Apple Controls Diabetes ( How to use Apple for Diabetes ) Now a day Diabetes has become an Epidemic even children of age 12 to16 are getting Diabetes and it continues to take a painful toll on our lives. Families are losing their loved ones at alarming rates, and millions are facing the overwhelming challenges of living with diabetes, with no positive remedy in sight. It is haunting people with fear and making them helpless 1) First of all remove the fear of Diabetes, the fear increases sugar. 2) Stop all medicines except Allopathic, till your sugar is brought to normal. 3) Apple may be holding this process of impaired metabolism of Diabetes, so once you come to normal sugar level by apple, no need of pills/Insulin and you will get rid of side effects of them ,then you can control it by diet and exercise. 4) Stop one month all sweets and sugar and all fruits including carrot, Orange, Papai, Banana, Mango, Pomegranate,etc.till your sugar comes to normal. 5) Start taking one medium size Apple with or without peeling early in

How to Use Apple for Diabetes Controls Diabete1

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This file gives guidance how to use apple to reduce blood sugar in diabetes 2 and 1

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Page 1: How to Use Apple for Diabetes Controls Diabete1

Apple Controls Diabetes ( How to use Apple for Diabetes ) Now a day Diabetes has become an Epidemic even children of age 12 to16 are getting Diabetes and it continues to take a painful toll on our lives. Families are losing their loved ones at alarming rates, and millions are facing the overwhelming challenges of living with diabetes, with no positive remedy in sight. It is haunting people with fear and making them helpless 1) First of all remove the fear of Diabetes, the fear increases sugar. 2) Stop all medicines except Allopathic, till your sugar is brought to normal.3)  Apple may be holding this process of impaired metabolism of Diabetes, so once you come to normal sugar level by apple, no need of pills/Insulin and you will get rid of side effects of them ,then you can control it by diet and exercise.4)  Stop one month all sweets and sugar and all fruits including carrot, Orange, Papai, Banana, Mango, Pomegranate,etc.till your sugar comes to normal. 5) Start taking one medium size Apple with or without peeling early in morning on empty stomach, and go for half an hour walk, it is a must. if you are taking water take it 15 minutes early or later. Take all food except sweet ones.6)  After the walk, you can take tea etc, but walk is a must.7)  Continue taking apple about a week and when, your fasting sugar comes to 120 to 130 mg/dl then only eliminate ,5 units of insulin, from night onwards, once you eliminate all insulin,start eliminating half a pill,from night onwards,8) Never eliminate all insulin or pills all of a sudden,--eliminate slowly said above9) Once you eliminated all the medicine for Diabetes, then control sugar by taking, your all regular food and exercise, if sugar increases due to sweets or by other earlier lifestyle factors then do not be panicky and start apple again as you have done earlier,to reduce sugar.10) If you continue pills even after bringing sugar to normal by apple, then it will give you a false confidence and you will be tempted to eat sweets again or revert to earlier lifestyle, so you must be moderate in all respect. More details read FAQ from:-www/applecontrolsdiabetes.com or contact me

Page 2: How to Use Apple for Diabetes Controls Diabete1

11)  If you are on Insulin Call me within 4 days of starting apple, because apple reduces sugar very fast and there is a danger of hypo signs, so be alert and take proper care or if you see low sugar signs visit doctor immediately.12) Take Fasting sugar count before taking Apple, Disclaimer:-This is my experience and if you want to follow this, please do it with proper Medical advice or on your own Responsibility. D.P.Parkhe Consultants-InnovationSwapnanagari, A-10, Karve Rd. Pune 411004 <[email protected]>Mobile - 9767173860; Ph - 020 - 25469027 www.applecontrolsdiabetes.com

I do not have words to thank,The Organizers of ” Sakal Paper “who have encouraged me by publishing letters and my Research work, and to those persons who have Dared and Established this finding even without knowing who I am, that too spontaneously and on Mass scale, In Maharashtra, India from 7 Dec 2009 and now The Organizers of : Pune Chapter of IIT Bombay Alumni Association ,who are kind enough to give’” Innovation 2011 Award “by supporting this finding with their Vision, Transparency and with result oriented mindset. I am indeed indebted to all of you and is overwhelmed by your support given to an Individual person’s Innovation. It is the result of spontaneous team work, without which I alone could not have done such a work, so credit goes to you all. Thank you once again*

