n H n A n nii ' - iM-t w h o n i n i n s o l l i f i and two, in block numbercU Ihret of AWl I f p r f t . . . . o p p o s e l l i o (, corded plat r.,' the VillifB Of l-owdl, in tbo County

«f Kcu: nod HlaU at Nlchlnn. .MAUOAUlif J. OUISTBAD, Horlcafee ,

Miito* 11, P«*kt, Attoisiy f j r Afoi tga^e . Hat.J AUfHitClh, A. D. l l . j . j wlW


Stale of Mic' i i ; ia, Coanly of K t n l , ; m, Al t t e ta ion of Uio ProbBtB Court (or th i County

of Kent, holden at llio Pro bate Oflice, In the Clly of Ginnd Kapldt, nn W(4lntHUy, the Ibirlltlb day of tk plcinher, In Ihe year ono tbouund e i ih t hundred and acteuly-reur.

Prricnt—Bopjamin A. Uarlan, J a d f o o t ProhBte. Iu the sistlor of tbo otlalo ol Blcbard Vlli/iD,dc-

ccoked. Un reading and t l i or Iho Unal admlnitlntlon ao-

coanl of BinJamla J, Ut, Adaiobtrator di tnU no. of u U utalc.

T t f r r u p o n It I t orflercd, l in t Uondtr tbe twen ty t i l t h daeof Octobor neat, a t ten o 'doc t | ln the fo re noon, be ar-lpiud loi Ihe l umlDation and tllowaDU of taid accemil .and tbat Uie holn at law of u i d d«-c i u r d . t n d nil other ptr tont interBltrd in aald ea-Ute, nre miBliod te «jipenr at a tcatlon of t i ld Conrl, Ihen lo be holden at the Probate Oflice, Iu tho




ALL BESl ' 12 l - 2 c . rillNTfl F 0 U 8c.







HEAVY FACTORY J E A N S 25c, to 50c.

COTTAGE CARPETS 2 5 c . - I N G U A I N S . 4 5 a to «1.00.



BLACK ALPACAS 4 0 c . - W O R T H 60o,

H E A V Y MUSLINS 7, 8, 9 & 10c.



N. B#—In ndilition to tho above we liavo tlionsands of other

bargninsjto numerous to montion scattered all through theJStore.

Biitig your money wjth you as we only sell fur CASH, It is the

only way'we can sell'aQthese rates.


Now Stock of Fall and Winter Clothing.

IOU I I.l. MAltKHT IIK I'OUT. CoDBaciro i i e l . l l , 1174.

do red, Puiir , pel l.u

.liite,|icr hn-hr l j l ll

idrel, »1 •« ,el. tiw.n. iel, i t . r hull Ired, i ' ' e l i e ,

•d e l , I I I

My nnr rr ivnl rrdurl ini i in prices, wp itinnagi'd In cIuhp nnt nearly all lii."l wawurit j{n<MN. mid wr nnw nlli r !• HP mi cnl lm

i tin |inli

New Stock of Fashionable, Superior cut and well made Gent's and Boys' Olothine' ALL QUALITIES AND PRICES.

llttB, p i r ton . | Hilllet, | e t piiund, 1 I.I»'.perdm»n. Ile I h-r •• . |er I" ml,111.-. lie. 1,1-1 hinilie.1, | n (*. Poik, per liundre I, f l io Poiki «alt,iirr p und, IA Cliiekena, ; r r pound,' j'i Tiltkeya, prr pooml r |i) l . lrd, po pound l l r ' Ia l low,per poii„d, Jc, I 'olaloia ,prrba.hel n Tii*nip«, perbl rhel . . ! e. Onl ili..| i lill.lie' | | oo UeBna,|ir buabel, |I..Vi. Appl . .p r r liuallel, *Ao

: I " , d m I, por p .un,!, Te. | . '.r, i |i..rl.,v II . . u t , i -T , >i. d,ICe, Call tk la t , i r r t a , ["-rpi ind, Ito r . ' l ' l l o . , I y. jm"! | ii I. t i e I'eklnSkin-, eirlt,

:MI.. Ill

II I).I-


te l, per | o Ind. |"f | . mod. U t ,

101. fl Olill !.IHI ' t Flour, r . n . .

i ; ra i i i l l i i p l i s ft I i u l l a o a l i a i l r e a ^

> • v"K.'i ' I U I : f i II AIM 911,. IHM


0 - 0 0 X > B Y E 3 T O " W - A I E t . ra.I01E3S.

A spec ia l f n i ' . u c f o u r bu<ii ic-s f o r l h e c o m i n g season ivi!l b e a ful l a*s' ' i (n i rnt of

I UL I P O I R , T E J D C 3 - O O ' H D S , C u t a n d m i le i q u il if n >t a u p e r i o r to a n y G a r m u i t m a d e t o o r d e r ,


Ijongr S q n a r o F r o n t F r o c k s , Eng l i sh Silk Plus!! , V e l v i u r ;iiid V o l v i t Vist-*, P a r t y a n d D r e s s I l l auk C l o t h C o a t " , l iupor tnd Dn-sVin P a n : -

P I N E O V E U C O A T S , E T C . , E T C , ,

Ynn will !«• surprised m wp wli.it i Grand ii»«ortmeiit nf^PInc Clothing wc will I ie reaf tprkpep in otnek. Ail hpi ' ir iiltpr.tlion:! '..ill hf lilfidf ff«•• of rliarge. Be sure and soc nnr tine gootls. Thpy are liratilifnl.


