how to dematerialised shares

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  • 7/29/2019 how to dematerialised shares.


    DematerialisationOf Shares & Securities

  • 7/29/2019 how to dematerialised shares.


    What is Demat

    Conversion of physical securities intoelectronic form

    No distinctive number to securitiesrequired as depositing & withdrawingmoney from a bank without botheringabout distinctive no. of currency

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    Demat-need ?

    bad deliveries due to signature difference

    mistakes in completion of transfer deeds

    tearing and mutilation of securities

    fake certificates

    fraudulent interception of certificate in transit

    transfer stamp duty extra consumption of time by the Companies

    postal delays and charges etc

  • 7/29/2019 how to dematerialised shares.



    Introduced in India through the enactment ofthe Depositories Act, 1996

    It is not mandatory

    One may keep its holding partly in physicalform and partly in Demat form

    A select list of securities announced by SEBI

    can be delivered only in demat form in thestock exchanges connected to NSDL

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    The Depository NSDL [national securities depository ltd.]

    CDSIL[central depository of securities india ltd.]

    The Depository Participants The Issuing Company

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    Investors [Beneficial Owner]


    Partnership Firm



    Beneficial Owner is a person in whose name ademat account is opened with Depository for the

    purpose of holding securities in the electronicform

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    a depository is an organisation, whichholds the beneficial owner's securities in

    electronic form, through a registeredDepository Participant (DP).

    A depository functions somewhat similarto a commercial bank.

    To avail of the services offered by adepository, the investor has to open anaccount with it through a registered DP.

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    Depository Participant

    A Depository Participant(DP) is an agentof the depository who is authorised tooffer depository services to investors.

    Financial institutions, banks, custodiansand stockbrokers complying with therequirements prescribed by SEBI/

    Depositories can be registered as DP.

  • 7/29/2019 how to dematerialised shares.


    Procedure of Demat-

    for an investor Fill DRF(Demat

    Request Form)available with DP

    Deface the sharecertificate(s) onewants to dematerialiseby writing across

    Surrendered forDematerialisation

    Submit the DRF andShare Certificates toDP

    DP would forwardthem to theissuer/their Registrar& Transfer Agent

    Investors depositorya/c would be creditedwith thedematerialisedsecurities

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    The time involved in the

    process Dematerialisation is normally completed

    within 15 days after the share

    certificates have reached theissuer/their R&T agent. Thus it will takeonly a month from the date one hands

    over shares, to receive Demat Credit.

  • 7/29/2019 how to dematerialised shares.


    Trading & Settlement inDematerialised Securities If you are a buyer:

    Purchase securities in any of the S.E.s(connectedto NSDL) through a broker of your choice andmake payment to your broker

    Broker arranges payment to clearingcorpo./clearing house of the stock exchange

    Broker receives cr. in his clearing a/c

    Broker can directly transfer these securities to your

    a/c Broker gives instructions to your DP to debit his

    clearing a/c and credit your depository a/c.

    You give instructions to your DP for receiving Cr.

    If instructions match your a/c with your DP iscredited

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    Trading & Settlement inDematerialised Securities

    If you are a seller Sell your demat securities in any of the Stock

    Exchanges linked to NSDL through a broker

    You give instructions to your DP for Debit of yourDepository a/c and Credit of your brokers clearingmember a/c at least 24 hrs working dayprior to the pay-in date or before the deadline

    prescribed by your DP On pay in day your broker gives instruction to hisDP for delivery to clearing corpo.

    Broker receives payment from the clearing corpo.

    You receive the payment accordingly.

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    Charges are paid through DPs Custody charges: 0.01% p.a.(Rs.10 for every

    Rs.100,000) of the average market value ofsecurities held in a/c

    Settlement charges: 0.02% (Rs.20 for every Rs.100,000)of the market value of the securitiesbeing transferred from selling broker to theclearing corpo.of the stock exchange and samecharges from clearing buying agent

    Rematerialisation charges of 0.10%(Rs.100 forevery Rs.100,000) of the market value ofsecurities or Rs.10,whichever is higher

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    Other Benefits

    Allotment directly in Demat formpossible,

    Pledge of Demat holdings possible,

    Lending/Borrowing of Demat Securitiesto/from an Authorised intermediary,

    Freezing of a/c possible

    Transmission of holdings, Nomination facility