Volume XXI Issue 10 E-Vangel A New Day Dawning . . . by Pastor Larry One of the most elemental and central features of the Christian faith is prayer. Even before the Church began to meet in Jerusalem following the resurrection, the disciples asked the Lord to teach them to pray. If Jesus is the foundation of the church, and He is, surely prayer is her cornerstone. There is a unique privilege of prayer available to the follower of Christ alone. Anyone and everyone may pray it is true. But reserved to you, Believer, is the intimacy of sonship, the welcome of a father’s unconditional love, and the status of joint-heir with Christ of all the Kingdom. It is to you child of God, born of the Spirit that the Father issues the invitation to come to the throne of grace with confidence where you will find grace to help in your times of need. Even a casual reader of the New Testament quickly sees the picture of the young church praying together, praying for one another, seemingly praying constantly. And why not? Had they not become united with the One who overcame the grave and who promised to provide all things for them? Clearly, any dynamic, truly believing group of Christ’s followers will pray and pray and pray. We want to re-discover the reality of such praying at Duncan Road. Over the next several weeks when we come together to worship, we will be focusing on this. Please join me praying even now for a new day of prayer to dawn in this new thing God is doing at Duncan Road Church. **** Thank you all for your kindness and thoughtfulness in the surprise birthday party, DRC!


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Volume XXI Issue 10


A New Day Dawning . . . by Pastor Larry

One of the most elemental and central

features of the Christian faith is prayer. Even

before the Church began to meet in Jerusalem

following the resurrection, the disciples asked the

Lord to teach them to pray. If Jesus is the

foundation of the church, and He is, surely prayer

is her cornerstone.

There is a unique privilege of prayer

available to the follower of Christ alone. Anyone

and everyone may pray it is true. But reserved to

you, Believer, is the intimacy of sonship, the

welcome of a father’s unconditional love, and the

status of joint-heir with Christ of all the Kingdom. It is to you child of God, born of the

Spirit that the Father issues the invitation to come to the throne of grace with confidence

where you will find grace to help in your times of need.

Even a casual reader of the New Testament quickly sees the picture of the young

church praying together, praying for one another, seemingly praying constantly. And

why not? Had they not become united with the One who overcame the grave and who

promised to provide all things for them? Clearly, any dynamic, truly believing group of

Christ’s followers will pray and pray and pray.

We want to re-discover the reality of such praying at Duncan Road. Over the

next several weeks when we come together to worship, we will be focusing on this.

Please join me praying even now for a new day of prayer to dawn in this new thing God

is doing at Duncan Road Church.


Thank you all for your kindness and thoughtfulness in the surprise birthday party, DRC!

Worship and the Arts Highlights. . . by Travis C. Velder

Liberty Corn Maze

October 11, 2009, immediately

following the morning service.

Drivers (or Vans) are needed.

Please contact Travis if you are

interested in volunteering your

vehicle, your driving, or both.

The cost: $7 for ages 14 and up

$5 for ages 5-13

Cost of lunch is not included!

We will be returning to the church

no later than 5 p.m.

Please sign up on the space

available on the Youth Bulletin


For the good of the Kingdom,

Travis C. Velder


Friday, October 30, 2009

6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

This ministry/outreach opportunity requires lots of help! Be the first to sign-up in the lobby to help with donating food and

supplies, and to volunteer to lead games.

Any questions? Contact Cheryl Martin.


October is Pastor Appreciation Month!

This is the time of year we show how much we care for and appreciate Larry and Travis for all they do for us and His Kingdom.

During the month of October there will be a basket for each of them in the lobby. This is a time to pray to have God show you the best way to express your appreciation.

Below are some ideas but feel free to thank them in a way that best reflects your gratitude and appreciation.

Card of Appreciation

Love Offering


IOU for something (mowing, laundry, home-cooked meal, baby-sitting, etc.)

