h s t '•- •••••••• IPsPfiPPppii^H!^^Si^^ff^^ip^^Si^S^^^^^S^^»S?l ,v, ••V;-'-- ; ' L -:": . **:-^->v/- v - ; /^ '*• I * ; - ^'!: v :V':Ti; v ' ri ;'f":': : W' v W •if:>.*a utown indvlnliiliv, (h«i. Tnkai tills mothqd of n'nnqunotri _,8uO,niilos-above Omaha;; on'tho lore, sho runs on,, fomnwlml Marjorlf's oVdhtmiSlf Ip reaillneBSttfnttflnd upoti tliosowho mny,#fth for Ills pfaf«5<siu,nal iorvleoa, HouriS"? to 0 a.m., and.fi to 8 p. m. Hightstown, Juna21,18.00, tf./,.','. i. iftlfttUu|iesiwill be giTea tg tUs ifeatSiBt of in.,„.,-. ,,t-'ll.., li-v., ,,n.1 Fur. «Oses iauni i to i A.V. si* 7 to a I.M.. 31SPE0TFDLLY QTIEHS HIS SERVIOEg LI to the eltlBBDi of Ilightttotrn and vlulnity— QftllsJpriLmodlBiiLitiBailiBflt! .will icqoimpr.oniiit Mention, ' elaaa Insijritndo upon all Froporty Hablb to destruction by.fire. ' : :m iBg_ Jluuiea, Piibiie.Buildings,Oliuroboi, Colleges,, Bohool-lipuiea, els., insured; for one, to|^apili^e| Uratti gMllJs at af fp,Vorubla ratosai iafetj and pr ohcorfullj' given respecting 'ho i buiinoRs, Fur iiiHurahoo apply 167 jPsbtile's Tire lasuranos "•'•:• 01?. TEENfQJT, N. J, fe. 8. Strykor, Oalab B, (Jreqn, I. It. Wilkinson, Jamb M, Tiiylor, Joseph Whitiiker, John Taylor, J , l , Darrah, Siiinuql It, Wilson, linno Btopbeni, O. JKJInutefan, GhnrW Bnqtt,_John K er, Daniel B- Boding, Wm, IlauiFnrd, I, S BTRYKiilt,.I'IIBSIDBST, F. B. WIMCINSON, flec'y ami Treasurer,-' Miaki taken aa low at) any ether rnUnbla Co.. all loaies promptly J, Ii. N OETON, AOENT, Hightitown, DEALER IS lUlt SI TUB I, AaillOULTUIlAI, IMPLE : OAEPENTIIl'S AMD MASON'S TOMB, And every artiqla used by Buildcra. Aliq, large asiortment otInblB.anil.Eqqket Out- lory; Floor Oil Oloth, A:o,, Ao, HightatOwB, Sept 24, ISOB, ly A b f a m i , A l e i a f i d e r - ^ . , 'TTtTHOLBSALl AND SETAIL COMMISSION Donlera In all kinds qf Oountry Produqa, 108 MsretuiiUs\liow t West JVaslilngloh MdiAei NEW YORK. . • Consignments ^(triotly attondad to.at tlio Boati ..J»nd.H5lS..DoJ6ti,*aiid returna promptly,niadoi 1 YOBKi" ' No, SB"WAilKEBT. ST. Intqreiit allowed at tho ratei of six percent, on •11 sums frum SI to $5,000, frea from Uovarninent tax. Bank pp,on '^ally'fram 10 A. M, to 3 P.M. ML COWQgijIJf t PrBitdont i; BUXTON, Boorotary, ' No, &V East Sin.*© Sti'eot, 'JPKJBWTON, W. 3,, ''•'• Have juit opened iin ontiro new stook- of AND OVERCOATINGS, lASHIONABLI, QOOB FITTINQ OAEMINTI ," ' ' WARllAiCTlD, '• Also, O^OTHING . . -.'Wa-Mli.attefttiott partiaulafiytooar:,-., A JflESTMATE STOOK. tl'BWS db ; TAKIfjBST, N, J. BY1|NG I Thla la the AMDUOiiA that Blagmmle. [ y Olluo and rasidonqo in Stookton etroot, qp ositell. It, btatton, ' auglo-Bui Bft. O tlE AND KESID|1NOE At JIIE IIOUSl / ui'lira'BtAtrvuiT, Htodktert Street, | O01ae Jloui'd—Before S): A, M, < froui 1 to ii and 6 :o T'-l'. M. • , ' .. y28l o Oaro tiiit y BOiy, tUit IUn( muda ylilfSEEt AT t i l , , , Maater, Eaanlinor, and Sblioitar in Chancery. Bep_ond rjrtdoaOB, .Oranborr^Neok, Mid_dlesok County, P. 0. nadiMi—fflgbtlfown, N, Jv " r feb'il-iy*: •'•'..•,•'•': " . ' ' ,.' §;M,iOHANCK, Praotluoi in the United- Btatos, District, and Oh-oil Feb. 20, 1187. ly , y BDiiyunss tauTss iTns perii_._ nently redumod the practice up his prufessluii at Hlght Mesidanua In BtqoKton stroat, 3 dbofi west of JTufcrndn. MarohSl, 1800, Surgeon DsntUt, and Hanufaoturet-qflnqorrnptl hie Gum Tooth, Office next to IRA BMOOK'B Store,- Iritmnoe on Jlain Street, ojioaite the So Univerialltit-ChttTOb; __ looth extracted WITHOUT PAIN, by the use sf Laughing Uas . . * ,. N. B.-fTho rtew Patent.Sutn-.BnMj m for;iti I!gbtno§i,aoinfort, arid.eleanllnei>i,is also g j , qle applied.. An Bsamrnntion islnvltsa. a pi JHPICHINSON, ,0 BODINE, &:"D. r AB1JAI1 1. BonisB, May 4, IMS., If, . NohTdsi, Ilightstown,- MOBNT ft JIMESON, Wholesale Comnjiiston Dealeri in all kinds of aio at 314 # . irBBOHASTaTno.K, Between yeieynnd Bulton Stroeta. piBtDBn. . ABIJAU U,, JOSEPH S./IMEBON. , y Orders reeeiveii'lBi/t be piuictiitttfi/at teiidtdta. •'"; . ' [jea'Dtf. Agent for tha MlEOElt 00, MUTlUWlIlE JNSUHANOE COMPANY. Porioas haying uninsured property, will find I to their Advantage'to eii.ll on tbo abdvOi.at his res donee in Morrison stroot. . ! , oo20-tf R. 0. HOBBII^S, THE MIEOlm 00; MUTUAL ilEB INSURANCE ^v; •.•;,•- •••",, •COMPANY-,. •; - : ; ; tftiW; iittn^tilfttrlyirttBndyoVtyit Alsb, Juitioe qf the Peaoe,' Surveyor ami Con veyanoerj r and Master ih 0han86ry, -,•' apST Jobbing promptly attended to, and Butldinga up In a superior mnnnpr ;fobl8-ly J -l 4TCtiffONESlVNo;482 Kortn jrqnt^Stree . a b o v e ..Oallowhill. < PUiiadolphla, dyei Silk , \\ oWen.and I'anPy Sbods of: ovory Beseriptiofi;— iThfiriiioperior ttylBiof;dyeing Ladies' and Oen. ileman'i garments i!iw!i)e!y;]tnown OrRpo and Mi Shl ddfbi bil *i garments la wlilelyVltnown OfftpB •Merino Shawli dyed- the -fn'pat brillinnt' or plain eolori, Grape and Merino Shawls Blaminft to loak TlUe new. , Alp, Geptletaen'ii Apparql, durtaiBSj '•4o,^-*dlsnWods;ofr;yipdj.ed,.:/,Ki4'.»l9Veieleanad or ^.Myrf (o*'6 l '& M 1 * 0 " tafiW-' OaU^Bdiopk^iitmr^ork , '; ;gepi7-3n.'••--;••••- •-- j. jb-W;*J6NIS. a, , SW aad Sg2 QEip'^IOH STEIET, FromJO tt^20 per caHt. BEST JAPANiTli, ii;mt' ''' C ••¥' i; . -BEST iSaLKffBBKAKEAST TEA, WOO. " BPLBNDID OOLQNff TEA, BO Oenti. BBBVitQASTED BnaQBpraa,-lS Canti to i Cents...' (Beit ill iaaiket,) ""t-TflFB ' — - .MACS A la^go stock iaay bo found at the subsoil. i ber'a aVth'e loweat market rates. ; ft rEME.'.oii/.-:.•;,.;••. ., In bringing tfl^ftbove, artiele IjefOre the j publie, I have onlwjo lay, that 1" will furn. A jiih the beitartislefwyhe least money. ..'•.• ; all that do not prove gatiafoptory. Tlila la tho Msldcn, Jimduorao asd iQ i m Who ab# hM r*™a locks, they any. Ho used the .AJIUHOSIA tliut Itlng ,_, Bade, This In the P*non, who, by the way, Married tho maiden, bondtome and Tottia jnan oneo bald and W M the AMBROSIA that BtagoA, Tois U the BeUih.t "ringi iwsy "'• IS.TO aroaja the people M l u d faf ,, I not h*finMon pray, r Jm the AMBnotiAttMt Ming made. i JH.TtJBBSftCO., PnopHiiTORs, PiTiRioBo 1 , M, For siLla in HJBlititown atHulaombe's Druj Store—aTib at T, Wllauu's and A S Stonoberger's, Aug. fl-ly . " ' " " _ HigltBtown plaBsioal Institute^ TOn YOUNCl MEN AND BOYS. . . Tho hext Term Irill open on tho 1st of Sept. . Tun MR, woukt, f For JBonrdingivn(ITuition.per term,. 13 'rui'Uon iiieiiUjin tlioTlighor Dupnrtra laeidentala per term, raont, $13 ' SB . Si —Cuition ^taiL-Boarjing-payablo jlB. jftjvanpq for BiifelijtSriiiyj'*-"' 1 *;'^;™: 1 •••'•:' ;";v•-:• •::•..•. i ;.V:a",l.^-.i':i:^'i,..'-. " aul3£fh1 •""-"j: E "AL"BXANBlR7Tfiaolpair STOCK.0E- dbSHOHffl ANB CAPS, ftp the full and Winter trade, at ASIITOS'S old uad popular stand, consisting .of Man's Tap soles, Put. Kip Boots, Men's nnd liciys CqaMB Boots of ll i b t Cuiigiuta-tfirfiiirtrWeii-'iiAB" tl U t l Iindies 1 poljblo-gout llutlon Uiutors, jlovq-kid Pn- J i l j i t 4 a W i u 4 J i Wtilll 4 rifflEoBB* JiljitttSp4 gJi an Tyi Bills, Copper-nulled tip jjig Tip Ppliah Boots, pobbla.jj M»iters, and Shoes ofjill kindj rsr tip Bal«, MisaVi Lust, jjoat Bn)i arid ISiHtoji janijl aizei CHILDREK'S M W C0E J I)-S/f0£I of ull kiiuls-and lizoi, HLIPPEHS, i-o, HATS A OAPS.-iMen'g bl'k Silk Hats, i/te la lent tti/le ; Bonvyrund Oiisiiinoro Huts, best qunli ty Oloih nnd Londnir lints, the 'IScliIlt Oil WW fil' End-Vfeiifh-moIp'-Hif («" Q Ciilpntliirilttt,.a full aiacrtment of iirilttt,a full aiacrtm MES'S. AMD BOY'B SOFT HATS, of nil liihds, whioh eon bo bought V l l l f L0.W.for Cttsh. •. ••' . •:••'•"*• A. J. AS2IT0N. Iligbtatown, Oatl, ISiiS , : : BMDX .4»D FOB M L I , '."' A tery large itopk of SiQcltion Bt,, yxtgliisiown, JST, JT, Among which may be ftund Mutual Eriend, Iron Clad, GonfldenoB, Young Ametiea, Good Will, Uiiivorial. Buperior, Ejeeollqnt, PARLOR If 8rffl,NO^ROUM Morning aiory.. . Btllliftnt, •" Ifavorito Base Burnor. - Anietioan _Fn.voritc and Modern XJaa Burners, :."-• with a variaty^fpYLINDER STOVES.- STOKE AND QltmQE STOVES: ^ftrnroroth"jaiq1jriVOvn, Veltal and Suptif SHME T IB- ON A Ui-TmitT AND WOOJO :.Ta»\*- CALIi . T h i i i i thypiTO« r ,fg^..;'XM)Hr-^' n 'ti«B>Wii'-' i Biiii'''tba .youilg folkljBgatihsiejMfllBlM^In^thai XATffiST MFElirSndwIth pomfpjt'to thiTftarer.- ._,•.',• - The Itook eoinpiiiM:«:ienBrBlMiortmBntrof ; all the best mnkes and stylos in the market. . .Conitajitiy, on tw)d and for salt cheap.... On hnad, or proadred to order—or any partiiulBr Ifovo wanted^ill boorilerW ftftd soldai eheap as ean bepurehaied ulsowhare. ..... ... I am determined to BOII JII .eheftp ai any dealer in. the State. ...- ool-2m . , ; . " ' • .••••;• ,- ;:.'.-; WM, T, SMOCK. THE BIST POTATO" J O E "UiM OHOE^ It coin oa off the ground esrly onou K h to sow wheat. F o r s a l o b y :';: : '••*:* : r'Z: \ : : :':-'• ; 'L TSffleagerBIfCpIl'JWe H; and »Brettht^rft»s for PhiladelDliia Vialftiinii ern, Weityrn, ani BwlyBontliern Also", SEiySS, SCUTTLES;, SirOVELfl, POTS - -" _ KETTLES,•-BPIDEBB, And a very large asiprtnipnt if SHEET moM WARM eonstantiy on hahd~ -•'".-,, Kobiiis in the tree-trops, Blossorns In the grai] ; --rtoi-OM.Dakota Territory, (as K on EmpjrtStntoB, ng largo us forty Bay , Klates,); and then Is mrje Iiftndrolii i-Mow rarrth^Benton, wlioro flib Every whore you pan j" Sudden little breezes ; ,d0B-tatyeaaiira' t Dl.iukbuugh uud I Ana ns vast as those distances, aw tti - ritodos, and atoauibottt oxouiJBibiii sooni, > taken liuaaliig out anew'. l'ine tree and willow-troo, Fri«gail elm, and larah— , Don't you think that Slfty-tlnio'i Plijasnnter than Marphf. ; Apploa in the ortU'irii, . Mellowing one by one .*: . . - Btrawborrioa upturaing Soft oheoks to Ihe inn _Itosog, faintJtlth syeetaoaa ; tiro bo tliafr <U is "ft long aiatanco boyond tho hond of itoamboat unjngajtloo. lip thp 'Mis- oxiri, t h a t b@!ng .tliitiF^OTiQ liiiuAyod. .3.114 iiifloa nbByo St;, I.miii..-... X)ur Liliet, fair of fiip«| f . ' '.'.' Drowsy loants and murmuri Hunting every plaee ,* Lengths of golden sunihinoj Aloonlight bright as day— Don't you think that,Summer ! i Ploaaantor than May ? Whistling negro-songs ; ulsy by tha. j hearihr_ g ido Itoinplng withthe tongs ; Chestnuts in the aihes Ilad-loaf and gold-laaf itustlinBdaanihe Jindj Mother " doiu' paaohei" All the afternoon—• Don'tyou think that Autumn's Ploasaiiter than Juno.? Little fairy inow flukes Dancing in the flue [. Old Mr. Santi dlaus; •'. ' Whlit is keepiiig you 7 Twilight and, firelight j Shadows come and go ; Merry "chime of sleigh.bolls, Tinkling -through the anew | Mother knitting stoekinga, •;'•". (Pusiyli got the bBlVI) ,—-:••; : vOpnit yoti-ilUi\W:tlint ; Wdmiar'i^ 3ie»,J?iiiaiitthtoi*-than ull ? <".',' , _ Our r"oi Jfoiit, Be Strong. ^ ADBLAIDB ASSt riigC'TOH, I3e itrong to hope, O lleart ! Thougli day is bright. The ahiry ean only fliitt'a ^^ In tho dark night. TJo trtrqiig70"*Iieart Pfminu, Look towards the light! Bo strong-toienJ-, 0 ilpart ! - IfDJIiini? is vain , Strive nqt, Bit ilta ii oaro, And (Jpd sands pain ft --^J,. BKt will roninin! Be strong to lavs, 0 Ilpart! Love knows not wrong ; Didit tliou love—Broatures eren. Life wore not long ; Didst thou love Qod in heaven, Thou wouldit be stropg ! jLittleSi n Sank la his ovoniag aloud Or eastward turn thoe, andradmiro , Uuw liiigqr yet the ihowera of flro, Ueep in ouoh.fold, high on saeh ipire ' 'Of.ytfnder mountaia pfoudf"" Thou least it not; ah envioui sereen, A fluttoriiig leaflet, floats b^treen A veil too near thine eye. _OnB-fingor'i breadth_athand will niai A 5vorld of light in hettven afar. A mote ellipse a glorious itar, An eyelid hide the sky, , : es»«'. 1 ' Do r STBAaiBns Rtfisr ABoya Whtit. a qiieatjon' for tjio iBresIdeBtof ft al^ilqna^itoilne-the-otliop-dayy* , and Jfiivorite-SnSe Burner. Alip, AMIEIOAN OOOK-iTOVB/ ;,v4,,nunibBrpf v SVOVES : •who is lu tho banliiu.g business at Omaha, and doep his oastei'tt portion of it throirgh this same New York bank, Ani tTiB mowoypd rnftti, Wlioknqwk^all. street so U arid probably Jjlverpool and Oariton, t : tethtfr6©lii ers run up 280B T nUlos to A h d t d £ h i y qpjy^DiEfflKfttflie y, he would hayejoen theste'ani- Success ctjma 4own that long mm and nd to, with |800,000 Inteaiui owlll oastom'Ba w s a J i t i i l i i t s ^ n d polU j ttud phrUtianSj learB where uhd what the West' is ? Some i6em to think -ihaHt-TBHhB^ HulIUml^ufehttse, Or Qon- 5^? country OCret'tlie r Arthest : ' OhiOiii 5^? country, OCret'tlie r Arthest r i -Ohio li "dO;Wn "east" ! to a Woatom man Our Ideaa of the nattonal domain, are gad a- by flip^uQf,,-yw.ij.n.^gJtfcup^tP^M'j, •" ' •.• only:;BflBBtod: aunngVoistjfaorainary^bigU ' i f J *" --TirnHneed hv aljSrrnk' Tfriw it. iW, , pejigdft 'tides j ! -diid. iC careful' .obsdrvbr in•• tlio neighborhood 'ballovoB .that 'tho tldi- twolye if not flftqon inolies higher ort tlio wheel' than' wfaen-tfae^ ll drat built, - - , , _ ...... " A saw-mill on Sl'ulcfe Orobk, built id lljyf^-OTa» orinrinnil-v—bavoiiil-tlia'twftpli of--- --.'-'— •-••'-_- vim I y y of; tna at Coluuibia, on thp Pnoinoi measuring, .from Enstpprt )< Miiin'6,-.t6 the oxtrqriio jvortdrn Aleutian Island in ourlluisian purchaso, If one' would moaiure the whoto, b'W Titanic, stops, ajiirting irom E l d i l i t o t i t M Its UBUal itqstnt the lijgli tines tcacirSalF way ug ho ititil-dam; find the mill- ii only run by having, a dam ahd aluico Borao distance balq^. v.Jho owuer. .tlilnljB tjiptidog jiao.. ah ayofa^coi, two fe^tliiglioE than #heii show.•'".that iheyo Ijai bttBOyav^9fep^ptI$lf' ........je.yliivUie tolktiva loYBlVflf "tfatf lattd arid \Vator within tke laoulOCyof fldnriotf vvliei-o abofit.vJohn'- Jacob^Ajitor'B : old Astorin, Our extreme'' riorthom limit, Barrow's Poliit, 11 scveiitcen hundvod" niilei ftu-thor north of this in Its latliude, as wfill ns boitiR so much farthec wu$t.— About ono third of tho circiimferenco oj;th_a globo ta now spanned by our torn- Indian that the «un novor »ot§ on no trust Englishman in the dark.» It oortainly Jg to bo hoped thaj out prido spread cafilo sprain his wings by itrotch- ing them to our two extromp, Umil ' loin 011 atlonalliu tfth The mileage now drawn by tho delegate in Congress from Washington Territory Is about #11,000 for onr.h session ; for a dolejjato from JTow ArgbanrfM It must bo at luast MOjOOO^ and wfien one shall ooino down from Barrow's Point tp repre- sent in our national halls his polar boat and walrus constituency,-" his mileage must go vastly above a 'score of tho.us- ands. , I cannot oomputo It exactly, ns Mr. Soward has not niado kno.wtv by what alcaoo path . and Vina of kayaoks, the Esquimaux delegate shall take his ronto will givo us __ a .__ politicians movooily, if possiijlo, than we now have there. , "Do steamers run abovo Omaha?",— And Eastern. Ideas are quito as crude about tlio growth and population, and oworof tho West. 'Indian's,l&g-cabins, forests,—cloamigs,-_an4— vast prajriea, as many, ' t ' l ih.a "fm ., ..., „„. beyond Buffalo and Chicago Ilhoy cannot roaiizo that if all Jho popula- tion of New Eualand woro'droppqd from the censiis, it would -not reduce it one .tenth, nor can they . imagine howtho on- tiro area of Hew England could be taken out of Minnesota, and yet leavo land simsS& necllmrb; pUtu 1 I t 1» tovho; ribttoed that tjJcSa'caiea ; t j c a g iibtTo- be 1 epnntod among those where'th* ivnsh of the su'rfScfl %m undermined/'th# and anffiwept the earth away; only tho poneoful action of th* tide oould haye abmdud the land. But ii would seehi ' that a gradual 4 iinking of the land, or ai gradual an upfiiirigof tho sea level mugt iayo produced jheie'reaulta 2 Jhe farrriar .thaJmoat.probableJiypothej^ aa in the latter .case -the offeot would have .beett goneral -rathot than lodali-*- former'ages produced! those ohangoi, the results of whloh evon,. now ...excite out womlqrjniro stiinH~^ofBrtldnJ~iflthough, perhaps, In a limited dogroo. A 'remark* level of land and sea is.afforded on,thd shore of the Bay of Fundy, a few miles north of Yarmouth, .Hqva Sc'ojtla,. IIoi'B) at tt distance'' of at least a' ^uqiftsr of» mile from tho beach,ftt'othe dlsiliiot water marks of a former sea level, A lino runs along the face of the ledge, weli'deflnodj atid .lolow its lavel minute sort, shells, and oven potrltled kelp we liavo fpuiid In th% intcrstiecs of the rock, How the Umit;of* the waters of tlio bay,; oyen at tho highest tides, is distant from .the; anoiout soft/Wyel at ioftst twelveiiundre'd feet, -which is a gradually 'shelving plateau o| snud, shells, " stones, unnrjpduotivo of any The ftbsondoM'ioil irould fflbm to'3 4hat—lhe- J flhange-Tte i -iaBS44evel-hofa^wfts 0 oompiiijatively modorn, arid the beaoh and land~intervening' between the presttWt an4 former w.atpr line,'being composed of the sainb materials'as the sea bottom, ieems to. inciioate that tlw bottom has been ex- posgd either by its rising or thosuBsldeiioa- of tjio watori , Wis tt'memkr, wnen atooy,liililn™ iri a - .lisr-lb.-tha 'Jiiasi^J; oiWMl of the growth of tho West. In the"fil-B4>- 1840 I shot quails in the stroots of Quiney, 111, In April l807j I mot in the'thoologl- cal.hall a-t Ohioago, to whom his liberality gavo tho name,' Don. Wlllard Keyos, one of the log cabin founders of Quiney, now a populous, wealthy.;_and'. powerful city.— In •tho"spTiu'gT3fls4l, i Z spont two days "AT ICeokuk, Iowa, a Village of twelve log and "RTo-ftmHTir houses: In •'• these it hadthir- the shadow Oi p. ^rove, the. trees of which grow within a fuv/ feet of the high tide lino, so nmr that wbeu landing, tho boat'q "painter," some fifteen feet long, was usually tied to one of the trrt^. ' Wheii Inst tlioie, the water line had t'ccUded from the trues aUout fitlecn feet on a, shelving shore, the relative level of sea'and land having changed at least twenty in about, ua ~ ~ " ~™~"" p H n . Wow, a£o a population, of about :l0,000, twelve churches,, throe daily '.papers, a' modioal college and two or throe olnaaioal schools. Its main stroet is about'a mile Ion™, hav- ing manyr substantial Wick" blHbks for banks, bfflues, hotola, etc. One railroad connoots it with Dos Moinoa the capital, one runs around .the rapida and up to- 'wata^uaea^^a BfttWtmf the city witli load ing polnta in Xlliuoia. ^L _Aljout. the_aamo_tlma r_vislted^Davon, -port, foww - T h n r flTo pTftBBiitOTUTJDp^ latton of about six hundrod, and few farms wore opened beyond Duck Creek, four miles west. Now It has twenty thousand or more people, wi,th A BOOI'O of churches, splendid hotels, theaters, banking honao, and private dwolllnga that arp. ' ' Yes, •toamors ld b and d Yes, •toamors run above Omaha, and It would bs a good-thing if th'e heads of some of ourlastorh financial and pqlltt. oal and rBltgious orgamzatloha; wouldiakq .passago on them.—VorreapoMantJif—Oon- gwaaUonaliat ~ Changes in tKe Eidvatforrof land, ' Subsidence of Coast,, OUR attontion has .boon, ittraeted to this, lubjeot by an artiole* that reeefltly appeared in Tork Tiniea giving 4 Hlghtitown.N. no means kept yim with our .. The Louisiana purchase in iflOS for $15,- 000,000; the florido. purehas^iri 1810 fop .82,000,000 i tlie ftn,neiati6a of Texas m 1845 the ; ealifocnia, -3Sew Mexico, Utah puMhaae in: "" J " " "*" "" 000/ 000,' somp statemeriis in tegdrd to ovldonees r of a. gradual's'ubside'nee of the BTew, ^rs ooast, especially the lower section of tho -- State. Speaking of' the facts which seem •to••sustain the.idea that for mffny years Yniiiiy years. Curious to know the reason, and believing tho wash at'thp raiud had graduallj' filled tho bed of lhe\;ailli l: "y, wo tested the matter by a simple .cxik'filljcnt. There was a flat subnio ged. rock, about ici'ty feet from the fthoru, on wh'ch, at hisjh titfe^ Jhoro Waj about four feel of water. Now theft? was, aL the same state of the tldo in the" sainu month of the jear, by measurement, only twynty eight inches of water on thd torn of tlirphtuary-had risen or ham lifted Up twenty inches in twenty years. The changes made by the washing 0^ tho surf in gradually underming and en- orooelnug_npon tbe laud are noticeable en almost ull exposed shoies unless guarded by-chils of stone. Many of our scasidd watering places give marked evidences of 1 ffioji^ncroachuients.^jbuminujLSijatBjFhicljt: ajfow years ago possessed Iruiifal gardens or vcidant lawns eloping toward the •ffiftter v hayo lost^the^p pleasant nppenda-, gos, and in some cases the sites (jf the housos liave been thieatcnett, if uot madtt dsHigciou's, by thcbe encroaehments.— The writer from whom, we have quoted says, further, in relation to these encroach 1 -* men Is ou the coast of Now Jpisey : This g cflcct of the waves ib especially ty ,: from and to- coveted with , _ i , away.-and - tliOlr places supplied by flat and sloping sands. In some sections they wear away more rapidly than in others. Dr. Leam- 1 ing and other residents of the vicinity think that the Seven Mile Beach opposite Sea vile 1IS9 worn "away one hundred j'Brda" " _du > riug_tho past twenty years. j ^ • "jfTlic shore in front of the boarding-house at . Capo Island must have~".vorn away nearly a mile since the Kevolutionary War. This is the opinion of Jtfr.-Ezekiei Stophons, whose fathei- resided upon the sgoti During tho lid volution A iniUtift. ^i*tille^y_j;QmpaDy _us!id_ JiijjnvcticcLJltirjg tft this poinj;. Their gutl "Was stationed near a house whieh stood just beyond the y flroBcnt Bhore line, and tiieir target wai njll three-quarters of a,mile enat: Beyond t&U beaches extended for nearly a quartet of a mile before reaching tho, seashore.—• The .sea hjm washed away the whole .of this ground and one of the boaidtiJ^ j!w;b B :^-.--^drt ! ,i«^. ? f..h,i£!; | p»2^i^^ h *j»9»*ft lti landthewritej say's :;, ; - .... -.,; -.• : . being iwept away; Within a" 6m " Ono, of' tlio most marftod of ^theseiis the bank has been protected bya the diminution,., of effleiendy.m.yariouj-irig of cedar brush, And ih&jji "' Inuis loefftocTin of near jfitt tfda,waterj.-^ bflBu so preceptibloT^ A7remar£_ The owner of; ; a tide-hilll^ near Boesejey's dence of tho wearing of "the bay-j__ , In Oape-MayCqupt^iJ^i-attonfflBd' tlie country is related. * The"- prftrfflmoffiOT; mill himself sinc« ; 18ipi-»toalMrlng! of Aaron Learning v.a. buriul jn l" 1 ^ iifc •-••'-•'-•--• •-•'"-—' - - ri-n^ inl aumi rtwlanob Trt I7J1 t,hn w&y& rude ir<im.tbb *bavtftfiia&£ WBtorn, fflin^ te^? tolBrable.fionWpttqn. all theintervBrimg tima ther^4iasbeenflliT,ownbantiu'a and ; blBnnd>vihj»B-) ^gibtt^'b.T MfcoS'lanyn^tt^^ •^egtjSooJ'Jnf .that r'anj AAtttofioUn", ^MS.i^n'.i jbanBrf^^B'jiE-HjB'Q^it^^^L th^^hbnsMasi^lf^tttoii^^i^g^sff-iii^Bon^ ^m?*:r-^^ i T;0*mT&:mm^ _..., Lall