  Basic_Experiment_on_Apple_and_Diabetes+t_doc.pdf - Powered by Google DocsHow_to_use_apple_with_Tables-9-doc.pdf - Powered by Google Docs FAQ__Updated_must_read_For_Apple_Therapy-9.pdf - Powered by Google Docs Product_Dev_.doc-3.pdf - Powered by Google Docs ProjectRoad..pdf - Powered by Google Docs A Dream of an Invetor.doc-Final.doc-99.doc - Google Docs

Table 1 of 4 Sr no.

Name-Age-Male-Female Mobile- Email

DurationOf Diabetes

FastingSugarBefore & After

PP Sugar Before & After

Insulin before & after

Pills before & after

Days required

Remarks by Patients

1 D.P.Parkhe age 83 M [email protected]

12 yrs





I have done experiments on myself and invented this Therapy

2 Barve Anil—62-M9403185502Letter published in Sakal Paper for achieving good results on 11 Jan

2 Yrs 90--86 130--121

-- 2 --0 28 Days

It is very nice Therapy and works positively if sugar intake is avoided

3 .

Joshi S.R.Age 70—F24228423

9 ye rs



45 Now nil

-0--0 15 days

Apple reduces sugar and gives good energy

4 Beskar M E.57—M020-24213796

17 Years



Nil 2 -- nil One month

5 Mawal S.D.—M---599922801680

12 Yrs



0--0 2--half 30 Days

I thought Diabetes cannot be cured but Apple has proved false


Dafal S.B.62—M

7 years

127--96 220---132

- 2---0 One mont


Page 3: How to Use Apple for Diabetes Controls Diabete1



7 Patil Sindhu39—F34464644

5 yrs 300—70 350--129

NA 4- 0 3 months

Apple reduces the sugar and gives energy

8 Patil M.R.#31-M9850900385

4 yrs 175—95 400--136

- 0--0 2 months

Apple has helped me a lot controlling the sugar and kept me fresh all the time

9 Katdare Rekha-61-F020-25436481

3yrs 100--92 160--94 -- 1- 0 14 Days


10 Prof. Padalkar R.K.63—M02347-273806

6 months

205—98 -


- 0---0 22 days

Excellent results

11 Vavhal N/A.57—F9763399023 ?

3 Yrs 124--132


-- 1--o 20 Days

12 Mrs Chavhan –S.R.51—F24449995

r 325--103


- 0 15 days

Apple works very well and gives energy

13 Joshi Mugdha--F—

- 62--116 185--135

-- 0 - Referred by Dr. Dange MBBS9422526143

Table 2 of 4

Sr no

Name-Age-Male-Female Mobile- Email

DurationOf Diabetes

FastingSugarBefore & After

PP Sugar Before & After

Insulin before & after

Pills before & after

Days required for normal

Remarks by Patients

14 Damle63-M020-245376399403133198

4 months


218-123 - 0---0 1 month

Apple Therapy has reduced sugar to normal


DrDange ‘s Wife-S-47 –F9422526143


186-131Pl Glucose

0--0 Dr. Dange’s [MBBS}Wife

16 Dhavale M.B.78—M9861123660

7 months


156---88 - 1-0 22 days

Apple therapy is good, sugar is reduced Thanks for Parkhe

Page 4: How to Use Apple for Diabetes Controls Diabete1

17 Sri Ghosale—MMahadeo--9422031646

7 Yrs 228-88

345-140 -- -0--0 2 months

18 Chaudhari D.R. MDeputy commissionerLabor and Wellfare

About 2 yrs


-not mentioned in his letter

- 0--0 20 Days

Parkhe is Doing good work without any expectations

19 Mrs ArwaleH—45—F9604862147

4 years


165--163 - 3-0 46 Days

20 Shekh Roshan bi57—F-9822015520

10 years


175---145 - 3- 0

40 Days

Pills are stopped, Apple reduces the sugar and feels energetic

21 Dandage M.V. 53—M 9763311009

5 Years


359--192 1 mg-0

1--0 10 days

Very use full

22 WarakeA.C.530M9753715662

10 yrs


296--157 -- 7--0 22 days

Feel energetic, wonderful Therapy We really are Thankful to Parkhe

23 Dharmadhiksri M-46 Mobile9881622274

4 yrs 145108


- 1-0 20 Days

We really are Thankful to Parkhe for such a wonderful Therapy

Table 3 of 4

Sr no.

