How to Create an Effective Executive Resume

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  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    How To Create An Efective

    Executive Resume

    Abby Locke

    May 9, 2013


    When you are in the hot seat for a new job, employers, hiring managers, and recruiters

    all want to know the same thing—what can you offer? For senior-level professionals,

    your quantifiable, high-impact accomplishments give companies a snapshot of your

    unique tangible value !o, if your executive resume lacks the W"W factor, you are not

    doing a great job of marketing yourself

    #n order to take a career accomplishment from average to outstanding, you need to set

    the stage for the reader For e$ample% Increased annual sales 25% in 2006  &t first

    glance, this accomplishment appears impressive, however, there are several questions

    that should be addressed

    What was the sales growth prior to '((), what actions or activities directly impacted the

    company*s sales or was the company going through any changes+transitions during

    '(()? he answer to one or more of these questions can cast a whole new light on the

    original accomplishment statement

    ow o .reate &n /ffective /$ecutive 0esume

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    .reating attention-getting accomplishments for your e$ecutive resume takes careful

    thought and employing strategic use of a tried and true formula—Challenge-Action-



    ake the reader through the circumstances that led to the accomplishment1 describe

    what was going on the industry or company during a specific time period #ndicate

    whether you were tasked with obtaining specific goals or corporate objectives &

    corporate challenge e$pressed on an e$ecutive resume may look like one of these%

    • asked with delivering 2(3 return on 45(( million investment portfolio in unpredictable

    real estate industry

    • .harged with reducing installation costs which peaked at '(3 higher above industry

    norm and boosting operational efficiencies by 263

    • and-picked by ./" to increase profitability, improve eroding market share and repair

    strained customer relationships


    7our strategy here is to show employers the e$tent of your leadership capabilities and

    problem-solving skills1 discuss what new initiatives you implemented or innovative

    methods you employed he key is not to overwhelm the reader with minor details, but

    make sure to give a good overview of what steps you took to achieve the desired

    outcome & few good e$amples of action step sentences include%

    • 0ecruited, assembled, and trained top-performing sales team and utili8ed word-of-mouth

    marketing strategy to build client base and generate consistent revenue stream

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    • 9ed transition team and orchestrated all facets of corporate acquisition including

    financial analysis, revenue projections, valuation and pricing, and bid submission process


    Were you successful and what was the bottom-line impact of your actions? !ummari8e

    the highlights and main points of each accomplishment into one or two sentences Write

    your career accomplishments in a format that quantifies the results and provides

    direct evidence of your core competencies and qualifications he accomplishment

    statements below demonstrate how to capture powerful results%

    • /$ecuted ardent negotiations and implemented innovative investment strategies which

    grew investment portfolio from 46((,((( to 4: million in just two years

    • .reated ;first-of-its-kind< technology company to offer complete suite of # solutions

    instead of a-la carte services1 new strategy helped increase market share '(3

    /$ecutive resumes have to be succinct, concise and be able to pass the )(-second

    test 0egardless of how remarkable your quantifiable results may be, they lose their

    impact if placed at the end of a sentence #f we took the same e$amples used in !tep :

    and revised them, they would appear like this%

    • Grew investment portfolio from $500,000 to $3 million in two years by e$ecuting

    ardent negotiations and implementing innovative investment strategies

    Increase mar!et share "0# by creating ;first-of-its-kind< technology company to offer

    complete suite of # solutions instead of a-la carte services

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    0emember that .-&-0 stories are critical on e$ecutive resumes, leadership profiles and

    achievement summaries1 they also work well as practice material for interview


     The Job Search & Preparing Your Resume

    Where do I begin? Unfortunately, you cannot hang a sign on your door and just wait

    for the job to magically appear!

    etting started is probably the most difficult aspect of the process "t times there may

     be roadbloc#s along the way $his will be a time%consuming endea&or 'owe&er, with

    a well%de&eloped plan and a strong commitment, you will perse&ere (ou must be

    moti&ated and dedicated to the process

    )n order to be successful, you must identify your interests, s#ills and &alues $he first

    step is to identify your career options that closely match your interests, s#ills and


     *etwor#ing is an essential component in your job search +e&elop a list of people

    who are willing to assist in your job search elati&es, friends, former employers,

    teachers, etc are all good -ro&ide each person with a copy of your resume .ollow%up

    on all leads and when you are contacting them be sure to mention the name of the person who pro&ided the lead

    (ou may create a networ# through people you meet at conferences, career fairs,

    meetings, etc /eep your networ# informed of your progress "lways send a than#

    you note to all who ha&e assisted you

    Resume Preparation

    Putting You on Paper

    !hat is a Resume"

    • A resume is a persona# $ata sheet%

    • t is a short summar' o( important (acts about 'ou%

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    •  These (acts he#p an emp#o'er $eci$e whether or not to

    interview 'ou%

    • A resume shou#$ a#wa's be we##)thought)out* up)to)$ate* an$


    • A resume has approximate#' +, to +- secon$s to get the

    rea$er.s attention%

    $he fastest way to prepare a resume is to complete the -ersonal +ata heet

    !h' is Your Resume mportant"

    •  You wi## (ee# more con/$ent b' becoming more aware o( 'our

    0ua#ities an$ s1i##s%

    • A resume re2ects 'our potentia# as an emp#o'ee better than

    the 3ob app#ication% 4Your resume shou#$ a#wa's be given to theemp#o'er with 'our comp#ete$ 3ob app#ication%5

    • A resume shows the emp#o'er 'ou are organi6e$* prepare$*

    an$ serious about wanting a 3ob%

    •  You ma' get an interview over other app#icants simp#' because

    'ou have a resume%

    • A resume shows that 'ou are pro(essiona#%

    He#p(u# Hints78ui$e#ines

    Write it yourself!

