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Graded Assignment Requirements

This document includes all of the assignment requirements for the graded assignments in this course.

Your instructor will provide the details about when each assignment is due.

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Unit 1 Exercise 1: Words in Action Check Your Understanding

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of this activity, you will improve your ability to discuss ethics by:

Applying key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Critically examining the key concepts of the nature of morality and how it relates to the discipline

of ethics.

Assignment Requirements

In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of this week’s ethical vocabulary by

completing a 10-question Check Your Understanding quiz. Circle the correct answer for the quiz that

starts on the next page and turn that sheet in to your instructor before you leave class.

Required Resources


Submission Requirements

Turn in the completed Check Your Understanding Sheet to your instructor before you leave class.

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Check Your Understanding Name ________________________

1. What is the approach to morality that deals with empirical evidence of human behavior and


a. Normative approach

b. Prescriptive approach

c. Scientific approach

d. Philosophical approach

2. What is the approach to morality that deals with norms and standards?

a. Prescriptive approach

b. Metaethics

c. Analytic approach

d. Religious morality

3. The approach to morality that deals with the analysis of ethical language and rational foundations

of ethical systems is ________.

a. metaethics

b. scientific approach

c. prescriptive approach

d. social morality

4. When we speak of something as attractive, homely, beautiful, or ugly, we are using ________

rather than ________.

a. social morality; religious morality

b. scientific reasoning; religious morality

c. the Categorical imperative; moral values

d. aesthetics; moral values

5. This concept concerns a human being in relation to other humans and is found in more ethical

systems than any other.

a. Confucian ethics

b. Social morality

c. Scientific reasoning

d. Prescriptive ethics

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6. Nancy was born into a culture where women are considered equal to men, while Razia was born

into a culture where she is not able to inherit or own property. Neither of these women questions

this norm. They are ascribing to ________.

a. supernatural thought

b. natural law

c. customary morality

d. reflective morality

7. Mark makes a great deal of effort to please people. He has good manners, he seeks the approval

of others, and conforms to the group to which he belongs. According to Kohlberg’s Theory of

Moral Development, Mark is at ________.

a. the preconventional level, stage 1

b. the conventional level, stage 2

c. the conventional level, stage 3

d. the conventional level, stage 4

8. Helen is a chief of police in a large metropolis. She has considerable political power and often

uses her influence to persuade law makers to change existing laws after she has reflected on the

repercussions of current laws. Which stage is she in?

a. Preconventional, Stage 1

b. Conventional level, Stage 3

c. Conventional level, Stage 4

d. Postconventional, Stage 5

9. Harry is in a difficult position. He discovers that he made a serious mistake in his accounting at

work. He thought his sales division was making a profit, but in fact it is showing a deficit. Harry

has found his error, but he also knows he can cover it up for quite a long while. The longer he

covers his error, the more likely it will be that the people who work under him will lose their jobs. If

he admits his error, he might lose his job, but those who work under him would have a chance to

recoup the losses. Harry chooses to admit his mistake and hope for a good outcome when he

presents a plan to increase sales and make up the deficit. He is using an argument from


a. enlightened self-interest

b. ethical egoism

c. care ethics

d. natural law

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10. Which of these means how human beings treat other beings so as to promote mutual welfare,

growth, creativity, and meaning?

a. Immorality

b. Morality

c. Amorality

d. Philosophical morality

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Unit 1 Assignment 1: Unit 1 Reading Review

Learning Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Critically examine the key concepts of the nature of morality and how it relates to the discipline of


Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

There are three homework assignments every week. Assignments 1 and 2 ask you to synthesize and

apply what you learned in this unit. The third homework assignment will prepare you to succeed in the

next unit. This is a review and synthesis assignment. All homework assignments for Unit 1 are due at the

start of class for Unit 2.

Required Resources

Thiroux & Krasemann, Chapter 1

Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Assignment Requirements

Read through the Review Exercises and Discussion Questions on pages 27 and 28. Select one of the

questions. You will write a short essay discussing the question and its answer in the form of a letter.

Writing a letter explaining your problem can be the best way to work through a problem. The process of

identifying the elements in a problem, laying them out clearly for another person, and asking them for

specific and pointed advice forces you to look at the options and issues surrounding the problem. Your

letter should be written to your instructor and should be about a page long. You should state the question,

provide some background, outline what you see as the main ethical issue(s) or problem(s), and then

explain how you would apply your newfound knowledge to answer the question.

You will be graded on your content, your ability to analyze the topic and apply your knowledge, and your

ability to follow writing guidelines.

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Submission Requirements

Your letter must be written in Microsoft Word, double spaced with 1” margins, using 12-point Times New

Roman or 10-point Arial font. This letter must be at least one page long and is due in Unit 2.

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Unit 1 Assignment 2: Kohlberg’s Moral Development

Learning Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Critically examine the key concepts of the nature of morality and how it relates to the discipline of


Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

Write a short paper answering the following prompt:

Analyze the six stages in Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. You are your own case study. Explain

your own lifetime passage through the stages. Where are you now? Which stage of Kohlberg’s moral

development describes you best? Give concrete examples to support the stage at which you have self-


You will be graded on: The length and layout of your essay; grammar and writing; the clarity with which

you state your ideas and progress from paragraph to paragraph to conclusion; your ability to cover all

elements in the writing prompt; and your ability to back up your statements with citations, logic, and other

properly cited evidence.

Required Resources


Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

Your paper must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman or 10-

point Arial and 1” margins. This paper must be 1½ to 2 pages long and is due at the start of class for Unit


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Unit 1 Assignment 3: Preparing for Unit 2

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Compare and contrast paradigms of psychological egoism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and care


Compare and contrast key differences between nonconsequentialist theories of morality, and

present these differences verbally.

Make an oral and visual presentation of research findings on a topic related to ethics.

Identify key concepts of psychological egoism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and care ethics.

Summarize the meaning of psychological egoism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and care ethics.

Articulate how psychological egoism, ethical egoism, and utilitarianism differ.

Relate, apply, and analyze intuitionism to personal experiences.

Apply care ethics to arrive at an ethical decision.

Assignment Requirements

There are two homework assignments every week. The review will let you synthesize and apply what you

learned in this unit. The second homework will prepare you to succeed in the next unit. This is the

preparation assignment. All homework assignments for Unit 1 are due at the start of class for Unit 2.

1. Unit 2 Reading

Read the following items:

Thiroux & Krasemann, Chapters 2 and 3. Note that this reading is in the textbook. It is

also available with audio in MyThinkingLab.

MyThinkingLab>Chapters>Ch 02>Profiles AND Ch 03>Profiles

o Ayn Rand (1 screen)

o Jeremy Bentham (9 screens)

o Immanuel Kant (6 screens)

2. Four Philosophers and the Trolley Car

Read the Ethics Problem box regarding the Trolley Problem on page 45 of the textbook. Answer

the following questions:

Would Ayn Rand throw the switch? Why or why not?

Would Jeremy Bentham throw the switch? Why or why not?

Would Immanuel Kant throw the switch? Why or why not?

Would you throw the switch? Why or why not?

Regardless of your decision, what would bother you most after the trolley car wrecks?

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Your answers must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New

Roman or 10-point Arial font. You must write at least one paragraph for each question above.

You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions in

writing appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you comprehend

the content, and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

3. Unit 2 Pre-test

Check your knowledge of the reading by taking the Chapter 2 Pretest and the Chapter 3 Pretest.

Submit the results of the pretest to your instructor using MyThinkingLab.

MyThinkingLab > Chapters > Chapter 2 > Study Plan > Pretest

MyThinkingLab > Chapters > Chapter 3 > Study Plan > Pretest

Required Resources


Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

All homework is due at the start of class for Unit 2.

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Unit 2 Exercise 1: Words in Action – Stealing and Looting

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of this activity, you will improve your ability to:

Compare and contrast paradigms of psychological egoism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and

care ethics.

Compare and contrast key differences between nonconsequentialist theories of morality, and

present these differences verbally.

Make an oral and visual presentation of research findings on a topic related to ethics.

Assignment Requirements

In this assignment you will work with a small group to apply this unit’s vocabulary words to a new

situation. Read Case Study 2: Stealing Food, and Case Study 3: Looting, from pages 265-266 of your

textbook. Consider the situation, referring to the rest of your textbook as necessary, and use each of the

words or concepts that the class defined earlier to evaluate these case studies as a group.

