How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes

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  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    How to Create the NextHow to Create the Next

    Generation of Chinese HeroesGeneration of Chinese Heroes

    Bill Bodri

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    All Parents Want Their Chi ld ren to be All Parents Want Their Chi ld ren to be Rich, Successful, Healthy, Smart, Happy, Virtuous - A Better Life

    Have the tools for succ ess and happ iness in lif e Smart, k now how to l ear n, cultur ed, adaptive and o pen-m inded Wont be destroyed by th e f ast pace of a money-oriented soci ety

    Think critic ally and indepen dently, c an accept the best of th e East andWe st, V ersatile and r eady/willi ng to expe rimen t and accep t things (risk tak ers)

    Honest, virtuous, G et along with, d eal with peo ple (can manage others) Ar e self -awar e, k now how to police themselves, can change their ow n

    ha bits and behavior, pr actice self -imp rovemen t Can convince and ar gue persuasively (c an mark et/sell/ promote) Know how to s et prioriti es and get things done (can set and achieve

    personal goals) Can cr eate a personal lif e pur pose - s piritually ma tur e - self -actualized

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    Ou t l ine of TopicsOu t l ine of Topics Wester n Br ain R esearch, N eurons, Synap se Growth and Ag ing How to Change Ha bits and Behav ior The Lear ning Env ironmen t and Lear ning Cycles

    Musical Skills - Ma thema tical Lear ningLinguistic L ear ning - The R ecitation Progr am

    Structur e of We ster n Educ ation (the Trivi um )

    Special Movemen ts that Spee d Lear ningExercises that Tea ch Virtu e and Char acter

    Vi ews o n Moder n Schooli ng vs. The R ecitation progr am

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    Western Brain Research,Ne u ron Pathways an d theIm p l ications for Learning

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    The Brain, Ne u rons an d SynapsesThe Brain, Ne u rons an d Synapses

    Br ain cells - called neurons - ar e hard-wir ed to oth er cells b efor e birth. Oth er conne ctions deve lo p because of sti mulation and the r epe tition of expe rience. The br ain tri ples in size from ba by toadulthood.

    One neuron can conne ct with 15,000 oth er cells (sy nap ses). These synap ses for m the br ains physic al map s th at allow l ear ning totak e place. Duri ng critic al br ain growth periods th ese long thin fibers grow i nside the br ain, cr ea ting pathways th at carry electric alimpulses fro m cell to c ell. All studi es find that Age 0-10 is th e time when ther e occurs peak productio n of sy nap ses.

    At age 3, th e br ain is twic e as active as that of a college stud en t.Thats when the br ain is most fl ex ible and pr epa r ed to l ear n by

    buildi ng new co nne ctions and casting off oth ers th at ar ent used.

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    A ges 3A ges 3--1010R esearchers universally agr ee that personality, attitud es, concep ts of s elf, lang uage ,co ping skills and lear ning patter ns ar e in place by age 3.

    By age 3 ther e ar e u p to15,000 co nne ctions per neuron. This is too man y. The childnee ds to mak e sense of it all. So duri ng the nex t 10 years the br ain r efines andfocus es thos e conne ctions. The stronge r ones become stronge r with us e and the weak er ones become weak er.

    By th e time the child is a teenager , the num ber of co nne ctions has decr eased in half.Ro ads with th e most tr affic ge t wid ened whil e those with littl e tr affic f all intodisr epa ir. If th e child h as a rich emotional lif e, thos e neuron highways ar e lar ge . If taught to get ang ry easily, thos e highways get lar ge . (At age 21 the ner ves in frontallobe have a growth s purt and we r ealize our par en ts ar e smarter than we thought.)

    The car ving of these pathways is th e in d ivid u a ls character . The men tal (neuron) pathways ar e the individuals filt er. They produc e the r ecurring patter n of behavior that mak es them unique. They tell them what stimuli to i gnor e and which o nes tor es pond to. They define wher e the child will excel and wher e they will stru gg le.Beyond the mid-teenage years, th er e is a limit as to how much th e char acter will

    easily ch ange .

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    In the early y ears, th e br ain for ms twice as m any synapses as it willnee d. Which co nne ctions do es your br ain k eep? In lear ning , new br ain synap ses for m or old o nes ar e str eng thene d by

    r epe tition. If th ey ar e not us ed oft en enough or us ed r epea tedly, th e br ain conne ctions ar e elimina ted.

    Throu gh REPETITI O N the connections beco m e per m anent . When they ar e not us ed and not r einforced, th e neur al conne ctions f ade

    away. So you k eep the br ain highways th at you k eep using .

    This tells us to for m goo d habits ear ly thro u gh reinforce m ent , because later its hard to for m new neur al pathways.

    This tells us th atlearning sho

    u ld u

    se the principle of repetition .

    Which Brain Connections Does Yo u r BrainWhich Brain Connections Does Yo u r BrainKeep or Discar d?Keep or Discar d?

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    A Mini Lesson for Ad u l ts on ChangeA Mini Lesson for Ad u l ts on Change

    CHA NGING peo ple and OUR SELVE S is difficult. You go to th e same story eve ry week, ord er the same food i n a r estaur an t, dri nk the same liquids, t alk to peo ple in the same way, etc. You w an t tochange but it s hard. Why?

    Because your br ain is wir ed throu gh all your pr ev ious b ehav ior ( pastr epe tition) to do EX ACT LY wh at it h as done in the past. The wiring doesnt change excep t by l ack of us e.

    New highways co me a bout throu gh the r epe tition of new thou ghts,new behav iors. It t ak es 5 d ays to cr ea te a new ha bit; 400 r epe titionsfor co mpe tency; 1000 hours for mastery of so me skill.

    A new ha bit do es NO T er ase an old h a bit, so you always have to us e your will power to choos e between actions. This r equir es awar ene ss(meditation) and individual ene r gy to go aga inst ha bit (f ate). Luckily

    ther e ar e some mind technologies to h el p you cr ea te lif e change s.

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    Peo ple easily shift b ack to old b ehav iors b ecause thos e neur al pathways have been tr ave led a lot in the past. So its hard to quitsmoking , start ea ting better, or ch ange any behav ior r ega rdlessof th e technique you us e to motiva te yours elf (NLP, hy pnosis,motiva tiona l s peech) u nless it is co nsciously and inten tiona lly

    r epea ted time after time , day after day for months u ntil th atcircuitry i n the br ain becomes the pathway mor e lik ely for th e br ain to follow.

    Thats why th e stat u s q u o stays th e same . Peo ple follow th e path of least resistance . The br ain r eacts stro ng ly with NO!excep t for f am iliar r equests or b ehav iors.It tak es enor mous i nitial effort to ch ange because you mustliter ally for ge new highways in the br ain. Once for med the highways must b e str eng thene d throu gh usage and ma intained

    throu gh furth er usage .

    Mini Lesson on Change ...Mini Lesson on Change ...

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    Therefore Yo u Sho u ld For m Goo d Therefore Yo u Sho u ld For m Goo d

    Habits from

    the Start (and


    se ScientificHabits from

    the Start (and


    se ScientificMetho d s to He lp Change Yo u r Behavior)Metho d s to He lp Change Yo u r Behavior)

    A RIST O TLE said th at Virt u e is th e control of th e appe tites byr eason. Virtu e is a ha bit, so h er e ar e the k eys to lif e succ ess andhapp iness: Learn what is goo d for yo u

    Deve lop goo d habits to practice it ( l ike ath letes practicing

    their sport) Learn to l ike what is goo d for yo u

    What behav iors do you nee d to b e in better control of your


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    Create an Environm

    ent Cond u

    cive toCreate an Environm

    ent Cond u

    cive toLearning an d Ne u ron Pathways byLearning an d Ne u ron Pathways byEnco u raging the Hea l thy Growth an d Enco u raging the Hea l thy Growth an d

    Usage of the BrainUsage of the Brain

    Provide lots of rich expe riencesEmotiona l love and war mth

    Nutritio n Mak e use of s pecial lear ning cycles

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    You should exp ose young childr en to man y expe riences so th atneurons for m because in adulthood th e br ain isnt plastic enough to

    be easily r ewir ed for new expe riences. Expe riences, r ather than what you ar e bor n with ( gene s), d eter mine the wiring of th e br ain. At age 10, th e same expe rience will NO T have the same impa ct as

    for a 2-year old child, so early expe riences ar e cruci al. Expose childr en to lots of s ensory sti muli (colors, music, l ang uage , touch,sme ll, taste) so th at they will h ave the most fl ex ible br ain power for lear ning . Pro vide an ENRI CH ED env ironmen t without u ndue academ ic str ess. The num ber of br ain conne ctions incr eases when a child grows u p in an enriched env ironmen t, es pecially a rich

    lang uage env ironmen t with a wide voca bulary.

    How To Increase the N um ber of BrainHow To Increase the N um ber of BrainNe u rons in Chi ld ren to Increase LearningNe u rons in Chi ld ren to Increase Learningan d Inte ll igence d Inte ll igence ...

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    Yo u r Environ m ent (Training) is MoreYo u r Environ m ent (Training) is MoreIm portant than Genes or N u tritionIm portant than Genes or N u trition

    Studies on ma lnourish ed r ats show th at a rich, sti mulating env ironmen t can mak e u p for poor nutritio n. Childr en suff ering from ma lnutritio n catch u p when placed in a stimulating env ironmen t as well.

    John Ca ir nes - On the O rigi n of Muta n ts 1988 - gene s change accordi ng to

    the env ironmen t (expe rimen t with l actose eating bacteria) Harris - Recombi n atio n in Adaptive Mutatio n 1994 - bacteria contain gene tic

    eng inee ring gene s (or gan isms can cr eate new proteins whos e functions allowthem to sur vive better in new env ironmen ts)David Thaler - T he Evolutio n of Ge n etic I n tellige n ce 1994 - biolo gical

    exp r ession is defined by th e individuals percep tion of th eir lif e expe riencesForget Darwin: Pri m acy of DN A --> Pri m acy of the Environ m ent

    Ther efor e, What you t each childr en can overcome the influences of gene tics, poor nutritio n and so forth.

