How to Study for Round Three of the Preliminaries of the 2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee Did you know? You have the chance to study all of the words that will be offered in Round Three of the 2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee. When you step up to the microphone to spell your word in Round Three, your word will come from the 2015 Round Three Study Words listed in alphabetical order on the following pages. Print these study words as a handy practice list. Learning these words will give you the best chance to show off your talent during Round Three. Do you have questions about a word’s pronunciation, origin, part of speech, definition or use in a sentence? That information is waiting for you: 1. Open the 2015 Round Three Study Guide PDF (available when you are logged into spellingbee.com). 2. Hit Ctrl+F (PC) or Command+F (Mac). 3. Type the word you are looking for into the search box. The 2015 Round Three Study Guide is a valuable reference tool containing word information for all of the 2015 Round Three Study Words. It is 94 pages long, so if possible we recommend using it as a computer resource rather than a printed resource. One quick reminder: The only study resource for Round One and Rounds Four and higher is Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and its addenda section, copyright 2002, Merriam-Webster. Happy studying! TheSpellingChamp.com

TheSpellingChamp.com How to Study for Round Three of the … · 2019. 11. 23. · titration tmesis Torquemada traduce trebuchet trionychid triskelion trochal troglobiont trope trouvaille

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  • How to Study for Round Three of the Preliminaries of the 2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee

    Did you know? You have the chance to study all of the words that will be offered in Round Three of the 2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee.

    When you step up to the microphone to spell your word in Round Three, your word will come from the 2015 Round Three Study Words — listed in alphabetical order on the following pages.

    Print these study words as a handy practice list. Learning these words will give you the best chance to show off your talent during Round Three.

    Do you have questions about a word’s pronunciation, origin, part of speech, definition or use in a sentence? That information is waiting for you:

    1. Open the 2015 Round Three Study Guide PDF (available when you are loggedinto spellingbee.com).

    2. Hit Ctrl+F (PC) or Command+F (Mac).3. Type the word you are looking for into the search box.

    The 2015 Round Three Study Guide is a valuable reference tool containing word information for all of the 2015 Round Three Study Words. It is 94 pages long, so if possible we recommend using it as a computer resource rather than a printed resource.

    One quick reminder: The only study resource for Round One and Rounds Four and higher is Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and its addenda section, copyright 2002, Merriam-Webster.

    Happy studying!


  • 2015 Round Three Study Words

    abyssolith acariasis acesodyne acromion Adélie adjutant aflatoxin agama agglomerate agronomy

    ahimsa aikido ajouré Akita alastrim alnico amalgamation amentia amphictyony amygdala

    anecdotal angiitis animalcule aniseikonia antagonist antinomy apostasy apotropaic aquamarine Aragonese

    arcane asthenia asymptote atmosphere audiophile auriphrygiate avgolemono babiche bacteriophage baculus

    badigeon bahuvrihi bailey baku balestra balletomane ballute balneotherapy bamboozle bantam

    barathrum barramundi Basque bassinet or bassinette béchamel bergschrund berimbau bestiary bialy biathlon

    bibliotaphic billet-doux binary bioassay blasphemous blepharoplasty Borsalino Brie brouillon budgerigar

    buisson cadaver calanque camorra canard capacitance carcinogenic cardiomegaly carnauba carpel

    carronade Carthaginian caryopsis Castalia cavil celluloid censorious centripetal cesspool Chalcolithic

    charade charisma chastushka chayote chiliad chondrogenesis chrismon chrysophyte citrine civility

    cloche coacervate coccygeal cockatrice collywobbles colocynth conciliatory confederacy confit consigliere

    contagion conterminous copra coracle corrade courgette crèche cryptoporticus cultivar cuvette

    cystectomy d'orsay dais dalliance damson danzón davenport decanter decennary declamatory

    demiglace denouement desuetude desultory devaloka diacritic diktat diplopia directorate disarmament

    dissociative distaff dorsiferous dragée dubiety durian or durion dysplasia echinacea echinulate ectothermic

    eczematous edentulous effete effleurage egotistical eisegesis Eldorado elide elliptocytes elytra

    emanation emolument encroachment endive enmity enthalpy epingle epitasis ergophobe escritoire

    esoteric étouffée eustacy eutrophic eviscerate execrable exigencies fabula factitious falbala

    fanfaronade farinograph farouche feracious fiacre fiat filoselle flebile flocculent fluviatile

    foliation foramen fortissimo frigorific frijolillo frisson fronton fructescence frugivore frumentaceous