Then on your own, draft a two- to three-paragraph response to the Case Study. Is Katia justified in

stealing? Why or why not? What situational differences might affect the justification? Be sure to use this

week’s vocabulary in your response.

You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions in writing

appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you comprehend the content,

and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

Required Resources

Course textbook for each group

Ethical Words Worksheet (HU4640.U2.WS2)

Submission Requirements

This assignment is to be completed in class and turned in when your instructor asks for it. It should be

neatly handwritten and should be two to three paragraphs. Any diagrams can be hand-drawn as long as

they are clear.

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Unit 2 Assignment 1: Unit 2 Reading Review

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Compare and contrast paradigms of psychological egoism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and

care ethics.

Compare and contrast key differences between nonconsequentialist theories of morality, and

present these differences verbally.

Required Resources

Thiroux & Kraseman, Chapters 2 and 3

Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Assignment Requirements

Select one of the review questions on pages 44 and 59 and determine the ethical principles it addresses.

You will create a PowerPoint presentation intended to teach someone unfamiliar with the ethical concepts

and potential ways to answer the question. The first slide should state the question. The next 4 to 7 slides

should define key vocabulary, outline concepts, and state your answer along with your reasoning. Detail

your response in the Notes section of each slide.

You will be graded on your content, your ability to analyze the topic and apply your knowledge, and your

ability to follow writing guidelines and give clear instructions.

Submission Requirements

Submit a PowerPoint presentation with no fewer than 5 slides, each containing at least one explanatory

paragraph in the Notes section. Print your presentation in the Notes style and submit to your instructor in

Unit 3.

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Unit 2 Assignment 2: Care Ethics

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Compare and contrast paradigms of psychological egoism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and

care ethics.

Compare and contrast key differences between nonconsequentialist theories of morality, and

present these differences verbally.

Assignment Requirements

Read the Ethics Problem on page 60 of your textbook, then write a short paper that will:

Analyze Krishna’s advice using care ethics

Explain what you would do if you were in Arjuna’s situation

Analyze your own answer in ethical terms

Your paper must address all parts of the prompt.

You will be graded on: The length and layout of your essay; grammar and writing; the clarity with which

you state your ideas and progress from paragraph to paragraph to conclusion; your ability to cover all

elements in the writing prompt; and your ability to back up your statements with citations, logic, and other

properly cited evidence.

Required Resources

Thiroux & Krasemann, Chapters 2 and 3

Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

Your paper must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman or 10-

point Arial and 1” margins. This paper must be 1 ½ to 2 pages long and is due at the start of class for Unit


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Unit 2 Assignment 3: Preparing for Unit 3

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Define and analyze Virtue Ethics theories to show how they differ from consequentialist and

nonconsequentialist ethical theories.

Design a personal belief system or code of conduct based on ethical theory using at least three

modern ethical problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

1. Unit 3 Reading

Read the following items:

Thiroux & Krasemann, Chapter 4. Note that this reading is in the textbook. It is also

available with audio in MyThinkingLab.

Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics handout (HU4640.U3.TS1)

Note that the full text of the Nicomachean Ethics is also available on MyThinkingLab if

you wish to refer to it.

ITT Tech Virtual Library > Reference > Opposing Viewpoints in Context > Search:

Employee Monitoring Can Violate Privacy

ITT Tech Virtual Library > Reference > Opposing Viewpoints in Context > Search:

Employee Monitoring Is Necessary

2. The Big Aristotle

Refer to the Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics handout (HU4640.U3.TS1).

Answer the following questions:

Based on your reading, what is Aristotle's main idea in the Nicomachean Ethics?

What parts of Aristotle’s argument do you agree with or find persuasive?

What parts of Aristotle’s argument do you disagree with or find unpersuasive?

Imagine that Aristotle was a manager running a company. Would he monitor his

employees’ actions even if they complained about violations of their privacy?

Imagine that Aristotle was working for a company that monitored his Internet use, including

his private email. Would he believe that his privacy had been violated?

Your answers must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New

Roman or 10-point Arial. You must write at least one paragraph for each question above.

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You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions in

writing appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you comprehend

the content, and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

3. Unit 3 Pre-test

Check your knowledge of the reading by taking the Chapter 4 Pretest. Submit the results of the

pretest to your instructor using MyThinkingLab.

MyThinkingLab > Chapters > Chapter 4 > Study Plan > Pretest

Required Resources


Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

All homework is due at the start of class for Unit 3.

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Unit 3 Exercise 1: Words in Action – Check Your Understanding

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this activity you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Define and analyze Virtue Ethics theories to show how they differ from consequentialist and

nonconsequentialist ethical theories.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of this week’s ethical vocabulary by

completing a 10-question Check Your Understanding quiz. Circle the correct answer to each question on

the quiz that begins on the next page and turn that sheet in to your instructor before you leave class.

Required Resources


Submission Requirements

Submit your Check Your Understanding answers before you leave class.

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Circle the correct answer Name ___________________________

1. June has made plans to go skiing in Colorado even though she does not have vacation time from

her job and her family and school demands are consuming. The trip will be expensive and she

talked her mother into loaning her money and watching her children. She plans to tell her boss

she is sick. She plans to tell her professors she is sick and her assignments will be late. June

believes she deserves a break from work, family demands, and school.

June is demonstrating________.

a. ethical egoism

b. utilitarianism

c. care ethics

d. rule utilitarianism

2. Matthew recently inherited a generous amount of money from his uncle. He was not expecting

this inheritance, and he knows his two siblings are upset that they were not included in the will.

Matthew has a good job, but he knows that his siblings are both struggling with keeping up their

bills. Matthew decides to share the inheritance with his siblings because he believes the situation

requires this action.

His behavior is best described as ________.

a. psychological egoism

b. rational ethical egoism

c. act utilitarianism

d. nonconsequentialist morality

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3. Phil and Melissa are hotly debating whether or not a friend of theirs should be held accountable

for theft at their workplace. The amount of the theft was less than $100, and Phil and Melissa

know their friend stole the money from the petty cash drawer to pay for medicine for a sick child.

The employer does not provide medical benefits. Melissa argues that by disclosing the theft, the

friend would lose her job and could face other consequences that would hurt her reputation. Phil

argues that the theft was wrong and should be treated as any other theft.

Melissa’s argument would best be described as ________.

a. utilitarianism

b. care ethics

c. consequential morality

d. ethical egoism

4. Gwen and Elliot have a 5-year-old son who is in first grade. Their son is a bright boy but often

gets into trouble at school because he gets into fights with other boys. Gwen and Elliot generally

discipline their son in exactly the same way (no video games for a week) when he gets into fights.

However, they just found out that in his most recent fight with another boy he had come to the

rescue of a small girl who was being picked on by a larger boy. Gwen and Elliot decide not to

punish their son.

Their action in this particular instance would be ________.

a. intuitionism

b. rule utilitarianism

c. act utilitarianism

d. rational ethical egoism

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5. Sarah and David also have a 5 year old son who is in first grade. Their son is a bright boy, but often gets

into trouble at school because he gets into fights with other boys. Sarah and David generally discipline

their son in exactly the same way (no video games for a week) when he gets into fights. However, they

just found out that in his most recent fight with another boy he had come to the rescue of a small girl who

was being picked on by a larger boy. Sarah and David decide punish their son exactly as they have done


Their action in this particular instance would be ________.

a. intuitionism

b. rule utilitarianism

c. act utilitarianism

d. rational ethical egoism

6. Nan believes abortion is always wrong. She believes divorce is always wrong. When her friends

disagree with her viewpoints, she says that the beliefs she follows are not based on the

consequences of rules or actions, but rather on the existence of a supernatural being who has set

forth conditions by which people should live.

Nan ascribes to ________.

a. divine command theory

b. intuitionism

c. duty ethics

d. consequentialist theory

7. Mallory was at the local public swimming pool. She saw a small child wander into the deep end

and disappear underwater. Mallory did not hesitate. She dove swiftly into the pool and rescued

the drowning child. When the parents, public officials, and the media wanted to give her great

attention and a heroine’s reward, Mallory declined, saying that rescuing the child was enough

reward for her since she had merely done the right thing. Mallory could best be described as

ascribing to ________.

a. care ethics

b. Kant’s duty ethics

c. virtue ethics

d. customary morality

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8. In a popular television show, “My Name is Earl,” the main character spends a good share of his

time revisiting people from his past whom he has wronged in some way. Earl provides this

explanation for his actions: “You know the kind of guy who does nothing but bad things and then

wonders why his life sucks? Well, that was me. Every time something good happened to me,

something bad was always waiting round the corner: karma. That’s when I realized that I had to

change, so I made a list of everything bad I’ve ever done and one by one I’m gonna make up for

all my mistakes. I’m just trying to be a better person. My name is Earl.”

