HPC in the Cloud Guy Tel-Zur

HPC in the Cloud Guy Tel-Zur

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HPC in the CloudGuy Tel-Zur


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EC2 Dashboard

EC2 AMI for scientific computing in Python and R

AMI ID: ami-84bd41ed

Source: http://www.r-bloggers.com/ec2-ami-for-scientific-computing-in-python-and-r/

Launching Instance

Connect using PuTTY

Install VNC serverfrom the following packages: * xtightvncviewer * xvnc4viewer

Add a user

As root:

useradd telzurmkdir /home/telzurchown –R telzur /home/telzursu telzur

Passwordless ssh

ssh-keygen -t dsacd .sshcat ./id_dsa.pub >> authorized_keys2

Use a lightweight window manager such as icewm

Open ports 5800,5900-5901…in the security group for VNC to work

Install a light window managerapt-get install icewm

HPC Cluster

16 cores

EBS /dev/sdh /volchange made in /etc/fstab


• yum install • gcc• gcc-c++• gcc-gfortran• Lapsck• Python-devel

• Need more repositories:• rpm -Uvh


• yum install atlas.x86_64 blas.x86_64 lapack.x86_64• yum groupinstall XFCE (startxfce4)• yum install glibc-devel.i386

Test MPI

1:41 AM PDT We are currently investigating latency and error rates with EBS volumes and connectivity issues reaching EC2 instances in the US-EAST-1 region.2:18 AM PDT We can confirm connectivity errors impacting EC2 instances and increased latencies impacting EBS volumes in multiple availability zones in the US-EAST-1 region. Increased error rates are affecting EBS CreateVolume API calls. We continue to work towards resolution.2:49 AM PDT We are continuing to see connectivity errors impacting EC2 instances, increased latencies impacting EBS volumes in multiple availability zones in the US-EAST-1 region, and increased error rates affecting EBS CreateVolume API calls. We are also experiencing delayed launches for EBS backed EC2 instances in affected availability zones in the US-EAST-1 region. We continue to work towards resolution.3:20 AM PDT Delayed EC2 instance launches and EBS API error rates are recovering. We're continuing to work towards full resolution.4:09 AM PDT EBS volume latency and API errors have recovered in one of the two impacted Availability Zones in US-EAST-1. We are continuing to work to resolve the issues in the second impacted Availability Zone. The errors, which started at 12:55AM PDT, began recovering at 2:55am PDT5:02 AM PDT Latency has recovered for a portion of the impacted EBS volumes. We are continuing to work to resolve the remaining issues with EBS volume latency and error rates in a single Availability Zone.6:09 AM PDT EBS API errors and volume latencies in the affected availability zone remain. We are continuing to work towards resolution.

Quality of Service ????


Who is affected by EC2?So


: htt








l lis


Saving the computer as an AMI

2 X 16cores !

Add graphical WM (xfce4) using remote desktop (VNC) – Open port


$1.60/hour for this xlarge machine

$4,290 for 1 year$6,590 for 3 years

This is the TCO !

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Change: password authentication from no to yes

Rload sshd by /etc/init.d/sshd reload