How will we know Him? Lord, is it I?

How will we know Him? Lord, is it I?. The Second day before Passover The plot to kill Jesus – Mark 14:-12 – Matthew 26:1-5 – Luke 22:1-2 Anointing described

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How will we know Him?

Lord, is it I?

The Second day before Passover

• The plot to kill Jesus– Mark 14:-12– Matthew 26:1-5– Luke 22:1-2

• Anointing described by Mark & Matthew– Mark 14:3-9– Matthew 26:6-13 (here his head is anointed)

• Judas agrees to betray Jesus– Mark 14:10-11– Matthew 26:14-16– Luke 22:3-6

“The hours that lay immediately ahead would change the meaning of all human history. It would be the crowning moment of all eternity, the most miraculous of all the miracles. It would be the supreme contribution to a plan designed from before the foundation of the world for the happiness of every man, woman, and child who would ever live in it. The hour of atoning sacrifice had come. God’s own Son, his Only Begotten Son in the flesh, was about to become the Savior of the World.”

Jeffrey R. Holland, “This Do in

Remembrance of Me,” Ensign (Nov.

1995): 67.

John 13: 4–15Jesus’ Washing the Apostles’ Feet

“When the Savior was about to leave his Apostles, he gave them a great example of service… He washed his feet, and those of the others also… What an example of

service to those great servants, followers of the Christ! He that is greatest among you, let him be

least. So we sense the obligation to be of greater service to the membership of the Church, to

devote our lives to the advancement of the kingdom of

God on earth.”

David O. McKay, CR (April 1951): 158–159

John 13: 4–15Jesus’ Washing the Apostles’ Feet

“The item to which I wish the more particularly to call your attention to tonight, is the ordinance of washing of feet. This we have not done as yet, but it is necessary now, as much as it was in the days of the Savior; and we must have a place prepared, that we may attend to this ordinance aside from the world. . . . The house of the Lord must be prepared, and the solemn assembly called and organized in it, according to the order of the house of God; and in it we must attend to the ordinance of washing of feet.”

Joseph Smith, TPJS, 90.

Joseph Smith, HC 1:323.

“On the 23rd of January, we again assembled in conference. . . we proceeded to the washing of feet. . . Each elder washed his own feet first, after which I girded myself with a towel and washed the feet of all of them, wiping them with the towel with which I was girded. . . . At the close of the scene, Brother Frederick G. Williams, being moved upon by the Holy Ghost, washed my feet in token of his fixed determination to be with me in suffering, or in journeying, in life or in death, and to be continually on my right hand; in which I accepted him in the name of the Lord.”

John 13: 4–15Jesus’ Washing the Apostles’ Feet

Joseph Smith, HC 2:308–309.

“The house of the Lord must be prepared. . . and in it we must attend to the ordinance of washing of feet. It was never intended for any but official members. It is calculated to unite our hearts, that we may be one in feeling and sentiment, and that our faith may be strong, so that Satan cannot overthrow us, nor have any power over us here.”

We know that an angel came from the courts of glory to strengthen him in his ordeal, and we suppose it was might Michael, who foremost fell that mortal man might be. Bruce R. McConkie, The Purifying Power of Gethsemane, Ensign, May 1985, 9.https://www.lds.org/general-conference/1985/04/the-purifying-power-of-gethsemane?lang=eng#watch=video

“The Savior’s atoning work in Gethsemane is

directly linked to Adam’s transgression, which brought about the fall of man . . . . Who better than Adam to aid and assist the Savior during his time of extreme distress than he whose actions had brought about mortality? Who better to thank the Savior for paying the debt that his actions had introduced (sin, suffering, and the other myriad effects of the Fall) than Adam himself?”

Andrew Skinner, Gethsemane, 67-77.