    •  You wi## be better prepare$ (or the interviews%

    Be Relevant!

    • Ever'thing must $irect#' re#ate to 'our 3ob ob3ective%

    Be Positive!

    • Emphasi6e 'our accomp#ishments an$ s1i##s%

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    Be Secific!

    • 9ocument 'our e$ucation* abi#ities* experience* etc% Present$ata in reverse chrono#ogica# or$er 4most recent /rst5%

    Be Accurate!

    •  You wi## be expecte$ to per(orm as $escribe$% :a1e certain a##in(ormation is correct an$ veri/ab#e%

    Be Brief!

    • ;se short sentences% ;se action wor$s to $e/ne $uties%

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    $he chronological format presents your education, wor# e6perience and acti&ities

    with each section described in re&erse chronological order with the most recent at the

    top of each section $his type of resume is the traditional )f your s#ills and

    accomplishments coincide with your most significant wor# e6perience and if these are

    in line with your career goals, this is the format to use

    7n the other hand, the functional format organi8es your s#ills and accomplishments

    into job tas# groupings that support your stated career objecti&e )f you must pull

    together certain s#ills and accomplishments from a &ariety of past e6periences to

    show your preparation for what you want to do in the future, then the functional

    format is for you -eople who ha&e been out of the wor#place for se&eral years%for

    e6ample, those people who choose to stay at home to raise a family while the children

    are young%benefit greatly from this format )t draws attention to what you did rather

    than when you did it

    (our resume should be a brief highlight of your e6periences and education $he goal

    of your resume is to effecti&ely mar#et yourself to potential employers, and to obtain

    an inter&iew (our resume is about you, the job hunter, not just about the jobs you&e


    • Starting from scratch: >RA?ST

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    • Accentuate The Positive: High#ight accomp#ishments* not 3ust the

    mere $uties 'ou per(orme$% 9o not use negative statements oran'thing that wou#$ be 0uestionab#e%

    • Leave it O: Persona# in(ormation* such as marita# status* age*

    race* gen$er* re#igion* an$ birthp#ace is not appropriate% :an'times high schoo# in(ormation shou#$ not be inc#u$e$%

    • Aearance of Resume: The (ormat o( 'our resume shou#$ be

    pro(essiona# an$ e'e)catching% 9o not use bright co#ors orgraphics%

    $he heading of your resume should contain information that employers can use to

    contact you easily Ma#e certain that your address, phone number, and e%mail address

    are current before you send out your resume

    $he impact of technology on resumes needs to be co&ered More and more companies

    allow you to submit electronic resumes on their websites and other companies are

    scanning resumes into their computer systems to let the computer do a #eyboard

    search to find suitable candidates for them

    A$$itiona# Pointers

    What if I have had lots of short term )obs?

    • Combine severa# simi#ar 3obs into one Chun1

    Examp#e@ +D),,- )) !aiter7>usbo'

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    • About +, ) +- 'ears shou#$ be enough* un#ess 'ou nee$

    experience (or 'our resume%

    What if I do not +uite have my degree or credential yet?

    • 9ip#oma anticipate$ in September* ,,G

    • Associate 9egree anticipate$ in :arch* ,,D

    What if I have not narro*ed do*n my )ob ob)ective?

    • 9o not use a generic resume% !rite a $iferent resume (or each


    What about aer?

    • ;se p#ain white or ivor'% 9o not use bright co#ors%

     The 9ea$#' 9o6en

    $here are certain items you as a job see#er should &irtually always lea&e off your

    resume :esides allowing the potential employer to discriminate against you ;either

    intentionally or unintentionally< before he=she e&en meets you, including any of 'he

    (eadly (o,en will date your resume about 30 years

    :e sure to omit $he +eadly +o8en from your resume

    • !eight: Even i( ' o( average height* the potentia# emp#o'er

    ma' not be%

    • "eight: Too thin* too (at* too per(ect%an' one o( these might bea stri1e against 'ou in the e'es o( a potentia# emp#o'er%

    • !ea#th: !ou#$ 'ou put an'thing besi$es Exce##ent on 'our

    resume" t is not #i1e#'%

    • Se$: Though the' ma' be ab#e to guess this because o( 'our

    name* $on.t mention it an'wa'% You want to be hire$ on thebasis o( 'our 0ua#i/cations* not because 'ou are /##ing a 0uote*right"

