How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces 1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 [email protected] .edu

How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 [email protected]

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Page 1: How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 Bobbi_rickard@boces.monroe.edu

How to get PromotedLets not be like Michael

Monroe #1 Boces 1

Bobbi Rickard KovalMonroe #1 BOCES(585)[email protected]

Page 2: How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 Bobbi_rickard@boces.monroe.edu

How to Get Promoted Michaels Way The Right Way

Its NOT just knowledge

that gets you ahead

Behavior and Knowledge used right will get you the promotion you deserve

Monroe #1 Boces 2

Page 3: How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 Bobbi_rickard@boces.monroe.edu

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promoteOne entry found.

Main Entry: pro·mote Pronunciation: \prə-ˈmōt\ Function: transitive verb Inflected Form(s): pro·mot·ed; pro·mot·ing Etymology: Middle English, from Latin promotus, past participle of promovēre, literally, to move forward, from pro- forward + movēre to move Date: 14th century 1 a: to advance in station, rank, or honor : raise b: to change (a pawn) into a piece in chess by moving to the eighth rank c: to advance (a student) from one grade to the next higher grade

Page 4: How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 Bobbi_rickard@boces.monroe.edu

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Pre Test True or False

1. Punctuality is meaningless if you still get the job done

2. It is OK to wait until your supervisor directs you to a task rather than just doing what you see needs to be done

3. It is better to make up an answer than to say I don’t know

4. Doing a bad job now won’t hurt you in the next job

Page 5: How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 Bobbi_rickard@boces.monroe.edu

How to Get PromotedKnowledge Behavior

Written CommunicationVerbal CommunicationPerform Quality WorkKnow your stuff

Be a self StarterBe honestBe a good listenerKnow how to behave

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Page 6: How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 Bobbi_rickard@boces.monroe.edu

How to Get PromotedKnowledge Behavior

Learn QuicklyLearn the BusinessBe a Critical ThinkerDon’t be Afraid to Ask

Don’t be a GossipBe a Willing

CollaboratorBe SincereRemember it’s a Small


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Page 7: How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 Bobbi_rickard@boces.monroe.edu

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Learn the behavior that will get you ahead

Be a Self starter-Go to your supervisor and find work that needs to be done

Be Honest-Telling the truth will gain you credibility with co-workers

Be a Good Listener-You will be seen as easy to talk to plus you will learn what’s going on

Know How to Behave-Acceptable behavior in one setting is not necessarily correct in another. Know the difference and act appropriately.

Page 8: How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 Bobbi_rickard@boces.monroe.edu

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Don’t be a gossip-do listen to what is going on but don’t repeat what you have heard

Be a willing collaborator-If people find you easy to work with you will have more opportunities

Remember it is a small world-You never know where people will show up again in your life

Be sincere- Genuine attempts to accomplish something regardless of the result are noticed.

Learn the behavior that will get you ahead

Page 9: How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 Bobbi_rickard@boces.monroe.edu

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Practice the knowledge that will get you ahead

Written Communication-Spell check those e-mails, memos, and all other written work you do

Verbal Communication-Convey that you know what you are talking about and that you have confidence in yourself

Produce Quality Work-Develop a reputation for getting things done right

Know your stuff-Stay well read on the subject matter, say “I don’t know” rather than talk about things you are unsure about

Page 10: How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 Bobbi_rickard@boces.monroe.edu

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Learn Quickly-Gather information and use it in decision making

Learn the business-Learn what your core business is and what it takes to support the core

Be a critical thinker- Look at all the information to determine what are the causes and what are the effects

Don’t be Afraid to ask why-Explain you are trying to understand X to better understand Y People will help you.

Practice the knowledge that will get you ahead

Page 11: How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 Bobbi_rickard@boces.monroe.edu

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Michael wants to get to the next level.Michael needs to show a profit in the office for the corporation to promote him. Ryan is a temp who has great computer skills and iskeeping the office running smooth. Ryan comes in on time and gets his work done, the office runs smooth with him there. The others like Ryan but find Michael hard to get along with.Michael works against Ryan to show corporate he is not needed-his office saves money if Ryan is released. Ryan gets the promotion. Knowledge or behavior?

Page 12: How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 Bobbi_rickard@boces.monroe.edu

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ScenariosI.M. Mean has been working for Mr. Smithers for 1 year.

I.M. has been tattling on Homer when he takes a nap in his office.He frequently tells people tidbits about Homer’s personal life.

I.M. has been telling co-workers he will be getting a raise and a new title soon. He seems to like to talk about himself and put others down.

One day the plant alarm goes off, Homer finds the problem and fixes it before a disaster.Homer gets a promotion.

Why didn’t I. M. Mean get it? Behavior or Knowledge?

Page 13: How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 Bobbi_rickard@boces.monroe.edu

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1. Punctuality is meaningless if you still get the job done

2. It is OK to wait until your supervisor directs you to a task rather than just doing what you see needs to be done

3. It is better to make up an answer than to say I don’t know

4. Doing a bad job now won’t hurt you in the next job

Post test True or False

Page 14: How to get Promoted Lets not be like Michael Monroe #1 Boces1 Bobbi Rickard Koval Monroe #1 BOCES (585)249-7233 Bobbi_rickard@boces.monroe.edu

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Classroom discussion

1. In small groups spend 5 minutes discussing the difference between knowledge and behavior .

2. Briefly identify some additional knowledge based skills and behavior skills that will get you ahead.

3.Report to the group one skill and behavior that is not already listed in the power point.

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Bobbi Rickard KovalMonroe #1 BOCESWork Based Learning [email protected](585)249-7233