Parameter Value Range HSN 21 0 to 63 Hopping sequence calculator based on spec 0502 Number of freqs 18 1 to 64 Alpha MAIO 0 0 to 63 Beta MAIO 2 0 to 63 Gamma MAIO 4 0 to 63 500 Use ARFCNs instead of Mobile Hopping sequence ARFCNs (Channel #s) Frame Number [FN] Alpha Beta Gamma 613 0 679 685 615 615 1 662 664 666 618 2 663 665 667 619 3 662 664 666 620 4 676 682 613 621 5 621 663 665 662 6 682 613 618 663 7 613 618 620 664 8 666 670 676 665 9 682 613 618 666 10 670 676 682 667 11 666 670 676 670 12 615 619 621 673 13 676 682 613 676 14 663 665 667 679 15 664 666 670 682 16 619 621 663 685 17 666 670 676 18 666 670 676 19 666 670 676 20 619 621 663 21 613 618 620 22 676 682 613 23 620 662 664 24 615 619 621 25 665 667 673 26 615 619 621 27 670 676 682 28 613 618 620 29 615 619 621 30 685 615 619 31 664 666 670 32 666 670 676 33 620 662 664 34 618 620 662 35 666 670 676 please remember the 64000 row limitation in Excel 0 to 2715647 Change the Parameter Values and Click Here to Recalculate Hopping Sequence

HSN Calculator

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HSN Calculator

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CalcParameterValueRangeHSN210 to 63Hopping sequence calculator based on spec 0502, section 6.2.3. Contact Kevin if you have questions.Number of freqs181 to 64Alpha MAIO00 to 63Beta MAIO20 to 63Gamma MAIO40 to 63Number of frames - please remember the 64000 row limitation in Excel5000 to 2715647Use ARFCNs instead of Mobile Allocation IndexHopping sequenceARFCNs (Channel #s)Frame Number [FN]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