38, 40 aud 42 Canal Street, Grand Rapids, Mich,

. i IV.y.

.ti ,M 11

i i i ii •. 3 in .. u s |l • 6 II •• : si s ti 3 50

" «».M. 1 o-.r. i 10 !0 '.I :il II M 11 11 I SJ J io J l i i. Jl " is T JT

I 5< A 10 A 36

<0 P.u » JO r. ». I1' • "d I ' i r II i l •• i l l t l i | o Wi" .•.•ing liapiiii i iu i ' .w. i to aj i ! a ro







equal Bul l -a -o m w u a i a u mus t s h o w t h a t i t is r i g h t a a d wise to t a x p a r t of t h e p o p u l a t i o n w i t h o u t g i v i n g t h e m r e p r e s e B t a t i o n , a n d t h a t g o v -e r n m e n t s m a y ex i s t w i t h o u t the con-sen t of t h o g o v e r n e d . T h e y m u s t also show t h a t il is r e a sonab l e to per-mi t tbo roost i g n o r a n t a n d d r u n k e n m e n to v o t e , a n d to fo rb id tho m o s t in te l l igen t a n d supe r io r w o m e n . I f w o m e n a r c n o w r e p r e s e n t e d b y mon in politicB, t h e y should , b y the s a m e r ea son ing , b e r e p r e s e n t e d h y t h e m in tho o w n e r s h i p of p r o p e r t y , 1>iU a i tho p o o r s e n s e of t h e wises t c o m -muni ty n o w a l lows w o m e n to hold




— — . . - . - - - • - *e-.«.. , . W VI HIU •VbUMIII oy. U n i t e d in e v e r y g r e a t in te r - theeumnuiiiou thereof, by r*uMni Btopyoi nf lif.. n n d cApinti- il ia nn ninrii order to U- pub II. I im! in Ihe Limeli Journtl, t D

u o . Ot l l l u a n d B O C i e t j , I t IS n o m o r e ^ r a p . ! n i l uud Bnd dicalBllBf la IBld County e l j n s t o r expedient t h a t t h e sexes j < c u l , i ' ™ " c ^ * « to uid<toy«f • v . - t j . . . . i f . -1- .1 .I._ ' ' " " " J . U»» should b o d i v i d e d in t h e S t a t e t h a n in t h e f ami ly o r in t h e c h u r c h , "

no;, llw] USNJAHIN A. lURUK.jBdf*of Probate.

A true copy, CrBl't K. I'mKissKejUter, J l l tOUATl i OBDBU.

Utile ol MichlKin, County of Kent, >«, .tl ii ttMtion of the Probtle Court lor the Conntr

ol Kei.t. holden at the Probate Offlce, In Iho City of A - i i i , ' i- .1 tlrand Hapldi, on Wedntiday, tha thlrtlath day of

A Cons iderable JlOrtlOll Ot tlie 1 September, in the ytai one Ihouund eight huniued and leTeiity-loor,

PirKul—Ut-njamin A. liuUa, Jud|i of I'robilc

On leading and DUt( Ibe potllion, duly TetlUed, of Edj t r U. Hunter , Ailmlulttnlor ol aald o tUle ,p lay-tug lor lice un- and nuthoiity to tell tbe teal eilalt thertin deaalbed, forlhe iciaontand parpote thtre-Iu ripmled.

Thereupon ll in ordeiej, that Monday, the ttoond dty nl November mil, nl ten o'cloek In tho lota-IIO..O, be aatlgned for the betting ol tald petition and that Ihe Inin at Itw of tald dtceawd, and all olhii fiaituot Inteteited in tald ttUlo,ate requited to appear at a tet>loii of taid court,thea to ha hold

I tl. • I'tobalr Ofllcr, In Hit City of Urand Hap

T h e s t u d e n t s a t A n n A r b o r w e r e in

a s t a t e of g r e a t e x c i t e m e n t on tho


s o p h o m o r e a n d i resbroan c lasses m e t _ _

on t h e C a m p u s to h a r e a f r i end ly rush . | d . ^ d ~ U " i J u L ' ' , ; U u D , t , ;