    Sp iritual culti va tion says th e very same thing !

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    GENES an d BEH A VI O R GENES an d BEH A VI O R Asigna l from the env ironmen t activates gene exp r ession. In other words, a gene

    cann ot tur n itself ON or OFF but is d epen den t u pon a signa l from its env ironmen tto co ntrol its exp r ession. So genes d o not d eter m ine o u r character .

    The ENVIRON MENT shape s biolo gical exp r ession - gene s ar e not th e sourc e of control for r egulating cell behavior (HUMA N BE HA VIOR). Expression(behavior) is not u n d er the contro l of genes .In r es ponse to lif e expe riences, an or gan ism may actively alter i nna te gene progr ams as a mean s to adap t to th e perceived env ironmen t - so th e educated br ain may alter the i nna te progr amm ing by selecting inapp ro priate gene progr amsthat cause disease, or good progr ams that pro pel you forw ard.

    Ther e ar e two ty pes of gene progr ams: GR O WTH and PR O TECTI O N progr ams.Our sur vival is d epen den t on both th ese progr am ty pes.GR O WTH progr ams: attr action, love - move toward lif e sustaining env ironmen tPR O TECTI O N progr ams: r epulsio n, f ear - move away from lif e thr eatening things

    Whether you activate GRO WTH or PRO TECT ION progr ams is b ased on how you perceive the env ironmen t. Ther efor e cr eate a lear ning env ironmen t with love(emotional su pport) and witho u t fear to encour age risk taking and growth.

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    E m otiona l Bon d sE m otiona l Bon d s -- Ten d er Loving CareTen d er Loving CareEarly emotiona l and soci al expe riences ar e the seeds of hu man intelligen ce. Childr en with a nurturi ng env ironmen t have a higher IQ and adjust b etter to school.

    The br ain is wir ed to for ge close emotiona l ties. If childr en dontge t TLC they lack th e pro per wiri ng to for m close r elationshi ps.

    Emotions cause a r elease of ch em icals th at hel p the br ain r emem ber f ee lings and even ts r elated to thos e f ee lings; childr en for m a mem ory easier if th e even t has an emotiona l componen tto it.

    Your r elationshi p with your child aff ects th eir br ain in man yways. The way you i nter act with childr en will h ave a big impa cton their emotiona l deve lo pmen t, lear ning a biliti es and a bility tofunction in later lif e.

    Ther efor e provide a RICH env ironmen t without academ ic str ess.

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    Nu tritiona l R u les for Chi ld renNu tritiona l R u les for Chi ld ren

    Story of Asanga and Vasubandhu - their mother wan ted to cr ea te heroes, so sh e sacrific ed to f eed them br ain nutrien t foodsDH A to mak e the br ain grow, co d l iver oi l , deep water fishDaily multivitam in/multiminer al su pplemen t

    Low s u gar intake (avoid sw ee ts, sod a, candy, ) Avoid milk, hor mones, pesticid es Clean water Avoid air co nditio ning

    Low intake of grains (high glycem ic foods)Good f ats (oli ve oil, coco nut, butt er) and bad f ats (cor n oil,soyb ean oil, ma r garine)Fr esh vege ta bles and fruit (us e the man y colors rul e)

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    Brain Deve lop m ent ResearchBrain Deve lop m ent ResearchConception-15 m onths : R eptilian br ain

    Basic sur vival nee ds, th en hearing , touch, s me ll, taste, seeing , motor d eve lo pmen t15 m onths - 4.5 years : Lim bic syst em / R elationshi p

    Understanding of self and oth ers, emotions, lang uage . Lang uage exp lor ation/communication, imag ination, mem ory d eve lo pmen t

    4.5-7 years : Gestalt hem is pher e Ela bor ation

    Whole pictur e processing /cogn ition, image , movemen t, rhyth m, intuitio n, outer s peech, integr ative thought

    7-9 years : Logic Hem is pher e Ela bor ationDetail and linea r processing /cogn ition, r efinemen t of lang uage elemen ts, r eading and writi ng skills, t echnique deve lo pmen t (music, art, s ports, d ance,man ualtr aining), linea r ma th processing

    8 years : Fro ntal Lob e deve lo pmen tFine motor skills, i nne r s peech, co ntrol of soci al behavior, eye tr acking

    9-12 years: Incr eased Cor pus Ca llosu m Ela bor ation (a bundle of fib ers co nne cting the 2 hem is pher es) and Mylena tionWho le Brain Processing

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    Research Has Discovere d O pti m a l Research Has Discovere d O pti m a l Win d ows of O pport u nity for TeachingWin d ows of O pport u nity for Teaching

    Win d owfor

    O pti m a l Win d ow

    e t estO pport u nity

    u rtherRewiring

    ossi leS econd anguage

    5-10 years Any age

    Music 0 -36 months 3 -10 years Any age

    Thinking skills

    0-48 months 4 -10 years Any age

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    Research Has Al so Discovere d Min d Research Has Al so Discovere d Min d



    y Cycles for Maxi

    mum an


    dy Cyc

    les for Maxi

    mum LearningLearning

    Short Ter m m em ory - best in mor ning (15% mor e effici en t)

    Long ter m m em ory - best in after noonSlow Ti m e - 2:00 - 4:00 pm (sch edule active activities)Intellectual Perfor man ce - Best in late after noon/early even ingUse 5:00 -7:00 to enhance r elationshi ps (dinne r)

    Comp r ehension - Incr eases as day progr essesR eading Spee d - Decr eases as day progr esses

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    Research S u ggests the Fo ll owingResearch S u ggests the Fo ll owingabo u t Repetition an d Long Ter m abo u t Repetition an d Long Ter m

    Me m oryMe m ory

    You nee d to t ak e a 5-10 minute br eak after each 40 -60

    minute study period, or your mem ory r eten tion goes dow n a lot

    After 24 hours you t end to for ge t 80% of wh at you l ear ned

    To r emem ber for eve r, o verlear n by r ehearsing r egularly.Repeat learning after 5-10 m in u tes, the next d ay, 2 d ayslater, 1 week later, 1 m onth, 3 m onths, 6 m onths, 1 yearlater

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    There are Many Ways to be S m artThere are Many Ways to be S m art --There are M u l tip le Inte ll igencesThere are M u l tip le Inte ll igences

    Besi d es Ling u isticsBesi d es Ling u isticsHoward Gardner ( F rames of Mi n d , 1983) s ays intelligen ce is

    the a bility to s ee patter ns and dr aw r elationshi ps:

    Ling u istic (wor d sm art) - left temp or al & fro ntal br ain lobeLogical ma thema tical (logic sma rt)

    Spatial ( pictur e sma rt) - posterior ri ght hem is pher eBo d ily kinesthetic (bo d y s m art)

    M u sica l (mu sic s m art) - right br ain hem is pher eInter persona l ( peo ple sma rt)Intr ape rsona l (self sma rt)

    Natur alist ( na tur e sma rt)

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    M u sic Ski ll sM u sic Ski ll s

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    M u sicM u sicBefor e a child c an process lang uage , they can process musicExposur e to music aff ects s patial-temp or al r easoning (the a bility tosee a disassem bled pictur e and men tally piece it back to ge ther).

    This r easoning is good for str eng then ing the br ain circuits us ed for ma thema tics, eng inee ring , co mp lex r easoning .

    Music o ptimizes br ain deve lo pmen t, enhances multi ple intelligen ces, and f acilitates bonding between adult and child. Itintegr ates diff er en t skills si multane ously, th er efor e deve lo ping multi ple br ain conne ctions. Musical expe riences ar e vital to s peech,

    motor d eve lo pmen t and sensory i ntegr ation. The earlier childr en ar e introduc ed to music, th e mor e poten tial theyhave for l ear ning and en joying music wh en they ge t old er.

    The mor e adults si ng or play music to childr en , the mor e their br ain gene r ates neur al circuits and patter ns.

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    M u sic an d the BrainM u sic an d the Brain All sou nds - music, words, rhy mes - hel p shape the br ain

    Many studi es show list en ing to music c an boost mem ory, atten tion,motiva tion and lear ning Jean Housto n - music r aises the molecular structur e of th e body -

    it r esona tes with our body rhyth ms and has a powerful i nfluence on our alertness and a bility to l ear n

    Scarletti - music is a mood enhancer - songs boost endor phins(hor mones) and endor phins boost atten tion and mem ory

    Clynes - the body s pulse r es ponds to cl assical music, not rock Gr aziano - piano lessons hel p s patial temp or al r easoning (4 year olds who took 6 months of piano lessons scor ed 30% hi gher than their peers who r eceived sing ing or co mputer lessons)Mozart effect - br ain activity h ad similarities to th e writt en scor e of Mozart pieces; th e patter ns in Mozarts music par allel the patter ns

    the br ain uses as it co nne ct sy nap ses

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    The Mozart EffectThe Mozart Effect

    1996 St u d y Co ll ege Entrance Exa m - if stud en ts sing or play an instrumen t they scor e 51 points hi gher on Verbal and 39 points higher in Ma thUniversity of C A st u d y - if you list en to Mozart for 10 minutes

    befor e the SAT exam you ge t a higher SAT scor e Shell, IB M , Du pont, universities use music to cut l ear ning time in half

    University of W A st u d y - listen ing to light cl assical music for 90minutes, stud en ts catch 21% mor e co pywriti ng errors

    Ba l ti m ore hospita l st u d y - heart patien ts ge t as much b ene fit fro m 30minutes of cl assical music and 10 mg of ValiumC A State University st u d y - migr aine suff er ers wer e tr ained to us e image ry, music and r elaxa tion techniques to r educe the fr equency,intensity and dur ation of th eir headaches

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    M u sic an d LearningM u sic an d Learning

    Lozanov an d Novakov - listen ing to Baroq u e mu sic lets you l ear n asquickly as sleep lear ners - phr ase in a for eign lang uage ar e f ed to peo ple in 4 second inter va ls aga inst th e back ground of a 60- bea ts per minute Baroqu e music

    Iowa State University : Mem ory r eten tion o + 26% and s peed of lear ning o + 24% usi ng 60- bea ts per minute Baroqu e musicDr. Al fre d To m atis (Fr ench Academy of Sciences) - when the electric al poten tial of br ain cells st arts to f ade we expe rience dullnessand f atigue. If you list en to hi gh fr equency sou nds (5,000 -8,000 h ertz)the vibr ation of Corti c ells in the ears acts as a br ain gene r ator.Mozart has the highest num ber of hi gh fr equency sou nds, rock musichas littl e (and kills plan ts) and Baroq u e mu sic an d Gregorian chantalso r echar ge the br ain. In short, high freq u ency so u n d s energize the

    brain . Sonic Bloo m for plan ts, too.

