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How to configure a free VTL software

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How to configure a free VTL (Virtual Tape Library)

author: Alexandre Borges website: http://alexandreborges.org revision: A

It’s usual students of mine to decide to study some backup software and, in the middle

of way, they always complaint of the lack of a good environment to test all concepts and procedures, mainly because there’s not free robot and just making backup on disk is boring. ;) Actually, there´s a very good VTL software named mhVTL ( http://sites.google.com/site/linuxvtl2 ) which could be used in a perfect way and emulating great brands like StorageTek (nowadays, Oracle). By the way, in this example, I’m going to explain how to setup a VTL (using first a very nice Web interface) and, after everything is working and accessable from another remote host, I’m going to show you details about the configuration files. To show you these step-by-step, I’m using VMware Workstation 8 and my virtual network have three virtual machines: the first running CentOS 6.0 64 bits (our VTL), the second running CentOS 6.0 64 bits too (supposedly our backup machine) and the third running Windows 7 ( supposedly another backup machine – it could be a Windows 2008). Let´s see the procedure. (On CentOS which will run the VTL) a) In your first CentOS 64 bits you should prepare your system to download the packages

from Web. As a root user, do: # rpm --import http://elrepo.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-elrepo.org # rpm -Uvh http://elrepo.org/elrepo-release-6-5.el6.elrepo.noarch.rpm

b) Now that your CentOS is configured with the new repository, execute the following command to install the mhVTL software: # yum install mhvtl-utils kmod-mhvtl

c) Verify if the SELinux is enabled:

# sestatus

SELinux status: enabled SELinuxfs mount: /selinux Current mode: enforcing Mode from config file: enforcing Policy version: 24 Policy from config file: targeted

d) If true, disable it: # vi /etc/selinux/config # This file controls the state of SELinux on the system. # SELINUX= can take one of these three values: # enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.

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# permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing. # disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded. SELINUX=disabled # SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values: # targeted - Targeted processes are protected, # mls - Multi Level Security protection. SELINUXTYPE=targeted

e) Open the port 3260 (iscsi) in the iptables firewall file and save the rule: # iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 3260 -j ACCEPT # service iptables save

f) Reboot the machine:

# reboot Unfortunately, configuring the VTL in the command line is hard, so you can install a web interface to help you in this task. Let’s do it:

1) mkdir /guivtl 2) Download the Web Manage Console GUI from:

https://github.com/niadev67/mhvtl-gui/tarball/master/ 3) cp niadev67-mhvtl-gui-1.4.7-3-g9f3bde0.tar.gz /guivtl 4) cd /guivtl 5) tar zvxf niadev67-mhvtl-gui-1.4.7-3-g9f3bde0.tar.gz 6) cd niadev67-mhvtl-gui-9f3bde0/ 7) yum install httpd 8) chkconfig httpd on 9) cp -r * /var/www/html/ 10) yum install php

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: centos.secrel.com.br * elrepo: elrepo.org * extras: centos.secrel.com.br * updates: centos.secrel.com.br Setting up Install Process Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package php.x86_64 0:5.3.3-23.el6_4 will be installed --> Processing Dependency: php-common(x86-64) = 5.3.3-23.el6_4 for package: php-5.3.3-23.el6_4.x86_64 --> Processing Dependency: php-cli(x86-64) = 5.3.3-23.el6_4 for package: php-5.3.3-23.el6_4.x86_64 --> Running transaction check ---> Package php-cli.x86_64 0:5.3.3-23.el6_4 will be installed ---> Package php-common.x86_64 0:5.3.3-23.el6_4 will be installed --> Finished Dependency Resolution Dependencies Resolved ================================================================================ Package Arch Version Repository Size ================================================================================

