How to Lose Weight Without Cravings and Hunger-v2...How to Lose Weight Without Cravings and Hunger 3 And the only reason I wasn’t obese was because of the amount of exercise I did

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Page 2: How to Lose Weight Without Cravings and Hunger-v2...How to Lose Weight Without Cravings and Hunger 3 And the only reason I wasn’t obese was because of the amount of exercise I did

How to Lose Weight Without Cravings and Hunger



Hi Gorgeous!

Congratulations on taking the first step towards the new healthy, happy, confident, slim


I bet you were probably at least a little sceptical when you saw the title of this guide, and

I don’t blame you! Because you’re probably like I was – frustrated with eating ‘healthy’

foods or having followed a gazillion different diets and still suffering with the misery of

those damned cravings, the binges and the vicious cycle of beating yourself up,

probably eating more rubbish and promising yourself to start again tomorrow or next

week, only for the same thing to happen again!

Well I want to welcome you to a whole new world of understanding! Do you promise me

to pay full attention here? Well go turn off your phone and any other disturbances right


My promise to you is that if you follow the suggestions I’m going to give you and take a

few moments to get your head around the new ideas I’ll be presenting to you, you’ll

wonder why you ever believed most of the stuff you ever learnt about healthy eating and

how to lose weight.

Losing weight and becoming the person you’ve been desperately wanting to be will

become just so much more pleasurable than you ever imagined it could possibly be!

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Who am I?

Before we get started, I want to give you a quick intro to me. Because after all, you

don’t know me and how can you trust me when what so many other ‘experts’ told you

didn’t work?

So here goes!

I used to think I was healthy until my health fell apart in my mid to late thirties. But from

a very early age I was addicted to food. I thought about food pretty much all day, every

day! Perhaps you’re nodding your head already?

My sister and I would come home from school and sit on the kitchen floor while our

mother was at work and devour anything and everything in sight! I’d easily eat nearly

half a large can of Milo out of the tin in one sitting plus bread, biscuits and anything else!

Amazingly though, as a child I wasn’t overweight.

This pattern of bingeing continued into adulthood. I never felt satisfied after eating

unless I was stuffed full and even then I’d often continue to eat, sometimes even

embarrassing myself! I tried to eat what I thought was a healthy diet but still I craved

food and had regular binges on both sweet and savoury foods.

It wasn’t easy when there was always loads of sweet stuff around at work - I treated

cancer patients for 25 years and they would always bring us cakes, chocolate and other

sweets. There were always morning teas for birthdays that would last throughout the

day with great big Cheesecake Factory cakes, dips, crackers and the like.

In my thirties I often found myself driving home from work craving a glass of wine and

when I was rostered at a hospital I’d often have to stop at the vending machine in the

carpark and would snack on packet junk on the way home. Sound familiar?

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And the only reason I wasn’t obese was because of the amount of exercise I did. In

hindsight though, there were definite signs I was on the path to diabetes!

After my diagnosis with autoimmune disease of the thyroid at 37 I was put on thyroid

hormones but continued to drag myself around with fatigue, low moods and no

motivation. I wondered if this was the best I could expect to feel for the rest of my life?

After about 6 years I decided enough was enough!

I quit my job and began studying to become a naturopath. That was a huge turning

point in my life, especially for my health, but it certainly wasn’t smooth sailing! Much of

the information I was learning in college was hard for me to accept, having come from a

‘scientific’ background.

And I could have felt much better much sooner had I taken on some important advice I

received in my first year of naturopathic college. Unfortunately, I was stubborn and

didn’t want to accept it because it didn’t seem to have ‘scientific’ evidence to back it up

so I suffered needlessly for another six plus years!

Amazingly though, the biggest factor in turning my health and life around was the

changes I made in how I was eating!

Now as I approach 60 though, I feel as

strong as I did in my twenties. I’m no

longer plagued by poor sleep, fatigue,

debilitating irritable bowel symptoms, daily

headaches, mood swings, inability to think

clearly, chronic back and neck problems

and much more!

And I’m no longer constantly thinking

about food! I do need to be much more

careful to stay at a healthy weight than

when I was younger but I don’t have to

worry about feeling miserable on low fat,

low calorie diets.

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My mission now is to share the secrets I’ve discovered over the last 15 plus years

because I hate to see you suffering needlessly. And it makes me really mad knowing

you’re being ripped off by unscrupulous companies making false claims in the name of


So, I hope you’ll be open-minded and not stubborn like I was! I don’t want you to starve

yourself, feel miserable and deprived or exercise to exhaustion any longer! I want you

too to experience the amazing changes that are possible when you see things with

fresh new eyes!

How great will it feel to have a healthy new relationship with and no longer be controlled

by food? How great will it feel to be strong and healthy physically, mentally and

emotionally while enjoying being a healthy weight? How amazing will it feel to be able

to walk confidently along the beach in a new bikini or bathing suit, or wear your favourite

little black dress to a party, or just throw on some jeans and a slim-fitting T-shirt and feel


It is possible! Your body has an amazing capacity to return to a state of healthy

balance, even if you’ve been led to believe otherwise. How many times have you heard

of someone who was told they would never walk again learn to walk? It’s never too late

to make changes that will help you reclaim your health and your life.

So, are you ready to come on a journey of discovery with me? Let’s unpack some of

the myths and lies that have been keeping you stuck! I could go on forever about this

stuff, but I know you want to get into it straight away so I’m going to keep it as short and

simple as I can.