Earl calls this “karma,” but his action of facing those he has wronged and making amends might

better be described as ________.

a. duty ethics

b. divine command theory

c. prima facie duties

d. act utilitarianism

9. Lenny and Squiggy find themselves in a sticky situation. They promised to cater a dinner to a

wealthy baroness and said they could prepare sumptuous and culturally correct cuisine. The

problem is that neither Lenny nor Squiggy knows anything about cuisine from this country. Lenny

says to Squiggy, “We can do this. I have a good feeling that since we’ve cooked meals before, we

can do this and we will serve it so well that the guests won’t know the difference.”

Lenny is apparently relying on ________.

a. intuition

b. the categorical imperative

c. virtue ethics

d. care ethics

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10. A medical doctor has been called to the emergency room to assist after a multi-vehicle accident

has resulted in severe and critical injuries to more than a dozen people. As she looks at the

patients, she begins to work on the very worst cases. The ER supervisor comes to the area and

tells her to concentrate only on the cases that she knows she can save and ignore the most

critical, who are probably going to die. The supervisor does not tell the doctor that hospital

resources should not be wasted on those who are most likely to die, although that is the

supervisor’s thinking.

The supervisor’s direction would best be characterized as________.

a. immoral

b. rule utilitarianism

c. act utilitarianism

d. cost-benefit analysis

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Unit 3 Assignment 1: Unit 3 Reading Review

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Define and analyze Virtue Ethics theories to show how they differ from consequentialist and

nonconsequentialist ethical theories.

Required Resources

Textbook, Chapter 4

Class notes from the Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics handout (HU4640.U3.WS2)


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Assignment Requirements

Respond in writing to the 5 Discussion Questions on page 75. Use the vocabulary of the unit and the

concepts discussed in class and in your readings. Each answer should be at least one paragraph long, for

a total of 1 to 1½ pages.

You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions in writing

appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you comprehend the content,

and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

Submission Requirements

Your responses should be typed in Microsoft Word, double spaced with 1” margins and in 12-point Times

New Roman or 10-point Arial font. You should submit your answers to your instructor in Unit 4.

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Unit 3 Assignment 2: Virtue Ethics

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Define and analyze Virtue Ethics theories to show how they differ from consequentialist and

nonconsequentialist ethical theories.

Assignment Requirements

Write a short paper answering the following prompt:

Is the following a fair criticism of virtue ethics, or does it rest on a fundamental misunderstanding?

"Virtue Ethics can provide no guide to moral action because it does not try to offer us a set of

tools for making moral judgments. It might tell us what a good person is, but it offers no rules that

teach us how to go about solving a precise moral problem."

Your paper must include at least one direct citation from the Nicomachean Ethics handout. You may cite

this as (Aristotle, The Nichomachean Ethics, Book 1. Class handout. Page ).

You will be graded on: The length and layout of your essay; grammar and writing; the clarity with which

you state your ideas and progress from paragraph to paragraph to conclusion; your ability to cover all

elements in the writing prompt; and your ability to back up your statements with citations, logic, and other

properly cited evidence.

Required Resources



Submission Requirements

Your paper must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman or 10-

point Arial with 1” margins. This paper must be 2 pages long and is due at the start of class for Unit 4.

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Unit 3 Assignment 3: Preparing for Unit 4

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Compare and contrast absolutism and relativism in order to relate them to types of propositions.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

1. Unit 4 reading

Read/view the following items:

Thiroux & Krasemann, Chapter 5. Note that this reading is in the textbook. It is also

available with audio in MyThinkingLab

“Death at Massey Energy Company” MyThinkingLab > Multimedia > Chapter 5 > Video

“Married for a Minute,” Mother Jones, March-April 2010 (ITT Tech Virtual Library >

Reference > Opposing Viewpoints > Search “married for a minute” > under Magazines

click on: Married for a minute: Is Iran’s mullah-backed system of temporary marriage a

godsend for the sexually frustrated--or religious prostitution?

2. Absolute or Relative

Think about absolutism and relativism. Then answer the following prompt:

Are there any absolute moral truths? If so, what, exactly, makes them true? If not, what is

the most morally horrific action you can think of? Do you really believe the wrongness of

this act is “culturally relative”?

You will be graded on: The length and layout of your essay; grammar and writing; the clarity with

which you state your ideas and progress from paragraph to paragraph to conclusion; your ability

to cover all elements in the writing prompt; and your ability to back up your statements with

citations, logic, and other properly cited evidence.

Your response must be at least 1 page. It must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced,

using 12-point Times New Roman or 10-point Arial.

3. Unit 4 Pretest

Check your knowledge of the reading by taking the Chapter 5 Pretest. Submit the results of the

pretest to your instructor using MyThinkingLab.

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MyThinkingLab > Chapters > Chapter 5 > Study Plan > Pretest

Required Resources


Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

All homework is due at the start of class for Unit 4.

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Unit 4 Exercise 1: Death and Accounting

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this activity you will improve your ability to:

Compare and contrast absolutism and relativism in order to relate them to types of propositions.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

Your instructor will show a video about a mining accident. Using information from that video, write a short

in-class essay that analyzes the accident in terms of both moral absolutism and moral relativism.

Your essay will be graded on your ability to use moral absolutism, your ability to use moral relativism, and

your ability to refer to specific incidents or examples from the video to support your argument.

Required Resources

Video: Death at Massey Energy Company (MyThinkingLab > Chapter 5 > Videos)


Class notes

Submission Requirements

This assignment is to be completed in class and turned in when your instructor asks for it. It should be

neatly handwritten. Any diagrams can be hand-drawn as long as they are clear.

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Unit 4 Assignment 1: Unit 4 Reading Review

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Compare and contrast absolutism and relativism in order to relate them to types of propositions.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Required Resources

Textbook, Chapter 5

Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Assignment Requirements

Read the Ethics Problem on page 89 of your textbook. You will write a letter to your instructor addressing

the question “Are ethics relative?”

Writing a letter explaining your problem can be the best way to work through a problem. The process of

identifying the elements in a problem, laying them out clearly for another person, and asking them for

specific and pointed advice forces you to look at the options and issues surrounding the problem. Your

letter should be written to your instructor and should be about a page long. You should restate the

question, provide some background, state your response, and then elaborate on your response by

applying your newfound knowledge to answer the question.

You will be graded on your content, your ability to analyze the topic and apply your knowledge, and your

ability to follow writing guidelines.

Submission Requirements

Prepare your response in a 1-page Microsoft Word document with 1” margins and using 12-point Times

New Roman or 10-point Arial. Your response is due in Unit 5.

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Unit 4 Assignment 2: Absolutism and Relativism

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Compare and contrast absolutism and relativism in order to relate them to types of propositions.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

For this assignment, you will answer the same question that you answered to prepare for this unit, but this

time you will write two to three pages. This essay does not have to agree with the essay you wrote to

prepare for this unit.

Write a short paper answering the following prompt:

Go to the ITT Tech Virtual Library and do research on a morally horrific event or incident in history or in

current events. Think about absolutism and relativism. Then answer the following prompt:

Are there any absolute moral truths? If so, what, exactly, makes them true? If not, what is the

most morally horrific action you can think of? Do you really believe the wrongness of this act is

“culturally relative”?

You will be graded on: The length and layout of your essay; grammar and writing; the clarity with which

you state your ideas and progress from paragraph to paragraph to conclusion; your ability to cover all

elements in the writing prompt; and your ability to back up your statements with citations, logic, and other

properly cited evidence.

Required Resources

Textbook, Chapter 5

Class notes

ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

Your paper must show evidence of your research by using and citing at least two ITT Tech Virtual Library

resources. Cite in APA format. It must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times

New Roman or 10-point Arial. This paper must be 2-3 pages long and is due at the start of class for Unit


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Unit 4 Assignment 3: Preparing for Unit 5

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Differentiate among determinism, indeterminism, fatalism, predestination, universal causation,

and freedom.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Make an oral and visual presentation of research findings on a topic related to ethics.

