VOL. 1 NO. 22 THURSDAY, AUGUST 3 WATERLOO, ONTARIO EDITORIAL * * * * * When reading the newspapers one cannot help but notice the numerous articles regarding juvenile delinquency. It is not unusual to see a newspaper headline condemning modern day adolescents as “tough punks, roughnecks”, and the like. The fact that in the same community where this so-caIled “tough punk” is doing his dirt there happens to be many young people doing useful work with the Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., Boy Scouts and other social service groups goes unnoticed. It seems the good that people do is secondary, as news worthy material, compared to the unlawful, violent and immoral. When citicizing the teen-ager, parents and critics need a scape-goat. The present day scape-goat . . . television! They are attempting to convince the public that TV has an irresponsible and deplorable influence on adolescent minds. The exploitation of violence, crime, sex, degradation and immorality is blamed for the delinquency and de- bauchery of our youth. It would appear that adults are simply digging up a scape-goat to blame for their own lack of responsibility, ignorance and weakness. While using the influence of TV as the excuse for the behaviour of their children they seem to forget how simple it is to turn the TV set off if it is having such an adverse effect. Instead of criticizing, these “public minded” critics would do far more good if they did something to alleviate juvenile delinquency, instead of just talking rubbish. I am sure the overall percentage of adolescents leading useful healthy lives far outweighs the number residing at juvenile hall. THE THREE FACES OF EVE n l n To anyone attending this university, where dormitories are as yet a gleam in the Dean’s eye, the Landlady is a well known personality that figures prominently in daily life. She’s a member of the vanishing race of hardy pioneers, whose courage and strength of convictions (pri- marily) know no bounds. She has to be, in order to survive, as most of us will shame- facedly admit. There are many types, the three most prominent of which we will attempt to describe below. First, and most common, is the “Warden” type. You immediately recognize her domain by the six-foot, cem- ent-embedded piked fence that surrounds it. If you are brave enough to venture through the gate and agile enough to avoid the vice-like jaws of the brute guarding the well-kept lawns, your ring will be answered by a rattling of keys and creaking of bolts and winches as her heavy oaken slab opens suf- ficiently wide to permit a full scrutiny by her sharp, om- niscient eye, and a mild rush of stale air. If you have heart enough to enquire about the advertised room, she may (after you have removed your shoes, of course), per- mit you a glimpse of the Inner Sanctum. You will find the room to be spotlessly clean and well furnished, but with an oversized keyhole for ventilation purposes. It is generally in a* position where all comings and goings can accidentally be observed. If you decide to accept it, she’ll immediately produce, in quadruplicate, a finely- printed document containing a set of rules, rivalling in length the Declaration of Independence, which in effect it nullifies. For those inclined , to quiet study without social inclinations (professors) this is the perfect place. Next, and exactly opposite is the “B. B.” type. You can’t help but find her, acquiring a suntan on her front lawn and wearing a Bikini which, by appearance, may have been styled by Johnson & Johnson. If you can make yourself heard over Fifi, the screeching French poodle, or if she manages to console her in a sugary Southern drawl, you might persuade her to gyrate ahead of you into the boudoir. You’ll find it to be reason- ably well furnished (for an ex-G. I. that is), but position and cleanliness leave a little to be desired. She’ll immed- iately inform you that you’ll find it nice and quiet there, since they have no children and her husband’s job (poor daaah-ling) keeps him out of town so-o-o much! You’ll be permitted access to all con- veniences here, but you’ll have to be especially nice to Fifi (Poor dear! She gets so frightened of strange men). This type of accommodation is suitable only for the intel- lectually-inclined, however, as numerous disruptions are likely to occur in the course of an evening’s study. But if ;;;di;fpen to be a biology Last, but not least, is the “Glubbdubdrib” * type, with whom most of us have been acquainted at .one time or another. She’ll be sitting pensively, her back to a full sink of dishes, a butt bang- ling from the corner of her mouth, and screaming inter- mittantly at her four pre- school children cavorting about her. You will hardly be inside the door, when she will begin extolling the past, Contd on Page 2 ENGINEERING MO,TOR RALLY ENGINEERING WEEKEND ALSO INCLUDES FRANKFURTER FROLICS, WATER ATHLETICS and SEMI-FORMAL “SEA-SIDE ‘61” By Pete Kent Arrangements for the “Seaside ‘61 Weekend” are now in full swing and there are indications that it could be one of our best orgies. The Friday night “Frank- furter Frolic” is still in the early stage of planning but we are hoping to hold it at Three Bridges. Students are respectfully requested to re- frain from removing objects that are not nailed down. The price of the Frolic will be 50~. per couple. The Motor Rally has re- ceived much attention which makes Tom Gravelle both happy and busy. We have received a considerable am- ount of assistance from the Grand Valley Car Club in organizing this rally for which the Weekend Com- mittee is sincerely grateful. The G.V.C.C. is also taking care of the check points and the starting area. Under this kind of direction the event has to be a success. The Engineering Society is awarding individual trophies for the winners and Orr Automobiles Ltd. of Kitch- ener have donated a chal- lenge trophy. Four Wells will be the scene of the aqua sports and frolics part of the program. Teams for the various events should be entered on a year basis. The year awarded the most points in competition will be presented with a Challenge Trophy. This tro- phy it is hoped, will be kept in the display cabinet of the common room and competed for each year. Entry blanks for the various events will be made available as soon as possible. Admission to four wells will be by ticket which will be available at the Eng. Sot. offices in the near future. One unique suggestion came in on one of the forms that students were asked to fill in some days ago. It was sug- gested that we drain Four Wells and fill it with alcohol. After serious consideration we had to discard this sug- gestion because of the evap- oration problem. However, any other feasible sugges- tions will be considered to add to the enjoyment of the day. To finish off the weekend our regularly featured Dance will be held in Seagram’s Gym. The music for the occasion will be supplied by Trev. Bennett and his Band. Trev and his boys did a wonderful job last term and we can expect a repeat per- formance. The gym will be decorated but not to the extent of past occasions due to the shortage of time for preparation. The theme for the dance will be “Seaside 61”. Awards and trophies will be presented at the dance. Dance tickets will be $3.00 and no corsages will be supplied. To make this weekend a success as many students as possible are urged to partici- pate in all phases of prepara- tion and of course participa- tion. Let’s make it a weekend to remember. By Tom Gravelle Since this is the first motor rally to be held by the University of Waterloo’s En- gineering Society, we are striving to make sure that it is successful. It should prove an interesting and entertain- ing test of driving ability and navigating skill. The route will be approxi- mately 80 miles in length, over a cross section of roads that may be found on most Southern Ontario road maps. There will be three check- .I points and two regularity points along the route which will register the entrants arrival time. Points will be given for arriving late or early at these checkpoints. The idea is to travel at the speed given in the instruc- tions in order to be on time. The total time for the rally should not exceed three and one-half hours overall. We would like to acknow- ledge the help received from the Grand Valley Car Club who are laying out the route and handling some of the details for us. Our thanks must also go out to ORR AUTOMOBILES LTD. for contributing a trophy for this event. They have also entered a ear to be driven by Paul Janzen and Rick Ham- ilton. We wish all entrants the best of luck and hope every- one can find their way back! for the water sports events and the dance. RULES OF Ti=iE RALLY 1. At least one member of the crew must be a member of the student body, faculty, or staff of the U. of W. 2. The driver must have a valid provincial driver’s licence. 3. Proof of P. L. & P. D. insurance must be shown before entering. 4. All contestants must fill out and sign a Waiver and Indemnity Agreement on the day of the Rally. 5. Only two persons are a lowed in a car. - 6. Anyone drinking during this event, or exceeding any posted speed limit, or running afoul of the law, will be instantly disqualified, spat upon, and cast mto the outer darkness. 7. Drivers should make sure that their ear is topped up with oil and petrol, as well as having the spare tyre checked. SHORT QUOTES m l w Gullibility is the key to all adventures. The green- horn is the ultimate victor in everything; it is he that gets the most out of life. G. K. Chesterton Contd. on Page 2 - Measure of Change It’s a measure of how times have changed when govern- ment budgets talk of univer- sity students’ taxable income -Not many years ago the only income students had was what came from home. Now they are businessmen. -Ottawa Joubzaf