hst - digifind-it.com filehst '•- •••••••• IPsPfiPPppii^H!^^Si^^ff^^ip^^Si^S^^^^^S^^»S?l,v, ••V;-'--;'L-:": . **:-^->v/-v-;/ ^ '*• I * ;-^'!: v:V':Ti; 'ri;'f":'::W'vW

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IPsPfiPPppii^H!^^Si^^ff^^ip^^Si^S^^^^^S^^»S?l , v , ••V;-'--;'L-:": . **:-^->v/-v- ;/^ '*• I * ;-^'!:v:V':Ti;v'ri;'f":'::W'vW


utown indvlnliiliv, (h«i. Tnkai tills mothqd of n'nnqunotri_,8uO,niilos-above Omaha;; on'tho

lore, sho runs on,, fomnwlmlMarjorlf'soVdhtmiSlf Ip reaillneBSttfnttflnd upoti tliosowhomny,#fth for Ills pfaf«5<siu,nal iorvleoa,

HouriS"? to 0 a.m., and.fi to 8 p. m.Hightstown, Juna21,18.00, tf./,.','. i.iftl fttUu|iesi will be giTea tg tUs if eatSiBt of

in.,„.,-. ,,t-'ll.., li-v., ,,n.1 Fur.

«Oses iauni i to i A.V. s i * 7 to a I.M.. 31SPE0TFDLLY QTIEHS HIS SERVIOEgLI to the eltlBBDi of Ilightttotrn and vlulnity—

QftllsJpriLmodlBiiLitiBailiBflt! .will icqoimpr.oniiitMention, '

elaaa Insijritndo upon all Froporty Hablb todestruction by.fire.


iBg_ Jluuiea, Piibiie.Buildings,Oliuroboi,

Colleges,, Bohool-lipuiea, els., insured; for one,

to|^apili^e| Uratti gMllJs

at af fp,Vorubla ratosai iafetj and prohcorfullj' given respecting 'ho

i buiinoRs, Fur iiiHurahoo apply 167

jPsbtile's Tire lasuranos" • ' • : • 01?. TEENfQJT, N. J ,

fe. 8. Strykor, Oalab B, (Jreqn, I . It. Wilkinson,Jamb M, Tiiylor, Joseph Whitiiker, John Taylor,J , l , Darrah, Siiinuql It, Wilson, linno Btopbeni,O. JKJInutefan, GhnrW Bnqtt,_John K

er, Daniel B- Boding, Wm, IlauiFnrd,I, S BTRYKiilt,.I'IIBSIDBST,

F. B. WIMCINSON, flec'y ami Treasurer,-'Miaki taken aa low at) any ether rnUnbla Co..all loaies promptly

J, Ii. NOETON, AOENT, Hightitown,



: OAEPENTIIl'S AMD MASON'S TOMB,And every artiqla used by Buildcra.

Aliq, large asiortment otInblB.anil.Eqqket Out-lory; Floor Oil Oloth, A:o,, Ao,

HightatOwB, Sept 24, ISOB, ly

A b f a m i , A l e i a f i d e r - ^ . ,'TTtTHOLBSALl AND SETAIL COMMISSIONV¥ Donlera In all kinds qf Oountry Produqa,

108 MsretuiiUs\liowt West JVaslilngloh MdiAei

NEW YORK. . •Consignments ^(triotly attondad to.at tlio Boati

..J»nd.H5lS..DoJ6ti,*aiid returna promptly,niadoi

1 YOBKi"' No, SB"WAilKEBT. ST.

Intqreiit allowed at tho ratei of six percent, on•11 sums frum SI to $5,000, frea from Uovarninenttax. Bank pp,on '^ally'fram 10 A. M, to 3 P.M.

ML COWQgijIJf t PrBitdonti; BUXTON, Boorotary,

' No, &V East Sin.*© Sti'eot,'JPKJBWTON, W. 3,, ''•'•

Have jui t opened iin ontiro new stook- of




. . -.'Wa-Mli.attefttiott partiaulafiy to oar:,-.,


tl'BWS db; TAKIfjBST,

N, J.


I Thla la the AMDUOiiA that Blagmmle.

[ y Olluo and rasidonqo in Stookton etroot, qpositell. It, btatton, ' auglo-Bui

Bft. O

t l E AND KESID|1NOE A t JIIE IIOUSl/ ui'lira'BtAtrvuiT, Htodktert Street, |O01ae Jloui'd—Before S): A, M, < froui 1 to ii and 6

:o T'-l'. M. • , ' .. y 2 8 l

o Oaro tiiit yBOiy, tUit IUn( muda

ylilfSEEt AT t i l , , ,Maater, Eaanlinor, and Sblioitar in Chancery.Bep_ond rjrtdoaOB, .Oranborr^Neok, Mid_dlesokCounty, P. 0. nadiMi—fflgbtlfown, N, Jv "r

f e b ' i l - i y * : •'•'..•,•'•': " . ' '

,.' § ; M , i O H A N C K ,

Praotluoi in the United- Btatos, District, andOh-oil

Feb. 20, 1187. ly

, y BDiiyunss tauTss iTns perii_._nently redumod the practice up his prufessluii atHlght

Mesidanua In BtqoKton stroat, 3 dbofi west ofJTufcrndn.

MarohSl, 1800,

Surgeon DsntUt, and Hanufaoturet-qflnqorrnptlhie Gum Tooth,

Office next to IRA BMOOK'B Store,-Iritmnoe on Jlain Street, ojioaite theSo

Univerialltit-ChttTOb;__ looth extracted WITHOUT PAIN, by the

use sf Laughing Uas . . *,. N. B.-fTho rtew Patent.Sutn-.BnMj mfor;iti I!gbtno§i,aoinfort, arid.eleanllnei>i,is alsog j , qleapplied.. An Bsamrnntion islnvltsa. a pi


&:"D. rAB1JAI1 1. BonisB,

May 4, IMS., If,. NohTdsi, Ilightstown,-

MOBNT ft JIMESON,Wholesale Comnjiiston Dealeri in all kinds of

a io at 314 #. irBBOHASTaTno.K,

Between yeieynnd Bulton Stroeta.piBtDBn. . ABIJAU U,,


y Orders reeeiveii'lBi/t be piuictiitttfi/atteiidtdta. •'"; • • . ' [jea'Dtf.

Agent for thaMlEOElt 00, MUTlUWlIlE JNSUHANOE


Porioas haying uninsured property, will find Ito their Advantage'to eii.ll on tbo abdvOi.at his resdonee in Morrison stroot. . ! , oo20-tf


MIEOlm 00; MUTUAL ilEB INSURANCE^ v ; • . • ; , • - • • • " , , • C O M P A N Y - , . • ; - : ; ;

tftiW; iittn^tilfttrlyirttBndyoVtyitAlsb, Juitioe qf the Peaoe,' Surveyor ami Con

veyanoerjrand Master ih 0han86ry, • -,•' apST

Jobbing promptly attended to, and Butldinga p«up In a superior mnnnpr


J -l 4 TCtiffONESlVNo; 482 Kortn jrqnt^Stree. above ..Oallowhill. < PUiiadolphla, dyei Silk

, \ \ oWen.and I'anPy Sbods • of: ovory Beseriptiofi;—iThfiriiioperior ttylBiof;dyeing Ladies' and Oen.ileman'i garments i!iw!i)e!y;]tnown OrRpo andM i S h l d d f b i b i l

*i garments la wlilelyVltnown OfftpB•Merino Shawli dyed- the -fn'pat brillinnt' or plaineolori, • Grape and Merino Shawls Blaminft to loak

TlUe new. , Alp, Geptletaen'ii Apparql, durtaiBSj'•4o,^-*dlsnWods;ofr;yipdj.ed,.:/,Ki4'.»l9Veieleanad or

• .Myrf (o*'6l'& M1*0" tafiW-' OaU^Bdiopk^iitmr^ork

, '; ;gepi7-3n.'••--;••••- •-- j . j b - W ; * J 6 N I S .

a, ,SW aad Sg2 QEip'^IOH STEIET,

FromJO tt^20 per caHt.BEST JAPANiTli, ii;mt' ''' C ••¥'i;.


BBBVitQASTED BnaQBpraa,-lS Canti toi Cents...' (Beit ill iaaiket,)

""t-TflFB — ' — -.MACS

A la^go stock iaay bo found at the subsoil.i ber'a aVth'e loweat market rates. ; ft

r E M E . ' . o i i / . - : . • ; , . ; • • .. , In bringing tfl^ftbove, artiele IjefOre the „j publie, I have onlwjo lay, that 1" will furn. Aj i i h the beitartislefwyhe least money. ..'•.• ;

all that do not prove gatiafoptory.

Tlila la tho Msldcn, Jimduorao asd


Who ab# hM r*™a locks, they any.Ho used the .AJIUHOSIA tliut Itlng,_, Bade,

This In the P*non, who, by the way,Married tho maiden, bondtome and

Tottia jnan oneo bald and

W M the AMBROSIA that BtagoA,

Tois U the BeUih.t "ringi iwsy "'•IS.TO aroaja the people M l u d faf ,,

I not h* finM on pray,rJm the AMBnotiAttMt Ming made.

i JH.TtJBBS ft CO., PnopHiiTORs, PiTiRioBo1, M,For siLla in HJBlititown atHulaombe's Druj

Store—aTib at T, Wllauu's and A S Stonoberger's,Aug. fl-ly . • • " ' • " " _

HigltBtown plaBsioal Institute^TOn YOUNCl MEN AND BOYS. . .

Tho hext Term Irill open on tho 1st of Sept.. T u n MR,

woukt, fFor JBonrdingivn(ITuition.per term,. 13'rui'Uon iiieiiUjin tlioTlighor Dupnrtra

laeidentala per term,

raont, $13' SB

. Si—Cuition ^taiL-Boarj ing-payablo jlB. jftjvanpq forBiifelijtSriiiyj'*-"'1*;' ;™:1 •••'•:' ;";v•-:• •::•..•.i;.V:a",l.^-.i':i:^'i,..'-." aul3£fh1 • " " - " j : E "AL"BXANBlR7Tfiaolpair


ANB CAPS,ftp the fu l l and Winter t rade, a t ASI ITOS 'S olduad popular stand, consisting .of Man's Tap soles,Put . Kip Boots, Men's nnd liciys CqaMB Boots of

ll i b t Cui ig iu ta- t f i r f i i i r t rWei i - ' i iAB"tl U t lIindies1 poljblo-gout llutlon Uiutors, jlovq-kid Pn-

J i l j i t 4 a W i u 4 J i W t i l l l 4 rifflEoBB*J i l j i t t t S p 4 g J ian Tyi Bills, Copper-nulled tipjjig Tip Ppliah Boots, pobbla.jjM»iters, and Shoes ofjill kindj

rsrtip Bal«, MisaVi Lust,jjoat Bn)i arid ISiHtojijanijl aizei

CHILDREK'S M W C0EJI)-S/f0£I of ullkiiuls-and lizoi, HLIPPEHS, i-o,

HATS A OAPS.-iMen'g bl'k Silk Hats, i/te lalent tti/le ; Bonvyrund Oiisiiinoro Huts, best qunlity Oloih nnd Londnir lints, the ' I S c l i I l tOil WW fil' End-Vfeiifh-moIp'-Hif («" QCiilpntliirilttt,.a full aiacrtment ofiirilttt,a full aiacrtm

MES'S. AMD BOY'B SOFT HATS,of nil liihds, whioh eon bo bought Vll l f L0.W.forCttsh. •. • ••' .

•:••'•"*• A. J . AS2IT0N.Il igbtatown, O a t l , ISiiS , : :

BMDX .4»D FOB M L I ,'."' A tery large itopk of

SiQcltion Bt,, yxtgliisiown, JST, JT,Among which may be ftund

Mutual Eriend,Iron Clad,GonfldenoB,

Young Ametiea,Good Will,Uiiivorial.

Buperior, Ejeeollqnt,

PARLOR If 8rffl,NO^ROUMMorning aiory.. . Btllliftnt,

•" Ifavorito Base Burnor. -Anietioan _Fn.voritc and Modern XJaa Burners,

:."-• with a variaty^fpYLINDER STOVES.-STOKE AND QltmQE STOVES:

^ftrnroroth"jaiq1jriVOvn, Veltal and SuptifSHME T IB- ON A Ui-TmitT AND WOO JO


CALIi.Thi i i i thypiTO«r,fg^..;'XM)Hr- 'n'ti«B>Wii'-'iBiiii'''tba.youilg folkljBgatihsiejMfllBlM^In^thai XATffiSTM F E l i r S n d w I t h pomfpjt'to thiTftarer.- ._,•.',•

- The Itook eoinpiiiM:«:ienBrBlMiortmBntrof ;allthe best mnkes and stylos in the market. • .

.Conitajitiy, on tw)d and for salt cheap....

On hnad, or proadred to order—or any partiiulBrIfovo wanted^ill boorilerW ftftd soldai eheap asean bepurehaied ulsowhare. . . . . . ...

I am determinedto BOII JII .eheftp ai any dealer in. the State.

...- o o l - 2 m . , ; . " ' • .••••;• ,- ;:.'.-; W M , T , S M O C K .

THE BIST POTATO" JOE"UiM OHOE I tcoin oa off the ground esrly onouKh to sow wheat.

F o r s a l o b y : ' ; : • : '••*:* : r ' Z : \:: :':-'• ;

'L TSffleagerBIfCpIl'JWeH; and »Brettht^rft»sfor PhiladelDliia Vialftiinii

ern, Weityrn, ani BwlyBontliern •


And a very large asiprtnipnt if

SHEET moM WARMeonstantiy on h a h d ~ -•'".-,,

Kobiiis in the tree-trops,Blossorns In the grai] ;

• --rtoi-OM.Dakota Territory, (as Kon EmpjrtStntoB, ng largo us forty Bay

, Klates,); and then Is mrje I i f tndrol i ii-Mow rarrth^Benton, wlioro flib

Every whore you pan j"Sudden little breezes ;


Dl.iukbuugh uud I

Ana ns vast as those distances, a w t t i -ritodos, and atoauibottt oxouiJBibiii sooni,

> taken

liuaaliig out anew'.l'ine tree and willow-troo,

Fri«gail elm, and larah— ,Don't you think that Slfty-tlnio'i

Plijasnnter than Marphf. ;

Apploa in the ortU'irii,. Mellowing one by one .*: • . . -Btrawborrioa upturaing

Soft oheoks to Ihe inn •_Itosog, faintJtlth syeetaoaa ;



<U is "ft long aiatanco boyond thohond of itoamboat unjngajtloo. lip thp 'Mis-oxiri, that b@!ng .tliitiF^OTiQ liiiuAyod. .3.114

iiifloa nbByo St;, I.miii..-... X)ur

Liliet, fair of fiip«|f . ' '.'.'Drowsy loants and murmuri

Hunting every plaee ,*Lengths of golden sunihinoj

Aloonlight bright as day—Don't you think that,Summer!i

Ploaaantor than May ?

Whistling negro-songs ;ulsy by tha. jhearihr_gido •Itoinplng withthe tongs ;

Chestnuts in the aihes

Ilad-loaf and gold-laafitustlinBdaanihe J i n d j

Mother " doiu' paaohei"All the afternoon—•

Don'tyou think that Autumn'sPloasaiiter than Juno.?

Little fairy inow flukesDancing in the flue [.

Old Mr. Santi dlaus; •'. 'Whlit is keepiiig you 7

Twilight and, firelight jShadows come and go ;

Merry "chime of sleigh.bolls,Tinkling -through the anew |

Mother knitting stoekinga,•;'•". (Pusiyli got the bBlVI) ,—-:••;: vOpnit yoti-ilUi\W:tlint;Wdmiar'i^3ie»,J?iiiaiitthtoi*-than u l l ? <". ' , '

, _ "» Our r"oi Jfoiit,

Be Strong.^ ADBLAIDB ASSt riigC'TOH,

I3e itrong to hope, O lleart !Thougli day is bright.

The ahiry ean only fliitt'a • ^ ^

In tho dark night.TJo trtrqiig70"*Iieart Pfminu,

Look towards the light!

Bo strong-toienJ-, 0 ilpart !- IfDJIiini? is vain ,

Strive nqt, Bit ilta ii oaro,And (Jpd sands pain ft--^J,.

BKt will roninin!

Be strong to lavs, 0 Ilpart!Love knows not wrong ;

Didit tliou love—Broatures eren.Life wore not long ;

Didst thou love Qod in heaven,Thou wouldit be stropg !


Sank la his ovoniag aloudOr eastward turn thoe, andradmiro ,Uuw liiigqr yet the ihowera of flro,Ueep in ouoh.fold, high on saeh ipire' 'Of.ytfnder mountaia pfoudf""

Thou least it not; ah envioui sereen,A fluttoriiig leaflet, floats b^treen

A veil too near thine eye._OnB-fingor'i breadth_athand will niaiA 5vorld of light in hettven afar.A mote ellipse a glorious itar, •

An eyelid hide the sky, , :


' Dor STBAaiBns Rtfisr ABoyaWhtit. a qiieatjon' for tjio iBresIdeBtof ft


, and Jfiivorite-SnSe Burner. Alip,

AMIEIOAN OOOK-iTOVB/;,v4,,nunibBrpf v


•who is lu tho banliiu.g business at Omaha,and doep his oastei'tt portion of it throirghthis same New York bank, Ani tTiBmowoypd rnftti, Wlioknqwk^all. street so

U arid probably Jjlverpool and Oariton,t : t e t h t f r 6 © l i i

ers run up 280BTnUlos toA h d t d £ h i yqpjy^DiEfflKfttflie

y, he would hayejoen theste'ani-Success ctjma 4own that long mm andnd to, with |800,000 I n t e a i u i

o w l l l oastom'Baw s a J i t i i l i i t s ^ n d polUj ttud phrUtianSj learB where uhd

what the West' is ? • Some i6em to think-ihaHt-TBHhB^ HulIUml^ufehttse, Or Qon-5^? country OC ret' tlierArthest:'OhiOiii5^? country, OC ret' t l i e r A r t h e s t r i-Ohio li "dO;Wn "east"!to a Woatom manOur Ideaa of the nattonal domain, are gad

a- by flip^uQf,,-yw.ij.n.^gJtfcup^tP^M'j, •"'•.•

only:;BflBBtod: aunngVoistjfaorainary^bigU 'i f J * " --TirnHneed hv aljSrrnk' Tfriw it. iW, ,

pejigdft 'tides j ! -diid. iC careful' .obsdrvbr in••tlio neighborhood 'ballovoB .that 'tho tldi-

twolye if not flftqon inolies higher orttlio wheel' than' wfaen-tfae^ ll dratbuilt, - - , , _ . . . . . .