W h e n t b e f o n w a s a t i t s h e i g h t GOV-

oral I ' o l i cemen e n t e r e d a n d a t t e m p t e d

t o a r r e s t t w o of t h o s e e n g a g e d . T h e

s t uden t s s t o p p e d t h e c o n t e s t be-

t w e e n e a c h o t h e r , t o uso the i r n n i l e d

ene rg ies f o r t b o r e l ea se of t he i r c o m - „ _ __ _

pan ion i , T l i e resu l t wns t h a t t h e I

police used Uieir c l u b s qu i te f l c t l y , S S r . i . ^ .1'

a n d aome of t h e s t u d e n t s f a r e d r ^ V t l ^ i ^ ^ . J ' . ^ p y ^ ' f r u ^ e r ' u

b a d l y . O n e ol t h e pol ice w a s so- | ^ ? d , l . , i ; 5 ^ ^ X 7 . , l ' a i d co'Siy I,CTf!S

veroly i n j u r e d , nnd in c o n s c q u e i i c p , 1 ' ^ " ' N J A ' u i N ' r . ^ u a Y l N ^ j ^ a of I'rol/li',

t h e i t o d e u t in h is c h a r g e i - ; l > '

T h . « l h . r p r i » n « 1 . i l b lo i in i i l i rn . I

b le d i f l lonl ty , was t a k e n to a j u s t i o e ..«i ot ti.. i - ici^udktt f^r th« cunty oiK-m, „ , , , , , , ho| . l . i i t t t h r i t o u i u Offlra. Ib tha elly o l l l i a n d

ofnee. H e p l e a d e d gu i l ty a n d w a s


W e l l , n o w , t h e r e is J o h n P . C o o k

of Hi l l sda le , aga in . I l e is tho D e m -

oora t io n o m i n e e fo r S t a l e R e p r e s e n -

t a t ive in t h e aooond d i s t r i c t of Hills-

d a l e c o u n t y . H e w a s e lec ted S t a l e




L O W I P I O - T J ^ I E S ! A N D S H A L L S E L L T H E M A T

L O W F I O - T J I R J E S !


- a *

iln ol th.' I' hol'lin t i Ihr I ' r cUl t Ufflra, Ib tha eity' lllpld., nn ."Kuidty, the Itnlh day of October, inIhe y u t tne ilioutaadalihl hundrtd and Kt in ly -

l i . t r n t , IlenJtmlB A, n a r l a n , Judg* of PioUle, In the waller ol llie e.Ulo ol l l t t l lu H, Uulik,

D l c a u r a . On r-jding and nil .g ihe pellllon, duly Tttilled, ol

Utnlien tjuick, of Low, 11, ulil enuuty, pinilm amonic oilier Ihlngi, tbr.| aduiiulilrillou of ttlu ea-tile may be giaut.d lo hlm.

Theieupon It It ordeitd that Uondty. llu HOiBd iU} ol .Vuiimletueil, tl tea oVIock In the fote.

wcclt, Iiierioua loaald d»y of hetnng, IIKNJAMIN A. HAltUN'Judge of I

A true copy, CVIIilS J!, I'EIIKIN'S

noon, bf auigucd lot the biaiing nf taid pellllon, and that thelielu al law of tald decaiaed, and all

S e n a t o r t w o y e a r s a g o , a n d l .as b e e n

in t h e R e f o r m b u s i n e s s eve r s i nce .

H e t r i ed t o b o a R e f o r m c i u i d i d a t o

fo r G o v e r n o r , b u t w a s Hlnit o u t t h e

first h e a t . I t t h e r e is ano lho r m a n

in C o o k ' s d i s t r i c t t h a t c a n ' t he o lec lod

R e p r e s e n t a t i v e ove r h i m , t l ion t h e y

a r e a t o u g h s e t d o w n t h e r e ,

Tho b a l a n c e o f c a s h in t h e S t a t e

T r e a s u r y O c t . 7, 1874, w a s S I , 093 , -

346 .01 . Rcceip t f l for t h o w e e k end-

i n g O c t . 14 w e r e 520 ,680 .00 ; pay-

n e n t s d u r i n g s a m e t ime , $11 ,361 .88 ;

l e a v i n g a b a l a n c e in tho S t a t o T r e a s -

u r y of $ 1 , 1 1 0 , 6 7 7 . 7 3 ; an i n c r e a s e f o r

t h e w e e k of $17 ,231 ,72 .

• T h e S e c r e t a r y of tho T r e a s u r y di-

r ec t s t b a t t h o i n t e r e s t c o m i n g tine

t h o l e t o f N o v e m b e r , b e pa id w i t h

r e b a t e o n a n d a f t e r M o n d a y n e x t un-

til tho 2 6 t h I n s t , f r om which t i m e i t

Will b o p a i d w i thou t r e b a t e .

nsllce to Ihe j i e iuEa lulcrt i led In tald ettale, of thr i • m.'cr.oy of Mid pctllluu and the heating thiro-of, by i.-.uihiz n copy ol Ihla order loba puklilhod In lii !,IJW( 11 Jouintl, a nnttpaper ptfnled and circulating iu aald Ceuuly of Kent, thiM auccetalro — m£ " I - j i - Uttl

Probate. IKIKS Urgltter.

