t was a pleasant surprise for me to learn that many people are interested in using planchet for calling spirit for one or the other purposes. Some persons want to connect to their beloved departed souls for doing unfinished communication and other persons want to get answers to their problems of current life. In this post, I would elaborate the procedure of calling spirits through planchet and also I would let you know other methods of spirit contacts within a framework of past life regression. Traditionally, the typical image of planchet method is that a group of persons sit together in a circle by drawing a circle with alphabets and numbers written on the edges of the circle. That is, first you draw a circle, then towards the edges of the circle you write alphabets from A to Z and numbers from 0 to 9. At the center of this circle you are required to keep a small round object like a coin, a small light utensil like a small bowl. Then you energize the area by lighting incense sticks. You need to clean the floor and the surface area before drawing the circle as above. All the team members should take bath, have a fearless and spiritual mindset. With this mental and spiritual framework and keeping the area distraction free, at least two people put their right index finger gently without much pressure on the object, and all the group members including the mediums (the persons keeping

How to Planchet

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methods of calling the spirit

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t was a pleasant surprise for me to learn that many people are interested in using planchet for calling spirit for one or the other purposes. Some persons want to connect to their beloved departed souls for doing unfinished communication and other persons want to get answers to their problems of current life. In this post, I would elaborate the procedure of calling spirits through planchet and also I would let you know other methods of spirit contacts within a framework of past life regression.Traditionally, the typical image of planchet method is that a group of persons sit together in a circle by drawing a circle with alphabets and numbers written on the edges of the circle. That is, first you draw a circle, then towards the edges of the circle you write alphabets from A to Z and numbers from 0 to 9. At the center of this circle you are required to keep a small round object like a coin, a small light utensil like a small bowl. Then you energize the area by lighting incense sticks. You need to clean the floor and the surface area before drawing the circle as above. All the team members should take bath, have a fearless and spiritual mindset. With this mental and spiritual framework and keeping the area distraction free, at least two people put their right index finger gently without much pressure on the object, and all the group members including the mediums (the persons keeping fingers on the object) need to close their eyes, recite spiritually energizing prayers with a clear intent of calling a holy spirit to bless the group, mediums and the person for whose problems the spirit is being called. After some time, the mediums would feel vibrations in the object and the team members may feel a surge of spiritual energy in the surrounding areas. There may be a sense of relaxation, admiration in the team members. Once there are positive signs of the presence of the spirit, now one of the mediums ask questions to the spirit mentally. For that, the questions to be asked and who would ask the questions can be determined in advance to keep the entire experience smooth and flow spontaneously, Once a medium asks the questions, the object would begin to move over alphabets and numbers in some defined sequence. A team member should note the alphabets over which the object has moved. The movements of the object over alphabets and numbers contain the answers. Ask questions one by one in unhurried manner. Be grateful to the spirit and receive the blessings. Once you are through with all the questions, you need to thank the spirit and say good bye gracefully.The entire practice of calling spirit can be criticized by the skeptics and critics. You need to remain open and receptive to the outcome of the spirit calling through planchet. Future cannot be peaked by anyone with 100% certainty including the spirits. The spirits can have limited access to the divine plan for the future. Spirits can never get into the future fully with accuracy. Hence, there could be inaccurate reading through spirits. You can also find ouija board for doing the planchet calling with ease.In addition to above procedure for planchet calling spirit, there is a framework of past life regression for spirit contact and even releasement. For that you need to see an expert who specializes in spirit contact and removal. The procedure is simple and straight forward. You would be put into hypnotic trance by the expert, and in this hypnotic trance you would be give specialized instructions which would trigger the vibrations within you that would lead to a contact with one or more spirits. This I have used to connect to the departed beloved souls for finishing the communication and receiving the guidance from the heavenly soul.You need to remain calm, at ease and without fear for getting into this area of planchet and spirit communication. You can raise queries on this and related procedures in Free of cost Support Group on Hypnosis and Past Life Regression. If you have got any kind of experiences in spirit communication, we would be glad to listen to your experiences and even you can guide other like minded persons in the group who are keenly interested in learning theplanchet, spirit communication, spirit contact, spirit removal. In particular we are impressed by the work of William Baldwin on Spirit Releasement Therapy. One of our team member is the fan of Sylvia Browne and her book The Other Side and Back which provides great insight into the area of spirit communication. I am in particular impressed by the work of psychic Tara Ward and her book Discover Your Psychic Powers. You may find these resources extremely helpful.Have a nice day!