Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions & DXing By: David Collingham - K3LP SWODXA DX Dinner Speaker Dayton, Ohio May 17, 2014

Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions & DXing By: David Collingham - K3LP SWODXA DX Dinner Speaker Dayton, Ohio May 17, 2014

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Page 1: Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions & DXing By: David Collingham - K3LP SWODXA DX Dinner Speaker Dayton, Ohio May 17, 2014

Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions & DXing

By: David Collingham - K3LPSWODXA DX Dinner Speaker

Dayton, Ohio

May 17, 2014

Page 2: Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions & DXing By: David Collingham - K3LP SWODXA DX Dinner Speaker Dayton, Ohio May 17, 2014

What are we talking about?Humanitarian efforts:•Devoted to the promotion of human welfare

•Creating opportunities

•Re-investment or paying back

•Enabling advancement in our hobby

•Cultivating life-time relationships

Page 3: Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions & DXing By: David Collingham - K3LP SWODXA DX Dinner Speaker Dayton, Ohio May 17, 2014

What is a mentor?

Mentoring:•An experienced person (the mentor) assists another (the mentoree) in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the less-experienced person’s professional and personal growth

Page 4: Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions & DXing By: David Collingham - K3LP SWODXA DX Dinner Speaker Dayton, Ohio May 17, 2014

My Mentors

Joanne Collingham (Mom)

Louis Malory (WA6DVK – Elmer)

Hughey Carpenter Jr.(WB6CBU) Louis Malory (WA6DVK @ WB6HJJ)

Page 5: Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions & DXing By: David Collingham - K3LP SWODXA DX Dinner Speaker Dayton, Ohio May 17, 2014

My Mentors

Sid May, ET3SID Roland Murphy

Fred, K3ZOKrassy, K1LZ Carl, AI6V Gene, W3ZZ

Page 6: Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions & DXing By: David Collingham - K3LP SWODXA DX Dinner Speaker Dayton, Ohio May 17, 2014

The Starting Point; Fontana, CA

Page 7: Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions & DXing By: David Collingham - K3LP SWODXA DX Dinner Speaker Dayton, Ohio May 17, 2014

How did I get started?

Going on DX-peditions:•Visited 78 Countries: USA, VE, P40, 5W, KH8/S, T33, T30, KH6, KL7, NH8, VU4 (Andaman Islands), VU3, 8P9, 5A, 3D2, FS5, ET, PJ7, J6, VP5, A4, A6, LA, DK, GM, G, F, 5H, 3A, EA, I, IS0, 5Z, 6Y3LP, 9J, A2, A7, A9, C6, FJ, HP, TI, HL, HV, KP5, KP2, KP4, ON, XE, PA, SU, SV, TI, Z2, ZF, ZS, OE, YI, JA, DU, LZ, YN, VK, ST (Z8 -Republic of S. Sudan), 3D2R (Rotuma), 7O (Republic of Yemen), SV2/A (Mt. Athos), ZA (Albania), Z32 (Macedonia), YT (Serbia), Z68 (Kosovo), 4O (Montenegro), J3, J7, V4, XZ1 (Myanmar), TA (Turkey) and EX (Kyrgyzstan).

•Operated From 53 Countries: USA, VE, P40, 5W, KH8/S, T33, T30, KH6, KL7, NH8,VU4, VU3, 8P9, 5A, 3D2, FS5, PJ7, J6, VP5, A4, A6, LA, DK, GM, G, F, 5H, 6Y, KP5, KP2, KP4, ON, XE, PA, TI, YI, DU1, VK, LZ, ST (Republic of S. Sudan), ET (Ethiopia), 3D2R (Rotuma Island), 7O (Republic of Yemen), SV, Z32 (Macedonia), YT (Serbia), 4O (Montenegro), J3, J7, V4, XZ1 (Myanmar), TA (Turkey) and EX (Kyrgyzstan).

•Participated in over 70 World-Wide DX-Peditions

Page 8: Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions & DXing By: David Collingham - K3LP SWODXA DX Dinner Speaker Dayton, Ohio May 17, 2014

Basic DX Support Projects

• Donating replacement parts to hams on the air

• Fixing or assisting in the installation of antennas

• Donating books and basic supplies

• Sponsoring VE exams

• Donating equipment (i.e. Radios, Coax, amps, filters, keyers, rotators, antennas, etc.)

• Donating tools and electronic test equipment

• Donation clothing and food

• Paying your share of room and board, utilities, transportation and fuel

Page 9: Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions & DXing By: David Collingham - K3LP SWODXA DX Dinner Speaker Dayton, Ohio May 17, 2014

Major DX Support Projects

• Contest & Non-contest DX-peditions; involve foreign clubs or hams to participate in your team – donate to their club; always leave something behind for “free”

• As part of your DX-pedition planning, seek opportunities to make a difference with ham radio and community

• Pack your suit cases with tools, supplies, gifts and clothing that you plan to leave behind

• During foreign DX-peditions, seek youth to participate with installation or removing efforts. Reward their learning with certificates or gifts

• Seek to be a sincere mentor or facilitator in everything you do – keep you eyes open; you’ll see opportunities!

