05/05/16 How hard is it to find a job as a teenager? Morgan Pye THE HENLEY COLLEGE

How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

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Page 1: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more


How hard is it to find a job as a teenager?


Page 2: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

Contents Channel ................................................................................................................................................... 2

Subject .................................................................................................................................................... 2

Aim .......................................................................................................................................................... 3

Audience ................................................................................................................................................. 3

Format/ style ........................................................................................................................................... 4

Genre ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

Budget ..................................................................................................................................................... 5

Crew ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

Location recce ......................................................................................................................................... 7

Risk assessment .................................................................................................................................... 10

ACTIVITY ................................................................................................................................................ 10

PRECAUTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 10

REVIEWER ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Sound table ........................................................................................................................................... 11

Schedule ................................................................................................................................................ 12

Script ..................................................................................................................................................... 14

Page 3: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more


My documentary would be aired online on BBC three. I decided to use this

website as similar documentaries are shown on this website, as well as BBC

three having a wide audience of teenagers who are the target audience for my

documentary. This branch of the BBC is well known for their wide verity of

documentary styles.


The subject I have decided to focus my documentary on is the difficulty of

finding jobs for teenagers. I decided to choose this subject as recently I have

been made redundant. Before becoming redundant I was employed for four

years, so I missed the phase were teenagers were looking jobs and finding it

hard. As I started at a family friends business the process of applying to getting

the job was more casual and was less stressful then what other teenagers had

to go through. However as I am recently unemployed I am only now realising

the difficulty of finding a job as a student.

The concept for my documentary is that I will do an interactive style

documentary recording my experience at trying to get a job, I will show myself

writing a CV and an application as well as documenting the result. Throughout

this I will be giving my opinion as well as what I am feeling through each phase.

I will also be interviewing a verity of teenage students to get an insight into

what they think about the employment levels for teenagers. As well as

interviewing a teacher at The Henley College to get a professionals view on this


Page 4: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more


The aim for my documentary is to create an entertaining and informative

interactive documentary focusing on the possible problems/ reasons for

student unemployment, whether it is as simple as there aren’t any jobs out

there for teenagers or if it is actually more complex with the introduction of

the legal educational law which forces teenager to stay in education until they

are eighteen, preventing teenager from work full time as well as counting them

as not economically active, this means they could be unemployed but they will

not be counted as being unemployed as they are in education.


The target audience for my documentary is teenagers as this documentary is

based around them so they will be interested and engaged in the

documentary. I designed the documentary to be interesting for teenagers as it

does not affect any other age group, except for the unlikely event that a parent

watches it for their child.

I’m bringing the promise to the audience that my factual program will not be

bias, I will do this by giving a fair and balanced view on the subject of work

opportunities for teenagers, this will involve portraying companies and place of

peoples work fairly, and to do this I will avoid using names of well-known


I will leave the audience with an open question giving two final statements one

defending teenagers and the other criticising teenagers on their ability to get a

job, this will allow the audience to leave the documentary with a fair

understanding of teenage job opportunities and the choice to make their own

mind up about why so many people are unemployed.

Page 5: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

Format/ style

The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as

it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more personal

connection between the audience and the documentary as well as giving the

footage more energy over other styles which mainly use narrators. This style

also lets me use a verity of interviews in my documentary which I thought was

best for the content of the documentary. I am also planning on using long

shoot during interviews and debriefings, this is to get into as much detail as I

can, which otherwise difficult when using short takes.

My documentary will use realism as well as a narrative format to engage the

audience and to keep it relatable. I will do this by keeping filming simple

realistic with the use of interviews and real people. I have decided to use this

style of format to allow me to create an easily understandable and informative

documentary which both entertains and informs the viewer as well as being

reliable and trusted.


The genre for my documentary is an infotainment as it is both entertaining as

well as informative, this is because my documentary will inform the viewer on

job opportunities around Henley as well as an insight into teenager’s lives.

I chose this genre as the entertainment factor will keep the audience engaged

in the footage as well as informing them about unemployment opportunities

and levels in the area.

Page 6: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more


Name Cost Image use

Nikon D3200 £237.99


Tripod £40

To keep the camera steady during filming.

Van £14 https://www.europcar.co.uk/deals/sem-vans?&xtor=SEC-1090-GOO-%5BVan_Hire%5D-%5BVan_%5BCore%5D+Generic_Exact%5D-%5Bs%5D-%5BVan+Hire%5D&gclid=CKbokLjg0cwCFbEW0wod6gENyQ


Train £10 Transport

Bus £10 Transport Refreshment £30 Crew

Food £50 Crew Broadcasting £3000 To broadcast

my documentary on BBC 3

For by budget I have kept it reasonably cheap, with the use of a hire van to cut

costs on moving everything and everyone from location to location. I have

added refreshments and food for the crew to keep motivation/ enthusiasm

high. The use of buses and trains are for the crew to get to Henley as this way

it is cheaper than driving to each location as fuel costs are high.

