How Much Should I Charge for My Freelance Services

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  • 8/10/2019 How Much Should I Charge for My Freelance Services


  • 8/10/2019 How Much Should I Charge for My Freelance Services




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  • 8/10/2019 How Much Should I Charge for My Freelance Services


  • 8/10/2019 How Much Should I Charge for My Freelance Services


  • 8/10/2019 How Much Should I Charge for My Freelance Services




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    162,397 6Melanie Pinola ( to: ASK LIFEHACKER (/TAG/ASK-LIFEHACKER) 8/17/11 10:00am (http://lif

  • 8/10/2019 How Much Should I Charge for My Freelance Services


    Dear Lifehacker,

    After years of working as a corporate slave, I've decided to make the jump and strike out on my own

    as a freelancer. I already have some people interested in my work, but I'm not really sure how much

    to charge. Do I set my rate based on what other people are charging? Or how do I come up with the

    best price to charge?

    Thanks,Bitten by the Freelance Bug

    Dear Bitten,

    Congratulations and welcome to the exciting world of working for yourself. Putting a price on your

    services is one of the biggest challenges freelancers face. You don't want to set your rate so low that

    your business won't thrive, and it'll be hard to raise rates later when your business becomes more

    established, but you also don't want to set them so high you scare off clients. Here's some advice on

    establishing what to charge. Whip out a pencil and paper, because we're going to be doing somemath.

    1. Calculate How Much You'll Need to Cover Operating Costs

    Salary : How much do you want to earn (pay yourself)? You might take a look at your current salary

    or check out a site like ( to find comparative wages. Let's say, for

    example, you want to take home $45,000 a year. (If you were to hire someone to help you, also add a

    line for that employee's salary, but for the sake of this example we'll just stick with one staff member you.)
  • 8/10/2019 How Much Should I Charge for My Freelance Services


    Taxes : When you're self-employed, you'll need to cover your own taxes. The IRS has helpful

    information on self-employment and taxes

    (, including a worksheet (PDF)

    ( for calculating estimated taxes. As a rule of thumb,

    though, you can simply add a factor of 15% to your salary to cover tax contributions. In our example,

    15% times the $45,000 salary is $6,750. Adding these together, our new salary with taxes is $51,750.

    Monthly overhead : Overhead costs are those that you'll incur just in running the business.

    Depending on your situations, these may include:



    Office supplies


    Advertising or marketing

    Telephone fees


    Auto leases

    Tally these all up and multiply by 12 to get your yearly overhead. Then add in any yearly costs, such as

    computer or software purchases. In this example, we're going to say it's $12,000.

    2. Figure Out Your Average Billable Hours

    Next, find out how many working hours you'll have each year. You could take 40 hours a week and

    multiply by 52 weeks to get to 2,080, but you should also account for holidays, sick days, and

    vacations. Cameron S. Foote in The Business Side of Creativity suggests 1,920 hours, accounting for

    48 working weeks.

    Then you need to subtract non-billable timetime that you'll spend each week doing things like

    hunting for new clients or filing paperwork that you can't bill to a client. 20% is a good rule of thumb

    for those non-billable hours, so multiply that by your annual hours above. In our example, the total

    billable hours is now 1,152.

    3. Add Operating Costs and Divide by Billable Hours

    Now add your salary and overhead costs together. In this example, it's $51,750 salary with taxes plus$12,000 overhead, for a total of $63,750.

    Dividing $63,750 by 1,152 billable hours gives us an hourly rate of $55.34. But we're not done yet!
  • 8/10/2019 How Much Should I Charge for My Freelance Services


    6 60 Reply

    4. Factor in a prot margin

    You'll also want to add in a profit margin of between 10% and 30%. The profit margin helps you build

    a reserve for when business slows. You might think you don't need to add in a profit margin because

    you'll be drawing a salary, but the additional profit is essential for future growth and also for

    obtaining loans.

    Let's say we want a 20% profit; 20% of $55.34 is $11.07, so your new, final hourly rate is $66.41. Youcan definitely round that out to $66 or $67.

    Charging by project : If you don't want to invoice clients with an hourly rate, all you need to do is

    estimate how much time you'll spend on a project and then multiply by your hourly rate to get a price

    you can quote your client.

    Think the Rate Is Too High?

    Keep in mind that calculating your rate precisely this way is really important if you want your

    freelancing business to be successful, because it's based on your actual costs and needs. While you

    may see others with lower rates than you (you'll also see much higher ones too, no doubt), avoid the

    common new freelancer mistake of pricing your services so low that you'll soon be scared back to the

    old 9 to 5 corporate world.

    Other Methods

    You can try several other methods for setting your rate, such as marking up your current salary (e.g.,

    if you now make $15 an hour, charging double that, or $30) or just dividing how much you want to

    earn by how many hours you'll work, but I wouldn't recommend them because they're not realistic;

    they don't take into account your everyday expenses or account for long-term success.

    And this is what we wish you. Good luck with your new endeavor!



