The 2nd Annual Uswah Conference of New England Applying the Excellence (Hasana) of the Uswah, Today and Tomorrow Imam Ibrahim A. Rahim 1 Uswah Conference Imam Ibrahim A. Rahim Copy Right 2013

How To Become A Better Student of Imam Warith Deen Mohammed?

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The 2nd Annual Uswah Conference of New England Applying the Excellence (Hasana) of the Uswah, Today and Tomorrow Imam Ibrahim A. Rahim. How To Become A Better Student of Imam Warith Deen Mohammed? . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: How To Become A Better Student of Imam Warith Deen Mohammed?

Uswah Conference Imam Ibrahim A. Rahim Copy Right 2013


The 2nd Annual Uswah Conference of New England

Applying the Excellence (Hasana) of the Uswah, Today and Tomorrow

Imam Ibrahim A. Rahim

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How To Become A Better Student of Imam Warith Deen Mohammed?

Page 3: How To Become A Better Student of Imam Warith Deen Mohammed?

Uswah Conference Imam Ibrahim A. Rahim Copy Right 2013


The Book of Letters for The Inheritors:

An Academic Guide for 21st Century Imams In-Support of Imam W D Mohammed (M)

By Imam Ibrahim A. RahimForward By Imam Wazir Ali

1433 H – 2012 AD


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During our first 20th Century phase of transition, Imam Mohammed (M) referred to the

Community as being a “House.” When built properly, houses withstand the winds of harm

that confront it naturally with Allah’s Permission SWT. A house is a place in which families dwell

and thrive.

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Over the span of nearly four decades, Imam Mohammed (M)

became the keeper of the “House.” In doing so, he planted seeds for growth which we are now seeing

blossom today, these days in which there “fruits” are of critical


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We are people who extend from a very rich and diverse tradition of Muslim

Living in America. Our journey to this point has been trailblazing, pioneering and historic. Our Muslim Forefathers

were all men of distinction, high character and moral fiber.

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Our accomplishments are recorded in the annals of history and are

thus forever undeniable.

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Today our House is in a bit of “fixable” trouble. There is an

“uncomfortable air” swirling around within our house. So, we welcome in the season of Spring. Today, we

open up the windows in an attempt to exchange “bad air” for “good air” so that we might all again BREATHE.

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When our Imam (M) died, the “air’ was sucked out of the “House.” Satan has been on a mission to

“suffocate” us ever since. So, with the exchange of bad air from the endless source of pure wind, we bask in the promise of yet again

another phase of renewal.

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I would like to end by “pointing” Imams-of-the-Day, in a clear way, regarding how exactly they can

“protect” the rightful legacy of the Imam (M) by drawing critical

“links” between what he said and the Foundational Science of Al-


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Imam Mohammed (M) made Muslim Commentary during the

Blessed Month of Ramadan 2001 which he directed to the Imams of

this House. Here’s how you connect what he said to the

Foundational Science of Al-Islam:

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So, your obligation is to train yourself to use the number one and most profitable, beneficial tool that Allah Gave to Muhammad (PBUH) and all of us: the Quran, the Word of G-d. You have to learn how to

use it for the benefit of the Muslim Community. Muhammad-the-

Prophet’s life (PBUH)

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He is the first teacher, he’s the boss teacher over all of us. Your

obligation is to know your teacher and to be able to follow your

teacher: in teaching methodology, the way of teaching Al-Islam. That

is your obligation when you say you’re an Imam.

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Arabic Legal Standard (s) That Apply

األفراد حقوق على مقدم األمة حقان من فضال القطعي يقاوم ال الظني

عليه يقدمبالشك يزول ال اليقين

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Translation of the Arabic Legal Standard (s)1 The rights of the Ummah are to always be addressed before the rights of individuals.2 Guesswork and/or calculated estimations are to never supersede facts as any means of substitution.3 Surety can never be erased by doubt.