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    Ling u istic Ski ll s an d theLing u istic Ski ll s an d theRecitation Progra mRecitation Progra m

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    The I m portance of Rea d ing an d The I m portance of Rea d ing an d Ta lking to Chi ld renTa lking to Chi ld ren

    The plasticity of th e br ain and its a bility to r ewrite itself mak es iteasy to l ear n lang uage .R eading to childr en will h el p grow th eir br ain and hel p them associ ate books with wh at they love most -- your voice andclosene ss.R eading and talking to th em incr eases the num ber of words th eyllr ecogn ize (sing to th em ).R eading books to th em stimulates their imag ina tion, expan ds th eir understanding of th e world, h el ps them deve lo p lang uage andlisten ing skills, pr epa r es them to understand writt en word.Peo ple deprived of l ang uage as childr en r ar ely master it as adults,not ma tter how s ma rt or how i ntensive ly tr ained. Childr en lear n

    lang uage by hearing words o ver and over.

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    An adults voca bulary is l ar ge ly deter mined by s peech heard in the first 3 y ears. At 20 months, childr en of talk ative mothers have 131words mor e than others and at 2 years, th ey have 259 words mor e than non- talk ers.

    The size of a child s voca bulary is dir ectly r elated to how much a par en t or c ar eg iver talks to th e child. Ta lking to a child is th e bestway to d eve lo p their lang uage skills. The mor e words a child h ears,the mor e conne ctions their br ain mak es and the f aster they lear n a lang uage . The sound of words cr ea tes the neur al circuitry r equir edto deve lo p lang uage skills.

    When they hear the sounds of a lang uage , neur al links ar e for medthat hel p them build a voca bulary. Childr en lear n lang uage byhearing words o ver and over, so th e earlier you st art talking to th em the better.

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    The 3The 3--Part C lassica l Part C lassica l Western E d u cation u sesWestern E d u cation u sesthe Recitation Techniq u ethe Recitation Techniq u e

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    The C lassica l Western E d u cation

    TRIVIUM (Verbal arts)

    Gr amma r



    QU A DRIVIUM (Ma th arts)

    Arithme tic


    Geome try


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    The C lassica l Western E d u cationThe C lassica l Western E d u cation

    All educationa l syst ems in the We st us ed this app roach fro m Medieva l times until th e early 1900 s

    This app roach teaches peo ple HOW TO LE ARN

    The TRIVIU M teaches the pro per use of th e TOOL S OFLEARNING b efor e app lying it to subj ects of k nowledge

    1st - lear n LA NGU AGE (gr amma r)

    2nd - lear n how to us e a lang uage to mak e statemen ts and ar gumen ts (lo gic)

    3rd - how to exp r ess oneself in lang uage (rhetoric)

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    The Gra mm arGra mm ar Stage

    Childr en can m em orize quickly and easily ( ma th, poems, sh ape s,dates, appea r ances, rhy mes, name s, pro perties, anything )

    Childr en can lear n a for eign lang uage without effortReasoning is d iffic u l t an d not l ike d

    As long as it is FUN and they have INTER A CTI O N , they will l ear n and P A RR O T B A CK to you wh ateve r you give them Pleasur e leads to r epe tition; r epe tition leads to mastery

    O BSERV A TI O N and MEM O RY ar e the master (most li ve ly)f aculti esYO UR J O B: culti va te their passion for l ear ning , mak e it fun, DO

    NO T rush th em to th e nex t stage of lo gic and exp lana tions

    ==> This is th e RECITA


    N PR O

    GR A


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    Yo u r Job as Teachers - Gra mm ar Stage

    At this st age , anything and eve rything that can be mem orized should be mem orized even if th e childr en dont understand it Start lear ning a for eign lang uage n ow b efor e the f acial and men tal

    muscl es r e bel, mem ory f ades, and neurons die off Lear n the ma th ta bles now, oth erwis e they will neve r be lear nedwith pleasur e (dont do co mp licated ma th processes)You c an have them mem orize Dates

    This is th e time for t eaching THE O L O GY and VIRTUE andETHICS (Ta o, Bibl e, Ten Comman dmen ts, myths, l egen ds, etc.).Put this i nto th eir mind now. Virt u e an d character = DestinyDont think of th ese activities as school subj ects but as the ga thering toge ther of ma terial for us e in the nex t part of th e TRIVIU M - you ar e laying the groundwork for hi gher lear ning

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    The LogicLogic (Dia lectic) Stage

    Studen ts wan t mor e than f acts, th ey wan t to UNDER STA ND Studen ts ask lots of QUE ST ION S, CHA LLENGE YOU,

    A NSWER B ACK this is not disr es pectful but na tur al; they just w an t to go DEEPER

    They wan t to l ear n who, how, wh at, why, wh at su pports an issue and wh at is r elevan t to making a corr ect decisio n

    They nee d to learn How to Learn and that their pr esen t ideasand expe rience ar e not enough, but nee d mor e education

    The master f aculty is DISCURSIVE RE A SO N (LOGI C andDISPUTAT ION)A s Teachers, intro d u ce L O GIC to the m - how to separateTRUTH fro m FICTI O N an d F A CT fro m THE O RY

    Start teaching risk -taking and consequences

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    The RhetoricRhetoric Stage This is th e most exciting stage when we can see a glimpse of our

    educationa l effortsSt u d ents can express the m se lves in po l ishe d , we ll tho u ght o u t,gra mm atica ll y correct verse; they show creative thinking an d prob lem so lving capabi l ities

    Studen ts start s pecializing in subj ect ma tters of th eir ow n inter est(medicine , eng inee ring /inven ting , busi ness/leadershi p, hobbi es )

    This is th e POE T Stage or difficult age wher e the stud en t isself -cen ter ed, w an ts to exp r ess hi mself, is misunderstood, is

    r estless, w an ts indepen dence A good t eacher at this st age hel ps challenge their activene ss and

    hel ps them synthesize what they k nowDo not prolong intellectual childhood at this st age or post pone accep tance of r es ponsibility - men tors, tr ades, app r en ticeshi p

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    ents thatPhysical


    ents thatWi ll Spee d LearningWi ll Spee d Learning

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    Bo d y Move m ents an d LearningBo d y Move m ents an d Learning

    Doing ar m and leg movemen ts th at cross fro m one side of the body to th e other has a dr ama tic eff ect on lear ning . The left sid e of th e br ain controls th e right sid e and visa versa,so th e movemen ts forc es the two sid es of th e br ain tocomm unicate with o ne another.Every 90 m in u tes the nor ma l hor mone leve ls of our body peak. This peak causes the br ain to ge t stuck o n the left or

    right sid e. The use of th e cross l ater al movemen t is an easyway to u nstick th e br ain. You nee d to engage both sid esof th e br ain to lear n eff ective ly.

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    Move m ent Research an d Deve lop m entMove m ent Research an d Deve lop m ent -- A DDA DD

    Paul and Gail Denn ison - Later al R epa tter ning , r eme dial educationDr. Sam uel T. Orto n - neurolo gy ( percep tual motor tr aining )

    Dr. Constance Am sden - Ma la bar R eading projectDr. Do man and Delacato - s peech and r eading probl emsDr. Louis Jacques. O.D. - vision tr aining pionee r D. Sam uel He rr, O.D. - vision tr aining

    Dr. G.N. G etman - o ptome tristRich ard Tyler - chiro pr actor Bud Gibbs - s ports ki nesiolo gist

    Touch for Hea lth

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    Brain Gy m Brain Gy m -- E d u cationa l Kinesio logyE d u cationa l Kinesio logy

    (E d u K)(E d u K) Specific Body movemen ts hel p peo ple to lear n (26 movemen ts).

    These movemen ts produc e r ap id and dr ama tic imp rovemen ts in concen tr ation, mem ory, r eading , writi ng , or gan izing , listen ing , physic al coordi na tion, This is enhance d learning thro u ghm ove m ent .

    These movemen ts lead to i ncr eased self esteem , the a bility tohar ness motiva tion, skills to id en tify and avoid str ess, incr easedawar ene ss of o neself, tools for t eam buildi ng and coo per ation.