Image courtesy of Mark Mabry

“Later in Gethsemane, the suffering Jesus began to be ‘sore amazed’ (Mark 14:33) or, in the Greek, ‘awestruck’ and ‘astonished’. Imagine, Jehovah, the Creator of this and other worlds, ‘astonished’? Jesus knew cognitively what He must do, but not experientially. He had never personally known the exquisite and exacting process of an atonement before. Thus, when the agony came in its fulness, it was so much, much worse than even He with his unique intellect had ever imagined! No wonder an angel appeared to strengthen him! (see Luke 22:43)The cumulative weight of all mortal sins—past, present, and future—pressed upon the perfect, sinless, and sensitive Soul! All our infirmities were somehow, too, a part of the awful arithmetic of the Atonement. (See Alma 7:11-12; Isaiah 53:3-5; Matthew 8:17) The anguished Jesus not only pled with the Father that the hour and cup might pass from Him but with this relevant citation. ‘And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me.’ (Mark 14:35-36)”Neal A. Maxwell, “Willing to Submit”, Ensign, May 1985

Jeffrey R. Holland, “None Were With Him” Ensign, May 2009

Brothers and sisters, one of the great consolations of this Easter season is that because Jesus walked such a long, lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to do so. His solitary journey brought great company for our little version of that path—the merciful care of our Father in Heaven, the unfailing companionship of this Beloved Son, the consummate gift of the Holy Ghost, angels in heaven, family members on both sides of the veil, prophets and apostles, teachers, leaders, friends. All of these and more have been given as companions for our mortal journey because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the Restoration of His gospel. Trumpeted from the summit of Calvary is the truth that we will never be left alone nor unaided, even if sometimes we may feel that we are. Truly the Redeemer of us all said: “I will not leave you comfortless: [My Father and] I will come to you [and abide with you].”

I energetically encourage you to establish a personal study plan to better understand and appreciate the incomparable, eternal, infinite consequences of Jesus Christ’s perfect fulfillment of His divinely appointed calling as our Savior and Redeemer. Profound personal pondering of the scriptures accompanied by searching, heartfelt prayer will fortify your understanding of and appreciation for His priceless Atonement. Another powerful way to learn of Jesus Christ and His Atonement is through consistent temple attendance.

May each of us renew our determination to teach true principles within the sanctity of our homes. As we do that, we will provide the greatest opportunity for happiness for the spirits entrusted to our care. Use the Church as a righteous tool to strengthen the home, but recognize that as parents we have the fundamental responsibility and privilege to be guided by the Lord in the upbringing of the spirit children He has entrusted to our care.

The vital importance of teaching truth in the home is fundamental. The Church is important, but it is in the home where parents provide the required understanding and direction for children. It is truly said that the most important callings in time and eternity are those of father and mother. In time we will be released from all other assignments we receive but not from that of father and mother.

As you ponder—not just read but ponder and meditate—on scriptural passages, the power of the Holy Ghost will distill truths in your mind and heart as a secure foundation in this uncertain time in which we live. As parents, prepare your children for the challenges they will encounter. Teach them truth, encourage them to live it, and they will be all right no matter how severely the world is shaken.

This Easter, resolve to make the Lord Jesus Christ the living center of your home. Be sure that every decision you make, whether it be of a spiritual or physical nature, be guided by the thought “What would the Lord Jesus Christ have me do?” When the Savior is the center of your home, it is filled with peace and serenity. There is a spirit of calm assurance that pervades the home that is felt by the children and adults alike.The best way to make a permanent change for good is to make Jesus Christ your model and His teachings your guide for life. (April 2010 General Conference, He Lives! All Glory to His Name!, Sun. Morning Session - Richard G. Scott

Peter’s Denial“Much of the criticism of Simon Peter is centered in his denial of his acquaintance with the Master. This has been labeled ‘cowardice.’ Are we sure of his motive in that recorded denial? He had already given up his occupation and placed all worldly goods on the altar for the cause. If we admit that he was cowardly and denied the Lord through timidity, we can still find a great lesson. Has anyone more completely overcome mortal selfishness and weakness? Has anyone repented more sincerely?…Has any man ever more completely triumphed over his weakness?

Spencer W. Kimball, BYU Devotional, 1971.

“I do not pretend to know what Peter’s mental reactions were nor what compelled him to say what he did that terrible night. But in light of his proven bravery, courage, great devotion, and limitless love for the Master, could we not give him the benefit of the doubt and at least forgive him as the Savior seems to have done so fully. Almost immediately Christ elevated him to the highest position in his church and endowed him with the complete keys of that kingdom.”

Spencer W. Kimball, BYU Devotional, 1971.