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Installing: php x86_64 5.3.3-23.el6_4 updates 1.1 M Installing for dependencies: php-cli x86_64 5.3.3-23.el6_4 updates 2.2 M php-common x86_64 5.3.3-23.el6_4 updates 524 k Transaction Summary ================================================================================ Install 3 Package(s) Total download size: 3.8 M Installed size: 13 M Is this ok [y/N]: y Downloading Packages: (1/3): php-5.3.3-23.el6_4.x86_64.rpm | 1.1 MB 00:03 (2/3): php-cli-5.3.3-23.el6_4.x86_64.rpm | 2.2 MB 00:01 (3/3): php-common-5.3.3-23.el6_4.x86_64.rpm | 524 kB 00:01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 414 kB/s | 3.8 MB 00:09 warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID c105b9de: NOKEY Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-6 Importing GPG key 0xC105B9DE: Userid : CentOS-6 Key (CentOS 6 Official Signing Key) <[email protected]> Package: centos-release-6-4.el6.centos.10.x86_64 (@anaconda-CentOS-201303020151.x86_64/6.4) From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-6 Is this ok [y/N]: y Running rpm_check_debug Running Transaction Test Transaction Test Succeeded Running Transaction Installing : php-common-5.3.3-23.el6_4.x86_64 1/3 Installing : php-cli-5.3.3-23.el6_4.x86_64 2/3 Installing : php-5.3.3-23.el6_4.x86_64 3/3 Verifying : php-common-5.3.3-23.el6_4.x86_64 1/3 Verifying : php-cli-5.3.3-23.el6_4.x86_64 2/3 Verifying : php-5.3.3-23.el6_4.x86_64 3/3 Installed: php.x86_64 0:5.3.3-23.el6_4 Dependency Installed: php-cli.x86_64 0:5.3.3-23.el6_4 php-common.x86_64 0:5.3.3-23.el6_4 Complete!

11) Now, it´s needed to allow the web server user to run all commands as root: # echo “apache ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL” >> /etc/sudoers

12) Edit /etc/sudoers and comment out the line “Defaults requiretty” (highlighted below): ## Sudoers allows particular users to run various commands as ## the root user, without needing the root password. ## ## Examples are provided at the bottom of the file for collections ## of related commands, which can then be delegated out to particular ## users or groups. ##

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## This file must be edited with the 'visudo' command. ## Host Aliases ## Groups of machines. You may prefer to use hostnames (perhaps using ## wildcards for entire domains) or IP addresses instead. # Host_Alias FILESERVERS = fs1, fs2 # Host_Alias MAILSERVERS = smtp, smtp2 ## User Aliases ## These aren't often necessary, as you can use regular groups ## (ie, from files, LDAP, NIS, etc) in this file - just use %groupname ## rather than USERALIAS # User_Alias ADMINS = jsmith, mikem ## Command Aliases ## These are groups of related commands... ## Networking # Cmnd_Alias NETWORKING = /sbin/route, /sbin/ifconfig, /bin/ping, /sbin/dhclient, /usr/bin/net, /sbin/iptables, /usr/bin/rfcomm, /usr/bin/wvdial, /sbin/iwconfig, /sbin/mii-tool ## Installation and management of software # Cmnd_Alias SOFTWARE = /bin/rpm, /usr/bin/up2date, /usr/bin/yum ## Services # Cmnd_Alias SERVICES = /sbin/service, /sbin/chkconfig ## Updating the locate database # Cmnd_Alias LOCATE = /usr/bin/updatedb ## Storage # Cmnd_Alias STORAGE = /sbin/fdisk, /sbin/sfdisk, /sbin/parted, /sbin/partprobe, /bin/mount, /bin/umount ## Delegating permissions # Cmnd_Alias DELEGATING = /usr/sbin/visudo, /bin/chown, /bin/chmod, /bin/chgrp ## Processes # Cmnd_Alias PROCESSES = /bin/nice, /bin/kill, /usr/bin/kill, /usr/bin/killall ## Drivers # Cmnd_Alias DRIVERS = /sbin/modprobe # Defaults specification # # Disable "ssh hostname sudo <cmd>", because it will show the password in clear. # You have to run "ssh -t hostname sudo <cmd>". # # Defaults requiretty # # Refuse to run if unable to disable echo on the tty. This setting should also be # changed in order to be able to use sudo without a tty. See requiretty above. # Defaults !visiblepw # # Preserving HOME has security implications since many programs # use it when searching for configuration files. Note that HOME # is already set when the the env_reset option is enabled, so # this option is only effective for configurations where either