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    • %arita# status: 9epen$ing on the compan'* being marrie$ can

    be an asset or a #iabi#it' 4an$ the same wou#$ go (or beingsing#e5% Putting 'our marita# status on 'our resume ma' ma1ethe potentia# emp#o'er won$er i( a marrie$ man is right (or the

     3ob* rather than i( 'ou are right (or the 3ob%

    • &umer of chi#dren: Some emp#o'ers ma' assume that i( 'ouhave chi#$ren* 'ou wi## miss wor1 more o(ten than an emp#o'eewho has no chi#$ren%

    • Re#igion: !hose business is it an'wa'" Yours an$ on#' 'ours%However* i( 'ou are app#'ing (or a 3ob with a re#igiousorgani6ation* 'ou might want to in$icate 'our re#igionsomewhere on 'our resume* perhaps in the communit'

    activities section%

    • Ethnic origin: You shou#$ avoi$ mentioning 'our ethnic origin orheritage* un#ess 'our goa# is to /## a 0uote (or the compan'%

    • (ate of irth: You $o not want to be ru#e$ out as too 'oung or

    too o#$ (or a 3ob be(ore the emp#o'er even gets to meet 'ou* so#eave this of as we##% The emp#o'er is on#' a##owe$ to as1 i( 'ouare between the ages o( +D an$ - 4(or most 3obs5%

    • Photograhs: Even i( 'ou are the most $rop)$ea$ gorgeousperson on the (ace o( the p#anet* $o not inc#u$e a photograph%!hat i( 'ou #oo1 3ust #i1e the potentia# emp#o'er.s ex)husban$"Again* 'ou shou#$ be hire$ because o( who 'ou are* not what'ou #oo1 #i1e%

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    sa#ar' too #ow* 'ou ma' severe#' un$er price 'ourse#(% !ait to$iscuss sa#ar' unti# the interview* i( possib#e%


  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    •  To secure a position as a Fega# Secretar' which wi## uti#i6e m'

    s1i##s an$ which ofers opportunities (or a$vancement%

    • :otivate$* resu#ts)oriente$ pro(essiona# see1ing a (u##)time

    position where training in Crimina# Justice an$ Pub#icA$ministration wi## a$vance organi6ationa# goa#s an$ ob3ectives%Re#iab#e an$ 2exib#e team p#a'er with strong communication an$interpersona# s1i##s%

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    •  To obtain a position with a compan' that can uti#i6e m' s1i##s

    in Accounting%

    •  To wor1 (or an innovative progressive compan' that wi## a##ow

    me the opportunit' (or a$vancement%

    •  To obtain a position that wi## a##ow me to ma1e efective use

    o( m' expertise* 1now#e$ge* an$ abi#ities have ac0uire$%

    •  To app#' m' training an$ experience in a (u## or part)timeposition as a :ateria# Contro#7Supp#' Specia#ist* or an' re#ate$position where experience* e$ucation an$ abi#it' wi## beefective#' uti#i6e$ with opportunit' (or a$vancement%

     To obtain a position that wi## a##ow me to ma1e efective useo( m' expertise* 1now#e$ge* an$ abi#ities have ac0uire$%

    • Entr')#eve# c#erica# position which ofers opportunit' (ora$vancement%

    • A position as a technician in which in which m' aptitu$e an$

    sa#es abi#it' wi## be o( va#ue to a progressive organi6ation oferingthe potentia# (or (uture a$vancement%

    • See1ing to 3oin a progressive organi6ation* where ma' uti#i6em' experience an$ s1i##s (or pro(essiona# growth%

    • See1ing a cha##enging position as an A$ministrative Assistantwhich wi## a##ow me to uti#i6e m' s1i##s an$ abi#ities in >usinessan$

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    (urthering m' career in E#ectronic Techno#og' an$ a$vancing toE#ectronic Engineering%

    •  To secure Entr')#eve# position as a Fega# Secretar'%

    • A responsib#e career opportunit' in in$ustria#maintenance7e#ectrica# maintenance in which can (u##' uti#i6em' s1i##s whi#e ma1ing a signi/cant contribution to the success o( m' emp#o'er%

    •  To obtain a position with a progressive organi6ation who

    provi$es opportunities to uti#i6e ac0uire$ s1i##s an$ 1now#e$ge inthe in$ustria# maintenance /e#$%

     To app#' m' 1now#e$ge an$ abi#it' in a position as anA$ministrative Assistant%

    •  To obtain a cha##enging* career oriente$ position in securit'with the :uscogee Count' Schoo# >oar$%

    • See1ing an entr')#eve# position with the goa# o( moving into


    •  To be a han$s on accomp#ishe$ manager se##ing an$

    provi$ing high 0ua#it' technica# services in the computerhar$ware7so(tware in$ustr'%

    Samp#e High#ights7S1i##s Statements

    • How man' 'ears experience as a what%

    • How man' 'ears o( progressive experience an$ responsibi#it'with $ocumente$ success in the areas o( what at variousorgani6ationa# #eve#s%

    • How man' 'ears progressive what

    • How man' 'ears proven recor$ o( accomp#ishments in what%

    • How man' 'ears success(u# experience in a what setting%

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    •  Tit#e with extensive experience in what%