" A saw-mill on Sl'ulcfe Orobk, built idlljyf^-OTa» orinrinnil-v—bavoiiil-tlia'twftpli of- -- — — --.'-'— •-••'-_- vim

Iy yof; tna at

Coluuibia, on thp Pnoinoi measuring, .fromEnstpprt)<Miiin'6,-.t6 the oxtrqriio jvortdrnAleutian Island in ourl luis ian purchaso,If one' would moaiure the whoto, b ' WTitanic, stops, ajiirting irom El d i l i t o t i t M

Its UBUalitqstnt the lijgli tines tcacirSalF way ugho ititil-dam; find the mill- ii only run by

having, a dam ahd aluico Borao distancebalq^. v.Jho owuer. .tlilnljB tjiptidog jiao..ah ayofa^coi, two fe^tliiglioE than #heii •

show.•'".that iheyo Ijai bttBOyav^9fep^ptI$lf'........je.yliivUie tolktiva loYBlVflf "tfatf lattd

arid \Vator within tke laoulOCyof fldnriotf

vvliei-o abofit.vJohn'- Jacob^Ajitor'B: oldAstorin, Our extreme'' riorthom limit,Barrow's Poliit, 11 scveiitcen hundvod"niilei ftu-thor north of this in Its latliude,as wfill ns boitiR so much farthec wu$t.—About ono third of tho circiimferencooj;th_a globo ta now spanned by our torn-

Indian that the «un novor »ot§ on

no trust Englishman in the dark.» I toortainly Jg to bo hoped thaj out prido

spread cafilo sprain his wings by itrotch-ing them to our two extromp, Umil 'loin 011 atlonalliu tfth

The mileage now drawn by tho delegatein Congress from Washington TerritoryIs about #11,000 for onr.h session ; for adolejjato from JTow ArgbanrfM It must boat luast MOjOOO and wfien one shallooino down from Barrow's Point tp repre-sent in our national halls his polar boatand walrus constituency,-" his • mileagemust go vastly above a 'score of tho.us-ands. ,• I cannot oomputo It exactly, ns Mr.Soward has not niado kno.wtv by whatalcaoo path . and Vina of kayaoks, theEsquimaux delegate shall take his ronto

will givo us __ a .__politicians movooily, if possiijlo, than wenow have there. ,

"Do steamers run abovo Omaha?",—And Eastern. Ideas are quito as crudeabout tlio growth and population, and

oworof tho West. 'Indian's,l&g-cabins,forests,—cloamigs,-_an4— vast

prajriea, as many,' t ' l

ih.a "fm., . . . , „ „ . beyond Buffalo and Chicago

Ilhoy cannot roaiizo that if all Jho popula-tion of New Eualand woro'droppqd fromthe censiis, it would -not reduce it one.tenth, nor can they . imagine howtho on-tiro area of Hew England could be takenout of Minnesota, and yet leavo land

simsS&necllmrb; pUtu1

I t 1» tovho; ribttoed that tjJcSa'caiea; t j c a giibtTo- be1 epnntod among those where'th*ivnsh of the su'rfScfl %m undermined/'th#and anffiwept the earth away; only thoponeoful action of th* tide oould hayeabmdud the land. But ii would seehi 'that a gradual4iinking of the land, or aigradual an upfiiirigof tho sea level mugtiayo produced jheie'reaulta2 J h e farrriar

.thaJmoat.probableJiypothej^aa in the latter .case -the offeot would

have .beett goneral -rathot than lodali-*-

former'ages produced! those ohangoi, theresults of whloh evon,. now ...excite outwomlqrjniro stiinH~^ofBrtldnJ~iflthough,perhaps, In a limited dogroo. A 'remark*

level of land and sea is.afforded on,thdshore of the Bay of Fundy, a few milesnorth of Yarmouth, .Hqva Sc'ojtla,. IIoi'B) •at tt distance'' of at least a' uqiftsr of»mile from tho beach, ftt'o the dlsiliiot watermarks of a former sea level, A lino runsalong the face of the ledge, weli'deflnodjatid .lolow its lavel minute sort, shells, andoven potrltled kelp we liavo fpuiid In th%intcrstiecs of the rock, How the Umit;of*the waters of tlio bay,; oyen at tho highesttides, is distant from .the; anoiout soft/Wyelat ioftst twelveiiundre'd feet, -which is agradually 'shelving plateau o| snud, shells,

" stones, • unnrjpduotivo of any

The ftbsondoM'ioil irould fflbm to'34hat—lhe-Jflhange-Ttei-iaBS44evel-hofa^wfts0

oompiiijatively modorn, arid the beaoh andland~intervening' between the presttWt an4former w.atpr line,'being composed of thesainb materials'as the sea bottom, ieemsto. inciioate that tlw bottom has been ex-posgd either by its rising or thosuBsldeiioa- •of tjio watori ,

Wis tt'memkr, wnen a tooy, liililn™ iri a

- .lisr-lb.-tha 'Jiiasi^J; oiWMlof the growth of tho West. In the"fil-B4>-1840 I shot quails in the stroots of Quiney,111, In April l807j I mot in the'thoologl-cal.hall a-t Ohioago, to whom his liberalitygavo tho name,' Don. Wlllard Keyos, oneof the log cabin founders of Quiney, now apopulous, wealthy.;_and'. powerful city.—In •tho"spTiu'gT3fls4l,iZ spont two days "ATICeokuk, Iowa, a Village of twelve log and"RTo-ftmHTir houses: In •'• these it hadthir-

the shadow Oi p. rove, the. trees of whichgrow within a fuv/ feet of the high tide lino,so nmr that wbeu landing, tho boat'q"painter," some fifteen feet long, wasusually tied to one of the trrt^. ' WheiiInst tlioie, the water line had t'ccUdedfrom the trues aUout fitlecn feet on a,shelving shore, the relative level of sea'and •land having changed at least twenty

in about, ua ~ ~ " ~™~""

p H n . Wow, a£oa population, of about :l0,000, twelvechurches,, throe daily '.papers, a' modioalcollege and two or throe olnaaioal schools.Its main stroet is about'a mile Ion™, hav-ing manyr substantial Wick" blHbks forbanks, bfflues, hotola, etc. One railroadconnoots it with Dos Moinoa the capital,one runs around .the rapida and up to-'wata^uaea^^a BfttWtmfthe city witli load ing polnta in Xlliuoia.L _ Aljout. the_aamo_tlma r_vislted^Davon,

-port, foww -Thnr flTo pTftBBiitOTUTJDplatton of about six hundrod, and few farmswore opened beyond Duck Creek, fourmiles west. Now It has twenty thousandor more people, wi,th A BOOI'O of churches,splendid hotels, theaters, banking honao,and private dwolllnga that arp. ' '

Yes, •toamorsld b


Yes, •toamors run above Omaha, and Itwould bs a good-thing if th'e heads ofsome of ourlastorh financial and pqlltt.oal and rBltgious orgamzatloha; wouldiakq.passago on them.—VorreapoMantJif—Oon-gwaaUonaliat ~

Changes in tKe Eidvatforrof land,' Subsidence of Coast,,

OUR attontion has .boon, ittraeted tothis, lubjeot by an artiole* that reeefltlyappeared in Tork Tiniea giving

4 Hlghtitown.N.

no means kept yim with our ..The Louisiana purchase in iflOS for $15,-000,000; the florido. purehas^iri 1810 fop.82,000,000 i tlie ftn,neiati6a of Texas m1845 • the ;ealifocnia, -3Sew Mexico,Utah puMhaae in: "" J" " "*" " "

000/000, '

somp statemeriis in tegdrd to ovldoneesrofa. gradual's'ubside'nee of the BTew, r sooast, especially the lower section of tho

- - State. Speaking of' the facts which seem•to••sustain the.idea that for mffny years

Yniiiiy years. Curiousto know the reason, and believing thowash at'thp raiud had graduallj' filled thobed of lhe\;aillil:"y, w o tested the matterby a simple .cxik'filljcnt. There was aflat subnio ged. rock, about ici'ty feet fromthe fthoru, on wh'ch, at hisjh titfe^ JhoroWaj about four feel of water. Now theft?was, aL the same state of the tldo in the"sainu month of the jear, by measurement,only twynty eight inches of water on thd

torn of tlirphtuary-had risen or ham liftedUp twenty inches in twenty years.

The changes made by the washing 0^tho surf in gradually underming and en-orooelnug_npon tbe laud are noticeable enalmost ull exposed shoies unless guardedby-chils of stone. Many of our scasiddwatering places give marked evidences of1ffioji^ncroachuients.^jbuminujLSijatBjFhicljt:ajfow years ago possessed Iruiifal gardensor vcidant lawns eloping toward the•ffiftterv hayo lost^the^p pleasant nppenda-,gos, and in some cases the sites (jf thehousos liave been thieatcnett, if uot madttdsHigciou's, by thcbe encroaehments.—The writer from whom, we have quotedsays, further, in relation to these encroach1-*men Is ou the coast of Now Jpisey : This

g cflcct of the waves ib especially

ty ,: fromand

to-coveted with

, _ i , away.-and -tliOlr places supplied by flat and slopingsands. In some sections they wear awaymore rapidly than in others. Dr. Leam-1

ing and other residents of the vicinitythink that the Seven Mile Beach oppositeSea vile 1IS9 worn "away one hundred j'Brda" "_du>riug_tho past twenty years. j ^ •"jfTlic shore in front of the boarding-houseat . Capo Island must have~".vorn awaynearly a mile since the KevolutionaryWar. This is the opinion of Jtfr.-EzekieiStophons, whose fathei- resided upon thesgoti During tho lid volution A iniUtift.i*tille^y_j;QmpaDy _us!id_ JiijjnvcticcLJltirjgtft this poinj;. Their gutl "Was stationednear a house whieh stood just beyond theyflroBcnt Bhore line, and tiieir target wainjll three-quarters of a,mile enat: Beyondt&U beaches extended for nearly a quartetof a mile before reaching tho, seashore.—•The .sea hjm washed away the whole .ofthis ground and one of the boaidtiJ^j!w;bB:^-.--^drt!,i«^.?f..h,i£!;|p»2^i^^h*j»9»*ft

l t i

landthewritej say's : ; , ; -.... -.,; -.• : . being iwept away; Within a" 6m" Ono, of' tlio most marftod of theseiis the bank has been protected b y a

the diminution,., of effleiendy.m.yariouj-irig of cedar brush, And ih&jji " 'Inuis loefftocTin of near jfitt tfda,waterj.-^ bflBu so preceptibloT^ A7remar£_The owner of;;a tide-hilll^ near Boesejey's dence of tho wearing of "the bay-j__

, In Oape-MayCqupt^iJ^i-attonfflBd' tlie country is related. * The"- prftrfflmoffiOT;mill himself sinc«;18ipi-»toalMrlng! of Aaron Learning v.a. buriul jn l " 1 ^ iifc

•-••'-•'-•--• •-•'"-—' - - ri-n^ inl aumi rtwlanobTrt I7J1 t,hn w&y&

rude ir<im.tbb *bavtftfiia&£

WBtorn, fflin^ te^? tolBrable.fionWpttqn. all theintervBrimg tima ther^4iasbeenflliT,ownbantiu'a

and ;blBnnd>vihj»B-) gibtt^'b.T• MfcoS'lanyn^tt^^ • egtjSooJ'Jnf.that r'anj AAtttofioUn", MS.i^n'.ijbanBrf^^B'jiE-HjB'Q^it^^^Lth^^hbnsMas i^ l f^ t t to i i^^ i^g^s f f - i i i ^Bon^

^m?*:r-^^iT;0*mT&:mm^ _..., „


Page 2: hst - digifind-it.com filehst '•- •••••••• IPsPfiPPppii^H!^^Si^^ff^^ip^^Si^S^^^^^S^^»S?l,v, ••V;-'--;'L-:": . **:-^->v/-v-;/ ^ '*• I * ;-^'!: v:V':Ti; 'ri;'f":'::W'vW

T™,,^™™^, .™™,, .

v >

-are-shorter-b l - T-be--f<3lo#tag table -»h<wa the-total^plrt)mi--dBbtr"Ttf—flic United' States, loss-

£ i . n ^ , , . / . , . I cash in the Trcasury,.<luring tho last year- jDennm 'Greek<te said to havo lent uaoro , , „, v" „ t % , , , t l i m iw i QQ

-than * mite of^t*length by -tho -waring iVom Soptcmbj* 80,18b_7, to September 30,# of the'jAarsh" at its mouth, within . 180S, inclusive ;tho last" seventy years.

•wiU^omcttmeu wash awaytho* marsh.1 In 1852, a•which hart \raahc4 auhoro.forty rods from the shore, near tho mouth ' January o*,

-of .Dennis Creek, Tiireo year3 after the February 29,"" ' wnshed-awny quit«r-up-to-)-MaTeh 31,

2 010,829,023

. tho . coffin, which was exposed. Mr.'Smith, a surveyor, bolieves that ' the Bhoiefor three-ioui ths of a mile m bieadth hasliefcn washed avyay the whole_clis.tanco be-tween "West aud Dennis Crxcks in CapoHay. Simijar facts ate attested I expect-ing the shores of tho Dolawaie Buy and

" River in Sajcm and Cumberland Counties.


•;fnbllaliect cvciy Tlmibday,at tl.SOpcr

—payable In advrinccV. llcduQUonio clulw.

Hightstowii,-bcL. 22, 18G8.



. 8 1 ,

" i t

AugustSeptember 30," "

Tho public debtduring the year1807, to September

» 2,50(J,a4,->,887


has been increased,fiom Si'ptemlJLi dQ,

30, 1SG8, S:W,bGG,'i71.

^ . G A L A X Y for November . openswith, a continuation of " Ciphoi," a nowtotory which piomiscs 'to be of unusual in-ttreat.^ The. mat-article _cnUtleii_'i TheStory of a Hero," although from the penof a -ftell-known hler.iry paitisan of the" Lost Cause," 3Ir. Edward A. rolliud,presents an admuablt tribute to the char-acter "of a, late prominent oflicer of theUnited btatea .Navy, Admiral Henry 11.Bell, who was drowned in January lastby "the upsetting of a boat on the coast ofJapan. Although 'a. native of NorthCarolina, Admiral Bell did not hesitatefiir.it moment to Btand by hiij flag on tho

llAY'ii.—JlepoiU fiom tin-)state that the niauu-ecUomsls are qu:u-relling among- Umnsel vosr~ arn^i.iT Tinmln^uez, Saget, and llcbccca ha\eoa<.libeen pioclaimtd Fiesidcnt by thon le-

_liog_ii^_ Thr towns of PetitDesalaino and Jeictmo me in pos

- - TAlt Sorts-

A lady^in Baltimore bin naut tho Secretary oftho Troaaury two contst tolling hint tliat tho com-pound iutorost un it in a thousand-yonrs-will -paytho national debt, nnd siuo tho country from tho1

orimo'' of Topudiutiun

According tQ tho Now <>rlt Muil, Iho expensesof a modern fudhionnbli) wedding averages fromonu to livo thousand dollar'*, and tho groom paysall tho mirruigo fun, orgariTjt, aoitou, glib and

Tho following announcomonl latoly apponTod inNow Yifrlt p-ipur —"Ldward laden, pniutcr, isrequested to cominlinloutii with his brother, whenrre mil hi'arof somothinj; to hH advantage—huMifn is dead "

Calitornm has raised tlui y n r tttonty millionbmhuls of wheat, lulfai cmi-Ii barloy, and lu^oiiu'intiuub uCuula an liny

Ihodobt.of Vuginin la a>oul f 1(1,000 000, ofvhltll WtMt \ ir^tuia mil p i j ubont uuo third

lii-reriitary b.ildiuib i<s iiipjio^Ld to ho iueurililoAll—thitt-oaii-Uti-dijittr-^rhpro ILbugin^ to ihuw lisolf14 to put nil tho ovil day by the judicious uso olsome htmi^iliitin^ or Lotilug pn»pirnlion that shalloiuiionon LdiDii ul ilio fflaud . or foielc"), u'ualKcnllcd rout1!, aiid-Hnm-t+gh-teii-Hm hfttr-thut- would

"• HKATX—ANDliiraoU—Oot 21st, by Rav L.Chase, nt tho rositlonooof the brido'3 pnronta, MrJ. Honr^ Hyatt and Mifis 'Joniiio Andjoreuti, ull ofHightstown

Sal-nave, Wlio is daily

- broafcing"cut of the-Betiullionlarge and nuwcifui ejic-le of kindred iuthat State, to whom he wag mosfrdevotal-ly attached. All hib blood relations werojn the South. l i e hacL_niamed into aVirginia family which was closely con-nected with the leaders of Secession —Under these ciixumsi.J.nces, says Mr.Pollard, " I had expected Captain Bell todeclare for tho South, and, accoidiuj?ly,visited him shactly nflei FieeuleiH Lin-coln's proclamation of war. A conveisa-tion on the subject was opened, not with-out some hesitation and delicacy on myown part, and, I must confess, with anattempt at adioitutibs ; but the Captaincut it short by ii very quitk and emphaticexplanation. He said, bucfly, dc< lsivcly," I have m.ide up my mind ; t Jiall i,tandlu the fug." " Bu t , " I aiguud, " ^h. i l ' sin a IKig ' Then; is no vntuo in a piece ofbunting , the flag ib nothing but us repre-Bcntm^ jrwt and beneficent principles inthe Gov«-nmcntj_a,nd when these have,depaited, we ate not t»oing to woiship anpmpty symbol, a dead type.'1' " T h a t maybe as you think or imagine," replied theCaptain. " You arr a ci\ llrui ; bnl Ibnt

" i n tho lwlit of

^__ phad -a- -BncQd_iu_jihtQiniiig—liaubpoitatioM, • the-

captains of tjio rivei Bteamcr declining toake the bo^es of muskets as a p.u t of

f eT I

flag which you icgard onlypolitical prinriples, is to m

d l d t

vices, the Governnieii^that aided my ptlu-^a"tlon" the" Gdvcfni?f(mtlliaTlsTo~min5otTr

^ ythe" Gdvcfni?f(mtlliaTlsTo~min5otT

master and bonoluctor, I have my ownpolitical opinions, and as much freedomin them as any other citizens ; but -n henthe Government ouco gives the v)or(l ofcnvimmid, all questions of politics stopthere for me, and I must do my duty ."—He jmusud n.%jd colkcting. h n thoiiglUs,

""and the writer'"preciseTy fem'cin'bcra'tire'Hin.t. nnrmodo.fl ;m it. WHH Bnmi>

session of Gen.ginning mound.

ITALY.—Tho Italian Government hattnltcn aflvftnla«e ot the ruceut fall in thopuce o f l t a (.ecuiities, and has puiUiasedso large a quantity uf its bonds in I'liristhat Ihc-fiuquent nsseition that it is de-pendent on foreign capital for oidmiiryexpenses has no longer a foundation infact.

TBOUBLB J,N ARKANSAS.— GovernorPowell" C'laj ton, of Aikausas, a -shorttune ago appichending outbreaks in thatHtati1, purchased, iu bt. "Louis, a quantity

leinplus.of arms, which wt-io shipped toTonn., en route foi Little Hock, Ark.—At Mmnphia, gie;iL difllunlly u'us c

thuir caTftOPsf i t t l a s t the steamer llo.sperconsented to tianspoit the aims, .uul pro-ceeded on her t u p to Little Rock, but.vh~fle~ taking in wood a t Cat Island, onthe Mississippi river, on the evening nfCMolKir_10lh_,_ ghf was_ CAptuicd hy a

aity of one hundred disguised men, andll« gum woic scizgd and destroyed.—he assailants had pieviously c.iptuied

he tug Jfeltic Jones, and made UbO-of.hiil sessi'l in their expedition. GovernorJlaytou has telogiaphed the above facts:o Secretary Rchoucld-; and assorts thatvrmetl rosisLmco to the law is contemplat-Jd in /\ikansas, and that tho Tinted

foicei thoro arc entirely inadequateOlder.

JSTLW V O H K , Oct 10Fillmore and m-my oUher

supporlcL1; of Seymour, andBlair weie in cunMillalion this aftelnnunat thu "Fifth avenue Hotel. Tho natuieOf the proceedings is not definitely ascei-tamed, but the rumoi amoiij; the OUtsideism that the "Woild's plopositton ibi newleaders was unanimously repiobatcd, andthat the National Executive Committee

me the symbol oi' W 1^ b° requested to ibsue an addicss to>i feworn a«d feolenin duty. I t rcpitsonts the Bomociaey at lai-e, pronouncing il athe_QaY_euuneni_tJia L_cnmmands_my-Bi r— _woak invention of tho t nciny. IL may bi.

added that theie -are many curious n .circulating conuerniUH tho W-tn-ld -itsclisbrarinrr upon its fuluio paitisau stvtus,but as thoiuis no way of deturnnninji thetmth of them it is hardly worth 1,-vhiLe tolepeat them.

The telegiaphic reports of assassinationof various persons holding o(hoi,il pohi-tions in St. Mary's Pansh , Louisiana, asalso nvTexas and South Carolina.,-^TC OO-casioning a painful &• nhabion ajnqu£ tlie_tliinlnn™ iv\«l oHioth and all parties. Thoprivate letters which huaiiiLSi men hcioaroreceiving almost evoiy day from thesouthwest give a very deploiable putuieof 6octety in that quarter.

itluirwiso bPcoiuo 1OO50 md ti-U ou iltnhlii Ambro in ha- ueiiuired an enviabloturn lur thii i>nrpii"c, goui r illj , hut nut m\ a r u l i l j

Wo M'<i r>i:fi c> mnny worthli1 •• mpdin.jps_ i r andMirtKi-d fut the oaie uf i.iriuiii di»i'i'i>a, nnd

.FII tni d "found naut i i iR," *'1!lt tho im<xhdluie nil tmth in psciBsi We hnvn yot to learn ,

irt.w r, of the l i f t f u t u r e of (Kt-fur't But^anill'i/tl Chtiry, to curt, cough-., colds, and pul

in iu»rj di^i a«o

Tho GIHIIJIIA Nrj^ru blato Uonvcnlion, convenedat i l U.011 Iiat WCLK, rcMih cil to form an OTCIU-JIVOlyculoicit party HI that Stato, to bo known a i'Tho C I M I and PoIiLioil Rights A sociatiou

An individual in New \or lv , nho is of tho op in-uii tha t thoio uro not onnugh voters in this ciiun-

lr> h 13 ct u tod u luoiernont to soouro MiffraaS to>uung men on 11 athing tho ago ot oightoon

T7LECTION NOTICE.riotiooTi hereby givon to^the voters of tho town-

abip of EAST WINDSOli, (but nn election will bobold lit tho TOWN HALT.,, in tho borough ofUightBtoun, on 1UESDAY, N0VBJ1BEE A, 1868,for Governor of Uio Sluto of Now Joraoy, aovonElootor", one Itonrcssntiitiro to Congrcs, onobtntoJielLilor, ono As'!eiul)ljnian1 ono bhoiifl, andtbrooCoronera.

l'olis will open ut 7 o'blodk A. M., and oloflo-'ut7 o'clock P M

oc22 *w JOHN M DET, Town



1 offer my slock^f G-ondi nnd l''iittiiroi for ,at the old hiliuid lirf^liiltl^T^onloil ~*^n cioollcntgood will onn bo Ssilling out oiin bi.