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Page 1: 20v1,n22_Coryphaeus

VOL. 1 NO. 22



EDITORIAL * * * * *

When reading the newspapers one cannot help but notice the numerous articles regarding juvenile delinquency. It is not unusual to see a newspaper headline condemning modern day adolescents as “tough punks, roughnecks”, and the like. The fact that in the same community where this so-caIled “tough punk” is doing his dirt there happens to be many young people doing useful work with the Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., Boy Scouts and other social service groups goes unnoticed. It seems the good that people do is secondary, as news worthy material, compared to the unlawful, violent and immoral.

When citicizing the teen-ager, parents and critics need a scape-goat. The present day scape-goat . . . television! They are attempting to convince the public that TV has an irresponsible and deplorable influence on adolescent minds. The exploitation of violence, crime, sex, degradation and immorality is blamed for the delinquency and de- bauchery of our youth.

It would appear that adults are simply digging up a scape-goat to blame for their own lack of responsibility, ignorance and weakness. While using the influence of TV as the excuse for the behaviour of their children they seem to forget how simple it is to turn the TV set off if it is having such an adverse effect. Instead of criticizing, these “public minded” critics would do far more good if they did something to alleviate juvenile delinquency, instead of just talking rubbish.

I am sure the overall percentage of adolescents leading useful healthy lives far outweighs the number residing at juvenile hall.


To anyone attending this university, where dormitories are as yet a gleam in the Dean’s eye, the Landlady is a well known personality that figures prominently in daily life. She’s a member of the vanishing race of hardy pioneers, whose courage and strength of convictions (pri- marily) know no bounds. She has to be, in order to survive, as most of us will shame- facedly admit. There are many types, the three most prominent of which we will attempt to describe below.

First, and most common, is the “Warden” type. You immediately recognize her domain by the six-foot, cem- ent-embedded piked fence that surrounds it. If you are brave enough to venture through the gate and agile enough to avoid the vice-like jaws of the brute guarding the well-kept lawns, your ring will be answered by a rattling of keys and creaking of bolts and winches as her heavy oaken slab opens suf- ficiently wide to permit a full scrutiny by her sharp, om- niscient eye, and a mild rush of stale air. If you have heart enough to enquire about the advertised room, she may (after you have removed your shoes, of course), per- mit you a glimpse of the Inner Sanctum. You will find the room to be spotlessly clean and well furnished, but with an oversized keyhole for ventilation purposes. It is generally in a* position where all comings and goings can accidentally be observed. If you decide to accept it, she’ll immediately produce, in quadruplicate, a finely- printed document containing a set of rules, rivalling in length the Declaration of Independence, which in effect it nullifies. For those inclined


to quiet study without social inclinations (professors) this is the perfect place.

