How to generate leads through content marketing @Scoopit How to generate leads through content marketing A guide to convince you that content marketing is vital to generate leads, help you find the right format and measure the results of your efforts, and more. an eBook by

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How to generate leads through content marketing @Scoopit

How to generate leads through content marketing

A guide to convince you that content marketing is vital to generate leads, help you find the right format and measure the results of your efforts, and more.

an eBook by

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Table of contents

1Content marketing is the fuel of your lead generation machine

2Which content marketing format performs best: long-form or short-form content?

3How to measure the impact of content marketing on lead generation

4Why content curation can help you generate more leads

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Content marketing is the fuel of your lead generation machine

How to generate leads through content marketing @Scoopit

Image by Kim Seng

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Why content marketing helps lead generation: experts’ opinions

The key to content marketing success is building a loyal audience over time (subscribers).

Once subscribers are built, that becomes amazingly fertile ground

for lead generation. Actually, it may be the best way.

Joe Pulizzi Founder of Content Marketing Institute

Winner of the 2014 John Caldwell Lifetime Achievement Award


Content marketing is the foundation of modern online marketing campaigns and lead generation. Great content

builds brands, increases conversion rates, drives qualified leads, fuels social

media campaigns, and earns inbound links, improving SEO.

Jayson DeMers Founder & CEO of AudienceBloom, a content marketing & SEO agency.

Writer for Forbes, HuffingtonPost, Inc.com, entrepreneur.com and



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54%+ Inbound marketing delivers 54% more leads into the marketing funnel than traditional outbound marketing.

2 data points to convince you to invest in content marketing for lead generation purposes

758xYou have 758x more chances of closing

an inbound lead (that came to you through your content) than an

outbound lead (that you went to get with telemarketing, cold calling, etc.)

Source: State of Inbound 2014

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If you don’t believe industry experts, try your industry peers

2014 2015


Source: Content Marketing Benchmarks study for 2015 and 2014 by CMI and Marketing Profs.

% of marketers saying lead generation is a key objective of their content marketing

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80% of your content should be focused on helping others

80%20%interesting content

about others

promotional content about your brand

You need to have content for your audience, distribute it well, and

optimize your lead generation process to convert visitors into leads.

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But 100% of your content should be optimized for conversion

Content Hub meant to delight your


created content curated content

contributors’ content


social media email newsletter

other blogs content platforms

Landing pages

gated high value content (offered for

contact info) product landing pages

with detailed pitch

posting scheduling



CTA to landing pages

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13 forms of content you can start with today!


powerpoint/ keynote

slideshare infographic

video tutorial


curated content 3rd-party blog Quora Q&A statistics tweets …

internal data case study



eBook/white paper

blog post

visual content text content

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And 15 efficient ideas to repurpose content for Marketing ROI


powerpoint/ keynote

slideshare infographic

video tutorial


curated content 3rd-party blog Quora Q&A statistics tweets …

internal data case study



eBook/white paper

blog post

visual content text content

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We didn’t know which format to focus on, so we analyzed the ROI of our content produced from Q1’14 to Q1’15.

If you have limited resources, you’re

unlikely to be good at covering all these formats and many content marketing experts like Joe Pulizzi

recommend focusing on one or a few formats that work best for you.

Looking at ROI is a great way to decide on which format to focus. With lead generation being the

main measure of returns for B2B marketers, we’ve heard various

arguments on the topic can be summarized as follows:

➡ Long form content is more costly,

but generates more leads per piece of content since it can be gated and has a longer lasting


➡Short form content is more

ephemeral but generates leads on an ongoing basis.

So the question is: is it better to

generate a few leads every day through a dynamic blog or to

generate a massive amount of leads every month or quarter through a solid white paper or ebook?

There are so many content marketing formats that it can be hard to decide which to focus on. Each format has its merits but they don’t come at the same cost. On one hand you have long form,

epic content that can take days/weeks to produce. On the other you have short form content such as

blog posts or curated content for which production cost can be a few

hours or even a few minutes.

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Formats used and cost per format in hours

Here is our cost breakdown per form of content we produced:

volume cost per piece (hours)

total cost (hours)

blog posts 121 4 484

curated content posts 798 0.33 263

white papers 3 120 360

eBooks 1 180 180

Blog posts: typically 500-1500 word pieces, focused on giving actionable recommendations to our readers. They usually require some research work which consists of curating experience from other marketers’ or influencers’ insights or collecting data to support our points.

Curated content posts: we add our own insight to the articles we curate to give context to our audience. Our insights are typically 200 words, much shorter than our blog posts but we also regularly turn a curated piece of content into a full blown post by adding a longer insight of 500 words or more.

White papers: we surveyed SMBs business owners and marketers by either tapping in our user base (more than 2 million users) or using services like Ask Your Target Market to reach out beyond our user base. Then we added our own analysis and design work to end up with a typical white paper of a dozen pages.

eBook: counting 88 pages, it’s probably bigger than most eBooks marketers typically publish but it probably cost the same as we were able to repurpose a lot of content and also were lucky to have 15 of the best content marketing experts contribute and help (thanks, friends!).

NOTE we also produced videos and

slideshares and decided not to include them in this study because

although they definitely had a role in our content strategy and indirectly contributed to generating leads,

there was no easy way to measure their ROI.

