How do the authors of this genre hook and hold the readers? •In writing a romance genre book, you have to first familiarize yourself with the genre by reading books in the romance fiction category. •You also need to be original and know what has already been done. It helps to know what should and shouldn’t be done and what already has been done. •Although you should become familiar with the genre, to write one you should go at it as if you have never read one before. •Write what you want to read, this way you wont get bored with it and it will be real because it will be from the heart. •Have well developed characters and a plot. •Have strong conflicts that drives your lovers apart. •The best way to learn to write a romance novel is by doing it, making mistakes and learning from your mistakes. •Include love scenes because they hook the readers. But don’t write too many, think quality over quantity. If they don’t thrill you, don’t include them. •You need a hook that grab and hold the readers, a compelling and believable conflict, a building tension, a resolution of the conflicts, and a happy ending (“How to Write a Romance Novel”). Romance readers generally finish a romance novel in 7 days (about the romance genre from romance writers of America)

How do the authors of this genre hook and hold the readers? In writing a romance genre book, you have to first familiarize yourself with the genre by reading

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Page 1: How do the authors of this genre hook and hold the readers? In writing a romance genre book, you have to first familiarize yourself with the genre by reading

How do the authors of this genre hook and hold the readers?

•In writing a romance genre book, you have to first familiarize yourself with the genre by reading books in the romance fiction category.

•You also need to be original and know what has already been done. It helps to know what should and shouldn’t be done and what already has been done.

•Although you should become familiar with the genre, to write one you should go at it as if you have never read one before.

•Write what you want to read, this way you wont get bored with it and it will be real because it will be from the heart.

•Have well developed characters and a plot.

•Have strong conflicts that drives your lovers apart.

•The best way to learn to write a romance novel is by doing it, making mistakes and learning from your mistakes.

•Include love scenes because they hook the readers. But don’t write too many, think quality over quantity. If they don’t thrill you, don’t include them.

•You need a hook that grab and hold the readers, a compelling and believable conflict, a building tension, a resolution of the conflicts, and a happy ending (“How to Write a Romance Novel”).Romance readers generally finish a romance novel in 7 days (about the romance genre from romance writers of America)

Page 2: How do the authors of this genre hook and hold the readers? In writing a romance genre book, you have to first familiarize yourself with the genre by reading

• truth goes deeper then fact.

• Fiction can show the truth as well as the facts and sometimes better.

• Also some fiction books can reveal truths about the human heart that are rarely found in nonfiction novels.

• The difference is that fiction is something didn’t really happen, or didn’t happen in the way the story was told.

• Nonfiction represents facts, but in fiction you can gather facts without having a true picture (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_relationship_between_fiction_and_truth).

• Fiction is a passive entertainment even though the mind plays an important role in it, it always involves visualization.

• Although fiction is just the imagination of the authors and movie writers, we become emotionally attached and effected by the story.

•“knowledge is limited, imagination is not”- Albert Einstein (D. R. Sharma).

What is the relationship between fiction and truth?

Page 3: How do the authors of this genre hook and hold the readers? In writing a romance genre book, you have to first familiarize yourself with the genre by reading

What truths are communicated best through romance fiction genres?

•Romance fiction proves many things about the four letter word “love” that men often find hard to say.

•Love can develop anytime anywhere

•Love can usually overcome anything

•You find love in the most unlikely places.

•You often find love when you least expect it

•No evil can defeat love, it overcomes all (Jessica Hastings).

Page 4: How do the authors of this genre hook and hold the readers? In writing a romance genre book, you have to first familiarize yourself with the genre by reading

Why do women prefer the romance genre over others?

•People have an inherent need to get away, even if only for a little while from the stress of everyday life ( D. R. Sharma).

•Women read 90.5% of all romance genres.

•Romance readers are more likely to be married or living with a partner.

Page 5: How do the authors of this genre hook and hold the readers? In writing a romance genre book, you have to first familiarize yourself with the genre by reading

What are the general literary elements used in romance fiction?

•Romance fiction novels usually includes some kind of imagry (all)

•Irony (message in a bottle)

•External conflict (the lucky one)

•Internal conflict (message in a bottle)

•Theme (all)

•Flashback (message in a bottle)

Page 6: How do the authors of this genre hook and hold the readers? In writing a romance genre book, you have to first familiarize yourself with the genre by reading

What are the different types of romance fiction novels?

Contemporary-single title romance: focused on the relationship, not part of a series

Historical romance: novels set before 1945

Inspirational romance: religious or spiritual beliefs are a major part of the relationship

With strong romantic elements: brings the plot beyond traditional boundaries of romance novels

Romantic suspense: suspense, mystery or thriller elements play a major part in the novel (from romance writers of America).

Young adult romance: has a strong theme pointed toward young adults (from romance writers of America).

Futuristic/fantasy/paranormal: don’t take place in the real world, vampires ghosts, pixies, ect., the tone can range from dark to happy

Gothic romance: moody atmosphere with suspense, has a hero and heroine

Romantic suspense: plots involving drug dealers, killers, smugglers, some are humorous some are serious (subgenres of romance).

Page 7: How do the authors of this genre hook and hold the readers? In writing a romance genre book, you have to first familiarize yourself with the genre by reading

What kind of information do the readers gain after reading romance fiction?

•I think readers could gain a sense of what love can become

•I also think they could gain information about where you find love and how it is usually in the most unlikely places when you least expect it.

•Romance novels have an emotionally satisfying and happy ending (about the romance genre).