Page 7: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

For my documentary I will have a camera man to film me whilst I am presenting, I will also

be filming some section as well as editing and directing the documentary. For this

documentary I will need good time management and organisation as there are a verity of

interviews which need to be organised in a way which suits both the interviewee as well as

my schedule for me to get all the filming done in the time provided.


Name numbers Location Time/ date Role

Bella Bull

07564647475 Hot Gossip 9/5/16 16:15 Interview

Niamh Sames

07563826458 16 Rasheed Reda

7/5/16 18:00 Interview

Cai Weavely- Hudson

07546387368 Henley town centre

9/5/16 12:00 Interview




Henley college 10/5/16 12:00 Interview

Page 8: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

Location recce

A. Location Recce Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used








Lighting Information: Unnatural overhead lighting, allows constant filming without fear of footage being too dark.

Solutions: N/A

Sound Information: The location is inside so there is no sound problems from cars, however it is an operational coffee shop, so there will be noise from customers and machines.

Solutions: Film during a quiet period so there is less noise problems.

Power Information As the location is inside there will be a many plug sockets.

Solutions: Fully charge equipment just in case he sockets are already in use.

Hazards There will be people around so bags, chairs, tables coats etc. will be in the way, so hitting tings and tripping over things is a concern

Solutions: Film during a quiet period, also move obstacles out of the way.

Insert photo of location (do not draw)

Type of room/area:

Coffee shop

Location Address:

7 Friday St, Henley-on-


Sat Nav details (Post code):

RG9 1AN Nearest Train Station:

Henley train station

Nearest Bus stop:

Bells Street

Page 9: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

Location Recce Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used










Lighting Information: Natural lighting

Solutions: Film during daylight hours to maximise sunlight.

Sound Information: Traffic nearby as well as people and animals.

Solutions: Position filming away from traffic and people, as well as in a quiet location.

Power Information There are no charging areas.

Solutions: Fully charge equipment

Hazards Animals may be nearby as well as people rushing around.

Solutions: Position filming in a quiet area where there are less people.

Insert photo of location (do not draw)

Type of room/area:

Town centre

Location Address:

Market Street, Henley-on-


Sat Nav details (Post code):

RG9 2BA Nearest Train Station:

Henley train station

Nearest Bus stop:

Bells Street

Page 10: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

Location Recce Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used










Lighting Information: Unnatural lighting

Solutions: N/A

Sound Information: Filmed in a class room so minimal noise problems.

Solutions: N/A

Power Information Plug sockets available

Solutions: Fully charge equipment just in case he sockets are already in use.

Hazards Table and chairs are tripping hazards as well as bags.

Solutions: Move obstacles out of the way.

Insert photo of location (do not draw)

Type of room/area:

Class room

Location Address:

The Henley College

Sat Nav details (Post code):

RG9 1UH Nearest Train Station:Henley

train station

Nearest Bus stop:

Bell Street

Page 11: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

Risk assessment












Tripping on


Spilling it

over yourself

and burning





Be careful

when driving.

Be careful

when walking.

Have a cold



Move any unneeded


Med kit is located behind

the bar.


On the day



Morgan Pye


Please leave this section blank:

Risk Assessment checked by: Name ………………………………………………….. Signed

…………………………………………………. Date ……………………

KEY: Activity : Describe the component part of your pursuit.


Page 12: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

Hazard : List the things you anticipate might cause harm or the things associated with your

activity that have the potential to cause harm. Consider the likely harm.

Risk: Assess the risk as either H (High), M (Medium) or L (Low). When concluding your

assessment consider all of the circumstances.

Precautions: Consider what you could do to minimise / negate the risk.

In Place: Will the precautionary measures be in place at the time of the activity?

Review Date: When would it be reasonable to review your assessment? Remember it might be

whilst you are undertaking the activity.

Reviewer: Name of the person responsible for completing the risk assessment.

A copy of this form should be taken on the activity or visit by the Reviewer.

Sound table

Sound Table

Production Name:


Shot Action Description

of Sound

Diegetic/non/diegetic Atmosphere


Musice –

type and



Voice over Morgan

talking about

who Niamh


Non diagetic It gives context

to visuals

8 Voice over Morgan

talking about

who the

teacher is.

Non diagetic It gives context

to visuals

1 Door opening Creeking


Diagetic Highlights the

fact a door is


1 Background


Seven years Non diagetic Sets the mood

of the


Page 13: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

8 Background


Seven years Non diagetic Sets the mood

of the

docuemntary as

well as being a



to the writing at

the end.