Explanation of each form of content:

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Traffic comes mostly from short form content

cost in hours


short form (blog posts & curated content)long form (white papers & eBooks)




46% more traffic per hour invested

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Qualified leads come mostly from short form content

leads = contacts


short form (blog posts & curated content)long form (white papers & eBooks)

qualified leads = demo



Long form content generates of course a lot more leads as it’s gated behind a form. But as leads are not qualified leads, it’s interesting to look at the qualified lead split (lead that converted into a demo)

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Conclusion: qualified leads per hour of producing content

Long form content Short form content


Blog posts and curated posts generated 3x more leads per hour invested. “ Blog posts outperform white papers and eBooks every time. They have

a more powerful ability to drive traffic and fill the funnel. Why?

• Posts are more likely to rank in search engines, because they contain metadata (titles, descriptions) and they have a specific URL.

• Posts are more easily shared. • Analytics are easier: since you can’t track how much time a visitor

spends on an ebook (or other Pdf document), you'll never get data

on which content contributed the most to lead generation.

You can be very successful in content marketing without longer form

of content, but I don't know of any content marketers who succeed without blogging.

Andy Crestodina Principal, Strategic Director, Orbit Media


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What to consider before choosing between long and short form

• What is your priority in the coming months: top of the funnel generation or activation and nurturing of existing leads?

• Long form content can be gated but it needs to be solid and unique. Blog posts are easier to get started for a lot of marketers.

• For most marketers where finding even 4 hours to create a blog post is difficult, content curation provides a much easier way to maintain a content hub, which – in our case – is the most efficient at generating leads.

• Keeping track of your time when producing content is important: approximations are ok, having measures will help you experiment and learn from them.

• Measuring results is critical: make sure you use analytics that help you connect content traffic and leads.

These results highlight the following key factors to be considered when making a decision:

“ Blogs are the best way to generate leads.

While ebooks and white papers also play a

role in lead generation, blogs are by far more effective for one reason. You post them more

often. They have a cumulative effect. The more you post, the more traffic you get. The more

traffic you get, the more people you have to

convert to leads. Just make sure your opt-in forms are clear and abundant.

Stephanie Frasco Clegg VP of Social Media, ConvertWithContent


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3 tools with each pros and cons

For a detailed step-by-step methodology to build your reports for each tool and the explanation of each pros and cons, read the full article here.

We first started to use Google Analytics which is a great and powerful tool if you know how to use it.

We’re also using HubSpot which has great reporting capabilities.

Eventually we decided to build lead generation analytics in Scoop.it Content Director as we felt something easier and more directly connected to content was needed.

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pros cons

free time to set-up

flexibility attribution model complexity

no granular data

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pros cons

Choice of attribution models Cost

Ready-made reports No easy way to zoom in on content

Conversion is tracked over multiple sessions Not that flexible

Granular data per contact

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pros cons

Simplicity No granular data

Content-centric No custom reports

Conversion is tracked over multiple sessions

A simple (but fair and powerful) attribution model

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Why content curation can help you generate more leads

How to generate leads through content marketing @Scoopit

Image by Steffen Voß

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Your content is 4x to 7x less trusted than third-party content

This study from the CMO Council proves that using third-party content intelligently becomes critical to win over prospects.

What types of content do you most trust and value?% of


Professional association research reports/white papers


Industry group research reports/white papers 50%

Customer case study 48%

Analyst reports/white papers 44%

Independant product reviews 40%

Vendor-created content (white papers, etc.) 9%

Source: CMO Council - Better Lead Yield in the Content Marketing Field

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Content curation is something you’ve been doing all your life

Content curation not only alleviates the

pressure of having to devote valuable time to creating original content, but it

also adds credibility and third party

validations to your efforts.

Jason Miller Senior Content Marketing Manager, LinkedIn


“ You’ve basically been doing content curation all your life: you find out something on a topic you care about - either reading about it,

hearing about it, seeing on tv, etc.

At some point, you will either quote the

source of your information to strengthen your argument during a debate, or simply use the information

as a starting point for a discussion.

In any case, you might add your

insight to the information: develop a part, add more data from other sources, debate on the subject, etc.

That’s content curation.

In my case, I read articles everyday because I want to know what’s going

on in my field.

When I like an article, sometimes I’ll

find myself thinking “hey, I have something I’d like to add to this piece“, or “Hmm, I’d love to develop

this part of the article“.

In practice, it looks like this: start your

blog post by quoting a sentence or a paragraph of the article you’re curating, attribute the source and then put your

insight. You can write as little as 200 words and as much a 2,000 if you

have a lot to say.

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Extract the most meaningful quote from the original piece and link to it in a visible way.

It’s a visual Web: start telling the story from the image by adding a text overlay. Curated content shared with an image on social media generates 88% more clicks.

Add Call-to-Actions to your posts to convert your readers into subscribers or leads.

Use a title that will make your target audience want to click. Present the curated piece in the right context for them.

The 7 attributes of highly efficient curated posts

Make it easy for your readers to re-share your curated posts.

Show thought leadership by annotating the curated piece with your own insight. This added context will drive engagement and SEO (~40% of traffic to Scoop.it pages come from Google Search).

Categorize your curated posts to make them easier to index and archived.


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Curated posts can even rank higher than original contentG


e Ra



102nd result

1st result

10th result

curated links with auto-generated


curated links with 200 word annotation

curated links with excerpt of the original article and 200 word


Source: SEO-Friendly content curation in a post-wanda world

Ranking of curated posts vs the original post for the same keyword



4th result

original post

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50% more leads with content curation for $1 spent

Our comparative study of 550 SMBs using a mix of content creation and curation showed that the same dollar invested in content curation generated 50% more leads than when invested in content creation.

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3,000+ SMBs use Scoop.it Content Director to blog consistently in less than 30 minutes per day


So if you too would like to learn how you can blog consistently in less

than 30 minutes per day using Scoop it Content Director,