How to apply for TNPSC Exams and Reservation Policy.pdf

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  • 7/28/2019 How to apply for TNPSC Exams and Reservation Policy.pdf


    How to apply

    S.No. Question Reply

    1. How can I apply to the examinations to beconducted by the Commission?

    Only through online mode.

    2. Should I send a print out of onlineapplication?

    Not necessary

    3. Whether I should send any documents/certificates at the time of applying online?

    Not necessary. Only the shortlistedcandidates will be asked to do so.

    4. How should I pay the examination fee? 1. Online Fee payment through NetBanking / Credit Card / Debit Card.

    2. Offline payment through designatedPost offices and Bank branches inthe State as specified in the



    1. I am working in the State / CentralGovernment. Am I eligible to apply?

    Yes.i. If a period offive years has not

    elapsed since your first appointmentto a service of the Central or StateGovernment (In respect ofOthers )

    ii. No such restrictions for the applicantsbelonging to SC or ST or MBC/DC orBC (OBCM) or BC (M).

    2. Am I eligible to make claim regardingcommunity / higher and additionalqualification after the submission ofapplication?


    3 Who comes under the Scheduled Caste(Arunthathiyar) category?

    i. Arunthathiyarii. Chakkilianiii. Madariiv. Madigav. Pagadaivi. Thotivii. Adi-Andhra.

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    4. I belong to a reservation group, but belongto Other State. Am I eligible to availreservation?


    5. I belong to the Scheduled Castecommunity. But converted toChristianity. Am I eligible for reservationunder the Scheduled Caste category?

    No.You will be considered only underBackward Classes (other than Muslim).


    1. Who are eligible to avail communalreservation?

    Candidates belonging to the followingcategories are eligible:i. Scheduled Castes /

    SC (Arunthathiyars)ii. Scheduled Tribesiii. Most Backward Class /

    Denotified Communities

    iv. Backward Classes (other thanBackward Class Muslim)

    v. Backward Class (Muslim)

    2. What is the percentage of reservationavailable to women candidates?

    30 percent.

    3. I am a Male candidate. Whether I ameligible to be considered in the vacanciesreserved for female candidates?

    If no qualified and suitable femalecandidates are available for selectionagainst such vacancies, those vacanciesshall be filled by male candidates

    belonging to the respective communalcategories. This clause will not apply tothe recruitments meant exclusively formen or women.

    4. I am a Non-DW candidate. Whether I ameligible to be considered in the DWcategory?


    If no qualified and suitable DestituteWidow is available for selection, the turnso set apart for Destitute Widows shallgo to the women (other than Destitute

    widows) belonging to the respectivecategories.

    5. I am a male candidate. Whether I ameligible to be considered in the DWcategory?

    In the event of non-availability ofqualified and suitable Destitute Widows /Women (other than Destitute Widows)candidates for selection, the vacancy willbe filled by male candidates, belonging

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    to the respective communal categories.However, the said reservation ofappointments will not apply for the postsin the Scale of Pay, the minimum ofwhich exceeds Rs.4000/- (Revised payRs.5200-20200+ Grade Pay Rs.2400/-)

    6. I am Non-DA candidate. Whether I ameligible to be considered in the DAcategory?

    No.If no qualified and suitable candidate isavailable for selection from one or morecategories of Differently Abled, thevacancies will be carried forward as perrules.

    7.. I belong to Scheduled Caste(Arunthathiyars) community. Whether Iam eligible to be considered underScheduled Caste category?

    Yes.Even after filling up of the posts reservedfor Scheduled Caste Arunthathiyars onpreferential basis, if more number of

    qualified Arunthathiyars are available,they shall be entitled to compete with theScheduled Castes other than

    Arunthathiyars in the inter-se meritamong them.

    8. I belong to Scheduled Caste community.Whether I am eligible to be consideredunder Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyars)category?

    Yes.If any posts reserved for Arunthathiyarsremain unfilled for want of adequatenumber of qualified candidates, it shallbe filled up by Scheduled Caste other

    than Arunthathiyars.

    Destitute Widow

    1. Who are eligible under Destitute Widowcategory ?

    A widow whose total monthly income isRs.4000/-( Rupees four thousand only)including:i. Family pension

    ii. Income from private practicein the case of professionals .iii. Other receipts.

    2. I am a Destitute Widow. From whomshould I get the Destitute Widowcertificate?

    i. Revenue Divisional Officer (or)ii. Assistant Collector (or)iii. Sub Collector

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    3. I am a Divorcee. Whether I am eligible toapply under the Destitute Widowcategory?


