7/10/13 How to store checkbox list values in database? ASP.NET 10-Jul-13 07:31 AM www.nullskull.com/q/10323596/how-to-store-checkbox-list-values-in-database.aspx 1/3 ASP.NET - How to store checkbox list values in database? Asked By shazi on 01-Jul-11 03:17 AM Hi , I want to store check boxlist values in database . I am giving one field name as features and data type nvarchar 50. I can store only one values that is first values in check box list if i click all values also . How can i get it ? Pls any reply? Ashish Kapoor replied to shazi on 01-Jul-11 03:21 AM i had the same problem once in one of my projects... i donno if its a bug or something... to tackle this u can manually check what all values have been checked, and then insert these values as strings into the database Reena Jain replied to shazi on 01-Jul-11 03:25 AM hi, Loop through the CheckBoxList, get the value of each checkbox which is 'checked' and seperate each item with a comma. here is the sample code for you string interests = string .Empty; foreach (ListItem item in this .CheckBoxList1.Items) if (item.Selected) interests += item + "," ; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "Insert into Demo values('" + interests + "')" , cn); //Write Your Query to insert into database table cn.Open(); int iCount = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cn.Close(); I would like to provide you the retrieve code also void LoadCheckList() { string intersts = "" ; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "Select Interests from Demo" , cn); // Write your Query i have taken as sample SqlDataReader dr; cn.Open(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { intersts = dr[ "Interests" ].ToString(); } Search Articles FAQs Login All Questions New Question

How to Store Checkbox List Values in Database_ ASP

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7/10/13 How to store checkbox list values in database? ASP.NET 10-Jul-13 07:31 AM

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ASP.NET - How to store checkbox list values in database?

Asked By shazi on 01-Jul-11 03:17 AM

Hi ,

I want to store check boxlist values in database . I am giving one field name as features and data type nvarchar 50.

I can store only one values that is first values in check box list if i click all values also .

How can i get it ?

Pls any reply?

Ashish Kapoor replied to shazi on 01-Jul-11 03:21 AM

i had the same problem once in one of my projects... i donno if its a bug or something...

to tackle this u can manually check what all values have been checked, and then insert these values as strings into the database

Reena Jain replied to shazi on 01-Jul-11 03:25 AM


Loop through the CheckBoxList, get the value of each checkbox which is 'checked' and seperate each item with a comma. here is the

sample code for you

string interests = string.Empty;

foreach (ListItem item in this.CheckBoxList1.Items)

if (item.Selected) interests += item + ",";

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Insert into Demo values('" + interests + "')", cn); //Write Your Query to insert into database table cn.Open();

int iCount = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cn.Close();

I would like to provide you the retrieve code also

void LoadCheckList() {

string intersts = "";

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select Interests from Demo", cn); // Write your Query i have taken as sample SqlDataReader dr; cn.Open(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

if (dr.Read()) { intersts = dr["Interests"].ToString(); }

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cn.Close(); string[] arr = intersts.Split(',');

foreach (ListItem item in this.CheckBoxList1.Items) {

foreach (string s in arr) {

if (item.Text== s) { item.Selected = true; } } } }

Hope this will help you

shazi replied to Reena Jain on 01-Jul-11 03:38 AM

This is useful for me

Thnak You


Reena Jain replied to shazi on 01-Jul-11 04:18 AM

end of post

Riley K replied to shazi on 01-Jul-11 09:56 AM

I have done this for ListBox , similarly you can do with CheckBox list

protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


StringCollection sc = new StringCollection();

foreach (ListItem item in lstItems.Items)// iterate through listitems


if (item.Selected) // if item is selected







// In the above I am adding all the selected items to string collection tehn passign it to a function InsertRecords

protected void InsertRecords(StringCollection sc)


StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(string.Empty);

foreach (string item in sc)


const string sqlStatement = "Insert into employees values";

sb.AppendFormat("{0}('{1}')", sqlStatement, item);





SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sb.ToString(), con);

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;


Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "Script", "alert('Saved Records Successfully');",true);

foreach (ListItem item in lstItems.Items)


if (item.Selected)


item.Selected = false;




catch (Exception ex)


string msg = "Insert Error";

msg += ex.Message;

throw new Exception(msg);

Page 3: How to Store Checkbox List Values in Database_ ASP

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That's it