    • A what with more than how man' 'ears in what%

    • A goo$ mora#e bui#$er%

    • A han$s)on pro(essiona# with a proven recor$ o( success%

    • Ab#e to communicate an$ interact efective#' with in$ivi$ua#s

    o( a## #eve#s%

    • Ab#e to han$#e mu#tip#e pro3ects concurrent#'%

    • A$ept at uti#i6ing teaching s1i##s to provi$e 0ua#it' instruction%

    • Articu#ate an$ creative* ofering innovative an$ practica#


    • Ab#e to wor1 with others towar$ a team goa#%

    • Ab#e to coor$inate a## mu#ti(acete$ tas1s invo#ve$ in what%

    • Ab#e to $eve#op an$ imp#ement new s'stems when


    • Exce##ent interpersona# an$ communication s1i##s s1i##e$ at$eve#oping pro(essiona# re#ationships with $iverse cu#tures%

    • Exce# in ta1ing charge an$ motivating others en3o' initiating


    • Creative* imaginative* an$ ob3ective con/$ent in expressingi$eas%

    • Exce# in writing an$ i##ustrating 1now#e$geab#e in $iferent

    genres o( art%

    • 9emonstrate$ abi#it' to execute tas1s in$epen$ent#' an$ asa team member%

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    • 9evote$* success $riven* an$ $e$icate$%

    • Respon$ positive#' an$ efective#' in $eman$ing situations

    thrive in high intensit' #eve# environments%

    • S1i##e$ at prob#em me$itation an$ reso#ution whi#esuccess(u##' upho#$ing

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    • Can wor1 within a set bu$get an$ meet or excee$


    • Capab#e o( han$#ing mu#tip#e pro3ects concurrent#'%

    • Cheer(u# persona#it'%

    • Committe$ to assisting others%

    • Computer #iterate ) can 0uic1#' #earn new so(tware%

    • Consistent#' success(u# in what%

    • Creative writing s1i##s%

    • 9e$icate$ an$ meticu#ous%

    • 9emonstrate$ accurac'* attention to $etai# an$ abi#it' to

    wor1 we## in team environment%

    • 9emonstrate$ abi#it' to wor1 efective#' with c#ients%

    • 9emonstrate$ efective #ea$ership s1i##s%

    • 9emonstrate$ recor$ o( high per(ormance stan$ar$s*inc#u$ing attention to sche$u#es* $ea$#ines* bu$gets an$ 0ua#it'wor1%

    • 9emonstrates competence an$ poise in pro(essiona# an$

    socia# settings%

    • 9epen$ab#e ) can wor1 without supervision%

    • Efective communication s1i##s* both written an$ verba#%

    • Efective interaction with who an$ who%

    • Ecient an$ courteous%

    • En3o' wor1ing with peop#e%

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    • Exce# at $irecting a cohesive staf in the success(u#

    attainment o( ob3ectives%

    • Exce##ent communication s1i##s%

    • Exce##ent communication* interpersona# an$ organi6ationa#s1i##s%

    • Exce##ent motivationa# s1i##s%

    • Exercise initiative* achievement an$ in$epen$ent 3u$gment%

    • Expert what with over how man' 'ears han$s)on experience%

    Expert technica# 1now#e$ge o( what%

    • Expertise in area an$ area%

    • Extensive experience in what%

    • Iami#iar with what* what* what an$ what%

    • Iami#iar with computer so(tware%

    • I#uent in what #anguage%

    • Irien$#' ) can get a#ong we## with others%

    • High#' imaginative with man' innovative i$eas%

    • Honest* (rien$#'* outstan$ing communication s1i##s%

    • n2uentia# pub#ic spea1er%

    • =now#e$ge o( what 1in$ o( (unctions%

    • =now#e$geab#e an$ experience$ in a## phases o( what%

    • :a3or strengths in p#anning* prob#em so#ving an$


  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    • :ore than how man' 'ears han$s)on experience in what%

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    • S1i##e$ with computer s'stems an$ so(tware%

    • Spea1 what #anguages how we##%

    • Strong bac1groun$ in a## phases o( what%

    • Strong training s1i##s%

    •  Ta#ente$ in what%

    •  Thorough un$erstan$ing o( what%

    •  Traine$ in a## areas o( what%

    •!e##)organi6e$ an$ ecient%

    • !or1 we## in a high pressure environment%

    • !or1ing 1now#e$ge o( what%

    Action Lerbs

    :anagement S1i##s@































    Research S1i##s@










  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume










     Teaching S1i##s@


















    set goa#s


    He#ping S1i##s@


















    Iinancia# S1i##s@


























    Communication S1i##s@













  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume








    echnical !kills%















    Creative S1i##s@












    .lerical or =etail !kills%














    -RII.AL (I/ISI0. 1-R2

    ASS"' $0R$"I'3R" A.( 0."4 LA3.("RI.& S"-'I0.