Assignment Requirements

1. Unit 5 reading

Read the following items:

Thiroux & Krasemann, Chapters 6 and 10. Note that this reading is in the textbook. It is

also available with audio in MyThinkingLab

You Decide: Physician-Assisted Suicide (MyThinkingLab > Multimedia Library > Chapter

10 > YouDecide)

2. Freedom and Control

Read the Ethics Problem on page 105 of the textbook. Answer the following questions:

a. The Grand Inquisitor offers you two pills. One will make you obey him and make you

happy. The other will give you freedom and make you miserable. Which do you take?


b. The Grand Inquisitor offers to let you give those same two pills to the entire human race.

Which would you give? Why?

c. A stranger comes to your door and tells you that your life is being controlled by your

television, your computer, and your other electronic devices. She hands you a

sledgehammer and tells you that if you destroy your electronics you will become free. Do

you believe her? Do you break anything? Why or why not?

Your answers must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New

Roman or 10-point Arial. You must write at least one half-page for each question above.

You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions in

writing appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you comprehend

the content, and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

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3. Unit 5 Pre-test

Check your knowledge of the reading by taking the Chapter 6 Pretest and the Chapter 10 Pretest.

Submit the results of the pretests to your instructor using MyThinkingLab.

MyThinkingLab > Chapters > Chapter 6 > Study Plan > Pretest

MyThinkingLab > Chapters > Chapter 10 > Study Plan > Pretest

Required Resources


Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

All homework is due at the start of class for Unit 5.

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Unit 5 Exercise 1: Words in Action – End of Life Decisions

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of this activity, you will improve your ability to

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Assignment Requirements

In this assignment you will work with a small group to apply this unit’s vocabulary words to a new

situation. Your group will be assigned a case study from the textbook. Talk about the case and figure out

how to apply the vocabulary words to this specific situation. You will be responsible for writing two or

three paragraphs that use this week’s vocabulary to summarize your group’s response to the case study.

The class will then reconvene, and you will summarize your situations and then explain how the words

apply to it. Your classmates will also present their studies.

At the end of the presentations, review your response to see if you could better apply the concept to your

case based on what you learned from the other groups.

Although you are working with a group and are expected to help the other members of the group

understand and apply their work, your assignment will be graded individually.

You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions in writing

appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you comprehend the content,

and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

Required Resources


Unit 5 Ethical Words Worksheet (HU4640.U5.WS1)

Submission Requirements

This assignment is to be completed in class and turned in when your instructor asks for it. It should be

neatly handwritten. Any diagrams can be hand-drawn as long as they are clear.

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Unit 5 Assignment 1: Unit 5 Reading Review

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Differentiate among determinism, indeterminism, fatalism, predestination, universal causation,

and freedom.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Required Resources

Textbook, Chapters 6 and 10

Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Assignment Requirements

Respond in writing to Discussion Questions #1 on page 104 and on page 222 respond to Exercises for

Review #3, #4, and #8. Use the vocabulary of the unit and the concepts discussed in class and in your

readings. Each answer should be at least one paragraph long, for a total of 1 to 1½ pages.

You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions in writing

appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you comprehend the content,

and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

Submission Requirements

Your responses should be typed in Microsoft Word, double spaced with 1” margins and in 12-point Times

New Roman or 10-point Arial font. You should submit your answers to your instructor in Unit 6.

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Unit 5 Assignment 2: Freedom and Determinism

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Differentiate among determinism, indeterminism, fatalism, predestination, universal causation,

and freedom.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Illustrate how the thinking of these men matches either freedom or determinism: John Calvin,

Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and Jean Paul Sartre.

Assignment Requirements

Review what you have learned about the following thinkers: John Calvin, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin,

Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and Jean Paul Sartre. Provide a short background statement for each man.

For each one, decide whether his thinking more closely matches freedom or determinism. Elaborate with

at least four points that explain why his thoughts and writings are more closely aligned with freedom or


You will be graded on: The length and layout of your essay; grammar and writing; the clarity with which

you state your ideas and progress from paragraph to paragraph to conclusion; your ability to cover all

elements in the writing prompt; and your ability to back up your statements with citations, logic, and other

properly cited evidence.

Required Resources

Textbook, Chapters 6 and 10

Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

Your paper must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman or 10-

point Arial. This paper must be 2 to 3 pages long and is due at the start of class for Unit 6.

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Unit 5 Assignment 3: Preparing for Unit 6

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Define and analyze Virtue Ethics theories to show how they differ from consequentialist and

nonconsequentialist ethical theories.

Design a personal belief system or code of conduct based on ethical theory using at least three

modern ethical problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

1. Unit 6 reading. Read/view the following items:

o Thiroux & Krasemann Chapter 7 and Chapter 12. This reading is also available with

audio in MyThinkingLab.

o Schenck v. United States (1919) (HU4640.U6.TS1)

o MyThinkingLab, Chapter 7, multimedia, video: “Torture”

2. Social Justice

o Answer the following questions:

Using MyThinkingLab Chapter 7 multimedia resources and your textbook as resources

i. Outline John Rawls’s notions of an “original position” and the “veil of


ii. Which principles of social justice do you think follow from these


iii. If the principles you identified are different from those Rawls derived, explain

the differences.

o Your answers must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times

New Roman or 10-point Arial. You must write at least a half-page for each question


You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions

in writing appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you

comprehend the content, and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

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3. Unit 6 Pre-test

Check your knowledge of the reading by taking the Chapter 7 and Chapter 12 Pretests. Submit

the results of the pretests to your instructor using MyThinkingLab.

MyThinkingLab > Chapters > Chapter 7 > Study Plan > Pretest

MyThinkingLab > Chapters > Chapter 12 > Study Plan > Pretest

Required Resources


Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

All homework is due at the start of class for Unit 6.

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Unit 6 Exercise 1: Words in Action – Torture

Learning Objectives

As a result of completing this activity you will improve your ability to:

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

In this assignment, you will work with a small group to apply this unit’s vocabulary words to a new

situation. Your instructor will show a video about torture. You should have already watched this video as

part of your homework for this week. Use the words or concepts that the class defined earlier to write two

to three paragraphs about the ethics of torture. Specifically, does torture provide any value to society? Is

torture ever ethical? Support your response with vocabulary from this unit.

Although you are working with a group and are expected to help the other members of the group

understand and apply their work, your assignment will be graded individually.

You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions in writing

appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you comprehend the content,

and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

Required Resources


MyThinkingLab > Multimedia Library > Videos> Chapter 7 > Torture

Submission Requirements

This assignment is to be completed in class and turned in when your instructor asks for it. It should be

neatly handwritten and at least two paragraphs. Any diagrams can be hand-drawn as long as they are


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Unit 6 Assignment 1: Unit 6 Reading Review

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Define and analyze Virtue Ethics theories to show how they differ from consequentialist and

nonconsequentialist ethical theories.

Design a personal belief system or code of conduct based on ethical theory using at least three

modern ethical problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Required Resources

Textbook, Chapters 7 and 12

Notes from Schenck v. United States

Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Assignment Requirements

Read the Exercises for Review on pages 135-136 as well as the ones on page 268.

Select one of the questions and how you might succinctly answer it. You will create a PowerPoint

presentation intended to teach someone unfamiliar with the ethical concepts and potential ways to answer

the question. The first slide should state the question. The next 4 to 7 slides should define key

vocabulary, outline concepts, and state your answer along with your reasoning. Detail your response in

the Notes section of each slide.

You will be graded on your content, your ability to analyze the topic and apply your knowledge, and your

ability to follow writing guidelines and give clear instructions.

Submission Requirements

Submit a PowerPoint presentation with no fewer than 5 slides, each containing at least one explanatory

paragraph in the Notes section. Print your presentation in the Notes style and submit to your instructor in

Unit 7.

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Unit 6 Assignment 2: Consequentialism

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Define and analyze Virtue Ethics theories to show how they differ from consequentialist and

nonconsequentialist ethical theories.

Design a personal belief system or code of conduct based on ethical theory using at least three

modern ethical problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

Write a short paper answering the following prompt:

Think about what you have read this week and what you discussed in class. In a two-page paper,

summarize what you believe are the key elements of justice. Use a consequentialist theory of morality to

defend your conclusions.

