How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci

How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci. Your brain is better than you think… Mindset – Your intelligence can grow and change. There are different kinds of

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How to Think Like

Leonardo Da Vinci

Your brain is better than you think…

• Mindset – Your intelligence can grow and change.

• There are different kinds of intelligences.

• We learn by imitation and role models who guide and inspire us

The “Greatest Geniuses of History”and the winner is…

10. Albert Einstein11. Phidias (architect of Athens)12. Alexander the Great13. Thomas Jefferson14. Sir Isaac Newton15. Michaelangelo4. Johann Wolfang von Goethe3. The Great Pyramid Builders4. William Shakespeare

1. Leonardo Da Vinci

A Brief Bio…

Make your life a work of art with the Seven Da Vincian Principles

• Curiosita’ – An insatiably curious approach to life and an unrelenting quest for continuous learning.

• Dimonstrazione – A commitment to test knowledge through mistakes.

• Sensazione – The continual refinement of the senses, especially sight, as the means to enliven experience.

• Sfumato -- (Literally “going up in smoke”) A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty.

• Arte/Scienza – The development of the balance between science and art, logic, and imagination…”whole-brain” thinking.

• Corporalita – The cultivation of grace, ambidexterity, fitness, and poise.

• Connessione – A recognition and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things and phenomena. ..systems thinking.


“The desire to know is natural to good men.”• Pure quest for truth and beauty.• His passion was his inquisitiveness.• Investigative style – Look at things from at least

three different perspectives would give a deeper understanding of what he studied.

• Step away from what you are studying, relax and come back to it.

• Look at something from a distance and from unusual/extreme perspectives.

• Ask great questions that “engage our thought.”

Developing your Curiosita’• Record thoughts, questions, observations• Reflect• Always learn something new• Seek different perspectives• Be a voracious reader• Learn from little children• Become skilled at identifying and solving problems.• Be open-minded and curious.• Look up and record new words or phrases• Learn about other cultures• Learn another language• Ask others for feedback, insight, and suggestions• Fall in love…with learning!

Your Curiosita’ Notebook

• Keep it with you at all times• Jot down ideas, impressions, drawings, jokes,

dreams, doodles, words, stories, poetry, songs, film ideas, notes

• Make many observations on the same thing over time

• Collect articles, information, pictures• Exploratory, free-flowing, nonjudgmental, not


How will you use your curiosita’?