    fruticetum Fulbright fulgurant funicular furfuraceous furuncle gadfly galapago galligaskins gallinule

    gamboge gaminerie gangrenous gardebras gardez gastronome geelhout gegenschein gelignite gelilah

    geniculate gerenuk Gesamtkunstwerk glossopetrae glyceraldehyde gnostic golem gongorism gracilis griffonage

    guayabi guenon haberdasher habiliments hadron haka hallucinatory hallux hamadryad hanuman

    haptic hariolation Harlequin hastilude haute couture heleoplankton heliophilous Hemingwayesque heparinize heterochromia

    hiatus hidradenitis hieromonk hippocampus homiletic humanoid hyoscyamine hyperpyrexia hypotrichosis hypsometry

    ibex ideoplastic idiopathy ikebana illative imbricate immemorial impervious imprecation impresario

    incontrovertible indemnify inductee infrared interferon interstice intonaco intussusception isagoge iscariotic

    isentropic isotope jacaranda Jacksonian jocund jodhpurs Jonah jubilation Judaica jussive

    juvenilia katana kente kinara kirsebaer knawel koh-i-noor kokopu Korat kvetch

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  • 2015 Round Three Study Words

    labret laconism lacrosse lacustrine lamina lasya lathyrism lauhala leberwurst lekvar

    leporine levitate lexis liana libertine litotes lixiviate loess or löss lokelani longanimous

    longeron longiloquence Lorelei lyddite lyonnaise macfarlane maître d' malapropos malmignatte mamaloi

    mamushi Mandarin mappemonde marinera mascarpone melanoma memoriter mendelevium mesomorph metabolize

    metropolitan mezzotinto microfiche millet mimotype minniebush miscellanea missive monody mortuary

    mucedinous mutagenicity myology myrmidon myrtle myxomatosis nainsook narcohypnia naricorn nasute

    naupathia navicella necropolis nefarious neoclassical neoterism nephelognosy nephrite neptunian neurergic

    nidulant Nietzschean nimbostratus nisus nitrogenous noblesse nociceptor nocive nockerl nodule

    noesis nonagesimal noncombatant nonpareil nosography nsambya nuciform nudicaulous nugacious numen

    nummary nuncupative nutriture nyctipelagic oberek objurgatory obnebulate obreptitious ochlophobia octonocular

    oculus odontiasis oenomel offertory ohelo okapi oleiculture oligopsony Olmec omoplate

    oncogeny onomastics onycholysis onyx oopuhue ophiophagous opificer ornithotomy osteomalacia otoscope

    oviparous oximeter ozonizer pandemonium panophthalmitis pappardelle parvenu or parvenue pasquinade Patagonian pâtissier

    patriliny persifleur phalanges philologist phoniatric phthalein phyllomancy Pickwickian pikelet pileus

    pirarucu Plantagenet plumose plutocratic polydactylous pomfret pomiferous prasine propagandize proxy

    psyche psychosomatic putative Pythagorean quadriceps quale quaquaversal quaternion quoddy Rabelaisian

    raptatorial rariora ratatouille rathskeller reboant reciprocal recompense recrement regimen renvoi

    repugn restitutory reticent Reykjavik rhinovirus rhipiphorid rhodochrosite rhopalocercous ribaldry ricin

    rigaree ripicolous risorgimento rivulet roborant roguish Roscian rudimentary ruminant rutabaga

    safflower Sagittarius saimin salvo sambal sanctimony sarsen sarwan saxifragous scabbard

    scagliola schuss sedulity sedum semblable seminar senryu seriema servile sigatoka

    sigil siglum Sinn Feinism solivagant sopapilla sortition spatiotemporal speleothem stomatitis strigine

    sumpsimus sustentacular symplectic syncytium tactile talaria tandem tantamount tarantella tarriance

    tatbeb telamon tenaillon tenuis tephra terraceous tetrad thalassographer theriolatry tilde

    timoroso tintinnabulary titration tmesis Torquemada traduce trebuchet trionychid triskelion trochal

    troglobiont trope trouvaille tumultuous ulpan ultradian umbratile unbeknownst upeygan urushiol

    usurpative usury vascular vassalage velocious verbosity verdurous verisimilitude vermicide vetturino

    vexillology viaduct viand viceroy villagisms villeggiatura vociferous voltammetry voyageur wafture

    Walloon wasteweir Wensleydale winze worsted xenon xerogel xiphias xylary yayoi

    yeggman yeomanry yosenabe zabaglione Zamzummim zarzuela zelkova zircon zocalo zwieback

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