“How to handle successfully a job interview” 1 “HOW TO HANDLE SUCCESSFULLY A JOB INTERVIEW” ÓSCAR IZQUIERDO ([email protected]) February 24 th , 2015

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  • How to handle successfully a job interview1



    SCAR IZQUIERDO ([email protected])

    February 24th, 2015

  • scar Izquierdo Prezes.linkedin.com/pub/scar-izquierdo-prez/5/718/684

    Professional experience

    2010-2015.- Executive Director Talent & Reward (Human Capital).- ERNST & YOUNG.

    2005-2010.- Senior Manager.- HUDSON Talent Management.

    2004-2005.- HR Managing Director.- GRUPO CROPU.

    2000-2004.- Manager.- KPMG Consulting.

    1999-2000.- Senior Consultant.- PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS.

    1995-1999.- Consultant.- WATSON WYATT.

    Lecturer / Speaker

    Business Schools: IE Business School, LONDON Business School, GARRIGUES, EOI, CEF, ICADE BusinessSchool, Tecnolgico de Monterrey, PUCMM, EAE Business School,

    Universities: Universidad Europea de Madrid, Universidad Autnoma de Madrid,... Public Administration: ICEX, Cmaras de Comercio, Corporative Universities: Ferrovial, Vodafone, Tcnicas Reunidas, Telefnica, Specialized Forums: APD, IIR, AEDIPE, Intereconoma, IVAFE, Publications.- Capital Humano, Expansin, Actualidad Econmica, El Economista, El Mundo, El Pas,

    Bachelor degree in Economics (Universidad Autnoma de Madrid) Master in HR Management (ICADE Business School).

  • How to handle successfully a job interview3


    1. Current situation

    2. Job interview

    3. Role play

    4. Conclusions

  • How to handle successfully a job interview4


    Extremely high unemployment rate (24,5%).

    Low mobility of the labor market.

    Many candidates for the same job position (external and internal).

    Companies towards internationalization (new opportunities).

    Decreasing quality of working conditions.

    Companies take advantage of the market situation (paying as less as possible).

    Positive economic forecasts.

    Current situation

  • How to handle successfully a job interview5


    1. Current situation

    2. Job interview

    3. Role play

    4. Conclusions

  • How to handle successfully a job interview6

    Looking for a job is ajob.

    Job interview

  • How to handle successfully a job interview7

    Job interview


    Job interview with an HR responsibleof the company

    Academic background Training Personality Motivation Competency profile Capacity of integration in the

    company (cultural matters)

    Job interview with a responsible ofthe department (technical interview)

    Technical profile Working capacity Empathy between interviewer and



  • How to handle successfully a job interview8

    Job interview


    Review your CV.

    Inform about theCompany.

    Check your interviewerprofile at Linked In, knowhim/her!

    Prepare possiblequestions you may beasked.


    Be punctual. Take care of your outfit. Take a copy of your CV. Introduction. Remember they are

    evaluating yourcandidature.

    Listen. Verbal expression. Show your strengths. Hide your weaknesses. Body language. Control your nerves. Naturalness, confidence

    and sincerety.


    If you have agreed toperform some action orsend somedocumentation to yourinterviewer, do it.

    Follow up yourinterviews, leaving areasonable time after theinterview.

    Sending an e-mail canbe an option, but if youhave the opportunity,give a call.

  • How to handle successfully a job interview9

    Job interview


    Do not go to theinterview withoutinformation about theCompany.

    Checking previously theprofile of yourinterviewer can behelpful, do not go to theinterview without lookingit at Linked In.

    Do not improvise yourCV and experience.


    Being punctual meansbeing at the time agreed,not after nor before.

    Not participating duringthe interview mightundervalue yourcandidacy. Be proactive.

    Do not limit to answerthe questions, promoteyour candidacy.

    Playing a role might berisky.


    If you have agreed toperform some action orsend somedocumentation to yourinterviewer, do not go tothe interview withoutsending before theagreed.

    Do not forget to followup your interviews.

    Do not just send an e-mail, give a call.