You will be graded on: The length and layout of your essay; grammar and writing; the clarity with which

you state your ideas and progress from paragraph to paragraph to conclusion; your ability to cover all

elements in the writing prompt; and your ability to back up your statements with citations, logic, and other

properly cited evidence.

Required Resources

Textbook, Chapters 7 and 12

Notes from Schenck v. United States

Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

Your paper must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman or 10-

point Arial. This paper must be 2 pages long and is due at the start of class for Unit 7.

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Unit 6 Assignment 3: Preparing for Unit 7

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Explain and analyze the five attributes that must be present for any moral system to operate and

establish order and security.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Assignment Requirements

Unit 7 reading. Read the following items:

o Thiroux & Krasemann, Chapter 8. Note that this reading is in the textbook. It is also

available with audio in MyThinkingLab.

o Paul Johnson, “AT WAR - Why West Is Best: Secrets-or rather, obvious ingredients-of

the Good Society.” National Review 3 Dec. 2001. You can find this in ITT Tech Virtual

Library > Reference > Opposing Viewpoints in Context > Search title.

Absolute or Relative

o Think about absolutism and relativism and about how absolutism and relativism apply to

moral systems. Then answer the following prompts in regard to the At War article:

To what extent is Johnson using absolute ethics in his analysis?

To what extent is Johnson using relativism in his analysis?

Is Johnson claiming to be an absolutist or a relativist in this article?

In your opinion, what form of ethics is Johnson actually practicing? What led you

to that conclusion

o Your response must be at least one page. It must be written in Microsoft Word, double-

spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman or 10-point Arial. It must use direct quotes

from the article as evidence. For the purposes of this assignment you do not need to cite

the article.

o You will be graded on: The length and layout of your essay; grammar and writing; the

clarity with which you state your ideas and progress from paragraph to paragraph to

conclusion; your ability to cover all elements in the writing prompt; and your ability to back

up your statements with citations, logic, and other properly cited evidence.

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Unit 7 Pretest

Check your knowledge of the reading by taking the Chapter 8 Pretest. Submit the results of the

pretest to your instructor using MyThinkingLab.

MythinkingLab > Chapters > Chapter 8 > Study Plan > Pretest

Required Resources


Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

All homework is due at the start of class for Unit 7.

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Unit 7 Exercise 1: Building a Moral System

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this activity, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Explain and analyze the five attributes that must be present for any moral system to operate and

establish order and security

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Make an oral and visual presentation of research findings on a topic related to ethics.

Assignment Requirements

Work in a small group to complete the handout on the following page.

You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions in writing

appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you comprehend the content,

and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

Required Resources


Class notes

Submission Requirements

This assignment is to be completed in class and turned in when your instructor asks for it. It should be

neatly handwritten. Any diagrams can be hand-drawn as long as they are clear.

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Building a Moral System - Worksheet

Members of the group: _________________________________________________________________

Part 1: The Structure of our System

The consequentialist elements in our moral system are:

The nonconsequentialist elements in our moral system are:

We want to maintain the greatest amount of individual freedom while maintaining order. To do this we will

address act and rule moralism by:

The Characteristics of Our System

A moral system should have all five of the following characteristics.

1. Rationally based

2. Logically consistent

3. Generally applicable to everyone in a group

4. Teachable

5. Able to resolve conflicts

Look over what you have done so far.

How many and which of the basic principles will be included in your moral system?

Why did you choose these?

How can they be practically applied to your moral system?

Use this space to make notes for you to use when you explain your moral system to the rest of the class.

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How Our Moral System Will Handle Selected Issues

After the group discussion where everyone presents their moral systems, work by yourself and figure out

how your moral system would address all of the following issues.



Child Molestation:

Drug use of any kind (remember, you set the legality or illegality of drugs):

Other criminal activities:


Who is deserving of receiving basic life necessities? Will your moral system provide necessities to people

who are:

Old -

Sick -

Mentally unstable -

Unable for any reason to be a productive member of your group -

Individual Freedom

Right to bear arms:

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Religious freedom:

How will our society defend itself against outside dangers?

How will your moral system balance social unity with individual freedom?

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Unit 7 Assignment 1: Unit 7 Reading Review

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Explain and analyze the five attributes that must be present for any moral system to operate and

establish order and security

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Required Resources

Textbook, Chapter 8

Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Assignment Requirements

Respond in writing to the 3 Discussion Questions on page 159. Use the vocabulary of the unit and the

concepts discussed in class and in your readings. Each answer should be at least two paragraphs long,

for a total of 1 to 1 ½ pages.

You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions in writing

appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you comprehend the content,

and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

Submission Requirements

Your responses should be typed in Microsoft Word, double spaced with 1” margins and in 12-point Times

New Roman or 10-point Arial font. You should submit your answers to your instructor in Unit 8.

Submission Requirements

All homework is due at the start of class for Unit 8.

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Unit 7 Assignment 2: Creating a Moral System

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Explain and analyze the five attributes that must be present for any moral system to operate and

establish order and security

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Assignment Requirements

For this assignment, you will evaluate your experience creating a moral system. Write a three-page paper

that addresses the following:

Analyze your experience creating a moral system with a group in class. First, summarize the moral

system that your group created, explaining both the process and the end result. Then evaluate your

process by describing any areas where your group experienced conflict or, if there were no conflicts,

explain why your group was thinking so closely together. In addition, use the ITT Tech Virtual library to

find one additional moral system, such as the ones used by 1960s communes, religious groups, or Native

American nations. Identify it as non-consequentialist or consequentialist, and compare it with the system

that your group created in class.

You will be graded on: The length and layout of your essay; grammar and writing; the clarity with which

you state your ideas and progress from paragraph to paragraph to conclusion; your ability to cover all

elements in the writing prompt; and your ability to back up your statements with citations, logic, and other

properly cited evidence.

Required Resources


Class Notes

MyThinking Lab

ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

Your paper must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman or 10-

point Arial and 1” margins. This paper must be three pages long and use APA citation format. Turn your

paper in to your instructor in Unit 8.

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Unit 7 Assignment 3: Preparing for Unit 8

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Critically examine the key concepts of the nature of morality and how it relates to the discipline of


Compare and contrast paradigms of psychological egoism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and

care ethics.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Design a personal belief system or code of conduct based on ethical theory using at least three

modern ethical problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

Unit 8 reading. Read the following items:

o Thiroux & Krasemann, Chapter 14 and Appendix 6. Note that this reading is in the

textbook. It is also available with audio in MyThinkingLab

o ITT Tech Virtual Library, “Apology for Study Done in Tuskegee” (ITT Tech Virtual Library

> Reference > Opposing Viewpoints in Context > search article title)

o MyThinkingLab>Multimedia>Video>Chapter 14>”Defibrillator Disaster”

o MyThinkingLab>Multimedia>You Decide>Chapter 14>”Cloning”

The Facts of the Case

o Read the primary document about the Tuskegee Study. Answer the following questions

about the document.

When was the Tuskegee Study started? When did it end?

Who were the experiment subjects?

What happened in this experiment?

Did the experiment subjects have the chance to make an informed decision?

Was the United States right to apologize for the experiment?

o Your answers must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times

New Roman or 10-point Arial. You must write at least two complete sentences for each

question above.

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You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all

questions in writing appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate

that you comprehend the content, and the timeliness with which you turn in the


Unit 8 Pre-test

Check your knowledge of the reading by taking the Chapter 14 Pretest. Submit the results of the

pretest to your instructor using MyThinkingLab.

MyThinkingLab > Chapters > Chapter 14 > Study Plan > Pretest

Required Resources


Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

All homework is due at the start of class for Unit 8.

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Unit 8 Exercise 1: Cloning

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of this activity, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Critically examine the key concepts of the nature of morality and how it relates to the discipline of


Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

In this activity, you will consider cloning and apply what you learned about medical ethics in the previous

discussion in a short in-class writing assignment.

You should have read the “YouDecide” about cloning as part of your homework. The instructor will use

the whiteboard to briefly review the major issues for and against cloning.

The instructor will then divide the class into working groups. You may quietly discuss the assignment, but

the final work is to be handed in individually.

Before writing, review your notes on vocabulary and the results of the discussion just completed. In

addition, while your final project is not yet complete, you should use the work you have done on it so far to

help you think about cloning.