Page 10: Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions & DXing By: David Collingham - K3LP SWODXA DX Dinner Speaker Dayton, Ohio May 17, 2014

J6R & J6/K3LP; St. Lucia1997 thru 2005

• Mentoring youth during antenna installation; Theory, Equipment and Participation Certificate

• Donations and support to local hams• Creating “Win” “Win” situation for all involved• Thanks to Scott (N9AG & SWODXA) for use of J6DX


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T33C; Banaba – April 2004

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VU3RWO & VU2NRO ; NIAR India – May 2006

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P40DC & P43DO; Aruba- Sept. 1996

• Upgraded the P43DO, David Odor, station from TS-430 & TS-440 with a new TS-450

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3D2R & 3D2RI; Rotuma – Sept./Oct. 2011

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3D2R & 3D2RI; Rotuma – Sept./Oct. 2011

• Trained 24 - Selection of 10 boy and 10 girl students plus Principle (Perry Gabriel) and three (3) teachers to participate in Amateur Radio Training - Selection completed by Hrane (YT1AD) and Perry Gabriel (Principle) on Oct. 1, 2011

• Formal Class Room; Theory and Operation of Amateur Radio - Trainers: Hrane (YT1AD) and Oms (PY5EG) - Two Days, Oct. 2-3, 2011

• Hands-On Training using UHF Hand-held Radios; Students broke up into five groups and operated initially from campus area 1 day and 1 day from remote locations, Oct. 4-5, 2011 - Trainers: Hrane (YT1AD), Oms (PY5EG), Paul (N6PSE), Dragan (YT3W) and Chuck (JT1CO)

• All 20 students plus 4 teachers, each make their own first live DX QSO from the 3D2R DX-pedition Station, Oct. 6, 2011 - Trainer: David (K3LP) and Hrane (YT1AD)

• Formal Request for 3D2RI Club License; Hrane (YT1AD) with assistance from Tevita Rokobaro (3D2TR) made formal request for 3D2RI License

• Radio, antenna and support equipment donated to set-up 3D2RI

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3D2R & 3D2RI; Rotuma – Sept./Oct. 2011

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3D2R; Rotuma – Sept./Oct. 2011

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8P6AW & 8P9R; Barbados – Oct. 2005

• Creating a contest opportunity that would involve a team of USA hams and over 20 hams from Barbados; 8P9R – CQWW

• Each US Team member was able to make a significant donation to the Barbados Amateur Radio Club (8P6AW)

Oms (PY5EG) & Krassy (K1LZ) working on 80 Meter 4 square

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8P6AW & 8P9R; Barbados - Oct. 2005

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ET3AA; Ethiopia – Aug. & Dec. 2011Equipment & Material Donations (K3LP):•New laptop PC, HF Amplifier, Coax, License Fees, CW Keyer and Key, books, power supply, wire antennas, tool box, etc.

•ET3AA QSLs - Prepared & Paid for ET3AA QSL Cards being issued by N2OO as QSL Manager

•Paid for taking all exams and retests

Student VE Tests; K3LP, N6PSE, N2WB & K3VN:•Number of students taking test by  type are: 62

•Total Number of exams given = 163

•62 Students Tested; 57 successfully passed at least 1 license level

US FCC Licenses Issued by type:•16 = Technician License (Element 2) exam

•36 = General License (Element 3) exam

•  5 = Extra License (Element 4) exam

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ET3AA; Ethiopia – Aug. & Dec. 2011

Page 22: Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions & DXing By: David Collingham - K3LP SWODXA DX Dinner Speaker Dayton, Ohio May 17, 2014

ET3AA; Ethiopia – Work-in-Progress• August 2011 - Lincoln Short Wave Club’s 90th

birthday activities, the club has donated a brand new FT450AT to ET3AA

• Aug. & Dec. 2013 – K3LP and Team Visits & Donations plus QSL Support

• Efforts continue with Ken Claerbout, K4ZW• INDEXA Donations

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ST0R; S. Sudan – Aug. 2011

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Dorothy Grant Elementary School (K6DGE) Amateur Radio Club• Since Jan. 2011, over 100 kids (3rd to 5th graders) involved in radio activities

• Five DX-pedition Flag Projects; 16 Countries

• Reading and Vegetable Garden Project completed

• Four School Field Days; Antenna Building, Theory and On-the-Air Operating

• After School Amateur Radio Club & Learning Meetings; 2 times per week

• Teacher, Beverly Matheson, passed her Extra Class License plus participated in ARRL Robotics program

• 24 Elementary Students Passed their Technician License

• 3 HF Radios, 4 Hand-Held VHF Radios, 40’ tower with beam, 3 verticals, amplifier, electronics lab equipment, etc.

• Amateur mentors engaged; K3LP, N6HC, N6PSE, WA6DVK, NK7U, W2IJ, W8TN, W6RW, N6OX, N3HX, N6CV, W4EF, KE6JI, W0RIC and K6DJ

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Dorothy Grant Elementary School (K6DGE) Amateur Radio Club -

Started Jan. & April 2011

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Dorothy Grant Elementary School (K6DGE) Amateur Radio

Club - April & Oct. 2012

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Dorothy Grant Elementary School (K6DGE) Amateur Radio

Club - April 2012 to Present

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Dorothy Grant Elementary School (K6DGE) Amateur Radio

Club - April 2012 to Present

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Closing Remarks• Youth Focus - With competing hobbies and other youth

interests, we must be diligent and pro-active as organizations and individuals to seek and incorporate youth participation in our Amateur Radio activities

• Club Awards - Reward & encourage Club member efforts• Be resourceful• Be a mentor!