I decided to use the song seven years by Lukas Grayum (without lyrics) as the main background

music for my documentary, as it is relevent to the documentary, it also sets the right tone to the

docuemntary as the song is not to upbeat but is also not to gloomy.



Time Shot Description Location Characters Art dept/props Notes

06/05/16 14:00 Interview of an employed student.

Photography studio

Cai weavely- Hudson

09/05/16 16:15 Opening sentence about the documentary.

Henley town centre

Morgan Pye

09/05/16 16:35 Walking into café and meet Bella.

Hot Gossip Morgan Pye, Bella Bull

09/05/16 16:40 Interview of an unemployed student.

Hot Gossip Bella Bull Coffee cups

09/05/16 17:00 Brief statement about unemployment in the UK.

Outside Hot Gossip

Morgan Pye

12/05/16 14:00 Writing CV. Henley college Morgan Pye Computer

12/05/16 14:30 Results of job interview.

Henley college Morgan Pye

Page 14: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

2 3 4 5 6 Cai interview (14:00)

7 8

9 Opening sequence (16:15) Walking into café (16:35) Meet/ interview Bella (16:40) Brief sentence about unemployment (17:00)

10 11 12 Looking online for jobs/ newspapers (8:45) Writing CV (14:00) Results from interview (14:30)

13 Begin editing (8:45-12:00)

14 15


17 18 Driving to Niamh (17:00)

19 Debrief about Niamh (13:00)


21 Final thoughts (8:45)


12/05/16 8:45 Looking online for jobs/ newspapers

Henely college Morgan Pye

18/05/16 17:00 Driving to location

Nettlebed Morgan Pye

18/05/16 17:30 Meeting Niamh/ interview

16 Gilgit Road

Morgan Pye, Niamh Sames

19/05/16 13:00 Walking through college talking about how an expert is needed

Henley college Morgan Pye

19/05/16 15:00 Interviewing teacher

Henley college Morgan Pye, Paul

21/05/16 8:45 Final thoughts Town centre Morgan Pye

Page 15: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

Meet Niamh/ interview (17:30)

Interviewing teacher (15:00)

23 Edit

24 Edit

25 Refilm any shots

26 Edit

27 28 29

Script How hard is it to find a job as a teenage?

Morgan Pye

06th May 2016

First draft


Morgan positioned centre of shot, walking towards the camera

walking through the centre of Henley.

Mid shot.


In today’s society, with over one million teenagers aged

between 16- 24 being unemployed in the UK, just how hard is it

to find a job?

Hi my name is Morgan Pye, I am 18 years old and I’ve recently

been made redundant after being employed for four years. In a

blink of an eye I was thrown into the world of an unemployed


MORGAN walks past the camera

Cuts out

Page 16: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more


Tracking shot of MORGAN walking into and through Hot Gossip.


I begin my investigation by meeting up with BELLA, a local

girl who is struggling to find a job.

MORGAN it’s next to BELLA in Hot Gossip.


Hi BELLA, how are you?


Good thanks.


So BELLA, have you ever had a job?


Ha no not a proper job, I did have a short job for an elastic

band company.


Ah ok so how many job have you applied for in total?


In total I have applied for 25 jobs around Henley and reading.


So do you think that there a reason why you are not getting

any of the jobs that you have applied for?


I think the fact that it’s just because businesses are looking

for full time employees as well as already trained people,

which is sort of unfair as for me to get experience I first

need to have a job.


Yeah true, do you think the fact you’re a student, which takes

up a lot of our time, prevents you from being employed?


I think it plays a part in why I’m not getting employed as,

like I said most businesses around here are looking for full

Page 17: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

time employees who are more flexible with the hours the can

work, and as I am at college there are very few hours I can

work as I need to get my work done.


So what type of job are you looking for?


Honesty I don’t really mind what type of job as long as a have

one, I just want some money.


Ok well do you think that if you do get a job that it will

affect your college work? As it will mean you have less free

time to complete your work?


I don’t think it will as with my course I have a lot of free

time to get my work done, but I guess for other people who

don’t have so many free it would affect their work if they

didn’t have good time management.


Ok well thanks BELLA, hope the job hunt goes well for you, I’m

going to leave you with your tea.

MORGAN gets up and walks away. BELLA takes a sip of her drink.

Fades to white.


MORGAN standing outside Hot Gossip talking to the camera.


That was very surprising, before talking to BElLA I expected I

to be quite easy to find a job, but hearing her story about

how many jobs she tried out for, it might be harder then I

first thought.

