How to write a fantastic CV! Jenny Wade CVs

How to write a fantastic CV! Jenny Wade CVs. Agenda Purpose of CV Hercules What an employer looks for Review Action plan

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How to write a fantastic CV!Jenny Wade



Purpose of CV Hercules What an employer looks for Review Action plan

Purpose of CV

To get you into the selection process for a job / position that interests you

Selection process

CV / Application submitted

Psychometric testing

Telephone interview

Face to face interview

Assessment Centre

Accept / Decline

Job offer?

Why do CVs fail?

What does employer want? Undersell & underestimate ourselves Insufficient evidence of our skills &


Before you submit your CV

Consider Job specification/role Institution Location

"You can teach a turkey to climb a tree but it's easier to hire a squirrel."

Step 1 – understand the employer’s needs Get the perspective right Read job adverts, web site, brochure Network What is most important to the


Step 2 – know what you offer

A thorough skills audit Think laterally around the particular job

or role

Step 3 – make the connection

Tailor Edit Highlight Emphasise

– What makes me stand out?– Is there sufficient evidence?– What are the benefits to the employer?

Step 4 – Write your CV

CV includes relevant….

Knowledge Experience Skills


Presentation / layout Content Length

Action words for CVs

Negotiated Generated Led Delivered Devised Promoted Identified

Tested Facilitated Managed Analysed Solved Resolved Initiated Represented

What might you leave out?

CV at the top of the page?

A career goal/personal profile?

School record?

Work experience that does not sell skills?

Anything else?

Different types of CV

Academic Chronological Targeted / skill based

Academic CVs – should cover

Personal details


Work Experience



Additional skills and achievements



Chronological CVs

May omit Publications Conferences

Must emphasise more Non academic work experience Transferable skills

Targeted CVs

know what the employer is looking for highlights your key skills and qualities

which are relevant to the post ‘plagiarises’ the advert follows on with a standard reverse

chronological CV

What are employers looking for? Five core competencies

Problem solving Professional presence Leadership Initiative Communication

More Competencies

Teamwork Creative thinking Self motivation Curiosity Broad perspective Energy and

passion Relationship skills

Intellectual capacity Open mind to others views Influencing Entrepreneurial spirit Dedicated to excellence Celebrates diversity Decision making

Your skills….

Teamwork Creative thinking Self motivation Curiosity Broad perspective Energy and

passion Relationship skills

Intellectual capacity Open mind to others views Influencing Entrepreneurial spirit Dedicated to excellence Celebrates diversity Decision making

What an employer wants…

? Teamwork Creative thinking Self motivation Curiosity Broad perspective? Energy and

passion? Relationship skills

Intellectual capacity Open mind to others views Influencing Entrepreneurial spirit Dedicated to excellence Celebrates diversity Decision making

Key points

You’re in control of what you reveal Give a headline on your degree course Write about your PhD – stress

transferable skills not jargon Check your spelling Get someone to check it

Get a native speaker to proof read your CV “I am sicking an entry level position” “Here are my qualifications for you to

overlook” “…instrumental in ruining entire operation for

a chain store” “I am determined to obtain a position in pubic

relations” “…..and I hope to hear from you shorty”

CV review

Action plan


Useful websites www.gradschools.ac.uk www.jobs.ac.uk www.cvs.ac.uk www.hero.ac.uk www.hesda.org.uk www.prospects.ac.uk www.doctorjob.com www.eurograduate.com www.thepaperboy.com www.phdjobs.com


Lynda Ali + Barbara Graham, Moving on in Your Career; A guide for academic researchers and postgraduates (RoutledgeFalmer London + New York 2000)

AgCAS/University of London Careers Service,University researchers and the job market

Mary Anne Thompson, The Global Resume and CV Guide (John Wiley + Sons New York 2000)

Covering letters

Explain who you are Say why you want the post Give examples of your suitability Explain why you want to work in that Institution Provide other general information Say when you are available for interview