What is a Test Fusion Report in QTP? The Test Fusion report is used to display all the aspects of test run, it specifies where the application failures occurred, the test data used, the detailed explanation of every checkpoint stating pass or failure and the application screen shots of every step by highlighting the discrepancies What is Object spy in QTP? Object Spy is used for viewing the Properties and Methods of any object in an application, the Object spy pointer is used to point an object in an application. Object spy window has two tabs, Properties Tab In Properties tab, the selected object’s the hierarchy tree and its properties and values are displayed. Methods Tab In Methods tab, the selected object’s run-time object methods and test object methods are displayed. Navigation: Tools – Object Spy What is Checkpoint in QTP? Explain the types of Check points. Checkpoint is a method used to check the content before and after the step, i.e it is used to compare the expected value with the actual value displayed in the application, these checkpoints can be customized according to the requirements. The checkpoint can be added while recording the application or it can be added after the recording is completed using Active screen (For


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What is a Test Fusion Report in QTP?The Test Fusion report is used to display all the aspects of test run, it specifies where the application failures occurred, the test data used, the detailed explanation of every checkpoint stating pass or failure and the application screen shots of every step by highlighting the discrepanciesWhat is Object spy in QTP?Object Spy is used for viewing the Properties and Methods of any object in an application, the Object spy pointer is used to point an object in an application.

Object spy window has two tabs,

• Properties Tab

In Properties tab, the selected object’s the hierarchy tree and its properties and values are displayed.

• Methods Tab

In Methods tab, the selected object’s run-time object methods and test object methods are displayed.


Tools – Object SpyWhat is Checkpoint in QTP? Explain the types of Check points.Checkpoint is a method used to check the content before and after the step, i.e it is used to compare the expected value with the actual value displayed in the application, these checkpoints can be customized according to the requirements.

The checkpoint can be added while recording the application or it can be added after the recording is completed using Active screen (For adding Checkpoint after recording the Active screen must be enabled while recording)

Once the checkpoint is added, the QTP adds a checkpoint to the current row in keyword view and adds a check checkpoint statement to the expert view.

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The types of checkpoint are,

Standard Checkpoint

The standard checkpoint checks the object property values in an application or a webpage.It checks objects like Radio buttons, combo boxes, images, Tables, Web page properties, links etc.

The Table checkpoint can be used to check all the values in the table, it can be created by inserting standard checkpoint on the table.

The page checkpoint can also created by inserting standard checkpoint on the object, the page check point can be used to check the time taken to load a webpage.

Bitmap Checkpoint

The Bitmap checkpoint can be used to check an area of a webpage or an application as a bitmap. It checks that particular area by pixel to pixel comparison between actual and expected images.

Image Checkpoint

The Image checkpoint is used to check the properties of an image in the application or a webpage like verifying the selected image source file is correct or not.The difference between Bitmap checkpoint and Image checkpoint is in Bitmap Checkpoint we can check the images on pixels basis where in Image checkpoint it cannot be done.

Text Checkpoint

The Text checkpoint is used to check the expected text from an application or a web page. It can be a specific region or a small portion of the text displayed.

Accessibility Checkpoint

The Accessibility checkpoint checks the areas of the web page that may not conform to the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Database Checkpoint

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The Database checkpoint is used to check the database accessed by the application.This checkpoint creates a query during record time and the database values are stored as the expected values. The same query is executed during run time and the actual & expected values are compared.

XML Checkpoint

The XML checkpoint checks the data content of XML documents in XML files or XML schema related to the webpage.

Explain Data Table in QTP.The Data table is similar to Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet where you can store and use the data in its cells also you can use formulas in these cells.  The DTsheet and DTparameter can be used to manipulate the data in any cells of the data table.

The usage of Data table parameters and output values helps to do data driven test that runs multiple times.

The QTP creates a run time data table which is a live version of the data table associated with the test which helps to see any changed occurred to the data table. When the run session ends the run time data table closes. The final data from the run time data table is displayed in the Run time data table in the Test results window.

Data table has two types of data sheets,

1)      Global

The data can be stored in global tab when the data is made available in all actions performed in the test.

2)      Action

The data can be stored in the action tab when the data is made available for that particular action in the test.

What is a Test Tree? How it can be viewed?

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Test Tree provides graphical representation of the operation performed with the application. The Test Tree is displayed through Tree view Tab.