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# env_reset is disabled or HOME is present in the env_keep list. # Defaults always_set_home Defaults env_reset Defaults env_keep = "COLORS DISPLAY HOSTNAME HISTSIZE INPUTRC KDEDIR LS_COLORS" Defaults env_keep += "MAIL PS1 PS2 QTDIR USERNAME LANG LC_ADDRESS LC_CTYPE" Defaults env_keep += "LC_COLLATE LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_MEASUREMENT LC_MESSAGES" Defaults env_keep += "LC_MONETARY LC_NAME LC_NUMERIC LC_PAPER LC_TELEPHONE" Defaults env_keep += "LC_TIME LC_ALL LANGUAGE LINGUAS _XKB_CHARSET XAUTHORITY" # # Adding HOME to env_keep may enable a user to run unrestricted # commands via sudo. # # Defaults env_keep += "HOME" Defaults secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin ## Next comes the main part: which users can run what software on ## which machines (the sudoers file can be shared between multiple ## systems). ## Syntax: ## ## user MACHINE=COMMANDS ## ## The COMMANDS section may have other options added to it. ## ## Allow root to run any commands anywhere root ALL=(ALL) ALL ## Allows members of the 'sys' group to run networking, software, ## service management apps and more. # %sys ALL = NETWORKING, SOFTWARE, SERVICES, STORAGE, DELEGATING, PROCESSES, LOCATE, DRIVERS ## Allows people in group wheel to run all commands # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL ## Same thing without a password # %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL ## Allows members of the users group to mount and unmount the ## cdrom as root # %users ALL=/sbin/mount /mnt/cdrom, /sbin/umount /mnt/cdrom ## Allows members of the users group to shutdown this system # %users localhost=/sbin/shutdown -h now ## Read drop-in files from /etc/sudoers.d (the # here does not mean a comment) #includedir /etc/sudoers.d apache ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

13) Install the following packages: # yum install lsscsi # yum install mtx # yum install mt-st # yum install git # yum install sysstat # yum install iscsi-initiator-utils*

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14) Configure a directory virtual alias in the web server Apache

/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add the following line the end of file: Alias /mhvtl "/var/www/html/mhvtl" <Directory "/var/www/html/mhvtl"> Options None AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory>

15) Restart that your web server: # /etc/init.d/httpd restart

Done. It´s time to test if our steps has worked. Please, open a browser and type the following url: http://localhost. You should see this image:

Figure 1

Nice. It seems the everything has worked !!!

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The login password is “mhvtl”. After the login, you’ll see this screen:

Figure 2

The mhVTL framework already has a configured robot, then we’re going to erase the current configuration to prepare for our tests. Go to “Setup” page and click on “Remove” button:

Figure 3

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Figure 4

Figure 5

On “Select Library to remove” combo box, take one library at time, toggle “Remove All Tape Media Also ?” option to “YES” and click on “Continue” button. However, it’s impossible to remove the last robot. No problem because we’re going to create our robot so soon and after that it’ll be possible to remove this “default robot” ;) Now, let’s return to “Setup” section:

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Figure 6

First, click on “Add” and press “Standard” button:

Figure 7

Second, as we’ll will choose to create a StorageTek L700 tape library, then we must press “STK” (StorageTek) and fill all required settings. Basically, my choices were:

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Library Model L700 Drive Vendor STK Drive Model T10000A Compression enabled 1 Compression factor 1 Compression type lzo Backoff value Default Number of Drives 5 Number of Maps 5 Media Type T10000A Capacity 500 MB Media Barcode Prefix S Full Slots 20 Empty Slots 5 Library Media PATH /opt/mhvtl

Figure 8

Now, you must press “Submit Query” button, “Finish” twice and then “Return”. From there, you should return to “Console” and start the mhVTL engine clicking on green “Start” button:

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Figure 9

Please, you notice that we have two VTLs now and, if you want to erase the old one, feel free to do it. It’s time to configure the robot STK L700 as an iSCSI target to make it ready to be connected by one host initiator using iSCSI. Go to the “iSCSI (tgt)” section, press “Enable” and then “Return” button :

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Figure 10 To make things easier, click on “Quick Start” , “Start” and finally on “Return” button:

Figure 11

Figure 12

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Figure 13

Figure 14

To confirm that the iSCSI target robot is configured, you should press on “Target”:

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Figure 15

We’ve finished the robot configuration. Now the reader are able to check some interesting details about this configuration. For example, we can verify that robot tapes drives are configured in /opt/mhvtl directory: [root@centos2 mhvtl]# ls -al total 88

drwxrws---. 22 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 02:40 . drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 4096 Aug 14 22:56 .. drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 CLN020TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00001TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00002TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00003TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00004TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00005TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00006TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00007TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00008TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00009TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00010TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00011TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00012TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00013TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00014TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00015TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00016TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00017TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00018TA drwxrws--- 2 vtl vtl 4096 Sep 5 01:58 S00019TA

The robot STK L700 and and its tape drives are configured in /etc/mhvtl/device.conf:

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[root@centos2 mhvtl]# cat device.conf

VERSION: 5 # VPD page format: # <page #> <Length> <x> <x+1>... <x+n> # NAA format is an 8 hex byte value seperated by ':' # Note: NAA is part of inquiry VPD 0x83 # # Each 'record' is separated by one (or more) blank lines. # Each 'record' starts at column 1 # Serial num max len is 10. # Compression: factor X enabled 0|1 # Where X is zlib compression factor 1 = Fastest compression # 9 = Best compression # enabled 0 == off, 1 == on # # fifo: /var/tmp/mhvtl # If enabled, data must be read from fifo, otherwise daemon will block # trying to write. # e.g. cat /var/tmp/mhvtl (in another terminal) Library: 70 CHANNEL: 2 TARGET: 00 LUN: 00 Vendor identification: STK Product identification: L700 Product revision level: 0016 Unit serial number: 90000070 NAA: 70:11:22:33:ab:2:00:00 Home directory: /opt/mhvtl Backoff: 400 Drive: 71 CHANNEL: 2 TARGET: 00 LUN: 01 Library ID: 70 Slot: 01 Vendor identification: STK Product identification: T10000A Product revision level: 1.27 Unit serial number: 90000071 NAA: 70:11:22:33:ab:2:00:01 Compression: factor 1 enabled 1 Compression type: lzo Backoff: 400 Drive: 72 CHANNEL: 2 TARGET: 00 LUN: 2 Library ID: 70 Slot: 2 Vendor identification: STK Product identification: T10000A Product revision level: 1.27 Unit serial number: 90000072 NAA: 70:11:22:33:ab:2:00:2 Compression: factor 1 enabled 1 Compression type: lzo

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Backoff: 400 Drive: 73 CHANNEL: 2 TARGET: 00 LUN: 3 Library ID: 70 Slot: 3 Vendor identification: STK Product identification: T10000A Product revision level: 1.27 Unit serial number: 90000073 NAA: 70:11:22:33:ab:2:00:3 Compression: factor 1 enabled 1 Compression type: lzo Backoff: 400 Drive: 74 CHANNEL: 2 TARGET: 00 LUN: 4 Library ID: 70 Slot: 4 Vendor identification: STK Product identification: T10000A Product revision level: 1.27 Unit serial number: 90000074 NAA: 70:11:22:33:ab:2:00:4 Compression: factor 1 enabled 1 Compression type: lzo Backoff: 400 Drive: 75 CHANNEL: 2 TARGET: 00 LUN: 5 Library ID: 70 Slot: 5 Vendor identification: STK Product identification: T10000A Product revision level: 1.27 Unit serial number: 90000075 NAA: 70:11:22:33:ab:2:00:5 Compression: factor 1 enabled 1 Compression type: lzo Backoff: 400

The mhVTL general configuration is included in the /etc/mhvtl/mhvtl.conf file: [root@centos2 mhvtl]# more mhvtl.conf

# Home directory for config file(s) MHVTL_CONFIG_PATH=/etc/mhvtl # Default media capacity (500 M) CAPACITY=500 # Set default verbosity [0|1|2|3] VERBOSE=1 # Set kernel module debuging [0|1] VTL_DEBUG=0

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Let’s see how to connect to this robot STK L700.