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    Move m ent: Brain B u ttonsMove m ent: Brain B u ttons

    Place one hand over the nave l and the other handstimulates points between the ribs (rub th e inden tations

    between the 1st and 2nd ribs u nder the collar bone to th e left and right of th e ster num)

    This will r ea lly w ak e you u p and ge t you r eady to l ear n Nave l Han d - brings atten tion to cen ter of gr av ity, body balance, alerts th e R AS to wak e u p the br ain for s ensoryinputRubbi ng Han d - stimulates blood flow to th e br ain from carotid arteries (first arteries out of th e heart with o xygen )

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    Move m ent: Cross Craw lMove m ent: Cross Craw l

    Cross l ater al walking in place Touch th e right elbow to th e left k nee and left elbow to th e right

    k nee - Perfor m the movemen ts very slowly

    Both h em is pher es of th e br ain will b e activa ted simultane ously;over time mor e ner ve ne tworks for m and comm unication

    between the two h alves of th e br ain become f aster and mor e integr ated for hi gher r easoning

    This activa tes full br ain functioningGood for writ er s block, i mp roves men tal perfor man ce in 50-60year old peo ple and inactive peo ple, gr ea t to do b efor e physic alactivities lik e s ports or d ance

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    Move m ent: Hook Move m ent: Hook- -UpsUps Stand, (1) First cross o ne ankle over the other. (2) Cross th e hands,

    clas p and inve rt th em . (Str etch your ar ms out i n front of you, b ack of hands to ge ther and thu m bs dow n. Lift o ne hand over the other, palmsf acing and interlock th e finge rs. Roll th e lock ed hands str aight dow n and in toward th e body so th ey r est with th e elbows dow n.) (3) R estyour to ngue on the roof of your mouth b ehind the tee th.

    R esult is lik e the cross cr awl exe rcise. Tongue positio n bringsatten tion to mid br ain. This postur e conne cts emotions in lim bicsystem with fro ntal lob es of th e cer e bru m, giving an integr ative pers pective from which to l ear n and r es pond mor e eff ective ly.If stud en ts ar e disru ptive in the class, or after a fight, mak e them doHook -u ps for 2 minutes befor e talking . This d ecr eases adr ena lin productio n and allows th em to see others points of view mor e clearly.Peo ple should us e this wh en their STRESS leve ls ris e, and stud en ts tocontrol th eir behav ior so th ey do nt ge t into troubl e. If you ar e

    str essed, do this for 2 -5 minutes.

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    EFTEFT -- E m otiona l Free d om Techniq u eE m otiona l Free d om Techniq u e

    For Disci plinary problemsFor F ear and Phobi asFor Procr astinationFor E ating Probl emsFor Chang ing Behav ior


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    Move m ent: The Thinking CapMove m ent: The Thinking Cap

    How to do: Just u nroll th e outer ears fro m to p to botto m This w ak es u p the whol e hearing mechan ism and assists

    mem ory - ther es a link between hearing in the temp or al lob e and mem ory i n the lim bic syst em - ther e ar e 148 acu punctur e

    points in the ear Examp le: Close your eyes and list en for a f ew minutes. Ar e youhearing things equally o n both sid es? Does one ear work b etter ?

    Now u nroll your ears 3 ti mes on each sid e and clos e your eyes. Notic e the diff er ence?University of Hawaii fou nd this exe rcise useful wh en trying tor ecall so me technical infor ma tion for an essay or exam

    This is gr ea t for tryi ng to r emem ber a name

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    Move m ent: The Energy YawnMove m ent: The Energy Yawn

    Massage the muscl es around the TMJ (temp or al-man dibul ar joint). 5 m ajor crania l nerves run across this joi nt (eyes,tongue, f ace,)

    When childr en have difficulty r eading , some times the eyesar ent worki ng well toge ther. They may not be hearing welldue to str ess.

    Why this works ? The jaw tightens when we ar e str essed and soner ve function across this ar ea decr eases. The Ener gy Yawn

    r eleases the ar ea so sensory i ntak e happen s aga in. It f acilitates better verbalization and comm unication. By r elax ing the muscles, you f acilitate f u ll nerve f u nction across the joint forthe eyes, facia l mu sc les an d m ou th .

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    Move m ent: The EnergizerMove m ent: The Energizer

    Place your h ands on the desk in front of you. Low er your chi n toyour ch est,f ee ling the str etch i n the back of your neck and the r elaxe d should ers. Ta k e a deep br ea th, scoo p forw ard bri ng ing the head u p and back, allow th e back to arch sli ghtly and o pen the ribcage . Exhale, cur ve the back and bri ng the chin back to r est on the chest.

    Tak e the Ener gizer br eak after a short l ear ning session tor eactiva te focus. This is gr ea t when you sit at the computer.

    Why it works ? The body moves in a way that activa tes the vestibul ar syst em , wak es u p the br ain, r elaxe s the should erswhich i mp roves hearing , and bri ngs in mor e oxygen to assist i n ner vous syst em functioning .

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    Exercises for TeachingExercises for TeachingVirt u e, Character, an d Virt u e, Character, an d

    Goo d BehaviorGoo d Behavior

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    LessonLesson: I Want My Character to Be as: I Want My Character to Be asP u re as C lear WaterP u re as C lear Water

    TEACH ES: H O NESTYH O NESTY MATERIALS: 3 glasses, water, chlori ne bleach, food colori ng

    Fill 2 glasses with w ater (and secr etly) 1 glass with bl each Say: Ther e ar e 2 fri ends, o ne obeys his par en ts, goes to school and

    neve r ge ts into troubl e; the other ge ts into troubl e, talks b ack, t ellslies. Every time you say perso n #2 does somethi n g wro n g, put on e drop of food colori n g in to the glass so the water becomesdarker. The glass becomes dark er and cloudi er -- stain fills hiswhol e body and mind. Now no one wan ts to b e with hi m. He decided to b ecome good. Pour some bleach i n to the glass . He decided to sto p telling lies pour some more bleach .

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    LessonLesson: All Tie d Up by Lies: All Tie d Up by Lies

    TEACH ES: H O NESTYH O NESTY MATERIALS: ball of y ar n or stri ng , chair

    Have someone sit in a chair (who you s ecr etly told to li e). Starttalking a bout ho nesty. Ask th e childr en if they can think of a time when they made the decisio n to be honest even when lying waseasier. Ask th e person in the chair a question th ey lie and wr ap them once with th e string ask another question th ey lie andwr ap them aga in

    Ask th e childr en if they can see what telling lies does to so meone . Ask th em what happen s to so meone who always tells th e truth. Ask th em to tell a time when someone was caught in a lie. Ask why it s importan t to always tell the truth.

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    LessonLesson: Repeating Gossip is Like: Repeating Gossip is LikeLetting Go a Bag of FeathersLetting Go a Bag of Feathers

    TEACH ES: G O SSIPG O SSIP MATERIALS: pape r bag , f ea thers (or ric e), cho psticks, a bedshee t

    Go outsid e and sit i n an o pen ar ea . Ta lk a bout th e importance of good manne rs and r es pecting others. Put th e f ea thers in a bag andhand it to a child. Te ll th em to toss th e f ea thers eve rywh er e. As theydo it, i nstruct th e f ea thers not to fly away but to st ay wh er e theyar e. Discuss how th e f ea thers ar e lik e GOSSIP or t alking behind

    someones back -- the f ea thers will blow fro m place to place even if you t ell th em not to; it s easy to s ays thi ngs a bout oth er peo ple ands pr ead rumors. Now t ell them to coll ect th e f ea thers; gossi p is easyto do but h ard to t ak e back. (You c an use rice and ask th em to us e cho psticks to pick it u p).

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    LessonLesson: P lease Pass the Toothpick: P lease Pass the Toothpick


    Sit dow n to di nne r. Pl ace 10 tooth picks at each persons place. Te ll peo ple your e going to see if they have ta ble manne rs. E very time someone notices another person NOT using ta ble manne rs, th ey can ask th at person for o ne of th eir tooth picks. He must give it u p CH EERFULLY. When you fi nish ea ting ,t he person with th e mosttooth picks is th e winne r and ge ts a tr ea t.Examp le: No elbows o n the ta ble, wi pe your mouth with your nap kin and not hands, ch ew food with your mouth clos ed, say please, do nt talk with your mouth full, etc.

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    LessonLesson: See the O ther Si d e (Go ld en R u le): See the O ther Si d e (Go ld en R u le) TEACH ES: RESPECTRESPECT - - SEE THE O THER SIDESEE THE O THER SIDE

    MATERIALS: 2 pictur es of th e same ty pe of obj ect cut fro m a maga zine , poster board, tape or glue

    Cut 2 pictur es of th e same ty pe of obj ect fro m a maga zine (a ba by,hous e, car, fish, bo at, etc.) show n two diff er en t ways. For examp le,

    one pictur e might be of a Christ mas tr ee , and another pictur e of a tr ee br anch co ver ed with i nsects. Tape the pictur es on 2 sid es of th e poster board. Put th e board between two peo ple, tell th em you h ave a pictur e of th e same item on each sid e of th e board. Ask each person to tak e tur ns describi ng one f ea tur e of th e object without t elling what it is (ithas bricks, it h as brow n eyes, its circul ar, ). When they r ea lize the pictur e is diff er en t, ask th em how to r esolve the disagr eemen t (1) t ellthe other they ar e wrong (2) ar gue and insist your d escri ption iscorr ect (3) go around to th e other sid e and try to s ee the pictur e from

    the other persons point of view.

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    Why is it i mp ortan t to s ee things fro m the other persons point of view?

    Why do peo ple often ar gue a bout so me thing without tryi ng to see the other sid e?

    Who b ene fits fro m see ing the other persons sid e? What is th e Gold en Rule and wh at does it t each us to do ?

    Does obeying the Gold en rule hel p us avoid ar gumen ts? What does it mean to w alk in someone elses sho es ?

    Can you thi nk of a time when you w er e right a boutsome thing and someone disagr eed with you ? How did yousolve it?

    See the O ther Si d e ...

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    LessonLesson: Is the Pot F u ll? What thing: Is the Pot F u ll? What thingd o I d o First ? d o I d o First ?

    TEACH ES: Do the IMP O RT A NT things first, There sDo the IMP O RT A NT things first, There sa lways roo m for m orea lways roo m for m ore

    MATERIALS: Pot, rocks, gr ave l, sand, water

    Have the stud en ts fill a pot with l ar ge rocks. Ask, Is it full ?When they say yes, fill i n the s paces with gr ave l. Ask, Is itfull? When they say yes, fill i n the s paces with s and so th er e isno mor e s pace. Ask, Is it full ? When they say yes this ti me , fillit with w ater.