T^onloil ^ n cioollcntSatu-fnotory loaSona ior

Oi, on upplicntion toCHAS II- DOTiTON,

221 Hoiitb Wiuieii St., Trujituu, N. J

RAILHDAD COMPANY'S SoTen per oent. flratMorlgngo Bonda Fobtuary and Augont Oou

Sons Tho earnin of tbo cginplotud d t P i l tr g g nd t r y nd Augont Oou

Sons Tho earnings of tbo cginplotud road to Pilotiuob aiu Imw muru (.bun ibiTiotoTcyt on the entire

martgugo~ Tbo prooiTedaTortnoao BOD3S aie'dXdingto the security every day Over $8,000,000 haveboon spout on tho property, nr.d not ovny $2,000;4000 of bonds liaurd tlmi tar. Tho constantly in'oreaaing truffle of carrying OHE, with tho prospectof controlling till tho truvol from St. 'Louis'to' thonuulliriu Stuti'i, enburoa nn enorlnoua rovenue —Tbo Dirootors'oi™. 8 10 of tho 3took for'invest-yie.nt, nnd uro intoroatod to onrioh the prOporty uswell as fo (LonomiRH iH

AUD WILL I5£m y por-inns selling

or luotondhig to bn myM SCilAWB


TTVHV N " ^ S T -1*EKM -TS'E UT—To H I'CT^AleoEoKc Stfmulaiitii nflbrd onfy temporary roliei "

IlUIX IX 1111 11L00I) 13 SUrPI.IKI) Ul Tllfc l'EIUJ-lau hyrjLp, llhlllhJlUllds up nn Trnn finrn.rirnlinn

DibPLrsn , DruiLirv AND F H A M ; AVtAhNE^bofl uru euri.'<l hy tnkiuj; iho Foruvtun byrup-('i pro-toxido ol iron) —

Trif I ' B B U I M \ binnr-VITALIZKI, Pumi'ics AMIjnriLhcs tlio blood, giving btiength and \ igur to

AN I ! » I M N T D I U M 3AIH ' l'ur. P m i i v n i3^mp gi\o^ mo now Vi^ur and Bouyuuoy ot spir-ts "

IMio Onii \Vir in f ipnn, il i stated, liai crra-tcil nn i xtoniivu durn ind in that country tor u n -arms of all iciniH I'loneh' Engliih and Amoiio inillo*. (md ji it-ndv mloj hut thu Amolicm Springn>ld known aliu :i-> tlia Ennold nlio, is smrt to bo


t-'i< N? OF W"uti> li\ noi-i' —Ll is a93urtod th i tUIL FiniLli Minister n( WILT hui run nlly naued anjrdoi for thu puichuou of tun million hhott-* nl pipt*r, to be U4''d In thu miniil luturo ot o irlnd^tjs,tho ' i-ntiro riuj,utitj to bo delivered with in fivewouk i


OPTICALDr. Sehnwb'.lms qunliflsd hiin.i-.lf as an Optieian

bj (loveii jear-*of i In-i- iipplicntion iiml li ird *tudyin tho'best institutions uf Franco mid (Sorinany,nnd bus hud.a praetioul oineritincg of twenty 3Fonr5lie cuu, at hift •'igtit, ndijit t in li-iis mn . t app iopiiiLte to roaloro the vision ti> its tirir^lnal vigor,

j in i cure nil IIIM \'irii>u-< di^i i'i"i nl' Uie evu _ _Ho inanutnchiJtiL_hi»_oiui KJ ibtes-trtun Uio p u r -

ist pebbles, and ^iiiLraiitci-I'not Olil> tile preser\.ltimi, hut the llnpniTenient oF tho sight from iiMugthem.

An opportunity is now presented tu all pi-rsfin"!aflhetod with mi} dcheioiu-y nt vibiun to obtain im-mediate relief by eiinsulting the Dootfir

~ All his Optical liTsriuTirrrni ^MiuroMTi>pei>, OperaOlasse.", So.,'Ac.',-.will Htnnd tho sovoreat test.

QUEBN laAimiji.i'H roign lasted 35.

'J'ho N L ^ Yarh. Hun. It rjBaid, first s tartedi'iL iifthe niLbdi.vnnl uf tho D e m M r a u o oa

A. young Austrian noblenmn recently slioekudhis family by marrying tho nursery governoas

N ^ hiivmg Bl'irtiMl luq new ofln ial paperin-Viiria, hnj hud i« got nn Ainorionii, mimed llob-ort.Miteholl, tii edit it. »

Mr. Neville l iul l i t t , a oitison of LiiuiriViltu, li.iadLud thoruol' 11 Lii;lit hoot, \yliiiih priirlnenrl tiuirtifio:i.lion.

JIigti'iTiymcii mFe"' the- auburb i -o t -Nmhvi l lp ,find rob tho truck do'iilvra coining oarly into


, W.ll be nt

From NovE»m,u illh to \ o \ LMIIEB 14th, 18b8,


JGU N OS SION I),. Cordon.TAMUS W. A L L E H ,J.AMnfl OAIlMAHiV E T Kit SuiiEVE,

Wo hcfirt i l j concur with tho nbovoKs-Gov. Piirlcev, FruuholdJohn Dornulee^ ]*jrinM do .VJ J Wyekoff, <biJnmes J . Ctinover, No,J>r Cuuipbell, Kutgcr ' s l/'o!Ieyb, N.

2 3 l

O l l l F IYerk.

OUl Conipletl SlL-.llly AIDIblllllll Ciipltlll lUIUirclD v\Nrn co , no


O i n n U i i l r «

uit.m fit Nc«oo22-lw

- TUOS, ALLr^r, Picsldonl, SLXouia, Mu.M'o, tho undersigned, qordiallj lccoiiimond these

jevm por cont mortgoKO hondn, of tho St Louisfind Iron Mountain Railroad, as a good securityThu ruvunun of tho road will bo larj;i!, nnd thondminiHtrition of tho aifuifa* ttftho'CoiDpany le incapable and uipLriulutd h.inds, artd ij entitlLd tothe frrcatcit conQdonee of tlio public.TAifB1? S TIIOWAI. Major of fit Louis,.TuiiN.r Rot, PiejiJLh.t-LouiaChauihorof^oimu^rce-h W J'ox, Proi't St LuuiiBonidofTrndoBAHIUN llArts, Prca't North Mi"oun RailioadJ>H BiiiTTQVf, Prta ' lNat Bn.nk of tho State of MoWir L T H I M , , l*roi't«filinMer N U ofiit Louis

II HEV, Proi'lfictondNnl.Hnnkoftit

O l dt*-E-viv4}— <?fnct Hnp;."9-t~~3jtnil'j-Jt 111 TtTl3ge KJoW T \ n o i i , T io i ' l Famfic Railroad (of Mo )["visit,, 1'n.a I Tuidi is1 Blink St Louis

J O H N R LiiiMii-iioi u . l ' i i H r N Dank, St LouisAiiOi i-iii 1 S i m rt, Vli-0 I ' l u ' l U 1'noiHo Kai lmi jlloiiLicr 1) vurii. TiL-'t Ocnii iu S u mys liiHtitut'n

Cwmnili— pqy.iblo-ill ihu_i;ii_y_of JJjlH Tnrfc. i\1 i m i 11. il iiiiiuu^oT'llIoniBViv c"u imed"Bond t tor sala.it LlgllU l u r V l l t iej In nip- out nf thn i-ity en lllemit 1>) •{mil ui (.\pri-- , .iml tho bunds ivill bol c t m m d l i j u\pri j> lice nl uh irgLs Wo mvito thouileiiliuii nf c i]iitilii | '! md otlicis to them ni, inui^i ujiiuiuii, iivur,> tlesirnblu investment, deatmedto r-rrHftri-a faTst-fH'i -t.tintj—-Desc-nji'iTt "lei *, M (,if: niul infnrinalitni LMI bq hnd on nppUfla

tmn to IO^A^LINJ), UHhr.rv A r o , N.. aooWalnut ii 1'hilidi.liihiii, Aj'enU of tho St Louisand lion MiMitiluui 11 K Oo,

riuliidtlphia roforenoes —CAMinttA Inov Co ;(5 u\ , H n UN JL (Ju ; Tuns A limui.v A Co


GIFT COMPANY!Cun.ii « ( r i , to nn ionu l «>r**3i5O,OOO.


5 Ca-h G ifL-,,IU " -2040 " - . .

200 — . - n _ ..MOO

60» .. !30 Llrsunt Jlo.

Eaoh £16,0006,000

. •• 1,000— , _<<„ S00

- •/ 50" 23" 29

PidBiu - Each *300 to J50WMelodcona " 75 to i50

J«0 Sbiving Miiubinoa - - u - fio to 175' " "" " 20 to 200

'• _75_toigoo

Pine Oil Puintingu, Framed Engravings, SilverWnrc Pbaiogrnph Albums, & a lari£o iisaortmontofimeUuldJewolry, in all valued at 51,000,000."

A Clinnct to W l n , v n , i r of Iho above

Tiekut" deaoribing enuh I'n?" are sealed in En-velopes and thaiou-rhly inUod On receipt of 26ctb ii Sealed Titlit mil bo drawn without choioonnd clvliv ornl at oui ofheo, or sent by mail to anyaddrusa, Tho prize namod upon i( will bo deliv-crcd to tlio tu knt-holdor on payment of one «lol-<

Inrnreulntbly HOUI lu any; requested, by oxpresa or return mail

i i r T'fl'/C1! \vnnou~ll>C»5 __ _

Van lTillliiioii »llnt'yoiir i'riie >• beforeToil !>!!> folr it Any 1'rize may be exchanged

oi niiolhn oj the tamcialue lYoHlimfcn

Nor s—Fiom lcporK and lc-ttery rtceivedi . Your Axe is bound tu b« THE AXU.II It iv,ill_tiil 2j pi'r oent betterIII »My brotlu r lo^t 0»n inn m thu w.ir, but

with ynur A-t« ho ciiii cut us well us any one elseuim,

IV. If luouid not got another, twchty-fivo1($2S)"Hoilars wiiul'd' nnrlniy it— — —

V. rt will out hoop-pules bettor than any otherAio

VIi I would not bo without it for anything.Pora:ile by all responsible dealers, and thumakers.

owners of Iho Patents Axo.

-"T.nst Wfcct-ft=fi'H;nd-of ovft dlfft1!! a~$^00,hic)i MIIS piouiptly rtoeivcd,"—Daily News,

Mat 3, J808Sund for Miculur K^mg-m&ny-uiore—references

ind favorblo noticco from tho pruss Liberal in-tiui-i'inciilR In AK.-nts batiefaotion guaranteed.Hi ury packagu ot Sonlcd Envolopcs oontninii OHHOABU GUT S i Tioki'ts for S I , 16 ior $2 ; <!5 for$j , 110 for $15

All lottuiq -honld bo iiddieoeod to 'WII.MOIV & CO ,

, ~ Cn overy tuivn'"""" lorWanted—Agents™


DCicriptiic cbetUi SilO pi-i hundiod Con'-umtri supplied dirtot 1mm the manufactories,al 1 Koods wiirranlod. Circulars sent free.dic£ • CUS1IMAN i C O . ,

oc22. iw 10.Arch St,, Boston



Tn Uiu Lu^lish iL-|rntiatiuu uf vulen Iho iiaiuu iffi cliumu.nl ivm luuuntly •mimic out beeiiuso he noloribr-rt hinwlf us ' i gontlern^i ,' wheu lit! wuspriivud to bo it buloi

The K"-' "uriilil aiys tho Couiti of th.it i>ft.yuro ' busy just now proyiduig quartma.oa Jiliick

II s l-ihiuj loi BUILII thiuvui who aio icekng

Suspension Bridge a gFalls, commenced over a year ago, will bacompleted about the end of November.—The bridge extends from a point lust be-low the Ameiiean 1'alls to npoint on the

•wh.it rmuaikable foi Ihu elevation of itswords in an ordinaly convocation. Hesaid, " I cannot, shall not mak<i oi myduty as an officer, a qun^Vion of moralcasuistry ; if so, the'ftwould be no Gov-ernment." lif.. J>ollu.rd doi!b full ju&ticcto thi^uiiselfiah and lofty devotion which'"tispired this rosolufion, and_canuot whol-ly avoid a feeling of sympatliy with hisheroic loyalty to the c.iusu of hib country." Ilia first iuinoitant service ir thtf war

_ _ JSE^L Ctfeanri. i r ^ E a m g i i t wiiVhistorically the1" e\plor offihl^ cityrBclFwiiFils dramatic*horo. l lcro he perform-ed one of the most remaikable actions oftho war, accounts of \v Inch hui c OCLH curiously neglected in oux- piesent attemptsat lubtoiy, consideiing, too, tho fondnessuf thoso junking ihubu uttuuipts fui dia-mtvtic Jituations and conspicuous figures.Therc_is cei lainly no more stuking and Mo-UDEn o r A Sl lEBjrr AND JusGS

JJcllihftuig into the bro.id u,ikcd sky the Judge of St. Mary's Parish weroflat; of the United States over the Custom natcd at Fr.mklm, La., last Saturday

_ Jloiisey of ^Sew;%OiJUians, iu-thcpr^ence-oC night,- by__paj:tieB w.lic^ fisca.pedLjwiihont__ tu.pat)ulo«o-of -thousands uf tuigcro'l~ail3~ "bcfiigTeuognlzed. ~Tlie Slienff was killed

desperate mi>n. Ah (ho flrpM-n.pln.in, he in his hotel und the Panbh .Tudge's body• - - . . , m » i " _ _ _ ^-vtl V*l/1 " J-1-J- —I . .J l-.-_ il.,v _ _ ^ J.«nlwafa sulected by Fairagnt to take symboli-

cal possession of Wew-Orleans by takingIrom tho Custom-House the ftag whicKMumford had erected there, and raising,in its stead, the Stars aud .Stripes. liewas accornpsnied only by a file of mnrinesrIIo m.nched to Iho building thiough aturbuleiit mob, blocking his

inches, and the two calilea uro 1900 TeofcIons- In each cable there arc seven wireropes, each two aud a half iuchoa ia diam-eter. Tho span is said to bo longer thfttithat of any other suspension bridge in theworld.


threateningcofESiirthTitw4ierthoappearedT5iniroCuetbm-House, a fair^nd single mark fortho "assassin, his life Vould bo the forfeitof the ad\ enturc. But'he marched stead-ily, through the .streets. On all sidesthreats and exeafattona assailed him.—

-ftiltforio word Of comfort reached him.—_ An Trishn.ian_proSi<*d r-loRi1 lo him in thp-thcopg, and wluspered, -«" Sir, jour Jiie isiu danger/ but thoro arc friends waitingfor j/ou.'' Captain Bell found at theCustom-JJotise the nuiyo&of the city andBOmer other of-the municipal authorities.They,BUi-reuUei.ed the 'keys of llie build-ing, bufthey rnfused to show him the way16 •the roof. • " There is not a man, wo-

. m tf, or child, j n Jtfew-Orleans," saidMayor Monroef "who -will take down that& dn' must risk,it yourself."^ Cap-

lJ i d l b hi!£ ; y , y pm .BolJ, accompanied only by his cox-_

't nwainpgfoped his way to the roof, and in*,;». moment11' JIIR ^ommatfding iigure stoodbefo^eejfth^id^nd^the sky, uplifting

flak'iii> calrta, lofty defiance,offloet- stood in tho face of* teablutiOa erfect and tho

bfe44d i


^ hat, a few mo-Jsten. rent .with com-

d, .without a wordof dumb and rao-fi aad Stripes

lkd thadd i - n

was found in the street by tho patrol,which was organized immediately afterthe discovovv of the SheTifPs assassination.The Coroner's inqucbt is piogrcasing, butnothing has been elicited towaidb discover-ing the perpetrators.— Several men weroengaged in the transaction, but were


The Crimean War arosolout of a sillyquarrel concerning the privileges of cer-tain parties to use one of the holy placesin Jerusalem for worship ; and now thedomnnd by' Russia tliat the key to the

otfJ Sepulchre, now-held by the'Consulof Fiant-o, be Rubmitted to the joint cus-tody-of thetcpresentatives of Hussia andFrance, may lead'to another war ofequally trivial origin.

Goo. "William Gates, who died in 2sTewYork on Thursday, at the age of SOyeais

s in__the_ XJ_nited^_Sitaifi3_armv_fQr_67years, and was a commaudin" officer 49years. lie served in the •Florida andMexica wars, captured the famous Osceo-la, and was never reported sick duringhis wholotorm^of service. Ho also com-manded the experimental camp of regularsat Trenton.

Thoro uro 5,000,000 oliiklrnn .ittnutling schoolsin tho Unitud iSti'.too. 1'ur them thoro uroyoirniumf n-taicd 20,000,000 t t i t bo»k1, oniling$Lb,7)0 000

IuKontucky tlitv h%vo looently nrloptoil tholinhiuii of ii giilntimj tLo "ro^ulnton " Thruo"Ijinoliors" woro lynohotl noiirLpuisvlllo Iftgt week.

In North Cnrolma thoy aro raising n. now kimiot u)Uun oallod ' wool c ittim," no irly tho color ofwool It is said to ha u. aiiponor ii.rtii.lo

Tlio Lord Lioutonrtnlof irnlArid gold DUO hundred' ' " "' " ' ''-'""' " 'rngygii



THIS rt- illi uierul liLtlo 'il.Mj; KEEPER IS got» i In u lni'il*oiiii otiifc -vrith (rlnna fihi\flOj utool X

uiutal wuihd, rtliitu ci>uuiulud .iliul, und iu of. urdi-n.iry -wntcli s i /e , fl jutiil iiml ^cr^ iocnbl& AVnrrantcdi ijlimnti. iiirri-^t tiniB Sent by mini for SI, 3 io r?2Addri-3-I) ]'>LJI*.IIAII Loi.k H u i 5, Nuwbnrg, !N Y,


Oonsuinption, Astlima, siud

For oirculiirs and lull particulars inquire ofyoHr^rugg^^—wc^aiWTe^-OXYGEWATEI) AIR1NSTI1U1E, Syracuse, N Y.

Dr. K.ane s"...ATI OTTOAN clojjant volilmo of niroal merit and instruction

nnd of grcnt inturcet for nil rciidorfW I T H l O a B E M ' T I W L ' l KlKMW

ATIV\-U- aU^*'.^ ', '--i." .Vio Au t l iOr ,Eiclusivu torri(my given mid hirgb commissions.

Tor t-iroiiliirs and n,ir m-j , mlilr<-t.= tlio Publishers,BLISS'& CO., Nuwfti-kvi^J^

r, amiHtK-IHHHiriiEW YORK.

An (itoptour b.Tl'npnint of St." Louis aivys tho do-Baont 13 '-not worsn thnu being thrown out of your

ggy by ii runiivrny holao."

A liuty ollOfl yours, 'Hod in Brooklyn, on Satur-day, nnd 11'in .n of 102, on tho".sumo dnyin PortIfind

ft i"! -stated thatoich slavo rosouod on tho Coistof Afnmi hy Iho English fluet baa cost thutgovurnmolitiiol lotia.lhan u. quartor.of,a,million ot dol^laia Only nine pLrMiim woro rasonod from alavotiadori m Ihroo yo ira up to 1867.

• l\ ivb"T" 'f 'J"* t'.uMfrt , fatttenod_to by a—Chihan_whaling burk'a bolts not itlonjr, ago, ornahod throoof Iho boati in bis pondorou? j»wi, nnd killud onoiniii, beMilei bru^king tho log of another, bcturrho wai oipturod.

New York Wlarkots,FLOUlt AND MEAL—Tbo inquiry for Wost-

orn and Stato l'lour is Tiry notivo and wo find thodomand more esnernl-:——sintly-brands-iiro fltondynn<) vnlulils ; the anlsg nre 12.-100 bbls., at $6 40 a$7 tor Sanorfln^Sloto , $7-20.i$7 70 for Extr i State ,*t ; f t i i .£a*t t ; f tH=r= =~^(«*^7 Oi,i $T ao fo. il.o

d t W t K t 3 p 7 Ufl$3 f d 't


juveniles aro full of gloo over the receptionof an enlarged mimbor of this popularlittle - magazine. More" "pictures, morestories, mojre pfuzzlee, naore of everythingthat the children are in love with, is in-volved m. this" jubilant event, which musthave sent up" the Young America subscrip-tion list litreta rocket . Certainly there isrio,Jother m^ggsine like it for the young.—*

ibUcatK)tt,'.Dfllco, 473 Broadway, Now-

low grades ot Weatorn Ki t ra , 3p7 U0n$8 fur good 'tootroioo'" Spring-Whont Estros; 310 25a$l.i30 forSt. Louis Extra and Double Extra, and $9u$15 25for Extra and Family Maryland nnd. Doluwarollyo Flonr i« heavy, but not (luotubly lower , Balesof 400 bbls, at $6nSS 25 Corn Menl 13 heavy ,sales of 600 bbls at $5 40n$5 SO for Western, and$(5 40 for Bmndywino Uuoltwhont Floqr is dullat44a$i 25 por 100 lb. ~—- - - - -

GfiAIN—Tho Whoat market is dul l , Spring il-luiror, butr-Wtnior-is-flrin-but quiet ,-tlio «ali3j—aro40,000 bush , nt $t 6G11SI 70 for Mtxed Spriiiz, SI66 for No 2 Milwaukee, $1 75J forNo 1 do , $2 090.32 12 for Rod Wcatorn, $2 50a$2 60 for WhitoMiehigan, and $2 25 for n fltnall lot of very oboiooAmbor Miohiffan Barley is lower and more notiVo,snloaof 20,000 bush at $2 10a$2 20 for TivorowodSluLu, Oats ooonvd strung^ but. olosod tamo uL ourinside" quotationi; the sale^ are 72,000 buqh_TTe"wAVostorn at 73a74o at It, If, depot, and 75i75lo ad. Rye is lower and more aotivo, thn flnlpsu.ro25,000 bush Westorn at ^107a $1 60,in part to nr-rivo, Southern at $1 60. Corn is loss ftotive andlower ; tho dom nd is confined to home oonsurap-tiou.UiBSales am 81,000 bush Damp and Unsound,at $1- 12«114ei ; New Woitern Mixod.fl 15all7in storo, nnd $116Jo$l 10 afloat;; Western White,$1 22}

FRUITS AND BERRIES.A hard freeze in tho l a k e regions of this Sta'o

dotroyod-immenie'nuantltlos of grapes, or at Iea>tspoilod them for nilrkot. Arnvnld have been Toryheavy of la to, nnd tuns of pretty good Isabellashavo-'beep ,sold at ,3fi± ,Al cool yfeather^ oflmaa•n the demand Ibsjons, and dealois aio lubuiing tokeep the consumption as Bear as-possible tip to thereceiving point, bat are-falling now. 'Many poorgrapoo aro Balling at 5a7o. Com^ion apples atenbn ndant and worth~*2 50a?3 50 pof bbl n. vlot of400 bbls. St«fe tolling at S3 37i, with ft oar flue

YOU W rSH to know -.how Fortunes arouiadi. uiirl lost in a J113, How "<'nnj)lrjmen1 ire "nmilled by bhurperi , Uuv,Uimbhnj; llouiciiiiidLottcripHiHoUiinducted' nnd i,Mry(hiiij olmti lent lcl-it-

intr to l'rounn"nt Mm and important places ol NowYork, Read ' line! • Rand '

SI'N^HINK ami SIl\l>0W fn NEW YORK—A lurgoOLtmo Vi>hini07O\ci 7110 JMIRLI, flndy Tl-lustintod Wtwant Agents, mule or tomnlo, in ov.cij City onilToKu 10 L1 piMiii foi it l.\i-rjbodywants to know nil iibimt Now York ..So Uook cvoi

l l C




- •\VtiVnfljloy-no GonorithAgcrriS and offor-thc-/ffr"c\l commmiou, ,^eiid for our .12 page circular.X'ull particulnraaml t«rin^ to Agents "unt fri'o onapplication to J. 'B. BUHK .%Go.. PUHLISIIEHK,

Hiiilford, Conn.

j. binnctic Goodj.Ac t ' l R t U J J A K N SfelVT F K P F ,(rmnEfiilJ p'i.rtn.uliirs, or ten 1 hi 1 k1 sent for UnuJJollur ilt *-i!ribui£ len diflercnt fnrtTclP9 which weHill nell fur OINli I IOI iLAICEACII .

hpk'iuliil indiioi moiih nfl«ri d l» A^onti -sordmgu-.t'lubi Adaio:.? L.ABOS1E i BABBITT

JJo Vi Fiudburj Ptrui , Bii^tnn, Mui

j ame iiz(ue lYoHlimfcnOur putrotia onn duimid Un fuir duulmc

V 1 "'JccUhftfomJbllowjjig juunoiL-f r 0 1 1 1 ( h c n l n l l 3 F w h o hnvo lately drawn AyuluabloPui-cs .md ltmdly permitted us to publish tholn

B T Wilkins, Buflalo, M Y , 1,000, Ml.™ An^me Blouroo, Chicago, IU , Pjano, valued nt $650 JKobt Jnoliison, Dubaquei lowo, CJold.W»tch, $2bO;Phill ip McCarthy, Louisville, Ky , DiamondCluster i l ing, $600 , K A Patterson, New Bed-ford, M m , Silver Ton Sot, $17'i , Miss EmmaWalwoith, Milwaukeo, Wis , Piano, $lOn , RnvI W-. Pit t , Cleveland, Ohio, Molodoon, $125,

ffo publish no namoa without permissionn i p n * «»ri>rc«»,— r"Thoy are doing this

g buuEiibuti; thu ilrm is reliable; and deaertotheir bucccss ' —IVcclly Titbnne, Feb. 8, 1868

" W e havo examined their system, and knowhein to he T, fair d n l m g firm )7—JV Y Heraldg

diii.u byA D

OF tJ. S

-The only work which'otllus by documentary

wL~t has beuu said, wriiton, thought orOUB N*xrruEsiuisNT)

RieiiAiinsoA'f. PEUSONAL UISTOEY(MtANT Tho Republioan Union Coin-

lillttL'j at ^Vnshin^ton, rn(*ognizi) it** niithentioityund UMO it as an authority, lending for oopics of itior tliat purniwa Thepre universal/'/ discaidull othnt- Wo mint AciNTsfor it in thisoountyfeend tor Circular, tormi, Le to ,

BLISb A CO Nowark, N J


f 1B63.

