How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

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Page 1: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural
Page 2: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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Copyright Notice © Copyright Paul Clifford & PageOneTraffic Ltd. (TM) 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report can be reproduced or distributed in any way without written permission of the author. DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Every precaution has been taken to ensure that the information presented herein is accurate. However, neither the author nor PageOneTraffic Ltd. shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained within this work. The information is presented on an “as is” basis; there is no warranty. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws which govern business transactions or other business practices in your country and state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely coincidental. CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that the author of this report has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned in this report and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. INCOME AND EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: You and you alone are responsible for any income you make or fail to make. The copyright owner makes no promises or guarantees of income whatsoever. AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER: You should assume that any and all links within this guide are affiliate links. As such, the owner or distributor may realize compensation should a purchase occur. The copyright owner holds no responsibility for products purchased.

Page 3: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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Traffic Quick Start For the Internet Marketing community we look at different ways to make money using websites. Essentially, we follow a simple formula that puts money in our pocket.

Traffic + Conversions = Sales What most people focus on is Google traffic as we know it is the dominant force when it comes to natural organic traffic representing 70% of the search engine traffic on the web. And of course when you get it right - it's evergreen so it just keeps coming. So the way to do this is through SEO by ranking our sites using predominately backlinking techniques. However, we all know that fundamentally this is not a practice Google likes. I mean, they really want us to just put content out there and then let Google decide for itself what and where it should rank. The big 'BUT' in all of this however is that it's hard. Let's face it backlinking is tough and laborious. And it doesn't last. Google is forever changing its algorithms to combat backlinking methods. Plus, if you rank high today you are still at risk of losing that ranking tomorrow. Don't forget all of Google's algorithm changes...Panda this and Panda that. And Penguin which targeted sites that had been over optimized for SEO. So at the end of the day you really can't win! So what can you do? In the end, after every loophole has been tried, people ALWAYS come back to the one and ONLY strategy that works and stands the test of time. STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural backlinks and Google love. Then all you need to do is monetize it with a quality squeeze page, ads, CPA, or some kind of product and then it's just a case of working out what

Page 4: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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converts the best. Make sure that you pick a high volume niche and use powerful headlines to increase clicks and sharing.

Why authority sites get traffic? The key to any authority site is quality content. Therefore, the more quality posts you publish the more traffic you will get. Combine this with long tail keywords and your traffic will explode. Each post therefore will capture low levels of long tail traffic. These long tail keywords are easy to rank on page 1 and although they don’t necessarily have high search volume on their own many of them combined together will get you to the numbers you are looking for with a lot less work. Moreover, these long tail keywords are the buying keywords. It's what people are searching for when they are ready to make a purchase. People don’t search for 'shoes' they search for 'white ladies running shoes'.

The Fundamental Problem The biggest problem you will encounter however is creating content. An authority site demands regular posting of quality content that is of high value to your readers. It is what will keep people coming back and Google sending you traffic. You can of course opt to write the content yourself, which is extremely time consuming. Another option is to

Page 5: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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outsource it, but that can get very costly. Plus, it's tough to find good writers especially if you are on a tight budget. Personally, my experiences with outsourcing have not always been great. I mean it's fine if no one is going to read the content, but if you are putting your name on it then the expectation is much higher. At the end of the day then, it seems that the best choice is to just write the content yourself. But where do we find the time? To write every single article yourself would truly have to be a labor of love...like finding the best bars in New York or training your pet dog or something. You just can’t seriously put a lot of passion into getting rid of acne - can you? And of course, we also know that we can't just copy content off the Internet. That would be completely useless, infringing copyrights, potential law suits, and Google wouldn't like it one bit.

How to Please the Big 'G' Let's go back in time... What Google loves is linking to other sites...right? Remember, it used to be called 'Backrub'. So linking is fundamental to any site ranking and getting traffic. If any of your sites are not linking out to others then you need to change that and you'll be surprised at the result. It's not just linking in that counts. What Google also recognizes is that there are authorities in the market that report on topics in specific niches. News sites do not always create their own news, they find other news and report on it and then reference the source. What's interesting is that if you break down these news sites, technology and celebrity blogs, and so on - what they are doing is aggregating. They are collecting and republishing information...mostly the same information. Technically they are copying other people's content and publishing it on their site - and Google is rewarding them for it - as long as they reference back to the source.