Next, and exactly opposite is the “B. B.” type. You can’t help but find her, acquiring a suntan on her front lawn and wearing a Bikini which, by appearance, may have been styled by Johnson & Johnson. If you can make yourself heard over Fifi, the screeching French poodle, or if she manages to console her in a sugary Southern drawl, you might persuade her to gyrate ahead of you into the boudoir. You’ll find it to be reason- ably well furnished (for an ex-G. I. that is), but position and cleanliness leave a little to be desired. She’ll immed- iately inform you that you’ll find it nice and quiet there, since they have no children and her husband’s job (poor daaah-ling) keeps him out of town so-o-o much! You’ll be permitted access to all con- veniences here, but you’ll have to be especially nice to Fifi (Poor dear! She gets so frightened of strange men). This type of accommodation is suitable only for the intel- lectually-inclined, however, as numerous disruptions are likely to occur in the course of an evening’s study. But if ;;;di;fpen to be a biology

Last, but not least, is the “Glubbdubdrib” * type, with whom most of us have been acquainted at .one time or another. She’ll be sitting pensively, her back to a full sink of dishes, a butt bang- ling from the corner of her mouth, and screaming inter- mittantly at her four pre- school children cavorting about her. You will hardly be inside the door, when she will begin extolling the past,

Contd on Page 2



By Pete Kent

Arrangements for the “Seaside ‘61 Weekend” are now in full swing and there are indications that it could be one of our best orgies.

The Friday night “Frank- furter Frolic” is still in the early stage of planning but we are hoping to hold it at Three Bridges. Students are respectfully requested to re- frain from removing objects that are not nailed down. The price of the Frolic will be 50~. per couple.

The Motor Rally has re- ceived much attention which makes Tom Gravelle both happy and busy. We have received a considerable am- ount of assistance from the Grand Valley Car Club in organizing this rally for which the Weekend Com- mittee is sincerely grateful. The G.V.C.C. is also taking care of the check points and the starting area. Under this kind of direction the event has to be a success. The Engineering Society is awarding individual trophies for the winners and Orr Automobiles Ltd. of Kitch- ener have donated a chal- lenge trophy.

Four Wells will be the scene of the aqua sports and frolics part of the program. Teams for the various events should be entered on a year basis. The year awarded the most points in competition will be presented with a Challenge Trophy. This tro- phy it is hoped, will be kept in the display cabinet of the common room and competed for each year. Entry blanks for the various events will be made available as soon as possible. Admission to four wells will be by ticket which will be available at the Eng. Sot. offices in the near future. One unique suggestion came in on one of the forms that students were asked to fill in some days ago. It was sug- gested that we drain Four Wells and fill it with alcohol. After serious consideration we had to discard this sug- gestion because of the evap- oration problem. However, any other feasible sugges- tions will be considered to add to the enjoyment of the day.

To finish off the weekend our regularly featured Dance will be held in Seagram’s Gym. The music for the occasion will be supplied by Trev. Bennett and his Band. Trev and his boys did a wonderful job last term and we can expect a repeat per- formance. The gym will be decorated but not to the extent of past occasions due to the shortage of time for preparation. The theme for

the dance will be “Seaside 61”. Awards and trophies will be presented at the dance. Dance tickets will be $3.00 and no corsages will be supplied.

To make this weekend a success as many students as possible are urged to partici- pate in all phases of prepara- tion and of course participa- tion. Let’s make it a weekend to remember.

By Tom Gravelle Since this is the first

motor rally to be held by the University of Waterloo’s En- gineering Society, we are striving to make sure that it is successful. It should prove an interesting and entertain- ing test of driving ability and navigating skill.

The route will be approxi- mately 80 miles in length, over a cross section of roads that may be found on most Southern Ontario road maps. There will be three check-


points and two regularity points along the route which will register the entrants arrival time. Points will be given for arriving late or early at these checkpoints. The idea is to travel at the speed given in the instruc- tions in order to be on time. The total time for the rally should not exceed three and one-half hours overall.

We would like to acknow- ledge the help received from the Grand Valley Car Club who are laying out the route and handling some of the details for us. Our thanks must also go out to ORR AUTOMOBILES LTD. for contributing a trophy for this event. They have also entered a ear to be driven by Paul Janzen and Rick Ham- ilton.

We wish all entrants the best of luck and hope every- one can find their way back! for the water sports events and the dance.