Windows 7 Connecting a Windows system to VTL robot it’s very easy. First, we need to find out what’s the IP address of robot system. [root@centos2 mhvtl]# ifconfig eth0 eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:2D:16:CB inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe2d:16cb/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:34163 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:251 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:2829760 (2.6 MiB) TX bytes:21422 (20.9 KiB) I recommend you check if the tgtd daemon is running: [root@centos2 mhvtl]# /etc/init.d/tgtd status If it isn’t, you should start it: [root@centos2 mhvtl]# /etc/init.d/tgtd restart Moving to Windows system (Windows 7), go to “Windows Start” button, search for iSCSI and click it. At first tab, type the IP address of system where is running the mhVTL ( on “Target” textbox and press “Quick Connect….”:

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Figure 16

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Figure 17

It’s recommended to confirm that our VTL is recognized (at least seen) by Windows system:

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Figure 18

Linux (CentOS 6.x) To connect a CentOS 6.x host to the configured mhVTL, first you need to check if the iscsi-initiator-utils is installed: [root@centOS ~]# rpm -qa | grep iscsi-initiator-utils iscsi-initiator-utils-devel- iscsi-initiator-utils- If it isn’t, you must to install it: [root@centOS ~]# yum install iscsi-initiator-utils Now, you need to execute:

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[root@centOS ~]# iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p Starting iscsid: [ OK ],1 iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:3274326c6df:mhvtl:stgt:1

[root@centOS ~]# iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:3274326c6df:mhvtl:stgt:1 -p -l

Logging in to [iface: default, target: iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:3274326c6df:mhvtl:stgt:1, portal:,3260] (multiple) Login to [iface: default, target: iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:3274326c6df:mhvtl:stgt:1, portal:,3260] successful.

[root@centOS ~]# dmesg

……. ……. scsi 4:0:0:1: Medium Changer STK L700 0016 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 ch1: type #1 (mt): 0x100+1 [medium transport] ch1: type #2 (st): 0x400+25 [storage] ch1: type #3 (ie): 0x200+5 [import/export] ch1: type #4 (dt): 0x1+5 [data transfer] ch1: dt 0x1: ID/LUN unknown ch1: dt 0x2: ID/LUN unknown ch1: dt 0x3: ID/LUN unknown ch1: dt 0x4: ID/LUN unknown ch1: dt 0x5: ID/LUN unknown ch1: INITIALIZE ELEMENT STATUS, may take some time ... ch1: ... finished ch 4:0:0:1: Attached scsi changer ch1 ch 4:0:0:1: Attached scsi generic sg13 type 8 scsi 4:0:0:2: Sequential-Access STK T10000A 1.27 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 st 4:0:0:2: Attached scsi tape st4 st 4:0:0:2: st4: try direct i/o: yes (alignment 1 B) st 4:0:0:2: Attached scsi generic sg14 type 1 scsi 4:0:0:3: Sequential-Access STK T10000A 1.27 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 st 4:0:0:3: Attached scsi tape st5 st 4:0:0:3: st5: try direct i/o: yes (alignment 1 B) st 4:0:0:3: Attached scsi generic sg15 type 1 scsi 4:0:0:4: Sequential-Access STK T10000A 1.27 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 st 4:0:0:4: Attached scsi tape st6 st 4:0:0:4: st6: try direct i/o: yes (alignment 1 B) st 4:0:0:4: Attached scsi generic sg16 type 1 scsi 4:0:0:5: Sequential-Access STK T10000A 1.27 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 st 4:0:0:5: Attached scsi tape st7 st 4:0:0:5: st7: try direct i/o: yes (alignment 1 B) st 4:0:0:5: Attached scsi generic sg17 type 1 scsi 4:0:0:6: Sequential-Access STK T10000A 1.27 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 st 4:0:0:6: Attached scsi tape st8 st 4:0:0:6: st8: try direct i/o: yes (alignment 1 B) st 4:0:0:6: Attached scsi generic sg18 type 1