Spend 7 minutes free-writing. Do not worry about organization, spelling, grammar, etc. This is an

opportunity to get your thoughts on paper and discover new ideas you have that didn’t emerge in your

class review of the reading you did for homework.

Write a short in-class essay evaluating cloning through utilitarian ethics, value ethics, and your personal

ethical system.

You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions in writing

appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you comprehend the content,

and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

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Required Resources


MyThinkingLab > Chapter 14 > Multimedia > YouDecide > Cloning

Submission Requirements

This assignment is to be completed in class and turned in when your instructor asks for it. It should be

neatly handwritten and fill 1½ to 2 pages. Any diagrams can be hand-drawn as long as they are clear.

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Unit 8 Assignment 1: Unit 8 Reading Review

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Critically examine the key concepts of the nature of morality and how it relates to the discipline of


Compare and contrast paradigms of psychological egoism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and

care ethics.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Design a personal belief system or code of conduct based on ethical theory using at least three

modern ethical problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Define bioethics.

Explain how ethical theories can be applied to bioethics.

Analyze ethical issues of scarce medical resources, human experimentation, and genetics.

Create a personal code of ethics.

Required Resources

Textbook, Chapter 14 and Appendix 6

Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Assignment Requirements

Read through the Exercises for Review on page 319. Select one from #3 through #10. You will write a

short essay discussing the question and its answer in the form of a letter.

Writing a letter explaining your problem can be the best way to work through a problem. The process of

identifying the elements in an problem, laying them out clearly for another person, and asking them for

specific and pointed advice forces you to look at the options and issues surrounding the problem. Your

letter should be written to your instructor and should be about a page long. You should state the question,

provide some background, outline what you see as the main ethical issue(s) or problem(s), and then

explain how you would apply your newfound vocabulary and knowledge to answer the question.

You will be graded on your content, your ability to analyze the topic and apply your knowledge, and your

ability to follow writing guidelines.

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Submission Requirements

Prepare your response in a 1-page Microsoft Word document with 1” margins and using 12-point Times

New Roman or 10-point Arial. Your response is due in Unit 9.

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Unit 8 Assignment 2: Stem Cell Research

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Define bioethics.

Explain how ethical theories can be applied to bioethics.

Analyze ethical issues of scarce medical resources, human experimentation, and genetics.

Assignment Requirements

Write a short paper responding to the following prompt:

Why is stem cell research such a morally charged issue? Explain the issue as clearly as you can. Then

go on to develop your own position in this debate, keeping in mind likely counterarguments and criticisms.

Find and cite at least two sources from MyThinkingLab or the ITT Tech Virtual Library to support your


You will be graded on: The length and layout of your essay; grammar and writing; the clarity with which

you state your ideas and progress from paragraph to paragraph to conclusion; your ability to cover all

elements in the writing prompt; and your ability to back up your statements with citations, logic, and other

properly cited evidence.

Required Resources


Class Notes

ITT Tech Virtual Library


Submission Requirements

Your paper must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman or 10-

point Arial and 1” margins. This paper must be 2 to 3 pages long and include research references cited in

APA format.

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Unit 8 Assignment 3: Preparing for Unit 9

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Critically examine the key concepts of the nature of morality and how it relates to the discipline of


Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Design a personal belief system or code of conduct based on ethical theory using at least three

modern ethical problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Use the ITT Tech Virtual Library to research various topics related to ethics.

Assignment Requirements

1. Unit 9 Reading:

Read the following items:

o Thiroux & Krasemann, Chapter 15:

o Thiroux & Krasemann Appendix 7

o MyThinkingLab>Multimedia>Chapter 15>Videos: “Age Discrimination,” “Gigantic Wal-

Mart Lawsuit,” “The Good Corporate Citizen -- Killing the Messenger”

o ITT Tech Virtual Library and current news media, student choice of advertisement to


2. Ethical Advertising?

Find an advertisement that you think illustrates one or more specific ethical issues that we have

covered in this class. You can choose an advertisement that you approve of, disapprove, or just

think is interesting; however, you must be able to bring the advertisement to class and share it

with other students.

Answer the following prompts in a Microsoft Word document:

Where was this advertisement found?

What product, service, or brand is it advertising?

What about the advertisement or its underlying ethics would a virtue ethicist approve of?

What about the advertisement or its underlying ethics would a utilitarian approve of?

What about the advertisement or its underlying ethics would a virtue ethicist disapprove?

What about the advertisement or its underlying ethics would a utilitarian disapprove?

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Write a paragraph evaluating this advertisement according to the tenets of the personal

code of ethics that you have been developing throughout this course.

Attach the advertisement to your homework. You can cut it out of a newspaper or magazine that

you own, photocopy it, print the screen with an online advertisement, or find a television

advertisement online and print the crucial frames or scenes from the video.

Your answers must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New

Roman or 10-point Arial. You must write at least one full page to answer the prompts above. You

must connect the principles of your personal ethical system with specific elements found within

the advertisement. You must bring the advertisement to class with you.

You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions in

writing appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you comprehend

the content, and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

3. Unit 9 Pre-test:

Check your knowledge of the reading by taking the Chapter 15 Pretest. Submit the results of the

pretest to your instructor using MyThinkingLab.

MyThinkingLab > Chapters > Chapter 15 > Study Plan > Pretest

Required Resources


Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

All homework is due at the start of class for Unit 9.

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Unit 9 Exercise 1: The Rights and Duties of a Business

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this activity you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

In this assignment you will work with your classmates to identify some possible rights and obligations that

businesses have to employees and customers.

The entire class will engage in brainstorming, watch a video, and engage in a debate. Answer the

following two questions in writing during the debate.

1. In one paragraph, summarize the non-consequentialist argument about the obligations that

business have to employees and customers.

2. In one paragraph, summarize the consequentialist argument about the obligations that business

have to employees and customers.

At the end of the debate, write a one-page paper that summarizes your personal belief about the rights

and obligations of customers and employees. Your paper must refer to consequentialist ethical

arguments, non-consequentialist ethical arguments, and the beliefs contained in your rough draft of your

personal ethical system.

Required Resources


MyThinkingLab video The Good Corporate Citizen - Killing the Messenger

MyThinkingLab > Multimedia > Chapter 15 > Video

Submission Requirements

This assignment is to be completed in class and turned in when your instructor asks for it. It should be

neatly handwritten. Any diagrams can be hand-drawn as long as they are clear.

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Unit 9 Assignment 1: Unit 9 Reading Review

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Critically examine the key concepts of the nature of morality and how it relates to the discipline of


Compare and contrast key differences between nonconsequentialist theories of morality, and

present these differences verbally.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Use the ITT Tech Virtual Library to research various topics related to ethics.

Required Resources

Textbook, Chapter 15

Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Assignment Requirements

Read the Exercises for Review and Ethics Problem on page 349 of your textbook. Select one of the

questions and determine the ethical principles it addresses. You will create a PowerPoint presentation

intended to teach someone unfamiliar with the ethical concepts and potential ways to answer the

question. The first slide should state the question. The next 4 to 7 slides should define key vocabulary,

outline concepts, and state your answer along with your reasoning. Detail your response in the Notes

section of each slide.

You will be graded on your content, your ability to analyze the topic and apply your knowledge, and your

ability to follow writing guidelines and give clear instructions to the presenter.

Submission Requirements

A PowerPoint presentation with no fewer than 5 slides, each containing at least one explanatory

paragraph in the Notes section. Print your presentation in the Notes style and submit to your instructor in

Unit 10.

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Unit 9 Assignment 2: Business Ethics

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Critically examine the key concepts of the nature of morality and how it relates to the discipline of


Compare and contrast key differences between nonconsequentialist theories of morality, and

present these differences verbally.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Assignment Requirements

Read the following article in the ITT Tech Virtual Library>

Periodicals> EbscoHost Business Source Premier> search article title:

Gogoi, P. (2007, June 22). The trouble with business ethics. BusinessWeek Online.

The article discusses how the message from corporations to employees to behave ethically does not

always result in a positive action toward employees.

After reading the article, answer the following questions in writing:

1. What ethical dilemma did WalMart employee Chalance Epley Lowry uncover?

2. What actions did Lowry take and what was the result?

3. What are the dangers of whistleblowing?

4. Do you believe whistleblowers are appropriately protected?

Write a short paper citing specific information from this article, information from your text, and your own

personal system of ethics. Use both consequentialist and nonconsequentialist approaches to


In the second part of the paper, describe whether your personal code of ethics would cause you to take a

risk and be a whistleblower in a similar situation, or if you would ignore ethical violations in order to

protect your job.