RULES OF Ti=iE RALLY 1. At least one member of the crew must be a member of

the student body, faculty, or staff of the U. of W. 2. The driver must have a valid provincial driver’s licence. 3. Proof of P. L. & P. D. insurance must be shown before

entering. 4. All contestants must fill out and sign a Waiver and

Indemnity Agreement on the day of the Rally. 5. Only two persons are a lowed in a car. - 6. Anyone drinking during this event, or exceeding any

posted speed limit, or running afoul of the law, will be instantly disqualified, spat upon, and cast mto the outer darkness. ’

7. Drivers should make sure that their ear is topped up with oil and petrol, as well as having the spare tyre checked.

SHORT QUOTES m l w Gullibility is the key to

all adventures. The green- horn is the ultimate victor in everything; it is he that gets the most out of life.

G. K. Chesterton Contd. on Page 2

- Measure of Change

It’s a measure of how times have changed when govern- ment budgets talk of univer- sity students’ taxable income -Not many years ago the only income students had was what came from home. Now they are businessmen.

-Ottawa Joubzaf

Page 2: 20v1,n22_Coryphaeus



David Gauthier, lecturer in Philosophy at U of T, last Thursday tried to sell us on the idea of nuclear disarma- ment for Canada. He based his argument on the follow- ing points :

1. In order to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, Canada would be in a more influential position to pre- vent this spread if she refused to accept nuclear weapons herself.

2. The possiblity of nu&- lear war becomes geometric- ally greater with respect to the number of counties in possession and /or in control of nuclear weapons. That is, more suspicion is created, and the possibility of an accident or a “madman” in control is greater.

.3. Accepting weapons from the U.S. under their control would make us appear as a military satellite in, many foreign eyes. To many we are already an economic satellite of the U.S.

s 4. At this time it would be hopeless to expect that the Utiited States would reduce her nuclear armament and since she already has an overkill capacity factor of five, Canada’s responsibility lies in the positive task of creating world peace.

5. Canada’s resources are better spent in strengthening conventional forces which would be at the U.N.‘s dis- posal, and in increasing the amount of material and teeh- nieal aid given to under- developed countries.

The meeting was interest-

ing in that the discussion period was three times longer than his half h.our talk. Mr. Gauthier seemed to bz able to either rebut or eireum- locute the ideas \ from the audience. The one important question which he failed to answer to my satisfaction was “What would you do if the Russians attacked.” In this respect, I think Gauthier the philosopher and Gauthier the man are two different people.

It is hoped that we might obtain a spe+ker who can give a strong e&e for Canada accepting nuclear arms. Any suggestions toward this or any other topic would be welcomed by Prof. K. Pie- karski, Mechanical Engin- eering Dept., or J. Ronbaek, 4B Eleet:ieal, faculty and student representatives re- spectively of the Discussion Group sponsored by The University of Waterloo Uni- tarian Club.

P.S. To get an idea of what kind of havoc is caused by an unbalance in military and economic policy read “The Staggering Problem” by Robert Coughlan, Life, 28 July, 1961.

Jim Ronbaek

This is not the King of Kuwait

YEAR 2B STAG by T. A. Rushton


by T. A. Rushton

Students at the U of W have the unique opportunity of watching two growing organizations at the same time, the birth of a dynamic new University and the growth of Ontario’s second Metro city. Three eommun- ities in this region, Kiteh- ener-Waterloo and Breslau, Preston, Hespeler, Galt and Guelph ~ are roughly the same size, and expanding rapidly. These communities are in roughly the same position that Toronto Was 30 years ago, but whereas Toronto dominated its area, no one community can be said to dominate this area. Waterloo - Wellington poli- ticians unfortunately accept the apparently inevitable merging of boundaries and the problems of creating another Metro city in the province.