[root@centOS ~]# service iscsi status

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iSCSI Transport Class version 2.0-870 version 6.2.0-873.2.el6 Target: iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:3274326c6df:mhvtl:stgt:1 Current Portal:,1 Persistent Portal:,1 ********** Interface: ********** Iface Name: default Iface Transport: tcp Iface Initiatorname: iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:e82feb4b6427 Iface IPaddress: Iface HWaddress: <empty> Iface Netdev: <empty> SID: 1 iSCSI Connection State: LOGGED IN iSCSI Session State: LOGGED_IN Internal iscsid Session State: NO CHANGE ********* Timeouts: ********* Recovery Timeout: 120 Target Reset Timeout: 30 LUN Reset Timeout: 30 Abort Timeout: 15 ***** CHAP: ***** username: <empty> password: ******** username_in: <empty> password_in: ******** ************************ Negotiated iSCSI params: ************************ HeaderDigest: None DataDigest: None MaxRecvDataSegmentLength: 262144 MaxXmitDataSegmentLength: 8192 FirstBurstLength: 65536 MaxBurstLength: 262144 ImmediateData: Yes InitialR2T: Yes MaxOutstandingR2T: 1 ************************ Attached SCSI devices: ************************ Host Number: 4 State: running scsi4 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 0 scsi4 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 1

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scsi4 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 2 scsi4 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 3 scsi4 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 4 scsi4 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 5 scsi4 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 6 If someday you want to log out and persistently disconnect from mhVTL: [root@centOS ~]# iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:3274326c6df:mhvtl:stgt:1 -p -o delete Nice !!! On Linux the iscsi initiator configuration is ready !!!!

Oracle Solaris 11 Finally, let’s configure the iSCSI initiator on the fantastic Oracle Solaris 11: root@solaris11:~# svcs -a | grep initiator

online 1:38:43 svc:/system/fcoe_initiator:default online 1:41:47 svc:/network/iscsi/initiator:default

root@solaris11:~# svcadm restart svc:/network/iscsi/initiator:default root@solaris11:~# iscsiadm modify discovery -t enable root@solaris11:~# iscsiadm add discovery-address root@solaris11:~# iscsiadm list target Target: iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:3274326c6df:mhvtl:stgt:1 Alias: - TPGT: 1 ISID: 4000002a0000 Connections: 1 root@solaris11:~# dmesg

Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 iscsi: [ID 559844 kern.info] NOTICE: iscsi session(6) iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:3274326c6df:mhvtl:stgt:1 online Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,0 (nulldriver0) online Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 vga_arbiter: [ID 197929 kern.info] vga_arbiter: device added: PCI:0:0:f.0,decodes=io+mem+IO+MEM,owns=io+mem+IO+MEM,legalocks=none,normlocks=none Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 vga_arbiter: [ID 254375 kern.info] 1 vga device(s) found Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 rootnex: [ID 349649 kern.info] vga_arbiter0 at root Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] vga_arbiter0 is /vga_arbiter Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 isa: [ID 202937 kern.info] ISA-device: ecpp0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] ecpp0 is /pci@0,0/isa@7/lp@1,378 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 isa: [ID 202937 kern.info] ISA-device: asy0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] asy0 is /pci@0,0/isa@7/asy@1,3f8 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 isa: [ID 202937 kern.info] ISA-device: asy1

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Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] asy1 is /pci@0,0/isa@7/asy@1,2f8 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: dcpc0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] dcpc0 is /pseudo/dcpc@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: fbt0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] fbt0 is /pseudo/fbt@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: fcp0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] fcp0 is /pseudo/fcp@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: fcsm0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] fcsm0 is /pseudo/fcsm@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: llc10 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] llc10 is /pseudo/llc1@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: lockstat0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] lockstat0 is /pseudo/lockstat@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: lofi0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] lofi0 is /pseudo/lofi@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: profile0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] profile0 is /pseudo/profile@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: ramdisk1024 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] ramdisk1024 is /pseudo/ramdisk@1024 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: sdt0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] sdt0 is /pseudo/sdt@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: systrace0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] systrace0 is /pseudo/systrace@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: ucode0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] ucode0 is /pseudo/ucode@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: bpf0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] bpf0 is /pseudo/bpf@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: fssnap0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] fssnap0 is /pseudo/fssnap@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: nsmb0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] nsmb0 is /pseudo/nsmb@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: winlock0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] winlock0 is /pseudo/winlock@0 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] sgen0 at iscsi0: unit-address 0000iqn.1994-05.com.redhat%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,1: 0000iqn.1994-05.com.redhat%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,1 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] sgen0 is /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,1 Sep 5 01:43:47 solaris11 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,1 (sgen0) online Sep 5 01:43:48 solaris11 scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] st0 at iscsi0: unit-address 0000iqn.1994-05.com.redhat%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2: 0000iqn.1994-05.com.redhat%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2

