How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham Borough Council

How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

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Page 1: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care

Claire Garley

Dementia Care Advisor

Alzheimer’s Society

Gill Stokes

Dementia Care Advisor

Wokingham Borough Council

Page 2: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

Easy access to care, support and advice after diagnosis

Page 3: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

‘We are travelling from an old life to a new. If you can think in a positive way and get the help and support you need, the journey can be brighter and less frightening. Remember you do not have to travel alone’

Pat, James and Ian

Don’t make the journey alone

Alzheimer’s Scotland and the Scottish Dementia Working Group

Page 4: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

Aims of the service

• To provide a single point of contact for people with dementia their carers and family members

• To provide early support and information to people affected by dementia at point of diagnosis

• To ensure ongoing support and signposting as required

Page 5: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

Aims of the service

• To facilitate engagement with specialist services

• To facilitate planning with the aim of helping to prevent crisis and the need for residential care

• Facilitate discussion about End of Life care

Page 6: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

Referral process

• Referral to the service can be via a health or social care professional or self-referral

Page 7: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

Referral criteria

Service is available for people with a diagnosis of dementia, or people who are worried about their memory and are in the process of receiving a diagnosis

Page 8: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

Referral criteria

The service is provided to the person with dementia, their carers and family members.

Page 9: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

Flexible delivery• Information and support is provided in different ways and in different locations depending on individual preference

•Face to Face



Page 10: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

Types of contacts

•Information provision

•Initial visit

•On-going regular support

Page 11: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

Information provision

Provide information on request

Page 12: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

Initial visit

To provide support, information and guidance

Page 13: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham


Good access to local facilities

Feeling safe

Maintaining social interactions

Building on what people can still do rather than what difficulties they may experience

Dementia Friendly Communities

Page 14: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

On-going support

Access service on an on-going basis or when needed.

Provide timely information and support.

Page 15: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

What do people say about the service….

Before contact with the Dementia Care Advisor I was lacking in knowledge & worried about the future but I was far happier with the support available after contact with her.

The introduction to group activities & meeting other carers at the drop-in was very useful.

Having a point of contact & the variety of available support is very helpful.

I received some useful information on dementia.

Page 16: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

‘We are travelling from an old life to a new. If you can think in a positive way and get the help and support you need, the journey can be brighter and less frightening. Remember you do not have to travel alone’

Pat, James and Ian

Don’t make the journey alone

Alzheimer’s Scotland and the Scottish Dementia Working Group

Page 17: How the Voluntary Sector supports Health and Social Care Claire Garley Dementia Care Advisor Alzheimer’s Society Gill Stokes Dementia Care Advisor Wokingham

Thank you