Spec6.2.3Hopping sequence generationFor a given set of parameters, the index to an absolute radio frequency channel number (ARFCN) within the mobile allocation (MAI from 0 to N1, where MAI=0 represents the lowest ARFCN in the mobile allocation, ARFCN is in the range 0 to 1023 and the frequency value can be determined according to 3GPP TS05.05), is obtained with the following algorithm:if HSN = 0 (cyclic hopping) then:MAI, integer (0 .. N1):MAI = (FN + MAIO) modulo Nelse:M, integer (0 .. 152):M = T2 + RNTABLE((HSN xor T1R) + T3)S, integer (0 .. N1):M' = M modulo (2 ^ NBIN)T' = T3 modulo (2 ^ NBIN)if M' < N then:S = M'else:S = (M'+T') modulo NMAI, integer (0 .. N1):MAI = (S + MAIO) modulo NNOTE:Due to the procedure used by the mobile for measurement reporting when DTX is used, the use of cyclic hopping where (N)mod 13 = 0 should be avoided.where:T1R: time parameter T1, reduced modulo 64 (6bits)T3: time parameter, from 0 to 50 (6bits)T2: time parameter, from 0 to 25 (5bits)NBIN: number ofbits required to represent N=INTEGER(log2(N)+1)^: raised to the power ofxor: bitwise exclusive or of 8 bit binary operandsRNTABLE: Tableof 114 integer numbers, defined below:AddressContents000...009:48,98,63,1,36,95,78,102,94,73,010...019:0,64,25,81,76,59,124,23,104,100,020...029:101,47,118,85,18,56,96,86,54,2,030...039:80,34,127,13,6,89,57,103,12,74,040...049:55,111,75,38,109,71,112,29,11,88,050...059:87,19,3,68,110,26,33,31,8,45,060...069:82,58,40,107,32,5,106,92,62,67,070...079:77,108,122,37,60,66,121,42,51,126,080...089:117,114,4,90,43,52,53,113,120,72,090...099:16,49,7,79,119,61,22,84,9,97,100...109:91,15,21,24,46,39,93,105,65,70,110...113:125,99,17,123,The hopping sequence generation algorithm is represented diagrammatically in figure6.This algorithm applies also to COMPACT, whereby the parameters T1, T2 and T3 shall be calculated from FN.In CTS, the general structure of the hopping sequence generation algorithm is shown in figure 6a, with the example of vector a = (a0, a1, a2, a3) = (5, 8, 2, 11) and NF = 9. It consists of a 16 bit linear feedback shift register and two counters. The shift register in the CTS-FP shall be initialized with a random number which shall not be zero. The counter TFHC1 counts modulo NF the number of TDMA frames. The overflow of this counter causes a shift in the shift register. The counter TFHC2 counts modulo NF the number of shifts.The elements which are used from the shift register to generate the codeword are defined by the vector a. The codeword is built using a modulo 2 addition of these elements and the elements of vector v . Before mapping the codeword into a sequence, the value of the counter TFHC2 is added modulo NF. The mapping is done by a modulo NF addition to the base sequence c. This results in a sequence containing NF elements, each element representing one frequency index in the TFH list. The value of counter TFHC1 points to the current frequency index to use.6.2.4Specific casesOn the RFCH carrying a BCCH (C0), frequency hopping is not permitted on any timeslot supporting a BCCH according to table3 of clause7. A nonhopping radio frequency channel sequence is characterized by a mobile allocation consisting of only one radio frequency channel, i.e. with N=1, MAIO=0. In this instance sequence generation is unaffected by the value of the value HSN.For COMPACT, frequency hopping is not permitted on CPBCCH or CPCCCH for a specific amount of N_CCCH_NH blocks according to the ordered list described in subclause If CPCCCH is defined as frequency hopping, those blocks use MAI = MAIO.For COMPACT, on other frequency hopping channels, the reduced MA and MAIO_2 shall be used for a specific amount of N_CCCH_NH blocks according to the ordered list described in subclause COMPACT, in case the optional information elements reduced MA and MAIO_2 are not present in the assignment message and the MA and MAIO information elements are present in the assignment message, then the MS shall hop in all allocated time slots according to the MA and MAIO.6.2.5Change in the frequency allocation of a base transceiver stationThe consequence of adding or removing a number of radio frequency channels in a base transceiver station is a modification of the cell allocation (CA) and the mobile allocation (MA). In order to achieve this without disruption to mobile stations with currently assigned channels it is necessary to send a message to all mobiles with assigned channels. The message, as defined in 04.08, will contain a new cell allocation (if necessary), mobile allocation and a time (in the form of a TDMA frame number) at which the change is to occur. A new cell allocation may not be necessary if channels are only being removed, and not added.6.2.6Frequency assignment in CTSThe CTSBCH (CTSBCH-FB and CTSBCH-SB) shall always be mapped on the CTSBCH RF channel (designated as C0 in clause 7 table 8).The CTSPCH, CTSARCH and CTSAGCH shall be mapped onthe predefined set of carriers called TFH carrier list (designated by C0... Cn in Clause 7 Table 8) by the CTS frequency hopping algorithm specified in subclauses 6.2.2 and 6.2.3. However, the CTSARCH and CTSAGCH shall be mapped on the CTSBCH RF channel for the specific case of the non-hopping access procedure specified in 3GPP TS04.56; the block TDMA frame mapping for these exceptions is specified in clause 7 table 8. The methods for the determination of the CTSBCH RF channel and the TFH carrier list are defined in 3GPP TS05.56.The TCH, FACCH and SACCH used for a CTS dedicated connection shall always be mapped onthe TFH carrier list (C0..Cn) by the CTS frequency hopping algorithm. However, one exception is specified in the case of the CTS enrolment and attachment of a CTS-MS (see 3GPP TS04.56), where a non-hopping access procedure is used; in these particular cases, the dedicated connection shall be used in non-hopping mode and the TCH, FACCH and SACCH shall be mapped on the CTSBCH RF channel (C0). channel (SCH)Specifically the synchronization channel (SCH) shall contain two encoded parameters:a)Base transceiver station identity code (BSIC): 6bits (before channel coding) consists of 3bits of PLMN colour code with range 0 to 7 and 3bits of BS colour code with range 0 to 7 as defined in 3GPP TS03.03.b)Reduced TDMA frame number (RFN): 19bits (before channel coding) =T1(11bits)range 0 to 2047= FN div ( 26 x 51)T2(5bits)range 0 to 25= FN mod 26T3'(3bits)range 0 to 4= (T3 1) div 10whereT3(6bits)range 0 to 50= FN mod 51andFN = TDMA frame number as defined in subclause4.3.3.3GPP TS04.06 and 3GPP TS04.08 specify the precise bit ordering, 3GPP TS05.03 the channel coding of the above parameters and 3GPP TS05.10 defines how the TDMA frame number can be calculated from T1, T2, and T3'.