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Sep 5 01:43:48 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] st0 is /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2 Sep 5 01:43:48 solaris11 scsi: [ID 365881 kern.info] /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2 (st0): Sep 5 01:43:48 solaris11 <Sun StorageTek T10000A> Sep 5 01:43:48 solaris11 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2 (st0) online Sep 5 01:43:49 solaris11 scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] st1 at iscsi0: unit-address 0000iqn.1994-05.com.redhat%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,3: 0000iqn.1994-05.com.redhat%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,3 Sep 5 01:43:49 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] st1 is /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,3 Sep 5 01:43:49 solaris11 scsi: [ID 365881 kern.info] /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,3 (st1): Sep 5 01:43:49 solaris11 <Sun StorageTek T10000A> Sep 5 01:43:49 solaris11 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,3 (st1) online Sep 5 01:43:50 solaris11 scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] st2 at iscsi0: unit-address 0000iqn.1994-05.com.redhat%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,4: 0000iqn.1994-05.com.redhat%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,4 Sep 5 01:43:50 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] st2 is /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,4 Sep 5 01:43:50 solaris11 scsi: [ID 365881 kern.info] /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,4 (st2): Sep 5 01:43:50 solaris11 <Sun StorageTek T10000A> Sep 5 01:43:50 solaris11 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,4 (st2) online Sep 5 01:43:51 solaris11 scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] st3 at iscsi0: unit-address 0000iqn.1994-05.com.redhat%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,5: 0000iqn.1994-05.com.redhat%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,5 Sep 5 01:43:51 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] st3 is /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,5 Sep 5 01:43:51 solaris11 scsi: [ID 365881 kern.info] /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,5 (st3): Sep 5 01:43:51 solaris11 <Sun StorageTek T10000A> Sep 5 01:43:51 solaris11 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,5 (st3) online Sep 5 01:43:52 solaris11 scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] st4 at iscsi0: unit-address 0000iqn.1994-05.com.redhat%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,6: 0000iqn.1994-05.com.redhat%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,6 Sep 5 01:43:52 solaris11 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] st4 is /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,6 Sep 5 01:43:52 solaris11 scsi: [ID 365881 kern.info] /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,6 (st4): Sep 5 01:43:52 solaris11 <Sun StorageTek T10000A>

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Sep 5 01:43:52 solaris11 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] /iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,6 (st4) online

[root@solaris11:~# ls /dev/rmt/*

total 120 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 91 Sep 5 01:43 0 -> ../../devices/iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 92 Sep 5 01:43 0b -> ../../devices/iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2:b lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 93 Sep 5 01:43 0bn -> ../../devices/iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2:bn lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 92 Sep 5 01:43 0c -> ../../devices/iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2:c lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 93 Sep 5 01:43 0cb -> ../../devices/iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2:cb lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 94 Sep 5 01:43 0cbn -> ../../devices/iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2:cbn lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 93 Sep 5 01:43 0cn -> ../../devices/iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2:cn lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 92 Sep 5 01:43 0h -> ../../devices/iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2:h lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 93 Sep 5 01:43 0hb -> ../../devices/iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2:hb lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 94 Sep 5 01:43 0hbn -> ../../devices/iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2:hbn lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 93 Sep 5 01:43 0hn -> ../../devices/iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2:hn lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 92 Sep 5 01:43 0l -> ../../devices/iscsi/[email protected]%3A3274326c6df%3Amhvtl%3Astgt%3A10001,2:l

That’s it. Now, it’s up to you. You can install an excellent backup software (for example, Symantec NetBackup or Symantec Backup Exec) and to point it to this VTL. Good lucky. Have a nice day.

Alexandre Borges.