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Science or Fake Science for Profit?

In my previous profession treating cancer patients everything was based on ‘science’

and unless something was scientifically proven it wasn’t worth anything. What I have

since come to discover though is that the ‘science’ is often twisted to suit whichever

party can gain from it. It’s all about the mighty dollar.

In fact, in the last 10 years the editors of several of the most prestigious medical

journals have become whistle-blowers and publicly spoken out about the shameful way

‘Big Pharma” (the pharmaceutical industry) particularly manipulates ‘research’.

Most research done today is not done independently. It is virtually all funded by parties

that have a vested interest. If something can be patented, then that is especially

attractive because it has the potential to earn a company billions of dollars.

The biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world have a track record for lies and

deception that is proven by the huge sums of money they’ve been forced to pay out by

courts in damages and fines.

But ‘Big Pharma’ is not the only industry that’s making enormous profits at the expense

of your health. Others include the food and agricultural industries and even the ‘weight

loss’ and ‘health care’ or medical industries.

The weight loss industry doesn’t want you losing weight and keeping it off! If you did,

they wouldn’t be able to keep peddling their fake foods that are chock full of the very

things that keep you struggling with your weight!

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Take a good look at our so-called ‘health care system’ and you’ll also see that it is

making people sick! But it’s also making lots of money! So much of the ‘health care’

industry is actually privately owned. Companies are being bought out by other

companies and much of our health services are owned by overseas conglomerates

whose real concern is making profit for share-holders.

A classic example is the private practice radiation oncology centre where I once worked

for 16 years. It made a tidy profit for the doctors that owned it. As a senior member of

staff, I had to make sure that every aspect of each patient’s treatment was documented

accurately daily for billing. After I left my partner continued to work there so I also know

that it was taken over by a large national company that owns many radiation therapy,

cardiology and sleep clinics in Australia. Within one year of that takeover 49% of the

shares were sold to a big US corporation and they subsequently sold out to a Chinese

conglomerate! Most radiation therapy services in Western Australia and probably the

whole country are now making a Chinese company’s shareholders profit!

Most GP clinics today are also owned by national or multi-national companies. Doctors

in these clinics are told to keep their consultations to 7 minutes or less because time is

money! Gone are the days when GPs worked for themselves and could take as much

time as they liked with their patients.

7 minutes is barely long enough to get you in and ask you how you are, let alone offer

any decent advice! Research has shown that a doctor makes up his or her mind what

the problem with you is after an average of 21 seconds. How much can you actually

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say in 21 seconds? Hence the easiest option is to write a prescription. Is it any wonder

the number of prescriptions dispensed for all types of drugs is spiralling out of control?

As well, doctors spend on average less than 15 hours learning nutrition in the whole 6

years of their medical school training! Aside from their limited time with you, how can a

doctor be in a position to give you advice on diet and nutrition?

By comparison, during my naturopathic course we did 5 units in nutrition and each one

had at least 20 hours of lectures, not to mention all the assignments and extra study.

And since completing my course over 12 years ago I’ve continued to study more about

nutrition and the amazing human body.

Politics, Lies and Propaganda

One of the biggest things I discovered is the politics, propaganda and lies upon which

the so-called ‘healthy’ diet and food pyramid are based, and I could go on for hours

about it, but I won’t!

If you want to find out more about the facts, politics, real and fake science, then I highly

recommend Denise Minger’s book ‘Death by Food Pyramid – How shoddy science,

sketchy politics and shady special interests ruined your health and how to reclaim it’

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where she lays it all out very clearly.

Suffice to say that the argument that saturated or animal fat causes heart disease and

the huge shift in diet that has happened as a result of this shoddy science and politics

over the last 50 plus years is completely busted!

So, who cares anyway?

Well you should! This is relevant to what you’re so eager to find out, so I had to

mention it! You see, the low-fat diet is one of the biggest culprits in causing your

cravings and hunger!

With most of the fat taken out of food, especially in those ‘diet’ and ‘weight loss’

products, they become tasteless! So, what the food industry did was replace it with

sugar! Sugar in so many different disguises you’d need a science degree to recognise

all its different names.

You may already be aware that sugar is bad for you. But did you know that many of

those other ‘healthy’ and ‘weight loss friendly’ foods are just as bad, if not worse for you

than eating out of the sugar bowl!

Now I can hear you screaming already “I’m so confused! What am I supposed to eat?

Nothing works and I’m so fed up with feeling tired, hungry and miserable!”

Please bear with me because I’ll get to that


The point I want to make here

that’s super important is: if you

want to avoid cravings and hunger

stop following a low-fat diet!

Stop buying those diet products!

And while you’re at it, stop counting


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The Secrets!

Hallelujah! I hope you’re doing a happy dance!

I’ve already given you a few hints - the secret is what you’re eating! The types of foods

you eat will influence your hormones and they in turn fat-burning or fat-storing on or off!

Your hormones are the bosses when it comes to deciding whether your body stores or

burns fat!

And no, I’m not talking about your female or male hormones here. We have many

The biggest secret to help you lose

weight and keep it off without the

cravings and hunger has unfortunately

been kept top secret for way too long!

And it’s not about the calories, it’s not

about eating diet foods, it’s not about

starving yourself or doing hours of

cardio exercise!

