HOW TO DIET WITHOUT DIETING A WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY THROUGH HABIT CHANGE MY LESSONS LEARNED FROM 40 YEARS OF DIETING Do you want to feel better, gain energy, and lose 5-10 lbs. within 30 days? If the answer is YES, I have the perfect plan for you! I learned how to lose “x” number of pounds and fast! There were times that I needed to lose the standard 5-10 lbs., and the time I needed to lose 75 lbs. The reality is, I have been 112 pounds and 203 pounds and every weight in between. I am going to share with you what I learned. I tried everything. The no this, the no that, the all raw, the fast-every-other-day, the never eat breakfast, the grapefruit, the Weight Watchers and at one point even the near starvation diets. I had over 5 years of food journals. When off the diets, it was on to the “Seefood” diet… See food and eat it, as long periods of restriction create a more intense desire to eat the missing foods or nutrients. Dieting has been my focus, on a daily basis, since I was 12 and to this day, I still don’t know if this makes me feel embarrassed or proud. One thing I do know, is that I am a dieting EXPERT! I promise you, as soon as you break the rules of these diets, I am going to share what the various diets do and what I’ve learned actually works! those 5-10lbs. come right back!

HOW TO DIET WITHOUT DIETING - A Studio at 68€¦ · eat the missing foods or nutrients. Dieting has been my focus, on a daily basis, ... Through education and life experience, I

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Page 1: HOW TO DIET WITHOUT DIETING - A Studio at 68€¦ · eat the missing foods or nutrients. Dieting has been my focus, on a daily basis, ... Through education and life experience, I


Do you want to feel better, gain energy, and lose 5-10 lbs. within 30 days?If the answer is YES, I have the perfect plan for you!

I learned how to lose “x” number of pounds and fast! There were times that I needed to lose the standard 5-10 lbs., and the time I needed to lose 75 lbs.

The reality is, I have been 112 pounds and 203 pounds and every weight in between.

I am going to share with you what I learned. I tried everything. The no this, the nothat, the all raw, the fast-every-other-day, the never eat breakfast, the grapefruit, the Weight Watchers and at one point even the near starvation diets. I had over

5 years of food journals. When off the diets, it was on to the “Seefood” diet… See food and eat it, as long periods of restriction create a more intense desire to

eat the missing foods or nutrients.

Dieting has been my focus, on a daily basis, since I was 12 and to this day, I still don’t know if this makes me feel embarrassed or proud.

One thing I do know, is that I am a dieting EXPERT!

I promise you, as soon as you break the rules of these diets,

I am going to share what the various diets do and what I’ve learned actually works!those 5-10lbs. come right back!

Page 2: HOW TO DIET WITHOUT DIETING - A Studio at 68€¦ · eat the missing foods or nutrients. Dieting has been my focus, on a daily basis, ... Through education and life experience, I




NO CARBS!No high or low processed carbs, just no carbs! No bread, no potatoes, not one bite and nothing white! This includes no sugar, flour, pasta, or rice. And don’t even think about drinking carbs in the form of soft drinks, beer, and wine!

WHY?By reducing carbs, the body will turn to burning more fat, but a zero-carb diet is extreme and impossible to maintain long term.

Our bodies need healthy low processed carbs: fruits, whole grains, potatoes, and rice give us energy, and our bodies evolved to use such foods as our primary fuel source.


NO FAT! Especially no real fat which means I ate the artificial chemical concoctions marketed to help me lose weight. Wasn’t that the healthy choice? Somehow a SnackWell’s or two was ok, as it had no fat, but then that broke rule #1, no carbs. Better forget the low calorie SnackWell’s...

WHY?Fat has 9 calories per gram, therefore, mental calorie math says that’s an easy way to cut calories.

Why do we need healthy fats? They are needed to absorb vitamins and are our secondary fuel source for energy. In addition, healthy fats boost our immune system, suppress inflammation and make food taste really good!