But is this really inevi- table? Or really desirable? Some of the richest farm- lands in the Province would disappear into this Metro maw, and the end would be a huge urban complex devoid of any green-belt areas. If it is to be stopped it must be stopped now by vigorous provincial government action ~ remedies that will inter- fere with private property rights, discrimination and the desire of the munieipali- ties to expand. But is not government the restriction of individual desires for pub- lie good? Why should muni- cipalities be allowed to ex- pand at the expense of pleasant living conditions of its citizens?

Municipalities should be allowed to acquire all the fringe lands, squeezing out the leapfrogging speculators and subdividers. Then the municipalities could work to- gether with private enter- prise to achieve a controlled orderly growth. Now, one of the biggest problems in the K-W district is the spread of unserviced subdivisions that are going to require sewer and water mains at some time in the future.

An alternative to muniei- pal aequi;ition of the land itself is the control over the right to develop the land, with the owners being paid compensation for the re- strictions placed on his aetiv- ities. Property taxation can also be a planning tool, for example if the farmer who is not permitted to subdivide is given tax relief, rather than being taxed as a potential subdivider. The municipality itself can take a positive approach to development by providing services in the areas in which ‘it wishes to see building and witholding them from the less desirable sections.

The Waterloo-Wellington district, the Golden Triangle of Ontario, can stop or re- direct this cancerous blight if they are really determined to do so. The next few years at the U of W should prove very interesting to those civil En- gineering students interested in Municipal Planning to see the outcome of the growth of this district.

The CORYPHAEUS Published by the undergraduate student body of the University of Waterloo, under the authorization of the acting Board of Publications. Publications Office, Annex 2, The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681. The opinions expressed herein represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society.

Editor-in-Chief: Peter Barnes Associate Editor: Theo Rushton

Feature Editor: Al Strong Circulation Department:

Larry Barkley, Dave Ridley, Herb Alexander Advertising:

Jim Wilson Busi?; EIcntger :

i Cartoons : Sports Editor:

Pete Carpenter Phil Thomas


The past two weeks have seen action on the sports front with baseball and golf.

GOLF The first. round in the match play golf

the Roekway gives the following results: tournament at

MeGrattan over Dietrich Passmore 66 1 up on the 19th hole

Barkley 3&Z Mueller 66 Messham 6 & 5 Noreross 46 Howe 3&Z Campbell “ Hamilton 6 & 5 Long conceded to Rohmer. Pinkerton conceded to Wohlgemut. The second round will be held during the week of

July 31, Aug. 4.


Team Won Lost Pet. GBL Chem 1 I .500 0 Civil 1 I .500 0 Eng Phys & Elect. 1 1 .500 0 Meeh 1 1 .500 0

THE THREE FACES OF EVE Cont’d. present, and future history of her tribe. After you have attempted for half an hour, you will finally succeed in rousing her from her reverie and b&in. like Edmund Hil- lary, to’ grovel through mountains of filth and ver- min to where the room was ast reported. If you manage

to clear the cobwebs, you will be amazed at the variety of room-mates that have staked their claims before you. She will tell you about the last human occupant of this room (good old Charlie) who was seventy-five when he finally succumbed to the ravages of his more vigorous bedfellows. This type of room - is recommended especially to those most strongly in favour of a completely Communistic society.

Tony Mueller John Kennedy

*Refer to Gulliver’s Travels -Swift.

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Drugs-Magazines Groceries and Meats

SHORT QUOTES The man or woman who

concentrates on “things” can hardly be trusted to use those “things” for the essen- tial good of mankind. Only those who have guided the development of their spirit as well as their mind qualified to use wisely’ t’he “things” that man’s reason has enabled him to fashion out of nature’s raw mater- ials.

E. S. Fields

Society needs more than anything else to be reminded that man is, in himself, ultimate value . . . that neither the pressure of events nor the exigencies of diplo- macy can warrant the final debasement of man. Art is neither use, nor appointed task; but given human eom- pulsions, some intellectual stature and great competence it can perhaps bring man back into focus as being of supreme importance.

Ben Sahn


Complete Mechanical Repairs

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