Even obesity specialists have said

this! They’ve said they would be

without jobs if a low-fat, low calorie

diet and doing lots of cardio exercise

actually worked!

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hormones which are simply the chemical messengers that help different parts of our

body communicate together.

This is something I’ve been preaching for years but as I finish writing this I found some

totally new research that proves successful fat loss without starving yourself is about

food quality, not quantity. And now I’m doing a happy dance!

Why it’s not about the calories

When you restrict your intake of food like most people do when following a low-calorie

diet, you’re working against your body’s natural instincts. A restricted calorie diet will tell

your body ‘Whoa, there’s a famine going on here and you need to hang on to every

spare calorie!’

Your metabolism will slow down, and you’ll burn less fat, not more, doing the same

things you used to do! You’ll feel tired! Not what you

Secret Number 1

The biggest needle-mover when it comes to burning

fat for successful, long-term weight loss without

having to starve yourself is shifting your focus to

eating quality, healthy foods that are chock-full

of the nutrients your body is crying out for!

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want is it? No, I didn’t think so!

You want to work with your body; work with your hormones and encourage your body to

burn that fat. Starving yourself is not the answer – it never was, and never will be! It

just makes you feel miserable and deprived!

And I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had clients that haven’t been getting the

results they want on a low-calorie diet. Then they’ve cut the calories even more and

increased their exercise only to find that they’re even more exhausted, starving hungry

and frustrated! Perhaps that was you? Well all that’s a thing of the past my gorgeous


Now I just want to make one thing clear - it’s not that calories don’t matter altogether!

Thinking I just gave you licence to eat as much as you want won’t help you become

slimmer. Eating to excess every day won’t help you burn fat! But when you eat the

right kinds of quality foods you won’t want to overeat because you’ll be feeling fuller and

so much more satisfied. Your body will love you for it too!

“I really enjoy following Kris’s weight loss program because of its simplicity. There is no weighing or

measuring because I know what to put on my plate and the weight is coming off. It’s so much

easier than anything I’ve tried before, and I’m amazed how I just don’t get hungry and haven’t had

the cravings I would normally get. I also really like it that Kris explains things and it makes so much

sense, instead of just being told to do something. And I really LOVE the hypnosis! “

Kerry, Joondalup

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Fat is Your Friend!

Why you feel hungry when you follow that low fat, low calorie diet is because fat is one

of the things that helps us to feel fuller for way longer after we’ve eaten. And it gives us

lots of energy too! Plus, you need fat to burn fat!

You also make all your steroid hormones from cholesterol! Yes, cholesterol is the

building block for oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, some other less

known steroid hormones and even that super important ‘vitamin’ – vitamin D! Who

would have known! I think you can guess what happens when you follow a low-fat diet!

Your brain needs fat too – it’s comprised of about 60% fat. And it’s been known for

decades that a low-fat diet is associated with depression and suicide, as well as

impulsivity and aggression. (Google it if you don’t believe me!) Impulsivity? Cravings?

Hangry? Sound familiar? Need I say more!

Fat keeps you fuller long after you’ve


It gives you more energy and helps you

burn more fat!

So, hey, is it any wonder that you lack

will power and give in to the temptation

to have that donut, chocolate or cake in

front of you when you’ve been starving

your brain?

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Fat won’t make you fat either unless you go crazy with it. It’s all about balance!

A study compared people over-feeding on peanuts or sweets for 2 weeks. The

researchers concluded that two weeks of snacking based on peanuts does not

cause the same negative metabolic effects as a diet containing the same number

of calories in the form of sweets in non-obese people.1

Secret Number 2

To burn fat efficiently and feel satisfied you

need to include more healthy fats in your diet

“I contacted Kris in search of a weight loss quick fix. Well, we all know the reality,

there is no quick fix and I’m now glad I wasn’t fooled into believing this. Kris has

helped me change my eating habits considerably. I had been stuck in the same rut

for too many years to count.

It wasn’t easy to start; no one wants to give up comfortable, bad habits. However,

Kris’s broad knowledge of food intolerances, her understanding of what drives

habits and her passion is exactly what I needed to set me on the right path.

After many years of visiting health professionals and diet clinics, this is the first

time I have sustained good eating habits, as it’s not a quick fix, but a lifestyle

change. Not only have I lost weight, my energy levels have increased significantly.

I feel on top of my eating, I don’t crave the sugar and carbs in the way I used to

and I fill up quicker – the changes are remarkable for me. When I do stray, I find it

very easy to get back into eating well because it just makes sense. The difference

in the way I felt before I met Kris to the way I feel now is worth walking past

bakeries and the lolly aisle.”

Leanne, Stirling, WA

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Get off the Rollercoaster Ride

The next key to avoiding cravings and hunger, as well as the mood swings, agitation,

feeling ‘hangry’ and anxious is to get off the blood sugar rollercoaster ride. Truly, this

next secret will help you feel so much better in every way!

What am I talking about here? Well just get rid of all the processed, fake food garbage!

Those so-called ‘healthy’ grain products - whole-grain, gluten-free or not, because

there’s not a lot of difference when it comes to the damage they’re doing to your health,

your blood sugar level, your moods, energy and weight.

I’m talking about most stuff that comes in packets – anything you couldn’t get direct

from a farm, anything that comes from a factory, anything that can’t be grown on a plant

– outside, in nature, naturally! I’m talking about getting rid of breakfast cereals, bread,

pasta, biscuits, crackers, cakes, pizza, sweets, white rice, addictive fake food packet

snacks, ice cream and all the low- fat products that are

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chock full of sugar.

