How to Host a Birthday Party: An A-Z Guide By Franny Tyska

How To Host A Birthday Party

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Page 1: How To Host A Birthday Party

How to Host a Birthday Party:An A-Z Guide

By Franny Tyska

Page 2: How To Host A Birthday Party


Always plan ahead! You have to get ready for the special day!

The key is this motto: Perfect Planning Produces

Perfect Parties!

The first birthday parties began before the rise of Christianity, to ward off evil spirits!

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B is for Balloons

Balloons are perfect to make any celebration special, including birthdays.

There are many games you can play with just a single balloon, so there good if you want to save money.

Did you know balloons long ago were made of animal bladders?

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C is for Cake (or cupcakes)

Parties NEED cake (or cupcakes) to make it seem special. You also can sing happy birthday at the of eating cake.

You can make a cake or by it at a bakery.

Greeks called cakes "plakous” , which means "flat."

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D is for Decorations

Decorations can be confetti, streamers, balloons, etc.

You should put decorations up so people know that your party is special.

Madonna used a 2-ton disco ball (a decoration) that was embellished with 2 million dollars' worth of crystals for her Confessions Tour in 2006.

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E is for Excellent Invitations

Send invitations out to all of you friends so they know your having a party.

Include the Who, What, When, Where and Why.

A long time ago when there was no other way, invitations had to be hand delivered by scullery maids, no matter the weather conditions!

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F is for Favor Bags

Favor bags are a great way to tell your guests “thank you.”

Favor bags are small bags filled with inexpensive treats.

Favor bags are often called treat bags or goodie bags.

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G is for Guests

You simply MUST HAVE guests at a party.

Don’t invite to many guests or the party will get too crazy!

Make sure you are nice to your guests or they’ll want to go home.

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H is for Hosting it at your House

Only host it at your house if your ready for a mess!

Make sure you clean up your house before your guests come or they’ll think you’re a slob.

Did you know that 15% of Americans live in apartments instead of houses?

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I is for Ice Cream

Ice Cream is a delicious treat that you should eat with your cake.

I recommend that you keep the ice cream in the freezer….

In 1700, Governor Bladen from Maryland served ice cream to his guests.

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Juice J is for

Juice is a delicious drink that would be a good substitute for soda, which is very unhealthy.

Make sure you get the juice ready right away for guests, because there bound to get thirsty soon.

Cranberry juice has been known for a long time to prevent or even treat bladder infections.

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K is for Kitchen

I recommend that you keep your guests OUT OF THE KITCHEN!


Cooking fires ( which occur in the kitchen), are the number one reason of home fires and home fire injuries.

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L is for Late

At a birthday party, it’s fun to stay up late.

But, don’t stay up quite too late or you’ll be really tired in the morning.

Did you know that 11-12 year olds need at least 9 hours of sleep a night?

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M is for Music

Music is great for a party. It sets a nice, positive mood. This is the song with the longest title,

'I'm a Cranky Old Yank in a Clanky Old Tank on the Streets of Yokohama with my Honolulu Mama Doin' Those Beat-o, Beat-o Flat-On-My-Seat-o, Hirohito Blues' By Hoagy Carmichael in 1943.

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N is for NO CLOWNS

Seriously. Trust me on this. Clowns are not good for 12-13 year olds

birthday parties. Did you know there are four different types of


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O is for Opening the Door

Make sure your ready when you open the door.

Make sure you smile and say “hello!” If you want to say hello in Bulgarian, say


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P is for PRESENTS!!!

Presents are fun to get. Make sure to say “Thanks!” The first present giving traces back to

Ancient Rome!

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Q is for Queen of the Party

You’re the host, so your in charge! But remember, your guests want to have fun,

so be kind and courteous. Always remember to let them make choices,


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R is for Running Guests out the Door

Once the party is done, you will have to run the guests out the door.

Make sure to say “Thanks for coming! Did you know the earliest doors were found

in Egyptian tombs?

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S is for Success!

YES! You finished! NOT! You still have more to do!

But first, take a breather for about an hour. Oh no! YOU FELL ASLEEP! WAKE UP! You

still have more to do!

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T is for Thank You Cards

Thank you cards are a big pain. But you have to thank your guests for

coming. Try not to give fill in the blank cards because

they don’t mean as much as the real thing.

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U is for Under the Table

Make sure you check under the table for left over crumbs and food.

Get out a vacuum and suck it up. Did you know that Hubert Cecil Booth

invented the vacuum. Thank God!

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V is for Very Messy

Your house is probably a wreck. I suggest you clean bit by bit so you don’t get

stressed. Once you are done, RELAX!

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W is for Wrapping Paper

This you should NOT throw away. If there is enough, you can save it and reuse

it. REDUCE, REUSE RECYCLE! Did you know that the Chinese invented

wrapping paper?

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X is for X-tra Food

You probably ate a lot of food- but NOT ALL OF IT!

Keep the extras for your next meal. Did you know that the name “Extra Food” is

the name of a Canadian super market?

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Y is for YOU’RE DONE!

Congrats on your party that is FINISHED! You might be a bit sad, but remember, you

can rest and look at your presents now! GO GET SOME SLEEP!

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Z is for Zippety-Do-Da

Zippety-Do-Da, Zippety-Day, my oh my it’s a wonderful day! Your Parties over, and it’s time to play, Zippety-Do-Da, Zippety-Day!

Have fun at the rest of your parties, kids!

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