    This t eaches to put th e BIG rocks i n first. Do th e imp ortan tthings first, oth erwise you will neve r be a ble to fit th em in.

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    The Birth of ReasonThe Birth of Reason6 years o ld s - all the pieces of i ndividual cogn ition come together

    Test for 4-8 year o ld s. Fill 2 short, squ at glasses with equal amounts of w ater andask, Do th e two glasses contain the same amount of w ater, or do es one have mor e? Pour all the water from one glass into a tall, narrow glass and ask th e childthe same question.4-year o ld s: the tall glass has mor e water in it (th e diff er ence in the water leve l is

    too gr eat for th em to believe its the same amount even if you pour it b ack into th e sma ll cu p)8-year o ld s: they k now th e amount hasnt change d and can tell you why

    The diff er ence between the two is th e birth of r eason. This is th e eme r gen ce of o per ational thinking when they start app lying logic to sol ve problems. Most 4 - and

    5- year olds c ant mak e the conceptual conne ctions, so RECITA


    NPR O GR A M - TRIVIUM - MEM O RIZE during early years3- an d 4-year o ld s: Ask th em if they wan t one marshma llow now or 2 after a 20-minute delay and they r ar ely r esist th e imme diate tr eat wher eas 5- an d 6-yearsold s can r esist for th e doubl e r eward. So childr en have mor e disci pline and men talcontrol by age 6.

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    LessonLesson: Is My Life in Ba lance ? : Is My Life in Ba lance ? TEACH ES: How to ba lance l ife

    MATERIALS: 2 sma ll Zi ploc b ags, wir e hange r, 30 -50 penn ies,masking tape , pen , hook or na il

    La bel 2 zi ploc w ags with t ape : lif es pleasur es and lif esstr esses. Put th em on o pposite sides of a hanga r. Sus pend the

    hange r on a hook or na il so th at it h ang s fr ee ly.Put a sma ll piece of tape on each penn y. Write an a bbr ev iation on one penn y for each child activity (swi mm ing , video game s, watching TV,socc er,..), comm it m ent (visiting f am ily, s er vice activities,scouts) and d ai ly responsibi l ity (school, chor es, ho mework). Asthe child picks u p a penn y, ask th em whether it bri ngsPLEASURE or PRE SSURE. Pl ace it in the bag . After all the w eights h ave been placed, itll be obvious wh ether lif e is in

    balance or not.

    Ask wh at they should do to r estor e equilibriu m?

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    LessonLesson: O ne at a Ti m e Goa ls: O ne at a Ti m e Goa ls TEACH ES: G O A LSG O A LS , do thi ngs one at a time MATERIALS: a handful of penn ies (coi ns)

    Tell the child you ll play a game . Show h er a handful of penn iesand tell her these ar e s pecial penn ies called goalies (littl e goals).

    Stand a f ew f ee t away and ask th em to see if they can catch th e goalies wh en you toss th em . Then toss 7 or 8 or a whol e handfulat once. The child will proba bly c atch o nly 1 or 2.

    Now do it just 1 at a time . After you h ave done all th e coins, cou nthow man y they caught.Exp lain the r eason the penn ies ar e called goalies is th ey ar e lik e goals. When we try to do too man y goals at the same time , it isdifficult and most wo nt be done . When we do 1 at a time with plann ing , well have mor e succ ess. So a BIG GO AL nee ds to b e

    made into seve r al littl e goals tak en 1 at a time .

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    LessonLesson: Do m ino Goa ls: Do m ino Goa ls


    LSGO A

    LS MATERIALS: a set of do minos (mahjong tiles)

    Line u p 30 do minos in 3 rows of 10 each so th at k nocki ng dow n the 1st o ne will c ause the whol e row to f all.

    The first row should h ave a sma ll gap so th at the whol e row wo ntf all dow n.

    The second row should h ave one domino off c en ter so th e chain r eaction cann ot be comp leted.

    The third row should b e str aight so th ey all f all succ essfully

    Exp lain how goals can help you i n life (ge tting good grades

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    Exp lain how goals can hel p you i n lif e (ge tting good gr ades,lear ning how to play the piano, doi ng chor es,). E xp lain in order toachieve a long r ange goal we nee d seve r al well placed sma ller goalsthat stay on cours e. Have them k nock dow n the 1st row with th e gap and exp lain that if w e ski p a vital step in our progr ession, we wontsucc eed. (ex . You w an t to buy a bik e, so you do chor es for moneyall su mme r and then s pend it o n candy)

    Have them k nock dow n the 2nd row. Aga in the r eaction will sto p in

    the middle. Discuss th at if w e dont stay on cours e with our goalswe wont achieve the desir ed r esult. E xamp le: we join the band tolear n to play the flute, but th en play with a friends guitar and for ge tthe flute, being sidetr ack ed we neve r lear n either.

    Have them k nock dow n the 3rd row. Ta lk a bout how s ma ll, w ell planne d goals lead to succ ess.Illustr ate this with a r ea l goal the child is worki ng on. Te ll them towrite dow n their goals. If w e dont succ eed at the goal, should w e k eep trying? Is lear ning from mistak es hel pful? Would lif e be mor e fun if we neve r tried to ge t better at anything?

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    Mo d ern Schoo l ing Wrong ly A ssum esMo d ern Schoo l ing Wrong ly A ssum esGover nmen t schooli ng is th e essen tial forc e for soci al coh esion. It

    cann ot happen any oth er way. A bur eaucr atized public ord er is our def ense aga inst ch aos and ana rchy. ( culture )

    Socialization of childr en in grou ps monitor ed by st ate agen ts isessen tial oth erwise childr en wont lear n how to ge t along with

    others. (Sudbury Valley School ) Childr en from diff er en t back grounds and beliefs must b e mixedtoge ther (wise but n ot n ecessary )

    Teachers, b ecause they ar e certified, ar e sma rter and wis er than par en ts and better educationa l expe rts. The state must protect peo ple from uncertified teachers. (ma n y great leaders self- schooled )Forci ng childr en to assem ble in man dated grou ps for man datedinter va ls with man dated tex ts and overseers do es not interf er e with

    academ ic lear ning .

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    The world is full of cr azy par en ts who will rui n their childr en sowe must protect childr en from bad par en ting (home schooli n g )Its not right for a f am ily to co ncer n itself over the education of its ow n child, but it s ok ay to worry a bout th e gene r al education of eve ryone .

    The state has the pr edominan t r es ponsibility for tr aining mor alsand beliefs. (historically its bee n pare n ts, commu n ity, society )

    -- John Ta ylor G atto

    The Modern School SystemThe Modern School System

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    The Moder n School SystemThe Moder n School System Tr ains bad ha bits and attitud es (lik e indiff er ence and not caring a bout anything too

    much si nce ther es the imme diate tur ning on/off lik e a light switch - when the bell

    rings then leave the to pic) Since peo ple drive purchases, tr ains consumerism for th e economy. Bor ed peo ple

    ar e the best co nsumers and childish peo ple ar e easiest to co nvince, so schools ar e boring , ex tend childhood i nto adulthood, and teach du m bness

    Schools w er e r efor med to mee t the nee ds of busi ness since business wantsstandardized ( pr edicta ble) custo mers and emp loyees. Since certain emp loymen tr equir es s pecialization, deman d that emp loyees s pecialize their tr aining and ther e by

    become incomp lete - s piritually d ange rous Compe tition mak es childr en a bandon trust i n their peers and not be r es ponsible An atmos pher e of low -leve l str ess and dange r mean s that r elief only ava ila ble from

    appea l to authority - an ar ena of mean ing less pr essur e - teaches how to b e frightene dEmotiona l depen dency and confor mity - wait for t eacher smiles, checks, prizes -intellectual depen dency - good stud en ts w ait for th e teacher to tell them what to do

    Teaches confusion - nothing is link ed together Provisional self -esteem - tests/gr ades/r eport cards/SATS , childr en taught to mea sur e themselves based on the casual jud gemen t of str ange rs

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    Fa m ou s Ho m e Schoo led , Se lf-Ta u ghtPeop le in A m erica

    Inven tors: Thomas Ediso n, Alexan der Gr aham Bell, ...Gene r als: G eor ge Patton, MacArthur, Rob ert Lee , ...

    Artists: L eonardo d a Vi nci, Claude Mone t, Pr esiden ts: Wa shing ton, Jeff erson, Adams,Lincoln, Roos eve lt,Wilson,

    Scien tists: Albert Ei nstein, Curie, Pascal, ...

    Statesmen : Churchill, B en jam in Fr anklin, K onr ad Adena uer, Composers: Mozart, Men delssoh n, Ir ving Berlin, ... Writers: Ma rk Twain, Dick ens, Han s Christi an An derson,

    Childr en school ed at home ar e brighter and mor e imp r essive ly hu man than institutio na lized kids!