Most of these are cheap, nasty products the food industry is making a killing on while

you get sicker and fatter. They’re spending a fortune paying ‘food scientists’ to come up

with the most potent, addictive combinations of fat, sugar and salt to get you eating

more. Nestle in the US alone employs more than 700 of these ‘food scientists’ for this

research that pays them back many times over in big fat profits!

And the weight loss products you’re eating are no better in many cases than ordinary

other versions of the same thing. One of the most well-known ‘weight loss’ companies

has more sugar in their products than many other similar ‘standard’ versions of those

products on the shelves! Many of these types of products, especially ‘weight loss

shakes’ each contain sugar under different names so you wouldn’t even know that they

sometimes had 3 or 4 different sugars in them!

The truth is that it’s still sugar! It still has a disastrous effect on your health and weight.

‘Natural’ sugars are overall higher in fructose, which doesn’t cause insulin to rise but

does get stored as fat, unless you’re in a state of starvation.

What’s the story with sugar?

In a nutshell, your body wants to keep everything in a very narrow normal range,

especially in your blood. So, when something goes out of that range your body wants to

And even the organic, so-called

‘healthy’, ‘all natural’ or raw

foods are just as guilty when it

comes to sugar. Labels reading

‘No Added Sugar’, or ‘All Natural

Sugar’ can still be misleading if

ingredients high in natural sugar

like dates, agave syrup, coconut

flower nectar and the like have

been included.

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get it back in there pronto! This includes your blood sugar.

What happens when your blood sugar rises is that your pancreas pumps out that

hormone insulin. It in turn tells your cells to let that sugar in to be burnt for energy and

the excess to be stored as fat. It has other functions too but just know that insulin is

your main fat-storing hormone! When it’s high it keeps your fat-storing switch on – it’s

telling your fat cells to store excess sugar as fat and to hang on to it tight! Do not let go!

When you’ve been on that blood sugar roller coaster ride for some time your cells

eventually stop listening to the message insulin is trying to tell them.

So, can you see how these so-called ‘healthy’ foods are making it hard for you to burn

fat? Which by the way, is really what you want to be doing, not just losing weight!

What’s the difference between weight loss and fat loss?

Fat loss and weight loss are two completely different things!

Most people following a typical ‘weight loss’ diet will lose fluid, muscle and not so much

fat. This is disastrous and is a big reason for the plateaus during and rebound weight

gain after you stop dieting!

Why? Because it’s your muscle that burns the most fat. The more muscle you have,

the more fat you can burn, even when you’re sleeping at night! When you lose muscle,

it makes it much harder for you to maintain your weight, let alone burn fat to lose weight!

This is known as insulin resistance.

And when your cells are not

listening to insulin and are not able

to get that sugar in to burn for

energy, plus your fat cells are

locked tight, you will feel tired,

hungry and crave something to get

your energy level up!


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Why More Protein?

Glad you asked! Protein is the fat-burner’s best friend! Yay! But it has some other

fantastic benefits too.

Like fat, protein in your diet switches on hormones that in turn tell your brain to switch

off your hunger signals. It also tells your stomach to slow down how fast it’s emptying.

The beauty of this is that you feel way less hungry and stay satisfied for hours after

eating! This is something both my clients and I have experienced and it’s truly amazing.

Another big bonus is that because protein is so hard to digest it uses up lots of energy,

so the net energy gain from eating protein is low compared to other foods. It also

causes fat-burning hormones to be released, helping you burn more fat. Bonus!

When you eat adequate protein together with some fat at each meal you’ll find yourself

no longer thinking about food all the time and easily able to go between meals without

having to snack.

Secret Number 3

Swap out the processed carbohydrate that

makes your blood sugar go up and down like

a crazy rollercoaster ride for more protein

and healthier carbohydrate choices.

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If you can go 4 – 6 hours between meals and allow yourself to feel a little hungry (but

not ravenous) before eating again you can boost your fat-burning hormones too.

Protein and fat help you to do this. And you won’t be feeling agitated and irritable

between meals either because your brain will be getting a constant supply of fuel. You’ll

be feeling much more focussed, energised, calmer, happier and able to think more

clearly! Who doesn’t want that?

When you switch over from constantly relying on sugar as fuel to more protein and fat,

your insulin level will come down and you’ll be able to tap into your stored fat. And

that’s great news because then you’ll really start burning fat efficiently instead of just

losing weight, and have an endless supply of fuel!

The Plate Secret

The secret to sustainable fat-burning without the calorie counting, weighing, measuring

and all that tedious stuff is to know what you should have on your plate. And it’s easy!

You won’t need to be weighing or measuring your portion sizes. Just use your hand as

a guideline – you always have it with you, don’t you?


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You don’t need to have just one type of protein at each meal – it’s ok to have a

combination, just so long as the total serve is adequate.

A simple protein powder like pea or hemp protein without extra added junk added like

sugars or ingredients that look like those from a chemical experiment can be a

convenient way to get more protein in your diet, especially for breakfast. Start reading

labels on the food you buy – you’ll be shocked when you start paying attention to what

the food industry sneaks into food and claims is healthy!

Stevia is a sugar alternative that won’t affect your blood sugar level. When using a

protein powder don’t just drink it with water or milk – that’s not a complete meal and it

simply won’t keep you satisfied.