    5677 ."W 40R8 A/"9: .W

    WAS%I.&'0.: (- ;7

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


     policy proposals impacting on the asset forfeiture program, money laundering enforcement,:an# ecrecy "ct and /leptocracy

    $he ection wor#s with the entire spectrum of law enforcement and regulatory agencies using aninteragency, interdisciplinary and international approach $he ection is mandated to litigate

    comple6, sensiti&e and multi%district cases? coordinate multi%district in&estigations and prosecutions? pro&ide guidance, legal ad&ice and assistance with respect to asset forfeiture andmoney laundering in&estigations and prosecutions? de&elop regulatory and legislati&e initiati&es?ensure the uniform application of forfeiture and money laundering statutes? and pro&ide litigationassistance to U "ttorneys 7ffices and @riminal +i&ision components

    $he ection o&ersees asset forfeiture and money laundering training and conducts seminars forfederal prosecutors, in&estigating agents, and law enforcement personnel )t also produces legal publications and training materials to enhance its legal support functions

    $he ection adjudicates all petitions for remission or mitigation of forfeited assets in judicialforfeiture cases, administers the 4eed and eed -rogram and the Auitable haring -rogram,

    and o&ersees the appro&al of the placement of forfeited property into official use by federalagencies

    ob (escrition>

    $he @hief of ".M>

    % Bigorously enforces money laundering, :an# ecrecy "ct, and forfeiture laws? super&ises thewor# of attorneys assigned to matters reAuiring grand jury presentations and trial? re&iews proposed court orders and motions? renders ad&ice as to strategy and e&idence problems? re&iewsappellate briefs? and super&ises, counsels, and ad&ises attorneys in the trial of cases

    C -lans and super&ises all policy and operational acti&ities within the ection and implements the+epartments strategic planning for asset forfeiture and money laundering goals

    C -roposes and re&iews legislati&e initiati&es and +epartment policies regarding asset forfeiture,money laundering, and the :an# ecrecy "ct? and assesses the implications of proposedlegislation on in&estigati&e operations

    C )mpro&es procedures for obtaining o&ersight and assistance to the U "ttorneys forfeiturelitigation? and pro&ides legal ad&ice, training, and guidance on speciali8ed aspects of moneylaundering, asset forfeiture, and the :an# ecrecy "ct to the U "ttorneys 7ffices andin&estigati&e organi8ations

    C @onsults with the +eputy "ssistant "ttorney eneral and the "ssistant "ttorney eneralconcerning legal and policy Auestions relating to statutes administered by the ection and thestatus of important cases? re&iews and appro&es a large &olume of general correspondence, legalopinions, authori8ations, instructions, and ad&isory materials that emanate from the ection?upon reAuest, prepares testimony for congressional committees? and participates in annualregional international conferences to foster joint asset forfeiture in&estigations

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    C -ro&ides direct o&ersight o&er the allocation of two distinct financial resources the +i&isionsgeneral allocation and the money recei&ed from the "ssets .orfeiture .und? strengthens internalcontrols for financial systems and impro&es efficient and cost%effecti&e fund management andaccountability? and streamlines ection operations and reporting hierarchies to ensure that theections core competencies are results oriented and citi8en%centered

    C +e&elops a comprehensi&e business plan for the ection which sets forth the justification forresources and identifies areas for cost sa&ings? acAuires and le&erages needed fiscal and humanresources to achie&e results%oriented outcomes? and de&elops budget enhancements that include both performance measures and outcomes that reflect the ections, +i&isions and +epartmentsstrategic goals and objecti&es

    C +emonstrates a strong commitment and support for the +i&isions eAual employment policiesand programs to enhance wor#force di&ersity? and promotes merit promotion principles in allaspects of personnel hiring, promotions, training and de&elopment and employee retention


    )nterested applicants must possess a D+ degree and be duly licensed and authori8ed to practiceas an attorney under the laws of any tate, territory of the United tates, or the +istrict of@olumbia "pplicants must be an acti&e member of the bar ;any jurisdiction< in good standingand ha&e at least E years post%D+ e6perience "pplicants must also ha&e a high le&el ofmanagement=super&isory e6perience, pro&en leadership s#ill, significant trial e6perience, andsubstanti&e #nowledge in the areas of asset forfeiture, money laundering, and=or other casesin&ol&ing financial institutions

    "pplicants must submit a resume and a separate narrati&e statement=response that addresses eachof the Mandatory -rofessional=$echnical Fualification factors related to this position as well asthe 6ecuti&e @ore Fualifications ;@Fs< related to all positions in the enior 6ecuti&e


    7-Ms uide to enior 6ecuti&e er&ice Fualifications can assist you in writing an effecti&e application )n particular, please note the @hallenge%@onte6t%"ction%esult Model that isrecommended and &ery helpful when drafting @F narrati&e responses $he uide is a&ailableon 7-Ms 4ebsite at http==wwwopmgo&=policy%data%o&ersight=senior%e6ecuti&e%ser&ice=reference%materials=guidetosesAualsG2012pdf 

    andatory Professional'echnical @ualification Re+uirements

    1 6perience in de&eloping and prosecuting comple6 federal criminal and=or asset forfeiturecases?