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Imam Mohammed (M) defended Shari A’h and Fiqh in his ministry. He taught Shari A’h without using the technical terms knowing his

Imams weren’t ready for that leap. So, he stayed in the meaning of the

law when he spoke (M).

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To the outsider, it would appear that he did not possess these academic references, this is


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Here, we have evidence of clear connections with Fiqh Standards when we hear him

“command” his Imams to place the needs of the Ummah (House or community) above

their own individual needs. We see it again when he commands his Imams to study

Muslim Knowledge for the House(s) they lead within the established knowledge tradition

of Al-Islam (M).

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“And I hold you responsible, if any of you say: I’m your leader. I hold you responsible to do that, you’re

responsible to me. If I’m your leader, you’re responsible”

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Let’s go to the court and see what the court says: the Christian court

with a Christian judge [in the court] . . . or [to] the Jewish judge in the court.

Let’s go and ask them are these imams of this Community, that I’m

the leader of, are they accountable to me for how they preach Al-Islam, for

how they speak it?

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The judge will say, yes, aren’t you their leader, didn’t they make you

their leader? Yes, they are [accountable].

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“Any leader in Christianity, Jew [Judaism], anybody [even] Buddhist

would tell you: yes, you’re accountable to your leader for how you represent that religion [and ask

you] didn’t you make him your leader? Allah Says: Obey His

messenger and Obey those that you put in authority.”

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This is not advocacy for learning Arabic as Imams: this is advocacy

for learning scripture as Imams and followers of the Imam.

That is, learning Quranic Scripture as Imams and followers of the


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The Holy Quran is revealed in the language of revelation, this is what

the Messenger, Prophet Muhammad believed in (May the Prayers and Peace of the Almighty Be Upon Him), He believed in the

revelation itself or the Tenzeel .تنزيل

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This is the language that benefited the world, saved humanity, not

Arabic Language, but the Tenzeel Allah SWT put into the language as

inspiration or وحي.

Holy Quran 2:285

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In whatever you do as Imams within the Imamate, 1) have a

conscience, 2) be able to read the Holy Quran with personal Arabic-

based understanding, and 3) project the lessons of the Holy

Quran from within the guidelines of the Imam’s perspectives (M).

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His final advice to the young Imams is to go right to the sources: the Holy Quran, The Sunnah and to those who

“directly” knew Imam Mohammed (M) for guidance! He said, if we do

this, any where we travel, we will be respected and “they” will accept us.

Imam Darnell Karim

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“Surely I turn myself to You O Allah who Originated the Heavens and

Earth, I am not of those who associate (gods) with (God). Surely

my prayers and my sacrifices, my life and my death is all for Allah, the

lord, the Keeper, the Sustainer of all the Worlds.

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We say that and we mean it! Don’t think that emotionalism is a force to shake this house. This is not a sitting-bull ceremony, it requires

interpretation. The interpretation of the chief among the Indians!

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This is not a church, [or] gymnasium, this is not a musical formed thing! We know the

life of babies. We know the nature of babies. We know the strength of babies. We know that when a test is put upon the

baby, the baby reacts to the test emotionally: because (God) has not

formed that baby in knowledge. It is still a child of emotion. (God) Has not Let it live

long enough to become a child of knowledge!

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All of us are men and women of knowledge: and when the strong gusts from wind coming from the forces of emotion, come against this house and blow: the windows stay intact, the shade doesn’t even waiver! The curtains that the

window, though the window be up, won’t even be moved by the winds of emotion. Simply,

because this house is built on strength; Divine strength. This is a house formed by knowledge, and men of knowledge just don’t fall down on

the floor and weep and moan and cry like babies when the winds of emotion come!

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If an army of emotion come against us, with snatching big teeth, dripping

blood, vicious, ready to swallow us, or if the surreptitious deceitful disguising

beast comes in playing the music of the devil; singing the songs of weakness: let

your winds of emotion come against this house; it stands FOREVER! Peace

Be Unto you, as Salaam Alaykum.”