Our stock, consisting of ovory variety of





is of our own importation or purchased dlreottjrfrom tho Miumfaoturors in largo quantities.

CF" ll> weir the tint to lomttttna tht lali 0/gnods on the popular plan of -


Clorj;yuion, Teachers and vSupiTiiitondonts of S.ib-buth tichools, and others to not as Agents for tho

HOtytE BOOK OF WONDERS.A work of groat interest fully illustrntod; also forthu C O ' l T A W E KlJBfjJE, .,

AND T M*ILT EXPOSITOR,in two volumos, uiinl.uiiuiK uoarly 150() pngca.cowprininK thoOlil nnd Now [(.-sUuienta With prneti-oal "Bspo.itions n«U- etplun.itory"not««,pby "luos-WILLIA.HS.

A Yavr OF Tnr, MAST RUOOMMENDATIOVTSFrom thn latn Hey. .Iiiel IIn-wos, 1>. D., Paslnrof

the First Congregational Churoh, Jlnrtford. Ct.—" I know of no commentary so bhenp that containssi> great an amount nf valuable miitler,"

Fruni B.ev, N Jl E^lcitoii, D D , Pastor ofPlymouth Chnioli, Clncn^o, 111 —" I choorfulljrecommend itna tho lust coinmontary on_tbo.Scrip-_turos for general uso. For terms and circulars addiosa A PRAINARD, Hartforil r n n »


A«LN I'b WANTED in all parts of. tha_ U 3 lu "I'll oui unuieusu haiofnonrly

1000 diftcicnt HOOKS, BIELES nnd PHOIOGKArFI ALBTJMS Every Tumilv wunts aomething lroin It (yiitalo^uci luinishud freo on upplicumn, and books 3ont po't pint to any address

Trrrrenitrpt of prioojj;. UjtnnsaiDp-bonki-containing-

pi luted Iii'iidii'g'! iui uitiollin^ a list of names, senttreo to iiny ono on rriioipt of JO fits Anyl^ody onnsi-ll 100 to 1000 of theac book's almost unytrhorc.For tpruis to iipLiitu and oilier lnlium.itiou, uddressJ E l'OTTFH i CO , Pub'o C14 * G27 Samson SI ,Philadelphia, P.i

AT.I, wuntin," Lmployment can have a good bus-iness by udilreFiingI)A\ii. i. B I D ,~72.jEnmston

st , Plnlu

for •!>« Inut I n i l v c i a o D t b i hnT«iiboni 0110 uii l l iou clollnra.

gjf Our busmen hat boen decided by theCourt-: of this State and by the United Statnauthorities nut to be tt Lottn y, or a Gift Enterpiiitt, but a regular Ugitnilale ouiintsss

Terms ol sule foi Club nf $5' a selection of one „oi the following arUeicO —20 yds *rown DrBlrnuli-ed &hoeting, superior quality Popjin or AlpnonDross pattern Wuol fciiunro Shawl 23 yardiBoBskin.' An 8 duy Clock, Beth Thomas inako» I

r. (rant's Calf.-Baots, , TiYhltUuAIariiellB^ QuiltRilvgrpinfTfl ~d)nn?H' ' n f - - T t - r b n t t U B ^ - A -

AIS'H B ffft —'1 o employ .t gond, r«li»blo manin-every*eeTnrty~to ititro 'ltjO-**h'©"lrTj¥V#ta<lci?

of tin' W«rlil.1 1 Situation proptahlo nnd.porma-nont, Adrats J 0 TfLTON, Pittsburgh, Pa

p l u Jtlncliine.1'iiU particular* frets- Extrn induconionts. to ex-perienced Agents. Co.ll.on or address W. G. WIL-BON &, GO.'i CloVcland, 0. ; Boston, Mass., or St:

J i Mo.

FORT Slue Goats,

And haw tJmy Lived, Fniight and Tiled Jor the \Union, with tiQtuea mul Iniidcitts in the Gicat'Rebellion.'" I t opntnins over 100 fino Engravingsand 600 pages, and is thospioicit and chcupcit warbook published Price only $2 50 por copy Sendfof circulars and eoc our terms, and full'doaoripttonof tho work. AiWrosn JONES BROTHERS * CO:,Philadelphia, Pn ; Cincinnati, Ohio, Chicago, 111.,or St, Louis, Mo - "

M"ANII«»OJS—Noth ing FO importi tant. Send two stamps for sealed 72

pages.on tho whole subjeot. Dr WIUTTJEH,' oonfi--clentalpby-*rolH:ti, 617 Ht , Ciiftrim st , St i^ais ,Mo . «tnnd» pro eiiiluontly abovu all othors "in hisspeciality No mattor irh o failod, state your oaso.Patients treated by mail In. oijsiy_Statn^_ _

Tnr a. GUib-6f%V\, a soleolion of ono of thelowing artiolcs —40 y«irds_Brown or Bleach Sheeting, sapenor quiiHty. Dress pattern, prioo $10Wool Long Shawl Brooha Long Shawl 2 yardsBJaok. Goruian.Drofld. ClQth.^ Comm(inASjJuso 3uw-inKMnchino, price $18—(theso machines will hem,stitch, fell, tuck, quilt, oord, bind, braid, nnd em-broidor, in: <v fnoHt-. jjupi^rior irtanner ) Gleuts1 or

l a d i e s Silver Hnnttng CnBB WatohTnowr 25-yarf«Hemp Carpeting 3 yard* Bonver Cloth 6iyard»good Doesktrr Silver plated loo Pitohor 6 yard*Wool Cloth, dou width 1 pair suponor Blankets.72 yards Brown or Bloaohod Sheeting, ooramonquality, and 120 printed notices of articles for salsat $1 oJflh, oomprising it vaiioty of articled usaal-ly sold at rotnil fr tm$l 50 to *10 for each artiolo.


3srri?ONE Large OetaveVohimn, Finely illnitraled-One Agent han sold OO Copies in 3 Days

"One Agent haa sold GO Copies ID 3 Dajn.Ag£nL(iiJady) hassald'lOIlaptBSjn9

ot $4 75,. Poars ara" nearly over, Bavn'Hho'-morocsmmoa lite jrariptics VIOBTS don't, tat

$l5n24 poV bbl. Qainqea srs plofaty. Oiaregradnallysavano' l - l t ! • *' 'takoi vary flo^frottu*

o A g £ ( y ) a d p 9Wo employ no General A-gentsond otSaicxtia IU

duoeBiiints ,-to onnvatsors. Send fqr oiroulurand learn our terms to ngpnts before engaging else-where

J B BURR A CO., Publishers, Hartford, Conn'



" BVUOfi. ALEXANDERH-STEPHENS.tIts joiuly sate, cumbiuud, witU.au iiicrBassd com-

mission, make it'th^ best lubicription book everpublished^-, Onejigont'inEaston^Pn ,-reports 72sabsoribers lii thfee <lnjrk -^Another in Boston, 103subsorldors in fonr days. '

Send for oiroulars and lufl our terms, and a fnlli t i i V i r th ; V U : UddrSts NATI

l i Fa.,

Cirotilar Saws of ODD tempor ovor tho whole plateMnlay, 'Mill, Oross-Clit and (jnng. Equal to anymade in tbo world. For sale by All dealers and_thelnakors, -LIPPINCOTi1 & BAKEtyELL, Pitt«-burgh, Pa

T T is conceded that the great 2£ingnii Bi«icr«-L has mastered more diseases, both aoute'andohronlo, than any'bitter tonic in the known world.I t h d C h l ^ th f l e

lo, than anybitter tonic in the known wolIt has oured Cholera^ the worst form of (levers,P i Li H i Dt

nnd will euro astate of the bJo

' f S t A I.end,^a#<h>vern^"Idietinguiehod

divtuos^atfd phSi"wianB,raml' Rie^prOifriotor can

- -^-r->-' Send for a

* • & *

j - 100 '•piotarjaszyards B 4 Wool Cfotli Silver platod Ottko BBntetv30 yurds Bruwn or Bleaohed Shooting, oommCBlqunlity Also, printed notices of 60 arlioles, forsale » t$ l for each article, comprising a variety ofarticles usually sold at retail at prices from $1 50.to $5 for each artielo

N;N ^Wo-lroroby inform-tho public that- w«r

• D . are not 00 imeotad with an_y of thvOift EnItJrpri«c Ono'xtollnr Concornn in thiscity_. All oonoerna-offeMn^a'-Giftr trenwuTH, or-nny artiitlej[reo of cost to Agent, or to any one' aroin direct vicftaTIolf "of tho Taws against LotteryWe have information, trom reliable authority, thatall Gift Concerns in tkij Ctly toili bs elosed upby the State Police.


fknd n DrAft, Pontnl Money O M t ' i * "

Bo sure and direct your letters to



-Tke ^ ^ ^ITorlier, tho Xoidlng,«it4 largest-ClroulatKm KffHAL, LiTERAhx and'FAMII-T NEWSPAPER, begin*»• Quarter Out. S» *°« bsnoe Now is the lime toSubscriber! Eight ta rge Donblo-Qunrto pages, XI- _lustratcd,,icith ov.er a Uoteu distiiiutDuuurtuienta,e"aoh ably'aiflo'duoted, th^ Be&t TalentJieing om-

led-.'JSlfliotion will Boon bo Over, 'TTBOH erery-rtfr >htoth Town and* Country.-TrilVifaBt tho

most Brogressivo, Timely, Entertaining »>ntf Use-ful Weekly of its Class—MOOKB'8 KnHifc. TEo* 3 Wumborfl of this Quarter (Obt.-to1 J*n ) sent,On Xrinl, fur OHLY FIFTT OBHTB ! Try the Tri-al Trip' v .J, , " C I'->."-"

Address ~ 1> I».Pork Row, Wow drk,


TT7HAW VIyyvoalamlty.!!'i

Symploms jind Tifaaely — - ' - - '

iw tPgroW into a national

reatmBnt. A small rojums pro-" of 2S

i*«. Nohnml „», Pittsburgh, P».

Page 3: hst - digifind-it.com filehst '•- •••••••• IPsPfiPPppii^H!^^Si^^ff^^ip^^Si^S^^^^^S^^»S?l,v, ••V;-'--;'L-:": . **:-^->v/-v-;/ ^ '*• I * ;-^'!: v:V':Ti; 'ri;'f":'::W'vW

^ "

THUBBDAY, OCE 22,1868.

"—^jTOa ft rccctil visit tobserved several improvements. Manyof the changes vyo recorded &B then inprogress arc HOAV completed, and many 1new ones are under way. The Methodistchurch on Main street has been raised oneBtory, had a flue spire added to i£, andhaa been enlarged in other respucte; im'proving its appearance very much, andalso of that portion of the village. The.


Ono «quar«, 10 linen or ««™i °n« timo $ 00

Every uubsequontinaertion iO

Throe months * *?Six months. . . . . ; > <•>OnayeBE. tnaludmg paper. 10 00

Sunrtejhf column, G month1),$16—^uno yoar, 25 00nlfeoiuuin 6 months, $22—ono yonr, 50 00

_• 75 oo [ alterations jwhjch tho church, is j

ing will hot be completed for some time

yeC Maiu slrceL has been piked, alid w

m fine order for traveling. The condition

of-the road to Cranbury haa been much

improved; Bergcn's Kill is"no longei in a

dilu.pidiil.ed condition, h.iviug7"been TP-

paiied, and a fine grade given to it. As

the road is at pieijcnty it is a, plcumiro to

driyo fiom this plat'e to Oranbury, aud

we hope the £;ood order it is now in will

be kept up.

Notices in the looiil oolunYPB," 8 OBMTS alinefor each innortion l>opg comuiunicatiouHuuloulu-ted to subsoKyo privntsfV oorporato onda alono,-will bo charncd-flijc ecTfts-a lino or jnoro, accordingto agrccmont at the timo of Induction

JACOft STTJLTS, Editor n<id Proprietor.

US'Dr. Sohavvb, the cclebiated optician

aud QQullst, Will be at Magill's hotel, in

--this-boiough, fromr-^ov. Will trrl JTov.

~~ 14th. - l ie lntg-tcatunotLittl -from-Beorpa-of-

persons who use his glasses, aud with one

' accord, they speak of them iu the highest

terms of piaiso. Scoa law-iuioMe-in-thlB_"Stntc,


FROM GERMjlNr, la I^J S "



jgj}- It is becoming the custom

which politicians do not always

perhaps some of them do not know that it

Is A'tnUdeiueanor, punishable by fine or

impiiponn»entrfor-anj individual, by -

afy "corrupt means ordevise whatsoever,

cither directly or indirectly, to attempt to

influence n.uy clectoi in this Slate in giving

bis vote," " to provide or furnish enter-

tainment" for the purpose of promoting a

candidate's election, or " to pay for, pro-

cure, or engage to jmy for any entertain-

ment," or " to contribute money for any

Other purpose intcrtded to piomote an

election oi any paiticulav peisonor ticket,

"excepT for "defraying the expenses ot print-

ing and the circulation of votes, handbills

— itndoLluyi_pjLpi'iB pic\ ious to auchelection,

- — or for eou-vcy iig_Biok^PiOO£=o£murm.clec^_

tors to the polls."

It is very clear that the law from which

the above extract is lalcen, should bo en-

forced, or cvpuiiged fiom the; statute

books. "The evilsTsbuglit to oe coifectcd

hy It are giowing woiae and i^orse ycar-

trimonial occasions. - A 1'nend of ouig

commenting upou this mattei, and who

unfoitunately got inurricd when it wasn't

fashionable to make presenst to tho bride,

says he senously contemplates getting

mained over n^ain "VVc advno him to

wait till the " Silvor wedding" time ar-

rives in his case—if he can.

In the United States District Court, II.

H. Conovcr of Monmouth waa fined one

thousand dollars for removing thuty-

thrro barrels of distilled spirits from

bonded warehouse without paying the

TJuited States tax LhereoiU "Plea of non

rult -contendere.—TheTeTrrppearcd- to- b<r

nr nit. a it.

r7afiJrtno~[U}r nurrdnrrfai—

Liver Complaint,DYSPEPSIA,.

Nervous iVnihty,


rttri'Y .o/f'^ruti jii.nnn.

Jt ftt/ Hnt*-tiTi'i'if-v I* hf**—Jw*+,—ydtjr liiilem is ujftcd hi/ iLny <\f tfltm, ytw 7Jiuy rrstorjtu-fl Ittat dil'«rr -itt* eumm>:ttrrd its Httark on ihrTJtfjji iuttfirlMU nrijnns n/ your buily, ami units* I mch* I 'd ' t Hit usr of y iuri t\ I itinciht-e ti mi-*-) ilUif- \> I 'CHID I tf t I* it ii- ' L Ljllil

W H E A T , por bns l io l , . . . i $2 35 to 2 20RYE;- ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 30 to 1 40Coitn, per bunhol 1.80OAJO, pur Imihql , 60W U E A T VLOU^I,' per owt, . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . 0 00 tn 0 50

do Booond b o a t . . . . . - . » . . . 5 00 to 6 50Uj-o Flour . . ; . , • . . . . . , , . » , . . . . . 1 7 6 to 5 00IntliiiD Afoul ...:.,4 2 76 to 3 00Food . , . . . , . . 2 60 to 2 75


PlCKr.KD Pof tK. . . . . . . .

xLiiaceriilni'iiiol Blood to thu Hcnil, Auldft J

ol tliJ Htutmicli, NAiificn, TTi'inlhllT" 1 Dl"KliK^ iui J OOtl, FulllfHI

ui Wri(?ht ill tlm 8tnmiu.il,*• bo i Pi I ti • ' l '

u K ov J""'i*-terir.it,ftf tuo J*iVol ' it ^ m v ' l , *• i1 i MI> i> i r

" . . Ht^il, llu r! 1 rv V (Unit11 - l thui , - T" ltt->1 'li ' nl "1 Tl \ '

Oh j Ui IK til buliOctitin^ Sniiscitmn I \ \ Iwilin u Liyi HE P.i it lire, rnniiii 'a.ol Vl , ' o " .

Z? ' i or Wi'ba boloic tho tiirlil ,T> ill Ttu i I - fn . i l l -A, D !

ci^ni y ot hVr^pii-ii.tioi}, i ol-lou uoi". ot th - i k m i r 7

!C nili» P U T I in thy Sitlt1,Un -k, Cnosl, Tji-iibs, ptt1 . Rnii-

<lrtn t ' lu^hi" ol irmif, J iu in i t i s intvie JTli'illi Oon-.tullfc ±ruti£iiiinKJ of

JEvil, u i d Great Dopioasion of b p u i l i^ ' [ f t™"" '» '» l" ' i ' ' " ' ^1 the /il I o P,irttli'

Oimuli utijlL'JiiKtl milt imjiuicLlu <l

3 50. . . i 50

60, 20

V....'.."'.".'... ' l 7p i r b a r r u l . . . . . . . . . . . . 150


m-vnvxAt, NOTircti.

WO M 1 I N . — V K M A L r t i ©WIHM* 1 Oihu pfLuluii-And. JDtporlnnt rolitiona nluoh

thoy sustain their pt_'Culini or^illllz llion, nnd [booflirrn th(,y porlonn, are 5illi)0Ct lo many aiiHornigi Triii tlom lrom thmo eontrihtitti in no ainnltflegxt'u tu llitiir happillt^^ ami ^ulfnio, fur iioutienu bo hippy who arc ill Not only io t hut noonn nf Hirsn \ilnonp fnmnlo ftotnplmnti can long \}O

fjooflnnu's (5ciinaii

a touch of"VV

urday and Sunday. l)uring Saturday a

cold wind blew from the northwest, and

at midnight the mercury had fallen to 38

degrees. Snow fell to the dupth of four

inches at Owen Siaund, Canada ; and at

Baugor in llaine, Concoid in New Ilamp-

nlme, Woieebtci in MasatichuiQtts) ltoch-

efater and Buffalo and Toikvillc in "Sew

York, and even at Fhtlndelphin anil Tlar-

nsburg, we hcaid of i shght sprinkle of

BnoW. In this section we were Visited" by-

a regular old fashioned frost ofiT both-Sat-

unlay atid- Bunduy -nights.— These-have

"beautifully tinged the foicst leaves, and,

to the great delight of Young Ameiica,

finished up tho opening of chestnut burs

commenced by Jack a shoit time previous.

Indian Bummer is yet to come, pci-

exteuuating circumstances.'

Ocr.Ax COTJM'CY.— The Democracy of

Ocean County on Saturday labt, nominat-

_cd for_Scnator, Thomas Hooper , foi Aa-

sembly, Joseph Tt. Ohphant.— ^ • «- •

IJ T The baie-headed movement haa

-thus ffli' prfivi .il fl. rniinrp. TTn\ypynr much-

physiologists maj' diflTur, the people arc

not prepaied to abandon the time-honor-

ed contrivances called Hals aud Caps.—

If any of our readers who vi^it Trenton

happen to sco the sign of a, big red Mat,,

at No. 13 East SLaLe Rtieet, lCL them

pause and wonder, for that is wheie

DAVibO^s can fit your head 'w.itb. anj,

size, color, price, or shape. Call and see

them. - *

li i itiLirl> vrjcclnJlI*in"<l ronmln« MO1IIIHOI. i t i« m-oiHjjouint or f in l i l r x -tl-actn. 11I1« K.n»tK, ll*'i'l»rt, nucl WnrkHlioirt Ti'lllcll tlir'm.1 r i l i i d i m i mnilon n c i l i i i i i i l U» (iwii«ft"y. All tliejnTiOi l«al ^ U d n v T W ' - l l r r M f l l Tjomtiirm isy iV HK 11 ii 11 Ac c^inHl'il. .Tlicuatt:li=«OTrt «l*^ Iliris :Ti»i-v.-n7.-<1 *'<! ?" fill*

ki,;Hi;i- tl. In tl>«' Only Bllt ir l l t l i a t MilItt-: iiii^d inciihlcsivSirrv ulcoltOUc Mlliti-

^ -\ye i(5;cntly failed attention to theflu.(, that many propel ty-holdors have"faile'd to comply-^vith tIltJ CouriUiry oidoF~to

p a v e t ne-i r _Side\\alk&. What does that

body propose to do with the delinquents?

Cold weather is hastening on, and what-

ever is done should be done quickly. If

The Indian Summer is yet to come, pci- you hive any power, Messrs. Coimcilmen,

haps is already here, lind \>hi*n that is l?.t it bt? f'-lt. S"? to it that your fleniands

over " cold forbty weather" will begin in bhall not be treated with supieme indiJle-r-

carncflt. _ _ _ _ | encc.

|J3" "\Vc notice by tbc last I°SUP of the

Long-Branch News, that its Editor, Capt.

Monis, has been compelled to leave foi

Minnesota for a time, on account of 111

health. We sincerely hope that he may

be. permitted to letiuii boon fully lebtoi -

H3T The trial of James "Williams and

James Burins, indicted for stealing a gold

watch from Joseph Farr of Cranberry,

while attending tho circus which visited

this borough in May last,, took place on

"Monday, at Trenton.*

The counsel for defendants moved to

quash the indictment on the ground that

— -*—the'-fcwo-pftiMiies named jvere chavged-with-

_ 7 ~totally' different "offences, namely; * oncf

With grand larceny, and the other with

receiving stolen property. The couit de-

that the motion could not prevail

at this stage of the trial, but would be

open for consideration after the tacts in

the case_had been developer],

Joseph Parr sworn, testified that he

lives in Cranbury ; that last May he was

at Hightstown. attending a ciycus ; ,while

in the "bar-room of~*5 Tiotel"*a rush was

made aud he tried to get out of the door

— but feuud-huj passage nupi;dt:d-by thu de-

fendants and others. At this juncture he

felt something at his vest"1 pocket, and

| ~ — looking-down found—tliat-his_watch and

chain were gone, a-nd at the same instant

ho saw Burns passing his hand towaid

Williams,- He immediately seized<, the

two men aud had them arrested, but the

watch was not fouud upr.n-thoir-persons.

' hfc Tvatch wasr subsequently returned to

Mr. I\irr by express. Charles Farr and

- - - - - fieorgerF&rr wet& cxandncd and testified

substantially to the above. No witnesses

"were examined ou the part of the defence.

The juiy returned a verdict of not guilty

in the case of Williams, and guilty on the

part "of Burns. - '*

» «^.» * —

• Tho "Piince of Monmouth," and

rain spoiled Hie HcpuMicin

mooting annouueed to como oil at DutchNeck last evening, and also the Demo-cratic meeting advertised to take place atNew-town.^ Try again-

o ©cimait ionici1^ a ivvnl>imili'>ii-ftf • ull the -ingi-aU'M* of tit*. ]iillerit

with 1'Ultn; .V«*iit* Unit 1<"W, <>nnmf.tr.lr.. UiMitnlJurihf. same di.it/.is?* tin the JJittcrH, in cu,*ts whrrc *<>mrputt ult tfi >'i Mimulu i* i etiuu rtl } MI it ill Ittai m

Timid ( W f/inr r f w t / i •: nfi. U l t l n l j illlTiliiit linn.tlW GV'?> atl\ n h<t.il f» it"1 title nl the dweutfinamtil, lit-' £ I ri"(J " I'tUi/ t ]nrpttrulitm o/ ninh'-in iiezlratils. whilt the nthtrs art mere tttwtions of nnnill oiili fmm lilt I U \ ] l istltti [/iilr/onr 11 tlltm ilpUtntult Uild wii'mllr 1'meihf fi/) nfj i cd tn tlpilbtl lit 111 I ilrrqitut' It I a plni-im III lairit H>ulr it I It / i i u u fshu n itwjl twrt outfit milijuttlitit* havecdusr-ti tl to be A-noiun us Hit, prruttit ofall toniet.

CONSUMPTION.Tlinusi^lktltt or <.