    2 $horough #nowledge of federal regulatory and in&estigatory agencies, on%going programs and#ey national goals and priorities relating to asset forfeiture and money laundering?

    3 ignificant e6perience in super&ising criminal and=or asset forfeiture cases and re&iewing thewor# product of attorneys? and

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    H "bility to formulate and implement +epartmental policies on all matters pertaining to assignedareas

    @andidates will be e&aluated on the mandatory -rofessional=$echnical FualificationeAuirements identified abo&e )f candidates are found to possess all technical reAuirements,

    they will then be e&aluated based on the 6ecuti&e @ore Fualifications as established by the U7ffice of -ersonnel Management ;7-M< outlined below

    "ecutiveanagerial Re+uirements

    @F 1 % >"+)* @'"* $his core Aualification encompasses the ability to de&elop andimplement an organi8ational &ision, which integrates #ey national and program goals, priorities,&alues, and other factors )nherent to it is the ability to balance change and continuity tocontinually stri&e to impro&e customer ser&ice and program performance within the basico&ernment framewor#, to create a wor# en&ironment that encourages creati&e thin#ing, and tomaintain focus, intensity and persistence, e&en under ad&ersity

    I >eadership @ompetencies @reati&ity J )nno&ation, @ontinual >earning, 6ternal "wareness,.le6ibility, esilience, er&ice Moti&ation, trategic $hin#ing, Bision

    @F 2 % >"+)* -7-> $his core Aualification in&ol&es the ability to design andimplement strategies, which ma6imi8e employee potential and foster high ethical standards inmeeting the organi8ations &ision, mission, and goals

    I >eadership @ompetencies @onflict Management, @ultural "wareness, )ntegrity='onesty, $eam:uilding

    @F 3 % U>$ +)B* $his core Aualification stresses accountability and continuous

    impro&ement )t includes the ability to ma#e timely and effecti&e decisions and produce resultsthrough strategic planning and the implementation and e&aluation of programs and policies

    I >eadership @ompetencies "ccountability, @ustomer er&ice, +ecisi&eness, ntrepreneurship,-roblem ol&ing, $echnical @redibility

    @F H % :U)* "@UM* $his core Aualification in&ol&es the ability to acAuire andadminister human, financial, material, and information resources in a manner which instills public trust and accomplishes the organi8ations mission, and to use new technology to enhancedecision ma#ing

    I >eadership @ompetencies .inancial Management, $echnology Management, 'uman

    esources Management

    @F E % :U)>+)* @7">)$)7* $his core Aualification in&ol&es the ability to e6plain,ad&ocate and e6press facts and ideas in a con&incing manner, and negotiate with indi&iduals andgroups internally and e6ternally )t also in&ol&es the ability to de&elop an e6pansi&e professionalnetwor# with other organi8ations, and to identify the internal and e6ternal politics that impact thewor# of the organi8ation

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    I >eadership @ompetencies )nfluencing=*egotiating, )nterpersonal #ills, 7ral @ommunication,-artnering, -olitical a&&y, 4ritten @ommunication


    K121,9EL to K13,300 pay is determined within the pay range, commensurate withe6perience, superior leadership Aualifications, and=or other competencies consistent with the

    agency mission, contingent on +epartment pay%setting rules


    ome tra&el reAuired

    Alication Process>

    $o recei&e consideration, applicants must submit

    1 " resume

    2 " separate statement addressing each of the Mandatory -rofessional=$echnical FualificationeAuirements

    3 " separate statement addressing each @F that describes your managerial e6perience 4hileindi&iduals who are current or former career members ;appro&ed by 7-M and ha&ecompleted an initial probationary period< need not submit an 6ecuti&e @ore Fualificationsstatement, they are reAuired to pro&ide an .%E0 or certificate to demonstrate their currentor prior ser&ice 7therwise, the absence of @Fs will be identified as a failure to comply withthe reAuirements of the &acancy "pplicants must meet Aualification reAuirements by the closingdate of the announcement

    H )f you are a current or recent .ederal employee, you must submit a copy of your latest *otification of -ersonnel "ction ;.%E0< and a performance appraisal issued within the past 12

    months, or if none e6ists, please include a statement to that effect

    NN -reference is to recei&e an application &ia e%mail at @MD7:OU+7D7B

    mail lin#s icon"pplications being mailed should be sent toN

    +epartment of Dustice=@riminal +i&ision'uman @apital taff 1331 . treet, *4uite H004ashington, +@ 20E30

    "ttn Monet regory

    N"s all incoming U mail must be processed at a remote facility prior to final deli&ery, to a&oiddelay in receipt, it is highly recommended that applicants use .ederal 6press

    .or additional information, please call

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    @7*$"@$ Monet regory@7*$"@$ -'7* 202%30E%1L20%M")> @MD7:OU+7D7B

