How to Setup Mirroring in SQL Server ?(Screen Shots) What is Mirroring in SQL Server ? Database mirroring is an alternative high- availability solution to failover clustering in SQL Server. Database mirroring supports automatic failover, but does not require cluster-capable hardware, and can therefore provide a cost- effective alternative to failover clustering. In this Article, we will implement Mirroring with witness Server and will Automatic Failover too. What is the Hardware and software requirement for implementing Mirroring in SQL Server ? There is no any such hardware and software requirement for implementing. Even SQL Server Standard Edition supports Mirroring. For More Details about feature supported by various editions, please check my previous post, "Does SQL Server Standard Edition Supports Mirroring?" To test the Automatic failover, you need three SQL Server Instances. In case there is a firewall in between Principal, Mirror and Witness Server, please ensure there endpoint ports are Opened in firewall. How to implement Database Mirroring in SQL Server 2008 R2? Implementing SQL Server Mirroring is quite simple in SQL Server 2008 R2. For better understanding, Lets take an real business requirement and deploy mirroring with WITNESS Server (Automatic Failover) I have already posted an Video Post, where a step by step implementation of mirroring is available, but you need to have silver light installed in your system to watch this video and a good bandwidth. In this Article, I am going to implement a Mirroring using three SQL Server Instances, where Principal Server 1. Mirror Server 2. Witness Server 3. Principal Server Details SQL Server Instance Name : <SERVER_NAME>\SQL1 Version : SQL Server 2008 R2 Posted by DBATAG on December 20, 2010 Leave a comment (7) Go to comments MYOB Warehousing AddOn www.datapel.com Best Practice Warehouse Management AddOn for your MYOB. MEX Maintenance Software www.mex.com.au/free-trial Australia's #1 Maintenance Solution Save costs & increase uptime. F2 Dealership Software www.comsolf2.com Australia's leading parts inventory Dealership Software. NuoDB - NewSQL Leader www.nuodb.com Elastic SQL database for the cloud Download the Beta today SQL Server Training & Consulting DBATAG, a t Home Offerings Featured Articles Certification Clients Contact US SEARCH Q & A Search: type, hit en Page 1 of 17 How to Setup Mirroring in SQL Server ?(Screen Shots) | SQL Server Training & Con... 27/10/2011 http://www.sqlserver-training.com/how-to-setup-mirroring-in-sql-server-screen-shots/-

How to Setup Mirroring in SQL

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How to Setup Mirroring in SQL Server ?(Screen Shots)

What is Mirroring in SQL Server ?

Database mirroring is an alternative high-

availability solution to failover clustering in SQL

Server. Database mirroring supports automatic

failover, but does not require cluster-capable

hardware, and can therefore provide a cost-

effective alternative to failover clustering. In

this Article, we will implement Mirroring

with witness Server and will Automatic

Failover too.

What is the Hardware and software

requirement for implementing Mirroring in

SQL Server ?

There is no any such hardware and software requirement for implementing. Even SQL Server Standard

Edition supports Mirroring. For More Details about feature supported by various editions, please check my

previous post, "Does SQL Server Standard Edition Supports Mirroring?" To test the Automatic

failover, you need three SQL Server Instances.

In case there is a firewall in between Principal, Mirror and Witness Server, please ensure there endpoint

ports are Opened in firewall.

How to implement Database Mirroring in SQL Server 2008 R2?

Implementing SQL Server Mirroring is quite simple in SQL Server 2008 R2. For better understanding, Lets

take an real business requirement and deploy mirroring with WITNESS Server (Automatic Failover)

I have already posted an Video Post, where a step by step implementation of mirroring is available, but you

need to have silver light installed in your system to watch this video and a good bandwidth.

In this Article, I am going to implement a Mirroring using three SQL Server Instances, where

Principal Server 1.

Mirror Server 2.

Witness Server 3.

Principal Server Details

SQL Server Instance Name : <SERVER_NAME>\SQL1 •

Version : SQL Server 2008 R2 •

Posted by DBATAG on December 20, 2010 Leave a comment (7)Go to comments

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Page 2: How to Setup Mirroring in SQL

Edition : Evaluation Copy •

Database Name : Test_SQLServer_Mirroring •

Mirror Server Details

SQL Server Instance Name : <SERVER_NAME>\SQL2 •

Version : SQL Server 2008 R2 •

Edition : Evaluation Copy •

Database Name : Test_SQLServer_Mirroring •

Witness Server Details

SQL Server Instance Name : <SERVER_NAME>\SQL3 •

Version : SQL Server 2008 R2 •

Edition : Evaluation Copy •

*Note : In this example, all these instances are named instances hosted on a single operative case. In

case you are implementing in your production environment, All these three roles should be on different


We are going to perform following Steps to setup Mirroring and automatic Failover Testing

Backup Primary Database (Principal Server) 1.

Using latest backup files, Restore database on Mirror Server with NORECOVERY Option 2.

Set up Mirroring using Wizard where we will define 3.

Identify of Principle Server, Mirror Server and Witness Server 1.

Create End Points for Principle Server, Mirror Server and Witness Server 2.

Configure Security 3.

Start Mirroring 4.

Test Manual Failover 5.

Test Automatic Failover 6.