    4. I am a Destitute Widow. What is thepercentage of reservation available to meunder the Destitute Widow category?

    Ten percent out of the thirty percentset apart to women candidates.

    5. I am a Destitute Widow. Am I eligible toapply for all the posts under the DestituteWidow category?

    No.Eligible to apply only in respect of theposts with scale of pay, the minimum ofwhich does not exceed Rs. 5200-20200+Grade pay Rs.2400.


    1. I am an Ex-Serviceman. What is thepercentage of reservation available to meunder the Ex-Servicemen category?

    5 % out of the total No. of vacancies inGroup-C posts.

    2. Which posts come under Group-Ccategory ?

    The posts with revised scale of pay,the minimum of which is Rs.4800-10,000+ Grade Pay Rs.1400 andabove, but below Rs.9,300 -34,800+Grade Pay Rs.4400.

    3. I am an Ex-Serviceman. What is the

    maximum age limit for me?

    53 years of age in the case of

    Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Castes(Arunthathiyars), Scheduled Tribes,Most Backward Classes/ DenotifiedCommunities, Backward Classes (otherthan Muslim) and Backward Classes(Muslim).

    48 years of age in the case of Otherson the 1st July of the year in which theselection is made.

    4. I am an Ex-Serviceman. I do not fully

    satisfy the prescribed qualificationincluding the age limit announced in theNotification. Am I eligible to apply?

    May also apply even if he do fully satisfy

    all the prescribed qualifications includingthe age-limit announced in theAdvertisement / Notification.

    The case of each such applicantwill be considered on merits and thequestion of relaxing any technicalrestriction including the age limit will beconsidered, if he is selected.

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    5. I am presently serving in the armed forces.Am I eligible to apply?

    Yes.if you are due to complete the specifiedterms of your engagement in the ArmedForces within one year from the lastdate prescribed by the appropriateauthority for receipt of application inrespect of a particular result /

    examination. At the time, when youcome up for selection, if you areotherwise qualified, you can claim theconcession for Ex-serviceman as perthe rule issued by the Government ofIndia.

    6 Who are not considered asEx-serviceman?

    i. A Recruit is not an Ex-serviceman.ii. A person discharged before July1987 under Army Rule 13 (3) III (V) forthe reason that his service is no longerrequired is not an ex-serviceman.

    7. What evidence I should produce to claimconcession under Ex-Servicemancategory?

    Properly authenticated extract from theDischarge Certificate in the followingform-(1) Name of the candidate -(2) Rank held -(3) Date of enrolment -(4) Date of discharge -(5) Reasons for discharge -(6) Conduct and Character

    while employed in themilitary.

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    Differently abled

    1. I am a Differently Abled person. Whetherage concession is available to me?

    Eligible for age concession upto tenyears over and above the age-limitprescribed.

    Provided you are found to beotherwise suitable and the medical

    authorities are satisfied that the physicalhandicap is not such as it would renderyou incapable of efficiently dischargingthe duties of the post for which you areselected.

    2. What is the percentage of disability thatone should possess to be eligible to applyunder DA quota?

    Save or otherwise the concessionspecified in the CommissionsInstructions to Candidates and anyother concessions to be notified in theCommissions Notification /

    Advertisement in respect of DifferentlyAbled persons will be applicable to themonly if their degrees of physical disabilityis 40 percent and above.

    3. I am a Differently Abled candidate. Fromwhom should I get the Differently abledcertificate?

    From a Medical Officer concerned inthe relevant specialty.In case of doubt that the certificateissued by the Medical Officer does notconform to the eligibility criteria, forclassification of handicapped, the matter

    will be referred to the appropriateMedical Board.

    4. I am a Differently Abled person. WhetherI should arrange for the scribe?

    No.The Commission will arrange for thescribe.

    5. Whether I should bear the amount to bepaid to the scribe?

    No.The Commission will pay the amount tothe scribe.

    6. I am a Differently Abled person and couldnot write with either arms. I can avail extratime for writing the examination?

    Yes.You will be granted extra half-an hourtime for writing examinations.

    7. I am Differently abled person and couldnot climb the staircase. May I write theexamination in the Ground floor?


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    8. What is the percentage of reservationavailable to different categories ofcandidates under Differently Abled quota?

    One percent (each) of reservation isavailable to Blind, Deaf andOrthopaedically handicappedcandidates.

    9. Is reservation under DA category availablefor all posts?

    The reservation for Differently Abledcandidates is applicable to all the Non-

    executive posts. In so far as theExecutive posts are concerned, thereservation for the Differently Abledcandidates shall be made applicable inrespect of suitable posts in Group Aand B as identified in the list approvedby the State Government and to all postsin Group C and D which will bespecified in the CommissionsNotification / Advertisement.