Also note that while legumes (chick peas, kidney beans, lentils etc) are generally

considered to be good sources of protein they aren’t. Compared with meats and eggs,

Always focus on your protein first – my

suggestion is to have a serving of

protein the size and thickness of your

hand. Good proteins are red and

white meats - beef, lamb, chicken,

turkey, fish and eggs. I’m not a fan of

pork because it can be a source of

parasites unless thoroughly cooked


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the protein content of legumes is very low, and they are best considered a good source

of starchy carbohydrate instead. However, occasionally legumes can cause that

dreaded bloating and wind, and if they do, you should avoid them.

You might have noticed I didn’t mention dairy as a good source of protein and there are

some good reasons why I didn’t. The protein content of milk and yoghurt are quite low

and dairy products have been found to cause insulin resistance in some people

(remember how the cells stop listening to insulin?) and will stop you burning fat.2

Dairy products are also highly inflammatory for people who have an allergic reaction to

cow’s milk, which may not necessarily be immediate, and again, will slow or stop your


When preparing meat, fish, chicken or turkey keep it simple! Have a selection of herb

and spice blends on hand so you can quickly and easily cook them up in a little fat and

give it a completely different flavour. That way you don’t need sauces that are chock full

of wheat, sugar and all those other unpronounceable nasty ingredients.

A slow cooker is a great way to prepare healthy, hearty meals especially in winter.

Stop making excuses about healthy food taking too much time to prepare or costing too

much. It doesn’t have to be difficult, take a lot of time or be more expensive than the

junk takeaway you’ve been killing yourself with! Not only will you feel amazing when you

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start giving your body healthy nutritious food, but you’ll save money in the long-term

with less sick days, pills and operations and so much time wasted at those medical


You’ll be amazed at how quickly your taste buds attune to the natural flavours of food

without the fake-tasting additives. Countless clients have told me how within a few

weeks when they think they’ll sneak a bit of their old favourite foods how it tastes

disgusting and they spit it out!

What is quality of life actually worth to you? You can’t really put a dollar value on it can

you? You only get one body and it’s your vehicle for life! You can’t trade it in and you

can’t buy spare parts!

When you think about it, surely your health is your biggest asset in life? And while your

body has an amazing capacity to heal, once you’re past the tipping point it can be a

long, arduous journey to reclaim your health.

Fats and Oils:

Your best fats are coconut oil, butter or ghee for cooking with, olive and avocado oils for

salad dressings, olives, avocado, nut butter or unroasted nuts and seeds (except

peanuts which are not true nuts and tend to be high in toxins).

Always buy organic fats and oils wherever possible to reduce your exposure to toxic

chemicals which can mess up your hormones and contribute to weight gain!

Next have some healthy fats. Use your thumb

as a guide – 1 serve is about from the tip of

your thumb to the first knuckle. Play around

with how much works best for you (1-3 serves)

but have at least 1 serve at each meal. Fat in

meat that’s not lean counts as 1 serve. Aim to

buy organic, free-range meat and wild-caught

fish wherever possible – it’s much healthier for

you than lot farmed animals and fish that eat

grains, soy and other unnatural ‘food’.

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Starchy Carbs:

These include pumpkin, sweet potato, peas, carrot, beetroot, turnip, brown rice, quinoa,

legumes (chick peas, kidney beans, lentils etc). Cold potato is also an option but avoid

it hot and avoid cooking your carrots.


Pile up the rest of your plate with lots of leafy greens and bright coloured veggies (these

don’t include corn, which is a grain like wheat, not a vegetable!). Great choices besides

the greens are zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, capsicum,

celery, snow peas, cucumber, tomato and eggplant. Serving size is at least 2 cups raw

or 1 cup cooked, but the more the better! Aim for 5 to 10 cups a day.

These are the slow digesting type, not just

any old starchy carbs! If you skip these

you’re likely to experience cravings or

energy dips and it will have a negative

effect in the long-term on your metabolism.

Serving size is half a cup if you’re an

inactive woman and a cup for very active

women or men. (Your scooped hand is

about half a cup.)

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Research has shown that people who ate 10 cups of veggies a day had a much lower

risk of cancer than those who ate a ‘healthy’ serving of 5 cups a day!4

Veggies are not only high in nutrients but fibre too. Fibre is bulky, which stretches your

stomach and in turn sends signals to your brain that you’re full.

A great way to increase your veggie and fibre and reduce processed carb intake is to

replace pasta and rice with spiralised veggies like zucchini or carrot and rice with ‘riced’


A note about Breakfast:

If you’ve been eating cereal for breakfast you’ve been eating dessert for breakfast!

Would you eat dessert for dinner? No, of course not, so why should breakfast be any

different? Most breakfast cereals are loaded in sugar, not to mention all the sugar that’s

coming from the wheat.

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Know though that breakfast shouldn’t be any different to any other meal! It’s just

damned clever marketing that’s made you think you should just eat cereal or toast.

Eggs and veggies make a fabulous breakfast and you don’t need to be cooking a

breakfast in the morning if you don’t have time. The secret is being prepared and there

are a gazillion ways you can prepare your eggs in advance – things like egg and veggie

muffin cups, pastry-less quiche, frittata and lots more.