Name-Age Male Female Mobi;e Email

Duration of Diabetes

DurationOf Diabetes

PP Sugar Before & After

Insulin before & after

Pills before & after

Days required for normal

Remarks by Patients

2 4 Patil Ganesh-34-M9890007199

2 yrs 122-104

140--135 --- 1--0 1—45 days

Experiencing quite positive results,

25 Joshi P.V. 67-M9860675600

20 Yrs 138--78

358--173 24- 20 3-1 2 months

Thank you for your treatment

Page 5: How to Use Apple for Diabetes Controls Diabete1

26 Sharma J.M.—M—559960641955

4 yrs 219-96 325-212 0--0 2--0 16 days Apple is working to control sugsr

2 7

Gosavi A.D.58—F020-25440375

3 months


417-135 0--0 0--0 12 days 27

28 Dr. Satarkar64—M—9922915945 I

10 Years


300--180 0--0 2--2 About 2.5 Months,

I am of the opinion that if you take apple a day without sweets and half of brisk walk in the morning reducing sugar to normal

2 9

Dr. Purandare MBBS77-F - 24230660Dr. is Insulin dependeant case ie.Diabetes I

15 Yrs

Diabetes- 1


280--180 26 =21 0--0 2.5 Monthsthen only one can give definate remark

One must try for longer time then

30 Kadam S.B.—50M9822991690

7 yrs 96--85—

149-120-- -

--- 3--3 9 Days*******Pancreas to divert insulin

Kadam S.B.—50M9822991690Operated on

31 Sasnkal M.S.61-M9096568302

20 years


300-145 Nil 3—0 About 3 Months -- normal

Apple Therapy very effective

32 Mulani A.V.59—M—9922801680

2 years


287—16 0

Nil 1 -nil 1 Month

Good Therapy and is useful. Stopped my snoring

33 Phadake K F-70020-24232198

12 yrs


275-160 - 1--0 2 months


34 Panse Alka F-599527528018

4 yrs 150-96

200-- - 2-0 25

35 Vaidya V F579822012883

6 yrs 170--107

265-145 in 9 days

- 2---0 In 34days normal

Apple has given good energy

36 KulkarniS.V.-54-M9844064653

1 yr 210-160


24-8- nil


37 Kajarekar M.D.63-M9822080131

1Yrs 90--70 188--140

-- 2-2 2 months

38 Prabhune PP-50 –M9850577112




-- -0--0 1 month

39 Bhave JJ—M—359004690569

2 Yrs 125--124

180132 0---0 2.5--0 2 Months

Slow because of travelling

Page 6: How to Use Apple for Diabetes Controls Diabete1

40 Mrs Bhandare F-709970914411

2 Months



0--0 0--0 1 Months

Good results because of Apple

41 Alashi A.M—M-659850646694

-22 Years



22--10-- 4--0 17 Daysis helping in curing Diabetes

Apple Therapy is good

42 Palkhede YR.M-509881496345

11 years



0---0 2--0 3.5 months


Lastly:- I do not have words to Thank,The Organizers of ” Sakal Paper “who have encouraged me by publishing letters and my Research work, and also to those persons who have Dared and Established this finding even without knowing who I am, that too spontaneously and on Mass scale, In Maharashtra, India from 7 Dec 2009 and now to The Organizers of : Pune Chapter of IIT Bombay Alumni Association ,who are kind enough to give’” Innovation 2011 Award “by supporting this finding with their Vision, Transparency and with result oriented mindset. I am indeed indebted to all of you and is overwhelmed byour support given to an Individual person’s Innovation. It is the result of spontaneous team work, without which I alone could not have done such a work, so credit goes to you all. Thank you once again*

Table 4 of 4