    Educational qualification

    1. What is meant by Minimum GeneralEducational Qualification ?

    1. A pass in the Secondary SchoolLeaving Certificate Examinationwith eligibility for admission tocollege course of studies in theuniversities in this State; or

    2. A pass in the Secondary SchoolLeaving Certificate Examinationof this State.

    2. When I do not possess the exactqualification prescribed in theCommissions Notification, but possessesthe qualification that may be equivalent tothe one prescribed in the said Notification ,am I eligible to apply?

    Yes.If so, the letter evidencing equivalence ofqualification can be obtained from theUniversity which awarded the degree tothe candidates. However, the samewould be subject to the decision of theequivalence Committee constituted asper G.O.Ms.No.441, P & AR ( R)Department, dated 20.12.1993 and thedecision of the Government.

    3. I do not possess adequate knowledge inTamil. Am I eligible to apply?

    Yes.Candidates who do not possess anadequate knowledge in Tamil may alsoapply. If selected, they should pass the

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    Second Class Language Test (Full Test)in Tamil within a period of two year fromthe date of their appointment, failingwhich they will be discharged fromservice.

    4. What is meant by adequate knowledge in


    A person will be deemed to possess an

    adequate knowledge in Tamil;

    In the case of a post for which theeducation qualification prescribed is theminimum general educationalqualification and above he must havepassed the S.S.L.C. Public Examinationwith Tamil as one of the language orstudies the High School course in TamilMedium and passed the S.S.L.C PublicExamination in Tamil medium or passedthe Second Class Language Test (FullTest) in Tamil conducted by the TamilNadu Public Service Commission.

    Fee Exemption

    1. To whom Exam Fees concessions areavailable?

    Full exemption(i.e. without any restrictionon the number of free chances) is

    available to the candidates who belongto;i. Scheduled Casteii. Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyar)iii. Scheduled Tribeiv. Differently Abled personv. Destitute Widow(not necessary to be degree holder)

    2. I belong to Most Backward Class /Denotified category. Am I eligible to avail

    fee concession?

    Yes.Can avail three free chances, if you

    happens to be a degree holder.

    3. I belong to Backward Class (other thanBackward Class Muslim) category. Am Ieligible to avail fee concession?

    Yes.Can avail three free chances, if youhappens to be a degree holder.

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    4. I belong to Ex-servicemen category. Am Ieligible to avail fee concession?

    Yes.Can avail two free chances.(not necessary to be degree holder)

    5. I had claimed fee exemption. But I did notappear for the Written Examination. Am Iallowed to exclude this chance from the

    number of free chances available to mycategory?

    No.Failure to appear for the competitiveexamination (including oral test) after

    sending in an application will not operateto exclude that chance from the freechances allowed.

    6. I had claimed fee exemption. But I did notappear for the Oral Test . Am I allowed toexclude this chance from the number offree chances available to my category?

    No.Failure to appear for the competitiveexamination (including oral test) aftersending in an application will not operateto exclude that chance from the freechances allowed.

    7. Is the free chance (three / two ) postspecific or application specific? Application specific.The three / two free chances allowed arenot for EACH POST but for ANY Three/Two Applications.

    8. My application has been rejected. Willthe fee exemption be counted as a freechance?

    Yes.The claim for exemption from payment offee made in any application which hasbeen rejected will count as a freechance.

    9. I have withdrawn my application. Will thefee exemption be counted as a free


    Yes.The claim for exemption from payment of

    fee made in any application which hasbeen withdrawn will count as a freechance.

    10 I have falsely claimed fee exemption.What is the consequence of such aclaim?

    The application will be rejected and youwill be debarred from appearing for allfuture examinations and selectionsconducted by the Commission.

    12. I belong to MBC /DC , / BC (OBCM) / BC(M) and I have passed the Pre UniversityCourse Examination. Am I eligible to avail

    fee concession?


    13. I belong to MBC /DC , / BC (OBCM) / BC(M) and I have passed the Examinationheld at the end of the first / second year ofthe degree course/ passed only certainparts of the degree examination. Am Ieligible to avail fee concession?


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    Age / Concession

    1. What is the minimum age limit? 18 years (save or otherwise as stated inthe Commissions Notification).

    2. What is the maximum age limit It depends upon the post you apply for.(As specified for the post applied for)

    3. What is the crucial date for calculation ofage?

    1st July of the year in which thenotification is issued.

    Certificates1. I belong to Scheduled Tribe community.