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    The 3 Historic P u rposes of E d u cationThe 3 Historic P u rposes of E d u cation

    1. Tr aining to be a good person - the r eligious pur pose - tomak e good peo ple who acted out of princi ple and wer e fit to li ve nex t to - peo ple with an inne r lif e and va lues tr anscending the ma terial

    2. Tr aining to be a good citiz en - the public pur pose - to mak e a citizen class who lo ve the country and k new how to ar gue andwork for th e civic/ public good and imp rove it

    3. Tr aining to ena ble one to live the lif e one choos es - the priva te

    pur pose - to mak e self -dir ecting individuals who k new their ow n str eng ths and weak nesses, and hel p them deve lo p their persona l power, to fi nd some particul ar talen ts to d eve lo p to th e max imum

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    The Fo u rth P u rpose of P u b l ic Schoo l The Fo u rth P u rpose of P u b l ic Schoo l -- Pr u ssiaPr u ssiaPrussi a r ea lized what cen tr alized schooli ng (Volksschul e - 92%

    of th e childr en) could off er (not intellectual deve lo pmen t butsocialization in obedience and subordi na tion): obedient soldi ers for th e ar my (All Qui et on the We ster n Front - a product of good schooli ng )

    obedient work ers for th e mines

    well subordi nated ci vil ser van ts for th e gover nmen t

    well subordi nated cl erks to i ndustry

    citiz ens who thou ght alik e a bout ma jor issu es

    an artificial nationa l consensus o n ma tters work ed out i n advance by leading Ger man f am iliesand institutio ns

    R ea l Schul en (8% of childr en) taught r ea l thinking andintellectual deve lo pmen t

    4. School ex ists to s er ve the cor por ate economy and manage rialfunctions of gover nmen t (as in Prussi a, a ser van t of cor por ate and

    politic al managemen t) so isol ate the childr en from the r ea l world

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    Harvar d List: What M u st an E d u cate d Harvar d List: What M u st an E d u cate d Person Know The A bi l ity toPerson Know The A bi l ity to

    Define probl ems without a guide Ask hard qu estions which ch allenge pr eva iling assump tions Work i n team s without guidance

    Work a bsolut ely alonePersuade others that your cours e is th e right oneDiscuss issu es and techniques in public with an eye to r eaching decisio ns a bout policy

    Concep tualize and r eor gan ize infor ma tion into new patter nsPull wh at you nee d quickly fro m masses of irr elevan t data

    Think inducti ve ly, d educti ve ly, and dialectically Attack probl ems heuristic ally

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    Investigate these Mo d elsInvestigate these Mo d els

    Amish syst em in Lancaster Penn sylvan ia Mondr agon coo per ative in Basque, Spa in Har mony School i n Bloo ming ton, Indiana

    Rudolf Steiner Wa ldorf syst em Montessori Homeschooli ng (John Holt)

    Escalan te,Collins and GattoInstitut e for th e Achievemen t of Human Poten tialBen Fr anklins Autobio gr aphy

    Herbert Spen cer s Educ ation

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    How to Create the NextHow to Create the Next

    Generation of Chinese HeroesGeneration of Chinese HeroesBill Bodri

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    Review of Last Ti m eReview of Last Ti m e

    The Br ain, Neurons and Change

    The Trivium (Gr amma r stage - R ecitation) Movemen ts Teaching Virtu e

    The Failings of Public Schooli ng

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    M u st Rea d ing for Yo u ng Ad u l tsM u st Rea d ing for Yo u ng Ad u l ts

    Liao Fans Four L essons The Autobio gr aphy of B en jam in Fr anklin

    Lao Tzus Tr ea tise on the R es ponse of th e Ta o Think and Grow Rich (N apoleon Hill), As A Man Think eth (Allen)

    Nan Huai-Chins Book o n the Confucian Ana lects How to Win Friends and Influence Peo ple (Dale Ca r neg ie)

    The Platfor m Sutr a of Hui- NengPlutarchs Lives of th e Nobl e Roman s

    T hese few books ca n cha n ge someo n es life because they teach Success pri n ciples,


    e, self-con

    trol, gettin g alo

    n g with others, merit maki

    n g, life purpose,cultivatio n , self-improveme n t

    T iT i Th Y u Ad u l tTh Y u Ad u l t

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    TopicsTopics - - The Yo u ng Ad u l tThe Yo u ng Ad u l tPERS O NA L A CC O MPLISHMENT

    Setting Goals Cr eating Plans, To Do Lists, Time Managemen t and Se tting Prioriti es How to Cr eate the Futur e You Wan t

    PERS O NA L EXCELLENCE How to Model Su perstars for P ersonal Excellence and Success Special Men tal States You Can Cultivate

    SPECIFIC SPECI A L SKILLS Cr eativity - Probl em Solving Academ ic Study Skills Money Skills


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    How to Set Goa lsHow to Set Goa ls

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    Why Do We Nee d Goa ls?Why Do We Nee d Goa ls?

    When impoverished r ats ar e put into cage s with toys andlear ning expe riences, th eir br ain cortex grows r ea lly bi g

    In teenage r ats, a bori ng env ironmen t has a bigge r thinn ing eff ect on neurons and the br ain than an enrichi ng env ironmen t has on growi ng the br ain and thick en ing the cortex

    Ther efor e, r ats los e men tal ground wh en not ch allenge d

    Peo ple nee d to b e challenge d with goa ls as well!

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    Why Goa ls?Why Goa ls?

    Princeton University St u d y - only 10% of peo ple ar e natur al lear ners, and the r est

    have to be pushed

    Harvar d University St u d y - the 3% who

    write down their goals mak e mor e money,have mor e fr ee time , and accomp lish mor e than the 97% who do not

    G l W k hG l W k h

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    Goa ls WorkshopGoa ls Workshop

    Get a r ecord book and r edo this eve ry year

    Write dow n 5-8 lif etime goals

    Write dow n 5-8 ann ual goals for this/ nex t year

    Write dow n 5-8 thi ngs to do each month to i mp rove your lif e

    Write dow n 2-3 autosu gge stions to progr am into your subco nscious (I m good at solving problems, I m patien t with oth er peo ple, etc.)

    Heres what people ordi n arily teach ...

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    Brain Tracy Metho d for Setting Goa lsBrain Tracy Metho d for Setting Goa ls

    1. Decide exact ly what you w an t

    2. Write it dow n3. Se t a d ea dl ine4. Mak e a list of eve rything you c an think of th at you ar e going

    to have to d o to achieve your goal

    5. Or gan ize this list i nto a p lan6. Ta k e action on your plan imme diately - r ev iew co nstan tly7. R esolve to d o so m ething every sing le d ay that moves you

    toward your ma jor goal (lik e Liao FanLiao Fan and Ben Frank l inBen Frank l in )

    Y our ability to select your most importa n t tasks at each mome n t, a n d the n to start o n the task a n d get it do n e both quickly a n d well, will probably have moreof a n impact o n your success tha n an y other quality or skill you ca n develop

    f lf l

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    Life Goa lsLife Goa ls ExerciseExercise Write on a piece of pape r Lif e goals or Things to do b efor e I die

    Mak e a list of eve rythi ng you w an t to do. E verything . Write books,mak e money, tr ave l, lear n to dance, writ e till you ar e done .Let it sit for awhil e. Then narrow th e list to your to p 10 choic es.Then r est. Then cut it dow n aga in to your 4 to p goals.

    Pick th e goal that is num ber one , and put it o n to p.If yo u haven t d one these things yet an d yo u re over 30, there sa 80% chance yo u won t finish the m u n less yo u d o this exercise.

    Conve rt thos e goals into 5 y ear obj ectives. Cr ea te one year lists,

    then monthly lists and fro m that weekly lists and fro m that dailylists.These are Y O UR PRI O RITIES, an d yo u wi ll have to sacrificelesser interests to achieve the m , b u t they re Y O URS. Now yo u ll have a mu ch better chance to achieve any of the m , especia ll y #1 .

    Im portant Points for Creating theIm portant Points for Creating the

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    Im portant Points for Creating theIm portant Points for Creating theLife Yo u Want (Life Goa ls)Life Yo u Want (Life Goa ls)

    Write it dow n in co m p lete d etai l - a comp lete pictur e visualized withall five senses for your subco nscious mind to work o n

    Write it dow n in the positive because the subco nscious mind cann otdistinguish b etween nega tive and positive

    Be specific , m eas u rab le and rea l istic - esta blish r eward milestonesDont set goals too hi gh or low, vag ue, conflicti ng , mir acles

    Think it throu gh - work it backwar d s to see how to ge t ther e(Mo d el yo u rse lf on someone who alr eady achieve d what you w an t)

    Fee d back - Meas u re Yo u rse lf - Am I on tr ack, is it worki ng , if I m not progr essing what isnt worki ng? (if you co ntinue doing the same thing youll co ntinue ge tting the same r esults)Review yo u r goa ls d ai ly - jud ge decisio ns by Do es this t ak e me

    closer to my goals th at ma tter or not?

    AA ll

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    A ReviewA Review -- Setting Goa lsSetting Goa ls

    What are your dreams in life for Career, finances, business, income, home, family, health, physical,

    mental, educational, intellectual life, experiences, possessions, travel,fun, social, cultural, relationships, spiritual

    Write down WHY you want it, if not move on (if youcant find a reason for it, why?)Write down the time frame 1-2-5-10-20 years outWhat obstacles can come between me and my

    dreams? What skills, abilities, attitudes, actionsteps, objectives do I need to do? Break themdown into steps with deadlines

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    Kevin Hogan Metho d for Setting Goa lsKevin Hogan Metho d for Setting Goa ls

    Mak e a shee t with four squ ar es - 4 DRE A MS :(1) Busi ness/Ca r eer (2) Hea lth(3) Intellectual Lif e

    (4) Social/Fam ily/Home

    RE A SO NS why you must h ave it The Pain you will f ee l if you do nt achieve it ( future paci n g ) The P leas u re you will f ee l if you do achieve it ( future paci n g ) The A CTI O N STEPS you must do eve ry day to ge t ther e

    Yo u nee d to p u t this in a book for every year an d reviewconstant ly. Year ly goa ls an d m onth ly goa ls.

    h k A b lh k A b l

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    Thinking A bo u t Goa lsThinking A bo u t Goa ls What ar e the to p 10 p laces you w an t to visit b efor e you di e? What 10 events would you r ea lly lik e to expe rience first h and (th eyd be

    so awesome that you d talk a bout th em for th e r est of your lif e) What 10 ski ll s would you most w an t to acquir e? (what do you w an t to become excellen t at?)

    What does your d



    e look lik e? (num ber of roo ms, floori ng ,squar e footage , color of th e kitch en , ne ighborhood, ) How much m oney would you lik e to ear n per year ? What would your fa m ily l ike to experience over the nex t 5 years? What 10 toys would you most lik e to ow n? What 5 thi ngs would give the greatest sense of acco m p l ish m ent in your busi ness lif e?