Gift Cards

Movie Tickets


God Bless, The Deacon Body


The Missions Team would like to thank EVERYONE who contributed to the Community Outreach “Rummage Sale”. To those who donated items for resale, those who worked the sale, those who advertised the sale, and to those who reached out to the community during the sale, we say a giant Thank YOU!!! We were able to raise over $1,200.00 to go to our missionaries. A gentleman at the sale took a lot of clothing that he will personally deliver to the needy in the Philippines. Your love has reached far and wide! Your next opportunity will be the Fall Harvest Party on Friday, October 30, 2009, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at DRC. There are so many ways to get involved in the excellent opportunity to reach our community with the love of Christ. See the sign-up sheets in the foyer.


What a great start we are having! Missions are going great. The kids are really enjoying “Backpack Amy” and her teachings

on how we are all called to be Missionaries.

Handbook time the kids are getting through their starter books and ordering their

Handbooks. They are starting to memorize Scripture and hiding them in their heart.

Council Time we have four wonderful ladies that are taking one week a month to share

and teach the Children in Awana. The children are learning about the 10 Commandments,

friendships in the Bible, and how we are to live our lives for Christ.

In recreation, we have a great new Leader. We started the year out with some team

building games, to get the kids working together. Now we will let the fun being, the children will

play fun team sports.

The Ministry Fair went well, thank you to everyone who signed up to help. We have a

great group of leaders. If you feel led to help in any way let me know, I will find a place for you.

Please call me 578-5251.

I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us!

Jamie Nitz

Keep collecting your Pop Tabs for the Ronald McDonald House This is a fast and easy way to help families that are going through a hard time.


Wednesday's 6:45 - 8:15 p.m.

All youth are encouraged to attend as we begin a new

season of building community and reaching others with

the Gospel of Christ's love and forgiveness. Come join us

for a fresh start as we welcome our new students

and begin again following the path God has for us!

You are all important and it takes all of you, working

together as the Body of Christ to make this grow. Make

this a regular part of your week and be ready for what God will do!


From Our Elders . . .______


New churches are growing churches. They have to be, don’t

they? So it is for this new thing God is doing in us at Duncan

Road Church. We must grow!

There are two kinds of growth in the church—spiritual and

numerical. While numerical growth can take place without

spiritual growth, it is not true the other way around. Spiritual

growth eventuates in numerical growth.

This new thing God is doing at Duncan Road has been marked

by some very intense spiritual growth over the past three

years. Now we sense that the Lord’s timing is for numerical

growth to be cultivated. He is leading us to believe Him for

growth and He is directing us to take some steps to

participate with Him this new season of growth. If you also

sense God’s leadership for a season of new growth at DRC--

Will you, DRC, begin praying for and believing God for

the increase He is going to bring?

Will you begin to invite others to attend church with


Will you covenant together to treat the guests and

visitors God brings to us as precious tender new sprouts to be nurtured and

tended so that they blossom into growth for God’s honor?

Let’s get growing to the glory of God!



Please come to the Youth Room

and enjoy your choice of drink

(hot or cold)

and a snack!

Sunday morning

8:25 a.m. - 8:45 p.m.

Wednesday evening

5:30 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. to 8:30




Okay, so where are you, you young, hip technologically plugged in

person, you. You know who I mean. I mean the one who is always

there to video every embarrassing moment defiling any semblance of

privacy forevermore with your insipid cell phone. Where are you

now? Now that we really need you, don’t tell me, don’t you dare tell me you aren’t here--or more to the point, that you weren’t there.

Where’s here, you ask? (No this isn’t and Abbott/Costello skit.) Here is with us at the

recent annual church picnic. Here is at the momentous Youth vs. Elder/Deacon

Volleyball Match. Here is that magical moment when “Vertical” High went horizontal (in

a roly-poly kind of way) wiping out the net, poles, teammates and assortment of small

cows. (This raises a penetrating question: After such a display of athleticism how could

any of those old men have the temerity to claim victory, even if they did score more


Who are you? Step right up. Show us your pictures. Let us see the video. Where are

you now—now when there is a small fortune to be made on the “Funniest Videos”?

Better be makin’ tracks,