    (eadline (ate> "ll applications ;including mailed applications< 3S' B" R"-"I/"( B4


    elocation e6penses are authori8ed

    .umber of Positions>


    Updated January 22, 2015

    * * *

    Department Policies

    Equal Employment Opportunity: The U.S. Department of Justice is an Equal Opportunity/Reasonable

     ccommo!ation Employer. E"cept #here other#ise pro$i!e! by la#% there #ill be no !iscrimination

     because of color% race% reli&ion% national ori&in% political affiliation% marital status% !isability 'physical or

    mental(% a&e% se"% &en!er i!entity% se"ual orientation% &enetic information% status as a parent% membership

    or non)membership in an employee or&aniation% on the basis of personal fa$oritism% or any other non)

    merit factor. The Department of Justice #elcomes an! encoura&es applications from persons #ith

    physical an! mental !isabilities. The Department is firmly committe! to satisfyin& its affirmati$e

    obli&ations un!er the Rehabilitation ct of +,-% to ensure that persons #ith !isabilities ha$e e$ery

    opportunity to be hire! an! a!$ance! on the basis of merit #ithin the Department of Justice.

    Reasonable ccommo!ations: This a&ency pro$i!es reasonable accommo!ation to applicants #ith

    !isabilities #here appropriate. f you nee! a reasonable accommo!ation for any part of the applicationan! hirin& process% please notify the a&ency. Determinations on requests for reasonable accommo!ation

     #ill be ma!e on a case)by)case basis.

    Outreach an! Recruitment for 0ualifie! pplicants #ith Disabilities: The Department encoura&es

    qualifie! applicants #ith !isabilities% inclu!in& in!i$i!uals #ith tar&ete!/se$ere !isabilities to apply in

    response to poste! $acancy announcements. 0ualifie! applicants #ith tar&ete!/se$ere !isabilities may be

    eli&ible for !irect hire% non)competiti$e appointment un!er Sche!ule '1 2.3.R. 4 5+.+65'u(( hirin&

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    authority. n!i$i!uals #ith tar&ete!/se$ere !isabilities are encoura&e! to re&ister for the Office of

    7ersonnel 8ana&ement 'O78( Share! 9ist of 7eople #ith Disabilities 'the en!er Disability Employment

    Re&istry( by submittin& their resume to resume;ben!

    Email linect line. !!itional information about the

    en!er Re&istry is a$ailable at ###.ben! ?e"ternal lin

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    >ache#or o( Arts in Crimina# Justice

    @riminal Dustice, as a set of wor# roles and professions, increasingly reAuires a broad, well%rounded liberal arts

    education, a deeper maturity in the discipline, and as much e6posure to pre%professional e6periences as

     possible .or those considering entering either the adult or ju&enile correctional roles, the criminal justice

     program offers rele&ant liberal arts courses in criminal justice as a discipline in the @7 and a preparatory

     pre%professional $"@/ in @orrections and ehabilitation

    tudents considering this trac# may choose to enter crime pre&ention with wor# with youth in after%school

     programs such as a :oys J irls @lub, in mentoring referred youth, such as :ig :rothers J :ig isters, or

    wor#ing through the local courts as a ju&enile probation officer, youth residential counselor, professional

    therapist at a county treatment and detention facility, or not%for%profit ju&enile treatment agency, or wor# in

    transition to community aftercare ser&ices 7ther students may consider entering jobs in adult criminal justice

    system treatment and corrections roles in community corrections, probation, prison correctional roles, and

     parole or reentry aftercare ser&ices

    ome students may choose to enter local police, sheriff deputy, state police, or federal law enforcement agency

    roles .or those considering these roles in public safety or law enforcement the criminal justice program offers

    rele&ant liberal arts courses in the @7 and a preparatory pre%professional $"@/ >aw nforcement

    .or students considering going to law school P and all the roles in politics, public defender, defense,

     prosecution, judgeship, pri&ate or public practice, administrati&e law, not%for%profits that law school

     preparation opens up % the criminal justice program offers rele&ant liberal arts courses in the @7 and a

     preparatory -%-7.)7*"> $"@/ Q>aw and the DudiciaryR

    $he @7 and $"@/ also pro&ide preparation to go to graduate school to accomplish a professional post%

     baccalaureate degree >iberal arts courses in the criminal justice disciplinary @7, including Qintroduction tosociology J social problems,R Qsocial de&ianceR ;as a sophomore%le&el writing intensi&e course

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    : =emonstrate the ability to use critical thinking skills in classroom e$ercises applied to

    criminal justice te$ts, readers, role play, case-analysis, videos, academic service learning,

    interviews, guest speakers and tours

    > =emonstrate important observational techniques, te$t review, and evaluate research studies

    and other research-based knowledge in the criminal justice field at an increasingly advanced level

    sufficient to do entry level graduate work, law school studies, and+or job-related research

    6 =emonstrate the use of theoretical frameworks as applied to the growth of the criminal

     justice apparatus and ability to e$plain the multiple perspectives and value conflicts revealed in the

    history of criminal justice as an emerging field

    ) =emonstrate ability to analy8e, formulate, and influence social policies

    5 =emonstrate ability to communicate well in professional criminal justice settings

    =emonstrate improvement in writing ability to reach an effective professional level at an

    advanced level sufficient to do entry-level graduate work, law school, or job-related writing