Page 3: HOW TO DIET WITHOUT DIETING - A Studio at 68€¦ · eat the missing foods or nutrients. Dieting has been my focus, on a daily basis, ... Through education and life experience, I

Only “0” calorie food. Basically, that meant rice cakes. Later you can have another rice cake and for a special treat you can add a smear of peanut butter, only a very thin layer, almost see through, but that breaks rule #2. That’s right, no peanut butter! Air popped popcorn was also allowed, but don’t even think about putting butter on it. Just dry rice cakes and popcorn, but oops, now we have broken the no carb rule!

WHY?No reason other than calorie math.

Only shellfish and white fish, no yummy tuna, seabass, or salmon, and don’t even think about a burger or steak! (rule #9). Just plain old flounder and hold the butter and oil. Oh, you need a can of the spray “stuff” (what is in PAM anyway?) so the fish doesn’t stick, as its too thin to grill!

WHY?Back to calorie math: shellfish and flounder have 50-70 calories per ounce, while tuna and salmon have 150 plus! Unfortunately, this was limiting my protein.

Why do we need protein? It is essential to help support weight loss by building muscle, as muscles burn more calories, give you strength, and allow you to eat more. Protein also increases satiety. You feel fuller which helps you eat less.



Page 4: HOW TO DIET WITHOUT DIETING - A Studio at 68€¦ · eat the missing foods or nutrients. Dieting has been my focus, on a daily basis, ... Through education and life experience, I


Exercise, EVERY DAY! 5:00 am, rain or shine, 10° below zero to 100°. I don’t think I missed a day! For those that don’t know me personally, I am cold when it is 75° outside, but running was what I did and I insisted that I loved it! The truth is, I LOVE to run outside, but only when it’s warm, better yet, hot. Fortunately, I have learned to love many outdoor activities that count for exercise.WHY?Regular exercise helped balance my food intake; calories in, to calories out. I did get the need for exercise correct, but once again it was the “rule” that was the problem. I would feel guilty if it didn’t happen rather than enjoying an activelifestyle with a variety of of physical activities.

Why is movement and exercise important? It is one of the most important ingredients of a healthy lifestyle that helps ward of diabetes and obesity. Exercise also reduces depression, stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, most of us can’t exercise-out all the calories we have consumed. Nevertheless, activity is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Use it or lose it!


Drink water, only pure water and drink it before, during and after every meal. NO ALCOHOL. I am not a big alcohol drinker, so this was easy until I started to admit that I missed a glass of wine in social situations, 4 years was a long time!WHY?This rule I did get right, hydration is imperative and does support long term weight loss. It does fill you up! It’s always the extreme that is the problem.

Why is hydration important? Water helps ward off dehydration and we often confuse hunger for thirst. Drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily is an excellent habit that sup-ports long term weight loss and over all good health.

Page 5: HOW TO DIET WITHOUT DIETING - A Studio at 68€¦ · eat the missing foods or nutrients. Dieting has been my focus, on a daily basis, ... Through education and life experience, I



WHY?Once again, calorie math and too many unknown ingredients.

Are there benefits to avoiding sauces? It depends if you are a “foodie” and feel deprived or not. I still avoid foods gooped with sauces, but have mastered the skill of balance. A long-term diet is not about perfection, but about getting it right 80% of the time. That means there is room in a healthy diet to enjoy almost anything in moderation. Some sauces are better avoided, but you will not break your “diet” if you occasionally enjoy a healthy portion.


Don’t eat breakfast, you will need all those calories for dinner as you will be starving.

WHY?Mindset is huge: don’t allow yourself to be hungry until later in the day so you can eat a lot of the plain white fish. Plus, there was something about intermittent fasting being “good” for you...

This strategy does not support listening to your body, which is REALLY GOOD at telling you when you are hungry. I ate according to “rules”, I felt guilty if I ate breakfast and then became hyper focused on the rest of the day.

Listening to our bodies and understanding when we need to eat versus want to eat are skills that can be used for a lifetime of healthy weight balance.

Page 6: HOW TO DIET WITHOUT DIETING - A Studio at 68€¦ · eat the missing foods or nutrients. Dieting has been my focus, on a daily basis, ... Through education and life experience, I

RULE #10

Lots and lots of fruits and vegetables, but none of the “starchy” ones.

