Chapter 16 Human Geography Russia & Republics

Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

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Page 1: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

Chapter 16Human Geography Russia & Republics

Page 2: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

Terms1. Baltic Republics- countries of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, located on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea

2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917

3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led by V.I. Lenin took control of government from czars

4. USSR- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or Soviet Union, formed in 1922 by Communists officially dissolved in 1991

5. Cold War- Conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union after WWII called "cold" because it never escalated into open warfare6. Command Economy- type of economic system in which production of goods and services is determined by a central government7. Collective Farming- enormous farm in the Soviet Union which a large team of laborers were gathered to work together during Joseph Stalin's reign

Page 3: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

A History of ExpansionBirth of an Empire-Russian state began between Baltic & Black seas in 9th century-Vikings game and adopted Slavic customs-13th century expansion stopped due to Mongol invasions (tatars)-15th century Russia reclaims territory with Ivan the Great-Expansion included different ethnic groups, languages, religions

Page 4: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

A History of ExpansionRussia Lags Behind Western Europe-Science & technology lagged behind-Czar, Peter the Great (1682-1725) changes capital to St. Petersburg-Russia doesn't industrialize until end of 1800's

Page 5: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

A History of ExpansionThe Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union-1917 Russian Revolution occurred, ending rule of the czar, Lenin (communist) took over-1922 Communist Russia declared a new nation USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or Soviet Union-Moscow becomes capital-WWII Joseph Stalin helped fight against Germany

Page 6: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

A History of ExpansionThe Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union-Stalin installed pro-Soviet governments into Eastern European countries-U.S. feels threatened by expansion of Communism late 1940's-Cold War (1940's-1980's)-Mikhail Gorbachev- Soviet leader who gave more economic freedom to its people-Today they have an elected president

Page 7: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

Building a Command Economy

An Economic Dream-Communists inspired by Karl Marx-Capitalist system doomed because it concentrated wealth in hands of few-predicted communism would replace it-everyone share the wealth

A Harsh Reality-Command Economy was instilled- government control over all economic decisions-Wanted to industrialize-Collective farms-People made sacrifices -Stalin responsible for over 14 million deaths of his people

Page 8: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

A Rich CultureEthnicity and Religion-Many ethnic groups due to Russian expansion-Russia has most diversity-Finnish, Turkic, Mongolian-Orthodox Christianity, Buddhism, & Islam, Judaism

Artistic Genius-Religion & Art closely related-Orthodox churches-Writers, composers, Russian ballet-Communist Russia outlawed artists who didn't work in official style "Socialist realism"-Promoted citizens working to create socialist society

Page 9: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

Tradition & Change in Russian Life

A More Open Society-Moscow & St. Petersbourg resemble western cities-Allowed to read newspapers, books from around world-Native traditions have survived (Rye bread, Kasha, vodka)

Dachas & Banyas-1/4 of Russia lives in rural areas-Dachas- country homes-Banya- bath house where they perform cleaning ritual sauna, steam bath, ice water

Page 10: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

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Page 11: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

16.2 Terms1. Red Army- name of the Soviet Union's military

Page 12: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

A Gateway of Migration-Trade routes lead to thriving commercial regions around the world-Today, over 50 different peoples in the region-Most people are either Christian or Islamic-Armenia & Georgia among oldest Christian states-Armenia 300 A.D.-7th century Muslim invaders converted people to Islamic-Azerbaijan mostly Muslim-Conflict during and after Soviet rule

Page 13: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

A History of Outside Control-18th century Czar's of Russia invade area-By 1870's Russia added Transcaucasia to the Russian Empire-1917 brief independence, 1920, red army took control of the region-Decades of rule from the Soviets, people experience painful economic and political changes

Page 14: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

Economic Potential-Economic activity: tourism, wine, oil-Republics have agricultural output-->tea and fruits-Soviet transformed area into industrial region-Oil industry is most important

-Four countries border Caspian Sea have argued, Lake or Sea?-Sea: (Azerbaijan) each country has legal rights to its resources on its own seabed-Lake: (Russia) most of the resource must be shared equally among each country

Page 15: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led
Page 16: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led
Page 17: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

Modern Life in Transcaucasia

-Educated programs from Soviet Union had positive impact-Russian Revolution time very few could read-Communist leaders wanted to train people to be skilled workers-99% literacy rates-Education still a priority

Page 18: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

Section 3: Central Asia TermsSilk Road- 4,000 mile route between China and the Mediterranean Sea, named for the costly silk acquired in China

Great Game-Struggle between the British Empire and the Russian Empire for control of Central Asia in the 19th century.

Nomads- a person with no permanent home who moves according to the seasons from place to place in search of food, water and grazing land.

yurts- a tent of Central Asia's nomads

Page 19: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

Historical Crossroads-Today there are 5 republics in this regionKazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and UzbekistanThe Silk Road-100 BC travelers crossed this area-Silk Road- silk, gold, silver, ivory, wine, spices, linen, perfume, ideas, technology, religion, etc.-Sea routes slow Silk Road travelThe Great Game-19th C. Great Britain and Russian Empire fight over region-End of century Russia won control of Central Asia

Page 20: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

An Uncertain Economic FutureNuclear Testing-Over 470 nuclear devices exploded for testing in Kazakhstan between 1949-1989-Spread over 180,000 square miles-Causing leukemia, thyroid cancer, birth defects, mental illness, etc.Petroleum and Prosperity- Oil and gas reserves in Caspian Sea-Oil fields in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan

Page 21: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

Cultures Divided and Conquered

Soviets Form Nations-Soviets carved region into five new nations that corresponded to the largest ethnic groups-Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Turkmen, Uzbek-Deliberately included large ethnic minorities in each republic to prevent opposition to their rule.Language and Religion-Islam brought by Muslim warriors in 8th century is strongest religion-Speak Turkish and Russian

Page 22: Human Geography Russia & Republics · 2. Czar- emperor of Russia prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917 3. Russian Revolution- Revolt in 1917, which Russian Communist Party, led

The Survival of TraditionNomadic Heritage-Grasslands are ideal for nomadic people-During Soviet rule nomads decreased, forced on collective farms-Still in region-Yurts is one of the most valuable possessions of a nomad-To preserve traditions, a network of shepherds families in Kyrgyzstan, take in guests for income