SH B B I F f U B A l i E . - " By tltluo ol tn execution, laaual nnt of and

uui'.'t the teal of the I'iicull Cuart for the C'ouuly ol Kent, and Stale ol Michijae, tetled on the 12 dty ol September, A. U. 1171, In faror of Paler J . Coppena aud itiliou J. Paiker, and agoinat the goodt aud challlit, a.id fur tho rant thareol then of the teal catata of Ibe defendant Ibtidn moulionod, within my bailiwick, 1 hive lerled upon and thall expoae fot ttlc al public huclliu to luo hlghetl bidder, at the outer door ol the Circuit t'ou rt toomi ia Lo-ipie'i block. In; Hit Clly of i;t«nU l l lp ld t . I t Mil CoBnty, »nd S t t t i of Mieln.uu. oo Saturday, tha UUt day of October, 1671, nl • o'clock p. in., all the right, tiUa, Bod In-ton— X'f the defeodant nimeu In aald executioo,and

KtUe Cuiiorieg deicttbed landt and teneminta towil: I number el|lit ft) of Mock No. two (1) of fair-

ehl'd's nddllioo to the illlt^,' of I^i«cII,Coanll of Ucnl, Bed Ulata of J/idilian. ' "

ISAA Ur Titos . T a r r , flepnly Sliciifl. UtledBepl. J l d , U 7 1 .


12.0 j p o u OALIS.

The llrick Ulock, iu Loweli, foroifr ly owned by Itini fc AluphicU, Alw good Louie aud ivl iu Ibt tilltgoof l.o«oll. Icquire of




C L O T H I N G .





W c shall resume the CASH BYBTEM again on tin! flint day of SoDtwubof

and wc hope nnd expeet that nil pnrt ies Indditetl to u.-<. will, at t h e cnrlicst

possible moment, enll for

Receipts in settlement of accounts. L o w e l l , J u l y 20111, 1874,


lCi;i- in? '"hin 1 nkc 3 ao Wallua t :3 It.tel.. r , i ; . . , . 0 Oj I'.to.key 9 ;m

I ST .i a i .• 111 -

I ; si A.M.'


ivi.-W Tritcite City.... Wnllmi Cliin l,iV« i i-H'i ir

tll'Wd II t i n

H i O T o r . n A P i i i c ,


P p r t h o m o s t c o r r e c t and g e n u i n e l ikeness of a n y s u • s t y l e , or finMi m a d e by t h e

Photographic Art A T R E A S O N A U L E P R I C E S ,

g o to I l i l t r ' a I'lioUigt.ijili .mil Orn i G i l l o t y o v t f M " - U- lli lcr '< Mill inery S loro cofO^r l o Bridge a n J Mantoe d i f c l J , f i | J l sWc Flui

I l i»er , MI I.O IIIi.KR. Ailitl.

A o lu iar lment o r p lc lmc fri imfs n h v n j i n i i i|iind, and clicap.

) 110 H A T E O B D B B ,

w m m m m m a i « .e . t ion i f Ibe Piobato Court for Ihe County o.' Kent, holden al Iho l l 'mbl ta Offlie, In the eilT of ItranJ llapldt, on fnoiday, tho twenty-fouilh o t y of dep-leuilM t , In the year one llioutand eight liiiodicl and te i rnly-four .

P t r aen l -Uen jan ln A. Iltrlan, Judge of PioVatc. I n the mil ler of the ctlala of h'oble Cta*f»rd,

dtwated. On r . a l ing and Sling tba pellllon, duly TttiAed.

of Ab'gtll I t , Ctawfoid, adn ln i l l r a t ru nl taiil e t tat*, praying fot lieente and authority to >tll the u i I r t l t l e Iheicln derctlbed lor lh* reitoot andpur-poie th.rcin exoreiaed.

Th' ieupnn it i t ordered, thai Uonday . l l i eU 'n ly -tlilli i!.iy nf Oclober nex , at ten o'cloek In tli- fore-noon, t o ni . l ined for the beailni of tald pitilinn, and t i n t th r helm a t law of uliT deceattd, and all nlhei pet.oi,t lulcieiled In tald c>tate,nre tuinlted to tpp-ar at a tpiilou ql t t l4 court, thrn to bo'linld-en at ilia I'iu'jiIo Oflli'e, Ib IlieOily olOnnid Rtpldt, in >ald county, nod .bo™ cauia.II any (hire b e , * b y the p r j i e t nl the pclltlOM,* thouid not bo gitulrd : An l it it f i t l ln ro rde ie . l , Iht t t t ld pelitloner i l ' r n o l i i e l . the |*.v)n< lolereiled in aald etlata,of the pel..I m y of Mid petition, and the htariog thereof, 0> caii'ing B copy uf u i e order lo be nob i-hed io tlir l.ove'l Journal, b newtpaptr prlulrQ aad elreu-U l i m In Mid Ccunly of k t n l , rout I JCCeaile* weekt, 11' tinii. to tald day of ti-nlug ISwl

IlkKJ Akl lN A. I l l l t l . A f r . J u d g t o l Piolale. A l i u c o o y , C v i l ' . E. Pknaixt, Ilrflater.