WHY?I could consume large quantities, enjoy the health benefits and eat them without guilt. No anxiety when eating veggies!

Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, was another “rule” I did correctly. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, water and fiber. Many vegetables are also a source of protein which is a hidden bonus. I now eliminate the word “rule” and eat them because I truly enjoy the taste. Roasted with some salt, seasoning and a little olive oil, mmmm! No need to avoid the higher calorie starchy vegetables, almost anything is fine in moderation.


NO MEATWHY?It started out as too many calories, back to calorie math.

The NO meat strategy is again, something that for me turned into a long-term benefit, but again, assigning a rule to it makes it prohibitive. I spent years avoiding red meat, most of which I truly don’t like, but now it’s a choice rather than a rule. Science does point to a plant-based diet being “best”, but in my opinion, best is a matter of personal opinion. If you enjoy meat, learn how to eat it in proportion to the calories you burn. Lean meat is an excellent source of protein.

Page 7: HOW TO DIET WITHOUT DIETING - A Studio at 68€¦ · eat the missing foods or nutrients. Dieting has been my focus, on a daily basis, ... Through education and life experience, I


WHY?CALORIE MATH “should” be taught to everyone, they said. 1200 calories a day was the plan. I will let you in on a secret, calorie math is typically WRONG, can vary anywhere from 10-25% on a food label and takes a lot of time! You are better off spending that time doing fun things that are active.

When you primarily eat real, whole, unprocessed foods, calorie math rarely matters. A better way to measure food is to use your hand. It is always with you! Had I learned to listen to my body to feel when I was hungry and full, I would have had no need for rules. Whole foods, a balance of all macronutrients, learning to listen to our bodies and movement are really the only “rules” needed.

RULE #11


Page 8: HOW TO DIET WITHOUT DIETING - A Studio at 68€¦ · eat the missing foods or nutrients. Dieting has been my focus, on a daily basis, ... Through education and life experience, I

RULE #12

The answer is always, “NO, I CAN’T EAT THIS!”

WHY?If your only goal is weight loss, then starvation actually works, but only for so long.

Through education and life experience, I can now choose to eat what I want without guilt, shame or wild weight fluctuations. I’ve lost the voices in my head screaming, “dont eat that!” and now eat more than I have in years. I have lost those “last” 5 lbs. and want to share how you too, can control your weight and learn How to Diet Without Dieting!

But it’s not healthy or sustainable. Eventually I would break a food rule and the 10 lb. swing would drive me crazy. My kids called me the food police and I worried I would pass my mental food battles on to them.

Page 9: HOW TO DIET WITHOUT DIETING - A Studio at 68€¦ · eat the missing foods or nutrients. Dieting has been my focus, on a daily basis, ... Through education and life experience, I

The RULE that is NEVER BROKEN, is that as soon as you break one or all ofthe above rules, the weight comes back, AGAIN!

The problem with rules is they often focus on what you CAN’T EAT.

The RULES come with GUILT, SHAME and will likely be BROKEN. The majorityof people I have worked with have said the RULES are NOT SUSTAINABLE.

Diets come with RULES.

Do you want to learn how to sustainably manage your weight?Do you live with food guilt and shame?Have you tried many diets over the years?Do you have your own set of food rules?





Do you want to enjoy your food and get rid of the voices in your head?

Page 10: HOW TO DIET WITHOUT DIETING - A Studio at 68€¦ · eat the missing foods or nutrients. Dieting has been my focus, on a daily basis, ... Through education and life experience, I

One-on-one coaching is always available!

If you would like to learn How to Diet Without Dieting,

click HERE to schedule your free 30-minute consultation

I will share with you through my coaching and support how to implement How to Diet Without Dieting, a Weight Loss Journey Through Habit Change.

The Journey is about progress, NOT perfection. Together we will eliminate the ALL or NOTHING diet mentality.



As your coach, I can help you take control of your health and fitness. As we work together, you will learn how to balance nutrition, exercise, and

stress-management strategies that fit easily into your everyday life!

I keep you on track as you implement habits for a sustainable healthy lifestyle. We work through ProCoach’s step-by-step guide with regular

communication, feedback and support.
