How Happen of the Rain

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  • 7/31/2019 How Happen of the Rain



    If the note, four months last year all were true learner, and he said inthe months that; September, October, November, and December is therainy season, but do? Rain is a blessing from the Creator. With the

    rain, plants in the world can live, because water is one of the materials

    to prepare their food. However, rain can be a disaster even enemies,

    especially for men. Excessive rain can cause flooding and of course allthe activity outside the room can not be done if the rain, right? If the

    rain where I come from? From the sky? True ... but why was not

    completely? I know the answer, read on the sustainability of thisarticle ...

    The process of the occurrence of rainTwo-thirds of these contains the earth's water and the rest are mainland. Water isstored in many platforms, such as oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. Now the water is there in

    the various platforms will have evaporasi evaporation or with the help of the sun.Wonderful!!! Glittering not forget also that there is water in the leaves of plants or soil

    surface. The process of evaporation of water from plants is called transpiration. Then the

    steam-water vapor will experience the process of condensation or the use of opium, which

    eventually became the clouds. Clouds will move to a different place with the help of thewind blowing either vertically or horizontally. Movement to the top of the vertical wind

    clouds cloggy cause. Movement causes the wind cumulus and expand the mutually

    bertindih-tindih. Finally cumulus successfully reach the atmosphere with more cold. Here's

    where the grain-grain water and ice begin formed. Long-run wind can no longer sustain theweight clouds and the cloud eventually have this experience presipitasi water or the fall of

    rain water, ice and rain to the earth. Now, as it is the occurrence of rain.

    Then the relationship with the akhirannya-month learner what? According to the

    study of Geography, the rainy season in Indonesia are divided into two, namely the rainy

    season and dry season. Each season lasts for six months (kayaking Semi's I). Dry seasonoccurred in April until September. While the rainy season occurred in the month of October

    to March. Liaise between October-March is the November, December, January and

    February so many people who say that ending the month-ber is the month of the rainyseason.

    And the amount of rain waterThe amount of rain water can be measured by using a rain gauge. He stated that as

    the depth of water collected on the surface of the average, and measured less than 0.25mm.

    Rain water is often described as a form of "oval", width below and above the world, but thisis not right. Small rain water almost round. Rain water that becomes increasingly large

    shallow, such as hamburgers, bread; rainwater larger umbrella-shaped plunge. Rain water

    that large shares fall more quickly rainwater smaller.

    Name : Safiudin

    Class : XII science 3

  • 7/31/2019 How Happen of the Rain


    Type of Rain

    Based on the occurrence, rain is distinguished

    1. Siklonal rain, the rain that occurred because the hot air that rise along with rotating

    winds.2. Zenithal rain, the rain that often occur in areas around the equator, as a result of themeeting trade wind East Sea with the trade wind Southeast. Then the wind rose and clump-

    forming cumulus around the equator resulting in clouds become saturated and rain alight.

    3. Orografis rain, the rain that occurred because of wind that contain water vapor, which

    is horizontal. Wind up to the mountains, the air temperature to be cold, so condensationoccurs. There was rain in the mountains around.

    4. Frontal rain, the rainfall that occurs when a cold air mass meeting with the mass of

    hot air. Meeting place between the second mass is called the front field. Because moreweight more cold air mass is below. Around the front area of this often happens spate called

    frontal rain.

    5. Monsoon rains, the rain that occurred because the Wind Season (Monsoon Wind).Wind causes of the occurrence of Monsoon is due to the movement between the pseudo-

    annual Matahari Lines Back Back North and South Lines. In Indonesia, theoretically

    Monsoon rains occur in October to April. Meanwhile, in East Asia occurred in May and


    Artificial rain and acid rain

    Artificial rain

    Often water needs can not be met from natural rainfall. So who created a technique to

    increase rainfall by providing treatment in the clouds. This treatment, called artificial rain

    (rain-making), or often called cloud seeding (cloud-seeding). Rain made the effort toimprove human rainfall is down naturally with the change process physics that occur in the

    clouds. The process of physics that can be changed include the collision and merging (andCollision coalescense), the process of the formation of ice (ice nucleation). So clear that the

    artificial rain does not actually create something from which there is not. To apply the

    business required the provision of artificial rain clouds that have enough water content, so

    the rain that can happen to the land. Materials used in the artificial rain is called theseedling material.

    Usually the rate of rain that have acid pH 6. Rain in the bottom of pH 5.6, considered acidrain. Many people assume that the smell in the rain Below are considered sweet or pleasant.

    Source of the odor is petrichor, oil produced by plants, then absorbed by soil and rock, andthen released into the air in the rain.