Ili.in: MAY IlK FOUND TIIK I Al.Ol.Vf nnd n t r T t t o c k o f KaiutlngTiKiltti ir cCcr

IM. r : i l k< t . We u a le a r p n l a l i i y ol

ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Aud take the ageoer of Bone but Ihe b„it and laletl ImP'O'*! good". IV: » l u i d lorlle. Bll jwho ci plate purcbating HBAPtHSor Mull lilt l o cu l l aude i a in luc thc

C E L E B R A T E D J O H N S T O N M A C H I N E S t

F U R N I T I I I K . -


1 l i A I X JO 1') 10 II SI

' i i i ' 2 '. 'J I .U f. I'l ; iu 7 31 1 57

13 CI , I M •-•:» 3 to 1 30 1 l!7

Iimoml....... S O

II intiiih fi 'l.r - i t . . . . . V irk*burr...

To t tTajce.... Dee.tut I'oilland I! •l.-eville Wli . h..llr . . . .

p 111.

S «l A,

?it a M " ll i t

If 30 " IJ II I-

AfCO* . 4 40 a. a 7 09 '• 7 31 " 5 iQ V bW '•

k 20 r n .

15 SO A U. I t> " J JJ .. 4 Mi '1 3 10 «. 7 30 ^ i M " 9 43 "

;& t o • II IO " 1 50 r . » . 3 II •. 4 SI 't I 47 •< 5 10 't 5 M 't « ?U 't

J O H N K O P F ,


I a O w 13 I . I t

Tialn X i. 5, (tq n WVl'-nlo Petmkee, will f -o iuu Mond.yt. \ i - , . ' n . . U j t and Kildiyt en l t ,

T n l i X.>. i , from P e t u k e / t i Wnlbm, 'Illruii,ni4 Iue. I i i- , Th ir-'Ui t and S i t u t d a t t only.

A1. >. h.-r fi il u t :n diily, Suodty c t^ jp tc^ ,

P. K. U V l t M .

fl'H. Fau, 1; Tlelel Ag.nt.



CHAIR FAOTORy, T l i c f n l l o w m g t u n reprewm out new

F e e d : And also Mniinfartnrrr nml Who!, .al •

nnd ili'iuii IVnlpr in nil k imi-nf


FURiMi i t R E ,

Paf lo r and Bedroom S D C ,



Graml l i a m l t and D d r o i t

H o h u F iirn!5HE4 A', lev.- P/ICEJ.

Tlieeoiublurd UajliJna biilrg l l i o n p i t pcifocl Honor and Helper oter bulll. T h e i r / P 7 ;HO.V | , " " " l , ' l i n ' 1 . 1 ! •.•• j :i MUWKH i t a gtcal fatoi((o '»i l l i t i , r rrrn-lr.l for i l ien. ; th and duiabilily, r b e .

Iron Clad Mower Improved, For the teiaon of Ib75. Ai .n t i .e SIIKHHOOll, / O / ^ l . ' a n d HI III Lit M.KCUlSKS.

T H E N I C H O L S c t 8 H E P P A R D V I 1 3 R A T O R T H R E S H I N G

M A C H I N E , T H E H O W E L L l l l l O A D - C A S T S E E D E R A N D ^ C U L -

T I V A T O R ( " O M I I I N E D , W A R R A N T E D T H E B E S T

I N T H E W O R L D . S I P E R I U R , P A J f . M K I ^ K R I E N D . A N D R O L -

L E R D R I L L S , T H E I T H A C A W H E E L l i A l i E , W I T H

I T S N E W S E L F D U M P I N G A T T A C H M E N T ,

•Jtye Qelpbrated Grattan Wagons,

View nf llio Feeder net for small i|iiun-

ll lv. •

T a k e N o t i c e . l , ' !?", . ' ,* ' . l l l O U! t .1 '1*. •••arie) wiUi noyce k etrlofiire trim ill) nowa fwnuou i exna cnarge) wim ooyi I hl tel Cnullen. Plow Points and Kepaln roDtlanlly on hi

ir.J. ATKiaVt untt'.Kt:. tod

S * * 5 y r u f n e o ' l Mi'Vi'rciillot) j t ' c c j out ol and under tbe toal ol the C|rou|l Court for the cpiitily ul Kent, letled on the Sfilh dty of Noneuiber, U7 J, in faror o l l l , I I .SUadman tl al. and t g a m t l llui joi di and eht l ' t la and for Ihe want thereof then of the real e t l a l eo t the defendanlt theroln Intiued. wllhlu my bailiwick, I ha re letled upou and thall ex| oi» for aa lea l public a u d l o n l o Iho hlghetl bidder, al lh«

rt dcorof the Circuit Court rooioi iu Lcpnlg t ^ Ib l i t f i ly ol Orand lUpl i t . Kent county^SUtt

• ••V mi f • U l-iun, at. — - — . —- lollovlu d e ^ ' b t d rtalVtuie'tiliiBicd In iliC fowtjlfcip of Ada

block la l i t city ol Orand Ita pi K Kent com e l Michigan, o t 3aHjrd»y. tho H i t day of 1174, BlUB o'clock a , n . of that d t r , Ihe detctlbed real ctlala tlluatod in lh« luwi)>i, Keol county Ulchigas i , „ ,

I h e rat i rncttonal half of Iho tou lh eat l IracUonal X o f t f ! , twenty (Wi, "intaiiiiog 65 JO-lOOlht ac r t t

Alto the t iul i i-eatl ftBCiim u l t t c , In in ty-uot | l l | containlug SO IS-IOOIht arret.