A note about Snacks:

Should you snack? Yes, maybe! I often recommend an afternoon snack since lunch to

dinner is the time you would normally go longest without eating. Without an afternoon

snack you’re more likely to have a late afternoon energy crash, be snacking or looking

for alcohol before dinner, overeating at dinner if you’re ravenously hungry, or looking for

that sweet treat after dinner. Again, make sure to include some protein in your snack.

Otherwise eliminate snacks between meals and after dinner because you’re reducing

your fat-burning potential. If you follow the guidelines I’ve already given you for meals,

you won’t be needing to snack all day or looking for a pick-me-up between meals.

So, there you have my top food secrets for preventing hunger and cravings and if you

follow these guidelines you’re very likely to succeed in achieving your goal weight

without those pesky cravings and the hunger.

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That’s it! Easy, right?

But realise this; you are unique! Your biochemistry is unique and there is not one way of

eating that works for everyone. I generally start my personal clients on this type of

program but with time we make some tweaks so that it maximises their fat-burning.

How do I know? Because I monitor their progress with a body composition test that

tracks their fat mass.

You see, just weighing or measuring yourself doesn’t tell you what’s going on inside

your body. If you’re eating right and doing the right exercise you might be building

muscle and burning fat. The problem is that muscle is way heavier than fat, but the

scales might make you think you’re not making progress, or even gaining weight, and

you’ll give up!

On the other hand, if you’re not eating and exercising to maximise fat burning you might

lose weight according to the scales but most of it will be muscle and fluid, and not much


I also keep an eye on what my clients are eating because simple mistakes can make a

big difference to your results. It’s easy in the beginning to start off well and then drift

back to old eating patterns without even realising it if

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you’re not being accountable to someone who knows what to look for.

Research has shown that having someone to help guide you, be accountable to and

keep you on track increases your chance of becoming and staying the naturally slim

you, way more than trying to do it on your own. Doing it on your own is hard especially

when you have a significant amount of fat to burn and habits to change!

Big Exercise Secrets

Firstly, stop the cardio madness! Doing hours of cardio every week just serves to make

you tired and hungry! It’s not going to burn extra fat and instead will place extra wear

and tear on your joints, cause muscle break down and create more free radicals, which

all accelerate aging! Ouch!

Remember, the less muscle you have, the harder it is to maintain your weight, let alone

lose it.

The caveat is that you must work as hard as you can in those short bursts, stop at 1

minute or before you get to breaking point. Then rest to recover completely between

each exercise, so you can work just as hard with the next one as you did at the start.

Focus on exercises that work as many of your muscle groups as possible for best

So, if you’ve disliked working out or

hate wasting hours pounding away

on a treadmill or doing other

mindless exercise you too can now

do a happy dance!

The secret to accelerate your fat

burning is through shorter workouts

with short bursts of intense exercise

that build strength and flexibility.

The entire workout should take no

more than 20 to 30 minutes

including pre-workout warmup and

post-workout stretches. No longer!

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This won’t make you tired, hungry or age you faster! Instead it helps to increase growth

hormone that keeps you younger and healthier, builds muscle, boosts fat-burning for up

to 48 hours afterwards (something cardio never did for you), energises you and makes

you feel stronger physically, emotionally and mentally!

Do this 3 times a week and make sure you’re as active as possible throughout the day

on other days.

How much simpler could it be? No more wasting time travelling to and from a gym,

pounding away for hours doing boring exercise or waiting to use the equipment. No

more wasting money on gym memberships you never use! No more feeling exhausted,

starving and miserable! No more procrastination because what’s not to love about short

simple workouts that energise you and make you feel truly alive?

Now I’m not saying don’t do any cardio whatsoever but for effective fat loss you need to

focus on building your muscle mass, especially if you are a woman. You see I’ve been

doing body composition tests on my women clients now for over 12 years and I’ve only

ever had a couple of women who had adequate muscle mass!

Secret Number 4

Swap cardio for short workouts with short

bursts of intense exercise, focusing on

building strength and flexibility

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On the other hand, I’ve rarely seen a man with too little muscle mass, but I have seen

them lose muscle too with too little strength-training and protein intake.

No Amount of Exercise Will Compensate for Poor Food Choices!

Another little-known secret when it comes to exercise is that you can’t train off your bad

diet! If you constantly binge and then workout to try to burn off those extra calories

you’re fooling yourself.

Why? Because if you eat foods in the 3 to 5 hours before exercising that cause your

blood sugar level to spike your insulin level will rise. It can stay high for hours

afterwards and will keep your fat cells locked tight, no matter how hard or long you


Once your muscles have used up their stored energy (after about 20 minutes) and

insulin is keeping your fat locked up tight you will start to break down your precious

muscle to give you the energy for the exercise! Ouch again!

So please promise me you won’t waste your time doing boring, ineffective cardio ever

again to lose weight!

What I’ve also seen time and time

again is that if you’re a woman and

do not focus on strength training or

do not do it frequently enough,

especially if you’re not eating enough

protein, you will lose muscle mass!

Not only will you then struggle to

burn fat, but it sets you up for a

plateau and will likely cause that

nasty rebound weight gain, not to

mention those flabby arms and belly!

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A Few More Success Secrets:

Yes, as I said at the start, losing weight successfully is not simply about eating less and

exercising more. Your body is way more complex than that, but the good news is, when

you focus on getting healthy instead of working against your body, you are guaranteed

to notice so many other positive benefits. You’ll feel happier, calmer, more energised

and so much more!