Cuts out


Siting in a car traveling to NIAMH’S house.

Page 18: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more


After meeting with BELLA I have a new prospective on what it’s

like to be a teenager and unemployed. I am heading to meet one

of my old co-worker who was also made redundant to see how

losing her job has changed her.

Cuts out


Tracking shot following MORGAN towards NIAMH’S house. He knocks on

the door.




Hi MORGAN, come on in.

NIAMH invites MORGAN in.

Cuts out


MORGAN and NIAMH sitting in the dining room with a cup of tea.


So NIAMH, how long has it been since you were made redundant?


I was made redundant three weeks ago I think.


So it’s been three weeks since you have had a pay check, when you

got made redundant were you worried about your financial stability?


Sort of, as I don’t pay rent or anything I wasn’t that worried,

however I did realise that I would have to be more careful with what

I was buying.


Page 19: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

Ah ok so you realised that you had to become more responsible with

your spending. So are you currently looking for a job?


Not at the moment, I am currently focusing on finishing this school

year, as I have extra time on my hands I should be able to catch up

and complete all the work.


How hard do you think it will be to find another job?


I’m hoping to find a job quite quickly, as I have experience in

hospitality it shouldn’t be that had for me to find a job, but most

of my friends can’t seem to find one so I don’t know.


Ok so finally, how did you react to becoming redundant?


I wasn’t really surprised that it closed down. However I was

surprised with how sudden it was, they didn’t give anyone enough

time to find a new job.

Fades to white


MORGAN walking through college talking directly to the camera.


After talking to NIAMH about how she was made redundant and thinks

it will be easy to find a job as she has experience I am left

wondering what an professional thinks of teenage employment



MORGAN walks into a class room and greets the teacher.


Page 20: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

PAUL is an economics teacher who is currently teaching at the Henley



So PAUL, do you think that have a job when a student is a good idea?


I think it’s good both good and bad aspects, on one hand it teaches

them time management as well as responsibility. On the other it

takes up a lot of time when they should be studying.


Did you have a job when you were a student?


Yes I did, I worked as a kitchen porter twice a week.


Do you think there’s a need for teenager workers?


I think they play a key role in a work force; they give a business a

young and energetic appearance.


Ok and finally, what is your understanding of teenage unemployment

at the moment?


At the moment I think there is a verity of jobs out there, it’s just

that they might be the jobs which some teenagers wouldn’t want so

they don’t go for them.

Fades to white.


Tracking shot of MORGAN walking through the college.


After meeting with PAUL and talking about how he thinks that

students are just too picky about the types of jobs they are

willing to get, I am keen to meet CAI, an employed student at

the Henley College.

Page 21: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

MORGAN walks up to CAI and sits down next to him.


So CAI, how long have you been employed?


I’ve been employed at Clarks for almost 6 months now.


Through a survey I found that only 20% of people asked

actually enjoyed their job and the rest either didn’t enjoy it

or hated their work. So I’m curious, did you choose to work

there because you like the job or is it just to get money?


I wasn’t really fussed where I worked; I just wanted money so

I could save for university.


Ah talking of education, do you find it hard to balance work

and college?


I find it a bit hard as I have a lot of work to do at college,

but I found a good balance.

Cuts out


MORGAN sitting next to a computer.


After talking to all these people I am intrigued to see just

how hard it is to find a job. To start with I am just

finishing off updating my CV. The next stage is looking for

jobs, just after a few searches I found a few websites which

show a verity of job opportunities.

Page 22: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more

Clips of both Indeed and the Henley standard appear on the

bottom of the screen, scrawling threw the web pages.

Fades to black.




After sending my CV to a couple of shops in the area I finally

got a response from a small coffee shop which is just opening.

At the interview I was asked a verity of questions like can I

work weekdays, after finding out I was a student she seemed


Close up on MORGAN’S face.

However after 10 minutes of questions she said I got the job,

but she highlighted that I got the job because I have passed

experience. This is an understandable statement as every

business wants the best staff possible, however this means

that it is very hard for teenager to get a job as most of them

don’t have passed experiences.

Mid shot of MORGAN.

Overall I think that with the lack of jobs over most of the UK

the chances of a teenager with a none flexible schedule find

work is slim. However it is up to the teenagers to put in more

effort to find a job.

Close up of bench as Morgan walks past, narrow depth of field.

Fades out to black.

On a black background, white writing appears.

Page 23: How hard is it€¦ · Format/ style The style of documentary I decided to use is Participatory, I chose this style as it allows me to get in front of the camera which create as more


CAI is still happily working and getting ready for his Alevel


BELLA got an interview at a local club.

NIAMH is enjoying her free time and plans on starting job

hunting after the summer holidays.