You will be graded on: The length and layout of your essay; grammar and writing; the clarity with which

you state your ideas and progress from paragraph to paragraph to conclusion; your ability to cover all

elements in the writing prompt; and your ability to back up your statements with citations, logic, and other

properly cited evidence.

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Required Resources


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

Your paper must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman or 10-

point Arial and 1” margins. This paper must be 2 to 3 pages long and include references cited in APA


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Unit 9 Assignment 3: Preparing for Unit 10

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Critically examine the key concepts of the nature of morality and how it relates to the discipline of


Compare and contrast key differences between nonconsequentialist theories of morality, and

present these differences verbally.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Make an oral and visual presentation of research findings on a topic related to ethics.

Assignment Requirements

1. Unit 10 reading

Read/view the following items:

Thiroux & Krasemann, Chapter 16

Thiroux & Krasemann, Appendix 8

MyThinkingLab Video “To Drill or Not to Drill” MyThinkingLab > Multimedia > Chapter 16

> Video

MyThinkingLab YouDecide “Non-Human Animal Rights” MyThinkingLab > Multimedia >

Chapter 16 > YouDecide

2. Contemporary Issues

Using the textbook, the news media, MyThinkingLab, and the ITT Tech Virtual Library, make a list

of five contemporary environmental issues. For each issue, you must name and describe the

problem or activity and then describe the ethical issues that are connected with this problem or

activity. Find at least one reference from the Virtual Library that addresses each environmental

issue. You may use either the a. or b. structure below as a model for your answers, or you may

write a full and complete page for each one.

a. Problem or Activity:

Where I learned about the problem or activity:

Describe the problem or activity:

Summarize the ethical issues connected with this problem or activity:

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b. Issue Name:

Describe the problem:

Summarize the ethical issues:

You will be graded on: The length and layout of your essay; grammar and writing; the clarity with

which you state your ideas and progress from paragraph to paragraph to conclusion; your ability

to cover all elements in the writing prompt; and your ability to back up your statements with

citations, logic, and other properly cited evidence.

Your assignment must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New

Roman or 10-point Arial. It must be at least one full page long. You may use short citations to the

textbook or MyThinkingLab. You must use complete APA format for all other citations.

3. Unit 10 Pretest

Check your knowledge of the reading by taking the Chapter 16 Pretest. Submit the results of the

pretest to your instructor using MyThinkingLab.

MythinkingLab > Chapters > Chapter 16 > Study Plan > Pretest

Required Resources


Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Submission Requirements

All homework is due at the start of class for Unit 10.

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Unit 10 Exercise 1: Debating the Rights of Non-Human Animals

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this activity you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Critically examine the key concepts of the nature of morality and how it relates to the discipline of


Compare and contrast key differences between nonconsequentialist theories of morality, and

present these differences verbally.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

In this assignment, you will argue for and against an issue before sharing your own personal opinions.

Take your assignment sheet, write your name on both pages, and complete the first page with arguments

supporting rights for non-human animals.

After a few minutes, the instructor will tell you to trade papers with another student. Write your name on

that student’s worksheet so that the instructor can more easily match assignments up when graded.

Complete Page 2 with arguments explaining why non-human animals cannot or do not have rights that

must be respected. This portion must refer to specific statements or arguments used by the other student.

At the bottom of the second sheet, briefly describe your own preferred position on the rights of non-

human animals.

Make sure that you have written down the name of the student whose paper you are now reading.

Turn the completed worksheets into the instructor. You will be graded for your work on both your original

argument and your follow-up.

You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions in writing

appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you comprehend the content,

and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

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Required Resources


Class notes

Submission Requirements

This assignment is to be completed in class and turned in when your instructor asks for it. It should be

neatly handwritten. Any diagrams can be hand-drawn as long as they are clear.

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The Rights of Non-Human Animals Worksheet (Page 1)

Name: _______________________________________

Make your best ethical argument for why non-human animals have rights and why those rights need to be

recognized. Your argument must make specific ethical arguments and use the principles of at least two

systems of ethics.

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The Rights of Non-Human Animals Worksheet (Page 2)

Name: _______________________________________

The first page of the worksheet was completed by _________________________

Read the page submitted by the other student.

Use the rest of this sheet to make your best ethical argument for why non-human animals do not have

rights that need to be recognized. This argument must confute or work against the specific statements

made by the student who wrote on the first page, but it can and should go on to present your own


My personal opinion on the rights of non-human animals is:

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Unit 10 Assignment 1: Moral Rights of Animals and Plants

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this assignment, you will improve your ability to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Critically examine the key concepts of the nature of morality and how it relates to the discipline of


Compare and contrast key differences between nonconsequentialist theories of morality, and

present these differences verbally.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Assignment Requirements

Because there is no reading for Unit 11, there is only one homework assignment this week. This

assignment will let you synthesize and apply what you learned in Unit 10. It is due at the start of class for

Unit 11.

Required Resources

Textbook, Chapter 16

Class notes


ITT Tech Virtual Library

Write a three-page paper answering the following prompt:

Research and defend your position on whether animals and plants have moral rights using either

a consequentialist or a nonconsequentialist theory, then evaluate the moral rights of animals and

plants using Kantian ethics.

Use at least one resource from the ITT Tech Virtual Library and one from MyThinkingLab.

You will be graded on: The length and layout of your essay; grammar and writing; the clarity with which

you state your ideas and progress from paragraph to paragraph to conclusion; your ability to cover all

elements in the writing prompt; and your ability to back up your statements with citations, logic, and other

properly cited evidence.

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Submission Requirements

Your paper must be written in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman or 10-

point Arial and 1” margins. All citations must be in APA format. This paper must be 3 pages long and is

due at the start of class for Unit 11.

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Unit 11 Exercise 1: The Trolley Car Problem Revisited

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of this assignment you will be better prepared to:

Apply key concepts of ethical perspectives.

Critically examine the key concepts of the nature of morality and how it relates to the discipline of


Compare and contrast paradigms of psychological egoism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and

care ethics.

Compare and contrast key differences between nonconsequentialist theories of morality, and

present these differences verbally.

Define and analyze Virtue Ethics theories to show how they differ from consequentialist and

nonconsequentialist ethical theories.

Compare and contrast absolutism and relativism in order to relate them to types of propositions.

Differentiate among determinism, indeterminism, fatalism, predestination, universal causation,

and freedom.

Explain and analyze the five attributes that must be present for any moral system to operate and

establish order and security.

Apply ethical perspectives to moral and human problems.

Design a personal belief system or code of conduct based on ethical theory using at least three

modern ethical problems.

Examine contemporary ethical issues and current ethical debates.

Make an oral and visual presentation of research findings on a topic related to ethics.

Assignment Requirements

You wrote about and discussed the trolley car problem as the homework for Unit 1 and a discussion in

Unit 2. Reconsider that problem using the personal code of ethics that you created for your course project

and then complete the handout on the following page. You will have time to update your notes after the

class discussion.

You will be graded on: Completing the entire assignment, your ability to answer all questions in writing

appropriate to a bachelor’s level student, your ability to demonstrate that you comprehend the content,

and the timeliness with which you turn in the assignment.

Required Resources


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Submission Requirements

Turn in this assignment to the instructor when requested. This assignment can be handwritten but must

be neat. Any diagrams may be hand-drawn as long as they are clear.

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The Trolley Car Problem Revisited Worksheet

Name: ________________________

A runaway trolley is speeding toward a group of four or five men working on the track. They do

not see the trolley coming and will all be killed if no action is taken. You, however, can throw a

switch that will divert the trolley to a side track. This will save the workmen, but there is a lone

worker on the side track who will be killed if you throw the switch.

1. What will you do?

2. Explain how your personal code of ethics led to this decision.

3. In what ways does your answer now differ from your answer when you evaluated this problem

earlier in this course?

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My Personal Code of Ethics


The purpose of the class project is for you to develop a personal code of ethics that uses course

principles and vocabulary to more clearly define your core beliefs and to help you make ethical decisions

as you move forward in life.

Project Logistics

The project is to be completed individually. Project stages are due in Units 4, 6, 8, 9, and 11. The project

builds on the weekly homework that students complete at the end of each unit.


The project is to be completed on the following schedule.