    From whom should I get the communitycertificate?

    i. Revenue Divisional Officerii. Assistant Collectoriii. Sub Collectoriv. Personal Assistant (General) to

    the Collector of Chennaiv. District Adidravidar Welfare


    2. I belong to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled

    Caste (Arunthathiyar) community. Fromwhom should I get the communitycertificate?

    Taluk Tahsildar

    3. I belong to the Most Backward Class /Denotified Communities, Backward Class(OBCM), Backward Class (Muslims)community. From whom should I get thecommunity certificate?

    i. Revenue Officer not lower in rankthan a Tahsildar

    ii. Head Quarters Deputy Tahsildariii. Special Deputy Tahsildar

    (certificates.)iv. Additional Head Quarters

    Deputy Tahsildarv. Zonal Deputy Tahsildar

    4. I belong to the Thottia Naicker (includingRjakambalam, Gollavar, Sillavar,Thockalavar, Thozhuva Naicker andErragollar) community included in the listof MBC/ DC. From whom should I get thecommunity certificate?

    Head Quarters Deputy Tahsildar

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    5. What are the documents that may besubmitted as evidence of date of birth?

    i. the Secondary School-LeavingCertificate; or

    ii. A certificate from a University orCollege, or School authority showingdata of birth, according to theUniversity or College or School

    records. (The certificate of Baptism orextract from Register of Births,cannot be accepted); or

    iii. Extract from the Service Registershowing date of birth in respectof persons holding regularappointment under the StateGovernment.

    6. May I obtain the Last Studied ConductCertificate from a Tutorial College /Tutorial School?


    7. May I obtain the Last Studied ConductCertificate from a Typewriting Institute ?


    8. May I obtain the Last Studied ConductCertificate from a Shorthand Institute?


    9. From whom should I get the LatestConduct Certificate?

    From a Government Officer whobelongs to Group A or B Officer, who

    knows youpersonally.

    10. The date after which the Latest ConductCertificate has to be obtained?

    Not earlier than the first day of themonth in which the Recruitment isadvertised in the Newspaper.

    11. May I get the Latest Conduct Certificatefrom my relative?


    12. I have lastly studied in an Institution, theduration of which is less than one

    Academic year. Whether the Last StudiedConduct Certificate obtained from such aninstitution is acceptable?

    If the period of study at the Institution inwhich the candidate last studied or is

    studying as the case may be, is lessthan one academic year, you mustproduce also another certificate fromthe Head of the Institution, in whichyou last studied for not less than oneacademic year.

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    13. May I get the Latest Conduct Certificateand the Last Studied Conduct Certificatefrom the same person?


    14. Whether the copies of Mark sheets orGrade Certificates are accepted asevidence of Educational Qualification?


    Copies of degree or provisional

    certificate alone will be accepted asevidence of Educational Qualification.

    15. I am working in a Government / Localbody / University / Quasi GovernmentOrganization. Whether I should send myapplication through my Employer?

    No.Instead, you may directly apply online to

    the Commission duly informing yourEmployer in writing that you areapplying for the particular recruitmentand with the condition that youshould produce No ObjectionCertificate in the form prescribed

    from an authority not below your nextSuperior Officer.

    16. I am working in a Government / Localbody / University / Quasi GovernmentOrganisation on temporary basis.Whether I should submit the No ObjectionCertificate from my Employer?


    17. I have got Employment in a Government /Local body / University / QuasiGovernment Organisation after the

    submission of application. Whether Ishould submit the No Objection Certificatefrom my Employer?


    18. I am working in a Government / Localbody / University / Quasi GovernmentOrganisation. Criminal / disciplinary actionhas been taken against me after thesubmission of NOC. Whether I shouldreport the fact to the Commission?


    You should report such facts forthwith tothe Commission indicating yourRegister number.

    19. May I affix the photograph taken two yearsback? No.The photos should have been taken notearlier than a month of the date ofapplication.

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    1. I have acquired Practical / otherexperience / Bar experience beforeacquiring the Educational / TechnicalQualification prescribed in the Notification.Whether I am eligible to apply?

    No.Such a period of practical or other

    experience, as the case may beshould have been acquired afterobtaining the educational / technicalqualifications prescribed for suchappointment unless otherwisespecified.


    1. What are the different stages of selectionfor the posts included in Group-I services?

    i. Preliminary Examination forselection of candidates foradmission to the Main WrittenExamination.

    ii. Main Written Examinationiii. Oral Test in the shape of an


    2. Are the marks obtained by me in thePreliminary Examination taken intoaccount for determining the final order ofmerit?


    The Preliminary Examination is meant toserve as screening test only.

    3. How many candidates are admitted to theMain Written Examination?

    20 times the number of candidates to berecruited having regard to the rule ofreservation of appointments.