Sleep Yourself Slim!

Remember how I said it’s your hormones that determine whether your body stores or

burns fat? Well how much sleep you get will also affect those same hormones!

The good news is that you can help rebalance your hormones by getting enough sleep!

How much is enough? Good question!

“Thanks Kris, you’ve really changed my life! I can’t believe how amazing I feel after just 5

weeks on your program. Not only have I lost 8.5kg, which is fantastic, but I’m feeling so

much more energetic, happier and I’m managing my stress so much better too.

Since starting the program I had a few stressful family issues and I’ve been able to handle

them so much more easily than usual. I’m waking up at 5am without my alarm and feeling

much more refreshed than before. Instead of only having the energy to do the essentials

like shopping and cooking on my days off I’m now on the go all day - I feel my energy is just

so much more stable now and I’m not getting the crashes like I used to.

I haven’t been to the shops for chocolate every evening after dinner once since starting the

program because I just don’t feel hungry or think about food except at mealtimes. This

alone is just amazing!

I really enjoyed the hypnosis sessions you did with me and I find listening to your hypnosis

recordings really enjoyable. I find the one in the morning especially really helps me start the

day well and keep me on track.

While I’ve got a way to go to achieve my goal weight, I know I can do it this time because I

don’t feel hungry and the program is easy to follow. I now understand why I struggled in the

past to lose weight and keep it off thanks to your audio recordings and I’m enjoying

experimenting with new healthier foods too.”

Tracey Roberts, Bunbury, WA

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Only about 200 years ago before the light globe was invented people got on average

10.5 hours sleep every night throughout the year. How many have you been getting? I

bet it’s way less than that! And since we’re all different, I can’t tell you what’s ideal for

you but suffice to say that you should aim for at least 7 and preferably 8 hours as a

minimum. Also aim to have a regular bed time and be asleep before 10pm.

One night of sleep deprivation can cause your stress hormone cortisol to rise by up to

30% and cortisol in turn causes insulin to rise. This alone is a recipe for extra fat

storing, but it doesn’t end there.

Sleep deprivation also causes other important hormones to be out of kilter. Leptin is a

hormone released by your fat cells that tells your brain you have enough fat stores on

you, so you don’t overeat. The trouble is that with too little sleep your brain stops

hearing the message, just like the problem where your cells stop hearing insulin’s

message, so you keep eating!

And sleep deprivation causes your appetite hormone ghrelin and others to rise making

you hungrier! This is what researchers from one study on sleep deprivation and ghrelin

had to say “Thus, our results provide further evidence for a disturbing influence of sleep loss

on endocrine regulation of energy homeostasis, which in the long run may result in weight gain

and obesity.”

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Lack of sleep also depletes you of serotonin, a brain chemical that keeps you happy.

No wonder you feel cranky when you’re tired, but serotonin deficiency causes you to

crave more sweet foods! Yikes!

And to top it all off, sleep deprivation messes with your dopamine receptors. Dopamine

just happens to be related to motivation! So now you’re tired and lacking motivation!

Guess what you’re going to be doing? Lazing on the couch, stuffing yourself full of

sweets of course! And that’s the perfect recipe for sabotaging the best laid plans and

gaining kilos quickly and efficiently! Yikes again!

Secret Number 5

Aim for at least 8 hours

of sleep every night!

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Be prepared!

Failing to plan is planning to fail!

Plan what you’re going to be eating in advance – a few days or even a week. Plan

when you’re going shopping and when you’ll do some food prepping. Doing things in

batches saves time and means you’ll be much less tempted to get takeaway when

you’ve had a long and tiring day. Make 2 or 3 meals at a time instead of one and put

one in the freezer for the days you don’t have time or energy to cook.

Get Your Mind on Board

Decide to do it and Make the Commitment!

Has there ever been a time in the past where you procrastinated on something for ages

and then suddenly one day you just did it without hesitation? Why is that? Because you

made the decision and the commitment, and you just did it!

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Love and Respect Yourself First!

All lasting change comes from within. So, to create the change you want, lose the

weight and keep it off, you need to treat yourself with respect, and that can only come

from loving yourself from the inside out.

The problem I see with most of my clients is that they’re coming from the wrong

mindset. They think they can only love themselves when and if they’ve lost the weight.

They don’t and can’t accept themselves as good enough right now. All they see when

they look in the mirror is negative. Can you relate to this?

But if you don’t love yourself first, you can’t do what you need to do to lose the weight!

You won’t treat yourself with respect by making healthy food and drink choices.

How can you make that process easier on

yourself? Well just realise that all change costs

energy – it will take some effort, time and

usually money. It takes overcoming the fears,

beliefs and thoughts that are blocking you from

taking action.

Hypnosis is a great way to help shift your

mindset – to reframe your thinking and

overcome those blocks so you can see the

positive outcome instead of focusing on the

negatives that are keeping you stuck. Change

usually begins after the first session!

“I so wanted to start making some changes to how I was eating but for reasons that I just

couldn’t understand, couldn’t get motivated to get started. I love healthy food but had gotten

myself into a bad habit of eating junk food that was piling on the kilos. After just the first

session with Kris I’d already started feeling more motivated and positive and was making

much better choices. It was amazing!”