    Photo by Galushko Sergey (




    r_wheel=1#id=59223667&src=5717e213b6fa7ff679c2a0328c32ce8a-1-3) / Shutterstock

  • 8/10/2019 How Much Should I Charge for My Freelance Services


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    iain010100 ( Melanie Pinola8/22/11 10:42am (


    This article from Ramit Sethi has some useful info. The author writes blogs and books on

    finance and business. He wrote "I Will Teach You To Be Rich." Korney title but it was one of the

    few books on personal finance I read that isn't a one trick pony,

    [] (

    One thing he talks about above is D3Zero (Drop Three Zeros) hourly rate. Take what you want

    to earn per year, say $50,000, drop three zeros and you get $50. If you are running your own

    business, that's what your hourly rate should be ($50/per hour). If you're going on salary, cut

    the number in half ($25/hour).


    Meetloaf13 ( Melanie Pinola8/17/11 10:19am (


    LIFEHACKER...this is a GREAT article.

    One thing I will stress, b/c in the CPA profession there are people that undercharge and wonder

    3 years later why they aren't making very much.

    You have to sit down and ask yourself, "how much do I want to make"? Have to. Then after

    looking at what you describe above, it's a simple question, let's say for tax returns.

    Price x Quantity

    I know that's a simplification, but really, if you don't have a goal of what you want to be

    making, then really it is tough to valuate what you are worth. And if you don't know what

    you're worth, you might end up thinking you're worthless =]

    Another thing I learned with my wife doing wedding cakes on the side. She was always so

    worried about the price, and low-balled for quite some time. This only let her frustrated and

    making $5-6/hr on her work (which is ABSURD). Remember, if you never have a prospective

    client/customer tell you "No, that's too much", then you aren't charging enough.


    All replies (
  • 8/10/2019 How Much Should I Charge for My Freelance Services


    TheFu ( Melanie Pinola8/17/11 11:06am (


    Professional and errors and omissions insurance may be required depending on your industry.

    You may find yourself paying for unemployment insurance for yourself since some clients might

    demand you be paid via W-2 even if you are the owner of the company.

    That can become an added $5-$10K/yr you didn't expect to spend.


    The Dave! ( TheFu8/23/11 5:09pm (


    When I pursued E&O for my industrial control consultancy, it more than tripled the cost of my


    I.E. I went from being profitably and paying my consultants wages and my own at $100/hr to

    $300/hr and reducing the margin.

    After some research, I found that general liability with my customer named as beneficiary was

    much cheaper and equally acceptable.


    NoyzMaker ( Melanie Pinola8/17/11 10:27am (


    Actually most companies will use 2120 hours for a year to budget for salaries of hourly

    employees. This is to include a week vacation at minimum throughout the year.

    This may help on item #2 (

    Great breakdown though to determine an hourly rate. Much better than my out of thin air

    process I used in the past.


    redfood ( Melanie Pinola8/17/11 5:44pm (


    This article really should be tittle "How little can I charge for my freelance services" The answer

    as to how much you SHOULD charge is as much as the market will support. Work for less and

    you are selling yourself short. And, if the market won't support the minimum as calculated then

    don't freelance.


    arvana ( Melanie Pinola8/17/11 10:51am (

  • 8/10/2019 How Much Should I Charge for My Freelance Services



    I've worked freelance for 15 years, and while I think it's a useful exercise to go through these

    calculations, my experience is that they don't relate much to reality. It's not how much you want

    to earn that dictates your rate, it's what the market will bear. Unfortunately there is a seemingly

    endless supply of new or offshore freelancers who will work for next-to-nothing to "break into

    the market". Employers know this, and take advantage of it.

    If you want to earn a decent rate, you have to differentiate yourself from cheap alternative

    services, by offering outstanding professionalism and, above all, results improving yourclients' bottom line. If you can inspire your clients' confidence in your ability to do that, you can

    charge a high rate. If not, you either have to take crappy rates until you've built your experience

    and portfolio, or live without a lot of work.


    The Dave! ( arvana8/23/11 5:10pm (


    This too is sound advice. If you can express your service in terms of your customer's increased

    profits, you can charge almost anything.



    blew1500 ( Melanie Pinola8/17/11 8:13pm (


    Way too complicated. Here's a simpler route, will end up at about the same place:

    * Take what you want to earn before taxes (your overall "salary," if someone else was paying).

    * Triple it one third salary, one-third benefits, one-third marketing/downtime costs.

    * That's what you need to bring in (your "gross").

    * Divide by 220 to get a daily rate (that's about the same as the "48 weeks", same rationale 2-

    3 weeks of vacation, 9 days of Federal holidays [assuming you're in U.S.]).

    * Divide by 8 to get an hourly rate.Now negotiate up or down as needed. Has worked for me for 30+ years.

    A book recently recommended to me on the topic is "What to Charge: Pricing Strategies for

    Freelancers and Consultants," 2nd edition, by Laurie Lewis (2011).


    dazrin ( Melanie Pinola8/17/11 10:15am (


    You need to check your math on item 2...1,920 hrs *0.8 (to subtract 20%) = 1,536 hours, not

    1,152. You took off 40% instead of 20%. This reduces your hourly rate from $66-67 to $49-$50.

    Having a rate below $50 would be a fairly substantial "pucker factor" reduction when you
  • 8/10/2019 How Much Should I Charge for My Freelance Services


  • 8/10/2019 How Much Should I Charge for My Freelance Services


    InAnimateAlpha ( Melanie Pinola8/17/11 12:17pm (


    Can al ways count on LH to read my mind. Thanks.


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