, II]IOJJL »fi vtn'tiHhftiHe of t lie

DEBILITY;77irrt. is tin mtrttcirtt eq'Hil I" FloftihuuVs German

liiu_[Uld Ti'j"> lo thr u7io/f it/item^ iff rnt/then l\r nnp£t\l't (-(iiKi a n rryovm**"7 of iff* / m / t in.1 It t>nttomi h to diiJfit it )>>iiifi/ tht. Llo ({ v i i " u £fi< it

For tho

WOODEN.Mr. unil ' Mna.-'Frnnklln I>yc invited their

friciiils nnd noifjlibors to rojoioo with thorn lit

"tho'happy.explraLion of tho flrut flvo y.oara of

Uicir marriage life. Ttfo gatliorcd . in tha'old

homestead'to tho numhox of sixty or auventy,

bioiiRhl many ufli-ful undappropiiatcpliscnts,

anil t(pelv ^Taitook "of the " t;ooit clicer" io

ViountifiUly prcpiuod by our full- hostess. -To

Say tbu<> tho gntlieving %vua pleasant, would but

•wllli Bjicli |iinlvui-8ul (juoil fouling una, roflnc-ment. A few liappy remarks wrtro tilndi! by.DrC. F. "Worrell ; u prayfii-naa olloied forpldlctnpud.puuuc and'pi'o'sllul'lLy''lo suid hoiiHuliola,—Mnsic enlivened overy lioait,und niany for.vuntwisbes Tvoro ciprosseil that tho firtuio -mightbp even moic Huccossful than the past hai IIIM nuaoful-niKl—lipnoi'aUoi—Marriage-is a lottciT",-and Wanks are npt unfi-eqiient: but ivhon thi,yrnjoico us tlieso rojoleo, tbo wheel of fortbndhas awarded them rhih prl/.fta. May lnvtt'nvnl1

have ft roaldence lit~this-h£ms&lit>Id,-iind -lhnythe sliauowa fiilllightly upoii this htjarthstono.

from thA <»/•-•• impart-n bhrtUl (n thr r.hffcs, ami c/mthe /i«fi>"£ .'from a stioj-t-fayatitoi, ri>mctti(tttr ir/ul:and ncrvQhs invalid, Lo a ftiH-fuccci, itoui,.mni vigoioUs person.

Weak and Delicate Childrenfire jumlc BtrOiij- by ii»Uij; I3ilior-.'ronl«. In fnot, tlrt^y mo Family

•iuflWoil to run on without m\oUmj ; tho siinoi iilhealth ol' tho niiln ulual, tinil t m long nrotlucnigpoiniinent sirltiiL^i ami prcuititiiru dc.'hin) Nori^ it ]*lnijiint to oonault, a ph>giciun foi tho n l u fol thejo Minima ilulisiitu sflfLtioii"!, and only uponth^nio^t urgent niiiu^3il> will a truo woman ^o tin*> ILI lfit'o Iitfi gi oatcst charm &3 to ilo thij ~ Thii so\.•will thi.ii t li ti ii k us foi pliicTii£ in thuir biinil^ HUH]J1O sppcifii -i whiLh v,i\\ bo found uffieni'ioud in ro-liLViii^ and curing uttuv&l «\ory onu of thoiu trouli-It omo ooiniiliiiiUi pLOiilitii lo thu siA

-sill-toy—yn m ilon^ttr iiii.l huiulrtftli, ol-othnpJ^-iippl^rvuinly to Jru/-^i->ti "ml doutorj, who cithnr raorolj-tunt i l i /e ihciu with tin hopu of a oure or fipplyreimdiCi flhltll iniihli lh*?m ivorso 1 woultl notwihh tu Hubert iui>tlmi^ Unit would do mjuMin: tothe iiflliclod, but I am obligud to .1} that althoughit imiy bo produLOil hum O M U ' I I I ixhnu.t iun ofthe powLis of 1 iits, !>} I'lhoi ion1! iMiiplnyidont, uii^vhoR'-oiim- nir itud food, piotu'so inuudtruiition,tho inn of t ta nnd LnlToi nnd fiuquynt childbirtli,it ib fur oftcnci c u» icd by d i u t t lrrtitatiou, app l u d to ilio :njouou niciubiiiiio ot Ihu vngiuit it-riuir

Whin lcviewiny tho cnu ii i iil tln-ai" d i i l i f i i n gcompliant1*, it H most p iinlut tu i^imteinplnto tlmiLttond.ilit t \ l l i i on^equont upon tlitui. T t n bu tjimiili JUJIILO to the sub)i 11 to i iiuniertito n fnvot thi m.mj idditional eiiusei whiuli BO Isd^ely iii-fcot-thi1 li'ofhr.nlth,-aiid. happinosa ot woinnu in allcla ic^ ol Bociety, mid wbith con11! ijuontly, nflcetmorn in li ia dnui i ib > ' I ' u ' " Ifiiro "f ' I ' " i-utlto humini funnily The mama thut oxi'sli lor j>ru*ociou'iL'duc ition unil iniirrmgo, cuu^cy tho jiuira that nutiiro dLSijjni-d tor eoiporii.il do\i'lo|iincnt to In.1

Tinbtid nud pcivi-iteil iu the ip«hiiuit<! of drt"-i,tho TiTli coiiuliTiiiCnTiif TChool.-nnd Mpi.i,iiill> intho uniiculthv cv-ittiiicnl of the balhoom r Ihu iwith tin1 body li ill elothid, nnd tho mind iindul',eveitcu hy plnmin. , I" r n tLiiii; ill luidniijlit n \ i lthe hum di signed b j nutiill. lul i ln .p iml roit till"wiirl- nf d i - r rmtmu i" hull tucomplidhftl —

In ciin=cHiucii(ool tin" i irH j t r i m UJIOII her c-vturn, uiinri>n,«in« LlToit n niillllPil h\ Iho dulu itt.•votiir> to rettun In i "ilu iliim in huol nl ii Interd n j , thu" n^K r u i lmr Ihn f i l l When IMIL I \ I i t i -ini-nl ii O\LT, nuuthci in prnipcetivi ki-i-pithumind morbiilly 'Ji'iiiitivc to imprc Mon wbili thl1

non ((jistnni n sti mil of fi«himinbli. dn"-s, ah i)Itltoly tiilbiildiiiK tliu exurCHO inilHut-Mls'iblo to till'attiutimi ut nnd li'tiMitiun ot iirg.miL honlih andstrength , tho L ipo uru to night m , tbt iudilenLhnii^L of icmpt-rituro , thuLUinpli'li1 piosti itionIiriidu^ed liy L \ U ^^l\c iluiioui^ miibt, ol in (A^iityprudueo then legiliuuitL ifuct Al la-,t, nu i_nrlyu i . u m g i u p , iln iliiiiixi.1 niiiLry, and tin finlnrtuilnte Pnn hilllPltii Mi n l t r r ly rcgniil lon nl till!plum dictntob .mil ri'inoiiiti IULU" tit her di.hcntonuruTTT biLnu i5"~iin l innil l ing •««lyni»t ot moilicitltTfiuiH'nt Till i b l l i * tiullllul p ic t im oiotpt l icncr of ll i i iu ' i"i i ' lD' "nr"J</unir irnniFn

- Jf/nllg lujforO rll<> Oblllty tlM>T01-0IH)-(hl iuiu.lluilSof tliL [{uiiLintur Olgill", I h n reilllirr uri cdlliiition ui llit t r p(.i uli.tr IILIVOU -<\ li.ui, tompti i d otnliiitii e llli-d the liSiuo nhii.li i-, m eoraiuon m i htho It milo b i n ^ t uid lipt, i \ult'iitly undur thooonti I ill nifiittil cinotioiij ttnd in in i tliuna tit an

,liarl\ pniindiil iifo , mil as we h ill !:U-<UI|ULIIIUBee,'tln jf Pinolioti^, wbt'n lixi'i^aivo, Ic id, long boIUIL i ubLtlls lu h iljiti w hu h " lp tin1 M-O >i'i »fllii-ir \u m i * ITC n.ituie his^oll coinpluti.d thi-irUnTIiii ~

Ucbil i l i , \ rni tLi , LLUi-tiuiilioii L\h untion,

[X_ _l>« j nuNi lyxJltAiL't^LJUlii-TTouTTj or rrolip'iu 1 tiTfpCi- oili r the

nnM i ' l r l u t ji-i ilu luio-nn Hi iMiioin's COMI'llLSI) F M I l l r r "I El(I10 DlfLCtlOIlb loi HbO,dipt null uUiei in OIUIM iv

L i n ult i iu i \ LI } pi nu 1 ol life ftoui lnf int y lop\tn'mTi—old I,T—ivill-liinl il II-II"IIKHH to,ud mituic in thiidiio'iiir'.'ii ol Hi fmictiuiii. t-lrinirth IH

glot^ ut in; ijliupd and num mhoud . H n "

I am mighty tn tho eabor,Fioroely wioldod by tho bravo,

-Qlortotls in-tho stalwart stoomor,.laughing ot Lhe storm and.wavo,

Boaiitoons in tho paluoo pillars,Saving in the pointad rod.

As it brings tho d6ndly. lightningQuelled and harmless to the sod. .

But thoro in a (rlorioug C^ ODQO,Whore I tako iliy"grnndoat poiver,

airiug to the RACK my lurost,Swoetoat aid, m danger a hour.

SIJL ' beforo mo fly diaonsos!. St'e-44ie<livrkeBt hyilrtia boir!

Sco tho roso or health and beautyTiiko tho palust chock and brofr

r iy dyspcfiain ' fl> consumption 'Yen all ills ari- rrnshrd at leuf-th,

ior 1 give ulult hum m nnturoOnly t \er pccdi'd—i>Tlll!:^^,T^!

&h"Ul I ti-U m,whnt preatiiabi-noe - -I can thui jinn apirita cncur up '

J'allld, truubhni;, djing suflnror,'Tis LkuCuroad "PKUBVIAM SYUIII1. "

The VEJ{UVI\N SYRUP is « protoc-tcd ifolutionof'the I'rotoxido "of Iron, a now discovery in'inudt-t ino thiLt BtTiki a IIL iha foq1~of dH^ft^o-bv ^upplytn^the blood with .llswitul piincipa! ur lift tttsment,—Iron

'ilhe genuiuo"lia3 "PKRUVIAM Svliur" blown inthe glass, i'niiiphlet.i freo.

J I' UrNSilOUU, Piopuotor,Suhlb> all DruKK'stH —No-JG I>fj-St-, Noff York

D L C k K g , *•«.— 11, if> woll known that the boh-Ltlt-t dorivcd tnlin drinluni' i)f the CuSonliSS, SiR-41;OOA Affll othoi colnhrAhul Spring" m principally

til HIM r,t</rltf fm*j rnntitin ^

Wit. II, • ANDKHS' IODI.VB WATERCijiituins; Iodine in thu.ianio~pu.ro stato that it isfound in tlirno spring waters, but mm 5UU pci criitmn,c 7>l cjitantityy containing n it (lees 1 1 grainsto each lluid ouine, UISOULII in pun W'ULI, utth-tmt ft *(>/* r?//, n ili^c'iAor} loTig ".nu^lit f'ir, in thi*stl0untr> and l^uiopo, und A the heit lcined^ in theworld tor Scin/tt/ti, Cuitrfi1*! hclt Rhrum, Litct i , am| ill Cmmr Dt*tti)rt CiU'lil 113 freo.

J P J-rjfM-o'U , I'ropiiotoi, Jt>I>ey M , XcwYork Sold by all Druggists.





ONE DOLLAR SALESilks, Sh&wls, 0rees Goods, Linen

Goods, Linens, Djfy Gdods,"Cpt-tons, Fancy Gjooas, Album3,Bibles, Silver PJatea^Ware;Cutlery, Watches, Sewing

Machines, &c.Tho?ej.rlidle8 to beeolj at ihc.unifortu nrtgo or

ONI: jtMSI.r.An lEACW '

nntt nxit~tx>~bo prtld {OT untir-yoiri thow Trh«t-yo«

aru to ruceiM*

Tke most popular and utojiyniienl method of dolnji1 b i f inc-s fii t i n LOuntrj

B Y P A T I I O M / I N O m m SALI ' JUU hnvu n ohanou t j

mehulip;o JUUI1 j;ODtlu —' ^ "" ~~~~ ~~ 'The Smallest Aiti^li- -.old foi ONE DOLLARcult, tip e trhtni'rrd ftn a Sllt'tn Via ted, l*'ti *

Jjatt/fd licrn/illig Cmt(j1 or i/oter Choice ofa tiirge iani ty of utltoi A i itctt n upon. JZx-

W M . T\ HQEKIJWS,.Wo. fi28 Arch Street, Philadelphia,


Celebrated 'Champion' Hoop SKirtsron LUMPS arr^rs AND CIIII.DULIN,Jho lurgi-it ii'burtinunt, mid ht-"t tpmlity nnd

•sljki 111 tho Amerun I Maiirt liM.IV InJiIrj thcui , l l t h o y iicimni'id tlumsrhi

b\ nt unlit; lonf< r, lolimmi,', then •'Impr mui>li bettn lirini' lii'liUr Hid nmrii rla In thin nil olbi_r

A"RK\NTrD ; i ri77v-i~ii>r.rTiTid "-"I'l . ' 'lo« piio. i Atk foi I lOl 'kiXV "UII A31

ION" S k l l i r•IUJH run; Iliind mndo \ \ liuli'-l'oiio CORSETS in

Tif tun difliiroiil til Hilt., lutlutlmg t h o " Im pon i l ".ml ln^)MliJ0^^v ljA^oi'y^ ^ itL, H L I I I I I I M TrillCiJ IS, r,in£ilin in p n r c i liom bl Ci'ntt to S3 -)0 tniTlhi r with .TOM'I u Ui n»i,i b CELI^UllA1LD mnNLTI "WOVEN UOll^ETS, ituptrrurbhiipLt. nnd nunlity, 'it'ii diffeti-nt (trade , lrom SI10 to i j r>(1 Ibi-j lira tin* Imtst an^ best yond^foi tho p i ins tMr impiirlod '1 In «'J mdo -utipi ltd ttidi HOOP SKtlOlS unil COllbE'I^ ut thrTUIII \L Htitrv

I ho ID M-utmi' thu (jity should nol 1ml l» Oil!and i T; iinUi out tloliil', tnul Trices ar ivo det> nilcnmi-ntitimi fib21-l(lm


or ainmi of

2V*C4t liGmtidics are the best

tvtr knnum, and will cure (ill.tXi'KMMK remitting J?ambdd blond.

Keep yotn hlnotL purf-, J tp yfut} T\HM m vrtt/r.\ffji f/vw dv/rtli\L »ij'l7M ni ti m i/Jui, htatt) if rnn >i(iti/i, hi/ thr. use <>/ Uttst Tf.mtUir,tt and tw dise.nie willever (is ail j/nit


who wllli

ually. T l l d l t r i lir'j.Tj-n-iT-nrn*-!-, iinl.<.li« l>lou(l pur*, wUi rrifiilt Ilk a iii K^ling eyr» ami bloom lug cli t tks.

car'nns.Tlonflaiul (.timin Lrmrdir\ nrr riuntrffitrd

Thr gtnuiiir htirtht Htjntllui r ,f l_ 3f r/VllAtollon the fivntnf the tiulxidu ur i t ; ; i? nl tit It I fjtll*, umltht limn' of thr ill MK b'lHuin iare countetfnt _ _ _

mil n s 1 \ rn \i r D n in l . r o o r D - l r L i i j j t h o n i T i ^ t l i a n I T I T I A "NTTj W T ^ J f T T < " T t••n> nr H,,, pri.;. .!! • 1 | . m i f,f HU I k o r T i o n , m l m i t e U U '* 1-lJ-J A l l U TT ±1* ± Xj^M

. Mm M. P. E TIITON,| (f, ltO JflES li01H\"i0N,)

No fil WAHREN hl'HELT, 1HEMON, N J ,~f KTOKMR her palroiio nnd tlm Lndici RCIKT-

l I ally lb it the is now propiiiod to tuniish alltin- Ii-nding ctjllia ut

Couawtlng of Uonnobi, lla.ls. Ribbons),1 IIIVIITI, Dri"s C ipi i.a

Mmln to order at tho Hhortoot nolioo


done to order


Corlific\tos, giving a oomplete description of nr-;1L9 tn hn tolrl tor Ont' Polljii each, will bo

sold at the following rules TV,7A CJSUT3 EACII "

Tho jjersnn "ending it run hnvo thrir e-lioipe oftho follow \t(\r article'' ni their cuiutni«»ion 20 ynrdacotton cloth, lltirru Cloth J'niits 1'ntlorn, SplendidDunio Knfft, L'incii itci Quilt, Engr.^T>d Silverbpoon Il'ildtr, Pmr Ladies ox tn quality Olotl\Jitots, Print Drtss 1'uitoin, WorHti-d Vraii\'fui%filura), White Linen Table Cloth, ^et ot Bteelbluded Klines mid TtiiKf, v t of SiHor Pluted1'orke, Einbor ed Tnhlu Sprtiul, r-K^int Enjrr^vetiSilvoi l'lated Uoltl Tuuetl (iublet. Vitihn nnd Bow,Tune} Dress I'attrru, Flogani hillt Bunded I'nrnGol,100 1'icturo JMoroteu Phutogrnyih Album) Elt-'Rimt1\ on II,nulled SpuiiKlud SilU T in, Onn tlnren \i\T£asi/o Lint.li Towel", I iinc> Biiltnortil Skirt, 1, itlica'M<irorco Shopping, Eag, HonuJcomb Quilt, \lhhi>iJbra Quilt, Lndioi.1 Splendid t-tiuaro Wood Shawl,Lndiii- auhd Uuld flitlifomift Dinniuini ltnii;,(.luutlt.riiuii oi LiyraMid tluld. WjD(^(l<Lcn ro t s-fiiiiT^T.adita1 Poliil Hlnck \\rulnnt~ttrritin^ DBA,ljiuliti' r.nie> Wick Walnut Wiirlibnv CqtfnjjoClock, tinu do/en "Lndiou* Linon 11 rlkolclnclH,oxtia quiihly, or One Drami Ui'nts1 Lincrr—Hmnd^

Voi a Cliih if huti/ owl $0 00OntTof tho 1oTiinwnf; nrtiolca 40 yards Shtotiu(*Hniii" Cloth I'nnls mid Vtst P.itti-rn, P nr Jlony-t uinl) Quilt^, Cjlinilir Wnlch, Doublu Barrel HtlltJ1'ijtol, I11 IK I Cii"-hiiii ii1 JDrcc6 PutLcrp, TliibutShn\lL_Tliito 1 nd lltniblo width Wn(frproofCloaking, I uur i.ilCurl inn, IjiLilies

Plnttd Cnid liiiUtt ripltndtd En^ruvcd SiHerPluLnl leo lJtu hi r, Lngrmtd Silvt i Plntod TLIIP o t , 100 p i c t u r e T u r k e y Murocoo r h o l o g r n p 1 ! A ' -liuiu, L inon i t i Quilt, Alpi ' tn JUr(,st Pj-tteru,]jli,;r.ucd S l h i r P l i l t d M\ bgttlu Ilnvolving CB.Stoil, Pair dint ' i f j i l f Uuoti, bplundid JJnluiuril^Kut '•lit ol lwu> 11-n.dlt.d Kiirn.1, lvith SilM]rl'lnleil Fork", Kti-mMiod-rriimc TCr l-. Alarm Cluck,Pun ut All Woil Jllmilcpt". bnli-mlid ut idml andLund Silk Puin-ol, L U I I P I ' bpltmlnl Moiocu'jriiLitlmi; Bay, 1'nrof Alhnmbri Q.uiUs, LhirtyYinds Punt , oi ti MciiiMHo»QniH

loraLluh of One lliiiuti,'il,in,t $10-00.(JO Ymrii ^hrtidii/j, Fancy C-'i hniorti Coit, P.uitdtnd "V i t P i tteri>,—evtr fut i l i ty , /^n^r irod-^iWorI'lTteil Fiv+TJuttlcd JWolYmp- (H>tx>r, iviih Cut •Olns^ Bottler P i n hplerditt Hose, tllankoti, Splou

Sij^nr Jiu \1, Tun Pot mill CiiMint-r,) iiiUer PlmtitlCuKti Dnikfl Tniify PI il<l Wool Loncj Shnwl,T\Tent3^h\o Vnr 13 IILUIP Crpctln^, SplonditlViolnl nnd Bow, rn^rlnh li irngi; Slmwl, hplundidAlp ircn Drt'ii PiiUt'rii, Sihcr limiting CtuodU tUh, Spli'nilitl liiblti i^ith I^logunt bicol En-Krai ingi nnd. J^nniily Hi'tiiud and PhotijgTaphPigo, Toplin Dio1-^ P lttcin,_ 1 njrra\od Silvi rPl.-tPil U-o 1'itilirr. Siiliutlid l lunor Clo. ikPtttHin, Sti iipc's ILT»\ uii t - , tjplenihil AoooitlCjnlj.1 io Ho\, Ol)'i Pnu 1 ino 1> mi i-ik T. ble. Ob^ra

wllli Ono lh)7on DinntT ,N ij kini tu m itth

Agenti lyillnlui u I ikt mi'iouuf llu= Jin noinii names., but nuinbur your chihtj from ono up-

wnrds. Multoyuur letters filiurt, find plain us.pos

^ p q

Duiihlo Wool SI,awl, S Iveri E Si

licit LiiUtt Ail othm —

lmflM of lbfters Imw lkrrf rc-eel-v «»l; testify img-to tlMrlr»i»e'

mil uioie pit us mt l l i iMiu im ? L x i i u u _Lintivt . i l tho indoiniini_nt of thu

ruo t pn niiin'iic phy ie i ' " 4 in I'"1 [Tmled status,is oil inil ti, iflln ti il luti im.iH a . n c c r t a m curut n iho KIUO'F ii)^ di^oist'i md lyuiptomi, from u h i tc\ t r e iu «' oi i^i i i l in^ (itiii'rul Dtbil i tv, ^It'Utnlanil l'hs>icnl l>fprc-.inii, Imbtpil i tv, Dtl t rminn-tluil 01 niood tu thi} ileurl, Conliiitd ldnni , I l . j t c iwt, tiL'icrul I i n tub i l i t ^ , I tL^tlf n c i ntitl hilcoii-Jctsiitts nt Ni^lit, AIIIOTIOO »1 Miiboiiliu Elliuiiiiiej iLti'-i uf Appetite, Pui icintii*ii,~I7ow ^pint ' t Di oiguTii/ution ui l*(iraly3is ol this Oij^mi of Oeiicin-tiun, Pnlpitntion "f " " • henrt mil, in lm I, nil thoc'lnf'omitunts of n Ncr iou" .md Uebillat id '• tntu oftll'k "t}j tblIl" JI*° itlgllTifl-thl1 "PTiBinc cu t thiTont — -A^L foi J ILLVHOLTI 'S , ^XJIKC jif) o th t r ^ "Siild byIJiu'it?iat^ nnd llenlni^ e v e n where, lliicuSil ^Jptr"but t ]e , ui tiv bottlt i for i>l) 50 Dulivorod tany addri 4 Dutcribo i>mptuiiii in nil totninunu mum A d d i t s a U T 111,L,MT10T.IJ, Drug andCheinii il Wnrchouii), 5U1 Bioi 'dwiy, N T

!Nnrn ,1)0 gcnu'nn unless dono up lit Hteol-engi i\ed tv. L])]it!r, \rith lnt simile of my Chemical

—AVaichouct, nTi"i~"t^ncd—_;i,i TT T IIELMEOLD

A HOUSEJIOLD W_0RD_ TJIE JiE&X, H I E ,only roh-ible the, ohonpest Try it , Mis b AALLFS'S iMruovtn (new ityle) I IAIB RFSTOKI Itor DIIESSINU, (i7i on' bottli ) My witu and ehil-dron profor it Every Druggoit ^olh it PriooOno Dollar. ~ oo—15 —

Ijy All the fashionable novelties inFrench and American Confections,—Por-liUgueao—aecretsr Sweet Jordan,—Swect-Chocolfttc, Roasted Almonds, and other

I t

••hi? daughter Tiiilu, will be exhibited inthis place on Saturday evening. Lulu isBaid to be the smallest •worrian in thewoild, being •only 30 inches high andweighing but 30 lbs.,—a pound to the'inch, it will bo perceived. Those who

~~hSv6~'Beeir£"her say she Is h"anHsoTfl<ran"d"-in.teUijjQ!}(;, The father is A trifle taller,but in at^ingth is a Sampson. See haud-