    4. If large number of candidates secure thesame marks as that of the cut-off marksof their reservation groups, will all of thembe admitted to the Main WrittenExamination, even though the number ofcandidates to be admitted to the MainWritten Examination exceeds 1:20 ratio?


    5. Is appearance in all the papers in the MainWritten Examination / Written Examinationcompulsory?

    Yes.The candidates who have not appearedfor any of the subjects in the MainWritten Examination / WrittenExamination will not be considered forselection even if they secure theminimum qualifying marks for selection.

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    Oral Test

    1. How many candidates are admitted to theOral Test?

    i. If the number of vacanciesnotified / reserved to be filledup for any one or more of thereservation group is five and

    above, the number of candidates tobe admitted to the Oral Test shall betwo times the number of vacanciesfor which recruitment has to be madeagainst those reservation groupsbased on the marks obtained by thecandidates at the Main WrittenExamination or WrittenExamination.

    ii. Similarly, if the number ofvacancies in any one or more of theremaining reservation groups for thesame recruitment is four and below,the number of candidates to beadmitted to the Oral Test from thoseparticular reservation group (s)shall be three times the numberof vacancies for which recruitmenthas to made against thosereservation group (s).

    2. Is appearance in Main WrittenExamination and for Oral Testcompulsory?


    3. How do I know the marks secured by me ? The marks obtained by the candidatesappearing for the Oral Test, both in theWritten Examination as well as in theOral Test will placed in Notice Board inthe Office of the Tamil Nadu PublicService Commission in the eveningeither on the last day fixed for Oral Testor on the succeeding working day. Thesame will also be made available on theinternet in the Commissions
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    1. Is the selection of a candidate by theCommission guarantees actualappointment?


    2. I belong to the reservation group. Am I

    eligible for selection against the vacanciesto be filled under General Turns on thebasis of merit?


    3. How the selection list is drawn by theCommission?

    First the candidates are picked upcategory wise (i.e. G.T. / B.C.(OBCM) /B.C.(M) / M.B.C./D.C / S.C. / S.C. (A) /S.T.) from the Ranking List against therequired number of vacancies.

    Thereafter, the above said

    candidates are fitted in the roster on thebasis of the marks obtained by them &as per the turns arising in the roster.

    4. Whether a B.C.(OBCM) / B.C.(M) /M.B.C./D.C / S.C. / S.C. (A) / S.T.candidate picked under General Turn canbe fitted in his respective communal turn?

    Yes.The candidates selected under G.T. arefitted in the G.T. as well as in therespective communal turn.

    5. How the selection is finalised, when two ormore candidates secure the same marks?

    (i) In case of two or more candidatesscoring equal marks:Senior in age placed above

    (ii) If the age too is equal:Candidate who secured more marks inthe written examination placed above

    (iii) If the marks obtainedin the written examination are also


    (a) In case of OMR Application:

    Date of receipt of the application in theCommissions office.

    (b) In the case of Online application:

    Date of Registration ofapplication.

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    Reserve list

    1. How many candidates are included in theReserve list?

    i. 25 percent of the candidatesin respect of each reservationgroup for which the selectionlist has been drawn.

    ii. 50 percent in respect of postsfor which combined selection ismade.

    2. What is the validity of reserve list? The reserve list will be in force until theregular list of candidates is drawn upsubsequently.

    3. Under what circumstances the reserve listwill be operated?

    i. Non-joining of selected candidates.

    ii. Selected candidates who

    joined duty but left


    iii. Cancellation of provisionalselection of the selectedcandidates for any reason.


    1. How can I get the syllabi? The Syllabi for all subjects have beenpublished in the Tamil Nadu PublicService Commission Bulletin No.11dated 16.05.2001 and subsequentBulletins issued then and there, and thesame is available for sale at the SalesCounter for Government Publications in

    the office of the Stationery and Printing,Chennai 600 002.. The same is alsoavailable in the Commissions web-site

    2. Which date is considered as the date ofpublication of final result?

    Date of publication of the final semesterresults will be treated as the date ofpublication of results of the prescribed
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    educational qualification. In case of anyarrears, the date on which the candidatepasses all the papers will be taken asthe date of publication of results of theprescribed educational qualification.

    3. How do I know as to whether the

    Commission has issued notification?

    i. Through leading newspapers

    ii. In the Commissions

    4. Why results are withheld? Results of the candidates are withheldsubject to production of certaindocuments / further verification to bemade in respect of the claims made bythe candidates in their application etc.

    5. When will the withheld results bereleased?

    On submission of required documents bythe candidates and acceptance of thesame by the Commission and on

    completion of verification.