Jenny, West Leederville, WA

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Reward Yourself Better

There are other mindset shifts you need to make too to succeed, like ‘treating yourself’

or rewarding yourself in different ways instead of eating food. Again, this comes back to

loving yourself from the inside out, but it can be a difficult thing to overcome on your

own. You see, we’ve been hardwired to feel better with food or drinks since we were


As a baby your mother cuddled you while you sucked on her breast. As soon as you

cried, that’s what she did. It made you feel loved and secure. When you hurt yourself

as a child you were often given food or a drink to calm and soothe you.

As you got older food became a big part of birthdays and other special celebrations.

And now as an adult your social life no doubt revolves around eating and drinking.

Friends bring food to cheer you up when you’re feeling down or sick.

Is it any wonder that you fall back on food to soothe yourself with a ‘treat’ when you’re

stressed or down?

Now I can hear you saying already

“but I can’t love myself like I am right

now. I just hate what I see in the

mirror!” Through hypnosis it’s

possible to start shifting that thinking

and get you in a more positive frame

of mind about yourself.

Imagine how much more

pleasurable melting away the fat will

be when you really feel good about

yourself? And the better you treat

yourself, the more your confidence

will grow and the greater the results

you’ll see. This in turn will boost

your motivation to continue.

Can you see now why shifting your

mindset is one of the most important

things you can do right away?

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The trouble is though, the ‘treat’ is typically something sweet and it only gives a few

brief moments of pleasure, followed by all the guilt and pain as that excess sugar gets

stored as fat. It’s a vicious cycle, I know!

The trick is to be aware of why you’re eating if you’re not hungry and find new ways to

deal with your stress or release your negative emotions. Again, hypnosis is a great way

to get unstuck, shift your thinking and find new and more beneficial ways to deal with

your emotions.

Know what you really want

Initially when I ask someone what they really want, they typically tell me what they don’t


And you know what you put your focus on is what you’ll get more of! So, ask yourself,

what it is that you really want, focusing on the feelings you’ll be experiencing once you

reach your goal. You see, weight loss (or better still fat-burning) is the journey, not the


When you dig deep, what you’ll find you really want has nothing to do with losing weight

but what you’ll be able to do and how you’ll feel once you’re free of that extra weight.

So, take the time to get crystal clear on what you want. Imagine I had a magic fairy

wand (I wish I did!) and you woke up tomorrow and the excess weight was gone. How

will your life be? What will you be doing differently or doing that you’re not doing now?

How will you be feeling?

Experience everything in vivid detail and

then write it down as if it’s already


It could be certain activities you can

confidently do, the types of clothes you’ll

be able to confidently and comfortably

wear, places you’ll go, people you’ll be

meeting, a new job or promotion you’ll

get, new business or project you’ll start

and all the satisfaction you’ll get from


Or it may be the feelings of being fit,

healthy, energetic, alive and doing

activities you never imagined before.

Whatever it is, it is unique to you!

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Find pictures to help you visualise how you will look and the things you’ll be doing. You

could even create a ‘mind movie’ of how you’ll look, and your life will be when you’re the

slimmer, happier, confident and sexier version of you.

It doesn’t have to be like a movie in real life. If I ask you to imagine what your front door

looks like, that’s how you imagine something. It’s different for everyone. Maybe you

don’t even see an image at all, but you just know.

Are you struggling to imagine all this? Don’t worry!

Again, hypnosis is a wonderful way to help you relax and get in tune with what you

really want and help you to ‘see’ life as it could be, even if you can’t imagine that right


You see, your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between something real

or imagined. Just like a scary movie – your body reacts in the same way as if it were

real. Your heart is racing, your pupils become dilated and so on, as if it was really

happening. You can do the same thing in reverse and use your mind in a positive way!

The more often you visualise yourself at your goal shape and size and doing the things

you want to do, the more your subconscious mind will help you to get there. And that

means it will be much easier and more pleasurable, without the grind, even when life

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challenges you.

How I can Help You Achieve Your Goals and Desires

Over the last 12 plus years I’ve helped several thousand people, just like you who had

decided enough was enough; that it was time to reclaim their lives.

Through a process of asking the right questions I’ve helped them to discover what’s

been holding them back, shift those old subconscious beliefs and stories, release the

emotional baggage that was weighing them down and keeping them stuck, and break

free to become the slim, beautiful, confident and happy versions of themselves.

Together we’ve worked to overcome their emotional eating and find new ways to deal

with their emotions, control their portion sizes, enjoy embracing new ways to eat that

are sustainable, filling and energising, and even find certain foods distasteful. They

have become more organised with food preparation and time management to enable all

these things to become easier and a natural part of their routines.

Hearing clients tell me how much their lives have changed, getting hugs of appreciation

and gratitude, and seeing an awesome energy about them really is why I do what I do!

I really want to help you become the happy, vibrant, slim, sexy, energetic version of you


Would you like to find out how I can help you too?

I’d like to offer you a Complementary ‘Achieve Your Dream’ Special Coaching

Session valued at $180. During the consultation I’ll help you gain clarity about how to

achieve your goal and become inspired to achieve your dream of becoming the slim,

healthy, happy you! You’ll walk away feeling renewed, revived, confident and ready to

create the change you want!

To be eligible for this Special Coaching Session, you’ll need to complete a short online

Questionnaire Here

So, what are you waiting for? Why not get started right now?

Once I’ve received your questionnaire I’ll be in touch to set up an appointment time with

you. I can’t wait to help make your journey to the new you a truly enjoyable one!

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