  • How to handle successfully a job interview10


    1. Current situation

    2. Job interview

    3. Role play

    4. Conclusions

  • How to handle successfully a job interview11

    Role Play


    Red Card

    Yellow Card

  • How to handle successfully a job interview12


    1. Current situation

    2. Job interview

    3. Role play

    4. Conclusions

  • How to handle successfully a job interview13


    It is essential to get prepared for a job interview.

    Before the interview, look for information, know your Company and your interviewer.

    Promote your candidacy.

    In the current situation, there is a lot of competition, not being selected in a process should notdiscourage you.

  • How to handle successfully a job interview14



    SCAR IZQUIERDO ([email protected])

    February 24th, 2015

  • How to handle successfully a job interview15

    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

    1. Personal Brand

    2. What do I want?4. Recruitmentprocess

    3. How do I prepare?

    Where to begin?

  • How to handle successfully a job interview16

    What is my Personal Brand?

    Why is it important?

    How do you want to be seen?

    1. Personal Brand

    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

  • How to handle successfully a job interview17

    2. What do I want?

    What am I good at? What do I like?

    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

  • How to handle successfully a job interview18

    3. How do I prepare?

    Press advertisements (hardly used)

    Employment webs.

    Companys website.

    Social networks.

    Recruitment Firms.

    University career/ Business School.

    Employment Forums.

    Companys presentations.


    We need to establish a search routine that is consistent and proactive.

    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

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    4. Recruitmentprocess

    Selection of CV

    Phone interview

    Tests Offer

    Group dynamics


    Incorporation tothe Company

    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

  • How to handle successfully a job interview20

    Your CV is your professional visit card (Personal Brand).

    Right person for the company and the vacant job position, consistent and attractive.

    Write the information in a clear and concise manner.

    You are an "added value", you must introduce yourself as the person most suitablefor the vacant job position.

    Use pdf format.

    Beware of misspellings.

    Do not exceed one (or two pages) in your CV.

    Chronological order.

    Selection of CV

    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

  • How to handle successfully a job interview21

    Phone interview

    Respond in a quiet place. If you are not able to attend correctly the call, say it to the interviewer. Use an adequate tone of voice and language. Do not let anyone answer the phone on your behalf. Goal: schedule a personal interview.

    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

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    Tests Psycho technical tests Languages

    IT testsBusiness cases

    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

  • How to handle successfully a job interview23

    Personal interview Goals:

    Obtain real information abouthis/her professional career.

    Find out the suitability of his/herprofile for the company and the

    position offered.


    Obtain real information about thejob offered.

    Demonstrate your suitability forthe job.


    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

  • How to handle successfully a job interview24

    Personal interview What is valuated?



    Be capable to/Know

    Willness Posibility


    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

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    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

  • How to handle successfully a job interview26

    Group dynamics Goals:

    The aim of group dynamics is to observe how the candidate interacts with others andespecially in front of a workgroup.

    Cases usually do not have only one solution, a bad or a good one.

    Cases may be realistic, surrealistic and roles might be assigned or not.

    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

  • How to handle successfully a job interview27

    Group dynamics Useful tips:

    Naturalness: Show yourself as you are, it will allow you to be more spontaneous in yourparticipation.

    Respect: Listen and let other listen.

    Dynamism: Maintain a proactive attitude, talk and be active.

    Confidence: Firm attitude.

    Consistent: Do not assume a role that is not appropriate, be yourself.

    Pay close attention to any written material you get.

    Read it quickly highlighting the important information, if you have time read it again.

    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

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    Group dynamics Useful tips:

    If you have been assigned a role, state your objective in the discussion.

    Participate actively so the group reaches its goal.

    Listen carefully, if you can, take notes.

    Invite quite candidates to participate.

    Your interventions must be clear, consistent and including the ideas of other participants.

    Tell your ideas, if an additional problem appears, propose a solution.

    Monitor the time.

    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

  • How to handle successfully a job interview29

    Offer and incorporation

    If you are finally chosen, HR department will communicate you the offer.

    Evaluate it, considering all possibilities (job position, salary conditions, other possibleoffers, etc.)

    If you decide to accept, congratulations! You will now join the Company.

    Appendix. How to handle successfully a job interview

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    SCAR IZQUIERDO ([email protected])

    February 24th, 2015