Alto lh( eaal IracUonal >1 of Iho toulh o u t frae-;hl (211, • icopl one aero

acret , uth-w«it IracUonal Jl

lional fi of tec, Iwenlr.elgh aold,containli|( M IS.lOOtht

Alio t i |eeat t htif ol Ihe t o f t e d i o n t»eii ly-e|gb| (Ul , ronlalning elghty(«v],

" a ' w Iheoor lb -we t l f r t i l l ana l I , nf lh« toulh-iiiAl fratlloual ,•< of tec, Iwenty-elghl l l ' 1 . ' o n u m l n g J . SB-lOOthaacrtt,

Alto the aoulh-wetl fmelion of toe notlh-wril ftaelionBl * of t K . twenly-tighl |S l ) . (except 01-lOUtha acret) ei nlalalng 91 01 ruuili. acret.

Alto the north eatl * ol tee Iwentynino U'J , [except t im-IOulh t aorct told) conltinlng 107 10-KMl'it t e n t .

Alio the nnr lh 'ea t l l| nl tli> noilh-wetl Ii n f t e c . lion Ih i i i f l l i r e e f i » ; ««Ul i i l n» foily UU a c t n .

Alto Ihe toulb » e t l >, u l t e t l l o L l w r n l j MV"' I ' ' 1

conlalnlof o a t huudred and oat ( | u l ) k i ip t . Hated, Not , Ulb , 1)71.

J K U K K ITVdKOFF, Sheiiff,

J 11. BAtuawaj* , All'y. The abore aale It heitby au jou i t i e l uniil Hit I3tli

day o f l l a r c h n i a l , a H o'clock P. 11, ol ll.at i ay , al Ihe tame place.

Dated, J a a , Si l l , 1171, " j i M i K r , w y o x o r p , sheriff,

J . U . U i T t i t V M I , All'y. K i t

The above u i e it •4iereby adlouined until tlie tCib day of April iiixl, a l 3 o'cloik p. ni, ol that day, I.i Ihe tame plaro.

I Blpd,Match 13lh 1174.

J. f . llATitaoaog T h e g W e (Alcit hereby tdJouiiitil u o | l l U t i / a y ,

May l ib 1174, Dl > o'clock P. A/., at I U place

aboro aamed. j p j ^ g P. WVCKOFi-Sheillf.

J. ,V. JUatiikwiox Alt'y, i i * l The abouetale It hetcby adjourned until IhelSlli

day of Hay 1874, al 2 o'olnck p. m . at tho pUro abope named. JKSIK P . WYCKOFF,

J, I I , UATiixwao* Alt'y. Shetill. Theal.ovc t . U it h t r tby adjourtcd nnli l Ihel2ih

• , ^ » F ^ V C » " J . SI. JIatiiiwio;i Alii1,


C l I B B I W H 8 A L B , 0 lly i l t lue ol lbteoexecul loui luucd out of and unli t th t t tal of Iho Circuit Court for Ihe county nl Ifenl, l M ) e | l o n t h e J « h day ol Augutl A. U. IMS, one lli in ; iw favor ol j j j ron U. l l t r r lck ot nl., one iu l i to ru l . ' , a 'nu i l IV. Uua ' e t . dl., rnjd one fn I t ro ro l Pi auk .Venn r i a l , Bnd agt lot l the goodJ amlohat-loi-. an l f J r llio waul tbereol thrn ol the ical eilale of the di'lcodaott therein named within my baiiiaick, 1 I m e lerieil upon andtb t i i expote for tale at public aucllon,lo llio lilgbett bidder, a t tbe outer door ol Ibt Clicult Court roomt. in l.eppig'i block, la tho city of lliand Ilapidt, Kent couuly. Stale of U;ch. ig tn .on Salutdty, the Oth day of January Beit. Bt IU o'clock a . ni. ol that day, Ibe fnliowing detct loed toai t i U l e , i l l u « M |n (he Ifwutblp 01 Ada, Keut couuly Uicblgan i

The rat i fiAeliouti half of Ihe auulh-eatl ftacllunai v of uc t ion tweuty (SO), conltiulng M ]0-l00lht acret.

Alio Iho toi i l l i -eut fraclion ofteo'.ion Iwenly-oue 111). cinlalBlug SO IS-lOUthaaome.

Alto Iho eaal ftacllooal S 0[ Ihe toulh eAtl frao-lloaal of aedion twenty-eight (St), exop t one tcre told, cnntainiug SS IS-l9uiht acret.