    What 10 thi ngs would give you th e greatest sense of acco m p l ish m ent in your persona l lif e?

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    Bo d ri Metho d for Setting Goa lsBo d ri Metho d for Setting Goa ls

    Know your outco me . Fix in your mind exa ctly wh at you w an t. Write it dow n. Be s pecific.

    Then tak e massive intelligen t action toward th e goal. Consisten tdisci plined action. (Model a winne r and do wh at they did)

    Measur e and tr ack your r esults to s ee if you ar e ge tting them .If you ar e not ge tting the r esults you w an t, ch ange your app roach!

    Change ... Change Change u ntil you ge t your d esir ed outco me .Perseve r ance and disci pline to st ay worki ng at it. Do nt dr eam , work!

    Secr et For mula: G O A L + DISCIPLINED A CTI O N +A W A RENESS (meditation) and ME A SUREMENT for corr ection +MERIT an d VIRTUE = RESULT. Liao Fan Ben jam in Fr anklin

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    G O SPAG O SPAG O A LS - a place you w an t to end u p at the end of a certain period ( a certain sales leve l or profit a bility l eve l)

    O BJECTIVES - sub -goals you must accomp lish i n order toachieve your goals (in the ar eas of s ales, distributio n, staff deve lo pmen t,technology installation, cost co ntrol, man uf acturing , )

    STR A TEGY - the me thod you ll us e to accomp lish your objectives on the way to th e goal (ex . build an inter nal sales forc e,outsourc e selling to an ex ter na l or gan ization, )

    PRI O RITIES - the things you ll have to do first and second,whats mor e and less importan t

    A CTIVITIES - the s pecific d ay functions delega ted to s pecificindividuals with d eadlines and standards of perfor man ce

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    Creating P lans an d Creating P lans an d To Do Lists to A chieveTo Do Lists to A chieveYo u r Goa ls an d Stay onYo u r Goa ls an d Stay on


    Dai ly To Do ListDai ly To Do List

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    Dai ly To Do ListDai ly To Do List Start with your WEEK LY to do list

    Tak es 5 minutes per day, but r equir es disci pline all day Write down 25 thi ngs to do ( assignmen ts, err ands, app ointmen ts), s elect th e to p 6

    most importan t things (you c ann ot do 15 -25 sign ifican t things in a day)Those 6 things wi ll yie ld the biggest i m pact on yo u r life an d res u l ts . Dont focuson the ur gen t or easy thi ngs. Do th e 20% th at mak es the 80% diff er ence. Those 6things MUST get d one. You will f ail to do th em unless you mak e them a priority.

    Compute the time for thos e 6 tasks, add it u p Schedule those activities (structur e them so none tak es longe r than 1 hour) - now

    your d ay is or gan ized accordi ng to wh at you w ant from yours elf

    Keep foc u sing on the 6 i m portant things thro u gho u t the d ay (so you get clos er toyour lo ng ter m goals each and eve ry day)Do the m ost i m portant thing first that m oves yo u ahea d

    Do this th e night befor e or each mor ning Check off it ems to give yours elf a sense of co mp letion

    T D Li tT D Li t

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    To Do ListsTo Do Lists Hint - do o ne of th e to p priority hi ghlighted tasks th at mak es you

    f ee l good first Cr ea te ST O P D O ING lists, too Success is wh at happen s to you a little when you do a little mor e

    each day over and over

    Success can come in a windf all but usu ally co mes bit by bit(1) You ll ge t m ore d one with this me thod(2) You ll have fewer u nnecessary crises(3) You ll s pend a bigge r percen tage of you ti me doing things that

    m ove yo u a long to the goa ls yo u d esire

    Busi ness peo ple: use two accordio n fold ers, o ne with a pock et for each month (12) and another for each day (31). Put follow u p ma terials in the slot th ats app ro priate.

    The Fa m ou s $25 000 To Do List StoryThe Fa m ou s $25 000 To Do List Story

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    The Fa m ou s $25,000 To Do List StoryThe Fa m ou s $25,000 To Do List Story

    Human beings will avoid doi ng what needs to b e done . We put lots of ene r gy into

    avoiding the hard, unp leasant, r ealities of lif e. Its not th at we dont k now wh at todo. It s that we dont do it.

    In one story, st eel magna te Charles Schwa b told his managemen t consultan t Ivy Lee that What we nee d around her e is not mor e k nowing , but mor e doing . If you ll pep us u p to do th e things we alr eady k now we ought to do, I ll gladly pay you anything you ask. L ee took hi m u p on the pro positio n. I n 20 minutes, h e told Schwa b,I ll show you how to ge t your or gan ization doing at least 50 percent mor e. He started by h aving Schwa b writ e down his si x most important tasks to co mp lete in the nex t busi ness day, accordi ng to th eir importance. The consultant encour age dSchwa b to sh ar e this app roach with his exe cutives, jud ge its value, and, s end me a

    check for wh ateve r you thi nk its worth.Two weeks later, Lee r eceived a check for $25,000 a kings r ansom in those days.In an accompan ying note, Schwa b said it w as the most profita ble lesson hed eve r lear ned. The lesson, of cours e, was the power of focus. The person or or gan ization that understands and acts u pon its To p 5 and To p 1 of 5 will succ eed.

    John Ad a m s, 2n d U.S. Presi d ent, MasterJohn Ad a m s, 2n d U.S. Presi d ent, Master

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    John a s, 2n U.S. Presi ent, MasterJohn a s, 2n U.S. Presi ent, MasterListList--MakerMaker

    Wrote first draft of the Declaration of Independencey R ecommended George Washington to lead the wary Went to France and convinced them to send their navyy Convinced the Dutch to lend us the money to fund the wary Our first ambassador to Great Britain after the wary 1 st Vice-President and set-up all the initial protocolsy 2 nd President

    His February 1776 list from his diary:y An alliance to be formed with France and Spainy Government to be assumed by every colonyy Powder mills to be built in every colony and fresh

    efforts to make saltpeter (for the making of gunpowder)

    y Declaration of Independency

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    O ther Lists to MakeO ther Lists to Make

    Yearly Go als Lists

    Sto p Doing Lists What Could Go Wrong ListsPrinci ples Ive Lear ned to Guid e Myself

    (from Failur es of Mistak es)

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    Creating the Fu


    re You

    Creating the Fu


    re You


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    Napo leon Hi ll s Metho d to CreateNapo leon Hi ll s Metho d to Create

    the F u tu re Yo u Wantthe F u tu re Yo u WantFirst - fix in your mind EX ACT LY wh at you d esir e. Dont justsay it. B e s pecific.Second - deter mine what you will h ave to give in r etur n for thisThird - esta blish a definite date by which you will achieve thisFourth - cr ea te a definite plan for c arrying out your d esir e and

    beg in at once, whether you ar e r eady or notFifth - write out a clear, co ncise statemen t of wh at you w an t toachieve /acquir e, the time limit, wh at you i ntend to give in r etur n,describ e the plan for achievemen tSixth - r ead your plan aloud, twic e daily, mor ning and night andimag ine yours elf in possession of th at accomp lishmen t

    A ttracting Things to Yo u A ttracting Things to Yo u -- How to He lp ManifestHow to He lp Manifest

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    the F u tu re Yo u Wantthe F u tu re Yo u Want

    The A ttraction Princip le: Inten tion + Action = Man if estation Imag ing * Action = R esult

    Close your eyes, calm your br eathing , pictur e in your mind what you d esir e.When you h ave this pictur e in your mind, r aise your ri ght finge r.

    Describe, in gr eat detail, a situation wher e you h ave this person/ place/thing in mind i n the very nea r futur e. Now i n gr eat detail tell me another place wher e this thi ng is in your lif e i n the very nea r futur e.

    Now t ell me all the s pecific st eps and sequences of st eps r equir ed to fulfill thisman if estation in your lif e. Describ e the actual process. (after X, wh at happen s

    nex t? And then what? )Describe why you must allow this to co me into your lif e beginn ing now.

    Now bri ng the pictur e of this accomp lishmen t/ person/ place/thing into your mind so th at it is en ticing and mak es you ene r gized and excited.Pay atten tion to your br eathing and come back to nor ma l 321

    T he Secret pri n ciple of the Visualized F ocusi n g is samadhi a n d on e-poi n ted n ess

    Manifesting the F u tu re Yo u WantManifesting the F u tu re Yo u Want

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    Manifesting the F u tu re Yo u Want ...Manifesting the F u tu re Yo u Want ...

    To cr eate in r eality, you must first create it in yo u r m in d . To achieve you

    must first co nceive. Ther es a bridge between man if estation and action. Taking action d oes not

    gu arantee a res u lt . We have control o ver our actions, but not th e r esults of our actions. (So we nee d outsid e hel p and need to accumulate merit)You c ann ot just dr eam it and it will co me -- it r equir es changes in yo u - you

    must mak e a wise plan and work it and change your h a bits th at pr even t succ essDo not trust i n talen t but i n comm itm ent eve ry day work tow ard itYou must leave yo u r co m fort zone - always improve, lear n the things that k eep you fro m being successful, pr actice the things that bring you clos er to succ ess.Do th e difficult thi ngs you do nt wan t to do.

    Strugg le mean s you ar e chang ing your f ate; frictio n = progr ess The most f lexib le action p lan will succ eed in man if esting your d esir e

    Sa m a d hi is staying one- focus ed on your goal and worki ng toward it d es pite obstacles. You need to culti vate awar ene ss (mea sur e your progr ess) andflexibility this is Z en tr aining and Confucian culti vation

    P b l i M if i h F Y WP b l i M if i h F Y W

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    Prob lem s in Manifesting the F u tu re Yo u Want ...Prob lem s in Manifesting the F u tu re Yo u Want ...