    @ =emonstrate personal values and conduct that relate to criminal justice professional ethical

    standards sufficient to encourage the criminal justice program =irector to make a recommendation

    for employment for you at a criminal justice agency when interviewed about your college career at

     &drian .ollege

    ave you heard me talk about the CAR metho? #f you are a client of mine, you have #t*s a method # use in every

    single resume #t is, to me, the single most important factor when writing about your accomplishments

    O#$ s &'a( des C)A)R) s(and *r and &'a( des i( +ean *r ,u-

    .&0 stands for% Challenge Action Results

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    When consulting with clients and proceeding with the data mining process, # always ask them about their .&0

    stories What were the stories behind their accomplishments? What was going on in the company before they took on

    the issue? Aive the reader some background, not a novel, just a hint of what the environment was like

    !o ask yourself, what was the Challenge # faced when either aB # joined the company or CB # took on the new

    situation or .B # was promoted? Criefly discuss the .hallenge &gain, it doesn*t have to be super lengthy 7ou just

    want to get your  message across

    For the Action portion, this is where you can talk about what you did to resolve or change the situation What action

    or steps did you take? For some jobs, it might be quite detailed, but # wouldn*t advise talking about every single thing

    !ummari8e as best as you can 0emember, 0 people have lots of resumes to review and not a lot of time

    For the Results portion of .&0, talk about the results What was the percentage of production increase? ow

    much did you increase sales or people productivity? Dse numbers and percentages whenever possible

    hese are the things that stand out and make you more employable as employers want E0""F of what you arecapable of doing it shows them what you can als do for them as well

    .&0 is the easiest way to pull out your accomplishments if you are having a hard time thinking of what you did+do

    4hat @an an 7bjecti&e :e on a esume for a @riminal DusticeMajor5

    b' ?ico#e Lu#can* 9eman$ :e$ia

    >e(ore 'ou get the 1e's to 'our new career* 'ou have to prove ' hirab#e%

    >e(ore 'ou begin 'our new career in the /e#$ o( crimina# 3ustice* 'ou have to prove to a

    prospective emp#o'er that 'ou have the s1i##s* 0ua#i/cations an$ training that are necessar'

    (or the 3ob% Since resumes ten$ to be re#ative#' short $ocuments* ever' $etai# 'ou inc#u$e on

    that one) to two)page $ocument has to be worthwhi#e% That inc#u$es 'our ob3ective

    statement )) that is* i( 'ou $eci$e to inc#u$e one%

    A$s b' 8oog#e

    Liew usiness HR ?ee$s% Iree 9emoM

    www%icims%com 7HumanResource

    $he :asics of 7bjecti&e tatements

    At their most basic* ob3ective statements give the emp#o'er a c#ear i$ea o( the 3ob or wor1

    'ou want to $o* inc#u$ing a speci/c 3ob tit#e* i( app#icab#e* as we## as the compan' or

    environment in which 'ou want to wor1 an$ a #itt#e bit about wh' ' the best person (or

    that t'pe o( 3ob% As a crimina# 3ustice ma3or* one o( 'our big se##ing points wi## be 'our


  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    training in crimina# 3ustice* which cou#$ serve as that #itt#e bit about 'our 0ua#i/cations ))

    though 'ou can a#so inc#u$e other $etai#s about 'our s1i##s or traits%

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


     Houl! you benefit from &ui!ance on ho# to #rite a resumeI f youA$e been stru&&lin&

    to  #rite your resume% you ust the ri&ht #or!s to !escribe

    their e"perience an! qualifications in a #ay that #ill &et attention an! &et their phone

    rin&in&. 8any times these clients come up #ith #hat they belie$e is an oob marob search. ut if you are sure

    the metho!s you are usin& are effecti$e ones% the li

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


     Hhen re$ie#in& the ineffecti$e resumes that our clients come to us #ith% #e see the

    same mistaob !escriptions that focus on the responsibilities

    an! functions of the >ob performe!. Some clients ta

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


     fter re#ritin& the resume 'e"ample belo#( to sho#case the challen&es% actions% an!

    results% it is far more compellin&. This e"cerpt of the employment section clearly tell you

    that this can!i!ate is an e"pert in turnin& aroun! an! re$italiin& un!erperformin&

    !i$isions an! business units. That fact alone sets this can!i!ate apart from his

    competition. ut the resume &oes on to !escribe his many achie$ements an! the results

    that ha$e been !eli$ere! throu&h his #or< for the company. borin& resume has been

    transforme! into an irresistible one. Employers #ho are see

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    Mere is another similar e"ample resume. The before $ersion inclu!es some &oo!

    information% but it is presente! in a borin& an! har!)to)rea!)at)a)&lance format that

    !oesnAt &o far enou&h in !escribin& the situation/challen&e. t is also $ery li&ht on

    results. This client insiste! that it #as impossible to quantify results.

    The after $ersion sho#s a&ain #hat a !ifference professional resume #ritin& an! the

    2R technique can ma

  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Effective Executive Resume


    each accomplishment. si!ebar pro$i!es an easy)to)rea! an! eye)catchin& snapshotK

    of the ma>or challen&e face! in the position an! the o$erall