Al to l ie eaal hall i f Ihe touth-wttl ftAcllenai V o H « l l « I w m l J f - ^ h t l**;, wntajulDC eighty [>u j

Alio Ihe notlhrwetl fiaclional J, o l the touth-rail Iraollnntl \ ofiecllou lwtu ty- t lgh l ( in] ,eunl t ln lO( SI l i lootUt,

Alio the tnulh-wrt t fraclion ol the notlh-weil f r tc lb t ia i K uf lection Iwetly,eight |S8 | , (oicepl

i 0 r . F . W VCKDFP Sheillf, 31. S

l a b o t e a a l e l a I,Moby ad jon i r e J unUithe U .h )f Ju ly , 1174, at U o'eljck P . M , a t Iheplaco o named. JESSE P . WVCKOFF, Shenlf.

The day al abore l ~ _ — . . . — — . . . — ,

J o i x U. MAtaiwio*, Alt y, " » • The aboro n i t it hereby adjourned until the Tlh

day of Auguit, 1S*4 at J o'clock, P, i f . at the p i l e abore named.

Dated, Ju ly 14,1174 JKSSK F. WVCKOPF.

John U, Uatiiiwiox. Shetin S*4 Ally.

The aboye u i e Jt hereby adjourned until Monday Sept, 7IIi,'187l, a t 3 u'clock y. u . , i . l the placenbor named.

Dated. Aug. 71h, 1S74. JESSE F, Wl'CKOFF,8hetIff .

J o i n U. ilATBiwao*, Alt'y,

The aboTe tale It hereby ad jo j ined until ^foaOjyi I h o t l b day ol Oetoter, 1174, at S o'clock p, m,, kl tbo plate above named.

Dated Sept. 7lh, 1174, JESSK F : WYCKOFF, Fherilf.

Jouk U. llAinxwaox, Al l 'y . Tbe aboro >ale li hotebe aiUourned iinlil Monday

Ihe tecond day nf NoteraOer, nl o'clock p, m , , o l Iho piece abore named.

Dated, Oct. Mh, U74. H o 3 JESSE F . IVYCKOFF, Eheiiff.

Jonx U . ItAiiigwiox, All 'y.

Iinnd ii elinieo stocl: nf


F i n e P i c i u r e s Ounoioa

Childfcns' C a r n a g e s .


T r a v e l i n g Baske t - , 1, i - '

a l l goods m m w m .

And Sold Cheap for Cash.

A larfte mipplj, nf Collins, Cnskets nnd

Shr.iuds ennslmjtly nn liaiiil. All phIIh

promptly ntteiided_'tn.

vinous itH.tsos.ini.E,

J 0 H \ K O P F ,

^ U 9 C E R I R 5 -


UMuethe aetetl coulaininf OSUI-IMlhi, Um the iinilii-eMI 1| nl teollon twenty.nine [SO], crpl fi'l lll-|00ilii acrea l o i d j coBUIulng 10) 10-

uotll i-tail j« of Ibenoi lb-wet l 11 ol iec-l l i i i l l . i t l r . l i i t ro l^J j .Hi iUln lng fotly (l<l| aciet.

Alto llie louln-oVel u of fKt len ' iMqiy- t t i cu | n ], contiliiing one hull Ihd and one [ 1011 actrl ,

l l . l td . Not, Ulb , 1171 J K S S B * . WVCKOFF. Sbe 'T.

J . U . U a T a a w i o x , Al'ty. 9 l l u i The abote mU le heieby arljournid until Ihe

Sllnliy nf Match Belt, al S o cluck P. M,-if lhail • l i ya . lbe tame place.

JKSSE F. lVVCKnPF,l.'heilir, , ' , M . llaTUkwaox, Al'ly. l ) . i t id, . l t i i . C l i t . U i l . .-Hal The abuiowie It hereby adiouined uoill l |ui |0th

da) uf April nex'., al I o'cloik' p. b . of tbat day, nl the tame place.

I'atcd, Maich Uth IB74. Jia.SK F . WYCUOFFSIicriH,

J , M. UAIllXWaox Alt'y. 3V1.J Th; abore talo it henby adjourned until Friday,

.'fky blb l ( | J , a t S o'clock I'- A/., ul iheplaco abate

JESSE ? , l V Y C K O i y , l h t i n J , H. JIituawaoi All'y- 6 4tl«J The aboro u i o it

day ol May. 1874, named, _ _

J.M.MATllgwiox Ally, Hbeillf, I h o aboro tale li hereby Bdjourotil knlll the I2lh

day of June 11174, a l 3 o'clock p.m. at the abote named J F 3 # B F . WVCKOFF

o it heieby adjentoed u.itil Ihe 11(11 4, a t 3 o'clock i l m. at ihn p'aae above


placo. J . U . UAvniwaox Ally.


Tho abo r t tale •lay of July


r t t a l e l i hereby adjourned nnlil the lOth ly, 187V at ! d'clook P, • . . ' •a l lit* place

above namtd. ' JKSflK P . WYCKOFF, Shtriff • 1, Airy, ' "*-* Jo i | i U. UATliawiuit, A l ' ) - * 60w4

Thealwre ia l i i le heretiy aiJioutDCd n n l l i l b e l l i i day ol Augutl, 1874 a t ) O'clock. F* i l , «t (he place above named.

Dated, Ju ly 14, 1874-JESSE F. WYCKOFF-

JOHS JI. HATUEWiON. Bbltllf 2«4 Ally.