Unit 4: Project Part 1: Reflection on Theories

Unit 6: Project Part 2: Reflection on Ethical Poles

Unit 8: Project Part 3: Reflection on Ethical Systems

Unit 9: Project Part 4: Rough Draft

Unit 11: My Personal Code of Ethics (PORTFOLIO)

Parts 1-3 are short think papers of about three pages each. The final paper is to be a well-reasoned, 10-

page paper. The rough draft should lay out the main principles of the final paper. You will receive the best

results if your rough draft is about 12 or 14 pages long; forcing you to trim, focus, and sharpen your prose

as you create your final submission.

The final paper must describe your personal code of ethics. With a blend of theory, examples, and

references to personal experience, you will create a comprehensive structure of your ethical belief system

that addresses your beliefs and obligations to society, to other individuals, and to yourself.

The full requirements for each submission can be found below. Read the requirements for the final

submission carefully before writing the earlier project parts.

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Project Part 1: Reflection on Theories


The purpose of this part is for you to reflect on the major ethical theories and use them to begin building a

personal code of ethics.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this activity you will improve your ability to:

Create a personal code of ethics.

Design a personal belief system or code of conduct based on ethical theory using at least three

modern ethical problems.

Required Source Information and Tools

Class notes

Prior homework assignments



ITT Tech Virtual Library

Assignment Requirements

This is the first draft of your personal code of ethics. Using reading and learning from Units 1-3, begin to

formulate how you see your own ethical system and compare it to at least three perspectives covered in

the first three units.

Write a three-page essay that responds to all of the following:

My personal code of ethics mostly closely matches this perspective (identify perspective):

It matches this one most closely because (insert examples and reasons that support your choice):

The tenets of the ethical principle that most closely matches my own include these key elements:


The ethical perspective that seems most unlike my personal ethical system is _____.

______ ethical perspective is most unlike my own personal ethics because:

If I were to choose an ethical perspective I would like to follow that I did not identify as the one

that most closely matches my own assessment, it would be:

I would consider that ethical system as an alternative to my self-assessment of my own because

it includes these characteristics that I find admirable:

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Submission Requirements

Your first draft of your personal code of ethics is due at the start of class for Unit 4. It must be an essay of

at least three pages. Your paper must be typed, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman or 10-

point Arial. Any citations must be in APA format.

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Project Part 2: Reflection on Ethical Poles


The purpose of this part is for you to reflect on the major bilateral issues that shape the field of ethics and

to position your personal code of ethics within those ethical poles.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this activity you will improve your ability to:

Create a personal code of ethics.

Design a personal belief system or code of conduct based on ethical theory using at least three

modern ethical problems.

Required Source Information and Tools

Class notes

Prior homework assignments



ITT Tech Virtual Library

Assignment Requirements

This is the second draft of your personal code of ethics. Using reading and learning from Units 4-6, begin

to formulate how you see your own ethical system and compare it to at least three perspectives covered

in Units 4-6.

Write a three-page essay explaining how your personal ethical system handles issues of absolutism,

relativism, freedom, and determinism. Your essay should then explain how your personal ethical system

uses absolutism, relativism, freedom, and determinism to handle matters of reward and punishment. You

should include at least one example of a past experience in your own life where you used, or wish you

had used, your personal ethical system to make a decision about rewarding or punishing another person.

You should also include at least one example of an imagined future situation where you would have to

reward or punish another person and explain how your personal ethical system would help you reach a


Submission Requirements

Your second draft of your personal code of ethics is due at the start of class for Unit 6. It must be an

essay of at least three pages. Your paper must be typed, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New

Roman or 10-point Arial. Any citations must be in APA format.

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Project Part 3: Reflection on Ethical Systems


The purpose of this part is for you to construct the core elements of your personal ethical system.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this activity you will improve your ability to:

Create a personal code of ethics.

Design a personal belief system or code of conduct based on ethical theory using at least three

modern ethical problems.

Required Source Information and Tools

Class notes

Prior homework assignments



ITT Tech Virtual Library

Assignment Requirements

This is the third draft of your personal code of ethics. Using reading and learning from Units 7 and 8, put

your personal code of morals into a formal system. This part of the project builds directly on the in-class

work that you did while building moral systems.

Write a three-page essay that responds to all of the following:

My personal moral code addresses consequentialism and non-consequentialism by ____.

My personal moral code addresses self-interest and other-interestedness by ____.

My personal moral code addresses the issues of act and rule by ____.

In my personal moral code I use reason for the following purposes: ____.

In my personal moral code I use emotion for the following purposes: ____.

Your essay should also respond to the questions posed in the following two case studies:

Case 1

A friend tells you that he is preparing for elective surgery that will require a blood transfusion as part of the

procedure. He wants people he knows and trusts to donate blood to be used during the surgery instead of

blood from a public blood bank. He offers to pay you a moderate fee in exchange for the hassle of

donating blood for him. What answer does your personal moral system tell you to give? Are you happy

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with this answer? What if you were the person who needed the surgery? What would your personal moral

system tell you to do about the required blood transfusion?

Case 2

Someone you care deeply about is seriously ill. An experimental treatment might help them. That

treatment was developed using stem cells taken from aborted fetuses. You hold power of attorney and

can authorize or refuse the treatment. What answer does your moral system tell you to give? Are you

happy with this answer?

Submission Requirements

Your third draft of your personal code of ethics is due at the start of class for Unit 8. It must be an essay of

at least three pages. Your paper must be typed, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman or 10-

point Arial. Any citations must be in APA format.

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Project Part 4: Rough Draft


The purpose of the rough draft is to improve your final project by forcing you to assemble your ideas

early, think hard about them, and let the instructor comment on them before you turn in your final project.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this activity you will improve your ability to:

Create a personal code of ethics.

Design a personal belief system or code of conduct based on ethical theory using at least three

modern ethical problems.

Required Source Information and Tools

Project Parts 1, 2, and 3.

Class notes

Prior homework assignments



ITT Tech Virtual Library

Project Logistics

The key elements of your rough draft should already be written in your project submissions and your

weekly think pieces. While you may choose to collaborate with other students, the project is an individual



The rough draft is due at the end of class for Unit 9. It should be between 8 and 14 pages long. It must

include the major sections called for in the final project assignment and have a working introduction and

conclusion. Most of the paper must be typed, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman or 10-

point Arial. Any citations must be clearly indicated, but the formatting can be a placeholder. Your draft can

include editorial notes made during class in Unit 9 so long as they are neat.


You must bring two copies of your rough draft with you to class for Unit 9. One copy is to be turned into

the instructor with perhaps a few neat notes. The second is for you and your classmates to use when

discussing the project and ways to improve it. You will bring that home with you.

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Project Part 5: My Personal Code of Ethics (PORTFOLIO)


The purpose of the class project is for you to develop a personal code of ethics that uses course

principles and vocabulary to more clearly define your core beliefs and to help you make ethical decisions

as you move forward in life.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

As a result of completing this activity, you will improve your ability to:

Create a personal code of ethics.

Design a personal belief system or code of conduct based on ethical theory using at least three

modern ethical problems.

Required Source Information and Tools

Project rough draft with instructor notes and comments

Project Parts 1, 2, and 3

Class notes

Prior homework assignments



ITT Tech Virtual Library

Project Logistics

The instructor will return commented rough drafts to you in Unit 10. While you should continue to work on

your project between Units 9 and 10, your final project must address any comments or required changes

indicated by your instructor.


Throughout this course, you have been reading, doing activities, writing, and participating in discussions.

Assimilate your insight and ideas from the concepts presented to you in this course while writing your final

assignment. You may use any of the graded materials that you have as source material.

The assignment is to write a paper describing your personal code of ethics. With a blend of theory,

examples, and references to personal experience, create a comprehensive structure of your ethical belief


Organize the paper into the following sections:

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Your beliefs and obligations to society

Your beliefs and obligations to other individuals

Your beliefs and obligations to yourself

In establishing your positions, refer to at least three specific contemporary ethical concerns – one in each

of the three categories. Also, relate your beliefs to the ideas of theorists that you agree with. When writing

this paper, you may borrow ideas and thoughts from the reflections that you wrote as project assignments

throughout the term.

The paper should be approximately 10 pages long. Your paper must be typed, double-spaced, using 12-

point Times New Roman or 10-point Arial. Any citations must be in APA format.

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