- bills for pfitbioulara of the entertainment.—^~.U^II^WH

i^T Xliere Is no^eason why persons inthin .'section.* ahouldLtake their work to•qlhei; ^printing ofllcetii'Swe c a n do it aswell, and on aa reasonaBfen,$erm3 as anyother establishment. "We 'ljai^ recentlyadded aeveraLnew fonts of wooJTajid met-al typo to,our Btock, and shall cqntiitt © to3o soas' occasion demands, •'We mibenct to•'fcefejj np-with theprocessioo." -'

t leading to the.passengerm street, is in a wrelch-

Oil OlotliB, new and olloap, at NOllTON'S

a «hij Cotton Flannels^now stock,

at rbducad prioos, at NOBTON^S. ; . *

Olgtli, for Hndor beds, Ao., at NOIl-

' . . ' . • " • . . ' " • ' - • _ *

reen Apples—at ITOfl.TOJI'8 *

f y Highest Conh price paid far Buckwlioat, nt




Chief JuMlico of tlie Kupri-inti Court of Pennsyl

) fii.J lTf,n\{ln.ul'* (jrrmim Pilters" -ii mil ttn «I/OJl, itiTU; heiemU) Iml if il n in i W\u itjeftil in dittv-<ti?t qf tht. dipttlive. oryuna, fthtt iff prwt benefit incasts if debility nnd tennf of ntrtrntts action tn thefyitetn. '''-fi'unrs (rtrfij,


PKOtt-HON.-J-A.-Mt!S THOMPSONJuUgn tir tho fjapi'OTIlo Cimt-t of rrtt>iiH3-lTnni«

rmtlDii 'mM, ArnlL iStli, 1S60.

trm" «. rnlnnblo trtrtliriiii- In mine of •.»•tscki nf Ii«illgr»tloi> dr »>»ilf)i*l»i. ICBII ccrtl/y ii»*» from my .esp.crlenccol*t(. Vuiux, iilili lcuprif,"



ed o6n3fttt(tt; ' . A s \ h e material for paving'-Jiho' Btrcet IBT Oft ^tho-ground, wo hope tho

flnffitr covMiientin'orde?atan1

Fancy Groocls and/ STAPLE NOTIONS,

29 West State St., Trenton, N. J.






I M I I I L I & E M GdODS. ~




•WOBBXffiD, of 9ur Dim imfwrtsrion. «



Frun i m JObI I'll II KtNMllD.DD,lVfltpr t>C tliu ronll i Hiptint Clmr«.li, Flulitlirlphlii

DR, JiCitsn-t—PrAlttir —tj'taieleen frcqtlcnlly'lr-oue'lrd to connect my name ii'i h ttLtmlnenthiUnnx ofdtflct -»i l.intti nf meJi- »!«, dm i eijt.nl.tti/thr rr<"'"'at oitl rifiny appropriate ijihtif, Ihtivc in a'l coscsdr-eltufd, but untA a clear jirimf' imarittuz instances andparticularlyimiiyrrWn family,nflhc useftdueisvt'ihIlonfland't German lix'lrr,, ) ilr, xrtfm inu.r.from myusual cainse, tr rjpieii my full atnwUtvn thal_{t>\f^neisl dolilllti nf tho *t\ itcni MlU necl'illy It i" ItWfrContiilniut, it in iv ntiU, nud > Lluublt] prcpArutiDn Intr1™* eases if may f'i*(, tint wuall*/, fdnuht nut, jtwitlbi ittyten'Kciat to llw" vthh nitler from the aboir

' A NEW REMEDY IN CONSUMPTION — A-I'hyKcmii ivbu hail Oonsiiraplion" for sovoml yoars,Tilth tn-quont bloLrtings ol tholungi, fuii-d himsultwtth inuuiliciiioTitiltiTOivnto tlie-pfofesslbn, whun-hi= cu-o uupi-arod Iiopelen Hu n tbo only physi-cian who hud used it in hi, i™ti pcrioni oi who Iinsany kninilnlKC. "t its MrtuLS , and hn i"aTi mrnbetlio dcgiro ni lionlth he uoi\ iwi oj i to nothing «utthe sio ol hii mcrtioino nnd miTRing but uttoi rU-s-puir nnd cntiru oxtiniitioD of nil hopo on-ecovory,toj)i>tberwith n «nnt ufenhlidoncA In rill oniors in-duood him to hainrd thu pxporimont. To thososuffering with nny disonso of cbo Lungs ho proO'oru

_n_LroattncjtxtJlo confidently boliovos vvill ounlicatotho dnciiHn Price $1 61) per bottle or~?R n bilTdozoni sent by cvpii".a bond ,ior n oirculaf or callen Itti E. Hoi I.STON J A ^ R O V ,

j e l l Ho 25irNnrtli Tcnth"Strout, Philadulpliui

| y DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, <V- CATAHR1Itreated with tho utmost success, by J lhAACb,M D , and 1'ro/f.itir of Dtvc«jf(jo/ thr Lve andliar, -in the Medical Uollrgt of 1'rnnayhaiita,12 yiin,15 eipcrienoe, (forinorly of- Lsydeii. ilol-Iaiid,)KQ S«5 AJ1CU. St \PHIIJA 'Testimonialscan bo oeen at hiioffioc The medical fnculty areinvited to nooompany their patients, us ho h.w noSci-rots in hi^ prnotico Artificinl eyo^ lnsrrlciwithout piiin. No charge for eiaminatloB. jol l


—This lo a ooninion remHrlc, yet how fow

thiiilt of tho danger of osposing thoinsnlvmi tn their

inQitfinoo'-7 In nil low, morahy localiltes Agho nnd

Eighth, ij'J'fl' <Mt<1 St.

Pribo of the' Bitter*; al .00 por bottlojOr* a half dozen for f ri.OO.

3?rloo of tlie "Toniu.TUJ. SO por bottle;Or, a hiilf dosjoh for S7.6O.

ftotl6-2m 39 -Wvtb Bt»t» BU

Tlin Finli. l» |»lt nu In quinKccolLr.ct.Uial it is Dr. IlvoftancVt German 2temtdies

that are. so universally ttstil an&'so highly recommend-ed f itnil do wit aUma Iht- XTrugijist to induce you totake <my Oiinj/ elie Vitxt ht may gay is just ai poodt l*e-catueVts vtakes'a. larger.prnJU on it.:.-Thr&ifltemediesvitU be fait by vepi ess to_un% totality upon applicationto tht



j\*0. (131 A RCir 8TIIEET, Philadelphia.

OHAB. M. fflyAirS, Propriotor

Formerly 0. M. JAOKSON &. GO.

- TMi«mi »om«*»«s'...-»v« tor sale lnyfDfilgKl'ti! Storeltccrnird^ u l M*dl-olilfc JUiitlcri «¥er}'wlnM.

bo liM forget in examine tuclt (he article you t/uyt inorder (0 B<*jnc tWi«i»u:i

Tovcr prevail at this sen-on of tho yoar In this

dieoiisQ thoro U invariably moro ot lesa doraDgO-

mbnt of'tholiybr nnd digestivo orgnnB. Tbo ro

mi'dios usually resorted to huvo refcreneo to pro

-rcnliiig~tlio paroSJEDT OT-bTBakinE up tho ohills —

If this s olftctod without removing tho oauso, a

relapse is inovit.iblu. HOSTETTEB'S STOMACH

BITTERS etrito direbtly nt tho foundntion of tho

ovil, by loting on tho hver nnd correcting digci

tion The ormBo"being roftoVod. tho paroxysm nil

oonso, nnd- tho'ohills oannot return. -Wh6n tho

pntiont is weok and debilitated, the BITTER'S

should bo rosorted to,\na thoy will atrongthen. and

tone tho Btomaoh, nllny all nervouu irritation, and

infusoronewed animation into tlm hitherto droop-

ing spirits, without entailing tho dangor of reao

S ^ t O^JkLiqH felTTER^ i», t ru lyj ; a l i d ^ h (h f b l

•»nd no one-who Tftlnos hls^Aogtu ~avun« w QO jlWlulOtU W2 SOXtllj Iu9 H^BIOBIWtfc-tlllB iftattittnble tonlo *nd inTiearaiit, mnd the-."Obflta pf Oofelmr Jvittiing*" will n»Toao t»rrorfor you.

1-S6 8.


l:>ai-ii<*»«.lJJ.3i' N o i t o c .

r lure anrl *?ntl "•Mawey hy * Raip ittrrd^han poisiMn. In some instiinois Country

i f T t f l i t tu—

No. 38 Greene Street,.

, S NOW OPENING A SPLENDID LtNK OPIU ods at LOW PRICES, conmsting m pnrt of




a UPS,




iiunrrfligGTt lo fttl'lUHiliultorS tu—Qn;in^ that om bumntia cniuu midei thu lnwt LotUTrc-*) Uilt Jin'r-ijni"!! &« illhoup-h

it hna been ovor imd ovor doclnirod lawful by tholi-gul n'lthoritici 'Jliifi iintmu i« mutilated bj tbojiinloiiBy of Ouuntry Murohnnts. In oiiso nny Post1

'miuilur should iifriiiii doBJino to forward lutterajSI ?U> HY EM'llEnS

]]rc cannot he. .f^a^.v;^^ fpr flloupp lost, UTI*\uviu JIJI iiiuliiiit\ inn titt-fii to secutff its


Sond your in full, Tow-n, Couutj aud

s, c. Tncaifit0ii<i ctiL.t30 I'i nnn' i . ' T , flo">rovi,~M*'!i'J.


Both Long and Square.


CL-OAKS I— - In uU tho-




WATER-PE00P REPELLANTS,Which aro now BOjomilnr—tho best makes at




"IVT.B3ST O I ' OTJ3S. T I 3 S I 3 H 1 S . "or Lending PntrioHnf th« D"ny An rlnRant vol-ume, splrndidly illnitintnl with 10 hcuiliful StsolEugr i\ ings, and n pin trml of tho author* Mra.

I J A B K I l i T KISECCTEIt STOWK., AKOIV"1! nay it I? tbo bcit, miJ « / / j / i j qi/iri-ed

of any JISOJLLhtiy~-d^c/.^J0/^A.^U^JlsAthQ^iJL)21Qjtd^null-It.-.- Evorvbijdy wnnlr it. Agents nre" taking200 orders per wiuk Wo pny oxtin lnrgo oom-IIMBIIIIIIH and ginnt iiAijlubivo tsriitury. Solid, forcirculars, giving fnll pii-rtieulnr^.Address. J. D. DENISON, 208 Broadway, TTowYork. • • ' • • • - . • • • • 4 w -

WE HAVE COMEioiiU to rtgynte to oo-opotdtd


With groatwitli us in our

SHFKTtNGS FREE of Cost to oar Agents.WA'l'C HRSrftRKE of Cost to our AgonlaKE1VIN(5 JfACIFlNES I'rcb of Cuit to AgiAila.LEATHER GOODS Free of Cost to AgentSiLINEN GOODS Free of O.*»t to onr.ABe'iit*.SILKS AND SHAWLS Free of Cost to Agimts.JiOOTS \ND SHOES Free of Cost In AgontB.DRESS GOODS Free of Cost to oul- -Agents.

GREAT DOLLAR BARGAINS FOR OUR, CUSTOMERS!Send, for our oiroul ir Agonta wuutod ovorjr-

whoro. ' ,


U A I t B I S & rij irlJiMErij


evorywhoro. male nnd fomnlo. to intr<Hluoe tbAGENUINE IMPJiOVKD UUMMON,b£NSE EAMI,IiY_SE,WINa_ MACmiNE_Tlii8 Tttiu»hine -will

Bleached &- Unbleached

V E R Y ? 5 ? i P .




3,000 YDS. tARD •VriDB HEA-VY


I i Y _ S E , W I N a _ M A C m i _ estitch, hfimL,Tcll, tuo£, quilt, oord, Bind^braidftnttembroidoi in a most saponor manser. Prioo, onlyS18 Fully wnrnmtcd for fiyoyenrB WanrClIpiiy$1000 for any Mtiobino that JVIII^BOW"i'nraagtr,mo™ beautiful, or moro e'lustio 6enm th*n ours,—It nUkes tbo Elastio Iioot faiitdh."v,;Ever? wseon*BtitoteUd'n Bo oat, and etffl tbe ololll attonot Bo pulled npnrt Tritliout toaring i t Wo pay Agont*from jfS to S200 par month, A.Bd bijlftdqes, or aqoromisBion, from wbrqh fwi,oo that awoifhtoiinbo

mndo. Aafcos.-., sECOSEB * c a ^ r E i p B O K e ,PA. or, BOSTON, MAgS. « , £'

OAUTIOiJ.- onotbe iwpOi^W^y ollwr

partlos i r f J t 1 ^ ^ ^

dtundgethasa r^gyjonly.KpnuIno nnd' reeJOy prBn

B T t i d "


o»U, fooling coniiaent

their advantage.

"Sin "make it to'er, enables thu qt


Page 4: hst - digifind-it.com filehst '•- •••••••• IPsPfiPPppii^H!^^Si^^ff^^ip^^Si^S^^^^^S^^»S?l,v, ••V;-'--;'L-:": . **:-^->v/-v-;/ ^ '*• I * ;-^'!: v:V':Ti; 'ri;'f":'::W'vW

3V' \ " M


Mr. Borrow) onoo editor of tne'Qww tarly JievteiOt\ miilin^nf 7*Aii Rt$li,%n ftpatn. tollnof n Bpnn-

ish mob which rioted undor'tlio very window of thoQa«6B«Mathor, which l l a » .short timo. oxhlblted

—•II tha gunlUioa ota.1fashion Gen. Querndn, a purtiznn of tho Qaeon-Motlior, hfr'f no trnopit fa n(d him, hut wiflhatl toiaye the palnoe from being sacked , and bo did soAttended by one aido-de-onnrp, ho chnrgod thowhole muli, oo^siutlug of Ihijaisimds of pooplo, drlving thorn baolc, with Ms horse and striking themwith tho nut of his sword. "JToTOr," snys tho nar-rator, "did I witness such splendid bornemamhipand suoh~ n jraliAnt f««t." Quosada wai llko ftg lkrtigntofoJd nnd oxhibitod a wondrous pieoo of

vrtlbr'. But ovon bruvo men have their ills of cow-

srdtoeT "After driving tho pooplo put of tho squaro

or plnco tho gonorui rodw li-wk, then funr seized

him •; hofled^nnd the mob run after him, howling

^ ftf.hl* bloo4, The brAvq tn(in t int thoD8ands-..of

people could not face, they pantrd to debtruy, mid

thon besot him liko n Iwnrtn'•of boos. In an hour

or eo, as BorroiV uas sitting in a pnblic cofToo

howse, thoro was IL murmur and a rufgb, mul soiny

of tho mob cnnio bi(6fc with n bloody Hiiiulkerohlof

Out-nf tlin Ituruliiuf thuy tuul-(a*doad man's hund, nndj touring asunder tins fin

gors, stii5i«wrthoiro<)irco with thorn, and then drunk

' ^ l y ^ a n i l to tho downfall of tyrants " Quo-

of tho mob proved (fOtbiiij;, nnd did nothing.' Vij-

lonco, OBpooiaUy BuilcUyii Ylo-lcnco, ia mostly folly ,

At any ratOi it H seldom or ntver Rlrriigth In

J701 ft.Church imdStiito Jnbb ' usaomblttd at Blr-

11nlTighani to^fodlutm thomiiitRTdTiT lire

of tho l?renoh Involution Did thli mob (which ,

by tho way, wai a most disgraceful iiiob) oheck tbo

Revolution ?' No; :itonJy sacked and burnt tbo

hou'M of Mr Uutton and Dr Pnostly, two distin

guishoj scholar*, (wo Bay nothing of thoir , prlnoi -

plos,) who had not injured tho mob, und whn

>vcro always on tho aida of tho pcoplo*

Somo timo ago, HuDtsvillo, Ala , tras under

muninipiil law, permitting only druggists to sull

intoxicating Jujuori, nnd thon only by a urittun

ordor from a phy-iician It happened nn u coM,

rainy diy, J t mpinbnr of it. IVmv Yoi tt* dry guinlM_

ping at tbo hotel, hont a noto to a drug ^toro ior a

bottle of whifky The liroto was ruUtrnid uniiu"

tho wlmky, but with ifllorlii ilinri th it a phyi

niati'a ordoi would bung it. i t only miimrLil a

moment to.adii "M P " toJolinnon'sn-imo Httitch-

ed to tho noto, and the whisky via forthcoming

Tho next day, in contercntiou mill Johii-iin, tho

druggist addressed bun IL-J ' diiLtor " "HIJI_ pnr-

6aid Johnson, * but I am no doctor " ' l 'ut

yon put SI D to juhr nimo yeiturday ' " " I h i t

only stuud for mighty d iy , " Mas tho 000I reply

.Among tho quotitionsjn common u 0, ''Diirk aspitoli," "Evoiy tub mint st'in<l nn its own hottorn," am lound uiTiiiii^nn tT>\ liuoli or LUUIIC ""'Through thiok and thin, are um il !>_> ^poncci 111the ' 'Famo Queen " bmell 11 i.Lt," 11 f inpluytdby Ben Johnson, und hy liutlir 111 • Iliidibriii "i lWrong sow by thu oai ," (i»m *ri ndtrert l 'liikotho wrong pig by the o.ir,") 1 uiod by BLII J0I111-Hon l lTurn ovt r u new lriit^" occurs 111 Mulille-ton's play of "Auytl IHR for a Qma Lili, " "'Ihomoon U mado oi 10011 cnnobi, ' n found in lLibi -lais "Todioi i i i l iolHti l i t i . i l ," whii.li id jiupnIarlv supposed to have originated in tfie iboulli

'during iho into rebUlwn, i<t tr.mod to Williuin u(Orange, who once said ^'Thuro 11 imo eurt.imnu'iina by winch 1 con be "uro ne\rr to 100 mycountry s ruin—I will iii« in tlio 1 ist ditch ' '

A D I S U N T 111 LATioV —Iho other day as thesteamer Buck^yo wai ubout to depart for Now Or-lotinfl trom Cincinnati, a tall countryman, ourry-lT)g 11 pair ot saddle-bags ou bis. aim and oovomdwith perspiration, and who looked ai though" liecould nt teir^his head fn>m a bunch uf ihin&los,JUBllHll lulu tbo Cfttmr, UHlllllg—ftt-tho—top-trt—tovoioii *

('}Vhai is Colonnl Melutosh 7 Is Culonol Mc^

No one answorud"Well' then, y*bar 11 tho can'un ? I must floo

Cnlonol Mulntosh "On boing informed tli.it tho captun^viiH on the

hurncano deck, mir iiiqniruifr frtend piiif:thrmigh Ihoerinid 111 tluit dniniiun

"Haul 111 tbo pi ink1* iwtl abovti hur ofl " ' sound-111 hi* ears ja»t 111 ho reached tbo deck*- "Stop her," enp'nn—stop her1 I am not (roingtu Now-(.)rlcans "

mL LliU jilunk ' A^horo lvlih y6uj Lhon,quick1" shouted Cuptmn If irt°horn

**X ouy, 0 •p'uxi, i n.mt Lo anj tol«P«l AlclutoibI inqst see him " rf -

j i I dun't know Intn, sir," quickly nrmrored tlioultl 4tn tiog- "AVo Ljn'L wuiL—go 'nuhuro111 th« pl^ult^, I Miy | J 1

"Oh, Cnp*mi, 1 mnit «oo tho Ki*rnol—huN u dis-tutit relation ol iniinj, uiid I uev^r jiaw him in— mylifu '

Novr Captain H is a wurni-heai tnrl in^n UH ovory ono knows Tho last iippoal touohed hia ioelings, and bo kinilly inquired

'llow noar oi kin uro >uu to- tho— gondeinan• 1' - .


"Oa^t o£f that haw'ior and lot her go, ' woro tbolast words heard And the bout and the man Unitinn in "ourch of hid relative wended thoir way toNewOrleanB.


'The contract for furnishing tho Governmen

with puitago stamps for tho fioxt four yeais ha^


of Now-York. Nmv deigns have been adoptod

for nil tho .stamps, as follows

Tho two cent stump represents a poit boy on ahoiia rilling at lull speed, illustrating tho facthat thm stamp is mostly used ior diip.Ui h lotters

On the throe gent stump there ia a finoly onginvod looomotno, 'this IB surrnundod hy lines ollightning, indicating tho sputd w'ub wlikh lottorsuro ournod on which this stnnip is nicd

— Tho-live oenL«tamjLli(iB_aii_oiaqllpnt_p_orlrnit oWashington. "

The ten oont stamp has an OTCollcnt miorosoqjjieal oopy of the painting of tho •rijrnipg ol the I)i;duration uf Indupemlonoe, hanging in tho rotund.iat Wushingld)). *

" ~Tho-tti1ElTg-oeiri1»tatmp,-iiierttty uaeil 'ftiFToTOlgipo3tugo, Iiua a ploturo of a stonmcr ut soa

The thirty cent etamp has n copy of a paintingof tho-surronder of BirrjfO}'ira,Tittnging in iho ro-tunda of tire national oapitol

BJc to bo used will prevent washing and 11B.ing thh (tampB a oooond timo Tlio libra in thorentro oil the papiJrJs brokou'enrnplaUry,- and theyadhere bettor} WAIIO, the ink of oancclntion sinTin to'the papor. V_ """ "•.-

*A PMATT Boy'i ^ovrosixioM —Corn ttro of alkinds,. Vcfietkblo and animal. Vtgetablo congrowtln Tows/iandl *jiima1 corn grows on toesThero ara several Riruls of corn. There'is

ndt jl Ri

»ori\dre r a c r n . Thorois u

corn, oiprioUp), -»ori\dodgor3, fiold corn, andaorn, which fa -tha corn you fool tho most. I tS*Iil Lbstie™ th«f gophers lllco corn ; but p~S*Iil, Lbslieno, tKif gopbers. like corn ; tintBO us having cSnrni) do^iot like to 'go Tar" if v..«joan-faelp tF>~CorravfaQ.-te kernels, and pbmo oolonelshave corns- yegeUblo corn grows on ears, but an-imal corn,grows\on( the feet at the other end of thobody. ^Awitber kind of nor i U- acorn, 'l'hostffrow/pn oftkSjibut there Vis dt hoax*bon't tho o^rnl'ha ooonj is a com with nn indefinite article, butlie'qorM fuvtttj definite In deed. Xry it and eeoMaStXtii'Blttn ,**«n'lie ljas a conn wishes it wore oj

>rns so^netimes send fo. • himself if'oorncd, he

i» M well As if he-isji't. Tha doo-prodneed bj tight boota or Bhoes,

-T— nfarmolr monngodaal of

aoorniswj!oi»» uuti nmjL oorns nomeumes sendftdootor;itn4if,th» doctor himself i f oorncd«9?L4fW7*'*>}rfl0 M well as if he tsp't. Tha

bp^thathasoornihfttmflies thor S k n g v TIleL l>'Bg«r orop of« £ *suet tho hotter he likes II,



Snuer-Phosphate of Lxmo, Ammonia &Potash.


nrrtpsnf all kinfliiT ftjiri il I>ifr1ijy rccommmd-<jd py All Ttha hdTO ap<n\ it, JIIFO U^* distingmn]i«ilChcmi8t-S wJio hiiVCj by unnfysis, tostod UtfVjuiilf-tlOH

Paclfd in JJagx w/ OO lbs. each,


by \VFM MIA71) South Street,

Hjr Umiughtiut-tim uu

M O l l O P II I L L I P S '

Super-Phosphate of Lime.STANDAKP C

'11 A"oitA Front Shed, Philadelphia,

Aro. 05 South Street, Bdllimare.

by Dealers in general throughout the country.

ThePl l lLLlPS 1 PHOt.rilATi: 11 nml iihwiyi lini hi LII113 liiufttcturod, {uriil of which hn ]I»H tho iol« ton-rol fur thu Urnttal t" tutus j contnins fifty pel c nnt

Iuir»_H»n*i rho^'uutfl tltmj Jtmv J?opot thurtloru itIM nioro ilumhlo The iiddiLFon of Aniin^iiifl. g n nI f rontf r fnrtili/in^ "\ uluo

0\^r y years' c\pcnoncft ]JIL*( prnrcd to theKiirmoi thut i tnuiki i JI hi i\ icr j ra.111 thin evoli3t,Lblu niimuro, unO I1* not only ictivo but 1 laLinft

riiLu, ij(i iHt jjiw Inn, J,Ouo Ihu

Di'ioount to donlLft —"

July Hfi7.. tf.