Page 6: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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Take it a step further you can add your own editorial comment as an introduction to the content and even summarize it in your own words. As long as you reference the source then in Google's eyes this is 100% approved. So all you need to do is add your own voice or tone - and then it becomes curation. You are becoming a voice for quality content on the web and people will come to your site to read further time and time again. The most prolific examples of curation are the Huffington Post and Drudge Report, which were worth $315m and $30 million respectively. They simply curated other people's material, generated a loyal following and readership which resulted in huge volumes of traffic. There are other lesser known brands - tons of them, from corporates like http://popurls.com/ or http://smarterplanet.tumblr.com from IBM. Curation can be done anywhere and on any topic. So all you need to do is create a site and get started.

Why the Need for Curation What you need to understand is that with so much content on the web people are simply overloaded with information. They want smaller authoritative sites to follow and digest. Being a curator means selecting the best content and wrapping it with your voice and comment. This makes you the authority, which builds trust and repeat visitors.

Fast Track Guide To Curation Curation is generally broken into 3 activities:

1. Researching content 2. Curating the post 3. Promoting your content 4. Monetization

Page 7: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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- Researching Content - Depending on what kind of niche you are publishing in you need to establish your content sources. For example, if you decide to become the voice of 'Reflexology' a type of natural therapy - then you need to start finding quality trending sources of content that you can use and reuse to start curating from. You could start by simply searching 'Reflexology' in the KudaniCloud Discover tool to find trending content, which shows you exactly the articles that are receiving a high level of engagement. You can then search for related feeds, check the keyword demand, and so on.

Page 8: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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Quick Tips to Find the Best Sites

Here's what you need to look for:

1. The site should be authoritative, have quality content, and a high level of social engagement. Always, click on the 'Open in Browser' button to see the actual source site. Assess the bigger picture not just the one article. Do they have one or two of these factors? The main thing is that you want to find a site that has quality content in your niche that Google likes. Stay away from affiliate sites and sites with poor content - even if they have one trending article.

2. You’ll want to find sites that have their own feed. This is usually represented by the RSS icon that looks like this:

Let's continue with our 'Reflexology' example. Here is a site that came up when I searched 'Reflexology' in KudaniCloud. The site is http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com but their RSS feed is http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com/feed/ A feed structure essentially provides summaries of the content in a form that is stripped bare of images, ads, etc. The reason you want the feeds is that they are always up-to-date with the latest content. However, you need to have some kind of software in order to be able to read, search, curate, and manage your content. KudaniCloud was created for this very purpose. KudaniCloud is an all-in-one curation software that lets you add feeds, search for trending content, examine keywords, and lets you quickly and easily build curated articles that your readers are going to love.

Page 9: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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Quick Tips to Build Awesome Posts

1. When selecting content you want to make sure it's interesting, varied, newsworthy, provides value, maybe even spicy, or elicits a debate (this usually translates into tons of engagement, which is exactly what you want).

2. Remember grammar and readability. If it doesn't make sense no one is going to read it. That's where the importance of joining the curated bits with your own words becomes especially important.

3. Add images. You can find tons of great options using KudaniCloud image search. But here is where you want to go a step further and create a blog graphic, essentially to create a unique image. Don't just grab a stock image and put it on your site. Make it different, fun, interesting...even worthy of pinning. Like this one...

You don't need to spend hours on it. And you certainly don't need to hire a graphic designer. Just spice it up a bit using the image editor in KudaniCloud.

Page 10: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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Other types of images you want to consider adding are infographics, graphs and charts, etc. The goal here to break up your content with visuals.

4. Always link back to the source unless of course a license gives you permission not to. Better to air on the side of caution as you do not want to get into copyright infringement issues.

- Curating A Post - The nuts and bolts of the process... Basic structure of a curated post includes an:

1. Introduction 2. Curated (copied) Content 3. Summary 4. Links to Sources

Note: The links can either be at the end in a reference section or throughout the content. On the next page you will see an actual example of a curated post.

Page 11: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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Curating a post inside of KudaniCloud:

It Saves You Time Curating content is a huge time saver. Just following this simple structure that I've outlined will allow you to curated high quality posts in minutes per day as opposed to hours.

Page 12: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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- Promoting Your Content - Pushing your content out to your audience is imperative to getting readers, followers, and ultimately lifelong customers. Once you start doing that you will start to build an audience, get more clicks in general, and natural backlinks.

Start With Social Make sure that you have a Twitter account that clearly identifies your brand or domain name. Start tweeting daily. Secondly, create a Facebook fan page and a Linkedin account. KudaniCloud allows you to create sequences that will automatically post to your social accounts and add a link back to your source article. You can even set up a promotional campaign for several days or weeks.