    Probl em : Procrastination - you s a botage yours elf, you f ear succ ess and dont believe you d eser ve the r ewards you ar e seeking so just st art worki ng your plan and get a men tor/co ach

    Probl em : Interna l d ia logu e - the sum of all the talking that goes on in your

    mind is usu ally nega tive, not producti ve, so r eprogr am your subco nsciousthrough autosu gge stion and use man tr a and meditation

    Probl em : Positive thinking d oesn t work - you k eep thinking positi vely butther es no outco me because thought alone is useless, you need r ealistic action.

    If you k eep doing the same thing and expe ct diff er ent r esults, this is i nsan ity.

    Probl em : Ba d habits stan d in the way - so r esolve any self -def eating unconscious h a bit patter ns and clear the unconscious of wh ateve r pr even ts you

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    Prob lem s in Manifesting the F u tu re Yo u Want ...Prob lem s in Manifesting the F u tu re Yo u Want ...

    Parts Prob lem - if it is nt worki ng its usu ally b ecause ther es some inter na l busi ness or issu e we have to tak e car e of first.This is a parts problem th ats easy to sol ve if you h ave cour age . Part

    of yo u says X an d part of yo u says Y; the two d on t agree witheach other .

    So lu tion : The goal of inter na l dialogue is to r esolve the par adox: W ill th e part of me that doesnt wan t to sto p ___ tell me why?

    What positi ve inten tion does this allow me to accomp lish? Thank you.

    Would it b e ok ay for me to get that ___ and still sto p? Thanks, and let me k now in the futur e if Im letting you dow n

    Refra m ing the Resistance ...Refra m ing the Resistance ...

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    1. What is the behavior yo u want to change ? Iden tify it.

    2. Estab l ish co mmu nication with th e part of yours elf th at is r es ponsible for th e behav ior. Ask, Ar e you willi ng to co mm unicate with me?

    3. Separate the positive intention of the P A RT fro m the prob lem behavior . Go i nside and ask What ar e you tryi ng to positive ly do for me with this b ehav ior ? (If th e answer seem s nega tive , ask wh at is its positive pur pose)

    4. Go to th e cr ea tive part of yours elf and fin d 3 other choices thatsatisfy the positive intention of the P A RT but do not have the nega tive impa ct of th e problema tic b ehav ior

    5. Go i nside and have the PAR T that cr ea tes the problem behav ior agreeto i m p lem ent the new choices . Ask, Do you agr ee to accep t these choic es? If not, th en go back to st ep 4 to modify th em .

    6. Fi nd out if any oth er PAR TS object to th e new choic es. If y es, step 2.

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    Learn fro m Yo u r Fai l u resLearn fro m Yo u r Fai l u res

    1. List yo u r fai l u res - large an d sm a ll they ar e your rich est lear ning expe rience so look at them dont eva luate them , just writ e them dow n

    2. Fin d 3 lessons for each fai l u re (neve r buy hi gh and sell low,dont listen to time pr essur e, ) theyr e your expe riences and your l essons ther e ar e no wro ng answers, just mean ingful lessons

    3. List how yo u ll u se those lessons k now how you ll use them in the futur e write out sc ena rios: if XX h appen s aga in I will a salesman gets an objections, goes home , writ es out an answer and pr actices it to manage your mind pro perly, you do nt wan t that same situation to find you

    unpr epa r ed aga in

    Learn fro m Yo u r Fai l u resLearn fro m Yo u r Fai l u res

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    Learn fro m Yo u r Fai l u res ...Learn fro m Yo u r Fai l u res ...

    4. Go u se so m e of those lessons go out and du plicate the problem (the same sales situ ation, teaching a stud en t,

    trimm ing a tr ee) and check how good your solutio n is testing it is th e only way to s ee how good it is, get over f ear, mak e lif e a game and

    imp rove yours elf

    5. Recor d yo u r res u l ts write out th e r esults of wh at happene d when you tri ed it eva luate it fro m 1-10 (so -so = 5, gr eat =9 or 10) and be honest

    6. Sharpen an d po l ish yo u r lessons if it did nt work, try to i mprove it mak e it play - lif e is an expe rimen t until you ge t the r esults you w ant Ediso n work ed at cr eating a light bulb fro m f ailur es

    Its easy to review your successes, but reviewi n g your failuresan d lear n in g from them is gold. T his is true cultivatio n a n d self-


    t. Ex. All succ essful tr aders do this.

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    Write it Down!Write it Down! Catherine Cox (1920 s) studi ed 300 gen iuses from history (N ewton,

    Jeff erson, Bach) They always wrot e things dow n starting from an early age wh ether they

    wer e gene r als, statesmen , scientistsEinstein - Autobiographical NotesLeonardo d a Vinci - Notebooks

    Thomas Ediso n - 3 million page s of notesBen jam in Fr anklin - AutobiographyFar aday - note books (h e neve r wen t to school and pr eser ved the gift of thinking fr eely)

    Also, a study of 200 o ver achieve rs (Bill G ates, artists, i nven tors, peo ple from allfields) i nvestigating 187 varia bles fou nd only one thing in common. There was ab l in dl y enco u raging parent , almost always of th e o pposite sex (who you look tofor self -esteem ) that always told th eir child th ey can do wh ateve r they want. Neve r crush th eir dr eam . They ar e only 5 y ears old! B e 100+ % su pportive!

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    How to Mo d el A How to Mo d el A

    Su perstar for the Sa m eSu perstar for the Sa m ePersona l Exce ll encePersona l Exce ll ence

    A Review: O ld Habits Inhibit S u ccessA Review: O ld Habits Inhibit S u ccess

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    It takes 5 days to form a new habit that is repeated dailyy the desire to change is not enoughy you must consciously program in new behavior to create new brain pathways that are

    likely to be followedy the brain says NO in order to prefer old pathways

    T he only way a neural pathway changes is from lack of use the pathways will thenatrophy and decay when not used

    you need lots of positive replacement and an enormous amount of road construction tocreate a new neural highway systemrepetition of new behavior in a new environment will create new pathways, along withmultisensoral thinking (a 2 nd best choice)you have to create a system of accountability to make change long term

    F reedom of Choice we like to have choices but we hate the internal stress of choosing: even though we create a new highway, we dont default into using it, but mustuse CHO ICE to reinforce it. Question: what new habit do we choose?

    The Path of Least resistance its familiar, comfortable, status quo, and were used todoing it; It takes an enormous initial effort to change because you need to forge newhighways in the brain, they must be strengthened through regular usage and maintainedthrough regular use. Question: what new habit do we choose? MODEL SOMEONE!

    Mo d el ing A nother Person to Beco m eMo d el ing A nother Person to Beco m e

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    Mo e ing nother Person to Beco eMo e ing nother Person to Beco ethe Best (Persona l Exce ll ence)the Best (Persona l Exce ll ence)

    Know wh at outco me you w an t - what do you w ant to do ?Find someone (a model of excellence) who is ex tr eme ly succ essful at what youwan t, and then start to model their perfor man ce. Disco ver their physio logy (br eathing , postur e)

    filter patterns (why theyr e doing what they ar e doing , their beliefs and values anddecisio ns and lang uage patter ns and me taprogr ams)

    strategies (how the person does what they ar e doing inter na lly - their inter na lr epr esen tations, inter na l dialogue, and their sequence in order to get the same r esult th eyget)

    Install th e physiolo gy, str ategies and filt ers in another person or yours elf to s ee if they work. You nee d to b e conscious a bout this or h ave a coach, oth erwise you maythink you ar e doing all the same inter nal processes but ar e only partially modeling the inter nal map of the other person and still partially usi ng your ow n old map .Based on the r esults you get, r efine the process until it works. Successful modelersuse (1) vis u a l rehearsa l and (2) positive (or no) interna l d ia log u e

  • 8/8/2019 How to Create the Next Generation of Chinese Heroes


    Dea l ing with the Prob lem of Dea l ing with the Prob lem of

    Interna l Dia log u e (Mo d el ing)Interna l Dia log u e (Mo d el ing)90% of s elf -talk is nega tiveYou c an :

    Jam it (--> use a m

    antra) Change its modality (tur n down the volume , move the sourc e of

    the sound behind you, ch ange its voice to so meone else ) Substitut e positive interna l d ia log u e for nega tive inter na l

    dialogue (which is th e pur pose of affir m ations )

    Give the inter nal dialogue some thing to do ( go over a checklist) Stop the inter nal dialogue altoge ther (--> m ed itation ), which is th e

    most eff ective way (Zen masters ar e the most fl exible and skillfuland accomp lished of all classes of peo ple)

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    Mo d el ing A nother Person for Exce ll enceMo d el ing A nother Person for Exce ll ence

    Look for patter ns of b elief and action powering their actions, attitud es andexpe riences - the k ey driving princi ples behind their skill

    Isolate the s pecific action steps that brou ght th em to wh er e they ar e. Focuson the mindset, str ateg ic thou ght processes, linea r/nonlinea r mean s they usedto get ther e. Find out EX ACT LY wh at made them succ essful anddisti nguished them from their peers - they d id n t beco m e s u ccessf u l ran d om ly, b u t beca u se they repeate d som e specific s u ccessf u l action orpattern yo u want to m od el/ copy /d u p l icate

    REPE AT and DUPLI CAT E their work (th eir skills, attitud es, thou ght processes, br eathing patter ns, postur e). R egularly us e the skills i n pr actice.

    Integr ate the skills i nto your b ehavior

    Feedback - monitor your progr ess on an ongoing basis (mea sur e, r ecord,write down)

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    C u l tivating Specia l C u l tivating Specia l States of Min dStates of Min d

    Y our mi n d is your most powerful tool. It ca n either work for you or agai n st you. Success a n d happi n ess i n life depe n ds o n whether or n ot

    you lear n how to properly use your mi n d. T houghts are thi n gs a n d create the reality you wa n t, but cultivati n g empti n ess is eve n better a n d the bedrock of Chi n ese culture. U n fortu n ately, n o o n e teaches you this

    So well teach you very specific prove n tech n iques of ma n ipulati n g thought that help you create your life i n a way that bri n gs happi n essan d success,