M011O ,

o prooprietor and Manufacturer,f

Now is your Tiioe to Buy Olieap-ALL TUOHB WIJJHINO TO BUY

China and Glassware,WOULD DO "WELL TO CALL ON

fib (.RKr'NJ;'hriu,rT,(Opuositu tho MnrLct,)

'1'KENTUN; N. J .horn tin y -\\ill find a Lirj^c Aj—ortinont of

*nrTi: jni \Nni; jnfiyim .i i n ur,n.Ll o r i - i " ! -"I/J,^, Pliim "VIKI J>»ni>iiito>), * =•

I 'UENGll CHINA, lUnin andfiolil |j;tnd,tlLASS WAlt.10" OF AI.TJ KINDS,

VAhC'i A\'J> l-ANCi' (jtlOI)h,TABLE CUTLKEY,


LAME'S, TEA TRAYS, &o., Ac.VW StnmpIiiE for Itrnid and Enibroidory ilimo

to order* . a[il^-ly



Trenton , TST. J.s

4faihnvo in Stiff// Prttftt* ttirrf Qttirfi Rr/tfn/1 „thoy thurcloiu nivilo nil who hiuo twy Winding ttid(>} to call and look ut th< ir


^ h l o h a r o lotv^r Ihu t i tho iO of titty tttfn i rit,i//i\frmint IK the httftf

They iilio manufacture- all kmdt of



From TEN TO TWENTY PER ULXl: CAW HSAVED by dealing with us



Juno 14—ly


Mattings, Oil Cloths, Ruga, &c.WHOLESALE AND RF.TAIJi,

iVo 37 Fouth Keroiul iSitrrt^ abvv? (Jntitjiut,


N ]J.—PurohaHors ^vill to call my7

TH E H O U S E n O I . D CANIToi_suppl\ ing DWETJ,ns*GS, faTOKK^.JU'An-

TORIES, CIH7U01IES & PUBLIC BUILDINGSwith Uas. LrcncraUfi gas without Lure or jlctft '

Tho simplioity and ease by which this Maohincid managed, as also its economy, and gre.it merit,rccouimeudi it to publio fnvor. Call and seo machine in oporatinn at tho store

Mit?tufaelicrer aiid Sole Agev),


Tib rHYnibliing'Storo, NoT733Uroon ?A , Thiluda

Sond for Illustrated Circular au2()ji3m



Stcamsliip and Sailing _Pack_et,_. BY W-EEKLY LJNBS,


Continue to issno Passagn Tiekota, availnblo fortwelve months, from LONDON, LIVTKPOOL urQUE13NSX0WN, nnd Drafts, payable oh. duuiand,from any omountfrom £1 and upwards- j«25-ly


Prices, snoh as Council Ridee, Suck Mountain,

A good wpplx for the Ketail Trudo constantly

_ Those-wishing to tmrphaae.fn either. Ifttgn or,lunall ijuautttles,jWill Jlnd U td their interest to

. *." JACOB EABI/T--



BAUGH & SONS, Philadelphia,\ ANO



BAUUll'b HAW JJONiJJPIIOSPIIATE,- ' - - ~ ',(j p e r oOft p«undn'

s CIIICAOO HUNT: TERTILTZEII,$50 pi-i 2000 pounds.

s i -nif ' \<;o BLOOD M V N U R E ,$00 per^000 pounds.

Tho ubovo Manures mo furnished in both bugand barrels, whichuVur customers pvefor

"* The Bags oro uniform in woight IBO Pounds ^

1 liu 'iTlt'TTffinfcot Mariners ujciprcmlly diroctconotho faut. that .tho soureea of tho Haw Material ofwhlolr tho above MHurtrc:5 ore composed, uro soWoll under control that wo can fuininhos them ofl in t l j unifuiin iiunlity and condition, anil Hi it

thty tontiim A lur^ur pijrOLntu^u i i uniruonia thn.iiIIII> ulliur ola-^ ot niniiufjictuttdjiiinurci in themarket


Uo. 27 West State strcot, Trenton, N. J.

(A few doors nbovo Warron strcot.)

ij-Tlo-liiMi ftldo oponinl in -oouncelion therewith a


whoro may bo found a fino assortment ofj





Mill Work, and othor Maohinory, ouoh 0BHorse Powers '-and Throuhing Machines, Oorn^linllors, Bartlo & yauEhn'a Straw Outrer?,madeto order at short notioo.


Nearly all Iho difloront kinds ot l'lowa in goneral uso will also bo found at his ODtablishmoi t, Inolnding tha colobratod D.EATS PLOAV. AlsoSlttipjh itnd &lod 8hots, Wngon Bo tiH, J o , Ao" "IlTivlTre rcnnlo-n wtrof "rnrttdriYTl\)VT,lio right nndIoit


lie 11 pi op iicil I " fin in-1) tho u n i t (o \my who mayInvt u clorth* ^itick1.at Now Y"nilLniu(.aIRON TURNING AND FITTING, h C R O L L

HAW JN(J, .0 , dojin at short noticof AUHINJ.ikvy lUOPAIUBD on ronaonRTjle tc*ms-

'lllO Slllliuill"! llGlit'villK th.lt thp Only t.im pinnof oouiiuLthi£ bu"!nei3b it on the Onsh juinciplo,will horoH-ftor rcquiro tho oasli or its equivalentfor all work tn-dci'ed

BERING MIANGLEIli)iht9lbwii, Jan. 1, 18(54.

31cf/io(7ist liooh- Concern

constantly on hand and suppliod to order.


North Western Fertilteing Co.


£ ' UAVKIVH . TfffAIV-"£» ffAIVUI£I S JUIIJ be prniuii d fruin donlurJ in any olthe pnnuip 1 toHiu' in tho L'iiiU.d fclati lor Dnmuiion of Canada. jy 2 4ui

PliotogaapE aii?l AmHrotyp« (laUeryMAINT bTUI^Tj_TrTaUrSTOWN, N J

Tho i u b ' c n b e r ri ipi-i'llully inl'iirm^ tho L i d k jnml (jpiilk-ini n (if lli|rliHtll!in nnd MCllllty Llllltho h.it imrclrisi d the ,ibo_w U i lk r> , anil 11 nowpn-|iil(«l lo i-\ocuti> p d r l i n U fimil luokct ho lite

e, in tho highest j t i 1( ol the 111CAiirrs DL visrir,

ftn brill l.lln \ 0[ tiino in£l__l_n (lit nl npkq tQ_niltllltnot Tolm i \CI_1IM1 by those ol mi; Ualleiy 111 theUnitnl !it lift

^NL\IU,LD l ' llOKXillAl'IIS t ilton fnnn oldJ1 i^ui in 11(3 pc-, mid Ainbrot3poi, pi umir limshoilIn Ink oi ~W iti 1 Tnlo! 1

I'll-din who h.wo h.id Photn^r ipln tikuii !>•>1 AuM-.11, can him- pictures triim the i.imc JS'c^

ati\i s at. any tunoPrice ot UAKTLfc, IIII VThllLS, ^'J JO noi 1I.17

" LAIKil. I'ilOJOI.RAPU^ i l ZJ.11 It P K I l ^ r , l'huto^i iphoi

Aug 25, Ihl)7 fim


No. 41 NORTH SIJOOBD &Tni*r.T,


IIift'hl-,toHii III d luiroiindot


it pitCLJ to JUit tho timi -

N Pi 1 rirntli' Hut* nlwujs uu Ii ma nnd mack't" ordi-r i4(i()-Cm

Tpil_L]b7JI BREAD, U^KE, AND_ n ^ ^ ^ , „ „ ^ , j I tt \ H l.r-l ^l^-fci l ^ J _ ^ _-ess

*'S,o v at A rv-fttl-l irt-B-ito-ir^;-irh

ITS IS A 1. .

arifl tho mil th (it j o u i Ilium v HI nil . . . . . . •."if I'.illii") luppl iod n i t h 1 me} LaKi Di.mj••- 111 nii l i no , nt bhoi t iiorirn

aru<Y BASTOW.TTightitou n Julj 2,


PAXTUSiAt thu uld Htnnil of,-J'lixroir-ft Jloiint, would in-form Ilia publio that they have just laid in a fulllino of





Wlin-h will In mid irj thcip K)R CARII

_ " ~ - 7 ^ -JS-A.I-Irf.Wl^t"uTho Tiiloiinp; lm-incs-j will still be continued lit

this stand, in all its branches. Garments inadoatshort notice, and satisfaction guarantcod in


apl9 l'AXION X SAVI«r -

HW.'i E\(!EI.f«IUK SU5


No 805 ARCH RTRi-LT, (2d donr above 8lh,JHOTth bid.(j,)JPIIII,Al)]!.LJv


F A M Y F U R S ,01 c\ (Mjrde'tOriptWnfJnnd ill all «ricc^,

H IIOLV.SAI.I, AND lirTAlIy(lenmno Jlink faablo Sets at S20 and upwardsOouuino Siberian Bquiirol Kets, nt $10 and up

wards,Squirrel Mufb at So and upwards, and all kinds

of flno Fura at reasonable pficcsPorBcns Vfinhing to purchase, will do well to give

u"i n oallFurs altiirod and repaiiedIJ?-J Highest oash pnoo p.i!d for Shipping tfursOot_l_,_18"8, 4uios. _

324 FURS I FURS! FURS! 324


No. 324-BOUTH BTEET. between "3rd and 4th,South Sidi-, PHILADELPHIA.

A largoas'sortinentofLAniEs' and Cfiir,DjiEs'8

•\VHOLL-SALE AND RETAIL- Oenuino MINK-SabloSotJ) from §20 npwnrdi.—

Geimino BIBKltlAN SQUIRREL Sots fromSlO-50 upwards

Gonuino SOUIRREL'MUPFS ffo"m"^T lipwards.N. -B.—I am selling my goods at tbo lowest cash

puces,Purcha^ors will bear this fact in mind.

Furs altertd and rtvuirfd.i y Shinning Furs bough tat highest oash pricesOet 1, 1863, 4 mos

p DRUG BUSINESS of tbo lato SAMUELJL nOLCOMBB;.-Doo'd, will: bo oontinnod by thosubscriber as horoloforo, at tho abovo placu, whorewill bo found constantly on hand 0. full and aom-plele aesortment of

Pure Drugs, Medicines & Chemicals,Carofully seluotod'and prepared.



Having Boonrod the services of a competentDroggut, of several yosrs oiporienoe be th In cityand country, all medioines will bo disponaod withskill-and dispatch.

JPatnailar attention trill U given to t/iFCOwl-ontuitngofPJcpincitnis'Prescriptions, ->, ',


• • - . •• •


fnTiinlnd ut New V"il jinrc!


iny!7 27 "West State street, rontoii, N, J

Vegetable Sicilian Hair RenewerHai stood tJio test of seven years

- before tlhe-pui>lie j~andr-iio-pr'epar-«tion for the hair hax yet been dis-covered that will produce tlie samebeneficial results. It is an entirelynew scientific ili^covcrif, combin-ing many oftheinostpowerful andrestorative aqents in the VEGET-ABLE KINGDOM. It rrntorc* CREYKAfH TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTM-I-UL COLOR. It tnalces the scalpwhite and clean; cure? dandruffand \Tinmors, and falling- out ofllie lhui »«Ji<:Z will inalec it growupon bald heads, except in veryaged persons, at it furnlsha themttvittce principle hy which tho

• hair is nourished and supported._Tt maftes tliahulrmuist, soft, and{/lossy, and It unsurpassed its a

-11 A-iii n it-nss / Jsra. rt /.-»thecheapest preparation ever offeredto the public, as one bottle will ac-complish more and last lonaerthan three bottles of any otherpreparation.

It it recommended and uietl bit

Higlitstown Iron Foundry



will quickly restore Gray Hair*natural color d b

and produce luxuriant gro\Vth, It is, perfectly haimles^, and is preferredover every other preparation" bythose who have a fine head of hair,as wull as those who wish to restoreit.'.- 'l^he beautiful gloss and perfumeimparted to the Hair make it desirable

\.» , for old and young.I^ov Sale fty a l l !Drn^$;lRtd.


thc First Medical Aiithority.'I'fi.h }Vfififf4'-Vfll-tV??1'fft IH'Olltlucad-

by our Sicilian JIair Henewer liaveinduced many to manufacture

various names; and, in order toinduce the trade and the public topurchase their compounds', theyhare reported to falsehood, buclaimiiuj they were former part-ners, or had borne connection withour Mr. Hall, and their prepara-tion wax'slmllar'to' oars.' 1)6'not

' }>}f tliem. 'PiircJiase. t.Tiebe deceived b>original: itm^ • - : : M aa l r if——*•* * * • • * • ^ — » - v * n M j i i f c ^ i i i i w ^ i n I I F • —

original; if has never yet beenequalled,. Our Treatise :on theJIair, with certificate*, s~cnt freeby mail. See that each bottle hasour private Jtcvennc Stamp oeerthe lop of tha bottle. All othersarc imitation*),*

n.T. Hall & Go,, Prop's, Nashua, N.H.Sold by all Driujgisls and DtaLia in Meilinnr

AiSfD-^ -. -pL&lN-AN:

P \TTEI(^!3 ol ill Mm nioilcin stvlei «f Wici^htjUidUj't Uvn I'VIIMIIK.JJJI ftmaciKi-, IJuui

\iiulq, Buildmcs, iVc, 11113 bu • r-cn nndc\jmincd|'V (.Mlhiiiron tiiGiii'ismliri ,\\lio iq pup-iiod to putiip t'ic sune iMtb citlici iron 01 m<ublc pn.t--,!g 'Ort nrdcr find ut short notice.

April l»,-18(!.t. . •• . T-IIO'S.O.PEATICE.


Gilt, Walnul, nnd iiiiiliition Ilosewood l'iotiiroJj'riimoB. oval nrched and square,

LOOKHSja-ULAKPES nf-Tiil'-jlzcs; itrM ,vatwaM1 ' styles ot Eriuncsj-nt - "^~l


Whero may bo-fatind n 50norn1"n.nsortm0nt of Chtna,'Qin!enswaro, Glmswnrd, Britiinninand PlatoWaro, Ao, ' _ _

A!BO on-hand, n. lot of GEKMAJT OAMTARTBIRDS, warranted good singers

Jfol- 22,1868, tf

Vfc AMBOV K A H . I t * A D


PASSENGER TllA^NS LEAVE IITGHTSTOWftdaily, (Sundajauxeoptod,) nsfjllowa:

FOB SEW Tonic.First train lenvco a t . . . . . . . , . . .7 i)4 o'clook, A. MSecond do. (Express) at ......i. 02 " P.M

FOB PnUjABELPUIA.First train at 8 13 o clocft A. JlSecond do. Eipross, n.tj_._._...... 4.42 " ('

WAY LINE TO 80UTH AMBOY.Leaves Higlitstown at D 40 P. M

Tho first train for Philadelphia conneots withtrain leaving Bojdonlown iit_0 38." Passenjtera for Noiv 'Brnnsntok, Rnh-wny,

City. snd'Newar'k, will take the 7.34 a, m , andtho i. 02 p m lines. Ohango oarfl nt Jaraosbnrg

Passongers leave Now York from l'jori NorthIMvor, nt 6 30 a m and'3-prim. - -

Prom Philadolphia^—leave foot of Walnut strootat 6'SO At M., nnd 2 and 8.00 P.'M.

Trains leave BonJentown for Trenton at 11 35a. TO., and \.00,-3,d077.20,vJiJid 0.20p, m-.'.Leave TrentbnforBoidentQfm at 6.50 o.m,and

12 20, 2 50, »nd 8-50p: m. , " -,de«l0-- ., - ,H -AAK(iN COWARD. Ag't.

dyer'sHair Vigor *

For restoring Gray-Hair loits natural Vitality and Color.

A drossing whicKis at once agreeable,healthy, and offeetunlfor preserving tlioJu&li*» Jyatleff or'gr&ffhair is soon restoredto its original colorWith the gloss ' anilfreshness^ of youth*Thin hair 13 thick-

ened, -falHng^hBii* checked, - jmtl bald^neas often, -though not alvwiys^ curedby its use. Nothing; con reatorte thehair whore the fulliulu* uru duBtroyed,or tho glands atrophied «ind decayed.But such as—remain—eaa—be—fraved-jer•Usefulness by this application. Insteadof fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi-ment, it will keep it clean and " '

se-wrri—prevepfrom turning gray or falling off,CQnacquently prevent baldness. Freefrom those deleterious substances whichmnke some preparations daugorousjinrfinjurious fo ~ilie—luuiv~llieV'igbr ~eai*only bonpfit but not harm it. Ill wantedmerely for at

HAIR DRESSING,nothing else can bo found &o desirable./Containing neither oil nor dye, it Joe*not soil white, cambric, and yet lasts*long on the hair, giving it a rich glossylustro and a grateful-perfume.

Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer_&2W)-TVTTAI.TTICAL CHEMISTS,

L O W E L L , MASS.PJBIOE $1.00.

Til by Pmluii & Sitviigo, Ilightstown; DnViaonyo, U-riuibury, und (iiM>rugg(Bi3-nini-0onlErav litJro / ' oe8lj



Can be nKtjf] in nil the Forme shownIN BOTH CUTS.

T U E ¥. A , » J» E HIs rciidily Lflngthnnedor Sbdrtoncd, Solf-Siipport-

ing, Eiisily Tninsportcd, Convortiblo into a .Stop Ladder or Sooffold'




PBICBO8T.20 foot, oxtrn. weight. :.'..[ , . 10 00.10 foot, 3 Sootions, (enoli ]0 foot) Eitend-

ed longth^about-S1} foot^ - - _ _ _ ' ^ . 1 0 0040 foot, 4 ScottonaT (nnn"l?,rtwo.l0, and ono *' *

8 ft long) Extended Ioneth about 37 feet, 21 00Other sizes jn'proportion. -Liberal dlsoonnt to

tho Trado. _ H

Sinflle Lndden fonwardsfi, A-eiflhlpre-p»W, fo n*or«jj'Station, dnTaoaipt^fftstailFlrlab •'

AQENTB*"WXNTIlDin witjoaanS to ennvnsaandrloll. A186--wanl»d,»Ba«««l«>TB«lfal)j8( Ca-pable Men totr»V*a'|f«T^{BBHil^8onirty AgeiitB''

a: -^^i

Ayer's Cherry Pectorals _ |3Tor Diaoases of tlie Throat nnd-X.iUH£S,

Buoh as CouRhs, Golds, 'WliooptriKCousti, Bronohitis, Aathms,

nnd Consumption.Proii.ibly .novev before in the whole history of

Hi' ii n i,'i.isM.i>lliiiijivonl>i0JvIiMj .niliuoilpi'lilv;iil»iii iln- i-onlMOiu'.o of iiKinkind, HI this fxi-ellen't,UltlLlll IO1 {IllllllOU liycOUlpl Lllll'h TlllOlljjIltllOlllri iii ol v.i n s, nnd iimim^ iiioiIVf tlio r.icci or

n '» il In" i l-on lir'hi'i .ind Infjlioi-aii then e tini i-III'HI, us' it Jiiiii bowinns bottur liiiown. Its nniiorni•h:ivaclcr anil limvcr. to euro the v.'iriona iiffm-.tlona

(i1 ItK'lm > an t ttno it, li i\ o uuido it Lnow n us a n*-11 > 1>ti ]p)Oifc'li)i ii^lin I (liriu. SVlnlu ild'tpt'il l»iniliin lo in, ot ili'.iiiie ami to yonn'4 I'nlilipn, II n

t tin1 - in t tmif HIP moil I'UPI Ui'iliiiin'dj Ih.it canli X' \ t ' i r»i miipii ' i t i qrH(iin|>tiou, and Uie (Lin.(doiiT.iilti lionsol Ihtjlluu itiunllnugd Asi ipro-^ i~id i ,m Hn ( "uililf n ,itt(H'lii »r Group, il Micmlilbii Kept on li mil-in tiMiii lamlhjjuid indeed as all

ii' Diiniinici -i.liiL'it to to lu i «.nd coiiKhs. .alliliLHiM LL inoviiled «itli tini.iiiLuIotelot thciit.

JMIIIOII.'II 'oltlcil f ijiiiiinijittun in fhuilKllt iu-cui.1l.li, - ; " " ' "w^iiumbei • of en icTnheic (hfedis-tn'-e soLincd BIMIII'II, h i \ e bettn complclt'lv cmcil,anil tlic piilii-nt iT<itoiod to sound heiilth* by *hoCIHIII/ J'icti'1-ril. So coinplplo is Its mnatorvmi'i tin' ilis'iidi-i. uf tbn I links iiud Tlnoat, Ui.atho must 'ob'itlnatp of llicm yield to it. -When notli-niK cl'o ooti'-J l r Xwh tlicm, nndoi tlio Chert y X'eo~toral l.hcv oiilMii'Ju «i»l illplMinr

.*,iiif;u ( ,,'iit 1'ubliB

Asthmn ia always relieve J and oflen ivhollycured bv it*

u D-LMicrnlly emed hy tfttSiWf tho?^ m [ qunftrdSSTr

ftvnurnll)' me Its virLucs known that wo needmitpulili JitUt- min i He oriliomlipio.in dominol C ^, cue puiillt, Ui.a its qu.iliues uio TH


Ayer's Ague Cure,For "Povor arid Acne, Intermittent

Chill jnrvT. Itninittcnt Fever,or B l i o u a Fnu

nnd indci"l till tho tiffo'1hiorjH which ones 'iVom nial:iriou3, : xilnran, or miaariiatio

. poisons.

As.ll-,!)-nnmo implies, it flooa (litrr,, and does nott '1 (.'out nninn'tioiltioi Ai (.MIK t Qiimini1, J5i9iiiutht7.1m', nor nny oilier iiiinonil oi-]ioisonouB Pubatanconl i i l 'Mi , it in nouito iiiiiiics niw ptiliunt. Tll&iiiini'it i mil nniioil mi o of its < m e . in the acuo d l s *t nt , iichK'nilh hoi ond account, nnd we believei il'inii* ,v pu.illfl in tho hi loi> of AKIIO mrdiLinu^f)nr iniil(- IA f(r;itillcd by the ac.knoivlpdpcnicntii woi-ceijivu ol' tlio mdicnl «nros ofltocliiil. In .nimtlnnte«n"i»*,.mnl ivhisre Other vcincdics had whollv railed.

T'Uiiiliinntfd pLi"om, tilhcr ic">nlrnt in, ort npllnmUiKMijrh mj( l U l r t U l H bK Tvl b> tiRTuitt thui Vm'Tita'-Wriijitriirrtif, SlFIMnir ft oiiiioriilnTly"I ItiL- Lnci, it i . on c\ei'lleiil, icincdy, GtiinulaUiig• i.n Lii i-i Into hr.iHhy .icllvllv.

Fur IJilimis nirioidera anil Liver GomplninTs, It 19in <M client lempty, puiilm injr nianv trulv ro«in >'» ililc t mi—4, nliQie iithcr medicine iliart fmlcd.

1'ipin m\ bv l)u .1 C. An.it A C o , Prnoticaiind A m h t i t i l ^lienii,!,a, 1O«L'U, M.ibs., nud-soliliH luiind thr woilil.

$1.00 j>j:n noTTx,n.

Ri)Id by Pa^ton iTSmigp, Ili^htstown, DnvisonX Di e ol Cninbiiry .ind all Di uggisti and dualers


Invite attention to their NEW AND IMPROVED^HEATING and COOKING STOVES and

H O T A I R FTTIINACES. IConfident that thoy nan demonstrate to'nll that,

thoy mo ffre«'tt/~*iTpt>io> in point of manufaoturoand Tvorkinp; quiihtics, as woll IU) otlioioncy and'wonderful economy, to nny othor3 in tho markot!


WAR£ROQMS,No, 115-North Second Street,Fhilatlelphia, 1'a.

Where orders for tho same may begiven.2 7 3 d f


CJ-ood 331ii.clc_Sill<:f5 s

Good Colored1868.


FANCY^ , ANDLyons Silk-Velvets, , Now-Style-Shawi, — v _

Mow Dross Goods, Good Blankets, f

i'ablo Linens, Bhooilngs A 8hirting«r

OLOXUS AND .CASSIMJSBJ^S.N. B. Now flood* reosived daily-in largo lot*

for Jobbing. - Bepl7-6w

HARNESS/ HARNESS!ubsoriber offors for sale, a his sales room*)

niGIITSTOWN, W. J., . . -

; . - t an assortment at- .< »* ^~

Fancy .anil Plain, and *» -

t fBqmil to oity^ rattkBtn^sWy^ni-flnisll, and *»

uoh lower prioes. Alao^;odmplote assortment of