Explain Object Repository in QTP.QTP stores the recorded object properties in Object repository. It displays a Test Tree of all the objects in the current action or entire test.

When we create new test, there will be two ways to store test objects and the types of object repository are,

1)      Local object repository

Local object repository stores objects in a file that is associated with one specific action, so only that action can access the stored objects.

2)      Shared object repository

Shared object repository stores test objects in a file that can be accessed by multiple tests.

The Object repository is used to,

1)      View or Modify the properties of any test object in the repository

2)      Add new objects to the repository.

3)      You can use the same shared object repository for multiple actions, if the actions include the same object.

Navigation :

Resource – Object Repository Manager

What are the parameters available in QTP?There are three types of parameters available in QTP. They are,

• Method Argument

• Data Driven

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• Dynamic

What is parameterization in QTP?Parameterization is used in the application to check how the same operation is performed with multiples sets of data.

If the requirement is to check how the application responds to five separate sets of data, we can record five separate tests with five sets of data. By using parameterization we can run the test five times with different set of data.

What is the difference between ‘Test Object’ and ‘Run-Time Object’ in QTP?Test Object

Test Object resides in Object Repository where the QTP uses while running the script.

Run Time object

Run time object is present in the application, while running QTP compares the Test object and Run time object to check the object existence in the application.

Explain Active Screen in QTP.The ‘Active Screen’ provides the snap shot / screen shot of the application as it appeared during the recording session. In active screen the detailed description of the object properties can be found.

Navigation :View – Active Screen

Explain the Keyword View and Expert view in Test Pane of QTP.

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Keyword View helps to create and view the steps of test in keyword driven format, by selecting the ‘items’ and ‘operations’ we can create or modify the tests.

Expert view displays the each operation we perform in the application in script format, script can be edit with the available script editing capabilities.

Note :

If a row is typed in ‘Keyword view’ simultaneously a script is generated in expert view, likewise for every script typed in ‘Expert view’ simultaneously a row exists in keyword view.

Explain the QTP Testing process.• Create Test Plan / Preparing for Recording

Test steps, Input Data and other items to be verified are prepared in this stage, the application environment needs to be analysed cause we need to load QTP add-ins to enable the QTP identify and test for the application.

• Recording

In this stage, recording the action of the application takes place and recorded in the form of VB scripts, some types of recording are,

Context Sensitive Recording

Analog Recording

Low level Recording

• Enhancing 

Inserting Checkpoints into the search helps to find a specific value, object, text string. It also helps to identify whether you are testing the application correctly or not.

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Adding Parameters helps to check whether the application performs the same operations with multiple set of datas.

Logical, conditional and loop statements can also be added to enhance your test.

• Debugging, Running and Analysing the test

Debugging is done to ensure that the application is operating smoothly without interruption.

Running the application is done to check the behavior of the application, here the QTP opens the application and performs each step in the test.

Analysing the test results is done to identify the defects in the application. The results can be viewed in the Test Results window.

• Reporting defects

The defects can be reported directly if the Quality Center (QC) is installed in the system. The defect reporting can be done automatically or manually from the Test results window.Explain the Short cut keys for executing commands in QTP.

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What is the difference between QTP and Winrunner?• QTP can compare Static and Dynamic images where the Winrunner compares only the Static images.

• QTP is object based scripting (VBS) where the Winrunner is TSL (C) based scripting.

• QTP supports .NET, SAP, Peoplesoft application where the Winrunner does not support.

• QTP has 9 Checkpoints where the Winrunner has 4 Checkpoints.

• QTP can call Functions where the Winrunner cannot call Functions.

What is QTP? Explain the add-ins available in QTP.QTP is a Functional Automation Testing Tool which automates the Functional and Regression testing of an application.

QTP uses VB Scripting language which is easy to use, understand and program.

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QTP requires add-ins that need to be installed in the system which become integrated with QTP. Users have to select the add-ins based on their requirements.

The default add-ins available in QTP are,

• Active x

This add-in in is used for testing software written using ActiveX (also known as COM) technology. This technology allows people to create objects in one language and use those objects within other languages/applications.

• Web

This add-in is used for testing web applications written in any language. In web applications, we interact with the application though a web browser and so the web application can be written in any language.

• Visual Basic

This add-in is used for testing applications in Visual Basic.

The additional add-ins that QTP support are,

• Java 

• Oracle 

• SAP 

• .NET 

• Web Forms 

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• Siebel 

• PeopleSoft 

• Web services 

• Main frame