How Meditation Changes Brai

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  • 7/31/2019 How Meditation Changes Brai.


    Meditating like the Buddha -

    Martin Bohn

    How Meditation Changes Brain Function

    Meditating Demonstrates the Power of Mind Over Matter

    Jul 20, 2009 Martin Bohn

    During the last two decades, Western scientists have started to

    investigate the effects of meditation. In this process, research was

    able to give scientific evidence for various health benefits of

    meditation, such as lowering blood pressure, reducing stress,

    improving immune functions as well as easing sleep disorders and

    chronic pain. The foundations of meditation research were laid by

    pioneers such as Harvard's Dr. Herbert Benson (The Relaxation

    Response) and spiritual teacher-turned-researcher Jon Kabat-Zinn.

    Brain Research on the Effects of Meditation

    However, it is the more recent studies of neuroscientists such as Richard Davidson and Sara

    Lazar that have caught the eye of both the scientific community and the public. Using the

    tools of modern neuroscience such as rCBF (regional Cerebral Blood Flow), real time MRI

    (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), MEG (magnetoencephalography), and improved EEG

    (electoencephalography), neuroscientists are now able to better understand the effects of

    meditation on the brain.

    With the help of these sophisticated tools, they were able to provide solid scientific evidence

    that meditation fundamentally changes the way the brain functions and even alters the

    physical structure of the brain itself.

    A Study on Meditation by Richard Davidson

    In a study with Tibetan monks, researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that a mind

    trained through meditation functions differently from an untrained one. The technique used

    was the Tibetan-Buddhist meditation on unconditional compassion.

    Read on

    Why Meditate?

    Health Benefits of Meditation

    Why Meditate?

    Meditation Changes the Way the Brain Functions

    According to Richard Davidson, neuroscientist at the universitys Laboratory for Functional

    Brain Imaging and Behavior, the results demonstrate a hitherto unimagined potential of the

    mind and brain:

    During meditation, the experienced meditators in the study showed high-frequency

    gamma waves, a brain wave pattern associated with higher mental activity, perception

    and consciousness.

    The gamma wave frequency was higher than normal even before they started

    meditating. This suggests that the impact of meditation on the brain waves is permanent

    and not limited to the meditation session itself.

    The monks brains showed more and unusually powerful gamma waves compared to a

    control group consisting of volunteers without previous meditation experience.

    The higher the meditation experience, the higher were the levels of gamma waves.

    Some experienced monks showed the most powerful gamma waves ever to be

    documented in a human being. In the control group without previous meditationexperience, the increases in gamma waves were only slight.

    The mind can be trained through meditation. Mental training changes the brain,

    improving its capacity for awareness, happiness and compassion.

    Related Reading

    Neuroscientists like Richard Davidson have found that regular

    meditation can fundamentally alter the way the brain functions.

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    w Meditation Changes Brain Function: Meditating Demonstrates the...

    2 8/7/2010 4:56 P

  • 7/31/2019 How Meditation Changes Brai.


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    In a related article you can read about a study by Sara Lazar on how meditation increases the

    size of the brain.


    Washington Post article by Marc Kaufman from Monday, January 3, 2005.

    2009 Martin Bohn

    Meditating like the

    Buddha -Martin

    w Meditation Changes Brain Function: Meditating Demonstrates the...

    2 8/7/2010 4:56 P