The a l i n e tale li heieby adjourned unlii Uoodar. Sept. 7th, I 8 7 4 , a l ] o'clock p. m , at iheplace above named.

Dated, Aug. Tlh. 1871. J f f i B E F. WYCKOJe , 31|eiiir,

J o i n l l . MATunrtox,'All 'y, • •* The above rale 11 hereby ailjourmd unti l .Von day,

IbeSihday of October, 1871, a l Su'cleck p . m . , a l Iho plaee abore na r e d ,

Datod Sept* 7th, 1874, JESiF. F , WVCKOFF, Shirllf,

Joux u . lUtHEwaox, Atl'y.

The above aale It hereby adjuurned until Uonday the aecond d ty of Noreinbtr, a t J o'clock p . m . . a t the place abore named. I5it3

Dated, Oct. Sth, 1874. JESSE F. WVCKOFF, Sheiiff.

Joux 11. Uaiuewi«.s, Al l 'y .


EDMUND TEE Hit )iitl opened In Jlu h 11 ill HI tl., \ fu

G E O C E R I E S .

Hp pmp(Mu< II ilii'iu in. Iiia i l i i \ ihii j i i viii'tv

View nf IVedor set for large qtianlHy,

riMIF. lUI'i lOVEUEXr csoiUti of a poilllte hnn | feed co 'i,*lru;U'il t i . i t j ^ j i t u t iguiale l^a

iltanlily tu.. <|l'ie'btt«ren ou-hallUilitl ol whtAt and tin. o bu'lieli of oitlt in in Imtthl, without any exlia R.attnf ehnng 'o fge i r t . Tliil U lOcompliihed

1 lij an nilJo.l.ilile tuttry ilitk in the feed cup, and to a inng t i i lliat all llie feederi aio iel al orce by nitre-li iiii>log llie indicator al the cud of Ihe hopper.— thi ' total V diika mill ter Hi un the tide ni^ar llj< e t ie fill fu l . - imi6a the i h i l l and u o r e n l l c . l j r I'.i y Ihe rptco b ilween the dltk and ihotidenf ll.e li'i' 1. Ji. which van rt Ih- How nl teed t t maybe liili.Uid Fioii Ihe fact l i n t they are all fattened In Ihe n m e rhafl, whin one i i moved they are ail mevd—;onie.jacnily the cliaoge It uciform in ail Ibe feedetl, kon n-ed not e lunje a peek Bl ooco Imi cm vary aa liltle at you pleaie-even a pint or | . . j if yuu ilcaiie. The.fi ' tdfr I n n ,di |n m d iimpli i ha l«c Hilnl: no farmer ta.i f i l l |a vadcit l taajL^

: •jiplrchle 11« aitranltiee.' | t l» Juil Nh'al WrtuetJ Invobieo wanting, and Juil wlul mjuuficli|rer» hill- heen Irilug to iralo-loinulilllig tlixt eau bt ad.

i Jutli 1 ii tlanlly «llhout change nf geatt. W h a t F . i rmon lay it-

l.'i t ry omi who reel II glter exptrnloni like the k l l j u . i i ; ; " l h . l t ' t i l j " -Vou hare got it now;" " J u . t w h a t u e nant, wo tro tired ol caiyiag to luahi g..aitand Ihtn har iog lo cbxn j t a rc ic a , once, 'i'uit ii;lta t B t a u l l u m l k a t o l i t " "II i t :1 eailly r e g u l t l s l - I eau t a t y Jut l a t llllle a< I waAi io." Any bc ly c m (Ql th l i wlllj.lul DiSkiAg a mU: ta le ." "1 iiever uwany ih iog f r td t t e t e u a a l h i t ,

I J n l a i n c u l a r at ailrfBBi ol va le r , " "See, il will • .. unjlulng—Wheel, iiye, Oi l . , Ilailey, Flax Seed. I ' l t i , Iteaiit, Coin, fiiii ilhy aud lllnret teed—and

| Ihen lli-'i ei II no nle-ly, l l re ' lalnly hiBta Ihom nil. ' " i lieie i t lome lallilaeilon in uiing tu-.h a llllll. ' ' Pilch nr.* 111.* i \p : i i i ioaa «hlch fa io i t t t i. u e Mhj'i iVey n e Hi 1 I ' d - a- d Ihry are nol mil

nionni i|, an) *t l«l eauldtnl ill-I llirr.i are mioy ulhtt lai-' 'I utkeyo not f»iud on any other

ran If In nielli nl uny

l.i'l fnr nu l l .

lie il prepil. 1 lo fotul.h

1'. p. MAST, & CO. Cpnilgll/IJ, Ohio,


Lowell, Mich?


et ki d l i t i n l e t .

UK Wll.l. PAY


M I L L S .




For further piltlcuiarx call al b i t t h t e in

M u s i c H a l l B lock ,

Bridijo St ree t , Lov/oll,

Flour, Feed &c., constantly on hand.


We have in nperatinn one of


HAY SCALES • For tbo accuuuuodat ion of Uio publlo