STEP 1 - Backup Primary Database (Principle Server)

On Principal Server Perform a full backup and copy this backup file to mirror server for restore. Backup is

quite simple, which can be taken using the following Script on Principal Server (.\SQL1)

-- This will Backup Database named Test_SQLServer_Mirroring to C:\temp\Mirroring\TEST.b

BACKUP DATABASE [Test_SQLServer_Mirroring] TO DISK = N'C:\temp\Mirroring\TEST.bak'


STEP 2 - Restore Database on Secondary Database (Mirror Server)

On Mirror Server, Restore the database with same name with NORECOVERY option on Server .\SQL2

Restore is quite simple, which can be taken using the following Script or by SSMS

-- Restore Database name Test_SQLServer_Mirroring] on Mirror Server (.\SQL2) with NOREC

RESTORE DATABASE [Test_SQLServer_Mirroring] FROM DISK = N'C:\temp\Mirroring\TEST.bak'


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Page 3: How to Setup Mirroring in SQL

STEP 3 - Set up Mirroring using Wizard where we will Identify of Principle Server, Mirror Server and

Witness Server, Create End Points for Principle Server, Mirror Server and Witness Server and will also

configure Security

Open SSMS and connect to Principal Server >>> Database, which you wanted to enabled for mirroring

>>> right click >>> and Select Properties

which will open up a Database Properties Box like this and Click on Mirroring

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Page 4: How to Setup Mirroring in SQL

Once you are on Mirroring Properties page, select "Configure Security…" button, which will open a

Configure Database Mirroring Security Wizard

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Page 5: How to Setup Mirroring in SQL

Next screen, will ask you, do you want to include Witness Server or not ? Witness Server is useful to initiate

Automatic failover. As per our requirement, we will be opting to include Witness Server, so we will Select


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Page 6: How to Setup Mirroring in SQL

Next screen will ask you, where you wanted to save the configuration, In case we opted for Automatic

Failover / Witness Server, configuration must be saved at Witness Server. In case, we do not want to

include Witness Server and would like to to do Manual failover, then we can have option for saving

Configuration either on Principal Server or on Mirror Server.

As per our requirement (Automatic Failover), we will opt for Witness Server Instance.

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Page 7: How to Setup Mirroring in SQL

Next Screen where we need to specify information about the SQL

instance where the database was originally located. In out example this

is .\SQL1

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Page 8: How to Setup Mirroring in SQL

Here we have option to specify the TCP / IP port on which endpoint will be listening to requests. In case

there is a firewall in between Principal and Mirror Server, please ensure there these ports are Open.

In our example, all these three instances are hosted on a single physical box that the reason we will opt for

different port for Mirror and Witness Server End point.

Adding to this we have an option to encrypt data, which travel between principal, mirror and witness

server. In case we opt for this, we assume that you are already have certificates, otherwise, this will work

without Certificates too.

So In Select Principal Option, we specified .\SQL1 as Server name and used Windows Authentication to

connect to principal server, which has sysadmin privileges. We also checked the Encrypt Data option and

5022 is the Port number which we used for Principal endpoint.

Next Screen where we need to specify information about the SQL instance where the mirror copy of the database will be located, in our example this is ./SQL2

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Page 9: How to Setup Mirroring in SQL

So In Select Mirror Option, we specified .\SQL2 as Server name and used Windows Authentication to

connect to principal server, which has sysadmin privileges. We also checked the Encrypt Data option and

5023 is the Port number which we used for Mirror endpoint.

Next Screen where we need to specify information about the SQL instance that monitors the status of the principal and mirror server instances

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So In Select Witness Server Option, we specified .\SQL3 as Server name and used Windows

Authentication to connect to principal server, which has sysadmin privileges. We also checked the Encrypt

Data option and 5024 is the Port number which we used for Mirror endpoint.

Next Screen will actually create these endpoint in the respective Server

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This is Work in progress status, Once this is being configured and running, you will get a confirmation

status as shown below.

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STEP 4 - Start Mirroring

Once this is Done, you are ready to start the mirroring, the wizard, will itself ask you to do that, as shown

in the following screen shot

Once, you click on YES, this will implement the mirroring and will take some time to revert back to old

screen, Please wait, as this wait is depends on changes which has been performed on Principal Server after

full backup. This could take 30 minutes too.

Once this check all configuration and synchronized data, you will get the YES button enabled as shown


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Once, this is Done, you mirroring setup is completed. We can verify that by checking database status

connecting to Principal and Mirror Instance via SSMS. We will get a status like below

Database Status at Principal Server

Database status would be Principal and Synchronized, is (Role,Status) as shown below in the screen


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Database Status at Mirror Server

Database status would be Mirror, Synchronized and restoring, is (Role,Status) as shown below in the

screen shot.

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Page 15: How to Setup Mirroring in SQL

This is quite lengthy post, so Post Check Implementation and Failover Testing (Step 5 and Step 6) I will be

posting in next article.

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Tags : What is Mirroring in SQL Server,Hardware and software requirement for implementing SQL Server Mirroring ,Hardware and software

requirement for implementing Mirroring in SQL Server ,How to implement Database Mirroring in SQL Server 2008 R2, How to implement

Database Mirroring in SQL Server 2008 R2,Setup Mirroring in SQL Server screenshot,Setup Mirroring in SQL Server screenshots, sql

server database mirroring wizard

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7 Comments.Leave a comment

rohit May 4, 2011 at 7:57 pm

but how make instacne in same sql server?


DBATAG May 4, 2011 at 11:44 pm

Just run the sQL server setup again and during setup choose named instance option


rohit May 4, 2011 at 7:56 pm

sir but how to make instance ? in same sql server? is it possible that one server is 2008 and

other r2 can mirroring can be possible


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DBATAG May 4, 2011 at 11:44 pm

YEs, you can have multiple instances in single windows machine. for this you need to run the

SQL Server setup every time and during the installtion, select named Instances and proceed…


Chickie March 15, 2011 at 1:44 am

What does this mean?

There is no any such hardware and software requirement for implementing


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