Page 13: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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- Monetize - The subject of monetizing a website is far too large to cover in this book. However, I will make some important comments. Make sure that you look beyond simply running ads and doing CPA offers. Your first priority should be collecting email subscriptions. I'm sure you have heard the saying "the money is in the list". Build a large list that you can promote to regularly and you will start making good money. If you focus your marketing efforts on list building your site will go from a few dollars to a 5 figure income for even the most basic lifestyle blog. Other monetization strategies you may want to try are selling affiliate products or creating and selling your own products. Both of which when done right can be very lucrative.

Semi-Automation is the Key Curation is a great way to create an authority site and is incredibly simple to do. It takes consistency and patience. Taking the time to create quality posts is key. Never get an automated plugin that sits in your blog churning out what it calls

Page 14: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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'curated articles'. We all know that this is really auto-blogging and does the word curation a disservice. The whole point of curation is for you to make decisions about what is good and bad content. By doing this correctly you then start producing quality content that people actually want to read. I know that scanning feeds, copy and pasting, etc. is a lengthy process done manually. After all we all lead busy lives. Therefore, it would be much faster if you could semi-automate the process. Whereby, you could automatically search across your feeds, images, tweets and videos so you could grab content quickly and easily...right? This was a problem that I had for quite some time. I then built a solution and then perfected the solution by creating Kudani. I've briefly mentioned Kudani, but I wanted to give you even more so that you could see the actual power of this software and how it can help you in your business.


Page 15: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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Include long tail keywords that people are actually searching for to rank faster.

2. Research Content

Discover trending content that others are sharing or review content from the sites you are currently following.

Page 16: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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3. Curate Relevant Snippets

Drag and drop the most interesting, valuable, and relevant content directly into the editor.

4. Create a Fascinating Story

Add your own voice, comments, and unique perspective to create stories that people want to read.

Page 17: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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5. Create an Eye Catching Image

Build your brand and lure your readers with beautiful images they can't resist.

Page 18: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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6. Schedule Delayed Posting

Take full advantage of the high traffic times to get maximum exposure and engagement.

7. Promote to Your Audience

Announce your new blog posts on your social media channels.

Page 19: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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8. Publish Content

Remote publishing lets you post directly to WordPress without ever having to login to your blog. And the promotion to your social network happens automatically.

Kudani has a powerful text editor that can help you structure your article and publish to any of your WordPress blogs. You can add your blogs and setup delayed publishing so that you post only on days that you want. It is a cloud based software that runs in an Internet browser as opposed to being restricted to either a PC and Mac. It is a software that helps you to curate quickly and gives you access to all of the information that you will ever need to become an authority in your niche.

Page 20: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

How to Get Traffic, Leads and Customers Using Content Curation

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KudaniCloud Features

• Built in editorial calendar - which will help you plan and enable you to get consistent growth

• Project management - so you can create and manage tasks for your team - they even get emailed in case they’re not logged in.

• Built in feed reader - enables you to grab the best content immediately from your favourite sources - enabling you to publish new and fresh content.

• Discovery engine - Shows you the content in your niche that's trending right now. Sorts by share volume so you know what HOT!

• Built in Image library and editor - So you can source and create eye catching images quickly without leaving your post - increase engagement and lowers bounce rate.

• Social included - so you can automatically promote to your network - increasing clicks and traffic.

• Keyword tool - to discover the keywords that actually have traffic • Built in SEO analysis - so you can see which keywords really matter. • Headline tool - to create blog posts that get clicks - increases traffic and

conversion on blogs and social • Curated email newsletters - Brand New - Create topical newsletters that

increase engagement on your list. • Multi-user - so others in your company can use it • Workflow - to enable you to approve content others are creating for you. • Browser web clipper - so where ever you are on the web - you can

bookmark snippets of content which will automatically appear in your account.

• Easy to use analytics - so you can actually see what's going on without leaving the application

• Integrated support and help videos

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Page 21: How to Get Traffic, Leads and · STRATEGY: Build an authority site that represents your voice or brand. Focus on creating a following and you will be rewarded with traffic, natural

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Frequently Asked Questions

• I own several sites and I want to increase the number of blogs by niche. Can I use Pro to manage curation for the multiple blogs? - A) YES

• I want my VA to create the content, me to approve it, and my client to see it? A) use Agency

• I want to separate all my work into different projects and separate all my work - A) use Agency

• I want to create content for all my many blogs I manage - can I do this with professional. A) Yes - 50 channels are supported. Which can be made up from blogs or social connections. For example 1 blog + Facebook Page + Twitter = 3 channels.

• I want more than 10 clients. A) yes - we honor your discount if you upgrade in the future.

• Will you support more channels in the future? A) YES We’re working on adding other social networks like Pinterest, Google plus, Tumblr in the near future.

• Can I curate from Videos. A) Soon - we introducing the video curation search shortly

• Can I upgrade later to Agency at the same discount? A) yes you can.

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